Minerals of Indiana

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Indiana Department of Conservation

Bulletin No. 18









September 1060
For sale by Geological Survey, Indiana Department of Conservation, Bloomington, Ind.
Price 75 cents



JOHN B. PATTON, State Geologist

M AURICE E. BIGGS, Assistant State Geologist

M ARY BETH FOX, Mineral Statistician
Coal Section

Charles E. Wier, Geologist and Head

G. K. Guennel, Paleobotanist
S. A. Friedman, Geologist
Harold C. Hutchison, Geologist
Richard C. Neavel, Coal Petrographer

Drafting and Photography Section

William H. Moran, Chief Draftsman

Robert E. Judah, Geological Artist-Draftsman
Micky P. Love, Geological Draftsman
John E. Peace, Senior Geological Draftsman
George R. Ringer, Photographer

Educational Services

R. Dee Rarick, Geologist and Head Geochemistry Section

R. K. Leininger, Spectrographer and Head
Maynard E. Coller, Chemist
Louis V. Miller, Coal Chemist
E. M. Craig, Geochemical Assistant

Geology Section

Robert H. Shaver, Paleontologist and Head

Henry H. Gray, Head Stratigrapher
William J. Wayne, Head Glacial Geologist
Allan F. Schneider, Glacial Geologist

Geophysics Section

Maurice E. Biggs, Geophysicist and Head

Robert F. Blakely, Geophysicist
Charles S. Miller, Instrument Maker
Albert J. Rudman, Geophysicist
Joseph F. Whaley, Geophysicist
Glen L. Workman, Driller
Jerry B. Fox, Assistant Driller
Arthur Wayne Aynes, Geophysical Assistant

Industrial Minerals Section

Duncan J. McGregor, Geologist and Head

Gary R. Gates, Geologist
Seymour S. Greenberg, Petrographer
Jack L. Harrison, Clay Mineralogist
Ned M. Smith, Geologist
Jack A. Sunderman, Geologist

Petroleum Section
T. A. Dawson, Geologist and Head
G. L. Carpenter, Geologist
Andrew J. Hreha, Geologist
Stanley Keller, Geologist
Arthur P. Pinsak, Geologist
Howard Smith, Geologist
Dan M. Sullivan, Geologist
George Abbott, Geological Assistant
James Cazee, Geological Assistant
Phillip W. Cazee, Geological Assistant
John R. Helms, Geological Assistant

Publications Section
Gerald S. Woodard, Editor and Head
Lewis W. Nellinger, Sales and Record Clerk
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Abstract ..............................................................................................................................7

Introduction .......................................................................................................................7

Purpose and scope ......................................................................................................7

Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................9

History ...............................................................................................................................9

Geologic setting .............................................................................................................. 10

Occurrence and distribution ............................................................................................. 13

Description of individual minerals ................................................................................. 14

Allophane ................................................................................................................. 14

Anhydrite ................................................................................................................. 15

Apatite ...................................................................................................................... 15

Aragonite ................................................................................................................. 16

Asphalt ..................................................................................................................... 17

Barite ........................................................................................................................ 18

Calcite ...................................................................................................................... 20

Celestite ................................................................................................................... 22

Chalcopyrite ............................................................................................................. 23

Coplapite .................................................................................................................. 23

Copper ...................................................................................................................... 24

Diamond ................................................................................................................... 24

Dolomite ................................................................................................................... 26

Epsomite ................................................................................................................... 27

Fluorite ..................................................................................................................... 28

Galena ....................................................................................................................... 29

Glauconite ................................................................................................................ 31

Goethite .................................................................................................................... 32

Gold .......................................................................................................................... 32

Gypsum .................................................................................................................... 35

Halloysite .................................................................................................................. 36

Hematite .................................................................................................................... 38

Hydromagnesite ........................................................................................................ 38

Limonite ................................................................................................................... 39

Marcasite .................................................................................................................. 40

Melanterite ................................................................................................................. 41

Millerite .................................................................................................................... 42

Nitrocalcite ................................................................................................................ 43

Opal ........................................................................................................................... 44

Potash alum .............................................................................................................. 44

Pyrite ......................................................................................................................... 46


Pyrrhotite .................................................................................................................. 46

Quartz ....................................................................................................................... 47

Siderite ...................................................................................................................... 48

Silver ......................................................................................................................... 49

Smythite .................................................................................................................... 49

Sphalerite .................................................................................................................. 50

Strontianite ................................................................................................................ 51

Sulfur ........................................................................................................................ 52

Wad ........................................................................................................................... 52

Doubtful and discredited mineral occurrences ................................................................53

List of selected localities with page references ............................................................... 53

Literature cited ................................................................................................................. 65

Index of minerals and mineraloids mentioned in this report .......................................... 73


Figure 1. Map of Indiana showing counties .....................................................................8

2. Generalized geologic map of Indiana ...............................................................11


Table 1. Stratigraphic position in Indiana of rocks mentioned in this report ............... 12

2. Reported occurrences of native copper in Indiana ......................................... 25

3. Reported occurrences of native gold in Indiana ............................................. 34


Undisturbed Paleozoic sediments form the bedrock surface of Indiana. The
most common minerals in these sediments are calcite, clay minerals, dolomite,
glauconite, goethite, gypsum, hematite, limonite (hydrous iron oxides), quartz,
and siderite. Found less abundantly are anhydrite, apatite, aragonite, barite,
celestite, copiapite, epsomite, fluorite, marcasite, melanterite, millerite, pyrite,
pyrrhotite, smythite, sphalerite, strontianite, sulfur, and wad. These minerals
occur in veins and cavities; along bedding, joint, and fracture surfaces and
stylolite seams; and In geodes in limestones. Reported and observed locations
and modes of occurrence are presented for each of the minerals except most clay
minerals. The more unusual minerals that occur in glacial materials of Indiana,
native copper, diamond, galena, native gold, and native silver, are described in
A literature study was the basis for a brief discussion of the history of Indiana
minerals. The present report questions the reported occurrences in Indiana of
native bismuth, graphite, malachite, moissanite, nitromagnesite, and stibnite.

This work was undertaken to study and describe the minerals
of Indiana and to list the localities at which they have been found.
Clay minerals (except allophane and halloysite), soils, detrital
minerals, and minerals found in glacial materials (except the more
unusual varieties) are not included in this study. The minerals and
mineraloids mentioned in this report are listed in the index.
We have sought to include all previous references to Indiana’s
minerals and have indicated those entries that are doubtful and
those entries for which we were unable to confirm a reported oc­
currence. About 8 weeks of the summer of 1950 were spent field
checking localities in 37 counties (fig. 1). There are very few out­
crops of bedrock in the most northerly part of the State. Most of
the active and many abandoned crushed limestone quarries, a few
coal strip mines, and road and railroad cuts were examined, but no
search for outcrops was made. Laboratory studies of much of the
material collected have been made. Only an imperfect picture of
Indiana's minerals can be presented at this time. Additional min­
erals and new localities and modes of occurrence will
undoubtedly be found in Indiana by future workers.
U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.

Figure 1.-Map of Indiana showing counties. A field check was made in the
counties that are shaded.

We wish to thank Dr. Charles A. Deppe, of Franklin College,

for showing the S. S. Gorby Collection, which is housed there;
Mr. W. B. Reeves, of Greencastle, for letting us examine a collec­
tion of geodes from Big Walnut Creek, Putnam County; and many
quarry operators for granting us permission to examine their

Within historic time the Indians were the first to be interested

in minerals in Indiana. Colonel George Croghan, who wrote one
of the earliest accounts of the land which is now Indiana, was cap­
tured by a band of Kickapoo Indians in 1765 near the mouth of
the Wabash River and was taken by them up the Wabash, past
Port Vincent (Vincennes), to the Vermillion River. Here he
observed occurrences of red ocher of iron from which the river
took its name, and which was used by the Indians in that vicinity
to paint themselves. Farther up the Wabash at Fort Ouitanon, near
the present city of Lafayette (there is confusion as to the exact
location), Colonel Croghan noted (1831, p. 267) : “On the south
side of the Ouabache runs a high bank, in which are several fine
coal mines,....” These coals probably had been utilized by the
nearby French settlers, but conceivably the Indians made use of
them as a pigment.
Another early American explorer, Henry R. Schoolcraft, said
(1825, p. 111-112) of the Indians
Among the males we observed many to have their leggings, and shot
pouches, garnished with a kind of rude copper bell, of a conical form; made by
beating out masses of native copper, which they occasionally find on the upper
parts of the Wabash.

Presumably the Indians also imported some copper from the

Lake Superior copper mines, which had been worked by them
even before the discovery of America. References to copper
artifacts are many (see Copper, p. 24) ; a good account is given by
Hoy (1886).
The Indians knew of and used Wyandotte Cave in Crawford
County (4).2 Ball (1941, p. 39) summarized the various accounts
as follows:
The Indians found that Wyandotte Cave, Crawford County, Ind., contained
two desirable products, a jaspery flint and stalactites of satin spar. They car­
Localities are given by the name of the county followed by a number in parentheses.
This number refers to the list of localities (p. 53).

ried on mining a full mile within the cave, lighting their labor with flaming
torches. From the lenses of flint protruding from the limestone walls they hacked
flint flakes, with granite hammers, and also cut from a giant stalactite some
1,000 cubic feet of glistening alabaster. The imprints of their mocassins were
still visible on the floor of the cave 80 years ago. They also dug down from the
surface in one place until the cave formation was encountered and mined
alabaster open cut. Deer antlers were used as picks in this work.

Ball further related (1941, p. 46) that fluorite, picked up from out­
crops in southern Illinois, was used as ornamental stone by the
Indians of Indiana; in addition, they made use of aragonite,
calcite, gypsum, hematite, marcasite, mica, pyrite, quartz, and
galena. Their use of galena, which they found in the glacial
materials or acquired by trade from outside the State, led early
settlers to believe that the Indians knew of secret lead and silver
mines in Indiana. Many futile attempts were made to locate these
Reports of lead (see Galena, p. 29) and other metal deposits
were investigated and discredited by the geologists first commis­
sioned by the young State to survey the various counties. The
most notable among these were the brothers David Dale Owen
and Richard Owen, E. T. Cox, and John Collett. Many other
professional and amateur geologists made valuable contributions ;
two of the latter, W. B. Stilson (1818) and J. T. Plummer (1843),
gave useful accounts of the minerals which they found in certain
parts of the State. Brown (1817, p. 62, 65, and 80) mentioned
several minerals that the pioneer settlers might expect to find in
the new State of Indiana.


Sediments of late Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississip­

pian, and Pennsylvanian ages form the bedrock surface of
Indiana. Their general distribution is shown on the geologic map
(fig. 2), and their stratigraphic position is shown in table 1. A
mantle of unconsolidated glacial drift and later gravels, sands, and
muds covers approximately three-fourths of the State (fig. 2).
This mantle may be as much as 550 feet thick.
The southeastern part of Indiana lies on the Cincinnati Arch,
and another positive area extends across northern Indiana. To the
west and southwest of these structural highs the rocks dip gently
and thicken southwestward into the Illinois Basin. North of the
positive area in the northern part of the State the rocks dip
northward into the Mic higan Basin. A few minor faults are pres­
ent. The largest and most important is the Mt. Carmel Fault,

Figure 2.-Generalized geologic map of Indiana. From Patton, 1955, fig. 1.

which extends for about 50 miles along the east flank of the Illi­
nois Basin. A small but strong structural anomaly is found near

Kentland in southern Newton County. Here middle Ordovician

limestones and dolomites have been folded, broken, and elevated
to the surface probably by a deep-seated disturbance in the earth's
No igneous or metamorphic rocks have been found in the
Paleozoic bedrock of Indiana. Igneous and metamorphic rocks
have been penetrated in deep wells drilled into the Precambrian
basement rocks (Kottlowski and Patton, 1953). The Precambrian
rocks identified were hornblende micrographic granite, dolomitic
marble, siliceous argillite, augite andesite microporphyry, quart­
zite, and slate.
The nearest igneous rocks are post-Pennsylvanian mica
peridotite dikes found in the Illinois-Kentucky area associated
with the Shawneetown-Rough Creek Fault Zone. Dikes of a
similar character have been found in Kansas and southwestern
Evidence of hydrothermal activity in Indiana has not been ob­
served. Shrock and Malott (1933, p. 369) stated that no traces of
hydrothermal alteration have ever been seen at the Kentland struc­
ture, and Logan (1922a, p. 840) concluded that the slight
mineralization which was found along the surface of the Mt.
Carmel fault plane was due to the action of ground water.
Callaghan, however, stated (1948, p. 39) that the hydrated
halloysite at Gardner Mine Ridge (see p. 36) conceivably could
have been formed through the action of hydrothermal solutions.


The most common Indiana minerals are those which might be

expected in undisturbed sedimentary rocks: calcite, clay minerals,
dolomite, glauconite, goethite, gypsum, hematite, limonite,
quartz, and siderite. Most of the more unusual minerals are found
in the lower part of the Harrodsburg Limestone and to a less
extent in the upper part of the underlying Edwardsville
Formation. This stratigraphic unit is at the top of the Osage Series
(the top of the lower part of the Mississippian System). The lower
part of the Harrodsburg Limestone is a thin-bedded argillaceous
locally arenaceous limestone containing in some places abundant
quartz geodes. The greatest variety of minerals occurs in these
Other notably mineralized formations are the Ordovician Elk-
horn Formation, the Silurian Brassfield and Liston Creek Lime­
stones, the Devonian Geneva Dolomite and Jeffersonville Lime­
stone, and the Mississippian St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve Lime­

stones. The minerals occur in veins and cavities ; along bedding,

joint, and fracture surfaces and stylolite seams; and in geodes in
limestones and dolomitic limestones and, to a less extent, in dolo­
mites. In shales most of the mineralization is found in concre­
tions. Other minerals have been deposited by the evaporation of
water as efflorescences on sheltered outcrops or as "formations"
in caves.


xAl2 O3 ?ySiO2 ?zH2 O

Although allophane is not uncommon, few occurrences have

been reported from Indiana. Thompson (1886, p. 38) said “. . .
Professor Gorby, while surveying the ‘flint beds’ of Tippe canoe
County, found a coarse, greenish-blue allophane associated with
other silicious deposits there.” A specimen labeled “allo phane”
from the “Niagara” near Delphi, Carroll County, is in the S. S.
Gorby Collection at Franklin College. This may be the material
referred to by Thompson. He also mentioned (1889, p. 38) that
allophane occurs in the glacial materials associated with “chalk.”
The most extensive occurrence of allophane is in the Gardner
Mine Ridge deposit of halloysite in Lawrence County (p. 36).
Ross and Kerr (1934, p. 137) noted that some of the allophane at
this deposit contained 7.15 percent P 2O5 , and they suggested
(1934, p. 147) that this allophane be called allophane-evansite. At
Gardner Mine Ridge allophane and allophane-evansite are
associated with halloysite at the base of the Mansfield Formation
(Ross and Kerr, 1934; Callaghan, 1948, p. 17-18). A detailed
study of the properties of allophane from this deposit was made
by White (1953). Crandallite, which was formed from the
allophaneevansite, is intimately associated with some of the
allophane at Gardner Mine Ridge (Greenberg and Elberty, 1958).
Callaghan (1948, p. 34) in describing an X-ray trace of allophane
said that “the X-ray pattern suggests a material having the
structure of jarosite or natro-alunite but might possibly be a
crystalline phos phate mineral such as pseudowavellite.”
Crandallite and pseudowavellite can be considered a single
species (Palache, Berman, and Frondel, 1951, p. 837).
Allophane was found by John B. Patton (1950, oral communi­
cation) in the Ralph Rogers Co. quarry at Springville in Lawrence

County (1). The analysis of this allophane that was made by

Maynard E. Coller in the Geochemistry Laboratory of the Indiana
Geological Survey is given below:

SiO 2 10.7
Al 2 O3 37.2
Ignition loss 51.6

The refractive index of this allophane was 1.476.

CaSO 4

Anhydrite is apparently rare in the surface rocks of Indiana.

Small amounts of bluish-white anhydrite are associated with fine-
grained gypsum and euhedral selenite in pockets in the Harrods­
burg Limestone in Lawrence County (8). The anhydrite from this
locality possesses a weak to moderate pink fluorescence, which is
not observed in the associated gypsum. Anhydrite also is found as
inclusions in quartz in the Harrodsburg geodes.
Subsurface studies by McGregor (1954) show that anhydrite
is found in the lower part of the St. Louis Limestone in south­
western Indiana. Bundy (1956b) described the petrology of these
anhydrite deposits.

Ca5 (PO4 ) 3 (OH,F,C1)

Collophane probably is the most common variety of apatite in

Indiana. A specimen of collophane from Cass County (1) is iso­
tropic and has a refractive index of 1.615. A massive anisotropic
apatite, which has wavy extinction and recognizable organic
structures, is commonly associated with the collophane. A
specimen of this anisotropic variety from Cass County (1) has
refractive in dices of 1.625 (w) and 1.620 (e). The latter material
probably is carbonatian fluorapatite, but its exact position in the
apatite group is not known. Fluorapatite has been reported from
Indiana only as rare minute inclusions in quartz grains in the
Mansfield Formation (Hopkins, 1896, p. 201). Collophane occurs
as small pebbles or nodules associated almost invariably with
glauconite and usually with pyrite, quartz, and calcite.
Apatite is found in upper Ordovician limestone (Elkhorn For­
mation) in Wayne County (1). Dawson (1941, p. 7) reported

that it lies at or near the base of the Beechwood Member of the

North Vernon Limestone, which rests unconformably upon the
Silver Creek Member. A specimen in the mineral collections of
Indiana University came from near the top of the Silver Creek
Member; this specimen contains large phosphate nodules. Camp­
bell (1946, p. 837-838, 847-849) mentioned that jet-black phos­
phorite and pebbles ranging from half an inch in diameter to sev­
eral inches long in elongated flattened forms had been found in
the lower part of the New Albany Shale. In the Devonian rocks of
northern Indiana, phosphate pebbles occur in a glauconitic cal­
careous sandstone in Cass County (1). At this locality the phos­
phate pebble -glauconite layer probably is near the Silurian (Ko­
komo Limestone) -Devonian (Jeffersonville Limestone?) discon­
formity (Cumings and Shrock, 1928, p. 124; Patton, 1949, p. 14,
A glauconitic pebble conglomerate, which is several inches
thick, and which contains pebbles and fragments of bone phos­
phate (including good specimens of shark teeth), occurs near the
Edwardsville -Harrodsburg contact in Monroe County (6). Malott
(1952, p. 71) mentioned that small phosphatic nodules had been
found in a Chester sandstone (Big Clifty Formation) in the Arthur
quarry near Newark, Greene County.
Apatite has been found in Bartholomew (1), Cass (1), Jennings
(1), Monroe (6), and Wayne (1) Counties.


Most of the aragonite that was collected showed a medium to

intense yellow or yellowish-white fluorescence and a greenish-
yellow phosphorescence under short-wave ultraviolet radiation.
Particularly strong responses were displayed by aragonite from
Monroe (18) and Washington (9) Counties.
Aragonite has been found in association with calcite, dolomite,
hydromagnesite, siderite, marcasite, pyrite, gypsum, barite, and
celestite. Aragonite is much less commonly found than calcite and
is most abundant in cave deposits. The famous large “Pillar of the
Constitution” of Wyandotte Cave is composed chiefly of ara­
gonite (Farrington, 1901). Together with calcite aragonite forms
the pendulous stalactites, or it may occur as powdery or fibrous
crusts on the roofs of caves. Aragonite is found with hydro-
magnesite in this kind of crust on the roof of Marengo Cave in
Crawford County (1). Some of the calcareous tufa formed on the

banks of the Wabash River (see Calcite, p. 20) may be aragonite

in part.
Aragonite is less commonly found in solution cavities or on
joint surfaces in limestones and also in quartz geodes. Fix (1939)
mentioned that aragonite occurs with mammillary calcite above
the geode zone in a Harrodsburg Limestone quarry in Monroe
County (10). We were unable to confirm this occurrence, but we
did find abundant strontianite at the locality mentioned. A rather
unusual occurrence of aragonite is in the pearls of clams which
are occasionally found in the Ohio, Wabash, and White Rivers
and in other rivers of Indiana. Logan (1922a, p. 1057) stated that
some of these pearls are reported to have sold for more than a
hundred dollars.
Aragonite has been found in Brown (1), Crawford (1), Har­
rison (3), Monroe (5, 10, and 18), Montgomery (3), Perry (1), and
Washington (9) Counties.

(Hydrocarbon compounds)

Asphalt is not a definite mineral species, but rather it is a com­

plex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds that is closely associated
with certain minerals. The more liquid varieties have a bright
greenish-yellow fluorescence, but jet-black solid asphalt that we
tested did not fluoresce with a short-wave (2537 A) ultraviolet
The pasty viscid variety of asphalt known as maltha is found
commonly in cavities in the Jeffersonville Limestone and was no­
ticed especially in Bartholomew County (1), where it was found
in pockets lined with calcite and fluorite. It also was noted in a
slightly more solid form at or near this horizon in Cass County
(1). A glossy, black, hard asphalt with a splintery to conchoidal
fracture is found in several places in the St. Louis and Ste. Gene­
vieve Limestones. Here it occurs as disseminated particles in
chert and is associated with dark-purple fluorite, calcite, pyrite,
and (in Lawrence County (2)) millerite. Traces of asphalt are
present in geodes in Lawrence County (7).
Asphalt was first noted in Indiana by Plummer (1843, p. 298) in
pockets in the “cliff limestone” (Niagaran?) of Wayne County.
Collett (1872a, p. 299, 302, 306, 313) mentioned various occur­
rences, mostly in Devonian rocks, in Jasper, White, Carroll, and
Cass Counties and (1874b, p. 340) an occurrence in Knox County.
Collett also described (1879, p. 445) the “Tar Springs” near Sul­

phur, Crawford County, which discharge small quantities of as­

phalt with water; this locality was also mentioned by Blatchley
(1903a, p. 40). Some occurrences in Gibson County were de­
scribed by Fuller and Clapp (1904, p. 9) as follows:
During the drilling of a well by the Interstate Gas and Oil Company at
Princeton, in 1902, a 5-foot bed of asphalt was reported at a depth of about 500
feet, or a little over 100 feet below the Petersburg coal. Small samples of the
material brought cut by the bailer showed the asphalt to be a Jet black, nearly
pure variety closely resembling Trinidad asphalt in its reactions to physical and
chemical tests. A small bed of similar material is reported to have been
encountered in the Old Hall well, on the southwest outskirts of Princeton, about
a mile south of the new well, while in the Oswald mine, three-fourths of a mile
to the west, a black substance, known as liquid asphalt, seeps into the bottom of
the mine at 430 feet to such an extent that some of the rooms have been
abandoned and closed. It is said to enter through a nearly vertical “break” filled
with clay.

R. S. Blatchley (1907) also mentioned these occurrences in his

description of the Princeton Oil Field.
Asphalt has been found in Bartholomew (1), Carroll, Cass (1),
Crawford, Gibson, Harrison (2), Jasper, Knox, Lawrence (2, 7,
and 13), Monroe (9), Putnam (6), Wayne, and White Counties.

BaSO 4

Barite in Indiana occurs in limestones and shales of

Ordovician to Pennsylvanian age. It has been found in association
with quartz, limonite, calcite, dolomite, pyrite, sphalerite, and
strontianite, but not, however, in close association with celestite.
Pyrite, marcasite, millerite, goethite, and gas (or liquid) inclusions
are present in most barite from Indiana. Pyrrhotite (or smythite?)
was found as inclusions in barite from Monroe (19) and Jackson
(1) Counties in geodes in the Harrodsburg Limestone. In the
upper Ordovician and lower Silurian rocks of southeastern
Indiana barite commonly is colored pink to rose red by minute in­
clusions of goethite?. Barite from Wayne County (1) fluoresced
with a moderately strong pink color under a 2537 A wave length
ultraviolet lamp; no fluorescence was noted in other specimens.
Barite occurs in mineralized corals (Columnaria alveolata )
and stromatoporoids in the upper Ordovician (Saluda Limestone
and Whitewater and Elkhorn Formations) and in vugs and cavities
in these same Ordovician units and in the Brassfield Limestone. It
was noted as a trace constituent in insoluble residues of Niagaran
rocks of southeastern Indiana by Priddy (1939, p. 495). One oc­

currence (in Jennings County (1)) has been observed in rocks of

the Devonian System. Barite in Mississippian rocks is found in
geodes (Edwardsville Formation and Harrodsburg Limestone), in
vugs and cavities (St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, and Paoli Lime­
stones), and, as the fibrous variety, in thin seams in shales (Ed­
wardsville Formation and the shale above the Beaver Bend Lime­
stone). It partially cements some of the Chester sandstones (Mc­
Cartney, 1931). In the Pennsylvanian shales and Quaternary
gravels barite fills cracks in limonite concretions; similar material
was found by Plummer (1843, p. 305) in the glacial drift. The
largest specimen of barite collected in Indiana is a nodular mass
of dense white platy barite, 10 centimeters in diameter, collected
by C. A. Malott in 1940 from the top of the Paoli Limestone 0.5
mile west of Hendricksville, Greene County.

Barite was observed in Indiana near Richmond, Wayne

County, as early as 1843 by Plummer (p. 283). Richard Owen
(1862, p. 54) mentioned the occurrence of barite associated with
galena near Rising Sun, Ohio County, but this occurrence has not
been confirmed. Collett (1874c, p. 295) reported the following
occurrence in Lawrence County
Near the palatial residence of Barton Williams In the southwest corner of
Indian Creek township, occurs a typical bed of “pebbly conglomerate,” and a
stratum of fibrous spar having a faint tinge of blue color: the latter has ap­
parently the specific gravity of “heavy spar” (Barytes), but the structure, color,
etc., is that of Celestine (sulphate of Strontia). For determination I refer to the
Chemist’s report.

The chemist’s report could not be found, but the material referred
to is probably barite (not celestite). Barite occurs above the Bea­
ver Bend Limestone in shales low in the Chester Series in Law­
rence County (13).

Barite has been found in Decatur (1), Jackson (1 and 2), Jef­
ferson (1), Jennings (1), Lawrence (2, 3, 4, 7, 10, and 13), Monroe
(1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 19), Montgomery (1 and 3),
Morgan (1), Orange (1), Owen (4), Parke (1), Perry (2), Putnam
(1 and 3). Ripley (1), Switzerland (1), Warren (1), Washington (1,
4, and 10), and Wayne (1 and 2) Counties. The occurrence in
Decatur County was reported by Grossman (1942) ; in Monroe
County (10) by Fix (1939) ; and in Putnam County (3) by Reeves


Commonly observed habits of calcite from Indiana are obtuse

to acute rhombohedral, cuboid, scalenohedral, and tabular. Large
crystals (some over a foot long) having a dipyramidal habit and

displaying prominently the form {8 8 16 3) occur in Cass County

(1). Crystals that are almost as transparent as Iceland spar are
found on dolomite in quartz geodes in Monroe County (10). Nail­
head spar (parallel growths of flat rhombohedral crystals) is com­
monly found, especially in Monroe County (5). Two generations
of calcite may be found as a crystal within a crystal. The earlier
and usually more acute crystal of many calcite crystals is made
apparent by inclusions of hydrocarbon compounds or iron sulfides
near the outer surface of the earlier crystal or on the interface be­
tween the crystals. Many of these interfaces contain solution ef­
fects. Commonly the later crystal has a blunter habit and is more
transparent than the earlier crystal.
In Cass County (1) some of the calcite crystals are colored
black to dark green by platy dendritic growths of included marca­
site (Smith and Schroeder, 1929). Other occurrences of black
calcite are in Madison County (1) ; at the Newton County Stone
Co. quarry near Kentland, Newton County; and near Pekin,
Washington County (Professor Ralph E. Esarey, oral
communication, 1950). Manganese, iron, magnesium, and zinc
were detected microchemically in salmon-pink calcite from
Monroe County (5). A spectrochemical analysis (by R. K.
Leininger of the Indiana Geological Survey) of yellow calcite,
associated with celestite and gypsum, from Lawrence County (8)
showed that magnesium and minor manganese were present. (Al,
Ba, Si, and Sr were sought for but were not detected.)
Almost all calcite fluoresced with a medium to strong response
when it was examined with a short-wave (2537 Å) ultraviolet
light. Pink, red, and yellow were the colors exhibited most fre­
quently ; in some specimens several colors were present in the
same specimen, and thus zoning, which was not otherwise
apparent, was displayed. Weak greenish yellow phosphorescence
was observed in the calcite examined.
Marcasite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, smythite, millerite, quartz, barite,
and fluorite have been found as inclusions in calcite from Indiana.
Calcite is associated with most minerals found in the State. It

occurs abundantly in rocks of all ages and types in Indiana. As

limestone, limy shale, and limy dolomite it constitutes a large part
of the sedimentary sequence in the State; in some sandstones it
forms the cement. In some coals it occurs as concretions or lines
joint cracks.
Lapham (1828, p. 69) noted calcite in rocks of the Borden
Group at New Albany, Floyd County. This occurrence was later
mentioned by Dana (1844, p. 548) and Anonymous (1950, p.
273). “Fine rhomboidal” crystals were seen in Jefferson County
(1) by David Dale Owen (1838, p. 16). Borden (1875a, p. 154)
described outcrops along Graham Creek in Jennings County 4
miles north of Dupont as “. . . nests, of talc spar crystals, a yard in
width, and [which] afford some good cabinet specimens.” Large
crystals are found in some of the Silurian bioherms, such as one at
Rich Valley in Wabash County (1). Large crystals and isolated
masses of calcite are found in the Geneva Dolomite. Dawson
(1941, p. 24) suggested that many of “these ‘calcite separations’
occurring in the Geneva are due to extreme over-calcification of
fossils.” Some euhedra have been noted in overcalcified Bellero­
phon sp. in Lawrence County (5). Probably the best specimens of
calcite can be found in Monroe County (10) ; the locality has been
described extensively by Fix (1939).
The large crystals and massive varieties of calcite found in
caves of Indiana have been admired from the time of the Indians
to that of present-day visitors. Blatchley (1897, p. 131), describ­
ing Coon’s Cave, about 8 miles southwest of Bloomington,
Monroe County, wrote: “For two or three feet above the waterline
the walls of this room are covered with small but most beautiful
crystals of calcite, which reflected the light of our candles in a
most brilliant manner.” Farrington (1901, p. 265), who visited the
same cave (but called it Coan’s Cave), reported that:

The calcite crystals which line the walls of the pool are made up of the unit

rhombohedron r (1011) and the unit prism of the first order m (1010). The
crystals have all grown in a direction at right angles to the plane of their
attachment. The prism Is quite short, and no crystals are doubly terminated. The
crystals vary in size from quite minute to those the size of an ordinary acorn. It is
noticeable that they Increase in size toward the bottom of the pool. . . . In this
part of the cave stalactites and stalagmites of the ordinary type appear in close
association with the crystal deposits just described. The formations have a
similar origin in that they are both deposits of carbonate of lime from solution in
water. They differ only In the condition that in the making of stalactites and
stalagmites the water was moving, while in the mak ing of crystals it was
standing still.

Wyandotte Cave in Crawford County (4) also attracted the at­

tention of Farrington (1901), who found that the helictites in the
cave are composed of calcite. McGrain (1942) described the
helic tites from the “New Discovery” at Wyandotte Cave.
Deposits of tufa (a spongy porous rock composed of calcite)
along the Wabash River and on Deer Creek in Carroll and Tippe­
canoe Counties were described by Schoolcraft (1824, p. 47; 1825,
p. 117-118), D. D. Owen (1839, p. 21), Richard Owen (1862, p.
98), and Wilson (1906). Large beds of marl occur in many of the
glacial-lake basins of northern Indiana. The marl is impure cal­
cium carbonate, probably calcite for the most part. Stromatolites
(water biscuits), or ovoid algal concretions, composed of calcite
were found recently on the south shore of Lake James, Pokagon
State Park, Steuben County, by W. G. Schlecht, of the U. S. Geo­
logical Survey. They are found in small heaps, especially around
such obstacles as posts, at the high-water line of the lake.
Unusual specimens of calcite can be found in Bartholomew
(1), Cass (1), Decatur (1), Harrison (2, 4, and 5), Huntington (1),
Jasper (1), Jefferson (1), Jennings (1), Lawrence (5, 7, and 8),
Madison (1), Monroe (3, 5, 10, 12, 17, and 18), Perry (1), Ripley
(1), Rush (1), Shelby (1), Wabash (1), Wayne (1), and Wells (2)

SrSO 4

Celestite is found as tabular {001} crystals or as elongated

[001] or [010] crystals. Forms noted on crystals from Lawrence
County (8) are c {001}, d {101}, l {102}, o {011}, and m {210}.
At another locality in Lawrence County (7) z {211} was found on
thin prismatic [010] crystals. The common form a {100} has not
been observed on Indiana celestite. The macrodomes {101} and
{102} of most crystals are striated parallel to their common edge.
Celestite is associated with gypsum, calcite, quartz, and spha­
lerite. It has not been found in close association with barite, al­
though the two minerals have been found at the same localities in
Lawrence (7) and Monroe (10) Counties. It is not associated with
strontianite in most localities, but it has altered to tufts of this
mineral in Lawrence County (7). Minute inclusions of marcasite
impart a yellow color to some of the celestite from Lawrence
County (8). Gypsum and gas also are found as inclusions.
The chief occurrence of celestite is with calcite in quartz geodes
of the Harrodsburg Limestone. Commonly these geodes are

crushed at their bases and slightly flattened. Kulp, Turekian, and

Boyd (1952) made a study of the strontium content of several
limestones. They found that the Harrodsburg contained relatively
low amounts of strontium in comparison with other Indiana lime­
stone. They believed that this was due to the recrystallization of
the Harrodsburg during which some of the strontium was liber­
ated. The strontium in the celestite may have come from this
source. In Owen County (3) celestite occurs as intersecting pale
blue plates in pockets in the St. Louis Limestone.
Plummer (1843, p. 283) stated that laminae of celestite crossed
pockets of calcite in rock near Richmond, Wayne County. This
material may be barite, which occurs in the Elkhorn Formation
there. Celestite reported by Collett (1874c, p. 295) from near
Williams, Lawrence County, may have been barite. Priddy (1939,
p. 495) noted traces of celestite in the insoluble residues of some
Niagaran rocks of southeastern Indiana.
Celestite has been found in Lawrence (7 and 8), Monroe (10),
Owen (3), and Washington (3) Counties. Celestine, a small town
in Dubois County, is named after the second Bishop of Vincennes
(Chamberlain, 1849, p. 189) and not after an occurrence of the


Chalcopyrite is an exceedingly rare mineral in Indiana. It was

reported by Grossman (1942, p. 212) as tiny crystals encrusting a
blackish-stained dolomite in Decatur County (1) and by Professor
Ralph E. Esarey (1950, oral communication) from some of the
thin Chester limestones in Martin County. The first occurrence
could not be confirmed, and the second needs verification. A few
minute crystals of chalcopyrite, on gray barite crystals, occur in a
quartz geode from Parke County (1).

(Fe Mg) Fe 4(SO 4 )6 (OH)2 ·20H 2O

Copiapite from Spencer County (1) was found encrusting shale

above Coal III. The mineral at this locality occurs in fresh euhe­
dral crystals, which are as much as 1 millimeter in diameter, and
which contain no inclusions. It is here found with other iron sul­
fates (possibly melanterite, siderotil, and coquimbite). The optical
properties of this copiapite from Spencer County (1) are a =
1.508, ß = 1.530, ? = 1.577, 2V = 70°, biaxial positive;

pleochroic : X = yellow, Y = pale yellow, and Z = canary yellow.

No previous reference to the occurrence of copiapite in Indiana
was found, perhaps because copiapite may have been mistaken
for sulfur in Indiana coals. This mineral has been found in
Morgan (2), Spencer (1), and Wells (2) Counties.


Nuggets of copper transported by glacial action from the Lake

Superior copper district have been found in 18 counties of Indiana
from its east to west boundaries and as far south as Vanderburgh
County. Crook (1929, p. 119) stated that the copper erratics from
central Indiana to western New York may be referred to the Kan­
san Stage of glaciation, whereas those in western Indiana, Illinois,
and eastern Iowa were transported during the Illinoian or later ice
stages. Salisbury (1886) noted that in general the copper speci­
mens diminish in size in their southerly occurrence.
Schoolcraft (1825, p. 111-112) found the Indians using imple ­
ments and ornaments fashioned from copper, which they found in
the upper regions of the Wabash River. Gorby (1886b, p. 303)

Although pieces of copper are occasionally found in the Drift of this State, it
is altogether probable that the great mass of that metal used in the manufacture
of the relics found here was procured from the great copper-producing districts
of Lake Superior. Among the implements and ornaments of copper found in
Indiana may be mentioned mauls, hammers, axes, awls, ear-rings, bracelets,
beads, etc. T he articles enumerated have all been made of native ore, hammered
into the required shape. The beads were made of copper hammered into sheets,
cut into strips and rolled into small, hollow, cylindrical bodies that could readily
be strung on a string. The bracelets and rings were made by hammering the ore
into a light rod and then bending it into the required shape, the ends usually
overlapping each other.

The localities at which native copper has been found and refer­
ences to these localities are given in table 2.


Diamonds with dodecahedral and hexoctahedral? habits have

outnumbered the octahedral stones found in Indiana. Many of the
crystals are flattened on the octahedron; twinning on this face is
common. The faces commonly are curved and striated. Indiana
diamonds are white, yellow, and pale shades of greenish yellow,
brownish yellow, brown, pink, blue, and green.

Table 2.-Reported occurrences of native copper in Indiana

County Reference Remarks

Brown............. Richard Owen (1862, p. 118) Near Speareville.

Collett (1875, p. 109)

Dearborn.......... Warder (1872, p. 403) 26 oz; near Weisburg on Tanner’s Creek.

De Kalb ............ Dryer (1889, p. 104) Wilmington Township.

Elkhart.............. Salisbury (1886, p. 49) 2 lb; 3 miles from Elkhart.

Franklin ............ Haymond (1869, p. 190) 6 lb; no locality given.

Salisbury (1886, p. 49)
Near Brookville.

Henry................ Salisbury (1886, p. 49)

Jefferson........... Rev. John Sparks (1950, oral communication) Near Madison.

Knox................. Collett (18746, p. 367)

Miami ............... Salisbury (1886, p. 49) 30 lb; near Peru.

Marshall........... Vaughn (1933) 1.027 g; 1 mile east of Tyner.

Parke................. Esten (1928) Boulder Canyon, Turkey Run State Park.

Pike ................... Collett (1872e, p. 284)

St. Joseph ......... Mahin (1933) 27 lb; in a gravel pit near Niles Ave., South Bend.

Vanderburgh.... Collett (1876a, p.294)

Sutton (1882, p. 182)

Vermillion........ Bradley (1869, p. 170) Near Eugene.

Salisbury (1886, p. 49)

Warren.............. Collett (1874d, p. 244)

Wayne.............. Salisbury (1886, p. 49) 17 oz; near Richmond.

White................ Salisbury (1886, p. 49) 3,126 g; Moot’s Creek.

Diamonds have been found in glacial materials in Brown and

Morgan Counties (Cox, 1879a, p. 116-117; Brown, 1884, p. 83;
Blatchley, 1903b; Sterrett, 1913, p. 1039; 1914, p. 665-666; Schal­
ler, 1918, p. 892-893; Blank, 1935; Wade, 1950). About 30 stones
have been found; these diamonds have ranged in size from less
than one-eighth carat to the Stanley diamond, which weighed 4 7/8
carats before it was cut. W. S. Blatchley (1907, p. 71) reported that
most of the diamonds were clear and flawless and were valued at
that time at five to two hundred dollars. Detailed descriptions of
the stones and the localities at which they were found were given
by Blatchley (1903b, p. 38-41) and Wade (1950). The most recent
find, a flattened octahedral crystal of 3.93 carats, was found by a
farmer near Peru, Miami County; Wade (1950) identified

and described it. This find indicates that diamonds can occur in
counties other than Brown and Morgan that are covered by glacial
materials. Logan (1922a, p. 1056) identified minute crystals of
diamond from glacial materials, but he gave no further details or
A small (1.7 carats) diamond from Brown County is on dis­
play in the collection of North American diamonds in the U. S.
National Museum. It was purchased from Tiffany's in New York
(J. H. Benn, 1953, oral communication). This diamond was
studied by Holden (1944, p. 10) with particular reference to frac­
ture lines developed on the faces of the stone. Three Indiana dia ­
monds may be seen in the Indiana State Museum in the basement
of the State House, Indianapolis (E. H. Sarles, 1952, oral com­

CaMg (CO3 )2

Dolomite from Harrison County (3) had w = 1.692. Qualita tive

microchemical tests of this material indicated a moderate iron and
slight manganese content. Ferroan dolomite from Monroe County
(5) had w = 1.708, which was the highest index of refraction
obtained from specimens examined. Pale -brown crystals of
ankerite were reported from Harrodsburg geodes in Putnam
County (3) by Reeves (1950).
Dolomite is associated with calcite, aragonite, siderite, barite,
quartz, pyrite, millerite, and sphalerite. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, and
smythite have been noted as inclusions in Monroe County (10).
Pink dolomite, which probably is pseudomorphous after sca­
lenohedrons of calcite, is found in septarian concretions in the
New Albany Shale in Jennings County (1). Borden and
Harrodsburg geodes commonly contain large crystals of dolomite.
Stockdale (1931, p. 196) mentioned dolomite-bearing geodes in
the Floyds Knob Formation at Floyds Knob, Floyd County.
McGrain (1943, p. 153, 156) stated that local concentrations of
dolomite in drusy vugs are present in the upper part of the St.
Louis and lower part of the Ste. Genevieve Limestones in western
Harrison County. Although large crystals can be found elsewhere
in Indiana, the Harrison County dolomite is unequalled for size
and perfection of specimens.
Dolomite is very abundant in some sedimentary rocks. In In­
diana, rocks of this type are represented by the Huntington and
Geneva Dolomites, which contain as much as 45.1 percent and 42.7

percent MgCO3 respectively (Patton, 1949). Dolomitic limestones

are found chiefly in the following stratigraphic units: Saluda,
Elkhorn, Laurel, Louisville, basal Jeffersonville, Silver Creek,
lower Harrodsburg, Salem (part), and St. Louis. Silurian organic
reefs, or bioherms, are also notably dolomitized (Cumings and
Shrock, 1928). The petrology of some of the Silurian dolomites of
northern Indiana was studied by Ericksen (1949). Any lime stone
formation in the State may contain large crystals of dolomite
along joint surfaces and in drusy vugs and smaller crystals scat­
tered throughout its matrix.
Good specimens of dolomite have been found in Crawford (2),
Decatur (1), Floyd, Harrison (1, 2, 3, and 5), Huntington (1),
Jackson (1 and 2), Jefferson (1), Jennings (1), Lawrence (13),
Monroe (3, 5, 6, 10, 16, 17, and 18), Parke (1), Putnam (5), Scott
(1), and Wells (1) Counties. The occurrences at Decatur (1) and
Monroe (10) were reported by Grossman (1942) and Fix (1939)

MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O

The best known occurrence of epsomite in Indiana is in the

Wyandotte Cave, Crawford County (4). This occurrence was first
mentioned by Silliman (1818, p. 49), who stated that epsomite was
“. . . beautifully crystallized, in masses composed of delicate white
prisms, in a cave in the Indiana Territory, not very remote from
Louisville, in Kentucky ; it is said to be so abundant that the in­
habitants are reported to carry it away by the wagon load ; . . . .”
Stilson (1818) stated that originally the floor of the cave was
covered to a depth of several inches with pure, brilliant, needle ­
shaped crystals, and Cleaveland (1816) reported that the mineral
appeared in masses weighing as much as 10 pounds or was dis­
seminated in the cave earth, 1 bushel of which yielded 4 to 25
pounds of the salt. Collett (1879, p. 475) observed that “at the top
of this mountain [a cave formation] were seen banks of white,
needle-shaped or hairy crystals of epsom salts; handfuls were
gathered two inches long, and if not removed for twelve months
they continue to exude from the porous matrix until they attain a
length of from three to five inches ; . . . .” Blatchley (1897, p. 150)
reported that the State Legislature regarded the cave as a nuisance
and, in 1843, passed an ordinance that forced the owner to fence
up the entrance to the cave, purportedly to prevent cattle from
entering and licking the epsom salts. However, the cave and its

salts had become a well-known tourist attraction by 1849 (Cham­

berlain, 1849, p. 200). Jackson (1953, p. 13) suggested that “. . .
passage of thousands of visitors through the cave avenues has had
some adverse effect upon the formation of these salts.” But he
stated that the mineral, although not as abundant now as formerly,
may still be found in the dry parts of the cave. Epsomite in this
cave also was mentioned by Adams (1820), Brown (1854, p.
310), Owen (1862, p. 126, 150-158), (Cox 1872a, p. 152), and
Hovey (1896, p. 145).
Epsomite occurs commonly as an efflorescence on weathered
outcrops of shale, limestone, or dolomite. It was found as an
efflorescence on rocks of Ordovician age near Richmond, Wayne
County, by Plummer (1843, p. 307). A white efflorescence noted
on limestone of Niagaran age by Cumings and Shrock (1928, p.
117) possibly was this mineral. Lapham (1828, p. 69) remarked
upon the efflorescence that coats rocks of the Borden Group at
New Albany, Floyd County. Epsomite appears on outcrops of all
the formations of this group (Stockdale, 1931). Thin, powdery
crusts of the mineral may be found on the Edwardsville
Formation and on the lower part of the Harrodsburg Limestone in
Monroe County. Anderegg and others (1928) observed that
epsomite and minor amounts of gypsum formed as efflorescences
on buildings built of Salem Limestone owing to the evaporation
of capillary water which contained salts dissolved from mortar.
Epsomite has been found in Crawford (4), Monroe (5), and Perry
(3) Counties.


Fluorite from Indiana is colorless, light blue violet, dark

purple, yellow, amber, or reddish brown. The color, especially in
many of the blue and purple varieties, is arranged in zones
parallel to {100). Many of the blue-purple and amber fluorites are
closely associated. The mineral fluoresces yellow, greenish
yellow, or yellowish orange. A medium to strong greenish
phosphorescence was noted in these hydrocarbon-bearing
specimens. Fluorite is associated with calcite, dolomite,
marcasite, and an unidentified asphaltic compound. No inclusions
other than hydrocarbons were observed.
The mineral has been found only in rocks of Devonian or Mis­
sissippian age in Indiana except for trace amounts in the insoluble
residues of Niagaran rocks of southeastern Indiana (Priddy, 1939,
p. 495). In Bartholomew County (1) fluorite occurs with calcite
and marcasite in veins and in vugs in the Jeffersonville Lime­

stone, and in Shelby County (1) it occurs with lamellar calcite,

marcasite, and organic matter. In some places at both localities
the mineralization is localized along stylolite seams.
Fluorite is nowhere common in Indiana, but it has been found
associated with calcite and dolomite in cavities and veins and on
joint surfaces in the St. Louis Limestone in Harrison County. It
was first noticed there in outcrops of the St. Louis in and near the
Blue River at Milltown by Collett (1879, p. 453). The mineral
also is found in pale bluish-purple to blackish-gray chert nodules
and lenses in the St. Louis Limestone. Here it occurs with pyrite
and asphalt in patches of limestone in the chert, but more com­
monly it is found as isolated crystals scattered throughout the
chert. Euhedral rhombs of dolomite and irregularly shaped blobs
of hard asphalt are associated with the fluorite. In places the
fluorite and dolomite have been dissolved out of the chert by
weathering, and thus cube- and rhomb-shaped cavities have been
left. A similar occurrence of fluorite has been observed in the St.
Louis Limestone in Monroe County (9). Fluorite has been found
in Bartholomew (1), Harrison (1, 2, 3, and 5), Monroe (9), Shelby
(1), and Washington (10) Counties.


Galena has been found mostly in small cleaved chunks in

glacial materials of Indiana. D. D. Owen (1839, p. 17) found
small nuggets of galena “. . . on the west fork of Tanner's creek, in
Dearborn county; but there is no appearance of there being a body
of it; indeed, I have reason to believe that the small specimens
found originated in a bowlder.” Richard Owen (1862, p. 170)
noted galena near Prairieton, Vigo County; he believed that the
mineral was obtained from glacial materials by Indians. In his
report on Knox County (1862, p. 179) he said that “. . . we
obtained a sample of lead ore of rich quality from this county; but
as yet there seems no certainty as to its extent. Mr. James Dick
found it on his farm near Dicksburg, two miles below the railroad
bridge across White River, probably in a quaternary deposit.”’
The mineral also was reported in glacial materials of Brown
County (Collett, 1875, p. 109), Gibson County (Collett, 1874a, p.
418), Knox County (Collett, 1874b, p. 367), Morgan County
(Brown, 1884, p. 81), Vermillion County (Bradley, 1869, p. 170),
and Warren County (Collett, 1874d, p. 244). Warder (1872, p.
420) stated “there are traditions that the Indians gathered

the ore by the apron full, and pieces of galena have been picked
up in various places, but no vein has been discovered, and I have
seen no specimen known to belong to this geological district
[Dearborn, Ohio, and Switzerland Counties].” Some of the pieces
found have been fairly large. Dryer (1889, p. 104) mentioned a
specimen weighing 10 pounds that was found near Corunna,
DeKalb County.
Nuggets found in the glacial drift or imported from Wisconsin
by the Indians gave rise to many false reports of lead mines in
Indiana. Two excerpts from Hobbs’ (1872, p. 354, 367) report on
the geology of Parke County are typical:
A “lead mine” legend is remembered with interest in this vicinity [near
Catlin]. The Indians, in an early day, are said to have found an abundant supply
of lead on or near section 36 [T. 15 N., R 8 W.], which they melted and ran into
bullets. They kept the locality a profound secret. The penalty for showing it to
the white man, was cutting out the tongue. . . . There has been much searching
for the hidden treasure, but no one has been able to find it.
A short distance above Milligan's Iron Bank [sec. 3, T. 16 N., R. 8 W., about
1½ miles northwest of Annapolis] is a legendary spot. In “early times,” the
Indians, it is said, found a supply of lead in the bed of Sugar Creek at this place.
They would wade into the stream and feel the ore with their feet and thus
procure their supplies. They were not disposed to show the pale faces the spot,
and soon after they had left their hunting grounds, the construction of the
Wabash and Erie Canal demanded a feeder dam across the stream below and the
search for lead in its bottom was made hopeless. The canal dam having gone into
decay the stream may in time be reduced to its former level and the lead hunters
may yet hope for success.

Reputed lead deposits or mines and quarries were supposed to

have existed in Wayne County (Plummer, 1843, p. 283), Vermil­
lion County (Brown, 1854, p. 320), Ohio, Miami, Tippecanoe, and
Crawford Counties (Owen, 1862, p. 35, 53-54, 74, 159), Franklin
County (Haymond, 1869, p. 189-190), Perry County (Cox, 1872b,
p. 77), and Gibson and Warren Counties (Collett, 1874a, p. 418;
1874d, p. 244). Most of the geologists whose reports are cited
vigorously denied that lead ore had been, or ever would be, found
in the sedimentary rocks of the State. Fix (1938, p. 1), however,
stated that very small quantities had been found in the sedimentary
rocks of Indiana. Chunks of galena and fluorite were found near an
abandoned iron smelter which is situated on a low terrace near the
East Fork of White River in the NW¼NW¼ sec. 29, T. 1 N., R. 4
W., Dubois County. John B. Patton, of the Indiana Geological
Survey, said (1952, oral communication) that the galena probably
had been brought to this spot with fluorite (probably from the
fluorspar district at Rosiclare, Ill.) to be used as a

flux in smelting the local iron ore. The flux probably was hand
cobbed, and the chunks with high galena content were thrown
aside because they were undesirable in the smelter.
Galena has been reported from geodes in Lawrence County
(Collett, 1874c, p. 278), Morgan County (Brown, 1884, p. 81),
and Washington County (Gorby, 1886a, p. 133) and from clay
ironstone nodules in Vermillion County (Bradley, 1869, p. 170).
Galena probably is present in small quantities in the sedimentary
rocks of Indiana, but its only authenticated occurrence is as nug­
gets in glacial materials of the State.

Approximately K(Fe 2·3 , Mg, Al)2 AlSi3 O10 (OH)2

Glauconite is present in most of the limestones and shales; it is less

common in the sandstones of Indiana. The mineral gives a dull-
green color to many of the shales and limestones. Glauconite is
characteristically associated with phosphate pebbles, iron sulfides,
calcite, dolomite, and quartz.
Glauconite is found notably in the Ordovician Elkhorn Forma­
tion in Wayne County (1). Priddy (1939) noted that glauconite
occurs as detrital grains or occupies openings in fossils in the in­
soluble residues of Silurian rocks (Brassfield Limestone, Osgood
Formation, and Laurel Limestone) of southeastern Indiana. Glau­
conite, partly replaced by calcite, was observed by Ericksen (1949)
in the Liston Creek Limestone in Grant and Wabash Counties. The
mineral is found as detrital grains in a calcite-cemented sandstone
in the Devonian Jeffersonville Limestone? in Cass County (1) and
is fairly common in this formation in southern Indiana. In
Bartholomew (1) and Jennings (1) Counties glauconite may be
found with pyrite and phosphatic pebbles at the contact of the
North Vernon Limestone and the New Albany Shale. In the Mis­
sissippian System, glauconite is found in the Rockford Limestone
in Floyd County (Stockdale, 1931, p. 73) and along joints, frac­
tures, bedding planes, and stylolite seams in the Harrodsburg
Limestone in Monroe County (10) (Fix, 1939). It constitutes a
large part of the insoluble residue of the Harrodsburg Limestone
(Martin, 1931). A thin intraformational conglomerate with flat­
tened pebbles of glauconite is found near the Edwardsville -
Harrodsburg contact in Monroe County (6). The Levias Member of
the Ste. Genevieve Limestone in some places contains notable
amounts of glauconite. Abundant glauconite has been found in

Bartholomew (1), Cass (1), Decatur (1), Jennings (1), and Wayne
(1) Counties.
Goethite constitutes most of the material formerly called
limonite ; however, because the term limonite has been used in
previous records and descriptions, the bulk of occurrences are
described under that heading (p. 39). Only occurrences in which
the material has been identified as goethite are given here.
In Indiana goethite is commonly massive and extremely fine
granular (usually cryptocrystalline) ; it also occurs as prismatic
[001] vertically striated crystals or, by flattening on {010}, as
minute scales or tablets. Forms observed on crystals from Brown
County (1) were m {110}, b (010), e {021}, and p {121}?.
Crystals of goethite have been found in geodes of the
Edwardsville Formation and the lower part of the Harrodsburg
Limestone. There is a collection of these geodes from Monroe
County at the Michigan School of Mines and Technology at
Houghton, Mich. Some of these geodes contain crystals of
goethite which were first recognized by the collector and donor,
Mr. C. A. Lamey. In geodes from Brown County (1) prismatic
crystals of marcasite were found altered to blackish-brown,
slender, rodlike crystals of goethite. The crystals were 1.5
millimeters in height and 0.1 millimeter in width and were found
with aragonite on quartz crystals. In the same geodes pyrite has
been altered to nearly perfect spheres of goethite. In Monroe
County (6) goethite occurs as small velvety-brown micaceous
plates with calcite, aragonite, siderite, and pyrrhotite in quartz
geodes. Goethite commonly occurs as a surficial red coating on
(or as complete pseudomorphs after) pyrite; as feathery
aggregates pseudomorphous after fibrous marcasite (Wayne
County (1) ) ; and as rhombohedral boxworks pseudomorphous
after siderite in geodes (Monroe County (3) ). Bundy (1956a, p.
11-13) found goethite in sandstones and shales of the Mansfield
Formation, and he noted (1956a, p. 13) that the inner parts of
concretions in this formation contained goethite and finely
disseminated magnetite. Goethite has been found in Brown (1),
Decatur (1), Lawrence (12), Monroe (3, 5, 6, 10, and 19), Mont­
gomery (3), Wayne (1), and Wells (2) Counties.
Gold has been found in Indiana as small rounded grains or flat­
tened flakes rarely exceeding 3 millimeters in diameter. The

largest nugget found weighed 132 grains (8.55 grams) (Blatchley,

1903b, p. 24). Specific gravities of flakes of gold from Brown
County ranged from 16.8 to 18.5. In a U. S. Mint Report of July
12, 1901, the fineness of a 14.05-ounce sample of Indiana gold
was given as 909½.
Wylie (1850) first reported gold from Indiana, and Christy
(1848, p. 80) was the first to postulate a glacial origin. Burchard
(1881, p. 181) mentioned that gold had been sent to the U. S.
Mint from Brown County, and Brown (1884, p. 81) told of the
dis covery of gold in Morgan County by miners who returned
from California in 1850. Gold might have been known in Indiana
before 1850, however, because Cox (1879a, p. 116) said:
In the latter county [Brown] gold was washed from the drift sands in the
valleys of most of the streams flowing into Bean Blossom creek at a very early
day, and the county has been the scene of numerous mining excitements within
the last forty years. Its geological position was well studied by the first State
Geologist, the late Dr. David Dale Owen, and as early as 1837 he cautioned the
public against expending large sums of money in mining adventures, since the
gold had been brought from the metalliferous veins which have their existence
north of the lakes.

The occurrence of gold in Indiana has been studied chiefly by

W. S. Blatchley, who pointed out (1903b, p. 17-18) that:
Gold is liable to be found in the glacial gravel deposits of any portion of the
State and especially in those which lie directly on the bed rock. It is, however,
only at the edges of these [Illinoian and Wisconsin] main terminal moraines,
where the material composing the drift has been most weathered and washed,
and where streams flowing from the moraines have deposited beds of gravel
over the bed rock in their valleys, that the gold has been accumulated
in greatest quantity.

W. S. Blatchley (1903b) gave a detailed list of localities at which

gold had been found, and Logan (1922b) gave a general account
of gold in Indiana. Table 3 lists the 25 counties from which gold
has been reported and the references to them. Those references
which do not appear in Blatchley’s account are given in some
detail in this table.
Possibly as much as twenty thousand dollars worth of gold has
been mined from the glacial deposits of the State (Hafer, 1921),
but the economic situation is no better today than 57 years ago,
when Blatchley wrote (1903b, p. 38) that “enough has been said
to show that gold doubtless occurs in every county within the drift
area, but it is very improbable that it is accessible in paying quan­
tities in any except Brown and Morgan ; and there only under im­
proved methods of separation.”
Table 3.-Reported occurrences of native gold in Indiana
County References

Brown........................Wylie (1850)
Richard Owen (1862, p. 118.120)
Collett (1875, p. 107)
Cox (1879a, p. 116)
Blatchley (1903b)
Cass............................Blatchley (1903b)
Carroll........................Richard Owen (1862, p. 98) : “Between two and three miles from Delphi, considerable
samples of gold have been washed. . . .”
Thompson (1892, p. 185) : “. . . and in the vertical crevices of the Devonian lime
stone in the bed of the creek [Deer Creek] farther east small quantities of gold
have been found.”

Clark ..........................Blatchley (1903b)

Clinton.......................Richard Owen (1862, p. 113.114): “Accompanied by the editors and several other
gentlemen from Frankfort, we visited the gold locality on the Kilmore branch,
which heads on Indian prairie and runs into the south fork of 'Wild Cat.' We
found it, as expected, in a pocket of Drift; . . . .”
Dearborn...................Warder (1872, p. 420)
(and Ohio) Con (1879a, p. 106)
Sutton (1882)
Blatchley (1903b)
Franklin.....................Haymond (1869, p. 190)
Gibson.......................Collett (1874a, p. 418): “Native gold and galena imported by the boulder ice, have
been found in small lots in wells near the center of the ancient trough of the
Wabash; the former in nuggets weighing from two to three grains.”
Green .........................Wylie (1850)
Harrison....................Collett (1879, p. 378) reported magnetite with gold in “glass sand mines: From two
miles south of Bridgeport to the mouth of Mosquito Creek.”
Henry.........................Richard Owen (1862, p. 82.83): “Gold is washed abundantly from the Quaternary
gravel drift near the mouth of a small stream and a mill-race, emptying about
eight miles from Newcastle into Blue River; . . . .”
Jackson......................Wylie (1850)
Blatchley (1903b)
Jefferson....................Blatchley (1903b)
Jennings....................Borden (1876, p. 178)
Knox..........................Collett (1874b, p. 367)
Montgomery ............Collett (1876b, p. 370, 392, 407)
Morgan......................Wylie (1850)
Brown (1884, p. 81)
Blatchley (1903b)
Ohio...........................(See Dearborn.)
Owen..........................Collett (1876c, p. 308) reported gold dust associated with magnetite along the
streams of Fish, Lick, and Rattlesnake Creeks.
Pike ............................Collett (1872c, p. 284)
Putnam ......................Blatchley (1903h)
Smith (1946, p. 128) mentioned gold found on Mosquito Creek, south of Putnamville.

Sullivan.....................Sutton (1882)
Vanderburgh ............Collett (1876a, p. 294)
Vermillion................Bradley (1869, p. 170) noted minute quantities of gold in one of the “small streaks
of gravel.”
Warren.......................Collett (1874d, p. 224, 244)

CaSO 4·2H 2 O

Gypsum is found in Indiana in many stratigraphic units espe­

cially in shales (usually as the fibrous satin spar variety) or at
contacts between shales and limestones. It is very commonly
found in cave “formations” as beautiful shiny crystals that cover
the roof and walls. Gypsum found in Borden shales in Morgan
County (1) possessed a yellow fluorescence of moderate intensity,
but all other specimens examined were nonfluorescent.
Plummer (1843, p. 283) found minute crystals of the mineral
in an argillaceous limestone near Richmond, Wayne County.
Priddy (1939, p. 495) reported that there was gypsum in the in­
soluble residues of Silurian rocks of southeastern Indiana. He
stated that the mineral occurred as satin spar in vugs in dolomite
and as selenite in limestone. Gypsum is common in rocks of the
Borden Group, and selenite in these strata in Floyd County was
noted by Dana (1844, p. 548), Owen (1846, p. 439-440), and Bor­
den (1874, p. 161). Beautiful, colorless crystals of selenite from
Floyd County (1) have been described (Anonymous, 1950, p.
149). Borden (1874, p. 161; 1875b, p. 122) mentioned that
gypsum occurs as platy and needle -shaped crystals in cracks in
the New Providence Shale in Clark and Scott Counties. Greene
(1880, p. 432) found traces of the mineral in Borden rocks in
Monroe County.
Gypsum is found in many places as cavity fillings and in
quartz geodes of the lower part of the Harrodsburg Limestone.
Gorby (1886a, p. 133) found the mineral in geodes in Washington
County. Crystals of selenite occur in a matrix of fine-grained
gypsum in Lawrence County (8). Fix (1939) described tabular
crystals of gypsum in geodes in Monroe County (10). Subsurface
studies in southwestern Indiana (McGregor, 1954) show that
gypsum (and anhydrite) are found in the lower part of the St.
Louis Limestone. Bundy (1956b) described the petrology of these
deposits. Massive gypsum was found in nodules and in drusy
quartz vugs in the St. Louis Limestone in Washington County
(10). Small seams of selenite were found in the Rosiclare Member
of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone in Owen County (6). Gypsum is
abundant in rocks of the Chester Series in some places. In
Lawrence County (12) a layer of selenite a few inches thick lies
between the Beaver Bend Lime stone and the Sample Formation.
This locality was described by Logan (1922a, p. 1052). An
occurrence in the Bethel Formation

in Lawrence County (1) was noted by R. K. Leininger (1951, oral

communication), and a “deposit” of satin spar in sec. 22, T. 4 N.,
R. 3 W., Martin County, was reported by Owen (1862, p. 174).
Gypsum also is common in Pennsylvanian shales and coals.
Blatchley (1896, p. 110) stated

On the land of J. L. Schiller (S. E. ¼ of S. E. ¼ Sec. 6, Tp. 1 S., R. 3 W.)

[Dubois County], occurs an outcrop of pale blue lire clay 31 feet thick. Through
the lower part of it are scattered many crystals of selenite . . ., varying in size
from 1 inch in length downwards. The owner burns the clay in a kiln, reducing
th(se crystals to a powder, and then uses it as a fertilizer with good results. These
crystals of selenite are found in numerous other deposits of fire clay east of
Jasper, and have also been noted at other points in the State as at Mecca, Parke
County, on the land of S. L. McCune. The crystals are oftentimes acicular, and
radiating from a common center, form little rosettes which lie in great numbers
on the exposed surface of the clays.

Blatchley (1896, p. 81) also reported gypsum in a clay deposit

southeast of Clay City, Clay County. Dove (1919, p. 223) noted
that a thin white scale of gypsum lines joint cracks in Pennsyl­
vanian coals in many places.
Gypsum crystals and “growths” in Indiana caves, especially
Wyandotte Cave (Crawford County (4) ), have been mentioned by
Stilson (1818), Cox (1872a, p. 151-152), Cope (1872, p. 158),
Collett (1879, p. 483-484), Merrill (1895), Hovey (1896, p. 145­
151) and Blatchley (1897, p. 164). Hovey (1896, p. 151)
described floriform crystals of gypsum sometimes known as
oulopholites. These forms are well illustrated in drawings by
Hovey (1896, p. 138, 144) and in photographs by Spencer (1921,
p. 268-269). Gypsum crystals coat the walls of Marengo Cave,
Crawford County (1), and have been reported from Eller’s and
Saltpetre Caves in western Monroe County (14 and 15) by
Blatchley (1897, p. 135-136).
Gypsum has been found in Clark, Clay, Crawford (1 and 4),
Dubois, Floyd (1), Fountain (1), Lawrence (1, 8, and 12), Monroe
(10, 14, and 15), Morgan (1), Owen (6), Parke, Perry (1), Scott,
Washington (3, 7, and 12), Wayne, and Wells (2) Counties.

(OH)8 Si4 Al4 O10 - (OH)8 Si4 Al4 O10 ·4H 2 O
(hydrated and dehydrated halloysite)

The most extensive occurrence of hydrated and dehydrated hal­

loysite in Indiana is the Gardner Mine Ridge deposit in Lawrence
County (sec. 21, T. 4 N., R. 2 W.). The geology and mineralogy of
this deposit have been described by Callaghan (1948), who called

the hydrated variety endellite. The halloysite, ranging in thickness

from 1 foot to 10 feet, occurs at the erosional contact of the
Pennsylvanian Mansfield Formation with underlying Mississip­
pian formations of the Chester Series. Halloysite also is found a
few feet above the contact. Alexander and others (1943, p. 13)
observed that the specific gravity of the material from Gardner
Mine Ridge ranged from 2.16 to 2.59. The deposit was first re­
ported by Cox (1875a), who called the clay “indianaite.” The clay
was identified as halloysite by Goldsmith (1876) and Dana (1884,
p. 55), but subsequently it was called kaolin by Maurice
Thompson (1886). This name persisted until Ross and Kerr
(1934, p. 136) redescribed the clay as halloysite. Other studies of
the geology of the deposit have beep, made by W. H. Thompson
(1889), Blatchley (1896, p. 103-106), Logan (1922a, p. 662-714),
and Logan and Ries (1922). The halloysite from Gardner Mine
Ridge is the American standard for this clay as established by
Kerr and Kulp (1949, p. 4-5). Allophane, allophane-evansite, and
minor amounts of alunite, goethite, and gibbsite occur as
associated minerals (Ross and Kerr, 1934). Quartz, orthoclase,
sericite, rutile, and apatite? were observed in a microscopic
examination by Kerr, Main, and Hamilton (1950, p. 27).
Greene (1880, p. 447) found waterworn fragments of “kaolin”
(halloysite?) in Monroe County, but he declared that no beds of
the clay were to be found there. Subsequently, Logan (1919) de­
scribed several occurrences in this county. Collett (1876c, p. 358­
359) reported “kaolin” from Owen and Parke Counties and
(1876b, p. 418) from Montgomery County. He also reported
(1879, p. 377-378, 416) “indianaite” at several localities in
southeastern Harrison County. Blatchley (1896, p. 88, 101)
mentioned several occurrences in Greene and Martin Counties.
Logan (Logan and Ries, 1922, p. 149) stated that the clay also had
been reported from Dubois and Crawford Counties. He gave
(1922a, p. 733-756) a list of the localities at which “kaolin” had
been found. Callaghan (1948, p. 15), in a discussion of these
localities, said that “most of these localities are now lost, and if
rediscovered, modern techniques of clay mineral determination
would have to be used to know if all were halloysite. The writer’s
examinations of a few localities suggest that most are the
halloysite type of clay. Logan’s descriptions all suggest sporadic
distribution and small size for the deposits.”

Fe 2 O3

Hematite occurs in Indiana as earthy or ocherous masses; good

crystals have not been observed. It is associated with limonite,
siderite, wad, pyrite, quartz, and apatite. Hematite from Owen
County (7) contains collophane as white crusts and veinlets.
Although not as abundant as limonite (p. 39), hematite is a
common mineral in Indiana. It occurs chiefly as the earthy variety
in the lower part of the Pennsylvanian Mansfield Formation near
its erosional contact with the underlying Mississippian for­
mations. Hematite from this stratigraphic interval was utilized as
an iron ore in the early period of Indiana’s history. The sources of
the ore and locations of the furnaces were given by Shannon
(1907). Ocherous hematite was observed near the Vermillion
River (from whence its name) in Vermillion County in 1765 by
Col. George Croghan (1831, p. 266). Cox (1869b, p. 108-109)
mentioned that hematite occurred in Greene County near its
boundary with Owen County in the vicinity of Fish Creek and 1.5
miles east of Solsberry (“Salisbury”). In Owen County (7) hem­
atite forms an irregular bed about 1 foot thick at the contact of the
Beech Creek Limestone and the Mansfield Formation. Cox
(1871a, p. 77) noted a hematitic ocher near Alfordsville, Daviess
County, and (1871b, p. 97-102, 105-106) hematitic and limonitic
ochers near Dover Hill, Martin County. Cox (1871c, p. 142-143)
reported that red ocher was found between St. Vincent and Celes­
tine, Dubois County, and that it had been formerly mined and
ground for pigment at Ferdinand. Hobbs (1872, p. 374) found
hematite near the base of the Mansfield Formation in Parke
County. Stockdale (1931, p. 89-91, 134-135) described hematite
that occurred in concretions weathered from the New Providence
Shale and Locust Point Formation of the Borden Group in Clark
and Jackson Counties. In Monroe County (22) small spherical
concretions composed mainly of limonite and hematite have been
weathered out of Chester sandstones. Hematite has been found in
Clark, Daviess, Dubois, Fountain, Greene, Jackson, Martin, Mon­
roe (22), Montgomery (3), Owen (7), Parke, and Vermillion

Mg4 (OH)2 (CO8 )3 ·3H2 O

Hydromagnesite occurs associated with fibrous aragonite in

powdery crusts on the roof of Marengo Cave, Crawford County

(1). This is the only known occurrence of the mineral in Indiana.

The hydromagnesite probably was derived from a dolomitic part
of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone and probably was formed at low
temperatures. The temperature of the cave has been uniform;
Collett in 1879 (p. 453) gave the temperature as 52° F., and Ad­
dington (1927) reported 54° F. The hydromagnesite has a strong
pinkish-white fluorescence.

hydrous Iron oxides

Limonite is a term conveniently employed to describe

naturally occurring hydrous iron oxides. Much of what was
formerly called limonite is actually goethite (p. 32) ; however,
most occurrences are reported here under limonite.
In Indiana, limonite occurs in all types of sediments from
Ordovician shales to present-day gravels, sands, muds, and soils.
It typically is formed by the weathering of pyrite, marcasite, and
aiderite. Limonite is found in large quantities in bog-iron de­
posits, which once were utilized as a low-grade ore of iron.
The first geologists of Indiana devoted much of their attention
to the search for such deposits, and most of the important occur­
rences were discovered at an early date. David Owen (1838,
1839, and 1846) reported bog ore from nearly 20 counties. Other
early occurrences were given by Stilson (1818), Plummer (1843,
p. 309), Brown (1854, p. 330-332), Richard Owen (1862), Cox
(1869a, p. 83-84), Bradley (1869, p. 167-170), and Haymond
(1869). A comprehensive study of the Indiana “iron ores” was
made by Shannon (1907) and Beede and Shannon (1907) ; Logan
(1922a, p. 757-765) summarized the results of their findings. The
deposits have not been utilized since about 1900, because large
deposits of high-grade iron ore, such as those of the Lake
Superior region, became available.
The bog-iron ore occurs in the poorly drained lakes and
marshes of northern Indiana. The limonite is found in the
marginal deposits of lakes and marshes or at the bottom of peat
bogs, where it forms a hardpan as much as 2 feet thick. Most of
the “ore” is admixed with organic and phosphatic material, clay,
and sand. Masses of limonite that weigh several tons have been
found in a few places.
Residual limonite occurs as layers, lenses, and concretions in
Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sediments. In the Borden shales
of Scott, Clark, and Floyd Counties, limonite is found associated

with siderite and hematite in concretions and bands. It is common

as pseudomorphs after disseminated crystals of pyrite or
marcasite in many of the Chester formations, especially the Paoli
and Reelsville Limestones. Malott (1951, p. 241) noted peculiar
twisted ribbons of limonite in a sandstone that he found a short
distance east of St. Croix, Perry County. Limonite is found
abundantly at the base of the Pennsylvanian Mansfield Formation
in its outcrops in Vermillion, Parke, Vigo, Clay, Owen, Greene,
Monroe, Lawrence, Martin, Orange, Crawford, and Perry


Marcasite in Indiana is commonly massive, and less com­

monly it is fine granular, fibrous, or in concentric structures.
Crystals are tabula r {010}, pyramidal, or prismatic [001]. The
faces are commonly curved, and prism faces are striated [001].
The forms observed were b {010}, r {140}, m {110}, and e
{101}. Stellate fivelings produced by repeated twinning on {1011
were found in Huntington County (1). Inclu sions of marcasite in
calcite, barite, celestite, or quartz are generally capillary crystals
or thin aborescent plates.
Marcasite was found in the insoluble residues obtained from
the upper part of the Osgood Formation and from the Laurel
Limestone of southeastern Indiana (Priddy, 1939, p. 495). Gross­
man (1942, p. 212) reported that the mineral formed threadlike
inclusions in calcite in the Brassfield Limestone from Decatur
County (1). Crystals of marcasite occur in vugs and small quartz
geodes in the Mississinewa Shale in Huntington County (1). At
this locality the mineral is associated with sphalerite, calcite, and
small amounts of fine-grained pyrite. In Wells County (2) acicular
crystals of marcasite line cavities in dolomitic Liston Creek
Limestone. Smith and Schroeder (1929) described capillary in­
clusions of marcasite lying along cleavage planes of large calcite
crystals found in residual clay near the Kokomo-Jeffersonville?
contact in Cass County (1). A similar occurrence is found in
Wabash County (1). Small quantities of the mineral are associated
with calcite and fluorite in the Jeffersonville Limestone in
Bartholomew County (1). Euhedral marcasite is found in Har­
rodsburg geodes in few places. Many minute lath-shaped crystals
of marcasite simulate cubes of pyrite in celestite in some of these
geodes from Lawrence County (8). Many shales of the Borden
Group contain small nodules of marcasite.

Marcasite was found in shaly limestones and sandstones of the

Chester Series. Euhedral crystals are abundant in some places in a
glauconitic sandy limestone of the Aux Vases Formation (basal
Chester) in Monroe County (21). Smith (1943) described a large
mass of "pencil" marcasite from Putnam County (4). Olive-green
marcasite is found there on Ste. Genevieve Limestone at its con­
tact with Pennsylvanian shale (Malott, 1952, p. 24). Logan
(1922a, p. 698) mentioned concretions of marcasite in a dark clay
resting on sandstone in the Elwren Formation at the Gardner Mine
Ridge deposit in Lawrence County. (See p. 36.) Small crystals
may be found in vugs in the lower part of the Glen Dean Lime­
stone in Perry County (1).
Marcasite either occurs as bands and lenses or replaces cal­
careous concretions and plant remains in Pennsylvanian coals and
shales. The marcasite is characteristically fine grained and is dif­
ficult to distinguish from intimately associated pyrite. As no dis­
tinction has been made in previous reports, occurrences of fine-
grained iron disulfide are listed under pyrite (p. 45).
Marcasite has been found in Bartholomew (1), Cass (1), De­
catur (1), Fountain (1), Huntington (1), Jackson (1 and 2), Law­
rence (8), Monroe (10 and 21), Morgan (2), Owen (4), Perry (1),
Pike (1), Putnam (1 and 4), Wabash (1), and Wells (1 and 2)

FeSO 4 ·7H2 O

Melanterite occurs as efflorescences on pyritiferous shale s and

is associated with siderotil?, copiapite, potash alum, halotrichite?,
epsomite, and gypsum. In several places melanterite (copperas)
was used by the early settlers as a mordant in dyeing. Cramer
(1811, p. 131) stated
In the bank of Silver creek (a small stream that falls into the Ohio just below
Clarkesville [and that forms the boundary between Clark and Floyd Counties])
about two miles from its mouth is found large quantities of copperas, a place
well known by the name of Copperas Banks. The copperas taken from this bank
is found to be equal (although not so clear in its present state) as any brought to
this country.

The “copperas banks” found on the New Albany Shale in Floyd

and Clark Counties also were mentioned by Borden (1874, p.
159) and by Duden (1897, p. 108, 110). The latter described the
formation of melanterite and associated alum. Campbell (1946, p.
846) stated that the “Upper Blackiston Member” of this shale is

characterized in most places by coatings of melanterite which

form on its protected surfaces. He reported that copperas occurred
on the “Blackiston Member” which cropped out on the south bank
of Deer Creek, southeast of Delphi, Carroll County. This
occurrence had been noted previously by Thompson (1892, p.
Efflorescences of melanterite are found on some shales of the
Borden Group. Collett (1876b, p. 387) described the occurrence
of this mineral on these shale s at Crawfordsville and 5 miles
southwest of Ladoga in Montgomery County. Nodules of
marcasite in Borden shales have altered to melanterite in Morgan
County (2). Collett (1879, p. 431) noted copperas on pyritiferous
Chester shales in Crawford County.
The mineral coats Pennsylvanian coals and shales and is an
alteration product of “coal brass” (pyrite and marcasite). It was
first observed in these rocks by Owen (1839, p. 24), who
described an occurrence on Roaring Creek, a tributary to Sugar
Creek, north of Annapolis, Parke County. Hobbs (1872, p. 363)
remarked that the copperas was so plentiful there that the settlers
utilized it in dyeing processes. They also obtained copperas from
coal-mine waters in Pike County (Collett, 1872c, p. 258). Dove
(1919, p. 223) stated that the mineral was so common on the older
faces in coal mines that it was used as a guide to the location of
lenses and bands of pyrite.
Melanterite has been found in Carroll, Clark, Crawford, Floyd,
Fountain (1), Montgomery, Morgan (1 and 2), Parke, Perry (3),
Pike (1), Pulaski (1), and Wells (2) Counties.


Millerite occurs in Indiana as tufts composed of slender hair­

like crystals elongated along [0001]. At some localities a single
rod of millerite projects outward from the surface of an enclosing
calcite crystal and then splits into several strands which resemble
a horsetail.
Millerite occurs chiefly as inclusions in calcite and barite and is
associated with dolomite, strontianite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, and
pyrite in quartz geodes of the Harrodsburg Limestone and Ed­
wardsville Formation. Stockdale (1931, p. 178) found the mineral
in geodes of the Carwood Formation in Jackson County (3). Mil­
lerite as interwoven mats is found in hollow silicified crinoid stems
in Borden reef material in Montgomery County (1). In Lawrence
County (2) millerite is associated with a hard black asphaltic sub­

stance in open spaces of chert nodules. The nodules of chert are

from the Levias Member of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone, and
the open spaces are lined with drusy quartz. Millerite also has
been found in vugs in the Levias at another locality in Lawrence
County (13).
A dark-green to straw-yellow mineral, an alteration product of
millerite, has been found in microscopic quantities in Lawrence
(2) and Monroe (5, 6, 19, and 20) Counties. It probably is similar
to hydrous basic nickel iron sulfates described by Heyl, Milton,
and Axelrod (1959). This alteration product of millerite probably
was first described by Howarth (1930, p. 3). In Indiana the
mineral is pseudomorphous after rods of millerite. The color of
the mineral masks interference colors, but the mineral probably
has low birefringence; the mean index of refraction is 1.598. It is
insoluble in water, but it dissolves without effervescence in dilute
acids. Millerite has been found in Jackson (3), Lawrence (2 and
13), Monroe (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17, 19, and 20), and Montgomery
(1) Counties. The occurrence at Monroe (10) was reported by Fix

Ca(NO 3 )2·4H 2O

The reported occurrences of nitrocalcite in Indiana need veri­

fication. Stilson (1818) reported nitrocalcite (and nitromagnesite)
from Wyandotte Cave, Crawford County (4). McMurtrie (1819)
stated that the earth in the cave “. . . contains about five pounds of
the nitrate of lime or magnesia, to the bushel, and is composed of
decaying animal and vegetable matter.” The owner of the cave,
Dr. Adams, also described (1820) the deposits of “Saltpeter earth”
which were mined for the manufacture of gunpowder dur ing the
War of 1812. The early history of the cave and its deposits was
given by Collett (1879, p. 464). Remains of the equipment used in
mining the salts were found by Hovey (1896, p. 134) and
Blatchley (1897, p. 149-150). Saltpetre Cave, in Crawford County
(3), also contained deposits of nitrocalcite which were mined for
use in gunpowder (Cox, 1872a, p. 152; Collett, 1879, p. 507;
Blatchley, 1897, p. 173).
An analysis reported by Cox (1879b, p. 163) of earth from Wy­
andotte Cave, similar to that which was used for the manufacture
of saltpeter, gave 8.06 percent CaO, 4.58 percent MgO, and 3.50
percent HNO3 . Though no potassium was shown in the analysis,

Cox assumed that the “nitre” was potassium nitrate and consti­
tuted 6.55 percent of the cave earth.
An analysis of the earth from Saltpetre Cave in Monroe County
(14) by Hess (1900, p. 130) gave 2.31 percent CaO, 2.26 percent
alkalies, and 1.88 percent HNO3. This cave was described by
Blatchley (1897, p. 136) and Esarey (1939, p. 11).
Collett (1874c, p. 298) mentioned that “. . . much nitrous earth
spangled with shining crystals . . .” was found in the upper part of
Connelly’s (Connerly’s) Cave in Lawrence County (11) ; he also
noted (1874c, p. 291) an occurrence in Dry Cave (Lawrence
County (6) ). Donaldson’s (Donnelson’s) Cave (Lawrence County
(9)) was mined for “nitre” as early as 1800 (Collett, 1874c, p.
304) ; the mineral also is reported from this cave by Hovey (1896,
p. 124) and Blatchley (1897, p. 142). Logan (1922a, p. 1052) said
that he had “. . . collected some of the crystals [of nitrocalcite]
from a cave south of Georgia in Lawrence County. These crystals
occurred in the surface of an earthy deposit on the floor of the
cave. This earthy deposit was in places four feet thick.”

SiO2 ·nH 2 O

Opalized wood from the New Albany Shale in Henry County

fluoresced with a play of colors. This opalized wood and a few
veins in the Tar Springs Formation of the Chester Series in Perry
County are the only known occurrences of common opal in
Indiana; precious opal is unknown in the State.

KAl (SO 4 )2·12H 2 O

No natural occurrences of “alum” have been verified by the

authors. Potash alum may occur, however, with other sulfate
minerals on pyritiferous shales in many places in Indiana.
The first mention of “alum” in Indiana was by David Dale
Owen (1839, p. 24), who described an occurrence in Parke County.
J. D. Dana (1844, p. 548) listed “feather alum” “in most of the S.
W. counties.” “Alum” also was reported in the coals in sec. 12, T.
1 N., R. 8 W., Pike County (Collett, 1872c, p. 258) ; at an old deer
lick named Stover’s Mill, NE¼, sec. 29, T. 19 N., R. 4 W.,
Montgomery County (Collett, 1876b, p. 391) ; as crystals on De­
vonian shales at Falling Springs, near the mouth of Deer Creek,
Carroll County (Thompson, 1892, p. 185) ; and together with
melanterite on exposures of the New Albany Shale in Silver Creek,

near New Albany, Floyd County (Duden, 1897, p. 110). Dove

(1919, p. 223) observed “alum,” together with gypsum and other
sulfates, in vertical joint cracks in coal.


Forms noted on Indiana pyrite were a {100}, e {102}, o

{111}, and s {213}. Cubic and pyritohedral faces are striated par­
allel to their common edge. Some pyrite has penetration twinning;
the twin axis is [001], and the twin plane is {011}. Simple cubes
have been observed in Decatur County (1). Pyrite may have
botryoidal, fibrous, globular, or radiated structures, or it may be
massive and fine granular. Botryoidal pyrite and marcasite ar­
ranged in concentric shells were found in the Liston Creek Lime­
stone in Wells County (2).
Pyrite is associated with marcasite, sphalerite, glauconite, and
quartz. Cubic or octahedral inclusions of pyrite are found in cal­
cite and dolomite, and threadlike inclusions were noted in crys tals
of barite in Jackson (2) and Jennings (1) Counties. An imperfect
cube, about 2 inches on an edge, of zoned pyrite with inclusions
of rounded and frosted quartz was found by W. D. Thornbury
(1950, oral communication) in Miami County (1). Limonite
pseudomorphous after pyrite is common. Pyrite pseudomorphous
after cockscomb crystals of marcasite has been found in the Paoli
Limestone in Owen County (4) and near Marengo, Crawford
County. In Wells County (1) pyrite is pseudomorphous after tiny
scalenohedrons of calcite. Many calcareous and phosphatic shells
and woody tissues are replaced by pyrite.
Disseminated pyrite is common in the Niagaran rocks of both
northern and southern Indiana (Cumings and Shrock, 1928, p. 58;
Ericksen, 1949; Priddy, 1939). Pyrite in a variety of forms occurs
in petroliferous Huntington Dolomite in Pulaski County (1). A
layer of pyrite, 1 inch to 6 inches thick, is found in most places at
the base of the New Albany Shale (Owen, 1846, p. 441; Borden,
1874, p. 158; Duden, 1897, p. 109; Campbell, 1946, p. 838, 846).
In addition, small crystals are disseminated throughout the shale.
Christy (1848, p. 33) said that the pyrite found in outcrops along
the Blue River near Edinburg, Johnson County, led many people to
search here for gold and silver. The mineral occurs as nodular
masses and concretions in Borden shales (Stockdale, 1931, p. 130,
157) and in quartz geodes in the lower part of the Harrodsburg
Limestone. In Washington County (5) numerous minute cubes of

pyrite give a shining and glistening appearance to parts of the St.

Louis Limestone. Considerable pyrite was noted in this formation
in Putnam County (1). The Paoli and Reelsville Limestones of the
Chester Series contain much disseminated pyrite.
Pyrite from Pennsylvanian shales and coals has been mined for
the manufacture of sulfuric acid in Knox, Parke, and Vigo Coun­
ties. The pyrite occurs as bands, lenses, and pyritized trunk and
stem fragments and as replacements of large calcareous concre­
tions (coal balls). Some of these balls may be several feet in
diameter and may weigh more than a ton. Collett (1872b, p. 203)
suggested that the entire balls represented coprolites of “. . . won­
derful monsters endowed with power and capacity to destroy and
digest the gigantic Edestus [vorax, Leidy-a giant shark] and
similar animals.” Mamay and Yochelson (1953) described the
peculiar assemblage of marine invertebrate and terrestrial plant
fossils found in some of these coal balls. These authors did not
propose any origin for the balls, but they did point out that spore
concentrations in some specimens are difficult to account for ex­
cept as fecal pellets of a herbivorous animal.
Holbrook (1919) suggested that reduction of sulfate waters by
organic matter produced the bands and lenses of pyrite. Pyrite in
Indiana coals was described by Dove (1919) and Holbrook
(1919). Good specimens of pyrite have been found in
Bartholomew (1), Cass (1), Decatur (1), Fountain (1), Huntington
(1), Jasper (1), Jennings (1), Monroe (3, 10, and 21), Pike (1),
Pulaski (1), Putnam (3), Rush (1), Wells (1 and 2), and White (1)
Counties. The occurrences at Monroe (10) and Putnam (3) were
reported by Fix (1939) and Reeves (1950) respectively.

Fe 1-xS

Pyrrhotite was first reported from Indiana by Erd (1954, p.

103) and later was described in detail by Erd, Evans, and Richter
(1957). The mineral occurs in hexagonal basal plates generally
less than 1 millimeter in diameter. Pyrrhotite, commonly accom­
panied by smythite, was found as inclusions in calcite in geodes
from Monroe County (6). At another locality in Monroe County
(10), pyrrhotite, smythite, millerite, marcasite, barite, and pyrite
are found as inclusions within a single crystal of calcite. Pyrrho­
tite, as inclusions in calcite, dolomite, barite, or rarely quartz, has
been found in vugs and geodes of the Harrodsburg Limestone and

Edwardsville Formation. Pyrrhotite has been found in Jackson (1)

and Monroe (3, 5, 6, 10, 18, and 19) Counties.


Quartz is found in all types of rocks in Indiana, and, as a rock-

forming mineral, is present as sandstones and arenaceous shales
and limestones. It is associated with nearly all other Indiana
minerals and may contain rutile, zircon, apatite, pyrite, marcasite,
or millerite.
Large crystals of quartz (rock crystal) are most commonly
found in Harrodsburg and Borden geodes. Stilson (1818) noted
that these geodes were weathered from Harrodsburg Limestone,
and he found them in the bed of Leatherwood Creek in Lawrence
County. In a description of this limestone in Owen County, Col-
lett (1876c, p. 317) said that “the geodes are characteristic and an
interesting feature. Rough and uncouth outwardly, they are filled
with nature's brightest, purest gems, and freshly broken, sparkle
with imprisoned light of past ages.” Other early descriptions of
the geodes were given by Owen (1862, p. 125-126), Collett
(1874c, p. 278), and Greene (1880, p. 438). More recently they
have been described by Fix (1939).
Minute, and often beautiful, crystals of quartz are found in
many Indiana limestones. Priddy (1939) noted such crystals in the
Niagaran rocks of southeastern Indiana, and Dawson (1941, p. 19)
reported that they compose nearly an entire bed, 1 foot to 3 feet
thick, at the base of the Jeffersonville Limestone in eastern and
northern Jennings County. Authigenic quartz crystals were also
found in this formation in Bartholomew (1) and Cass (1)
Chert, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, is abundant in the
sedimentary rock sequence in Indiana. Sweet and Woods (1942)
made a petrographic and chemical study of Indiana cherts in con­
crete aggregates and noted that the cherts contained chalcedony,
calcite, dolomite, pyrite, and iron oxides. The distribution of chert
in Indiana was studied by Bennett and Barrett (1919). Chert occurs
as nodules and lenses and is especially abundant in the Liston
Creek, Laurel, and Kenneth Limestones ; the Silver Creek Member
of the North Vernon Limestone; and the St. Louis and Ste. Gene­
vieve Limestones. Nodules and irregular masses of dense black
chert, or flint, are characteristic of the St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve
Limestones in Harrison County (D. D. Owen, 1838, p. 14; Richard

Owen, 1862, p. 154; McGrain, 1943, p. 153, 156). Agate is found

chiefly in geodes of the Edwardsville Formation.
Good specimens of quartz have been found in Brown (1),
Floyd (1), Harrison (4 and 5), Huntington (1), Jackson (1 and 2),
Lawrence (7 and 8), Monroe (3, 5, 6, 10, 17, 18, and 19), Mont­
gomery (1), Owen (2), Putnam (1 and 2), Washington (3, 4, 8, and
9), and White (1) Counties. The occurrence at Monroe (10) was
first reported by Fix (1939).


Most siderite occurs in Indiana as concretionary nodular

masses and lenses admixed with clay and silica (clay ironstone or

kidney ore). Well-developed rhombohedral (1011} crystals, some

of which possess curved faces, are found in Jackson (1) and
Putnam (6) Counties.
Siderite is associated with the iron oxides, pyrite, aragonite,
calcite, dolomite, sphalerite, and quartz. In Pennsylvanian shales
it also is commonly associated with bituminous matter and thus is
known as “black band ore.” It alters to limonite (goethite) or less
commonly to hematite. Limonite pseudomorphous after anhedral
or euhedral siderite is found in geodes.
Stockdale (1931, p. 89-91, 134-135) reported that siderite oc­
curs with hematite, limonite, and pyrite as concretions, lenses,
thin bands, and heavy layers in the New Providence Shale and to
a lesser extent in the Locust Point Formation of the Borden
Group. It also is found in small concretions in the upper part of
the Carwood Formation. It was first noticed in Borden rocks by
Owen (1838, p. 21) near New Providence, Clark County. Borden
(1874, p. 161-163; 1875b, p. 121) and Cox (1875a, p. 12; 1875b,
p. 47) noted that the mineral occurred in Clark, Scott, Floyd, and
Jackson Counties. Small scattered occurrences also were found in
exposures of the Borden Group in Brown, Lawrence, Monroe,
Morgan, and Washington Counties (Logan, 1922a, p. 760).
Small quantities of siderite occur in geodes, on joint surfaces,
and in veins of the Harrodsburg Limestone. In northern Monroe
County and northeastern Owen County thin veins of siderite
transect the beds and cut through quartz geodes of this formation.
Siderite occurs in the St. Louis Limestone in Montgomery County
(3) and on joint surfaces and in cavitie s in the Ste. Genevieve
Limestone in Putnam County (6).

Much siderite has been found as lenticular or kidney-shaped

concretions or as bands in shaly limestones of the upper part of
the Chester Series and in shales of Pennsylvanian age. Bundy
(1956a, p. 12) reported that siderite had been found in the centers
of concretions in the Beech Creek Limestone. Owen (1839) men­
tioned occurrences in Clay, Fountain, Greene, Knox, Parke, Perry,
Vanderburgh, Vermillion, and Warren Counties. Siderite has been
found in Brown, Clark, Clay, Crawford, Dubois, Fountain, Floyd,
Greene, Jackson (1), Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe (1, 5, 6,
19, and 20), Montgomery (3), Morgan, Orange, Owen (2), Parke,
Perry, Pike, Putnam (6), Scott, Spencer, Vanderburgh, Vermil­
lion, Vigo, and Washington (9) Counties.


Cramer (1811, p. 136) mentioned a silver mine on the north

side of the Wabash River in what is now Carroll County. Owen
(1839, p. 8-9) described some fruitless efforts of early prospectors
to mine silver in Dubois County. A “so-called ‘silver mine’” was
said to have been located near the junction of the Little Vermil­
lion River and Johnson Creek in Vermillion County (Bradley,
1869, p. 168). Collett (1874d, p. 244) repudiated “tales of French
Priests, [who] locate silver and lead mines on Little Pine creek,”
in Warren County. A popular mineralogical journal of 1885, “The
Hoosier Mineralogist and Archaeologist,” edited by H. F. Thomp­
son, described (v. 1, nos. 3, 4) a supposed discovery of silver ore
near Augusta, Pike County. W. H. Thompson (1889, p. 85) said
that “traces of silver have been discovered in some of our lime­
As most of these early geologists repeatedly pointed out, how­
ever, silver occurred in Indiana only in glacial materials. It was
found to be alloyed with gold (Blatchley, 1903b, p. 25) or
appeared as a nugget (Hueber, 1946).

Fe 3 S4

The first reported occurrence of smythite was from Indiana

(Erd, Evans, and Richter, 1957) ; this article listed the properties
of the mineral. Smythite occurs as inclusions in calcite, barite,
dolomite, and quartz in geodes of the lower part of the Harrods­
burg Limestone and the Edwardsville Formation. Pyrrhotite,
marcasite, pyrite, millerite, and barite are associated inclusions.

Smythite was found in Monroe (2, 5, 6, 10, 12, and 18) and Jack­
son (1) Counties. The material from Monroe County (6) was the
chief basis for the study by Erd, Evans, and Richter (1957, p.
310). Only minute quantities of this mineral have been found in


Most of the sphalerite from Indiana is massive, but crystals as

large as 20 millimeters were found. On the crystals the most com­
mon forms are a {100}, d {110}, and o {111}. Generally, crystals
are twinned on o {111}, and multiple twinning produces pseudo-
hexagonal symmetry.
Sphalerite is present only in small amounts in any one locality,
yet it is widespread in Indiana. The mineral occurs chiefly in Si­
lurian to Mississippian limestones and dolomites and in Pennsyl­
vanian shales. It has been found in association with pyrite, mar­
casite, millerite, quartz, calcite, dolomite, aragonite, siderite,
strontianite, celestite, and barite. Sphalerite that has been partially
altered to earthy smithsonite or minute crystals of sulfur was
found in Monroe County (5 and 20). Sphalerite has been observed
in Ordovician rocks in Wayne County (1). In northern Indiana it
occurs in dolomite druses and in quartz geodes in the
Mississinewa Shale and also fills cavities in the Liston Creek
Lime stone. In Devonian rocks sphalerite has been found in
cavities in the Jeffersonville Limestone with calcite and dolomite.
Sphalerite is found in Mississippian rocks, especially in quartz
geodes and on joint and fracture surfaces near the Edwardsville -
Harrodsburg contact. It was noted at this horizon in Monroe
County by Christy (1848, p. 33). Twinned crystals were found in
vugs in the Salem Limestone in Washington County (11).
Sphalerite occurs associated with calcite and in many places
barite in veinlets in the St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve Limestones.
It was found in limonitized fossil wood with barite in the
sandstone within the Mansfield For mation in Warren County (1)
and also is found in the shale above Coal VI in nodules of
siderite, pyrite, or marcasite. Dove (1921) reported that iron
sulfide nodules from above Coal VI in Knox County (1)
contained sphalerite.
Sphalerite was first reported from Indiana by David Dale Owen
in 1839 (p. 29). He found the mineral in siderite concretions in a
sandstone in Knox County. Brown (1854, p. 320) and later Bradley
(1869, p. 168) mentioned the occurrence of sphalerite in outcrops
of shales overlying Coals IV and VI along the Little Ver­

million River, Vermillion County. This mineral also was noted in

siderite concretions from the shale above Coal VI in Pike and
Warren Counties by Collett (1872c, p. 261, 284; 1874d, p. 214).
Richard Owen (1862, p. 60, 67, 165, 174) noted sphalerite in
Dela ware, Henry, Huntington, Martin, Miami, Wabash, and
Warren Counties. Owen described sphalerite (1862, p. 165)
associated with “notable quantities of cobalt” from a coal mine
2.5 miles south of Attica, Fountain County. The material
described by Owen was analyzed by E. T. Cox, then of the
Arkansas Geological Survey, who reported (1869c, p. 116-117)
that it contained a notable quantity of remingtonite (a supposed
hydrous cobalt carbonate now discredited as a mineral species).
Occurrences of sphalerite in Harrodsburg and Borden geodes in
Lawrence, Brown, Morgan, and Washington Counties were
described by Collett (1874c, p. 278; 1875, p. 86), Brown (1884, p.
81), and Gorby (1886a, p. 133). Collett (1874d, p. 223) reported
that there were geodes containing sphalerite in an outcrop of
sandstone on Pine Creek, Warren County. Specimens of the
mineral from Harrison, Miami, and Tippecanoe Counties are in
the S. S. Gorby Collection at Franklin College.
Sphalerite has been found in Bartholomew (1), Delaware, Har­
rison, Henry, Huntington (1), Jackson (1 and 2), Jasper (1),
Jennings (1), Knox (1), Lawrence (1 and 7), Madison (1), Miami,
Monroe (3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, and 20), Montgomery (2 and
3), Owen (1, 2, 4, and 5), Parke (1), Putnam (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7),
Scott (1), Spencer, Tippecanoe, Warren (1 and 2), Washington (2,
4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11), Wayne (1), and Wells (2) Counties. The
occurrences at Monroe (10) and Putnam (3) were reported by Fix
(1939) and Reeves (1950) respectively.


Strontianite is found in Monroe County (10) as fuzzy white

hemispheres that encrust crystals of calcite in pockets in the upper
part of the Harrodsburg Limestone. Some strontianite has inclu­
sions of minute cubes of pyrite; other strontianite occurs on crys­
tals of drusy quartz. At other localities the mineral was found
associated with calcite, dolomite, quartz, and sphalerite in geodes
of the Harrodsburg Limestone or Edwardsville Formation. In a
few of these geodes strontianite occurs as an alteration product of
celestite. Associated with calcite, dolomite, barite, millerite, and
marcasite it has been found in vugs in the Levias Member of the

Ste. Genevieve Limestone in Lawrence County (13). Strontianite

has been found in Lawrence (7 and 13), Monroe (7 and 10), and
Montgomery (1) Counties.


Stilson in describing southern Indiana wrote (1818, p. 133)

Many of the springs are strongly impregnated with sulphur, and some of them
are saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen. I found the opinion universally
prevalent among the people of this state, that the first appearance of these
sulphur springs was immediately subsequent to the earthquakes of 1812 [New
Madrid]. They say, that then new springs, impregnated with sulphur, broke out,
and the waters of some old springs, for the first time, gave indications of this
mineral. A sensible farmer, who has a large sulphur-fountain, boiling up from
the bottom of a river near its bank, assured me, that there was no trace of this
spring until after the period to which I have alluded. He could have no interest to
deceive me; and if he did deceive me, his conduct could originate only in that
love of the marvellous which is so characteristic of the human mind. He
moreover assured me that the “water had been growing weaker, (to use his
phrase) ever since its first appearance.”

Owen (1839, p. 11 )discredited a so-called “White Sulphur

Spring” at French Lick, Orange County, which also was supposed
to have been caused by the New Madrid earthquake.
Slight amounts of sulfur, formed by the oxidation of pyrite,
have been found associated with Indiana coals (Logan, 1922a, p.
1057). Dove (1919, p. 223) wrote that “gob fires, where com­
bustion is slow, often distill free sulphur from the pyrite, forming
miniature fumaroles about which delicate needles of yellow
monoclinic sulphur collect.”
Priddy (1939, p. 495) found traces of sulfur in Niagaran rocks
of southeastern Indiana. Minute euhedra of sulfur, associated with
smithsonite, occur as an alteration product of sphalerite in
Monroe County (5 and 20).

Hydrous manganese oxide

Borden (1875b, p. 132) reported that E. T. Cox found 5 to 7

percent manganese oxide in siderite and limonite concretions in
rocks of the Borden Group in Clark, Floyd, and Scott Counties.
Logan (1922a, p. 1055-1056) summarized the various
occurrences as follows:
Small quantities of the oxides of manganese have been found in the Kaolin
[halloysite] deposits of Indiana. Some of the geode-like concretions in the
Mansfield iron ores contain cavities lined with oxides of manganese. The iron

ores of the lower Knobstone [Borden Group] also contain oxides of manganese.
Manganese ores have been reported as occurring in deep wells in the southeast­
ern part of the state, but no deposits of economic importance have been found.

Some of the black stain found in geodes weathered from the

Harrodsburg Limestone is probably wad, but there is too little
material present for positive identification.


The following reported mineral occurrences in Indiana have

not been described previously in this report because they are
doubtful or discredited:
Native bismuth was listed by Cleaveland (1822, p. 682).
Richard Owen (1862, p. 113, 165) mentioned reports of “cobalt
ore” from Clinton and Warren Counties. Graphite or graphite like
material termed “plumbago” or “black lead” was mentioned in
reports on the coals of Indiana (Hobbs, 1872, p. 360, 364-365).
Collett (1879, p. 453) noted a “green stain of copper” (malachite)
on chert in the St. Louis Limestone near Milltown, Crawford
County. Malachite also was reported from Jennings County (1)
(Hueber, 1951) ; this latter occurrence, however, is glauconite.
Moissanite in the Salem Limestone was reported by Ohrenschall
and Milton (1931, p. 96), but it is now believed to have been pres-
sent owing to contamination (Milton, 1952, oral communication).
Stilson (1818) noted stibnite in Indiana. David Dale Owen
(1839, p. 6) stated that “a small specimen of sulphuret of anti­
mony was found in this county [Posey], on a branch of Mackaddo
creek at John McGregor’s farm; but no body of this ore has yet
been discovered.” Richard Owen (1862, p. 88) referred to sup­
posed antimony ore that was found about 30 feet below the
surface in a well near Vernon, Jennings County. Stibnite also was
mentioned by Cleaveland (1822, p. 682), who credited Col. G.
Gibbs with the report.


[An asterisk indicates those localities examined by the authors.]

Bartholomew County
*1. Meshberger Stone Co. quarry 2 miles northeast of
Elizabethtown, NE¼, sec. 6, T. 8 N., R. 7 E. p. 16, 17,
18, 22, 28, 29, 31, 40, 41, 46, 47, 51.

Brown County:
*1. Road cut on Indiana 46, 100 feet north of entrance to Brown
County State Park, 2 miles southwest of Nashville,
NE¼,NW¼, sec. 35, T. 9 N., R. 2 E. p. 17, 32, 48.

Cass County:
*1. France Stone Co. quarry 2.5 miles east of Logansport, NE¼
sec. 27, T. 27 N., R. 2 E.
p. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 31, 32, 40, 41, 46, 47.

Crawford County:
*1. Marengo Cave, northeast edge of Marengo, center NW¼ sec.
6, T. 2 S., R. 2 E.
p. 16, 17, 36, 38.
*2. Road cut on Indiana 62 near Wyandotte Cave, 0.25 mile east
of Wyandotte, NW¼, sec. 27, T. 3 S., R. 2 E. p. 27.
3. Saltpetre Cave, 0.3 mile northwest of Wyandotte Cave, NW¼
sec. 28, T. 3 S., R. 2 E.
p. 43.
*4. Wyandotte Cave, at Wyandotte, NE¼ sec. 28, T. 3 S., R. 2 E.
p. 9, 22, 27, 28, 36, 43.

Decatur County:
*1. New Point Stone Co. quarry 1 mile north of New Point,

S½SW¼SW¼ sec. 8, T. 10 N., R. 11 E. p. 19, 22, 23,

27, 32, 40, 41, 45, 46.

Floyd County
*1. Floyd County Stone Co. quarry 1 mile southwest of
Edwardsville, NE¼NEI¼ sec. 11, T. 3 S., R. 5 E. p. 35,
36, 48.
Fountain County
*1. Morgan Coal Co. pit 3 miles northeast of Kingman, SW¼
SE¼ sec. 20, T. 18 N., R. 7 W.
p. 36, 41, 42, 46.
Harrison County
*1. Louisville Cement Co. quarry at northwest edge of Milltown,
SW¼ sec. 10, T. 2 S., R. 2 E.
p. 27, 29.

*2. Road cut on Indiana 62, 5 miles west of Corydon, SW¼NE¼

sec. 20, T. 3 S., R. 3 E.
p. 18, 22, 27, 29.
*3. Road cut on Indiana 62, 5.1 miles west of Corydon,

NE¼SW¼ sec. 20, T. 3 S., R. 3 E.

p. 17, 26, 27, 29.

*4. Corydon Stone Co. quarry (abandoned) 2.5 miles southwest
of Lanesville, NE¼SW¼ sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 4 E. p. 22,
*5. Corydon Stone Co. quarry at northwest edge of Corydon,

SE¼SE¼ sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 3 E. p. 22, 27, 29, 48.

Huntington County:
*1. Erie Stone Co. quarry at east edge of Huntington, SE¼SW¼
and SW¼SE¼ sec. 12, T. 28 N., R. 9 E. p. 22, 27, 40,
41, 46, 48, 51.

Jackson County:
*1. Seymour Gravel Co. quarry (abandoned) 2 miles northwest
of Medora, SE¼SE¼ sec. 29, T. 5 N., R. 3 E. p. 19, 27,
41, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51.
*2. Old abandoned quarry immediately west of the Seymour

Gravel Co. quarry (see above), SW¼SE¼ sec. 29, T. 5

N., R. 3 E.

p. 19, 27, 41, 45, 48, 51.

3. Sparksville Quarry, 1 mile east of Sparksville, SE¼NE¼ sec.
18, T. 4 N., R. 3 E.
p. 42, 43.

Jasper County:
*1. Babcock Construction Co. quarry at southeast edge of Rens­
selaer, SE¼SE¼ sec. 30, T. 29 N., R. 6 W. p. 22, 46, 51.

Jefferson County:
*1. Cut along the Pennsylvania Railroad at north edge of Madi­
son, NE¼SW¼ sec. 34, T. 4 N., R. 10 E. p. 19, 21, 22,

Jennings County:
*1. Paul Frank Quarry, northeast edge of North Vernon, NE¼
sec. 34, T. 7 N., R. 8 E.
p. 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 31, 32, 45, 46, 51, 53.

Knox County:
1. Bicknell Coal Co. (Pan Handle Mine), 2.5 miles southwest of
Bicknell, SE¼ Block 142, Washington Township. p. 50,

Lawrence County:

*1. Ralph Rogers Co. quarry 2 miles southwest of Springville,

SE¼SE¼ sec. 29, T. 6 N., R. 2 W. p. 14, 15, 36, 51.

*2. Webster Quarry (abandoned), 3.5 miles southwest of Spring­

ville, SW¼NE¼ sec. 31, T. 6 N., R. 2 W. p. 17, 18, 19,
42, 43.
*3. Outcrop along the Leesville Road 0.5 mile south of U. S. 50
and 2 miles northwest of Leesville, SE¼NE¼ sec. 17, T.
5 N., R. 2 E.
p. 19.
*4. Outcrop in drainage ditch along Indiana 58, 3 miles northeast
of Bedford, SW¼SE¼ sec. 5, T. 5 N., R. 1 E. p. 19.
*5. Williams Limestone Co. quarry (abandoned) at east edge of
Bedford, NW¼NE¼ sec. 24, T. 5 N., R. 1 W. p. 21, 22.
6. Dry Cave, 2.5 miles southwest of Oolitic. Entrance on side of
hill in the NE¼ sec. 12, T. 5 N., R. 2 W. p. 44.
*7. Abandoned quarry and cut along the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad 2 miles southeast of Buddha, NE¼NW¼ sec.
23, T. 4 N., R. 1 E.
p. 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 48, 51, 52.
*8. Lehigh Portland Cement Co. quarry 2 miles northeast of
Mitchell, S½ sec. 30, T. 4 N., R. 1 E. p. 15, 20, 22, 23,
35, 36, 40, 41, 48.
9. Donaldson’s (Donnelson’s) Cave, Spring Mill State Park, 2
miles east of Mitchell, SW¼ sec. 33, T. 4 N., R. 1 E. p.
*10. Cut at the overhead cross of Indiana 450 over the Chicago,
Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad 1 mile west of Wil­
liams, SE¼SW¼ sec. 6, T. 4 N., R. 2 W. p. 19.
11. Connelly’s (Connerly’s) Cave, 1.5 miles east of Huron. En­

trance at foot of hill in sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 2 W. p. 44.


*12. Cut along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1 mile east of

Huron, S½ sec. 5, T. 3 N., R. 2 W.

p. 32, 35, 36.

*13. Nally, Ballard, and Cato quarry 0.5 mile west of Georgia,
SE¼NE¼ and NE¼SE¼ sec. 12, T. 3 N., R. 2 W. p. 18,
19, 27, 43, 52.

Madison County:
*1. Standard Materials Corp. quarry at northwest corner of
Lapel, E½NW¼ and W½NE¼ sec. 28, T. 19 N., R. 6 E.
p. 20, 22, 51.

Miami County:
1. Outcrop along Big Pipe Creek 1 mile north of Bunker Hill,
SW¼NE¼SW¼ sec. 29, T. 26 N., R. 4 E. p. 45.

Monroe County:
*1. Road cut on new Indiana 37, 7.5 miles north of Bloomington,
NE¼SE¼ sec. 21, T. 10 N., R. 1 W. p. 19, 43, 49.
*2. Road cut on new Indiana 37, 5.25 miles north of Blooming­
ton, SE¼SW¼ sec. 33, T. 10 N., R. 1 W. p. 50.
*3. Abandoned quarry 0.5 mile east of Unionville on Indiana 45,
NW¼SW¼ sec. 10, T. 9 N., R. 1 E. p. 19, 22, 27, 32, 43,
46, 47, 48, 51.
*4. Abandoned quarry just north of the west end of the tunnel for
the Illinois Central Railroad 1 mile west of Unionville,
SE¼NW¼ sec. 8, T. 9 N., R. 1 E.
p. 43.
*5. Road cut on new Indiana 37, 5 miles north of Bloomington,
NE¼NW¼ sec. 4, T. 9 N., R. 1 W. p. 17, 19, 20, 22, 27,
28, 32, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52.
*6. Road cut on new Indiana 37, 2 miles north of Bloomington,
NW¼SW¼ and SW¼NW¼ sec. 21, T. 9 N., R. 1 W. p.
16, 19, 27, 31, 32, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51.
*7. Small abandoned quarry 1.8 miles east of Bloomington on

Indiana 45, sec. 25, T. 9 N., R. 1 W. p. 19, 43, 51, 52.

*8. Outcrop in small tributary to Griffys Creek 1 mile north of

Bloomington, SW¼NW¼ sec. 27, T. 9 N., R. 1 W. p.


*9. Outcrop and wash in small stream near University Reservoir

at northeast edge of Bloomington, SE¼NW¼ sec. 34
and NE¼SW¼ sec. 27, T. 9 N., R. 1 W.
p. 18, 29, 51.
*10. Bloomington Crushed Stone Co. quarry 0.5 mile north of

Bloomington, SW¼NW¼ sec. 28, T. 9 N., R. 1 W.

p. 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 35, 36, 41, 43,
46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52.
*11. Exposure in temporary excavation, Indiana University
Campus, Bloomington, NE¼SW¼ sec. 33, T. 9 N., R. 1
W. p. 51.
*12. Road cut on Indiana 46 (Stobo bioherm) 5 miles east of
Bloomington, SW¼NE¼ sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 1 E. p. 19,
22, 50.
*13. Road cut on Indiana 37 south of Monon Railroad overhead
bridge 0.5 mile southeast of Clear Creek, SW¼NW¼
sec. 28, T. 8 N., R. 1 W.
p. 19.
14. Saltpetre Cave, 4 miles southwest of Bloomington, NW¼
sec. 15, T. 8 N., R. 2 W.

p. 36, 44.
15. Ellers Cave, 5 miles southwest of Bloomington near the Illi­
nois Central Railroad, SW¼ sec. 15, T. 8 N., R. 2 W.
p. 36.
*16. Abandoned quarry on Ketchem Road 2.75 miles west of

Smithville, SW¼NE¼ sec. 6, T. 7 N., R. 1 W.

p. 27, 51.
*17. Smithville Quarry (abandoned), 1 mile southeast of Smith­
ville, SW¼NW¼ sec. 11, T. 7 N., R. 1 W.
p. 19, 22, 27, 43, 48.
*18. Road cut on Indiana 37, 0.75 mile north of Harrodsburg,

NW¼SE¼ sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 1 W.

p. 16, 17, 19, 22, 27, 47, 48, 50.

*19. Road cut on Indiana 37 at the south edge of Harrodsburg,

W½SE¼NE¼ sec. 29, T. 7 N., R. 1 W.

p. 18, 19, 32, 43, 47, 48, 49.

*20. Road cut on Indiana 37 south of the bridge over Clear
Creek 1.25 miles south of Harrodsburg, NE¼SW¼ sec.
32, T. 7 N., R. 1 W.
p. 43, 49, 50, 51, 52.

*21. Quimby and Stephen Quarry, 2 miles south of Stanford,

SW¼SE¼ sec. 6, T. 7 N., R. 2 W.

p. 41, 46.
*22. Mr. H. F. Rogers’ farm 2.5 miles southwest of Harrodsburg,
SW¼NW¼ sec. 36, T. 7 N., R. 2 W.
p. 38.

Montgomery County:
*1. New Ross Limestone Co. quarry 1.5 miles southwest of New
Ross, NE¼NE¼ sec. 3, T. 17 N., R. 3 W.
p. 19, 42, 43, 48, 52.
*2. Parkersburg Quarry (abandoned), 0.5 mile north of Parkers­
burg, S½NW¼NW¼ sec. 32, T. 17 N., R. 4 W.
p. 51.
*3. Waveland Stone Co. quarry 2 miles southwest of Waveland,
SE¼SW¼ sec. 34, T. 17 N., R. 6 W.
p. 17, 19, 32, 38, 48, 49, 51.

Morgan County:
*1. Brooklyn Shale Co. pit 0.5 mile southwest of Brooklyn,
NE¼NE¼ sec. 35, T. 13 N., R. 1 E.
p. 19, 35, 36, 42.
*2. Road cut on Indiana 67 near junction with Indiana 39, 1 mile
west of Martinsville, NE¼SW¼ sec. 32, T. 12 N., R. 1 E.
p. 24, 41, 42.

Orange County:
*1. Radcliff and Berry, Inc. quarry 1 mile northwest of Orleans,
SW¼SE¼ sec. 24, T. 3 N., R. 1 W.
p. 19.

Owen County:
*1. Cut on secondary road 2 miles north of Gosport, NE¼NE¼
sec. 29, T. 11 N., R. 2 W.
p. 51.
*2. Cut near railroad station at southeast corner of Gosport,

NE¼SW¼ sec. 32, T. 11 N., R. 2 W.

p. 48, 49, 51.

*3. Dunn Limestone Co. quarry 3.5 miles northeast of Spencer,

NE¼SW¼ sec. 10, T. 10 N., R. 3 W.

p. 23.

*4. Abandoned quarry at the junction of Indiana 46 and second­

ary road to Gosport 4 miles east of Spencer, SE¼SE¼
sec. 24, T. 10 N., R. 3 W.
p. 19, 41, 45, 51.
*5. Outcrop along McCormicks Creek, McCormicks Creek State
Park, NE¼, sec. 22, T. 10 N., R. 3 W.
p. 51.
*6. France Stone Co. quarry 1 mile southwest of Spencer, NE¼
sec. 30, T. 10 N., R. 3 W.
p. 35, 36.
*7. Hahn Brothers Quarry, 3 miles southwest of Freedom,

SW¼SE¼ sec. 31, T. 9 N., R. 4 W. p. 38.

Parke County:
*1. Wallace Quarry (abandoned), 3 miles east of Grange Corner,
NE¼ sec. 7, T. 17 N., R. 6 W.
p. 19, 23, 27, 51.

Perry County:
*1. Lutring and Sons Quarry, 0.6 mile east of Branchville, SE¼
sec. 18, T. 4 S., R. 1 W.
p. 17, 22, 36, 41.
*2. Scheeler Quarry, 1 mile northeast of Derby, NW¼SE¼ sec.
33, T. 5 S., R. 1 W.
p. 19.
*3. Road cut on Indiana 66, 0.75 mile east of Troy, NW¼SE¼

sec. 13, T. 6 S., R. 4 W.

p. 28, 42.

Pike County:
*1. Enos Coal Mining Co. pit 2 miles northwest of Spurgeon,
SW¼NW¼ sec. 2, T. 3 S., R. 8 W.
p. 41, 42, 46.

Pulaski County:
*1. Francesville Stone Co. quarry 2 miles south of Francesville,
NE¼SW¼ sec. 16, T. 29 N., R. 4 W.
p. 42, 45, 46.

Putnam County:
*1. Russellville Stone Co. quarry 0.5 mile south of Russellville,
NW¼SE¼ sec. 8, T. 16 N., R. 5 W.
p. 19, 41, 46, 48, 51.

*2. Abandoned quarry 4 miles south of Russellville, center SE¼

sec. 28, T. 16 N., R. 5 W.
p. 48, 51.
3. Big Walnut Creek, 5 miles northeast of Greencastle, T. 15 N.,
R. 4 W.
p. 19, 26, 46, 51.
*4. Midwest Rock Products Corp. quarry (abandoned) at east

edge of Greencastle, center sec. 22, T. 14 N., R. 4 W.

p. 41.
*5. Ohio and Indiana Stone Co. quarry 1 mile southwest of

Greencastle, junction of secs. 19, 20, 29, and 30, T. 14

N., R. 4 W.

p. 27, 51.
*6. Lone Star Cement Co. quarry 0.25 mile southeast of
Limedale, junction of secs. 28, 29, 32, and 33, T. 14 N.,
R. 4 W.
p. 18, 48, 49, 51.
*7. Indiana State Farm quarry 1 mile southwest of Putnamville,
NW¼SW¼ sec. 17, T. 13 N., R. 4 W.
p. 51.

Ripley County:
*1. Road cut on Indiana 129, 6 miles south of Versailles,
NE¼NW¼ sec. 8, T. 6 N., R. 12 E.
p. 19, 22.

Rush County:
*1. Rush County Stone Co. quarry at west edge of Moscow, W½
SE¼ sec. 18, T. 12 N., R. 9 E.
p. 22, 46.

Scott County:
*1. Scott County Stone Co. quarry 2 miles south of Blocher,
NE¼NW¼ sec. 20, T. 3 N., R. 8 E.
p. 27, 51.

Shelby County:
*1. Cave Stone Co. quarry 0.5 mile west of Morristown,
NE¼NW¼ sec. 32, T. 11 N., R. 7 E.
p. 22, 29.

Spencer County:
*1. Road cut on Indiana 70, 0.2 mile west of junction with Indi­
ana 66, 2.5 miles west of Maxville, SE¼SW¼ sec. 9, T.
6 S., R. 4 W.
p. 23, 24.

Switzerland County:
*1. Tri-County Stone Co. quarry 3 miles northwest of Benning­
ton, NE¼NW¼ sec. 9, T. 5 N., R. 12 E.
p. 19.

Wabash County:
*1. Abandoned quarry in reef near Rich Valley 3 miles west of
Wabash, SE¼NE¼ sec. 13, T. 27 N., R. 5 E.
p. 21, 22, 40, 41.

Warren County:
*1. Bluff along Mud Pine Creek 1.5 miles west of Rainsville,
SW¼NE¼ sec. 29, T. 23 N., R. 8 W. p. 19, 50, 51.
*2. Small coal mine on north side of Indiana 63, 4.5 miles south
of West Lebanon, SW¼SW¼ sec. 2, T. 20 N., R. 9 W.
p. 51.

Washington County:
*1. Abandoned quarry on the west side of Indiana 135 at north
edge of Plattsburg, SW¼SW¼ sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 4 E.
p. 19.
*2. Cut along the Monon Railroad at south edge of Harristown,
west line SE¼ sec. 24, T. 2 N., R. 4 E.
p. 51.
*3. Ralph Rogers Co. quarry (abandoned) 1 mile south of Salem,
NW¼SE¼ sec. 20, T. 2 N., R. 4 E.
p. 23, 36, 48.
*4. Cut for dam spillway 2 miles south of Salem on the east side
of Indiana 135, NW¼NE¼ sec. 32, T. 2 N., R. 4 E.
p. 19, 48, 51.
*5. Outcrop in small stream 1.75 miles west of Salem,


sec. 12, T. 2 N., R. 3 E.

p. 45.
*6. Salem Lime and Stone Co. quarry (abandoned) 1 mile west
of Salem, SW¼SE¼ sec. 13, T. 2 N., R. 3 E.
p. 51.
*7. Hoosier Lime and Stone Co. quarry 0.7 mile west of Salem,
NE¼ sec. 24, T. 2 N., R. 3 E.
p. 36, 51.
*8. Road cut on Indiana 60, 3 miles northwest of Pekin,

SW¼NE¼ sec. 2, T. 1 N., R. 4 E.

p. 48.

*9. Road cut on Indiana 60 immediately south of locality 8

(above), 3 miles northwest of Pekin, NW¼SE¼ sec. 2,

T. 1 N., R. 4 E.
p. 16, 17, 48, 49, 51.
*10. Small abandoned quarry 1.25 miles west of Pekin,

SW¼SE¼ sec. 22, T. 1 N., R. 4 E.

p. 19, 29, 35, 51.

*11. Abandoned quarry 2.25 miles west of Pekin, SW¼SE¼ sec.
21, T. 1 N., R. 4 E.
p. 50, 51.
*12. Abandoned quarry on the west side of Indiana 135, 4 miles
southwest of Pekin, SE¼SE¼ sec. 5, T. 1 S., R. 4 E.
p. 36.

Wayne County:
*1. DeBolt Quarry, 3 miles southeast of Richmond, NE¼SW¼
sec. 11, T. 13 N., R. 1 W.
p. 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 31, 32, 50, 51.
*2. Abandoned quarry immediately west of bridge of Indiana
227 over Elkhorn Creek 2.25 miles northwest of Boston,
NE¼SW¼ sec. 22, T. 13 N., R. 1 W.
p. 19.

Wells County:
*1. Erie Stone Co. quarry 1.5 miles north of Bluffton, SW¼
NW¼ sec. 28, T. 27 N., R. 12 E.
p. 27, 41, 45, 46.
*2. Heller Stone Co. quarry 7 miles west and 1 mile north from
Bluffton, NW¼SE¼ sec. 29, T. 27 N., R. 11 E.
p. 22, 24, 32, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 51.

White County:
*1. Monon Crushed Stone Co. quarry 1 mile south of Monon,
SE¼NE¼ sec. 28, T. 28 N., R. 4 W.
p. 46, 48.
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Adams, Samuel, 1820, Account of a great and very extraordinary cave in Indi­
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deposits of Indiana: Indiana Dept. Geology and Nat. Resources, Ann. Rept.
31, 1906, p. 383-424.
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and Minerals, v. 10, p. 23-26, 39-40, 2 figs.
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---------- 1897, Indiana caves and their fauna: Indiana Dept. Geology and Nat.
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---------- 1903a, The mineral waters of Indiana: Indiana Dept. Geology and Nat.
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---------- 1903b, Gold and diamonds In Indiana: Indiana Dept. Geology and Nat.
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---------- 1907, The natural resources of the State of Indiana: Indiana Dept.
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1873. p. 133-189.
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year 1874, p. 135-186.
1875b, Scott County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 6, made during the year
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Bradley, F. H., 1869, Geology of Vermillion County: Indiana Geol. Survey,
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---------- 1884, Geology of Morgan County: Indiana Dept. Geology and Nat.
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Y., H. C. Southwick, Printer, vi, 352 p.
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---------- 1956b, Petrology of gypsum-anhydrite deposits In southwestern Indi­
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---------- 1872b, Geology of Dubois County, Ind.: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann.
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---------- 1872e, Geology of Pike County, Ind.: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann.
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---------- 1874a, Geology of Gibson County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 5,
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---------- 1874b, Geology of Knox County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 5,
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---------- 1874c, Geology of Lawrence County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept.
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---------- 1874d, Geology of Warren County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 5,
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---------- 1875, Geology of Brown County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 6,
made during the year 1874, p. 76-110.
---------- 1876a, Geological report on Vanderburgh County, Ind.: Indiana Geol.
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---------- 1876b, Montgomery County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 7, made
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---------- 1876c, Owen County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 7, made during
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---------- 1879, Geological report on Harrison and Crawford Counties, Ind.,
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ing the year 1869, p. 20-85.
---------- 1869b, Greene County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 1, made dur­
ing the year 1869, p. 86-109.
---------- 1869c, Parke, Fountain, Warren, Owen, and Vermillion Counties: In­
diana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 1, made during the year 1869, p. 110-135.
---------- 1871a, Daviess County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 2, made
during the year 1870, p. 20-80.
---------- 1871b, Martin County: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 2, made dur­
ing the year 1870, p. 81-117.
---------- 1871c, Putnam and Vigo Counties: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 2,
made during the year 1870, p. 118-145.
---------- 1872a, Geological notes of a trip from New Albany, in Floyd County to
Harrison and Crawford Counties: Indiana Geol. Survey, Ann. Repts. 3 and
4, made during the years 1871 and 1872, p. 145-156.
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[Substances fully described are shown in capital letters.]


Agate .......................................................................................... 48
Hornblende ................................................................................ 13

ALLOPHANE ......................................................... 7, 14, 15, 37

HYDROMAGNESITE ............................................... 16, 38, 39

Allophane-evansite ............................................................14, 37
Jarosite ....................................................................................... 14

Alum ............................................................................. 41, 44, 45

Kaolin ..................................................................................37, 52

Alunite ....................................................................................... 37
Lead (native) ................................................................ 10, 30, 49

ANHYDRITE .................................................................7, 15, 35

LIMONITE ....................... 7, 13, 18, 32, 38, 39, 40, 45, 48, 52

Ankerite ..................................................................................... 26
Magnetite .............................................................................32, 34

APATITE .................................................... 7, 15, 16, 37, 38, 47

Malachite ............................................................................... 7, 53

ARAGONITE. ......................... 7, 10, 16, 17, 26 32, 38, 48, 50

M altha ....................................................................................... 17

ASPHALT .................................................................... 17, 18, 29

MARCASITE ..........................................10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 28,

Augite ........................................................................................ 13
29, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 61

BARITE ................................................................... 7, 16, 18, 19.

MELANTERITE ...............................................7, 23, 41, 42, 44

20, 22, 23, 26, 40, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50 51

Mica ........................................................................................... 10

Bismuth (native) ................................................................... 7, 53

MILLERITE ...................................................................................

CALCITE.................................................................................... 7,
7, 17, 18, 20, 26, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51

10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28,
Moissanite ............................................................................. 7, 53

29, 31, 32, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
Natroalunite (natro-alunite) .................................................... 14

CELESTITE ...................................................................................
NITROCALCITE ...............................................................43, 44

............................................. 7, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 40, 50, 51

Nitromagnesite ..................................................................... 7, 43

Chalcedony ............................................................................... 47
OPAL ......................................................................................... 44

CHALCOPYRITE ................................................................... 23
Orthoclase ................................................................................. 37

Clay minerals ........................................................................ 7, 13

POTASH ALUM ........................................................ 41, 44, 45

Collophane ..........................................................................15, 38
Pseudowavellite ........................................................................ 14

COPIAPITE ............................................................. 7, 23, 24, 41

PYRITE .......................................................................................7,

COPPER (NATIVE) ................................................. 7, 9, 24, 25

10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26, 29, 31, 32, 38,

Coquimbite ................................................................................ 23
39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

Crandallite ................................................................................. 14
PYRRHOTITE ........................7, 18, 20, 26, 32, 42, 46, 47, 49

DIAMOND .............................................................. 7, 24, 25, 26

QUARTZ ........................................... 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26,

DOLOMITE ............................................... 7, 13, 16, 18, 20, 26,

31, 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 61

27, 28, 29, 31, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
Remingtonite ............................................................................. 51

Endellite ..................................................................................... 37
Rutile ....................................................................................37, 47

EPSOMITE .............................................................. 7, 27, 28, 41

Selenite ......................................................................... 15, 86, 36

Flint ............................................................................................ 47
Sericite ....................................................................................... 37

Fluorapatite............................................................................... 15
SIDERITE ...................................................................................7,

FLUORITE .................................... 7, 10, 17, 20, 28, 29, 30, 40

13, 16, 26, 32, 38, 39, 40, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

GALENA ..............................................7, 10, 19, 29, 30, 31, 34

Siderotil ...............................................................................23, 41

Gibbsite ..................................................................................... 37
SILVER (NATIVE) .......................................................7, 10, 49

GLAUCONITE ....................................7, 13, 15, 16, 31, 45, 53

Smithsonite .........................................................................50, 52

GOETHITE ...........................................7, 13, 18, 32, 37, 39, 48

SMYTHITE ..........................................7, 18, 20, 26, 46, 49, 50

GOLD (NATIVE) .............................................7, 32, 33, 34, 49

SPHALERITE ............................................................................. ...

Graphite ................................................................................. 7, 53
............................................ 7, 18, 22, 26, 40, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52

Stibnite ................................................................................... 7, 53

10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 28, 35, 36, 41, 45
STRONTIANITE .......................... 7, 17, 18, 22, 42, 50, 51, 52

HALLOYSITE ........................................... 7, 13, 14, 36, 37, 52

SULFUR (NATIVE) .............................................. 7, 24, 50, 52

Halotrichite ............................................................................... 41
WAD ......................................................................... 7, 38, 52, 53

HEMATITE ................................................ 7, 10, 13, 38, 40, 48

Zircon ......................................................................................... 47

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