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Case: 25CH1:21-cv-01605 Document #: 24 Filed: 02/10/2022 Page 1 of 11





V. CIVIL ACTION NO. 25CH1:21-cv-01605





Defendant District Phase Two, LLC [“Landlord”] files its Amended Answer and

Counterclaim to Plaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint [doc. 6], as follows:


The First Amended Complaint fails to state a claim in whole or in part upon which relief

may be granted.


Miller Hospitality, LLC is a necessary and indispensable party which should be joined as

a party to this action pursuant to M.R.C.P. 19(1) and/or (2).


Alternatively, Miller Hospitality, LLC should be joined as a Counter-defendant to

Landlord’s Counterclaim below pursuant to M.R.C.P. 20 insofar as Landlord’s claims against

Miller arise out of the same transaction or series of transactions involving Counter-defendants

Jackson Restaurant Group, LLC and Ray Scott Miller, and the pertinent questions of law and/or

fact are common to all three Counter-defendants.

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The Lease Agreement attached as Ex. 1 to the First Amended Complaint is an

inauthentic, altered document. It was not executed by any of the Defendants and is not the duly

executed, governing lease agreement. Rather, the original and true Lease was wrongfully altered

by one or more individuals acting on behalf of Miller Hospitality, LLC, Jackson Restaurant

Group, Inc. and/or Ray-Scott Miller. Plaintiffs’ Ex. 1 should be stricken from the record. A true

and correct copy of the duly executed, governing Lease is attached as Ex. 1 to the Amended

Counterclaim below.


The First Amended Complaint is barred by applicable maxims of equity, including

Plaintiffs’ failure to come to court with clean hands, and Plaintiff’s failure to “do equity prior to

seeking equity.” The facts giving rise to these equitable defenses are outlined in the Fourth

Defense above, and below:

Miller Hospitality, LLC, Jackson Restaurant Group, LLC, and Ray-Scott Miller have

repeatedly breached the applicable Lease attached as Ex. 1 to the Amended Counterclaim below

by failing to pay the amount of rent due on a timely basis. These parties were in default in

payment of rent as of the date of filing of their original Complaint and as of the date of their First

Amended Complaint. They remain in default as of the date of filing of this Amended Answer

and Counterclaim.

Moreover, in attempting to stave off eviction, Miller et al. have belatedly and improperly

raised specious disputes and interpretations of the Lease in an effort to avoid paying the amount

of Rent which they are obligated to pay. Section 1 of the Lease contains an unambiguous

provision that “At no time during the first Twelve months of the Term of this Lease shall

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Tenant’s obligations to pay Operating Expenses exceed Five Dollars and 50/100 per square foot

($5.50 per sq/ft.)” In an effort to pay an improper, reduced amount, Miller et al. have wrongfully

asserted that the Lease should be read as having an ongoing limitation on Tenant’s share of

Operating Expenses,

Plaintiffs’ claims of “fraud” on the part of the defending parties in the First Amended

Complaint are not well founded in fact or in law. By all appearances, their suit is designed to

delay and hinder their lawful eviction from the premises. In filing suit, they have exhibited and

vouched for the authenticity of a falsely created, inauthentic document.


The First Amended Complaint fails to comply with Miss. R. Civ. P. 9(b), which provides

that “In all averments of fraud or mistake, the circumstances constituting fraud or mistake shall

be stated with particularity.” Alternatively, Plaintiffs’ claims of fraud fail on the face of the

Complaint and should be dismissed pursuant to Rule 12(b).


The First Amended Complaint is barred in whole or in party by Mississippi’s Statute of

Frauds, Miss. Code Ann. §15-1-3(c).


The First Amended Complaint is barred in whole or in part by the doctrines of waiver and


Having presented the above defenses, but without waiver thereof, Defendant answers the

numbered paragraphs of the First Amended Complaint as follows:

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1. Defendant admits that Jackson Restaurant Group, LLC is a Mississippi Limited

Liability Company. To the extent that this paragraph of the First Amended Complaint alleges

anything other or further, Defendant denies same.

2-5. Admitted.

6-9. Admitted.

10-74. Denied, except Defendant admits that Ray-Scott Miller is personally and

individually liable as tenant’s Guarantor under the Lease.


Defendant files this Amended Counterclaim against Miller Hospitality, LLC [“Miller”],

Jackson Restaurant Group, LLC [“JRG”], and Ray-Scott Miller [“Guarantor”] as follows:

I. Parties and personal jurisdiction

1. Counter-plaintiff District Phase Two, LLC is a Mississippi limited liability

company in good standing and authorized to bring suit in the courts of Mississippi.

2. Counter-defendant Miller on information and belief is a Mississippi limited

liability company which is subject to the personal jurisdiction of this Court and may be served

with this Amended Counterclaim by and through its Registered Agent, David T. Ash, 1818

Crane Ridge Drive, Suite 202A, Jackson, MS 39216 and/or its Manager and Member, Raymond

S. Miller, 1855 Lakeland Drive, SuiteP201, Jackson, MS 39216.

3. Counter-defendant JRG on information and belief is a Mississippi limited liability

company which has already submitted to this Court’s jurisdiction and may be served with this

Amended Counterclaim by and through its counsel of record in this action, Hon. Craig Panter.

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4. Counter-defendant Ray-Scott Miller on information and belief is a resident of

Mississippi who has already submitted to this Court’s jurisdiction and may be served with this

Amended Counterclaim by and through his counsel of record in this action, Hon. Craig Panter.

II. Subject Matter Jurisdiction

5. Counter-plaintiff recognizes that jurisdiction of commercial lease evictions is

ordinarily vested in the County Court pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 89-7-27 and may not be

filed originally in the Chancery Court. See Wiggins v. Perry, 989 So. 2d 419 (Miss. 2008).

Nevertheless, insofar as Counter-defendants JRG and Guarantor Ray-Scott Miller filed this suit

in this Chancery Court invoking this Court’s equitable jurisdiction, under longstanding precedent

this Court has pendent or ancillary jurisdiction to resolve and adjudicate this entire suit,

including all legal claims, i.e., Counter-plaintiff’s claims for eviction and damages. E.g.

Wheelan v. City of Gautier, ¶35, 2021 WL 687254 (Miss. Ct. App. 2021); (RE/MAX Real Estate

Partners, Inc. v. Lindsley, 840 So. 2d 709 (Miss. 2003).

III. Venue

6. The real property which is the subject of this action is located in the First Judicial

District of Hinds County, Mississippi. Moreover, Counter-defendants’ breaches of the Lease

occurred in this judicial district. Accordingly, venue is proper in this Court pursuant to Miss.

Code Ann. § 11-5-1.

IV. Statement of Claims

7. Counter-plaintiff, as Landlord, and Miller Hospitality, LLC [“Miller”], as Tenant,

duly executed and entered into the Lease attached hereto as Ex. 1, effective February 3, 2017.

The terms and provisions of the Lease are incorporated by referenced herein.

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8. Counter-defendant Ray-Scott Miller [“Ray-Scott”] executed the Lease as the

Tenant’s Guarantor. The scope of his Guaranty is set forth in Section 40(r).

9. Miller has at all times continued to be obligated as the Tenant under the Lease

and has never been released therefrom.

10. At Miller’s instigation, JRG has occupied and utilized the property as a de facto

assignee by operating a restaurant known as “Fine and Dandy.” Accordingly, JRG is jointly

liable with Miller for all sums due under the Lease.

11. Section 4.(a) of the Lease provides in pertinent part, as follows:


(a) General. The “Rent” hereunder is composed of “Minimum

Rent”, “Percentage Rent” (as set forth in Section 1 hereof and
adjustments thereto as hereinafter provided) and (ii) “Operating
Expenses.” (as defined herein). Beginning on the date (the “Rent
Commencement Date”) which is thirty (30) days following the
Commencement Date, Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord all Rent required
under this Lease, which shall be payable on a monthly basis to Landlord
(unless expressly provided otherwise) without deduction or offset (except
as expressly provided herein), in lawful money of the United States of
America at the address for payment of Rent set forth in Section 1 above,
or at such other place as Landlord my from time to time designate upon
thirty (30) days advance written notice. Minimum Rent or Percentage
Rent, Operating Expenses and all other sums of money or charges required
to paid hereunder shall be deemed rental for the Demised Premises.

Sections 4 and 5 contain further provisions applicable to the Tenant’s obligations to timely and

fully pay these three components, which are incorporated herein.

12. Section 24 of the Lease provides:

The occurrence of any one of more of the following events shall constitute a material
default and breach of this Lease by Tenant:

* * *

(b) Monetary Default. The failure by Tenant to make (i) any regular monthly
payment of Rent within five (5) days from the date due or (ii) payment of any other sum

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required to be made by Tenant hereunder within ten (10) days from the date of delivery
of written notice of such failure; provided, however, if notice is required, Landlord shall
not be required to deliver more than two (2) notices of monetary default during any
twelve-month period.

13. Since the inception of the Lease, Counter-defendants have repeatedly defaulted in

making timely and full payments of the Rent due and owing.

14. Pursuant to Section 7, late payments bear interest at the Default Rate and, in

addition, are subject to a late charge as set forth therein.

15. On multiple occasions during Counter-defendants’ tenancy and occupancy, they

have tendered rent checks which were deposited by Counter-plaintiff, but returned for

insufficient funds. Counter-defendants are obligated to reimburse Counter-plaintiff for the bank

fees it has incurred as a result of tendering these bounced checks.

16. As of December 31, 2021, the amount of Rent, interest, late charges, and NSF

charges due and owing from Counter-defendants to Counter-plaintiff was $131,376.57.

17. Counter-defendants have failed to cure their default since December 31, 2021 and

remain in default as of the date of filing of this Amended Counterclaim.

18. Attached hereto as Ex. 2 is a ledger maintained in the ordinary course of Counter-

plaintiff’s business, reflecting all amounts due and paid to date under the Lease through

December 31, 2021.

19. Counter-plaintiff reserves the right to recover any and all other and further

amounts of Rent, interest, late charges and all other amounts which are unpaid and in default

from and after December 31, 2021.

20. Counter-plaintiff has given all notices required under the Lease and otherwise

performed all of its obligations thereunder.

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21. Counter-plaintiff is entitled to and hereby asks this Court to enter an Order

pursuant to M.R.C.P. 57 declaring that Counter-defendants are in default under the Lease and

that Counter-plaintiff is entitled to exercise its remedies under the Lease and Mississippi law.


22. Counter-plaintiff is entitled to entry of an Order and/or Warrant of Removal

evicting Counter-defendants from the premises, and any and all persons who may be in

possession and/or claiming by and through them.


23. Pursuant to Section 25(a) of the Lease and Mississippi law, Counter-plaintiff is

entitled to entry of an Order “removing all persons and property from the Demised Premises;

such property may be removed and stored in a public warehouse or elsewhere at the cost and for

the account of Tenant.”

24. Alternatively, pursuant to Section 25(e) of the Lease and Mississippi law,

Counter-plaintiff is entitled to entry of an Order permitting it to “remove, sell or otherwise

dispose of ” Counter-defendants’ “fixtures, furniture, equipment, improvements, additions and

other personal property.”


25. Counter-plaintiff is entitled to entry of a Judgment against the Counter-defendants

for all unpaid amounts of Rent, interest, late charges, and other amounts due and owing under the

Lease, to wit: $ 131,376.57 as of 12/31/21.

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26. Section 28(b) of the Lease provides:

(b) Holding Over. If Tenant holds over after the Term hereof, with or without
the express or implied consent of Landlord, such tenancy shall be from month-to-month only,
and not a renewal hereof or an extension for any further term, and in such case Rent shall be
payable at a rental in the amount of two hundred percent (200%) of the Rent in effect as of the
last month of the Term hereof and at the time specified in this Lease, and such month-to-month
tenancy shall be subject to every other term, covenant and agreement contained herein.

27. Miss. Code Ann. § 89-7-25 likewise provides that a tenant wrongfully holding

over shall pay “double rent.”

28. Pursuant to the above-quoted Lease provisions and Miss. Code Ann. § 89-7-25,

Counter-plaintiff is entitled to entry of a Judgment for double rent against Counter-defendants.


29. Section 27 of the Lease provides:

If either party brings action against the other, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this
Lease, including any suit by Landlord for the recovery of Rent or possession of the
Demised Premises, the unsuccessful party shall pay the successful party its costs incurred
in connection with an in preparation for said action, including its attorneys’ fees.

Counter-plaintiff asks for an award of its reasonable attorneys fees and expenses, in an

amount to be shown at trial and/or via a post-trial application.


30. Counter-plaintiff is entitled to entry of a Judgment in its favor and against Ray-

Scott Miller for all amounts due and owing under his personal guaranty of the Lease as set forth

in Section 40(r).

31. In addition, because Ray-Scott Miller has instigated and joined in this suit against

Counter-plaintiff, he is now subject to the provisions of Section 27 quoted above regarding

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attorneys fees and should be held jointly and severally liable with Miller and JRG for Counter-

plaintiff’s attorneys fees and costs.

31. Because Ray-Scott Miller has instigated and joined in this suit against Counter-

plaintiff, he should be held jointly and severally liable with Miller and JRG for double rent as set

forth in Count V above.


Counter-plaintiff asks this Court to enter such Orders and/or Judgments as may be

required to grant it the relief described above.

Counter-plaintiff asks for such other and further relief to which it may be entitled.

Respectfully submitted,


By: /s/ Joshua J. Wiener

Joshua J. Wiener, MB #7185


Joshua J. Wiener, MB #7185

Suite 1400
1020 Highland Colony Park
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Post Office Box 6010
Ridgeland, MS 39158-6010
Tel: (601) 985.4501
Email: [email protected]

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I, Joshua J. Wiener, do hereby certify that on this day, I have caused to be electronically

filed the foregoing Amended Answer and Counterclaim with the Clerk of the Court using the

Court’s ECF system, which sent electronic notification of such filing to all counsel of record.

SO CERTIFIED, this the 10th day of February, 2022.

/s/ Joshua J. Wiener

Joshua J. Wiener, MB #7185


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This Lease is made as of lifblWl"/. $ , 2017, by and between District Phase Two, a Mississippi limited
liability company, District Holdings LLC, a Mississippi limited liability company, and Clements District II, a
Mississippi limited liability company (collectively, "Landlord"), and Miller Hospitality, LLC a Mississippi
limited liability company ("Tenant").


Premises: A portion of Lot 6 of The District at Eastover consisting of a to be constructed
building of approximately 5,664 square feet of Gross Area as outlined on the Site
Plan (the "Building"), including an outdoor seating area adjacent to the building.

Term: Ten (10) Years and two (2) months

Term: Two (2) options of five (5) years each

Date: Shall be as defined in Section 3(d) hereof

Rent: Minimum Rent shall be based upon the following rent table for the Initial Term and
any Option Term:

Lease Year Price Per So/Ft Annual Rent Monthlv Rent

Year 1 $25.00 $141,600 $11,800
Years 2-5 $25.50 $144,432 $12,036
Years 6-10 $27.50 $155,760 $12,980

Rent: 6% of Gross Sales in excess of the Minimum Annual Rent as set forth above being
payable on an annual basis pursuant to the terms set forth herein.

Expenses: Tenant shall pay Operating Expenses as set forth in Section 5. At least thirty (30)
days prior to the Rent Commencement Date, Landlord shall provide Tenant with an
estimate of Tenant's Share of Operating Expenses for the first year, which shall be
paid in monthly installments with the Minimum Rent pursuant to the terms of Section
5 hereof. The Operating Expenses are estimated by Landlord to equal Five Dollars
and 50/100 per square foot ($5.50 per sq/ft). At no time during the first twelve
months of the Term of this Lease shall Tenant's obligations to pay Operating
Expenses exceed Five Dollars and 50/100 per square foot ($5.50 per sq/ft).

Share: 100%

Rent: None.

District at Eastover - C 1 Miller Lease 1 A-1

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Allowance: $198,240

Deposit: First Month's Minimum Rent ($11,800.00)

Guarantor: Ray-Scott Miller

Use: Tenant shall use and operate the Demised Premises as a gourmet hamburger bar and
restaurant and no other use without the prior written consent of Landlord. Tenant
shall not use the Demised Premises for a use which is in violation of the Use
Restrictions (as hereinafter defined) or in conflict with a then existing exclusive or
prohibited use granted to another tenant/owner/occupant in the Development.

Use: Tenant is hereby granted the exclusive right to open and operate a restaurant serving
burgers as its primary menu item within the Development.

Name: [to be determined]

For Notices:

To Landlord: District Phase Two, LLC

District Holdings LLC
Clements District II, LLC
c/o The District Management Co., LLC
Attention: Breck R. Hines
308 East Pearl Street, Suite 200
Jackson, MS 39201

To Tenant: [insert name and address]


(a) Granting Clause. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord
the demised premises (the "Demised Premises") which is a to be constructed building containing
approximately 5,664 square feet of Gross Area, to be situated in approximately the location which is shown
outlined or hatched on the site plan attached as Exhibit "A" (the "Site Plan"). The Demised Premises is
located on the real property described in Exhibit "B" (the "Property") The Property includes any existing and
future buildings, parking area, sidewalks, service area and other improvements now existing or hereafter
erected on the Property. For purposes of this Lease, "Gross Area" of the Demised Premises shall be measured
for floor area, including mezzanines, basements, patios and balconies from the exterior face of exterior walls,
entries and windows, or in the case of a patio, the outside edge of the foundation or patio floor. All calculations
of Gross Area shall be determined by Landlord's architect or space planner and shall be binding on the parties
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hereto. Tenant does not rely on the fact nor does Landlord represent that any specific tenant or number of
tenants shall occupy any space in the Development. The Demised Premises do not include the area below the
surface of the slab or above the structural supports for the roof. Landlord reserves the right to place in, under,
over or through the Demised Premises and Property pipes, wires, lines, and facilities serving other areas of the
Property or the Development, provided such right is exercised in a manner which does not materially interfere
with Tenant's conduct of its business at the Demised Premises. The Property is part of a larger development
known as The District at Eastover (the "Development") and the use and occupancy of the Demised Premises is
subject to certain restrictive covenants related to the Development.

(b) Valet Drop Area. Landlord shall designate a signed valet drop area at, or near, Tenant's main
entrance. Tenant shall not be directly responsible for any valet parking expenses; however, valet parking
expenses shall be included in the CAM expenses (as hereinafter defined) and Tenant shall pay its pro rata share
thereof pursuant to the terms contained herein.

(c) Development Construction. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the Development, in which
the Property is located, is being constructed in phases and that by reason of construction or reconstruction
activities there may be temporary construction related matters such as dust, dirt, barricades, detours, equipment
or material in the common areas of the Development. Tenant hereby agrees that Landlord shall not be liable for
any loss or damage arising from any such incidents of construction or reconstruction, except to the extent
caused by Landlord's gross negligence or wrongful act; provided, however, Landlord agrees to use reasonable
efforts to cause the responsible parties to minimize interference with Tenant's business operations in the
Demised Premises.

(d) Development Contingencies. In the event that any of the following are not completed and
open to the public for use by the Commencement Date (the "Contingencies"), then Tenant shall have the
option, at Tenant's sole and absolute discretion, to either (i) continue with this Lease and extend the
Commencement Date and the Rent Commencement Date based on the same number of days needed to
complete the Contingencies beyond the Commencement Date; or (ii) continue with this Lease, including
Tenant's acceptance of and opening for business within the Demised Premises and receive a rent abatement
equal to $380.65 per day that the Contingencies are not completed and open to the public for use beyond the
Commencement Date and Tenant's obligation to pay any and all Operating Expenses shall not commence until
such Contingencies are met. The Contingencies shall include the following:
• Parking areas and main streets surrounding the Demised Premises as set forth in the Site Plan
attached hereto as Exhibit A are completed and free from major construction vehicles and
• All sidewalks and landscaping within the common area surrounding the Demised Premises
are completed and free from major construction vehicles and equipment.


(a) Initial Term. The Term of this Lease shall be as set forth in Section 1. The Term shall
commence on the date identified in Section 1 as the Commencement Date (the "Commencement Date").
Tenant shall begin to pay Rent on the Rent Commencement Date (as defined below). The Term shall expire on
that date which is the number of Lease Years set forth in Section 1 from the Rent Commencement Date, unless
earlier terminated or extended as provided herein. This Lease is a binding contractual agreement upon the
execution by Landlord and Tenant. Within thirty (30) days after the Rent Commencement Date, Landlord and
Tenant will execute a Commencement Notice in substantially the form of Exhibit "G".

(b) Option Term. See Exhibit "I".

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(c) Lease Year. For purposes of this Lease, the "first Lease Year" shall be defined as that period
of time from the Commencement Date through that date which is one year from the Rent Commencement
Date. If the Rent Commencement Date is a day other than the first day of a calendar month, then the first
Lease Year shall expire on the last day of the month following that date which is one year from the Rent
Commencement Date. Each subsequent Lease Year shall be successive twelve month periods beginning on the
first day following the expiration of the first Lease Year.

(d) Commencement Date. Tenant agrees to open the Demised Premises to the public for
business on or before the Commencement Date. The Commencement Date of this Lease shall be the earlier of
the following: (A) the date upon which Tenant opens the Demised Premises to the public for business, and (B)
one hundred eighty (180) days after the latter of (i) the date of delivery of the Demised Premises from Landlord
to Tenant, and (ii) the date of Tenant's receipt of all permits required for the construction of Tenant's work.
Tenant shall make a full and complete application to the applicable governmental authorities for all such
permits by a date not later than sixty (60) days following the full execution of this Lease plus the total number
of days after which Tenant has delivered its plans and specifications to Landlord for approval and the date that
Landlord has approved Tenant's final plans and specifications (the "Permit Submittal Deadline"). If Tenant
fails to do so (for any reason other than Landlord's unreasonable delay in approval of Tenant's plans and
specifications), the Commencement Date will be back-dated by the number of days in excess of the Permit
Submittal Deadline that Tenant takes to make such application (e.g. if Tenant makes application on the 15 day
following the Permit Submittal Deadline, then the Commencement Date which would otherwise result from the
formula set forth above shall be moved to a day which is 15 days earlier and deemed the true Commencement
Date). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease, if Tenant makes timely application
for and thereafter diligently pursues the issuance of a building permit for Tenants Work and said building
permit has not been issued by the date that is 75 days following the date of full execution of this Lease, each of
Landlord and Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by written notice to the other given and not
later than the date that is 105 days following the full execution of this Lease. Occupancy of the Demised
Premises by Tenant prior to the Commencement Date shall be subject to all of the terms and provisions of this


(a) General. The "Rent" hereunder is composed of "Minimum Rent", "Percentage Rent" (as set
forth in Section 1 hereof and adjustments thereto as hereinafter provided) and (ii) "Operating Expenses" (as
defined herein). Beginning on the date (the "Rent Commencement Date") which is thirty (30) days following
the Commencement Date, Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord all Rent required under this Lease, which shall be
payable on a monthly basis to Landlord (unless expressly provided otherwise), without deduction or offset
(except as expressly provided herein), in lawful money of the United States of America at the address for
payment of Rent set forth in Section 1 above, or at such other place as Landlord may from time to time
designate upon thirty (30) days advance written notice. Minimum Rent or Percentage Rent, Operating
Expenses and all other sums of money or charges required to be paid hereunder shall be deemed rental for the
Demised Premises. No acceptance by Landlord of partial payment of any Rent or other sum due from Tenant
shall be deemed a waiver by Landlord of any of its rights to the full amount due, nor shall any endorsement or
statement on any check or accompanying letter from Tenant be deemed an accord and satisfaction. Any Rent
payment(s) or other sums received from Tenant or any other person shall be conclusively presumed to have
been paid on Tenant's behalf, unless Landlord has been given prior written notice to the contrary by Tenant.
Tenant agrees that the acceptance by Landlord of any such payment shall not constitute a consent by Landlord
or a waiver of any of its rights under this Lease.

(b) Minimum Rent. Tenant shall pay the Minimum Rent set forth in Section 1 hereof on the first
day of each month in advance, beginning on the Rent Commencement Date. If the Rent Commencement Date
occurs on a day other than the first day of the month, then the Minimum Rent for the partial month in which
the Rent Commencement Date occurs shall be prorated on a daily basis.
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(c) Percentage Rent. In addition to the Minimum Rent and other charges, Tenant shall pay any
Percentage Rent due and payable to Landlord during the entire Lease Term. Any Percentage Rent due by
Tenant shall be payable annually at the same address as then specified for the payment of Minimum Rent by
February 28 of each year during the Term in the amount as calculated pursuant to Section 1 hereof (i.e. 6% of
Tenant's Gross Sales for the applicable calendar year in excess of the Breakpoint applicable for said calendar
year). In no event shall the rent to be paid by Tenant and retained by Landlord for any calendar year be less
than the annual Minimum Rent herein specified. Any percentage rent due for a period that is less than twelve
months shall be pro-rated accordingly. By way of example, if the Lease commenced on July 1st, then the first
installment of Percentage Rent would be based on a six month period from July I-December 31 (i.e. six
months, or 50% of one year), and the applicable percentage of rent to be paid would thus be (6% x Gross Sales
during the partial period in excess of the partial period breakpoint). Following that example, then the
Breakpoint above which Percentage Rent would be calculated for that partial period would be ($11,800 x 6 =
$70,800 I 6% = $1,180,000). Continuing the example, if Gross Sales during the July I-December 31 partial
period were $1,500,000, then the Percentage Rent due for that partial period would thus be ($1,500,000 -
$1,180,QQQ =$320,QQQ X 6% =$19,200).

(d) Gross Sales Defined. "Gross Sales" shall mean the entire amount of the actual sale price,
whether for cash, credit or otherwise (including the full value of all non-monetary consideration received), of
all sales of goods and services sold from or with respect to the Demised Premises, and all other income and
receipts whatsoever with respect to all business conducted at, on, or from the Demised Premises, whether by
Tenant or any sub lessee, concessionaire, licensee or other party at the Demised Premises. Without limitation,
Gross Sales shall include: (i) mail, catalogue, telephone, facsimile, internet, electronic, video and computer
orders, and orders by means of other technology-based systems whether now existing or hereafter developed,
and other orders, received, placed or filled at the Demised Premises, (ii) deposits not refunded to purchasers,
(iii) orders taken at the Demised Premises although filled elsewhere, and (iv) sale price of gift and merchandise
certificates. However, Gross Sales shall not include (but Tenant shall keep separate records therefore): (a)
proceeds from the sale of used trade fixtures, (b) any cash or credit refunds upon any sale made in or from the
Demised Premises where the merchandise is returned by the purchaser, and (c) any sales or excise tax imposed
by any duly constituted governmental authority upon the sale (provided that no income or franchise tax, capital
stock tax, tax based upon gross receipts, assets or net worth, or similar tax shall be deducted from Gross
Sales),. No deduction shall be allowed for any uncollected or uncollectible amounts or reserves therefor. All
receipts from credit and installment sales shall be included when received provided that if the goods or services
are delivered or provided to the customer before full payment has been received, the entire sale prices shall be
included at such time as the goods or services are delivered or provided to the customer.

(e) Independent Covenant. The obligation of Tenant to pay Rent hereunder constitutes an
independent obligation of Tenant to be performed at all times as provided hereunder.


(a) Definitions. As used in this Lease, the following terms have the meanings indicated:

(i) The term "Operating Expenses" means each and all of the following expenses, costs
and fees paid or incurred by Landlord, all as defined herein, Real Estate Taxes, Management Fee, CAM
Expenses, Building Maintenance and Repair Costs, Insurance Expenses, Development CAM, Association
Fees, an administration fee of fifteen percent ( 15% ), and all other items of expense incurred by Landlord in the
operation, management, maintenance, replacement and repair of the Demised Premises and the Common Areas
and/or the Development, it being understood that this Lease shall be absolutely net to Landlord.

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(ii) The term "Non-Controllable Operating Expenses" means each and all of the
following expenses, costs and fees paid or incurred by Landlord, all as defined
herein: Real Estate Taxes, Insurance, and any utility
(electricity/gas/water/sewer/data/cable/fiber connectivity/trash, snow or ice
removal/etc.) and security costs within the CAM Expenses, Development CAM or
Association Fees.
(iii) The term "Controllable Operating Expenses" means each and all of the expenses,
costs and fees paid or incurred by Landlord that are not defined by Section 5(a)(ii)
(iv) The term "Proportionate Share" shall mean the percentage set forth in Section 1 as
Tenant's Proportionate Share.

(b) Payment of Operating Expenses. Tenant shall pay to Landlord the following amounts in the
manner specified:

(i) Commencing on the Rent Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay the monthly
estimate of Operating Expenses provided by Landlord as set forth in Section 1. Landlord shall submit to
Tenant, prior to January 1 or as soon thereafter as practicable, a reasonably detailed statement showing the
estimated Operating Expenses for the subsequent year. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as Operating Expenses a
monthly amount equal to one-twelfth ( 1/12) of the estimated Operating Expenses for such subsequent year. If
Landlord does not submit a statement to Tenant prior to January 1, Tenant shall continue to pay Operating
Expenses at the then existing rate until such statement is submitted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant's
Proportionate Share of Controllable Operating Expenses shall at no time during the Term of this Lease increase
by more than five percent (5%) over Tenant's Proportionate Share of Controllable Operating Expenses for the
previous year on a cumulative basis (the "Expense Cap"). Any Operating Expenses over the Expense Cap
shall be paid by Landlord.

(ii) The Operating Expenses for the first year of this Lease are estimated by Landlord to
equal Five Dollars and 50/100 per square foot ($5.50 per sq/ft). Landlord may revise such estimates at the end
of any calendar quarter, and Tenant shall pay Operating Expenses on the basis of such revised estimate after
notice thereof as herein provided. Each determination of estimated Operating Expenses hereunder shall be
made by Landlord based upon Landlord's experience with the historical costs incurred by Landlord and/or
reasonable projections for such costs.

(iii) On or before March 31 of each year, Landlord shall submit to Tenant a reasonably
detailed statement showing the actual Operating Expenses paid or incurred by Landlord during the previous
calendar year and the amounts paid by Tenant. If there has been an overpayment by Tenant for such calendar
year, then Landlord shall credit the amount of such difference against Rent (based on estimated and/or actual
figures) which may thereafter be due from Tenant or refund such difference if the Term has ended or otherwise
insufficient Rent to credit such difference. If there has been an underpayment by Tenant for such calendar year,
then Tenant shall, within thirty (30) days after the submittal of such statement to Tenant, pay to Landlord the
full amount of such difference.

(iv) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, if at any time during the
Term of this Lease any tenant or tenants separately pays any item of Operating Expenses which would
normally be paid by Landlord and prorated among the tenants, then Landlord shall make an appropriate
adjustment in calculating Tenant's Proportionate Shares to the end that the remaining Operating Expenses are
shared proportionately by the tenants to whom the benefits or services covered by such Operating Expenses are
provided or available.

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(v) Tenant, at Tenant's cost, shall have the right to examine and audit Landlord's
operating costs and records relating to the Operating Expenses within six (6) months after the end of each year
at the office of Landlord where such records are maintained, during regular business hours and after ten (10)
days advance notice of Tenant's desire to examine or audit such records. Tenant's prompt payment of
Operating Expenses may not be delayed by reason of any such audit then in progress or to be made. If the
audit reveals an over charge to Tenant, then Landlord shall promptly refund the amount of such overcharge to
Tenant and pay for the cost of such audit if the audit reveals an overcharge of greater than five percent (5% ). If
the audit reveals an undercharge to Tenant, then Tenant shall pay the difference to Landlord within ten (10)
days of completion of such audit.


In addition to the Rent and Operating Expenses to be paid by Tenant, Tenant shall, prior to
delinquency, pay the full amount of all taxes, assessments, impositions, levies, charges, excises, fees, licenses
and other sums levied, assessed, charged or imposed, by any governmental authority or other taxing authority
upon Tenant's leasehold interest under this Lease and all alterations, additions, fixtures (including Removable
Trade Fixtures), inventory and other property installed or placed or permitted at the Demised Premises by
Tenant. Within thirty (30) days after notice from Landlord, Tenant shall furnish Landlord a true copy of
receipts evidencing such payment received by Tenant from the governmental authority or other taxing authority
assessing such charges.


In the event that Tenant shall fail to pay to Landlord when due any Rent, or other sums owing to
Landlord pursuant to the terms of this Lease, said late payment shall bear interest at the Default Rate and, in

(a) For each such late payment that is not paid within ten (10) days after the date the same was
due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord a service charge equal to five percent (5%) of the overdue amount. Tenant
acknowledges and agrees that such late payment by Tenant will cause Landlord to incur costs and expenses not
contemplated by this Lease, the exact amounts of which will be extremely difficult to ascertain, and that such
service charge represents a fair estimate of the costs and expenses which Landlord would incur by reason of
Tenant's late payment. Tenant further agrees that such service charge shall neither constitute a waiver of
Tenant's default with respect to such overdue amount nor prevent Landlord from exercising any other right or
remedy available to Landlord. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall not enforce the late charge
provided Tenant pays to Landlord the delinquent charges within ten ( 10) days of written notice to Tenant and
provided such late payment does not occur more than two (2) times during any twelve-month period.

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A "Security Deposit" in the amount set forth in Article 1 is to be delivered to Landlord on the
Effective Date of this Lease and shall be held by Landlord (without liability for interest, except to the extent
required by Law) as security for the performance of Tenant's obligations under the Lease. The Security
Deposit is not an advance payment of Rent nor a measure of Tenant's liability for damages. Landlord may,
from time to time while an Event of Default remains uncured, without prejudice to any other remedy, use all or
a portion of the Security Deposit to satisfy past due Rent, cure any uncured default by Tenant, or repay
Landlord for damages and charges for which Tenant is liable under this Lease or resulting from Tenant's
breach of this Lease. If Landlord uses the Security Deposit, Tenant shall on written demand restore the Security
Deposit to its original amount, and such use by Landlord of the Security Deposit shall not constitute a cure of
any Event of Default until such time as the entire amount owing to Landlord is paid in full, all other portions of
such default are cured, and the Security Deposit is fully restored. Provided that Tenant has performed all of its
obligations hereunder, Landlord shall return any unapplied portion of the Security Deposit to Tenant within 30
days after the later to occur of: (a) the date Tenant surrenders possession of the Premises to Landlord in
accordance with this Lease; or (b) the Expiration Date. Tenant does hereby authorize Landlord to withhold
from the Security Deposit all amounts allowed by Law and the amount reasonably anticipated by Landlord to
be owed by Tenant as a result of an underpayment of the Operating Expenses Payment for the final year of the
Term. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable Law, Tenant agrees that the provisions of this Section shall
supersede and replace all statutory rights of Tenant under applicable Law regarding the retention, application
or return of security deposits. If Landlord transfers its interest in the Premises, Landlord shall assign the
Security Deposit to the transferee and, following the assignment and the delivery to the transferee, Landlord
shall have no further liability for the return of the Security Deposit. Landlord shall not be required to keep the
Security Deposit separate from its other accounts.


(a) Construction of the Demised Premises. Landlord shall construct the shell of the Demised
Premises, substantially in accordance with Landlord's Plans and Specifications.

(b) Condition of Demised Premises. As of the Commencement Date, Landlord represents and
warrants to Tenant that: (i) the Demised Premises is in good operating condition in accordance with the
construction plans and specs dated August 15, 2015 as Revised March 14, 2016 Addendum #4 Conformed
2/1/17. and Tenant's requirements as described herein; (ii) to the best of Landlord's knowledge the structural
integrity of the Building, including, without limitation, the foundation, roof, and any load bearing or retaining
walls, shall be free from any latent or patent defects, and (iii) the Demised Premises is suitable for Tenant's
intended use and occupancy. In the event of any non-compliance with said warranty exists, Landlord shall
promptly after receipt of written notice from Tenant setting forth with specificity the nature and extent of such
non-compliance, rectify same at Landlord's expense. As of the date hereof, Landlord represents and warrants
to Tenant that Landlord has right and title to the Site and has the legal right to enter into this Lease with

(c) Tenant's Improvements. Tenant shall be responsible, at Tenant's expense, to perform that
work described in Exhibit "D" in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with plans and specifications
to be agreed upon by Landlord and Tenant as more particularly set forth in Exhibit "D". Tenant shall submit
its plans and specifications to Landlord for its approval as soon as practicable after the execution of this Lease
by both parties. Tenant's failure to perform or cause to be performed Tenant's Work within the time limits
referred to in Exhibit "D" and any delays however caused in performing Tenant's Work, regardless of whether
such delays were beyond the control of Tenant, shall not delay commencement of the Term or Tenant's
obligation to pay Rent or Operating Expenses hereunder. Tenant agrees, at Tenants' expense, to obtain and
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maintain public liability insurance and worker's compensation insurance to adequately protect Landlord as well
as Tenant from and against any and all liability for death or injury to person, or damage to property by reason
of the construction of Tenant's Work. In addition, Tenant shall cause contractors, subcontractors, suppliers,
service providers, moving companies and others performing work of any type for or on behalf of Tenant to
comply with the insurance requirements set forth on Exhibit "D-1" attached hereto.

(d) Improvement Allowance. Landlord agrees to provide Tenant with the Improvement
Allowance set forth in Section 1 to be applied only toward the cost of the build-out of leasehold improvements
within thirty (30) days following the date that Tenant submits an invoice to Landlord for applicable build-out
costs, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) Tenant is not in default of any term, covenant or condition of the Lease after notice
and the expiration of any applicable cure period, and the Lease is in full force and effect;

(ii) Tenant has completed all of the work being invoiced for in strict accordance with
plans and specifications approved in writing by Landlord;

(iii) The Demised Premises, including all installations therein, are free and clear of all
liens, security interests, charges and encumbrances and there are no judgments, levies, attachments, liens or tax
liens pending (or threatened) or in effect with respect to Tenant and/or the Demised Premises;

(iv) The final $25,000 of the Improvement Allowance shall be payable after Tenant
submits the following completed documentation to Landlord: a certificate of occupancy and final waivers and
releases of liens from all contractors and suppliers (paid in excess of $5,000) in a form satisfactory to Landlord
and such other documentation as required by Landlord or any lender to establish the lien free completion of the
Tenant's Work.


Subject to applicable governmental requirements, Landlord's approval, and The District Owner's
Association Architectural Review Committee, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, Tenant will be
entitled to install exterior building signage. Landlord makes no warranty or representation regarding signage
approvals that may be obtained from the applicable governing authority. Landlord will cooperate with Tenant
in obtaining any necessary governmental approval, including execution of documents and request for
variances. Tenant shall be solely responsible for its costs related to signage approvals, mockups, renderings,
manufacturing, installation, maintenance and electrical usage.

Landlord shall take any and all actions necessary to protect and prevent the installation of any
improvements, shrubbery, trees, or other landscaping, that restrict the view of Tenant's sign located at or near
the roofline of the northern wall of the Demised Premises as seen from the southbound lanes oflnterstate 55,
within the "Sign View Area" being generally depicted on the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A.

In the event that Landlord or the Association should build or cause to be built any monument or
development sign for the entire Development which includes signage for individual retail or restaurant tenants
within the Development, then Tenant shall have the option, at Tenant's cost, to install signage on such
monument or development sign for Tenant's operations within the Demised Premises, which signage shall be
subject to any applicable governmental requirements, Landlord's approval, and the District Owner's
Association Architectural Review Committee, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The size of
Tenant's sign on or within such monument or development sign shall be based on the square footage of Gross
Area leased by Tenant in comparison to the other tenants or entities that Developer or the Association allow on
the monument or development sign.
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11. USE

(a) Permitted Use. Tenant shall use the Demised Premises solely for the purposes and under the
trade name as set forth in Section 1 hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, or anything herein to the contrary,
Tenant shall not use the Demised Premises for any use which would be in violation of the uses described on
Exhibit "H " (the "Use Restrictions").

(b) Exclusive Use. Landlord hereby grants to Tenant the exclusive right to open and operate a
restaurant serving burgers as its primary menu item within the Development (the "Tenant's Exclusive Use").
Landlord shall take any and all actions on behalf of Tenant to ensure that Tenant's Exclusive Use is protected
within the Development, including, but not limited to, the inclusion of Tenant's Exclusive Use in any and all
covenants, purchase and sale agreements, leases or otherwise within the Development

(c) Prohibited Use. Tenant shall not do or permit anything to be done in or about the Demised
Premises nor bring or keep anything therein which will in any way increase the existing rate of or affect or
cause a cancellation of any fire or other insurance covering the Demised Premises or Development, nor shall
Tenant sell or permit to be kept, used or sold in or about the Demised Premises any article which may be
prohibited by a standard form policy of insurance. Tenant shall promptly upon demand reimburse Landlord for
any additional premium charged for any such insurance by reason of Tenant's failure to comply with the
provisions of this Section. Tenant agrees that it will use the Demised Premises in such manner as not to
interfere with the rights of other tenants of the Property or the Development. Tenant shall neither use the
Demised Premises, nor allow the Demised Premises to be used, for any unlawful purposes, nor cause, maintain
or permit any nuisance or waste in, on or about the Demised Premises or the Development. Tenant will not
place a load upon any floor exceeding the floor load which such floor was designed to carry, and Landlord
reserves the right to prescribe the location of any safe or other heavy equipment in the Demised Premises in a
location mutually acceptable to both parties acting reasonably. Tenant shall not use or allow anything to be
done in or about the Demised Premises or the Development which will in any way conflict with any law,
ordinance or governmental regulation or requirement of any board of fire underwriters or any duly constituted
public authority now in force or hereafter enacted or promulgated affecting the use or occupancy of the
Demised Premises or any covenants or restrictions of record, and shall promptly comply with all such laws or
requirements at its sole cost and expense. Tenant may not display or sell merchandise or allow carts, portable
signs, devices or any other objects to be stored, or to remain, outside the exterior walls and permanent
doorways of the Demised Premises. Tenant shall not place or authorize to have placed or affixed handbills or
other advertising material on buildings within the Development. Tenant shall not display, paint or place, or
cause to be displayed, painted or placed, any handbills, bumper stickers or other advertising devices on any
vehicle parked in the parking area of the Development whether belonging to Tenant, or to Tenant's agent, or to
any other person. Tenant will not distribute, or cause or permit to be used, any sandwich board, costumed
actors, inflatable signs, shapes or characters or other similar advertising devices in the Development. Tenant
will not use, or cause to be distributed, any handbills or other advertising devices in the Development. No
advertising or entertainment medium shall be utilized by Tenant which can be heard or experienced outside the
Demised Premises, including without limitation, flashing lights, searchlights, loudspeakers, phonographs,
radios or televisions; provided, however, Landlord shall permit music to be heard within thirty (30) feet of the
perimeter of the Demised Premises provided that Tenant agrees to the control the volume of such music in such
a manner as to not interfere with other tenants in the Development. Landlord shall have the right to cause
Tenant to control the volume of such music experienced outside the Demised Premises if other tenants
complain or same violates applicable code or law. Landlord shall have the right to approve or condition,
including the type, genre and content of any music played within or outside Premises by Tenant.

(d) Restaurant Garbage. Tenant shall provide a garbage disposal system sufficient for the
disposal of all garbage produced in the operation of its business. Tenant shall neither cause nor permit wet
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garbage to be placed in the trash receptacles that are designated by Landlord for ordinary trash removal, but
instead shall cause such wet garbage to be disposed of separately in an air conditioned room within the
Demised Premises. Tenant shall take such precautions or preventive measures as may be necessary to prevent
odors from escaping the garbage room. Tenant shall conduct its business on the Demised Premises in such a
manner as to insure cleanliness and compliance with health standards as required by law and by the reasonable
request of Landlord, including regular cleaning and maintenance of garbage rooms and grease traps.

(e) Continuous Operations. Tenant shall be required to open within sixty (60) days from the
Commencement Date and continuously operate thereafter fully fixtured and staffed consistent with Tenant's
other stores provided any failure to operate is not the result of a damage or casualty, condemnation or other
cause beyond the control of Tenant. If Tenant is forced to close because of damage or casualty, condemnation
or other cause beyond the control of Tenant, then Tenant agrees to re-open and continuously operate as soon as
reasonably possible after the Demised Premises has been restored pursuant to the applicable provisions of this

(f) Use of the Roof. Tenant shall not use the roof areas above the Demised Premises for any
purpose other than for installation and repair of the HVAC System, venting systems and satellite dish subject to
the terms of this Lease. In the event that Tenant desires to go upon the roof for any purpose (including,
without limitation, maintenance or repair), Tenant shall notify Landlord prior to entering the roof and use only
such contractors that have obtained the prior written consent of Landlord in each instance. Tenant shall
indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any liability caused as a result of Tenant entering on
the roof, including the voiding of any roof warranties.



(h) Rules and Regulations. Tenant agrees that its use of the Demised Premises and the Common
Areas shall at all times be subject to rules and regulations set forth on Exhibit "F" and as from time to time
promulgated by Landlord and the District Owner's Association (the "Association"); provided, however, such
rules and regulations shall not conflict with the terms of this Lease. Landlord shall apply such rules and
regulations to all similarly situated tenants on a consistent basis.

(i) Hazardous Substances. Tenant shall not use the Demised Premises or any other portion of
the Development for the storage, use treatment, or disposal of any hazardous or toxic substances or petroleum
products, except for those used in normal commercial and retail applications. Tenant agrees to indemnify,
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defend and hold Landlord and its officers, partners, directors, shareholders, members, managers, employees
and agents harmless from any claims, judgments, damages, fines, penalties, costs, liabilities (including sums
paid in settlement of claims) or loss including attorneys' fees, consultants' fees, and expert fees which arise
during or after the Term in connection with the presence of hazardous or toxic substances in the soil,
groundwater, or soil vapor on or under the Development to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of
Tenant, its officers, employees or agents. Landlord agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Tenant and its
officers, partners, directors, shareholders, employees and agents harmless from any claims, judgments,
damages, fines, penalties, costs, liabilities (including sums paid in settlement of claims) or loss including
attorneys' fees, consultants' fees, and expert fees which arise during or after the Term in connection with the
presence of hazardous or toxic substances in the soil, groundwater, or soil vapor on or under the Demised
Premises to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of Landlord, its officers, employees or agents. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the indemnifications set forth in this paragraph shall survive the
expiration or earlier termination of this Lease.


(a) Payment of Real Estate Taxes. Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord its proportionate share of
all general assessments and special assessments assessed for the period during the Term of this Lease upon the
land, buildings, fixtures or personal property comprising the Property and the personal property used in
connection with the operation of the Property, including Landlord's payments to the Association related to the
Common Areas of the Development as a part of Operating Expenses pursuant to the terms of this Lease. Real
Estate Taxes for the first and last years of the Term hereof shall be prorated between Landlord and Tenant.

(b) Definition of Real Estate Taxes. For the purposes of this Lease, the term "Real Estate
Taxes" shall include any form of assessment (general or special), levy, commercial rental tax, charge, tax or
similar imposition, imposed by any authority having the direct power to tax, including any city, county, state or
federal government, or any school, agricultural, lighting, drainage or other improvement or special assessment
district thereof, as against any legal or equitable interest of Landlord in the Property or Development; provided,
however, Tenant shall not be responsible for any special assessments which are specifically assessed as a part
of the initial construction of the Development; provided, further, only the installments of any such special
assessments which become due during the Term of this Lease shall be included within the term "Real Estate
Taxes". Real Estate Taxes shall be deemed to include (but shall not be limited to) the following: any tax on the
rents of the Property and Development and any assessment, tax, fee, levy or charge in substitution, partially or
totally, of any assessment, tax, fee, levy or charge previously included within the definition of property tax.

(c) Exclusions. Real Estate Taxes shall not include any income, franchise, excise, gift, estate,
inheritance, succession, capital levy or transfer tax payable by Landlord.


(a) Tenant's Non-Exclusive Right. Landlord shall make available at all times during the Term
of this Lease, on such portions of the Development as Landlord shall from time to time designate or relocate,
such automobile parking and other Common Areas as Landlord shall from time to time deem appropriate.
Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right during the Term of this Lease to use the Common Areas for itself, its
employees, agents, customers, invitees and licensees. Landlord may offer valet parking in the Common Areas
for selected tenants of the Development and such valet parking shall not be deemed a violation of the terms of
this Lease. In addition, Landlord may designate the parking areas on each outparcel of the Development as
exclusive parking for the owner/occupant/tenant of such outparcel provided sufficient parking is available on
such outparcel to park per code.

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(b) Definition of the Common Areas. The term "Common Areas" shall mean the portions of the
Development which have at the time in question been designated and improved for common use by or for the
benefit of more than one tenant or concessionaire of the Development, including any of the following (the
specific recitation of which shall not be deemed to limit the definition of "Common Areas"): the land and
facilities utilized as parking areas; access and perimeter roads; truck passageways; service corridors and
stairways providing access from store premises; landscaped areas; exterior walks, arcades, stairways, elevators,
escalators and/or ramps; interior corridors, elevators, stairs, arcades and/or balconies; directory equipment,
wash rooms, comfort rooms, drinking fountains, toilets and other public facilities; and bus stations and taxi
stands; but excluding any portion thereof when designated by Landlord or the Association for a non-common
use, provided any portion of the Development which was not included within Common Areas shall be so
included when so designated and improved for common use. Landlord shall have the right to designate certain
portions of the Property for the exclusive use of Landlord or a particular tenant for customer pick-up, loading
of items purchased in the Development, valet parking, short-term parking or other similar uses that are
incidental to a tenant's business operations.

(c) Exclusive Control. All Common Areas within the Property shall be subject to the exclusive
control and management of Landlord or such other persons or nominees as Landlord may have delegated or
assigned to exercise such management or control, in whole or in part, in Landlord's place and stead, Tenant
acknowledges that Landlord makes no representation or warranty whatsoever concerning the safety of the
Common Areas or the adequacy of any security system which is or may be instituted for the Common Areas.
All areas designated as Common Areas for the Development as a whole shall be subject to the exclusive
control and management of the Declarant or the Association or such other persons or nominees as they may
have delegated or assigned to exercise such management or control, in whole or in part, in their place and
stead, Tenant acknowledges that the Declarant and the Association make no representation or warranty
whatsoever concerning the safety of the Common Areas or the adequacy of any security system which is or
may be instituted for the Common Areas. In no event shall Tenant have the right to sell or solicit in any
manner in any of the Common Areas. The Declarant and the Association shall have the right to close, if
necessary, all or any portion of the Common Areas, including areas within the Property, to such extent as may
in the opinion of their counsel be legally necessary to prevent a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights
of any person or of the public therein; to close temporarily all or any portion of the Common Areas to
discourage non-customer use; to use portions of the Common Areas while engaged in making additional
improvements or repairs or alterations to the Development, and to do and perform such other acts in, to and
with respect to, the Common Areas as in the use of good business judgment they shall determine to be
appropriate for the Development.

(d) Changing the Common Areas. The Declarant and the Association shall have the right to
increase the size of the Common Areas, including the expansion thereof to adjacent property; to reduce the
Common Areas; to rearrange the parking spaces and improvements on the Common Areas; and to make such
changes therein and thereto from time to time which in its opinion are deemed to be desirable and for the best
interests of all persons using the Common Areas. Tenant agrees that it and its concessionaires, agents,
employees, and vendors, suppliers, and other independent contractors will use such access roads and will
operate trucks and trailers in delivering merchandise to and from the Demised Premises upon and over such
access roads as are designated therefor as a means of ingress to and egress from the Demised Premises.

(e) Rules and Regulations. Tenant agrees that its use of the Common Areas shall at all times be
subject to rules and regulations from time to time promulgated by Landlord and the management of the
Development; in this regard, Tenant shall comply with all of the rules and regulations established pursuant to
this Lease. From time to time such rules and regulations may provide, without limitation, the hours during
which the Common Areas shall be open for use; provided, however, any such rules and regulations or
amendments thereto are equitably applied to all tenants with the same character of usage in the Development.

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(f) Employee Parking. Tenant agrees that the employees of Tenant shall not be permitted to
park their automobiles in the automobile parking areas which may from time to time be designated for patrons
of the Development. Landlord shall have the right to designate space for employee parking either within the
Development parking area or in an area reasonably close thereto, which may be areas on the public streets if
allowed by the City in which the Demised Premises are located. Landlord shall have the right to change such
designated parking area from time to time. Tenant and its employees shall park their automobiles only in those
portions of the parking areas, if any, designated for that purpose by Landlord. Tenant shall furnish Landlord
with its and its employees' automobile license numbers within fifteen ( 15) days after opening for business and
Tenant shall thereafter notify Landlord of any changes within five (5) days after such change occurs. Tenant
hereby authorizes Landlord to tow away from the Development any improperly parked automobile or
automobiles belonging to Tenant or Tenant's employees and/or to attach violation stickers or notices to such
automobiles. Landlord shall not have any liability with regard to towing.

(g) Expansion or Reduction of Property. Landlord shall have the right to expand the Property
beyond its present boundaries or reduce the Property beyond its present boundaries.


(a) CAM Expenses Generally. During the Term of this Lease, Landlord shall keep or cause the
Common Areas to be kept in a neat, clean and orderly condition, lighted and landscaped, and shall repair any
damage to the facilities thereof, but all costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in connection therewith shall
be charged and prorated in the manner previously set forth. The term "CAM Expenses" shall mean all sums
expended by Landlord for payment of all work deemed necessary by Landlord in its reasonable discretion
taking into account customary practices for first-class retail and mixed-use centers in the Jackson, Mississippi
area for the operation, maintenance, replacement, repair and management of the Common Areas, including, but
not limited to, the following: repairing, resurfacing, restriping, cleaning and sweeping the parking areas;
painting; janitorial services; security services; maintenance and repair when necessary of sidewalks, curbs,
bumpers, all Development signs, planting and landscaping, irrigation systems, and lighting and other utilities;
operation, maintenance and repair of any common fire protection systems, automatic sprinkler systems and
storm drainage systems; the cost of personnel (including property management personnel) to implement such
services, which cost shall include, but shall not be limited to, FICA contributions and the cost of overtime and
vacation pay, life and health insurance, and other employee fringe benefits; workers' compensation insurance
for personnel; police and fire protection services; costs of utility services; depreciation on maintenance and
operating machinery and equipment, if owned, and rental paid for such machinery and equipment if rented; and
the annual amortization of costs of any equipment, device or improvement installed after completion of the
Common Areas incurred to reduce operation or maintenance expenses with respect to the Common Areas,
which costs are amortized over the useful life thereof and which do not inure primarily to the benefit of
Landlord or any particular tenant or group of tenants, including Landlord in the event Landlord is a tenant. In
no event, however, shall CAM Expenses be deemed to include the initial cost of construction of the Demised
Premises, income and franchise taxes of Landlord, expenses in leasing or procuring tenants such as advertising
expenses or expenses for renovating the premises of tenants; interest or principal payments on any mortgage or
other indebtedness of Landlord; compensation paid to any employee of Landlord above the grade of property
manager; special services rendered to tenants (including Tenant) for which a separate charge is made, costs of
preparing space for new tenants, or costs borne solely by Tenant under this Lease. Landlord may cause any or
all of said services to be provided by an independent contractor or contractors.

(b) Additional Association Fees. The Association also has responsibility for promoting business
and cultural activity in the Development, through events, common advertising and other promotional activities.
All assessments designated for such purposes will be used solely for such purposes, plus the reasonable cost of
management and administration, including legal and accounting fees. Tenant, as part of the its Operating
Expenses and subject to all of the terms as set forth in Section 5 hereof, including but not limited to the cap on
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Controllable Operating Expenses, shall contribute to a marketing fund in an amount commiserate with that
paid by other tenants of similar size and usage in the Development. The advertising, promotion and marketing
fees shall be paid to Landlord as part of Tenant's Operating Expenses. These fees are intended to be used to
market, promote, advertise and provide special events to increase the sales of tenants in the Development,
along with reasonable amounts for management and administration. So long as Tenant is not in Default,
Landlord shall grant Tenant a seat on the Board or Committee that is formed to oversee and assist in directing
such Additional Association Fees.


(a) Payment for Utility Services. Tenant shall pay, prior to delinquency, all charges for utility
service to the Demised Premises, including, but not limited to, water, sewer, gas, electricity, telephone, cable,
television, internet, data and all other materials and services used by Tenant in, on or about the Demised
Premises from and after the delivery of possession of the Demised Premises by Landlord, together with any
taxes thereon. If any such charges are not paid when due, Landlord may pay the same, and any amount so paid
by Landlord, together with interest thereon at the Default Rate from the date of payment, shall thereupon
become due to Landlord from Tenant as Rent.

(b) Metering. The Demised Premises shall be separately metered for gas, water, electricity
and all other utilities. The initial cost and installation of any such meters shall be paid out of the Tenant
Improvement Allowance. Thereafter, the installation, maintenance, repair or replacement thereof, shall be paid
by Tenant. In the event that any utilities are furnished by Landlord, then the rates charged Tenant by Landlord
shall not exceed those of the local public utility company as if its services were furnished directly to Tenant,
and shall not be less than its proportionate share of any jointly metered service. Landlord shall not be liable in
damages or otherwise for any failure or interruption of any utility service being furnished the Demised
Premises or any portion of the Development, except to the extent caused by Landlord's gross negligence or
wrongful act. No such failure or interruption shall entitle Tenant to terminate this lease or to abate payment of
any portion of the Rent or other charge due hereunder.

(c) Trash Removal. Tenant shall deposit its trash and refuse only in those areas and in such
manner as designated by Landlord. Except for the designated garbage room, Tenant will not cause or permit
its trash receptacles to remain within the interior of the Demised Premises. Tenant shall provide trash
receptacles for Tenant's use, and Tenant shall cause all trash and rubbish of Tenant to be deposited within such
receptacles. The cost of the maintenance of the trash receptacles and the cost of regular removal of trash and
rubbish shall be at Tenant's expense.


Landlord and its authorized representatives shall have the right to enter the Demised Premises at all
reasonable times during normal business hours with advanced notice as may be practical under the
circumstances and at any time in case of an emergency (i) to determine whether the Demised Premises are in
good condition and whether Tenant is complying with its obligations under this Lease, (ii) to maintain or to
make any repair or restoration to the Demised Premises that Landlord has the right or obligation to perform,
(iii) to install any meters or other equipment which Landlord may have the right to install, (iv) to serve, post, or
keep posted any notices required or allowed under the provisions of this Lease, (v) to show the Demised
Premises to prospective brokers, agents, buyers or tenants (except that showing to prospective tenants shall
only be in the last nine (9) months of the Term), (vi) to shore the foundations, footings, and walls of the
Demised Premises and to erect scaffolding and protective barricades around and about the Demised Premises,
but not so as to prevent entry into the Demised Premises, and (vii) to do any other act or thing necessary for the
safety or preservation of the Demised Premises or the Development. Tenant hereby waives any claim for
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damages for any injury or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant's business and any loss of occupancy
or quiet enjoyment of the Demised Premises by reason of Landlord's exercise of its rights of entry in
accordance with this Section and Tenant shall not be entitled to an abatement or reduction of Rent in
connection therewith. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to not interfere
with Tenant's business in exercising its rights under this paragraph including scheduling Landlord's activities
around peak customer traffic periods to the extent reasonably practical.


(a) Landlord's Obligations. Landlord shall maintain or cause to be maintained in good order,
condition and repair the roof, load bearing walls and foundation of the Demised Premises (except to the extent
of damage caused by Tenant which shall be repaired by Landlord at Tenant's expense subject to the waiver of
claims and subrogation set forth in Section 20 (h) and (i)). Rent shall not be abated, for any failure by Landlord
to maintain and repair areas which are being used in connection with construction or reconstruction of
improvements, or for any failure to make any repairs or perform any maintenance. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to not interfere with Tenant's business in exercising its rights
under this paragraph including scheduling Landlord's activities around peak customer traffic periods to the
extent reasonably practical and Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to satisfy its repair obligations as set forth
herein within thirty (30) days from the date Landlord receives written notice that such repairs are necessary
(unless such repairs cannot reasonably be made within such thirty-day period in which event such thirty-day
period shall be extended to that number of days which is reasonably necessary to complete such repairs).

(b) Tenant's Obligations.

(i) Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, except for the obligations of Landlord expressly
set forth above, shall keep in good order, condition and repair the Demised Premises and every part thereof
including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all plumbing; electrical and lighting facilities and
equipment within the Demised Premises (including any heating, ventilation and air conditioning system
serving the Demised Premises); fixtures; interior walls; ceilings; windows; doors; plate glass; skylights;
entrances and vestibules, storefront, and signage located within the Demised Premises (except to the extent of
damage caused by Landlord which shall be repaired by Landlord at Landlord's expense subject to the waiver
of claims and subrogation set forth in Section 20 (h) and (i)).

(ii) In connection with Tenant surrendering possession of the Demised Premises at the end
of the Lease term, Tenant agrees to surrender the Demised Premises in good repair and condition, reasonable
wear and tear and damage due to casualty or condemnation excepted. Tenant agrees to repair any material
damage to the Demised Premises caused by or in connection with the removal of any article of personal
property, business or trade fixtures, machinery, equipment, cabinetwork, furniture, movable partitions or
permanent improvements or additions, including without limitation thereto, repairing the floor and patching
and painting the walls where required by Landlord to Landlord's reasonable satisfaction, all at Tenant's sole
cost and expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant's obligation to repair under this paragraph shall not
require Tenant to repair minor patching, scratches or holes in the walls or floors which may be caused by the
removal of furniture and fixtures in the ordinary course of relocation.

(iii) If Tenant fails to maintain the Demised Premises in good order, condition and repair,
Landlord may give Tenant notice to do such acts which are Tenant's obligation hereunder. If Tenant thereafter
fails to promptly complete such obligations within thirty (30) days, or if such obligations cannot be completed
within thirty (30) days, to commence such work within ten (10) days and diligently prosecute it to completion,
then Landlord shall have the right to do such acts and expend such funds at the expense of Tenant as are
reasonably required to perform such work. Any amount so expended by Landlord shall be paid by Tenant
promptly after demand, with interest at the Default Rate from the date of such demand. Landlord shall have no
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liability to Tenant for any damage, inconvenience, or interference with the use of the Demised Premises by
Tenant as a result of performing any such work; provided, however, Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to
avoid material interference with Tenant's business.


Tenant shall make no alterations, additions or improvements, or utility installations (which for
purposes of this Section shall be defined to mean ducting, power panels, lighting fixtures, space heaters,
conduits and wiring), to the Demised Premises or any part thereof without obtaining the prior written consent
of Landlord in each instance. Such consent may be granted or withheld at Landlord's reasonable discretion.
Landlord may impose as a condition to such consent such requirements as Landlord may deem necessary in its
reasonable discretion, including (without limitation) the requirement that Landlord be furnished with working
drawings before work commences and that a bond be furnished, and requirements relating to the manner in
which the work is done, the contractor by whom it is performed, and the times during which it is accomplished.
Excluding any initial Tenant improvements, Tenant will remove at its expense any and all permanent
improvements or additions to the Demised Premises installed by Tenant, and all of its movable partitions,
counters, personal property, equipment, fixtures and furniture. Any damage done to the Demised Premises in
connection with any such removal shall be repaired at Tenant's sole cost and expense. Landlord may, in
connection with any such removal which reasonably might involve damaging the Demised Premises, require
that such removal be performed by a bonded contractor or other person for which a bond satisfactory to
Landlord has been furnished covering the cost of repairing the anticipated damage. Unless so removed, all
such permanent improvements or additions to the Demised Premises shall at the expiration or earlier
termination of this Lease become the property of Landlord and remain upon the Demised Premises. All
articles of personal property and all business and trade fixtures, machinery and equipment, cabinetwork,
counters, furniture and movable partitions owned by Tenant or installed by Tenant at its expense in the
Demised Premises shall be and remain the property of Tenant and may be removed by Tenant at any time
during the Lease term, provided that Tenant at its sole cost repairs any damage to the Demised Premises caused
by such removal. All such improvements, alterations, additions or utility installations must be done in a good
and workmanlike manner and diligently prosecuted to completion so that the Demised Premises shall at all
times be a complete unit except during the period of work. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord prior to
commencement of such work, a copy of the building permit with respect thereto. All such work shall be
performed and done strictly in accordance with the laws and ordinances relating thereto. All such work shall
be performed so as not to obstruct the access to the premises of any other tenant in the Development. Tenant
agrees to carry insurance as required by this Lease covering any improvements, alterations, additions or utility
installations to the Demised Premises made by Tenant under the provisions of this Section, it being expressly
agreed that none of such improvements, additions, alterations or utility installations shall be insured by
Landlord under the insurance Landlord may carry upon the Property, nor shall Landlord be required under any
provision for reconstruction to reinstall any such improvements, additions, alterations or utility installations. In
addition, it is expressly agreed that if any tax is imposed, or the amount of taxes on the Property is increased,
by reason of any such improvements, alterations, additions or utility installations, Tenant may be solely
responsible therefor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall have the right to make interior, non-
structural alterations less than $25,000.00 during any Lease Year provided such alterations do not affect the
building systems (such as the plumbing, HVAC, sprinkler system or other utilities) without Landlord's


(a) Indemnification by Tenant. Tenant shall indemnify, defend, and hold Landlord, its
employees, agents, contractors, officers, managers and directors (herein, "Landlord Parties") harmless of and
from any loss, attorney's fees, expenses, claims, fines, suits, costs and liability of every kind arising because of
any bodily injury, death and/or damage to property occurring in or resulting from any negligence or willful
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misconduct of Tenant, its employees, agents, contractors, managers, officers and directors (herein "Tenant
Parties") occurring during the Term and any holdover period except to the extent of any costs, expenses, claims
or other liabilities occasioned by the negligence or willful wrongful acts or omissions of Landlord Parties. In
addition, Tenant indemnifies and holds Landlord Parties harmless from and against any loss, liability or claim
arising from the consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages from the Demised Premises. If any action or
proceeding shall be brought by or against Landlord Parties in connection with any such liability or claim,
Tenant, on notice from Landlord Parties, shall defend such action or proceeding, at Tenant's expense, by or
through attorneys reasonably satisfactory to Landlord Parties. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all
activities of Tenant whether occurring before or after the Commencement Date of the Term and Tenant's
obligations under this Section shall not be limited to the limits or coverage of insurance maintained or required
to be maintained by Tenant under this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this indemnification shall not
apply to costs, expenses, losses, damage or claims to property to the extent same are waived pursuant to
Section 20(h) and (i) below.

(b) Exemption of Landlord from Liability. If the Demised Premises, or any part thereof, is
damaged by fire or other cause against which Tenant is required to carry insurance pursuant to this Lease,
Landlord Parties (hereinafter defined) shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss, cost or expense arising out of
or in connection with such damage. Tenant hereby releases Landlord Parties from any liability, claim or action
arising out of or in connection with such damage. Furthermore, Landlord Parties shall not be liable to Tenant
for loss, injury, or damage which may be sustained by the person, goods, wares, merchandise or property of
Tenant, its agents, contractors, employees, invitees or customers, or any other person in or about the Premises,
caused by or resulting from fire, steam, electricity, gas, water, or rain, which may leak or flow from or into any
part of the Demised Premises, or from the breakage, leakage, obstruction or other defects of the pipes,
sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning or lighting fixtures of the same, whether such damage
or injury results from conditions arising within the Demised Premises or other portions of the Demised
Premises, or from any other source. Landlord Parties shall not be liable to Tenant for any damages arising out
of or in connection with any act or omission of any other tenant of the Development. Landlord Parties shall not
be liable to Tenant for losses due to theft or burglary or for damages arising out of wrongful acts of third

(c) Indemnification by Landlord. Landlord shall indemnify, defend, and hold Tenant Parties
harmless of and from any loss, attorney's fees, expenses, claims, fines, suits, costs and liability of every kind
arising because of any bodily injury, death and/or damage to property occurring in or resulting from gross
negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord Parties occurring during the Term except to the extent of any
costs, expenses, claims or other liabilities occasioned by the negligence or willful wrongful acts or omissions
of Tenant Parties. If any action or proceeding shall be brought by or against Tenant Parties in connection with
any such liability or claim, Landlord, on notice from Tenant Parties, shall defend such action or proceeding, at
Landlord's expense, by or through attorneys reasonably satisfactory to Tenant Parties. The provisions of this
Section shall apply to all activities of Landlord whether occurring before or after the Commencement Date of
the Term and Landlord's obligations under this Section shall not be limited to the limits or coverage of
insurance maintained or required to be maintained by Landlord under this Lease. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, this indemnification shall not apply to costs, expenses, losses, damage or claims to property to the
extent same are waived pursuant to Section 19(b), Section 20(h) and (i) below.


(a) General. All insurance required to be carried by Tenant hereunder shall be issued by
responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Mississippi and acceptable to Landlord
and the holder of any deed of trust secured by any portion of the Demised Premises (hereinafter referred to as a
"Mortgagee"). All policies of insurance provided for herein shall be issued by insurance companies with
general policyholder's rating of not less than A and a financial rating of not less than Class Vill as rated in the
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most current available "Best Insurance Reports." Each policy shall name Landlord, Landlord's Mortgagee, the
manager of the Property, the manager of the Development, and the Association (collectively, "Landlord
Parties") as an additional insured, as their respective interests may appear together with an ordinance or law
coverage endorsement. Tenant shall deliver duplicate originals of all policies to Landlord, evidencing the
existence and amounts of such insurance, at least ten (10) days prior to Tenant's occupancy in the Demised
Premises (Tenant may deliver certificates of such insurance in lieu of duplicate originals of policies, provided
that such certificates shall in Landlord's sole judgment provide clear and unambiguous evidence of the
existence and amounts of such insurance). Failure to make such delivery shall constitute a material default by
Tenant under this Lease. All policies of insurance delivered to Landlord must contain a provision that the
company writing said policy will give to Landlord thirty (30) days' notice in writing in advance of any
modification, cancellation or lapse or reduction in the amounts of insurance. All public liability, property
damage and other casualty insurance policies shall be written as primary policies, not contributing with, and
not in excess of coverage which Landlord may carry. Landlord shall be notified in writing immediately by
Tenant of claims against Tenant that might cause a reduction below seventy-five percent of any aggregate limit
of any policy. Tenant shall furnish Landlord with renewals or "Binders" of any such policy at least thirty (30)
days prior to the expiration thereof. Tenant agrees that if Tenant does not procure and maintain such
insurance, Landlord may (but shall not be required to) obtain such insurance on Tenant's behalf and charge
Tenant the premiums therefor together with a fifteen (15%) handling charge, payable upon demand. Tenant
may carry such insurance under a blanket policy provided such blanket policy expressly affords the coverage
required by this Lease by a Landlord's protective liability endorsement or otherwise.

(b) Casualty Insurance. At all times during the Term hereof, Tenant shall maintain in effect
policies of casualty insurance covering (i) all improvements in, on or to the Demised Premises above building
shell (including any alterations, additions, improvements or utility installations as may be made by Tenant with
the proceeds of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, if any), and (ii) trade fixtures, merchandise and other
personal property from time to time in, on or upon the Demised Premises. Such policies shall be in the
broadest available "special form" or "all risks" coverage in an amount not less than one hundred percent
(100%) of the full replacement cost thereof from time to time during the Term of this Lease. Such policies
shall provide protection against any peril included within the classification "Fire and Extended Coverage,"
against vandalism and malicious mischief, against theft, against sprinkler leakage, against earthquake damage
unless waived in writing by Landlord, and against flood damage unless waived in writing by Landlord (and
including cost of demolition and debris removal). Upon termination of this Lease following a casualty as set
forth herein, the proceeds shall be paid to Tenant, except that Landlord shall be paid the unamortized balance
of any Tenant Improvement Allowance from such proceeds to the extent Landlord has not then received
payment for any Tenant Improvement Allowance over the initial Term of this Lease.

(c) Liability Insurance. Tenant shall at all times during the Term hereof at its own cost and
expense obtain and continue in force commercial general liability insurance ("CGL") covering bodily injury
liability and property damage liability insurance adequate to protect Landlord Parties against liability for injury
to or death of any person in connection with the activities of Tenant in, on or about the Demised Premises or
with the use, operation or condition of the Demised Premises. Such insurance at all times shall be in an
amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) for injuries to persons in one accident, not less
than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for injury to any one person and not less than Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) with respect to damage to property. The limits of such insurance do not limit
the liability of Tenant hereunder. All public liability and property damage policies shall contain a provision
that Landlord Parties, although named as an insured, shall nevertheless be entitled to recovery under said
policies for any loss occasioned to it, its members, managers, partners, agents and employees by reason of the
negligence of Tenant. No deductible or self-insured retention in excess of $10,000 to apply to any coverage
provided by the CGL policy without the prior written approval of Landlord.

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(d) Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer Liability Coverage. Tenant shall also,
at all times during the Term, and at Tenant's own cost and expense, procure and continue in force workers'
compensation insurance and Employer Liability (and/or commercial umbrellas) with the following limits:
$1,000,000.00 each accident for bodily injury by accident or $1,000,000.00 each employee for bodily injury by
disease. Such policies shall contain a waiver of Subrogation in favor of Landlord Parties, if available (and
under the commercial umbrella, if any).

(e) Comprehensive Automobile Liability. Tenant shall maintain comprehensive automobile

liability insurance on a standard from written to cover all owned, hired and non-owned automobiles with
insurance in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for injuries to persons in one
accident, not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for injury to any one person and not less
than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) with respect to damage to property.

(f) Plate Glass. Tenant shall at all times during the Term maintain insurance coverage on all
plate glass on the Demised Premises. The proceeds of such insurance shall be paid to Landlord upon
termination of this Lease following a casualty as set forth herein.

(g) Landlord's Insurance. Landlord shall at all times maintain in effect a policy or policies of
insurance covering (i) the Demised Premises in an amount up to one hundred percent (100%) of the actual
replacement cost thereof (exclusive of the cost of excavations, foundations and footings) from time to time
during the Term of this Lease, providing protection against any peril generally included in the classification
"Fire and Extended Coverage" or so called "special form" coverage which shall include insurance against
sprinkler damage, vandalism, malicious mischief, and third-party liability, and including such coverages in
such amounts as Landlord may designate, and may include earthquake and flood insurance if required by
Landlord's lender, (ii) the Rent payable hereunder, and (iii) commercial general liability insurance covering
bodily injury and property damage liability insurance adequate to protect Landlord against liability for injury to
or death of any person in connection with the activities of Landlord, on or about the Property. Such insurance
described in subparagraph (iii) shall at all times shall be in an amount of not less than Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000.00) for injuries to persons in one accident, not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for
injury to any one person and not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) with respect to
damage to property; provided, however, Landlord may increase such coverage to such limits as Landlord
deems reasonably prudent under the circumstances, provided such increases are in keeping with good practices
for similar type projects. The insurance Landlord procures may include boiler and machinery coverage.
Tenant shall pay to Landlord its Proportionate Share of the cost of the insurance described in this paragraph as
a part of Tenant's payment of the Operating Expenses payable in the manner set forth previously. Landlord's
obligation to carry the insurance provided for herein may be brought within the coverage of any so-called
blanket policy or policies of insurance carried and maintained by Landlord, provided that the coverage afforded
will not be reduced or diminished by reason of the use of such blanket policy of insurance. The cost of
maintaining Landlord's insurance obligations under this Lease shall be reimbursed by Tenant pursuant to the
terms of this Lease.

(h) Waiver of Liability. Both parties agree to waive all claims from the other party as such claims
relate to (a) all personal property, fixtures or improvements made to the Demised Premises by Tenant, which
property shall be at the risk of Tenant, and Landlord shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to property
(of whatever nature) of Tenant, their employees, agents, customers, invitees, or to others, regardless of whether
such property is entrusted to employees of the Demised Premises, or such loss or damage is occasioned by
casualty, theft, failure of Landlord to maintain the structural portions of the Demised Premises, or any other
cause of whatsoever nature, it being the responsibility of Tenant to secure and maintain necessary insurance
coverage for such property, or (b) all real property comprising the Demised Premises, the Common Areas or
the Development, or any personal property of Landlord, which property shall be at the risk of Landlord, and
Tenant shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to property (of whatever nature) of Landlord, their
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employees, agents, customers, invitees, or to others, regardless of whether such loss or damage is occasioned
by casualty, theft, failure of Tenant to maintain the Demised Premises, or any other cause of whatsoever nature,
it being the responsibility of Landlord to secure and maintain necessary insurance coverage for such property.

(i) Waiver of Subrogation. Landlord and Tenant hereby waive and relinquish any right or claim
against each other's property at or on the Demised Premises or the Property by way of subrogation or
assignment. Tenant and Landlord agree to have their respective insurance policies endorsed to waive the
carrier's right of recovery under subrogation and a certificate of insurance shall be available to either party on
request verifying such waiver.


(a) Partial Damage - Insured. If the Demised Premises are damaged by a risk covered under fire
and extended coverage insurance protecting Landlord, then Landlord shall restore such damage provided
insurance proceeds are available to Landlord to pay one hundred percent ( 100%) of the cost of restoration (less
any deductible or retention), and provided such restoration by Landlord can be completed within six (6)
months after the commencement of work, in the opinion of a registered architect or engineer appointed by
Landlord. In such event this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, except that Tenant shall be entitled to
an equitable reduction of Rent while such restoration takes place, such reduction to be based upon the extent to
which the damage and the restoration efforts materially interfere with Tenant's business in the Demised
Premises. If Landlord does not restore the Demised Premises to substantially the same condition that existed
on the date of such damage or casualty within two hundred seventy (270) days from the date of such damage or
casualty, then Tenant may, at Tenant's option, terminate this Lease at any time prior to the date of the
substantial completion of the Demised Premises.

(b) Partial Damage - Uninsured. If the Demised Premises are damaged by a risk not covered by
such insurance or the insurance proceeds available to Landlord are less than one hundred percent (100%) of the
cost of restoration for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, as a result of a Mortgagee
requiring the proceeds of insurance to be applied toward any indebtedness owed to Mortgagee), or if the
restoration cannot be completed within six (6) months after the commencement of work in the opinion of the
registered architect or engineer appointed by Landlord, then Landlord shall have the option either to (i) repair
or restore such damage, this Lease continuing in full force and effect, but the Rent to be equitably reduced as
hereinabove provided, or (ii) give notice to Tenant at any time within ninety (90) days after such damage
terminating this Lease as of a date to be specified in such notice, which date shall be not less than thirty (30)
nor more than sixty (60) days after giving such notice. If such notice is given, this Lease shall expire and any
interest of Tenant in the Demised Premises shall terminate on the date specified in such notice and the Rent,
reduced by an equitable reduction (except as hereinabove provided) based upon the extent, if any, to which
such damage materially interfered with Tenant's business in the Demised Premises, shall be paid to the date of
such termination, and Landlord agrees to refund to Tenant any Rent or Operating Expenses theretofore paid in
advance for any period of time subsequent to such date.

(c) Substantial Destruction. If the Demised Premises are destroyed such that same cannot be
reconstructed to substantially the same condition as when delivered to Tenant within two hundred seventy
(270) days from the date of such damage or casualty, then, notwithstanding the availability of insurance
proceeds, Landlord or Tenant shall have right to terminate this Lease provided such notice is delivered to the
other party within sixty (60) days from the date of such damage or casualty. If there is a dispute as to whether
the Demised Premises can be reconstructed within such two hundred seventy-day period, then an independent,
mutually acceptable architect shall be hired to resolve the dispute. The parties shall split the cost of such
architect evenly and the architect's decision shall be binding on the parties. If such termination notice is timely
given, this Lease shall expire and any interest of Tenant in the Demised Premises shall terminate on the date
specified in such notice and the Rent, reduced by an equitable reduction based upon the extent, if any, to which
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such damage materially interfered with Tenant's business in the Demised Premises, shall be paid to the date of
such termination, and Landlord agrees to refund to Tenant any Rent or Operating Expenses theretofore paid in
advance for any period of time subsequent to such date. If neither party exercises its right to terminate as set
forth above, then Landlord shall reconstruct the Demised Premises to substantially the same condition that
existed prior to the date of such damage or casualty and Tenant shall receive an equitable abatement of Rent
until ninety (90) days from the date Landlord restores the Demised Premises. If Landlord does not restore the
Demised Premises to substantially the same condition that existed on the date of such damage or casualty
within one (1) year from the date of such damage or casualty, then Tenant may, at Tenant's option, terminate
this Lease at any time prior to the date of the substantial completion of the Demised Premises.

(d) Landlord's Obligations. Landlord shall not be required to carry insurance of any kind on
Tenant's property and shall not be required to repair any injury or damage thereto by fire or other cause, or to
make any restoration or replacement of any paneling, decorations, partitions, ceilings, floor covering, office
fixtures, utility installations or any other improvements or property installed in the Demised Premises by or at
the direct or indirect expense of Tenant, and Tenant shall be required to restore or replace same in the event of
damage. Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord for any loss suffered by reason of any such damage,
destruction, repair or restoration. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section, Landlord
shall have no obligation whatsoever to repair, reconstruct or restore the Demised Premises with respect to
damage or destruction as described in this Section occurring during the last twelve (12) months of the Term of
this Lease or any extension thereof, in which event this Lease shall terminate as of the date of damage or
destruction unless (i) a Renewal Period is available to Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease and the time
for exercising same has not expired, and (ii) Tenant exercises its right to renew this Lease for a Renewal Period
in accordance with the terms set forth herein within the earlier to occur of (x) sixty (60) days from the date of
the damage or casualty, and (y) the date Tenant must exercise its Renewal Option as required by the terms of
this Lease.


If all or any part of the Demised Premises is taken or appropriated for public or quasi-public use by the
right of eminent domain or otherwise by a taking in the nature of inverse condemnation, with or without
litigation, or is transferred by agreement in lieu thereof (any of the foregoing being referred to herein as a
"taking"), either party hereto may, by written notice given to the other within thirty (30) days of receipt of
notice of taking, elect to terminate this Lease as of the date possession is transferred pursuant to the taking;
provided, however, that before Tenant may terminate this Lease for a taking, such taking shall be of such an
extent and nature as to materially and adversely affect Tenant's business in Demised Premises. If any part of
the Property other than the Demised Premises shall be so taken, Landlord may elect to terminate this Lease.
No award for any partial or entire taking shall be apportioned, and Tenant hereby assigns to Landlord any and
all rights of Tenant now or hereafter arising in or to the same or any part thereof; provided, however, that
nothing contained herein shall be deemed to give Landlord any interest in, or to require Tenant to assign to
Landlord, any award made to Tenant for the taking of personal property belonging to Tenant. In the event of a
partial taking which does not result in a termination of this Lease, Rent shall be equitably reduced to the extent
Tenant's business in or use of the Demised Premises is materially and adversely affected and impaired as
described above. No temporary taking of the Demised Premises or any part of the Property or Development
shall terminate this Lease, except at Landlord's election, or give Tenant any right to any abatement of Rent or
Operating Expenses hereunder, except that Rent and Operating Expenses shall be equitably reduced as
described above during that portion of any temporary taking lasting more than thirty (30) days. Each party
hereto waives the provisions of any applicable law allowing either party to petition the court to terminate this
Lease for a partial taking, it being the intent of the parties that this Section shall govern.

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Tenant shall keep the Demised Premises and the Property free from any liens arising out of work
performed, materials furnished, or obligations incurred by Tenant, and shall indemnify, hold harmless and
defend Landlord from any liens and encumbrances arising out of any work performed or materials furnished by
or at the direction of Tenant. Tenant shall give Landlord at least ten (10) days' prior written notice of the
expected date of commencement of work relating to alterations or additions to the Demised Premises.
Landlord shall have the right at all times to keep posted on the Demised Premises any notices permitted or
required by law, or which Landlord shall deem proper for the protection of Landlord and the Demised
Premises, and any other party having any interest therein, from mechanics' and materialmen' s liens. If any
claim of lien is filed against the Demised Premises or any similar action affecting title to such property is
commenced, the party receiving notice of such lien or action shall immediately give the other party written
notice thereof. If Tenant fails, within twenty (20) days following the imposition of any lien and receipt of
written notice thereof, to cause such lien to be released of record by payment or posting of a proper bond,
Landlord shall have, in addition to all other remedies provided herein and by law, the right (but not the
obligation) to cause the same to be released by such means as it shall deem proper, including payment of the
claim giving rise to such lien. All such sums paid by Landlord and all costs and expenses incurred by it in
connection therewith (including attorneys' fees) shall be payable to Landlord by Tenant on demand, with
interest at the Default Rate from the date of expenditure.


The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall constitute a material default and
breach of this Lease by Tenant:

(a) Failure to Open. The failure of Tenant to open for business in the Demised Premises within
thirty (30) days of the Rent Commencement Date and continuously operate thereafter.

(b) Monetary Default. The failure by Tenant to make (i) any regular monthly payment of Rent
within five (5) days from the date due or (ii) payment of any other sum required to be made by Tenant
hereunder within ten (10) days from the date of delivery of written notice of such failure; provided, however, if
notice is required, Landlord shall not be required to deliver more than two (2) notices of monetary default
during any twelve-month period.

(c) Non-Monetary Default. The failure by Tenant to observe or perform any other covenant,
condition or provision of this Lease to be observed or performed by Tenant, if such failure is not cured within
fifteen (15) days after written notice thereof from Landlord to Tenant; provided, however, that if the nature of
Tenant's default is such that it cannot be cured solely by payment of money and more than fifteen ( 15) days are
reasonably required for its cure, then Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default if Tenant commences such
cure within ten (10) days and thereafter diligently prosecutes such cure to completion; provided, further, that
repeated breaches or defaults by Tenant of the same default (more than three (3) in any twelve (12) month
period) shall entitle Landlord at its option, to terminate this Lease, and provided, further, that violations by
Tenant of the Rules and Regulations described in Exhibit "F" shall be cured by Tenant within forty-eight (48)
hours after written notice thereof from Landlord, failing which Landlord may (but need not) cure same, in
which event Tenant shall pay Landlord, within ten ( 10) days after written notice thereof by Landlord, the
amount expended by Landlord to effect such cure together with an administrative charge of twenty percent
(20%) of the amount thereof.

(d) Bankruptcy. The making by Tenant of any general assignment for the benefit of creditors,
the filing by or against Tenant of a petition to have Tenant adjudged a bankrupt or of a petition for
reorganization or arrangement under any law relating to bankruptcy (unless, in the case of a petition filed
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against Tenant, the same is dismissed within sixty (60) days); the appointment of a trustee or receiver to take
possession of substantially all of Tenant's assets located at the Demised Premises or of Tenant's interest in this
Lease, where such seizure is not discharged within thirty (30) days.

(e) Lock-Out. Notwithstanding any rule or provision of law to the contrary, in the event
Landlord shall for the purpose of reentering or regaining possession of the Demised Premises, as authorized by
law and/or the terms of this Lease, change the lock( s) to the Demised Premises, Landlord shall not be obligated
to provide Tenant with the new key(s) to the Demised Premises or otherwise provide Tenant with access to the
Demised Premises unless and until Tenant shall have (1) brought current all rentals and other sums or charges
due to Landlord under the provisions of this Lease; (2) fully cured and remedied to Landlord's satisfaction all
other defaults of Tenant under this Lease; and (3) given Landlord security and assurances satisfactory in all
respects to Landlord, in Landlord's sole discretion, that Tenant intends to and is able to meet and comply with
Tenant's future obligations under this Lease, both monetary and non-monetary. Further, the provisions of this
Lease pertaining to Landlord's waiver of notice and demand in the event of the exercise of any right or remedy
by Landlord hereunder shall supersede the provisions of any statute or provision of law pertaining to the
affixation of notice on the door of the Demised Premises advising of any lockout and/or disclosing the time at
which, and/or person from whom, the new key(s) to the Demised Premises may be obtained, and Tenant
hereby waives the requirement of any such notice. If Landlord has formally terminated Tenant's right of
possession or has terminated this Lease, then Landlord shall be under no obligation to provide the new key(s)
to Tenant regardless of Tenant's payment of past due Rent or other sums due hereunder.


In the event of any default or breach of this Lease by Tenant, Landlord may at any time thereafter,
without limiting Landlord in the exercise of any other right or remedy at law or in equity which Landlord may
have (all remedies provided herein being non-exclusive and cumulative), do any one or more of the following:

(a) Right to Relet. Maintain this Lease in full force and effect and recover the Rent and other
monetary charges as they become due, without terminating Tenant's right to possession irrespective of whether
Tenant shall have abandoned the Demised Premises. If Landlord elects not to terminate this Lease, Landlord
shall use reasonable commercial efforts to relet the Demised Premises at such rent and upon such conditions,
and for such a term, as Landlord deems reasonably appropriate taking into account the then current market
conditions and to do all acts necessary with regard thereto, without being deemed to have elected to terminate
this Lease, including re-entering the Demised Premises to make repairs or to maintain or modify the Demised
Premises, and removing all persons and property from the Demised Premises; such property may be removed
and stored in a public warehouse or elsewhere at the cost of and for the account of Tenant. Reletting may be
for a period shorter or longer than the remaining term of this Lease, and for more or less rent. Landlord at any
time may elect to terminate this Lease by virtue of any previous uncured default by Tenant. In the event of any
such termination, Landlord shall be entitled to recover from Tenant all damages incurred by Landlord by
reason of Tenant's default (including, without limitation, the damages described below), as well as all costs of
reletting, including commissions, attorneys' fees, restoration or remodeling costs for subsequent tenants.

(b) Termination. Terminate Tenant's right to possession by any lawful means, in which case this
Lease shall terminate and Tenant shall immediately surrender possession of the Demised Premises to Landlord.
In such event Landlord shall be entitled to recover from Tenant all damages incurred by Landlord by reason of
Tenant's default, including, without limitation: (1) the worth, at the time of award, of any unpaid rent which
had been earned at the time of such termination; plus (2) the worth, at the time of award, of the amount by
which the unpaid rent which would have been earned after termination until the time of award exceeds the
amount of such rental loss that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; plus (3) the worth, at the
time of award, of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the time of award
exceeds the fair market rental value of the Demised Premises; plus (4) any other amount, and court costs,
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necessary to compensate Landlord for all the detriment proximately caused by Tenant's default or which in the
ordinary course of things would be likely to result therefrom (including, without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, the amount of any commissions and/or finder's fee for a replacement tenant); plus (5) at Landlord's
election, such other amounts in addition to or in lieu of the foregoing as may be permitted from time to time by
applicable law. As used in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this Section 25(b), the "worth, at the time of award" is
to be computed by allowing interest at the Default Rate, and, as used in subparagraph (3) of this Section 27(b),
the "worth, at the time of award" is to be computed by discounting such amount at the discount rate of the
Consensus Prime Rate published by The Wall Street Journal at the time of award. The term "rent" or "Rent"
as used in this Section, shall be deemed to be and to mean all Rent, Additional Rent (including any unpaid
portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, if any, or leasing commissions, if any), Percentage Rent (if
any), Operating Expenses and other monetary sums required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to this Lease to the
extent not otherwise reimbursed to Landlord. For the purpose of determining the amount of "unpaid rent
which would have been earned after termination" or the "unpaid rent for the balance of the term" (as
referenced in subparagraphs (2) and (3) hereof), the amount of Percentage Rent, if any, and Operating
Expenses shall be deemed to increase annually for the balance of the term by an amount equal to their average
annual percentage increase during the three (3) calendar years preceding the year in which this Lease was
terminated, or, if such termination shall occur prior to the expiration of the third calendar year occurring during
the term of this Lease, then the amount of Operating Expenses shall be deemed to increase monthly for the
balance of the term by an amount equal to their average monthly percentage increase during all of the calendar
months preceding the month in which this Lease was terminated.

(c) Right to Collect Rents. Collect sublease rents (or appoint a receiver to collect such rent) and
otherwise perform Tenant's obligations at the Demised Premises, it being agreed, however, that neither the
filing of a petition for the appointment of a receiver for Tenant nor the appointment itself shall constitute an
election by Landlord to terminate this Lease.

(d) Right to Cure Tenant's Default. Proceed to cure the default at Tenant's sole cost and
expense, without waiving or releasing Tenant from any obligation hereunder. If at any time Landlord pays any
sum or incurs any expense as a result of or in connection with curing any default of Tenant (including any
administrative fees provided for herein and attorneys' fees), the amount thereof shall be immediately due as of
the date of such expenditure and, together with interest at the Default Rate from the date of such expenditures,
shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord immediately upon demand, and Tenant hereby covenants to pay any and
all such sums.

(e) Right to Tenant's Fixtures. If Tenant does not remove Tenant's fixtures, furniture,
equipment, improvements, additions, and other personal property in the Demised Premises within thirty (30)
days from the expiration of any cure period, Landlord may at Landlord's option remove, sell, or otherwise
dispose of same or require Tenant to forthwith remove same.

(f) Remedies are Cumulative. Notwithstanding any termination of this Lease pursuant to a
default by Tenant, Landlord shall be entitled to any and all remedies set forth in this Lease or at law or equity.

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(a) Notice and Cure Period. Landlord shall not be deemed to be in default in the performance of
any obligation under this Lease unless and until it has failed to perform such obligation within thirty (30) days
after receipt of written notice by Tenant to Landlord specifying such failure; provided, however, that if the
nature of Landlord's default is such that more than thirty (30) days are required for its cure, then Landlord shall
not be deemed to be in default if it commences such cure within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter
diligently prosecutes such cure to completion. Tenant agrees to give any Mortgagee a copy, by certified mail,
of any notice of default served upon Landlord. Tenant further agrees that if Landlord shall have failed to cure
such default within the time provided for in this Lease, then any such Mortgagee shall have an additional forty-
five (45) days within which to cure such default on the part of Landlord or if such default cannot be cured
within that time, then such additional time as may be necessary if within that forty-five (45) days the
Mortgagee has commenced and is pursuing the remedies necessary to cure such default (including but not
limited to commencement of foreclosure proceedings, if necessary to effect such cure), in which event this
Lease shall not be terminated while such remedies are being so pursued. In the event of any default by
Landlord, Tenant's exclusive remedy shall be an action for damages. Tenant hereby waives (i) the benefit of
any laws granting it a lien upon the property of Landlord and/or upon Rent due Landlord, and (ii) any right it
may have to withhold, deduct or offset against any Rent due under this Lease.

(b) Limitation of Tenant's Remedies. If Tenant recovers any judgment against Landlord for a
default by Landlord of this Lease, the judgment shall be satisfied only out of the interest of Landlord in the
Property and neither Landlord nor any of its partners, members, managers, officers, employees or agents shall
be personally liable for any such default or for any deficiency. In no event shall Landlord be liable for any
consequential, speculative or punitive damages (including, without limitation, any claims for lost profits or lost
business opportunities). All covenants and agreements to be performed by Tenant under this Lease shall be
performed by Tenant at Tenant's sole cost and expense and without any offset to or abatement of Rent.


If either party brings action for relief against the other, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this
Lease, including any suit by Landlord for the recovery of Rent or possession of the Demised Premises, the
unsuccessful party shall pay the successful party its costs incurred in connection with and in preparation for
said action, including its attorneys' fees. If Landlord, without fault on Landlord's part, is made a party to any
action instituted by Tenant or a third party against Tenant or by or against any person holding under or using
the Demised Premises by license of Tenant, or for the foreclosure of any lien for labor or material furnished to
or for Tenant or any such other person, or otherwise arising out of or resulting from any act or omission of
Tenant or of any such other person, Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless from any
judgment rendered in connection therewith and all costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by
Landlord in connection with such action.


(a) Surrender. On expiration or termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender to Landlord the
Demised Premises, and all Tenant's improvements thereto and alterations thereof, broom clean and in good
condition (except for ordinary wear and tear occurring after the last necessary maintenance made by Tenant),
and shall remove all of its personal property including any signs, notices and displays. Tenant shall perform all
restoration made necessary by the removal of any such improvements or alterations or personal property, prior
to the expiration of the Lease term. Landlord may retain or dispose of in any manner any such improvements
or alterations or personal property that Tenant does not remove from the Demised Premises within ten (10)
days from the expiration or termination of the Term as allowed or required by this Lease. Title to any such
improvements or alterations or personal property that Landlord so elects to retain or dispose of shall vest in
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Landlord. Tenant waives all claims against Landlord for any damage or loss to Tenant arising out of
Landlord's retention or disposition of any such improvements, alterations or personal property. Tenant shall be
liable to Landlord for Landlord's costs of storing, removing and disposing of any such improvements,
alterations or personal property. If Tenant fails to surrender the Demised Premises to Landlord on expiration
or termination of this Lease as required by this Section, Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord
harmless from all damages, loss, cost and expense (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection
with Tenant's failure to surrender the Demised Premises.

(b) Holding Over. If Tenant holds over after the Term hereof, with or without the express or
implied consent of Landlord, such tenancy shall be from month-to-month only, and not a renewal hereof or an
extension for any further term, and in such case Rent shall be payable at a rental in the amount of two hundred
percent (200%) of the Rent in effect as of the last month of the Term hereof and at the time specified in this
Lease, and such month-to-month tenancy shall be subject to every other term, covenant and agreement
contained herein. The foregoing shall not, however, be construed as a consent by Landlord to any holding over
by Tenant and Landlord reserves the right to require Tenant to surrender possession of the Demised Premises
upon expiration or termination of this Lease.


Landlord shall have the right to assign its interest in this Lease to any party in Landlord's sole
discretion. If Landlord sells or transfers its interest in the Demised Premises (other than a transfer for security
purposes) Landlord shall be released from all obligations and liabilities accruing thereafter under this Lease, if
Landlord's successor has assumed in writing Landlord's obligations under this Lease. Any Security Deposit,
prepaid Rent or other funds of Tenant in the hands of Landlord at the time of transfer shall be delivered to such
successor. Tenant agrees to attom to the purchaser or assignee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord's
successor shall not be liable to Tenant for any such funds of Tenant which Landlord does not deliver to the


(a) Right to Transfer. Except for a Permitted Transfer (hereinafter defined), Tenant shall not
transfer this Lease or any interest therein (any sale, assignment, mortgage, pledge, hypothecation or
encumbrance of this Lease shall be deemed a "transfer"), and shall not sublet the Demised Premises or any part
thereof, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
Landlord may consider the following in determining whether or not to consent to any transfer, assignment,
subletting, license or concession agreement or hypothecation which is not a Permitted Transfer (referred to
herein as a "Third Party Transfer" and the intended assignee, sub lessee, licensee or other transferee of a Third
Party Transfer is referred to herein as a Third Party Transferee) and shall be subject to the satisfaction of all of
the following criteria:

(i) The business reputation of the Third Party Transferee and the management and/or
principals of the Third Party Transferee shall be one which is of good standing and shall have a reputation of
operating profitable business for the same type of business such Third Party Transferee intends on operating in
the Demised; and

(ii) financial condition which shall be reasonably necessary to assume Tenant's

obligations under the Lease; and

(iii) intended use of the Demised Premises, which intended use shall not violate any then
exclusive or prohibited use restriction in the Development, shall not directly compete with the primary business
of another tenant in the Development, and shall not be illegal or immoral.
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(b) Notice to Landlord. In the event that Tenant should desire to transfer, assign or sublease any
or all of the Demised Premises to a Third Party Transferee, Tenant shall provide written notice to Landlord
setting forth the proposed transferee and any other pertinent information related to any such transfer (the
"Transfer Notice"), including but not limited to the proposed use, experience and record, and financial
condition of the proposed transferee. Landlord shall have a period of thirty (30) days to review any and all
information pertaining to the proposed Third Party Transfer and the Third Party Transferee, and approve or
deny such proposal based on its review. In the event that Landlord should fail to provide written notice to
Tenant of its denial of the proposed Third Party Transfer within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Transfer
Notice, then such Third Party Transfer shall be deemed approved and Tenant shall be permitted to proceed
with such Thirty Party Transfer.

(c) Excess Rental. If Landlord shall give its consent to any assignment, sublease or transfer of
the Demised Premises, Tenant shall, in consideration therefor, pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent 75% of any
rents, additional charges, or other consideration payable under the assignment, sublease or transfer by the
assignee, sublessee or transferee to Tenant that are in excess of the Rent accruing during the Term of the
sublease in respect of the assigned, subleased or transferred space, together with the reasonable costs incurred
by Landlord in connection with such assignment, subletting or transfer (at the rate per square foot payable by
Tenant hereunder) pursuant to the terms hereof (including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all
sums paid for the sale or rental of Tenant's fixtures or leasehold improvements, less, in the case of the sale
thereof, the then net unamortized or undepreciated cost thereof determined on the basis of Tenant's Federal
income tax returns), less the costs actually incurred by Tenant for commissions (at fair market rates),
advertising and subtenant leasehold improvements, all of such costs to be amortized without interest over the
length of the sublease term. The sums payable under this subparagraph shall be paid to Landlord as and when
payable by the sub lessee to Tenant. Within fifteen ( 15) days after written request therefor by Landlord, Tenant
shall at any time and from time to time furnish evidence to Landlord of the amount of all such sums or other
consideration received or expected to be received. Tenant immediately and irrevocably assigns to Landlord, as
security for Tenant's obligations under this Lease, all rent from any subletting of all or any part of the Demised
Premises, and Landlord, as assignee and as attorney-in-fact for Tenant for purposes hereof, or a receiver for
Tenant appointed on Landlord's application, may collect such rents and apply same toward Tenant's
obligations under this Lease; except that, until the occurrence of an act of default by Tenant, Tenant shall have
the right and license to collect such rents.

(d) Liability of Tenant. Unless otherwise expressly provided, no consent by Landlord to any
transfer or subletting by Tenant shall relieve Tenant of any obligation to be performed by Tenant under this
Lease, whether occurring before or after such consent, transfer or subletting nor shall Tenant be relieved of any
liability in connection with a Permitted Transfer. The consent by Landlord to any transfer or subletting shall
not relieve Tenant from the obligation to obtain Landlord's express prior written consent to any other transfer
or subletting, in no event shall any permitted subtenant transfer its sublease, further sublet all or any portion of
its sublet space, or otherwise suffer or permit the sublet space, or any part thereof, to be used or occupied by
others, except upon compliance with, and subject to, provisions of this Section. The acceptance by Landlord of
payment from any other person shall not be deemed to be a waiver by Landlord of any provision of this Lease
or to be a consent to any subsequent transfer or sublease, or to be a release of Tenant from any obligation under
this Lease. The joint and several liability of Tenant and any immediate or remote successor in interest to
Tenant, and the due performance of the obligations of this Lease on Tenant's part to be performed or observed,
shall not be discharged, released or impaired in any respect by any agreement or stipulation made by Landlord
extending the time of, or modifying any of the obligations of, this Lease, or by any waiver or failure of
Landlord to enforce any of the obligations of this Lease, except as expressly set forth above.

(e) Assumption of Obligations. Each transferee of Tenant shall assume all obligations of Tenant
under this Lease and shall be and remain liable jointly and severally with Tenant for the payment of the Rent
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and the performance of all the terms, covenants, conditions and agreements herein contained on Tenant's part,
to be performed for the term of this Lease. No transfer shall be binding on Landlord unless the transferee or
Tenant delivers to Landlord a counterpart of the instrument of transfer in recordable form which contains a
covenant of assumption by the transferee satisfactory in substance and form to Landlord, and consistent with
the requirements of this Section. The failure or refusal of the transferee to execute such instrument of
assumption shall not release or discharge the transferee from its liability to Landlord hereunder. Landlord shall
have no obligation whatsoever to perform any duty to or respond to any request from any sublessee, it being
the obligation of Tenant to administer the terms of its subleases.

(f) Fees for Review. Simultaneously with the giving of the notice described in Section 28(b)
above, Tenant shall pay to Landlord or Landlord's designee a non-refundable fee in the amount of One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as reimbursement for expenses incurred by Landlord in connection with
reviewing each such transaction.

(g) Permitted Transfers. Tenant shall have the right to transfer (herein, a "Permitted Transfer")
this Lease with thirty (30) days advance notice to Landlord but without the necessity of approval from
Landlord to any person or entity with whom Tenant is merged, consolidated or to a person or entity that
purchases substantially all of Tenant's assets or a franchisee or franchisor of Tenant or Tenant's franchisor
(hereinafter, a "Permitted Transferee"), provided the combined financial net worth of Tenant and the Permitted
Transferee subsequent to the Permitted Transfer are not less than the financial net worth of Tenant prior to the
Permitted Transfer. Notwithstanding any Permitted Transfer, Tenant shall not be released from any liability
under this Lease.

(h) Involuntary Assignment. No interest of Tenant in this Lease shall be assignable by operation
of law (including without limitation, the transfer of this Lease by testacy or intestacy). Each of the following
acts shall be considered an involuntary assignment: (i) If Tenant is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, makes an
assignment for the benefit of creditors, or institutes a proceeding under any bankruptcy law in which Tenant is
the bankrupt; (ii) if a writ of attachment or execution is levied on this Lease; (iii) if, in any proceeding or action
to which Tenant is a party, a receiver is appointed with authority to take possession of the Demised Premises.
An involuntary assignment shall constitute a default by Tenant and Landlord shall have the right to elect to
terminate this Lease, in which case this Lease shall not be treated as an asset of Tenant.


If any proceeding is brought for default under any ground or underlying lease to which this Lease is
subject, or in the event of foreclosure or the exercise of the power of sale under any mortgage or deed of trust
made by Landlord covering the Demised Premises, Tenant shall attom to the successor upon any such
foreclosure or sale and recognize that successor as Landlord under this Lease, provided such successor
expressly agrees in writing to be bound to all future obligations by the terms of this Lease, and, if so requested,
Tenant shall enter into a new lease with that successor on the same terms and conditions as are contained in
this Lease (for the unexpired term of this Lease then remaining).

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Without the necessity of any additional document being executed by Tenant for the purpose of
effecting a subordination, this Lease shall be subject and subordinate at all times to the lien of any mortgage or
deed of trust which may now exist or hereafter be executed in any amount for which the Demised Premises or
Landlord's interest or estate in any of them, is specified as security. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord
shall have the right to subordinate or cause to be subordinated any such liens to this Lease. Tenant shall,
notwithstanding any subordination, attom to and become Tenant of the successor in interest to Landlord at the
option of such successor in interest. Tenant covenants and agrees to execute and deliver, upon demand by
Landlord and in such form as shall be reasonably requested by Landlord, any documents evidencing the
priority or subordination of this Lease with respect to any lien of any such first mortgage or first deed of trust,
and specifically to execute, acknowledge, and deliver to Landlord from time to time within ten ( 10) days after
requested to do so a subordination of deed of trust, in such form as may be customarily required by any
Mortgagee of Landlord and failure of Tenant to do so shall be a material default hereunder.


Tenant shall from time to time within ten ( 10) days after prior written notice from Landlord execute,
acknowledge and deliver to Landlord a statement in writing in a form customarily required by Landlord's
Mortgagee or a potential purchaser, (i) certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or,
if modified, stating the nature of such modification and certifying that this Lease, as so modified, is in full
force and effect) and the date to which the Rent and other charges are paid in advance, if any, (ii)
acknowledging that there are not, to Tenant's knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part of Landlord
hereunder, or specifying such defaults if they are claimed, and (iii) containing such other matters as are set
forth in such form. Any such statement may be conclusively relied upon by any prospective purchaser or
lender. Tenant's failure to deliver such statement within such time shall be conclusive upon Tenant that this
Lease is in full force and effect, without modification except as may be represented by Landlord, that there are
no uncured defaults in Landlord's performance, and that not more than one month's Rent has been paid in
advance. Failure of Tenant to so deliver such statement shall be a material default hereunder.


So long as Tenant pays all Rent and other sums due under this Lease, performs its covenants and
obligations under this Lease and recognizes any successor to Landlord in accordance with the terms of this
Lease, Tenant shall lawfully and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Demised Premises without hindrance or
molestation by Landlord or anyone claiming by, through or under Landlord, subject, however, to all the
provisions of this Lease and subject to any and all title matters of record in the Real Property Records of Hinds
County, Mississippi, including without limitations those certain declarations, reciprocal easement agreements
and restrictions as set forth below: First Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions recorded at Book 7150, Page 4810, as amended.


Tenant hereby waives for Tenant and for all those claiming under Tenant all right now or hereafter
existing to redeem by order or judgment of any court or by any legal process or writ, Tenant's right of
occupancy of the Demised Premises after any termination of this Lease.

36. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Tenant (i) acknowledges that affiliates of Landlord intend to
obtain tax increment financing ("TIF") for all or a portion of the Development and (ii) agrees that in no event
shall Tenant be entitled to participate or receive any reimbursements from the TIF; Tenant hereby waiving all
claims thereto. Furthermore, Tenant agrees that, for so long as the Property or any portion of the Development
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is under the jurisdiction of governing authorities involved in the TIF, Tenant shall not challenge any increases
in taxes, assessments, or valuations imposed on the Property by the applicable taxing units. Tenant shall
reasonably cooperate with Landlord and its affiliates in connection with the TIF, and as part of such
cooperation, Tenant shall provide and/or authorize the appropriate governmental entities to disclose
information, including, without limitation, sales and other tax payments by Tenant, for purposes of the TIF.


The Rules and Regulations attached hereto as Exhibit "F" are expressly made a part hereof. Tenant
agrees to comply with such Rules and Regulations and any reasonable amendments, modifications or additions
thereto as may hereafter be adopted and published by notice to Tenant, and to cause its concessionaires, agents,
contractors and employees to comply therewith, and that the violation of the Rules and Regulations by any of
them shall constitute a default by Tenant under this Lease. Tenant shall use its reasonable efforts to cause its
customers, invitees and licensees to comply with the Rules and Regulations. If there is a conflict between the
Rules and Regulations and any of the provisions of this Lease, the provisions of this Lease shall prevail.
Landlord shall not be responsible to Tenant for the non-performance by any other tenant or occupant of the
Development of any of the Rules and Regulations.


Any notice, demand or communication required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be personally
served, deposited in the United States mails, duly registered or certified with postage fully prepaid thereon or
by Federal Express or other reputable overnight courier service, addressed to the other party at the address set
forth in Section 1 hereof, or to such other address requested in writing by either party upon thirty (30) days'
notice to the other party. Notices shall be deemed to have been given upon the date same is post-marked if sent
by registered or certified mail or the day deposited with Federal Express or such reputable overnight courier or
the day sent if by personal service, but shall not be deemed received until one (1) business day following
deposit with Federal Express or other reputable overnight courier or three (3) days following deposit in the
United States Mail if sent by certified or registered mail or upon receipt if by personal service.


No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of Landlord for any default by Tenant shall
impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. The receipt and acceptance by Landlord of delinquent
payments shall not constitute a waiver of any other default, and shall not constitute a waiver of timely payment
of the particular payment involved. No act or conduct of Landlord, including, without limitation, the
acceptance of keys to the Demised Premises, shall constitute an acceptance of the surrender of the Demised
Premises by Tenant before the expiration of the Term. Only an express notice to such effect from Landlord to
Tenant shall constitute acceptance of the surrender of the Premised sufficient to terminate this Lease.
Landlord's consent to or approval of any act by Tenant requiring Landlord's consent or approval shall not
constitute a consent or approval of any subsequent act by Tenant. Any waiver by Landlord of any default must
be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this


(a) Not an Offer. The submission of this document for examination and negotiation does not
constitute an offer to lease, or a reservation of, or an option for, the Demised Premises.

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(b) Execution. This document becomes effective and binding only upon execution and delivery
hereof by Tenant and by Landlord. No act or omission of any employee or agent of Landlord or of Landlord's
broker shall alter, change or modify any of the provisions hereof.

(c) Landlord and Tenant. As used in this Lease, the words "Landlord" and "Tenant" include
the plural as well as the singular. Words used in the neuter gender include the masculine and feminine and
words in the masculine or feminine gender include the neuter, If there is more than one person or entity
constituting Landlord or Tenant, the obligations imposed hereunder upon Landlord or Tenant are joint and
several, If Tenant consists of a husband and wife, the obligations of Tenant hereunder extend individually to
the sole and separate property of each of them as well as to their community property. The obligations
contained in this Lease to be performed by Landlord shall be binding on Landlord's successors and assigns
only during their respective periods of ownership of the Demised Premises.

(d) Brokers. Except for The District Management Co., LLC, (the "Broker") which represents
Landlord pursuant to a separate written agreement executed by Landlord (the "Brokerage Agreement"),
Landlord and Tenant represent and warrant that no brokerage fee or commission is due in connection with this
Lease. Each party shall indemnify and hold the other party harmless from all damages (including attorneys'
fees and costs) resulting from any claims that may be asserted by any broker, finder, or other person claiming
by, through or under the party (except that Landlord shall pay Broker in accordance with the Brokerage

(e) Parking. Except as expressly set forth herein, Tenant acknowledges that neither Landlord nor
any agent of Landlord has made any representation or warranty as to the suitability of the parking areas, or as
to the availability of parking spaces, for the conduct of Tenant's business. Landlord may, if in its opinion the
same be advisable, establish a system or systems of validation or other type operation to control the parking
areas, including a system of charges against non-validated parking checks of users.

(t) Nonrecordability of Lease. Tenant agrees that in no event shall this Lease or a
memorandum hereof be recorded.

(g) Matters of Record. This Lease and Tenant's rights hereunder are subject and subordinate in
all respects to matters affecting Landlord's title recorded in the official records of the county recorder's office
for the county in which the Property is located prior or subsequent to the date of execution of this Lease.
Tenant agrees that as to its leasehold estate it, and all persons in possession or holding under it, will conform
with and will not violate any such covenants, conditions and restrictions, or other matters, of record.

(h) Severability. If any provision of this Lease shall, to any extent, be determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease shall not be affected thereby,
and every other term and provision of this Lease shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted
by law.

(i) Construction. All provisions hereof, whether covenants or conditions, shall be deemed to be
both covenants and conditions. The definitions contained in this Lease shall be used to interpret this Lease.

(j) Interest. Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Lease, any amount due to Landlord
which is not paid when due shall bear interest from the date due at the consensus prime rate published from
time to time by The Wall Street Journal, plus five percent (5%) per annum, but not to exceed the maximum
rate of interest allowable under the law (the "Default Rate"). Payment of such interest shall not excuse or cure
any default by Tenant under this Lease.

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(k) Binding Effect; Choice of Law. Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Lease, all of
the provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective
heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. This Lease shall be governed by the laws of the state where
the Property is located.

(1) Time; Rights Cumulative. Time is of the essence of this Lease and each and every provision
hereof, except as to the provisions relating to delivery of possession of the Demised Premises to Tenant. All
rights and remedies of the parties shall be cumulative and non-exclusive of any other remedy at law or in

(m) Inability to Perform. This Lease and the obligations of Tenant hereunder shall not be
affected or impaired because Landlord is unable to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder or is delayed in doing
so, if such inability or delay is caused by reason of force majeure, strike, labor troubles, acts of God, acts of
government, unavailability of materials or labor, or any other cause beyond the control of Landlord (the
"Permitted Delays"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) nothing contained in this Section 40(n) shall excuse
either party from paying in a timely fashion any payments required to be made under this Lease, when due
under the terms of this Lease, (ii) financial inability or inconvenience shall never excuse or delay the
performance of any obligations under this Lease and (iii) with respect to Tenant's construction obligations
under Section 9(b) and Exhibit "D" hereof, (a) no delay under this Section 40(n) shall be effective unless
Tenant shall have notified Landlord of the delay within five (5) days of the event giving rise to such delay, and
(b) no delay under this Section 40(n) shall be permitted in connection with delays caused by local
governmental ordinances, codes or regulations in effect as of the date of this Lease or the implementation of

(n) Corporate Authority. If Tenant is a corporation, each individual executing this Lease on
behalf of Tenant represents and warrants that he is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf
of Tenant, and that Tenant is qualified to do business in the state where the Development is located, and shall
deliver appropriate certification to that effect if requested.

(o) Partnership Authority. If Tenant is a partnership, joint venture, or other unincorporated

association, each individual executing this Lease on behalf of Tenant represents that this Lease is binding on
Tenant. Furthermore, Tenant agrees that the execution of any written consent hereunder, or of any written
modification or termination of this Lease, by any general partner of Tenant or any other authorized agent of
Tenant, shall be binding on Tenant.

(p) Submittal of Financial Statement. At any time and from time to time during the term of this
Lease, within fifteen ( 15) days after request therefor by Landlord, Tenant shall supply to Landlord and/or any
Mortgagee a current financial statement or such other financial information as may be required by any such
party. Landlord shall not require any such financial information more than twice during any calendar year and
Landlord shall keep such information confidential except that Landlord may disclose such financial
information to current or future lenders or purchasers of the Property or the Development.

(q) No Partnership. Nothing herein contained, either in the method of computing Rent or
otherwise, shall create between the parties hereto, or be relied upon by others as creating, any relationship or
partnership, association, joint venture, or otherwise. The sole relationship of the parties hereto shall be that of
landlord and tenant.

(r) Guaranty of Lease. Guarantor hereby personally guarantees the obligations of Tenant as
set forth in this Lease, including but not limited to, Minimum Rent, Percentage Rent and Operating Expenses,
for a period of eighteen (18) months commencing on the Commencement Date. Upon the expiration of
Guarantor's eighteen month ( 18) month guaranty as set forth in this paragraph, Guarantor shall only guarantee
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the repayment of Landlord's unamortized Improvement Allowance calculated using a nine percent (9%)
interest rate over the Term of the Lease, which guaranty shall only become effective upon the default of

(s) Lender Approval.

(i) Lease Subject to Lender's Approval. It is understood and agreed that until this
Lease is fully executed and delivered by both Tenant and by the authorized officers of Landlord and approved
by Landlord's lender, there is not and shall not be an agreement of any kind between the parties hereto upon
which any commitment, undertaking or obligation can be founded against Landlord. Landlord covenants that
upon receipt of a fully executed copy of this Lease, it will promptly submit this Lease to its lender for approval.
It is further agreed that this Lease contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and that in
executing this lease, Tenant does not rely upon any statement, promise, or representation not herein expressed;
that this Lease once executed and delivered shall not be modified, changed or altered in any respect except by a
writing executed and delivered in the same manner as required for this Lease.

(ii) Modifications Required by Lender. In the event that any mortgagee requires
modification to this Lease, Tenant agrees to work in a reasonable fashion to satisfy the mortgagee provided it
does not in any way materially alter the terms and conditions of this Lease or affect Tenant's obligations
hereunder or costs for the of the Demised Premises.

(iii) Mortgagees' Liability. No mortgagee or lender of Landlord's shall have any

liability hereunder.

(t) Exhibits. Each of the following exhibits are incorporated herein as a part of this Lease:
(i) Exhibit "A" Site Plan
(ii) Exhibit "B" Legal Description of the Property
(iii) Exhibit "C" Reserved
(iv) Exhibit "D" Landlord's and Tenant's Work
(v) Exhibit "D-1" - Contractors Insurance Requirements
(vi) Exhibit "E" Signage Criteria
(vii) Exhibit "F" Rules and Regulations
(viii) Exhibit "G" Commencement Notice
(ix) Exhibit "H" Use Restrictions


This Lease contains all of the agreements of the parties hereto with respect to any matter covered or
mentioned in this Lease, and no prior agreement, negotiations, brochures, arrangements, or understanding
pertaining to any such matter shall be effective for any purpose unless expressed herein. No provisions of this
Lease may be amended or added to except by an agreement in writing signed by the parties hereto or their
respective successors in interest.


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Lease as of the last date indicated


District Phase Two, LLC,

A Mississippi limited liability company
By: The District Mana ement Co, LLC

District Holdings LLC,

A Mississippi limited liability company

Title: Mana_ger
Date: ;}.(7/~l t
Clements District LLC,
A Mississippi limited liability company

By: W. Cf,.,-.J
Name: W. A. Clements,
Title: Manag[ /
Date: ) 7 P--0/1
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Legal Description of the Property

Lot 6 of The District at Eastover, situated in the SW ¼ of Section 24, T6N, RlE, City of Jackson, First
Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi

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Subject only to completion of Landlord's Work, Tenant shall accept the Demised Premises in its "as-is"


A. All plans, diagrams, designs, schedules, specifications and other data required to be furnished by
Tenant (all of which shall be prepared by Tenant at Tenant's sole expense) under this Exhibit "D"
(sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Construction Exhibit") must be submitted to Landlord
complete, sufficient to obtain a building permit, and ready for Landlord's consideration and final
approval no later than April 6, 2017. Such plans and specifications must be signed and sealed by a
registered architect and/or engineer as required for the design work contained therein.

Within fifteen (15) days after receipt by Landlord of Tenant's Preliminary Plans and Specifications
Landlord shall review and comment on the Tenant's Plans and Specifications and provide written
notice, with reasonable specificity, setting forth Landlord comments. Upon receipt of Landlord's
comments, the Tenant's Architect shall continue with its final plans and specifications such that the
plans shall be one hundred percent (100%) ready for permit and bidding within ten (10) days from
Landlord's initial review. When Landlord provides notice of any comments, Tenant's Architect shall
modify its plans and specifications as promptly as practicable under the circumstances and provide
such revised plans and specifications to Landlord. The review and comment process above shall apply
to any revision of such plans and specifications, except the fifteen ( 15) day period shall be reduced to
five (5) days. Upon final approval, Tenant's Plans and Specifications shall be initialed by Landlord
and Tenant evidencing Landlord's and Tenant's approval of same. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord
for any loss or extra cost which may result to Landlord by reason of failure on the part of Tenant to
submit any such plans, diagrams, designs, schedules, specifications and/or other data within said
period of time, or, alternatively, and at Landlord's sole option, Landlord may elect to immediately
terminate this Lease by reason of such failure by giving written notice of such election to Tenant
(whereupon Landlord shall have no further obligations to Tenant hereunder).

B. Tenant shall secure Landlord's written approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, of all
plans, diagrams, designs, schedules, specifications, contracts and contractors for Tenant's Work before
beginning the work, and Tenant, at its sole expense, shall secure all necessary licenses and permits
necessary to commence, or otherwise to be used in performing, the Tenant's Work. Three (3) sets of
bluelines and one bound set of specifications must be submitted for the review process. Changes to
said plans and specifications shall be made only by written change order describing the scope of work
and exact cost of same signed by both parties. Tenant's finished work shall be subject to Landlord's
reasonable approval and acceptance, which shall be a condition to any reimbursement hereinafter

C. As soon as Tenant's plans and specifications have been approved by Landlord, Tenant shall
commence construction (and shall be required to diligently pursue said construction) no later than
(30) calendar days after the date upon which Landlord approves Tenant's plans and specifications. If
Tenant has not commenced construction within said time period, Landlord shall have the option to
terminate this Lease by giving written notice of such termination to Tenant at any time prior to the date
on which Tenant actually commences construction (whereupon Landlord shall have no further
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obligations to Tenant hereunder); or, if Tenant has not completed construction of such improvements
within one hundred eighty ( 180) calendar days after the date upon which Tenant's plans and
specifications have been approved by Landlord, then Landlord shall have the option to terminate this
Lease by giving written notice of such termination to Tenant, which notice of termination, if given,
shall be effective as of the date which is thirty (30) days following the giving thereof, unless Tenant
actually completes construction of its improvements within said 30-day period, in which event
Landlord's termination notice as aforesaid shall be deemed ineffective and of no force or effect. If,
pursuant to the foregoing provisions, Landlord elects to terminate this Lease, then upon any such
termination, Tenant shall be deemed to have forfeited any pre-paid rent and/or security deposit
previously made by Tenant under this Lease, and such amounts shall be retained by Landlord as
liquidated damages for the failure of Tenant to timely perform its obligations hereunder.

D. Tenant's Plans and Specifications shall comply with all applicable Laws. Neither review nor approval
by Landlord of the Tenant's Plans and Specifications constitute a representation or warranty by
Landlord that such plans either ( 1) are complete or suitable for their intended purpose or (2) comply
with applicable Laws, it being expressly agreed by Tenant that Landlord assumes no responsibility or
liability whatsoever to Tenant or to any other person or entity for such completeness, suitability, or
compliance. Tenant shall not without Landlord's prior written approval make any changes to the
approved Tenant's Plans and Specifications.


Landlord's architect shall provide Landlord and Tenant with working drawings and specifications
depicting the planned Demised Premises (the "Landlord's Plans and Specifications"). Landlord's Plans and
Specifications shall be prepared by Brad J. Nelsen Architect AIA, Austin, Texas (the "Landlord's Architect")
Tenant's Architect and Landlord's Architect shall coordinate the design of the exterior of the Building, all
entrances, exits and utility locations.

The exterior shell of the Demised Premises shall be constructed by Landlord in accordance with
Landlord's Plans and Specifications as coordinated.

Tenant shall, at all times during normal business hours, have the right to inspect the progress of
construction of the Demised Premises. Should Tenant give Landlord notice of faulty construction or of any
other material deviation from Landlord's Plans and Specifications, Landlord shall cause its contractors or
subcontractors to make corrections promptly. However, neither the privilege to make such inspections, nor the
making of such inspections by Tenant, shall operate as a waiver of any right of Tenant to require good and
workmanlike construction of the Demised Premises in accordance with Landlord's Plans and Specifications.

Tenant acknowledges that the design and construction of the Demised Premises shall be undertaken by
third parties and not directly by Landlord. Landlord agrees to assign to Tenant on a non-exclusive basis any
warranties or guaranties from contractors or others related to the construction of the Demised Premises.
Tenant's sole and exclusive remedy for any defects in materials and/or workmanship shall be for the repair of
such defects, or the replacement of the portion of the Demised Premises affected by such defects, under any
such warranties, and Landlord shall not be responsible for any defect of any nature in the design or
construction of the Demised Premises. Landlord makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including but not
limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, in connection with the
Demised Premises. In no event shall Landlord be responsible for any incidental or consequential damages for
lost profits, injury to person or property, or any other incidental or consequential loss. Landlord agrees to
reasonably cooperate with Tenant in pursuing any actions related to defects in the design or construction of the
Demised Premises.

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A. Tenant's Architect shall provide all production plans for the interior designs, exterior HVAC designs,
electrical designs, including service disconnect and meter sockets, all plumbing, exhaust, and utilities
from the Landlord stub locations.

B. Tenant shall pay for all signs and the installation thereof.

C. All meters, sub-meters or other measuring devices in connection with utility services shall be provided
by Tenant at Tenant's expense. Tenant will be responsible for tapping into provided domestic water
line including line tap and shut off valve. All service deposits shall be made by Tenant at Tenant's

D. Tenant shall be responsible for the complete build out of the interior of the Demised Premises in
accordance with Tenant's Plans and Specifications, include, without limitation, the purchase and/or
installation and/or performance of the following:
1. Electrical panel, wiring, and fixtures.
2. Interior partitions including finishing, electrical wiring, and connections within the Demised
Premises. Furring, insulation and drywall on all exterior walls.
3. Light covers and special hung and furred ceilings.
4. Interior painting.
5. Store fixtures and furnishings.
6. Plumbing fixtures within the Demised Premises.
7. Ceiling to no lower than the header at storefront glass.
8. Heating, air conditioning and ventilating equipment, including electrical, duct work and roof
9. Floor covering.
10. Sprinkler system (Landlord has installed main sprinkler trunk lines).

E. All work undertaken by Tenant shall be performed at Tenant's expense and shall not damage the
building, or any part thereof. Any roof penetration shall be made and sealed by Landlord's approved
roofer and shall be performed only after Landlord has given its written consent, which consent shall in
part be conditioned upon Tenant's plans to include materials acceptable to Landlord and to include
roof top curbs to spread the weight of the equipment being installed in order to prevent damage to the
roof and/or impairment of Landlord's roof warranty(ies). All such installation of equipment and roof
penetrations shall be professionally engineered so that structural modifications shall be made to the
roof so that sufficient support exists for any equipment on the roof. Tenant shall be responsible for
installing roof manufacturer approved roof walk pads around all rooftop equipment and to extend
them to connect to any shell building walk pad system. Tenant shall also be responsible for obtaining,
and paying for, professional inspections of any structural work and/or mechanical work (including,
without limitation, any roof work or concrete work) as required by Landlord. All roof mounted
HV AC units and other roof mounted equipment shall be installed in such a fashion that they will not
be visible from street level.

F. All of Tenant's Work to the Demised Premises made by Tenant shall be in good and workmanlike
manner, free of any mechanic's or materialman' s lien, and shall be in conformity with the applicable
building code or other applicable governmental requirements of the city in which the Demised
Premises is located. All leasehold improvements will be comprised of new materials and equipment.

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All consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, service providers, moving companies, and others
performing work of any type for Tenant in the Demised Premises shall:

a. carry the insurance listed below with companies acceptable to Landlord; and

b. furnish Certificates of Insurance to Landlord evidencing required coverages at least 10 days

prior to entry in the Property and Renewal Certificates at leastl0 days prior to the expiration
dates of Certificates previously furnished.

Certificates of Insurance must provide for 30 days' prior written notice of cancellation or material change to

1. Rating. Certificates of Insurance will be accepted only from insurance companies with an A- rating or
better per A.M. Best Company's rating guide.

2. Builder's Risk. Contractor shall provide All Risk Builder's Risk Insurance in an amount equal to the
replacement cost of the improvements to be built by the Contractor, insuring against all risks of direct
physical loss or damage to materials, equipment, machinery and other property incorporated in the job,
subject to policy exclusions and deductibles. Builder's Risk insurance will not provide coverage for
tools, equipment or other items which Contractor uses in connection with the Work and which are not
incorporated into or intended to become permanent part of the Work. Contractor shall waive its right
of subrogation against Landlord for damage caused by fire or other perils, covered by the policy.
Deductibles on the policy shall be paid by Tenant and/or Contractor.

a. Workman's Compensation: Statutory workers compensation insurance covering full liability
under applicable Workers Compensation Laws at the required statutory limits. The Worker's
Compensation Coverage must cover all job site employees and include a waiver of
subrogation in favor of Landlord.
b. Employers' Liability: Employers' liability insurance with the following minimum limits of
liability: $500,000 Each Accident; $500,000 Disease-Policy Limit; $100,000 Disease-
Each Employee

4. Commercial General Liability: This insurance policy must:

a. Be written on a standard liability policy form (sometimes known as commercial general

liability insurance) but without exclusionary endorsements that may delete coverage for
products/completed operations, personal and advertising injury, blanket contractual, fire, legal
liability, or medical payments.

b. Be endorsed to provide that:

i. aggregate limits, if any, apply separately to each of the insured's jobs or

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projects away from premises owned by or rented to the insured;

ii. the insurance is primary and non-contributory to any insurance provided by

Landlord; and

iii. include the following minimum limits:

$2,000,000 General Aggregate

$2,000,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate
$1,000,000 Bodily Injury & Property Damage
$1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury
$1,000,000 Each Occurrence
$50,000 Fire Damage (Any one fire)
$5,000 Medical Expense (Any one person)

5. Automobile Liability: Automobile liability insurance for claims of ownership, maintenance, or use of
owned, non-owned, and hired motor vehicles at, upon, or away from the Development with
$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage per Occurrence

6. Excess Liability: Following form excess liability insurance with coverages at least as broad as the
required commercial general liability insurance with minimum limits of $5,000,000 Each Occurrence
and $5,000,000 Aggregate

7. Professional Liability Insurance:

Professional Liability: $1,000,000 per claims made and in aggregate

If required, a professional liability policy to protect Landlord from liability arising out of errors and
omissions in the performance of design and/or engineering services provided by Tenant's consultants
or their employees.

8. General Requirements: All policies enumerated above must be:

a. written on an occurrence basis and not on a claims-made basis (except Professional Liability

b. endorsed to name as additional insureds Landlord and its property manager, and their
respective officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, partners and assigns; (excludes
Workers Compensation Coverage & Professional Liability Policy)

c. endorsed to waive any rights of subrogation against Landlord and its property manager and
their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, partners and assigns; and

d. primary and non-contributing with, and not in excess of, any other insurance available to
Tenant, Landlord, and Landlord's property manager (or any other entity named as an
additional insured).

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All signage shall be submitted to Landlord for its review and approval.

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1. All floor areas of the Demised Premises (including vestibules, entrances, and air returns),
doors, fixtures, windows, and plate glass shall be maintained in a clean, safe and good condition.

2. All trash, refuse and waste materials shall be stored in adequate containers and regularly
removed from the Demised Premises. These containers shall not be visible to the general public and shall not
constitute a health or fire hazard or nuisance to any tenant. In the event that any tenant shall fail to remedy
such a health or fire hazard or nuisance within five (5) days after written notice by Landlord, Landlord may
remedy and/or correct such health or fire hazard or nuisance at the expense of Tenant.

3. No portion of the Demised Premises shall be used for lodging purposes.

4. Neither sidewalks nor walkways shall be used to display, store or place any merchandise,
equipment or devices, except in connection with sidewalk sales held with Landlord's prior written approval in
each instance.

5. No public telephone, newsstand, shoeshine stand, refreshment, vending or other coin operated
machine shall be installed or placed on the sidewalk or walkway area adjacent to the Demised Premises or on
the Common Areas without Landlord's prior written approval in each instance.

6. No person or persons shall use the Demised Premises, or any part thereof, for conducting
therein a second-hand store, auction, distress or fire sale or bankruptcy sale, or "going-out-of-business" sale or
"lost our lease" sale, without Landlord's prior written consent in each instance.

7. No portion of the Demised Premises shall be used for the storage of any merchandise,
materials or other properties, other than those reasonably necessary for the operation of a tenant's business.
Landlord may, from time to time, inspect the Demised Premises to ensure compliance with the foregoing

8. No display areas of the Demised Premises shall be left vacant, and Tenant shall not black-out
or otherwise obstruct the windows of the Demised Premises, without Landlord's prior written consent.

9. Landlord shall have the absolute right to enter upon the Demised Premises to perform such
cleaning and clearing of the pipes and drains servicing the Demised Premises, and any grease traps and exhaust
systems servicing the Demised Premises, as Landlord shall deem necessary.

10. If Tenant shall operate a carry-out food operation, including any ice cream store, Tenant shall
pay Landlord for all sidewalk and walkway cleanup work (including without limitation steam cleaning), that
Landlord shall determine is necessary to preserve the sanitation, cleanliness, clean appearance, of the Property.
Tenant shall pay Landlord on an estimated monthly basis, adjusted annually, and will be responsible for a
cleanup of not less than one hundred feet (100') in radius from the entrance(s) to the Demised Premises.

11. If Tenant provides its customers with the use of shopping carts and/or baskets, Tenant shall be
responsible for causing said carts and/or baskets to be stored only in areas designated by Landlord. If Tenant
fails to routinely collect and store said carts as necessary (at least twice on a daily basis). Landlord may assume
the responsibility of same and may bill Tenant on an estimated monthly basis for such service.
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12. The sidewalks, exits and entrances shall not be obstructed by Tenant or used by it for any
purpose other than for ingress to and egress from the Demised Premises. The exits, entrances and roof are not
for the use of the general public and Landlord shall in all cases retain the right of control and prevent access
thereto by all persons whose presence in the sole judgment of Landlord, might be prejudicial to the safety,
character, reputation and interests of the Property and its tenants, provided that nothing herein contained shall
be construed so as to prevent such access to persons with whom Tenant normally deals in the ordinary course
of Tenant's business unless such persons are engaged in illegal activities or are creating a nuisance.

13. Tenant shall not alter any lock or install any new or additional locks or any bolts on any door
of the Demised Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord (except as to safes and vaults of

14. The toilet rooms and urinals, wash bowls and other apparatus therein shall not be used for any
purpose other than that for which they were constructed and no foreign substance of any kind whatsoever shall
be placed therein; the expense of any breakage, stoppage or damage resulting from the violation of this rule
shall be borne by the tenant, who, or whose employees, invitees, contractors or agents, shall have caused it.

15. Except as to normal pictures and furnishings, Tenant shall not mark, drive nails, screw or drill
into the partitions, woodwork or plaster or in any way deface the Demised Premises or any part thereof. No
boring, cutting or stringing of wires shall be permitted except with the prior written consent of Landlord and as
Landlord may direct. Tenant shall not lay linoleum tile, carpet or other similar floor covering so that the same
shall be affixed to the floor of the Demised Premises in any manner except as approved by Landlord. The
expense of repairing any damage resulting from a violation of this rule or removal of any floor covering shall
be borne by Tenant.

16. Tenant shall not use, keep or permit to be used or kept any noxious gas or substance in the
Demised Premises, or permit or suffer the Demised Premises to be occupied or used in a manner offensive or
objectionable to Landlord or other occupants of the Property or Development by reason of noise, odors, and/or
vibrations, or interfere in any way with other tenants or those having business therein. Tenant shall not make
or permit to be made any loud or disturbing noises or disturb or interfere with occupants of the Property or
Development or those having business with them, whether by the use of any musical instrument, radio,
phonograph, shouting, or in any other manner. Tenant shall not throw anything out of doors.

17. Tenant shall not use or keep in the Demised Premises, any kerosene, gasoline or flammable or
combustible fluid or material, or use any method of heating or air conditioning other than that supplied or
permitted by Landlord.

18. Landlord will direct electricians as to where and how electrical, telephone and telegraph wires
are to be introduced to the Demised Premises. No boring or cutting for wires will be allowed without the prior
consent of Landlord. The location of telephone call boxes and other office equipment in the Demised Premises
shall be subject to the approval of Landlord.

19. All keys to offiees, rooms aad toilet rooms shall be obtaieed from Laadlord aad Teaaat shall
Hot dHplieate or obtaia sl:leh keys from aay other soHrees. Upoa termi0atio0 of this Lease. TeaaHt shall deli¥er
to Laadlord the keys of the offiees, rooms, aad toilet rooms 1.vhieh were previol:lsly furnished to Teeant, failiag
whieh Te0a0t shall pay Landlord the eost of replaeiag same or of eha0gi0g the leek or leeks opeaed by aR)'
l:lHretl:lmed key if Laadlord deems it aeeessary to make sHeh ehaHges.

20. No furniture, packages, supplies, equipment or merchandise will be received in the Building
except between such hours as shall be designated by Landlord.
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21. Tenant shall be responsible for assuring that doors to the Demised Premises are not left
unlocked during non-business hours, except while moving items in or out of the Demised Premises.

22. Tenant shall not canvass or solicit in the Development, and Tenant shall cooperate to prevent
any such canvassing and/or solicitation.

23. Landlord reserves the right to exclude or expel from the Property any person who, in the sole
judgment of Landlord, is intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs, or is violating the rules and
regulations of the Property or the Development.

24. The requirements of Tenant will be attended to only upon application to Landlord's designated
property manager. Employees of Landlord shall have no obligation to perform any work for Tenant or do
anything outside their regular duties for Tenant unless under special instructions from Landlord, and no
employee shall have any obligation to admit any person (Tenant or otherwise) to any office of Landlord
without specific instruction from Landlord.


1. Tenant and its authorized representatives and invitees shall use any roadway, walkway only for
ingress to and egress from the stores in the Development. Use of the Common Areas shall be in an orderly
manner in accordance with directional or other signs or guides. Roadways shall be used at a speed not in
excess of the posted speed limit and shall not be used for parking or stopping, except for the immediate loading
or unloading of passengers. Walkways shall be used only for pedestrian travel.

2. All tenants and their authorized representatives and invitees shall not use the parking areas for
anything but parking motor vehicles. All motor vehicles shall be parked in an orderly manner within the
painted lines defining the individual parking places. During peak periods of business activity Landlord can
impose any and all controls Landlord deems necessary to operate the parking lot including but not limited to
the length of time for parking use.

3. No person shall use any utility area, truck loading area, or other area reserved for use in
conducting business, except for the specific purpose for which permission to use these areas has been given.

4. No employee shall use any area for motor vehicle parking except the area specifically
designated for employee parking for the particular period of time the use is to be made. No tenant shall
designate an area for employee parking except the area designated in writing by Landlord.

5. Without the consent of Landlord, no person shall use any of the Common Areas for:

(a) Vending, peddling or soliciting orders for sale or distributing of any merchandise,
device, service, periodical, book, pamphlet, or other matter;

(b) Exhibiting any sign, placard, banner, notice or other written material;

(c) Distributing any circular, booklet, handbill, placard, or other material;

(d) Soliciting membership in any organization, group, or association, or soliciting

contributions for any purpose;

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(e) Parading, patrolling, picketing, demonstrating, or engaging in conduct that might

interfere with the use of the Common Areas or be detrimental to any of the business establishments in
the Development;

(f) Using the Common Areas for any purpose when none of the business establishments
in the Development is open for business;

(g) Discarding any paper, glass, or extraneous matter of any kind, except in designated

(h) Using a sound-making device of any kind or making or permitting any noise that is
annoying, unpleasant, or distasteful; or

(i) Damaging any sign, light standard, or fixture, landscaping material or other
improvement or property within the Development.

The above listing of specific prohibitions is not intended to be exclusive, but is intended to indicate the
manner in which the right to use the Common Areas solely as a means of access and convenience in shopping
at the business establishments in the Development is limited and controlled.


1. No pets shall be allowed in or about the store areas or Common Areas of the Development,
except as permitted by the Development management.

2. Tenant and its authorized representatives and invitees shall not loiter in the parking or other
Common Areas. They shall in no way obstruct the sidewalks, entry passages, pedestrian passageways,
driveways, entrances, and exits; they shall use them only as ingress to and egress from their work areas.

3. Tenant and its authorized representatives and invitees shall not throw cigar or cigarette butts or
other substances or litter of any kind in or about the buildings of the Development, except in receptacles placed
in it for that purpose.

4. The toilet rooms, toilets, urinals, washbowls, and other apparatus in the Development shall not
be used for any purpose than that for which they were constructed. No foreign substance of any kind shall be
thrown into them.

5. Landlord shall not be responsible to any tenant or to any other person for the nonobservance or
variation of these rules and regulations by any other tenant or other person. Tenant shall be deemed to have
read these rules and to have agreed to abide by them as a condition to Tenant's occupancy of the space leased.

6. Landlord reserves the right upon written notice to Tenant, to rescind, alter or waive any rule or
regulation at any time prescribed for the Property, or to establish additional rules and regulations when, in
Landlord's sole judgment, it is necessary, desirable or proper for the best interests of the Property. The
Development management reserves the right upon written notice, to rescind, alter or waive any rule or
regulation at any time prescribed for the Development, or to establish additional rules and regulations when, in
its sole judgment, it is necessary, desirable or proper for the best interests of the Development.

7. Tenant must obtain Landlord's prior approval, which is at Landlord's sole discretion, for
installation of any solar screen material, window shades, blinds, drapes, awnings, window ventilators, or other
similar equipment and any window treatment of any kind whatsoever. Landlord may control all internal
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lighting that is visible from the exterior of the Demised Premises and may change any unapproved lighting
without notice to Tenant, at Tenant's expense.

8. The name "The District at Eastover" is a trade name owned by The District Land
Development Company, LLC. Tenant may use the name "The District at Eastover" or "The District" to
describe the location of the Demised Premises, and may advertise the Demised Premises as being located "in
The District at Eastover." If requested by Landlord, Tenant shall accompany such use with a symbol or
explanation concerning trademark or service mark registration of the name "The District at Eastover." Tenant
may not use the name "The District at Eastover" in any other manner without the express permission of The
District Land Development Company, LLC and Landlord, which may be arbitrarily denied, and Tenant may
make no use whatsoever of the name "The District at Eastover" or "The District" after termination of Tenant's
rights to possession of the Premises.

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Tenant represents to Landlord and to _ _ _ _ and any other future lender who makes a loan to Landlord
("Landlord's lender") that the following information is a true and accurate representation regarding the terms
of the Lease:

Address of the Demised Premises:


Tenant: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Landlord and Tenant have entered into a Lease (the "Lease") dated _ _ _ _ _ , 20_ whereby Landlord
leased the Demised Premises for a Term of _ _ (_ _ ) Years, which Lease has been amended as follows:

The Commencement Date of the Term of the Lease is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20_.

The Term of the Lease shall expire on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20_.

Tenant has _ _ _ _ _ (_ _ ) options of _ _ _ _ (__ ) years each which are to be exercised by the
presentation of notice to Landlord by no later than (a) , with respect to the First Option;
and (b) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , with respect to the Second Option.

The Rent Commencement Date under the Lease is ________ , 20_, and Tenant has been paying
Rent under the Lease since _ _ __

The Monthly Minimum Rent due under the Lease beginning on the Rent Commencement Date is$ ___ and
no moneys have been paid to Landlord in advance of the due date except as set forth in the Lease.

The Gross Area of the Demised Premises is _ _ _ _ square feet.

Tenant represents and warrants to Landlord and Landlord's lender the truth and accuracy of the following
statements pertaining to said Lease.

1. Tenant has accepted, is satisfied with (except for only non-substantial defects, notice
of which has previously been given to Landlord), and is in full possession of said Demised Premises,
including all improvements, additions and alterations thereto required to be made by Landlord under
the said Lease, and Tenant is not aware of any patent or latent defects in construction of said
improvements (except for only non-substantial defects, notice of which has previously been given to
Landlord) which would constitute a default by Landlord pursuant to the Lease.

2. Tenant is paying the full Rent stipulated in said Lease to be paid by Tenant as of the
date hereof with no offsets, defenses or claims.

3. To the best of Tenant's knowledge, Landlord is not presently in default under any of
the terms, covenants or provisions of said Lease.

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4. Landlord has satisfactorily complied with all of the requirements and conditions
precedent to the commencement of the term of said Lease as specified in said Lease.

5. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord's lender assumes no liability for its security
deposits, if any, or for sums escrowed with the Landlord for taxes or insurance or other expenses in the
event that Lender acquires the Demised Premises through foreclosure or through a transfer of title in
lieu of foreclosure.

6. Tenant hereby acknowledges (a) that there have been no modifications or

amendments to said Lease other than herein specifically stated, (b) that it has no notice of a prior
assignment, hypothecation or pledge of rents or of the Lease, (c) that the Lease is in full force and
effect and Tenant has no defenses, setoffs or counterclaims against Landlord arising out of the Lease
or in any way relating thereto, or arising out of any other transaction between Tenant and Landlord (d)
that the Lease represents the entire agreement between the parties thereto as to the Demised Premises,
and Tenant neither has nor claims any right or interest in or under any contract, option or agreement
involving the sale or transfer of the Demised Premises except as specifically provided in the Lease, (e)
that no prepayment or reduction of rent, and no modification, termination or acceptance of surrender
of the Lease will be valid as to Landlord's lender without the consent of Landlord's lender.


By: _ _ _ _ _ __
Its: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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The following uses and occupancies shall not be permitted by Tenant under the Lease:

1. Any office use other than the office uses incidental to the management or operation of a restaurant, or
any use not involving the sale of goods, wares, merchandise, food, beverages and services to the
public at retail;

2. Any business furnishing care for children without the supervision or involvement of a parent or

3. Any unlawful use;

4. Repair or service center (except that service centers or service uses which are incidental to a store
selling goods and/or services not prohibited hereunder);

5. Auditorium, meeting hall, church or other place of public assembly;

6. Bingo, lotto, off-track betting hall or other gambling establishment, except state lottery tickets lawfully

7. Repair, sale, lease or display of cars, trucks, boats, recreational vehicles, trailers or mobile homes (new
or used) or a gasoline service station;

8. Any veterinary hospital or animal clinic or animal raising facilities;.

9. Karate or martial arts studio, gymnasium or similar business;

10. Car wash;

11. So-called "head shops"; or tattoo parlor;

12. Any business or use that emits offensive odors, fumes, dust or vapors; or any business or use which
emits loud noise or sounds which are reasonably objectionable such as noises and sounds that are
objectionable due to intermittency, beat, frequency, shrillness or loudness; any use which is a public or
private nuisance;

13. Massage parlor, adult bookstore or store selling or exhibiting pornographic materials; pornographic
adult theater; or the display of male or female dancers or a so-called "strip-tease" establishment; or
other pornographic use (except that a bookstore may carry adult materials up to 10% of their

14. Bowling alley; arcade, amusement center, game room or other entertainment facility; carnival; skating
rink; or billiard room or pool room; sporting events;

15. Ballroom, dance hall or discotheque;

16. Warehouse for storage of goods not intended to be sold on or from the premises (other than storage
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areas as may be reasonably needed in connection with the operation of the Development);

17. Bail bondsman;

18. Central laundry, dry cleaning plant or Laundromat; or any dry cleaning business other than pick-
up/drop-off location;

19. Lumber yard;

20. Blood bank; mortuary; or funeral parlor;

21. Beauty school, barber college or reading room; or any training school or educational facility (except
where incidental to a retail business located at the premises);

22. Auction, liquidation, going out of business, fire or bankruptcy sales;

23. Flea market, "second-hand" store or army, navy or governmental "surplus" store;

24. Manufacturing use;

25. Shooting gallery;

26. Any use that creates any unusual fire hazard;

27. Nightclub, discotheque or social club;

Exclusive Uses
1. Retail Banking/Bank Branch
2. Financial Services Company
3. Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Services
4. Upscale seated Mexican Restaurant
5. Restaurant serving burgers as its primary menu item

Cl Miller Lease (Final Execution Copy)

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1. Renewal Right. Tenant shall have the right to renew the Term of the Lease for two (2)
additional period of five (5) years (the "Renewal Term") by giving Landlord prior written notice not
less than two hundred seventy (270) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Term that Tenant
has exercised such renewal right, subject to the following conditions:

(i) There shall not be an Event of Default under any of the terms or provisions of the Lease at the
time such notice is given or at the time of the commencement of the Renewal Term.

(ii) Tenant shall occupy the Premises during the Renewal Term under the same terms and conditions
as specified in the Lease, except Tenant shall lease the Premises in their then "as-is" condition, with
Tenant being entitled to no additional tenant improvement allowance or other right to require the
improvements be made to the Premises, and the Base Rent for any Renewal Term shall be the then
Market Rate, but not less than the Base Rent for the Premises in effect immediately prior to the
commencement of such Renewal Term.

(iii) As used herein, the term "Market Rate" shall be initially determined by Landlord as the amount of
base annual rent per square foot, including escalations of such base annual rent, then being charged in
comparable first-class restaurant buildings located in Metro-Jackson, Mississippi (the "Comparable
Buildings") for space comparable to the Premises and taking into consideration all other relevant
factors establishing similarity or dissimilarity between the comparable lease and the leasing of the
Premises to Tenant for the Renewal Term, including without limitation, escalations or triple net
expenses, concessions, length of renewal term, size and location of the Premises, building standard
work letter and/or tenant improvement allowances, quality and quantity of any existing tenant
improvements, quality and creditworthiness of Tenant, amenities offered, location of building, the cost
and provision of parking spaces, and other generally applicable concessions, allowances, terms and
conditions of tenancy. In determining Market Rate, Landlord shall be entitled to accord the greatest
weight to recent transactions in the project. The reference to the foregoing factors is illustrative only
and the presence or absence of such factors shall be taken into account in determining Market Rate.

(iv) No later than twelve months prior to the Expiration Date of the then-current term (without taking
into account the Renewal Term), Landlord shall notify Tenant of the proposed Market Rate.
Landlord and Tenant shall negotiate in good faith to determine the Base Rent for the extension period,
for a period of thirty (30) days after the date on which Landlord notifies Tenant of the proposed
Market Rate (the "Negotiation Period"). In the event Landlord and Tenant are unable to agree upon
the annual Base Rent for the first lease year of the extension period within the Negotiation Period, at
Tenant's option by written notice to Landlord within five (5) business days following the expiration of
the Negotiation Period, Tenant shall have the right to rescind its option to renew, or the parties shall
proceed to determine the Fair Market Rental Rate for the Premises by way of a board of three (3)
licensed commercial real estate brokers, one of whom shall be named by Landlord, one of whom shall
be named by Tenant, and the two so appointed shall select a third. Each real estate broker so selected
shall be licensed in the jurisdiction in which the Building is located as a real estate broker specializing
in the field of commercial office leasing in the Jackson, Mississippi metropolitan area having no less
than ten (10) years' experience in such field, and recognized as ethical and reputable within the field.
Landlord and Tenant agree to make their appointments promptly within fifteen (15) days after the
expiration of the thirty (30)-day period or sooner if mutually agreed upon. The two (2) brokers
selected by Landlord and Tenant shall promptly select a third broker within ten (10) days after they
both have been appointed, and each broker, within fifteen (15) days after the third broker is selected,
C 1 Miller Lease (Final Execution Copy)
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shall submit his or her determination of the Fair Market Rental Rate. The Fair Market Rental Rate
shall be the mean of the two closest rental rate determinations. Landlord and Tenant shall each pay
the fee of the broker selected by it, and they shall equally share the payment of the fee of the third

(v) In the event that Landlord and Tenant are not able to agree as to the Market Rate within sixty (60)
days of good faith negotiation, Tenant's right of renewal as provided herein shall terminate.

(vi) Tenant shall not be entitled to more than two (2) renewal options.

(vii) In the event Tenant fails to timely notify Landlord in the manner herein specified, Tenant shall
be conclusively deemed to have waived its right to enter into any Renewal Term.

Cl Miller Lease (Final Execution Copy)

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Case: 25CH1:21-cv-01605
District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 1 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

Balance Forward 0.00

09/21/17 Security Deposit 11,800.00 11,800.00

09/29/17 Chk# 5655 11,800.00 0.00

11/01/17 Rent Charges (11/2017) 11,800.00 11,800.00

11/01/17 Cam Expenses (11/2017) 2,596.00 14,396.00

11/01/17 Remove 11/17 Rent Charges (11,800.00) 2,596.00

11/01/17 Remove 11/17 CAM Charges (2,596.00) 0.00

12/01/17 Rent Charges (12/2017) 11,800.00 11,800.00

12/01/17 Cam Expenses (12/2017) 2,596.00 14,396.00

12/15/17 Chk# 1079 14,396.00 0.00

01/01/18 Rent Charges (01/2018) 11,800.00 11,800.00
01/01/18 Cam Expenses (01/2018) 2,596.00 14,396.00

01/12/18 Chk# 1141 14,396.00 0.00

02/01/18 Rent Charges (02/2018) 11,800.00 11,800.00
02/01/18 Cam Expenses (02/2018) 2,596.00 14,396.00

02/06/18 Chk# 1170 14,396.00 0.00

03/01/18 12/17 Valet Services 1,998.00 1,998.00
03/01/18 01/18 Valet Services 1,998.00 3,996.00

03/01/18 09/20/17-01/03/2018 Water 1,514.15 5,510.15

03/01/18 01/03/18-02/01/18 Water 804.42 6,314.57
03/01/18 Valet Services 0.60 6,315.17

03/01/18 Rent Charges (03/2018) 11,800.00 18,115.17

03/01/18 Cam Expenses (03/2018) 2,596.00 20,711.17

03/15/18 Chk# 1196 14,396.00 6,315.17

04/01/18 02/18 Valet Services 1,698.00 8,013.17

04/01/18 02/01/18-03/01/18 Water 647.90 8,661.07
04/01/18 Rent Charges (04/2018) 11,800.00 20,461.07

04/01/18 Cam Expenses (04/2018) 2,596.00 23,057.07

04/03/18 2017 CAM True Up (261.91) 22,795.16

04/17/18 Chk# 1242 17,041.90 5,753.26

05/01/18 Chk# 1197 2,318.57 3,434.69

05/01/18 03/18 Valet Services 1,943.00 5,377.69

05/01/18 Rent Charges (05/2018) 11,800.00 17,177.69

05/01/18 Cam Expenses (05/2018) 2,596.00 19,773.69

05/08/18 Chk# 1286 14,134.09 5,639.60

06/01/18 04/18 Valet Services 1,943.00 7,582.60

06/01/18 Rent Charges (06/2018) 11,800.00 19,382.60

Cam Expenses (06/2018)
Chk# 1348
A-2 2,596.00

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District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 2 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

07/01/18 City Service - water deposit from 9/20/17 749.16 8,331.76

07/01/18 05/18 Valet Services 1,943.00 10,274.76

07/01/18 Rent Charges (07/2018) 11,800.00 22,074.76

07/01/18 Cam Expenses (07/2018) 2,596.00 24,670.76
07/13/18 Chk# 1390 15,145.16 9,525.60

08/01/18 Rent Charges (08/2018) 11,800.00 21,325.60

08/01/18 Cam Expenses (08/2018) 2,596.00 23,921.60
08/08/18 Chk# 1462 14,396.00 9,525.60

09/01/18 03/01/18-07/12/18 Water 780.57 10,306.17

09/01/18 Remove all Valet Services charges (11,523.60) (1,217.43)
09/01/18 Rent Charges (09/2018) 11,800.00 10,582.57

09/01/18 Cam Expenses (09/2018) 2,596.00 13,178.57

09/13/18 Chk# 1518 13,178.57 0.00
10/01/18 06/30/18-07/30/18 Water 1,430.69 1,430.69

10/01/18 07/30/18-09/01/18 Water 1,401.32 2,832.01

10/01/18 Rent Charges (10/2018) 11,800.00 14,632.01

10/01/18 Cam Expenses (10/2018) 2,596.00 17,228.01

10/22/18 Chk# 1529 14,396.00 2,832.01

11/01/18 10/18 Late Fee 590.00 3,422.01
11/01/18 Rent Charges (11/2018) 11,800.00 15,222.01

11/01/18 Cam Expenses (11/2018) 2,596.00 17,818.01

12/01/18 11/18 Late Fee 590.00 18,408.01

12/01/18 Rent Charges (12/2018) 12,036.00 30,444.01

12/01/18 Cam Expenses (12/2018) 2,596.00 33,040.01

12/06/18 Chk# 1595 14,986.00 18,054.01

01/01/19 09/01 - 11/01 Water/Sewer 1,943.48 19,997.49

01/01/19 11/01 - 11/29 Water/Sewer 454.87 20,452.36

01/01/19 Rent Charges (01/2019) 12,036.00 32,488.36

01/01/19 Cam Expenses (01/2019) 4,522.00 37,010.36

02/01/19 11/29-01/02 Water/Sewer 759.89 37,770.25

02/01/19 Rent Charges (02/2019) 12,036.00 49,806.25

02/01/19 Cam Expenses (02/2019) 4,522.00 54,328.25

02/04/19 Chk# 001665 18,054.01 36,274.24

03/01/19 01/02-01/31 water 618.94 36,893.18

03/01/19 Rent Charges (03/2019) 12,036.00 48,929.18

03/01/19 Cam Expenses (03/2019) 4,522.00 53,451.18

03/11/19 Chk# 001733 16,558.00 36,893.18

03/20/19 Chk# 001743 16,558.00 20,335.18

04/01/19 01/30-02/27 water 575.53 20,910.71

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District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 3 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

04/01/19 Rent Charges (04/2019) 12,036.00 32,946.71

04/01/19 Cam Expenses (04/2019) 4,522.00 37,468.71

05/01/19 Water 2/27 - 3/31 734.26 38,202.97

05/01/19 Rent Charges (05/2019) 12,036.00 50,238.97
05/01/19 Cam Expenses (05/2019) 4,522.00 54,760.97

05/09/19 Chk# 1793 16,558.00 38,202.97

05/22/19 38,202.97 0.00
06/01/19 03/31-05/01 water 676.31 676.31

06/01/19 Rent Charges (06/2019) 12,036.00 12,712.31

06/01/19 Cam Expenses (06/2019) 4,522.00 17,234.31
07/01/19 06/19 late fee 827.90 18,062.21

07/01/19 05/01-06/01 water 746.16 18,808.37

07/01/19 Rent Charges (07/2019) 12,036.00 30,844.37
07/01/19 Cam Expenses (07/2019) 4,522.00 35,366.37

07/16/19 Chk# 1871 - Reversed by ctrl#190846 34,538.47 827.90

07/19/19 Chk# 1871 - NSF receipt Ctrl# 190816 (34,538.47) 35,366.37

07/19/19 Returned check charge 35.00 35,401.37

07/25/19 1871 redeposit 34,538.47 862.90

08/01/19 07/19 late fee 827.90 1,690.80
08/01/19 Rent Charges (08/2019) 12,036.00 13,726.80

08/01/19 Cam Expenses (08/2019) 4,522.00 18,248.80

09/01/19 08/19 late fee 827.90 19,076.70

09/01/19 07/02-08/02 water-rebill tenant 671.56 19,748.26

09/01/19 06/01-07/02 water-rebill tenant 650.12 20,398.38

09/01/19 Rent Charges (09/2019) 12,036.00 32,434.38

09/01/19 Cam Expenses (09/2019) 4,522.00 36,956.38

10/01/19 09/19 late fee 827.90 37,784.28

10/01/19 Rent Charges (10/2019) 12,036.00 49,820.28

10/01/19 Cam Expenses (10/2019) 4,522.00 54,342.28

10/15/19 Chk# 1941 - Reversed by ctrl#191779 17,208.12 37,134.16

10/18/19 Chk# 1941 - NSF receipt Ctrl# 191704 (17,208.12) 54,342.28

10/18/19 Returned check charge 35.00 54,377.28

10/25/19 1941 redeposit 17,208.12 37,169.16

11/01/19 Rent Charges (11/2019) 12,036.00 49,205.16

11/01/19 Cam Expenses (11/2019) 4,522.00 53,727.16

11/11/19 Chk# 1987 - Reversed by ctrl#192095 16,558.00 37,169.16

11/15/19 Chk# 1987 - NSF receipt Ctrl# 191981 (16,558.00) 53,727.16

11/15/19 Returned check charge 35.00 53,762.16

11/22/19 1987 redeposit 16,558.00 37,204.16

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

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Case: 25CH1:21-cv-01605
District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 4 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

12/01/19 08/02/19-11/04/19 water 1,746.40 38,950.56

12/01/19 Rent Charges (12/2019) 12,036.00 50,986.56

12/01/19 Cam Expenses (12/2019) 4,522.00 55,508.56

01/01/20 12/19 late fee 827.90 56,336.46
01/01/20 Rent Charges (01/2020) 12,036.00 68,372.46

01/01/20 Cam Expenses (01/2020) 4,522.00 72,894.46

02/01/20 01/20 late fee 827.90 73,722.36
02/01/20 11/04-12/03 water 470.84 74,193.20

02/01/20 Trash Overage 12/20/19 132.00 74,325.20

02/01/20 12/03-01/06 water 617.51 74,942.71
02/01/20 Rent Charges (02/2020) 12,036.00 86,978.71

02/01/20 Cam Expenses (02/2020) 4,522.00 91,500.71

02/03/20 Chk# 2047 - Reversed by ctrl#193025 3,506.31 87,994.40
02/06/20 Chk# 2047 - NSF receipt Ctrl# 192831 (3,506.31) 91,500.71

02/06/20 Returned check charge 35.00 91,535.71

02/07/20 Chk# 2060 8,265.65 83,270.06

02/07/20 Chk# 2061 - Reversed by ctrl#193042 14,487.14 68,782.92

02/12/20 Chk# 2061 - NSF receipt Ctrl# 192941 (14,487.14) 83,270.06

02/12/20 Returned check charge 35.00 83,305.06
02/13/20 MO 600559155 3,506.31 79,798.75

02/20/20 50,736.68 29,062.07

03/01/20 02/20 Late Fee 827.90 29,889.97

03/01/20 Rent Charges (03/2020) 12,036.00 41,925.97

03/01/20 Cam Expenses (03/2020) 4,522.00 46,447.97

03/03/20 2019 Cam True Up (2,188.10) 44,259.87

04/01/20 01/06-02/03 water 618.94 44,878.81

04/01/20 02/03-03/03 water 595.75 45,474.56

04/01/20 Rent Charges (04/2020) 12,036.00 57,510.56

04/01/20 Cam Expenses (04/2020) 4,270.44 61,781.00

04/22/20 15,701.83 46,079.17

05/01/20 Rent Charges (05/2020) 12,036.00 58,115.17

05/01/20 Cam Expenses (05/2020) 4,270.44 62,385.61

06/01/20 03/03-04/01 water 666.15 63,051.76

06/01/20 Rent Charges (06/2020) 12,036.00 75,087.76

06/01/20 Cam Expenses (06/2020) 4,270.44 79,358.20

07/01/20 04/01-05/04 water 740.99 80,099.19

07/01/20 Rent Charges (07/2020) 12,036.00 92,135.19

07/01/20 Cam Expenses (07/2020) 4,270.44 96,405.63

08/01/20 05/04-06/03 water 722.34 97,127.97

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Case: 25CH1:21-cv-01605
District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 5 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

08/01/20 Rent Charges (08/2020) 12,036.00 109,163.97

08/01/20 Cam Expenses (08/2020) 4,270.44 113,434.41

08/10/20 08/20 late fee 827.90 114,262.31

08/14/20 Chk# 2192 2,129.48 112,132.83
09/01/20 06/03-07/06 water 691.56 112,824.39

09/01/20 07/06-08/03 water 672.26 113,496.65

09/01/20 Rent Charges (09/2020) 12,036.00 125,532.65
09/01/20 Cam Expenses (09/2020) 4,270.44 129,803.09

09/10/20 09/20 late fee 827.90 130,630.99

09/24/20 Chk# 2230 1,363.82 129,267.17
10/01/20 Rent Charges (10/2020) 12,036.00 141,303.17

10/01/20 Cam Expenses (10/2020) 4,270.44 145,573.61

10/10/20 10/20 late fee 827.90 146,401.51
10/20/20 interest thru 10/20/20 2,742.51 149,144.02

11/01/20 08/03-09/03 water 470.84 149,614.86

11/01/20 09/03-10/01 water 529.39 150,144.25

11/01/20 Rent Charges (11/2020) 12,036.00 162,180.25

11/01/20 Cam Expenses (11/2020) 4,270.44 166,450.69

12/01/20 11/20 late fee 815.32 167,266.01
12/01/20 interest thru 11/20/2020 434.60 167,700.61

12/01/20 Rent Charges (12/2020) 12,036.00 179,736.61

12/01/20 Cam Expenses (12/2020) 4,270.44 184,007.05

01/01/21 10/01-11/04 water 615.60 184,622.65

01/01/21 12/20 late fees 815.32 185,437.97

01/01/21 interest thru 12/20/2020 522.91 185,960.88

01/01/21 Rent Charges (01/2021) 12,036.00 197,996.88

01/01/21 Cam Expenses (01/2021) 4,270.44 202,267.32

01/06/21 Chk# 2322 16,306.44 185,960.88

01/07/21 Chk# 2323 16,306.44 169,654.44

02/01/21 01/21 late fee 815.32 170,469.76

02/01/21 interest thru 01/20/221 578.45 171,048.21

02/01/21 11/04-12/02 water 454.87 171,503.08

02/01/21 Rent Charges (02/2021) 12,036.00 183,539.08

02/01/21 Cam Expenses (02/2021) 4,270.44 187,809.52

02/03/21 Chk# 2369 16,306.44 171,503.08

02/23/21 interest thru 02/20/221 578.45 172,081.53

02/23/21 02/21 late fee 815.32 172,896.85

03/01/21 12/02-01/04 water 599.57 173,496.42

03/01/21 Rent Charges (03/2021) 12,036.00 185,532.42

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District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 6 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

03/01/21 Cam Expenses (03/2021) 4,270.44 189,802.86

03/09/21 Chk# 2409 17,360.88 172,441.98

03/19/21 Chk# 2415 - April Rent/CAM 16,306.44 156,135.54

04/01/21 01/04-02/01 water 618.94 156,754.48
04/01/21 03/21 late fee 815.32 157,569.80

04/01/21 interest thru 03/20/2021 465.23 158,035.03

04/01/21 Rent Charges (04/2021) 12,036.00 170,071.03
04/01/21 Cam Expenses (04/2021) 4,270.44 174,341.47

05/01/21 02/01-03/01 water 575.53 174,917.00

05/01/21 Rent Charges (05/2021) 12,036.00 186,953.00
05/01/21 Cam Expenses (05/2021) 4,270.44 191,223.44

05/06/21 Chk# 2487 16,925.38 174,298.06

06/01/21 03/01-04/01 water 711.55 175,009.61
06/01/21 Rent Charges (06/2021) 12,036.00 187,045.61

06/01/21 Cam Expenses (06/2021) 4,270.44 191,316.05

06/15/21 Chk# 2544 16,306.44 175,009.61

07/01/21 04/01-05/03 water 741.48 175,751.09

07/01/21 Rent Charges (07/2021) 12,036.00 187,787.09

07/01/21 Cam Expenses (07/2021) 4,270.44 192,057.53
07/01/21 06/21 late fee 815.32 192,872.85

07/15/21 Chk# 2557 - Reversed by ctrl#198847 18,408.84 174,464.01

07/16/21 Chk# 2557 - NSF receipt Ctrl# 198821 (18,408.84) 192,872.85

07/16/21 Returned check charge 35.00 192,907.85

07/20/21 deposit 16,306.44 176,601.41

08/01/21 05/03-06/01 water 698.54 177,299.95

08/01/21 Rent Charges (08/2021) 12,036.00 189,335.95

08/01/21 Cam Expenses (08/2021) 4,270.44 193,606.39

08/01/21 07/21 late fee 815.32 194,421.71

08/01/21 07/21 late fee (0.32) 194,421.39

08/02/21 deposit 16,306.44 178,114.95

08/23/21 4,161.36 173,953.59

08/25/21 850.00 173,103.59

09/01/21 70,929.27 102,174.32

09/01/21 06/01-07/01 water 629.41 102,803.73

09/01/21 Rent Charges (09/2021) 12,036.00 114,839.73

09/01/21 Cam Expenses (09/2021) 4,270.44 119,110.17

10/01/21 14,772.55 104,337.62

10/01/21 07/01-08/02 water 767.19 105,104.81

10/01/21 Rent Charges (10/2021) 12,036.00 117,140.81

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

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Case: 25CH1:21-cv-01605
District Phase Two, LLC Document #: 20-3 Filed: 02/02/2022
Page 7 of 7
Account: c1bldg-fine-Miller Hospitality Services LLC

Prop Name: Building C1

Assigned 1
Miller Hospitality Services, LLC
Date: 12/31/2021
Miller Hospitality Services LLC
1855 Lakeland Drive Payment: $
Suite P-201
Jackson , MS , 39216

Date Description Charges Payments Balance

10/01/21 Cam Expenses (10/2021) 4,270.44 121,411.25

11/01/21 deposit 14,772.55 106,638.70

11/01/21 Rent Charges (11/2021) 12,036.00 118,674.70

11/01/21 Cam Expenses (11/2021) 4,270.44 122,945.14
12/01/21 Rent Charges (12/2021) 12,036.00 134,981.14

12/01/21 Cam Expenses (12/2021) 4,270.44 139,251.58

12/02/21 direct deposit 14,772.55 124,479.03
12/16/21 Interest thru 4/20/2021 663.72 125,142.75

12/16/21 Interest thru 5/20/2021 531.44 125,674.19

12/16/21 Interest thru 6/20/2021 896.92 126,571.11
12/16/21 Interest thru 7/20/2021 873.01 127,444.12

12/16/21 Interest thru 8/20/2021 1,009.51 128,453.63

12/16/21 Interest thru 9/20/2021 761.99 129,215.62
12/16/21 Interest thru 10/20/2021 753.02 129,968.64

12/16/21 Interest thru 11/20/2021 788.87 130,757.51

12/16/21 Interest thru 12/14/2021 619.06 131,376.57

0-30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days Above 90 Days Amount Due

23,203.98 16,306.44 0.00 91,866.15 131,376.57

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

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