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A project submitted to
University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of
Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S)
Under the Faculty of Commerce


Roll No. 42

Under the Guidance of



(2021 – 2022)
Declaration of Student

I, the undersigned Miss/Mr. SUSHANT SANTOSH BHANDARI

hereby, declare that the work embodied in this project work titled
“Consumer behavior on Soap Brands”, forms my own contributions to
the research work carried out under the guidance of Mr. RAVI AHUJA
is a result of my own research work and has not been previously
submitted to any other Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.

Whenever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has

been clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I hereby further declare that all information of this documents has been
obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical


Certified by



To list who all have helped me in difficult because they are so numerous and the depth is so

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions in the
completion of project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to do this project.

I would like to thank our director (Education) and principal for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator, for his moral support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide

Mr. Ravi Ahuja whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference books and
magazines related to my project.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped me in the
competition of the project especially my parents and peers who supported me throughout my
INDEX Content Page. no.

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Background of study 3

1.3 Problem statement 3

1.4 Research objective. 4

1.5 Research question. 5

1.6 Significant of study 6

1.7 Scope of study 6

2. Review of literature 7

2.1 Introduction. 7
2.2 Review of related study. 8

2.3 Hypothesis. 34

3. Research methodology 36

3.1 Introduction 36

3.2 Research Design 37

3.3 Population 38

3.4 Sampling technique 38

3.5 Data collection 39

3.6 Research instruments 39

3.6 Statistical Methods 40

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation 41

4.1 Analysis of variable. 51

4.2 Correlation Analysis. 54

4.3 Descriptive Statistical. 55

5. Summary of findings 56

5.1 Major findings 56

5.2 Implication on findings. 57

6. Conclusion, References and Appendices 58

6.1 Conclusion. 58

6.2 References. 59

6.3 Appendices 60

6.3.1 Questionnaire. 60

IN today’s aggressive world it’s very difficult to outline consumers approach and intentions and
shift them to the next level of purchasing process, marketers find it yet more difficult and
challenging to interrupt through the chaos of competitive marketing efforts of various
companies. Every marketing effort tries to create reachability for their products and attempts to
stimulate a lasting reflection in the minds of customers. Companies does their marketing efforts
via television, newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, press, internet, direct selling, hoardings,
mailers, contests, sponsorships, posters, events, colours, sounds, visuals, celebrity advertisements
etc. Toilet soap industry is one among the oldest fast paced commodity (FMCG) industries in
India. Soap may be a basic material arbitrarily employed by the rich and therefore the poor.
Since soaps are used both for bathing and washing, it has become an vital and indispensable part
of human life.
The present article we are studying more about the factors which affecting the consumers
purchasing behaviour towards bathing soap. The frequency of using bathing soap might vary
according to the individual hygiene practice. Bathing soaps today are far too sophisticated and
are available in a wide variety of forms for specific end uses. Now a days the demand for bathing
soaps is increasing with the increase in the standard of living, purchasing power of population,
urbanization, literacy, growth of media, improvement in transportation and communication
networks, growth of super markets, hyper markets and organised retail outlets etc. Presently the
multinational companies face competition from the main retail stores who are increasingly
introducing own private label brand products.
Consumer behaviour is that the study of people, groups, or organisations and therefore the
processes they use to pick, secure, and eliminate products, services, experiences, or ideas to
satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

The marketer therefore tries to understand the needs of different consumers and also tries to
understand their different purchasing behaviours which require an in-depth study of the internal
and external environment. Consumer purchasing decision depends on perception, self-concept,
social and cultural background, age, family lifecycle, attitude, belief, values, motivation,
personality, class then on. It also tries to assess influences on the buyer from groups like family,
friends, reference groups, and society generally. Kerala has been witnessing a tremendous social
transformation over the past decade to shape a new consumerist state with increased interest in
I.T Parks, shopping malls, hyper markets, educational services, medical facilities, tourism etc.
An increase in the working population with higher income, resulting increased living standards
even in the rural areas providing better growth prospects and demand for the FMCG sector. A
simple production method with high return soaps are invariably utilized in every household. The
non-edible oil soap has huge market potential. The market is spread from remote village to the
metro cities alike. The industry gives an honest profit and high employment oriented. Soap is
that the traditional washing compound made up of oil fats and caustic alkali. One can say a
detergent is that the one that cleans any surface. Synthetic detergent is quite different from
Other kinds of detergent. More firms is produced with such quite detergents, moreover, there's
less tension created on the dirty surface yet emulsification takes places and therefore the
detergent niters the surface much faster. This is the rationale why the cleaning process is fast.
There are different sorts of staple utilized in the industries. There is large demand of this
consumer item. There
Are renowned organized also as unorganized private sectors, engaged during this production?
The technology, involved within the high priced detergent powder and cakes is charged
nowadays. From the 1940s on-ward, synthetic detergents have expanded rapidly everywhere the
planet. Their rapid development has been stimulated by the enormous and fast growth of the
international petro-chemical industry. The transition from conventional hard soaps to synthetic
detergent cake has been rapid and irreversible response by consumers. So that to-day, synthetic
detergent accounts in most developed and developing countries within the world.

The importance of study are often considered from different angles.

• For the Researcher: The study is vital for the research because it bridges down the gap
between theoretical knowledge and practical applications of the theoretical concept learned
during the cause of management studies. It provides an exposure and knowledge for a field job.

• For the Public/Consumer: This study helps the buyer to know the complexity of the buying
behaviour. It provide insight into their own consumption related decision what they buy? Why
they buy and how the buy? It make the product choice.
• For the Marketers: it'll enable marketer to know the buyer psyche - better and can enable
them to form the merchandise or modify the merchandise consistent with the consumers need


The term consumer behaviour refers to the behaviour that buyers display in checking out ,
purchasing, using, evaluating, and removing products and services that they expect will satisfy
their needs. Consumer behaviour also can be defined as those acts of consumers directly
involved in obtained using and removing economic goods and services, including the choice
processes that preceded and determine these acts. The study of consumer behaviour is that the
study of how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort)
on consumption-related items. It includes the study of what they buy, why they pip out , once
they pip out , where they pip out , how often they pip out and the way often they use it. To
successfully market to different segments the marketing manager needs appropriate marketing
strategies which he can design only he can understand the factors which account for these
differences in consumers behaviour and faster. To successfully market to different segments the
marketing manager needs appropriate marketing strategies which he can design only he can
understand the factors which account for these differences in consumers behaviour and faster.
With ever increasing population of the country, the stress of apparel/cloth also increasing


Consumer Is He King And It Is The Consumer Who Determines What A Business Is. Therefore
A Sound Marketing Programmer Should Start With A Careful Analysis Of The Habits,
Attitudes, Motives And Needs Of Consumers. In Particular, A Marketer Should Find Answer to
the Following Questions:

• What are the products they buy?
• Why they buy them?
• How they buy them?
• When they buy them?
• Where they buy them?
• How they buy them?
• Who is important in the buying decision?

The goal of the study of consumer behavior is to properly describe, explain and ultimately
predict human actions in the market place. Understanding the consumer behaviour is not an easy
job because of complexity involved the difficult in fully understanding of consumers needs
which is often a costly and inexact process. The wealth of product and service produced in a
country makes the economy strong. Almost all the products which are available to buyers have
some alternative supplies, i.e., substitute products. Therefore a seller, most of his time, seek
buyers and tries to please them. To be a successful seller, he must know:

• Who is a customer?
• What do consumers buy?
• When do they buy?
• How do they buy?
• Why do they buy?
A buyer purchases a particular brand and this can be termed as “product buying motives.” The
reason behind the purchase from a particular seller is “patronage motives.”


1. To ascertain the notice level of the buyer in references to soap market.

2. To seek out brand and colour and shape preference among surveyed consumer.

3. What are the extra features required their brand and their loyalty.

4. To understand the rationale for a switch from one brand to a different.

5. To study the influence of various sources of information on consumers buying behaviour.

6. To gauge the extent of expenditure of soaps.

7. To see consumer reliability on soap advertisements and appeal of advertisement for soap.
Research question.


1. Which soap you like most?

2. Which soap Advertisement influence you most?

3. Are there any effect of the price factor on the purchase decision?

4. What qualities do you want in your soap?

5. Which are the sources that most influence your purchase decision?

6. Which of the following soap fragrance you like most?

7. Which type of promotional schemes do you prefer?

8. Do you think that the sales promotion programme affect your purchase behavior?

9. Do you prefer chemical free soaps over general soaps?

10. Which type of soap do you use?

11. Which type of laundry soap do you use?

12. According to you does beauty soaps are satisfying your needs?

13. While purchasing soap colors, shapes, and sizes matters?

14. For which purpose you use soap?

15. Do you think Brand ambassador plays major role while doing marketing for the product?

16. Would you like to switch over your brand?

The study are often classified as a social research since it deals with the behaviour pattern of
respondents. A social research might not be as precise or accurate because the researchers in
physical sciences in making prediction. However, techniques are developed to scale back as far
as possible the inaccuracy in studying social phenomenon. The basic aim of the exploratory
research study is to realize familiarity with a phenomenon or to realize new insight into it. In this
particular study an attempt made to comprehend and gain insights into the buying behaviour of
consumer with reference to soaps. The result obtained from this study and therefore the
references drawn from it'll be used and applied to the sector of selling of soaps.


The present study would help the dealer to know the Consumer Behaviour of the respondents
towards Hamam soap and various soap brands. This would help the company to determine the
promotional measures based on the findings. The company can adopt the promotional measures
and as this study was conducted there.




A literature review discusses and analyses published information in a particular subject area.
Sometimes the information covers a certain time period. A literature review is more than a
summary of the sources, it has an organizational pattern that combines both summary and
synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a
re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new interpretation of old
material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of
the field, including major debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may
evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.

Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a particular topic. If you have limited time
to conduct research, literature reviews can give you an overview or act as a stepping stone. For
professionals, they are useful reports that keep them up to date with what is current in the field.
For scholars, the depth and breadth of the literature review emphasizes the credibility of the
writer in his or her field. Literature reviews also provide a solid background for a research
paper's investigation.

A literature review is an overview of the published works on as specific topic. The term can refer
to full scholarly paper or a section of a scholarly work such as a book, or an article. Either way a
literature review is supposed to provide the research/ author and the audience with general image
of the existing knowledge on the topic under questions.

To have an in depth understanding of Indian consumer and to analyze the factors infusing his
purchase decision one has to conduct studies in relation to his environment his demographic
factors culture and level of exposure some important studies conduct in the area of consumer

Behavior and perception in relation to non-durable goods. It is seen that positive attitude of
consumer towards advertising of particular brand of is very useful in purchasing that brand

(Dahiya 1996). Consumer perceived that the information received form source is reliable and
advantage on making purchase decisions (Prasant Mishra 1996). At some time Indian middle
class consumer are willing to pay a premium for better Product rather than getting satisfied the
generic product (Srinivas shiru 1996).


Consumer Antibacterial Soaps: Effective or Just Risky?

In October 2005, the Non-Prescription Drug Advisory Committee of the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) was convened to discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with
antiseptic products marketed for consumer use, such as soaps labeled as “antibacterial.” The
conclusion of the FDA meeting resulted in a call for further research regarding the risks and
benefits of specific consumer antiseptic products used in the community setting. Much of the
debate regarding consumer antiseptic products has focused on the use of “antibacterial soaps”
that contain the active ingredient triclosan. The majority of consumer liquid hand soaps labeled
as “antibacterial” contain triclosan , and, although the FDA does not formally regulate the levels
of triclosan used in consumer products, most of the popular liquid hand soap brands contain
between 0.1% and 0.45% weight/volume (wt/vol). A chemically related compound, triclocarban,
is used in antibacterial bar soap formulations. Triclosan is a phenoxyphenol antimicrobial that is
marketed as an “antibacterial” ingredient in consumer hygiene products, but it also has some
antiviral and antifungal activity. It is bacteriostatic at low concentrations and bactericidal at high
concentrations. Triclosan has been shown to inhibit the growth of both gram-positive and gram-
negative bacteria in situ, with varying effectiveness across bacterial species. For example,
triclosan is relatively ineffective at inhibiting the growth of gram-negative bacteria such as
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens. Although the bactericidal activity of triclosan
involves some nonspecific killing mechanisms, research findings suggest that the bacteriostatic
action occurs by inhibiting a specific bacterial target, known as the “enoyl-acyl carrier protein
Reductase”. Triclosan shares this bacterial biosynthetic fatty acid pathway target with the
antibiotic isoniazid. These findings have led researchers Downloaded from by guest on 28 September

2021 S138 • CID 2007:45 (Suppl 2) • Aiello et al. to explore whether triclosan may influence the
emergence of resistance to antibiotics. Similar to the methods used for testing clinical antibiotic
resistance, a MIC method is used to assess reduced susceptibility to triclosan. Currently, there
are no clinically meaningful MIC cutoff points for monitoring resistance to biocides, and,
therefore, the term “reduced susceptibility” is commonly used when discussing bacterial
tolerance to triclosan exposure. Similar to their resistance to antibiotics, bacteria may be
intrinsically resistant to triclosan via mechanisms of impermeability, efflux pumps, biofilms, and
enzyme inactivation. The decreased susceptibility of greatest concern regarding triclosan is
acquired tolerance/resistance. The resistance mechanisms are similar to those producing
antibiotic resistance and include mutations at the drug target site, chromosome-mediated drug
efflux, and overexpression of the target protein. Acquired bacterial resistance mechanisms may
lead to an increase in MICs to antibiotics as well as to triclosan. Although several investigators
have reviewed studies examining the mechanisms of antiseptic resistance, there are few
systematic reviews that have attempted to summarize the potential risks associated with triclosan
in the context of the purported effectiveness of this antibacterial ingredient used in hygiene
products in the community setting. The efficacy of soap containing triclosan generally refers to
the additional level of effectiveness beyond the ability of plain soap to simply remove transient
organisms via surfactants and the mechanical action of the wash procedure. The level of
effectiveness may be measured at the microbiological level or at the population level, as added
protection against bacterial contamination or the occurrence of common infectious illnesses.
Risks, on the other hand, include the potential for bacteria to become unsusceptible to triclosan,
for the emergence of cross-resistance to antibiotics, and for the ingredients to become toxic to the
environment and to humans. Only in the past 5 years has the effectiveness of triclosan for
preventing infectious illnesses in the community setting been assessed; the first studies of which
we are aware were published in 2002. In this review, we identify and summarize the studies
examining the efficacy of triclosan by reviewing research that has examined the effectiveness of
these consumer antiseptic soaps at reducing the incidence of infectious illnesses in the
community setting and bacterial counts on the skin. Second, we identify and summarize the
literature that examines whether there is a potential risk associated with use of hygiene products
containing triclosan in relation to emergence of microbes that are less susceptible to triclosan
and/or resistant to clinically used antibiotics. Finally, we weigh the evidence regarding the risks
and benefits and conclude with recommendations for further research and for examining the
implications of the current data on regulation of consumer products containing triclosan.


The results of our review call into question the marketing of soaps containing triclosan as a
product providing efficacy beyond the use of plain soap in the community setting. Soaps
containing triclosan at concentrations used in the community setting (0.2% or 0.3% wt/vol) were
generally no more efficacious than plain soap at preventing infectious illness symptoms and
reducing bacterial levels on the hands. Several studies demonstrated laboratory evidence of
triclosan-adapted cross-resistance with antibiotics among multiple species of bacteria. There are
still too few studies that have been conducted in the community setting to adequately assess
whether the emergence of antibiotic resistance in that setting is associated with the use of
consumer soaps containing triclosan. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess changes in levels
of antibiotic resistance associated with use of soap containing triclosan over time, and large
databases of isolates are required to examine within-species changes in antibiotic-resistance
profiles. Still, current findings warrant actions by the FDA for evaluating consumer product
advertising claims. Future research should be directed at addressing both the efficacy of and risks
associated with the use of triclosan. For instance, data are needed to assess whether products
containing triclosan provide an added level of protection among high-risk groups, such as
immunocompromised individuals living in the household setting.

Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behaviour of Consumers in Ernakulam

District with Special Emphasis on Bathing Soap

In today’s aggressive world it’s very difficult to outline consumers approach and intentions and
shift them to the next level of purchasing process, marketers find it yet more difficult and
challenging to break through the chaos of competitive marketing efforts of different companies.
Every marketing effort tries to create reachability for their products and attempts to stimulate a
lasting reflection in the minds of customers. Companies does their marketing efforts via
television, newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, press, internet, direct selling, hoardings,
mailers, contests, sponsorships, posters, events, colours, sounds, visuals, celebrity advertisements
etc. Toilet soap industry is one of the oldest Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries in
India. Soap is a basic material arbitrarily used by the rich and the poor. Since soaps are used both
for bathing and washing, it has become an vital and indispensible part of human life. The present
article we are studying more about the factors which affecting the consumers purchasing
behavior towards bathing soap. The frequency of using bathing soap might vary according to the
individual hygiene practice. Bathing soaps today are far too sophisticated and are available in a
wide variety of forms for specific end uses. Now a days the demand for bathing soaps is
increasing with the increase in the standard of living, purchasing power of population,
urbanization, literacy, growth of media, improvement in transportation and communication
networks, growth of super markets, hyper markets and organised retail outlets etc. Presently the
multinational companies face competition from the major retail stores who are increasingly
introducing own private label brand products. Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals,
groups, or organisations and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products,
services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the
consumer and society. The marketer therefore tries to understand the needs of different
consumers and also tries to understand their different purchasing behaviors which require an in-
depth study of the internal and external environment. Consumer purchasing decision depends on
perception, self-concept, social and cultural background, age, family lifecycle, attitude, belief,
values, motivation, personality, social class and so on. It also tries to assess influences on the
consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. Kerala
has been witnessing a tremendous social transformation over the past decade to shape a new
consumerist state with increased interest in I.T Parks, shopping malls, hyper markets, educational
services, medical facilities, tourism etc. An increase in the working population with higher
income, resulting increased living standards even in the rural areas providing better growth
prospects and demand for the FMCG sector especially in Ernakulam District.


The Primary objective of this study is to find out the factors which affecting the consumer’s
buying behavior towards bathing soap with special reference to bathing soap customers in
Ernakulam District of Kerala. Based on this primary objective, other supporting objectives are
set as presented below, • To identify the demographic profile of the bathing soap customers in

Ernakulam District. • To identify the factors that affecting the selection of a bathing soap by the
customers. C. Sampling Design Judgment sampling is used for the study. D. Sampling Size
Sample size was 110 customers from Ernakulam District. E. Area of Study The study was
conducted at four super markets of Ernakulam District. F. Period of Study The study was
conducted for a period of two months. G. Limitation of the Study Following are the limitations
of the study that future researches should aim to address: • Questionnaires were distributed in
one city in Kerala, so the results might not be same in other parts of Kerala. • Sample size was
fairly normal, which could be increased to gather a more comprehensive view of respondents.


From the light of this study it was found out that those bathing soaps with superior awareness
with good brand image, followed by excellent word of mouth publicity, parent brand, quality,
advertisement and right celebrity always grasp greater attention of the targeted customers. Also a
bathing soap with a well-planned marketing communication with a superior awareness level
along with a quality product can attract more customers towards the brand, thereby it will
strengthen the word of mouth publicity thereby contributing positively towards the brand and
finally it will result in the selection of a particular bathing soap.

Brand Loyalty’s Influence on Women’s shopping for Behavior with Special

Relevance Bath Soap

By perennial shopping for of a product or service or other positive behaviours like word of
mouth support. Complete loyalty is quite easy repurchasing, however. Customers could
repurchase a complete thanks to situational constraints (such as trafficker lock-in), a scarcity of
viable alternatives, or successful completes board the hearts and minds of the buyer A brand is
been outlined as, “an specifiable product, service, person or place, increased in s such the way
that the client or user perceives relevant distinctive additional values that mast their wants most
closely.”(Freire and Erskine Caldwell, 2004) Brands have a social and emotional worth for the
users. Per a study by drum fish Magazine, today’s female’s square measure “more seemingly to
understand what brands they require before they are going looking.”(Parks, 1997).In comparison
with males, females looks a lot of, and that they explore for a lot of data once they build
purchase choices. It is assumed that female pays a lot of attention to completes and place a lot of
worth on brand names. Brand loyalty, in selling, consists of a consumer is commitment to
repurchase or alternative wise continue victimization the complete and may be incontestable out
of convenience. Such loyalty is spoken as "spurious loyalty". True complete loyalty exists once
customers have a high relative perspective toward the complete that is then exhibited through
repurchase behavior. This kind of loyalty may be a good plus to the firm: customers square
measure willing to pay higher costs, they may price less to serve, and may bring new customers
to the firm. Personal care merchandise square measure usually used for private health and
hygiene one amongst the toilet soap as care merchandise. The private care product market was
successful on all counts in 2005-2006 with smart performances. The most important demand is
for the merchandise that square measure of basic would like for the customers like soap. The
private care merchandise business consists of 4 major sub-sectors producing a spread of


• To check the impact of demographic variables viz. Age, instructional qualification, Income
etc. on the customers complete loyalty towards care merchandise

• To spot the foremost most well-liked complete in every product class

• To investigate the complete loyalty existing among ladies customers with reference to care

• To understand the necessary variable that influences the ladies in getting her complete of non-
public care merchandise.


Women these days square measure very attentive to the varied brands within the market and
square measure aware of the merchandise they use or consume. They choose and select
rigorously per their wants, vogue preferences, etc. They conjointly exercise plenty of
independence in higher cognitive process and influence the family shopping for behavior. Firms
have accomplished that commerce to complete loyal customers is a smaller amount pricey than
changing new customers. Complete loyalty provides firms with sturdy, competitive weapons.
This study provides Associate in nursing insight of metropolis women’s complete loyalty
towards care merchandise. Whereas getting care merchandise the factors that influence high

complete loyal ladies customers square measure ingredients of the merchandise, Product ought to
serve the aim, innovative options, manufacturer’s name, and therefore the product ought to be
medically tested, and girls with low loyalty take into account primary profit viz., price, quality
and amount whereas getting care merchandise. It’s evident from the study that complete loyal
customers don’t consider primary profit once it involves purchase of non-public care
merchandise. Hence marketers ought to give further advantages to their loyal customers so as to
retain and sustain them for his or her future business.



Consumer behaviour is an ever changing concept, which tends to change according to time,
tastes and fashions, income of consumer and so on. To know the behaviour of consumer is a key
to the success of business organizations, to identify the brand attributes that the customers
(consumers) perceive to be most important, and to what degree these have an impact on their
using behaviour and loyalty. In the FMCG industry especially in toilet soap sector there has been
severe competition among the MNCs, national and local players. The toilet soap can be divided
into four price segments, Premium, Popular, economy and carbolic soaps. Toilet soap is an
important day to day basic requirement of any consumer. It is considered as cleansing and
beautifying products which is usually used for cleansing one‟s body. The toilet soap market is
dominated by several leading national and global brands. The accepted and quality brands are
Hamam, Lux, Dove, Rexona, Medimix, Cinthol, Pears, Mysore sandal and Lifebuoy. The toilet
soap market is fragmented and highly competitive in nature. It is deeply rooted in psychology
with dashes of sociology thrown in just to make things more interesting. It explains the
influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends and society in Consumers‟
buying behaviour result from common sense, from impulse or just plain take. Consumers mainly
face two types of purchase decision. „New Purchase‟. Some of the most popular soap brands in
India Lux, Cinthol, Lifebuoy, Liril, Shikakai, Rexona, Nirma, Dettol etc. In many cases the
solution chosen by the consumer is the same as the product whose evaluation is the highest. A
favorable post purchase evaluation of the product leads to consumer satisfaction. If the product
performs below the consumer‟s expectation, then he/she will reevaluate satisfaction with the

decision, which at its extreme may result in the consumer returning the product. When the
consumer is satisfied with the product‟s performance, repeat purchase is more likely.


1. To examine the consumer behaviour and consumer preference towards bathing soap.
2. To analyze the different factors determining purchase decision of bathing soap.
3. To analyze the customer satisfaction towards bathing soap.


Consumer preference is the support for the company‟s own production toilet soap of customer
product with MRP rate or else. There is any offer, buy one get one offer, 25%, Same Company
with different products which will attract the people and they will get the kind of products more.
So there will be competition between the good quality products more. So there will be
competition between the good quality products. So the other manufacturer should use some other
tactics to attract the consumers, Branded products or more costly compare to the normal products
from this research we have found that toilet soap advertisement that be reduced has been said
buy consumers people are using particular brands for longtime. So they cannot change their
preference easily because of that manufacturer should use some tricks and tactics to get their
products brand products is preferred based on the quality and quantity and how it long last and
the soap will be good to consumers skin type .If the price is high mean it should be long last or
else. It should be in lesser in rate. This can be preferred.


Consumer packed goods or fast moving consumer goods are the 4th largest contributor to Indian
economy. FMCG are essential items purchased for our daily life. These products have high
turnover rate and short shelf life. Some of the FMCG products are soap, shampoo, detergents,
cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, beverages, packed food, tobacco, stationary etc. There are a number
of FMCG players in the world coming with new innovative products to cater the changing

preferences of customers such as- colgate-palmolive, Coca-Cola, Henkel, Hindustan Unilever,
Nestle, ITC, and Dabur etc.
Profit margins of these products are relatively low but these products work on a low margin high
volume basis. These products are purchased frequently and are low involvement products .Food
segment is the major contributor to this segment and contributes about 40%-45%. With the
increase in disposable income customer preference is shifting towards premium products
irrespective of the price. Rural demand is also increasing with the rise in the awareness through
different media. India is having a huge opportunity to cater untapped rural segment so they are
customizing products specially to serve needs of rural customers with innovative technique.
The present study is conducted on three FMCG products i.e. soap shampoo and detergent to know
the consumer preference for different brands of product and expenditure towards them .The study
is confined only to Varanasi city. In the present paper our objectives are as follows:
• To examine the customers preference for FMCG products in Varanasi district.
• To conduct a comparative study of rural and urban FMCG customers of Varanasi city on
different perspective.
• To study the monthly expenditure pattern of customers for FMCG products.
• To the study the pattern of quantity monthly used for FMCG products.

In Case of rural area Dove, Pears and Lux were used by maximum no. of customers as first, second
and third preference respectively. In urban area Dove, Pears and Liril were used by the maximum
no. of customers as first, second and third preference respectively.
In rural area maximum used brand of Shampoo are Garnier-Fructis, Meghdoot, Dove and Sunsilk
as first preference while in urban area the maximum use of brand of the Shampoo are Sunsilk,
Dove, Head & Shoulder and Loreal as first preference, as second preference mainly Sunslik, Dove,
Garnier-Fructis, Pantene, Head & Shoulder and Loreal are being used by customers in rural area.
In urban area Clinic Plus, Pantene, Head & Shoulder are being used by the customers as second
preference. As third preference Pantene, Head & Shoulder, Sunsilk, Clinc Plus and Dove are
equally preferred in rural area as well as urban area customers.
As first preference the use of SurfExel, Rin, Ariel and Tide are found to be most prevalent in rural
as well as urban area. The same pattern of the use of Detergent isfound in rural and urban area

customers as second preference. As a third preference the Detergent brands as Wheel, Tide and
Ezee are more prevalent in urban as well as in rural area customers. The consumption Soap,
Shampoo and Detergent is found to be 6,5, and 3 (in no. of product). The average expenditure on
Soap and shampoo is almost same while expenditure on Detergent is found to be higher.

Buying Perception of FMCG Consumers – Of Soaps and Detergents Products

in Mysore District” – A Study At Malls

The research is to understand how is the buying perception of FMCG consumers in mysore district
.The research wants to understand which parameters control the buying perception leading to a
confirmed sale of product belonging to a particular brand or company. The research want to
prioritize the buying perception parameters among the identified parameters of research such as –
brand name of the product in market, the packaging of the product, the friends and others
references, the last purchase and use of product, the reluctance to change the brand to a new one,
the quality in utility of product( say in the case of detergents the washing ability of the detergent)
, the attractive discounts and offers for the product, the availability at the nearest store or mall , the
ads influence on the product quality, etc.. The research would concentrate on the soaps and
detergents market and will focus only on these products - within FMCG products because there
are numerous FMCG products and very generic research would not be able lead the research in
right direction towards meaningful conclusions and suggestions. The research would find the
present buying perception of the consumers w.r.t the soaps and detergents products to help the
marketing managers of the companies to frame their marketing strategies and promotional plans,
distribution network , the place, product quality and packaging and the big , surprising and
extraordinary – discounts, offers and gifts with product purchase ( which challenge the brand
loyalty to a product and make customer change the brand in his present purchase like 1+1 offer,
1+2 offer, 50% discount , worthy –useful gift with each purchase, big sum -cash back, “save rs…”
or product or – huge discount in all next purchases coupons ) and generic attributes markets to
utilize the understanding to augment and expand their market. The present research was conducted
at selected few malls in city on the randomly selected number of consumers on their buying
perception, behavior, the decision process w.r.t. the soaps and detergents products.

The research study is addressing the issues of FMCG market and its consumers buying perception,
buying behavior and buying decision process The three malls were selected for study are the Big
Bazaar, More and BM Habitat Mall at Mysore. As the title of the research speaks out that the
overall objective of the present research is to study and to find and understand and analyze the
buying perception of FMCG consumers – of soaps and detergents products in Mysore district and
related challenges and issues for the FMCG industries. The overall objective of the present
research is to study and to find out what is happening in buying perception of consumers in FMCG
markets and related issues in any type of FMCG products with a special reference to soaps and
detergents for profit generation, sustainability, and growth of product under global competitions.

3.1 The specific major objectives of the research could be listed as follows:
1. To study the importance of buying perception, buying behavior and buying decision process
w.r.t to the consumers FMCG sector.

2. To Study of the priority of the psychological impact of the following parameters of consumer’s
perception w.r.t FMCG goods:
a) brand name of the product in market,
b) The packaging of the product,
c) The friends and others references,
d) The last purchase and use of product,
e) The reluctance to change the brand to a new one,
f) The perceived quality in utility of product (say in the case of detergents the washing ability of
the detergent)
g) The attractive discounts and offers for the product,
h) The availability at the nearest store or mall
i) The ads influence on the product quality
3. To Study whether these buying perception parameters is leading to a confirmed decision for a
sale from the customers of FMCG goods.
4. To study whether the buying perception about the particular product can be influenced by the
changes in marketing and promotional aspects of product.
5. To study any other issues of buying perception of FMCG goods which will be useful for arriving
at useful and applicable suggestions and conclusions of thesis.
The research conclude that the marketing team should concentrate more understanding the
changing consumers ( customers) needs in advance plan accordingly the ad campaign , the
discounts and offers and the quality and utility , safety and security of use of products etc.. Well
in advance to e ahead in market.



Companies todayface a fierce and fast-changing pricing environment.Value-seeking customers

have put increased pricing pressure on many companies. Thanksto recent economic woes, the
pricing power of the Internet, and value-driven retailers, today’s more frugal consumers are
pursuing spend-less strategies. In response,it seems that almost every company is looking for ways
to cut prices(Kotler & Armstrong, 2012).Appreciation of customers, their wants as well as their
buying behaviour is fundamental to doing well in marketing for any organization. One element
that has been of interest to most firms is pricing and its influence on consumer buying behaviour.
Consumer buying behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of final consumers - individuals and
households that buy goods and services for personal consumption (Kotler, et al., 2005). The issue
of “buying” means there is a price for the goods. Price is defined as the amount of money charged
for a product or service, or the sum of all the values that customers give up in order to gain the
benefits of having or using a product or service (Armstrong & Kotler, 2009). Kotler (2002) argues
that price, apart from being the most flexible, is an element of the marketing mix that brings
revenue while the other elements produce costs, and also that price can be adjusted quickly when
compared to channel commitments and product features. There are a number of advantages in
setting the correct price for a companies’ product and these include, maximising long-run profits,
increased market share, enhanced image of firm and its offering, be regarded as “fair” by
customers, communicate value (real and perceived) and quality of the product. Kotler, et al.(2005)
note that the fundamental aspect that has traditionally affected and influenced consumer choice is
price. The writers say that in underdeveloped countries with poorer societies and commodity
products, this is still the case. There has been a shift nonetheless in the past years with non-price
aspects beginning to dominate the buyers choice (Kotler, et al., 2005).Lancaster and Reynolds
(2005) note that the importance of price as a function of the marketing mix varies from market to
market, but it is not always the most important factor in the buyer’s decision-making
process.Kotler (2002) observed 2 that many companies are faced with a problem of not handling
price well.Further to this, Kotler notes that many companies make the mistakes of concentrating
exclusively on costs, failure to review prices often enough, failure to change prices in relation to
the changes in the market, setting the price independently of marketing mix rather than as an
internal element of positioning strategy, unvaried prices for different products, market segments
and occasions when customers purchase. Lysonski and Durvasula (1995) note that despite the
significant changes in the commercial environment, very little is known about the decision-making
processes of consumers in various countries.Indeed, there is very little to no literature on
Zimbabwe with regards to the influence of price on consumer demand in various markets like the
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market. As a result, the literature is weak and does not
address adequately the research objectives set out below.Therefore, this study aims at closing this
gap in the research by looking at the influence of price on consumer preference for soaps in the
FMCG market in Zimbabwe using Olivine Industries as a case study. FMCG goods are unique in
that their prices are affected by a lot of factors. This Chapter introduces the research topic by giving
a background on the influence of price on consumer behaviour, including the role of price in the
marketing mix and a general critique of literature on price and its influence on consumer behaviour.
The background information on the overall FMCG industry and Olivine Industries is then given
including industry analysis using Porters five forces model. The problem statement emanating
from the background will then be highlighted followed by the identified research objectives and
the justification for the research. The chapter concludes by giving the roadmap for the whole

This chapter presented the results of the empirical data, analysed it and discussed the two
parameters of price and the other marketing mix elements. The following chapter will conclude
the research and make recommendations on the findings and discussions made in this chapter. The
overall aim of this research was to make an assessment of the influence of price on consumer
preferences for soaps for Olivine Industries.Pivotal to this research was the need to answer the
question; what influence does price or other factors have on overall consumer preferences for bath
soaps? This chapter will summarise and conclude the findings, evaluate the proposition and make

Consumer is person with unfulfilled needs and wants. This is the reason for a business firm to
come into progress aggressively. To fulfill these consumer needs an organization is set up. The
most challenging questions for marketers are who are the customers? Why should they buy our
products and not that of the competitors? How do they perceive our product? Are they satisfied?
Such knowledge is critical for marketers, to have a strong understanding of buyer’s behavior which
sheds light on what is important for the consumer and also suggests the important influences on
decision making of consumer. Factors like influence on consumer from family, friends and society
occur in general. Consumer’s buying behavior result from deeply held values and attitudes, their
place in world from common sense, from impulse or just plain take, personal factors such as age,
stages of lifecycle, profession, economic situation and education and also some psychological
factors like perception, motivation, learning, beliefs , behaviour and personality of the consumer.
Consumer’s decision process begins when he/she realizes his/her needs, wants or desires. They
will next undertake search for information on possible solutions. It may lead to a set of options
from which a choice can be made. The purchase decisions can then be made based on the
possibilities like from whom to buy, when to buy, and also not to buy. If the product performs
below the expectations then consumer reevaluates which at its extreme may result in consumer
returning the product. If the consumer is satisfied with the product’s performance he/she may
purchase it repeatedly.

• To find out the buying attitudes, needs, tastes and priorities of consumers towards the soaps
• To find out which price slots are preferable.
• To analyze competitors activities.
• To find out the factors for selling soaps in consumer market.
• To study the cross cultural behavior of the consumers.
• To find out the extent of impact of media on buyer’s decision.

It can be concluded from the study that among various reported common factors which influence
a consumer’s mind like ingredients, cost, availability of the product, attractive packaging,
fragrance and its popularityin the market, etc., but there are few significantly more critical
problems like composition of the product, attractive packaging and the overall look of the product.
The packaging of soap seems to play a critical and significant role in attracting customers. Also,
various kinds of schemes and offers available with soaps like, ‘buy one get one free’, or any
additional products given with the soap, also influence the customers in buying a particular soap
brand. Seasonal availability of popular soap brand combines three variables seasonal change,
availability and product’s popularity. It has been found in our research that consumers are more
inclined towards buying popular brands. Seasonal change is an important factor when an individual
buys soap. In winters people usually prefer soap with moisturizers while in summer they look for
mild soaps. Availability of soap is also an important factor in analyzing consumers’ buying
behavior. We assume that these factors may be the secondary determinant factors which may
influence the choice of a brand from among those in the consideration list in consumer’s mind, but
may not be the most important and primary determinants for shortlisting the brands. And it can
also be suggested that the media publicity, especially in the electronic media, which plays a
significant role in influencing the consumer’s mind.

A study on Customers Preference and Perception towards Patanjali Soap

Products (Bath) With Special Reference to Karur District

Customer satisfaction is an ultimate aim of all economic activity. Customer is largest economic
group who are affected by public and private economic decision. Customer satisfaction deals with
the characteristics of human behaviour. Marketing belong to human behaviour as it deals with
buying decisions. The advertisement copy writer has to study psychology behind human behaviour
in respect of satisfaction on his want. Customer satisfaction is a method by which we study the
needs of the customers and what they think about the services provided and in general (in the terms
of quality, cost, time and services) and in this we find better ways no how the satisfaction can be
evaluated and making the services better. Patanjali Ayurveda limited –New product pipeline and
brand image drive company growth provides a comprehensive analysis regarding performance of
the company and its FMCG product in india. The company manufactures more than 900 products
including 45 types of cosmetic products and 30 types of food products. Patanjali beauty products
are become extremely popular and they are indeed in demand. After using their products, we have
really found out why they are so much in demand. Patanjali products by Baba Ramdev has products
like for the skin care, hair care, groceries etc. we have seen that there were so many patanjali soaps
or body cleaners for various purpose like some are the bathing soaps, while some are suitable for
dry skin.

1. To study the personal factors influencing the customers to purchase patanjali products
2. To study the customers awareness level and preference towards patanjali products
3. To analyze the factors influencing the customers to purchase patanjali products
4. To offer Findings suggestions and conclusions

Consumer is a real king of the Market and business world. A business concern which obtains the
affectionate of the consumers can successfully run its business for ever. The study reveals that
most of the respondents are aware of the herbal bath soaps. Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd. Started out as
a small pharmacy with its own exclusive outlets in selected areas and has expanded to sell a full
range of consumer categories, from skin and hair care products, biscuits, edible oils to fruit juices,
and groceries. With and advent of patanjali, there is greater consumption of products in this
segment. Keeping this in view, the present research has made an attempt to understand consumers’
perception towards Patanjali products. Thus it reinforces our objectives that there is a relationship
between the demographics and the perception of Patanjali products and also the important factors
for Patanjali. Baba Ramdev should promote Swadeshi more towards younger generation as older
people are by default influenced with it. Patanjali should try to convey the quality of products to
people. Patanjali has increased their advertisement expenditure and this can be seen in our results
were advertisement is the most important factor for consumers which are value communication.


Understanding behaviour of consumers is a key to the success of business organizations.

Marketing personnel are constantly analyzing the patterns of buying behaviour and purchase
decisions to predict the future trends. Consumer behavior can be understood as: "The decision
process and physical activity individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring, using, or disposing
of goods and services." (Loudon and Della Bitta, 1980). Nowadays, this phenomenon can also be
illustrated in the following way: "activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming, and
disposing of products and services" (Blakwell, Minard and Engel, 2001). A study by Voss and
Parasuraman (2003) suggests that the purchase preference is primarily determined by price than
quality during pre-purchase evaluation. Given explicit quality information, price had no effect on
pre-purchase or post-consumption quality perceptions. Instead, post consumption quality
evaluations had a favorable impact on price evaluations. Another study by Chernev (1997)
analyzed the effect of common features on brand choice and the moderating role of attribute
importance. It is argued that when brand attributes differ in importance, with the best value on the
most important attribute, thus further polarizing brands’ choice shares. In contrast, when attributes
are similar in their importance, common features are likely to have an opposite effect, equalizing
brands share. Russo and France (1994), studied the nature of the choice process for commonly
purchased ondurables by tracking eye fixations in a laboratory simulation of supermarket shelves.
The findings are fully compatible with the general view that the choice process is constructed to
adapt to the immediate purchase environment. While describing about shopping orientation, Sinha
(2003) reports that Indian Shoppers seek emotional value more than the functional value of
shopping. Their orientation is based more on the entertainment value than on the functional value.
The orientation is found to be affected primarily by the type of store, the frequency of buying and
to some extent by the socio-economic classification. The retailers need to experiment with a format
that attracts both types of shoppers. Research suggests that beauty consciousness among people in
general is changing. Vigneron and Johnson (1999) reported that people's needs for appearances
and materialism were increasing. That is human beings wanted to satisfy the need to look and feel
good. This created a boom in the cosmetic and toiletries sector across the world. Chambers
Encyclopedia defines cosmetics as (a) articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed
on, introduced into or otherwise applied to the human body or anypart thereof for cleaning,

beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance and (b) articles intended for use
as a component of such articles. Now a variety of cosmetic and toiletries ranging from natural to
sophisticated items are available in the market. The pattern and reference of use of these items
vary according to different segments of gender, age and socio-economic class. When we review
the literature on the cosmetic and toiletry industry, not many studies are available especially about
Indian scenario.

To study consumer behavior with respect to usage pattern of bathing soaps. Specific Objectives
1) To describe the demographic profile of bathing soap consumers.
2) To assess how brand influences the purchasing pattern.
3) To analyze the different factors involved in purchase decision of bathing soaps.
4) To study the spending pattern of bathing soap consumers.

Hence the usage in this market is affected by income and gender and advertising tools thus all
these factors must be kept under consideration while designing any marketing strategy. Before
designing any marketing strategy based on segmentation, targeting and positioning or any other
form of strategy the above said factors that is demography, brand, spending patterns and factors
affecting purchase decision should be the most sought after factors.

Impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior towards beauty

soap in Karachi city

In below passages background, introduction and some important terminologies of the research
topic are discussed. Furthermore, research problem, research questions, its span, suppositions,
limitations and importance are discussed. Numerous studies have been conducted on the
effectiveness of advertising. There are numerous tools to enhance the effectiveness of advertising;
celebrity endorsement is one of those tools. Since its inception, i.e., 19th century till now, as time
passes this strategy has become the most effective tool of advertising or marketing a product or
brand to grab the attention of target market and to get the desired result from them in terms of their
buying behavior regarding the product or brand being marketed through the strategy named

celebrity endorsement. But this strategy would become a winning one only when the selection of
celebrities is based on some factors. Many past researchers have raised many different factors for
that, after reading those articles I found a gap regarding the best mix of factors that marketers
Should focus while selecting the celebrity to endorse a brand. Furthermore this study is conducted
to ascertain the effect of superstars’ endorsement on buyers buying behavior for particularly beauty
soaps named LUX & Dove in Karachi city, which is a big gap, i.e., no research has been done
prior to cover this entire topic. It is also conducted to know which dimensions of celebrity
endorsers prove to be the winning ones in terms of achieving desired outcomes with the people of
Karachi city and also to know whether the results will be different with the citizens of Karachi city
or they’ll be same everywhere which means to know that whether the best mix of factors for
celebrity endorsement is same plus whether that best mix of factors for celebrity endorsement is
as important to get convinced for everyone living anywhere in the world or there are some changes
in this regard would occur on having the same dependent and independent variables study in
different geographical areas of the world.

• To discern the repercussions of public figures’ advocacy on shoppers buying behavior.
• To identify whether factors such as, Credibility (trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness),
Emotional Involvement, and Meaning Transfer affect consumer buying behavior.

This research paper constitutes the results of an extensive research supporting effects of public
figures advocacy on obtaining performance of shoppers for beauty soaps in Karachi city. This
paper focused on three factors of leading stars backing with this practice supports for acquiring
patterns of acquirers. Such factors are, credibility of celebrities being endorsed which covers
physical attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise of celebrity, Emotional Involvement which
covers passion and dedication of celebrity that reflects through the commercials & Meaning
Transfer which covers effective communication by celebrity and field of celebrity endorsed that
best match with the product attributes. For this study responses were taken by 100 respondents
from Karachi city. All the respondents were educated and belonged to middle class and upper
middle class families. They all were almost on the same page. Through this research it was

concluded that credibility and emotional involvement separately are less winning factors for
favorable consumer buying behavior than if these factors comes in a combination with the factor
named as meaning transfer by celebrities as meaning transfer has more prominent influence
towards shoppers purchasing conduct according to study’s outcomes analysis. Then particularly
for beauty soaps celebrity endorsement is proved as a most appealing, attractive and winning
strategy in Karachi city where glamor, fashion, style and celebrities have an extensive involvement
in people’s lifestyle. Marketers used celebrities to personify and associate those celebrities image
with the brands or products so that fan following of such celebrities would probably become the
users and ultimately the consumers of those brands or products. This paper has taken LUX and
Dove specifically and results showed that people of Karachi city are mostly the users of LUX than
Dove. Through questionnaire and through verbal interviews with such respondents it got to know
that there are three reasons behind more users of LUX than Dove in Karachi city, one is celebrity
endorsement as LUX is being a beautiful user of this strategy since its inception whereas Dove
does not, second reason is climatic condition of Karachi is not favorable for Dove usage and third
reason is the price difference, for daily consumption people cannot afford Dove because Karachi
city constitutes middle and upper middle class families more than those belong to upper or elite
class. Furthermore it was also concluded that LUX have both users male and female whereas males
mostly avoid to use Dove due to its ultra-greasy and sticky results even after washing it. On
studyingprevious researches done with same dependent and independent variable but on different
category of products and focused on the respondents of different geographical areas of the world,
more or less the same result is observed that only attractive or good looking celebrity or the
celebrity with which people are emotionally attached cannot bring the desired outcomes for brand,
these factors of celebrities will only work when those celebrities are capable of brilliantly,
completely and beautifully transfer the meaning or message of brand they are endorsing, their
communication style must be very convincing and attention grabbing then their presence in
commercials brings positive or desired result(s) otherwise not. Furthermore it is also noticed while
studying previous researches that in sub-continent, celebrity endorsement culture is on a peak than
that in rest of the world and this is due to the reason that in sub-continent majority of the population
belongs to young ones or youth and youngsters are more involved in being trendy or in practicing
or adopting fashion or be look like celebrities so to influence them celebrity endorsement is the
most winning tactic of marketing and branding use by marketers for their brands in terms of the
purchase of that brand or in terms of increasing the market share of their brands.

Satisfaction & Brand Loyalty towards Bath Soaps: A Study of Consumers in

Customer satisfaction may be a judgment created by the client. It’s borne out of the comparison of
pre purchase expectations with post purchase analysis of the merchandise. If the perceived
performance falls in need of expectations it results in discontent. Satisfaction happens once the
perceived performance matches the expectations. If supposed performance exceeds expectations
it ends up in delighting the purchasers. Client satisfaction may end up from quality connected
problems or non-quality problems (e.g. needs, equity, and perceptions). Further, the extent of
discontent depends on the gap between expectations and performance. The larger the gap, the
larger is that the consumers' discontent. Analysis has proved that client discontent encompasses a
larger psychological impact and a larger longevity than satisfaction. This discontent could force
the patron to discontinue the employment, and once an identical want arises within the future he
could explore for another appropriate different. Several studies have additionally shown that the
prices of effort a replacement client are dearer than retentive the present ones. Client satisfaction
is additionally joined to inflated profit, loyalty and retention and repeat purchases. So, it's
imperative for marketers to grasp the client satisfaction and its connected ideas to work out the
factors influencing shopper behaviour. It’s a lot of necessary in FMCG sector particularly in bath
soap business, wherever customers have abundant alternative of product. The competition between
firms to draw in customers is additionally terribly intense. Within the geographic area, the
penetration level of bath soap is already high. At identical time, customers are flooded with several
offers and promotional ways geared toward them. During this scenery, this paper makes an effort
to analyse urban consumers' personal preferences, shopping for behaviour, and complete loyalty
with reference to rest room soaps.

The main objective of the paper is to look at the consumers' shopping for habits and complete
loyalty towards bath soap product. The subsequent are the precise objectives of the study.
* To spot the merchandise attributes that influence the getting method
* To assess the complete loyalty of customers with relevancy varied levels of increment
* To look at the complete shift behaviour of respondents
* To gauge the satisfaction level of customers with reference to their gift bath soap complete

Significant variations were determined among completely different financial gain teams,
especially, once the value of the current complete will increase considerably. This could be
attributed to {the completely different| the various} lifestyles adopted by different financial gain
teams. Astonishingly respondents gave least importance to advertisements of bath soaps. Quality
and value of recent completes impelled them to brand shift. This has got to be fastidiously studied
by the marketers. Another space of concern is that a lot of rated their gift soaps as simply satisfying
though they need been exploitation identical complete for a extended amount. During this
perspective, FMCG firms have to be compelled to explicate their ways to please the purchasers.
At identical time, as most of the respondents are exploitation identical complete for a extended
amount of your time, new entrants got to devise appropriate plans to draw in the purchasers of
existing brands. Deeper penetration in urban areas additionally holds the key to unlocking growth
potentials particularly within the Premium section. Thus, product innovation, good selling and
distribution are going to be of key importance for FMCG product to become leaders within the

Customer Behavior Analysis with Regard to Select Fast Moving Consumer

Goods with Special Reference to Branded Bath Soap Products {Empirical
Study from Mumbai City}

In the shifting scenario of socio-economic environment across the world, all the economic activity
like venture, production, marketing and international trade have been exposed to open ruthless
competition. A similar change have been experiencing in the preference, attitude, lifestyles,
likings, perceptions and in overall personality of customers. With these changes, marketing of
goods and services has become the most critical task before the managers and executives of
corporate. Endurance of profitability of any business firm depends upon their volume of sales.
Higher volume of sales in term depends upon different type of marketing strategies. The marketing
strategies like product, price, promotion, place, process, people and physical evidence play a
significant role in assuring a success and sizable profits for the companies. On the other hand,
customers face several problems such as delay in product supplies, unfair and discriminated prices,

and lack of information about expired and obsolete products, deceptive advertisements, raising
customer complaints, unsociable approach of sales force, reduced sales after service, etc., and these
problems on the one hand, and increasing customer’s dissatisfaction on the other. India being the
world’s 2nd leading country by population and with an economic growth speed of 8.5% and the
utmost population between the age group of 25 to 40 years, backed by growth in earnings. With
hectic lifestyle and substantial increase in the share of disposable income, there is a need to
examine marketing mix strategy adopted by companies to identify, segregate and reach its target
consumer for realizing their objectives. As Mumbai being the financial capital of India and has a
mix of the sample population ranging from Segment D Class to Segment Class A+ public. With a
place bombarded with a variety of advertising, marketing and promotional strategy by dissimilar
companies to reach its target. Against this background, an authentic need is felt to carry out an
empirical study to analyze and understand consumer behavior with regard to Fast Moving
Consumer Goods and therefore, a detailed study relating to select FMCG companies profile,
marketing strategies and consumer behavior in respect to FMCG is carried out in Mumbai city of
Maharashtra state.

1. To study the Marketing Strategies of select FMCG Companies.
2. To assess the Consumer Preference, Top of Mind Brand and Level of Awareness in response to
Branded Bath Soaps.
3. Tostudythe Consumer Purchase Frequency, Substitute Brands, Purchase Point and Source of
Information with respect to Branded Bath Soaps.

One of the youngest nations in the world is India, with a median age of 25 years, as compared to
36 in US and 43 in Japan. It coupled with quickly evolving consumer preferences and a large
population, has transformed into a huge market scope for FMCG players. Nearly 25 percent of the
population is consisting of youth segment of 10-24 years age group and they are showing
momentous interest to all FMCG companies. New business channels for FMCG companies are
coming up through the construction of hypermarkets and shopping malls, as the result of real estate
development in the country. By 2025, India is poised to become the world’s 5th largest consuming
country from the 12th position 2010. This will ensure the constant development of the FMCG

industry in the future. As the urbanization rate is predicted to extend from the current 30% to 45%
for the next 45 years, by adding 379 million consumers across Indian cities as a base for FMCG
companies. Household income of the top 20 booming cities in India is forecasted to develop 10%
annually by 2018. In addition 100 top cities would be contributing between 50% - 60% of the
overall spending on consumption, as per the recent industry sources. Rapid increase in
consumerism and the access of more international players in Indian markets are showcasing
revolutionary changes due to the liberalization. International brands are selling their products at
fairly competitive prices with variety of choices through market exposure to the quickly evolving
Indian consumers.

The Effect of Advertising Strategies for the Sale of Message Soap on the
Decision Purchase in East Java

The advertising industry in Indonesia has been growing rapidly following the emergence of private
television. Nowadays, almost all private television shows display various advertisements of
different products. Understanding the audience of the advertisement requires an understanding of
the perception of the advertisement by the general public. Those perceptions determine the success
or failure of an advertisement. Marketing strategies are formulated based on the marketing mix
(marketing mix), which includes the determination of product features, pricing,
communication/promotions, distribution, and services that provide consumers with better value.
One of the most important components of the marketing mix for a product is
communication/promotions. Promotions can stimulate consumers’ interest in a product and can

Lux have been successful in building a brand image through the use of advertising. Lux would
therefore benefit from continuing developing and implementing new and improved advertisements
of their products. So that consumers can understand the benefits of using Lux soaps, the brand
would benefit from highlighting the benefits their products profess to provide. Another point of
focus for the brand may be on developing and introducing new fragrances and colours in their
products. Innovation is also a key focus of any business, and Lux should seek to continuously
innovate the quality of their products, to continue improving both the brand image, and the

experience of consumers when using their products, which in turn has a positive effect on the
decision to purchase and brand loyalty.

An exploratory study on the loyalty or variety seeking purchase pattern of

different brands of toilet soaps among a set of Management students

A study was conducted on the management students of coimbatore to assess the usage patterns of
different Toilet soap brands among the said group of customers. The study was proposed on the
assumption that there are multitudes of effects especially advertising effects on the consumer in
his choice and usage patterns of different brands of toilet soaps. It can be seen that the brand
success in overwhelming number of cases in such product categories are dependent on the amount
of advertisement and the nature of the same .So the study proposes to find out the brands which
has succeeded in making the customer be comparatively loyal by assessing the extend of mind
space being taken by different brands of soaps and its ursage patterns Toilet soaps-A typical low
involvement product There is also a tendency among the customers to change the brands not only
as a permanent alternative but also as a variety seeking habit .This is found out as synonymous
with the nature of the product and the nature of the purchase situation faced by the customer which
in this case typically be called the low involvement purchase behavior. Proposed intend of study-
find out the extend of variety seeking behavior The study was also intented to seek the pattern of
changes happening in the variety seeking behavior front of the said customers. The result from
such a study can help in assessing to what extend it is indicative of a tendency of the customers to
change from established brands to any others.

When the above findings are closely analyzed it can be concluded that in the variety seeking mode
as well as in the brand recall mode(third level) the primary Lux brand users are more prone to seek
something different thus showing signs of comparatively less loyalty. Also though Pears brand
showed the highest number recalled at the third level, at the variety seeking level it is quite low.
The suggestion could be to broad base a study to find if such tendencies are there in other customer
profiles of the brand so that the brand can be better managed.Such studies should help in finding
out and read the possible mind set changes amoung customers of such products so that precious
time is available for the managers to act on it.

The Mediating Role of Consumer’s Attitude toward Advertising on the
Relationship between Advertisement Content Credibility and Attitude toward
Brand: The Case of Beauty Soap in Indonesia

Bath soap is one type of consumer products that promises individuals with cleanliness and
freshness to both body and skin so that they feel more comfortable in carrying out their daily
activities. To date, needs for personal care and intimacy are observed to extend the bath soap to
now include beauty soap product in the market. Through beauty soap, consumers’ need to have
personalised and intimacy benefits are offered with specific beauty attributes. Bleach,
moisturizers, and vitamin C are amongst examples of beauty attributes that can be found in
popular beauty soap brands in Indonesia as consumers believe that bleach can help to whiten
their skin, moisturizers to soften their body and vitamin C helps to add important nutrients to
their body and skin respectively. In short, beauty soap is now important notIndonesia’s beauty
soap manufacturers push the product to mass consumers through advertising to increase
consumers’ awareness, interest and desire to purchase the product or brand. Advertising is
believed to be very powerful and effective when it comes to increase of product sales and brand
loyalty as can be seen from this quotation: “We believe in the power of advertising, and we
continue to invest in improving quality and reach. From our market research and customer
insights, we know that consistent affirmative messages are the most powerful content because it
is a great fit for consumers” (Hemant Bakshi, Unilever’s president director, Unilever Annual
Report, 2014; p.69). As such, the content of an advertisement must be made very credible and
believable to the extent that it would influence their attitude towards both the advertisement and
brands portrayed. Advertising content (AC) is recently considered as one type of source
credibility alongside the usual accepted dual source credibility, namely, corporate and endorser
credibility. For this study, the investigation is focused on finding the relationship amongst
advertising content credibility (AC), attitude toward advertising (AAD) and attitude toward
brand (AB). In specific, the study attempts to find out whether consumers’ attitude toward beauty
soap advertising (AAD) play a role of a mediator in the relationship between advertisement
content credibility (AC) and attitude towards brand (AB). The outcomes of the study would
provide an insight on the importance of both advertising content and attitude that the literature on
both the subjects can be advanced and for practitioners, appropriate strategy can be planned.


In conclusion, the support for all hypotheses tested show that all three variables, namely, AC,
AAD and AB are inter-related whereby they are important when they were directly tested as well
as when AAD is tested as a mediator. In short, advertisement content credibility is a significant
predictor of consumer’s/audience’s attitude toward advertising as well as for attitude toward
brand. Consumer’s attitude toward advertising is also a predictor for attitude toward brand. The
findings show that AC is perceived as a source by consumers, thereby it must be credible in
order for it to be influential enough that consumers would show positive attitude toward
advertising and the product brand. Attitude toward advertising is shown to be crucial as a
mediator. The findings have contributed to add new knowledge on source credibility
investigations. For practitioners applying advertising strategy, the results imply the importance
for them to ensure consumers as audience must have positive attitude toward the beauty soap and
as such attitude would affect their attitude toward the brand portrayed in the advertisement. In
addition, the ad itself must be able to be perceived as credible ad as this would influence their
attitude on both advertising and brand.


Hypotheses basically means an idea which is suggested as a possible explanation for a situation
or research project. This research project is all about analytics how it is useful for organizing to
maintain their positions. These create conflicting pressures. What we hope to solve Behavioral
problems may make sense dictated. This beautiful we have sufficient evidence to Question the
null hypothesis that there since been said change in its average employee expenses claim. The
basic aspects Important in hypotheses are: difference that we try to seek out relationship and
therefore the interaction. In organization we try to see statistical and significant meaning of
Analytics which are done. The character or variable that affects other variables or sampling units
is called as independent variable. The variable or character is affected by the independent
variable is called dependent variable. Hypothesis development is the Relationship between
dependent and independent variable. Hypothesis helps to check the relationship between
dependent and independent variable.

Two types of Hypothesis:

1) Null Hypothesis:

Null hypothesis is also known as statistical hypothesis. The null Hypothesis predicts to pretend
that there's no relationship between the independent and variable.

E.g.: H0- Temperature does not have any effect on the sale of ice-cream.

2) Alternate Hypothesis:

The alternate hypothesis always predict that there'll be a Relationship between the variables
being studied. Alternate hypothesis is to specify the relationship that will be considered as true in
case the research hypothesis proves to be wrong.

E.g.: H1- Temperature has effect on the sale of ice-cream.

In my research I have taken Gender, Age and Occupation of the respondent as my Independent
variable. Complications in consumer behavior on soap brands are dependent variables taken in
the study.

• On the basis of Gender

1. H0: The sales promotion programme doesn’t affect purchase behavior

2. H1: The sales promotion programme affect purchase behavior

• On the basis of Age

1. H0: Age of the people are not satisfied with the beauty soaps

2. H1: Age of the people are satisfied with the beauty soaps

• On the basis of Occupation

1. H0: Peoples would not like to switch over the brand

2. H1: Peoples would like to switch over the brand



Research Methodology is the importance and valuable procedure in techniques which is used to
identify, select process and analyze the data. Research Methodology is the specific procedures or
techniques used to identify, select, process and analyze the information about a topic. In a
research paper, the methodology Section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall
validity and reliability. Research methodology is which helps to find out the right way of doing
research which is conducted in research paper. Research paper allow the person to make a
research method in which it is mentioned that how the research is form. Research methodology
provides scientifically findings where there are many research methods which do not provide
scientific methods that is why it is called as poor methodology.

Types of Research Method:

1. Qualitative:

The qualitative research is based on feelings, emotions, words and other non-numerical
elements. It can also analyzed by the different techniques used in research which is
mathematics techniques. Analytics gives permission to collect the reliable data. This research
is basically used to understand that how people have they perceptive and gives importance to
the social reality.

2. Quantitative:

Quantitative research also describe as that it solves the problem of all which is related to
numbers basically quantitative research deals in numbers. Which means it only deals in

numerical data it is a collection of numbers on frequency as numerical data which is used to
analyze the overall view of the organization. Observation, and document review are the most
common and widely used methods either offline or for online data collection.


Research design basically means that it is divided into framework which of them is conceptual
framework and statistical framework which is depends upon the researcher that which
framework that researcher wants to write about. In the search data it is also included that it also
has the data of collection which is used to analyze and rectify the data. Research designs also
have the elements to collect the data which is measurable and which helps to analyze all the
collected data into a information as a rule it is said that research problem helps to choose that
which is not affecting the organization. They such design has to get exact and specific results
which is expected by the organization and research design helps to design the world research
project which is done under the guidance of adults. The design phase of a study determines
which tools to use and how they are used.

Types of data collection:

1) Primary data:
Primary data is the information which is collected from the original Sources. Primary data is
generally collected by different methods like service conducting interviews and other things this
data is called as raw data which is not used by anyone else and which is not converted into and
information is called as raw data or primary data.

2) Secondary data:
Secondary data means the data collected by someone else other than user. Basically the
secondary data is not collected by the person who is analyzing the data into information the main
source of this data collection is from different ways which is already used by anyone else and
this helps the person to collect information easily and conduct into a point it helps to save time
and also expands the scope of research.
In this research project I am doing a primary data by using Google forms for collecting the data
related to my project topic consumer behavior on soap brands. To analyses the other things
which have to be done by a survey.


A research population is usually a large collection of individuals or objects.

Research problem mainly focus on the queries which are scientific. Research on population is
basically based on the population for the people who is helpful for this research. After collecting
all the research we can find out that many of the individual have common thinking for a common
point which they are agreed on. Research population gives a clear idea about how it works and
how many of the individual or peoples are thinking allowed and which the actual need of the
organization is basically research population is a group of people in which we found out a
conclusion related to our survey or research. In research population we can say that the
individual from other groups companies or other Nations also have common factors are common
things between them. In my research paper I have collected 100 responses using Google forms
related to consumer behavior on soap brands. Convenience sampling method is used for the


A sampling technique is a also known as plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.
Sample design basically means that the techniques to the procedure adopted in selecting the
items for the sampling design. Basically sampling technique allows an individual to research
about each and every perspective of their research refers the population Research design and
other things which is necessary to complete a research a sampling technique is name and other
identification of specific process which process helps them to identify and collect accurate
information. In my research project I have used Systematic sampling method in my Research
that means the systematic sampling method to choose the sample members of a population at
regular intervals.

With the help of Google forms I have done a survey related to my research project topic which is
consumer behavior on soap brands for collecting the information and my population is from
thane district which is from mainly age group of 15 - above 50.


Data collection is defined as the procedure of collecting, gathering, measuring and analyzing
variables specified in the Research problem. Data collection enables a person or the organization
to answer relevant question. In my research paper I have used Quantitative approach which
allows the researcher to do the study of how consumer behavior on soap brands works and where
it uses. The research supports the descriptive approach which allows the Researcher to collect
information and to identify characteristics. Systematics sampling method was adopted for this
study. The study is based on primary data collected by the questionnaire method using Google
forms for survey. Based on the literature variables were finalized for the research after the
completion of Questionnaire form. Collection 100 samples are finalized for our research study.
The data corresponding to values in 5 point Likert scale. The study is limited to time, Cost and
scope in analyzing the data. This data is gathered from most of the youth of our country.


Research instrument is used to analyze the research which is done it is basically a tool used to
measure and analyze the research which is done by a particular person it helps to measure and
delete the content which is written in the research. Data analytics helps in different ways to
collect and analyze the data of this research instruments also helps in health science social
science and education 2 access patient client’s teachers and other. In research instrument there
are different types of instruments which of them are survey, question, arrays aptitude test, and
observation, tally sheets, forms, and other things Research instrument is known as good when it
is validated and proven reliability. The research instrument focus on the aims objectives and
research questions which are hypothesis of study.


The statistical analytical tools applied include:

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an analysis tool used in statistics that splits an
observed aggregate variability found inside a data set, which the random factors do not.
Analysts use the ANOVA test to determine the influence that independent variable have
on the dependent variable in a study.

• Descriptive Analysis
Is the brief descriptive coefficient that summarize a given data set, which can be either a
representation of the entire population or a sample of a population? Descriptive statistics
are broken down into measures of central tendency and measure of variability. Measure
of central tendency include the mean, median and mode while measures of variability
include standard deviation, variance, minimum and maximum variables, kurtosis and

• Correlation Analysis
Correlation is a statistical measure that expresses the extent to which two variables are
linearly related (meaning they change together at a constant rate). It’s a common tool for
describing simple relationship without making a statement about cause and effect.

• Graphic Analysis
Graphs are vital tools for analyzing and displaying data. Graphs allow us to explore the
relationship between two quantities -- an independent variable usually plotted on the x-
axis and a dependent variable usually plotted on the y-axis. Consider an experiment
measuring the pressure of a gas while its temperature is varied. The measured pressure is
the dependent variable, depending on the temperature set by the experimenter.

1. Which soap you like most ?



% 21

Cinthol Santoor Lux Medimix Lifebouy

From the above analytics we found that:

Most of the 31% peoples prefer cinthol soap, 21% of people use santoor then 18% of people use
Lux and the least soap which people use is lifebuoy.

2. Which soap Advertisement influence you most ?




Cinthol Santoor Lux Lifebouy Medimix

From the above analytics we found that:

Cinthol advertisement influence the most it has refreshing and creative ideas for advertisement
and the least influenced ad is lifebuoy.

3. Are there any effect of the price factor on the

purchase decision ?


27 57
% %

High Very High Low Lery Low

From the above analytics we found that:

57% of the people thinks that the price factors affects high on purchase decision, 9% of people
says there is low effect of the price factor on the purchase decision and 7% peoples says it is very
low effect of the price factor on the decision.

4. What qualities do you want in your soap ?

6 %



Above all Fragrance Good Brand Good Performance

From the above analytics we found that:

75% of the people likely to have Good performance, Good Brand, Fragrance in there soap and
13% of people wants a good fragrance in there soap.6% of people want good brand or good
performance in their daily soap.

5. Which are the sources that most influence your purchase
decision ?

5% 3%



T.V./ Radio Family Friends Retailor

From the above analytics we found that:

T.V./Radio is the most influenced source for your purchase decision with 62% and then 2nd is the
family with 30% and the least influenced source is retailor.

6. Which of the following soap fragrance you like most ?




Sandal Lime Rose Neutral

From the above analytics we found that:

We have got 2 equal views on soap fragrance i.e. Lime and Sandal with 31% people prefer this
and remaining goes with rose and some are neutral.

7. Which type of promotional schemes do you prefer ?



Quality Deal Distribution of Samples Price Discount Free Offer

From the above analytics we found that:

Majority of people love to have quality deals over soap because it saves money and people buys
soap for months in a bundle so its suits them. 30% of people says price discount is good for
promotional scheme. 16% of the people prefer distribution of samples and 12% prefer free offer

8. Do you think that the sales promotion programme

affect your purchase behaviour ?




Yes No Sometimes

From the above analytics we found that:

61% of people think that the sales promotion programme affect your purchase behaviour
but somehow 33% of people thinks that the sale promotion programme doesn’t affect
your purchase behaviour.

9. Do you prefer chemical free soaps over general soaps.




Yes No Sometimes

From the above analytics we found that:

76% peoples prefer chemical free soap because it doesn’t contains any harmful chemicals and
unnecessary particles which may harm our body or skin.

10. Which type of soap do you use?


% 48


Bar Soap Liquid Soap Milk Soap Antibacterial Soap

From the above analytics we found that:

48% of people use bar soap which is easily available in general stores, 22% of peoples use liquid
soap which is good for foam and fragrance, 16% people use milk soap its good for skin and glow
and 14% of people uses antibacterial soaps.

11. Which type of laundry soap do you use?




powder form liquid form Bar soap Gel form

From the above analytics we found that:

54% peoples use powder soap, whereas 23% of people are liquid form soap users and remaining
are bar and gel form soap consumers.

12. According to you does beauty soaps are satisfying your





Yes No Sometimes

From the above analytics we found that:

51% of consumers said that beauty soaps are satisfying there needs and 27% peoples are saying
it doesn’t satisfies there need.

13. while purchasing soap colors, shapes, and

sizes matters?




From the above analytics we found that:

82% of consumers are believing that the color, size and shape matters while buying the soap it
effects buying decision of consumers.

14. For which purpose you use soap ?




Freshness Complexion & Skin Care Health

From the above analytics we found that:

63% of people use the soap for freshness, 27 % of peoples use the soap for complexion & skin
care and 10% of people uses there soap for health related issues.

15. Do you think Brand ambassador plays major role
while doing marketing for the product?




Yes No Maybe

From the above analytics we found that:

72% of consumers consider that Brand ambassador plays major role while doing marketing for
the product there goodwill and power is more impactful in those campaigns and advertisement
and 20% of consumer don’t think that Brand ambassador plays major role while doing marketing
for the product due to specific reason

16. Would you like to switch over your brand ?




Yes No Maybe

From the above analytics we found that:

48% of consumers may change their brands according to their need and wants, price difference,
offers, brand quality etc. and 30% peoples are brand loyal they won’t switch their brands.


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique that is used to check if

The means of two or more groups are significantly different from each other. It is used to gain
relationship between dependent and independent variables.

A) On the basis of Gender

1. H0: The sales promotion programme doesn’t affect purchase behavior

2. H1: The sales promotion programme affect purchase behavior

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Gender 101 155 1.534653 0.25128
V12 101 177 1.752475 0.72811

Source of
Variation S df MS F P-value F crit
Between 2.39604 1 2.39604 4.89284 0.0281 3.88837
Groups 3 5
Within Groups 97.94059 200 0.489703

Total 100.3366 201

Source: Primary Data S- Significant at 5% level (p value<=0.5); NS- Not Significant

It is found from the above table that the null hypothesis rejected in the case, which
establishes significance of the studied variable. It is concluded that the sales
promotion programme affects purchase behavior.

B) On the basis of Age

1. H0: Age of the people are not satisfied with the beauty soaps
2. H1: Age of the people are satisfied with the beauty soaps

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Age 101 141 1.39604 0.36158
V8 101 173 1.712871 0.86673

Source of
Variation S df MS F P-value F crit
Between 5.069307 1 5.069307 8.25407 0.00450 3.88837
Groups 1 5 5
Within Groups 122.8317 200 0.614158

Total 127.901 201

Source: Primary Data S- Significant at 5% level (p value<=0.5); NS- Not Significant

It is found from the above table that the null hypothesis rejected in the case, which
establishes significance of the studied variable. It is concluded that the Age of the
people are satisfied with the beauty soaps

C) On the basis of Occupation

1. H0: Peoples would not like to switch over the brand

2. H1: Peoples would like to switch over the brand

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Occupation 101 203 2.009901 0.08990
V16 101 221 2.188119 0.75425

Source of
Variation S df MS F P-value F crit
Between 1.60396 1 1.60396 3.80014 0.05264 3.88837
Groups 1 7 5
Within Groups 84.41584 200 0.422079

Total 86.0198 201

Source: Primary Data S- Significant at 5% level (p value>=0.5); S- Significant

It is found from the above table that the hypothesis 1 rejected in the case, which
establishes significance of the studied variable. It is concluded that the Peoples
would not like to switch over the brand.


Correlation analysis is a method of statistical evaluation and is also used to study the relationship
between two variables. Correlation analysis is used when a researcher wants to establish the
relationship between two variables. It is used to show the strength of relationship between two

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16

V1 1
V2 0.62895 1
V3 -0.01908 0.021346 1
V4 0.107364 0.089476 0.188231 1
V5 -0.03442 0.087964 -0.05634 0.00535 1
V6 0.275862 0.219905 0.094937 0.252424 -0.13452 1
V7 0.011793 0.117049 -0.0867 0.034555 -0.13691 0.08953 1
V8 0.146244 0.026718 0.3522 0.236896 -0.21057 0.206629 -0.02283 1
V9 -0.13234 0.034434 0.059658 0.074989 -0.14973 0.022155 -0.07125 0.292077 1
V10 -0.04586 -0.16393 -0.06802 -0.08126 -0.13031 0.021685 -0.00433 0.131532 0.178717 1
V11 0.224749 0.020846 0.004687 0.06732 -0.17663 0.178065 0.023674 0.231198 0.244681 0.135052 1
V12 0.117928 0.0115 0.273286 0.05349 0.062761 0.15579 -0.18975 0.425748 0.339781 0.083762 0.138644 1
V13 0.127955 0.101174 0.415193 0.125162 0.11125 0.105663 -0.05884 0.256055 -0.04448 0.019353 -0.04027 0.166232 1
V14 0.132404 0.22689 0.105052 0.019948 0.148085 0.120645 0.088147 0.032025 -0.00029 -0.25501 0.086317 0.148595 0.041539 1
V15 0.131911 0.100103 0.280615 0.162843 0.071352 0.162942 -0.02113 0.502644 0.154267 -0.13272 0.030592 0.404693 0.143161 0.019927 1
V16 0.085266 0.0266 0.280503 0.211923 -0.0293 0.098344 0.045597 0.364303 0.004328 0.159899 0.025506 0.292859 0.347698 0.105191 0.227756 1

From the above analysis it is found that the variable is related to each other are positively correlated
to each other. Also, the questions reply if an individual are positively Correlated to each other


Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of data in a study. It
Provides us simple summaries about the samples and their measurement. It
Distinguishes from inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics simply describes what does the data

Column V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16


Mean 3.316832 3.29703 1.980198 3.435644 1.831683 2.49505 2.811881 1.712871 1.405941 2.237624 2.19802 1.752475 1.178218 2.366337 1.475248 2.188119
Standard 0.147541 0.144568 0.083227 0.106628 0.070457 0.100122 0.114937 0.092636 0.076012 0.096625 0.100513 0.084906 0.03827 0.087566 0.080338 0.086417
Median 3 3 2 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2
Mode 5 5 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3
Standard 1.482772 1.452891 0.836423 1.071595 0.708086 1.006218 1.155101 0.930985 0.763914 0.971067 1.010147 0.853299 0.384605 0.880032 0.807392 0.86848
Sample 2.198614 2.110891 0.699604 1.148317 0.501386 1.012475 1.334257 0.866733 0.583564 0.94297 1.020396 0.728119 0.147921 0.774455 0.651881 0.754257
Kurtosis -1.29426 -1.2801 0.862458 0.861053 2.420846 -1.05854 -1.47469 -1.58501 0.422783 -0.57421 -0.44488 -1.44675 0.932321 -1.24033 -0.28277 -1.57848
Skewnes -0.30102 -0.21538 0.979063 -1.59537 1.114936 0.013806 -0.25835 0.607508 1.491559 0.572926 0.777939 0.502462 1.707118 -0.79454 1.244758 -0.37751
Range 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maximu 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 3
Sum 335 333 200 347 185 252 284 173 142 226 222 177 119 239 149 221
Count 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101

Descriptive analysis between the questions asked for Survey




The major findings of the study are as follows:

• The profile of the bathing soap customers in reveals that majority of the respondents were
female (51.3%), majority of the respondents fall under the age group of 15 to 20 years (64.4%),
majority of the respondents were student (94.8%), majority of the respondents were job going
persons (3%), majority of the respondents were salaried persons (2%) and majority of the
respondents were business owner (1%).

• The major factors that affecting the selection of a bathing soap by the respondents, are 18.2%
of respondents is of the opinion that awareness is the main factor which affects the selection of a
bathing soap followed by 16.4% of respondent selected the bathing soap because of brand name
followed by various factors like word of mouth publicity, advertisement on T.V/Radio (62.4%),
quality (10%), price (8.2%), celebrity brand ambassador (73.3%), fragrance of sandal (31.7%),
sales promotion (61.4%).

• While selecting a bathing soap, customers give much priority to the Awareness, Brand name,
Word of mouth publicity, Advertisement, and Quality.

• Among the factors which influence the purchasing behaviour, awareness ranks highest.

• So it is evident from the study that a bathing soap and laundry soaps with a well-planned
marketing communication with a superior awareness level along with a quality product can
attract more customers towards the brand, thereby it will strengthen the word of mouth publicity
thereby contributing positively towards the brand and finally it will result in the selection of a
particular bathing soap.


The managers should take immense pain and care while creating marketing and promotion
strategies for their products especially bathing soaps. So it is very much needed to know the
mind-set of consumers before doing it for making the marketing efforts in a successful manner.
So as per the study a bathing soap with a well-planned marketing communication with a superior
awareness level along with a quality product can attract more customers towards the brand,
thereby it will strengthen the word of mouth publicity thereby contributing positively towards the
brand and finally it will result in the selection of a particular bathing soap.
Thus more careful consideration must be made in framing any marketing strategies for their



From the light of this study it was found out that those bathing soaps with superior awareness
with good brand image, followed by excellent word of mouth publicity, parent brand, quality,
advertisement and right celebrity always grasp greater attention of the targeted customers. Also a
bathing soap with a well-planned marketing communication with a superior awareness level
along with a quality product can attract more customers towards the brand, thereby it will
strengthen the word of mouth publicity thereby contributing positively towards the brand and
finally it will result in the selection of a particular bathing soap.
The respondents felt price was at a medium level as per their perception respective of the brand
and which indicates majority of the respondents Lux soap were not high end brands when their
purchasing decision is made for 35% of Lux users had felt price level was at a high end.
Moreover Sandur, Rexona and Dettol soap users had never felt that the brands were at a high end
since none of the respondents indicated that the price level was high for the above three
Brands. The youngest and middle class peoples are highly wants that various product of soap is
highly. The customers buying various brand of soap see that TV advertisement, Newspaper,
FM radio, various customer message passed and the buying way of relationship. The single
customer there is high wants various products used because single person any were brand wants
for various customers the maintenance for low level of price, highly level of price for any one
product is purchase and the other people unlike of various a brands. Above details indicates that
the consumers are more conscious on perception of price & product characteristics of the brand
at the point of purchase. Therefore it can be recommended to improve the skin protection
attributes of the product while providing a considerable emphasis to enhance the fragrance of the
product, which will enable the brands to capture more market share in the various beauty soap
segment. TV advertisements being the most influenced promotional activity of the respondents
being influenced by the customer. The respondents made their purchasing due to

Discounts & free banded promotions of majority of the respondents purchased the soap from
super markets and other from fancy shops buying wanted. The recommendation can be made to
introduce more free branded issue or discount time to time reminds the brand to consumers. The
all customer buying various bath soap is well production, manufacture and protectively, all
various use of bathing soap is very satisfied of customer.


• Consumer Antibacterial Soaps: Effective or Just Risky?, , Ravi Jha , Roshan Regmi ,
L.Sobita Simon
• Factors Affecting the Purchasing Behaviour of Consumers in Ernakulam District with
Special Emphasis on Bathing Soap, G. Ajai Krishnan and Dr.M. Nandhini
• Brand Loyalty’s Influence on Women’s shopping for Behavior with Special Relevance
Bath Soap, Hatem Mohamed Al-shannaf1, Hala Mohamed Mead
• Consumers’ satisfaction towards toilet soap in kumbakonam town, l. Jency priya mary
• Customer preference for some fmcg products (soap, shampoo and detergent) in varanasi
district, Priyanka Khare1, Syed Haider Ali2
• Buying Perception of FMCG Consumers – Of Soaps and Detergents Products in Mysore
District” – A Study At Malls, Pallavi G S1, Shashidhar S2
• An assessment of the influence of price on consumer demand for soaps. The case of olivine
industrieS. Hatem Mohamed Al-shannaf1, Hala Mohamed Mead
• A study on factors influencing youth’s buying behavior towards soaps, Nabila Saadaoui ,
Hajar Kiai
• A study on Customers Preference and Perception towards Patanjali Soap Products (Bath)
With Special Reference to Karur District, Hasrat Arjjumend and Konstantia Koutouki
• Analyzing consumer behavior with respect to usage pattern of bathing soaps, A. A. Saber,
S. M. Hamed, E. F. M. Abdel-Rahim3
• Impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior towards beauty soap in
Karachi city, M. N. A. Miah, M. R. U. Miah and M. Z. Alam
• Satisfaction & Brand Loyalty towards Bath Soaps: A Study of Consumers in Chennai,
Fahad Al Basir, Arnab Banerjee, Santanu Ray

• Customer Behavior Analysis with Regard to Select Fast
Moving Consumer Goods with Special Reference to
Branded Bath Soap Products {Empirical Study from
Mumbai City}, El-Sayed A. El-Sheikh1 and Mary D.
• The Effect of Advertising Strategies for the Sale of Message
Soap on the Decision Purchase in East Java, K. Sahayaraj
and P. Kombiah
• An exploratory study on the loyalty or variety seeking
purchase pattern of different brands of toilet soaps among
a set of Management students, Talal Abu-Rjai and
Mohamad A. Shatnawi
• The Mediating Role of Consumer’s Attitude toward
Advertising on the Relationship between
Advertisement Content Credibility and Attitude
toward Brand: The Case of Beauty Soap in Indonesia,
zaki a. Siddiqui, ashi qureshi, & m. S. Akhtar


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