Puna English Pa-1

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Student Name

Date Grade XII Time 2 Hrs.

Subject English Core Marks 50 Teacher’s Sign
1 The question paper is divided into two sections
Section A : 25 Marks
Section B : 25 Marks
2 All the questions are compulsory
3 Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
4 Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions

SECTION A : Reading
Q 1 Read the passage given below carefully 12 Marks

Outer solar system is the name of the planets beyond the asteroid belt. These planets are called gas
giants because they are made up of gas and ice.

The first stop of our tour is the fifth planet, Jupiter. Jupiter is bigger than three hundred Earths! It is
made up of hydrogen and helium and a few other gases. There are violent wind storms that circle
around Jupiter The most famous storm is called the Great Red Spot. It has been churning for more
than hundred years already. At last count , Jupiter has sixty –three known moons and a faint ring
around it too.

Next in our space neighborhood comes Saturn. It is well known for the series of beautiful rings that
circle it. They are made up of tiny bits of frozen dirt and ice. Like Jupiter, Saturn is made up of
mostly hydrogen and helium. It is smaller though ,at only ninety five times the size of earth .Saturn
has sixty two moons.

The seventh planet,Uranus and its 27 moons orbit very far from the sun in addition to helium and
hydrogen. Uranus atmosphere also contains ammonia ice and methane ice. It is very cold planet
With no internal heat source. One of the strangest things about Uranus is that it is tipped over and
orbits the sun on its side a ninety degree angle. The twenty seven moons it has orbit from top to
bottom, instead of left to right like our moon.

The eighth planet is Neptune. Like Uranus it is made up of hydrogen, helium, ammonia ice and
methane ice. But unlike Uranus, Neptune does have an inner heat resource, just like Earth. It radiates
twice as much heat as it receives from the sun. Neptune’s most distinctive quality is its blue colour.
Most of the information we know about it came from the Voyger 2 space craft passing close by it in

Pluto is the last and was considered a planet after its discovery in 1930. In 2006 , Pluto was demoted
and reclassified as a dwarf planet. Pluto exists in the K belt. That’s just a fancy name
for the band of rocks, dust and ice that lies beyond the gas giants. Scientist solar have found objects
bigger than Pluto in this belt. Thus the outer solar system has many secrets to explore.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions briefly.
(i) What is the Great Red Spot ?
(ii) How small is Saturn as compared to Jupiter?
(iii)Why the moon of Uranus are peculiar?
(iv) What is Neptune’s unique quality which distinguishes it from other “ gas Giants”?
(v) What may have been the reason that in 2006 Pluto was demoted and reclassified as a
dwarf planet ?
(vi) Why are the planets beyond the asteroid belt called ‘ gas giants’?

(b) on the basis of your reading of the passage , complete the statements given below by
choosing the most appropriate option.
(i) The two gases which make up most of Jupiter and Saturn are ……..
(a) hydrogen and ammonia (b) hydrogen and methane
(c) hydrogen and helium (d) none of these
(ii) The Kupier belt is an area of rocks ,dust and ice that………
(a) is between Jupiter and Saturn (b) beyond Pluto
(c) includes Pluto (d) surrounds Saturn’s rings
(iii) A synonym of ‘faint ‘ used in paragraph 2 is …...………
(a) indistinct (b) slight
(c) muffled (d) unconscious
(iv) A synonym of ‘circle‘ used in paragraph 3 is ………
(a) group (b) rotate
(c) band (d) surrounds
(v) A synonym of ‘ tipped‘ used in paragraph 4 is ………………
(a) topped (b) titled
(c) poured (d) presented
(vi) A synonym of ‘ passing‘ used in paragraph 4 is ………………
(a) travelling (b) short lived
(c) adopting (d) overtaking

2 Read the extract given below ( 4 Marks)

“All at once the church – clock struck twelve. Then the Angelus. At the same moment the
Trumpts of the Prussians, returning from drill, sounded under our windows. M Hemal stood
Up ,very pale, in his chair. I never saw him look so tall.”
(i) What is Angelus ?
a. Prayers said in the morning.
b. Prayers said in the middle of the day.
c. Prayers said in the evening.
d. All of these.
(ii) Who are the Prussians?
a. Residents of Germany
b. Residents of Poland
c. Residents of some parts of Austria
d. All of these combined
(iii) Why was Mr. Hemal so Pale?
a. He was tired by the end of the class
b. He was replaced by the German teacher.
c. He was not well.
d. He was tired due to the mischief caused by the students.
(iv) I never saw him look so tall
a. sad
b. lively
c. Excited
d Giant
3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. ( 4 Marks )
“But after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon.”

a) Who went for security check and who is ‘her’ in the above lines?

b) What does the poet compare her mother’s face to and why?

c) Explain ‘late winter’s moon’.

d) Who is the poet of the poem

4. Attempt any five questions from the following: ( 5 Marks )

a. What did Mr. Hemal teach ?

i) French ii) German

iii) English iv) Spanish

b. What is the full name of Saheb ?

i) Saheb Singh ii) Sahebzade

iii) Saheb-e-Alam iv) Saheb-e-Baksh

c. Which poetic device is expressed in the phrase “trees sprinting ” in the poem “ My
Mother at Sixty Six” ?
i) Personification ii) Simile

iii) Adjuminate iv) Lifile

d The third level of which station has been discussed in the story ?

i) Grand Northern Station ii) Grand Southern Station

iii) Grand Central Station iv) Grand London Station

e Who of these are not there in Mukesh’s family ?

i) Grandfather ii) Grand mother

iii) Father iv) Mother

f. Who were present in the class the class on the last day ?

i) All the villagers were present in the class

ii) all the students and villagers were present in the class
iii) Every one except the teacher were present in the class.

iv) Inspector from the neighboring town was present in the class.


5 You are Secretary of the Science Club of St. Marry’s School . [ 3 Marks ]
Draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing students of a proposed visit to
Vikram Sarabhai and Science City in your city.

6 You want to sell your newly built flat. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more [3 Marks]
than 50 words to be inserted in the classified columns of ‘The Hindu’ giving all
necessary details. You are Nirav, 247, J.P. Nagar, Banaskantha.

7 You are Navid / Nafeesa of 10 Nehru Nagar ,Ahmedabad. The 60 –feet-wide main [5 Marks]
road in Nehru Nagar Market remains congested throughout the day because of massive
encroachments on both sides of the road causing a lot of inconvenience to pedestrians
especially children and women. Write a letter to the Editor of national daily requesting
him to highlight the problems faced by the residents giving concrete suggestions for
improving the situation


8 Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words. [ 9 Marks]

(a) What stories of the grandmother did the author treat as ‘Fables of the prophets?
(b) How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last lesson ?
(c) Why had the rag pickers come to live in Seemapuri ?

2 Answer any one of the following questions in 120- 150 words. [ 5 Marks]
The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress’.
What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?
What does Aneez Jung tell us about life at Mukesh’s home in Firozabad?

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