Aministrator Certification Prep Module 3

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Administrator Certification Prep: Data and

Unit 1: Practice Data and Analytics Management

Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, you'll be able to:

● Describe the consideration when importing, updating, transferring, mass deleting, exporting and
backing up data.
● Describe the capabilities and implication of data validation tools.
● Describe the options available when creating or customizing a report or report type.
● Describe the impact of sharing model on reports.
● Demonstrate the options available when creating and modifying dashboards.

Key Topics
This unit prepares you for the data and analytics management section of the Salesforce Administrator
exam, which makes up 14% of the overall exam. This section of the exam tests these topics.

● Data types
● Validation rule
● Data Import Wizard
● Data Loader
● Recycle Bin
● Merge function
● Mass Transfer
● Mass Delete
● Duplicate Matching
● External ID
● Data Export
● Report creation
● Custom reports
● Editing and customizing reports
● Dashboard components
● Data sharing
● Report and dashboard filters

This unit provides a number of interactive, real-world, scenario-based questions that are a lot like the ones
you can encounter as a Salesforce administrator. Looking at these scenarios helps prepare you to take the
org setup section of the Salesforce Administrator exam. As you tackle the practice questions, you get

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immediate feedback on your answers, along with detailed information on why your answers are correct
(or incorrect).

The unit also contains interactive flashcards to help you prepare for the data and analytics management
section of the exam.

Download the Guide

Would you like a hard copy of the contents in these modules? Each module includes a link to a printable
version you can download. Download the Administrator Certification Prep: Data and Automation.

Exam Practice Questions

Ready to jump in? The sample tool below is not scored—it’s just an easy way to quiz yourself. To use it, read
the scenario on the left side, then click on the answer you think is correct. Some questions may have more
than one correct answer. Click submit, and you get a pop-up telling you whether the answer you chose is
correct or incorrect, and why. When you reach the end, you can review the answers or retake the

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Scenario 1

A sales manager at Ursa Major Solar wants a team of sales reps to know how many open opportunities
they have at any given time.

How should an administrator configure a report for each sales rep to see their own open opportunities?

A CREATE A REPORTING Incorrect. This would not show a sales rep only their own open
SNAPSHOT GROUPED BY opportunities.

B CREATE A REPORT WITH A Incorrect. Cross Filters are used in reports to filter for cross object

C CREATE A REPORT FILTERED Correct. This report would show a sales rep their own open
BY MY OPPORTUNITIES. opportunities.

D CREATE A REPORT Incorrect. Incorrect. This doesn’t meet the requirements for the
SCHEDULE FOR EACH SALES scenario. A schedule wouldn’t create a report that would allow each
REP. sales rep to see their own open opportunities.

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Scenario 2

Which two of these report charts show how many leads are in the marketing pipeline based on lead
status and what percent each lead status represents?

A GROUPED BAR CHART Incorrect. A grouped bar chart shows siloed, individual lead

B PIE CHART Correct. A pie chart shows the number of leads as well as the
percentage of leads as part of the whole.

C DONUT CHART Correct. A donut chart shows the number of leads as well as the
percentage of leads as part of the whole.

D LINE CHART Incorrect. A line chart does not show a percentage of leads
relative to the whole.

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Scenario 3

A finance user with the View All Data permission enabled sees no opportunities when opening a sales
pipeline report. However, a Sales Rep sees opportunities as expected. opportunities should be visible to
only those with permission.

Which two actions should the administrator perform to resolve this problem?

A SELECT SAVE HIERARCHY Correct. The Save Hierarchy Level checkbox being selected will ensure
LEVEL ON THE PIPELINE that the hierarchy level that was used when creating a report will stay
REPORT. intact. That means, if the Finance User had permission to see reports
originally, that will be the case when any subsequent report is created.

B CREATE A NEW REPORT Correct. Creating a formula will not change which opportunities are

C UPDATE THE REPORT Correct. Using a filter to show All Opportunities would allow users with
FILTER TO SHOW ALL the View All Data permission enabled to see all of the opportunities on
OPPORTUNITIES. the report.

D CHANGE THE OG-WIDE Incorrect. This would allow everyone in the organization to see

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Scenario 4

What should an administrator configure to provide each Sales Rep a dashboard that shows their current
Opportunity pipeline?

A SET A DASHBOARD Incorrect. Setting the Dashboard filter to the current user would only
FILTER TO THE CURRENT show Opportunities for that user, not the user running the Dashboard.

B CREATE A DASHBOARD Incorrect. Creating a dashboard folder for each user would not filter
FOLDER FOR EACH USER. the Dashboard for users. A Dashboard folder is for storing dashboards;
limiting visibility to the dashboards in the folder.

C FILTER THE DASHBOARD Incorrect. Dynamic dashboards are limited. The View Dashboard As
WITH A DYNAMIC VIEW options are Me, Another person or the dashboard viewer.

D SET THE DASHBOARD Correct. This will ensure the Dashboard shows only data relevant to the
RUNNING USER TO “THE user viewing it.

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Scenario 5

A sales user wants to add components to their dashboard. What is the maximum number of
components that can be added to a single Dashboard?

A 3 Incorrect. Each dashboard can have up to 20 components. Each report

can have up to 3 cross filters.

B 15 Incorrect. Each dashboard can have up to 20 components.

C 20 Correct. Each dashboard can have up to 20 components.

D 50 Incorrect. Each dashboard can have up to 20 components. A

dashboard filter can have up to 50 values.

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Scenario 6

What should the system administrator check when users are unable to find a Custom Report Type?

A MAKE SURE THE NEW Correct. Users will not be able to access a custom report type if it hasn’t
REPORT TYPE IS been deployed.

B MAKE SURE THE USER Incorrect. Access to objects is controlled by Profiles not based on

C ADD THE NEW REPORT Incorrect. Report Types are created for the object that is reported on.

D ADD A BUTTON FOR THE Incorrect. Report Types are part of the Report Builder when deployed.

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Scenario 7

Ursa Major Solar uses a private data access model. Product managers and sales representatives are in
different branches of the role hierarchy. What should an administrator do to ensure that product
managers can report on opportunities in their product line?

A CREATE A SHARING RULE Correct. Criteria-based sharing rules determine what records to share
BASED ON CRITERIA. based on field values other than ownership.

B SAVE ALL OPPORTUNITY Incorrect. Saving reports in a public folder will give access to everyone.

C MOVE ALL PRODUCT Incorrect. If product managers are in a role below sales
MANAGERS TO A ROLE representatives, they will not be able to see the reports. Product
BELOW THE SALES managers would have to be in a role above the sales representatives
REPRESENTATIVES. according to the role hierarchy.

D CREATE A NEW ROLE Incorrect. Creating a new role would further separate the role
FOR PRODUCT hierarchy. The product managers and sales representatives would not
MANAGERS AND SALES need to be combined or branched off.

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Scenario 8

Ursa Major Solar regularly imports accounts from an external order system that has its own ID field for
each record.

What should the system administrator do to help prevent duplicates during these imports?

A IMPORT THE DATA Incorrect. Just using the Data Loader to import data does not prevent
USING THE DATA duplicates.

B USE THE ID FROM THE Incorrect. Each record in a Salesforce org requires a unique Salesforce
ORDER SYSTEM IN PLACE ID. An external ID can not be used in place of the Salesforce ID.

C CREATE A UNIQUE Correct. Creating a unique External ID field on Accounts would

EXTERNAL ID FIELD ON guarantee no duplicates from an external order system.

D CREATE A FORMULA Incorrect. A formula field works only on data already imported into the
FIELD THAT IDENTIFIES org. Since the goal is to prevent data duplication before being
MATCHES. imported, the formula field is not an accurate solution.

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Scenario 9

The sales operations team at Ursa Major Solar needs to import and export accounts, contacts,
opportunities, and orders.

Which two profile permissions does the sales operation team need to be able to perform this task?

A API ENABLED Correct. To use the Data Loader for importing and exporting Accounts,
Contacts, Opportunities, and Orders the profile permissions need API

B MODIFY ALL FOR THOSE Correct. The Modify All setting on Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities,
OBJECTS and Orders objects means users with this permission can view, edit
and delete all records regardless of sharing. This meets the need of
importing and exporting on just the stated objects.

C VIEW ALL DATA Incorrect. View All Data would give access to more objects than just
Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and Orders.

D WEEKLY DATA EXPORT Incorrect. Weekly Data Export generates backup files of the data on a
weekly basis depending on the edition. This does not meet the stated
need of the Sales Operation team.

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Scenario 10

The director of operations at Ursa Major Solar has noticed that when sales reps move opportunities to
the closed stage, they don't always fill in the product installation date. When the date is not logged, the
operations team has to reach out to the sales rep to confirm the installation date. The director of
operations has requested that sales reps not be able to close an opportunity without first logging the
product installation date.

Which feature allows Ursa Major Solar to require a value in the product installation date, a custom date
field, when the opportunity stage changes to Closed?

A VALIDATION RULE Correct. Validation rules can be used to make fields conditionally
required based on the Opportunity stage.

B DEPENDENT PICKLIST Incorrect. A dependent picklist is a custom or multi-select picklist for

which the valid values depend on the value of another field, called the
controlling field. A dependent picklist is not inherently required so
therefore would not meet the requirements of the situation.

C PAGE LAYOUT Incorrect. While page layouts can determine which fields are required,
they can not be setup to be conditional based on the stage.

D RECORD TYPE Incorrect. Record types allow users to select different page layouts and
picklist values for different business scenarios, based on their profiles.
Record type can not be used to require a date field to be entered when
the stage is set to closed.

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Scenario 11

Ursa Major Solar is importing data and has many records that do not meet the data validation criteria.

What will occur?

A THE IMPORT PROCESS Incorrect. Salesforce runs validation rules on records before they are
WILL REQUIRE USER imported. Records that fail validation are not imported.

B THE IMPORT PROCESS Correct. Salesforce runs validation rules on records before they are
WILL FAIL, BUT ONLY imported. Records that fail validation are not imported.

C THE IMPORT PROCESS Incorrect. Salesforce runs validation rules on records before they are
WILL ABORT WHEN IT imported. Records that fail validation are not imported.

D THE IMPORT PROCESS Incorrect. Salesforce runs validation rules on records before they are
WILL IGNORE THE DATA imported. Records that fail validation are not imported.

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Scenario 12

Users at Ursa Major Solar are trying to create opportunities. When populating a custom picklist field,
the users receive errors. Additionally, when the users select either of the two values in the picklist, they
receive different error messages above the field and are unable to save the opportunities.

Why is this error likely occurring?

A THE USERS DON’T HAVE Incorrect. Contradicting validation rules for the same field will cause
ACCESS TO THE PICKLIST users to not be able to save the record.

B THE TWO PICKLIST Incorrect. Picklists are not set by record type.

C THE PICKLIST FIELD HAS Incorrect. Contradicting validation rules for the same field will cause
CONTRADICTING users to not be able to save the record.

D THE USERS DON’T HAVE Incorrect. In this scenario, access to a record type would not cause a
ACCESS TO THE LARGE validation rule to fail.

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Exam Topic Flashcards

The following flashcards cover reports, dashboards, and data sharing. Use these interactive flashcards to
brush up on some of the key topics you'll find on this part of the exam.

Read the question or term on each card, then click on the card to reveal the correct answer. Click the
right- facing arrow to move to the next card, and the left facing arrow to return to the previous card.

Card 1

How long is data stored in the Recycle Bin? Up to 15 days

Card 2

Ursa Major Solar has inconsistent data in its

20,000 existing Accounts and asked the System
Administrator to convert all of the standard Mass update addresses
country fields to ISO codes. Which method should
the System Administrator use?

Card 3

Which set of Salesforce records is exported by

Records for a specified object including records in
choosing the “Export All” option instead of
the recycle bin.
“Export” in Data Loader?

Card 4

A System Administrator will use the Import Wizard

to update existing Account records. Which two ● Account Naame
values can the Import Wizard use to find matching ● Site fields

Card 5

Which configuration option shows sales

representatives the fields they must fill in prior to Page Layout required fields
saving an opportunity?

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Card 6

Administrator settings that restrict the valid values

and lookup dialog results for lookup,
master-detail, and hierarchical relationship fields
Lookup filter
(For example, restrict the Account Name field on
opportunities to allow only active accounts.)

Card 7

● A tool to import data for many standard

Salesforce objects, including accounts,
contacts, leads, solutions, campaign
Data Import Wizard
members, and person accounts.
● Can also import data for custom objects
● Can import up to 50,000 records at a time

Card 8

Verify that the data a user enters in a record meets

Validation Rules the standards you specify before the user can save
the record

Card 9

Use Data Loader when:

- You need to load 50,000 to 5,000,000 records.
Data Loader is supported for loads of up to 5
million records
- You want to schedule regular data loads, such as
nightly imports
- You want to export your data for backup
Data Loader vs Import Wizard

Use the import wizard when:

- You are loading less than 50,000 records
- You want to prevent duplicates by uploading
records according to account name and site,
contact email address, or lead email address.

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Card 10

● Comma Separated Values (CSV)

● A plain text file that contains a list of data
CSV File
● An accepted file format for Data Loader
and Data Import Wizard

Card 11

What report should an administrator use to

display the number of contacts related to an Summary report with a report formula

Card 12

● Tabular report with Rows to Display set to

Which three reports can be used to display a list of 10
the Top 10 Accounts on a dashboard? ● Summary report with a chart
● Summary report without a chart

Card 13

What should an administrator do to organize the

Create a custom report type.
fields available on a report?

Card 14

This report is the simplest and fastest way to look

at data. Similar to a spreadsheet, they consist
simply of an ordered set of fields in columns, with
each matching record listed in a row. Tabular
Tabular Report reports are best for creating lists of records or a list
with a single grand total. They can't be used to
create groups of data or charts, and can't be used
in dashboards unless rows are limited. Examples
include contact mailing lists and activity reports.

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Card 15

This report is similar to tabular reports, but also

allow users to group rows of data, view subtotals,
and create charts. They can be used as the source
report for dashboard components. Use this type
Summary Report
for a report to show subtotals based on the value
of a particular field or when you want to create a
hierarchical list, such as all opportunities for your
team, subtotal by Stage and Owner.

Related Badges
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Trailhead Document

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& Dashboards Specialist

Congratulations! You’ve studied up on data and analytics management. Next, let’s take a look at workflow
and automation.

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Unit 2: Study Up on Workflow and Automation

Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, you'll be able to:

● Identify the appropriate automation solution based on the capabilities of the tool.
● Describe capabilities and use cases for Flow
● Describe and demonstrate capabilities and use cases for the approval process.

Key Topics
This unit prepares you for the workflow and automation section of the Salesforce Administrator exam,
which makes up 16% of the overall exam. This section of the exam tests these topics.

● Workflows
● Process Builder
● Flow Builder
● Approval Process

Like the previous units, this unit contains practice scenario-based questions and flashcards.

Exam Practice Questions

Ready to jump in? The sample tool below is not scored—it’s just an easy way to quiz yourself. To use it, read
the scenario on the left side, then click on the answer you think is correct. Some questions may have more
than one correct answer. Click submit, and you get a pop-up telling you whether the answer you chose is
correct or incorrect, and why. When you reach the end, you can review the answers or retake the

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Scenario 1

The administrator at Ursa Major Solar created a process in Process Builder that sends email alerts when
a case with a high priority is created. A new support engineer who works remotely complains about not
receiving the email alerts. All other users receive these email alerts.

How can a Salesforce administrator troubleshoot this issue?

A VERIFY THE USER’S Correct. You need to verify that the user’s email address is correct, thus
EMAIL ADDRESS. receiving the notifications.

B CHECK THAT THE Incorrect. Others are receiving the email alerts, so you know that the
PROCESS IS ACTIVE. process is active.

C CHECK THAT THE Incorrect. Others are receiving the correct email from the email alerts,
CORRECT EMAIL so you know the correct email template is used.

D CHECK THAT THE Incorrect. Others are receiving the email, so you know the process
PROCESS EVALUATION evaluation criteria is correct when the process is being triggered.

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Scenario 2

Ursa Major Solar created an action that sends a follow-up email to the customer two days after a case is
closed. The administrator wants to verify that the process functions correctly.

Which queue should the administrator view to monitor pending actions?

A OUTBOUND MESSAGING Incorrect. Outbound Messaging Delivery Queue would show

DELIVERY QUEUE the messages that have already been sent and delivered.

B MASS EMAIL QUEUE Incorrect. The Mass Email Queue shows the mass emails that
are sent out.

C PAUSED FLOW INTERVIEWS Correct. The Process Action Queue shows process actions and
the administrator would be able to monitor pending process
actions in this Queue.

D BACKGROUND JOBS QUEUE Incorrect. Time based actions do not show in the Background
Jobs Queue. Background Jobs, such as when a parallel sharing
recalculation is running can be monitored here.

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Scenario 3

Ursa Major Solar has an auto-response rule to send emails when a customer submits a new case and an
assignment rule to determine case ownership for new cases. In addition, the case object has validation
rules to ensure that each case includes values for all fields needed by its owner to resolve the case.

In which order does Salesforce process the immediate actions associated with workflow rules and
related business automations for a newly created record?

A ESCALATION RULES, VALIDATION Incorrect. Validation rules are evaluated before Escalation
RULES, WORKFLOW RULES, rules, and Auto-response rules are evaluated before
AUTO-RESPONSE RULES, Workflow rules.

B VALIDATION RULES, ASSIGNMENT Correct. This is the correct order of evaluation.


C WORKFLOW RULES, VALIDATION Incorrect. Workflow rules are evaluated after Validation

D VALIDATION RULES, ESCALATION Incorrect. Workflow rules are evaluated before Escalation

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Scenario 4

Ursa Major Solar has a team of account managers that requested email alerts any time an opportunity
or case is created on accounts that they own.

What is the minimum number of workflows needed to accomplish this task?

A ONE WORKFLOW RULE Incorrect. Each workflow rule applies to a single object. In this solution
WITH TWO EMAIL the email alerts would be for the same object.

B TWO WORKFLOW RULES Correct. Each workflow rule applies to a single object. Opportunity
WITH ONE EMAIL ALERT and/or case would need a separate workflow for each object.

C NO WORKFLOW RULES, Incorrect. Email alerts need a workflow to define criteria for the email

D FOUR WORKFLOW Incorrect. Opportunities and cases are created on accounts by the
RULES FOR CREATE AND users. The email alerts are to communicate to the account managers
UPDATE ON that there is a record on their account.

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Scenario 5

Ursa Major Solar has created an automated approval process to quickly communicate and improve
their customer service. What are two final approval actions in an approval process?

A CREATE A CHATTER POST. Incorrect. Chatter posts are not a final approval action.

B ADD AN EMAIL ALERT. Correct. This is a final approval action.

C SEND AN OUTBOUND Correct. Sending an outbound message is a final approval action in an

MESSAGE. approval process.

D CALL APEX. Incorrect. This is not a final approval action in an approval process.

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Exam Topic Flashcards

The following flashcards cover workflows and automation. Use these interactive flashcards to brush up on
some of the key topics you'll find on this part of the exam.

Read the question or term on each card, then click on the card to reveal the correct answer. Click the
right- facing arrow to move to the next card, and the left facing arrow to return to the previous card.

Card 1

Ursa Major Solar wants to assign a task Create a Time-based Workflow on Account with a
automatically to account managers when a rule criteria of Agreement End Date > TODAY().
customer's agreement is about to expire. How
should an administrator configure this

Card 2

An administrator created a workflow rule that Verify the user’s email address
sends email alerts when a case with a high priority
is created. A new support engineer who works
remotely at Ursa Major Solar complains about not
receiving the email alerts. All other users at Ursa
Major Solar receive these email alerts. How can an
administrator troubleshoot this issue?

Card 3

Ursa Major Solar wants to create a workflow rule Up to 5 additional email address can be added to
to send an email alert to members of its board of the email alert.
directors, none of whom use Salesforce. How
many of the board members can be added to a
single email alert?

Card 4

An application that can execute logic, interact with

Flow the Salesforce database, call Apex classes, and
collect data from users.

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Card 5

● Can be object-specific or global action

● Only Create, Update, and Log a Call actions
are supported
Quick Action
● Can also use actions in a process, and can
only set values for fields that are part of the
action’s layout

Card 6

● Every process includes a trigger, which tells

the process when to start.
● How you configure that trigger depends on
Process Trigger what type of process you’re creating.
○ Record change
○ Event
○ Invokable

Card 7

● Automates how records are approved in

Approval Process ● Specifies each step of approval including
from whom to request approval and what
to do at each point of the process.

Card 8

● Before you delete an approval process:,

make sure it’s inactive.
Delete an Approval Process ● Delete pending approval requests that are
associated with it, and remove them from
the recycle bin.

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Card 9

An approval process must have at least one step

before you can activate it. After an approval
Activate an Approval Process process is activated, you can’t add, delete, or
change the order of the steps or change its reject
or skip behavior, even if the process is inactive.

Related Badges
Looking for more information? Explore these related badges.

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Practice Exam
Congrats! You've completed your Salesforce Administrator certification prep. Ready to put your knowledge to
the test? The link below will take you to a timed Salesforce Certified Administrator interactive practice test. This
practice test is designed to mimic the actual Administrator exam. When taking the test, be sure to read each
question carefully then click on the answer you believe to be correct. Note: some questions may have more
than one correct answer. If you are unsure of an answer and would like to come back to it later, click “Review”
in the upper right-hand corner to mark a question for review.

When you reach the end of your practice test, click “Submit” to submit your answers. You'll be taken to a
results screen which will display your overall practice test score, the time taken to complete the test, and how
you performed on each section. If you'd like to review questions and answers in detail, click “Review” from the
results page. You may print your results by clicking the “View/Print” button. Good luck, Trailblazer!


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