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1. A.M. No.

P-01-1464            March 13, 2001

(Formerly OCA IPI. No. 99-730-P)


Complainant is the President of Five Star Marketing Corporation. Respondent Sheriff Malayo B. Bantuas, pursuant
to a Writ of Execution issued in Civil Case No. 1718 filed a Notice of Levy with the Register of Deeds, Iligan
City over a parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-19209 and owned by Five Star Marketing Corporation.
Complainant alleged that respondent sheriff, at the instance of plaintiff, former Judge Felipe Javier, proceeded to file
the Notice of Levy despite respondent sheriff's knowledge that the property is owned by the corporation which was
not a party to the civil case.

Respondent sheriff stressed that the levy was made on the share, rights and/or interest and participation
which Rufino Booc, as President and stockholder, may have in the parcel of land owned by Five Star Marketing
Corporation. Respondent sheriff averred that the corporation is merely a dummy of Rufino Booc and his
brother Sheikding Booc. Respondent sheriff submitted as an exhibit an affidavit executed by Sheikding Booc wherein
the latter admitted that when Judge Felipe Javier won in the civil case against Rufino Booc, the latter simulated a
transfer of his shares of stock in Five Star Marketing Corporation so that the property may not be levied upon. 1

Complainant, in his reply to respondent sheriffs comment belied the latter's allegation that the corporation never
questioned the auction sale. Complainant averred that contrary to the respondent sheriff's assertion, the trial court in
fact issued a restraining order which was withdrawn after plaintiff's counsel manifested that the respondent sheriff
would only auction Rufino Booc's shares of stock in the corporation and not the subject property.


Whether or not the property shall be levied even if it is owned by the corporation


No. It is settled that a corporation is clothed with a personality separate and distinct from that of its stockholders. It
may not be held liable for the personal indebtedness of its stockholders. In the case of Del Rosario vs.
Bascar, Jr, 2 we imposed the fine of P5,000.00 on respondent sheriff Bascar for "allocating unto himself the
power of the court to 'pierce the veil of corporate entity' and improvidently assuming that since complainant
Esperanza del Rosario is the treasurer of Miradel Development Corporation, they are one and the same." In the said
case we reiterated the principle that the mere fact that one is a president of the corporation does not
render the property he owns or possesses the property of the corporation since the president, as an
individual, and the corporation are separate entities.

Based on the foregoing, respondent Sheriff Bantuas has clearly acted beyond his authority when he levied the
property of Five Star Marketing Corporation. The fact, however, that respondent sheriff, in levying said property, had
stated in the notice of levy as well as in the certificate of sale that what was being levied upon and sold was
whatever rights, shares interest and/or participation Rufino Booc, as stockholder and president in the corporation,
may have on the subject property, shows that respondent sheriff's conduct was impelled partly by ignorance of
Corporation Law and partly by mere overzealousness to comply with his duties and not by bad faith or blatant
disregard of the trial court's order. Hence, we deem that the penalty of a fine of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) to
be imposed on respondent sheriff would suffice.

WHEREFORE, respondent Malayo B. Bantuas, Sheriff IV of the RTC of Iligan City, Branch 3, is hereby FINED in the
sum of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) with the STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or similar acts in
the future will be dealt with more severely.

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