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"A Study Of Banking At YES BANK In Aligarh



Master of Business Administration

Submitted By:

Roll No. 1901750700077
(Assistant Professor) Vice-President


(Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)







Chapter 1: 8 - 30
Industrial Information

1. About the Banking

2. The Growth of the Banking Industry

3. Banking Sector in India

4. Mission, Vision & Brand Ethos

5. Board of Director

Chapter 2: 31 - 51
Organization Information


Introduction of Functional Department:

1. HR Department

2. Sales & Marketing

3. Debt capital Market

4. SWOT Analysis

Chapter 3: 52 - 70
Product of YES BANK:
1. Account & Deposit

2. Investment

3. Cards

4. Banking

5. Payable Management Services

6. Personal Banking

7. Brand Pillars

Chapter 4: 71 - 75
Research Methodology

Chapter 5: 76 - 77

In the present fast moving globalize economy, only theoretical knowledge is not sufficient foe an
individual to perform efficiently to bridge the gap between theory and practical.

The students required to undergo 6 weeks 3 days training in any organization in subjects like
marketing, finance, human resource or information technology.

Summer internship program is a prelude to the final placements that the students will be getting.

It is during these 6 weeks 3 days of exposure to the industry that the students can make a mark
of challenging work, knowledge and ethics on the host organization.

Summer internship program would also be a great learning experience since it enables the
students to apply theory to practice and observe and learn the current trends in the market.

So, to have a practical exposure, I have been placed on “The YES Bank” for my summer
internship program as my specialization is marketing and this company especially Amin Marg
branch deals with sales and service distribution.

I, Simran Chaman, a student of second year M.B.A, Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies,

did my project work in “The yes bank’ on the topic "A Study of Banking at Yes Bank".
I am heartily thankful to all the persons who spared their valuable time and helped me a lot in preparation
of this project report.

There are many people behind making of this report, without their help and guidance, this
report would never be made possible.

First, I would like to express my sin cere thanks to Mr. Kunwar Naved Ahmad Khan
(branch manager of yes bank) and our institution for giving me this golden opportunity.

I am greatly thankful to my project guide Professor Mr. Asad Ali , for giving me proper
guidance and cooperation for making this report more meaningful.

Finally, I am very much thankful to my parents and my friends for their support and valuable


I, undersigned SIMRAN CHAMAN student of MBA 3rd semester

declare that I have done the project on “A STUDY OF BANKING AT

YES BANK”. Has been personally done by me under the guidance of

Mr. Asad Ali in partial fulfillment of MBA Program- during academic

year 2020-21. All the data represented in this project is true & correct

to the best of my knowledge & belief.

I also declare that this project report is my own preparation and not

copied from anywhere else.

Place: Aligarh signature



MBA is a stepping-stone to the management carrier and to develop good manager it is

necessary that the theoretical must be supplemented with exposure to the real environment.

Theoretical knowledge just provides the base and it's not sufficient to produce a good manager
that's why practical knowledge is needed.

In accordance with the requirement of MBA course I had summer training project in analysis of
products & services of YES Bank on the topic “A STUDY OF BANKING AT YES BANK.

The retail banking environment has undergone major change. Retail banking customers are
much more active than they were a decade ago. Customers are demanding more customized
products and services.

This has imposed significant new demands on retail banks. With a view to attaining an
increasingly significant position in the growing retail financial services sector in the country,
banks have continued to provide a sustained thrust to retail banking through a continuously
expanding network and a growing sales force with customer relationship skills, that has enabled
the distribution of a wide range of products to a fast expanding customer base.

The report gives an overview of the Retail banking products offered at AXIS Bank, the security
measure of the bank, guidelines by RBI, Negotiable Instruments ACT, recently launched
government schemes, etc.





A bank is a budgetary middle person and Money maker that makes Money by loaning cash to a
borrower. Loaning exercises can be performed straightforwardly by giving credit or by
implication through capital market. Capital market are monetary market for the purchasing and
offering of long haul obligation or value supported securities.

These business sectors channel the abundance of savers to the individuals who can put it to
long haul beneficial utilize, for example, organizations or governments influencing bug-to term

Monetary controllers, for example, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), direct the capital market in their wards to ensure
financial specialists against extortion, among different obligations. Because of the significance in
the monetary framework and impact on national economies, banks are very directed in perch of
nations either by National Government or central bank.


In the cutting-edge sense, began in the most recent many years of the eighteenth century.
Among the principal banks were the Bank of Hindustan, which was set up in 1770 and sold in
1829– 32; and the General Bank of India, set up in 1786 however flopped in 1791.

The biggest bank, and the most established still in presence, is the State Bank of India (S.B.I).

It began as the Bank of Calcutta in June 1806. In 1809, it was renamed as the Bank of Bengal.
This was one of the three banks established by an administration government, the other two
were the Bank of Bombay in 1840 and the Bank of Madras in 1843. The three banks were
converged in 1921 to frame the Imperial Bank of India, which upon India's autonomy, turned
into the State Bank of India in 1955. For a long time, the administration banks had gone about
as semi national banks, as did their successors, until the point when the Reserve Bank of India

[5] was built up in 1935, under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

In 1960, the State Banks of India was given control of eight state-related banks under the State
Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959. These are presently called its partner banks. [6] In
1969 the Indian government nationalized 14 noteworthy private banks, one of the huge bank
was Bank of India. In 1980, 6 more private banks were nationalized. [8] These nationalized
banks are the lion's share of moneylenders in the Indian economy. They rule the saving money
division due to their substantial size and across the board organizes.



As indicated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the managing an account division in
India’s sound, satisfactorily capitalized and all around controlled. India is one of the main
10 economies globally, with huge potential for the managing an account segment to

With the possibility to wind up the fifth biggest saving money industry on the planet by 2020
and third biggest by 2025, as per KPMG-CIN report, India's managing an account and facial
segment is extending quickly.

The new standards of Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) will give incentives to banks to spot
potential terrible credits and make remedial strides that will check the acts of unreliable

The Indian Banking industry is at present worth's. 81 trillion (US $ 1.31 trillion) and banks are
presently using the most recent technologies like internet and cell phones to complete exchanges
and communicate with the majority.

The Indian Banking system consists of:

1. Central Bank:

A national bank works as the pinnacle controlling establishment in the managing an

account and money related arrangement of the nation. It works as the controller of credit,
broker's bank and ado appreciates the restraining infrastructure of issuing money for the
benefit of the administration. A national bank is typically control and frequently claimed,

by the administration of a nation. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is such a bank inside

2. Schedule Commercial Bank:

It operates for profit. It accepts deposits from the public and extends loans to the
households, the firms and the government. The essential characteristics of commercial
banking are as follows:

• Acceptance of deposits from public.

• For lending or investment
• Repayable on demand or lending or investment
• Withdrawal by means of an instrument, whether a cheque or otherwise.

I. Public Sector Banks:

Public Sector Banks (PSBs) are those banks where majority of stakes fi with the
Government. All these PSBs are listed on stock exchanges. Central Government entered
banking industry with the nationalization of Imperial Bank of India in 1955, then in
1969 14 major banks were nationalized and in 1980 4 more bank were nationalized.

To Name a few PSBs: State Bank of India and is subsidiaries, Bank of India, Bank of
Baroda, Bhartiya Mahila Bank, Central Bank of India, etc.

The objectives behind nationalization where:

• To break the ownership and control of banks by a few business

• To prevent the concentration of wealth and economic power.

• To mobilize savings from masses from all parts of the country,

To cater to the needs of the priority sectors 14

II. Private Sector Banks:

Private Sector Banks in India is made up of private and public banks. But the greater
part of stake is in the hand of private shareholders and not with the Government.

Private Banks are categorized as Old and New Private bank.

Old Private banks:

These are those banks which were not nationalized during the process in 1969 and 1980
due to the smaller scale or regional reach only.

Example: thalami Bank, Federal Bank, ING Vysya Bank, Karur Vysya Bank, etc.

New Private Banks:

These are the banks which came into operations afire the liberalization in 1990s.
Banking Regulation were amended in 1993 so that new private banks can enter the
Indian Banking industry.

Example: ICICI Bank, AXIS Bank, HDFC Bank, Yes Bank, Development Credit Bank,
Kotak Mahindra Bank, RBL Bank, etc.

But there were certain criteria for the establishment of new private banks which are as
follow: -

• Bank should have minimum net worth of Rs 200 Cr.
• Proprotors should hold an iminium of 25% of paid-up capital
• Within 3 years of the starting of the operations, the bank should offer shares to

public and their net worth rust increase to 300 Cr.

III. Foreign Banks :

With the globalization hitting the world, the concept of banking has changed
substantially. The concept of Foreign Banks has changed the prevailing banking
scenario in India. Banking is now crore of crore customer-friendly, modern technology
have been implemented like mobile banking, mobile application of banks, etc.

Example: HSBC Bank, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Deutsche bank, Standard Charter
Bank, etc.

IV. Regional Rural Banks:

Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were started in 1970 since even afire the nationalization,
there were cultural issues related to lending to the farmers. The main purpose of RRBs
is to mobilize financial resources from rural-semi-urban areas and grants loans and
advances mostly to small and marginal farmers, agricultural labors, etc.

Example: Karnataka Vikas Gardena Bank, Maharashtra Garmin Bank, etc.

3. Schedule Co-operative Bank:

Larger visit unions are often called cooperative banks. Like credit unions, cooperative
banks are owned by their customers and follow the cooperative principle of one
person, one vote.

Unlike credit unions, however, cooperative banks are often regulated under both
banking and cooperative legislation. They provide services such as savings and loans to

non-rerefers swell as to rerefers, and some participate in the wholesale market for
hands, Money and even equities.

I. Urban Co-operative Banks:

Urban Co-operative Banks are giving banking facility y to grass root persons.
As Urban Cooperative Banks are mostly working in the rural and semi-urban
areas they understand the genuine commercial needs of the local population in
their area of operation Urban Cooperative Banks help small and medium sized
traders, entrepreneurs, artisans and farmers who are deprived of banking facility
as private sector and commercial banks tap only high profile and successful

Example: Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-Op Bank, Kakapo Curreri l Coop.

Bank, Burrata Mercantile Co-operative Bank, Saraswat Co-operative Bank,

II. Rural Co-optative Banks:

The rural cooperatives are further divided into short-term and long-term
structure. The shorttern cooperative banks are three tired operating in different

I) State Cooperative Banks

II) Cooperative Banks
III) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies

The long-term structures are further divided into — State Cooperative

Agricultural and Rural Development Banks (SCARDS)-

Primary Cooperative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks

(PCARDBS) Different Banking activities:

• Retail banking
• Business banking
• Corporate banking
• Private banking
• Investment banking
Government Initiatives:

➢ Pradhan Mantri Jan Dham Yojna:

The scheme has been started with a target to provide ‘universal access to banking facility
starting with ‘Basic Banking Accounts” with overdraft facility of 15000 after six months
and Rupays Debi card with inbuilt accident insurance cover of 1 1 lakh and Rupay, Kisan

➢ Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bema Yojna:

Accident Insurance Scheme offering accidental death and disability cover for death or disability
because of an accident.

• A 112/- per annum premium will be deducted from the account holder’s savings bank account
through ‘auto debit’ facility in one instalment.

• In case of accidental death or full disability, payment of 2,00,000/- will be given to the
nominee and in case of partial disability payment of 1,00,000/- will be given.

➢ Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bind Yojna:

Is a government-backed Life insurance scheme in India. This scheme will be linked to the bank
accounts opened under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dham Yajna scheme.

• A premium of Rs 330/- per annum will be deducted from the account holder’s savings bank

account through ‘auto-debit’ facility in one installment.

• In case of death of policy holder in any case, nominee will receive 2,00,000/-.

Banking is working specifically on the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India. Out of all
the acts Negotiable Instrument Act is one of the most important act for running of the
banking activities.

Negotiable Instrument Act:

This is an act to define and lay down the law relating to Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange or
Cheques payable either to bearer or to order.

This act operates subject to the provisions of Sections 31 and 32 of the Reserve Bank of India
Act, 1934. Section 31 of the Reserve Bank of India Act provides that no person in India other
than the RBI or as expressly authorized by this Act, the Central Government shell draw, accept,
make or issue any bill of exchange, hundi, promissory note or engagement for the payment of
Money payable to bearer on demand.

Types of Negotiable Insurant are:

Promissory Note:

It is an instrument in writing (not being a bank-note or a currency note) containing an

unconditional undertaking, signed by the maker, to pay a certain sum of Money only to, or to
the order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.

Bill of Exchange:

A bill of exchange” is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the

maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of Money only to, or to the order of, a
certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.


Is bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than
on demand and it includes the electronic image of a truncated cheque and a cheque in the
electronic form.


To establish a high-quality, customer-centric, service-driven, private Indian Bank catering to the

‘Future Businesses of India’.


Building the Finest Quality Large Bank of the World in India


To be the Professionals’ Bank of India



“ Mr. Sunil Mehta has over three and a half decades of proven leadership experience in banking, financial
services, insurance and investments with Citibank and AIG. ”
-Mr. Sunil Mehta , (Non-Executive Chairman)

“ Mr. Mahesh Krishnamurti has extensive experience in advising and leading

business initiatives at the highest levels internationally. ”

-Mr. Mahesh Krishnamurti , (Non-Executive Director)

“ Mr. Atul Bheda is a practicing Chartered Accountant with a degree in law and
Information Systems Audit (ISA). ”

-Mr. Atul Bheda , (Non-Executive Director)

“ Mr. R. Gandhi is Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India ”

-Mr. R.Gandhi , Additional Director appointed by RBI

“ Mr. Ananth Narayan Gopalakrishnan is an Associate Professor, SPJIMR. ”

-Ananth Narayan Gopalakrishnan , Additional Director appointed by RBI

“ Mr. V. S. Radhakrishnan is posted as Deputy Managing Director at State Bank of India

(‘SBI’), Corporate Centre, Mumbai. Mr. V. S. Radhakrishnan joined SBI as a
Probationary Officer in 1988. ”

-Mr. V. S. Radhakrishnan , (SBI Nominee Director)

“ Mr. Ravindra Pandey is a Deputy Managing Director (Strategy) & Chief Digital Officer at

State Bank of India (‘SBI’) ”

-Mr. Ravindra Pandey , (SBI Nominee Director)

“ Mr. Prashant Kumar is the former Dy. Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer, State
Bank of India. ”

-Mr. Prashant Kumar , (MD & CEO)



Yes Bank Limited is an Indian private sector bank headquartered in Mumbai, India[7] and was
founded by Rana Kapoor and Ashok Kapur in 2004.[8] It offers wide range of banking and
financial products for corporate and retail customers through retail banking and asset
management services.[9] On 5 March 2020 in an attempt to avoid the collapse of the bank,
which had an excessive amount of bad loans, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) took control of

RBI later reconstructed the board and named Prashant Kumar, former Chief financial officer
of SBI, as new MD & CEO at Yes Bank.[10] Yes Bank is owned by State Bank of India who
has a 30% stake in the company as of 28 July 2020.[11]

Type Private

Traded as BSE: 532648


ISIN INE528G01035

Industry Banking, Financial services[1]

Founded 2004; 17 years ago

Founder Rana Kapoor


Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Key people • Sunil Mehta

• Prashant Kumar
(MD & CEO)

Products • Credit cards

• Consumer banking

• Corporate banking

• Finance and insurance

• Mortgage loans

• Private banking

• Wealth management

• Investment banking

Revenue ₹38,008.12

crore (US$5.3 billion)[3] (2020)

Operating ₹31,137.97
crore (US$4.4 billion)[3] (2020)

Net income ₹−16,432.58

crore (US$−2.3 billion)[3] (2020)

Total assets ₹257,832.16

crore (US$36 billion)[4] (2020)

Total equity ₹19,184.87

crore (US$2.7 billion)[4] (2020)

Owner State Bank of India (30%)[5]

Number of 18,239 (2018)[6]

Capital ratio 17.0% [6]








YES BANK Wins 2 Awards for Innovative Recruitment and HR Practices at the Asia
Pacific HRM Congress Feb1-3, 2007

Awards Dedicated for practicing Novel Solutions in Human Capital Management

Mumbai, February 6, 2007: YES BANK, Indias new age private sector Bank, received
the Most Innovative Recruiting and Staffing Programme award at the Recruitment &
Staffing Best in Class (RASBIC) Awards 2006, and the Organization with Most
Innovative HR Practices award at the Global HR Excellence Awards, both part of the
Asia Pacific HRM Congress 2007 held from February 1-3, 2007 in Mumbai. These
awards were instituted to recognize the pursuit of excellence in Human Capital across the
Global Corporate Sector across 60 countries.

The Asia Pacific HRM Congress is a not-for-profit organization with a network of
about 900 professionals representing 35 countries across the region.

On this momentous occasion, Mr. Rana Kapoor, Founder / Managing Director and CEO,
YES BANK, said, "These awards are a reflection of the pioneering efforts and
innovative HR practices pursued to grow and strengthen Human Capital at YES BANK.
This recognition validates our core objective of building an entrepreneurial organization
by embracing innovation, encouraging constructive challenges and consistently
demonstrating high business acumen on sustained achievements."

YES BANK envisages a credible and transparent performance management process that
helps aligning individual goals with corporate objectives. The Bank aims to build a
culture and environment that supports professional entrepreneurship, and with this
objective, YES BANK has institutionalized several key strategic initiatives to innovate
its HR strategy:

1.YES Professional Entrepreneurship Program (Y-PEP):

This program is designed around the concept of Talent Development. It aims to ensure
the presence of an experienced, dynamic, energetic and driven team of professionals in
Middle/Upper Management to implement various strategic initiatives of the Bank.

2.YES Entrepreneur in Action:

This program allows ONE YES BANKER to take time off to pursue his / her goals
for a year during which time they will focus on a project of their choice.

3.YES School of Banking (YSB):

This program is initiated with a vision to create a centre of excellence for learning
solutions in banking and related areas. All initiatives of YSB shall be centered on

values of Knowledge, Innovation, Excellence and Entrepreneurship, derived from the
overall values of YES BANK.

4.YES Retail Entrepreneur Program (Y-REP):

This program is designed to equip participants with a repertoire of hands-on skills and
experiences that are unique, valuable and hard to copy, to meet and support the Banks
future growth plans and challenges.

Earlier in the month of January 2007, YES BANK received the Continuous Innovation in
HR Strategy award at The India times Mindscape Employer Branding Awards. These
awards were instituted to recognize the pursuit of excellence in Human Resources across
the Indian Corporate Sector.

YES BANK believes that high quality Human Capital is the biggest asset in an
organization and has been focused on attracting and retaining the best talent from India
and abroad. The Bank also believes that best performance can only be achieved through
empowered employees and therefore, offers all YES BANKERS an opportunity to work
in a growth environment with a young work force.

The Bank aims to become an as prational employer and believes in a One Bank concept
leading to integrated business work flows. This is a stepping stone towards making YES
BANK, the World’s Best Quality Bank in India


YES BANK, India’s new age private sector Bank, is the outcome of the professional
commitment of its Promoters, Rana Kapoor and Ashok Kapoor, to establish a high
quality, customer centric, service driven, private Indian Bank catering to Emerging India.

YES BANK has adopted international best practices, the highest standards of service
quality and operational excellence, and offers comprehensive banking and financial
solutions to all its valued customers. A key strength and differentiating feature of YES
BANK is its knowledge driven approach to banking and an unprecedented customer
experience for its retail and wealth management clients.

YES BANK is steadily building corporate and institutional banking, financial markets,
investment banking, business and transactional banking, retail and private banking
business lines across the country. The Bank's constant end over is to provide a delightful
banking experience expressed with simplicity, empathy and totality.


The global marketplace today has witnessed rapid development due to the significantly
increased customer demand and this, in turn, has resulted in the establishment of a wide
range of small and mid-sized enterprises. As per 2018, India is home to about 55 million
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - employing 106 million of the country’s
workforce - indicating that the nation has the potential to turn into the manufacturing
hub of the world and hints at booming development for the SME community. This is a

mammoth cycle, and the cogwheels have gained momentum in the past decade. There is
no doubt that SMEs are vital for the development of the country. Besides,

government initiatives like ‘Make in India’, ‘National Equity Fund Scheme’, and
‘Skill India’ aim at promoting the SME status in the country. The primary goal of

initiatives is to further the growth of the SME industries. SMEs should focus on following

pointers to leverage upon its ‘sales and marketing’ strategy.

It is essential for SMEs to build the skillsets of the present workforce and ensure that they
are well-equipped to handle the wave of technology that we are currently riding on.
Modernisation of software and technology can go a long way in deploying efficient
solutions and improving business process efficiency. Cloud storage services are easy to
implement, understand, monitor and track. Employee skilling for the same is provided at
approved training centres that receive direct incentives and grants from the government.
The digitisation of the Indian markets is leading to the much-needed transformation of
the SME landscape.

Discerning the international markets

Conventional business dictates that an enterprise first establishes itself in the home
ground before branching out. However, by adopting new business models in recent
years, SMEs in India have distribution networks emerging all over the Indian
subcontinent. Companies with an international footprint seek resources from overseas
markets. These activities help to bring the best practices and technical know-how to local
managers and business owners. It is necessary to have an understanding of the market
and define how much market share the SME will be able to capture.

Blue Ocean Strategy
SME sector can also leverage its size and scale effectively to explore uncontested
markets. Tailored segments in the industry are often serviced by SMEs, thus leading to a
niche that is occupied and utilised by this segment only. Embracing the changing
business requirements is essential to the survival and growth of SMEs.

Differentiate your business offerings

An advantage of an SME is the pace at which it can reinvent itself and possess dynamic
business goals. It is important to develop products/services after understanding

customer requirements, and determine the strengths and weaknesses of the current
market by analyzing the competitive landscape. It is crucial to keep reinventing the
business from time to time to stay current and keep up with the times.


With the number of lenders on the rise, there is a myriad of financing opportunities
available to SME sector in India. SME loan facilities ensure that the business does not
suffer and that business owners concentrate entirely on growing the establishment.
SME loans finance the launch of a new product, warehouse needs, overhead costs,
business expansion and also marketing and advertising fees. These loans can be
obtained hassle-free through mobile-applications or online websites.

Establish Brand Identity

One way to traverse the space of SMEs in India and shift to different levels is to look at
branding from a different perspective. In the age of digital media, branding does not have
to be an expensive exercise. Strategic digital solutions aid in shifting mindsets and help to
sustain the growth of a business. Branding also supplements cross-border trade and
augments a global position for the SME. This can also include social media. By being
accessible to all customer groups, the growth of the business can increase multi-fold.

Building Human Capital
In a competitive marketplace, it is important to have a unique selling proposition to
sustain oneself. A lot of employees are opting to work with SMEs that offer scope for
professional growth and recognise their potential. SMEs usually possess simple

organograms that allows for rapid response to changes in the current market as opposed
to large enterprises with complex hierarchies.

Sustainability Measures
In order to ensure long-term growth, it is imperative for SMEs to build a responsible and
profitable business model. It is necessary to take steps for sustainable development of the
organization and inculcate these measures into its value chain.

Alliances and Partnerships

Presence in external forums not only brings networking opportunities with prospective
partners but also helps to keep abreast of the market dynamics. Further, participating in
MSME associations also provides credibility and transparency to the members.

Corporate Governance
It is crucial to build and maintain a management team, with a strong succession plan.
SMEs should not ignore the importance of sound company policies and good practices,
as the company ethos are the base of any future growth.

Investing in Innovation
Innovation is essential for any business, irrespective of its size. Thus, the size of the
SMEs should not be a hindrance for investments in disruptive technologies and new
product development. Across industries, investments in R&D have paid off in the long

The Future of SMEs in India
Small and Medium Scale enterprises play a vital role in the socio-economic growth of
various classes of Indian society. The SME sector accounts for roughly 40% of the total
export of India and encourages inclusive growth by being the backbone of the world’s
economy. SMEs are expected to contribute 600 million jobs globally by the year 2030.
With the incremental positive changes associated with SMEs in our country, it is safe to
say that they are here to stay and a more business friendly environment will boost their


YES BANK DCM has emerged as a leading and buoyant debt capital franchise over the
last 10 years with deep rooted knowledge of underlying market dynamics, coupled with
strong distribution and structuring capabilities.

What we offer?
• Integrated Origination and Distribution capabilities for primary market Corporate Non-
Convertible Debentures/Bonds and Money Market Securities.

• Structured Debt (loans and bonds) Syndication.

• Active counterparty to Investors in the secondary market

Primary Dealership.

YES BANK is a primary dealer (PD) for Government of India securities and as a part
of this mandate underwrites and bids for these securities in the auction of Government
Bonds held by Reserve Bank of India.

The PD desk actively trades and distributes dated securities, T-bills and State
Government Bonds, thus covering the complete sovereign debt product needs of clients
including Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, FPIs, Cooperative Banks, Provident
Funds and Retail Customers. The PD desk also trades in interest rate swaps.

The YES BANK Advantage

• One of the few active market makers in the domestic market, YES BANK has
introduced many first time issuers to INR Bond market.

• Strong relationships across various investor categories including Banks, Financial
Institutions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, NBFCs, PFs, FPIs and Private
Wealth Managers.

• Ability to originate transactions across the product suite, for a wide range of issuers
including Private Sector Corporates, PSUs, Central and State Government entities and
many NBFCs, who have repeatedly mandated YES BANK for their debt raising

• Awarded the prestigious Green Bond Pioneer award for being the ‘Pioneers in Emerging
Markets-India’ by the Climate Bonds Initiative in 2016.

• Consistently ranked among the Top 10 by Bloomberg in the ‘India Domestic Bonds’

underwriting league tables since the last 4 years.

• Successfully issued and placed India’s first-ever Green Infrastructure Bond in 2015


Yes Bank is a popular Banking and Financial Services company that was formed during the
year 2004 and is headquartered in Maharashtra, India. It has been recognized as the fastest and
the top growing bank in India. It develops most of its revenues by means of arranging
syndicated loans and also by means of corporate banking.

Yes Bank operates as three main entities like Yes Bank, Yes Capital, and Yes Asset
Management Services. Their business operations take care of Commercial Banking, Corporate
and Institutional Banking, Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Financial Marketing, and
Retail Banking.

As of now, Yes Bank has about 1150 branches and more than 1800 ATMs in India.

It has a balance sheet of about Rs, 250,000 crores and Gross NPA of about 1.73% thereby
making it the fourth largest private bank sector in India. This bank has been listed in the
National Stock Exchange of India, Bombay Stock Exchange, and London Stock

Yes Bank is committed to its customers to provide comprehensive banking and financial
solution. It also provides their corporate clients with a complete collection of investment and
banking services in India and at the global level by collaborating with the financial partners.

Through this article, let us discuss the SWOT analysis of Yes Bank.

Strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Yes Bank

• Largest Private Sector Bank – Yes Bank is India’s fourth largest private sector bank. It
is recognized the top and fastest growing bank in India Banking League Tables by the
prestigious media houses and Global Advisory Firms.
• Diversified Business – Yes Bank has its business operations in many areas like
Commercial Banking, Corporate, and Institutional Banking, Investment
Banking, Corporate Finance, Financial Marketing, and Retail Banking.
• A Large Number of Customers – Yes Bank handles a large number of customers in
an effective way.
• Management – Yes Bank has top management who are very experienced and take any
business decisions effectively for the proper functioning of the business goals.
• High-End Technology – Yes Bank makes use of high-end technology for its
smooth functioning banking and financial activities.
• Fund Raising – Yes Bank has the ability to raise funds as they have deals with
foreign shareholding.
• Human Capital – Yes Bank has the efficient human capital to carry out its end to end

• Accessibility – Yes Bank account holders can access their banking activities any time
and from anywhere. It provides more efficiency and better convenience.
• Listings – Yes Bank has been listed in the National Stock Exchange of India,
Bombay Stock Exchange, and London Stock Exchange.
• Awards and Recognition – Yes Bank has been popular and is a proud achiever of many
awards like ‘India’s Fastest Growing Bank of the Year’ given by Bloomberg UTV
Financial Leadership Awards during the year 2011 and the ‘Bank of the Year India’ by
The Banker London during the year 2015.

Weaknesses in the SWOT Analysis of Yes Bank

• Security over Digital Media – Since the banking and financial transactions of Yes Bank
happens through the use of digital media, there is a high risk of security in their business
operations. The acceptance level of people to involve money through digital mode is not
favored by many.
• Use of Digital in Rural Area – In most of the rural areas, the usage of digital media is not
strong for banking and financial purpose.
• Heterogeneous Client – Yes Bank is poorly prepared to address the heterogeneous client
• Change in Laws and Regulations – Whenever there is a change in law and regulations
imposed by the government, it can affect the business operations of the bank.

Opportunities in the SWOT Analysis of yes bank

• Large Asset in one Client – Yes Bank has large assets per client that provide a

huge opportunity to serve them and also grown in the banking and financial services.

• Global Market – Yes Bank has a lot of visibility in the global market with fewer barriers.
This is providing an opportunity for the bank to go global and thrive their business goals.
• Expanding Services to Clients – Yes Bank offers expanded advisory and customized
services to the clients, banks, and investors. This will try to provide them an opportunity
to enhance their business.
• Business goals towards middle and lower income groups – Unlike the other banks who
mainly targets upper middle-class sectors, Yes bank expands its business to even cater
to the middle and lower income group of the society.
• Awareness in Digital Media – Increasing awareness in the digital media among people
provides a huge opportunity to the bank to cater more customers.

Threats in the SWOT Analysis of Yes Bank

• Security Issues – At any time, if the bank faces any security-related issues then it
becomes a serious threat to the bank. It would be difficult to gain customer confidence
again later in such cases.

• High Fee – The bank’s high fee negotiating power of the clients is indeed a huge threat
to the bank’s business.
• Global Competitors – The presence of many global giants in the banking and finance
services, is a big threat for the bank to sustain in this market.





YES Bank is India’s fourth largest private sector bank and it is the only bank which has
Greenfield Bank license issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). YES Bank has built a
Corporate, Retail & SME Banking franchise, with a comprehensive product suite of Financial
Markets, Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Branch Banking, Business and Transaction
Banking, and Wealth Management business lines across the country.

With its bold and unconventional customer-oriented strategies, Yes Bank has established itself
as one of the leading banks in India. It is one of the few private sector banks that have seen
tremendous growth in a short span of time. Being one of the leading banks in the country, Yes
Bank offers an array of financial products and expert advice to all its customers and provides
them with unlimited access to all these products through its branches and ATMs all across the

Yes Bank offers a range of savings accounts to individuals for meeting their banking needs.
Savings accounts are specially designed for senior citizens, minors, defence personnel, and
women and some accounts also have premium features and benefits while others are basic
accounts with simple features.


YES Bank offers a special three-tier structure with auto-upgrade facility and charges based on
usage for current accounts, namely Edge Business, Prime business, Exclusive business.

Yes Bank offers attractive home loan solutions at attractive interest rates with high flexibility in
terms of loan amount and loan tenure. Customers can opt for Yes Bank home loans for various
home-related purposes, such as home improvement, home construction, home purchase, etc.

Features and Benefits of Yes Bank Home Loan

• Attractive interest rates

• Longer loan tenure extending up to 35 years
• Easy documentation process
• Quick processing time
• Availability of Balance Transfer Facility and Top-Up facility
• Doorstep Service
• Custom-built plans for self-employed individuals

Yes Bank offers personal loans up to Rs. 40 lakh at an interest rate starting from 10.99% p.a.
Both salaried and self-employed individuals can avail these collateral free loans from the bank

to meet a variety of personal expenses. Read this article to know key details about Yes
Bank personal loan.

Features of Yes Bank Personal Loan

• Unsecured Loan: No need to pledge any collateral in order to secure the loan.
• Flexible Repayment Options: You can choose loan repayment tenure of up to 5 years as
per your convenience. You can also check the EMI payout for different tenure and
choose the combination best suited to your requirements.
• Quick Approval: You can use Yes Bank Power Bot for 1-minute in-principle approval of
your loan application. Subsequent to submission of documents, the bank will confirm its
decision within 5 working days from the receipt of your application documents.
• Speedy Disbursal: Yes Bank personal loan may be disbursed within as short a
time period as a few hours after your loan application is processed and sanctioned.
• Competitive Interest Rate: Yes Bank personal loan interest rate starts at 10.99% p.a.
• Online Application: You can easily avail Yes Bank personal loan using the online
loan application service with minimal documentation.
• Personal Loan Balance Transfer: You can transfer your high-cost personal loan from
another bank or NBFC to Yes Bank at a lower interest rate. Moreover, you can avail a
top up loan on the same if you need to access additional funds.
• Doorstep Banking: Yes Bank offers doorstep banking services. A representative will
visit your office or home for completion of application and documentation processes.

• Part Pre-payment: You can partly pre-pay your personal loan after making 12
EMI payouts.


YES Bank offers Two Wheeler loan ranging from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.25 lakh up to a maximum of 5
years. Funding limit of up to 85% of on-road price for selected models is applicable.


Yes Bank offers higher loan amount under Loan Against Property (LAP) at attractive interest
rates which depend on the External Benchmark prescribed by the RBI. Availing a LAP, a type of
secured loan, from Yes Bank provides the flexibility to use both residential and commercial
property as collateral. The funds availed against the property can be used by a customer to fulfil
his/her personal as well as business requirements.

Features & Benefits of Yes Bank Loan Against Property

Mentioned below are some features and benefits of Yes Bank Mortgage Loan:

Availability of Balance Transfer facility with Top-Up option

• Availability of Dropline Overdraft facility for SMEs and seasonal businesses. It

helps them get LAP for a shorter or a longer span, depending on their business.
• Availability of doorstep service
• Minimum loan amount available under LAP is Rs. 10 lakh
• Freedom to use funds for any financial need like funding children’s education,

expanding business, etc.

• Swift and hassle-free loan processing

• Easy application procedure and simple documentation.


Yes Bank offers Gold Loan to customers who can avail funds against the gold jewellary or
coins held by them at attractive rates. The bank promises the loan process to be convenient and
hassle-free for the customers to avail the loan easily and quickly.

For purposes like working capital funding, buying machinery, , or expansion of a business, it
is essential to have adequate funding sources. These sources are primarily banks who offer
business loan to the firms requiring monetary assistance at a rack interest rate of 13.25%
onwards. YES Bank is one of the leading private sector banks that offers lending solutions for
MSMEs and business owners.

Customers have an option to pledge a wide variety of securities, with best in class LTV’s of up to

85% of securities pledged.


YES Bank offers various types of fixed deposit schemes to both regular individuals and senior
citizens at attractive interest rates. The bank provides fixed deposit schemes for a period of 7
days to 10 years. Following are the YES Bank FD Rates across tenure options provided by the

In order to make savings and ensure a bright future, every person makes an attempt to save
money and invest it in investments providing good returns. Recurring deposits are just one of the
ways that allow a common man to save his money and step ahead in his life. Yes Bank recurring
deposit is one of the most attractive recurring deposit options in the market.


YES Bank provides a number of credit cards suiting the needs of individuals and businesses.
YES Bank Credit Cards come with a variety of rewards and benefits across dining,
entertainment, travel, golf and more. The business credit cards from YES Bank are designed to
offer convenience to businesses in the form of travel, fuel, lounge access and concierge

YES Bank has broadly divided its credit cards into three categories- YES FIRST, YES
Prosperity and YES Business. Here, we will talk about the best YES Bank Credit Cards from
each category along with a view on which card you should get.

Yes Bank offers customizable debit cards to its customers where they can choose their own
debit card according to their lifestyle needs. Yes Bank debit cards come with enhanced
withdrawal and spending limits and exclusive value-added services. Get entitled to unlimited
free transactions from any ATM across the country and unparalleled privileges and benefits on
shopping, travelling, dining, entertainment and much more. Ensure safe and secure transactions
with upgraded safety features and earn reward points every time you shop using your Yes Bank
debit card.



YES Bank is India’s fourth largest bank. There are many services that the bank offers, some of
these are Retail, Corporate, mini statement, SMS notifications, etc. There are many ways
through which YES Bank Balance Check can be done. The list below details these methods.


YES Bank customers can enjoy banking on their mobile. YES Bank offers facilities like
fund transfer, SMS banking, balance enquiry & much more on YES Mobile app.


The world today has grown digital and so has the banking sector. In India, all banks have
launched their official net banking portals which have brought supreme convenience for the
customers to access banking services without actually visiting the bank branch. Yes Bank is one
such modern financial organization operating in India which understands this need. The bank’s
net banking service has served millions of customers across the nation with a wide range of
banking facilities which can be controlled through the online platform.

With the availability of Yes Bank net banking, individuals can easily carry out transactions
such as pay utility bills, online fund transfers, view past account statements, evaluate account
statement, DTH/mobile phone recharge, inter-bank fund transfers, open Recurring/Fixed
Deposit account and a lot more. Service requests such as new cheque book, stop payment,
demand draft etc., can also be easily managed via net banking.


YES Bank customers can contact their 24*7 customer care number, which offers account
holders with easy and convenient account access & provides assistance as well.


YES BANK offers a one-stop bank for all your payables requirements through a
comprehensive Payables Management product suite under the Corporate Net Banking

Electronic Payments through Corporate Net banking

• Capability to accept any file format through deployment of convertors

• Ability to enable Host to Host integration with the client’s payment servers/ERP
• Salary payment through a single file to salary accounts held with YBL/other banks
• Ability to share Salary Slips as email advices to beneficiaries
• End to End Integration with Tally accounting system for processing E-payments

Expense Management cards

• Managing day to day expenses of employees/Branches/Departments/Locations
• Expense Management Cards (similar to Debit Cards) which can be used at ATM or
POS terminals or


• Online Transfer and Pullback of funds to expense accounts

• Central delivery of Cards and Pins to Authorized Signatory of Company
• Reduced KYC as compared to regular bank account

• First in Industry to offer Offline bulk transaction processing through IMPS
• Instant settlement of Payments to Beneficiaries
• Offline mode available from 10 am to 8 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 4 pm on
• IMPS through H2H is available mode available 24*7

Salary Payments

• Salary proposition for corporate for their employee salary accounts held with YBL/other
• Consolidated Debit in Customer’s Account
• Email/SMS Advice



YES Individual program offers personalised services to every individual, banking with us.

NRI bank account offered by YES BANK allows you to transfer your earnings to India in a convenient manner.


YES FIRST is YES BANK’s premier banking and wealth management proposition. YES FIRST
aims at providing a banking experience that is truly exclusive, premium and one that effectively
complements the lifestyle, indulgences and expectations of our customers.



Peace of Mind



The YES BANK brand is built around key Brand Pillars, which epitomize the
growing strengths of the Bank. All communication and advertising has been created
around these key brand pillars.

YES BANK's core promise is growth for its internal and external stakeholders symbolized

in ‘Say YES to Growth!’

YES BANK's Promoters, Investors, and Top Management team are all of the highest
pedigree with a demonstrated track record, thus inspiring and establishing a Trust Mark

– ‘Say YES to Trust!’

Human Capital:
YES BANK has adopted a knowledge-driven, entrepreneurial management approach and offers financial solutions
beyond the traditional realm
of banking. YES BANK's top quality Human Capital represents the
finest talent in Indian banking, chosen from India and abroad.

Innovation & Technology:

YES BANK is establishing the highest standards in customer service by adopting cutting- edge, innovative
Technology. The only thing constant about technology used at YES BANK is Evolution.

Transparency :
YES BANK considers Transparency and Accountability to be of utmost importance. YES BANK has established
one of the most stringent Corporate Governance norms .

Responsible Banking :
YES BANK has a vision to be the Benchmark Financial Institution for Inclusivity and Sustainability. YES BANK’s
mission is to link CSR and Sustainable Development with stakeholder value creation through innovative solutions
and services & weave sustainability principles into its core business strategy and processes.




The landscape of India’s financial sector is changing as anywhere, anytime-banking, using
different channels and technology, will bring a multi-fold increase the reach of technology to
rural and remote areas. E-banking is the need of the hour. E-banking in India has to confront a
lot of challenges. The government is introducing regulatory measures from time to time to
ensure reliability and security, but introduction of technology is not enough. Finland was the
first country in the world to have taken a lead in E-banking. In India, it was an ICICI bank,
which initiated to introduce E-banking as early as 1997 under the brand name Infinity.
Revolution in the information technology has made the Indian economy steady inroads into the-
banking institutions and has brought about a significant change in many aspects in the form of
computerization of transactions and new delivery channels such as Internet banking, Mobile
banking, Telephone-banking, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Smart Cards, Debit cards,
Credit Cards, E-Cheque, Electronic Transfer Fund (ETF), Electronic Clearing services (ECS),
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), etc. Apart from a several leading private players, SBI and
Central Bank of India are the major public players in the-banking sector. Despite the fact that in

the Indian Banking Industry public sector banks have huge network, infrastructure and customer
base, still its performance is low for e-banking services as compared to its

counterpart in the private sector. Therefore, the present study is an attempt for An Analytical
study of e-Banking services provided by Nationalized & Private sector banks in Ahmednagar

Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem
using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “research
is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. It

involves inductive and deductive methods.”

Inductive research methods analyse an observed event, while deductive methods verify the
observed event. Inductive approaches are associated with qualitative research, and deductive
methods are more commonly associated with quantitative analysis.

Research is conducted with a purpose to:

• Identify potential and new customers

• Understand existing customers
• Set pragmatic goals
• Develop productive market strategies
• Address business challenges
• Put together a business expansion plan
• Identify new business opportunities

The characteristics of research?

1. Good research follows a systematic approach to capture accurate data. Researchers

need to practice ethics and a code of conduct while making observations or drawing
2. The analysis is based on logical reasoning and involves both inductive and deductive
3. Real-time data and knowledge is derived from actual observations in natural settings.
4. There is an in-depth analysis of all data collected so that there are no anomalies
associated with it.
5. It creates a path for generating new questions. Existing data helps create more research
6. It is analytical and uses all the available data so that there is no ambiguity in inference.

The purpose of research?

There are three main purposes:

1. Exploratory: As the name suggests, researchers conduct exploratory studies to explore a
group of questions. The answers and analytics may not offer a conclusion to the

perceived problem. It is undertaken to handle new problem areas that haven’t been
explored before. This exploratory process lays the foundation for more conclusive data
collection and analysis.

2. Descriptive: It focuses on expanding knowledge on current issues through a process of

data collection. Descriptive studies describe the behaviour of a sample population. Only
one variable is required to conduct the study. The three primary purposes of descriptive
studies are describing, explaining, and validating the findings. For example, a study
conducted to know if top-level management leaders in the 21st century possess the moral
right to receive a considerable sum of money from the company profit.
3. Explanatory: Explanatory or causal research is conducted to understand the impact of
specific changes in existing standard procedures. Running experiments is the most
popular form. For example, a study that is conducted to understand the effect of
rebranding on customer loyalty.

✓ Pure or Basic or Fundamental Research
✓ Applied Research
✓ Formulative or Exploratory Research
✓ Descriptive Research or Diagnostic Research
✓ Historical Research
✓ Quantitative or Qualitative Research
✓ Conceptual Research


YES BANK, is a high quality, customer centric and service driven Bank. Since inception
in 2004, YES BANK has grown into a ‘Full Service Commercial Bank’ providing a
complete range of products, services and technology driven digital offerings, catering to
corporate, MSME & retail customers. YES BANK operates its Investment banking,
Merchant banking & Brokerage businesses through YES SECURITIES and its Mutual
Fund business through YES Asset Management (India) Limited, both wholly owned
subsidiaries of the Bank. Headquartered in Mumbai, it has a pan-India presence across
all 28 states and 9 Union Territories in India including an IBU at GIFT City, and a
Representative Office in Abu Dhabi.

For more information, please visit the Bank’s website at


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