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Okan Karataş
Nizamettin Er

TENSES ...................................................................................................7
TENSES TESTS .................................................................................15

MODALS ..................................................................................................29
MODALS TESTS.................................................................................34

PASSIVE ..................................................................................................49
PASSIVE TESTS ...............................................................................52

CONJUNCTIONS .....................................................................................67
CONJUNCTIONS TESTS ..................................................................75

RELATIVE CLAUSES ..............................................................................99

RELATIVE CLAUSES TESTS ............................................................106

GERUND & INFINITIVE & PARTICIPLE .................................................123

GERUND & INFINITIVE & PARTICIPLE TESTS ...............................131

NOUN CLAUSES .....................................................................................151

NOUN CLAUSES TESTS ..................................................................156

IF & WISH CLAUSES ..............................................................................171

IF & WISH CLAUSES TESTS ............................................................175

ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS .....................................................................183

ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS TESTS ...................................................187

PRONOUNS & QUANTIFIERS ................................................................201

PRONOUNS & QUANTIFIERS TESTS .............................................207

PREPOSITIONS .......................................................................................223
PREPOSITIONS TESTS .....................................................................231

GRAMMAR TESTS .............................................................................242
SENTENCE COMPLETION TESTS ...................................................280

ANSWER KEY .........................................................................................345


‘Tenses’ Yabancı Dil Sınavlarında neredeyse bütün soruları ilgilendiren bir konudur. Türkçe’de bazı tense’lerin
karşılığı olmadığından, aşağıdaki tablonun isim ve yapılarıyla ezberlenmesi önemlidir.

1. Simple Present Tense verb + -s, -es, -ies / do, does / am, is, are
2. Present Continuous Tense am, is, are + V + ing
3. Present Perfect Tense have, has + V3
4. Present Perfect. Cont. Tense have, has + been + V + ing

1. Future Simple will + V1 (am, is, are + going to + V1)

2. Future Continuous will be + V + ing
3. Future Perfect Tense will have + V3
4. Future Perfect Continuous will have been + V + ing

1. Simple Past Tense was, were, did / V2

2. Past Continuous Tense was, were + V + ing
3. Past Perfect Tense had + V3
4. Past Perfect. Cont. Tense had been + V + ing

► Simple Present Tense ipuçları: Verb + -s, -es, -ies / do, does / am, is, are
• every + day, week, month, season ...
• now / nowadays, today
• all the time, always, generally, usually, never, occasionally seldom, sometimes...
• every now and then, steadily, gradually dramatically
• timetables (zaman çizelgeleri)
• headlines (haber başlıkları)
• proverbs (atasözleri)
• scientific explanations: flood, floods, blood, human body, an earhquake, eartquakes, rivers, the sun,
the moon, human beings ...

► Present Continuous Tense ipuçları: Am, is, are + Ving

• now, nowadays, presently
• currently (current days, current teacher, current societies)
• right now, still, just now, today, for the time being, at the moment
• these days, at present
• slowly, gradually, day by day, dramatically, significantly ...
• more and more, continuously, incessantly



► Simple Past Tense ipuçları: Was, were / did / V2

• last + week, year, movie ..., yesterday morning
• the earthquake, the flood
• the ambulance, the accident ..., at last
• in 2012, in the end, finally
• two days ago, three decade ago
• earlier ..., two weeks earlier
• as early as 1900s ...
• during the 1980s ...
• during the second world war
• the first settlers, inhabitants, findings
• the last time, the first time, for the first time
• before 1980
• the other day, the other week, the other year
• it wasn’t until ... that ...

► Present Perfect Tense ipuçları: Have, has + V3 / have, has been + Ving
• ... before, recently, lately, in recent years
• by now, up to now, till now, up to this time, up until now, so far
• for 10 years, since + past, ever since + past
• now, now that
• yet, still, already, just, never, ever
• for about three minutes, for decades, for ages
• this morning, this lesson, this term
• in the last week
• during the past few years
• for the last month
• over the last year
• throughout history, throughout the lesson, throughout the term
• all my life, all the week, all the year ...

► Future Tenses ipuçları: Will + V1 / Will be + Ving / will have + V3 / am, is, are + Ving
• soon, next year, next month, next week
• in three years, within ten minutes
• in 2035, by 2034, before 2025 ...
• during the next section, in the following years

► Genel olarak ‘-ing’ takısı almayan fiiller:

look, seem, appear, advise, sound, hear, see, understand hope, recommend, suggest, think, wish, fall ...

Duyu fiileri (emotion conveying verbs):

suppose, believe, imagine, realize, notice, recognize, know, understand, remember, forget, want, need,
prefer, mean, love, like, hate, dislike, detest, loathe, fear, envy, care, desire, wish, forgive, possess,
own, belong, have, exist, advise, promise, refuse, require, contain, consist of, include ...
 She looks (is looking )beautiful. (O güzel görünüyor.)
 It sounds (is sounding) great. (Kulağa hoş geliyor.)
 He appears (is appearing) to be happy. (Mutlu görünüyor.)
 I can see (am seeing) it in your eyes. (Bunu gözlerinde görebiliyorum.)
 I recommend (am recommending) that she should stay at home. (... tavsiye ediyorum.)
 This car weighs (is weighing) 2 tonnes. ( ... 2 ton ağırlığındadır.)
 She has (is having) two brothers. ( ... 2 kardeşi var.)
 These flowers smell (are smelling) bad. (Bu çiçekler kötü kokuyor.)



İstisna: Yukarıdaki bazı fiiler -ing takısı aldıklarında anlamı değişir.

 She is looking out of the window. (... bakıyor.)
 It is appearing slowly. (... yavaş yavaş beliriyor.)
 I am seeing an old friend now. (... görüşüyorum.)
 I ‘m weighing the meat. (... tartıyorum.)
 She is having her lunch. (... yemeğini yiyor.)
 The lady is smelling the flowers. (... kokluyor.)

1. Zaman bağlaçlı cümlelerde tense uyumu olmak zorunda. Present Tense’ler kendi aralarında
kullanılabilir; Past Tense’ler de kendi aralarında kullanılır. Past ve present tense’ler, zaman bağlacı
söz konusu olduğunda bir arada kullanılmazlar.

2. Zaman bağlaçlı cümlede (yan cümlede), will / would kullanılmaz fakat ana cümlede kullanılabilir.

3. Past Perfect (had + V3) ile herhangi bir Present Tense, aynı cümlede yer almaz.

Zaman bağlaçları: + bağlaç cümlesi + ana cümle

When (the moment) ... present tenses ... + ... present tenses ...
After ... past tenses ... + ... past tenses ...
By the time ... present tenses ... + ... future tenses ...
Until ... will / would ... + ... will / would ...
... present tenses ... + ... past tenses ...
At the time
As soon as (once) ... past tenses ... + ... present tenses ...
While (As)

 By the time they will arrive home ...

 When I will swim ...
 Until we will meet him again ...
 Before we will play tennis ...

After • After I am playing football ...

Before • Before I was going home ...
By the time + continuous tense • As soon as I am cleaning ...
As soon as • Once she was graduating ...
Once • By the time I am playing ...

► Zaman bağlaçlı örnek cümleler.

Zaman bağlacı, kendisinden sonra gelen cümleye bağlıdır. Aşağıdaki örnekte olduğu gibi, when’den
önce çizgi çekildiğinde bağlaç cümlesi ile ana cümleyi ayırmış oluruz. 1. cümle ana cümle (main
clause), when ile devam eden cümle bağlaç cümlesi olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.



► When:
• When + Simple Past Tense, Simple Past Tense
 She got shocked / when she got the bad news about her friend.
(Arkadaşıyla ilgili kötü haberi aldığında şoke oldu.)

• When + Simple Past Tense, Past Perfect Tense

 When we arrived at home, they had prepared the dinner.
(Eve ulaştığımızda, onlar akşam yemeğini hazırlamışlardı.)

• When + Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense

 When we arrived at home, they were preparing the dinner.
(Eve ulaştığımızda, onlar akşam yemeğini hazırlıyorlardı.)

► While (As):
• While / As + Past Continuous Tense, Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense, Past Continuous Tense
Simple Past Tense, Simple Past Tense
 While / As she was preparing the dinner, she cut her finger.
(Yemeği hazırlarken, parmağını kesti.)
 While I was working, my wife was sleeping.
(Ben çalışırken, karım uyuyordu.)
 My wife swept the floor / while I prepared the lunch.
(Öğle yemeğini hazırlarken, karım yerleri süpürdü.)

• While / As + Simple Present Tense, Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense, Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense, Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense, Future Tense
 While I am on holiday, my roommate will look after my dog.
(Ben tatildeyken, oda arkadaşım köpeğime bakacak.)
 While I am studying, I always listen to classical music.
(Ben ders çalışırken, her zaman müzik dinlerim.)
 While my wife is reading, I am playing computer games.
(Karım kitap okurken, ben bilgisayarda oyun oynuyorum.)

► After
• After + Past Perfect Tense, Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense, Past Perfect Tense
Simple Past Tense, Simple Past Tense
 The students kept quiet after their teacher had warned them.
(Öğretmen onları uyardıktan sonra, öğrenciler sessiz durdu.)
 The students kept quiet after their teacher warned them.
(Öğretmen onları uyardıktan sonra, öğrenciler sessiz durdu.)

• After + Simple Present Tense, Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense, Future Tense,
Present Perfect Tense, Future Tense
 After I graduate, I will go abroad.
 After I have graduated, I will go abroad.
(Mezun olduktan sonra, yurt dışına çıkacağım.)



► As soon as
• As Soon As + Simple Past Tense, Simple Past Tense
 As soon as I read the news, I called my friend.
(Haberi okur okumaz, arkadaşımı aradım.)

• As Soon As + Simple Present Tense, Simple Present Tense

 As soon as I arrive home, I go to my room.
(Eve varır varmaz, odama giderim.)
 As soon as I arrive home, I will call you.
(Eve varır varmaz, seni arayacağım.)

► As
• As = (While) + clause
 While (As) I was walking down the street, I met a friend.
(Yolda yürürken bir arkadaşla karşılaştım.)

• As + noun
 As a teacher, I must teach the best.
(Bir öğretmen olarak ...)

• As + clause
 As you predicted yesterday, he didn’t come to the class.
(Dün tahmin ettiğin gibi, bugün derse gelmedi.)

• As = (because) + clause
 As you are late, the boss is angry with you.
(Geç kaldığından dolayı, patron sana çok kızgın.)
 As you didn’t pay the bill, they will cut the power.
(Faturayı ödemediğinden dolayı, elektriğini kesecekler.)

• As + clause
 As you eat a lot, you become fatter.
(Çok yemek yedikçe, daha şişman olursun.)
 As you study, you will learn more.
(Ders çalıştıkça, daha çok öğreneceksin.)

• Adjective / adverb + As (though)

 Difficult as the exam was, We managed to pass it.
(Sınav zor olmasına rağmen ... )
 Cold as it is, they are swimming.
(Soğuk olmasına rağmen yüzüyorlar.)

► Since / ever since: (-den beri)

• Since + Simple Past Tense Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous

• Since + Past Time Expressions Present Perfect Tense

(last match, last night, 1970) Present Perfect Continuous



1. The criminology field ---- many different 6. President James Polk ---- the first to enjoy
specialties, which ---- nailing down a gas lighting in the White House, though it
“typical” member of the profession ---- sporadically around the country since
somewhat difficult. 1816.
A) includes / makes A) is / has been used
B) has included / had made B) was / had been used
C) includes / was making C) had been / used
D) is including / makes D) has been / had used
E) included / makes E) was / has been used

2. The history of psychology ---- back at least 7. Over the past two decades, bio-
to 1879, when the German psychologist geomorphology ---- as an established
Wilhelm Wundt ---- the first laboratory research field examining the
exclusively devoted to psychology. interrelationship between organisms and
A) dated / founded geomorphic processes.
B) has been dating / founds A) has developed
C) dates / founded B) developed
D) had dated / founded C) is developing
E) dated / had founded D) had developed
E) was developed

3. Modern embalming ---- about during the 8. Astronomers estimate that the Solar
American Civil War, in which many soldiers System as we know it today ---- drastically
---- in battle far away from their families. until the Sun ---- almost all the hydrogen
A) would come / had died fuel in its core into helium.
B) came / die A) will not change / has fused
C) had come / have died B) does not change / will fuse
D) was coming / died C) has not changed / fuses
E) came / died D) did not change / was fusing
E) had not changed / had fused

4. Since small earthquakes only ---- a small 9. While most of us ---- slavery with 18th and
fraction of the energy that is involved in a 19th century America, the truth is that the
major quake, they ---- a significant impact African slave trade started long before
on reducing the odds of a dangerous America ---- involved.
seismic event.
A) associated / became
A) were releasing / did not have B) are associating / had become
B) have released / do not have C) associate / became
C) released / have not had D) have associated / has become
D) release / do not have E) had associated / would become
E) will release / are not having

5. According to a recent poll done in 20 10. Modern Afghanistan ---- until 1747, when
countries, roughly 15% of people ---- the principalities and fragmented provinces ----
world ---- during their lifetimes. into one kingdom by Ahmad Shah Durrani.
A) believed / will end A) has not evolved / consolidated
B) are believing / will have ended B) did not evolve / were consolidated
C) have believed / would end C) had not evolved / was consolidating
D) were believing / will be ending D) would not evolve / had consolidated
E) believe / will end E) were not evolved / were consolidated



11. Until the Anzacs discovery, little genetic 16. In the last 20 years, 10 of the driest 12
data ---- available from Paleoamerican winters ---- place in the lands ---- the
skeletal specimens, which ---- their Mediterranean Sea.
relationship to Native Americans poorly
understood. A) have been taken / surrounding
B) would have taken / be surrounded
A) has been / left C) has taken / surrounded
B) was / has left D) have been taken / is surrounding
C) had been / left E) have taken / surrounding
D) was / was leaving
E) would have been / had left

12. Archaeological excavations starting in the 17. Water quality ---- challenges in the
1840s ---- that human settlements ---- back Mississippi River over the last century
to 10, 000 BCE in Mesopotamia. and ---- to present day, chiefly due to
agricultural runoff.
A) had revealed / dated
B) have revealed / date A) has experienced / has continued
C) reveal / would date B) had experienced / has continued
D) are revealing / is dating C) was experiencing / continues
E) revealed / would be dating D) has been experiencing / continued
E) was being experienced / is continuing

13. The pelagic spinner dolphin is a carnivore 18. Failure of the Banqiao dam in southern
that ---- primarily on small fish, squids and China directly ---- the deaths of more than
shrimps, and ---- down to depths of 300 26, 000, and ---- a further 145, 000 human
meters to catch its prey. casualties resulting from epidemics related
to the dam failure.
A) feed / are diving
B) fed / dove A) causes / produced
C) feeds / dives B) caused / produce
D) may feed / dive C) have caused / produces
E) are feeding / dive D) caused / produced
E) causes / have produced

14. The Permian period ---- from 290 to 248 19. Most pollution is in the form of chemical
million years ago and ---- the last period of additions to air, water or soil; however,
the Paleozoic Era. in modern times starting in the mid.
twentieth century noise and light ---- as
A) lasts / has been pollution sources.
B) lasted / is
C) has lasted / was A) have considered
D) lasted / had been B) have been considered
E) lasted / was C) had considered
D) was being considered
E) will be considered

15. Over the last 10 - 20 years, scientists

and naturalists ---- dramatic population 20. Political tensions in Burundi ---- since
declines and range constrictions among April, when the president ---- he was
five of the 47 species of bees that ---- in the running for a controversial third term in
US. office.

A) have noticed / finding A) have grown / has announced

B) was noticed / were found B) is growing / had announced
C) have been noticing / are found C) grew / has announced
D) have noticed / are found D) had grown / has been announcing
E) had noticed / were found E) have been growing / announced



1. Research and thinking about sustainable 6. For millennia, people ---- with herbal or
cities ---- in the 1980s, but the term animal-derived remedies, using knowledge
sustainability ---- the global dialogue handed down through generations.
in the 1990s, introduced by the World
Commission on Environment and A) had healed
Development. B) will heal
C) have healed
A) began / entered D) are healing
B) had begun / has entered E) will be healed
C) was beginning / was entering
D) would begin / was entered
7. Prior to the 1906 San Francisco
E) began / had entered
earthquake, several months of heavy
rain ---- the ground beneath structures to
become soft, translating to greater shaking
2. It ---- that by 2025, megacities ---- for just 10
of buildings and more overall damage.
per cent of global urban growth.
A) had caused
A) estimates / will be accounted
B) have caused
B) is estimated / will have accounted
C) was causing
C) will be estimated / account
D) would be caused
D) was estimated / will account
E) used to cause
E) is estimating / will have been accounted

8. The Romans ---- an industrious and

3. The World Bank ---- that globally, US$80. advanced people, and throughout the
100 billion per year of climate adaptation empire they ---- a network of roads to make
costs ---- in urban areas. travel and transport easier.
A) estimates / will occur A) have been / have built
B) is estimated / will occur B) were / built
C) has been estimated / would occur C) used to be / have been building
D) estimated / will have occurred D) would be / had built
E) has estimated / had occurred E) were / had been building

9. Since foreign adoptions ---- very popular in

4. Urban poverty ---- by 13 per cent in the the United States, the INS ---- such children
past 10 years, so that 28 per cent of urban as full citizens as soon as they are granted
residents are now said ---- in poverty. permanent residency.

A) had grown / to have lived A) became / has recognized

B) grew / to live B) have become / recognized
C) has grown / to be living C) became / will recognize
D) has been growing / to have been living D) have become / recognizes
E) had grown / to be living E) had become / has been recognizing

10. According to the CIA’s mission statement,

the agency ---- intelligence and ---- action
5. Like many African governments, the in an effort to preserve the security and
Ethiopian authorities ---- hydropower ---- values of the United States.
the key to the country’s energy future.
A) gathers / takes
A) are believing / is holding B) gather / would take
B) believed / will hold C) gathered / took
C) have believed / had held D) has gathered / had taken
D) believe / holds E) will gather / takes
E) believed / held



11. China ---- its energy demand in the last few 16. Many people ---- that water is also a
years and ---- the US as the largest global powerful erosive force, especially during
energy consumer in 2010. times of heavy rain when rivers ---- brown
with silts and sediments.
A) had increased / surpassed
B) increased / surpasses A) noticed / might turn
C) has increased / surpassed B) notice / will turn
D) increases / has surpassed C) have noticed / may turn
E) has increased / has surpassed D) have been noticing / are turning
E) noticed / turned

12. 95% of the world’s transportation ---- on 17. Lemurs presumably ---- their way to
petroleum.based fuels, such as gasoline Madagascar after the island broke off
and diesel, which ---- carbon dioxide into from Africa, judging from fossil evidence,
the air. and then ---- into an estimated 50 species,
many of which are considered threatened
A) rely / releases today.
B) relies / release
C) rely / release A) made / differentiated
D) relied / releases B) had made / had differentiated
E) has relied / released C) were making / were differentiating
D) have made / have differentiated
E) make / differentiate

13. The Sun ---- about 93 million miles (149.6

million kilometers) from Earth, but ---- just 18. In 1948, the United Nations General
a little more than eight minutes for the Assembly ---- a law declaring that genocide
Sun’s light to reach Earth. was illegal and since then, several
government leaders ---- for genocide.
A) has been / has taken
B) is / would take A) will pass / have been prosecuted
C) is / may take B) has passed / prosecuted
D) was / took C) passed / had prosecuted
E) is / takes D) has been passing / have prosecuted
E) passed / have been prosecuted

14. Simple windmills ---- in use as early as 200 19. Europeans first ---- Nicaragua at the
B.C. in parts of the world such as China beginning of the 16th century, when
and Persia. Christopher Columbus lightly ---- the
Mosquito Coast.
A) were
B) had been A) were spotting / had explored
C) would be B) spotted / were exploring
D) have been C) would spot / has explored
E) are D) spotted / explored
E) had spotted / had been exploring

15. Archaeological evidence ---- that human 20. Since the Tower first ---- as an archway
residents of Britain ---- the River Thames for the 1889 Universal Exposition in Paris,
for transportation, food, and recreation for it is estimated that more than 200 million
centuries. people ---- the structure.
A) suggested / have been used A) had appeared / have toured
B) suggests / have been using B) appears / toured
C) has suggested / used C) appeared / have toured
D) suggests / had used D) was appearing / had toured
E) are suggesting / would use E) appeared / will have toured



1. In 1960, less than 10% of children in the US 6. The system of energy forestry ---- criticism
---- in single-parent households; by 2010, over food vs. fuel, whereby it ---- financially
that number ---- to almost 30%. profitable to replace food crops with
energy crops.
A) lived / was increasing
B) were living / has increased A) is facing / became
C) had lived / was increased B) faced / will have become
D) had been living / increases C) has faced / had become
E) were living / had increased D) will face / will become
E) has faced / has become

2. The Republic of Texas ---- an independent

sovereign country in North America that 7. The Earth’s magnetic field strength ---- by
---- from March 2, 1836, to February 19, Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1835 and ---- since
1846. then, showing a relative decay of about
10% over the last 150 years.
A) was / existed
B) is / existing A) was measured / has been measured
C) had been / was existing B) has been measured / was measured
D) has been / existed C) measured / had been measured
E) had been / had existed D) was measured / was measured
E) had been measured / has been measured

3. Composite tools and weapons, including

8. In 1494, Christopher Columbus ---- a
spears with sharpened stone or bone tips,
tropical cyclone, which ---- to the first
---- after the Middle Paleolithic ---- 300, 000
written European account of a hurricane.
years ago.
A) experiences / led
A) had appeared / began
B) had experienced / has led
B) appear / begin
C) experienced / had led
C) were appearing / was beginning
D) experienced / led
D) appeared / began
E) was experiencing / was leading
E) would appear / had begun

9. The numbers of migrants in The Jungle

4. Fingerprints that are not readily visible refugee camp in Calais ---- over the past
---- latent prints, and can only be collected few months from 1.000 in April to nearly
after they ---- with a special powder. 5.000 by August.
A) called / are dusted A) are soaring
B) call / will be dusted B) have soared
C) are called / have been dusted C) had soared
D) have been called / are being dusted D) will soar
E) will be called / are dusted E) were soaring

5. The earliest evidence of civilization in 10. The central bank of China ---- its daily
Lebanon ---- more than seven thousand reference rate by 1.9 percent and ---- its
years, predating recorded history. biggest downward adjustment since 1994.

A) dated back A) has cut / had made

B) will date back B) cut / made
C) is being dated back C) has been cutting / makes
D) dates back D) has cut / made
E) was dated back E) is cutting / making



11. Since anthropologists and sociologists 16. Korea once ---- large timber resources;
first ---- their attention to tourism in the however, in the North, reforestation and
1970s, there ---- a variety of attempts to conservation programs ---- reverse the
classify particular types of tourism. effects of excessive cutting during the
Japanese occupation.
A) have turned / were
B) turned / had been A) had had / help
C) had turned / have been B) had / have helped
D) turned / have been C) was having / will help
E) turned / are D) will have / helped
E) has had / would help

12. By the end of the nineteenth century, the

United States ---- its transition from using 17. Japan ---- the only Asian country thus
wood as a major energy source to using far with a birthrate that ---- to the level of
coal, and the next transition from coal to industrial areas in other parts of the world.
oil and natural gas was just beginning.
A) is / has declined
A) was completing B) was / declined
B) had completed C) has been / had declined
C) would have completed D) will be / has declined
D) have completed E) used to be / has been declining
E) will have completed

18. According to Eurostat, EU member states

13. After World War II, continued urban ---- 626, 000 asylum applications in 2014,
pollution and runoff from artificial the highest number since the 672, 000
fertilizers increasingly used in agriculture applications that ---- in 1992.
---- the water quality of many lakes.
A) has received / received
A) have been degrading B) has been receiving / had received
B) degrades C) received / were received
C) had degraded D) had received / were received
D) degraded E) would receive / had been received
E) have degraded

19. In September 2005, Rooney ---- in a

14. FMIA, which ---- in effect today, ---- goalless Champions League match
the inspection of all animals before against Villarreal of Spain for sarcastically
slaughtering to prevent the commercial use clapping the referee, who ---- him for an
of adulterated meat and meat products. unintentional foul on an opponent.
A) remains / requires A) had been sent off / was booked
B) has remained / is required B) was being sent off / booked
C) will remain / may require C) sent off / had been booked
D) remained / required D) was sent off / had booked
E) is remaining / requires E) had sent off / would book

15. Japan ---- the entire Korean peninsula 20. The traditional religion in Catalonia ---- the
until the end of World War II. and after the Roman Catholic; however, in the course
surrender and withdrawal of Japanese of the recent history, Catalonia ---- several
forces in 1945, the Allies ---- Korea into two secularization waves.
occupation zones.
A) is / has undergone
A) had occupied / had divided B) was / will undergo
B) would occupy / were divided C) has been / had undergone
C) occupied / divided D) used to be / underwent
D) were occupying / had divided E) will be / has undergone
E) occupied / would divide



1. Once a fish or wildlife species ---- as 5. Social inequality ---- relatively long.
endangered or threatened under the ESA, lasting differences between groups of
the act ---- anyone from taking the species; people and ---- considerable implications
plants are protected under separate for individuals, especially “for the rights
provisions of the act. or opportunities they exercise and the
rewards or privileges they enjoy”.
A) has been listed / is prohibited
B) was listed / may have been prohibited A) encompassed / had
C) is listed / prohibits B) will encompass / has had
D) will be listed / will prohibit C) encompasses / have
E) had been listed / would prohibit D) had encompassed / have had
E) encompasses / has

6. Riding a surfboard across the face of a

breaking wave ---- once the preserve of
2. Since 1953 the Hong Kong government ---- ancient Polynesian islanders, but in the
in the building of multistory resettlement twentieth century it ---- something enjoyed
housing and the establishment of a vast by millions of people the world over.
network of small industries in an attempt
A) has been / has become
to keep pace with the rapidly increasing
B) had been / was becoming
C) was / had become
A) has been engaged D) used to be / has become
B) had engaged E) was / became
C) engaged
D) has engaged 7. As the organic food industry ---- in size,
E) is engaging popularity, and value, its products ----
increasingly across national borders and
A) grew / have been traded
3. Finnish households and businesses ---- B) grows / are traded
more cautious in spending, due to the C) had grown / are being traded
deep recession in the early 1990s and the D) grows / will trade
slowdown in the global economy that ---- in E) has grown / will have been traded
8. The structure of the Jamaican economy ----
A) became / had begun
extensive changes since 1945, when it ----
B) would become / began
primarily dependent on tropical agricultural
C) became / began
products such as sugar, bananas, coffee,
D) had become / has begun
and cocoa.
E) was becoming / began
A) has undergone / has been
B) had been undergoing / had been
C) underwent / was
4. In England, Queen Elizabeth I ---- much to D) has undergone / was
establish navigation laws, giving additional E) was undergoing / would be
powers to Trinity House, a guild that ----
in 1514 for the piloting of ships and the 9. By the end of the 1920s, chemists ---- to
regulation of British navigation. look for new ways to describe the atom
A) does / was being created that ---- the new discoveries in physics.
B) did / had been created A) had begun / would incorporate
C) had done / was created B) began / will incorporate
D) would do / created C) would begin / incorporated
E) did / was creating D) was beginning / was incorporating
E) had begun / would have incorporated



Modals (kipler), tense’lerin dışında temel fiile anlam yükleyen diğer yapılardır. Fiile, gereklilik, gereksizlik,
zorunluluk, olasılık, tahmin gibi anlamlar yükler.

Modals konusunu genelden özele çalışmanız tavsiye edilir. Modal soruları çözülürken de tense uyumuna
bakılır. Tense uyumu dışında, modal yapısının active-passive yönünden ayırt edilmesi gerekmektedir.
Modal anlam çalışmasına girmeden önce tense yönünden incelenmesinde fayda vardır.

Present modals: Present Continuous

must must
may may
should should
could could
might might
needn’t needn’t
+ be + Ving
had better + V1 had better
need to need to
have to have to
has to has to
am / is / are + to am / is / are + to
am / is are + supposed to am / is are + supposed to
would rather would rather
would sooner would sooner
would like to would like to
would prefer to would prefer to

Past ya da Perfect Past Continuous ya

modals: da Perfect Continuous
may must
would may
should would
could + have + V3 should + have + been + Ving
might could
needn’t might
had better needn’t
would rather had better
would sooner would rather
would like to would sooner
would prefer to would like to
would prefer to



► Simple Present (olasılık / çıkarım): modal + V1

• My mother is at home. (% 100) (annem evde.)
• My mother must be at home. (% 90) (Annem evde olmalı.)
• My mother may be at home. (% 50) (Annem evde olablir.)
• My mother might be at home. (%50) (Annem evde olabilir.)
• My mother could be at home. (%50) (Annem evde olabilir.)
• My mother mustn’t be at home. (%90) (Annem evde olmamalı.)
• My mother can’t be at home. (%99)(Annem evde olamaz.)
• My mother isn’t at home. (% 100) (Annem evde değil.)

► Present Continuous (olasılık / çıkarım): modal + be + Ving

• My mother is sleeping (% 100) (annem uyuyor.)
• My mother must be sleeping (% 90) (Annem uyuyor olmalı.)
• My mother may be sleeping (% 50) (Annem uyuyor olabilir.)
• My mother might be sleeping (%50) (Annem uyuyor olabilir)
• My mother could be sleeping (%50) (Annem uyuyor olabilir.)
• My mother mustn’t be sleeping (%90) (Annem uyumuyor olmalı.)
• My mother can’t be sleeping (%99) (Annem uyuyor olamaz.)
• My mother isn’t sleeping (% 100) (Annem uyumuyor.)

► Simple Past (olasılık / çıkarım): modal + have + V3

• My mother went shopping. (% 100) ( ... gitti.)
• My mother must have gone shopping. (% 90)( ... gitmiş olmalı.)
• My mother may have gone shopping. (% 50) ( ... gitmiş olabilir.)
• My mother might have gone shopping. (%50) ( ... gitmiş olabilir.)
• My mother mustn’t have gone shopping. (%90) ( ... gitmemiş olmalı.)
• My mother can’t have gone shopping. (%99) ( ... gitmiş olamaz.)
• My mother couldn’t have gone shopping. (%99)( ... gitmiş olamaz.)
• My mother didn’t go shopping. (% 100) ( ... gitmedi.)

► Past Continuous (olasılık / çıkarım ): modal + have been + Ving

• John was playing football. (% 100) ( ... oynuyordu.)
• John must have been playing football. (% 90) ( ... oynuyor olmalıydı.)
• John may have been playing football. (% 50) ( ... oynuyor olabilirdi.)
• John might have been playing football. (%50) ( ... oynuyor olabilirdi.)
• John mustn’t have been playing football. (%90) (...oynamıyor olmalıydı.)
• John can’t have been playing football. (%99) ( ... oynuyor olamazdı)
• John couldn’t have been playing football. (%99) ( ... oynuyor olamazdı.)
• John wasn’t playing football. (% 100) ( ... oynamıyordu.)

► Have to, has to + V1: (zorunluluk) need to + V1 / must + V1 / mustn’t + V1

• You have to obey the rules. (Kurallara uymak zorundasın.)
• I had to go to the meeting. ( ... gitmek zorunda kaldım / zorundaydım.)
• I will have to go to school. ( ... gitmek zorunda kalacağim.)
• I will not have to go. ( ... gitmek zorunda kalmayacağım.)
• I may have to go ... . ( ... gitmek zorunda kalabilirim.)
• I have had to go ... . (-den beri gitmek zorundayım.)
• I don’t have to go to school. ( ... gitmek zorunda değilim.)
• I didn’t have to go to school. ( ... gitmek zorunda kalmadım.)



1. Because of its extremely rigid lattice, 6. In Iran, female students ---- different
a diamond ---- by very few types of version of textbooks, which are special
impurities, such as boron and nitrogen. editions only for female students.
A) would be contaminated A) should learn
B) should be contaminated B) may learn
C) might be contaminating C) might be learning
D) can be contaminated D) have to learn
E) has to be contaminated E) would rather learn

2. An avalanche ---- upon a sudden thermal 7. In the mid-20th century, the advent of diesel
or mechanical impact upon snow that has and electric motors led to systems that ----
accumulated on a mountain, which causes groundwater out of major aquifers faster
the snow to rush downhill. than drainage basins ---- them.
A) may have occurred A) can pump / would refill
B) can occur B) could pump / could refill
C) might be occurring C) may have pumped / should refill
D) would have occurred D) could have pumped / could be refilled
E) should have occurred E) should have pumped / can refill

8. In countries where at night, humid air

3. Individuals living in rural areas of Brazil
sweeps the countryside, water ---- from
---- large capital for lodging and travel in
the humid air by condensation onto cold
order to report infant birth to a Brazilian
Assistance League office.
A) could have been obtained
A) need to invest
B) should be obtaining
B) would be invested
C) would be obtained
C) must have been invested
D) can be obtained
D) are used to investing
E) may have been obtained
E) were able to invest

9. One of the most important advantages

4. The beginnings of organized international of an immobilizer system is that the car
humanitarian aid ---- to the late 19th century. owner ---- to activate it; its operation is
A) would be tracing
B) could have traced A) does not have to remember
C) should trace B) could not remember
D) must be traced C) should not remember
E) can be traced D) mustn’t remember
E) would not remember

5. Aid Workers are exposed to tough

10. Parallel parking is perhaps one of the most
conditions and ---- flexible, resilient
challenging aspects of learning how to
and responsible in an environment that
park a car, and since it’s frequently tested
humans are not psychologically supposed
on driver’s exams, you absolutely ---- how
to deal with, in such a severity that trauma
to do it correctly in order to receive a
is common.
passing grade and your license.
A) must have been
B) may have had to be A) should be learned
C) could be B) might be learning
D) have to be C) could learn
E) would be D) must have learned
E) have to learn



11. Because the supply ---- with the high 16. Since it is a very volatile substance, any
demand, organic food normally commands use as a cleaner or solvent ---- away from
a premium price, compared to conventional ignition sources.
A) had had to be kept
A) needn’t have kept up B) may have been kept
B) would not keep up C) has to be kept
C) has not been able to keep up D) can’t have been kept
D) can’t have kept up E) needn’t be kept
E) should not keep up

17. Photosynthesis is the process that plants

use to convert sunlight into the food that
12. It is believed that volcanic eruptions ---- they ---- and grow.
to the inception and the end of ice age
A) need surviving
B) must be surviving
A) might contribute C) could have survived
B) may have contributed D) need to survive
C) should be contributing E) would survive
D) had to contribute
E) were able to contribute
18. Even though it is less powerful than a
hurricane, a tropical storm that hits land,
especially in a heavily settled region,
13. Thanks to technology, and the Internet in
----significant damage.
particular, people no longer ---- the house
to shop, communicate, or even do their A) might be causing
banking. B) may cause
C) should cause
A) have been able to leave D) must have caused
B) should not leave E) would rather cause
C) had better leave
D) would leave
E) have to leave
19. Disagreeing with the environmentalists,
people eventually ---- many that the
methods employed by the environmental
14. Ephesus ---- as an important trading center
movement were invalid and their
for the Roman Empire in that it had access
conclusion incorrect.
to the Aegean Sea.
A) were able to persuade
A) would be served B) have been persuaded
B) might serve C) had to be persuaded
C) should have served D) may have persuaded
D) used to serve E) would be persuaded
E) would have been serving

20. Thanks to the Rosetta stone, which

15. We ---- earthquakes from happening;
included writing in Ancient Greek
however, we can significantly mitigate their
alongside hieroglyphics, people ---- some
effects by building safer structures.
of the symbols.
A) cannot prevent
A) would rather translate
B) mustn’t prevent
B) would be translating
C) don’t have to prevent
C) should have been translated
D) could have prevented
D) were able to translate
E) should have prevented
E) had better translate



1. Scientists are discovering more and more 6. Fears are growing that a rickety vessel
that the living world ---- many interesting loaded with people ---- as it headed
secrets of electricity that ---- humanity. towards New Zealand.
A) would hold / could have benefited A) may be sinking
B) may hold / could benefit B) may have sunk
C) should hold / used to benefit C) might have sunk
D) used to holding /might benefit D) should be sinking
E) is able to hold / would benefit E) has had to sink

2. Insects’ lives are very short and they have 7. Interest in the planet Mars has greatly
many enemies, but they ---- long enough to increased since indications of water ---- the
breed and perpetuate their kind. possibility that life in some form ---- there.
A) had better survive A) has raised / may have evolved
B) would rather survive B) raised / may have evolved
C) must survive C) raised / would have evolved
D) were able to survive D) has raised / has evolved
E) may be surviving E) had raised / evolved

3. His father contributed all which was

8. The financial woes of Fiat and other big
necessary to give to his son a good
Italian companies ---- to some important
education, and therefore Plato ---- in
changes in the Italian economy in the near
grammar, music, gymnastics and
philosophy by some of the most
distinguished teachers of his era. A) could have led
B) could lead
A) should have instructed
C) may be leading
B) would have been instructed
D) are to have led
C) must have been instructed
E) would be leading
D) could have instructed
E) would instruct
9. When the war broke out in 1914, it was a
4. Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body certainty that, because of longstanding
aches all spell misery, but being able to tell economic, family and defense ties,
if the cause is a cold or flu ---- a difference Australia, along with New Zealand, ----
in how long the flu lasts. alongside Britain.

A) may make A) would have stood

B) should have made B) would prefer to be standing
C) would sooner make C) would stand
D) would prefer to make D) might be standing
E) has to make E) may stay

5. Kangaroos are very adaptable and ---- 10. No one yet has seriously suggested that
in almost any climate and they ---- in “plankton burgers” ---- popular around the
mountainous regions, deserts, grasslands. world soon.
A) can live / should be found A) might have become
B) might be living / could have been found B) would become
C) should live / could be found C) may become
D) can live / can be found D) should have become
E) would rather live / used to be found E) must have become



11. The Mammoth Cave ---- in Edmonson 16. They still have the hand-operated machine
County in central Kentucky, where it ---- from the 1940s that ---- to make the first
hundreds of thousands of visitors per year. Legos, but it is of course now a museum
A) located / attracts
B) is located / is attracted A) was used
C) locates / attracted B) used
D) locating / is attracting C) is being used
E) is located / attracts D) has been used
E) would use

12. The classic 1930s look of Griffith 17. Despite ---- much of his hearing around
Observatory ---- by numerous film crews the age of 30, Beethoven continued to
working in both film and television. compose and produced his most famous
A) utilized works between 1803 and 1827, when he ----
B) has utilized at the age of 56.
C) used to utilize A) lost / died
D) should have utilized B) being lost / was died
E) has been utilized C) losing / died
D) having lost / had died
E) having been lost / died
13. Conservation tourism, also known as
ecotourism, ---- by travel practices that
18. Travelers from certain countries ---- an
minimize environmental waste, encourage
electronic passport, also ---- an e-passport,
conservation and educate travelers about
to enter the United States without a visa if
the needs of the environment.
traveling for tourism or business purposes.
A) had been characterized
A) may use / calling
B) is characterized
B) could have used / was called
C) has characterized
C) have used / is called
D) had better be characterized
D) can use / called
E) would rather be characterized
E) had used / called

14. It may be appropriate to tell someone 19. The attacks of September 11, 2001 ----
that he or she ---- for a job in person if the mainly against civilians, and they were
individual is a close acquaintance. nothing less than atrocities, carried out by
terrorist extremists.
A) was not hired
B) will not hire A) executed
C) did not hire B) were executed
D) would hire C) had been executed
E) should be hiring D) would execute
E) used to be executed

15. The obvious solution to make a penny less 20. Paleoindians, who were descendants of
expensive is to change the composition those who ---- from Asia to North America,
of the coin, integrating cheaper metals or lived in Alabama about 11,000 years ago
perhaps even plastics, as ---- with some and were nomadic hunters and gatherers
European currency. living in small groups.
A) is doing A) had been migrated
B) did B) used to migrate
C) will do C) would have been migrating
D) is done D) were migrating
E) had been done E) migrated




1. Kendilerinden sonra cümle alan neden belirten bağlaçlar. (-den dolayı / -dığından dolayı / sebebiyle /
bakımından ...)
inasmuch as
insofar as
seeing (that)
seeing as + clause
now (that)
in that
given that
on the grounds that
in view of the fact that
so ... sıfat / zarf ... that
such ... sıfat + isim / ... that

• now (that) genellikle present perfect tense ile kullanılır. Türkçeye ‘madem ki’ olarak çevirilir.
• in that cümle başında yer almaz.

Inasmuch as + It is raining heavily, we won’t go out.
Insofar as
Seeing (that)
Seeing as ...

• Now (that) you have graduated, you must find a proper job.
(Madem ki mezun oldun, düzgün bir iş bulmalısın.)
• She can become a basketball player as she is pretty tall.
(Uzun olduğu için basketbol oyuncusu olabilir.)

► So + adjective / adverb + that :

• He is so tall that he can replace a lamp without using a chair.
(O kadar uzun boylu ki, sandalye kullanmadan bir lambayı değiştirebilir.)
• Derya is so beautiful that everybody admires her.
(Derya o kadar güzel ki herkes ona hayran.)



► Such + adjective + noun + that

• They are such clever students that they can solve problems easily.
(Onlar o kadar zeki öğrenciler ki problemleri rahatlıkla çözebilirler.)
• It was such a nice book that I couldn’t put it down.

2. Kendilerinden sonra isim (noun) alan neden belirten bağlaçlar. (-den dolayı / -dığından dolayı /
sebebiyle / bakımından ... )
because of
due to
owing to
on account of + noun
thanks to
on the grounds of
as a result of
as a consequence of
in view of
• Because of the heavy rain, we won’t go out.

• Thanks to Türkçeye ‘sayesinde’ diye çevirilir.

B. RESULT: (böylece / sonuç olarak / bu sebeple / ...)

... so
... therefore
... consequently
... that’s why
... hence + clause
... thus
... as a consequence
... for this reason
... accordingly
... as a result

• My son is ill; hence, he can’t go out with you .

(Oğlum hasta, bu yüzden sizinle dışarı çıkamaz.)
• Women struggled a lot, thereby gaining their rights.
(Kadınlar çok mücadele etti, böylece haklarını kazandılar.)
• He was very persuasive; accordingly, I did what he asked
• She had a fever; consequently, she stayed at home.
• He is a good friend. Hence, I was not embarrassed to ask him for help
• He travelled as quickly as possible. Thus, he reached Boston the next day.
• We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.

• thereby + Ving yapıları testlerde çok sık çıkar.
thus + Ving



C. CONTRAST (Zıtlık belirten bağlaçlar.)

1. -e ragmen anlamına gelen bağlaçlar,

even though
in spite of the fact that + clause
despite the fact that
much as

in spite of
despite + noun

• Although the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm.

(Güneş parlıyor olmasına rağmen, hava çok sıcak değildi.)
• Although it is small, the kitchen is well designed.
(Küçük olmasına rağmen, mutfak iyi tasarlanmış.)
• Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me.
(Hiç belli etmemesine rağmen, beni gördüğünden eminim.)
• His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.
(Elbiseleri eski ve yıpranmış olmasına rağmen, temiz ve kaliteli görünüyordu.)
• I didn’t like the film; I liked its background music, though.
(Filmi beğenmedim, ama yine de fon müziğini beğendim.)
• Much as I like sports, I dislike football.
Much as he tried, he couldn’t persuade his father.
• In spite of her old age, she still takes long walks every day.

► Adjective
+ as / though: (- e rağmen)
• Hard as (though) I try, my cooking is not so good as yours. (Çok çabalamama rağmen ... .)
• Strange though (as) it may sound, I was pleased it was over. (Tuhaf gibi gelse de ... .)

► However + adjective / adverb (ne kadar)

• However late it is, you can call me for help. (Ne kadar geç olsa da.)
• However cold it is, we still insist on going out.
• You should study regulary however good you are at any subject.

► No matter + Question Words (soru kelimeleri)

• No matter how late it is, you can call me for help.
• No matter when he calls you, please inform me.
• No matter what you think, tell me frankly.

2. Ama yinede, ancak anlamına gelen zıtlık belirten bağlaçlar.

... but
... however
... yet
... still + clause
... nevertheless
... nonetheless
... even so
... on the other hand



But ve gurubundaki bağlaçlar cümle başında yer almaz. İki cümle arasında olmaları gerekir.
Ama, yine de, ancak, buna rağmen anlamlarına gelir.

• It was cold. However, she went out for a walk. (Hava soğuktu, yine de yürüyüşe çıktı.)

3. Direct Opposition: (Tam zıtlık)

while whereas unlike

but however on the other hand
in contrast on the contrary

• Fatma is hardworking, but her brother is lazy.

• Fatma is hardworking, while her brother is lazy.
• Whereas Fatma is hardworking, her brother is lazy.
• Fatma is hardworking; however, her brother is lazy.
• Fatma is hardworking. Her brother, on the other hand, is lazy.
• Southern part of Turkey has hot humid summers. Northern part of Turkey, in contrast, has
summers which are cool and windy.
• They say she is very beautiful. I, on the contrary, find her rather ugly.

D. PURPOSE (Olsun diye, -mek, -mak için)

in order that
so that
for the purpose that + clause
lest (korkusuyla)
for fear that (korkusuyla)

in order to + V1
so as to

for the purpose of

for fear of + noun

• She is learning how to use a computer so that / in order that she can find a better job.
(Daha iyi bi iş bulabilsin diye ... .)
• I got up early so that / in order that I wouldn’t be late for my interview.
(Görüşmeye geç kalmayayım diye ...)
• She is studying very hard this year so that she can pass the university exam.
(Sınavı geçebilmek için ... .)
• I closed the door so that the noise in the next room wouldn’t bother me.
(Gürültü rahatsız etmesin diye ...)
• She went to İzmir for the purpose that she could see her friends.
(Arkadaşlarını görmek amacıyla ... .)
• He is studying hard nowadays lest he fails in the final exams.
(Sınavlarda başarısız olur korkusuyla ... .)
• He is studying hard for fear of failing in the final exams.
(Başarısız olur korkusuyla ... .)
• He does not carry much money for fear that they may be stolen.
(Çalınabilir korkusuyla ... .)



• She lay on the sofa to / in order to / so as to rest for a while.

(Bir süre dinlenmek için ... .)
• In order to / to / so as to propose her, he waited at least two years.
(Evlenme teklifinde bulunmak için ... .)

E. PAIRED CONJUNCTIONS (2’li bağlaçlar )

• Hardly
Barely + devrik cümle + when
• Hardly
Barely had I gone out when it started to snow.
(Kar yağmaya başladığında henüz dışarı çıkmıştım.)

• I had hardly gone out when it started to snow. (Devrik olmayan hali)
(Kar yağmaya başladığında henüz dışarı çıkmıştım.)

► No sooner + devrik cümle + than = as soon as

• No sooner had I graudated than I went abroad. (Devrik)
• I had no sooner graudated than I went abroad. (Devrik olmayan hali)
(Mezun olur olmaz yurtdışına çıktım.)
• I hade no sooner seen her than I changed my way.
(Onu görür görmez yolumu değiştirdim.)

► Both ... and ... (hem, hem de)

• I will invite both you and your parents.
• I will both study and work at university.
• Both maths and English are difficult.

► Not only ... but also ... (sadece X değil, aynı zamanda Y de )
Not only ... but ... as well. (as well, genelde cümle sonundadır.)
Not merely ... but also
Not just ... but also
(Not only cümle başında kullanıldığında kendisinden sonra devrik yapı gelir.)
• I will invite not only you but your parents as well.
• I will invite not only you but also your parents.
• Not only did he shout at her but swore as well.

► Either ... or ... (ya ... ya da )

• I will buy either a bicycle or a motorbike.
• They will visit us either tomorrow or next weekend.

► Neither ... nor ... (ne ... ne de ...)

• Neither Ahmet nor Mehmet came to us.
• I will choose neither English nor Maths.

► Whether ... or ... (ister ..., ister ...)

• We will play football whether it snows or rains.
(İster kar yağsın ister yağmur ...)



F. PARALLEL AND CORRESPONDING: (-nın yanısıra / dahası / buna ek olarak..)

+ clause
in addition

in addition to
as well as + noun, gerund

• The old lady in the village cooked us delicious meals; moreover, she showed us a place to stay.

• In addition to the twins, I have another child.

as for : (-e gelince). As for your last question, ... . (Son sorunuza gelince, ... .)
as of : (-den itibaren, itibariyle ...) As of 2014, (2014 yılı itibariyle,)
as regards : (hakkında, konusunda, ile ilgili)
concerning : (hakkında, konusunda, ile ilgili)
regarding : (hakkında, konusunda, ile ilgili)
as to : (hakkında, konusunda, ile ilgili )
related to : (hakkında, konusunda, ile ilgili )

in case of : (durumunda) + noun / In case of accident ... . (kaza durumunda ... .)

except for : (nın dışında) + noun / Except for you, ... (Sen hariç, ...)
except that : (nın dışında) + clause / Except that you did, ... (Yaptığının dışında, ...)

for fear that : (korkusuyla) + clause

for fear of : (korkusuyla) + noun
like : + noun (gibi)
meanwhile : = in the meantime(aynı anda)
regardless of : (bakılmaksızın)
apart from : (nın yanı sıra / dışında)
likewise : (benzer şekilde)
such as : (örnekleme / ... gibi)
rather than : (den ziyade)
rather, : (bundan ziyade) (daha çok)
on the whole : (bütününde / aslında)
in fact : = as matter of fact (aslında gerçekte)
in particular : = particularly (özellikle)
after all : (herşeye rağmen)
instead, : + clause (bunun yerine)
instead of : + noun (nın yerine)
whereby : + clause (ki bu yolla, böylelikle)
by means of : + noun (yoluyla / kanalıyla)
to sum up : (özetle)
in conclusion, : (sonuç olarak)
for instance : for example (örneğin)
in other words : (başka bir deyişle)
that is to say : (yani, bu demektir ki)
that is : (yani, bu demektir ki)



INVERSION: (Devrik cümle) (soru cümlelerinin soru işaretsiz halidir!)

Olumsuz anlam taşıyan yapılar genel olarak devrik cümlelerle birlikte kullanılır.

Hardly ... + devrik ... when

Barely ... + devrik ... when
Scarcely ... +devrik ... when
No sooner ... + devrik ... than
Not only ... + devrik ... but ...

• Not only did they tell lies ... .

• Hardly / barely / scarcely had they arrived home ... .
• No sooner had she graduated ... .

► So + devrik yapı (de / da) Birinci olumlu cümle yapısından sonra gelir. Devrik yapıdaki yardımcı fiil
genel olarak önceki cümlenin yardımcı fiil ile aynı olmalıdır.
• My parents went abroad, so did my sister. ( ... kız kardeşim de.)
• I will visit our teacher, so will the other students. ( ... diğer öğrenciler de.)
• Selda can play the guitar well, so can her mother. ( ... annesi de.)

► Neither / Nor + devrik yapı (de / da) Olumsuz cümlelerden sonra kullanılır. Devrik yapıdaki yardımcı
fiil genel olarak önceki cümlenin yardımcı fiil ile aynı olmalıdır.
• I couldn’t find the keys in the drawer, neither / nor could my mother. ( ... annem de)
• Anıl didn’t learn French, neither / nor did I. ( ... ben de)
• Özge will not attend the class, neither / nor will Halime. ( ... Halime de.)

► As + devrik yapı (gibi)

• He is late again,as was yesterday. ( ... dün olduğu gibi.)
• Ahmet has scored three goals, as did in the last match. ( ... son maçta olduğu gibi.)

► Only when
Only after + ..., + devrik yapı
Only if

• Only if you promise to study, will I update your computer. (Ancak söz verirsen ...)
• Only after you apologize, may I forgive you. (Ancak özür diledikten sonra ...)
• Only when you study, can you become more successful. (Ancak ders çalıştığında ...)

► Too (de / da) Olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.

• I am a teacher, my mother is a teacher, too.
• We bought a car, our neighbour bought a car, too.

► Either (de / da) Olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır.

• I didn’t go to the theatre, the students didn’t, either.
• He was not at home, his father was not, either.



1. ---- its name suggests, anatomical 6. The nature of weather conditions

pathology studies the organs and tissues throughout the world is ---- any one area is
of the human body and how they are typically affected by the weather in other
affected by disease. areas.
A) Since A) such that
B) As B) so as to
C) While C) seeing that
D) By means of D) in that
E) On account of E) whereby

2. Natural sciences are often referred to 7. Forced convection can be seen almost
as “hard science” ---- the heavy use of everywhere in the world, ---- in man-made
objective data and quantitative methods objects ---- in the natural world.
that rely on numbers and mathematics.
A) so / as
A) as a result B) such / that
B) in addition to C) either / or
C) because of D) neither / nor
D) by means of E) both / and
E) regardless of
8. Convection plays a pivotal role in creating
3. ---- reproduction that involves two the oceanic currents, and ---- helps to
“parents,” such as a male and female regulate the weather patterns around
plants, cloning has a single parent. the world through a massive convection
A) Unlike
B) While A) whereby
C) Although B) thus
D) Because C) rather
E) Given that D) in order to
E) yet
4. ---- the surface of the Earth can get quite
cold at times, the area beneath the Earth’s 9. ---- many other nations, Russia first began
crust has a relatively stable temperature, exploring nuclear weapons in the Second
and it is usually very hot. World War, successfully testing its first
bomb in 1949.
A) Without
B) Seeing as A) Although
C) Insofar as B) After
D) While C) By the time
E) However D) On the grounds of
E) Along with
5. The most common rodents are mice, rats,
squirrels, partially a result of their ability 10. ---- his more usual inventions such as the
to adapt to environments heavily settled anemometer, a device for measuring wind
by human beings, ---- they are found in the speed, da Vinci also had some unusual
wild in great numbers. designs.
A) since A) Without
B) as a result B) But for
C) besides C) As a result of
D) given that D) Aside from
E) although E) Thanks to



11. ---- most people can use mineral oil without 16. ---- considering the needs of individual
any harmful effects, some people do have consumers, people in charge of water
allergic reactions to it, including hives, distribution must think about industrial and
trouble breathing, swelling of the face, and agricultural resources of water.
tightness of the chest.
A) Despite
A) Unlike B) In addition to
B) As C) Much as
C) Despite D) However
D) Only if E) Since
E) While

17. ---- the reign of slavery in the Southern

12. People are typically taught manners
US states, many people and churches in
from a very young age ---- they grow up
the North opened their doors to slaves
accustomed to the basic rules of conduct
escaping to Canada.
about appropriate behaviour in social
situations. A) Though
B) While
A) so that C) As from
B) much as D) In spite of
C) as long as E) During
D) for fear of
E) lest

18. ---- does everyone dream, but everyone

13. ---- how hard you try, you can expect that ---- has several episodes of dreams every
parenting will be full of successes and night of sleep.
failures. A) Neither / nor
A) As much B) Not only / also
B) No matter C) Only if / then
C) Unless D) Hardly / when
D) Despite E) Not merely / as well
E) As a result of

19. In the 20th century, the term “brainwashing”

14. Cosmetic Plastic surgery differs from arose, ---- did more sophisticated
reconstructive plastic surgery ---- it is techniques which could be used to forcibly
surgery performed on normal structures of indoctrinate people.
the body. A) neither
A) however B) either
B) as yet C) as well
C) in that D) rather
D) though E) as
E) therefore

15. Some people feel compelled to have 20. Climate on mountains becomes colder at
children ---- do a better job of parenting high elevations, ---- the way that the sun
than that done by their parents. heats the surface of the Earth.

A) so A) due to
B) as B) as a result
C) neither C) despite
D) in order to D) in that
E) lest E) thus



1. Headlands and bays are often found on 6. Concern about overexploitation is

the same coastline; a bay is surrounded relatively recent, ---- overexploitation itself
by land on three sides, ---- a headland is is not a new phenomenon.
surrounded by water on three sides.
A) seeing as
A) though B) given that
B) whereas C) though
C) as a consequence D) only if
D) in that E) therefore
E) because

7. Overexploitation need not necessarily lead

2. As human populations grow, ---- do to the destruction of the resource, ---- is it
the resource demands imposed on necessarily unsustainable.
ecosystems and the impacts of the human
ecological footprint. A) either
B) nor
A) such C) too
B) as to D) as well
C) so E) also
D) nonetheless
E) nor
8. ---- external factors, internal factors in
3. The Altai Mountains are home to a ecosystems not only control ecosystem
diverse fauna, ---- its different habitats, processes, but are also controlled by them.
like steppes, northern taigas and alpine A) However
vegetation. B) As
C) Whereas
A) thus
D) Unlike
B) that’s why
E) In terms of
C) because of
D) aside from
E) besides
9. The women of the Amazon tribe fought
4. Snow leopards are unusual among large alongside the men, ---- was the custom
cats ---- they have a well-defined birth among the tribe.
A) so
A) as regards B) as
B) in that C) neither
C) even if D) also
D) as if E) nevertheless
E) notwithstanding

10. ---- the early 1960s, access to the forest’s

5. ---- Head of the Natural History Unit, interior was highly restricted, and the
Nightingale faced down criticism over the forest remained basically intact.
issues of viewer deception and value for
money for license fee payers. A) Whilst
B) Prior to
A) Like C) So long as
B) However D) As to
C) Much as E) No matter
D) What if
E) As



11. By itself, nicotine is not considered 16. Habitat destruction is the greatest
carcinogenic; ----, it is likely that it contributor to the extinction of many
contributes to the increased incidence of species; ----, impact to biota from habitat
heart disease in smokers. fragmentation is a critical mechanism of
driving species to extinction.
A) so
B) however A) moreover
C) in addition to B) yet
D) whereas C) despite
E) although D) whereas
E) because

12. Vomiting and nausea are not illnesses

themselves, ---- they are commonly the 17. ---- bed bugs are not known to transmit
symptoms of an underlying medical disease, their presence is unwelcome and
problem or condition. has presented difficult challenges and
distress to many people.
A) and
B) but rather A) In order that
C) unlike B) However
D) whereby C) Thanks to
E) although D) While
E) As

13. Asthma is a chronic ailment in which 18. Mesopotamia is known as the “cradle of
inflammation of the airways, or bronchi, civilization” primarily ---- the developments
affects the way air enters and leaves the that occurred there, in the region of Sumer,
lungs, ---- disrupting breathing. in the 4th millennium BC.
A) yet A) because of
B) still B) as to
C) thereby C) without
D) rather D) but for
E) in contrast E) despite

14. In years past, family farms tended to 19. The legacy of Mesopotamia endures today
provide income for the property owners ---- through many of the most basic aspects
food for the table. of modern life ---- the sixty-second minute
and the sixty-minute hour.
A) in addition
B) on the contrary A) for
C) regardless of B) so
D) as well as C) as well as
E) nonetheless D) such as
E) as

15. In general, robbery is differentiated from

other types of theft or larceny ---- it is 20. The Chinese burial practice, ---- what era
typically performed in connection with or dynasty, included ritual ceremonies and
violence or a threat of violence. the inclusion of personal property in the
tomb or grave of the deceased.
A) so
B) as a result A) however
C) unless B) no matter
D) provided that C) as regards
E) in that D) rather than
E) contrary to



1. If someone died in Egypt, ---- great or 6. Some birds, such as sapsuckers, drill
humble, they were buried in the earth holes into the bark ---- they can consume
of their mother and so passed on to the the phloem juices that are released.
afterlife with relative ease.
A) unless
A) much as B) even if
B) despite C) providing that
C) however D) so that
D) as a consequence of E) besides
E) thus

7. The majority of the world’s best farmland,

2. It is difficult to determine the amount of oil
---- climate and soils, is located in the
and natural gas in the South China Sea ----
temperate zones that lie between the
under-exploration and territorial disputes.
tropics and the polar circles.
A) due to the fact that
A) in line with
B) in addition to
B) irrespective of
C) therefore
C) in terms of
D) however
D) in that
E) because of
E) by means of

3. Destruction and degradation of coastal

habitats ---- coral reefs, seagrass beds, 8. ---- mammals and birds, reptiles have
and mangroves, increases risks to coastal neither fur nor feathers, but scales.
communities from natural and human-
A) As opposed to
induced hazards such as hurricanes.
B) Whereas
A) as C) Regarding
B) so D) On the contrary
C) as to E) Much as
D) such as
E) notwithstanding
9. Women’s life expectancy is increasing,
---- maternal health and non-communicable
4. Although there are a few corals that
diseases still threaten their lives
reproduce all year, the majority of species,
---- reproductive strategy, reproduce
in tight synchrony with a variety of A) because
environmental signals. B) so that
C) but
A) hence D) besides
B) regardless of E) therefore
C) however
D) as for
E) that is 10. The largest share of greenhouse gas
emissions comes from urban areas,
5. Because mature leaves are low in about 70 per cent globally, but cities in
nutrients, and difficult to digest ---- their developing countries contribute only a
high cellulose content, animals use many small share ---- residents tend to use less
different strategies to eat leaves. energy-intensive resources.

A) due to A) but
B) in contrast to B) instead
C) unlike C) in addition
D) yet D) because
E) much as E) although



11. 91 per cent of the world’s road crashes 16. ---- setting weight loss goals can be a great
occur in low-income and middle-income way to get into a workout routine, it may
countries, ---- fewer people own cars than also encourage you to stop exercising
in developed countries. when you reach your goal.
A) even though A) Besides
B) since B) As a result of
C) on the contrary C) While
D) as a result D) As though
E) as if E) In spite of

17. ---- a method of exercise that increases the

12. About two billion people in the world are power, and sometimes the size, of a muscle
malnourished because they lack essential or group of muscles, strength training is
micronutrients such as iron or vitamins, ---- part of a balanced exercise routine.
nearly the same number are overweight.
A) Like
A) however B) For
B) for this reason C) As to
C) that’s why D) Regardless of
D) while E) As
E) since

18. Using resistance to muscular contractions

makes the muscle work harder that it
13. ---- using signs of earthquake weather usually does, ---- building and increasing
as a guide for predicting earthquakes, it anaerobic endurance and strength.
makes more sense for people who live in
earthquake-prone areas to always be ready A) instead of
B) thus
for one.
C) without
A) Since D) otherwise
B) However E) neither
C) Without
D) Instead of
E) Because of 19. A stadium is a structure that surrounds a
central field or a stage in which a spectator
event takes place; the structure holds
14. Strange ---- it may seem, water does not seating for spectators to view the event, ----
always freeze at the same temperature at by standing ---- sitting.
which ice melts.
A) both / as well
A) though B) neither / nor
B) however C) as / as
C) yet D) either / or
D) although E) like / as
E) despite

20. ---- you are going to a gym for the first time
15. Not only does Yoga work for people who ---- as an experienced regular, there are
are striving towards physical well-being, it many benefits to using a personal trainer.
can contribute to spiritual well-being ----.
A) Either / or
A) yet B) Whether / or
B) also C) Both / and
C) as well D) If / or not
D) either E) Wherever / or
E) neither



1. ---- maintain stamina, an athlete’s muscles 6. ---- remote sensing has greatly sped up the
require steady supplies of oxygen process of gathering information, the direct
contained within red blood cells. survey still provides the basic control
points and framework for all topographic
A) Besides work, whether manual or GIS-based.
B) In order that
C) So as to A) In contrast to
D) Rather than B) Nevertheless
E) However C) Even though
D) As if
E) Because
2. Aspirin has been known for some time to
prevent heart attacks, ---- reducing pain 7. There is a popular misconception that
and inflammation. snow becomes heavier ---- it starts to melt,
so many people take risks by climbing on
A) in addition to roofs to remove snow when the weather
B) as a result of starts to get warmer, ---- the roofs will
C) despite collapse.
D) as long as
E) provided that A) as / so that
B) lest / for
C) if / unless
3. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas ---- D) when / for fear that
produces little ---- no insulin, or the cells E) before / rather
do not respond appropriately to the insulin
8. ---- the Industrial Revolution brought
wealth to Manchester, it also brought
A) neither / nor poverty and squalor to a large part of the
B) both / and population.
C) whether / or
A) Not only
D) so / as B) Only if
E) either / or C) Although
D) Unless
E) Because
4. Participating in a regular exercise program
will ---- help to maintain healthy blood
9. ---- little radio or television support, Iron
glucose levels ---- help keep body weight Maiden are considered one of the most
down. successful heavy metal bands in history,
A) either / or having sold over 85 million records
B) both / nor worldwide.
C) not only / but A) As
D) neither / either B) Despite
E) whether / or C) Much as
D) Only when
E) Although
5. Video on demand are systems which allow
users to select and watch/listen to video 10. ---- the award-winning album, Jackson
or audio content when they choose to, released “Thriller”, a fourteen-minute
---- having to watch at a specific broadcast music video short directed by John Landis,
time. in 1983.
A) rather than A) Not just
B) despite B) However
C) in line with C) Even
D) regardless D) In addition to
E) nevertheless E) As to



11. Most people who run a marathon don’t 16. For many years, experts believed that only
just start right out and run it; ----, they run alcohol and powerful drugs could cause
shorter-distance races as building blocks, addiction; ----, more recent researches
in order to prepare to run the longer- have shown that certain pleasurable
distance marathon. activities, such as gambling, can also lead
to addiction.
A) but
B) so A) however
C) consequently B) as a result
D) rather C) notwithstanding
E) because D) while
E) for all

12. As a martial art, Taekwondo is

characterized ---- by its use of blocks, 17. ---- cardiovascular disease damages the
punches, and sweeps, ---- by its emphasis heart and diabetes impairs the pancreas,
on kicking. the smoking addiction captures the brain.
A) not only / but also A) Because
B) neither / nor B) Despite
C) as / as C) Just as
D) either / or D) Like
E) whether / or E) Now that

13. ---- pollution, boat traffic, and aggressive 18. ---- popular belief, pigs do not sweat, that’s
fishing, reefs are now considered in danger why they coat themselves in mud to stay
and are protected under the Great Barrier cool.
Reef Marine Park Authority, an Australia-
A) On the contrary
based institution.
B) Despite
A) For C) Contrary to
B) Despite D) As to
C) As a result E) Such
D) Regardless of
E) Because of
19. ---- no two humans are completely
genetically identical (not even identical
14. ---- it is against the law in most cases for twins), all humans share about 99.5%
a US citizen to travel to Cuba, the law is identical DNA.
rarely enforced.
A) Even after
A) Because B) Lest
B) Providing that C) However
C) Unless D) While
D) Though E) As
E) So that

20. ---- Dalmatians are so well known for their

15. It takes courage and strength to face up spots, they are entirely white at birth.
to any type of addiction, ---- it’s alcohol,
drugs, nicotine, gambling, the internet, ---- A) Owing to
self-injury. B) Despite the fact that
C) Seeing that
A) either / or D) On condition that
B) as / as E) Thanks to
C) whether / or
D) neither / nor
E) such / as



1. ---- their unique characteristics including 6. Birds often double their body weight
the lack of a tail, the gibbon is part of the before migration to increase their body’s
ape group known as lesser apes. fuel reserves, which tends to be their main
source of energy ---- stopping to forage for
A) Despite
B) Though
C) As A) rather
D) While B) but
E) Due to C) rather than
D) thus
E) thereby
2. ---- Spanish moss is not parasitic, it can
still hurt the plants it grows on. 7. ---- can overfishing have an impact on
A) However marine life, it can ---- have an impact on
B) Despite human life.
C) No matter A) Only if / then
D) Because B) Not only / also
E) Although C) Hardly / yet
D) No sooner / than
E) Though / still
3. Albatrosses have historically been
hunted for their feathers to be used for
8. The music tourism industry exists for
decorations for women’s hats, ---- used for
virtually all types of music, ---- rock music
down cushioning.
is the most popular.
A) in addition
A) so
B) as a result
B) if
C) beside
C) unless
D) as well as
D) though
E) so that
E) despite

4. The use of windmills to generate electricity 9. Many translations of the Arabian Nights
began to diminish in the United States ---- feature the stories of Sinbad the Sailor, ----
the middle of the 20th century. they are somewhat harder to find in Arabic
A) while
B) during A) although
C) for B) in spite of
D) as regards C) unlike
E) as yet D) in contrast
E) since

5. Bird experts warn that injured birds of prey 10. While various dialects of Persian are in use
can be particularly dangerous, ---- they are throughout the world, they are all mutually
often distressed and frightened. intelligible, ---- some widespread languages
such as Arabic and Mandarin.
A) because
B) although A) while
C) so that B) unlike
D) much as C) such as
E) due to D) like
E) as to



11. An alternative to an air conditioner, 16. Vendetta was a blood feud between two
a swamp cooler uses evaporation, families where kinsmen of the victim
---- chemical coolants, to lower the intended to avenge his or her death by
temperature of air. killing ---- those responsible for the killing
---- some of their relatives.
A) as
B) such as A) neither / nor
C) still B) both / as well
D) rather than C) either / or
E) that is D) as / so
E) whether / nor

12. ---- being inexpensive to rent, studio 17. A bribe is a payment given personally to a
apartments also have lower utility bills government official ---- his use of official
than larger apartments. powers.
A) For A) regardless of
B) Despite B) rather
C) In addition to C) by means of
D) Not only D) thereby
E) Much as E) in exchange of

18. ---- there is no universal agreement on

13. ---- its importance as a symbol of strength
the definition of life, scientists generally
and virility, many oak trees are subject to
accept that the biological manifestation
serious and even fatal diseases.
of life is characterized by organization,
A) Much as metabolism, growth, adaptation, response
B) Despite to stimuli and reproduction.
C) Besides
D) However A) Despite
E) Although B) However
C) Unless
D) Although
14. ---- the prison population grows, a rising E) Because
rate of incarceration feeds small and large
businesses ---- providers of furniture, 19. Murder and other violent crimes are typical
transportation, food, clothes and medical crimes for which the death penalty may
services, construction and communication be imposed; ----, many countries, such as
firms. the People’s Republic of China, Egypt, and
Iran, ---- allow the death penalty for
A) As /such as drug-related crimes.
B) So / that
C) Much as / so A) on condition that / yet
D) Although / like B) but /as well
E) While / still C) yet / besides
D) because / in order to
E) however / also
15. Execution of criminals and political
opponents has been used by nearly 20. ---- humans comprise only a minuscule
all societies, ---- to punish crime ---- to proportion of the total living biomass
suppress political dissent. on Earth, the human effect on nature is
disproportionately large.
A) not only / as well
B) neither / nor A) Because
C) so / as B) Despite
D) so / that C) Inasmuch as
E) both / and D) Unless
E) Although



1. Sumer developed a large-scale economy 6. ---- ward off the threats of nuke-tipped
based on commodity money, ---- the cruise missile attack India has a new
Babylonians and their neighboring city missile defense programme which will
states later developed the earliest system be focused solely on intercepting cruise
of economics. missiles.
A) while A) So
B) unlike B) However
C) on the contrary C) In order to
D) nevertheless D) Though
E) that’s why E) Owing to
2. Rebirth refers to a process ---- beings go
through a succession of lifetimes as one of 7. ---- no two organisms decompose in the
many possible forms of sentient life, each same way, they all undergo the same
running from conception to death. sequential stages of decomposition.
A) thereby A) Although
B) despite B) As regards
C) however C) Despite
D) whereby D) No matter
E) as a result of E) Regardless of
3. Mythology is now often sharply
distinguished from didactic literature such 8. The vegetation type is defined by
as fables, ---- its relationship with other characteristic dominant species, or a
traditional stories such as legends and common aspect of the assemblage,
folktales is much more nebulous. ---- an elevation range or environmental
A) and commonality.
B) but
A) as from
C) such
B) if
D) like
C) for
E) as
D) such as
E) besides
4. Euripides was a Greek tragedian and poet
who unfortunately did not receive many
accolades during his lifetime, ---- he is now 9. Biodiversity affects ecosystem function,
revered as one of the greatest Classical
---- do the processes of disturbance and
Greek authors.
A) so
A) but
B) in order that
B) neither
C) as well as
C) while
D) although
D) unlike
E) rather than
E) as
5. ---- the United States was unwilling to
commit to the League of Nations, they
10. ---- external factors, internal factors in
continued to engage in international
ecosystems not only control ecosystem
negotiations and treaties.
processes, but are also controlled by them.
A) Much as
A) Unlike
B) However
C) Despite B) While
D) Seeing that C) However
E) Due to D) As to
E) Since



11. ---- in many areas of the world government 16. ---- active sonar, passive sonar does not
funding is still required to support large emit its own signal, which is an advantage
scale development of energy forestry for military vessels that do not want to
as an industry, it is seen as a valuable be found or for scientific missions that
component of the renewable energy concentrate on quietly “listening” to the
network. ocean; ----, it only detects sound waves
coming towards it.
A) Because
B) Despite A) Whereas / but
C) As B) Unlike / so
D) Although C) However / still
E) No matter D) Unlike / rather
E) Despite / yet
12. All cardiologists study the disorders of
the heart, ---- the study of adult and child 17. ---- New York City is taking action to
heart disorders is through different training mitigate future disasters like Hurricane
pathways. Sandy, other cities on the Eastern
Seaboard like Charleston, S.C., are not
A) and being as proactive.
B) like
C) as A) Providing
D) despite B) Unless
E) but C) If
D) While
E) Unlike
13. There is no universally accepted opinion
regarding isolationism, ---- western
18. City tap water supplies are tested for
countries often criticize North Korea,
bacteria over 100 times per month in the
Cuba, and other countries for pursuing
US, ---- bottled water plants, which are
isolationist policies.
tested an average of once per week.
A) in spite of
A) in contrast
B) in contrast
B) while
C) although
C) compared to
D) rather
D) by means of
E) therefore
E) in line with

14. A patent does not give a right to make 19. The plastic recycling number is used to
or use or sell an invention; ----, a patent help consumers and recyclers sort plastics
provides, from a legal standpoint, the right in a way that is most beneficial ---- each
to exclude others from making, using, plastic is treated properly when it is ready
selling, and offering for sale. to recycle.
A) therefore A) least
B) meanwhile B) so that
C) still C) however
D) as a consequence D) although
E) rather E) since

15. Flooding occurs with high tides in many 20. ---- age, weight problems are seen plaguing
locations ---- climate-related sea level rise, Americans as evidenced by the number of
land subsidence, and the loss of natural advertisements viewed on television and in
barriers. other media outlets.
A) due to A) However
B) despite B) No matter
C) regardless C) Despite
D) and D) Though
E) however E) Regardless of



1. ---- much debate and many good 6. ---- much of NASA’s early political support
intentions, global vulnerability to natural stemmed from America’s Cold War
hazards remains unacceptably high. competition with the Soviet Union, NASA
was designed as an explicitly civilian
A) However agency to pursue peaceful space activities.
B) Despite
C) Since A) If
D) Thanks to B) Unless
E) As a result C) So that
D) Even though
E) As if
2. Perhaps no tragedy ---- the assassination
of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 had
7. Russia also has very strict rules on
so riveted the American public ---- did the the importation of large quantities of
explosion of the space shuttle Challenger medication, and of some medications ----
on 28 January 1986, which killed its seven- quantity.
member crew.
A) though
A) after / neither B) regardless of
B) before / either C) such
C) since / as D) so
D) both / and E) like
E) such / that
8. U.S. citizens are encouraged to carry
3. The Mississippi River played an important photo-copies of their passport data and
role in the lives of many Native Americans photo pages with them at all times ----, if
questioned by DPRK officials, proof of U.S.
who lived in the Upper Mississippi Valley
citizenship is readily available to DPRK
---- those tribes in the southern valley.
authorities and Swedish protecting power
A) beside officials.
B) in addition A) so as to
C) thereby B) such as
D) such C) for
E) as well as D) so that
E) though
4. Extensive water pollution in the United
States began in the nineteenth century ---- 9. All hospitals and clinics in Turkey are
urbanization, industrial development, and subject to government control ---- their
modern agricultural practices. standards and spheres of responsibility.

A) such as A) as a result of
B) as regards B) by means of
C) like C) thus
D) as a result of D) with respect to
E) notwithstanding E) as from

10. Although sea horses are bony fish, they

5. Medical research in the United States do not have scales, ---- rather thin skin
has been very dependent on research stretched over a series of bony plates,
standards from overseas ---- American which are arranged in rings throughout
social, economic, and political issues. their bodies.
A) as well as A) but
B) in spite of B) even so
C) as C) despite
D) like D) as a result of
E) for E) so



1. One professor who ---- on the development 6. When he had grown accustomed to their
of robots ---- us that robots could take over ways, he began to feel an increasing
the world. admiration ---- and understanding ---- their
tribal customs.
A) has worked / will have warned
B) was working / would warn A) of / by
C) is working / has warned B) to / in
D) worked / will warn C) from / for
E) had worked / warns D) for / of
E) over / at

2. By the year 2010, he ---- here for 30 years. 7. A great many artists are clearly fascinated
---- the sea and paint it ---- all its different
A) will have been working
B) will work
C) had worked A) with / at
D) will be working B) from / for
E) has been working C) to / by
D) over / through
E) by / in

3. By the time the boss ----, his secretary ---- 8. My books are still on the table where I left
typing the report. ----, but ---- have been stolen.

A) had arrived / finished A) mine / they

B) arrives / has finished B) us / those
C) has arrived / is finishing C) them / hers
D) is arriving / finishes D) those / these
E) arrived / had finished E) hers / mine

4. I don’t want us to be late for the meeting, 9. The new personnel manager told us that he
so we ---- take a taxi. had visited ---- countries in Europe.

A) have had to A) a great deal of

B) are able to B) a number of
C) had to C) much
D) had better D) as many
E) needed E) any

10. An earthquake is a movement of the earth’s

5. This will be the first time that Tarkan is surface ---- follows a setting free of energy
giving a concert in the US, ----? at the surface of the earth.

A) won’t it A) where
B) won’t he B) when
C) is he C) whose
D) isn’t it D) whom
E) will it E) which



1. At that time, since her aunt ---- in the same 6. “Hacking” is unauthorized access to a
neighborhood she ---- her at least once a computer, ---- for fun or for harmful or
week. fraudulent purposes.

A) is living / would visit A) since

B) has lived / has visited B) both
C) lived / visits C) more
D) was living / used to visit D) whether
E) lives / was visiting E) such

2. Chaucer was successful as a poet because 7. Next generation space suits will be ---- less
he could combine his great learning ---- an rigid ---- those now in use.
enthusiastic love ---- the everyday lives of
A) too / with
ordinary people.
B) neither / nor
A) at / to C) as / as
B) to / from D) so / to
C) with / for E) much / than
D) through / of
E) by / into

3. He is ---- many ways a typical teenager, 8. I’ve promised to help my mother on

sceptical ---- all authority. Tuesday; can’t we visit Jane ---- day?

A) on / to A) each
B) with / through B) any
C) by / from C) other
D) in / of D) another
E) at / about E) some

4. Julius Caesar expected to rule for life, ---- 9. The moon ---- more energy every second
he was assassinated by conspirators on 15 than humans ---- in the next million years.
March in the year 44 B.C.
A) releases / will use
A) although B) is releasing / are using
B) because C) has released / could have used
C) as D) will release / have used
D) if E) would release / had used
E) but

5. Jane is a wonderful person, but ---- I am 10. Girne Castle ---- the oldest shipwreck ever
with her I feel useless and pathetic. ----.
A) whenever A) is housing / to have discovered
B) even so B) has housed / having been discovered
C) so that C) would house / being discovered
D) however D) houses / to have been discovered
E) the sooner E) will have housed / discovered



11. Tony Miller has written ---- successful 16. Often it is only when people ---- to do their
film music, but he is widely known ---- the job that they ---- our attention.
keyboard player and composer for his rock
A) fail / get
B) have failed / had got
A) such / like C) failed / have got
B) more / that D) will fail / are getting
C) the more / by E) will have failed / got
D) much / as
E) many / enough

17. The nuclear accident that ---- at the

12. No one understands better ---- the great Chernobyl reactor in April, 1986, ---- to new
composers ---- it is important to know your fears about the safety of nuclear reactors.
A) has occurred / was to lead
A) just as / that B) would have occurred / led
B) like / so that C) occurred / has led
C) both / while D) could occur / had led
D) not only / as E) had occurred / may have led
E) than / that

13. From fossil analysis, it ---- that, at the 18. The most expensive trip ---- space was
dawn of the Cambrian period, which was made by a tourist who paid £14 million
542 million years ago, there ---- a dramatic to Russia to visit the International Space
increase in animal diversity. Station ---- eight days.

A) had been established / has occurred A) within / at

B) has been established / occurred B) on / in
C) was established / occurs C) through / by
D) is to be established / had occurred D) into / for
E) would be established / would have E) for / with

14. One of the great advances of astronomy 19. Because of Earth’s rotation, a person near
over recent years ---- the discovery of the equator travels a longer distance ---- a
planets outside our solar system, and it is given time than does a person ---- higher
the first real clue that we ---- alone in the latitudes.
A) of / on
A) is going to be / mustn’t be B) for / to
B) is / were not C) over / with
C) had been / will not be D) within / from
D) was / would not be E) in / at
E) has been / may not be

15. It was during Queen Victoria’s reign (1837- 20. ---- we live and grow, we learn the culture of
1901) that there ---- a more democratic the society in which we live.
system of government, which ---- with the
Reform Bill of 1832. A) As
B) Since
A) had developed / began C) Even though
B) has developed / has begun D) When
C) develops / was to begin E) Whereas
D) developed / had begun
E) was developing / would begin



1. Life originated in the sea and evolved there 6. Before he ---- in museums, he ---- law in
for almost 3 billion years ---- plants and hopes of becoming a specialist in the legal
animals began moving onto the land. aspects of antiquities.

A) because A) will work / has studied

B) even if B) works / would study
C) before C) worked / had studied
D) but D) had worked / was studying
E) as if E) has worked / studied

2. ---- ancient Greeks were ---- first people 7. The interviewer ---- during her interview
to use mosaics on a large scale in their with the retired politician that he still
palaces. ---- the dynamic presence that had once
inspired the entire country.
A) All / all
B) The / the A) was realizing / had
C) Many / almost B) will realize / would have
D) Various / quite C) realizes / is having
E) Most / each D) has realized / will have
E) realized / had

3. Roughly 100,000 years ago, during the last 8. Pirates ---- a threat since ancient times;
ice age, wolves migrated from Eurasia to in fact, even hundreds of years ago, they
the highlands of ---- is now Ethiopia. ---- in the Mediterranean Sea in search of
valuable cargo.
A) that
B) where A) would have been / had sailed
C) what B) had been / have been sailing
D) which C) have been / were sailing
E) who D) were / had been sailing
E) would be / have been sailing

4. No one knows for certain whether or not 9. Scientists fear that if we ---- to use our
people today lie ---- they did in the past. natural resources so unwisely, we ---- them
up completely by the end of this century.
A) so that
B) so far as A) have continued / have used
C) as long as B) are continuing / are using
D) for so long C) continued / had used
E) more than D) had continued / would have used
E) continue / will have used

5. Evil ---- when good people allow bad things 10. They say that the best things ---- life are
----. those worth waiting ----.

A) came / happened A) in / for

B) comes / to happen B) from / at
C) will come / will happen C) in / up
D) may come / happening D) with / from
E) had come / to have happened E) within / beside



11. In the Renaissance period, there was a 16. Although she ---- properly yet, the recipient
wide range of classical texts available to of the world’s first face transplant ---- well,
humanist scholars, ---- some of these texts according to the first scientific report of
had survived only in fragments or were the operation.
only available in Greek.
A) hadn’t smiled / would have done
A) so long as B) didn’t smile / will do
B) before C) doesn’t smile / may have done
C) whether D) couldn’t have smiled / does
D) in case E) can’t smile / is doing
E) but
17. To protect whales and dolphins ---- the
coast of Hawaii, a court in California has
12. China’s art market is growing bigger all the
temporarily banned the US navy from
time, and it is doing ---- at the expense of
using powerful sonar equipment ---- a
America and Britain.
military exercise in the area.
A) so
A) at / over
B) as well
B) in / on
C) as such
C) before / through
D) just in case
D) off / during
E) almost
E) within / with

13. In art history, primitivism is a notion crucial 18. As it had in World War I, Argentina
to 20th-century art and modern thinking ---- proclaimed neutrality ---- the outbreak of
a specific movement or group of artists. World War II, but in the closing phase it
A) in that declared war ---- the Axis powers.
B) instead of A) over / after
C) the same as B) for / with
D) rather than C) at / on
E) whereas D) about / through
E) from / above

14. Recent excavations in Algeria ---- that

Homo erectus ---- there between 500,000 19. During the wars ---- followed the French
and 750,000 years ago. Revolution, Belgium was occupied by
France and later annexed.
A) have indicated / resided
B) had indicated / has resided A) whether
C) indicated / would reside B) who
D) could have indicated / had been residing C) when
E) indicate / had resided D) that
E) as

15. German Chancellor Merkel is under

pressure from power companies, which 20. The private sector in the Gulf states
---- to invest in new power generation employs mostly expatriate workers, ---- the
projects unless they ---- exempt from tough majority of nationals are employed in the
emission requirements. public sector with higher wages and job
A) refused / have been
B) refuse / are A) so that
C) have refused / had been B) just as
D) had refused / will be C) while
E) were refusing / are to be D) unless
E) in case



1. A series of gas discoveries in recent years 6. With its superior firepower, NATO ---- any
in the Western Desert of Egypt means that battle, but it ---- the war in Afghanistan.
a range of new export projects must be
A) had won / loses
developed ---- the country is to make full
B) can win / is losing
use of its new reserves.
C) has won / lost
A) lest D) would have won / had lost
B) although E) is winning / was losing
C) after
D) as if
E) if 7. About 20 to 40 per cent of pancreatic
cancer cases are cured ---- chemotherapy
followed ---- radiation therapy or surgery.
2. Hundreds of deep fjords that cut into
the coastline give Norway an overall A) about / over
oceanfront of ---- 12,000 miles. B) from / to
C) with / by
A) more than D) of / into
B) just as E) at / through
C) the same as
D) so far as
E) as well as
8. The objective ---- a proper diet is to achieve
and maintain a desirable body composition
3. Made out of metal so that it conducts the and a large capacity ---- physical and
charge, the lightning rod is usually located mental work.
---- high ---- possible because of lightning’s A) through / through
tendency to strike the nearest object to it. B) on / within
A) so / as C) at / across
B) as / as D) of / for
C) more / than E) after / between
D) both / and
E) not only / but also
9. Gang violence is deplorable and cannot be
tolerated, ---- simply “cracking down” on it
4. There ---- various indications that the is not the solution.
current financial crisis ---- a damaging
effect on technology companies. A) so that
B) whereby
A) are / is having C) but
B) were / will have D) when
C) had been / has had E) so long as
D) have been / would have had
E) would have been / had had

10. The Caucasus is a strategically vital

5. Russia ---- earlier this week that it ---- all its region ---- could play a critical role in the
troops out of Georgia. European Union’s future energy security.

A) had announced / pulled A) whereas

B) announces / would have pulled B) who
C) announced / had pulled C) as
D) is announcing / has pulled D) whereby
E) has announced / was pulling E) that



11. Algeria is particularly keen to increase its 16. After the Germanic invasions, Celtic
gas exports ---- OPEC production quotas cultures, which in pre-Roman times
restrict its oil exports. ---- most of Western Europe, ---- almost
entirely to the British Isles.
A) since
B) so that A) had covered / were confined
C) as if B) have been covering / have been confined
D) that C) had been covering / would be confined
E) whereas D) have covered / could have been confined
E) were covering / had been confined

12. In the early twentieth century, the motor 17. An Indian drug company has offered to
car was one of the first major consumer supply an anti-AIDS drug ---- sufferers in
products to be ---- mass produced ---- mass developing countries ---- less than one-
marketed. twentieth of the standard cost in the West.

A) such / as A) in / to
B) more / than B) at / over
C) so / as C) with / for
D) as / as D) to / at
E) both / and E) on / with

18. The main attention at the World Economic

13. The body’s immune system attacks and Forum, when it was not focused ---- China,
eliminates ---- bacteria and other foreign centred on Africa’s remarkable economic
substances ---- cancer cells. growth ---- the past couple of years.

A) not only / but also A) in / with

B) rather / than B) on / over
C) such / that C) of / towards
D) as well as / and D) by / at
E) just as / as E) from / through

19. In child development, play and exploration

14. The British government ---- details of the are similar ---- they are both intrinsically
next stage of its genetically modified crop motivated behaviours and not directed by
field trials, thus ---- off a now familiar cycle external goals.
of debate and demonstration.
A) on the other hand
A) has released / setting B) whereas
B) will release / to set C) otherwise
C) would have released / having set D) after
D) is releasing / to have set E) since
E) released / to be set
20. At present, the European Union imports
about one quarter of its gas and one third
15. Training schemes in the United Kingdom of its oil from Russia, ---- countries such
---- by the government as unemployment as Slovakia, Finland, Poland, Hungary, the
----. Baltic states and the Ukraine are totally or
very heavily dependent on Russian energy.
A) were encouraged / will have worsened
B) would be encouraged / had been A) as though
worsened B) since
C) have been encouraged / has worsened C) whether
D) had been encouraged / may worsen D) while
E) are encouraged / would have worsened E) in case



1. Several species of birds in Vietnam 6. I was lucky enough to get home ---- the
vanished during the war, ---- they began thunderstorm was beginning.
to reappear in the 1980s and their
A) till
gradual return has been encouraged by
B) so as to
Vietnamese villagers.
C) in time for
A) but D) up to
B) since E) just as
C) unless
D) when
E) if
7. She is one of those rare critics ----
judgements have a common sense basis.
2. Countries are interested ---- in their
absolute economic welfare, ---- in how well A) what
they are performing compared to other B) which
countries. C) whom
D) whose
A) both / as well as
E) that
B) as / as
C) so much / as
D) more / but
E) not only / but also
8. ‘The Old Wives’ Tale is one of ----
impressive novels I have read for a long
3. A structural formula is a chemical formula time.
that shows how the atoms are bonded to
A) a more
---- in a molecule.
B) most
A) another C) the most
B) others D) least
C) the others E) the little
D) each other
E) every other

9. ---- of the information he gave me was

4. On the night we went to the opera,
unfortunately out of date.
Domingo was not singing, but ---- we
enjoyed ourselves enormously. A) The more
B) None
A) in case
C) Many
B) on the contrary
D) Some
C) moreover
E) Another
D) whatever
E) nevertheless

5. ---- the terrible state of the roads following 10. He was delighted to learn that ---- people
the heavy rains, it is almost impossible to really do appreciate his music.
reach the village except in a tractor.
A) any
A) Unfortunately B) little
B) Owing to C) a little
C) Even so D) a few
D) Except for E) much
E) In spite of



11. In some quarters it is felt that the minister 16. Surely we’re in a position now ---- we can
---- the political stature that he needs to afford to pay for the best legal advice.
recast the country’s economic policy.
A) where
A) was losing B) which
B) may have lost C) what
C) would have lost D) that
D) had lost E) whom
E) lost

12. As far as I am concerned he is one of ---- 17. ---- decision he makes, we’ll have to accept
talented lawyers the company has ever it.
A) Whenever
A) most B) Whatever
B) the most C) Whatsoever
C) more D) Wherever
D) mostly E) Whoever
E) least

13. Some of the board members are convinced 18. The doctor advised him to have monthly
that the price quoted is ---- high to be check-ups ---- any return of symptoms
accepted. might be detected immediately.

A) more A) if ever
B) so B) in case
C) little C) such as
D) too D) even though
E) as E) so that

14. John said he couldn’t make it on Tuesday 19. If you really ---- to promote him, you ---- so
or Wednesday; I told him I couldn’t, ---- . right away.

A) either A) are meaning / did

B) also B) meant / will have to do
C) too C) have meant / had to do
D) neither D) mean / must do
E) as well E) were meaning / had done

15. I suspect the most interesting

developments in space exploration have 20. One way of ---- waste is ---- such things as
been the most recent ones, ---- ? glass and paper.

A) aren’t they A) cut down / recycling

B) are they B) cutting down / to recycle
C) is it C) cutting down / recycle
D) do I D) cut down / recycling
E) haven’t they E) being cut down / to have recycled



1. As there is a complete standardization of 4. The manager promised to promote her ----.

every product in this fast-food restaurant
chain, ----. A) if she has proved far more efficient than
any of the other employees
A) the first restaurant to be opened in Britain B) that she has really deserved it
was in 1974 C) as she had been working for the company
B) they were already doing business in 52 for so many years
countries in the world D) unless there was a good reason for doing
C) the company was by then opening a new so
restaurant at the rate of one per day E) until the company’s annual budget is
D) every French fry and every burger tastes approved
exactly the same as every other
E) yet another one was opened in Moscow in

2. ----, who really established and developed 5. I asked my little three-year-old niece ----.
the thriller style in films.
A) whether her mother has gone out
A) The cartoon is another popular type of B) who she was going to invite to her party
film, especially among children C) that she liked going to the zoo
B) Strong film industries began to emerge in D) why she has made her little brother cry
other countries E) what her mother is making for dinner
C) Contemporary issues such as violence
and poverty will attract the attention of
many film directors
D) Star Wars is perhaps his best film
E) It was the film director Alfred Hitchcock

3. As the daily temperature change on the 6. It’s a good idea to walk everywhere ----.
planet Mercury is extreme, ----.
A) however far it must have seemed
A) its rocky surface cracks, producing cliffs B) even though you were so tired
and canyons C) whenever they went to the museum
B) there hasn’t been sufficient atmosphere to D) if you want to learn your way around the
hold the heat town
C) the explorations carried out so far would E) since their house was on the outskirts of
have been very costly the town
D) the craters in its surface were formed by
rocks from outer space
E) there was no evidence to suggest that this
was due to volcanic activity



7. The fire was already spreading to the next 9. You can only write a good summary of a
building ----. passage ----.

A) since the wind may blow even more A) if you ever need to go back to review it
strongly B) why you have read it carefully
B) that no one knew why it had started C) when you have fully understood it
C) unless the firemen can come at once D) that it uses words from the essay
D) as the first fire engine arrived E) whether the summary is objective
E) though everyone had managed to get out

8. All opposition to the project vanished ----. 10. ---- when we saw five masked men running
out of the bank.
A) as soon as everyone realized how much
money they could earn through it A) We didn’t recognize them at all
B) after financial support has finally been B) We immediately informed the police
promised C) We’re not sure if it is them
C) which has attracted so much attention D) The situation is certainly unusual
D) if it seemed likely that it wouldn’t take up E) The alarm system needs to be repaired
too much time
E) as more and more people are starting to
work on it in their free time



1. ---- that experiment and reason became the 4. Some comets have such long orbits ----.
basis of scientific knowledge.
A) while some asteroids may be burnt-up
A) It was referred to Galileo comets
B) Galileo attacked the much admired B) in case they come from a region outside
teachings of Aristotle the Solar System
C) In Galileo’s time a great many people C) since they are often visible from the Earth
were involved D) that they pass near the Earth only once
D) It is largely due to Galileo and his every million years
discoveries E) just as their dust tails stretch up to 10
E) A number of theories concerning the million kilometres across the sky
universe were proved wrong by Galileo

2. If we had run to catch the bus, ----. 5. Water softeners are particularly useful, ----.

A) the others have warned us about the A) if you live in a hard-water area
heavy traffic B) that they remove chemicals and improve
B) we could get to the library before it closed the taste
C) I dropped my glasses on the pavement C) why London water is so hard
D) we may have attended the lecture D) since the water contained a greater
E) it wouldn’t have been necessary to take a concentration of calcium
tax E) though electrical appliances require soft

3. Campaigns to promote energy 6. The personnel officer is looking for

conservation have been around since the someone ----.
1980s ----.
A) that they are willing to do a great deal of
A) so that there is still a long way to go travelling
before campaigners are satisfied B) who has a real talent for organization
B) because it is a problem that until now has C) until he finds someone who really is
been largely overlooked suitable
C) but it is only with the advent of global D) since at present several positions are
warming that the issue has really gained available
momentum E) whether they have the right qualifications
D) just as the next step requires a great deal
of detailed planning
E) even though most industrialized countries
have been strongly in favour of these



7. This is actually a camera ----. 9. When the four-thousand-year-old tomb was

finally opened, ----.
A) though it is roughly the same size as a
credit card A) the archaeologists had looked down into it
B) if only I could afford to buy it in disbelief
C) that unfortunately it doesn’t have a zoom B) there seems to be nothing in it of any
D) since the shape was hardly recognizable interest at all
E) as we have been wondering about which C) they have all looked at each other in
one to buy amazement
D) the most exciting find was a set of
surgical instruments
E) it would be a moment of unbearable

8. By the time Turner was thirteen, ----. 10. ---- which was characterized by supreme
selfconfidence and great achievement.
A) his father, to whom he was deeply
attached, was a barber in London A) The bombing of Dresden was widely
B) his mother was a woman of violent criticized
temper who eventually went mad B) Henry VIII was a typical Renaissance
C) it was already agreed that he should figure
become an artist C) The Great Pyramids were built in an age
D) he was never an artist who relied on his D) The moon-landing gave rise to strange,
genius new emotions
E) he has been called the father of E) This climbing expedition in the Taurus
impressionism. mountains was a complete failure



1. ---- because she has the ability to make her 4. Although Italy was politically troubled for
audience find wildlife as fascinating as she centuries, ----.
does herself.
A) the political and commercial rivalries
A) Such a development for the conservation between Genoa and Venice were intense
of wildlife had not been expected B) it is a long peninsula shaped like a boot
B) The television offers a wide variety of C) it was the cultural centre of Europe from
career opportunities for people interested the 13th to the 16th century
in wildlife D) the Romans had overthrown the
C) The children didn.t know what to expect Etruscans in the 3rd century B.C.
D) No one else could have presented the E) Milan, Naples and Sardinia had been lost
programme to Austria in the early 18th century
E) A young television presenter of wildlife is
rapidly becoming famous

5. ----, where the cars are fast and highways

2. As the salaries are related to crowded.
achievements, ----.
A) The physics of traffic is rapidly gaining
A) few people were interested in working importance in Germany
here B) There were actually relatively fewer car
B) research at this institute is highly accidents during the summer months
competitive C) Those roads weren.t in need of repair
C) all the applicants would have been D) It’s possible to drive from London to
confident and ambitious Edinburgh in six hours
D) no one will have foreseen such a problem E) A minimum speed limit was finally agreed
E) standards continued to be impressively on

3. As the manager won.t admit to being at 6. Movements of the hands and head are
fault himself, ----. often used in order to emphasize certain
points that are being made, ----.
A) he had been obliged to confess too
B) the trial period wouldn’t have ended so A) because they have a tremendous impact
suddenly on the way we live now
C) others received the blame for it B) although people use their body effectively
D) we would all have been equally to blame and efficiently
E) he’s trying to put the blame on his C) since the speaker wants to convey
assistants particular nuances of meaning
D) as the best method of communication is
obviously the written work
E) just as social relationships take a long
time to develop


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