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Donatas Petrulis1,

Artūras Petravičius1, 2,
Effects of the Functional Compound
Salvinija Petrulyte1 on the Properties of Composite Tape Yarns
DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1196611
1Department of Materials Engineering, Abstract
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, While the functional compound Polycom JB 7100 is often introduced into polyolefins as
Kaunas University of Technology, a modifier, processing aid and bonding agent, little is known about its influence upon the
Kaunas, Lithuania basic structure and mechanical properties of composite tape yarns. Polycom JB 7100 is a
E-mail: [email protected] master bath of inorganic materials and polyolefins. To show the effects of different amounts
2KLAMETA Co., (0 - 6 wt%) of this additive in polypropylene (PP)-based composite tape yarns, experiments
Kaunas, Lithuania
were made without changes to other additive portions and at constant process parameters.
The linear composition-property relations showing the effects of portions of the variable
component on the changes in morphology, geometrical properties and tensile behaviour
were obtained. Tape yarns, in which a portion of PP was replaced by the functional com-
pound Polycom JB 7100, had tensile properties about 2 - 9% lower than the yarns without
this additive, whereas the values of width, thickness and linear density after applications of
the additive were about 3 - 4% greater if compared with those of the basic sample.

Key words: additives, geometrical properties, morphology, polyolefins, tape yarns, tensile

tured using extrusion lines. The melts for the acceleration of degradation [20].
from polyolefins such as polypropylene These additives play a beneficial role in
(PP) or polyethylene (PE) are most of- terms of the product environmental sus-
ten used for the manufacture of techni- tainability. The various effects and syn-
cal tape yarns. Isotactic PP is the com- ergistic impacts of special compounds on
mercially desired form for packing ap- the different properties of polymeric ma-
plications. However, leading trends are terials were also indicated [18, 20 - 23].
connected with the use of the new modi-
fications, i.e. blends of polyolefins, co- It should be mentioned that calcium
polymers of ethylene with propylene and carbonate particles were investigated as
other olefinic monomers [4, 5], as well an additive for PP based materials [24
as supplementary applications of differ- - 28]. For instance, different influences
ent portions of various types of additives on the toughening properties were stud-
[6 - 10], namely stabilisers, whiteness ied in [24]. In this study, the modulus
maintenance materials, colorants, anti- of materials increased, while the yield
static components, flame retardants, an- stress was lowered with additive con-
timicrobial components, water-repellent tent. This lowering of yield stress was
compounds, anti-scratch materials, soil- connected to the debonding of particles
ing resistance compounds, among oth- from the PP matrix. In another study [27],
ers, as materials for the enhancement of nanosilica-coated calcium carbonate ad-
mechanical behaviour and improvement ditives were used in composites. As a re-
of processability. The additives can be sult, the flowability of the particles was
improved if compared with those without
converted into solid forms, either master
the nano-particulate coating. Therefore
batch pellets or powders, that are easy
a more uniform and extensive disper-
to feed or mix. Among the advanced
sion of the additives inside the materi-
materials, nano scale additives such as
als was achieved compared with simply
nano-particles, nano-rods, nanotubes and
n Introduction nano-capsules are known [11 - 15].
prepared (without coating) particles. Dif-
ferent samples of PP tape yarns with the
Numerous studies have recently been use of an additive for whiteness mainte-
conducted to add new functionalities to For each application of the additive mas- nance as well as with a fixed portion of
textile materials. Additives with poly- ter batch, a wide range of modifiers, com- UV light stabiliser were also examined
meric and inorganic components, poly- pounds and other special components can [28]. For present-day applications, more
meric covers, microcapsules, active be used [16 - 20]. For instance, stabilis- complex combinations of the new addi-
agents and various functional compounds ers as antioxidants hindered amine light tives as well as the composition-property
are known as effective means in the de- stabilisers (HALS), and ultraviolet (UV) relations are necessary to be verified. Ap-
velopment of advanced modifications of light absorbers are used directly or in plications of processing compounds and
textile products [1 - 3]. combinations to prevent the degrada- their direct benefits on processes [21]
tion of materials for a long time [19]. For such as lower dusting or better process-
Technical tape yarns can be made apply- some types of materials, which are spe- ability are known, but the issue of addi-
ing different technologies, but mostly cially developed for short time of usage, tional effects on other properties such as
they are produced from film manufac- special additives can be applied as agents the structure and tensile parameters, re-

44 Petrulis D, Petravičius A, Petrulyte S. Effects of the Functional Compound on the Properties of Composite Tape Yarns.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016; 24, 3(117): 44-50. DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1196611
quires further investigation. Variation in The additive Granic 422, i.e. portion of Table 1. Codes of tape yarns and amounts
the width and thickness as well as some 5.00 wt% was applied to give white- of additives.
changes in the tensile properties of tape ness to the tape yarns. A master batch Portions, wt%
yarns is a question of great importance for with a high content of treated and ul- Sample
Polycom Granic UV 01017
the quality and functionality of such prod- trafine calcium carbonate particles was JB 7100 422 PP
ucts as woven sacks, bags and flexible used. The calcium carbonate content was MA-A 0.00
intermediate bulk containers. It is worth 80.00 wt% and that of linear low-density MA-B 1.50
noting that because of the coherence polyethylene (LLDPE) 20.00 wt%. In MA-C 3.00 5.00 1.75
with corresponding portions of the addi- this research, LLDPE was a copolymer
MA-D 4.50
tives, the above-mentioned properties of MA-E 6.00
of ethylene and 1-octene. The MFI value
structure and tensile behaviours are also
of Granic 422 was 1.2 g/10 minutes [29,
connected with changes in PP amounts. only by the portion of the variable com-
30], And the density of the additive was
1.80 g/cm3. ponent.
Therefore, in actual fact the current paper
is aimed at enlarging information about
A UV light stabiliser (1.75 wt%), type A conventional distance between the slit
the effects of variable components on
UV 01017 PP [32] was added as a pro- dye of the extruding device and the cool-
the specific characteristics of composite
tector of photochemical oxidation. For ing unit of 50 mm was used. The total
tape yarns. In this study, the morphol-
all samples, a UV light stabiliser with draw ratio of all samples of fully drawn
ogy, geometrical and tensile properties of
20.00 wt% of monomeric HALS in PP tape yarns was 6.380.
the yarns after adding different portions
of the functional compound and corre- was applied. The density of the master
sponding reduction of PP portions were batch was 0.92 g/cm3. Testing methodology
examined. An FEI QuantaTM 200 FEG model (FEI
Method of tape yarn production Co., The Netherlands) scanning electron
Samples of PP based composite tape microscope (SEM) was used to examine
n Experimental the surfaces of the tape yarns and addi-
yarns were manufactured from a film
Materials used in the experiment using a single-screw extruder - E10 tives. SEM micrographs with magnifi-
The different variants of PP based com- (Barmag Saurer Co., Germany). Before cations of 1000× were applied to show
posite tape yarn samples with applica- moulding, the materials were mixed a general picture of the material surfaces,
tion of the additives shown in Table 1 and larger magnifications, i.e. 5000×
in a dry form. In the extruder, the pro-
were produced, i.e. variable amounts of were selected to observe the particles of
cesses of moulding, extrusion, thermo-
the functional compound Polycom JB the additives. Energy-dispersive X-ray
acting, cutting and drawing were applied.
7100 (Omega Plasto Compounds Co., (EDX) spectroscopy was used as a tool
The length per diameter ratio (L/D) of the
India) up to 6.00 wt% and constant por- of elemental analysis of solid particles.
extruder screw was 30:1 and D = 90 mm.
tions of additives Granic 422 (Granic For instance, to show agglomerations of
For monitoring the thickness of the film
Co., Spain) and UV 01017 PP (Constab the calcium (Ca) element in the modi-
during the manufacture process, Betac-
Co., Germany) were used. The ranges fied yarn, EDX micrographs (500×) were
ontrol systems [33] were used.
of portions were selected in accordance made.
with experience of preliminary experi- To show the effects of the functional
mentation. The five variable amounts The values of width and thickness of
compound for all samples at identical the tape yarns were examined using
of Polycom JB 7100 in wt% were ap- manufacturing conditions, the process a special installation. To monitor the tape
plied for samples MA-A, MA-B, MA- parameters given below were selected as yarn width, a zoom microscope - SM
C, MA-D and MA-E. Therefore, as the constant values. 2800 Achro 0,5x (Nikon Co., Japan) with
portion of the additive Polycom JB 7100
digital camera - Nikon Coolpix 4500
increases, the portion of PP component The temperatures at different extruder (Nikon Co., Japan) was applied. Soft-
decreases accordingly from 93.25 wt% zones were 212 - 235 °C. The tempera- ware METRIC 7.0 was used to measure
to 87.25 wt%. ture in die zone was 235 °C. The film the width values. The thicknesses of tape
was solidified by water in a cooling unit yarns were determined using a thick-
Mosten TB 003 granules of PP homopol-
at 35  °C. The samples were heated in ness gauge (Hans Schmidt & Co., Ger-
ymer were obtained from Unipetrol Co.
a heating oven at 173 °C. After that they many). To compute the linear densities
(Czech Republic). The melt flow index
(MFI) [29, 30] value was 3.1 g/10 min- were fixed onto an annealing stand at of the tape yarns, samples of fixed length
utes. The yield stress value was 34 MPa, 120 °C. (10 m) were weighed on an EW 150-3M
and strain at break was more than 50%. electronic balance (Kern & Sohn Co.,
The melt pump speed value of the extrud- Germany).
Additive Polycom JB 7100 is known as er was specially applied at a fixed level of
a modifier, processing aid and bonding 44.0 min-1, and adjusted so that the tape The tensile properties of tape yarns were
agent [31]. In this additive, the portion of yarns finally drawn and relaxed had nom- determined on a tensile tester - H5KT,
inorganic materials was 75.50 wt%, and inal values suitable for the manufacture Tinius Olsen Ltd. (United Kingdom),
that of the polyolefins was 24.50  wt%. of woven packing materials. Therefore according to the requirements of [34].
The additive has an MFI [29, 30] val- changes in the metering of the melt dur- The tests were performed using a Tinius
ue of 3.8 g/10  minutes and density ing the manufacture of different variants Olsen DBBMTOL-250N load cell. Dur-
of 1.60 g/cm3. of tape yarn samples were conditioned ing the tests, the slippage of specimens

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 3(117) 45

of each specimen was measured using n Results and discussion
the initial part of the force extension
curve, in which proportionality between Morphology of additives
the stress and strain may be observed. As mentioned previously, the melt of
polyolefins and the inorganic particles
The conventional atmospheres for testing of calcium carbonate are used as com-
were as specified in [36]. Twenty rep- ponents of additive Polycom JB 7100.
Figure 1 shows that these particles
etitions were reported for each test, and
have the morphology of parallelepipeds.
each data point reported in this paper is
The minimum dimension of the particles
an average value.
ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 µm. The maxi-
mum dimension of the particles was 1.2 -
The effects of additives on the properties
1.8 µm. Thus the size of the particles was
of tape yarns as well as statistical values
less if compared with the requirement for
Figure 1. SEM image of additive Polycom of measurements were determined by
JB 7100. particles, which are used as toughening
applying a Microsoft Excel Data Analy- (less than 5 µm) [24]. The surfaces of
sis Tool Pak. A confidence level of 0.95 the particles are mostly smooth, whereas
was checked. To avoid slippage, the spe- was used. Values of determination coef- the edges are sharp. The anisotropy of
cial grips for the tape yarns were used. ficients (R2) were computed, and then particles may be an important factor for
For specimens, a pretension of 0.5 cN/tex empirical equations showing relations the tensile behaviour of tape yarns, be-
was applied. The specimen length was between variable portions of the additive cause with anisotropic particles the stress
set at 500 mm, and the rate of speci- and properties of tape yarns were pro- concentration that develops can be sig-
men extension was 100% per minute. posed. For this purpose, the least squares nificantly large near the ends or edges
The breaking forces and elongations at method was applied. Finally the em- of the particles. As shown in Figure 1,
break were obtained from the stress and pirical equations were used to compute the particles have a tendency to form ag-
strain graphs at the breaking point. Val- the maximum changes in properties in glomerations, which are surrounded by
ues of work of break were determined as the whole range of variable portions of the melt of polyolefins.
an equivalent to the area under the force the additive. Student’s test value t was
extension curve [35]. The breaking te- used for comparison of maximum and Changes in the morphology of tape
nacity and specific work of break were minimum experimental values in ranges yarns
computed on the basis of the breaking of variation. In this case, the value t com- Typical SEM micrographs of tape yarns
force, work of break and linear density of puted was compared with the value tα, produced without additive Polycom JB
the yarns. The initial modulus in cN/tex where α is the confidence level. 7100 (sample MA-A) and with 6.00 wt%
of additive Polycom JB 7100 (sample
MA-E) are shown in Figures 2.a, 2.b,
a) b) respectively The surface features of
the tape yarns, like their smoothness,
the arrangements of pits and agglomera-
tions of the additives are also different.
It was found that the number of protru-
sions of particles increases with a rise
in the amounts of the variable addi-
tive and decrease in the PP component.
The greatest agglomerations of particles
of inorganic materials were observed on
the surfaces of sample MA-E. Mean-
while the surface of sample MA-A has
Figure 2. SEM images of tape yarn surfaces: a – MA-A, b – MA-E; scale 100 mm. the smallest indications of additives
Granic 422 and UV 01017 PP. The speci-
mens of all samples contain many small
a) b) pits, which are the remnants of collapsed
air bubbles. Some pits, especially for sam-
ples with great portions of additives, are
filled by their elastomeric components.

Local signs of the presence of Ca as

an element were especially observed us-
ing EDX analysis. Figure 3 shows EDX
micrographs where signs of Ca are pre-
sented as bright patterns on a dark back-
ground, confirming that the agglomera-
tions of Ca are greater for sample MA-E
Figure 3. EDX images of Ca element in tape yarns: a – MA-A, b – MA-E; scale 40 mm. if compared with those of sample MA-A.

46 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 3(117)

The experimental quantities of Ca por- Figure 4. Experi-
tions are shown in Figure 4, where mental values of Portion, wt%
EDX test for Ca 3.71
the EDX test values are in agreement with element portions in
the above-mentioned qualitative changes. tape yarns. 4.00
Changes in the geometrical properties
of tape yarns 3.00
The geometrical parameters, namely 2.50
the width and thickness, of tape yarns af-
ter applications of variable amounts of the
additive Polycom JB 7100/PP component 1.50
were examined, the results of which are 1.00
shown as linear relations in Figure 5. Ex-
perimental values of the width and thick- 0.50
ness were 2564.7 - 2641.0 µm and 50.0 0.00
- 51.4 µm, respectively. Very similar ten- MA-A MA-E
dencies for values of the width and thick-
ness were observed, i.e. when the portion
of one additive increases and the amount ness decrease are greater for samples Thirdly the effect of different MFI val-
of the PP component decreases, the width with open micro-pores if compared with ues on the macro-structure of tape yarns
and thickness of tape yarn has a tendency can play an important role. On the one
those for more filled structures.
to increase by 3.0% and 2.8%, respec- hand, the MFI value of additive Poly-
tively. The great values of R2, i.e. 0.8789 com JB 7100 is greater if compared with
and 0.9614, show a strong correlation Secondly the tape yarns with great por-
tions of additives have a rather smooth that of the PP component, and therefore
between the portion of the additive and the mass, i.e. the quantity in grams of
the above-mentioned geometrical param- surface, as can be seen from typical SEM
the  blended substance of polyolefins
eters. Thus for all Student’s tests t > t99 micrographs, and hence the possibility
and additives during extrusion, can be
the significant differences between maxi- of accidental slippage between such tape greater for samples with a great amount
mum and minimum experimental values yarns and the rolls of the extruder dur- of the additive. On the other hand, with
are obtained. The tendencies of the rela- ing the drawing process of samples can the application of additive Granic 422,
tions may be explained by the several occur. Therefore the actual draw ratio which has a lower MFI value if compared
reasons given below. of the drawn tape yarn can be less com- with that of the PP component, the op-
pared with the value mentioned earlier in posite effect can be obtained. However,
First the micro-pores, which are the re- in the current study, as was mentioned
our work. However, this phenomenon is
sult of the dissipation of thermal energy, earlier, a constant portion of this additive
likely limited due to rather similar vari-
when polymer, i.e. PP component melts, was used.
can be filled by the elastomeric com- ations in the width and thickness values
ponent of the additive. The intensity of in the whole range of variable portions. Fourthly the additives have inorganic
the  filling can be more effective when For the width and thickness of tape yarns, materials. Therefore the recoverable
the amount of the additive has the highest the values of variation coefficients fluctu- elastic deformations developed during
values. Therefore after tape yarn draw- ated very slightly, i.e. 0.4 - 0.7% and 1.0 the manufacture of samples containing
ing, the possibilities of a width and thick- - 1.6%, respectively. the greatest amounts of additives can be

2641.0± 8.0
8.0 51.7
51.4± 0.2
51.4 0.2
2630.7± 5.4
5.4 51.3
51.3± 0.3
2634.4 6.1
± 6.1 51.2

50.9± 0.4
50.9 0.4


2605.0 50.7
50.5± 0.2
50.5 0.2
2591.3 ±5.3

2580.0 50.2
y = 13.047x + 2573.3 y = 0.24x + 50.1
50.0 ±0.2
50.0 0.2
2564.7 ±7.4
2564.7 7.4 R2 = 0.8789 R2 = 0.9614

2555.0 49.7
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 b) 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
Portion, wt% Portion, wt%

Figure 5. Effect of additive Polycom JB 7100 portion on geometrical parameters of tape yarns: a – width, b – thickness.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 3(117) 47

Figure 6. Effect of ances due to the additive are more pro-
124.0 additive Polycom nounced and evident. Therefore they can
y = 0.8267x + 117.08 JB 7100 portion
on linear density of sometimes abruptly disrupt the continu-
R² = 0.9887 122.0
122.0 ± 0.3 tape yarns. ity of the tape yarn structure.
Linear density, tex

120.8 ± 0.5
120.8 0.5 As indicated in Figure 7, linear relations
with values of R2 between 0.5092 and
120.0 0.9978 are obtained, and the greatest val-
119.8 ± 0.4 ue of R2 is shown for tenacity. According
to Student’s test, significant differences
between maximum and minimum experi-
118.0 ± 0.4
mental values are obtained for the break-
ing force, tenacity, specific work of break
117.2 ± 0.4
0.4 and initial modulus. It is worth noting
116.0 that in the case of work of break, we
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 have t = 1.21, t95 = 2.10, and therefore t
Portion, wt% < t95. Hence the values of work of break
changed without significant differences.
lower compared with those of samples When the portion of additive Polycom JB
7100 increases and that of the PP com- The relations from Figure 7 were ap-
with the greatest PP portions.
ponent decreases, values of the breaking plied to compute the changes ing prop-
force, tenacity, work of break, specific erties with regard to the value computed
The changes in geometry of samples are
work of break and initial modulus of tape for sample MA-A. Negative values of
also evident from Figure 6, where effect
yarns have a tendency to decrease, as changes were obtained for the majority
of the portion of additive Polycom JB
shown in Figures 7.a, 7.b, 7.d, 7.e & 7.f, of tensile parameters given below. Be-
7100 on the linear density of tape yarns is
respectively. For instance, the experimen- cause of the additional increase in lin-
shown. Experimental values of the linear
tal values of tenacity decreased from 59.9 ear density, the tenacities of the samples
density varied from 117.2 to 122.0 tex.
to 54.9 cN/tex. For the specific work of (see Figure 7.b) decreased more than the
To show the effect, the linear relation breaking forces shown in Figure 7.a.
break, a drop from 46.73 to 42.80 mJ/tex
was used, where value of R2 was 0.9887. Hence the negative changes in breaking
was observed, which were close to
According to this relation, the linear den- forces and tenacities were about 2.1% and
the results on [37] of complete systems
sity increases by 4.2%. The variation 8.3%, respectively. Similarly it is evident
of PP toughened with calcium carbonate.
coefficients of linear density fluctuated from Figures 7.d and 7.e that because
The introduction of the additive parti-
in the range of 0.5 - 0.9%. It is impor- cles into a polymer matrix gives the be- of the above-mentioned reason, the de-
tant to note that the changes in linear haviour of composite tape yarns. Under crease in work of break was about 4.4%,
density of the samples are the integrated the effect of a tensile force, heterogenei- and that in the specific work of break was
results of previously-mentioned changes ties of the yarns induce stress concen- also greater, i.e. 8.3%. Figure 7.f shows
in the width and thickness. Moreover tration, the spread of which depends on that values of the initial modulus de-
the densities of additive Polycom JB the portion of the additive. Sharp edges creased by about 9.1%. The elongations
7100 are greater if compared with those of the particles, their different sizes and at break, as shown in Figure 7.c, varied
of the PP component. Therefore the sam- nonhomogeneous dispersion in the ma- without a clear trend.
ples with the greatest amounts of additive trix polymer are additional reasons for
Polycom JB 7100 have the highest values earlier crack initiation and propagation The variation coefficients of the work
of linear densities. in samples. These results are also in of break (5.4 - 9.4%) and specific work
line with previously-mentioned changes of break (5.3 - 9.4%) were the greatest
Probably the complexity of changes in in the geometry of yarns. For instance, among all tensile indices of the current
the geometry of tape yarns is additionally changes in the linear densities of yarns study. This tendency is a summarised
affected by the synergistic interactions of (see Figure 6) obtained at a fixed draw result conditioned by the inequalities of
additives. Therefore it is relevant to in- ratio showed that the current additive force-elongation curve variations, es-
vestigate especially this aspect in the fu- works as an initiator of a higher than pecially by the elongations at break and
ture. usual melt flow rate during extrusion. linear densities of samples.
Consequently the tensile properties and,
most likely, molecular orientation of The main results of the current study are
Changes in the tensile properties
such tape yarns are worse than those of composition-property relations showing
of tape yarns
samples without the additive. Therefore the effects of portions of the functional
The influences of the portion of the addi- with the aim of achieving a more ordered compound on various properties of com-
tive Polycom JB 7100/PP component on structure, the possibilities of applications posite tape yarns obtained using constant
tensile properties are shown in Figure 7. of higher draw ratio values must be veri- portions of other additives and constant
Changes in the properties are given for fied in the future. One more reason for manufacture process parameters. In
a full range of variable portions (see Ta- the reduction in tensile properties can be the future, we intend to evaluate the per-
ble 1) of the additives. Comments about mentioned. When the amount of additive formances of the other additives and at
the effects are given below. Polycom JB 7100 is increased, protuber- different manufacture process parameters

48 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 3(117)

71.1 60.4
59.9 ±0.4

70.1 ± 0.5
69.9 58.8±0.3
58.8 0.3
Breaking force, N

69.4 ±0.4

Tenacity, cN/tex
68.9± 0.5
68.9 0.5 57.6
57.6 ±0.2

68.0± 0.3
68.0 0.3 56.8
56.3± 0.2
56.3 0.2

y = -0.5067x + 70.2 y = -0.8333x + 60.0
67.0 06
± 0.1
R2 = 0.9843 2
R = 0.9978 54.9± 0.4
66.3 54.4
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
a) Portion, wt% b) Portion, wt%

26.1 5.800

R2 = 0.0412

25.5 5.600
Elongation at break, %

5.594± 0.182
5.594 0.182
Work of break, J

5.487± 0.173
5.487 0.172

24.9± 0.4
24.9 24.9± 0.6
24.9 0.6 5.477± 0.216
5.477 0.216
24.9 5.400
5.438 0.239

24.4 ±0.6
0.6 24.5± 0.7
24.5 0.7 5.222± 0.203
5.222 0.203
24.3 5.200
24.2± 0.3
24.2 y = -0.0411x + 5.567
R2 = 0.5092
23.7 5.000
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
c) Portion, wt% d)
Portion, wt%

49.00 707.0
y = -10.413x + 688.9
47.39± 1.58
47.39 1.58
R2 = 0.951
Specific work of break, mJ/tex

686.6 ±17.6
686.6 17.6
46.70 686.0
Initial modulus, cN/tex

46.73± 1.84
46.73 1.84 681.1 6.2
681.1 ± 6.2
45.43± 1.12
45.40± 1.99
45.40 1.99
44.40 665.0

42.80± 1.69
42.80 1.69 650.1± 5.8
650.1 5.8 642.9±4.0
642.9 4.0
42.10 644.0
y = -0.6547x + 47.514
R2 = 0.7791
627.6 4.8
± 4.8
39.80 623.0
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
e) f)
Portion, wt% Portion, wt%

Figure 7. Effect of additive Polycom JB 7100 portion on tensile properties of tape yarns: a – breaking force, b – tenacity, c – elongation at
break, d – work of break, e – specific work of break, f – initial modulus.

of composite tape yarns. The synergistic n Conclusions (PP) based composite tape yarns were
impact of the additives on the tensile examined. Since this stage of the inves-
properties of the yarns is one more sub- The effects of variable amounts of func- tigation was realised especially using
ject, the influence of which needs to be tional compound Polycom JB 7100/PP constant portions of other additives and
additionally verified. on various properties of polypropylene fixed values of manufacturing parame-

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 3(117) 49

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50 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 3(117)

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