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People V.

G. R. No. 142773 , 27 July 1943

G.R. No. 142773             January 28, 2003

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, 

DELIM (At Large), and RONALD DELIM alias "BONG", accused-appellants.




On January 23, 1999, at around 6:30 in the evening, Modesto, Rita and Randy
were preparing to have their supper in their home. They were about to eat their dinner
when Marlon, Robert and Ronald all surnamed Delim suddenly barged into the house
and closed the door. Each of the three intruders was armed with a short handgun.
Marlon poked his gun at Modesto while Robert and Ronald simultaneously grabbed
and hog-tied the victim. A piece of cloth was placed in the mouth of Modesto.
Marlon, Robert and Ronald herded Modesto out of the house on their way towards the
direction of Paldit, Sison, Pangasinan. Leon and Manuel, who were also armed with
short handguns, stayed put by the door to the house of Modesto and ordered Rita and
Randy to stay where they were. Leon and Manuel left the house of Modesto only at
around 7:00 a.m. the following day, January 24, 1999. Randy rushed to the house of
his uncle, Darwin Niño, at Sitio Labayog, informed the latter of the incident the night
before and sought his help for the retrieval of Modesto. Randy was advised to report
the matter to the police authorities. However, Randy opted to first look for his father.
He and his other relatives scoured the vicinity to locate Modesto to no avail. They
proceeded to Paldit, Sison, Pangasinan, around 200 meters away from Modesto's
house, to locate Modesto but failed to find him there. Randy looked for his father. At
around 3:00 in the afternoon of January 27, 1999, Randy, in the company of his
relatives, Nida Pucal, Pepito Pucal, Bernard Osias and Daniel Delim, returned to the
housing project in Paldit, Sison, Pangasinan and this time they found Modesto under
thick bushes in a grassy area. He was already dead. He sustained five gunshot wounds
and knife wounds on his arms. Marlon, Ronald and Leon interposed denial and alibi.


Whether or not the accused Marlon, Robert and Ronald Delim had specific intent
to kill the victim Modesto.

To prove the felony of homicide or murder, there must be incontrovertible
evidence, direct or circumstantial, that the victim was deliberately killed (with
malice); in other words, that there was intent to kill. Such evidence may consist inter
alia in the use of weapons by the malefactors, the nature, location and number of
wounds sustained by the victim and the words uttered by the malefactors before, at
the time or immediately after the killing of the victim. If the victim dies because of a
deliberate act of the malefactor, intent to kill is conclusively presumed.

In the case at bar, the prosecution adduced the requisite quantum of proof
of corpus delicti. Modesto sustained five (5) gunshot wounds. He also sustained seven
(7) stab wounds,29 defensive in nature. The use by the malefactors of deadly weapons,
more specifically handguns and knives, in the killing of the victim as well as the
nature, number and location of the wounds sustained by said victim are evidence of
the intent by the malefactors to kill the victim with all the consequences flowing

In light of all the foregoing, the decision of the trial court is affirmed with
modification. accused-appellants Marlon Delim, Ronald Delim and Leon Delim are
hereby found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the felony of Homicide.

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