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1. Identify each variable as either quantitative or qualitative.

a. amount of time to assemble as simple project.

b. number of trees planted along a highway.
c. weight of newspaper recovered from a recycling center.
d. rating of newly elected politicians (excellent, good, fair, and poor)
e. state of our forest.
f. the top examinees in the nurse licensure examination (nle) in the Philippines.
g. nationalities of attendees in a math conference.
h. the diameters of tree trunks in mt. tiboto in mindoro
i. colors of the rainbow.
j. chemical composition of an object.

2. Identify each data as either nominal, ordinal ratio, or interval.

a. social security system(sss) number.

b. the number of passengers in a jeepney.
c. military ranks
d. model of a car
e. iq scores
f. types of personality
g. flight distance of an airplane
h. number of traffic accidents in a month
i. heights of basketball players in the varsity
j. gender of tamarraw.

3. The following table shows the values in general government consumption expenditure (in
u.s $) for the Philippines from 2007 to 2016. General government final consumption expenditure
includes all government current expenditure for purchases of goods and services (including
compensation of employees). It also includes most expenditures on national defense and security,
but excludes government military expenditure that are part of government capital formation. Use
any statistical tool or program to construct a bar graph, a pie chart, and a line graph. (Source:
world Bank national account data, and oecd national accounts data files.)

35000000 Series 1 33926500

20000000 19403620
Series 1
15000000 13867990



4. The national accounts of the Philippines has released the total household final
consumption expenditure by purpose for the years 2015, 2016, and 2017. The following table
shows these reports. Units are in millions of pesos.
The years 2015, 2016, and 2017. The following table shows these reports. Units are in millions of
a. use any statistical software and construct a comparative bar graph for these data.
b. compare the final consumption expenditure for the 3 years.

5. A certain colleges offers six degree programs. The following table shows the current
population of each program for the first semester of a certain school year.
a. draw two pie charts for these data, one with data label in frequencies, and the other with data
label in percentages.
b. construct a pareto chart for these data.

6. Forest ranger went up to mt. tiboto in mindoro to determine the different types of
hardwood trees present in that mountain. His findings are shown in the following table.
a. construct a bar graph and a pareto chart for these data.
b. can you use pie chart to show this frequency distribution table of the number of trees present in
mt. tiboto.

7. The Philippine statiscal authority announced in 2015 that there were 42,036 barangays
in the country. The largest barangay in terms of population size was barangay 176 in caloocan city
with 247 thousand persons. It was followed by commonwealth in Quezon City (with 198,285
person) and batasan hills in Quezon City (with 161,409 persons). Twelve other barangays posted
a population size of more than a hundred thousand persons. The 15 barangays with the biggest
populations were listed in the following table. Using any statistical software, construct the most
appropriate graph to represent these data.

8. State the most appropriate type of graph (bar graph, pie chart, or time series graph) for
given data.

a. the number of trees for five different varieties of trees found in a certain rainforest. Bar
b. monthly budget of college student pie chart
c. the number of college students who walk, ride a private car, ride a bus, ride a bike, and
ride a jeep going into school. Bar graph
d. the average daily temperature of a certain city from 2010-2017 bar graph
e. he amount of spending of a certain business for advertising, salaries and wages, office
supplies, maintenance of machineries and cars and other miscellaneous expenses. Time
series graph
f. the gross domestic product (gdp) of the Philippines from 1990 to the present. Bar graph
g. the advertising expenditures of a certain company on different media. Time series graph
h. classification of students according to the type of senior high school they graduated from
(public, private, private sectarian, etc.) Bar graph
i. the amount of rainfall measured from different monitoring sites of pagasa from June to
august of a particular year. Bar graph


Even if censusing is limited to times when birds are more active, there is sure to be some
fluctuation in activity within that time frame. This can be a major source of prejudice. For example,
if all censusing begins at a field base and travels into the surrounding forest, all nearby forest
regions will be censused early in the day, while all remote areas would be censused later in the

There are fewer bird species in the globe, and there are less than a thousand species in the
world due to overhunting and extinction.

9. Computer, open Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia 2018 (download for free). Click on the media
feature and choose biodiversity under collages. Click on the “jump” and explore different aspects
of life on earth. Scroll though world themes, then environment challenges. Choose habitat and
wildlife destruction. Find out the issues on endangered species by exploring threatened animals,
their habitants and the environmental challenges associated with them.

a. construct a statistical table of your research, for example, the endangered species of birds and
their remaining counts and the reasons why these species are threatened. Determine the number
of species threatened by the factors you have learned.

10. Comment on the trend of the reported number of hiv cases in the Philippines.

From January 1984-March 2016, 8,738 (27%) of the reported cases were 15-24 years old. Eighty-
six percent (7,525) of all the youth were reported from 2011 to 2016. From 1984 to 2002, more
than half of the cases among the youth were females (179 or 71%)

11. This exercise should be done by every students in the class. Collect a sample of rainwater
where you live. Ask the help of a friend who is a chemistry students or chemistry lab teacher to
determine the ph of the water samples are such. From the results, construct a frequency
distribution table.

12. the numbers of hours worked each week by a technician over the past two months are:

50 54 39 50 17 44 14
A. mean:


50+54+39+50+ 17+44 +14

=¿ 56.43 mean
b. median:
= 4th
= median: 44
c. find the mode.
mode: 50
D. Which of these measure is probably a better measure of the center point?

13. A sociologist obtained these data on the age in years of 40 women at the time of her first
marriage in tow villages of different mangyan tribes in mindoro.


Village a:
15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33
Village b:
14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 20, 20, 23, 26, 27
A. Calculate the mean age of the women’s first marriage for two villages.


Village a: 422/20 = 21.1

Village b: 347 /20 17.35

B. Calculate the median age of the women’s first marriage in two villages.


Village a
=10.5 th
Median= 20
Village b
Median = 20+
= 10.5 th
Median = 15
C. On the average, which village have women getting married at an earlier age?

Village b
Width 5.5, 5.8, 6.1, 6.4, 6.7, 7.0
14. A biologist measured the width (in mm) of the upper molar in 40 specimens of a certain

A. Find the mean of the width.


5.5 ,5.8 , 6.1,6 .4 , 6.7,7 .0


Mean= 5.25

B. Find the standard deviation of the width.


52, 61, 63, 64, 70, 73, 73, 82,
15. The teacher gave a quiz to his economics class. eight of the students scored:

73 82 64 61 63 52 73 70
A. find the mean:



B. find them median:

Median= 4.5th
Median = 64

C. find the mode:



D. find the range


Range= 30

E. find the inter-quartile range


Inter-quartile range= 12

F. find the standard deviation


Standard deviation = 11.07

16. A very famous coffee bar serves five of the most bestselling coffee drinks among students.

a. find the average amount of calories, average amount of fats, average amount of carbohydrates,
average amount of fiber, average amount of protein, average amount of sodium for the five coffee
drinks .
Calories avg. 1,120 /5 = 224
Fat (g) avg. 33/5= 6.6
Carb. (g) avg. 149/5= 29.8
Fiber avg. 4 /5= 0.8
Protein avg. 55/5= 11
Sodium avg . 720/5= 144

b. find the standard deviation of the amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates, protein, and soduim.
Standard deviation
Calories= 4780
Fat = 1.12
Carb = 190.46
Fiber = 1.6
Protein = 4.5
Sodium = 730

C. Find the first, second and third quartiles of the amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates, protein
and sodium.


Calories =
Q1= 155
Q2= 250
Q3= 280
Q1= 5.5
Q2= 7
Q3= 7.5
Q1 = 15.5
Q2 = 35
Q3 = 41.5
Q1 = 0
Q2 = 0

Q3 = 2
Q1 = 9
Q2 = 11
Q3 = 13
Q1 = 120
Q2 = 150
Q3 = 165

17. The following measurements are numbers of species of insects found in different forest in
some provinces in the country.

193 198 200 202 203 205 205 206 207 208 212 213 214 217 219 220 222 226 237
A. Find the mean, median and mode:


Mean= 210.7
Median= 10.5/ 207
Mode= 205, 207

B. Find the standards deviation and variance:

Variance= 12169.62
Standard deviation= 110.316

18. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of a new dog food on the weight gain in
pups during the first eight weeks of their lives. It is reported that the mean weight gain in a group
of Great Dane pups is 30 pounds with a standard deviation of 10 pounds, and the mean weight
gain in a group of Chihuahua pups is 3 pounds with a standard deviation of 1.5 pounds. Which
group exhibits the greater variability?

The greater variability is the Great Dane pups have a the mean of 30 pound and 10 pounds
standard deviation
19. Two mobile phone companies are considering revising their charges based on the average
length of calls within their service area. The random variable of interest is the length of calls: in
minutes. A random sample of 15 previous consumer bills for company a and company b are given
Company a:
2.33 2.26 2.12 2.24 1.98 2.45 2.12 2.18 2.25 2.40 2.08 2.28 2.32 2.44 2.12
Company b:
1.98 2.35 2.42 2.54 2.19 1.95 2.25 2.40 2.34 1.95 2.08 2.42 2.28 2.56 2.45
A mobile phone user of company a has used 2.05 minutes of call. A mobile phone user of
company b has used 2.25 minutes of call. Which has a longer call relative to the company?
Company a have a longer call relative call because company a have ah short long minute that's
why company a have many minute to call because of the short time in call in every person

20. The data given here represent the total number of medals for the top 15 countries in 2017
winter Olympics.

39 31 29 23 20 17 17 15 14 14
13 12 10 9 7
A. Find the 65th percentile.


A. P64 = 14

B. Find the 25th percentile.


P25 = 26

C. Find the median


Median = 8th term / 15

D. Find the 75th percentile.


P75 = 18.5

21. The following box plot above shows three meal plans used in an experiment to determine if
there are significant differences in attention spans for children in a grade 3 class. Forty-five
children are divided into three groups: 15 were not given breakfast, 15 were given light breakfast
and 15 were given full breakfast before a class. Their attention spans were observed and the data
are in minutes. Are there outliers for the three groups?


There are outlier in the 3 groups the outlier in 3 group are 15.00
22. The following measurements are numbers of species of insects found in difference forest in
some provinces in the country.

193 198 200 202 203 205 205 206 207 207 208 212 213 214 217 219 220 222
A. Find the Q1 ,Q2 , Q3 , P20 , P 45 , P70 , P80


Q1: 203
Q2: 207.5
Q3: 218
P20: 202
P45: 207
P70: 217
P80: 219.5

B. Determine if there is an outlier.

Lower outlier: 180.5
Higher outlier: 240.5

23. The three quartiles for the blood pressure in a sample of 1000 men are:
Q1=110 mm hg. Q2=114.5 mm hg, and q3=117 mm hg.
A. Find the iqr.
Q1: 110
Q2: 114.5
Q3: 117

B. Find the lower and upper boundaries.

Lower boundaries: 99.5
Higher boundaries: 127.5

C. A man has a blood pressure of 160 mm hg which is considered very high. Is this blood pressure
an outlier?
Yes because its exceeds tot the higher boundaries.

24. A biologist measures the diameters (in ft) of 19 narra trees in a certain forest. The
measurements are:
22 30 28 24 24 30 24 34 30 30 36 22 15 26 20 28 52 28 20
Is there an outlier diameter?
Lower boundary: q1-1.5(iqr)
5-15= -10 or 0
Upper boundary: q3+1.5(iqr)
15+15= 30

25. The following numbers represent the amount of calories in 10 different coffees sold in a coffee
bar: 10, 290, 120, 250, 130, 210, 190, 270, 300, and 250. Calculate the first quartile, third quartile,
and lower and upper boundaries. Determine if there is an outlier.
q1 = 2.75
Q2 = 5.5

Q3 = 8.25
Lower boundaries: 5.5
Upper boundaries: 16.5
26. Recorded here are the germination times (days) for seven seeds of a new strain of beans:
12 30 18 18 15 16 2
2 and 30 are suspect outliers. Should they be rejected or retained?
Q1 = 2
Q2 = 4
Q3 = 6
Lower boundaries : -4 or 0
Upper boundaries : 12

27. The scores of 30 students on a 100-point test in mathematics are:

48 64 85 56 68 84 84 73 92 65 84 87 72 89 42 77 90 38 74 92 45 72 88 76 84 80 62 56 78 82
Use a percentile rank calculator.
A. Find the percentile rank for a score of 58. 79
b. Find the percentile rank for a score of 69. 84
C. Find the percentile rank for a score of 75. 84.5
D. Find the percentile rank for a score of 54. 77.5
e. Find the percentile rank for a score of 78. 85
F. Find the percentile rank for a score of 90. 89.5
G. Find the percentile rank for a score of 40. 72
H. Find the percentile rank for a score of 47. 75
I. Find the percentile rank for a score of 85. 88
j. Is the lowest score an extreme value? 38

K. Using the five-number summary, construct a box plot (or use any statistical software) and
determine an outlier.
Answer: five number summary
Minimum = 38
Q1 = 63
Median = 76.5
Q3 = 84.5
Maximum = 92
28. Medical records show that the average body temperature is 98.4 °f with a standard deviation of
0.5 °f. The average pulse rate is 78 beats per minute with a standard deviation of 9 beats per
minute. Which of these vital signs is more variable? How much more variable is one than the
Its the pulse rate is more variable because it is higher than the body temperature.
The pulse rate average was 11.53 abd the body temperature average was 0.508.

29.the following data are the amounts of sodium per slice (in milligrams) for each of 20 brands of
cheese from different countries in a supermarket.
260 340 380 325 360 350 320 250 325 280 350 300 340 340 370 360 340 300 520 250
A. Find the mean amount of sodium. 333
b. Find the values of the five-number summary statistics.
Minimum: 250
Q1: 300
Median: 340
Q3: 355
Maximum: 520
C. Construct a box plot for these data.
D. Determine if there is an outlier.
Lower boundaries: 217.5
Upper boundaries: 437.5
30.the weights of a certain kind of carabao mangoes from zambales have an average weight of
360 grams and a standard deviation of 40 grams. The weights of piko mangoes from batangas
have an average weight of 0.40 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.05 pound. Which variety of
mango exhibits greater variability?
The piko mangoes from batangas was more variable than the mango carabao from zambales .
Carabao: 11.11 %
Piko: 12.5%

42. A certain machine produces components having a mean length of 15 centimeters . As a result
of measuring samples of these components , it is foound that the standard deviation is 0.2
centimeters. A test is carried out on a sample to check whether the data on the length of the
components is normally distributed and it found that this is so.
A. Determine the number of components likely to have a length of less than 14.95 cm in a batch of
10,000 components.
4010 components

B. Determine the number of components likely to be between 14.95 and 15.15 cm long in a batch
of 10,000 components.
3720 components

C. Determine the number of components likely to be larger than 15:43 cm long in a batch of
10,000 components.
160 components

43. Among a group of women aged 18-24 years , 8.08% are less than 61.2 inches tall , 90.13%
are between 61.2 inches and 68.2 inches , and 1.79% are more than 68.2 inches tall. Assuming
that the heights distribution can be adequately approximated by a normal curve , find the mean
and the standard deviation of the heights.
mean: 67.6

44. The actual amount of coffe that a filling machine deposits into “6-ounce” jars varies from jae to
jar , and may be looked upon as random variable having a normal distribution with a standard
deviation of 0.04 ounce. If only 2.5% of the jars are to contain less than 6 ounces of coffe , what
must be the mean fill of these jars?
Mean: 1.63

45. If a set of grades on statistics quiz are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 74
and a standard deviation of 7.9 , find:

a. The lowest passing grade if the lowest 10% of the students are given a failing grade of f’s .

b. The highest b if the top 5% are given a’s.


46.the cholesterol level x in healthy individuals is age –and sex-dependent . For males under age
21, the average reading of healthy individuals is 160 mg/dl with a standard deviation of 10mg/dl.
For males 21-29 years old, the mean cholesterol level is 200 mg/dl with a standard deviation of 30
mg/dl, and for males 30 years or over , the mean cholesterol level reading is 22o mg/dl with a
standard deviation of 30mg/dl . Assuming the cholesterol level follows a normal distribution, find:

a. The percentage of males under 21 years old whose cholesterol level is 170 mg/dl and above.
Less than 200 mg/dl

b. .p[195<x<224] among the males whose ages are between 21 to 29 years old.
200 mg/dl

c. The percentage of males 21 to 29 years old whose cholesterol level is less 160 mg/dl.
Less than 125 mg/dl

d. The percentage of males 30 years old or over whose cholesterol level is less than 190 mg/dl .
Less than 125 mg/dl

e. A cholesterol level x that has the property thath 12.5% of males from among those whose age is
30 years or over have a cholesterol level x lower than x.
Less than 130 mg/dl

47. Among a certain population of primates , the volume of the cranial cavity x is approximately
normally distributed with mean 1200 cc and standard deviation 140 cc.
a. Find the probablity that a random chosen member of the population will have a cranial cavity
larger than 1400 cc.
P(x> 1450)=p(z > (1450-1400)/125)=1-p(z ≤0.4) 1-0.6554= 0.3446.

B. Find the p[1000<x<1060].

P(x1350)=p(z < (1350-1400)/125)=p(z< -0.4)≈ 0.3446.

C. Find p[x<1060].
P(1300 < x < 1500)=p((1300-1400)/125<z< (1500-1400)/125)=p(-0.8 <z<0.8)

D. Find the point x such that 20% of these primates have a cranial cavity smaller than.
P(x= 12) = f(12)= 0.05.

E. Find the point x such that 10% of these primates have a cranial cavity larger than.
P(x> 9) =1-f(9)=1-0.35= 0.65

48.suppose the temperatures of healthy humans is approximately normal with a mean of 98.6
degrees and a standard deviation of 0.8 degrees.

a. If a haelthy person is selected at random , what is the probability that the person has a
temperature above 99.0 degrees?
Using the 68/95/99.7 rule, we know that about 68% of people have body temperatures within +1
standard deviation of the mean, so between 36.8-0.4 = 36.4 degrees and 36.8+0.4 37.2 degrees

B. What is 95th percentile fir the body temperature of healthy humans?

Again using the 68/95/99.7 rule, we know that about 95% of people have body temperatures within
12 standard deviation of the mean, so between 36.8-2(0.4) 36.0 degrees and 36.8+2(0.4) 37.6
degrees celsius.

C. If two healthy are selected at random , what is the probability that their temperatures are
between 99.0 degrees and 99.4 degrees?
37.6 is 2 standard deviations above the mean. We know that about 95% of people have
temperatures within 12 sd's of the mean, so that leaves a total of about 5% with values more
extreme than this (in either direction). The symmetry of the normal distribution implies that half of
these, or about 2.5% of all people have values more than 2 sd's above the mean or above 37.6
degrees (and about 2.5% have values less than 2 sd's below the mean, or below 36.0 degrees).

D. A person with a temperature 2 standard deviation more than the average temperature is
considered to be an emergency case. What must the temperature iof a person be before he or she
is brought to an emergency room?
About what percent are between 36.4 and 37.6 degrees celsius? 37.6 is two standard deviations
above the mean, so only about 2.5% of people have tempera deviations of the mean) are below
this value. That means that about 97.5% -16%= 81.5% of people have temperatures between 36.4
and 37.6 degrees celsius. Tures higher than this and 97.5% have values less than or equal to
37.6. 36.4 is one standard deviation below the mean, so about 16% (half of the 32% that are not
within 1 standard.

E. If a healthy person has a temperature , he or she is suffering from hypothermia . What is the
temperature reading of a person with hypothermia?
About 32% of people have temperatures more than one standard deviation from the mean and,
due to the symmetry of the distribution, half of these people, or 16% of all people have
temperature more than one standard deviation above the mean, or 36.8+0.437.2 degrees.

49.the weghts of male basketball players on a certain college are normally distributed with a mean
of 180 pounds and a standard deviation of 26 pounds . If a player is selected at random , find the
probability that:

A. The player will weight more the 225 pounds .

b. The player will weigh less than 225 pounds .
c. The player will weigh between 180 and 225 pounds.

50. The average score on one of your math exams was 75 with a standard deviation of 20.
Assuming the scores are normally distributed ,

a. If your corresponding z-score was 1.5, what is your corresponding raw score and percentile
Z score tells you how far the raw score is away from the mean in terms of standard deviation units.

b. If the z-score associated with a given raw score is equal to 0, what does this imply?
Z scores are raw scores expressed in standard deviation units, relative to the mean score.

c. What percentage of the students got a score above 90?

10% or 1- 0.9 = 0.1

d. What percentage of the students got a score less than 50?

0.15866 or 16%

e. If the top 5% are given a’s in that examination , what is the lowest raw score to get an a?

51. In a certain population of a kind of fish , the length of the individual fish follows a normal
distribution . The average length of individual fish is 54 mm and as standard deviation of 4.5 mm.

a. What percentage of the fish is between 54mm and 60mm?


b. What percentage of the fish is less than 58mm?

c. What percntage of the fish is more than 48mm?

e. All fish with length between 59.4mm and 68 mm are considered class b and there were 48,105
individual fish in class b . How many fishes are there all in all in the population?

52. The average monthly cost of living for a family of four in metro manila as reported in a survey
of the philippine statistics authority is 90,793.12 (including rent). If the standard deviation of the
cost of living is 2,580.50 and the costs of living are approximately normally distributed

What proportions are the costs of living are greater than 100,000?

b. What proportions of the costs of living are between 89,000 and 100,000?
c. What proportions of th cost of living are less than 85,000?
66, 497

53. The diameters of firs (used as christmas trees) grown in a tree farm in baguio are normally
distributed with a mean of 4 inches and a standard deviation of 1.5 inches.

a. What proportion of the trees will have diameters between 3 and 5 inches?
4 inches

b. What propotion of the trees will have diameters less than 3 inches ?
1.5 inches

c. What proportion of the trees will have diameters more than 5.5 inches ?
6 inches

d. What proportion of the trees will have a diameter less tha 2 inches?

e. If you use the fir tree from this farm for a christmas tree and if the christmas tree stand can
accommodate a tree up to a diameter of 6 inches , what proportion of the treeswill not fit in your
christmas tree stand?


54. Studies show that the starting salaries for a new graduate average 22,510, with a standard
deviation 2,250. If salaries are normally distributed , what is the probability thhat a new graduate
will earn.

a. More than 21,000?


b. Less than 25,000?


c. Between 24,000 and 26,000


55. The average life of an certain brand of car battery is 16months with a standard deviation of

A. What is probability that life span of this brand of car battery is less than a year?
- 1.4

b. What is probability that is brand of car battery will last nore than 2 years?

56. The average monthly rental on a two bedroom apartment is 15,000 per month. Assume that
the monthly rental is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 2,000.

a. What is probability that the monthly rental is more than 18,000?


b. What is probability that the monthly rebtal is below 18,000?

c. What is probability that the monthly rental is between 10,000 and 12,000?

57. In a certain village, the average family incommes are normally distributed with a mean of
60,000 and a standard deviation of 30,000 per month find:

a. The probability that a given family has an income over 100,00.


b. The probability that a given family has an income between 50,000 and 102,500.

c. The probability that has an income less than 75,000.


58. According to manufacturer, the average weight of a ceral box the produced is 20 ounces with
standard deviation of 0.5 ounce.

a. If a random sample of 1000 boxes are selected , what is the probability that the weight is less
than 19.5 ounces?
10 ounces

b. What is the probability that the ceral boxes weigh more than 21 ounces?
25 ounces

c. What is probability that the cereal weigh between 19.95 and 21.5 ounces?
10.21 ounces

59. The current average net monthly salary of a new public school teacher is 23,250. The net
monthly salary is normally is distributed with a standard deviation of 5,725.

a. Find the pprobability that a teacher recieves a net monthly inccome 25,000.

b. What percentage of the teachers receive a net income of at most 30,000?


c. What percentage of the teachers receive a net monthly income of less than 25,500?

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