Nashik Rapid Feasibility Report 1312

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Nashik Rapid
Mass transport feasibility study
Prepared for the Nashik Municipal Corporation
by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy

September 2013
1 Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 1

2 Nashik: The Path to Sustainable Mobility .................................................................................... 13

3 Transport in Nashik....................................................................................................................... 17

4 Vision and goals ............................................................................................................................ 21

5 Planning For Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) ................................................................................. 24

6 System Operations ........................................................................................................................ 38

7 Physical design.............................................................................................................................. 56

8 BRT Supporting elements ............................................................................................................. 90

9 Project costs .................................................................................................................................. 99

10 Implementing BRT in Nasik ................................................................................................... 101

11 Way forward ........................................................................................................................... 106

12 Appendix 1: 20 key MSRTC routes ........................................................................................ 108

13 Appendix 2: Bus design standards .......................................................................................... 110

14 Appendix 3: Station design standards ..................................................................................... 112

15 Appendix 4. Corridor design standards................................................................................... 114

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, September 2013 | i

1 Executive summary
Nashik is the third largest urban area in the state of Maharashtra. According to the 2011 census,
Nashik has a population of 1.48 million. With increasing migration to urban areas, Nashik’s
population is estimated to rise to nearly 4 million by 2030. The city is witnessing rapid motorisation,
along with increased congestion and pollution.

Presently, most public transport in Nashik comprises bus services operated by the Maharashtra State
Road Transportation Corporation (MSRTC). The remaining trips are made via privately owned and
operated shared autorickshaws. None of the public transport modes are of a high quality. Buses are
overcrowded during peak hours and their speed is dropping by the day due to traffic congestion. As a
result, the number of personal motor vehicles is growing at a brisk pace of 7 per cent per annum. If
this growth continues, ITDP estimates that the number of trips made by personal motorised modes
will double over the next 10 years (see Figure 1). Accommodating this increase in personal motor
vehicle use will be difficult. Even if all of Nashik’s main roads are transformed to include elevated
corridors on top, there won’t be enough capacity to meet 2023 demand.

Trips / day

2013 2023: Status quo 2023:

Figure 1: (L) 2013 Nashik mode share and (R) 2023 scenario comparison (Status Quo v. Sustainable).

Transport planners have increasingly come to a consensus that successful cities facilitate the
movement of “people, not vehicles,” which is a goal clearly expressed in the National Urban
Transport Policy (NUTP). In support of the NUTP, the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC)
recognizes that public transport and urban accessibility are drivers of growth and prerequisites for
quality of life. NMC has chosen to create a sustainable, robust, high-capacity mass rapid transport
system (MRTS). Such as system must accommodate the anticipated 2023 demand and be expanded
for future growth over the following two decades. The resulting mode split is shown in Figure 1.
Through strategic public transport and allied interventions, NMC aims to achieve the following goals
over the next 10 years (2013-2023):

 Improve public transport. 35% of all trips by public transport

 Support non-motorized transport (NMT). Maintain existing share of all trips by cycling and
walking (38%)

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 Improve safety. Zero fatalities per year from traffic crashes
 Public transport accessibility. 75% of residents within a 5 min walk of formal public transport
 Keep Nashik air healthy. Zero nonattainment days for PM and NOX emissions
Nashik stands at a crossroad in its history and development. With suitable urban interventions at this
stage, it can avoid the pitfalls of cities of similar characteristics and can set high standards for other
cities to follow. The city has the potential to become a global commercial and cultural centre that
affords its citizens immense benefits in the form of jobs, opportunities, and improved quality of life.
For this opportunity to become a reality, the city will have to develop adequate infrastructure and
services to facilitate development and improve the quality of life of all its citizens, both rich and poor.

MRTS mode selection

Public transport mode choice is driven by the potential passenger market for public transport, the trip
patterns of prospective users, and other socio-economic criteria. ITDP recommends implementing a
high quality Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system as a critical step toward improving the overall public
transport system. In Nashik, ITDP strongly favours BRT over other systems such as tram, monorail,
and metro based on the following advantages:
 Ability to meet existing passenger demand and scale up to meet future demand;
 Ability to provide flexible services, and change service design for increase in capacity;
 Adaptable Right-of-Way (ROW) designs to accommodate narrow streets;
 Low implementation cost; and,
 Rapid implementation timeline.

About bus rapid transit

BRT is a high capacity rapid transport system that provides safe, comfortable, efficient, and
economical services to millions of transit customers worldwide. BRT includes the following:
 High quality, frequent service that is proven to attract users from personal vehicles.
 High quality stations with platform that match the level of the bus so that passengers can
enter and exit quickly and easily without climbing steps.
 Specially designed buses that operate in exclusive lanes in the centre of the street.
 Special bus fleet that is electronically monitored from a control centre to ensure reliability
and provide real-time information to passengers.
 Smart ticketing at stations enhances passenger convenience and improves efficiency.
BRT systems offer the following advantages over other forms of rapid transit (monorail, metro, etc.):

 Not bound to a track, bus routes can be easily adjusted and consist of a combination of
 Buses can also exit the track and serve nearby areas, thus providing direct connectivity.
 BRT can be built in a short period of time (under 18 months) and at a fraction of the cost of
rail systems (≈ ₹20 crores / km of BRT vs. ≈ ₹150 to ₹450 crores / km for rail-based

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 At grade, low-impact BRT stations are quick and easy for customers to access.
 BRT systems have the potential to provide a capacity over 20,000 pphpd (matching metro
performance) using passing lanes and articulated vehicles.
 BRT operations plans can include multiple services per corridor and express services.

Table 1: Key Features of Bus Rapid Transit


Physically segregated median bus lanes ensure that buses are not stuck in traffic. They also
reduce conflicts between buses and slower moving traffic at the edge of the carriageway.


Level boarding ensures that the system is universally accessible and helps reduce bus dwell times.


Off-board fare collection with electronic smart cards is convenient and reduces revenue leakage.


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Real-time passenger information keeps customers up to date on bus destinations and departure
times. Clear schedules and maps summarize system information.

High capacity BRT systems are successfully operating in many large cities across the world including
Bogotá (Colombia), Mexico City (Mexico), Seoul (Korea) and Guangzhou (China), often integrated
with rail systems and providing complementary services. Many developed countries like USA and
France are exploring BRT solutions to provide high-quality, cost-effective rapid transportation to
manage the demand for private vehicle travel.

BRT for Nashik

The Mass Transport Feasibility Study finds that BRT is feasible and urgently required in Nashik.
Simple improvement of bus service may not be a viable option, as measures to control the use of
private vehicles are extremely limited. The appropriate solution for Nashik is a full-featured BRT
system that pairs significant improvements in bus performance with other elements, such as a
dedicated right-of-way for buses that is segregated from general traffic (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Proposed BRT station at Shalimar.

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Corridor selection
ITDP observed shared autorickshaw and MSRTC routes, and also completed traffic counts,
frequency-occupancy counts, and parking surveys across the city to get a better understanding of the
existing traffic conditions. Interviews with key agencies, including NMC, MSRTC, the Regional
Transport Office, and the Traffic Police, were completed as was exhaustive analysis of agency data

Figure 3: Key MSRTC routes (left) and observed peak period passenger volumes (pphpd) (right).

Figure 4: Key shared auto routes (left) and observed peak period passenger volumes (pphpd) (right).

The proposed Phase I BRT network comprises 26 km of dedicated BRT corridors and serves a large
portion of the Nashik Metropolitan Region. Corridors were selected based on the following basic

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 Current demand for travel based on existing MSRTC bus (Figure 3) and shared autorickshaw
(Figure 4) networks and volumes.
 Potential for future growth per Nashik’s development plans. Need to connect high growth areas in
the fringe to the city centre with high quality public transport.
 Opportunity to integrate with other existing modes of public transport.
 Existing public rights-of-way (ROW) for ease of implementation.
The Nashik BRT will be a closed system with a dedicated fleet. The following services will be
 Trunk services. Operating entirely in dedicated BRT lanes.
 Direct services. Operating in dedicated BRT lanes and then extended up to 3 km beyond the
trunk corridor to provide better connectivity and attract ridership.
 Feeder services. Operating in mixed traffic, bringing passengers to terminals and stations on
BRT trunk corridors.

Gangapur Rd (trunk):
 1,700 pphpd
City Circulator (feeder):
 Bus every 2.5 min
 240 pphpd
 Bus every 5 min

Eklahare (feeder):
Nashik Rd (trunk):  360 pphpd
 4,300 pphpd  Bus every 10
 Bus every 1.0 min

Trimbak Rd (trunk):
 2,300 pphpd
 Bus every 2 min Nashik Station Loop
 720 pphpd
 Bus every 5 min Deolali Camp (feeder):
 360 pphpd
 Bus every 10 min

Figure 5: Proposed BRT Phase I alignments (with dashed service extensions and dotted feeders).

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To extend the reach of the BRT corridors, two direct services are proposed as part of Phase I: an
extension to Gangapur Village and an extension passing near CEAT colony. In summary, Phase I
includes the following corridors (Figure 5):

1. Gangapur Road from CBS to Serene Meadows, including loop MG Road and Shalimar
(7.5 km).
a. Extension to Gangapur Village (2.75 km)
2. Trimbak Road from CBS to Shramiknagar / Mahindra & Mahindra via Mico Circle and
Satpur (9 km).
a. Extension to CEAT (3.25 km)
3. Nashik Road Railway Station to CBS via Dwarka Circle and Tilak Path (9.5 km).
Phase I also includes the following feeder routes serving Eklahare, Deolali Camp, and the Nashik
Road Station area, and the city centre. Together, the trunk and feeder services are expected to handle
around 2 lakh boardings per day. A detailed service plan should be carried out to determine the
precise routes and schedules.

The Mass Transport Feasibility Study identifies a 45.1 km Phase II BRT network that extends BRT
service east across the Godavari River and provides service on the remaining corridors with
considerable public transport demand. Finally, the study identifies additional future corridors so that
corresponding road reservations and depot space may be earmarked as part of the upcoming revision
of Nashik’s Development Plan (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Phase 2 BRT network and subsequent corridors

Peth Road -

Mahatma Nagar Road NH-3 -

Utwadi Road

Pathardi Phata Ext

Proposed Inner Ring

Link NH-3 -

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Corridor designs
Conceptual corridor design, with cross-sections and plans, are provided in the full report. Figure 7
illustrates typical cross sections of the BRT corridors.

Figure 7: Typical 24 m BRT corridor sections: midblock (top) and station area (bottom).

The Phase I corridors typically have a width of 24 m and above and can easily accommodate
infrastructure such as: dedicated BRT lanes, BRT stations, protected footpaths, cycle parking, street
furniture, landscaping and trees for shade, lighting, and storm water drainage. The Phase I network of
26 km is expected to have 50 BRT stations, including 11 large interchange stations, as well as four
high capacity terminals.

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Figure 8: Planned BRT corridor on MG Road.

The Nashik BRT will feature centrally located island stations that serve two-directional bus
movement. The stations and buses both will have a floor height of 860 mm, allowing for stepless
boarding. For Phase I, the BRT fleet will consist of 115 trunk buses (passenger capacity of 72), 40
feeder buses (capacity of 60), and 17 microbuses (capacity of 20). The 12 m trunk buses will have
doors on both sides, including two right-side doors providing level boarding at stations and two left
side doors for stepped access to kerbside stops on the BRT extensions. The feeder and microbuses
will have a low floor height (380 mm). The entire fleet will be air-conditioned. As corridor volumes
increase, the Nashik BRT system will need to introduce 18 m articulated buses with a passenger
capacity of 140. Stations, terminals, and depots should be designed to accommodate articulated buses
without major structural modification.

Capital and operating cost

The total cost of implementing Phase I of the Nashik BRT is Rs. 496 crores. This expenditure will be
made over a period of 3 years. An initial allocation of Rs. 10 crores is requested in FY 2013-2014 for
creation of the SPV, hiring detailed design consultants and public outreach. The remaining
expenditure of Rs 486 crores will be spread equally between the three subsequent financial years.
Expenditure accounts include infrastructure creation, project monitoring, and outreach.

Table 2: Phase I required investment


BRT Corridors 26 km 348

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BRT Stations 50 28.3

BRT Terminals and Interchanges 4 10.0

BRT Depots 2 10.0

Buses 170 70.3

IT Systems / Control Centre - 14.9


The annual operating cost of Phase I BRT is expected to be approximately Rs 60.6 crores per annum
at the start of operations. These expenditures are slightly higher than expected farebox revenue. The
shortfall can be covered through advertising and on-street parking revenues.

Institutional arrangement
A special purpose vehicle (SPV) should be formed to oversee implementation. The SPV will plan,
manage, and monitor BRT operations. The SPV would be fully owned by NMC. To facilitate
construction of the BRT corridors, NMC will need to enter agreements regarding infrastructure
construction with the line agencies that own each stretch of corridor (such as the Maharashtra State
Department of Highways and the National Highways Authority of India). NMC also will need to
coordinate with MSRTC, RTO, and Traffic Police.

Specific services like bus fleet operations and maintenance, IT services, and electronic fare collection
would be procured by the SPV from amongst experienced service providers to ensure that service of
the highest quality can be maintained at the lowest cost to the government. The SPV needs qualified,
professional staff and the independence to make swift decisions during the implementation process.
An IAS officer should serve as the CEO of the SPV. S/he will be supported by a competent team with
specializations in the areas shown in Figure 9. A board chaired by the CEO and including the Mayor,
Standing Committee Chairman, opposition party leader, the Deputy Commissioner of Police for
Traffic, the Regional Transport Officer, and a representative of the Urban Development Department,
will oversee the SPV.

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Figure 9: Structure for the special purpose vehicle for Nashik BRT.

Implementation timeline
BRT systems can be implemented in a short time period. Many systems take under three years from
concept planning to start of operations. Since the detailed feasibility study has already been
completed, it is possible to start the operations on the first line of the Nashik BRT system in fewer
than 30 months.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Figure 10: Suggested implementation timeline for Nashik BRT

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Implementing the Nashik BRT will require swift action to address these key next steps:

 Hire consultants to developed detailed infrastructure designs (corridors, depots, terminal, etc.)
and oversee project monitoring.
 Award contracts for construction of infrastructure.
 Start the process of procuring the services of bus operators and IT systems providers.

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2 Nashik: The Path to Sustainable Mobility
The aim of this mass transport feasibility study is to facilitate Nashik’s sustainable development. That
is, to provide a development strategy that meets the needs of present Nashik without compromising
the ability of the city’s future generations to meet their own needs. Nashik stands at a crossroad of
history and development. It has the potential to become a commercial and cultural centre and afford
its citizens the possibility to reap immense benefits in the form of jobs, opportunities and improved
quality of life. However, for this possibility to become a reality, Nashik will have to develop adequate
infrastructure and services to facilitate the development and improve the quality of life of all
citizens—rich and poor alike.

Transport plays a key role in defining a city. It touches the life of people daily. Good transport
systems connect people and boost the economy. Good transport is sustainable—socially,
economically, and environmentally. Yet if not properly addressed, transport can become a nightmare,
with traffic jams and long travel times leading to frustration and reduced productivity. Citizens are
exposed to high levels of pollution, leading to poor health and lack of vitality. Too often, transport
planning has tended to concentrate on infrastructure, traffic, costs, and benefits, with environmental
factors limited to engineering consideration. Transport planners increasingly believe that mobility
planning should focus the movement of “people, not vehicles,” a goal clearly expressed in the
National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP).1 The Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD),
Government of India, supports this approach, which is a major departure from the emphasis on
personal motorised modes in traditional traffic and transport studies.

Figure 11. Transport planning should provide safe and efficient mobility to all road users—not just for
personal motor vehicle users.

Ministry of Urban Development, “National Urban Transport Policy,”
<> (2006).

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To meet the above aims and objectives, this study will emphasize a development path for Nashik that
follows a set of widely accepted principles of integrated land use and transport, collectively known as
transit-oriented development (TOD). At its core, TOD recognizes that successful transport systems
cannot be planned separately from the land use context. The following principles2 describe the key
ideas behind TOD:

 Walk | Promote walking through the provision of high quality, continuous walkways and
improve the safety of the public realm through active building frontage.
 Cycle | provide continuous networks of dedicated facilities to improve the safety and
convenience of travel by cycle and cycle rickshaw.
 Connect | create dense networks of streets and paths that reduce walking distances.
 Public transport | locate development near high-quality public transport.
 Mix | plan for a vertical and horizontal mix of uses to reduce trip lengths.
 Densify | match density and public transport capacity.
 Compact | ensure that the majority of development can happen within walking distance of
high quality public transport rather than in peripheral locations.
 Shift | Increase mobility by regulating parking and road use.
When addressed together, these urban development principles foster efficient spatial configurations
that enable high-quality, and car-independent lifestyles. The focus of transportation policy is
increasingly on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, traffic congestion, injuries and
deaths from vehicle crashes. The potential for TOD is to reduce the volume of total travel, measured
as vehicle-kilometres travelled (VKT). TOD often results in replacing motorized vehicle trips by
encouraging shifting travel modes to walking, cycling and public transport. Thus, these developments
mean safer journeys, reduced air pollution, less congestion, and less time wasted in traffic.

2.1 Overview of the city

Nashik is one of India’s oldest cities, finding mention in ancient Indian literature of the pre-Christian
era.3 The Archaeological Survey of India cites evidence of continuous habitation from around the fifth
century B.C.4 Located about 24 km from the headwaters of the Godavari River (plentifully mentioned
in Ramayana and Mahabharata), Nashik has long been an important religious centre, attracting
millions of pilgrims, and every 12 years hosting one of the world’s largest gatherings, the Kumbhmela
(which is next estimated to bring 100 million visitors over the course of 55 days in August-September

Nasik today is a tremendously busy industrial centre. Well connected by road and rail, Nashik lies on
Delhi-Mumbai industrial Corridor. Nashik’s key industries are localized near the villages of Ambad,
Satpur, and Sinnar on the Pune highway. Nashik is home to engineering and medical colleges. It is the


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highest producer of grapes and onions and hosts over a third of India’s wineries.6 Around 48 lakh
tourists visit Nashik annually for wine tourism.7

Figure 12: Maharasthra including Nashik District and Nashik City (L) and Nashik Municipal Boundary (R)

Nashik is the fourth largest city, and third largest urban area, in the western Indian state of
Maharashtra. According to the 2011 census, Nashik has a population of 1.48 million.8 Nashik’s
population is set to grow to nearly 4 million by 2030.9 With increasing population, the city is
witnessing rapid motorisation, increased congestion and pollution. With suitable interventions at this
stage, it can avoid the pitfalls of cities of similar characteristics and can set high standards for other
cities to follow. Nashik has a population density of 42 persons per hectare, indicating that there is
potential to increase densities and achieve a more compact city form as the city grows.

The Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) is the authority responsible planning and service provision
for the Nashik Metropolitan Area. Headed by a Municipal Commissioner, NMC utilises eleven
departments to carry out civic operations. NMC’s Roads and Building Department is responsible for
maintenance of Nashik’s 1,049 km of roads as well as its schools, public toilets, community temples
and health clubs. The Town Planning Department is responsible for the planning activities, including
sanctioning plots for construction, identifying encroachments based on complaints, sanctioning
Transfers of Development Rights, and preparing survey maps. Town Planning manages the reserved
buildings and land, and is the decision making body regarding how land is allocated for various

2.2 About this report


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Under a Memorandum of Understanding with NMC, the Institute for Transportation and
Development Policy (ITDP) is assisting with the planning and implementation of sustainable transport
systems and urban development practices in Nashik. This report aims to provide a clear analysis of
Nashik’s potential for implementing a high-capacity mass rapid transport system. It will provide a
detailed description of how high quality transport systems can play a key role in meeting existing and
future transport demand in the city. The ultimate goal of the report is to be a useful reference for
decision-makers to serve as the basis for applying for central government funding for advancing
Nashik’s urban development.

2.3 About the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy

ITDP is an international non-profit organization that promotes sustainable and equitable
transportation worldwide. ITDP is acknowledged as an expert in the field of BRT planning. ITDP has
been closely involved in the development of many BRT systems worldwide, most recently in
Ahmedabad (India), Guangzhou (China), and Johannesburg (South Africa). These systems are
regarded as best practice examples of BRT implementation and operations.

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3 Transport in Nashik
3.1 Prior studies
A Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP) was carried out in 2007 for Nashik to identify transport
interventions for the city. The CMP included a survey of 3,500 households (1.4 per cent of the
population) and traffic counts at seventeen locations. The CMP found that non-motorised and public
transport modes are the dominant means of transport in the city, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Mode split in Nashik, based on the Comprehensive Mobility Plan, updated to 2013.

The CMP identified the following issues concerning Nashik’s transport system:

 Poor pedestrian infrastructure.

 Limited public transport services and low public transport mode share.
 Lack of effective parking management mechanisms.
 Environment deterioration due to motorised traffic.
 A lack of connectivity across the river results and bypass routes for freight movement result in
increased traffic in the city centre.
In response to these issues, the CMP proposes almost 90 km of public transit corridors on ten routes
in the city, including 55 km of for bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors with four terminals. Other major
infrastructure projects to be completed between 2007 and 2026 include junction improvements, road
widening, flyovers, ring roads, and river crossings and bridges. With regard to non-motorised
transport, the CMP strongly encourages providing pedestrians and cyclists with continuous and safe
paths, but the CMP implementation program mentions only the provision of pedestrian subways or
foot over-bridges. Thus, there is a gap between what the CMP wants to achieve and how it intends to
achieve it.

The CMP is lacking in key transportation planning areas. It does not address the need for an
institutional arrangement—such as a special purpose vehicle (SPV)—to manage and operate urban

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transport. In addition, the CMP fails to address parking management. Regarding the public transport
measures, the CMP recommends 420 new buses to increase the fleet size to 650.10 However, the CMP
does not address the required financial and physical resources (such as additional service planning /
operations / maintenance personnel, depots, etc.) to support such a significant increase to the bus fleet.

Intermediate public transport (IPT) modes such as auto rickshaws are the most ubiquitous form of
transport and are available at almost all places of the city, based on observations. The CMP calls for
regulation of auto rickshaws in the form of dedicated parking spaces and the usage of fare meters,
which will require enforcement from the traffic police and the regional transport office.

Aside from the CMP, there are proposals for a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), townships (which will
host a large number of housing complexes, commercial establishments), and industrial corridors
linking Mumbai, Delhi and Pune. Other rapid transit options such as metro rail are also being
considered and a Metro feasibility study is planned by NMC.11

3.2 Current transport conditions

3.2.1 Walking and cycling

Visual inspection of many areas in the city like Panchwati, Sharanpur, around Trimbak Road, Canada
Corner, Pandit Colony, Lawate Nagar, Savarkar Nagar and other areas show lack of dedicated and
continuous footpaths. Major corridors such as the Mumbai-Agra road, Trimbak Road, Sharanpur
Road, Gangapur Road that are wide or have been widened recently, lack safe and continuous
footpaths, cycling tracks and crossing points. Though there may not have been a requirement for a
physically separated footpath some years ago due to low motorisation and low speeds, the city is now
seeing a rapid growth in private vehicles. Increases in the supply of roads and carriageway width will
pose a danger to the NMT modes unless safe facilities for pedestrians and cyclists are provided.

Figure 14: Most streets in Nashik lack footpaths, forcing pedestrians to walk in the carriageway (L).
Existing footpaths are narrow and obstructed (R)

Only 100 buses have been recently sanctioned for the city under the JNNURM (which was expected to
increase the mode share to 10%).

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3.2.2 Public transport
Presently, most public transport in Nashik comprises bus services operated by the Maharasthra State
Road Transportation Corporation (MSRTC). The remaining trips are made via privately owned and
operated shared autorickshaws. None of the public transport modes are of a high quality.

Figure 15: Bus services and facilities are poorly organised and the aging bus fleet suffers from inadequate

It was observed that MSRTC bus service often infrequent and unreliable. The rolling stock is not
compliant with central government mandates. Buses are significantly overcrowded during peak hours
and their speed is greatly reduced secondary to congested traffic conditions. MSRTC indicates that
their current fleet size is 240 vehicles, divided among 319 routes.

Per rules of Central Pollution Control Board of India, buses must adhere to Bharat Stage IV emission
norms. However, the current MSRTC fleet has emissions equivalent to Bharat Stage II and III. As
well, the fleet is aged and has crossed the average life of a bus desired for city bus operations, which
is of 10 years as per guidelines prescribed by MoUD.12

For much of the city bus fleet, MSRTC has simply adapted intercity buses to be used in urban bus
services. However, intercity bus characteristics do not facilitate urban usage. For example, the former
intercity buses have extremely high floors that make it difficult to board from the street level, and bus
entrances and steps are very narrow. They are not designed for large movements of customers
throughout the course of the day.

3.2.3 Parking
The supply of parking plays an important and unique role in the demand for travel as well as the basic
functioning of transport system. Free parking in particular has adverse effects on public transport as it
facilitates more and more usage of personal vehicles. Free parking or pricing below market rates is the
leading cause of parking shortages, haphazard parking, pollution, and congestion due to extra driving
in search of parking space. It is very necessary that local administrative bodies take control of public
street space by managing parking as a service that comes with a price.


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Free on-street parking is the norm in Nashik. Double parking is common, especially in busy
commercial areas such as M. G. Road. Parked vehicles often occupy one or more lanes of the
carriageway. This reduction in effective width often results in congestion and traffic jams. Congestion
from poorly managed parked vehicles not only reduces carriageway widths, but it also hampers the
mobility of all vehicles (especially public transport), increasing travel times and emissions secondary
to vehicle idling. The following general observations were made regarding vehicle parking in Nashik:

 NMC is not charging for parking anywhere in the city.

 Parked vehicles obstructed pedestrian and traffic movement.
 Traffic police do not have sufficient vehicles or personnel to enforce parking restrictions.

Figure 16: Absence of managed parking in Nashik - MG Road (L) and Shalimar (R).

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4 Vision and goals
4.1 Transport scenarios for Nashik
Transport planners have increasingly come to a consensus that successful cities facilitate the
movement of “people, not vehicles,” which is a goal clearly expressed in the National Urban
Transport Policy (NUTP).13 In support of the NUTP, the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC)
recognizes that public transport and urban accessibility are drivers of growth and prerequisites for
quality of life.

It is important to recognise the trajectories of Nashik’s population and vehicle ownership. While the
current population is about 1.4 million, the city is estimated to grow to nearly 4 million by 2030. Such
a dramatic increase in population - more than doubling - will result in serious repercussions for how
Nashikars are mobile.

It is estimated that the number of personal motor vehicles is growing at a brisk pace of 7 per cent per
annum. If this growth continues, ITDP estimates that the number of trips made by personal motorised
modes will also double over the next 10 years (Figure 17 – 2023 status quo scenario). This scenario
also assumes that Nashik’s existing public transport fleet is not expanded and that pedestrians and
cycle mode shares continue to decline. Accommodating the anticipated increase in personal motor
vehicle use will pose significant challenges for NMC.

Trips / day

2013 2023: Status 2023:
quo Sustainable

Figure 17: If existing trends continue, personal motor vehicle use will continue to rise, resulting in a
doubling in the number of daily motor vehicle trips (“Status quo”). If Nashik invests in better public
transport and non-motorised transport facilities, these trends can be reversed (“Sustainable”).

NMC hopes to accommodate the anticipated 2023 demand, as well as facilitate future growth over the
following decades through investment in a robust, high-capacity, mass rapid transport (MRT) system.
Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. To meet that end, it is important to invest in transportation
alternatives that move large numbers of people efficiently, at a low cost, and with low environmental

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 21

Therefore, this sustainable scenario for Nashik in 2023 is presented that reflects an increased priority
for public transport. With increased investment in public transport two outcomes are likely: (A) an
increase in the public transport mode share, and (B) a reduction in mode shares for paratransit and
private motor vehicles. These simple calculations are very helpful in understanding the potential
impacts of transportation investment priorities.

Per ITDP’s calculations, even if all of Nashik’s main roads are transformed to include elevated
corridors on top, there will not be enough capacity to meet the anticipate 2023 demand. Under the
sustainable scenario, the city implements an MRT mode, bus rapid transit (BRT), to meet future
transport needs. BRT meets projected 2023 demand and offers the possibility of future expansion to
accommodate further increases in travel demand The following diagram (Figure 18) illustrates the
differences of capacity and cost between the status quo and sustainable scenarios.

Figure 18: Accommodating increased demand—can we just expand the roads?

Returning to NMC’s adopted goal of moving people, not vehicles, the sustainable scenario provides
an appropriate way to move forward as it has significant advantages over the status quo in both
capacity and cost effectiveness.

4.2 Goals for 2023

The following goals for 2023 summarise the sustainable scenario outlined in the previous section:

 Improve safety. Zero fatalities per year from traffic crashes or public transport accidents


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 22

 Support Non-Motorized Transport (NMT). Maintain existing 38% share of all trips by
cycling and walking
 Improve public transport. 35% of all trips by public transport
 Public transport accessibility. 75% of residents within a 5 min walk of formal public
 Keep Nashik air healthy. Zero nonattainment days for PM and NOX emissions
Achieving these goals will require a detailed planning process along with regular monitoring and
evaluation to determine whether Nashik is on target to meet these benchmarks. Any mass transport
system must include a vigorous regime of data collection and performance measurement, so that
operations and planning efforts are supported by quantifiable outcomes. Such performance-based
planning efforts provide a robust structure to support system improvements and corrections.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 23

5 Planning For Mass Rapid Transport (MRT)
5.1 MRT Background
Mass rapid transit (MRT) is defined as publicly accessible transport in urban areas that can transport a
large number of people from one place to another. The selection of appropriate MRT modes is driven
by factors such as the potential passenger market for public transport, the trip patterns of prospective
users, and other socio-economic criteria. When a municipal planning body has to make decisions
regarding which mode should be utilised to serve a community, it must base this decision on the
following criteria:

 Ability of the mode to meet demand;  Factors of comfort and convenience

 Implementation cost;
o Number of interchanges
 Environmental impact;
o System Accessibility
 Social equity impact;
o Flexibility
 Cost to user;
o Reliability; and
 Journey time;
 Degree of implementation complexity and
 Travel safety; technical sophistication.

Ultimately the right choice of public transport solution is governed by local circumstances requiring
comprehensive examination of alternatives on an objective basis.

5.2 Nashik Corridor Demand

To assess potential demand for MRT service in Nashik, ITDP completed a detailed analysis of Nashik
traffic at strategic locations in the city (Figure 19). Frequency-occupancy surveys of MSRTC bus and
shared auto rickshaw passengers were conducted to estimate passenger volumes on major corridors.
In addition, existing bus routes and shared auto routes were mapped.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 24

Figure 19: ITDP Traffic count and frequency occupancy surveys

The traffic and frequency occupancy counts yielded a significant amount of data related to the way
that Nashikars are currently mobile (See Figure 20). It was observed that per each survey location, the
majority of travellers were either using bus (in yellow) or two wheelers (in orange). Across all
locations, approximately 10 per cent (in blue) utilised shared and private auto rickshaws.

Figure 20: Observed mode shares at select traffic / frequency occupancy survey locations

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 25

Passengers on buses, autorickshaws, and two wheelers constitute most of the potential users of an
MRT system. Autorickshaw and bus customers are the most likely to immediately utilise any new
system. Based on the experiences of Ahmedabad and other BRT systems, we estimate that at least 20
per cent of motorised two-wheeler users are likely to switch to public transport in the short term if
presented with an improved service.

Thus, to implement a mass rapid transport system the existing network of services must be identified
and analysed. First, ITDP completed interviews with MSRTC staff who provided a comprehensive
listing of all MSRTC local routes and stages (319 total) as well as a specific number of the local
routes that were the most heavily utilised (see Appendix 11.1 – 20 key MSRTC routes). The key
routes and public transport passenger volumes were mapped to determine existing patterns of use and
travel demand (Figure 21).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 26

Figure 21: Key MSRTC routes (above) and observed peak period passenger volumes (below).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 27

Next, ITDP staff reviewed the services offered by Nashik’s shared auto service. While the MSRTC
data illustrate key corridors and high demand services, the full transport network is only revealed
when patterns and passenger volumes of IPT are considered (see Figure 22).

Figure 22: Key shared auto routes (above) and observed peak period passenger volumes (below).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 28

Next, the following diagram (Figure 23) from the 2008 CMP was reviewed. It is the result of a
modelling exercise with travel demand data that were gathered through household surveys.

Figure 23: Origin-destination chart with traffic analysis zones (TAZ) and desire lines (2008 Nashik CMP)

Figure 23 represents the demand for travel between different locations in Nashik, represented by
traffic analysis zones (TAZ). This theoretical set of origins and destinations shows a high
concentration of travel demand from the periphery to the city core. As well, there is increased demand
for travel between peripheral points on the western edge of the city.

After reviewing the MSRTC and shared auto data, as well as the 2008 travel demand data, the
following network of potential mass rapid transport corridors was developed (Figure 24).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 29

Figure 24: Total MRT demand (top) and MRT corridors highlighting the highest demand / priority phase
sections (bottom). The location of each corridor is indicated by the ID number in Table 3

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 30

The 15 corridors shown in Figure 24 and listed in Table 3 are identified as particularly suitable for
mass rapid transport. The demand estimates (Figure 24) are derived from existing bus and
autorickshaw passengers plus 20 per cent of two-wheeler passengers, who are likely to shift to a high
quality MRT service.

Table 3: MRT Corridors and ID Number (Report location key)

1 Nashik Road (from Khadkali Signal to Nashik Road Railways Station)
2 Shalimar (Khadkali Signal) to Trimbak Naka (CBS)
3 MG Road (Meher Chowk) to Shalimar (Khadkali Signal)

Old Agra Road (From Ashok Stambh to CBS)

5.2.1 4
5 Gangapur Road (from Serene Meadows to Ashok Stambh)
6 Trimbak Road (from CBS to Shaneshwar Nagar)
7 Vishwatmak-Jangali Maharaj Road (from Shramiknagar to Shaneshwar Nagar)
8 MG Road to Nimani (via Malegaon Stand)
9 Peth Road (from Nimani to Ozar)
10 NH-3 (from Garware to Dwarka Circle)
11 NH-3 (from Dwarka Circle to Panchwati)
12 NH-3 / State Highway 17 (from Nimani to Adgaon)
13 Ambad-Sathpur Link Road (from Garware to Ambad Police Chowki)
14 Untwadi Road (from Mico Circle to Uttamnagar)
15 Proposed Inner Ring Rd (from Jehan Circle to Ambedkar Nagar via ABB Circle & Indiranagar)

5.3 History of MRT modes

The need for MRT was realized when cities became major population centres and concentrations of
economic activity during the industrial revolution. The London Underground, the first MRT system,
started operations in 1864. In many cities, trams served as the main mode of public transport from the
late 19th century to the early 20th century. Trams became prevalent after the widespread availability
of electricity. Practically every large city in the world, including Nashik, had trams. Nashik’s tramway
(constructed in 1889) originated from what is now the Old Municipal Corporation building located on
Main Road, and terminated at the Nasik Road railway station (a distance of around 8–10 km).14 The
tramway originally utilised horse drawn carriages and then switched to petrol-driven railcars under
the Nasik Tramway Company in the later 1910s. The system closed down in the early 1930s.15With
the advent of the automobile, many people took to personal mobility. Even public transport shifted
from trams (also called street cars) to buses with diesel powered internal combustion engines. The
main advantage of buses was their flexibility. Buses did not require tracks or electric lines and were
unrestricted in their movement and reach. Bus based public transport has remained the mainstay of
public transport in most cities across the world, even ones where large investments have been made in
rail based systems.


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 31

In recent times, tram systems have resurfaced in the form of surface light rail as well as elevated light
rail transit (LRT). Grade separated LRT systems such the ones in Hong Kong have a peak capacity of
around 15,000 persons per hour per direction (pphpd).

Monorails have captured the imagination of transport planners since the 1800s16, but have found
limited applications in city public transport except for in a few cities in Japan and Kuala Lumpur.
Most monorails are short length services, mostly restricted to airport shuttles and amusement parks.
Monorails have significant limitations in capacity. While technology for higher capacity monorails is
currently under development, the highest capacity systems carry approximately 8,000 pphpd.

The next section introduces a novel form of MRT that transforms a very typical and traditional mode
of public transport in Indian cities: urban buses.

5.3.1 Introduction to bus rapid transit (BRT)

Bus rapid transit (BRT) is a special form of bus based public transport system, has emerged as a form
of mass rapid transit system in recent times. To fully understand the role of BRT, it is important to
refine how we think about buses. Role of buses in urban transport

In cities around the world, buses are the main form of public transport. This is true even cities with
extensive rail systems, including London, Mexico City, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In cities with
very high rail usage, such as Mumbai and New York City (where rail systems function very well
because of geographic peculiarity), bus services remain an important component of the public
transport system.

There is a reason why buses are so popular. They are very flexible and low in cost. Unlike rail, their
movement is not restricted to tracks. Therefore, they can reach closer to places where people live or
work. Flexibility and frequent stops (often 300-500 m apart) make buses more accessible as they are
within walking distance for most users.

Buses can be accessed on the street without having to climb stairs to reach an elevated or underground
boarding platform. Therefore, buses have been a predominant form of public transport since their
inception. Buses, being smaller than rail cars, also have the ability to provide frequent service even in
low to medium demand corridors. They can provide direct point-to-point service, thereby removing
the need for transfers. This reduces passenger waiting time and overall trip time.

In comparison, rail systems typically have stations that are over 1 km apart. Passengers have to walk a
longer distance to reach a rail station. They also usually have to climb stairs to reach boarding
platforms and for transfers from one line to the other. While urban rail systems can be nearly twice as
fast as buses, buses are still preferred over rail for the same journey when trip lengths are less than 15
km. A shorter walk reduces trip time as well as discomfort. Rail systems are only useful when trip
lengths are long and the in-vehicle time becomes the dominant portion of the journey.

Bus speeds are adversely affected when they have to move with other vehicles on congested streets
and they start losing their advantage over rail. In contrast, grade separated rail systems like metro,
elevated LRT, and monorail are not affected as congestion grows on streets. Therefore, if buses are to
be effectively used as a means of MRT that can carry large numbers of people at a competitive speed,

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 32

they must be removed from congested traffic so that they can operate smoothly. This was the idea
behind BRT. Busways: First generation of BRT

The first busways were created in Europe, and BRT gained prominence with the creation of Curitiba
busway in early 1970s. However, busways were not widely considered a means of mass rapid transit
until the 1990s. Some busway systems, such as the one from Sao Paulo, Brazil, built in the 1970s, and
Bogotá, Colombia, from 1980s, carried large number of passengers (25,000 - 30,000 pphpd17) but they
operated at low commercial speeds (10-15 km/h). This was due to poor design and interface with
other systems of circulation within the city, a lack of system coordination, and an ineffective
management structure. The first generation of BRT systems suffered from bus bunching, poor load
factors, and congestion within the dedicated lanes. As a result, BRT was not seen as a competitive
MRT mode. Second generation BRT

Advancements in design and operations of bus-based systems occurred in the 1990s. One of the most
prominent amongst the new generation of BRTs is the Transmilenio system in Bogotá. Transmilenio
set a new benchmark in quality and capacity of BRT systems. Transmilenio established that BRT
systems could carry passenger loads that many transport planners had previously thought could only
be handled by rail systems, achieving passenger throughput as high as 45,000 pphpd at average travel
speeds of 26 km/h.

Figure 25. The Transmilenio BRT in Bogotá achieves high commercial speeds through the use of passing

The secret behind such high capacities of these second generation BRT systems lies in the fact that
they took cues from metro rail systems to rationalise their services and improve capacity and speed.
Many second-generation BRT systems use high capacity train-like buses with multiple interconnected
coaches (articulated buses). Stations can have multiple docking platforms per direction, enabling
express services that bypass smaller stations. Stepless entry and exit into buses increases safety and

Passengers per hour per direction

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 33

the speed of boarding. Ticketing is performed prior to boarding bus to save time. IT based scheduling
and operations management techniques are employed. All of these features result in higher system

The success of second-generation BRT systems led many cities to relook at their MRT plans and
explore BRT as a smarter choice. BRT is now a truly global phenomenon, with systems now up and
running on all continents. BRT is a mode of choice not only in the Global South, but in many
developed countries as well, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and France. Several
governments have adopted national policies to promote BRT. The success of the Bogotá system
spurred the creation of BRTs in several other Colombian cities, including Pereira, Cali, Barranquilla,
and Bucaramanga. In South Africa, the national Department of Transport’s strong support of BRT has
led the implementation of systems in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Pretoria and Port Elizabeth are
also in the process of planning BRT systems. In the United States, the Federal Transit Administration
created a new funding program, termed Small Starts18 to provide financial assistance to cities wishing
to implement BRT systems. BRT in India

In India, the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) clearly identifies BRT as an MRT mode.
While India was slow to begin investing in BRT systems, there are now seven BRT systems and bus
corridors in operation (Indore, Bhopal, Pune, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, and Rajkot). Surat and
Pimpri Chinchwad are projected to launch their own BRT systems within the next year. Five
additional cities have lines under construction, and five more have announced future plans to build
BRT.19 These 19 cities are all receiving partial grant funding for the BRT systems from MOUD under
the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

Figure 26: The Janmarg BRT system in Ahmedabad features high quality stations with level boarding

Ahmedabad’s Janmarg BRT has come up as a best practice example in India. In case of Delhi and
Pune, deficiencies in BRT planning, design, and implementation that resulted in poor public
reception. There is, however, scope to improve them by a great extent such that they also become best


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 34

practice systems. It must be noted that such fixes cost a lot more than proper planning and good
implementation at the outset. Advantages of BRT

BRT systems have many advantages over other forms of MRT. BRT emulates many of the positive
elements of rail systems, including dedicated right-of-way, stepless boarding, electronic fare payment,
and real-time passenger information (see Figure 27). These features contribute to BRT’s ability to
attract users from personal motor vehicles.

Figure 27: Key features of high quality transit

While BRT shares several basic features with rail-based MRT modes, several unique features of BRT
give it an edge over rail-based systems:

 Wide range in capacity | BRT systems can be designed for a wide range of demands starting at
as low as 4,000 pphpd and going up to 45,000 pphpd. With small modifications to station design,
bus fleet type, and operations, the capacity can be enhanced in a modular fashion.
 Reduced need for transfers | In a rail system, passengers need to navigate stairways, corridors,
and multiple platforms if they want to switch between two lines that meet at a transfer station. In a
BRT system, the bus itself can turn from one corridor to another, allowing passengers to stay on
the same vehicle all the way to their destination. Since buses can move freely among multiple
corridors, direct services can be provided for all of the major origin-destination pairs in the
 Flexibility | BRT is unique as a public transport system in terms of its flexibility with routing
options. Bus-based transport systems permit ability to change lanes and directions at will, which
allows number of potential routing permutations. The main advantage of multiple route
permutations is reducing transfers for passengers and the subsequent savings in travel times. A
well-designed routing system can optimize travel times and convenience for the largest number of
journeys and significantly reduce operating costs.

The relative flexibility of BRT in comparison to other public transport options means that routes
and services can be tailored quite closely to customer needs. For example, buses are not limited to
the dedicated BRT corridors—a bus can travel anywhere there is a road. With buses of the right
specification, the routes can go beyond the network of dedicated corridors where needed. “Direct

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 35

services” bring the system closer to the user’s doorstep, eliminating the need for transfers to
intermediate modes or feeder buses. In the Guangzhou BRT system, all but one of the 40 BRT
routes provide direct service outside the segregated corridor.20
 Safety | Because the dedicated corridor segregates buses from smaller vehicles, minor as well as
major accidents come down dramatically. With appropriately spaced pedestrian refuges, conflict
between BRT buses and pedestrians crossing the street reduces dramatically. Extensive safety
measures need to be incorporated in case of elevated and underground rail systems, whether it is
metro-rail, LRT or monorail. Catwalks are required in case of emergencies so that passengers are
not stranded up in air. BRT systems do not have such complications. In case of an emergency,
passengers are easily evacuated.
 Smaller depots/ maintenance facilities | Since buses are flexible, greater freedom is available in
locating maintenance and parking facilities. These depots are also much smaller than rail system
depots and thus need smaller land resource to place them. Average BRT depot holds 100-300
buses and requires a space of 5-12 acres. A system of 1,000 buses, which can serve around 1.5
million passenger trips daily, can be managed out of 6-8 facilities spread across town. This
reduces the number of dead kilometres (i.e. nonrevenue earning km). The system can serve a
larger distributed network.
 Rapid implementation time | BRT can be implemented quickly. Given adequate political
support, BRT can be implemented in under three years, from the planning stages through to
construction and operations. The Janmarg system in Ahmedabad demonstrates how fast a BRT
system can become the backbone of a city’s transport network. What began as a 12.5 km pilot
corridor in 2009 is expected to span 88 km by 2014, providing cross-city connections.
The following table provides a comparison of additional BRT features (station access, capacity,
multiple & express services, and affordability) with Metro, LRT and monorail MRT modes.

Figure 28: Advantages of Bus Rapid Transit BRT cost comparison

All municipal improvements come at a cost. Thus, cities are concerned with not just providing quality
infrastructure, but doing so in the most cost-effective manner.


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 36

Underground metro: 2.5 km Elevated metro: 5.0 km

Monorail: 6.7 km BRT: 67 km

Figure 29: What can be accomplished for approximately Rs 1,000 crore?

The above diagram (Figure 29) draws a sharp comparison related to the implementation costs by
posing the question: “What can be accomplished with Rs 1,000 crore?” in Nashik. Grade separated
systems, especially rail systems are significantly less flexible and convenient than BRT systems. BRT
can not only manage present volumes for Nashik, but it can be expanded to match the capacity of
Metro systems as the demand increases.

5.3.2 BRT: The right mode for Nashik

It is the strong opinion of the authors of this report that implementing a high quality Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) system is a critical step toward improving the overall public transport system in
Nashik. ITDP specifically recommends BRT, over other systems such as metro, tram, or monorail
based on the following advantages:
 Ability to meet existing passenger demand and scale up to meet future demand;
 Ability to provide flexible services, and change service design for increase in capacity;
 Adaptability for narrow streets; and
 Low implementation cost.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 37

6 System Operations
MRT systems are designed to address specific transit customer needs. A customer may attach value to
a wide variety of system characteristics: economic affordability, reliability, system aesthetics and
attractiveness, travel time saving, ease of accessibility, and comfort level. The operational design and
planning of the system determines how effectively these valued characteristics are prioritised and
implemented. It is especially important that the system avoid increasing the number of transfers that
customers are required to make, or financially burden the operations cost by primarily planning for
direct services. The latter point refers to destinations that are outside a BRT system. Thus, the service
plan must balance various factors, including customer service and cost efficiency.

6.1 BRT services

6.1.1 Service typologies

BRT for Nashik must address the mass transit need of the city along the major corridors carrying high
volumes of peak passenger demand. Therefore we recommend that Nashik BRT be a closed system
with a dedicated bus fleet. In a closed system, access to use the dedicated BRT corridor is limited
specially designed BRT vehicles. For example, high-quality BRT systems such as Bogotá’s
Transmilenio and Ahmedabad’s Janmarg maintain high performance by ensuring that all BRT
services are provided by designated BRT vehicles.
The Nashik BRT system will consist of the following services (Error! Reference source not
 Trunk services | Operate entirely in dedicated BRT lanes.
 Direct services (BRT Extensions) | Operate in dedicated BRT lanes and then extended up to
3 km beyond the trunk corridor to provide better connectivity and attract ridership.
 Feeder services | Operate in mixed traffic, bringing passengers to terminals and stations on
BRT trunk corridors.

Figure 30: The Nashik BRT will provide trunk, direct, and feeder services.

At the bare minimum, trunk corridors in the Nashik BRT will comprise two-way dedicated median
bus corridors with central stations (For more details on physical designs, please see Chapter 5).

6.1.2 Proposed system

Based on the characteristics of Nashik’s transportation system described in detail above, the following
alignment is recommended for the Phase I BRT network (Figure 31).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 38

Gangapur Village Ext:
 ≈ 600 pphpd
 Bus every 6.7 min

Gangapur Rd:
 1,700 pphpd
 Bus every 2.5

Nashik Rd:
 4,300 pphpd
 Bus every 1.0 min
Carbon Nagar / CEAT Ext: Trimbak Rd:
 500 pphpd  2,300 pphpd
 Bus every 8.6 min  Bus every 2

Figure 31: Proposed BRT Phase I (blue) alignments with service extensions (dashed lines).

6.1.3 Nashik BRT corridors and extensions

Phase I is designed to give priority to corridors that have the highest demand. It is also designated to
consolidate (and streamline) key public transport services on the Western side of the Godavari River.
A 32 km network has been identified for Phase I, including 26.0 km of dedicated bus ways across
three major corridors, and 6.1 km of extension services:

1. Gangapur Road from CBS to Serene Meadows, including loop MG Road and Shalimar,
 Extension to Gangapur Village.
2. Trimbak Road from CBS to Shramiknagar / Mahindra & Mahindra via Mico Circle and
a. Extension to CEAT.
3. Nashik Road Railway Station to CBS via Dwarka Circle and Tilak Path.
It is estimated that the corridors above will experience the following peak period customer demand
and require the following service frequencies (Table 4).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 39

Table 4: BRT Demand frequency and length


Phase I – Trunk
Shramik Nagar to CBS 2,300 34 9.3
CBS to Nashik Road 4,300 60 9.2
Serene Meadows to CBS (with loop) 1,700 26 7.5
Phase I - Extensions
Carbon Nagar to Satpur City 500 7 3.3
Serene Meadows to Gangapur Village ≈600 9 2.8

From above, the peak customer demand column is in passengers per hour per direction (pphpd). This
data was either collected directly21 or approximated from data collected at similar locations across the
city. Based on the demand levels, 12 m buses (with a capacity of approximately 72 customers) are an
appropriate choice for the system. As demand grows, 18 m articulated buses can be introduced to
provide additional capacity. Based on rudimentary assumptions regarding the likely orientation of
BRT services, we estimate the services will require vehicle fleet of 98 buses (12 m vehicles).

Table 5: BRT length and required fleet per each phase


Phase I – Trunk and Extensions 26.0 109

Figure 32 and Table 6 present a representative arrangement of services within the Phase I corridors.
Once the framework for BRT corridors is finalised, detailed service plans and route schedules must be
created based on expected passenger demand. This includes addressing not just existing traffic, but
creating BRT service schedules that are harmonized with the city’s key origins, destinations and
municipal services / attractions. Then, specific fleet sizes can be estimated for each service.

Peak period customer demand is calculated by summing the existing public transport and paratransit
passengers, then adding the equivalent of 20 per cent of existing two-wheeler users, given their likelihood to
shift to the BRT system.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 40

Figure 32: Representative services for Phase I (see Table 6 for number key)

Table 6: Representative services for Phase I

Length Frequency
Service (km) (buses / hr)
1 Shramik Nagar to Nashik Rd Station 18.5 27
(via Hotel Amrut Garden)
2 Shramik Nagar to Nashik Rd Station 17.8 7
(via CEAT Company)
3 Serene Meadows to Nashik Rd 15.2 17
Station (Via Old Agra Rd)
4 Gangapur Village to Nashik Rd 17.5 9
Station (Via Shalimar)

6.1.4 BRT feeder service

It is essential that feeder services be planned and integrated to support (but not compete with) any
MRT system. Therefore, developing and supporting an efficient network of feeder routes will be an
important task of implementing Nashik BRT.

Because feeder services are typically operated no differently than fixed-route public transport, a wide
variety of options may be considered. The existing MSRTC city bus system and IPT services (e.g.
private and shared autorickshaws) may be restructured to serve as feeders to the BRT services. All of
these services will have important roles to play as the BRT system is being planned and implemented.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 41

City Circulator:
 240 pphpd
 Bus every 5 min
 360 pphpd
 Bus every 10 min

Nashik Station Loop:

 720 pphpd
 Bus every 5 min Deolali Camp:
 360 pphpd
 Bus every 10 min

Figure 33: Phase I Proposed BRT Feeder Routes

Four specific feeder services are proposed for phase I (Figure 33).

1. Nashik Road Railway Station to Eklahre (6.2 km)

2. Nashik Road Railway Station to Deolali Camp (5.7 km)
3. Nashik Road Railway Station to Upnagar loop via Bhavani Nagar, Upnagar Interchange, Juna
Saikheda Road and Jail Road (13.6 km)
4. City Centre Circulator (4.7 km)
Based on the estimated demands and the proposed route alignment ROWs, the Nashik Road feeder
services may be operated using 12 m low floor buses that carry approximately 60 customers. The City
Centre Circulator will require much smaller vehicles to accommodate the narrow streets of the old
city. It is recommended that the circulator fleet utilise low floor microbuses with wide sliding doors
that allow simultaneous boarding and alighting and seating for approximately 20 passengers (see
Section 7.7).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 42

Table 7: Feeder Demand frequency and length


Phase I – Feeder
Nashik Road to Eklahare 360 6 6.2
Nashik Road to Deolali Camp 360 6 5.7
Nashik Road Loop 720 12 13.7
City Centre Circulator 264 12 4.7

Based on rudimentary assumptions regarding the likely orientation of BRT feeder services, we
estimate the services will require the following vehicle fleet (of 12 m vehicles).

Table 8: BRT feeder length and required fleet

Nashik Road Routes 25.6 60 38
City Centre Circulator 4.7 22 16

Together the Phase I trunk, extension, and feeder services are expected to handle around 2 lakh
passenger boardings per day.

6.2 Future system planning

To ensure that future streets are planned with public transport, we have identified the following
corridors where BRT can be implemented in the future.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 43

Peth Road -

NH-3 -
Mahatma Nagar Road Adgaon

Utwadi Road

Pathardi Phata Ext Proposed Inner Ring Road

Ambad-Sathpur NH-3 -
Link Garware

Figure 34: Proposed network phasing I, II and future phases

6.2.1 Phase II
Where Phase I is concerned with the Western side of the Godavari, Phase II takes the service across
the river. It is similarly a package of high-demand routes on the eastern bank of the Godavari that
function as one unit. Phase II also adds additional reach and connectivity to the Western services. The
Phase II network comprises 45.1 km of dedicated BRT corridors and 4.4 km of extension services:

1. Peth Road: from CBS to Omkar Nagar via Nimani, including connection via Tilak Road and
Ahilyabai-Holkar Bridge.
2. Mumbai-Agra Road (NH 3): from Nimani to Adgaon
3. Old Agra Road (NH 3): from Nimani to Garware via Krishna Nagar, and Dwarka Circle.
4. Untwadi Road / Ambad - Trimurti Chowk Link: from Mico Circle to Uttam Nagar
a. Extension to Pathardi Phata via ATC Link and Pathardi to Ambad Road
5. Ambad – Sathpur Link Road: from Garware to Sathpur via MIDC Ambad and Sanjeev
a. Extension to Pathardi Phata via Pathardi to Ambad Road

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 44

6. Proposed Inner Ring Road: from Jehan Circle (Gangapur Road) to Ambedkar Nagar
(Nashik Road) via Mahatma Nagar Road, ABB Circle (Trimbak Road), City Centre Mall
(Untwadi Road), Indiranagar (NH-3) and Sawata Mali Road.

6.2.2 Future Phases

It is essential that all current and future BRT corridors be included in the current Nashik Development
Plan (DP). Space must be reserved in the median lanes on designated BRT corridors. Also, space for
future terminals and depots must be reserved and specifically included in the DP.

6.3 Fare collection

Fare collection is an essential component of BRT service planning. It is important that the proposed
BRT system must utilize off-board fare collection system using electronic smart cards. Smart cards
use embedded microchips to electronically store data. This technology enables payments to be
tracked, and also monitors the ticket’s validity and use. Off-board collection of fares facilitates
quicker boarding times, keeps the buses on a consistent time schedule, and makes the system simpler
and easier for customers to use.

Electronic ticketing and fare media are especially important tools to reduce revenue leakage, reduce
operational cost, simplify customer transactions, as well as monitor system performance to adjust
operations and inform future planning decisions. Comprehensive IT systems will be necessary to
effectively manage these fare collection techniques.

For Nashik, a pre-paid smart card system should be designed in such a manner that they may be used
in multiple transport services and essentially function as a common mobility card across whole
Nashik region. This would offer functionality similar to London’s Oyster card, or Hong Kong’s
Octopus card (Figure 35). Ahmedabad’s Janmarg uses an automatic fare gate and flap barrier type of
system for smart card passengers (Error! Reference source not found.).

Oyster Card - London Octopus Card – Hong Kong

Operating Agency: Transport for London Operating Agency: Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway
Single card used across trains, buses, ferry, parking, Single card used across trains, buses, ferry, parking,
etc. etc.
Figure 35: Two successful smart card / integrated ticketing systems

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 45

Figure 36: Janmarg stations with flap barriers and passengers using smart cards

The following details describe how fare collection technologies will be incorporated into different
BRT services in Nashik:

 BRT trunk stations | BRT trunk stations and terminals will have fare collection cabins
wherein customers will be issued paper tickets, or smart card media after paying journey fare.
Customers will use smart cards, to activate controlled barriers inside the stations after
deduction of appropriate fare at those barriers. All these fare payment data must be
transmitted to a system centralized control facility via station servers.
 BRT Service Extensions | Out of the BRT trunk routes that use station access gates to
control entry to the system, buses will utilize conductors. Conductors will issue smart tokens22
that are assigned value from hand held electronic ticketing machines (ETMs) with smart
media reader / encoder. The ETM must be able to read, deduct the appropriate fares, and add
value to smart cards. With any cash payment received from customers, the conductor must
provide a receipt via the ETM’s printer. At the end of each shift, conductors must submit their
ETMs, and unused token stock at the end terminal - where they will also deposit any cash that
was collected. Data from the ETM is extracted and compiled to a terminal server from where
it is transmitted to the centralized control facility. Incoming cash from conductors must be
immediately reconciled against ETM data.

Figure 37: Smart tokens from the Delhi Metro (L), and hand held media reader / encoder with printer (R)

Smart tokens are contactless electronic media that is coded with the fare for a single journey only. These
tokens allow customer to access the system without having to purchase a smart card.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 46

It is important to outline how the customer pays their fare and how the agency has assurance that the
customer has paid for each possible journey. As the proposed network is closed with service
extensions, the following fare payment / journey scenarios are possible:

 In to In | Journey between BRT trunk stations

 In to Out | Journey originating from BRT trunk stations and finishing on the BRT service
 Out to In | Journey originating from the BRT service extensions and finishing at a BRT trunk
 Out to Out | Journey between points on the BRT service extensions
The table below (Table 9) provides a detailed description of the fare payment and collection steps
required for each type of journey.

Table 9: Fare payment / Journey scenarios


JOURNEY TYPE Smart Token Smart Card

In to In  Customer buys smart token that is coded  Customer with smart card taps the card
(BRT trunk with his origin and destination and is given on the card reader.
only) a receipt of the transaction.  The maximum system fare is deducted
 Customer uses token to enter system at BRT from the smart card account.
station.  If the maximum fare amount can be
 Upon exit the token is deposited into the deducted from the account, then the fare
exiting fare gate. gate (such as a turnstile or flap barrier)
 If the amount of the token purchased is less opens.
than the amount of the customer's journey,  Upon exit, the customer tags his/her
then customer is asked to add value to the smart card at exit flap barrier and the
token in order to exit the station. difference between the maximum system
fare and the amount of the trip distance
(per fare chart) is credited to his/her

In to Out  Customer buys smart token from ticket  Customer with smart card taps the card
(BRT Trunk to window that is coded with his origin and on the card reader.
Extension) destination and is given a receipt of the  The maximum system fare is deducted
transaction. from the smart card account.
 Customer uses token to enter system at BRT  If the maximum fare amount can be
station. deducted from the account, then the fare
 Prior to leaving the vehicle, the customer is gate (such as a turnstile or flap barrier)
required to deposit the token in receptacle opens.
on the bus.  Upon exit, the customer tags their smart
card to card reader at the bus exit.
 The difference between the maximum
system fare and the amount of the trip
distance (per fare chart) is credited to
the customer’s account.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 47


JOURNEY TYPE Smart Token Smart Card

Out to In  Customer boards the bus, buys token from  Customer boards bus and taps smart card
(BRT Extension conductor on board, and is given a receipt to card reader at either bus entrance.
to Trunk) of the transaction.  The maximum system fare is deducted
 Conductor uses ETM to encode token with from the smart card account.
value of the customer's requested trip.  If the maximum fare amount cannot be
 Upon exit the token is deposited into the deducted from the account an error
exiting fare gate. message will alert the conductor so that
 If the amount of the token purchased is less customer may purchase a token.
than the amount of the customer's journey,  Upon exit, the customer tags the smart
then customer is asked to add value to the card at exit flap barrier and the
token in order to exit the station. difference between the maximum system
fare and the amount of the trip distance
(per fare chart) is credited to their

 Out to Out  Customer boards the bus, buys token from  Customer boards bus and taps smart card
(BRT Extension conductor on board, and is given a receipt to card reader at either bus door.
only) of the transaction.  The maximum system fare is deducted
 Conductor uses ETM to encode token with from the smart card account.
value of the customer's requested trip.  If the maximum fare amount cannot be
 Prior to leaving the vehicle, the customer is deducted from the account an error
required to deposit the token in receptacle message will alert the conductor so that
on the bus. customer may purchase a token.
 Upon exit, the customer tags their smart
card to card reader at the bus exit.
 The difference between the maximum
system fare and the amount of the trip
distance (per fare chart) is credited to
the customer’s account.

As the smart tokens are an important component, managing uncoded (uncharged), smart token stock
is essential. All tokens are single journey tokens that are valid only for a one way journey, so having
an appropriate supply for BRT stations as well as for conductors on the extension services will be a
complex and time-sensitive task. Stock amounts must be monitored, and dedicated personnel will be
required to collect completed journey tokens from buses and BRT stations, and then maintain the
supply. This task takes on greater importance during peak periods, where the token supply for each
station (and conductor) must be updated to meet the high demands.

The operational burden of the smart token system should not be understated. Therefore it is important
that Nashik BRT strive to maximise the number of customers who use multi-trip smart cards to pay
their fare. Smart cards have many advantages for the efficiency of the system, so incentive systems
for customers must be put in place. It is important that the customer fare structure indicate a
significant discount for smart card holders. Fares must be reasonable, but higher for token users.

For all of the journeys utilizing the BRT service extension, it is recommended that fare inspectors
with ETM will be deployed to perform random checks on all customers. The minimum fee for any
fare infractions must be at least the maximum system fare value.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 48

BRT fares will be fixed by the BRT agency (see Section Error! Reference source not found.) and
ill be ultimately be approved by NMC. This structure will ensure integration of fare payment
mechanism across various transport modes like BRT and city buses.

At the end of the day, a bank representative will collect the cash from all stations and depots, and
deposit it in the BRT system operator's account. All the data of customer trip details and fare
transactions will be received and stored on station or depot server, then immediately shared with
centralized control facility via communication link.

6.4 Passenger information services (PIS)

Providing easy-to-use customer information is a critical component of efforts to increase the use of
public transport. Therefore, Nashik BRT must create robust systems to expand access to information.
Nashik BRT must offer clear route maps, schedules, and other forms of passenger information, just
like those provided on most metro systems. It must also provide all the necessary information that can
be given to a BRT customer by means of audio announcements and visual displays. Real-time
information is especially important, as it creates a bridge between a passenger and the system
administration and establishes reliability in operations management.

Figure 38: Real-time passenger information keeps customers up to date on bus destinations and departure
times. Clear schedules and maps summarize system information

Inside stations, electronic displays inform waiting passengers when the next bus will arrive. On the
buses, displays and audio announcements indicate the upcoming stop. Effective customer information
systems help make the system accessible to all users, particularly people who are new to public
transport. The information included as a part of the PIS can be enlisted as:

 Route information | Origin and Destination points of the route, Route numbers
 Journey details | Announcement/display of approaching stations inside the bus and ETA
(expected time of arrival) of next bus at stations
 General messages | Cautionary, warning, directive and informative messages for users like
‘Smoking prohibited,’ ‘The doors will open to your right,’ ‘Mind the gap,’ etc. at stations and
inside the bus.
In addition to the real-time information, the following static information must be provided:

 At Stations | Route map, fare chart, directions, system map and station locations, area map
with surrounding landmarks, real time passenger information of next bus etc.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 49

 On Buses | Route diagrams.
 At terminals and interchange / transfer stations | System map, route information and
schedules, area map, fare chart, directions, real time information of vehicle arrivals.

6.4.1 Remote Access to Information

Along with the real-time and static information provided at transport facilities and on vehicles,
information must be provided that is remotely accessible. The following core customer information
services must be supported:

 General schedule and fare information

 Service disruptions and changes
 Transport agency contact information and call transfer
 Route-level fare and schedule information
 Real-time arrival and departure information
 Multi-modal trip planning
It is recommended that Nashik BRT provide the following types of CIS remotely:

1. Call Centre: A customer information call centre is an essential tool for instantly putting
system information, real-time travel planning data and emergency announcements within easy
reach of all customers23. The centre should distribute information such as traffic conditions,
air quality, transport service complaints / commendations, complete integrated public
transport maps, as well as specific instructions related to popular regional destinations.

Eventually, the service may be expanded so that Nashikars should call the centre to access a
variety of regional data, such as airport flight conditions, road closures, paying parking
tickets, seeking permits, or making complaints about sidewalk conditions, graffiti, and trash.
2. SMS system alerts: Customers should be able to subscribe to Nashik BRT’s emergency
announcements feed that will push specific information to subscribers. This ensures that the
customer receives timely data, such as service delays, emergency situations, and temporary
service changes before s/he embarks on his or her journey.
3. SMS based route information: The customer should be able to send a text inquiry from
personal mobile number to an automated transport authority system that provides bus
schedules, or route numbers from specific origin point and time.
4. Web based Information: The webpage of the transport authority can allow users to access
the bus routes database, time tables, bus schedules, system map and station locations. Users
should be able to access and easily navigate the information they want to plan their journey.
This service should also allow the information centre to receive digital images to help
document and resolve issues.
5. Mobile applications: Transport authority to its own mobile applications which allow users of
smartphones to access and browse through the basic information like bus routes, station
locations, bus schedules, ETA, etc.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 50

It is important that all services should allow customers to make staff commendations, present
suggestions for improvement and lodge complaints (i.e., errors in system, unclean bus and bus
stations, improper staff behaviour, rash driving, over speeding, areas of concern or requiring focus,
etc.). Customers must be able to immediately report a problem and receive feedback from Nashik
BRT regarding the resolution of their particular comments.

To coordinate multimodal trips, the BRT PIS systems should develop an up-to-date central knowledge
base with information from all transport services available in the city. Information gathered as part of
this project will be an excellent planning resource internally, but must also be made available to the
public to facilitate the development of innovative services by third party developers. It is also
important that Nashik BRT follow the Open311 standard24 to allow private software developers to
create innovative products with the transport data that the organization collects.

Figure 39: Regional transport customer information centre offered by Transport for London.

A model to follow for the web-based portal is Transport for London’s integrated customer website
(Figure 39). The TfL site provides functions as a one-stop-shop for information on public transport
(including bus and rail), the congestion charge, and cycle sharing. The site offers a multimodal trip
planning solution for public transport and cycling routes. It also provides information on London’s
electronic fare payment system, the Oyster Card. The program’s robust data collection system,
developed to support better regional traveller information, is also a valuable regional resource used by
public and private sector partners.

Not just those with smartphones or access to the Internet.
For more information see

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 51

It is possible that similar to advertising contracts for bus stops, that Nashik BRT can underwrite a
percentage of the customer information services operating and capital costs through paid online

6.5 Information management system

IT systems are necessary to manage the large amount of bus operations and financial transactions data
is that generated through every day activities. For Nashik BRT operations reporting and performance
assessment, developing a robust information management system (IMS) is critical. The primary
output of the system is generating reports for various levels of BRT system managers. The broad
categories in which the IMS reports can be classified are:

 Staff and duty schedule reports | Public transport operations involve a tremendous number
of staff and manpower. Staff duty and schedule reports are required to be maintained in order
to effectively plan for systems operations and management.
 Bus operation reports | These reports provide important output data to improve the bus
operations and monitor system performance.
 Financial reports | Reports generated by analysing financial data are especially necessary
during matters of arbitration and civic complaints, grievance redressal, track daily financial
status, assess systems overall financial performance, address areas of serious concern,
maintain proof towards payments made and that received
Developing a comprehensive IMS will minimize the workload, reduce labour, optimize the required
manpower and facilitate performance improvements. IMS enabled reporting eases the decision
making process of transport authority at various levels. It is also necessary to effectively maintain
safety, assess bus operations performance and improve overall system efficiency and service delivery
(all of which attract customers).

6.5.1 Real-time summary reports / dashboard

Nashik BRT’s IT service provider must develop a graphical dashboard which will give output of real
time information pertaining to bus operations and financial transactions. The dashboard should be
adjustable to display key real-time operational details (summary of real time passenger boarding’s at
various stations, tickets issued, buses on road, live bus tracking, bus speeds, etc.) visible to senior
officers of transport authority and management staff at the centralized control facility (Figure 40).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 52

Figure 40: Information management system dashboard

While some of the data can be immediately shared with the customer information portal, access to key
operational statistics and summary reports will be controlled by secure login ID and passwords. The
dashboard can be integrated with the web portal of BRT managing body. Guest users can be allowed
to log in the dashboard by providing access to limited information of summary reports.

6.6 Corridor Management

The primary goal of BRT systems is to give priority to the mode that is moving the greatest number of
people. Therefore, intersections along BRT corridors must be designed so that they don’t create
unnecessary congestion (see Chapter 7). As important as physical corridor design, is traffic
management. It is critical that traffic along the corridor be monitored and controlled in such a way
that BRT operations are not impacted by non-BRT traffic (of any and all modes).

6.6.1 Cross agency collaboration

Effective corridor management will require close coordination with Nashik Traffic Police and NMC,
as well as dedicated traffic management personnel employed by responsible to the BRT operating
body. Such BRT-focused traffic police must ensure that junctions are not blocked by traffic regardless
of signal activation or intersection design. BRT-junction guards are key gatekeepers to the system,
and must be vigilant to prevent private vehicles, pedestrians, animals, and others from accidentally
entering the busway.

Corridor management also includes a detailed assessment and review of the existing legal framework
for traffic management and the existing capacity of the Traffic Police and NMC. The BRT operating
body must be fluent in traffic management policies and systems including (but is not limited to) the

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 53

 Existing schedule of fines for traffic violations
 Existing schedule of fines for parking infractions
 Schedule of fines for bus / BRT lane violation
 Number of traffic police and BRT corridor management staff, including the strength assigned to
specific areas such as intersection management and parking enforcement
 Number of personnel that have received training in traffic management / preventative measures /
real causes of crashes and injuries
 Traffic accident data (types, frequency, locations, high risk areas, high risk times, etc.) that are
collected. Methods and the degree to which this data is disseminated to department and to the
general public.
 Department plan for strategically partnering with municipal organizations and with the general
public. Role of community outreach and public advisory road safety committees to disseminate
information on traffic safety and collect feedback from the public.

6.6.2 Intersection performance

Corridor management should be responsible for an initial and on-going assessment of intersection
performance. A series of surveys must be completed to determine travel patterns and intersection
performance along the corridor. With the intersection data, corridor management will work with
strategic partners (Traffic Police, NMC, Civil Society / NGOs, etc.) to develop a BRT corridor
intersection improvement plan that prioritizes movement of sustainable transport modes (walking,
cycling public transport) and access for people with disabilities.

Corridor management also includes working with NMC to developing and adjusting signal timing
schemes along BRT corridors that are simplified to reduce the waiting time for buses and mixed
traffic. It is essential that signal timing take into account pedestrian movements, so that incoming
customers (especially seniors and people with disabilities) who are crossing the corridor to reach the
median stations are able to do so safely and conveniently.

The simplification of signal cycles through the elimination of turning movements can help reduce
delay at intersections, particularly along BRT corridors. BRT must have priority over other traffic
movements. Right-hand turning movements of traffic across BRT corridors are especially detrimental
to the safety and efficiency of BRT operations. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid right turns along the
BRT corridor.

Signal cycles also can be simplified through changes at the network level. For example, a right turn
can be substituted by three left turns (Figure 41). Vehicles can still make the right turn at the circled
junction by turning left three times and then crossing perpendicular to the corridor. Two additional
options are indicated below. In the diagram at left, the turn is accomplished through a left turn
followed by a U-turn. In the diagram at right, vehicles make two right turns at less critical junctions
away from the BRT corridor.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 54

Figure 41. Alternatives to right turns across BRT lanes (red) at the circled intersection.

Another approach to reduce the length of signal cycles is the use of “squareabouts” that combine
straight and turning movements, allowing for a two-phase cycle (see Section 7.10.2).

During the initial phase of BRT operations, in order to sensitise vehicle users and prevent the BRT
corridors from being encroached personal motor vehicles, it is recommended that each opening of
BRT corridor have security guards to ensure bus corridor safety and ensure bus priority at junctions.
The primary duty of these guards will be to keep motorised vehicles from entering the corridor and
ensuring that vehicles give priority to BRT buses at intersections. Even at present, Traffic Police
presence is required to enforce discipline of traffic signals in Nashik, hence for BRT operations traffic
management manpower must be strengthened.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 55

7 Physical design
Physical design not only includes infrastructure construction but also requires careful planning
towards addressing accessibility for passengers, traffic management, integration with other
infrastructure, and provision for public utilities and landscaping.

Figure 42: The Nashik BRT system will dedicated median bus lanes and central island stations. Shown here
is Shalimar station.

7.1 Relationship between vehicles, stations and corridors

BRT is not just about physically separated busways. BRT system design is an act of balancing the
needs of three different components: vehicles, stations and corridors. The design must consider the
needs of each component so that each can optimally serve the goals of providing sustainable transport
for Nashikars by 2023 (35% of all trips by public transport, maintain existing share of all trips by
cycling and walking of 38%, zero fatalities per year from traffic crashes, 75% of residents within a 5
min walk of formal public transport, zero nonattainment days for PM and NOX emissions).

The design of stations, corridors and buses must be well coordinated to ensure that level boarding is
provided for all customers. This means that important vehicle characteristics such as interior floor
height and vehicle width must be identified and verified as the station is being designed. Similarly,
station platform dimensions must be determined well in advance of the bus fleet procurement to
ensure that the floor levels of bus and station platform are sympathetic. Construction error tolerance is
equally important, and must be vigilantly monitored so that the detailed project designs are
appropriately implemented. Finally, once the system is operational, all vehicles must be consistently
maintained so that tire-pressure and vehicle suspension performance do not create gaps between the
vehicle floor height and the boarding platform level.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 56

Figure 43. The design of the stations and buses must be coordinated to ensure that floor heights match.

7.2 Busways / BRT lanes

What distinguishes BRT from other bus systems are the dedicated bus lanes, which are physically
segregated from mixed traffic lanes. The bus lanes are usually placed in the middle of the roadway,
flanked by regular traffic lanes, in order to reduce conflicts with left-turning vehicles and to avoid
parking encroachments in the bus lane. The dedicated busways are separated from other modes to
allow for high-frequency schedules as well as a smoother ride without stops in traffic. In peak hours,
buses can arrive at stations every couple of minutes, or even every minute, and can carry passengers
much faster than any other form of motor transport; this dramatically reduces travelling time.

Dedicated lanes offer a significant operational advantage for bus systems. Increased travel speeds
mean that a public transport provider can provide service at a given frequency with fewer vehicles.
Busways also reduce bus interaction with other traffic, reducing the potential for accidents or damage
from day-to-day operations. This means reduced resources are required to keep the bus fleet
maintained and in top service. Operating buses in median lanes also eliminates the conflicts between
buses and non-motorised transport vehicles that occur in systems where buses are required to access
bus stops at the left side of the carriageway.

7.3 Stations
In general, BRT station design is largely a function of user requirements:

 Comfort | Sitting places, comfortable movement

 Safety | Adequate lighting, safe to travel
 Accessibility | Minimal level differences and ramped access from street level
 Aesthetics | Attracting to passengers, giving a sense of ownership

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 57

 Provision of customer information | Both static and real-time
High performance BRT systems utilise a single centrally located common station for both directions
(like a typical railway platform) rather than having two bus stops, one for each direction. Such
stations are positioned in the verge between the two directions of movement and offer access to buses
moving in both directions. To access these stations, BRT buses with doors on the right side and no
steps are required. More details on the vehicles are provided below (See Section 7.3).

There are many advantages of central stations:

 Cheaper to construct and maintain | Central stations are smaller and are up to 40 per cent
cheaper to build and operate than two bus stations on either side of the central bus lanes.
 Optimal use of street space | Central stations require a single entry area and single set of
turnstiles, whereas the two bilateral stations each require their own entry.
 Easier customer transfer between routes | Central stations make it easier for customers to
transfer from one bus route to another without having to exit the station and cross a street,
irrespective of the direction of the two routes.
 Facilitates two-way bus access | Platforms in each direction allow two buses to dock
simultaneously at any given time.
ITDP recommends that Nashik BRT stations be centrally located in the median of the BRT corridors.

Station sizing will largely be a function of peak passenger load expected for the future years their
circulation area requirements. Thus, depending upon the location and peak passenger demand, the
length of stations, width and number of boarding platforms will vary. To allow greater flexibility,
BRT stations are typically designed in such a way that new modules can be added as passenger
demand increases. Extra space should be reserved in the median for adding additional modules in the
future. Modules of 4.8 m x 4 m are the most appropriate to accommodate both 12 m and 18 m buses.
A conceptual station layout is shown below (Figure 44). Out of the 50 stations in Phase I, 39 stations
will have one module with 2 docking positions per direction for 12 m buses, as shown in Figure 44.
The eleven remaining stations are designated interchange stations that provide connectivity between
BRT corridors or between BRT and feeder services. These stations may require additional modules to
handle expected passenger demand. The sizing of these stations will be determined after a detailed
service plan is prepared.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 58

Figure 44: Conceptual station diagram

Nashik’s BRT stations will consist of three main components: an access area (with wheelchair
accessible ramps), a fare collection area, and a passenger circulation / boarding / alighting module.
Station configurations show modular designs that can be used for docking regular (12 m) as well as
articulated (18 m) BRT vehicles. Doors A1, A3 and B1, B3 will be used for docking two regular BRT
vehicles in the opposite direction at the same time. Doors A1, A2 and B1, B2 will be used to allow
simultaneous, opposite direction docking of articulated vehicles (Figure 44).

It is recommended that stations be at least 4 m wide to provide room for waiting and circulation. Key
to the effectiveness of this station design is the staggered nature of the boarding areas. This
maximizes the use of interior space and prevents customer congestion that may occur when vehicles
traveling in opposite directions arrive at the station at the same time.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 59

High ceiling with partial
roof cover over bus

Platform extension (200 mm)

to ensure safe distance
between bus and station

Minimal gap for easy

boarding (< 125mm)
Platform and bus floor at
same level (e.g. 860 mm)

Figure 45: Station cross section of station-bus interface illustrating key station features

The above diagram (Figure 45) illustrates four key design features of Nashik’s BRT stations.
Coordinating the height of the vehicle and boarding platform, as well as minimizing the gap between
the vehicle and the station are especially necessary. Also to enhance customer comfort and provide a
much different experience than the traditional urban bus, it is important to protect the waiting and
boarding area from rain and sunlight. The roof should provide adequate shade and be protective from
rainwater blowing or seeping into the station. A direct rainwater collection and transfer system is
necessary to easily route water from the roof to the ground without overwhelming the bus lane or the
station facilities.

Figure 46: Stations require adequate space for boarding, alighting, and internal circulation

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 60

7.4 Carriageway / bus lane specifics
Bus lane at station area must be cement concrete. Asphalt pavement is not recommended as it will
soon settle due to the repetitive load of bus tires in same position every day. This will lead to divots in
the asphalt and imbalances in the floor levels of bus and hinder vehicle docking operations.

To make customer access safe and convenient, speed tables and raised pedestrian crossings must be
constructed at each customer entrance ramp. It is very important that the height of the ramp and the
speed table level are the same so that level access to the boarding ramp from the raised crossing is

7.5 BRT extension stops

To be clear: the BRT service extensions that are proposed do not include dedicated busways or
centrally-located median stations with dual side boarding. Extension services will use dedicated bus
stops provided on the curb at the left side. Most BRT services will utilise high-level boarding
platforms, and require doors with a high floor on the right side. Because BRT vehicles will also need
to utilise extension bus stops, they must be also be equipped with doors on the left side. Extension
stops will not be high-floor stops, so the vehicles will require stairs at the left side door.

Extension stops should include the following key features:

 The bus should stop parallel to, and as close to the kerb as possible to allow effective use of the
BRT extension facilities.
 The critical dimensions to consider are the vertical gap, or step height, from the kerb to the bus
floor and the horizontal gap from the kerb edge to the side of the bus. A well-designed bus stop
will provide features which co-ordinate with the bus floor and minimize these two distances.
 Kerb bulb-outs (where the pavement extends out to the travel lane) are recommended to reduce
the gap between the kerb and vehicle, as well as maximize the space available for the shelter and
street furniture for waiting customers.
 Protected curb ramps are recommended for all extension bus stops. This will allow people with
mobility challenges (permanent or temporary) to safely navigate from the bus shelter to the bus if
it is unable to dock at the designated kerb space and must board customers in the middle of the
carriageway away from the bus stop.
 All bus stops should include shelters that provide waiting customers the following:
o Ample seating and waiting area that is facing the travel lane and adjacent to the
boarding area.
o Protection from the elements (sun, rain, etc.)
o Durable construction that is resistant to vandalism and weather conditions
o Open sides for greater safety and security
o Clean and regularly maintained facilities
 Bus stops must include facilities for securely parking cycles and hand-powered tricycles to
support multi-modal journeys.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 61

 The area adjacent to the curb must be clear of such items as trash receptacles, vendor boxes,
utility poles, benches, and shelters. The paved area of the curb bulb must be directly connected to
the footpath.
 A 1,200 mm wide path of travel between the shelter and vehicle entrances must be designed, and
more importantly, maintained to prevent obstructions to the front and/or rear doors.
 It is especially important that advertising kiosks, if provided at shelters do not encroach on the
1,200 mm clear path of travel described above. Advertising placement must not obstruct the view
of approaching transport vehicles and traffic.
 Similarly, a clear 1,800 mm path of travel is necessary behind the bus stop so that pedestrians
traveling along the corridor are able to seamlessly pass the bus stop without interruption.
 A uniform illumination level of 150 lux should be maintained throughout the bus stop
All BRT extension stops must include static stop name, system map and general customer information
signage. These stops must also be equipped with dynamic visual and auditory displays to deliver in
real-time vehicle arrival timings and system messages (service delays, temporary service route
adjustments, emergency messages, etc.).

Regarding specific access for people with disabilities, it is important to note that BRT extension
stations will not be accessible to wheelchair users. Vehicle and BRT corridor designs prohibit low-
floor, level boarding on extensions. BRT extensions stations will feature the full slate of accessibility
features described below (Section 7.6), besides level bus entry.

7.6 Access to stops and stations

BRT interventions offer a great potential for transforming cities—but it is important to think about for
whom the city is being transformed. ITDP strongly believes that when properly implemented, a
modern BRT system for Nashik will follow the spirit of universal design,25 which advocates against
“one design fits all.” Universal design involves a fundamental shift in thinking about design,
particularly with regard to designing to address social difference.

Figure 47: (L) Man with crutches easily accesses Janmarg stations and (R) Tricycle users benefit from BRT
corridor cycle tracks (photos by Meena Kadri)


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 62

It is important to design all BRT facilities so that they are usable by all persons regardless of their
abilities, age, gender, or income (Figure 47). Inaccessible infrastructure in particular ensures that
people with disabilities remain invisible in the public arena. To provide consistent and safe
accessibility, the built environment and transportation systems must comply with 1995’s Persons with
Disabilities (PWD) - Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation - Act. The PWD
Act specifically entrusts the government with the task of appropriately allocating public resources so
that plans and programs do not discriminate against persons with disabilities.
It should also be noted that as of March 2007, India signed the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The UNCRPD requires that signees take appropriate
measures to ensure to persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical
environment, to transportation. This it is necessary that buildings, roads, transportation and other
indoor and outdoor facilities be designed and implemented in such a manner that enable persons with
disabilities to “live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life.”26
To provide access for all Nashikars, Nashik BRT stations must be vigilant to include the following
 Station pedestrian crossings that provide an accessible path of travel that is at least at least 1,200
mm wide and should preferably with level or have the gentlest possible gradient that does not
exceed 1 in 20.
 The accessible path of travel should have a continuing common surface not interrupted by steps or
abrupt changes in level. Ramps, fare gates and boarding platforms must accommodate
 Obstacles such as lighting columns, bollards, signposts, seats and trees, should be located at or
beyond the boundaries of walkways. Where unavoidable, protruding objects should not reduce the
clear width of an accessible route or manoeuvring space.
 Free-standing columns that support an entrance canopy and low level posts, e.g. bollards, should
not be positioned within the width of an access route.
 Tight bollard spacing and kerbed-medians that have been utilized by some systems to exclude 2
wheelers from the busway pose great challenges to people with disabilities. These techniques
deny customers from accessing the system and are unacceptable.
 The required minimum clear unobstructed width of a ramp (i.e. between handrails) is 1,200 mm
for ramps up to 3.6 meters long. For ramps longer than 3.6 m and up to 9 meters the minimum
width should be 1,500mm. For ramps more than 9 m long the ramp should be minimally 1,800
mm wide.
 The materials selected for the surface finish of a ramp should be firm and easy to maintain. These
must also be slip resistant, especially if surfaces are likely to become wet due to location or use,
or if spillage occurs. The use of shiny, polished surface materials that cause glare should be
 A ramp shall have a level platform at the top that is at least 1,800 mm long, if a door swings out
onto the platform or toward the ramp. This platform shall extend at least 300 mm beyond each
side of the doorway. Each ramp shall have at least 1,800 mm of straight clearance at the bottom.


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 63

 A uniform illumination level of 150 lux should be maintained throughout the station.
 Visual information in all transport facilities should be supplemented with audible information.
Station PA systems should be clearly audible.
 High-contrast, tactile warnings should warn customers with visual impairments of the
approaching danger of the boarding platform. High contrast, tactile guide blocks should also be
provided within stations to provide a path for visually impaired customers between the entrance,
the fare windows / information kiosk and the boarding areas.
 Where auditory announcements are utilized, supplementary visual information should be provided
to assist customers with hearing disabilities.
All Nashik BRT personnel that interact with the public (such as ticket sales professionals, security
staff, fare inspectors, conductors and especially vehicle operators, etc.) must receive sufficient
training in working with people with disabilities. Specific capacity building initiatives must be
completed to ensure that future policies, programs and infrastructure do not discriminate against any
customers (disabled or non). For additional details regarding the most recent guidelines for
accommodating Indians with disabilities, please see the “Draft Indian Standards: Recommendations
for Buildings and Facilities for Persons with Disabilities27” completed by AccessAbility28 - a Delhi-
based NGO.

7.7 Vehicles
The Nashik BRT vehicles first and foremost must be compliant with the urban bus design standards
(Appendix 13.2) as developed by the MOUD. Median stations with a high floor are demanded
secondary to the characteristics of Nashik’s streets and the estimated high demand for public
transport. Therefore, Nashik BRT requires high quality, modern buses with an 860 mm floor height
with two centrally located doors on the right side as well as left side boarding via steps (Figure 48).

Figure 48: Indian BRT vehicle with right side, high-level boarding. Pune – PMPML


Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 64

Two doors on the right side of the bus at 860 mm will allow for level boarding and alighting from the
station (width of at least 1.2 m each and separated by at least 250 mm). Two doors on the left side
with stepped entry will allow kerbside boarding and alighting when the vehicle leaves the dedicated
bus ROWs (over the course of the BRT service extensions).

Initially, the BRT fleet should be comprised of 12 m vehicles that accommodate approximately 72
customers. However, as Nashik becomes more familiar with this mode of transport and the demand
for the BRT service increases, 18 m long, articulated vehicles that accommodate approximately 140
customers may be required on the higher demand corridors. Therefore, stations, depots and
interchanges must be designed to accommodate the larger vehicles.

Similar to BRT stations, BRT vehicles must also be designed so that they are usable by all persons
regardless of their abilities, age, gender, or income. The following access features (beyond the urban
bus design standards) must be included on all BRT vehicles:

 Stanchions, grab bars and hand holds, must be provided so that people who are standing are able
to safely react to bumps or sudden stops that the vehicle may encounter.
 Priority seating must be provided that is clearly identified as being reserved for people with
disabilities, seniors, mothers with small children, or pregnant women.
 Approximately 800 mm x 1,200 mm of space on board BRT vehicles must be dedicated for
wheelchair users (or other mobility device users). This wheelchair positioning area must be
located adjacent to vehicle entry doors to facilitate right-side, high-level station access.
 Stop request buttons must be installed at locations of priority seating and wheelchair positioning.
 Auditory announcements of stop names and key destinations will ensure that people who are
blind or visually impaired will reach their destinations
 If low-floor vehicles are purchased to provide feeder service to BRT stations, a manual ramp of
sufficient slope (length) must be provided, so that conductors can provide assisted boarding from
bus stops and from the ground level for seniors, wheelchair users and other people with physical
Similar to station personnel, all Nashik BRT vehicle operators, conductors and service field
supervisors, must receive sufficient training in working with people with disabilities. This will ensure
that the policies and technology that is invested in facilitating access will be appropriately utilised and
that no one will be denied service secondary to discrimination, or wilful ignorance of policy by staff.

Additional vehicle specifications are mentioned in Appendix 13.

7.8 Terminals and interchange / transfer stations

BRT system terminals and transfer / interchange facilities must be carefully planned. Such places are
largely used by daily customers: transferring between services, accessing the system to reach
destinations within the city, or leaving the system to connect to outside destinations. Public transport
customers typically make two pedestrian journeys (to and from stations / stops) for each trip on the
public transport system. Thus, these places are bound to handle enormous numbers of pedestrians on
daily basis and may have multiple routes serving the location.
The following map (Figure 49) shows the entire planned Phase I BRT network in Nashik including:
 4 terminals

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 65

 11 interchange stations

Figure 49: BRT Phase I, and future phases, showing Terminals and Interchanges

The challenge to be resolved in planning terminals and interchanges is balancing the needs of
pedestrians, other modes of transport necessary to reach the stations (paratransit, cycles, etc.) and
buses. It is import ant that Nashik plan for the infrastructure required by all BRT phases. All terminals
along Phase I that are needed for any future phases must be constructed. Other terminals should be
accounted for in the Nashik DP.

7.8.1 Terminals
The terminal areas in Nashik will be like large sized stations essentially located on off-street land
pockets in close vicinity to depots. The terminal area will have BRT docking positions similar to
station docks, with platform at 860 mm height from ground floor. Terminals generally will have more
than one route, requiring an adequate number of platforms and passing lanes. Terminals will also have
lower boarding platforms providing access to feeder services.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 66

Figure 50: Transfer station between feeder and trunk BRT in Bogota, Columbia

Nashik’s BRT terminal areas will be based on the following design principles:

 Provide maximum circulation area for pedestrians and commuters in and around the terminal
 Limit vending spaces inside the terminal. Some spaces can be officially allocated on annual
auction basis to make the terminal area a vibrant place and provide commuters with extra services
like pay and use toilet block, refreshment and books stalls, fruit and vegetable vendors etc.
 Restrict entry of auto rickshaws and private vehicles within the terminal area and its environs.
 Provide proper directional signage throughout the terminal area guiding the passengers. Ample
static (printed) and dynamic (electronic) signage is very necessary in places with large volumes of
 Ensure quality infrastructure for administrative staff and those controlling bus operations.
 Provide facility of real time passenger information system with announcement and display
 Provide durable and large scale fare collection system. Terminals must be able to handle the large
volume quickly for which sometimes more than 3 tickets counters and more than 10 flap barrier
gates are required.
 Provide shelter and protect waiting customers from rain, sunlight and adverse climatic conditions.
 Provide adequate furniture for seating and secure waiting spaces (especially for women traveling
in the evening) must to be included within these facilities.
 Clean and hygienic wash rooms and toilet facilities must be provided for men and women
 Co-locate terminal and depot facilities. A terminal area is generally located close to a depot that
the kilometres of buses travel that are not in fare-service (dead kilometres) are minimized during
start and end of the journeys.
 Plan for bus parking. During the off-peak times, a terminal area should permit the parking buses
for at least more than 25% of the corridor fleet.
Detailed architectural design reports must be prepared for all of the terminals, incorporating the
features listed above.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 67

Figure 51: Conceptual design for a trunk-feeder transfer facility in Pimpri Chinchwad

It is important that MSRTC and Nashik BRT closely coordinate their facilities so that customers
transferring between the two public transport providers are not inconvenienced. Facilitating transfers
between public transport services is critical to improving all public transport usage. MSRTC operates
many terminals in Nashik. Therefore it is important to assess how Nashik BRT terminals can be co-
located with key MSRTC terminals.

The locations for Phase I terminals is presented below (Table 10).

Table 10: Proposed terminal locations for Nashik BRT Phase I


Serene Meadows (Gangapur Rd.) BRT – Extension
Nashik Railway Station BRT – Railways
BRT – Feeder
Shramiknagar / Shivajinagar BRT – Extension

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 68

Land availability for new terminals may be an issue in Nashik as the Development Plan 2007 does not
include spaces for public transport terminals. Going forward, adequate space should be earmarked
along all future BRT corridors.

7.8.2 Interchange / transfer stations

Interchange stations are constructed where more than two BRT lines cross and customers are allowed
to switch between different trunk BRT services. The interchange station will have the facility of fare
collection for those customers that are boarding the station from outside. However, it is especially
important that these stations facilitate movement within the station’s paid area. A customer will not
need to buy a token or use a smart card when transferring within the interchange station. To facilitate
this process, platforms must be the same height and adjacently located for multiple routes.

Where interchanges permit transfer between multiple trunk lines. Transfer station facilitates direct
transfer between a trunk BRT service and a regular city bus service or a BRT feeder service. In
Nashik, interchange stations will also function as transfer stations.

The passenger without getting out of the terminal area can easily switch between different services
within the same platform level. Interchange stations require the following key features:

 Passenger movement at same level on the common platform. Level differences, stairs should be
avoided to the extent possible.
 Separate entry and exit for each service type facilitates smooth bus operations.
 Passenger information system both in terms of real time and static signage.
 No encroachment of any kind within the transfer station.
 Adequate protection from weather conditions and provision for drainage utilities.
 Large circulation area for passengers facilitating ease of boarding and alighting along with
waiting layovers.
 Off-board fare collection booths.
Interchange stations must be developed at below locations considering the phase-1 & 2 BRT routes as
well as feeder services.

Table 11: Phase I interchanges, with customer boarding estimates and platforms


MICO Circle BRT-BRT (Phase 2)

Dwarka Chowk (NH-3) BRT-BRT (Phase 2)

Ambedkar Nagar (Nashik Rd.) BRT–BRT (Phase 2)
Jehan Circle (Gangapur Rd.) BRT-BRT (Phase 2)
New CBS (Trimbak Naka) BRT-BRT
Ashok Stambh (Old Agra Rd.) BRT-BRT (Phase 2)
Ambad Police Chowki (Trimbak Rd.) BRT-BRT (Phase 2)

Carbon Naka (Jangli Maharaj Rd.) BRT-Extension

Serene Meadows (Gangapur Rd.) BRT-Extension

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 69

Upnagar (Nashik Rd.) BRT–Extension

Shalimar (Khadkali Signal) BRT–Feeder

7.9 Multi-modal integration

For Nashik’s public transport system to function as a coherent network, passengers need to be able to
transfer easily from one mode to another. Integration does not merely mean placing stations for
multiple public transport modes close together. Instead, it involves the detailed design of stations
incorporating the following features:

 Short, direct walking paths for transferring passengers

 Minimal level differences
 Adequate clear space to prevent bottlenecks
 Protection from sun and rain
 Public information
 Integration can also be enhanced through the use of a uniform electronic ticketing system. These
features are described in more detail below.
Thus, we propose a set of minimum requirements for each major multi-modal hub. Needs will vary
per location and context, but each multi-modal transport hub should at least include the following:

 A bus terminal (scaled to the existing connecting services) with an adequate number of well-
designed bus shelters that have seating and information signage.
 Auto rickshaw stands are critical given the current demand for intermediate public transport and
the potential for it to serve as a feeder service for BRT (Figure 52).
 At each station, at least 10 km of new footpaths, designated cycle parking on site, improved
lighting, and public plazas should also be provided.

Figure 52: Designated paratransit stands should be provided at BRT stations to facilitate easy transfers.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 70

Thinking broadly, the ultimate goal of Nashik BRT is to encourage transfers between public transport
modes so that passengers have access to a wider network of origins and destinations. For this to be
accomplished, all of Nashik’s public transport modes must operate at a high level of efficiency. They
must not act in competition with each other, but must collaborate so that each one prospers. In
providing seamless connectivity at the most important transfer stations, public transport will be
perceived as a viable alternative to travel by personal vehicle. This is an essential step in reducing the
demand for two and four wheelers.

Figure 53: Connection between Janmarg BRT terminal (L) and Maninagar railway station (R), Ahmedabad

It is envisaged that Nashik railway station, airport, and regional bus service stations will be the major
multimodal integration locations wherein BRT services will be fully integrated with and supported by
other modes of transport (MSRTC services, feeder services, shared auto rickshaws, private rickshaws,
cycle rickshaws, etc).

7.10 Corridors
Public streets operate with mixed-traffic, heterogeneous traffic streams containing motorised and non-
motorised vehicles. These streams contain both conventional vehicle types such as private vehicles,
buses, auto rickshaws and goods carriers as well as bicycles, cycle rickshaws, pedestrians, push carts
and other vehicular forms. The mix of vehicles with such a wide range of dimensions and acceleration
and speed capabilities means that there is not one convention for vehicle behavior. Pedestrians also
navigate these spaces, generally gravitating toward a position in the right-of-way that allows for
uninterrupted movement.

BRT corridors in particular offer a powerful impact for improving streets for non-motorised transport
(NMT). NMT provides basic mobility, affordable transport, access to public transport, as well as
health and recreation benefits. Unlike rail-based mass transport systems where infrastructure is simply
constructed along an existing ROW and station areas constitute only periodic potential for civic
improvement, BRT corridors offers cities an opportunities to intervene on a much larger scale.

Because BRT stations are so close together (at most 500 m), NMT improvements, such as footpaths,
street furniture, landscaping, cycle tracks, curb ramps and table-top crossings, and carriageways, must
be provided continuously along BRT corridors. Thus, with BRT, Nashik will be able to transform
entire urban passages and uninterrupted cross-cutting streets for all potential street users. BRT

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 71

becomes not simply a new public transport service, but it emerges as a system through which urban
areas are transformed and urban development is strengthened through increases in accessibility and

7.10.1 Cross sections

ITDP staff completed physical measurements (widths of ROWs and other elements of BRT
corridors), interviewed key NMC personnel, and reviewed in detail the Nashik development plan to
determine the legal ROWs for all potential mass transport corridors (Table 12 and Figure 54). Based
on these analyses, ITDP developed appropriate cross section designs for each corridor.

Table 12: Phase I Corridor ROWs


Trimbak Road Trimbak Naka (new CBS) to ABB circle 45

Trimbak Road ABB circle to Rajah's Nursery (Hotel Amrut Garden) 60

T Junction
Trimbak Road Rajah's Nursery to Shivajinagar Stand 30

Trimbak Road Khadkali Signal (Shalimar) T Junction to Trimbak 20

Gangapur Road Trimbak Naka to Ashok Stambh 30
Gangapur Road Ashok Stambh to Serene Meadows 30
Nashik Road Khadkali Signal to Sarada Circle 24
Nashik Road Sarada Circle to Dwarka Chowk 30
Nashik Road Dwarka Chowk to Railway Station 45
MG Road to Shalimar MG Road (Meher Chowk) to Shalimar 18
MG Road to Shalimar Shalimar to Khadkali Signal 24

Two-way BRT corridors can be implemented on streets of any width starting at 18 m. One-way
systems can even be constructed on narrower streets. BRT corridors do require a wider cross section
to accommodate stations. An additional 4 m is needed at station locations; this width can be gained by
temporarily discontinuing the parking lane on streets with on-street parking.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 72

Figure 54: Detailed ROWs for Phase I

To introduce the proposed BRT corridor design sections, the importance of high quality pedestrian
access must be again emphasized. If Nashik’s public transport system is to facilitate the movement of
people not vehicles, then BRT corridors must benefit all pedestrians— not just BRT customers. For
example, existing pedestrian infrastructure, such as footpaths, plazas and crossings, must not be
narrowed when corridors are redesigned to accommodate BRT busways and stations. Similarly, raised
table-top pedestrian crossings must be provided along corridors (and at stations) to allow all to cross
carriageways safely. In addition, median refuges between the bus and carriageway lanes will provide
a place for pedestrians to wait before crossing the next stream of traffic.

Figure 55 illustrates a key organising principle to the BRT section designs, providing equal priority to
NMT. For NMT modes to be viable and convenient, NMT users need adequate infrastructure—slow-
speed shared spaces, footpaths, cycle tracks, and greenways—on which to travel. This means that
BRT streets must need dedicated pedestrian footpaths or vehicle speeds need to be radically reduced
in case of a shared space. Footpaths must be unobstructed, continuous, shaded, and well-lit. On BRT
corridors with larger ROWs, cycle tracks are provided. In addition, the corridor designs will include

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 73

provisions for street furniture and other elements like vendors, autorickshaw standing points, public
toilets, city bus stops, and seating.

Figure 55. All streets require a slow zone that provides a safe space to walk.

Nashik’s streets are public spaces for socialization and commerce as well as mobility. The slow
zone—whether the entire right-of-way of a small street or a separate space on a larger thoroughfare—
is space for livability29: for people to walk, talk, and interact, for doing business, for children to play.
The provision of an adequate slow zone recognizes that street themselves are destinations. It also
enables streets to provide safe and uninterrupted mobility for all users regardless of their traveling
speed. This results in a more pleasant street for everyone.

This section includes street design sections for 18 m, 20 m, 24 m, 30 m, 45 m, and 60 m ROWs. Two
types of sections are presented for each ROW width: Those that are mid-block with the BRT bus
ways, and those that include the BRT station areas. For ROWs of 20 m and above, two sections are
provided: one showing the cross section at BRT stations and one showing the regular midblock
section. The 4 m with required for the station is generally provided by temporarily discontinuing the
parking lanes.

All sections include footpaths, carriageways, buffers and bus lanes for two-way BRT service. The
mixed traffic carriageways immediately adjacent to the bus ways will be separated by physical
barriers through the length of the corridor. In addition, the corridor designs will include provisions for
street furniture and other elements like public toilets, city bus stops, seating, and spaces for formalized

All sections that include BRT station areas should also plan to include elements that support multi-
modal integration. Autorickshaw standing points, secure cycle parking, or connections to MSRTC or

Liveability implies that street designs recognize the relationship between the street and all of its users.
Liveable streets are designed as public spaces that allow people to get from point A to B, but also support and
encourage the activities people pursue in public spaces. Such streets are inclusive, multicultural, socially
cohesive, economically vibrant, and full of life.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 74

Nashik Railway facilities will ensure that Nashikars can safely and easily use these systems to access
Nashik BRT stations and stops (see Section 7.9).

18 m sections will be required for the Phase I BRT streets between M G Road (near Bank of Baroda)
and Shalimar on Tilak Road. Because of the width constrictions, these sections only allow mixed
traffic movement in one direction. This restriction on vehicle travel should be able to easily
accommodate the demand because of the nature of the area’s fine-grained street network and the
proximity of alternate routes.

Figure 56: 18m BRT corridor section. (Note that there are no stations along portion of Phase I with an 18
m ROW.)

Figure 57: Planned BRT corridor on MG Road. Narrower cross sections provide for two-way bus movement
and one-way mixed traffic.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 75

Similar to the 18 m section, the 20 m section for M G Road and Trimbak road between Tilak Road
and Old Agra Road will accommodate one-way mixed traffic movement. Both sides of the street
feature ample 1800 mm footpaths.

Figure 58: 20m BRT corridor sections: midblock (top) and station area (bottom).

Tilak Road from Shalimar to Sarada Circle has a 24 m ROW. The width allows for two-way traffic
and includes wide carriageways and footpaths on each side of the bus lanes. The midblock section
allows an extended footpath, including space for shade trees and on-street parallel parking.

Figure 59: 24 m BRT corridor sections: midblock (top) and station area (bottom).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 76

A 30 m ROW is located on sections of Gangapur Road (between Serene Meadows and Ashok
Stambh), Vishwatmak Jangali-Maharaj Road (between Shivaji Nagar and Trimbak Junction), and
Tilak Road (between Sarada Circle and Dwarka Circle). This section allows large footpaths with
shade trees, area for parking and for social street uses such as public plazas or vending.

It is important to note that the 6 m carriageway for two lanes in each direction is consistent across the
remaining (much larger) ROWs. Even as larger ROWs are available, it is recommended that this
dimension be frozen and the additional space be prioritized for other uses besides traffic (such as
pedestrians and cyclists). Keeping consistent carriageway widths will help prevent traffic bottlenecks.

Figure 60: 30 m BRT corridor sections: midblock (top) and station area (bottom).

A 45 m ROW is located on stretches of Nashik Road and Trimbak Road. This additional width allows
wide pedestrian footpaths with shade trees, cycle tracks, and service lanes. The configuration used is
commonly referred to as a multiway boulevard. In cities the world over, multiway boulevards are
prominent city icons, and reminders to the public about the respect, and priority that city managers
give to public space and public services.

In general, the footpath can be placed between the service lane and the tree line to prevent
encroachment. Where appropriate, the footpath may be placed at the edge of the ROW.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 77

Figure 61: 45m BRT corridor sections: midblock (top) and station area (bottom).

Trimbak Road between ABB circle and Rajah's Nursery (Hotel Amrut Garden) has a 60 m ROW.
Along with service lanes, cycle tracks, and large pedestrian footpaths, the additional space is utilised
through the extensive use of shade trees. 60 m ROW corridors are true showpieces for cities, as their
use of landscaping and pedestrian facilities creates significant thoroughfares through the city.

For all corridors, geometric design standards for BRT corridors are provided in the Appendix (See
Section 15).

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 78

Figure 62: 60m BRT corridor sections: midblock (top) and station area (bottom).

7.10.2 Intersections
Intersection design involves weighing the potentially conflicting goals of safety and vehicle
throughput. The quality of an intersection environment can vary significantly, depending on turning
radii, the presence of refuge islands, the continuity of cycle tracks, and other design features.
Intersections, rather than the standard section of a street, are the limiting factor in vehicle capacity.
Therefore, intersection design needs to take into account the impact of design choices on mobility.

This emphasis on mobility should not be confused with an emphasis on private motorised traffic.
Instead, it may be desirable to design an intersection in such way that prioritizes throughput of public
transport, cycles, and pedestrians.

Squareabouts are a means of managing right-turning traffic at large intersections while minimising
signal cycle time. Squareabouts make the right-turn phase obsolete by creating right-turn queuing
space within the intersection itself. Vehicles queue in this space during one phase and exit during the
next phase. Squareabouts are a valuable option on BRT corridors. While the BRT would require the
addition of extra phases to a typical four-phase signal cycle, the squareabout accommodates all
turning movements in only two phases.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 79

Figure 63. Typical squareabout design.

Figure 64: The signal phasing plan for a squareabout. Right-turning vehicles enter the queuing spaces
during the first phase and exit the ahead of straight-moving traffic during the next phase.

7.10.3 Pavement and utilities Existing conditions

To understand the full extent of construction requirements and costs entailed in implementing BRT in
Nashik, the conditions of the existing paved road network and soil conditions must be evaluated.
Toward this end, visual surveys of characteristics of existing pavements along the proposed BRT
corridors in Nashik were conducted. Table 13 displays the findings of these surveys.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 80

Table 13: Observed pavement condition in Nashik

No. Corridor Length Avg. width Avg. width of Avg. width of Avg.
(km) of paved unpaved footpaths width
area area/shoulder of
Left Right Left Right Left Right median
side side side side side side
Khadkali Signal
1 to Serene 7.1 9.2 8.0 3.1 4.0 2.6 2.6 1.8
Trimbak Naka
to Shivajinagar
2 Bus Stand 7.8 10.0 8.6 10.1 9.0 3.7 - 1.3
Khadkali Signal
3 8.4 9.9 10.1 6.3 8.6 2.4 2.1 2.2
to Nashik Rd.
Meher Chowk
4 (MG Road) to 1.0 9.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 - - -
Khadkali Signal

Roads network in Nashik city consists of flexible asphalt pavements. A visual survey of identified
BRT corridors was conducted to assess their level of degradation in terms of cracks, settlements, pot
holes, and rutting of pavements (Table 14).

Table 14. Pavement condition survey methodology.


Cracking The severity of the cracking was rated.
Potholes Number of potholes and patches was noted in corridor sections at intervals.
Rutting The rutting extent along the corridors was observed.
The area and degree of severity of ravelling or stripping of asphalt surface was estimated
for each section of corridor at intervals
Edge Breaking Percentage of length of the affected areas at intervals
Condition of unpaved shoulders was assessed.

The survey findings reveal that majority of the roads suffer from poor pavement quality, with
degradation affecting 30 to 50 per cent of the road surface (Table 15). The pavements along the BRT
corridors appear to have reached the end of their design lifetime and can no longer cater to heavy
vehicle loads. There is a need to redevelop road stretches chosen for BRT corridors as well as those
connecting trunk corridors to improve their performance and provide better passenger accessibility.

Table 15: Nashik ROW / Pavement Survey

Corridor Length Pavement Remarks Recommendation

(km) degradation (%)

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 81

Corridor Length Pavement Remarks Recommendation
(km) degradation (%)
Trimbak Naka 7.8 38-44% Lot of longitudinal cracks Entire road stretch to be
to Shivajinagar observed along section redeveloped to width as
Bus Stand throughout extending up to per DP. Some demolition
(Trimbak Rd.) the 5 m width of entire will be required to reclaim
carriageway. The cracked the DP ROW.
areas will lead to further
deterioration and pavement
surface failure in near
future as water may seep in
from those cracks, widening
cracks more and more
leading to rutting, potholes
and settlement.

The road stretch also

carries heavy vehicles,
increasing the possibility of
widening of cracks and
pavement failure.

Road stretch from

Shivajinagar Bus Stand to
Rajah’s Nursery (T junction)
does have good quality road
surface as of now, but will
require resurfacing in the
near future.

Khadkali Signal 7.06 18-21% Majority of the road section Entire road stretch to be
to Serene has surface un-evenness. It redeveloped to width as
Meadows is observed that surface has per DP. Some demolition
(Gangapur Rd.) cracks, ravelling and also will be required to reclaim
excess of bitumen due to the DP ROW.
which the pavement has
developed undulations and
the surface has become
wavy and uneven at many
places. Presence of large
amount of earthen shoulder
and unused carriageway
portion with large trees
makes it more possible to
develop it for BRT.

Khadkali Signal 8.4 35-38% Majority of the pavement Entire road stretch to be
to Nasik surface has ravelling to the redeveloped to width as
Railway Station extent moderate to severe per DP. Some demolition
(Nashik Rd.) in some sections. The will be required to reclaim
section is important as it is the DP ROW.
the only connection to
railway station passing via
national highway leading to
more and more use by

Meher Chowk to 0.95 8-14% The section is located The surface quality of the
Khadkali Signal within the old city area and pavement should be
is constrained on both the assessed by conducting
sides by development. DP further tests to determine
does not mention a if redevelopment is
proposed ROW. necessary.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 82 Design of new pavements

BRT corridor infrastructure consists of important components like bus lane, station area, mixed traffic
carriageway, service lanes, and footpaths, cycle tracks, landscaping, parking and vending area. Design
for each component is described in detail below. To achieve pavement design and serviceability
objectives, following methodology is proposed (Figure 65).

Adoption of Assessment of Pavement design

design pavement soil following IRC
standards for conditions; design standards
flexible Data analysis and considering
pavements, specific
paver blocks requirements of
and concrete serviceability

Figure 65: Pavement design methodology

NMC shall carry out a detailed assessment analyse soil conditions and, in cases where the existing
pavement is to be retained, the pavement quality. All the geometric standards will be set based on
recommended IRC guidelines and as per site-specific conditions suiting the operational requirements
of the proposed BRT system. Existing medians will be dismantled and all the fixed objects such as
kerb stones, electric poles, sign boards etc. will be removed. Excavation will be done up to required
depth and the pavement will be redeveloped:

 Footpaths, public activity areas and parking areas shall be paved using concrete paver blocks.
Interlocking concrete block paving on footpaths and parking areas are designed as per
recommendations of IRC:SP:63-2004. A typical design would consist of 65 mm thick
interlocking blocks over a 30 mm sand bed and 75 mm brick bat cement concrete (or the
reinforced cement concrete storm water drain). Parking areas shall have interlocking blocks of 85
mm thickness (minimum compressive strength of a single block 50 MPa), sand bed of 40 mm,
base of WMM 250 mm, and granular sub base 200 mm of thickness.
 Cycle tracks will be made of cement concrete.
 Carriageways and service lanes will be developed with flexible pavement considering the high
subgrade strength, low traffic loading, ease of construction, and low initial costs. The cross
section design shall be based on the formulae for design of flexible pavements as per IRC:
 It is recommended to have cemented concrete pavement for BRT lanes throughout the entire
Phase I. BRT services will be operated at close frequencies and the repetition of the loading on
the bus lane will be continuous. The area requiring more attention is at bus station where the bus
will dock in the same position every 2 to 3 minutes. Experience from Ahmedabad’s Janmarg BRT
system has revealed that having flexible pavement at bus station area will lead to pavement failure

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 83

and potholes will be developed within 3 months of BRT operations. Improper workmanship even
leads to cracking of concrete pavement (Figure 66).

Figure 66: Effect of repetitive bus movements at BRT stations in Ahmedabad (L) and Mexico City (R).

Equivalent Standard Axle (ESA) ratings for bus lanes will be derived from consideration of
frequencies of buses in each direction. For the purpose of determining the design traffic, it is assumed
that initially the frequency of buses may increase to 60 to 80 buses per hour over a period of 10 years.
It is also assumed that buses will continuously operate on the dedicated bus lanes for 16 hours per
day. Thus, the bus operations will have a continuous effect of laden weight of more than 10 tons.
Buses will ply on a single lane in each direction, causing concentration of wheel loads in one lane
only. On this consideration, lane distribution factor shall not be used for determining the design
traffic. The vehicle damage factor (VDF) may be considered as 3.5 as per recommendations of IRC
37:2001. The VDF will take care of overcrowding in buses during peak hours. The design life for
pavements should be taken as 10 years period considering rainfall and climatic conditions of the city.

The sub grade of the existing roads is composed of clayey soil having average 4 days soaked CBR
value ranging from 8 to 10 per cent. For the design consideration, the 4 day soaked CBR value shall
be derived. The pavement thickness and composition shall be taken for cumulative traffic range as
computed from above. The design traffic as computed in terms of the cumulative number of standard
axles for the bus lane and mixed traffic carriageway and pavement composition relevant to design
traffic will be analysed.

The traffic volume plying on service roads will be lighter than that on the mixed traffic carriageway.
With this consideration separate design of pavement crust for service roads can assume a lane
distribution factor of –1, a VDF of 1.5, and an MSA of 1. Storm Water Drainage

Adequately sized storm water drainage systems should implemented on all BRT corridors in Nashik.
Storm water drains can be constructed beneath the footpath or cycle track, depending on the cross
section. It will be a box type concrete drain or RCC pipe drain, whichever is suitable for each
corridor. A representative storm water design section is shown in Figure 67.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 84

Figure 67: Typical storm water drain with catch pit.

Access shall be provided with manholes at regular intervals. The manholes shall be covered with
airtight inspection covers. Care must be taken to ensure that the manhole cover and the joint between
the drain access and the surrounding pavement are flush to ensure that these elements do not obstruct
pedestrian movement.

Figure 68: Storm water drain positioned below a cycle track, showing adjoining catch pit.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 85 Underground utilities
Shifting of utilities is one of the most critical aspects during road construction. It is recommended to
dug trial pits to identify utilities prior to start of site clearance and dismantling existing roads of the
accurate maps of utility alignments are not available. It is possible that different utility lines may exist
below earth crust at varying depths. It is recommended to have all the utilities in a single utility
corridor underneath the footpath or parking/vending area and ensure that they are not spread out
throughout the entire right of way.

Old water supply and sewer pipelines shall be removed and new lines shall be joined to main
connection with new alignment wherever required. During site clearance, care will be taken that
communication lines (optical fibre cables) and other underground cables/lines for telephones,
electricity, and gas are not damaged.

Electricity and communication boxes should be shifted and fixed at the edge of the ROW or in the
parking/multi-utility strip to avoid creating an obstruction on footpaths. Similarly transformers and
electricity poles should also be shifted to edges. Street furniture

Electrical components like street lights must be upgraded to ensure that the BRT corridors are safe for
all users at night. NMC will also construct pay and use toilet blocks at regular intervals along
corridors and install additional street furniture elements such as benches, tables, and dustbins
wherever required.

“Bus only” lettering along BRT corridors, centre lines, edge line, and lane markings should be painted
using thermoplastic paint. Directional signage, stop sign at intersection, traffic signs, and traffic
signals should be installed. Bus and IPT stops will require shelters, lighting, and signage.

7.11 Depots
The major function of depots is to provide adequate parking to bus fleet and accommodate facilities to
carry out regular maintenance and up keep. Separate workshops may be developed to carry out major
repairs in the buses, but most repairs should be accommodated by depot facilities.

Bus depot locations that are far from the starting points of bus trips may result into increased
operating costs. Therefore, the process of determining depot locations aims to minimise so-called
“dead kilometres.” Depot locations are also a function of real estate availability and pricing. For
Nashik, we propose locations that balance the requirements of reducing dead kilometres and the
availability and cost of depot land.

7.11.1 Phase I depots

Per observations and experiences with other Indian BRT system depots (Janmarg and PMPML), ITDP
anticipates that 214 sq m of space will be required per bus. Thus, for Phase I of the Nashik BRT, the
following depots are planned:

Table 16: Proposed depot locations for Nashik BRT Phase I


1 Gangapur Village / Badan Phata 17,500 I

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 86

2 Nashik Railway Station 17,500 I
total 35,000

81 vehicles

Nashik Rd:
82 vehicles

Figure 69: Nashik BRT Phase I Depot locations

Figure 70: Conceptual diagram for depot facility that accommodates 18 m and 12 m BRT vehicles (Surat
BRT project / CEPT)

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 87

In addition to the bus requirements, a depot also houses facilities such as rest rooms, refreshment
canteens, and stay arrangements for drivers, conductors, supervision, and maintenance staff. A depot
space has to be large enough to cater existing as well as future fleet additions.

The important components of a depot facility are enlisted below:

 Bus parking area

 Bus washing area with a ramp and a water flow channel
 Bus maintenance area
 Inspection pits and bays
 Storage of maintenance tools, equipment, materials etc.
 Store of tyres, batteries etc.
 Fuel pumps and fuel tanks
 Staff amenities like rest rooms, guest rooms, refreshment areas
 Staff Training and Meeting halls
 Manger’s cabins and Security
 Landscaping
 Treatment of hazardous chemicals and toxic wastes before disposal in open environment.

Figure 71: Co-located Bus depot and terminal of the Transmilenio BRT system, Bogotá (Google maps)

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 88

Figure 72: Chandola lake BRT depot, Ahmedabad

At present, MSRTC holds the control over existing depots in Nashik. Therefore it is necessary that
NMC acquire additional depot space for the BRT system.

7.11.2 Future depot planning

Land availability for future depot locations is a concern as there is no reservation in the development
plan for such facility. ITDP estimates that the Nashik BRT will be responsible for a growing
percentage of local bus service by 2023. It is likely that the city will need to operate about 1,050 buses
by that time to meet the anticipated travel demand (based on our estimates of population growth and

We estimate that a total of 14 depots with a capacity of 75 buses each will adequately house the
required fleet of 1,050 vehicles. Therefore Nashik will require a total of 0.23 sq km of land for these
depots by 2023.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 89

8 BRT Supporting elements
8.1 Pedestrian and cycle access
Every public transport trip begins and ends with a walking component. The success of public
transport and its ability to reduce dependence on private vehicles is governed largely by the ease and
comfort of pedestrian access to transit stops. A user who is forced to compete with traffic and
navigate through cluttered footpaths in the sun before he reaches the public transport system is less
likely to use public transport than a user who gets to walk on a shaded walkway that is active, well-lit,
clutter-free, and continuous. Therefore, providing high quality footpaths is essential to the long-term
viability of Nashik’s public transport system.
All pedestrian footpaths must have:
 Continuous, unobstructed space for pedestrian movement. The size of this space is planned in
accordance with observed pedestrian volumes and should be a minimum clear width of 2 m.
Separate additional space is required for trees, utilities, planting, shop frontages, and vendors so
that they do not encroach into the clear space. While 2 m is the minimum width, it is adequate for
movement of only 800 pedestrians per hour. Width should be increased by an additional half
metre for every subsequent 800 pedestrians per hour on the footpath. Pedestrian facilities become
desirable when they are wider than the technical minimum so that people do not have to walk in a
crowded condition. Wherever possible, they should be made wider than the technical minimum as
stated above.
 Continuous tree cover to provide shade. Shade is particularly important in Nashik’s hot, humid
climate. Trees can reduce the perceived temperature by up to 8°C and make walking comfortable.
The location and design of pedestrian paths should take advantage of existing trees. Wherever
possible, existing trees should be retained on BRT corridors and additional trees may be planted
where there is a gap in shade.
 Minimum level differences at property entrances and intersections. Abrupt and frequent kerb cuts
require pedestrians to constantly step up and down and therefore discourage them from using
footpaths. Negotiating level differences at property entrances and intersection with suitably
aligned ramps is essential to ensure a comfortable walking experience. Otherwise, pedestrians are
forced to walk on the carriageway, thus reducing the total effective width for vehicles.

Figure 73: Pedestrian help integrate BRT corridors with the surrounding urban fabric

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 90

High quality pedestrian facilities should be developed within a 500 m radius of each BRT station.
This will significantly improve accessibility and increase ridership of the BRT system. Shifting a
greater share of travel to walking, and combining walking with public transport trips is an effective
way of reducing congestion and pollution. ITDP has developed a manual for street design for Indian
cities.30 This manual can be used as a guide for developing pedestrian facilities and other elements of
street design.
Increasing walking access to public transport can give people with limited transport options access to
more opportunities and services and reduce demand for parking facilities around stations. Providing
better pedestrian access also increases public health benefits because the average public transport user
is much more likely to achieve the recommended 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a

Figure 74. Safe, convenient access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at all Nashik BRT

8.1.1 Information and signage integration

Keeping the passenger informed at all times is crucial to making public transportation user friendly
and desirable. Bilingual information is particularly useful in reaching out to a larger populace. At
present, the lack of information on existing public transit routes and their timings discourages the use
of public transport. Such information is usually only gathered from fellow passengers waiting at
transit stops or from commuting on a daily basis along the same route.

For the BRT to work to achieve its full potential, it is essential to do the following:

 Display on-board schematic maps of the BRT network that indicate interchange points with other
public transport systems
 Keep passengers informed through on-board automated announcements

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy and Environmental Planning Collaborative (2011).
Better Streets, Better cities: A Guide to Street Design in Urban India.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 91

 Display arrival times of the next bus to reduce the anxiety of waiting
 Provide information and maps for smart travel, highlighting walking, cycling, and public transport
 Before boarding, passengers need to be able to determine the routes that are available for
travelling to the desired destination, transfer points, and departure times. Once on board,
passengers need to be informed about upcoming bus stops and transfer opportunities.
 Public transport systems need to be simple and easy to understand. All information should be up
to date because unreliable and out-of-date information pushes existing and potential passengers to
distrust the system and look for alternatives.

8.1.2 Integrated ticketing

The use of electronic ticketing and smart cards provides a way to pay for a multi-segment trip as if it’s
a single trip. Combining all fare purchases into a single instrument encourages public transport use.
The same smart card system can be designed so that it can also be utilized by MSRTC operated city
buses, autorickshaws, taxis, or NMC parking systems simply by validating it on ETMs or other
compatible card reading technologies.

Electronic fare collection through a common pre-paid ticket or smart cards usable on all modes of
transport saves time and can be used to reduce the monetary penalty for switching from one mode of
transport to another.

Having such a system in place is critical to the success of BRT as well as other public transport
systems because:

 It enables passengers to easily switch modes at interchange stations without queuing to buy
another ticket.
 Typically, two tickets for separate segments cost more than a single direct trip. Use of smart cards
provides a way to pay for a multi-segment trip as if it is a single trip. Customers do not get
penalized for making transfers.
 It reduces the risk of revenue leakage by reducing the number of cash collection points.
The electronic ticketing system for the Nashik BRT should be designed with enough flexibility to
incorporate additional public transport modes. Since access to mobiles is widespread, mobile
technology should be leveraged to set up systems of payment and recharge. Mobile phone operators
have a wide network of recharge centres, often run as a side business by general goods shops. With an
appropriate tie up, this wide network can be used for recharge rather than setting up independent
infrastructure for cash collection.

8.2 Branding and communication

In this day and age, people are acutely concerned about lifestyle and image. Being efficient and
utilitarian is not sufficient. Attractive branding and constant outreach is essential for the successful
adoption and patronage of a new public transport system, especially by the growing middle class. As
prosperity rises, public aspires to be associated with products and services that exude style and class.
The marketing team needs to create a buzz that BRT is more than just another bus.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 92

The following components of effective branding are recommended for Nashik BRT (from the
handbook, “From Here to There”31):

 “Build consistent system image.” All BRT Stations must have a consistent visual aesthetic to
build a consistent system image and brand identity.
 “Building a strong brand.” The brand communicates the system’s values. A modern BRT system
needs a modern-looking logo, colour scheme, and graphic style. The brand should reference local
values and sensibilities. In systems such as Ahmedabad’s Janmarg, a local-language name helps
people connect.

Figure 75. In Los Angeles, distinctive bus colours convey information about services (e.g. local vs express)
and contribute to the identity of the system.

 “Sell your values.” Agency employees are all brand ambassadors, so it is critical that they
understand and internalize what the system stands for. In Ahmedabad, drivers underwent a two-
month training upon them that they would need to adopt more courteous driving style than they
might have practiced in previous posts in the city’s Municipal Transport Service or as private
freight transporters.
 “Get started early.” Outreach can begin well before the official launch of the system. In Bogotá,
representatives of Transmilenio distributed rider information door-to-door in neighbourhoods
along the BRT corridor. Ahmedabad’s Janmarg offered free rides for the first three months to
entice new users to try out the system. This trial period was followed up with active outreach to
introduce various communities to the BRT.
 “Systematise your information.” Present customer information in an easy-to-use format. Signage
and information graphics need to be straightforward and concise.
 “Know what riders want.” Advertising and outreach campaigns should be tailored to the specific
needs and interests of different user groups.
 “Control the narrative.” While officials are often leery of divulging too much information to the
media, it is better to have a proactive approach to media outreach. The Ahmedabad Municipal
Corporation fed information about the Janmarg BRT to the press on a regular basis, resulting in
extensive coverage of the project before its opening.

Embarq (2011). From Here to There: A creative guide to making public transport the way to go,
< EMB2011_From%20Here%20to%20There_web. pdf>.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 93

 “Be responsive to riders.” Periodic user surveys can gather information on passenger perceptions
of service quality, and this feedback can inform operational plans and the design of subsequent

Figure 76. Distinctive logos add to the identity of BRT systems (from left to right: Metrobus, Mexico City;
Rea Vaya, Johannesburg; MyCiti, Cape Town; Metropolitano, Lima; Transjakarta, Jakarta).

8.3 Parking management

Transport planners across the globe have come to an understanding that roads cannot be built fast
enough to keep up with rising travel demand induced by the road building itself and the sprawl it
creates. Therefore, along with creating high quality accessible and integrated public transport system
that serves the needs of city residents, it is equally important to discourage people from using private
modes of transport. Municipal areas and cities have turned to land-use planning integrated with
effective transport policies to shift the demand for travel to more sustainable modes. In this capacity,
parking management policies and techniques have proven to be especially effective. For Nashik, this
means that parking must be tightly restricted in areas well-served by the integrated public transport
system so that people are encouraged to use public transport.

Presently, parking occupies up to half the street width on many commercial streets. Effective on-street
parking management will be needed to ensure that parking does not conflict with other activities
along BRT corridors. Parking is not an inevitable need at the end of a trip. By contrast, the availability
of parking at the destination results in a trip by personal vehicle. If implemented on a citywide basis,
parking fees can become a major source of revenue that can help fund public transport operations and
streetscape improvements. Parked vehicles encroach on pedestrian space, making it harder for
passengers to access public transport.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 94

Figure 77. Clear designation of parking and no-parking zones is an essential step in effective parking
management. All BRT corridors should have clearly marked parking slots. Shown here is a street in Bogotá,
Colombia, before and after the delineation of parking slots.

Several dimensions of parking management will need to be addressed:

 Clear designation of parking and no-parking areas. Demarcation of parking areas is a prerequisite
for enforcement.
 Introduction of appropriate parking fees. In areas with high parking demand, parking fees can
help reduce the pressure on on-street parking facilities. Parking fees create an incentive for the
use of off-street lots, and they also encourage people use alternate modes, including public
transport. Parking fees need to be calibrated to the size of the vehicle (e.g. cars should be charged
4 to 5 times as much as two-wheelers).
 Enforcement of no-parking zones. A robust system for parking enforcement is needed to ensure
that parked vehicles do not compromise pedestrian footpaths and vehicle movement in the
carriageway. At present, parking occupies a great deal of the right-of-way on many of the
proposed BRT corridors. Where space is limited, priority should go toward public transport,
pedestrian access, cycling, and mixed traffic. Parking can be limited through appropriate
management and pricing.
Going forwards, a clear policy on parking that takes an integrated city-wide approach will be pivotal
to the success of the integrated public transport system. On-street parking should be discouraged near
public transport stations, where people have the option of using sustainable modes of transport. If
absolutely required, such parking should be priced at premium rates to discourage the use of private
vehicle use.

Park-and-ride facilities may be considered only at terminal stations in city outskirts. In other
locations, intensification of land use through mixed-use residential and commercial development is a
more effective long- term means of generating public transport ridership.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 95

The design and management of all parking facilities must also reflect new mobility as well as ‘safe
design.’ Priority should be given to non-motorized vehicles, paratransit, energy-efficient vehicles, and
car-share companies - all in advance of single- occupancy cars.

8.4 Cycle sharing

As more and more Indian cities implement high quality rapid transit systems, cycle sharing is
increasingly an important means of providing last mile connectivity to mass rapid transit stations. The
public cycle sharing systems that are popular in many countries are a relatively new concept in India,
but in the last few years, several Indian cities have shown interest in setting up such systems. A pilot
phase of India’s first fully automated cycle sharing system was recently launched in Bangalore, and
additional systems are planned in Bhopal, Gurgaon, Mysore, and Rajkot.

Figure 78. London’s Barclays Cycle Hire system: Typical station (L) and map showing station locations (R).

Today, there are cycle sharing systems in over 500 cities around the globe, and more programs start
every year. Some of the largest cycle-sharing systems are in Chinese cities such as Hangzhou and
Shanghai. Washington, D.C., USA; Paris, France; and London (Figure 78) , also manage successful
sharing systems, which are credited for re-energizing cycling in those cities, as well as providing an
ideal transport solution for short trips and a feeder to other public transport options.

Cycle sharing is a non-polluting and healthy mode of transport. Cycle sharing helps increase the
profile of cycling, bring new users into the fold.

 Critical to achieving these goals is ability to maintain high standards in reliability and
customer service in the initial round of cycle sharing systems. High quality cycle sharing
systems share the following characteristics:
 A dense network of stations across the coverage area, with a spacing of approximately 300
m between stations
 Cycles with specially designed parts and sizes to discourage theft
 A fully automated locking system at stations that allows users to check cycles in or out
without the need for staffing at the station

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 96

 Electronic tags to track where a cycle is picked up, the identity of the user, and the station
where it is returned. The identity of the user is associated with that of the cycle to ensure
 Redistribution of cycles to ensure availability of cycles and empty docking points
 Real-time monitoring of station occupancy rates through information technology (IT)
systems, used to guide the redistribution and provide user information through the web,
mobile phones, on-site terminals, and other platforms
 Pricing structures that incentivise short trips, helping to maximize the number of trips per
cycle per day

Figure 79. In Guangzhou, the cycle sharing system (foreground) is integrated with BRT stations

8.5 Transit-oriented development

Transit oriented development (TOD) refers to development that results in an intensification of
housing and jobs within walking distance of mass rapid transit stations. In addition, the urban design
and land use characteristics of TOD facilitate the use of public transport, walking, and cycling. TOD
is actively oriented toward, rather than simply adjacent to, public transport. Well designed and fully
realized TOD areas can play a key role in the city’s economic and cultural wellbeing, creating vibrant,
lively places for people of all ages and income groups. A strategic concentration of compatible
activities in conjunction with high quality transport systems can help reduce dependence on personal
motor vehicles and curb emissions of harmful smog-forming and greenhouse gas (GHG) pollutants.

Key elements of TOD include the following:

 Provisions for increased intensity of use within a 5 minute walk (i.e. 400 m) of BRT

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 97

 Pedestrian-friendly built form: for example, active uses rather than compound walls at the
street edge and reduced setbacks to ensure that there are “eyes on the street.”
 Small block sizes to reduce walking distances.
 Provision of open space and other social amenities to support increased residential and visitor
 Reduction in the parking supply to create an incentive for the use of public transport.
 Implementation of TOD will involve several activities:
 Delineation of a TOD overlay zone as part of Nashik’s revised Development Plan.
 Reform of Nashik’s Development Control Regulations related to density, urban design, and
 Preparation of Detailed Development Plans to guide the provision of amenities, infrastructure
improvements at the local level.

Figure 80. In Curitiba, Brazil, zoning policies encourage denser development within walking distance of
BRT corridors.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 98

9 Project costs
9.1 Capital cost
The capital cost estimates for the Nashik BRT show the outlay required for a fully equipped system
with appropriate technology and rolling stock. Infrastructure costs were estimated based on the
standard sections presented in Section 0 and the NMC schedule of rates. The cost of IT equipment
was estimated based on experience in BRT systems elsewhere in India. A summary of capital cost
components is presented in Table 17.

Table 17: Capital cost for the Nashik BRT

BRT Corridors 26 km (Phase I) 346.7
BRT Stations 50 stations including 11 interchange stations 28.3
Depots 2 10.0
Terminals 4 10.0
Control Centre 1 0.5
Bus Procurement 170 BRT, feeder, and microbuses 70.3
IT systems Including hardware, software 14.9
Automatic Doors RFID controlled automatic doors at stations, interchanges 7.0
Consultancy Detailed infrastructure design 8.0
Total Capital Cost 495.6

9.2 Potential funding sources

The Nashik BRT project is eligible for capital grant funding from MOUD under the Jawaharlal
National Urban Renewal Mission’s Urban Infrastructure and Governance grant programme. As a city
with a population between 10 and 40 lakhs, Nashik is eligible to receive 50 per cent of the project cost
from GOI. As per MOUD guidelines, the Government of Maharashtra will cover 20 per cent of the
costs and NMC, 30 per cent.

Table 18. Expenditure allocation among funding agencies

Funder Proportion (%) (Crore Rs)
Government of India 50 248
Government of Maharashtra 20 99
Nashik Municipal Corporation 30 149
Total 496

9.3 Operating costs

The operating costs for the proposed BRT system includes costs of bus operations, administration and
operations management, and maintenance of IT systems and infrastructure. In order to estimate the
cost of bus operations for the Phase I of corridors, it is assumed that each bus will operate at least 240

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 99

km per day. The duty of drivers, supervisors, and mechanics will be scheduled in 2 shifts per day. The
cost of bus operations is estimated to be Rs 56.3 crore per year.

Additional operating expenses include cleaning, security, and maintenance of IT systems. To estimate
such costs, information from the Ahmedabad BRT was extrapolated to generate estimates for Nashik.
Staff salaries and maintenance of hardware and software for the IT systems is expected to cost around
Rs 2.4 crore per year. Security, maintenance, and administrative expenses will amount to around Rs
2.0 crore per year. Overall operating expenses total Rs 60.7 crore per annum, or Rs 43.4 on a per-km

Table 19. Annual operating expenses

Component Crore Rs
Bus operations 56.3
IT system operations 2.4
Maintenance, security, and administration 2.0
Total 60.7

9.4 Fare structure and revenue estimates

The primary source of operating revenue will be passenger ticket sales. The existing fare structure for
MSRTC bus services in Nashik is distance-based. Fares range from Rs 7 up to Rs 54 for 50 km. For
trips up to 30 km, the fare can be approximated as Rs 7 plus Rs 0.88 per km. The fare for children is
half that of adults. Since the bus fleet for the Nashik BRT will be procured with assistance from
JNNURM and the state government, the bus operator only requires compensation for the direct
expenses of running the buses plus a reasonable return on investment. The full cost of operations,
including bus operations, IT system operations, maintenance, security, and administration is
approximately Rs 31 on a per-km basis. Assuming an average trip length of 4 km (derived from
MSRTC’s average ticket value of Rs 10), revenue per passenger-km of Rs 2.6 (at the current average
trip length), 50 per cent of customers availing a 50 per cent discount through passes or concessions,
and an average all-day occupancy of 30 per cent, bus services stands to earn Rs 43 per km from
farebox revenues. Thus, farebox revenues are slightly lower than operating expenses. In order to close
the operating gap, additional revenue streams can be obtained from station and bus advertisement
rights or from personal motor vehicle user charges, such as parking fees.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 100

10 Implementing BRT in Nasik
The ultimate sustainability of any BRT system depends as much on the system “software”—the
business and regulatory structure—as on the “hardware”—the buses, stations, busways, and other
infrastructure. Typically, much emphasis is placed on the physical aspects of BRT, such as corridor
design, bus stations, and vehicles. These are very important elements that determine the quality of any
BRT system. However, the success of BRT is also a function of effective cooperation among multiple
government authorities and contracting structures that facilitate efficient involvement of the private

10.1 Agency roles and responsibilities

Organisations that will be involved in the implementation of BRT in Nashik include the following:

 Nashik Municipal Corporation

 Nashik Traffic Police
 Maharasthra Regional Transport Office
It will also be necessary to coordinate closely with the existing public transport service provider,
MSRTC. In addition, NMC will need to enter agreements regarding infrastructure construction with
the line agencies that own each stretch of corridor (such as the Maharasthra State Department of
Highways and the National Highways Authority of India). Table 20 lists the major responsibilities of
the agencies that will be involved in the Nashik BRT project.

Considering the present structure of administration and operations of city bus services in Nashik, it is
advisable to establish a separate entity under the immediate guidance of NMC to look after public
transport in Nashik. This entity would be a dedicated cell and a team of people whose primary job is
to oversee the operation of bus-based public transport in Nashik. This entity, known as a special
purpose vehicle (SPV), should take the form of a limited company under NMC. The SPV will plan
and implement the BRT project. Once operations begin, the SPV will oversee operations, ensure a
high standard of service quality. Specific services such as bus fleet operations and maintenance, IT
services, and electronic fare collection, would be procured by the SPV from the private sector to
ensure that service of the highest quality can be maintained at the lowest cost to the government.

The SPV needs qualified, professional staff and the independence to make swift decisions during the
implementation process. An IAS officer should serve as the CEO of the SPV. S/he will be supported
by a competent team with specializations in the areas shown below (Figure 81). A board chaired by
the CEO and including the Mayor, Standing Committee Chairman, opposition party leader, the
Deputy Commissioner of Police for Traffic, the Regional Transport Officer, and a representative of
the Urban Development Department, will oversee the SPV.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 101

Figure 81: Structure for the special purpose vehicle for Nashik BRT.

Table 20: Responsibilities of various agencies in implementing and operating the Nashik BRT

Agency Responsibilities
NMC  Seek required approvals from state as well as national government for BRT project
implementation; garner local support and consensus.
 Form SPV
 Construct the required infrastructure for BRT system (BRT corridors, control centre,
stations, depots and terminals etc.)
 Finance the capital cost of the project, with assistance from the state and central
 Create a dedicated UTF in form of annual budgetary allocation reserved for public transport
operations. Generate additional revenue from parking management by means of parking and
SPV  Monitor implementation process
 Contract private players to operate buses, IT systems, station maintenance, and other
 Define BRT service parameters and monitor service quality
 Determine BRT fares
Contracted  Operate respective services such as buses, IT systems, or maintenance
Service  Give timely inputs to SPV for improving operations management
Traffic  Ensure law, order and discipline
Police  Safeguard public transport operations and infrastructure
 Prevent incursions in the BRT lanes and encroachments on footpaths and cycle tracks
RTO  Form policies and regulations oriented towards promotion of sustainable transport.
 Review public transport routes and fares

10.2 Service contracting

The SPV will select the bus operator through a competitive bidding process in which the operators
will quote the lowest per kilometre charge for bus operations that they are able to offer. The SPV and
bus operator will enter an agreement specifying number of buses to be operated, routes, contract
period, and other responsibilities. A list of penalties and fines will be developed for bus operator to
ensure that the required performance is achieved. The bus operator will be responsible for hiring

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 102

drivers, supervisors, and maintenance crews. The operator will provide bus services as per a daily
schedule provided by the SPV, subject to a guaranteed minimum number of daily km.
The revenue from ticket sales will belong to the SPV. The operator will have no other income from
any of the source within the BRT system. The operator will raise the bus operations bill periodically
(e.g. every 10 days), which shall be approved and paid by the SPV after verification using data
generated by the IT systems. The operator shall be paid as per the actual operated km, with
adjustments made in accordance with minimum assured km as per specific formulae. The formulae
for calculating payments to the operator will also include provisions for considering variations in fuel
prices and other variables.
The SPV will hand over depot space to the bus operator, who in turn will maintain it through the end
of the contract period. The operator will be responsible for procuring tools and equipment for bus
maintenance. Bus cleaning will be carried out regularly by the operator as per the agreement with
SPV. It is recommended to have a separate housekeeping contract for cleaning of stations, terminals
and interchanges at least twice a day.

10.3 Implementation process

Detailed topographic surveys will be carried out by NMC after which the design contractor shall
develop detailed drawings for BRT corridors for execution. NMC shall appoint a design firm for
detailed designs of BRT corridors; appoint project management consultants (PMC) for monitoring
and supervision of BRT construction. To ensure high quality of construction, all contracts should
include a mandatory maintenance period following the commissioning of infrastructure.

The procurement of buses and IT systems should be timed to coincide with the completion of the
corridor infrastructure to ensure that the new vehicles and equipment do not site idle while other
activities are completed.

Figure 82: Process for design and construction of corridors

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 103

Figure 83: Process for procurement of bus operations and IT/fare collection services

The Nashik BRT SPV will have important responsibilities during project construction.

Construction activity must be phased to avoid traffic congestion and carbon emissions due to idling of
vehicles at junctions or midblock due to construction activity of pavements. All BRT construction
works shall be carried out from one road junction to another junction to minimize the disturbance to
road/traffic users. This construction method is referred to as ‘working in block.’ It ensures that no re-
routing is required. To maximize the available ROW for traffic during construction, construction
works should be divided into the following activities:

 Construction Phase I
o Removal of encroachments and shifting of utilities
o Erection of temporary barricades
o Removal of existing footpath
o Construction of drainage and footpath
o Erection of light poles
o Widening of the existing carriageway to the required width
o Widening/new construction of service road up to full width.
 Construction Phase II
o Block the required width necessary for construction of central BRT lane
o Construction of proposed median adjacent to BRT and main carriageway
o Removal of existing median, street lights etc. for constructing new carriageway
o Construction of BRT lanes and bus stops
 Construction Phase III
o Erection of street lights on central BRT median between cycle track and carriageway
o Landscaping, installation of street furniture like seats, toilet blocks, traffic signs
o Residual work including installation of new traffic signals, painting road markings

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 104

Planning for traffic diversion is essential. During construction phase I, traffic must be allowed to use
existing carriageway. Existing traffic signals must be functional. During construction phase II
motorized traffic must be diverted on widened carriageway

Nashik BRT must take the utmost care for safety of worker in construction zones. The following
general precautions are recommended for all BRT construction efforts:
 Movable barricades, boards stating ‘men at work’, and red ribbons are mandatory.
 Night time safety is ensured by warning lamps and reflective/fluorescent signage.
 All workers must be provided with protective personal equipment, including helmets, hand
gloves, and gum boots. Workers exposed to traffic must wear reflective / fluorescent jackets.
Traffic management during construction phase should be given priority. For example:

 Portable traffic signals should be used at junctions.

 Additional traffic brigades can be deployed by SPV to ensure traffic safety at junctions and also
train them during construction phase.
 Traffic management plan should be prepared for each working block including diversions,
parallel roads/alternate routes, regulation of traffic, guiding signs, etc.
 The contractor will study all available maps of alignment of various underground utilities prior to
beginning of site clearance and dismantling existing roads.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 105

11 Way forward
11.1 Timeline
BRT systems can be implemented in a short time period. Many systems take under three years from
concept planning to start of operations. Since the detailed feasibility study has already been
completed, it is possible to start the operations on the first line of the Nashik BRT system in less than
30 months.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Figure 84: Suggested implementation timeline for Nashik BRT

11.2 Next steps

The following next steps can help advance the BRT planning process:

 Stakeholder consultations | BRT will require strong and dedicated political will. With sustained
communication of a positive vision for the future of the city, NMC can build widespread support
for implementing BRT. Consultations are an essential step in gaining buy-in from relevant public
agencies, citizen groups, and other stakeholders.
 Establish the BRT SPV | Creating an empowered unit under NMC is a key step toward ensuring
rapid and effective implementation of BRT. Notification and staffing of the SPV is an urgent

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 106

 Seek central funding | The Government of India will accept applications for JNNURM funding
through mid-2014. NMC should seek approval of the state-level JNNURM committee as the next
step toward gaining JNNURM approval.
 Hire design consultants | Hire consultants to developed detailed corridor designs.
 Begin on-street parking management and enforcement | A robust on-street parking
management system will support BRT operations by ensuring that carriageways, footpaths, and
cycle tracks remain free of encroachment by parked vehicles. NMC can initiate the planning of a
formal parking system so that it is ready for rollout as the BRT corridors reach completion.
 Reconcile island improvement project and BRT corridor designs | An existing NMC project
seeks to upgrade several intersections with formal pedestrian crossings, streamlined traffic
movements, and traffic calming elements. The intersection improvements should be prioritised for
corridors off the BRT routes to avoid the possibility of new infrastructure being demolished
shortly after construction.
ITDP will support NMC in the following activities as the BRT planning process proceeds:

 Facilitating national and international study tours for project stakeholders

 Determining the institutional structure of the SPV and training SPV staff
 BRT service planning
 TORs for consultants: engineering and architecture consultants for design of corridors, stations,
terminals, depots, and other infrastructure; communications and passenger information
 RFPs for service providers: bus operations, IT services, marketing and communications
 Monitoring of consultant work

11.3 In conclusion
BRT as proposed in this report has the capacity to transform public transport in Nashik into a truly
world class system. By providing citizens with high quality and environmentally and economically
sustainable public transport, NMC can ensure that the city’s is able to provide convenient access to all
as the city grows The BRT system can integrate the city core with expanding areas in the periphery,
helping to structure growth along corridors with good public transport access. Sustainable transport is
key to securing a vibrant and prosperous future for Nashik.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 107

12 Appendix 1: 20 key MSRTC routes
Name Route No. Route Name Origin Destination

1 Nimani Nashik Rd 55 Nimani Nashik Road Via Tps Wakadi Nimani Nashik Road
(Via Shalimar) Barav

2 Nimani Nashik Rd 131 Nimani Nashik Road Via Ganesh New Nimani Nashik Road
(Via Shalimar) Cnp

3 Nimani Nashik Rd 52 Nimani Nashik Road Via Usg Nimani Nashik Road
(Via Shalimar)

4 Nimani Nashik Rd 254 Nimani To Nashik Road Via Rk, Slmr, Nimani Nashik Road
(Via Jail Road) Upnagar Col. Corner, Narayan Bapu
Nagar, Jail Road.

5 Nimani Ambad 231 Mhasrul To Ambad Via Shalimar, Nimani Ambad

(Via Pandav Leni) Nagaji, Indira Nagar, Lekhanagar,

6 Nimani Uttamnagar 235 Nimani To Ambad Via Trimurti Nimani Uttam Nagar
Chowk, Pavan Nagar, Uttam Nagar,
Vijay Nagar, Sihnastha Ngr, Pathardi
Phata, Pandavlene.

7 Nimani Shramik 262 Nimani To Shramik Ngr Via Satpur, Nimani Shramik Nagar
Nagar Boys Town, Commissioner Office, Spc

8 Nimani Mahatma 316 Nimani To Raymond Stall Via Ashok Mahatma Nimani
Nagar Stop, Mahatma Nagar, Iti Signal, Nagar
Nimani Chowk, Uttam Nagar, Vijay
Nagar, Ambad Police, Station,
Pathardi Phata, Vadivarhe, Likar

9 Nimani Pathardi 314 Nimani To Pathardi Via Slmr, Wadala Nimani Pathardi
Gaon Naka, I'ngr, Vanvaibhav
(Via Ngzi Hospital)

10 Nimani Girnare 99 Tps To Girnare Via Ashok Stambha, Girnare Nimani

(Via Gangapur) Gangapur Village

11 Nashik Eklahare 307 Nashik Road To Nashik Road Via Eklahare Nashik Road
Eklahare Village

12 Nashik Rd 177 Nashik Road - Shramik Nagar Via Nashik Shramik Nagar
Shramiknagar Shalimar, Satpur Midc, Ashok Nagar Road

13 Nashik Rd Ambad 306 Ambad To Nashik Road Via Dwarka, Ambad Nasik Road
Lekhanagar, Meltron Company,

14 Nashik Rd 167 Nashik Road - Cidco Iv (Pavan Nagar) Nashik Uttam Nagar
Uttamnagar Via Untwadi . Road

15 Nashik Rd 177 Nashik Road - Shramik Nagar Via Mahatma Nashik Road
Mahatmanagar Shalimar, Satpur Midc, Ashok Nagar Nagar

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 108

Name Route No. Route Name Origin Destination

16 Nimani Bhagur 298 Nimani - Bhagur - South Via Kalika Bhagur Nimani
(Via Bitco) Mandir, Mahamarg, Wasan Bajaj

17 Cbs To Ozar 39 Cbs Air Force Station Ozar Via Pk Nashik Ozar
Nmn Adgn Cbs

18 Cbs To Wadiware 190 Mhasrul To Wadiwhare Village Via Pk, Nashik Wadivhare
Cbs, Pandav Lene, Vilholi Cbs Village

19 Cbs To Mungsara 274 Tilak Path To Dari Via Kranti Nagar, Nashik Mungsara
Makhamalabad, Mungsara. Cbs

20 Cbs To Borgad 243 Air Force Station, Borgad To Mahatma Cbs Borgad
(Via Masrur) Nagar Iii Via Mhasru Panchavati
Karanja, Cbs.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 109

13 Appendix 2: Bus design standards
The following specifications for procurement of modern BRT buses reflect the standards issued by the
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.


Length 12 meters
Width 2.6 meters
Height (unladen) 3.8 meters
Wheel base 6.1 meters
Turning radius As per IS: 9435 -1980
Front overhang Not more than 45% of wheel base
Rear overhang Not more than 50% of wheel base
Axle clearance Min. 190mm
Min. Ground Within wheel base, not less than 270mm
Min. interior 1900mm
Gangway 800 mm
Passenger Capacity 32-34 seated and 34-38 standees
Seat layout 2x2
Seat space per 400 * 350 mm (width * depth)
Seat material PPLD/ LDPE molded AIS 023
Height over sitting > 900 mm
Seat back/pad Polyurethane foam IS:15061:2002, 30 mm
Head rest, seat Not required
Door type and Double jack type, minimum 1900mm
Clear door width 1000 mm (in open position with flap gates)
Operation time in Less than or equal to 4 seconds
Doors for BRT Entry and exit doors to be 1000 mm wide each (in open position with flap
operations (right gates)
Width of partition 400mm max.
between BRT gates
Door Operations Electro pneumatically controlled
Load capacity 80 passengers
Unloaded bus Not more than 10 tones

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 110

IT Systems Bus architecture should be compatible to install IT systems like LED
destination boards on front, rear and left side of the bus as well as one
internal LED board behind driver seat. GPS and other related equipment
for bus tracking, two way communication and on-board bus unit should be
able to be installed.
Fuel Diesel, CNG
Max. Speed Less than or equal to 75 km/h.
IT systems Uninterrupted power supply for auxiliary IT system gadgets
Engine Electronic management of engine controls
Engine Operate efficiently at ambient temperatures of approximate 0 to 50
requirements degree Celsius, humidity level from 5 to 100%.
Location of Left side
exhaust pipe
Steering Hydraulic power type
Suspension Pneumatic, electronically controlled
Air bellows 2 at front and 4 at rear side
Electrical system 24 volt DC, multiplex wiring inside bus
Shock absorbers Hydraulic double acting
Braking system Dual circuit full air brake with disc type arrangement at front and drum
type at rear brake with anti-skid, anti-brake locking system.
Self starter 24V, 80Ah rating.
Batteries Lead acid batteries as per BIS: 7372-1995
Alternator 24V, 150Ah rating
Fuel tank Capacity >150 litres of diesel or 100 kg. of CNG
Tires Steel Radial, preferably tube less
Steps Max. height of 1st step to be 400 mm and other steps 250 mm
Disabled Provision for wheel chair space and its anchoring
Bus body Design, insulation, materials as per bus code AIS 052
Floor type Flat, except at wheel arches, seats may be given on wheel arches
Glasses Toughened glass as per IS: 2553- 1992 (part 2)
Destination boards As per Urban Bus Specifications by MoUD
and PIS
Life cycle 10 years and 7, 50,000 km.
requirements of
bus body structure

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 111

14 Appendix 3: Station design standards

Length At least 50.0 meters

Width Minimum 4.0 meters. The widths will be increased on corridors with high
demand and wide right of ways and highest boarding points like terminals,
transfer stations, intermodal connections
Height 3.0 meters (floor to ceiling bottom level)

Floor Height 900 mm from ground floor (bus lane) and in level with bus floor height

Ramp 12.0 meter long with gradient of 1:12 for ease of accessibility to passengers with
disability and difficulty in walking.
Flooring Anti-skid, rough kota stone finish flooring with tactile paving for visually
challenged serving as a guide way to station doors, entry and exit ramps,
ticketing booth
Air Circulation The station sides of the stations will largely be made of material that creates a
barrier but provides enough air circulation like vertical thin members.
Platforms Each station will have at least 2 platforms in one direction. There will be a ledge
cantilevered outwards up to 15 cm from the station floor level towards the bus
Doors Stations will have automatic doors at each platform. Doors will be horizontal
slide type with toughened glass sheet for better visibility. Door controller will be
installed at stations but the control for opening and closing will remain with the
bus driver by a common button to operate bus and station doors. In addition, the
station will have main entry/exit doors that are locked during night closure
Door Location The doors will be staggered. No doors will be opposite to each other in both the
directions. This is to ease the passenger movement during boarding and
alighting. Doors located on opposite to each other create congestion and chaos
in passenger movement especially during peak hours when there is lot of rush.
Fare Collection Closed structure up to chest height of a standing passenger, the cabin will have
Cabin glass window on upper part to facilitate communication between a passenger
and a ticket issuer. Fare collection cabin will house all the IT system
components like door controller, station server, computer for issuing tickets,
smart card validators, controller for real time PIS systems etc.
Sitting Sitting provision for elderly and senior citizens, women, children and disabled
will be there in the station in form of benches.
Lighting Station should be adequately lighted internally as the operations may be
scheduled for late night hours. There should be a provision of auto-shut-off of
the electricity services when the system operations are over.
Aesthetics The station architecture has to be attractive and aesthetic and has to be
coherent with system brand and identity giving the city an image. Colour
combination plays a very critical role. It is recommended to have a continuity of
brand, image and colour combinations throughout the system in various
components like buses, corridors, stations, staff uniforms etc.
Route Map The stations will have route maps showing the entire system network with
station locations and corridors. Route map will be located inside as well outside
of the station.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 112


Fare Structure The station will have a fare structure panel to display the existing fare charges
station wise. Fare Structure panel to be located outside the station
Area Map The station will have an area map located outside the fare collection cabin
showing important landmarks in the vicinity of the station up to a radial distance
of at least 300 meters from the station.
Directional The station will have adequate directional signage’s in terms of arrow markers
Signage with reflective yellow colour paint for better visibility to blind and also markers
pointing exact positions to wait for coming bus, platform numbers etc.

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 113

15 Appendix 4. Corridor design standards
Item Standard

Design Speed Bus lanes, 50 km/h; Carriageway 30-40 km/h;

Service lanes, 15 km/h

Median bus lane width Minimum 3.3 m; Minimum 7.5 m for bus lane +
passing lane

Carriageway width Maximum 6.5 m for two lanes; Maximum 7 m for

two-way movement

Parking Area 2m

Service Lanes Maximum 3 m for one-way movement; Maximum 4.5

m for two-way movement

Cycle Tracks Minimum 2 m

Footpath Minimum 2 m of clear space

Pedestrian refuge island Minimum 1 m

Cross slope

Bus Lane 2.0%

Carriageway 2.0%

Parking 1.5%

Service Lane 1.5%

Cycle Track 1.5%

Footpath 1.5%

Geometric features

Max. gradient 4%

Desirable gradient 2%

Min. gradient 0.5%

Max. grade change requiring vertical curve 0.6%

Min. vertical clearance to road bridge over 5.5 m


Max. super elevation 7%

Min. super elevation 4%

Rate of change of super elevation 1 in 150


Min. longitudinal gradient 0.3%

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 114

Min. width of drain 0.25 m

Min. diameter of drain 0.45 m

Manholes spacing 10-20 m

Min. inside dimension 120 x 90 cm

Opening for entry 50cm clear


Disability Access Draft National Building Code / BIS Indian

Accessibility Standards (2009)

Traffic Signal IRC: 93-1985 and better experiences

Pedestrian crossings and pathways IRC: 103-2012

Road Signage IRC: 67-1977

Pavement markings IRC: 35-1997

Delineators IRC: 79-1981

Depth of underground utilities

Trunk sewer lines 2-6m

Water supply line (service line) 0.6-1m

Water supply line (trunk line) 1-1.5m

Electric Cable (LT) 0.6-1m

Electric Cable (HT) 1.5-2m

Communication Cables (directly laid) 0.6-1m

Communication Cables (in ducts) 2-3m

Gas mains and lines 2-3m

Min. cover over top of service line 0.650 m

Clearance for utilities

Horizontal: Poles erected for street light, 300mm (from edge of raised kerb)
electric power, communications etc. for
roads with raised kerbs 600mm (desirable)

1.5m (for roads without raised kerbs from edge of


Vertical: for ordinary wires and lines 5.5m

carrying very low voltage up to 110 volts
egg. Communication lines

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 115

For electric power lines carrying voltage up 6.0m
to 650 volts

For electric power lines carrying voltage 6.5m

exceeding 650 volts

Nashik Mass Transport Feasibility Study, August 2013 | 116

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