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BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development

Assessment 1 – Questions and answers

Activity 1A
1. Document the main responsibilities of two team members from your chosen organisation
or an example organisation provided by the assessor. (Max. 600 words)
Project Manager - IT Project Master: Experience in Organizational capacity, Planning skill,
Leadership. communicative ability, negotiation skills. Attention to detail, Ability to detect
risks and problems and mastery of the digital universe.

 Lead the team responsible for achieving the project objectives.

 Coordinate all stakeholders of the project.
 Control the resources assigned to the project in order to meet the objectives set.
 Manage the constraints (scope, schedule, cost, quality, etc.) of the project.
 Apply a standard to direct projects, which in the case of the PMBOK Guide involves
areas of knowledge such as: integration, scope, calendar, costs, quality, people,
communications, risks and purchases

Network and Cabling Supervisor– IT Master: Experience in Maintain permanent

coordination with the IT area, in relation to network services, to ensure implementation,
operation and service levels, according to the requirements established for the applications.
Monitor the operation of the internal networks and connections with external networks.
Diagnose problems and execute the corresponding corrective actions according to the
nature of the problem.

 He is responsible for leading and managing the project to achieve the expected
results in a timely and quality manner.
 Conduct the daily activities of the project team, exercising control over results,
deadlines and quality.
 Maintain the relationship with users and clients,
 Motivating and providing support to team members
 Managing the necessary resources, making the necessary operational decisions to
maintain the project on time, scope and cost.

2. Identify and analyse the organisational framework from your chosen organisation or an
example provided by the assessor. Develop two appropriate work goals from your analysis.
The company in question is Open IT and we are dedicated to providing helpdesk services to
SMEs that do not have an IT department. For this, we have a team of computer engineers
and technicians who provide support and maintenance to the networks and equipment that
make up its technological platform. Additionally, we provide the service of projects to
improve this technological platform in order to keep your company information safe. We
also have professionals in our organization who carry out the corresponding administrative
Organizationally Open IT is a company that presents a clear hierarchy on the part of its CEO,
CTO and PM who are the ones who make the most important decisions with a centralization
of all the information. Following them, we have work teams in charge of the different needs
of our clients, for example: supervision of networks and cabling, information security and
supervision of hardware and software. The communication in these work teams is horizontal
and the decisions, although they are approved by the supervisors of each specialty, are
discussed as a team in order to nurture the solutions proposed to the clients. The
information is found in the management system and each team has access only to what it is
responsible for. If at any time work teams join, these accesses are enabled. Regarding the
management team, it behaves like a financial specialty team that supports each other,
important decisions and situations are handled between the accountant and the CEO of
Open IT.

The Objectives of our work team consist of:

• Provide the best technical support or IT help desk, progressively minimizing problems and
thus improving our clients' productivity.
• Find improvement opportunities by implementing preventive maintenance sessions

Activity 1B
1. Conduct 15-minute one-to-one roleplay meetings with two other learners individually,
with yourself acting as the manager and the two learners as team members. Demonstrate
that you can help them develop work goals, plans and activities that align with their
responsibilities documented in Activity 1A.
Make notes throughout the roleplay of the goals, plans and activities identified for each
team member. Submit this as supporting evidence such as meeting minutes or the
description on how to support team member in developing work goals which align with
their responsibilities.
To improve the performance of both the PM and the network and cabling supervisor, a
series of resources and help tools are proposed:

 Hold meetings in which the objectives of technical support operations and projects
are socialized based on the objectives of the company.
 Elaboration of a protocol to attend customer tickets, that is, according to the need, a
manual can be elaborated with the most elementary steps to solve this problem.
This can be done in the same way for problems that may arise throughout a project,
establishing manuals for basic operations and thus reducing their planning time.
These protocols allow prioritizing tasks, making plans and organizing activities
according to the objectives and responsibilities of the organization.
 Develop a non-remunerative incentive plan that includes hours of rest, training,
remote work, or career benefits. It is proven that remunerative benefits strengthen
motivation and that it depends on the self-fulfillment experienced by employees.
 Implement in a more demanding way the schedules of the projects and the
resolution of ticket requests. With the help of the management tools, review the
metrics monthly in order to know the times of resolution of problems.
 Meetings in which the achievements and recognition of the workers are exposed.
Like metrics and feedback to continually improve.

2. Using the work goals, plans and activities developed in Q1, assess, and summarise how
well they align with organisational goals and provide written feedback to the learners/team
This may be based on your own /chosen organisation’s goals, or an example provided by the
assessor. (Max. 500 words)
The Open IT organization's policy is to provide a quality service to clients who hire us, but
not just any service, but a service that allows them to concentrate on their operations and
forget the mishaps that may be associated with their platform. of technological
infrastructure. Our priority is to improve your user experience, safeguard your information
and ensure that you optimize your activities. To do this, it establishes guidelines that will
help us to achieve these objectives:

 The company will comply with the requirements agreed with the customers
 Provide fair and careful treatment to all customers in their calls, in their requests and
 All members of the company must maintain ethical behavior.
 Our services comply with all quality standards.
 Employees will be constantly trained
The objectives, plans and performance evaluation activities have a direct impact on
compliance with the policy, since performance is aligned, as are the policies with the aim of
providing the best possible service to our clients. For this we need to self-evaluate and
improve on the present shortcomings, which will be reflected in the experience that the
client has with us.

Activity 1C
Create a personal and professional development plan (PDP) for the two team members or
learners identified in Activity 1B. Each plan should be one page maximum.
In the plan, you will need to identify at least two appropriate personal and professional
development opportunities (per person) that align with their goals, plans and activities. You
will also need to provide advice on how to access these opportunities through appropriate
Project Manager

Step Description
Self-Assessment How do you consider your teamwork skills to be?
Design Are you motivated with work? but because?
Are you satisfied with your work? but because?
How do you consider your leadership skills with the team to be? what
do you think you should improve?
Are you a leader with emotional intelligence?
How do you usually solve problems in operations with your team?
How is your time management?
Do you have assertive communication skills? of an example?
Are your communication skills used in conflict resolution techniques?
Do you adapt to changes or do you control them?
SMART Goals 1. Design 3 of the basic operations protocols in the development
of IT projects in the next month
2. Achieve that 70% of the projects are fully completed in
accordance with the schedule established in the plan in the
remainder of the year.
3. Promote the use of official communication platforms during the
development of projects, avoid instant messaging in the
remainder of the year.
Strategies 1. Weekly meetings held with the work team so that they can
contribute the steps to follow according to the chosen protocol.
With the brainstorming technique it is possible to group several
ideas on how to standardize processes
2. With the help of management tools such as the Gantt chart it is
possible to define the duration of each of the tasks, it is
proposed that within this diagram additional days for mishaps
are included from the planning, in this way they are considered
as business days and not as delays.
3. Training and illustrative videos on how the best way to record
the news of a project is directly through the official
management systems and I reaffirm the idea that the instant
message is a non-formal medium in which there is no record
that everyone can access. and information may be lost.
Resources 1. Time allocated to meetings and records of previous projects
evidenced in the management system (Documentation)
2. Courses and trainings in time management
3. Videos of the YouTube platform and courses and trainings in
communication management

Network and Cabling Supervisor– IT Master

Step Description
Self-Assessment How do you consider your teamwork skills to be?
Design Are you motivated with work? but because?
Are you satisfied with your work? but because?
How do you consider your leadership skills with the team to be? what
do you think you should improve?
Are you a leader with emotional intelligence?
How do you usually solve problems in operations with your team?
How is your time management?
Do you have assertive communication skills? of an example?
Are your communication skills used in conflict resolution techniques?
Do you adapt to changes or do you control them?
SMART Goals 1. Reduce response time to tickets generated by Helpdesk
customers by 5% in the next month
2. Reduce by 10% the resolution time of any problem provided by
a helpdesk client in the next month
3. Increase by 20% the number of opportunities for improvement
through preventive maintenance in the next month
Strageties 1. Train clients in order to promote the use of official
communication channels and on the use of keywords within
said communication in this way the problem is valued easier
and there is a quick response.
2. Establish a protocol for prioritizing the urgency of the problem,
in order to solve those who are interrupting the daily
operations of customers. Establish a support network for the
most critical problems and design protocols for the most basic
3. Develop a CRM that allows technicians to enter improvement
opportunities as leads so that they can be followed up by our
sales team.
Resources 1. Video tutorials or infographics to inform customers on how to
report a problem correctly and through which communication
2. Meetings and documentation of previous problems that serve
to discuss which are the most critical problems that require
immediate and face-to-face assistance. Go to the previous
records to find the way in which they were cared for.
3. Flexible management system that allows the incursion of a CRM
module and development by a consulting company in

Activity 2A
Create a plan for assessing and prioritising personal, team and organisational demands in
your workplace. (Max. 500 words)
Evaluation and prioritization of competitive demands of the technical support team.
Tasks of the work team:
Review the tickets and respond to the client with their respective resolution time
Prioritize problems presented by customers
Solve network or cabling problems
Coordinate weekly preventive maintenance visits
Give technical support in the different projects of the company (installations and
configurations of equipment and wiring)
Ensure the security of the information of the company and our clients
Find improvement opportunities or critical points of repair in the technological platform of
our clients and our own.
Depending on the prioritization of the problem, its maximum resolution time is established,
in a general way it is determined that the problems can be:

 Urgent: maximum 4 hours

 Important: maximum 8 hours
 Moderate: maximum 12 hours
 Low: maximum 16 hours

They can also be classified as

 Easy: maximum 4 hours

 Problematic: maximum 12 hours
It is considered that for each of the established problems there are two additional hours to
be counted as unforeseen, especially due to power outages or internet connection.
In the course of solving some problems, pertinent information will probably be requested
from the information, hardware and software security team. Especially if the problems are
of high urgency and high competition.
It will be carried out weekly and the number of tickets resolved according to the established
time will be reviewed punctually, those that were reassigned, those that have not yet been
solved and the problems that continue to appear constantly.

Activity 2B
Using the plan you created in Activity 2A, identity and briefly describe how you
would use technology to manage the main work priorities of the team. (Max. 200
In order to carry out a follow-up and prioritization of the team's activities, the main tool is a
helpdesk ticket management system with tools that allow us to label, grant maximum
resolution times and metrics that mainly indicate all kinds of times related to the
management of the tickets.
The management system will also allow us to register those improvement opportunities and
critical points in the clients' technological platforms. For example, a case in which the lack of
connectivity is repeated in certain spaces will mean the need for an Acess Point installation
project to improve connectivity at all points of the company that is our client. A
management system that converts these opportunities into leads for follow-up will also be
of great help in the execution of this task, which is vital to increase Open IT's experience and

Activity 2C
Identify and briefly describe five techniques that could be implemented to manage team
health and wellbeing in your workplace.
1. Active Pauses: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends visual and muscular
pauses as a method of rest. Active breaks consist of a short routine of basic and functional
joint mobility, stretching, strengthening, and relaxation exercises that take place during
short breaks in the workday. They last between 5 and 15 minutes and allow you to recover
energy and improve performance at work, through different techniques that help reduce
work fatigue, postural discomfort and prevent stress.
2. Respect for working hours: rest is vital so that our workers are comfortable and satisfied
with their work. For this reason, after the end of your day, it is forbidden to call or send
messages that prevent the normal course of the break.
3. Emotional intelligence workshops: health is not only physical but also emotional and
mental, which is why workshops are currently being implemented in which experts promote
emotional intelligence in our workers. Additionally, we consider that it is important to enjoy
good mental health to perform well during the day. Favoring conciliation, treating them
with respect and empathy and valuing their small achievements are key elements to take
into account in any company.
4. Specification of the work. The distribution or designation of tasks must be fair and must
be clearly transmitted to avoid conflicts between work roles, feelings of inequality and
injustice and ambiguities regarding the objectives to be achieved. The "toxic cultures" were
the most cited reason for leaving a job and the most common themes were: lack of
companionship, transparency, prejudice and lack of kindness and respect, that is, the well-
being is sought hand in hand with motivation.
5. Ergonomics: They are a set of techniques that aim to match work and person,
establishing a more appropriate technology that allows workers to perform their functions
in a safe and effective way. Work must be adapted to the capacities and possibilities of each
person to prevent physical and mental fatigue.
Activity 3A
Write a one-page report assessing and documenting your own development needs,
priorities and plans using applicable competency standards.
You may write this report based on your current or previous role.
As a supervisor of a team of people who deal with clients and their IT platform problems, I
need to improve the performance of my team from leadership and my own performance for
this I require:
1. Make a monthly self-evaluation of my performance and in each of the projects that may
be developed.
2. Receive feedback from my co-workers in order to find points to improve. Establish the
profile that I want to play and that I need to reach that point in my professional life, that is,
evaluate my CV and from there consider new challenges to train myself.
From this self-assessment I was able to find that I am mainly good at communicating and
involving the members of my team in the work processes. They consider that I listen to
them and take their views into account when making decisions. However, I maintain flaws in
two points, the first is leadership. Some see that I lack confidence in what I propose, even
though they are good ideas. Personally, I think I could improve my knowledge of IT service
delivery methodologies.
3. Constantly train myself in the points that there are to improve and those that are
considered strengths, since the latter make a differentiation from me over the other
managers. Observe closely how I can intervene in operations so that we are a more optimal

 I must strengthen communication techniques and encourage team meetings to

enrich our processes.
 Thoroughly document the team's challenges to have affordable information that
allows us to save time
 Contact some coaching or access workshops that strengthen my confidence
 Training in ITIL V4 to implement successful IT service delivery techniques.

Put into practice what I have learned and review the feedback not only from the employees,
but also from the clients that my work team provides the service to. Review the metrics of
our management system to identify whether or not there was an improvement or a positive
impact of my new skills and the strengthened skills in their performance. It is clear that it
depends on me that the work team works synergistically so their results also reflect my
performance management.
Activity 3B
1. List three methods for obtaining feedback from relevant personnel on your own
development needs.

Surveys: Surveys are easy to set up, easy to send out and easy to analyse. They produce
quantifiable data which can be presented and viewed easily in the form of graphs and
Metrics provided by the management system: just as the evolution of projects and daily
tasks is recorded, it also quantifies performance in a certain way, for example, the number
of invoices issued or calls made to clients.
Channels through social networks or web traffic: it is possible to determine how many
entered our website, how many interactions we made with the public on social networks
and how many clients we have achieved thanks to these information channels.

2. Write a survey with five questions to seek feedback from employees on your own
development needs.
 How would you assess your manager’s overall performance?
 What would you recommend your manager keep doing? and what would you
recommend your manager change about his or her approach to management?
 Is there anything management can do to make your work experience better or more
 What could be improved to make the workplace a better environment?
 Does your manager communicate individual and team objectives clearly?

Activity 3C
Identify two personal/professional development activities that can address your
needs, priorities and plans identified in Activity 3A.
Provide a summary of how you could participate in each activity. (Max. 300 words)
Self-study is always a good way to improve both professionally and personally. Therefore, it
is proposed first of all to access free training through platforms such as Edx or coursera that
have a wide variety of topics available to optimize our performance as managers, for
example, if we must improve our communication skills, we can know the assertive
communication, conflict resolution or communication techniques in the workplace. If the
problem lies in the motivation of our employees, we can train ourselves in leadership, staff
retention or motivation.
Another way is consulting experts in personnel management, through connection through
the approach towards those people who have stronger skills that we need to imitate. Most
experts will be happy to share what they know, especially if you've done your homework
and can show them you have potential. Those who resist, however, only need to be
persuaded. Focus on how helping you can benefit them and emphasize this. The approach
may include taking notes on how that person handles certain situations, meetings in which
needs can be shared and they provide advice and observations of how situations evolve
from their way of proceeding. This approach can occur in the same company or through
social networks such as LinkedIn that connect us with people who have remarkable abilities.

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