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Form 070.

900-E (AUG 2006)

File: EQUIPMENT MANUAL - Section 70
Replaces: E70-900E (AUG 2006)
Dist: 3, 3a, 3b, 3c


Please check for the latest version of this publication.

Page 2

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 3
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION................................................................................. 3
Figure 1. Thermosyphon Oil Cooler - System Not Operating................................. 3
Figure 2. Thermosyphon Oil Cooler - System Operating........................................ 4
THERMOSYPHON SYSTEMS............................................................................... 4
FLOW-THROUGH THERMOSYPHON RECEIVER............................................... 4
Figure 3. Flow-Through Thermosyphon Receiver.................................................. 5
Figure 4. Elevated System Receiver....................................................................... 7
Figure 5. Combination Thermosyphon/System Receiver....................................... 8
SYSTEM RECEIVER AS THERMOSYPHON RECEIVER..................................... 9
MULTIPLE THERMOSYPHON OIL COOLERS..................................................... 9
Figure 6. Multiple Thermosyphon Oil Coolers....................................................... 10
OIL TEMPERATURE CONTROL.......................................................................... 11
Figure 7. Thermosyphon Oil Cooler Piping . ........................................................ 11
SYSTEM DYNAMICS........................................................................................... 12
SYSTEM SIZING.................................................................................................. 13
TABLE 1. THERMOSYPHON RECEIVER SIZING............................................... 14
Graph 1. R-717 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 0 to 1000 KBTU/HR - OCHR........................ 15
Graph 2. R-717 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 1000 to 3000 KBTU/HR - OCHR.................. 16
Graph 3. R-717 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 3000 to 5000 KBTU/HR - OCHR.................. 17
Graph 4. R-22 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 0 to 1000 KBTU/HR - OCHR.......................... 18
Graph 5. R-22 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 1000 to 3000 KBTU/HR - OCHR.................... 19
Graph 6. R-22 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 3000 to 5000 KBTU/HR - OCHR.................... 20
Graph 7. R-717 Return Vent Line Sizing............................................................... 21
Graph 8. R-22 Return Vent Line Sizing................................................................. 22
APPENDIX A - PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION............................................. 23
Graph 9. R-717 Two-Phase Pressure Drop.......................................................... 25
Graph 10. R-22 Two-Phase Pressure Drop.......................................................... 26
Page 3


Rotary screw compressors typically used in industrial refrigera- The thermosyphon principle refers to the circulation of a fluid
tion require large quantities of oil be injected into the compres- where the motive force for fluid flow is provided not by the
sor. This is done to seal the rotors, lubricate the bearings and addition of mechanical work (i.e. a pump) but rather by gravi-
cool the discharge gas. Since these oil-flooded compressors tational forces and a difference in fluid densities between two
were first introduced, various methods have been employed to vertical legs of the flow loop. In a thermosyphon oil cooling
cool the oil supplied to the compressor. Each of these methods system, this principle of fluid density differential is used to
of oil cooling can be categorized as either direct or indirect. circulate coolant (refrigerant) through the oil cooler(s). As will
Direct cooling of the oil involves the injection of liquid re- be explained more fully below, the transfer of heat from the oil
frigerant directly into the compressor rotors or the compressor being cooled to the refrigerant maintains the density differential
discharge stream prior to oil separation. With this method, the necessary for flow.
oil and refrigerant mix resulting in the oil being cooled. The basic equipment required for a thermosyphon oil cooling
Indirect cooling of the oil involves the use of a heat exchanger system consists of:
and a cooling medium such as air, water, glycol or a refrigerant. 1. A source of liquid refrigerant at system condensing
With these methods, only the oil supplied to the compressor temperature and pressure. This liquid source should be
is cooled. The discharge gas from the compressor remains at located in close proximity to the compressor unit/oil cooler
a higher temperature (usually equal to the oil reservoir tem- to minimize pressure losses in the piping. The liquid level
perature). in the refrigerant source vessel must be maintained at an
Thermosyphon oil cooling - an indirect cooling method that elevation above that of the oil cooler(s). This elevation
employs boiling refrigerant at saturated condensing temperature difference is commonly referred to as “available liquid
as the cooling medium - has gained wide acceptance due to head”. A minimum liquid head greater than 6 feet (1.8
numerous advantages including: meters) above the cooler centerline generally results in
satisfactory performance. The minimum head required may
1. There is no compressor power increase or capacity decrease be greater based on actual system design. See Appendix A
as with direct liquid injection systems. for a detailed calculation.
2. There is no risk of water or glycol contaminating the oil/ 2. An oil cooler heat exchanger. In the illustrations contained
refrigerant charge in the event of an oil cooler leak. in this paper, oil coolers are depicted as shell and tube heat
3. The cooling medium (refrigerant) is non-fouling, resulting exchangers with the refrigerant on the tube side. Other
in higher rates of heat transfer and longer oil cooler life. types of heat exchangers (i.e. plate type) can also be used
4. Oil heat is rejected to the ambient through the refrigerant in thermosyphon oil cooling systems.
condenser. No additional heat rejection equipment (i.e. sep- Figure 1 depicts the basic thermosyphon system when no heat is
arate closed-circuit water or glycol cooler) is required. being transferred from the oil to the refrigerant (as would be the
The purpose of this paper is to provide general information and case before a compressor has been started). Liquid refrigerant,
guidance on the design of piping for thermosyphon oil cooling at condensing temperature, fills the tubes of the heat exchanger
systems. It should be noted that the design approaches, sizing and the rest of the thermosyphon loop to the normal liquid
criteria etc. presented herein are not absolute. These are methods level in the supply vessel. Because the density of the liquid
that have, from experience, proven successful. refrigerant is the same in all parts of the loop, there is no flow
of refrigerant through the oil cooler.
Like other aspects of industrial refrigeration system design,
thermosyphon oil cooling systems require careful engineering
evaluation in order to ensure proper operation. This paper is
intended as an aide in the actual design and evaluation of these
systems by qualified professionals. The ultimate responsibility
for the proper design of a thermosyphon oil cooling system
rests with the party responsible for the refrigeration system

Figure 1. Thermosyphon Oil Cooler - System Not Operating.

Page 4

When the compressor package is operating, hot oil (above The difference in fluid densities, when multiplied by the height
the refrigerant temperature) flows through the shell of the oil of the vertical legs in the thermosyphon piping loop yields a
cooler. Heat will flow through the tube walls from the higher pressure differential. This pressure differential is the force that
temperature oil to the lower temperature refrigerant causing the drives the flow of refrigerant in the thermosyphon loop. As
oil to become cooler. At the same time, some of the refriger- does any fluid flowing in a piping system, the refrigerant in the
ant in the cooler tubes will boil as it absorbs its latent heat of thermosyphon loop experiences frictional forces which oppose
vaporization from the oil. Note that the configuration of the oil the flow. The greater the refrigerant flow rate, the greater the
cooler heat exchanger is such that the refrigerant vapor created magnitude of the pressure losses due to these frictional forces.
in the oil cooler can easily escape and flow back to the supply The refrigerant flow rate will stabilize at a point where the
vessel. The liquid/vapor mixture that returns from the oil cooler pressure drop due to friction losses in the thermosyphon piping
is separated in the supply vessel. The vapor is vented to the inlet loop is exactly equal to the pressure differential supplied by
of the refrigerant condenser where it is reliquified. the difference in fluid densities and the height of the vertical
The rate of refrigerant vaporization in the oil cooler can be legs in the piping loop.
determined by dividing the heat rejected from the oil by the When designing a thermosyphon oil cooling system, one usually
latent heat of vaporization for the specific refrigerant and begins with the design oil cooler heat rejection and an assumed
operating temperature. In order to ensure that all heat transfer refrigerant overfeed rate (say 4:1). The refrigerant piping is
surfaces are wetted by the refrigerant however, thermosyphon then designed so that total friction losses in the piping loop at
oil cooling systems are designed so that more refrigerant flows this flow rate are approximately 1/2 the pressure differential
through the oil cooler than is actually vaporized. Typically, provided by the differences in fluid density and the available
the refrigerant design flow rate is assumed to be four times liquid head. This approach adds a margin of safety in the design
the rate of vaporization. This is commonly referred to as a 4:1 to allow for errors in the estimate of the available pressure and
overfeed rate. the pressure loss in the piping and valving. A detailed calcula-
Note: When explaining the operation of a thermosyphon system, tion example is given in Appendix A.
it is necessary to distinguish between the two vertical legs of In an actual system, the available liquid head will be fixed and
the piping loop. In this paper, the term “downcomer” refers to the oil cooler heat rejection will vary depending on the com-
the vertical run of piping by which refrigerant is supplied to pressor’s operating conditions. At lower rates of oil cooler heat
the oil cooler, and the term “riser” refers to the vertical run of rejection the refrigerant flow will be less. It is a characteristic of
piping by which refrigerant returns to the supply vessel. thermosyphon oil cooling systems that higher oil temperatures
Figure 2 depicts the basic thermosyphon system in operation result in more vaporization of refrigerant, greater density dif-
with a 4:1 overfeed rate. The refrigerant in the downcomer is ferential and higher refrigerant flow rates. In other words, the
all liquid, and its density is the same as it was before the com- more that oil cooling is needed, the harder the thermosyphon
pressor package was operating. The refrigerant in the riser is a system works to provide it.
mix of three parts liquid and one part vapor (by mass). Because THERMOSYPHON SYSTEMS
the density of refrigerant vapor is much less than the density There are numerous ways that a thermosyphon oil cooling
of the liquid, the two-phase mixture in the riser has a density system can be piped. Below are some typical examples of com-
that is considerably less than that of the refrigerant liquid in mon practice. However this by no means covers all the possible
the downcomer. geometries that will work. Alternate piping schemes may be
better suited for a particular application. It is the responsibility
of the system designer to determine the best scheme to pursue
for his or her system.
In the arrangement shown in Figure 3, all of the high-pressure
liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser flows through the ther-
mosyphon receiver on its way to the system receiver.
Liquid refrigerant, draining from the condenser, flows by
gravity to the thermosyphon receiver. The connections on the
thermosyphon receiver (which can be either a horizontal or
vertical pressure vessel) are located such that liquid refriger-
ant will fill this vessel up to a certain point and then overflow
into the system receiver. The thermosyphon receiver must be
elevated relative to the system receiver, and an equalizing line
must connect these two vessels to ensure that liquid refrigerant
will flow freely to the system receiver.

Figure 2. Thermosyphon Oil Cooler - System Operating

Page 5
Figure 3. Flow-Through Thermosyphon Receiver
Page 6

Note that the liquid refrigerant supply to the oil cooler exits pushing it up the riser and back to the thermosyphon receiver.
the thermosyphon receiver well below the level of the overflow The liquid/vapor mixture must enter into the vapor space of the
connection to the system receiver. This ensures an uninterrupted thermosyphon receiver but at a level only slightly higher than
5 minute supply of refrigerant liquid to the oil cooler regardless the maximum liquid level.
of system demands. In the thermosyphon receiver, the vapor that returns from the
As stated above under Principle of Operation, the liquid level in oil cooler is separated from the liquid and vented to the inlet of
the thermosyphon receiver must be maintained at a minimum the refrigerant condenser where it is once again condensed.
elevation greater than 6 feet (1.8 meters) above that of the oil The refrigerant in both the thermosyphon and system receiv-
cooler. ers is saturated, and its’ temperature is equal to the condens-
When the compressor package is operating, hot oil (above the ing temperature. Likewise, the refrigerant in the oil cooler is
refrigerant temperature) flows through the oil cooler shell. saturated at the same temperature. This refrigerant boils as it
As heat transfers from the higher temperature oil to the lower absorbs heat from the oil, but its temperature does not change.
temperature refrigerant, the oil is cooled while some of the The oil therefore is cooled to within an approach temperature
refrigerant in the oil cooler tubes boils. During compressor of the refrigerant condensing temperature. Typically, this ap-
operation, the downcomer supplying refrigerant to the oil cooler proach temperature is in the range of 15 - 35°F (8.3 - 19.4°C).
contains liquid refrigerant, while the riser exiting the oil cooler For example, with a condensing temperature of 95°F, the tem-
contains a mixture of refrigerant liquid and vapor. Gravity perature of the oil exiting the cooler would typically be 110°F
causes the more dense refrigerant liquid to flow downward to to 130°F (43.4°C to 54.4°C).
the oil cooler displacing the less dense liquid/vapor mixture and
Page 7
Figure 4. Elevated System Receiver
Page 8
Figure 5. Combination Thermosyphon/System Receiver
Page 9

SYSTEM RECEIVER AS THERMOSYPHON be added to the system in the future, common parts of the oil
RECEIVER cooling system must be sized to handle the heat rejection from
When it is possible to install the system receiver at sufficient these “future” compressors.
elevation (relative to the oil cooler), the system high-pressure It is possible to design a multiple-compressor system with sepa-
receiver can also serve as the refrigerant supply vessel for rate supply and return lines to each thermosyphon oil cooler. In
thermosyphon oil cooling as shown in Figure 4. which case, this piping would be designed as for a single-com-
Liquid refrigerant, draining from the condenser, flows by pressor system. Generally however, thermosyphon oil cooling
gravity to the system receiver. The outlet connections on this systems serving multiple compressors use common refrigerant
vessel must be located such that the refrigerant liquid supply liquid supply headers and liquid/vapor return headers. See
to the oil coolers is physically lower than the liquid supply to Figure 6 for the recommended piping of a multiple compressor
the system. This ensures an uninterrupted 5 minute supply of system using common supply and return headers. A word of
refrigerant liquid to the oil cooler regardless of system demands. caution: Consideration should be given to the order in which
This can be accomplished by taking refrigerant for oil cooling compressors cycle on and off relative to the order in which the
off the bottom of the receiver and using a dip tube for the main oil coolers are fed refrigerant. When a compressor cycles off,
system liquid line. Note that the nozzle on the receiver for the the thermosyphon oil cooler for that compressor fills with liquid
thermosyphon liquid supply, should project up into the receiver refrigerant. This can temporarily starve other oil coolers further
to prevent dirt being drawn into the supply line and eventually downstream resulting in nuisance compressor shut downs on
into the oil cooler. high oil temperature. If in the designer’s judgement, this will
be an issue for a particular system, then separate liquid feed
With this approach, the system receiver must be located such lines can be run as needed to avoid nuisance compressor shut
that the minimum liquid level in the receiver vessel is at an downs. Alternatively, the compressor/s that run the most can
elevation greater than 6 feet (1.8 meters) above that of the oil be located at the beginning of the supply header.
cooler. The operation of the thermosyphon oil cooler is the
same as described previously. A thermosyphon system serving multiple compressors is very
likely to have a liquid supply header that runs horizontally
If the system receiver can not be elevated sufficiently, an al- through the engine room. Vapor bubbles will form in this header
ternative approach is shown in Figure 5. In this arrangement as the saturated liquid refrigerant it contains absorbs heat from
the system receiver is a vertical vessel. In the top of the vessel the warm engine room and vaporizes. These bubbles must be
is a weir dam over which all the liquid from the condenser/s vented back to the supply vessel before they can combine to
is forced to flow. The weir dam forms a reservoir of liquid form a large vapor bubble that would interfere with the free
refrigerant to feed the thermosyphon oil cooler. The excess flow of liquid refrigerant to the oil coolers. The easiest way to
liquid that spills over the weir into the bottom of the receiver accomplish this is to pitch the liquid header so it rises ¼" per
is used to feed the rest of the system. For this case, the liquid foot in the direction of flow (moving away from the supply
level in the weir dam must be elevated greater than 6 feet (1.8 vessel). If the “tail end” of the liquid header is then connected
meters) above that of the oil cooler. to the return header, any refrigerant vaporized can easily return
Note that the liquid feed to the thermosyphon oil cooler should to the supply vessel. The downcomers carrying liquid refriger-
be taken off the receiver at the bottom of the weir dam. The ant to the individual oil coolers should exit the bottom of the
volume of the weir dam should be sized to provide at least 5 supply header. Note that the end of the supply header can not
minutes of liquid retention. The thermosyphon return line must exceed the elevation of the supply vessel.
enter the receiver in the vapor space just above the liquid level The horizontal return header carrying the two-phase refrigerant
in the weir dam. mixture back to the supply vessel should also be pitched. In
MULTIPLE THERMOSYPHON OIL COOLERS this case the header should be pitched so it falls ¼" per foot
A large percentage of the refrigeration systems using ther- or more in the direction of flow (moving towards the supply
mosyphon oil cooling involve multiple compressors sharing vessel). The risers carrying refrigerant liquid and vapor from
the individual oil coolers should enter the top of the return
a common thermosyphon supply vessel. A disproportionate
share of “thermosyphon problems” seems to occur with these
multiple-compressor systems. The operating principles for a A variant of this system is the situation shown in Detail A of
thermosyphon system with multiple oil coolers however, are Figure 6. In some applications it is impossible to get all the
the same as those for a system with a single oil cooler return header above the supply vessel. In this case the return
header can be split in two sections with a vertical riser in the
Properly accounting for the total heat load on the oil cooling middle. However, in this situation the return header in the
system is the first key to a successful design. Remember that at engine room must be sloped upward ¼" per foot or more
some operating conditions compressor oil cooler heat rejection in the direction of flow toward the vertical riser. This allows
will be greatest at full load, while at other operating conditions vapor bubbles in the riser in the engine room to return to the
heat rejection will be greatest at part load. Consider every com- supply vessel. The part of the return header that is above the
pressor on the oil cooling system and every conceivable state supply vessel should be sloped down toward the supply vessel
of compressor loading to find the “worst case” condition for as before.
total oil cooler heat rejection. If additional compressors will
Page 10
Figure 6. Multiple Thermosyphon Oil Coolers
Page 11


DETAILS The temperature of the oil leaving the thermosyphon oil cooler
The previous diagrams have purposely left out valves required will generally be about 15 - 35°F (8.3 - 19.4°C) above the con-
for proper operation in order to show the piping more clearly. densing temperature. For installations where the condensing
Figure 7 shows the minimum number of valves needed to temperature or the engine room temperature is not expected
operate the system. to drop below about 65°F (18.3°C), oil temperature control
Service isolation valves are sometimes used in the refrigerant is not generally required. Without control, the oil temperature
supply and return lines to the oil cooler, and are recommended will simply “float” with the condensing temperature. If a ther-
for installations where multiple thermosyphon coolers are mosyphon oil cooling system without temperature control is
connected to a common supply vessel. These valves should contemplated for non-FRICK compressors, the compressor
be generously sized and of a low pressure drop design. Globe manufacturer should be contacted to advise the minimum al-
valves should not be used. In addition a sight glass should be lowable temperature for oil supplied to the compressor. For
installed in the vertical leg of the refrigerant supply and return FRICK compressors the minimum oil temperature at start-up
lines of every oil cooler to facilitate trouble shooting the system is 50°F.
if necessary. Older discussions of thermosyphon oil cooling sometimes men-
The supply vessel and the refrigerant side of the thermosyphon tion controlling the supply of liquid refrigerant to the oil cooler
oil cooler(s) should be provided with oil drain valves at the as a method of oil temperature control. This method is rarely
low points. Over time, oil will accumulate in these locations seen in the field today, and is not recommended. The recom-
and interfere with the efficient operation of the thermosyphon mended method, and by far the most common, is direct control
system. Periodic removal of oil is required. of the oil temperature with a cooler bypass oil mixing valve.
Pressure vessel codes generally require that a pressure safety Control of oil temperature with a bypass mixing valve on the oil
valve be installed on the oil side of the thermosyphon oil cooler. side affords inexpensive, automatic control. At higher condens-
This pressure safety valve may discharge to the compressor ing temperatures - above say 95°F (35°C) - the bypass remains
package’s oil separator vessel. closed and the oil temperature will “float” with the condensing
temperature. At low condensing temperatures, some hot oil
is bypassed around the cooler and mixed with cooled oil to
maintain a constant oil supply temperature of approximately
130°F (54.4°C) to the compressor.

Figure 7. Thermosyphon Oil Cooler Piping

Page 12

SYSTEM DYNAMICS pressure. When the condensing pressure suddenly drops, the
All previous discussions of thermosyphon oil cooler operation refrigerant in the thermosyphon oil cooling circuit will be at a
have assumed steady state operation. “Real world” refrigeration temperature higher than the equivalent boiling pressure. This
systems seldom operate at steady state conditions, but rather will cause a portion of the liquid refrigerant in the thermosyphon
experience many “dynamics” including startup, shutdown, load loop to flash to a vapor. The refrigerant expands dramatically
changes, hot gas defrosting of air units, ice maker harvesting, as it evaporates, and the rapidly expanding vapor can push the
condenser capacity changes etc. remaining liquid refrigerant out of the oil cooler, the downcom-
ers and the risers.
The system dynamics most likely to affect the operation of
thermosyphon oil cooling systems, are those that cause intermit- Following this evacuation of liquid refrigerant from the heat
tent interruptions in system refrigerant flows and/or changes in exchanger, the liquid will return by gravity and normal ther-
system condensing pressure. (Recall that the thermosyphon oil mosyphon operation will resume. Until the liquid refrigerant
cooling system operates at the system condensing pressure.) returns to the oil cooler however, no oil cooling occurs. It is
An adequate supply of refrigerant liquid in the thermosyphon quite possible for oil temperatures to become high enough to
receiver will permit a system to “ride through” brief interrup- cause a safety shutdown of a compressor package before the oil
tions in system refrigerant flow. cooling system can recover from a “blowout”. Also note that
during an oil cooler circuit “blowout” liquid refrigerant can
Rapid decreases in system condensing pressure however, can be propelled at high velocity by the expanding vapor. This can
lead to “blowout” of the refrigerant in the oil cooler circuit. Oil impose severe hydraulic shocks on the piping system.
cooler refrigerant circuit “blowout” normally occurs when there
is a large need for system hot gas (i.e. defrosting of air units, Maintaining stable condensing pressures minimizes the occur-
harvesting ice makers etc.) although it can also be caused by a rence of oil cooler circuit “blowout”. This may require defrost-
large, step increase in condenser capacity (i.e. a condenser fan ing fewer air units at a time, employing more sophisticated
or pump cycling on). In either case, it is the sudden decrease in condenser capacity controls, or other measures. Finally, note
system condensing pressure that causes this to occur. that increasing the elevation of the thermosyphon receiver
and oversizing the downcomers supplying liquid to the oil
In normal, steady state operation, the refrigerant in the thermo- coolers will tend to suppress flash boiling in the oil cooler
syphon oil cooling circuit is “saturated” and its temperature is following a condensing pressure decrease and lead to a more
equal to the saturation temperature at the system condensing rapid recovery.
Page 13

SYSTEM SIZING Example: 653,000 BTU/HR

The sizing tables and graphs are all based on 95°F condens-
ing and a 4 to 1 recirculation ratio for both R-717 and R-22. 2-1/2" - 0.058 PSID/100 Ft. - - - - - - Too Small
For higher condensing temperatures it is recommended that 3" - 0.019 PSID/100 Ft. - - - - - - - - --Select
all sizing be increased to assure that proper refrigerant flow is
maintained. Proper operation of thermosyphon systems depends STEP 3 - Sizing the Return Vent Line from the Thermosy-
upon refrigerant flow entirely by gravity head. Unaccounted phon Receiver to the Condenser (See Graph 7 or 8 depend-
for pressure drop in refrigerant lines and valves can prevent ing upon refrigerant).
refrigerant flow. Therefore, if any line sizing is questionable,
increase to the next larger size and increase the static head of Calculate the mass flow rate (LB/MIN) as follows:
liquid supply to the oil cooler. A more precise pressure loss
calculation is presented in Appendix A and can help resolve A. Convert the oil cooler heat load in BTU/HR to BTU/
questionable line sizes. MIN.
The first step in sizing a system is to determine the total oil
cooling heat load from the compressor oil cooling heat of
rejection (OCHR) tables. For this example, assume an oil B. Divide the BTU/MIN load by the enthalpy difference
cooler heat load of 653,000 BTU/HR on an ammonia system of the refrigerant phase change at the system condens-
condensing at 95oF. ing temperature.
STEP 1 - Sizing the Thermosyphon Receiver (See Table 1).
Under the appropriate refrigerant, proceed down the column
to the required heat load and select the vessel with a capacity
rating that equals or exceeds the load. H = 483.2 BTU/LB (R-717 @95°F)
H = 488.5 BTU/LB (R-717 @90°F)
12" x 6 Ft. 500,000 BTU/HR
H = 74.2 BTU/LB (R-22 @95°F)
653,000 BTU/HR - - - - - - -ExampleHeat
Load H = 75.5 BTU/LB (R-22 @90°F)
16" x 6 Ft. 875,000 BTU/HR - - - - - - -Select
Refer to Graph 7. Follow along the VERTICAL axis to the
STEP 2 - Sizing the Liquid Feed Line to the Oil Cooler and calculated mass flow rate, read across to the slanted reference
the Return Line to the Thermosyphon Receiver (See Graph line and down to the return vent line size.
1, 2, or 3, for R-717 or Graph 4, 5, or 6, for R-22 depending
on refrigerant and heat load). Example: 653,000 BTU/HR
A) Liquid Feed Line to Oil Cooler

Refer to Graph 1 (for R-717 heat loads to 1000 KBTU/HR).

Follow along the horizontal axis to the required heat load and
read up to the nearest line curve, not to exceed:
Select 2-1/2" or 3" to minimize pressure drop and assure
0.10 PSID/100 Ft., R-717 (Graphs 1, 2 and 3) system flow.
0.50 PSID/100 Ft., R-22 (Graphs 4, 5 and 6)

Example: 653,000 BTU/HR

2" - above 0.10 PSID/100 Ft. - - - - - - -Too Small

2-1/2" - 0.058 PSID/100 Ft. - - - - - - -Select
3" - 0.019 PSID/100 Ft. - - - - - - -Larger Than Re-

B) Return Line from oil cooler

Return to Graph 1. Follow the same procedure as Step 2A but

do not exceed:

0.04 PSID/100 Ft., R-717 (Graphs 1, 2 and 3)

0.20 PSID/100 Ft., R-22 (Graphs 4, 5 and 6)
Page 14


(Based on 5 Min. Liquid Supply, 95°F Condensing)

Shell Size R-717 R-22

8 In x 6 Ft (Vert) 210,000 65,000
12 In x 6 Ft (Vert) 500,000 150,000
16 In x 6 Ft (Vert) 875,000 270,000
20 In x 6 Ft (Horiz or Vert) 1,400,000 420,000
24 In x 5 Ft (Horiz or Vert) 2,000,000 600,000
30 In x 5 Ft (Horiz or Vert) 2,600,000 720,000
Page 15
Graph 1. R-717 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 0 to 1000 KBTU/HR - OCHR
Page 16
Graph 2. R-717 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 1000 to 3000 KBTU/HR - OCHR
Page 17
Graph 3. R-717 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 3000 to 5000 KBTU/HR - OCHR
Page 18
Graph 4. R-22 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 0 to 1000 KBTU/HR - OCHR
Page 19
Graph 5. R-22 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 1000 to 3000 KBTU/HR - OCHR
Page 20
Graph 6. R-22 TSOC Pipe Sizing, 3000 to 5000 KBTU/HR - OCHR
Page 21

Graph 7. R-717 Return Vent Line Sizing

Page 22

Graph 8. R-22 Return Vent Line Sizing

Page 23

APPENDIX A - PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION The next step is to calculate the Reynolds number from equa-
The sizing example given previously will provide reasonably tion 3. The viscosity of liquid ammonia at 95°F can be obtained
sized piping. However, if the graphs yield a size that seems from CoolWare™ software. Note that the Reynolds number
questionable, a more rigorous calculation can be made as does not have units.
outlined below. In fact, once sizes have been selected from the
graphs, we still recommend calculating pressure losses in the
piping and comparing that to the available head.
The basic calculation process is to first determine the initial
pipe sizes from the sizing graphs. For a given oil heat rejec- The last piece of information needed to use a Moody diagram is
tion rate, the refrigerant flow rate through the piping can be to determine the relative roughness of the pipe given by equa-
determined. Once the flow rate is known, the pressure loss tion 4. The absolute roughness for various materials along with
in the liquid supply line can be determined, using the Moody a Moody diagram may be found in Mark’s Standard Handbook
diagram. The pressure loss in the return line which is a mixture for Mechanical Engineers.
of gas and liquid can be determined from the charts in this
appendix. The pressure losses in the thermosyphon supply
and return lines, plus an estimate of the cooler pressure loss,
is then added together to get the total loss in the piping. This
number is compared to the available liquid head to ensure that
the selected piping is adequate. Given the Reynolds number and relative roughness, the Moody
diagram can be read to determine the friction factor is 0.023.
For this example let’s assume that the thermosyphon oil cooling The pressure drop in the pipe is calculated from the friction
load is 425 MBH for an ammonia system at 95°F condensing. factor by equation 5. Note that 100 feet of pipe is assumed.
Further, initially assume that the liquid level in the thermosy- The result is that 100 feet of 2" schedule 40 pipe will have a
phon receiver is elevated 6 feet above the center line of the pressure loss of 0.067 psi with 58.6 LB/MIN of liquid ammonia
thermosyphon oil cooler. From Graph 1, a 2" liquid supply line flowing through it at 95°F.
to the oil cooler results in a pressure loss of 0.08 psi/100ft. Since
this is below the limit of 0.10 psi/100ft, the 2" pipe is accept- In our case we have assumed six feet of vertical pipe and there
able. However, for the return line the 0.08 psi/100ft exceeds the typically will also be elbows and at least 1 valve in the liquid
limit of 0.04 psi/100ft. A 2.5" pipe must be used for the return supply line. The pressure drop through the fittings and valves
line from the thermosyphon oil cooler. can be handled by using equivalent lengths; refer to Section V
in the FRICK Engineering Data and Tables publication (E20-
The next step is to determine the actual flow rate at an assumed 4G/J66). A table of equivalent lengths for valves and fittings
4 to 1 recirculation ratio from equation 1. Note that the graphs is given.
1 to 6 are based on a 4 to 1 recirculation ratio. By definition the
refrigerant flow rate is 4 times the evaporation rate which can
be determined from the oil cooler heat rejection and the latent
heat of vaporization. The latent heat of vaporization or hfg can
be determined from the FRICK Engineering Data and Tables
pamphlet (E20-4G/J66) at 95°F condensing temperature.

For our example assume that there are two, 2" long radius
elbows and one 2" angle valve. Reading the table for ferrous
With the flow rate known the pressure loss in the liquid supply
fittings results in an equivalent length of 2.3 feet for a welded
line can be calculated using the Moody diagram and the Darcy-
elbow and 25 feet for a flanged angle valve. The total equivalent
Weisbach formula (see an undergraduate engineering text on
length of straight pipe is given by equation 6.
fluid mechanics). To use the Moody diagram the velocity of the
refrigerant in the liquid line and then the Reynolds number must
first be determined. The velocity in the 2" liquid supply pipe is
defined by equation 2. The density of the liquid refrigerant and The total pressure loss in the thermosyphon liquid supply line
cross sectional area of a 2", schedule 40 pipe can be obtained is given by equation 7.
from the FRICK Engineering Data and Tables pamphlet (E20-
4G/J66) at 95°F condensing temperature.
Page 24

The next step is to find the refrigerant side pressure drop

through the thermosyphon oil cooler. This can be found on a
heat exchanger rating sheet if available. If specific data is not
available a reasonable estimate of the heat exchanger pressure
drop is 0.25 psi for ammonia applications and 1 psi for R-22 The total pressure loss in the piping can now be determined
applications. by adding the total pressure loss in the liquid line, the pressure
It is now necessary to determine the pressure drop through the drop through the oil cooler, and the total pressure loss in the
thermosyphon return line. It should be emphasized that the return line. The total loss is given by equation 10.
graphs 1 to 6 are based on a 4 to 1 recirculation ratio and the
assumption that all the refrigerant flowing through the pipe is
liquid. The pressure losses shown on the vertical axis of the
graphs are correct only for the thermosyphon liquid supply The total piping pressure drop of 0.87 psig must be overcome
line. The return line has a mixture of gas and liquid for which by the available liquid head. To calculate the thermosyphon
the assumption of all liquid flow in the pipe is not valid. driving pressure, the density of the refrigerant in the return
line must be determined. This can be calculated from equation
The calculation of gas/liquid mixture, or what is referred to as 11. Note that the total flow of refrigerant is divided into 75%
two phase flow pressure losses by hand, is very time consuming liquid and 25% gas for a 4 to 1 recirculation ratio.
and involved. To make the sizing easier, the traditional approach
is to select the pipe based on the flow assumed to be all liquid,
but use a very low pressure loss per length of pipe limit. This in
effect increases the pipe size which compensates for the higher
pressure loss when the flow is a mixture of gas and liquid. The
0.04 psi/100 ft limit selected is based on experience gained
from actual installations. For example: when thermosyphon
return lines for ammonia systems are selected using a 0.04
psi/100 ft limit, the actual pressure drop in the pipe, although The driving pressure due to the difference in densities of the
unknown, is not so high that it affects the performance of the liquid in the supply and return pipe is given by equation 12.
system in the field.
Personal computers now make it possible to estimate the actual
pressure drop of the gas/refrigerant mixture in the thermosy-
phon return line. We have condensed a large amount of data
into Graphs 9 and 10. These graphs provide an easy method to
determine the two phase flow pressure drop in the return line.
They are valid for recirculation ratios from 2:1 up to 5:1 and Therefore, the driving pressure to push the refrigerant through
for 85°F to 105°F condensing temperatures. the piping and oil cooler is 1.4 psi. The frictional losses are
lower at 0.87 psi. In a real system, with these pipe sizes, the
Returning to our example, the refrigerant flow rate is 58.6 flow rate would increase until the frictional pressure loss
LB/MIN in a 2-1/2" pipe. From graph 9, the two phase flow matched the driving pressure. This means the recirculation ratio
pressure drop is roughly 1.5 psig / 100 feet of pipe. As for the will be somewhat higher that initially assumed. This design is
liquid line it is expected that there will be elbows and at least acceptable.
one valve in the line. There is little engineering data available
for two phase flow pressure losses through fittings and valves. The calculation presented has been simplified for ease of presen-
In lieu of better data, the recommended approach is to determine tation. A real system will likely have more complicated piping
an equivalent length, as for the liquid line loss, but multiply with many more fittings, valves, etc. However, the techniques
this by the two phase flow pressure loss. presented here can be extended to any system. As mentioned
in the beginning of this paper, these systems must be designed
Assume that the return line has 2 long radius elbows and one by qualified individuals familiar with industrial refrigeration
angle valve. From Section V in the FRICK Engineering Data piping practice, and who can determine the adequacy of the
and Tables pamphlet (E20-4G/J66), the equivalent length of techniques presented.
the elbows is 2.7 ft. and the valve is 28 ft. The total equivalent
length of pipe for the thermosyphon return line is given by
equation 8. This equivalent length is then multiplied by the
pressure loss for straight pipe. The total pressure loss is calcu-
lated by equation 9.
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Graph 9. R-717 Two-Phase Pressure Drop
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Graph 10. R-22 Two-Phase Pressure Drop
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