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ID NO: 0098/19


Recruitment, selection and placement are key functions within any organization. The aim should
be to ensure that the organization recruits and retains staffs that posses the necessary skills,
aptitudes and adoptability to enable the organization to meet its objective. The objective of this
study is to state briefly the recruitments, selection, and
Placement concepts, methods and problems practiced by the administration.

This study uses data collection from primary and secondary data sources. Primary data collected
from 45 employees and 5 members of recruiting committee through structured self administrated
questionnaires in support of interview and observation.

The sampling method used to gather this first hand information was random sampling, extensive
review of available on the administration, previously conducted studies related to this study,
various published and unpublished materials were carried out in this respect.

The information or data gathered by questionnaire is analyzed by using tables, percentages and
ratios. The data obtained indicate that there are some problems which need special attention in the
employment processes. The administration, to attract suitable candidates for competition should
notify job vacancies is detail through different media.

Table of Contents

Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... i

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1

1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ........................................................................................................ 2

1.3 Research Question ................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 General Objective of the Study ............................................................................................ 3

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study .......................................................................................... 3

1.5 Scope of the Study................................................................................................................... 4

1.6 Limitation of the Study ........................................................................................................... 4

1.7 Significance of the Study ........................................................................................................ 4

1.8 Organization of the Study ....................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................... 6

2. LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Definition of Training ............................................................................................................. 6

2.1.1 Training Objectives .............................................................................................................. 6

2.1.2 Training Process ................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.3 Training Policies and Resource ............................................................................................ 7

2.1.4 Analyzing the Need for Training ......................................................................................... 7

2.1.5 Designing the Training Plan ................................................................................................. 8

2.1.6 Develop Training Plan ......................................................................................................... 8

2.1.7 Implementation and Evaluating Training............................................................................. 9

2.2 Types of Training .................................................................................................................. 10

2.2.1 on the Job Training............................................................................................................. 10

2.2.2 off the Job Training ............................................................................................................ 10

2.2.3 Training Evaluation Model (Approach) ............................................................................. 11

2.2.4 Advantages of Training Program. ...................................................................................... 13

2.2.4 Development Method ......................................................................................................... 14

2.2.5 Challenges of Training and Development .......................................................................... 14

CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................................... 15

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................ 15

3.1 Description of Study Area ..................................................................................................... 15

3.2 Research Design .................................................................................................................... 15

3.3 Target Population .................................................................................................................. 15

3.5 Sampling method................................................................................................................... 15

3.6 Data Type and Source ........................................................................................................... 16

3.7 Methods of Data Collection .................................................................................................. 16

3.8 Sampling techniques and Sample.......................................................................................... 16

3.9 budget break down ................................................................................................................ 17

Reference ..................................................................................................................................... 19



1.1 Background of the Study

Developing countries like Ethiopia are dominated by small and medium scale industries and
organizations with government employing of working population. The effectiveness of
organizations in terms of achieving its set objectives depend on many factors, with the most
important factor being quality of the human capital which has to do with human resource
management (David D and William J, 2004).

Human resource management is strategic and coherent approach to the management of

organization’s most valued asset; the people working there who individually and collectively
contribute to the achievement of the objective of the business. Human resource has played and
continues to play a significant role in the socio-economic development in the most countries
(Armstrong, 2006. pg. 3).

Many profit and non-profit organizations have competitive advantage idea in their business
policy. These competitive advantages in their origination can be achieved through the various
strategic roles played by the human resource department in organization. Some of this role
includes recruitment, training and development, compassion, performance management and
insuring discipline among others (Hale J, 2003).

Our country Ethiopia has a huge public sector with the government employing the highest
number of human resource with diverse skill, competencies and knowledge. However, the public
sector and the few private companies do not always get the needed human capital from their
recruitment and selection activities needed for their recruitment and selection activities needed
for their operation (Armstrong, 2006).

Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness of organizations and to the
experiences of people in work. Training has implication for productivity, health and safety at
work and development. All organizations employing people need to train and develop their staff.
Most organizations are cognizant of this requirement and invest effort and other resources in
training and development (Beard well and clay do, 2007).

To get well qualified and competent employee in the organization; training and development are
most valuable tools. Due to this reason, the commercial bank of Ethiopia, Hossana branch gives
training and development service for their existed as well as for newly hiring employees.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In today changing global context, both individual and collective skills are the most important
assets for organizations and determine their productivity, competitiveness and ability to adapt
and to be proactive when faced with an uncertain environment. Thus training is a key strategy for
generating skills in people since it enables them to both learn and unlearn skills. In other word, to
acquire new skills and change inappropriate skills (John B, 2003).

Although the use of training and development is true, it is not a simple thing to do for
organizations. Samuel (2009) explains this fact by saying that it is not easy for organization to
find time and resource to allocate for training and development of its employees. Although
employees have training and development needs, organizations have customers to satisfy and
deadlines to meet. Work responsibilities of the employees have to be allocating to someone else
if he/she needs to be away in training for the week of two. This might mean recruiting other
employees on a short term basis and more employees mean more wage to be paid. In this sense,
psychological contract was not an easy agreement for an organization to fulfill.

On the contrary Kurri (2006) argues by saying when a supervisor sees evidence of indicate job
performance, assuming, the individual was making satisfactory effort, attention should be given
to raising worker’s skill levels. Commercial bank of Ethiopia Hossana branch has put some
purposes for its training and development policies. These include developing skilled and well
qualified man power, to improve work performance of personnel in their current jobs, to meet
internal standards and preparing personnel for advancement into new jobs.

The qualities of service provided by the commercial bank of Ethiopia Hossana branch heavily
depend on the quality of its human resource. For this reason, the bank must give more attention
to human resource development because it is primarily and significantly affects the organization
performance. Many organizations encounter the problem of having well qualified staff that
attract the customers. Lack of skilled, knowledgeable and motivated human resources with the
right attitude are the key problems of the commercial bank of Ethiopia, Hossana branch that the

Researcher observed and initiated to conduct this research. Due to this, commercial bank of
Ethiopia Hossana branch should give training and development for their employees to add value
their business through attracting the intention of their customers.

Thus, this study is to assess whether the organization is effective or not in a given training and
development program. In the course of this study, the researcher is attempting to answer for the
following question.

1.3 Research Question

This study will be guided by the following basic research questions:

1. What types of training methods available in commercial bank of Ethiopia Hossana branch?
2. Does the right training and development have been given to employees?
3. What changes are observed as a result of the training and development program?
4. Does an employee of CBE, Hossana branch attend in the given training program?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

This study has both general and specific objectives

1.4.1 General Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study will to assess the employee training and development
program on organization effectiveness; in the case of commercial bank of Ethiopia, Hossana

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study include:

 To identify the types of training methods available in commercial bank of Ethiopia Hossana
 To identify whether the right training and development has been given to employees.
 To identify the changes observed as a result of the training and development program.
 To identify whether employees of CBE Hossana branch attend in the given training program.

1.5 Scope of the Study
Geographically, this study focuses on assessment of employee training and development
program in commercial bank of Ethiopia, Hossana branch which is found in Hossana town
administration. Methodologically, this study is cross-sectional because the researcher gathers
relevant information or data at once within a short period of time. Finally, it also focuses on
evaluation of training and development program.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

Regarding to this study, the researcher might face the following problems when conducting the
study. This includes shortage of finance, time constraint, and lack of recent and updated
information and unwillingness of the respondents to give relevant data.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study provides benefits for the following concerned bodies.

1. For the researcher, to get degree around as well as to get experience and knowledge regarding
with doing research.

2. It provides relevant information and suggestion about effectiveness of organization in a given

training and development program to solve actual and potential problems.

3. It may assist potential researcher to practice further activities in great extent on the same topic
in the organization on the similar study area.

4. It suggests giving crucial information about practical application of training and development
to any concerned body to cope up with the global business environment for situation.
Ethical consideration
Ethics in research is very essential thing. Understanding its importance, I will take due care to
consider all ethical principles /standards to keep the all values of concerned society. Therefore,
while doing my research I will respect the norms of the society and mainly I will not disclose
their identities without their free, full and expressed consent. Besides, I will ask their free
consent before asking them to give information and tell them absence of risk and no benefits
associated with.

1.8 Organization of the Study
This study will be organized in to five chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction parts
and it also include; background of the study, statement of the problem, research question,
objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and
organization of the study. Chapter two deals with literature review. Chapter three deals with
research method of data collection, target population, background of the study area and ethical
consideration. Chapter four will deals bout data analysis and interpretation and the final chapter
(chapter five) will end up with conclusion and recommendation.



2.1 Definition of Training

Training is the process of Developing knowledge and expertise in people. It is a planned Process
to modify attitude, knowledge, skill or behavior through learning experiences to achieve
effective performance in an activity or range of activities (Sustenson R and Holton, 2001).

Armstrong. (2006) defines training as a planned and systematic modification of behavior through
learning event, programs and instruction, which enable individuals to achieve the level of the
knowledge, skill and competence needed to carry out their work effectively.

Training has also been defined as a situation where an expert works with a leaner to transfer to
them certain area of knowledge and skills in order to improve current job (MC samara, 2008).
Noël et al, (2000) on his part also views training as a planned effort by company to facilitate
employees learning of the job related competencies. The manpower service commission of the
United Kingdom, which was setup by the 2003 employment and training act defined training as a
planned process to modify attitude, knowledge skill or behavior through learning experience to
achieve effective performance in activity or range of activities. According to them the purpose of
training in the work situation is to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current
and future needs of the organization.

2.1.1 Training Objectives

The principal objective of training is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing
workforce to an organization. In addition, according to (Bernard, 2003), that there are four other

 Individual objectives: help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn,
enhances the individual contribution to all organization.
 Organizational objectives: assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing
individual effectiveness.
 Functional objectives: maintain the department’s contributor at a level suitable to the
organization needs.
 Societal objectives: ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the
needs and challenges of the society.

2.1.2 Training Process

There are scores of literature available on training which indicates that traditionally, training will
establish organization involves systematic approach which generally follows a sequence of
activities involving the establishment of a training policy, followed by need identification,
training plans and program design and implementation, evaluation and training feedback for
further action.

2.1.3 Training Policies and Resource

According to Kenney ET. Al (2002), companies should have different policies for training
depending on the class or level of employment or level of employees to be trained. They pointed
out that training policies are necessary to provide guidance for those responsible for planning and
implementing training, ensure the company’s training resources are allocated to pre-determine
requirement, provide equality of opportunity throughout the company and to inform employees
of training and development opportunities available. Even though these policies may seem
accurate, they are silent on the elements of budgetary provision and top management support for

2.1.4 Analyzing the Need for Training

The analysis stage is the building block of any training program and the basis for who must be
trained, what to be trained in, when the training will occur and where the training will take place
are accomplished in this phase. According to G.A. Cole (2000), if an organization has to justify
the need to expand on training, it must do so on the basis of organization need. Organization
adopting a systematic approach to training will usually set about defining their need for training
in accordance with a well-organized procedure. Such a procedure will entail looking at training

Needs from a number of different perspectives. These perspectives include: organizational
departmental or functional, job and employee.

 Organizational need: the organizational analysis happens in a situation where effectiveness of

the organization and its success in meeting its goals are analyzed to determine where shortfall
exists. This makes it easy to know what program to be implemented.
 Functional need: at this level, training mangers analyze the specific ability needs determined
by job descriptions and specification of the jobs in the work area or work unit.
 Individual needs: the employees training needs could be measured by the individual
performance of the employee.

2.1.5 Designing the Training Plan

This phase ensures the systematic development of training program. The process is driven by the
products of the analysis stage and ends in a model or blue print of training process for further
development. One of the things to consider in designing a training program is what the program
is to accomplish, that is the objective. It is imperative for organizations to realize that in
designing a training program it is equally important to consider what the trainees should know or
be able to do after training is complete. Training objectives should however, be attainable and
measurable. A training program is successful if the objectives are achieved (Zaccareilli, 2007)
outlines the process of planning training as explained above.

2.1.6 Develop Training Plan

Once attainable and measurable training objectives have been considered training Plan can be
developed. This planning tool provides a step written document for others to follow. A training
plan can be either complete training program or just one task. The training plan detail the course
content resources required method of training who should do the training and who should be
trained (Gerhard, 2000).
Design Attaining Lesson
Once attaining plan has been developed the organization will need to contrite on specific
segment of that plan. This is done by embedding both individual and organization needs in the
training lesson. Kearny and miller (2007) in supporting this they claimed that if a business

Objective cannot be cited as a basis for designing training and development program then no
training and development should be offered.
Select the Trainers and Trainees
There are some fundamental questions which need to be addressed by organization in the
selection of trainers for their training activities because the success of the program depends to
some extent on the trainer. It is therefore incumbent on organization to be extra careful in
selecting trainer activities. Questions such as: who is a good to train? Who is a good
communicator and has the necessary knowledge or skill to train?

What should the train do to get the trainees ready for the trainers? A gain it is important to take
in to consideration the trainees who are beneficiaries of the training program. Harrison (2005)
contributing to the guidance on the design and delivery of learning events emphasized the need
to involve trainees in the designing of training by catering for their need.
Developing the Training Program
This stage elaborates and builds on the training objectives and step that were produced in the
design phase. It basically fleshes out all the previous content built in the prior two stage
(Analysis and design) in to a complete training platform

It deals with the necessary activities that will make training a reality. According to Armstrong
(2009), the methods, used to deliver training should be appropriate to the purpose of the course
and to the characteristics of participant. This means it should stream in to their work flow as
much as possible, rather than cause association of their workflow. This stage looks at methods of
training; off the job and on the job training.

2.1.7 Implementation and Evaluating Training

This stage should not present too many problems if the planning and preparation for the program
or event has been carried out systematically. This stage is where conditions are determined (who,
what, when, where) under which the training will be offered and the solution implemented.

This done by reviewing the data collected during the life of the project, reviewing the lesson
learned about field condition from validation and discussing with employees who are
knowledgeable about condition at the job (Beanbou, 2006).

Evaluation is an integral feature of learning activities. In essence, it is the comparison of
objectives with outcome to answer the question of how far the event has achieved its purpose.
The evaluations will serve two purposes: first, should verify that employees have achieved the
learning objectives: second, trainers’ performance and method of presentation problem are
identified and resolved. A gain evolution is done to enable the trainer to determine if (be training
methods and material were effective and successful as well as accomplishing the goal and
objective that were established, (Bear well and Hollen.2003).

2.2 Types of Training

There are many methods or techniques for important training trainees. The choice of any method
will depend up on cost, time available number of person to be trained, depth of knowledge
required background of trainees and many other factors (Bernadine, 2003).

2.2.1 on the Job Training

This method of training is takes place while trainee is under taking his/her normal duty. It
enables an employee to learn a job by actually perform it. It includes the following.
1. Job rotation: is a commonly used technique for the on the job training which involved the
moving employees from one job to another job to broaden their experience.

2. Coaching: this trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach in
trainee on his performance and offers him some suggestions for improvement.

3. Job instruction: this method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method,
trainer explains the trainee, the way of doing the job, job knowledge and skill and allows him to
do the job.

4. Apprenticeship: is a formalize method of training curriculum program that combine

classroom education with on the job work under close supervision. The training curriculum is
planned in advance and conducted in careful steps from day to day.

2.2.2 off the Job Training

Under this method of training, trainee is separated from the normal job situation and his attention
is focus on learning the material related to his future job performance. Since trainee is not

Distracted by job requirements. He /she can place his/her entire contrition on learning the job
rather than performing it (Davies E, 2003). It includes: -

1. Lecture method: This method is well known method to train white collar or managerial level
employees in the organization. Under this method employee are called to the room like that of
classroom to give training by trainer in the form of lectures. This method is effectively used for
the purpose of teaching administrative aspects to make aware of procedures and to give
instructions on particular topic.
2. Role playing: It is a device that forces trainees to assume different identities. It helps
employees to change attitude and to develop interpersonal skills.
3. Simulation: the simulation method of training is most focus and core among all of the job
training method. In this method, trainee will be trained on the specially designed equipment or
machine seems to be really used in the field or job.
4. Vestibule training: mostly this method of training will be used to train technical staff, office
staff, and employees who deal with tools and machines. Employees learn their jobs on the
equipment they will be using but the training is conducted away from the actual work floor by
bringing equipment for tools to certain place where training is provided but not workplace.
5. Audio-visual training: providing by way of using films, video, television and presentation etc.
Incorporate sector, mainly in customer care centers employers are giving training to their
employees by using audio visuals mater to teach have to receive talk and behavior with the

2.2.3 Training Evaluation Model (Approach)

In order to understand how the training and development evaluation stage should be conducted
successfully, it needs to be based on a particular training evaluation model. There are many
training evaluation model is the most commonly used by many organization (Hale 2003).
According to Kirkpatrick (2007), training is defined as a systematic process of examination the
worth, value, or meaning or an activity or a process.

Since a particular method of evaluation can be applied in all cases there is the need to develop
several method of measurement. He suggested that there are four areas that required
measurement. When analyzing the effectiveness of training program. That is emotional reaction,
reaction, achievement of objective, behavioral change and organizational impact.

Kirkpatrick (2008) identified four level of evaluation process of training evaluation. The order of
the level is reaction, learning, behavior and result respectively.

A. Emotional reaction: refers to the attitudes of participants at the end of training. An employee
who has considerably gained skill and knowledge from the training will be willing to apply it on
job, thus bring positive reaction. This could be parameter for measuring employee’s general
attitude, expectations and motivation. Although subjective, reaction also provides feedback on
training style and content. Post training questionnaire can be used to measure emotional reaction.
According to beard, questionnaires should be directed towards measuring training attitudes
towards content process and over all course value. The focus of the type of measurement is to
investigate the attitudes toward the training material provided during training and obtain
feedback from trainee.
Achieving learning objective: this is the second area of measurement; it is a type of post training
evaluation of knowledge and skill gained through the training intervention and which will
ultimately translate to improving job performance. A positive emotional reaction and increase
practical skill and knowledge of functional concept are indication of successful training. Post and
per-test methods of evaluation training effectiveness produce a result which is compared to a
benchmark, the benchmark will help to show whether knowledge and skills have been obtained
from the training experience. Per and post- test may be conducted sometimes in the classroom
workshop and simulation. Learning can be described as the degree to which training has
impacted on employees work related attitude. It is also connoting the level at which employee’s
skill is brad ended and knowledge widened as consequence of training.
C.Behavioral change: this is a third approach to measuring the effectiveness of training focused
on the training behavioral changes. It is level of evaluation which is about work-related
behavioral changes that reflects in performance. This entails studying the change in employees
work related behaviors as a result of training while emotional reaction and knowledge gain can
be easily accomplished immediately aster training sessions. A common method of measuring
behaviors is to set initial performance objectives. Accomplishing the set of objectives is a
measurement of transferring emotional reaction and learned knowledge in to behavioral change.
D.Organizational result: the fourth area in Kirkpatrick model revolves around the impact of
training and development on the organization. The measurement is based on the notion that
training and human resource development must reflect the organizational culture and strategy. A

Training program is judge successful only if the training outcome aligned closely with the
organizations goals. Measuring the impact in profitability, safety measure etc.

2.2.4 Advantages of Training Program.

According to Casco F. (2003), the advantage of training program can be broadly classified in to
two. These are: advantages to the organization and advantages to the employee.

1. Advantages to the organization:

i. Increased efficiency of employee
ii. Reduced supervision
iii. Less amount of wastage
iv. Reduced turnover
v. Better labor management relation
vi. Helps new employees in the organization
2d. Advantages to the employee: -

1. Self-confidence: training leads to increase in employee self-confidence. The person is

able to adjust to his work environment and doesn’t feel humiliated in front of his
2. Increased motivation level: training brings positive attitude among employees and
increase motivation level of the employees the organization.
3. High reward: an effective training program helps an employee to take the benefit of
the reward system and incentives available in the company.
Promotion: effective training program increase performance and increase the change of obtaining
Concepts of Employee Development
The concept of employee development has engaged the concern of experts and practionars.
Development has been conceptualized as a process whereby an employee through learning and
maturation becomes increasingly complex, more elaborate and differentiated and able to adapt to
the changing business environment (Beard well and Calydon, 2007). It also encompasses the
whole change of the employee in the course of the experience and growth through career and
lifespan (Harrison, 2005). The individual employee, though development process, improve their

Abilities to perform a wide variety of roles within and outside the organization as well as
enhancing their adaptability in work performance both in the short term and the long-term
(Armstrong, 2007). Thus, in the workplace, employees are trained and manager and
professionals are developed (Gibb, 2002).

2.2.4 Development Method

Smaller organization seldom has formal development techniques most are informal. Large
enterprises, however, tend to have elaborate and informal programs which often combine on the
job and off- the job development. Some of the techniques employed in management development
are the some basic one used in employee training. The major difference is the emphasis given to
certain tools and techniques

The types of development given supervisor manager are one the same as that provided at the plus
on the job experience and self-study course. At the opposite extreme, Executive development
program consist of more external conferences and seminaries, participation in university
program, association and professional conference and workshop and consultant program. Middle
management development is in between those two extremes, although if tends to be closer to the
executive type than supervisor type of development (Hedges and Kuroki, 2001).

2.2.5 Challenges of Training and Development

Time and money must be available to carry out individualized competency identification and
assessment for those targeted to receive training, and even after the organization omits its
resources to the effort, some person do not thrive with learning or processes that demand a high
degree of personal involvement. Typically, this person lacks the self-discipline necessary to work
in a self-directed way to achieve their own learning outcomes. In addition, team based trainings
sometimes assume homogeneous thinking among team members, which can become group think
(David and William, 2004).



3.1 Description of Study Area

Commercial bank of Ethiopia, Hossana branch is one of the largest branches of Sodo district. It is
located in Hadiya Zone Hossana town which is 230km far away from Addis Ababa to the south,
and it was established in 2000 E.C. Now a day there are 37 employees in the bank, among them
26 are male and 11 are female. These employees are assisted by the bank executive manager.
The bank gives several service like money gram, express money, deposit service, non interest
credit service and Hawala service to their customer.

3.2 Research Design

In this research study, the researcher will use descriptive design because it helps to describe and
explains the present situation of the problem clearly. In addition, this research design helps to the
researchers to identify and describes what they observe in the study

3.3 Target Population

The target population of this study is the total number of employees who are working in the
bank. Total populations of the Bank are 37 employees of which 26 are male and 11 are female.
They can be manageable for the purpose of the study. Hence, the study will be conducted
through census.

3.5 Sampling method

The total number of population is 37 who are working in the bank. So, the researcher will take all
of them as part of the research. Hence, the total number of employees who are working in the
bank is not too large to the sample, the techniques of census method is used for this study.

3.6 Data Type and Source

Data Type
In this study the researcher will use both quantitative and qualitative data approach. The reason
for using both quantitative and qualitative data is that to better understand the research problem
by combining both numeric value from quantitative research and the detail of qualitative
research. The use of separate quantitative and qualitative methods is good to offset the weakness
inherent within one method with the strength of the other method.
Source of Data
In order to achieve the objective of this study, the researcher will use both primary and
secondary source of data. The primary source of data is will be obtained from respondents who
are working in the organization. Secondary source of data will be collected from different
published and unpublished documents such as books, internet sources, various journals and other
relevant references.

3.7 Methods of Data Collection

The study will use both interview and questionnaires as an instrument to collect relevant data to
accomplish the study. The questionnaires will be distributed to the employees include close
ended questions with critical flow of question from easy to subjective in clear and precise
conditions. And, the structured interview is used to conduct with a bank’s manager.

3.8 Sampling techniques and Sample

The total number of population is 37 who are working in the bank. So, the researcher will take
all of them as part of the research. Hence, the total number of employees who are working in the
bank is not too large to the sample, the techniques of census method is used for this study.
Method of Data Analysis and Interpretation
The data that will be gathered from primary sources will be analyzed by using both quantitative
and qualitative method. Quantitative data which will be obtained by using close ended
questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive statistically tools such as tables percentages and
requires. And also the qualitative data which will be obtained from interview is analyzed through
text description or narrative techniques.

3.9 budget break down

Financial source is one of the most important to carry out the study. Hence budget cost that
necessary for the study will be showing by the following table:-

Item Quantity Unit cost in birr Total in birr

Pen 2 10birr 20birr

Pencil 1 4birr 4birr

Paper 1 250birr 250birr

Note book 1 10birr 10birr

Ruler 1 15birr 15birr

Binder 1 25birr 25birr

Secretarial cost 1 110birr 110birr

Printing 20 4birr 80birr

Copy 4 10birr 40birr

Internet 2 30birr 60birr

Telephone 25 4birr 100birr

Transportation and 10 10birr 100birr

boarding cost

Total cost 799birr

Work plan

The study will complete in six months. The following tables explain each of the important phases
necessary for conducting research.

No Activities The month in the year

August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan

1 Selection of the data X

2 title submission X

3 Contact with advisor for first X


4 Proposal writing X

5 Getting approval of proposal

6 Data collection

7 Checking & rechecking

8 Data collected X X

9 Data analysis &interpretation

10 Writing research X

11 Getting feed back x

12 Printing &complication X

13 Submitting research X

14 Presentation X

Anthony Ladle, (2004): Training and Development. A complete handbook. Gower: U.K.

Armstrong. M. (2006): A hand Book of human resource management, 10th edition Londkogan.

Armstrong, M. (2007): Essential Human Resource Management Practice, India.

Armstrong, M. (2009): Armstrong’s Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice.

(11th): Cogan Page Limited, London.

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