Enlightenment Traps: How Not To Get Enlightened

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Enlightenment Traps

Enlightenment Traps
How Not to Get Enlightened
by Robert Sniadach

What is enlightenment?
Can't really say what it is, only what it is like. And what it is not. One can de-
scribe the effects, the feeling of it, the daily reality of living it.
• The Light coming on; darkness gone.
• Direct knowing occurs; ignorance gone.
• Simple awareness exists; illusion gone.
• Unbroken wholeness is; separateness gone.
• A profound experience of having awakened, as if you have been
sleeping all along and didn't know it. This new consciousness state
does continue to evolve in its own way, but it does not disappear; it is
not temporary.
• All sense of, and desire to continue seeking completely ceases. All
questioning stops. You now have your answer.
• The voices inside your head disappear permanently. You no longer
hear any inner judging of your thoughts or actions; no inner punish-
ment for your choices; no more 'shoulds' or 'should nots.' Your con-
sciousness is merged with the flow of a greater consciousness which
has everything under control. You flow with it, automatically.
• Doubt no longer occurs about anything.
• A million other free side-effects, such as inability to worry, inability to
attach excessive importance to anything, no undue concern about
results or goals, continual present moment awareness and activity,
zero regret about the past and no fear about the future, profound re-
laxation of the body, greatly improved well being, automatic ease
with anyone at any time, and many more.

Do you want enlightenment? Sounds pretty good, huh?

Well, where can you get it? Who can give it to you? What must you do to get
There is no one and no thing, no practice and no knowledge that will give it
to you. It happens when it happens; you cannot force it, no matter how hard
you try.
And yet, everyone seeking spiritual enlightenment is trying to get it through
some person, some thing, or some practice. Usually all three.

Of all those trying very hard to get it, the failure rate is 100%.

How can this be? With so many people, trying so hard, for so long, over
thousands of years, surely someone has figured out how to get it, right?
Short answer – No.
Since no one has figured out how to get it, the next best thing we can do is
to examine what has failed over and over again. Perhaps we can learn some -
thing from that.
So, what are some practices that do not produce enlightenment?

Meditation does not produce enlightenment.

Meditating for hours every day does not bring you closer to enlightenment.
No matter which style of meditation you practice or how much you practice it,
it will not produce enlightenment.
Meditation is an excellent practice to relax your body, balance your breath-
ing and calm your mind, at least a little bit. Marathon meditations may pro-
duce captivating altered states of consciousness and strange sensations in
your body. These may be pleasant or painful, profound or just weird. All these
experiences come and they go, which should immediately tell you something
very important to your quest.
All of these things are fascinating to experience and explore. But they have
nothing to do with enlightenment and do not bring one any closer to it. At
best meditation improves your overall health and well being to some degree,
and that is a very good thing. However, from the getting-enlightened point of
view, meditation keeps you idling in place, if not actively taking you further
from it.

Chanting does not produce enlightenment.

Toning, chanting, devotional singing, repeating a mantra, drumming, free-
form dancing or speaking in tongues does not produce enlightenment, or
move you closer to it. To the degree you believe that, they are taking you fur-
ther from it.
These practices are lots of fun! They can produce sublime states of con-
sciousness and even more strange and delightful sensations in your body. You
can have feelings of being tuned in to a bigger flow of life, feelings of connec-
tion and rhythmic unity with All That Is. You get into the Groove and it is a
blast. Awesome!
Then, in an hour or two, the regular old you is back, along with your regular
old reality.
Right at that moment when you fall back into regular old reality, it is likely
that you will try to talk yourself into believing that you are “making progress”
towards lasting unity and permanent bliss. But... you're not.
Use these practices for having fun and for experiencing very cool altered
states of consciousness. But don't fool yourself into believing that they are
Enlightenment Traps

transporting you to enlightenment.

Religious practice does not produce enlightenment.

Dozens, maybe hundreds of religious belief systems are on display for the
avid shopper at the Religion Super Market. You can pick and choose from a
wide assortment of beliefs, involving one god or many gods, the universe
within or the universe without.
You may choose to worship saints or devils, mother nature or heavenly
father, stars, constellations, archetypes, gurus, priests, statues, paintings,
animals, philosophies, theories, your belly button, your third eye, sexuality,
your body or the body of someone else.
Highly Esteemed Tradition based upon Ancient Teachings by various
Prophets and Messiahs may be your calling. There are a few well-worn
religions that have many centuries of thinking, elaboration, tinkering and fine-
tuning included in their history. All believers and followers greatly revere
sacred books that contain many layers of translations and mistranslations of
special words and chat sessions from a guy who lived way back when.
Very specific practices and rituals are prescribed, others are forbidden, and
dilignet practice is mandatory if one is to progress up the ladder to final salva-
tion. Lifetimes can be spent mastering all the details and intricacies. At the end
of it all you may find yourself to be quite learned, pious, saintly, compassion-
ate and kind. A highly evolved human being!
Enlightenment, however, is in the other direction.

Special diets and lifestyles do not produce enlightenment.

There are countless diets advocated, physical exercises recommended, puri-
fication rituals encouraged, endurance trainings demanded and rejuvenation
elixirs prescribed in order to help you to become the perfect vessel to receive
and embody the highest secret teachings and subtle energies. Only by achiev-
ing the utmost fitness and purity can you become a Light Body: one who is
now worthy of being a Holy Person.
These physical states of being are indeed wonderful, and the blissful feelings
of energy and aliveness are their magnificent rewards. But, like every other
experience, they are temporary and fleeting. To try to maintain them perman-
ently will keep all of your attention and efforts completely involved in them.
Seeking body perfection is not seeking enlightenment. Seeking body perfec-
tion is seeking body perfection. Enlightenment does not require it.
That said, is there merit to having a high level of health? Sure, why not?! If
you are going to live on this planet, you might as well have the health to fully
enjoy it. But you must be careful where you place your energy and focus. You
can study and learn that your physical body has definite and specific biological
needs that can be provided for in definite and specific ways. Then you can

Enlightenment Traps

supply those needs in a most direct and simple manner. It's easy.
As you might expect, pretty much everything you currently believe in and do
to and for your body to get it healthy and keep it healthy - is wrong. Or, at
best, what you are doing is far more complicated and difficult than it needs to
be. Most people have beliefs, lifestyles and dietary habits that do not provide
for their simple biological needs in the most appropriate, positive and natural
manner. Learn the basics about your body and how to feed and care for it and
it will give you many years of trouble-free operation. An excellent bargain!
Anything above and beyond this, however, is missing the boat. If enlighten-
ment is what you want, then your body should be kept in good condition -
enough to keep your mind strong and focused, and your desire strong and
focused. Do not get distracted by detouring all your attention into total
purification of the body, ultra-fitness of the body, perfect health of the body,
immortality of the body, or other perfection of the body.
Remember: you must die. Your body will return to dust. All body perfection
practices have absolutely nothing to do with enlightenment. Get your body
and mind into good shape by learning and doing the things necessary to get it
there - simply and easily - and then don't give the subject any more concern.

Acquiring special powers and knowledge, or seeking them out in others does
not help you toward enlightenment.
Whether having special powers or inquiring of others who have them, these
sources will not help you toward enlightenment. If you have the ability to see
the future, find hidden objects, channel the presence of discarnate entities,
penetrate the hidden meanings of esoteric knowledge, read the thoughts of
others, manifest objects, control your dreams, exude charisma, hypnotize
crowds, make other people nervous and make lovers swoon, then you may
indeed be quite special and talented. But not enlightened.
And even if you are just a regular guy or gal seeking answers to the biggest
questions of Life, you will get no lasting help from psychics, astrologers,
numerologists, tarot readers, prophets, priests, channelers, gurus or wise
men. Indeed, the most helpful thing they can do for you is to hasten the day
that you finally get irritated enough with all of them that you finally stop
asking them for help.

Aspiring to, or arriving at 'holy' status is not the same as enlightenment.

Are you seeking sainthood, guruhood, priesthood, pundithood, any other
'hood, or highly evolved state? Then you need more and more knowledge,
more and more practice, more and more wisdom, more and more questions
answered, more and more discipline, more and more purification, etc., etc.,
All of these things are wonderful, of course, and highly treasured for their

Enlightenment Traps

benefits. Supposedly, once perfected enough, whatever 'enough' actually is,

then you get to be a high-ranking member of the 'hood of your choice.
Now everyone can prepare for your grand initiation ceremony, where you
get to wear the cool new outfit. Now you are the Guru, the Master, the Swami,
the Avatar, the Learned One, His Holiness, Her Highness. Such a high status!
And such high responsibility. Now you've got standards to uphold, appear-
ances to maintain, rituals to preserve, lineages to honor and statues to revere.
It's all quite detailed and involved. Rules and regulations and traditions and
disciplines and meetings and speeches and teachings, and, and...
Does that sound free and liberating?


Looks to me like all of these approaches to spirituality and enlightenment
are all about attempting to perfect the ego by adding new beliefs and know-
ledge to it. And to lock it in, you must practice again and again and again,
habituating your ego to act in specific new ways. You are trying to erase old
habitual mental grooves and replace them with new and improved habitual
mental grooves; new beliefs to replace the old beliefs. New identity to replace
the old identity. New morality, new rules, new 'shoulds and should nots' to
replace the old ones. In the end you've still got beliefs, rules and morality, and
these are the very things that obscure reality, generating illusion.
Beliefs are untested assumptions, unproven opinions, unverified points of
view. Beliefs are not true, they are only hoped to be true. Indeed, they are
actually false, temporary mental constructs, with no certain truth to them
whatsoever. Like pixie dust, they appear, they dazzle, they get believed in and
then they fade away, eventually. You can easily verify this for yourself: Are the
beliefs you hold today the same beliefs you held 1 year ago... 3 years ago... 10
years ago... 20 years ago... 50 years ago? If those old beliefs you had were that
flimsy and impermanent, why do you believe that your new ones are any
better? What will you believe 10 years from now? And most importantly, how
will you know that your new beliefs are true, or not?
Do you seek Truth? Or do you just seek new and more exciting beliefs to
replace the old ones when you get tired of them?
Do you need beliefs to survive? Can you live without belief?
Since your beliefs are not really known to be true, only desperately believed
to be true, you can never have total trust in them; you never have completely
solid footing with them. To deal with this nagging unsure feeling deep down
inside, you command yourself to pretend very, very strongly that your beliefs
are true... and when you do that, you feel better. Your faith has been restored!
Do that long enough and hard enough and eventually you'll cement your

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beliefs in place permanently. You'll make yourself literally incapable of

believing otherwise; now you are willing to die for those beliefs.
Remember, your perceptions and your beliefs are you. What you believe in is
what makes you you; your beliefs are how you define yourself. They are your
identity. They are who you are.
Male, female, black, white, yellow, brown.
Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Muslim, Jew, Athiest, Agnostic.
Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Anarchist.
Doctor, teacher, plumber, farmer, scientist, athlete.
Meditator, vegetarian, eco-crusader, animal rights activist.
Smoker, drinker, gambler, Anonymous member.
Rich, poor, player, pretender.
Hip, cool, nerd, dimwit.
Bum, hillbilly, sophisticate, oddball.
If someone challenges your identity, or challenges your beliefs (i.e. chal-
lenges you), you must defend yourself, and the only reason you need to
defend your identity and beliefs is because you have strong attachments to
Attachments are beliefs with very strong emotions tied to them. Emotional
energy keeps your beliefs alive, thereby keeping your ego alive, which keeps
you alive. This is your script; this is the role you play, every day. Everyone you
see around you is expending nearly all their life energy keeping their beliefs
energized, expressed and defended every moment of every day.
Phew! Exhausting.
Everyone keeping their egos alive, wearing their costumes, playing their
roles, completely in character. Each person completely believes in their own
character and script; everyone believes each others character and script is
real, and the Grand Illusion is complete. Everyone validating and reinforcing
each others' pretend reality.
This being so, if one really wants to break out of this incredible, wonderful
and bizarre Game we are all playing, the answer is not to add to the character,
not to add to the script. Not to add more beliefs, knowledge, practices, purity,
or anything else.

The answer is to subtract. Subtract everything. Subtract, remove, burn
away, jettison, detoxify, get rid of, eradicate, disintegrate and eliminate both
the character and the script, and all the beliefs that created them. As this
happens, falling away one by one, all the emotional circuits tied to them will
release and flow out of your body. You will literally feel it happening within
you. It is an amazing process – extremely difficult, unstoppable, and, in the
end, extremely liberating. Once you are free of these encumbrances, you shall

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see clearly, and come to live an ongoing life of clarity: Vida Clara.
Bottom line: You do not try to get enlightened. Instead, you examine and
strip away everything you carry around that creates illusion within you. Once
you are done with that, enlightening awareness is what remains.
How does this happen?

Do It
Use your mind ruthlessly, like an ultra-sharp knife, to slice and dice every
single belief you hold to be true. Challenge every single opinion and
assumption that makes you who you think you are. Challenge what you call
yourself - doctor, teacher, laborer, student, engineer, athlete, artist - and the
assigned, believed and accepted roles you play as these characters.
Why do you play them? Whose rules are you following anyway? Challenge
your secret cherished beliefs about the kind of person you believe you really
are. Think you are a nice guy, a sweet gal? Think you are smart and beautiful?
Think you are ugly and sickly; wild and crazy; cultured, refined, or obnoxious?
Who says so? Who told you these things? Who sold you on these opinions?
How did you sell yourself?
Do you look into the mirror and tell yourself these things? Why do you
believe it? Why do other people and their opinions matter? Why does your
opinion matter? Your opinion is based on what... a belief? Where did you come
up with all of this?

Peeled Away
Take away your name, your career, your relationships, your bank account
and your credit cards. What is left?
Let's take this to the limit. Imagine you've just gotten bonked on the head
real hard and now have total amnesia - you don't remember anything about
your past. Now here you are, a week later, a healthy functioning grown human
being with a big bump on your head and zero past history. No name, no job,
no address, no identity, no nothing. Don't know who you are, what you are,
where you are, when you are, why you are or how you are.
Nevertheless, you survive. Here you are. What do you know?
You know you exist.
Now what? What remains? Who am I? What, exactly, is this thing called me?
The ultimate and intimately personal realization, when it comes, is your final

On Good Authority
Enlightenment requires no knowledge, requires no practices, requires no
beliefs. It only requires ridding yourself of that which obscures clear
perception, that which blocks clear seeing. As you continue to challenge

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yourself, soon you will start to see how you create your filters, you create your
illusions, you create your beliefs about who you are. Subtract all beliefs
(falseness) and truth will remain.
Enlightenment is utterly and completely about asking yourself your own
questions and getting your own answers, for yourself, by yourself. You must
be your own authority in all things spiritual. Rely on no one else. There is no
other way. Every other approach is a side track; a dead end.
“The faith that stands on authority is not faith.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Accepting answers from anyone else makes you lazy. Doing so will only
weaken your own ability to find your own answers. Cast aside all books,
beliefs, theories, scholars, priests, gurus and deities and find your own
answers from within you. You - your mind and your desire - are all you need for
this journey; no one else and nothing else whatsoever is required.
“Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said
it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.
Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.
Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.
Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.
Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.”
- Buddha
If Mr. Buddha did it, Mr. Jesus did it, Mr. Krishna did it, Mr. Emerson did it,
and all the other unknown enlightened ones throughout the ages did it... then
you can do it.
Sharpen your blade. Lock and load. Saddle up, jump on that horse and ride.
Keep going. Stop for nothing and never look back.
You literally cannot imagine what awaits you.

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