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You don't have to live in an atmosphere of depression, turmoil, negativity, doubt or fear.

You can
live in the atmosphere of God's glory!. I want to teach you today eight keys that will attract God's
glory to your life and build a consistent habitation of His presence. You can experience the
atmosphere of heaven within and around you. When you shift your atmosphere, you transform
your life.

1. Spiritual hunger. The first key that attracts God's presence to you is spiritual hunger. God
promises to fill those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. There's something about a hungry,
thirsty heart that will cause God to pour out His glory on you. I consistently stir up my spiritual
hunger by asking Him to fill me every day with His presence. I've also noticed when ministering
to congregations that those who passionately pursue God in worship and whose hearts are filled
with hunger for God receive the greatest outpourings.

2. Humility. God loves to clothe the humble with His presence. God draws near to the humble
heart. When I travel on the road, I've seen that the most humble leaders and congregations also
receive the greatest manifestation of God's presence. In Matthew 21, Jesus rides into the city on a
donkey covered with clothing. In the same way Jesus mantles the donkey with His presence, God
mantles the lowly with His glory.

3. Honor. Honor is another significant key to hosting the glory of God in your life. Whatever you
honor you attract to yourself. Whatever you honor you receive from. When you honor God's
presence, He will draw near to you. When you honor the gifts of the Holy Spirit they will
manifest. When you honor an anointed person, you will receive from the anointing on their life. If
you honor the glory of God, you will be saturated consistently with Him.

4. Consecration. We find the next key to attracting the glory in 2 Chronicles 5:11. Consecration is
the process of being set apart as holy unto God. A pure heart of devotion and consecration
attracts the glory like a magnet. When God feels at home in a vessel, He really fills it. The more
we allow God to purify our lives, the more we will become a habitation of His manifest presence.

5. Unity. Where there is unity God commands a blessing. When we come into unity with other
believers we form a corporate habitation in which God can fill. In 2 Chronicles 5:13 as the
worshippers made one sound to the Lord, they attracted the presence of God to the point where
the glory became so strong no one could remain standing. The temple was filled with glory. As
you stay unified with God and other believers you will attract God's glory. 

6. Magnifying God's true nature. This is one of the most important keys and one we must learn
more about. There is something glorious that happens when we get a revelation of the true nature
of God and choose to magnify and exalt those attributes of God in worship. In 2 Chronicles 5:13,
the priests used very specific wording in their worship. They magnified very specific attributes of
God's nature. It is this specific type of worship that attracts God's glory. They specifically
magnified His goodness, mercy, and loving-kindness. As they did the temple was filled with glory.
I share a lot more about this in my teaching set Shift Your Atmosphere. There were reasons why
this specific worship attracted the glory.
7. Prayer. In Acts 10 we discover two keys that will attract God's presence. Communing with God
through private conversation with Him will cultivate His presence in a tangible way. Prayer
becomes like breathing. As your share your inner thoughts with God, He will also share His
secrets with you. Cornelius' prayer life in Acts 10 became as a memorial to God, causing the Holy
Spirit to be poured out on His entire family!

8. Giving. In Acts 10 Cornelius was also a generous giver. It was the combination of His prayer life
and giving that became a memorial before God attracting His presence. Your giving, when
combined with prayer, will catch God's attention. Not only did Cornelius receive the Holy Spirit,
but so did his entire family and ultimately the entire Gentile race. It was one of the most
significant outpourings of God in history, all triggered through prayer and giving. You can attract
God's presence to your own life through giving as well.

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