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Translator's Introduction

The following instruction on meditation practice was authored by the great 14th-
century Dzogchen scholar and adept Longchen Rabjam Drimé Özer (1308–1364). It is
described as a guidance on the meaning (don khrid) of being at ease with the illusory
nature of reality and is taken from the third and final section of the famed Trilogy of
Rest (Ngal gso skor gsum).

The trilogy as a whole focuses on the means to cultivate deep relaxation and remain
at ease with all that manifests in one's experience. In each section, Longchenpa
provides specific guidance on contemplation—for being at ease in the nature of mind,
in meditation, and, here, in illusion. The text offers instructions on dream yoga and
the conjuring of apparitions as a means to become familiar with the illusoriness of
experience. Reference is also made to the eight similes of cognitive illusion, which
are cited throughout Buddhist literature: 1) dreams, 2) magic or illusions, 3)
hallucinations or trompe l'oeils, 4) mirages, 5) reflections, such as the moon's
reflection in water, 6) echoes, 7) castles in the clouds, or cities of gandharvas, and 8)

A Wish-Fulfilling Gem
Guidance on the Meaning of Being at Ease with Illusion, A Dzogchen
by Longchen Rabjam Drimé Özer

ལ་ས་ི་ད་་མ་ལ་བད་། །ས་ན་་མ་ལ་ད་གངས་པ་དོན། །ཉམས་་ང་ིར་་མ་མན་ངག་དང་། །མདོ་དང་ད་དོན་


To the dharma of the victors that is a stainless illusion, I bow.

The meaning of all dharmas is taught to be the very way of illusion.

So that this may be put into practice,

I shall write down spoken instructions from my teachers
and this intent of the essential meaning of the sūtras and tantras.

དང་པོ་་ནར་བས་་འོ་བ་དང་། ང་བ་་མས་བེད་ནས། ོང་པ་ད་ི་ངང་ལས་ི་བོར་་་པ་ེང་་་བ་་མ་ལ་བད་པ་་

མ་་དམ་མཁའ་འོ་དང་བཅས་པ་བིམས་པ་མཐར་སངས་ས་དང་ང་བ་མས་དཔས་བོར་བར་བསམས་། ད་ིས་མད་པ་དང་བོད་

པ་དང་ིག་པ་བཤགས་པ་དང་། ་མ་འོང་བ་གསོལ་བ་བཏབ་པ་ེས་ལ། ང་ིད་ཐམས་ཅད་་མ་རང་བན་་མ་ིས་སོང་བར་བསམས་

ལ། ཐ་མལ་ི་ན་ོག་ད་ག་ང་ད་པ་ངང་་ད་དང་མ་ལ་བས།

First, go solely for refuge,
and generate the mind as enlightened. 1

From the ongoing experience of emptiness,

imagine buddhas and bodhisattvas in a circle who ultimately dissolve
along with teachers of the lineage, meditation deities, and ḍākinīs into your root
who sits upon the sun and moon stacked on a lotus flower on your crown.

Mentally make offerings, praise, and confess your faults,

and after that, make the aspiration to train in illusion.

As you imagine being fully absorbed in the illusory nature of all that appears and
remain inseparable from that very reality –
the ongoing experience that has no ordinary conceptual fixations,
not even for an instant.

ི་ང་བ་་དང་ཁང་བཟང་དང་ས་་་ང་ནམ་མཁའ་ལ་སོགས་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་དང་། ནང་དགག་བ་ི་ག་པ་་ཚོགས་་འཆར་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་

ལ། འོ་ཉལ་ཟ་འཆག་་བོད་ལ་སོགས་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་ི་ལམ་དང་་མ་དང་། ག་ཡོར་དང་། ིག་་དང་། ་་དང་། ་བན་དང་། ི་ཟ་

ོང་ེར་དང་། ལ་པ་་་རང་བན་་བོམས་ལ་མ་ངས་པར་་ང་། ལ་ི་ང་བ། ོ་དགག་བ། ཉམས་ི་འལ་འིབ་་ལ་ཡང་

་མ་རོལ་པར་ས་པས་ག་ད་རང་ོལ་ན་པོར་ལ་ང་ང་བོགས་དང་་། །

Outward appearances including mountains and mansions,

all of the earth, water, fire, wind, space, and so forth …
and what’s inward including all that arises as the manifold variations of awareness
that affirm or negate,
all of your moving, sleeping, eating, walking, talking, and so forth –
without distraction, become familiar with their nature being like a dream, an illusion,
hallucination, mirage, a moon in water, an echo, castles in the clouds, an apparition.

By knowing that the appearances of objects,

affirmations or negations of the intellect, ebbs and flows of experience,
and anything whatsoever, are the play of illusion –
enhance your practice and train in being artful,
so as to bring whatever you encounter within great intrinsic freedom!

འང་ན་ས་ི་ལམ་ལ་སོགས་པ་གང་བོམས་པ་ངང་ལ་ད་ག་ང་མ་ངས་པ་གས་སོ། ། འང་དང་པོར་་མ་ལ་འོར། གས་པར་

ང་མས་་མ། གམ་པར་ོ་བ་ད་པ་ས་པ་སོར་བཞག་ནམ་མཁའ་་་ངང་་ོད་ནས་བོམ་པ་ལ་འབད་དོ། །ན་ེས་གང་བོམས་

པ་་མ་ངང་ནས་འོ་བ་ལ་སོགས་པ་འོ། །

Moreover, during the daytime,
it is crucial that you are not distracted for even an instant
while in the ongoing experience of becoming familiar with things as a dream and so

In this way, initially practice guru yoga,

secondly, the illusion of appearances and mind,
and thirdly, rest distinctly in knowing that which is beyond projection and

Exert yourself in meditation by staying loose in the ongoing experience that is like
After your session, repeatedly become familiar with things from that ongoing
experience of illusion.

མཚན་མོ་གཡས་ཕབ་ེ་ག་ཧར་པོར་་འལ་བར་ང་དལ་བར་་ང་། མས་གནད་ིང་ནང་་ཨ་དཀར་པོ་འོད་འོ་བ་མ་བོང་ཙམ་ལས་འོད་

འོས་པས། ང་ིད་འར་འདས་ཐམས་ཅད་འོད་་་ར་འས་ཨ་ལ་མ་པ་ངང་་ད་་མ་ངས་པར་བོམས་ནས་ཉལ་བས་ི་ལམ་ལ་

སོགས་པ་དང་པོར་ན་པ་དང་། ་ནས་གག་ལས་མང་པོར་ེལ་བ་དང་། མང་པོ་གག་་ད་པ་དང་། ་བ་ལས་ོ་བོར་བར་བ་དང་། ་དང་

་ལ་སོགས་པར་ལ་པ་དང་། ད་ག་ས་བན་ད་་ང་བ་དང་ེ་ད་འོད་གསལ་་བེ་བ་མས་མས་ིས་འོ། །

At nighttime, rest on your right side,

breathe gently, and don’t glance about abruptly.

From the vital point of the mind within your heart,

[imagine] a white syllable “A,” about the size of a thumbnail, emitting light –
and this light emanates forth across
all appearances and existence, saṃsāra and nirvāṇa,
which melt into the light, are reabsorbed into you, and dissolve into the “A.”

By meditating without distraction in that very ongoing experience,

While you are asleep in a dream and similarly –
first, be certain and then,
multitudes will proliferate from one
and those multitudes will be absorbed back into the one;
the fierce will be transformed from the quiescent,
and there will be apparitions of gods, nāgas, and so forth …

At that very moment, train in their unreality

and gradually mingle with their unborn luminosity.

འ་མས་ཐམས་ཅད་ི་བས་་་མ་ལ་གསོལ་བ་གདབ་པ་དང་། ད་ག་ང་མ་ངས་པ་དང་། ན་ས་ལ་བར་ལ་སོགས་པ་འན་པ་

ག་པོ་་བ་་གནད་གལ་པོ་འོ། །

On all such occasions, make supplications to your teachers and
do not be distracted even for an instant.
During the day, be very diligent in conjuring apparitions.
This vital point is extremely important!

།་ར་མས་པ་ནས་་མ་ཉམས་ང་ང་ར་འཆར་། བན་ད་་ས་པ་་འང་་ིད་དོ། །་ལ་དགག་བ་དང་ན་ོ་ང་ན་ས་

བང་ལ་་མར་ངས་པས་གས་རང་ོལ་་འར་བ་ན་ནོ། །

By becoming familiar in this way,

even though illusory experiences will dawn as described,
it will be impossible to avoid developing the understanding that they are unreal.

As for affirmations or negations and fixations that arise in your mind,

by training to recognize these as illusions,
obstructions will transform into their intrinsic freedom!

གཞན་ཡང་ང་་འན་ི་ཡོན་ཏན་བ་གསལ་་ོག་པ་ངང་ས་འཆར་ང་། ང་བ་འ་མ་ིས་ཟང་ཐལ་་སོང་ནས་ང་ས་་ད་སང་

ང་། འལ་འོལ། ལ་ོལ་་སོང་བ་མཉམ་ང་། ག་པ་བན་ན་ད་ོད་ལ་ལ་སོང་ེ། ི་ནང་བར་གམ་གག་་འེས་ནས་ས་ི་

འན་པ་ལོག་ེ། གཏད་ད་ཡངས་པ་ན་པོ་ངང་ལ་འལ་བ་ད་ང་། ཆགས་ང་དང་དགག་བ་་ང་ཡང་དད་འར་བས་མས་ི་ན་

་འཆར་ང་། མས་གསལ་དངས་་གཡོ་བ་བསམ་གཏན་ལས། ང་བ་ཟང་ཐལ་་མཐོང་བ་ན་དང་། མས་ས་པ་མན་ས་དང་།


Moreover, from this ongoing experience, the qualities of meditative concentration2

— bliss, clarity, and nonthought — will dawn.
By resting with these appearances, move into their translucence –
at that very moment of an appearance,
evenly move into their cracks of light, ambiguities, and perforations –3
move with the shimmering, fluctuating, and pervasiveness of awareness.4

By merging outer, inner, and in-between into one,

invert the holdings of your body.

In the ongoing experience that is never separate from great vastness without
attraction or repulsion, affirmation or negation,
while laughing or losing control, whatever occurs –
these will dawn as ornaments of your mind.

Through unwavering meditative absorption,

the mind will remain clear and lucid,
your vision will see the translucency of appearances,
you’ll have the clairvoyance of knowing others’ minds,

and you’ll accomplish the immeasurable supernormal powers, such as the ability to
travel through space.

།་ར་ས་ན་་མ་རང་བན་། །ཉམས་་ོང་བ་གང་་བཤད་པ་ལས། །ང་བ་ད་བས་མ་ས་འོ་བ་ན། །་འ་ལ་བ་མཛད་

པ་མཐའ་ཡས་ཤོག །

By the virtue that arises from this explanation

of how to experience all phenomena as illusory by nature,
may the activity of the illusion-like victors on behalf of all beings without exception
remain beyond limit!5

་ན་དོན་ཟབ་་མ་ིང་པོ་དོན། །འོད་གསལ་་མ་ང་འག་གདམས་པ་འ། །ི་ད་འོད་ར་་མ་ལ་འོར་པས། །གངས་་ཐོད་དཀར་

་འ་མལ་་བད། །

I, the yogin of illusion, Stainless Radiance (Drimé Özer), arranged this instruction on the
coalescence of luminosity and illusion, the essential meaning of illusion, extremely vast
and profound in meaning, on the mountain slope that is like an illusion, White Skull
Snow Mountain (Gangri Tökar).

ི་རབས་ལ་ན་ོལ་བ་དོན་གར་བས། །ས་ལ་འ་ལ་ག་་ནན་ཏན་མཛོད། །མ་ག་་མ་རབ་བ་དང་ལ་ནས། །་ས་་མ་ན་

བ་གགས་ང་འར། །ོགས་པ་ན་པོ་་མ་ངལ་གསོ་དོན་ིད་ད་བན་ནོར་་ས་་བ། ལ་ས་ི་ད་འོད་ར་ིས་བད་པ་ོགས་

སོ།། །།དའོ། །དའོ། །དའོ།། །།

Fortunate individuals of future generations,

please constantly and diligently apply themselves to this way of the dharma.

Freed from the dimness of the illusion of mis-knowing,

appearances of percepts will transform into the spontaneous illusion of pristine wisdom.

This concludes the text called, “A Wish-Fulfilling Gem: Guidance on the Meaning of
Being at Ease with Illusion, A Dzogchen Teaching,” that was arranged by the child of
the victors, Drimé Özer.

Virtue! Virtue! Virtue!!

| Translated by Michael R. Sheehy, 2021.


Work Translated
Klong chen rab 'byams. "Rdzogs pa chen po sgyu ma ngal gso’i don khrid yid bzhin
nor bu." In Kun mkhyen klong chen rab 'byams kyi gsung ‘bum, 127, 172–174. Dpal
brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib 'jug khang. Beijing: Krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun
khang, 2009.

Suggested Readings
Longchenpa. 1976. Kindly Bent to Ease Us, Part Three: Wonderment. Translated by
Herbert V. Guenther. Emeryville, CA: Dharma Publishing.

Longchenpa. 2018. Finding Rest in Illusion. Translated by the Padmakara Translation

Group. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications.

Westerhoff, Jan. 2010. Twelve Examples of Illusion. New York: Oxford University

1. i.e., generate bodhicitta. ↩

2. Skt. samādhi. ↩

3. This set of poetic terms describes the nuances of appearance (snang ba) as
having spaces in-between that resemble cracks of light, as with a door that is
ajar, and implicitly their accompanying shadows (sang nge sang nge); being
blurry or fuzzy at times ('a le 'ol le); and evanescent due to seemingly having
holes or being porous (khral ma khrol ma). ↩

4. This set of poetic terms describes the nuances of awareness (rig pa) as
fluttering or flickering with light (ban ne bun ne); flashing hither and thither
with uncertain movement (phyad de phyod de); and being open without
anything to hold onto (phyal phyal ba, phal le ba). ↩

5. There appears to be an error in all available editions of the Tibetan text here.
The line sgyu ‘dra’i rgyal ba’i mdzad pa ma lus mtha’ yas shog/ has too many
syllables. We are grateful to Khenpo Yeshe Gyaltsen for suggesting that ma lus
should be omitted and have followed this reading in the translation. ↩

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