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Flood are the most frequent type of natural

disaster and occur when an overflow of water
submerges land that is usually dry.. Floods can
cause widespread devastation resulting in loss
of life and damages to person property and
critical public health infrastructure
What is a flood
Believe it or not, flooding is the deadliest type of
severe weather. there’s probably a lot about floods
and flooding you don’t know.
In this guide, we’ll go over everything there is to
know about flooding; answering common question
like ‘’what causes flooding? And where does
flooding occur?
When discussing floods
A Flood is an overflow of water that submerges
land that is usually dry. Flood are an area of
study in the discipline of hydrology. They are the
most common and widespread natural severe
weather event. Floods can look very different
because flooding covers anything from a few
inches of water to severe?
Causes of River flooding
River flooding typically happens for. Four
reasons. They are;
-Excessive rain from tropical storm systems
making landfall
-Persistent thunderstorms over the same
area for extend periods
-Combined rainfall and snowmelt
What is River flooding
A river flood occurs when water levels rise over
the top of river banks. This flooding can happen
in all river and stream channels. This includes
everything from small streams to the world’s
largest rivers.
What is Coastal Flooding
A coastal flood is the inundation of normally dry land
areas along the coast with seawater

Causes of coastal flooding

Coastal flooding is typically a result of a combination

of sea tidal surges high winds, and barometric
These conditions typically come from storms at sea
-Tropical cyclones
What is an Inland Flood
An inland flood is flooding that occurs inland or not
in coastal area. Therefore, coastal flooding and
storm surge are not inland floods.

Causes of inland flooding

Rainfall is almost always to blame for inland floods
.rain causes inland flooding in two ways. It can
happen with steady rainfall over several days or it
can happen because of a short and intense period of
What is storm surge
Storm surge is an abnormal rise in water level in coastal areas
over and above the regular astronomical tide.

Causes of storm surge

Storm surge is always a result meteorological storms that

cause higher than normal tides on the coast.
There are three parts of a storm that create this surge. They
-low atmospheric pressure
What is a flash flood
A flash flood is flooding that begins within 6 hours,
and often within 3 hours, of heavy rainfall (or other

What cause flash flood

Flash floods can happen for several reasons.
Most flash floods happen after extremely intense
rainfall from severe thunderstorms over a short
period of time (normally 6 hours or less).
More on Inland floods
In floods are often worse in urban areas because
there isn’t anywhere for the water to go. The
following urban features can create urban
flooding or make inland flood worse
-Paved roads and streets
-Low-capacity drainage equipment
-Dense buildings
-Low amounts of green space

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