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Assessing Alcohol Problems: A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers

Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION The CASI is a comprehensive, semi-structured, clinical assessment and

outcomes interview. It is comprised of 10 independent modules, each
incorporating objective, focused, and concrete questions. Modules include
health, family, stressful life events, legal status, sexual behavior, AOD use,
mental health functioning, peer relationships, education, and use of free
time. Questions are formatted to identify whether certain behaviors have
ever occurred regularly, how old the adolescent was when they first occurred
regularly, and whether they occurred regularly during the past year (past
month and other 11 months). Each module assesses whether the adolescent
acknowledges the presence of problems and obtains his/her rating of discom­
fort. The CASI also includes questions designed to assess the strength-base
of the youth.


 Adolescents (over 16 years)
Groups for which this instrument might be especially helpful?
Adolescents suspected of AOD involvement and related problems

ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES Number of items: Depends

Number of subscales: 10 modules
Format(s): □ Pencil-and-paper self-administered
□ Observation
□ Computer self-administered
 Other (describe) Computer administered by interviewer
Time required for administration: 45 to 90 minutes
Administered by: Professional
Training required for administration?  yes □ no
Comments: 2-day training

Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI)

SCORING Time required to score/interpret: 15 minutes

Scored by: Administrator
Scoring key?  yes □ no
Computerized scoring or interpretation available? □ yes  no
Norms available?  yes □ no
Instrument normed on subgroups?  yes □ no
Which groups? By age, gender, and ethnicity

PSYCHOMETRICS Have reliability studies been done?  yes □ no

What measure(s) of reliability was used?
□ Split half
 Internal consistency
Have validity studies been done?  yes □ no
What measures of validity have been derived?

 Criterion (predictive, concurrent, “postdictive”)


CLINICAL UTILITY OF INSTRUMENT Assess substance use, substance abuse and dependence symptoms,
and related problems. Assists with referral and treatment decisions.

RESEARCH APPLICABILITY Problem identification and for monitoring treatment outcome.


Cost: Pencil-and-paper version is free of charge, but the 2-day training session
is $2,000; contact System Measures for the cost of the computer program.
Source: System Measures, Inc.
P.O. Box 506
Spring Mount, PA 19478
Phone: 610-287-2786
E-mail: [email protected]

Assessing Alcohol Problems: A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers

SOURCE REFERENCE Meyers, K., McLellan, A.T., Jaeger, J.L. & Pettinati, H.M. (1995). The development
of the Comprehensive Addiction Severity Index for Adolescents (CASI-A): An interview
for assessing the multiple problems of adolescents. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,
12, 181-193.

SUPPORTING REFERENCES Meyers, K., Hagan, T.A., Zanis, D., Webb, A., Frantz, J., Ring-Kurtz, S., Rutherford, M.
& McLellan, A.T. (1999). Critical issues in adolescent substance abuse assessment.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Riggs, P.D., Mikulich, S. K., Whitmore, E.A. & Crowley, T.J. (1999). Relationship of
ADHD, depression, and non-tobacco substance use disorders to nicotine dependence
in substance-dependent delinquents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 54, 195-205.


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