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I. Choose the corect active voice form of a sentences for each number bellow !

1. The room has been cleaned by frieda just now.

A. Frieda has been cleaned the room just now
B. Frieda had cleaned the room just now
C. Frieda has cleaned the room just now
D. Frieda is cleaning the room just now

2. My orange juice was drunk by romeo this morning.

A. Romeo drank my orange juice this morning
B. Romeo drunk my orange juice this morning
C. Romeo will drink my orange juice this morning
D. Romeo drinks my orange juice this morning

3. A new novel is being read by fira now.

A. Fira is being reading a new novel now
B. Fira being reading a new novel now
C. Fira was reading a new novel now
D. Fira is reading a new novel now

4. The dishes in this restaurant is made by a famous chef

A. A famous chef made the dishes in this restaurant
B. A famous chef makes the dishes in this restaurant
C. A famous chef is making the dishes in this restaurant
D. A famous chef is made the dishes in this restaurant

5. This comedy action movie was directed by jimi tomson

A. Jimi tomson directed this comedy action movie
B. Jimi tomson directs this comedy action movie
C. Jimi tomson was directed this comedy action movie
D. Jimi tomson is directed this comedy action movie

6. The email that you got yesterday was written by a girl

A. A girl writes the email that you got yesterday
B. A girl was written the email that you got yesterday
C. A girl wrote the email that you got yesterday
D. A girl was wrote the email that yu got yesterday

7. The ball was being kicked by a littel boy

A. A little boy is kicking the ball
B. A little boy was kicking the ball
C. A little boy kicked the ball
D. A little boy kicks the ball
II. Choose the corect passive voice form of a sentences for each number bellow !

1. Someone knocked the door of her house yesterday

A. The door was knocked of her house by someone yesterday
B. The door of her house was knocked by someone yesterday
C. The door of her house is knocked by someone yesterday
D. The door has knocked of her house by someone yesterday

2. Fajar has taken an english test just now

A. An english test was taken by fajar just now
B. An english test had been taken by fajar just now
C. An english test had taken by fajar just now
D. An eglish test has been taken by fajar just know

3. The children are planting trees in the garden now

A. Trees are being planted by the children in the garden now
B. Trees are planted by the children in the garden now
C. Trees has planted by the children in the garden now
D. Trees are being planting by the children in the garden now

4. My father always washes the red car on Sunday

A. The red car always washed by my father on Sunday
B. The red car is washing by my father on Sunday
C. The red car is always washed by my father on Sunday
D. The red car has been washed by my father on Sunday

5. My friends were fixing my bicycle in my house

A. My bicycle is fixed by my friends in my house
B. My bicycle are fixed by my friends in my home
C. My bicycle were fixed by my friend in my home
D. My bicycle was fixed by my friend in my home

6. The old man had cut some trees near his shop
A. Some trees has been cut by the old man near his shop
B. Some trees was cut by the old man near his shop
C. Some trees near his shop had been cut by the old man
D. Some trees near his shop have been cut by the old man

7. Andi took many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week
A. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week are taken by andi
B. Many pictures of nice places were taken by andi during his holiday last week
C. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week were taking by andi
D. Many pictures of nice places have taken by andi during his holiday last week
8. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this
A. Some old documents are translated by them last week.
B. Some old documents have been translated by them last week.
C. Some old documents were being translated by them last week.
D. Some old documents were translated by them last week.

9. Two tents for our camping would …….. by my mother.

A. Being bought
B. Been bought
C. Be bought
D. Bought

10. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this
A. Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.
B. Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
C. Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
D. Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.

11. Sam has taken an English course.

Passive voice is:
A. Sam has been taken an English course.
B. An English course taken by Sam.
C. An English course has been taken by Sam.
D. English courses have taken by Sam.

12. Students are using computers now.

Passive voice is:
A. Computers are being used by students now.
B. Computers are used by them now.
C. Computers were used by them now.
D. Computers is being used by them now.

13. My father fixed the car yesterday.

Passive voice is:
A. My father was fixed the car yesterday.
B. My father was being fixed the car yesterday.
C. The car was fix by my father yesterday.
D. The car was fixed by my father yesterday.
Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Active and Passive Voice 

Nama Kelompok :
Usna Khatimah Abel
Wahdni Annisa Putri
Rizky Irhan Haikal
Safani Dwi Mega
Wanda Adelia
Setya Putra Yulio
Ona Saputra
Kunci Jawaban:
1) c
2) a
3) d
4) b
5) a
6) c
7) b

1) b
2) d
3) a
4) c
5) d
6) c
7) b
8)Karena pola kalimat di atas adalah past tense, maka kalimat pasif mengikuti pola dasar.
Sehingga jawaban di atas menjadi Some old documents were translated by them last
week. Jawaban: D
9) karena sebelum bagian kosong pada kalimat di atas terdapat modal berupa would,
maka setelah itu harus berupa bentuk kata kerja dasar. Jawaban: C
10) Pola kalimat di atas merupakan future continuous tense. Sehingga pola kalimat pasif
menjadi our grandmother will be being visited by us next week. Jawaban: A
11) Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada
soal diatas mengacu kepada Present Perfect Tense (has taken) adalah kata kuncinya,
jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif menggunakan Present Perfect Tense maka anda harus
menjawab dengan mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (has/have been + V3) anda
harus menyesuaikan To be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu An English
Course(singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang digunakan adalah has been.
12) Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada
soal diatas mengacu kepada Present Countinuous Tense (are using/ now) adalah kata
kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif menggunakan Present
Countinuous Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan mengunakan struktur berikut
ini To be (is/am/are being + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The computers (plural) oleh sebab itu To
be yang digunakan adalah are being.
13) Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada
soal diatas mengacu kepada Simple Past Tense (fixed/ yesterday) adalah kata kuncinya,
jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif menggunakan Simple Past Tense maka anda harus
menjawab dengan mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (was/ were + V3) anda harus
menyesuaikan To be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The Car (singular) oleh sebab
itu To be yang digunakan adalah was.

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