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Country Director ITC

Feb 14
100 points
Due Yesterday, 11:59 PM
10 questions worth 10 marks each

 1.    You are conducting an external audit with ISO 9001:2015 as audit criteria. The
next item is a meeting with top management to audit the quality policy, quality
objectives and management commitment. Outline in a checklist how you will perform
this audit by developing a series of 10 audit checkpoints that together cover these 03
areas. For each checkpoint, identify examples of the audit evidence you would want
to gather and give the appropriate ISO 9001:2015 reference.

2.    You are carrying out an audit interview with the Managing Director. You ask if he
has set any quality objectives for the organization. He replies that he has set 03 for
this year. The first is to increase sales by 10% (volume) within twelve months. The
second is for a reduction in reject rates for product X by 20%, over the next
six months. The third is to reduce operating costs by 5% within the next 12 months.
Outline 05 questions you would ask to determine the suitability of these as quality

3.    ISO 9001:2015 suggests that: “The extent of documented information for a QMS

can differ from one organization to another”.

a.    Outline 03 benefits to the organization of an appropriately documented QMS.

b.    Outline 03 disadvantages of an overly documented system.

c.     Give 02 examples of ‘documented information of external origin’.

d.    State 02 document control issues that might apply particularly to documents of

external origin.

4.    You are conducting an ISO 9001:2015 audit of the HRD. You ask the Human
Resource Manager how the organization ensures that personnel performing work are
suitably competent. He replies that all personnel are qualified and trained. You then
sample the records of 05 people working in the customer service department. On
each person’s record is a list of the academic qualifications they hold, as well as a list
of the in-house training courses they have attended.

a.    You note that all 05 people have attended the same courses: an induction
course, a behavioral safety course, a managing people course and a basic IT course.
Explain what a concern here may be.
b.    Based on the concern you identified above, briefly describe 04 audit trails you
would follow to determine conformity or nonconformity to the requirements of ISO
9001:2015.  For each, identify the applicable clause(s) of ISO 9001:2015 and any
audit evidence you would gather.

5.    A road haulage company’s quality policy statement states: “We will meet our
customer requirements 100% of the time, every time.” The performance data shows
that they have averaged 90% on-time delivery for the previous 03 years. You discuss
this with the Quality Manager who tells you that this is the industry average and they
are satisfied with this performance. He explains that “most of the delivery problems
are caused by road congestion, and so we do not take any action on late
deliveries because this is out of our control”. You ask to see the records to
determine what percentage of the late deliveries is due to road congestion. The
Quality Manager states: “We do not keep detailed records because we just know
the reasons and have concluded that at the moment we do not need to do anything.”
You ask whether they receive any complaints about the late deliveries. The
Quality Manager replies: “On occasion some customers complain but I’m sure most of
them understand that the traffic problems are out of our control.”

a.    Outline 02 significant areas of potential concern in the audit situation.

b.    For each issue give 02 questions you would ask to investigate your initial
concerns. For each question identify and quote the applicable clause of ISO
9001:2015 along with evidence sought.

6.    You are conducting an ISO 9001:2015 audit at a component manufacturing

company. The next activity on your audit plan is the organization’s purchasing
process. Outline in a checklist how you will perform this audit by developing a series
of 10 audit checkpoints. For
each checkpoint, identify examples of the audit evidence you would want to gather
and give the appropriate ISO 9001:2015 reference.

7.     You are conducting a third party, ISO 9001:2015 audit of a food processing
company’s internal audit process. You determine that the organization’s internal audit
Program has been the same for the past 04 years. Each department is audited once
every year and audit
objectives have been limited to checking that work activities are carried out as
described in documented procedures.

a.    There are 02 requirements of ISO 9001:2015 clause 9.2 that most likely are not
being met, based on what you have determined so far. Outline these 02 requirements
and the relevant clause identifiers.

b.    List 03 topics that you would want to discuss with the Audit Program Manager
during your audit. For each topic briefly
outline what you would want to discuss and why. State the applicable clauses of ISO
9001:2015 as appropriate.

8.    You are conducting an audit of management review. You examine the minutes of
the last 03 management review meetings that cover a period of 02 years. You note
they have largely been via presentation by the Quality Manager to top management
of operational cost issues and nonconformities identified through internal audit. The
minutes do not indicate any actions resulted from the review. You consider this does
not meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 clause 9.3.

a.    In relation to clause 9.3, identify and explain 02 possible nonconformities in this


b.     Taking the scenario into consideration, not your possible nonconformities,

identify 03 different clauses of ISO 9001:2015 that you would want to discuss with
top management. For each clause selected briefly outline what your discussions
will cover.

9.    You are conducting an ISO 9001:2015 audit at a garment manufacturing

company. The next activity on your audit plan is the organization’s performance
evaluation process. Outline in a checklist how you will perform this audit by
developing a series of 10 audit checkpoints. For each checkpoint, identify examples
of the audit evidence you would want to gather and give the appropriate ISO
9001:2015 reference.

10.  You are auditing an organization’s improvement process. You are seeking

evidence of a planned and systematic approach to improvement in accordance with
the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Outline in a checklist how you will perform
this audit by developing a series of 10 audit checkpoints. For each checkpoint
identify examples of the audit evidence you would want to gather and give the
appropriate ISO 9001:2015 clause.

All Assignments are to be hand written in Word Doc, scanned as pdf and submitted
through What Sapp.

NOTE: Any Exercise / Assignment you submit MUST include Exercise / Assignment

Number & Name of the Delegate at the Top of the A4 Paper.

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