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3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.

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Entorno de Evaluación y Seguimiento ► Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.

Started on Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 8:55 PM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 9:28 PM
Time taken 32 mins 45 secs
Points 15.00/20.00
Grade 18.75 out of 25.00 (75%)
Feedback Good exercise. Even though there are some items that you could not get to do
correctly, there is still a solid knowledge of the basis. It would be a great idea to check
on the topics from the previous course. Fair job

Question 1 Recording 2: Evelin’s routine. According to the situation presented on the recording,
Correct choose the correct answer to the following question: What does her father do?

1.00 points out of

0:00 / 0:42

Select one:
a. He is a web designer.

b. He is a mechanic. This is the right option as it is mentioned overtly in the


c. He is a teacher at Theodore Roosevelt School.

d. He works at home.

The correct answer is: He is a mechanic. 1/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 2 Recording 5: Friends at college. Choose the graph that best describes the situation
Correct presented on the conversation.

1.00 points out of

0:00 / 1:15

Select one:

a. It is the correct graph, as soccer is more

popular than basketball, tennis or ping pong.




The correct answer is: 2/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.

Question 3 Identify the grammatically correct sentence:

Select one:
1.00 points out of
1.00 a. Mario isn´t an architect Correct , the sentence is gammatically correct

b. Mario isn´t architect

c. Mario isn´t a architec

d. Mario isn an architect

The correct answer is: Mario isn´t an architect

Question 4 Select one option, to complete the following sentence:

_______ Peter here in this party?
1.00 points out of
Select one:
a. Are

b. Were

c. Is You have understood the correct use of To Be verb in the interrogative


d. am

The correct answer is: Is

Question 5 Choose the two words that best complete this interrogative sentence: ____are ____
Correct brothers?

1.00 points out of

Select one:
a. How - you

b. How - he

c. How - she
d. How - your Correct , this is the right option to fill the blanks

The correct answer is: How - your 3/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 6 Recording 5: Friends at college. According to the situation presented on the
Incorrect conversation, choose the image that best answers the following question: What is the
Pat’s favorite sport?
0.00 points out of
0:00 / 1:15

Select one:



c. It is not the correct answer, since the

woman mentions a different sport as her favorite one.

d. 4/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.

The correct answer is:

Question 7 Choose the sentence that shows the correct use of demonstrative pronouns.
Select one:
0.00 points out of
1.00 a. Young people usually wear these informal trousers all the time.

b. Young people usually wear that informal trousers all the time. It is not the
correct answer because this option is not coherent with the expression.

c. Young people usually wear this informal trousers all the time.

d. Young people usually wear thes informal trousers all the time.

The correct answer is: Young people usually wear these informal trousers all the time.

Question 8

Incorrect According to the reading:

0.00 points out of Sam: One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there
1.00 because it never gets cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad
Spanish. The food is really good. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has
some great museums and lots of fascinating old buildings. The hotels are too expensive
to stay but there are more affordable options. For example, you can stay at one of the
beach resorts like Acapulco. If you are planning to visit Mexico, you should definitely
see the Mayan temples near Merida.

When he travels to Mexico, does he usually visit a lot of places?

Select one:
a. No, he does not. According to him, tourists never come to Mexico

No, he does not. There aren't a lof of places to visit in Mexico
Yes, he does. According to him, there are a lot of places to visit in Mexico
d. No, he does not. According to him, Mexico is a dirty place It is wrong. he
does not have this idea about Mexico

The correct answer is:

Yes, he does. According to him, there are a lot of places to visit in Mexico 5/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 9 Choose the adjective that best describes the person.
A person who most of the time talks to friends, speaks, laughs, dances, sings,
0.00 points out of

Select one:
a. quiet

b. shy Incorrect!! A shy person doesn´t have all these personality traits
c. sad

d. outgoing

The correct answer is: outgoing

Question 10 Choose the correct answer according to the picture: What kind of activities are
Incorrect dangerous for workers in this place?

0.00 points out of


Select one:
a. Organize the tools Wrong! In this kind of place, workers use tools, for that
reason, this is not the correct answer.

b. To carry their children to play

c. Preparing cement for construction

d. Construct a building

The correct answer is: To carry their children to play 6/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 11 Choose the correct answer according to the picture: What is this place?

1.00 points out of


Select one:
a. A Hospital

b. An Amusement park Right! According to the picture it shows some

elements you can find in an amusement park for that reason, this is the correct

c. A Museum
d. A Zoo

The correct answer is: An Amusement park

Question 12 Recording 2: Evelin’s routine. According to the situation presented on the recording,
Correct choose the correct answer to the following question: Where does she usually go on
1.00 points out of
0:00 / 0:42

Select one:
a. She goes to school.

b. She goes to the park.

c. She goes to the movies. This is the right option because the recording
says that at the weekends she plays with her friends, listens to music and goes to
the movies.

d. She goes to the theater.

The correct answer is: She goes to the movies. 7/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 13 Observe the Family Tree and choose the best option.

1.00 points out of


Select one:
a. Martha is Laura’s sister

b. Martha is Michael’s husband

c. Martha is Tom’s sister-in-law That's correct!

d. Henry is Martha’s brother

The correct answer is: Martha is Tom’s sister-in-law

Question 14 Select the option that best define a knitted piece of clothing, like a shirt or jacket, in
Correct pullover or cardigan style, with sleeves.

1.00 points out of

Select one:
a. Pants

b. Skirt

c. boots
d. Sweater It is correct. It is sweater

The correct answer is: Sweater 8/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 15 The next question is about a conversation between Jenny and Mike. Choose the option
Correct that best complete the blank in the following sentences with the correct comparison:

1.00 points out of

Jenny: How about the weather in Jamaica?
Mike: Well, it is ________________ Cartagena, for instance.

Select one:
a. colder

b. as cold than

c. as hot as Correct! Equality comparison that expresses the real

information about the weather in the two places

d. as sweet as

The correct answer is: as hot as 9/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 16 Recording 4: listening to the audio " Trevors Evening" and select the correct image to
Correct complete this sentence: According to the audio Trevor arrives home at…

1.00 points out of

0:00 / 0:38

Select one:
a. 7:30 or 8:00

b. 8:00 or 8:30 10/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
c. 6:00 or 6:30

d. 7:00 or 7:30
oclock.html That´s correct, according to the audio

The correct answer is: 7:00 or 7:30
oclock.html 11/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 17 Observe the Family Tree and choose the best option.

1.00 points out of


Select one:
a. Rachel is Bill’s cousin Excellent! She is his cousin.

b. Rachel is David’s cousin

c. Bill is Sue’s cousin

d. Sue is Rachel’s sister

The correct answer is: Rachel is Bill’s cousin 12/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 18

Correct According to the Reading "My favorite vacation place":

1.00 points out of

1.00 Sam: One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there
because it never gets cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad
Spanish. The food is really good. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has
some great museums and lots of fascinating old buildings. The hotels are too expensive
to stay but there are more affordable options. For example, you can stay at one of the
beach resorts like Acapulco. If you are planning to visit Mexico, you should definitely
see the Mayan temples near Merida.

Answer the question:

How does Sam feel about Mexico's weather?

Select one:
a. Sam hates its warm water

b. Sam doesn't like its warm weather at all

c. Sam likes its cold weather

d. Sam likes its warm weather It is correct. Sam likes Mexico's warm

The correct answer is: Sam likes its warm weather

Question 19 Read the passage and answer the question:


1.00 points out of The blue whale is the largest animal to that lives on the planet Earth. Blue Whales are
1.00 larger than the largest dinosaur that ever lived. The largest Blue Whales can grow as
large as 30 meters long, which is longer than three school buses put together!

Select one:
a. A blue whale is larger than the largest dinosaurs

b. A blue whale can eat over 8,000 pounds of krill in a day

c. Whales are very big animals It's wrong!

d. The blue whale is smaller than some elephants

The correct answers are: A blue whale is larger than the largest dinosaurs, Whales are
very big animals 13/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.
Question 20 Recording 5: Friends at college. According to the situation presented on the
Correct conversation, choose the image that best answers the following question: What can
Pat cook?
1.00 points out of
0:00 / 1:15

Select one:



c. It is the correct option, as

Pat says she can cook delicious chicken and fish.

d. 14/15
3/4/2019 Task 1 - Pre knowledge quiz.

The correct answer is: 15/15

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