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Project Report on

“Electricity Generation for Suspention System”

Project by

Name of Students Seat No.

Mr. Kolhe Prashant Dilip 598020
Mr. Kharat Akash Ramdas 598017
Mr. Pathare Arjun Madhukar 598023
Mr. Dukare Dhanesh Shivaji 598002

Project Guide

Prof. Kudal G.B.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering

Karjule Harya, Tal. Parner, Dist. Ahmednagar 414 304

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Academic Year 2018-2019

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Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

This is to certify that
Mr. Kolhe Prashant Dilip (598020)
Mr. Kharat Akash Ramdas (598017)
Mr. Pathare Arjun Madhukar (598023)
Mr. Dukare Dhanesh Shivaji (598002)
has successfully completed the Project on entitled ―“Electricity Generation for
Suspension System” under my supervision, in the partial fulfillment of Diploma in
Mechanical Engineering. It is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the prescribed
syllabus of MSBTE, Mumbai.


Prof. Kudal G.B.

Project Guide External Examiner

Dr. Tidke P.A.

Prof. Korade E.S.
Head of Department
College Seal RGCOE, Karjule Harya

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Project Entitled
“Electricity Generation for Suspention System”

Submitted By

Name of Students Seat No.

Mr. Kolhe Prashant Dilip 598020
Mr. Kharat Akash Ramdas 598017
Mr. Pathare Arjun Madhukar 598023
Mr. Dukare Dhanesh Shivaji 598002


Prof. Kudal G.B.

Project Guide External Examiner

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After the completion of this project report we experienced feeling of

achievement & satisfaction. Looking back on the completion of our project we
realize how impossible it would have been for us to succeed on our own with the
encouragement & guidance. We would like to thanks to Prof. Korade E.S.
(Head, Diploma in Mechanical ) for his valuable timely help for synthesis of this
project. With immense pleasure we express our deep sense of gratitude to our
project guide Prof. Kudal G.B. for his constant interest, encouragement and
valuable guidance during project work. We would also thanks to faculties of
Mechanical department for their help, cooperation and guidance.
Last but not the least we are thankful to all the teaching & non -teaching
staff and the friends who have directly and indirectly helped us in completing our
project work.

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Sr. No. Topics Page. No.
1 Introduction 6

2 Non-Conventional Energy Sources 7

3 Project Model 10

4 Transmission System 13

5 Electrical System 15

6 Alternator 17

7 Principal of Operation 18

8 Design and Fabrication 20

19 Materials and Their Properties 24

10 Process Sheet 26

11 Cost Estimation 30

12 Activity Chart 32

13 Advantages and Disadvantages 33

14 Future scope 34

15 Conclusion 35

15 Photo Gallery 36

16 Bibliography 40

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1.1Selection of the Project Topic

We the group of young engineers found that, there is an impending need to

make much more forays to make Non Conventional energy attain popular
acclaim. This is also very essential to preserve the conventional sources of energy
and explore viable alternatives like sustainable energy (the energy which we are
already utilizing but for some safety of other uses we are suddenly wasting it, that
can be reutilized), solar, wind and biomass that can enhance sustainable growth.
What is more, such alternatives are environment friendly and easily replenish
able. Therefore, they need to be thoroughly exploited with a functionally
expedient, energy matrix mix.
An engineer is always focused towards challenges of bringing ideas and
concepts to life. Therefore, sophisticated machines and modern techniques have to
be constantly developed and implemented for economical manufacturing of
products. At the same time, we should take care that there has been no
compromise made with quality and accuracy.
In the age of automation machine become an integral part of human being.
By the use of automation machine prove itself that it gives high production rate
than manual production rate. In competition market everyone wants to increase
their production & make their machine multipurpose.
The engineer is constantly conformed to the challenges of bringing ideas
and design into reality. New machines and techniques are being developed
continuously to manufacture various products at cheaper rates and high quality.
Growing economies, especially of Asia are gifted with sufficient resource
base and non-conventional energy technologies are consistent both for grid linked
energy generation and transmission in out of the way locales that are islanded
from the grid. Adaptation of technology and employing them should be pursued
right from this moment to have a head start, be informed of the barriers in
technology applications of the renewable variety and synergizing them with the
existing, traditional power production technology and T&D networks. It is known
that in coming times, wind energy will be the most cost-effective renewable
resource. Yet, it is doubtful if any individual technology would hold centre-stage.

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a) Solar Energy (Photovoltaic)
Energy from the sun can be directly converted to electricity using solar cells,
also known as photovoltaic or PVs. Today's solar electric systems have 20 to 25
year warranties, are pollution free and can be used to offset your utility power or
as stand-alone power for remote applications. The down side to this technology is
that it costs three to five times more than utility power.

b) Biomass Energy Technology

It has substantial potential for energy generation in Oregon. Electricity
produced from biomass grown and harvested on a sustainable basis can offset
power generation from fossil fuels and reduce net carbon dioxide emissions from
the generation of electricity in the region. Sustainable use of biomass for energy
could have an increasingly important role to play in meeting goals to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.

c) Barriers
Supply uncertainty and transportation costs have historically been barriers to
greater use of forest and agricultural residue for energy production. New
technologies such as gasification combined-cycle power generation, fuel cells
using biogas as a hydrogen source and cellulose-to-ethanol facilities that could co
generate electricity have yet to be demonstrated on a commercial scale. The
perceived risk of these newer technologies is a significant barrier, at least in the
short term.

d) Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is energy from any source that can be maintained in a
constant supply over time. In contrast, the supply of fossil energy sources such as
thus we selected nonconventional energy means the “Energy in motion when it is
suddenly applied with a sort of obstacle, then according to Newton’s law for every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Utilization of this reaction is the
basic reason behind the selection of this project work.

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Oil, natural gas or coal is limited. There are five principal renewable sources
of energy: flowing water, biomass, wind, the sun and heat from within the earth.
Heat, electricity and vehicle fuel are the main forms of energy that people use
every day. All renewable energy sources be used to produce electricity. Solar
energy and geothermal energy can supply both electricity and heat. Biomass is
unique because it can supply all three forms of useful energy. In 2001, renewable
energy supplied about 6 percent of all energy consumed in the United States.
Hydropower and biomass energy accounted for 92 percent of all renewable energy
consumed. About 11 percent of all electricity used in the country was generated
from renewable sources.

e) Sun
The sun is a constant natural source of heat and light. Sunlight can be
converted to electricity. Solar energy is energy that comes directly from the sun.

f) Biomass
"Biomass" describes, in one word, all plants, trees and organic matter on the
earth. Biomass is a source of renewable energy because the natural process of
photosynthesis constantly produces new organic matter in the growth of trees and
plants. Photosynthesis stores the sun's energy in organic matter. That energy is
released when biomass is used to make heat, electricity or liquid fuels.

g) Wind
The wind blows because of natural conditions of climate and geography.
Historically, wind power was used to supply mechanical energy, for example to
pump water, grind grain or sail a boat. Today, wind power is primarily a source of

h) Water
Like the wind, flowing water is a product of the earth's climate and
geography. Snowmelt and runoff from precipitation at higher elevations flow
toward sea level in streams and rivers. In an earlier era, water wheels used the

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power of flowing water to turn grinding stones and to run mechanical equipment.
Modern hydro-turbines use water power to generate electricity.

i) Earth
Heat from deep within the earth is called "geothermal energy." In some
locations, geothermal energy is close enough to the surface that, by drilling a well
to reach the heat source, the energy can be extracted and used for heating
buildings and other purposes. Where the temperatures are hot enough, geothermal
energy can be used to generate electricity.

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Fig. 1: Project Model

3.1 Components
1. Frame Angle size 4.2x1.5x4 ft
2. Dynamo
3. Hair Axle
4. Chain Sprocket Wheel
5. Sprocket Freewheel
6. L.E.D
7. Chain
8. Spring
9. Chain Rack
10. Ball Bearing

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Fig. 2: Auto cad Model

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3.2 Construction
Frame forms the main part on which the one side is mounted. The plate is,
attached to the chain rack at one end and to the spring at another end, on which
force is applied. The freewheel is mounted on first sproket which is mesh with the
chain chain rack . The chain chain rack is provided with spring at bottom to obtain
its initial position.
On the freewheel shaft the sproket is mounted having 43 teeth.The half axel
is supported with angle. A chain mechanisum is provided to increase the speed. At
end half axle of chain mechaisum, the sprocket is mounted. It is connected to the
small sprocket on dynamo with the help of chain transmission. L.E.D. is
connected to dynamo.

3.3 Working
When force is applied on the plate the chain chain rack reciprocates. This
reciprocating motion of chain chain rack is converted into rotary motion by the
freewheel which is mesh with chain rack. This rotary motion is transmitted to big
sproket with the help of chain mechanisum. This chain mechanisum is used to
increase speed by 2.76 times. The rotary motion of big sproket is transmitted to
dynamo shaft small sproket by chain drive. The rpm of the dynamo is 80 to 100
rpm which is sufficient to generate electricity from dynamo. As dynamo rotates
electricity is generated and L.E.D. glows.

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4.1 Introduction
The mechanical power produced by prime over I used to drive various
machines in the workshop and factories. A transmission system is the mechanism,
which deals with transmission of the power and motion from prime mover to shaft
or from one shaft to the other. The machine tool drive is an aggregate of
mechanism that transmits motion from an external source. To the operative
elements of the machine tool. The external source of energy is generally a
dynamo, which has a rotary motion at its output shaft.
The rotary motion of the motor is transmitted to the operative element to
provide an operative working or auxiliary motion. When the required motion is
rotary; the transmission takes place through mechanisms that transfer Rotary
motion from one shaft to another. Transmission of the motion from the external
source to the operative element can take place through Mechanical elements such
as belts, Gears, chains etc.

4.2 Mechanical Transmission and its Elements

1. Belt Transmission
2. Gear Transmission
3. Chain Transmission

4.2.1 Belt Transmission

Belt drive is one of the most common effective devices transmitting motion
and power from one shaft to the other by means of thin inextensible belt over
running over to pulleys. This largely used for general purpose on mills and
factories especially when the distance between the Shafts is not very great.
When the center distance between the two shafts is large than the tight side of
the belt should be the lower one the pulley called driver is mounted on the driving
shaft while the shaft while the other, which is mounted on the shaft to which
power is to be transmitted is called the driven pulley or follower.
When the belt moves over the pulleys there is always the possibility of
slipping between the belt and pulley and hens the character of the motion

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transmitted is not positive when positive action is required. Gears and chain must
be used.

4.2.2 Gear Transmission

Efficiency of power transmission in belt and rope drives is less. The power
may be transmitted from one shaft another by means of mating gears with high
transmission Efficiency and a gear drive is also provide when the between driver
and follower is very small.

4.2.3 Chain Transmission

Chains are used for high transmission number. They are mostly used when
distance between center is short but the center distance is as much as 8m. They are
now generally used for transmission of power in cycle, motor vehicle, and
agriculture machinery in workshops.
It is general requirement for any machines that they should provision for
regulating speed of travel.
The regulation may be available in discrete steps or it may be steeples i.e.
continuous. The format are known as stepped drives Ex. Lathe machine, milling
machine, printing machine etc.

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5.1 Dynamo

A dynamo (from the Greek word dynamist; meaning power), originally

another name for an electrical generator, generally means a generator that
produces direct current with the use of a commutator. Dynamos were the first
electrical generators capable of delivering power for industry, and the foundation
upon which many other later electric-power conversion devices were based,
including the electric motor, the alternating-current alternator, and the rotary
converter. Today, the simpler alternator dominates large scale power generation,
for efficiency, reliability and cost reasons. A dynamo has the disadvantages of a
mechanical commentator. Also, converting alternating to direct current using
power rectification devices (hollow state or more recently solid state) is effective
and usually economic.
The word still has some regional usage as a replacement for the word
generator. A small electrical generator built into the hub of a bicycle wheel to
power lights is called a Hub dynamo, although these are invariably AC devices.

5.2 Description

The dynamo uses rotating coils of wire and magnetic fields to convert
mechanical rotation into a pulsing direct electric current through Faraday's law of
induction. A dynamo machine consists of a stationary structure, called the stator,
which provides a constant magnetic field, and a set of rotating windings called the
armature which turn within that field. The motion of the wire within the magnetic
field causes the field to push on the electrons in the metal, creating an electric
current in the wire. On small machines the constant magnetic field may be
provided by one or more permanent magnets; larger machines have the constant
magnetic field provided by one or more electromagnets, which are usually called
field coils.
The commentator was needed to produce direct current. When a loop of wire
rotates in a magnetic field, the potential induced in it reverses with each half turn,
generating an alternating current. However, in the early days of electric
experimentation, alternating current generally had no known use. The few uses for

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electricity, such as electroplating, used direct current provided by messy liquid
batteries. Dynamos were invented as a replacement for batteries. The
commentator is essentially a rotary switch. It consists of a set of contacts mounted
on the machine's shaft, combined with graphite-block stationary contacts, called
"brushes", because the earliest such fixed contacts were metal brushes. The
commentator reverses the connection of the windings to the external circuit when
the potential reverses, so instead of alternating current, a pulsing direct current is

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6.1 History

Alternating current generating systems were known in simple forms from the
discovery of the magnetic induction of electric current. The early machines were
developed by pioneers such as Michael Faraday and HippolytePixii.
Faraday developed the "rotating rectangle", whose operation was heteropolar -
each active conductor passed successively through regions where the magnetic
field was in opposite directions.[1] The first public demonstration of a more robust
"alternator system" took place in 1886.[2] Large two-phase alternating current
generators were built by a British electrician, J.E.H. Gordon, in 1882. Lord Kelvin
and Sebastian Ferranti also developed early alternators, producing frequencies
between 100 and 300 Hz. In 1891, Nikola Tesla patented a practical "high-
frequency" alternator (which operated around 15 kHz).[3] After 1891, polyphase
alternators were introduced to supply currents of multiple differing phases.[4] Later
alternators were designed for varying alternating-current frequencies between
sixteen and about one hundred hertz, for use with arc lighting, incandescent
lighting and electric motors.[5]

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Fig. 3:

Diagram of a simple alternator with a rotating magnetic core (rotor) and

stationary wire (stator) also showing the current induced in the stator by the
rotating magnetic field of the rotor.
Alternators generate electricity using the same principle as DC generators,
namely, when the magnetic field around a conductor changes, a current is induced
in the conductor. Typically, a rotating magnet, called the rotor turns within a
stationary set of conductors wound in coils on an iron core, called the stator. The
field cuts across the conductors, generating an induced EMF (electromotive
force), as the mechanical input causes the rotor to turn. The rotating magnetic
field induces an AC voltage in the stator windings. Often there are three sets of
stator windings, physically offset so that the rotating magnetic field produces a
three phase current, displaced by one-third of a period with respect to each other.
The rotor's magnetic field may be produced by induction (as in a "brushless"
alternator), by permanent magnets (as in very small machines), or by a rotor
winding energized with direct current through slip rings and brushes. The rotor's
magnetic field may even be provided by stationary field winding, with moving
poles in the rotor. Automotive alternators invariably use a rotor winding[citation
, which allows control of the alternator's generated voltage by varying the
current in the rotor field winding. Permanent magnet machines avoid the loss due
to magnetizing current in the rotor, but are restricted in size, due to the cost of the
magnet material. Since the permanent magnet field is constant, the terminal

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voltage varies directly with the speed of the generator. Brushless AC generators
are usually larger machines than those used in automotive applications. An
automatic voltage control device controls the field current to keep output voltage
constant. If the output voltage from the stationary armature coils drops due to an
increase in demand, more current is fed into the rotating field coils through the
voltage regulator (VR). This increases the magnetic field around the field coils
which induces a greater voltage in the armature coils. Thus, the output voltage is
brought back up to its original value.

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8.1 Design of Transmission of System

As in our project in put is weight of moving vehicle & input rotation of

freewheel gear is 1 rotation. This rotation is transmitted to big gear having 60
teeth. The big gear is again connected with small gear having 36 teeth. Now we
calculate number of rotation of small gear
As we know ,
Big gear rotation = N small gear
Small gear rotation N big gear

1 = 36
x 60
x = 1.66
Small gear rotation = 1.66 rotation

The same rotation of small gear is transmitted to big gear as it is mounted

on same shaft.The rotation of small gear on pulley shaft is calculated as
Big gear rotation = d small gear
Small gear rotation D big gear
1.66 = 36
x 60
x = 2.76
Small pulley rotation = 2.76 rotation
The flywheel is storing kinetic energy of rotation. Under full load
condition the flywheel rotate at a speed of 250rpm & this rpm is given to dynamo
pulley. So we calculate rpm of dynamo pulley & check whether it is suitable to
our system or not.
As we know
N big pulley = d small pulley
N small pulley D big pulley

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1 = 30
x 150
30 x = 150 x 1
x = 5 rpm
RPM of dynamo = 5 rpm
As output rpm of system is sufficient to develop electricity from dynamo
so our transmission design is safe & efficient.

8.2 Calculation Of Torque Induced On Shaft

In our project load is applied at shaft end by leaver. Manual load applied
by human is 20 kg. Length of lever is 400mm.

So Torque transmitted,
T = FxL
T= 20 x 9.81 x 400
T = 78480 N-mm
The same torque is transmitted to big gear shaft, as number of teeth on
both gears is same.

8.3 Design Of Gear Shaft

T = 3.14
16 x fs x Ds3
78480 = 3.14
16 x 170 x Ds3
Ds = 10 mm

8.4 Design Of Pulley Shaft

Calculation of Torque Transmitted On Pulley Shaft

As we know,

N gear shaft = T pulley shaft

N pulley shaft T big gear

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1 = T pulley shaft
2.76 78480
T pulley shaft = 28434.78 N mm

As torque on pulley shaft is less than torque on gear shaft so we take same
diameter of shaft on each Mountings for ease in manufacturing & selection of
bearing supports.

Calculation of torque on flywheel shaft,

N big pulley = T small pulley

N small pulley T big pulley
1 = x
13.8 28434.78
T flywheel shaft = 2060.49 N mm

8.5 Design of spring

The spring is mounted on chain rack to make initial position of chain rack.
The outer diameter of spring is restricted due to size of chain rack, which is
20mm. We take the outer diameter of spring considering the clearance between
chain rack and spring to avoid jam of spring.
D = 20 + clearance between spring & chain rack
= 20 + 2mm
D = 22 mm
For average service life 422N/mm².
Wire diameter range is 4.5 to 8 mm
We get wire diameter d = 5 mm from range
Calculating the load bearing capacity of spring
Spring index = C = D/d = 22/5= 4.4
C = 4.4

K = [4C – 1 / 4C-4] - 0.615 / C

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For C =4.4 K= 1.08
We know
Shear stress = 8KPD
3.14 d3
P = 422 x 3.14 x 53
8 x 1.08 x 22
P = 870.74 N
Applied load is limited to 200N
So the design of spring is safe.
As we required deflection of spring in the range of 125 to 150 mm
Spring rate = P/δ = 870.74 / 150 = 5.8 N /mm
K = 5.8 N/mm.

Calculation of number of turn of spring

We know

δ = 8 P Do3N
G d4
150 = 8 x 870.74 x 223x N
0.007845 x 106 x 54
N = 10.68 Turns
N = 11 Turns

Solid length of spring,

Ls = Nxd
= 11 x 5
= 55 mm
Free length of spring = Ls + mix + 0.015 x δ
= 55 + 150 + 0.15 x 150
Lf = 227.5 mm
Pitch of spring = free length
Pitch = 20

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The materials used in this project are detailed as follows

9.1 Ferrous Materials

a. Mild steel – EN – 4 to EN – 6
Carbon – 0.15% to 0.35%
Tensile strength –1200/1420MPA
Yield strength – 750/1170 MPA

b. C30 Carbon – 0.25% to 0.35%

Tensile strength – 620 MPA
Yield strength – 400 MPA
Izod Impact Value – 55 Nm
% Minimum Elongation – 21
Typical composition –– Carbon – 0.25% to 0.35%
Manganese – 0.60% to 0.90%
BHN – 207
C30 material is generally used for cold formed levers, hardened and
tempered tie rods, Cables, Sprockets, Hubs and Bushes –Steel Tubes.

c. 40C8 Carbon – 0.25% to 0.35%

Tensile strength – 620 MPA
Yield strength – 400 MPA
Izod Impact Value – 55 Nm

9.2 Non Metallic Materials

The non-metallic materials are used in engineering practice due to their

low density, low cost, flexibility, resistance to heat and electricity. Though there
are many non-metallic materials, important materials used in our project are listed

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9.3 Plastic (Nylon):
Tensile strength – 82 N/mm2
Compressive strength – 35 N/mm2
Yield strength – 8500 psi
Rockwell Hardness Number R112-120
The plastics are synthetic materials which are moulded into shape under
pressure with or without the application of heat. These can also be cast, rolled,
extruded, laminated, and machined.

9.4 Following are the two types of plastics

(a) Thermosetting plastics
(b) Thermoplastics.
The thermosetting plastics are those which are formed into shape under
heat and pressure is applied, it becomes hard by a chemical change known as
phenol formaldehyde (Bakelite), phenol-furfurals (Duarte), urea-formaldehyde
(Plaskon), etc.
The thermoplastic materials do not become hard with the application of
heat and pressure and no chemical change occurs. They remain soft at elevated
temperatures until they are hardened by cooling. These can be remelted repeatedly
by successive application of heat. Some of the common thermoplastics are
cellulose nitrate (Celluloid), polythene, NYLON, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl
chloride (P.V.C.), etc.
The plastics are extremely resistant to corrosion and have high
dimensional stability. They are mostly used in manufacture of aero plane and
automobile parts. They are also used for making safety glasses, laminated gears,
pulleys, self lubricating bearings, etc. due to their resilience and strength.

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The process of conversion of raw material in to finished products using the

three resources as Man, machine and finished sub-components. Manufacturing is
the term by which we transform resource inputs to create Useful goods and
services as outputs. Manufacturing can also be said as an intentional act of
producing something useful. The transformation process is shown below-
It’s the phase after the design. Hence referring to the those values we will

10.1 The various processes using the following machines:-

1) Grinding machine
2) Power saw
3) Drill machine
4) Electric arc welding machine

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Part Name : Frame
Quantity :1
Material : M.S. Angle

Sr. Machine Measureme

Description Of Opern Cutting Time
No Used nt
Cutting the angle in to Gas cutting
1 Gas cutter Steel rule 15min.
length as per dwg machine
Cutting the angle in to
Gas cutting
2 number of piece as per Gas cutter Steel rule 15min.
Filing operation can be
performed on cutting
side and bring it in Bench vice File Try square 15 min.
perpendicular C.S.
Weld the angles to the Electric arc
4 required size as per the welding ------- Try square 20 min
drawing machine
Drilling the frame at
Radial drill Vernier
5 required points as per Twist drill 10 min.
machine caliper
the drawing.

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Part Name : Plate
Quantity :1
Material : M.S.

Sr. Operation Machine Tool/Gauge Time

Cut M.S. Sheet of Hand lever
18gage thickness of cutting Steel rule 15 min.
required dimensions. machine
It is welded at its edges Hand press Bending dies 20 min.

Part Name : Chain Rack

Quantity :1
Material : M.S

Sr. Operation Machine Tool / Time

Cut the rectangular rod for Power saw
1. H.S. blade 15 min
required length machine
Straighten it and grind it Surface
2. Try square 20 min
on surface grinder grinder
Set it on milling machine
Indexing head,
and set the indexing for Milling
3. gear tooth 60 min
the same pitch as the machine
freewheel gear
Keep both the chain rack
4 and freewheel in oil bath Furnace Tongue 25 min
and heat it.
Suddenly quench it in oil
5. Oil bath Tongue 10 min

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Part Name : Pulley
Quantity :2
Material : C.I.

Description of Machine Measurem

Sr. No Cutting tool Time
opern used ent

Take standard -------

1 ------ ---------- -------------
pulley as per design --

Face both side of Lathe Single point Vernier 15

hub portion machine cutting tool caliper min.

Hold it in three jaw

Lathe Single point Vernier 20
3 chuck & bore inner
machine cutting tool caliper min.
dia as per shaft size

Drilling the hub at

Radial drill Vernier 10
4 required points as Twist drill
machine caliper min.
per the drawing

Tap the hub at drill Vernier 10

5 Hand tap set Tap
area. Caliper min.

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11.1 Cost Of Material

Sr.No Part Name Rate/kg Total Cost

1 Shaft 60 120
2 Bearing Mounter plate 60 60
3 Dynamo Mounter angle 60 30
4 Frame angle 60 420
5 Chain rack rod 60 60
6 Metal sheet 60 30

TOTAL 720/-

11.2 Cost of Machining

Sr.No Part Time Rate/hr Total Cost

1 Power Hacksaw 80 min 360 480

2 Lathe m/c 60 min 360 360

3 Drilling m/c 30 min 120 60

4 Welding m/c 180 min 200 600

5 Milling m/c 100 min 360 600

TOTAL 2100/-

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11.3 Cost Of Standard Parts Part Quantity Rate/unit Total cost

1 Dynamo 1 1050 1050
2 Gear Pair 2 200 400
3 Pulley – 1 1 220 220
4 Pulley – 2 1 150 150
5 Belt 1 100 100
6 L.E.D. 1 50 50
7 Spring 2 75 150
8 Nut and bolt 4 5 20
10 Ball Bearing 7 60 420
TOTAL 2560/-

11.4 Other Cost

Details Total Cost
1 Transport 400
2 Other/overhead 300
Total 700/-

11.5 Total Project Cost

Cost of material + Cost of machining + Cost of std. part + other Cost

= 720 + 2100 + 2560 + 700
= 6080/-

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Activity Chart
December January February March


Project Discussion
with Coordinator
Group Formation
Topic Selection
Project Planning
about Design and
Manufacturing, Data
Actual Work Started
2 D Sketching in
Design and
Procurement of
Manufacturing of
Report Preparation

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13.1 Advantages

Following are the various advantages

1. It requires no power for its operation.
2. It is easy for maintenance.
3. It requires very no skill or no skill for its operation being the self
4. It is multi-purpose.
5. It is cheap as compared to the conventional power generation unit.
6. Waste is utilized to produce the best.
7. So many installation locations having zero scarcity but ampleness of
the space.

13.2 Disadvantages

Following are the various disadvantages

1. The intensity power generated is very low
2. It required periodical maintenance
3. Special speed breaker is required to be designed
4. The system becomes troublesome in rainy season.
5. Lubrication is needed

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1. We can vary the size of the device using the various proportions for big
places like industries, colleges, malls etc.
2. We can install generator along with the arrangement of converting the
reciprocating motion to the rotary motion. This rotary motion is further
magnify using reciprocating motion in to rotary motion-belt & pulley
drive. The output of pulley is attached with flywheel it stored kinetic
energy and transfer to alternator which generate electricity with zero cost.
3. To operate the reciprocating compressor and produce high pressure air.
4. We can modify it to work as water lifting pump by installing the water
compressing reciprocating hydraulic pump.

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Vehicle Suspension Energy Generation is very efficient and useful in

converting the Kinetic Energy from the movement of the vehicle, especially the
suspension, which usually goes waste, to electric energy that can be used to fulfill
needs of the auxiliaries in the vehicle.
Currently the batteries of automobiles are charged by specific alternator which
is attached to IC engine shaft. So that the fuel used in automobiles is also
consumed for rotating the alternator to charge the battery, this consumption is
found to be 4% of total consumption. By newly designed suspension, regeneration
system presently using alternator is detached from the engine and attached to the
suspension system
If we install this regeneration system for all 4 wheels then we can generate
high amount of electric power. This high amount of electric power can be used for
the working of car air conditioner or refrigeration system of vehicles. This
suspension system will be mostly useful for heavy compressed vehicles, milk
trucks, fire brigade trucks and also those having high requirement of electricity
inside it. From result table we are observed that for a small number of teeth of
gear we get the maximum voltage and current.

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a. Half Axle

b. Chain Transmission

Page | 36
c. Dynamo

d. Chain Mechanism

Page | 37
e. Chain Rack

f. Chain Rack And Freewheel

Page | 38
g. Spring Suspension

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Following different references are taken while collection and manufacturing

17.1 Literature And Project



17.2 Websites

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