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Rule No. Description of Rule Page No.

1.0 General 1
1.1 Abbreviations used in the brochure 1
1.2 Definitions 2
1.3 Seats available for Allotment through CAP 3
1.3.1 Types of seats under CAP 3
1.3.2 Seats for Jammu & Kashmir Migrant candidates 4
1.4 Seats available for admissions with Authorities other than 5
Competent Authority
1.5 Sanctioned intake for various institutes for the year 2011- 6
2.0 Eligibility Criteria 6
2.1 Eligibility for appearing CET : 6
2.2 Eligibility Criteria for admissions to Maharashtra State 7
Candidates through CAP :
2.3 Eligibility Criteria for admissions to OMS Candidates 7
2.4 Eligibility Criteria for admission to J & K Migrant Candidates 7
2.5 Eligibility Criteria for admissions against seats for 8
NRI/Foreign National /Foreign National /Foreign Student/
PIO/ Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries :
2.6 Eligibility Criteria for Minority seats/ Institute Level seats 8
3.0 Candidature Type and Home University for Candidates in 9
3.1 Type of Candidature: Maharashtra State Candidates 9
3.2 Type of Candidature: Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) 11
4.0 Allocation and Reservation of seats 12
4.1 Reservation for Backward class Candidates 12
4.2 Reservation for Physically handicapped candidates 14
5.0 Selection basis and Selection Procedure Adopted for 14
5.1 Assignment of merit number 14
5.2 Selection basis 15
6.0 Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 17
6.1.1 CAP Rounds I & II : Direct Allotment 17
6.1.2 CAP Rounds III: Admission by Centralized Counseling: 17
6.1.3 Logic for allotment for CAP Rounds I & II : 18
6.2 CAP Round-I/II: Direct allotment for OMS seats 21
6.3 Admission round by counseling for J&K Migrant Candidates 21
Rule No. Description of Rule Page No.
6.4 Admissions to Foreign Nationals/ Foreign Students / 22
Persons of Indian Origin / Children of Indian workers in the
Gulf Countries
7.0 Reporting at the Institute 22
8.0 Admission against CAP vacancies 23
9.0 Fees 23
9.1 Fee concession/reimbursement 23
9.2 Refund of Tuition, Development and Other fees 23
10.0 Age limit 24
11.0 Miscellaneous 24
12.0 Conduct and Discipline 25

Proforma A- O 27
Annexure-I Procedure for CET & Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 35
Annexure-II Documents required during the Admission Process 43
Annexure-III Guidelines for the Admission Process to be carried out by 48
Un-Aided Institutes
Annexure-IV Syllabus and CET details, Sample Questions & Sample 50
Answer Sheet
Annexure-V List of the Application form receipt centers (ARC) cum 58
Facilitation Centers
Annexure-VI Schedule of activities for MAH-MCA-CET 2011 Backside
of Front
Annexure-VII Institute Information 60
MCA Admission 2011-12


Rules for admission to AICTE Recognized First year of Three year full time
Post Graduate Degree course in Master of Computer Applications (MCA) for
the academic year 2011-12

These rules are approved vide Government Resolution No. TEM 2010/(308/2010)TE-4 Dated: 3rd January 2011

1.0 General:
The information given herein is applicable for admission to first year of three year full time post
graduate degree course in Master of Computer Applications (MCA). The institutes, which qualify for
the admission process as per these rules, are
 Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
 Recognised by the Government of Maharashtra.
 Affiliated to any one of the ten Non Agricultural / Non Technological Universities in
Maharashtra State.
Following are the types of Institutes in the Maharashtra State covered by these rules:
a) All Government Institutes offering MCA course
b) All Government Aided Institutes offering MCA Course
c) All University Departments offering MCA course
d) University Managed Institutes offering MCA course
e) All Un-Aided MCA Institutes and / or its Association who have given consent to participate
in the CAP rounds conducted by the State Government.

1.1 Abbreviations used in the brochure:

AICTE All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
AIMCET All India MCA Common Entrance Test
(conducted by agency appointed by MHRD, New Delhi)
ARC Application Form Receipt Center
CAP Centralised Admission Process
CET Common Entrance Test
DTE Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
HSC Higher Secondary School Certificate (10 + 2 Level)
MCA Master of Computer Applications
MAH-MCA-CET 2011 Common Entrance Test for MCA Course conducted by the Competent
Authority for the academic year 2011-12.
NRI Non Resident Indian
OMS Outside Maharashtra State
PIO Persons of Indian Origin
SSC Secondary School Certificate ( 10th Level)

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1.2 Definitions:
 “State Government” means the Government of Maharashtra.
 “Director” means the Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State.
 “CET” means Common Entrance Test conducted for the admission to MCA course.
 “Competent Authority” means the authority appointed by the State Government to invite
applications for Common Entrance Test (CET), conduct CET, declare results, effect Centralised
Allotment Process by implementing these admission rules and also act as an appellate authority for
representations, if any. All the decisions of the Competent Authority in relation to CAP for
admission to first year MCA shall be final and binding on the candidates participating in CAP.
 “Representative of Competent Authority” means an officer appointed by the Competent Authority to
assist the Competent Authority for the smooth conduct of CET and Centralised Allotment Process.
 “Government Institutes offering MCA course” means institutes run by the State Government to
offer Post graduate degree course in MCA.
 “Government Aided Institutes offering MCA course” means institutes run by private management
but which receives financial assistance from State Government to offer Post graduate degree
course in MCA.
 “University Departments offering MCA course” means Department of Universities which offers Post
graduate degree course in MCA.
 “University Managed Institutes offering MCA course” means institutes run by a particular University
which runs Post graduate degree course in MCA.
 “Un-Aided Institutes” means institutes run by a private management without the support of any
grants from the State or Central Government.
 “Sanctioned Intake” means the number of seats sanctioned for admission to first year of the course
as per the State Government Resolution with reference to the AICTE’s approval.
 “Inter se merit” means the criteria for deciding the merit in case of tie of marks for generating
University area merit list / State level merit list / OMS merit list / J & K Migrant Merit list as the case
may be.
 “Candidate” means an applicant who desires to appear for MAH-MCA-CET 2011 or AIMCET 2011
with an intention to seek admission to first year of MCA course for the year 2011-12.
 “OMS Candidate” means outside Maharashtra State candidate who is an Indian National.
 “Non Resident Indian”: Person who satisfies the definition of the term ‘Non-resident’ as defined
under section 6 of the Income-tax Act 1961.
 “Children/Ward of NRI”: Candidate who is under the Guardianship of the NRI person
 “Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)”: A Person having foreign citizenship (except Pakistan and
Bangladesh) without “NRI” status, who holds a Foreign Passport at the time of sending
application, consideration for admission and during the period of his/her study, and he/she or any
one/both of his/her parents or any one/both of his/her grand parents is (or was)/are (or were)
citizen(s) of India by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of India or Sec. 2(b) of Citizenship
Act, 1955 (Act No. 57 of 1955).
 “Foreign Nationals”: Citizens of all countries other than India who are not of Indian origin as
defined under PIO.
 “Foreign Student”: Foreign Student in this context shall be defined as the student who possesses a
foreign passport.
 “CET Score” means total marks secured in MAh-MCA-CET 2011 for seeking admission to MCA
 Web site means

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1.3 Seats available for allotment through CAP:

The seats available for allotment under CAP for different types of the institute are shown below.

Sr. Seats available under CAP

Type of the Institute
No. (% of Sanctioned Intake)
Govt., Govt. Aided Institutes, University Departments
1. 100%
and University Managed Institutes.
2. Un-Aided Non Minority Institutes 80%
3. Un-Aided Minority Institutes *

* seats available for CAP in minority institutes shall be notified on the website before submission of
option forms of the process.

1.3.1 Types of Seats under CAP :

There are two types of Seats under CAP viz. Maharashtra Seats and OMS Seats
a) Maharashtra Seats: These seats are further divided as follows,
i) Home University (HU) Seats: Certain percentage (Refer rule 4.0) of seats as per the type of
institute is reserved for Home University i.e. for the University under the jurisdiction of which that
institute is located. Home University seats are available for allotment through CAP only for the
Maharashtra candidates having their Home University status as of that University.
ii) Other than Home University (OHU) Seats: Certain percentage (Refer rule 4.0) of seats as per
the type of institute is reserved for Other Universities i.e. for the Universities other than the
University under the jurisdiction of which that institute is located. Such seats are called as OHU
seats. OHU seats of an Institute are available for allotment through CAP only for the Maharashtra
candidates belonging to Universities in Maharashtra State other than the University under the
jurisdiction of which that institute is located. Candidates can opt for the seat of any other
University (excluding his/her home university) under this provision of OHU seats.

b) OMS Seats

These seats are available for allotment through CAP for the Outside Maharashtra State candidates.
Provision of reservation for backward class categories is not available i.e. OMS seats are treated as
belonging to the “General Category”.


1. Statutory reservations for candidates belonging to backward class categories as per the relevant
rules and resolutions of the Government of Maharashtra will be applicable for admissions against the
Maharashtra seats available in a) above only to the candidates of backward class categories belonging
to Maharashtra State.

2. Allocation and reservation of seats under these heads for each type of institute is given in detail in
Rule No. 4.0

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1.3.2 Seats for Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidates:

Provision of one seat over and above the sanctioned intake capacity in each MCA course in institute
covered under CAP is made for:

J-1 Type: The children of citizens who are displaced from J & K to any part of India or from unsafe
border area of J & K to a relatively safer place in J & K from 1990 onwards due to terrorist activities.

J-2 Type : The children of officers belonging to Indian Administrative services, Indian Police Services,
Indian Forest Services, other officers and children of the staff belonging to military and paramilitary
forces, transferred to Jammu & Kashmir to combat terrorist activities and joined the post on or before
the last date for submission of application form.

J-3 Type: The children of staff of J&K Police engaged in combating terrorism.

The J&K Migrant candidates aspiring to seek admission against the seats reserved for J&K
Migrant candidates should appear for MAH-MCA–CET 2011 conducted by the Competent
Authority of the State of Maharashtra for the year 2011-12.

The candidates seeking admission against the seats reserved for J&K Migrant as defined above
have to submit relevant Certificates shown in proforma A/B/C in support of their claim at the time of
admission. The admissions against these seats are done strictly as per the inter se merit of the
candidates claiming seats for J&K migrant quota. A common merit list shall be prepared for all J
& K Migrant candidates for the purpose of allotment.

Note :

1. It shall be sole responsibility of the candidate to reach the venue of the admission on a given time
& date. All notifications for the admission will appear on the official website: and candidate has to keep abreast of all notifications and follow
instructions given in these notifications. No separate communication with the candidate will be

2. J & K Migrant candidates who will be admitted for the MCA course are required to pay the fees as
prescribed by the respective institutes and approved by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti at the time of
confirming their admission at the respective institutes.

3. There shall be no change in the allotment done by the Competent Authority even if candidate of
higher merit do not report or take admission in a given institute. Such seats shall remain vacant
and will not be allotted to any other J & K Migrant candidates. In effect, the allotment once done
shall be treated as final and no request for change of allotment shall be considered. There shall
be no additional round of allotment for J&K Migrant candidates.

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1.4 Seats available for admission with Authorities other than Competent Authority

The type of seats for which the authorities other than the Competent Authority carries out admission
are given in the table shown below

Seats for which admission is made by the concerned

admission authority
** Over and above the
Seats within sanctioned
sanctioned intake capacity,
Sr. Type of Admission intake capacity ***
Seats for PIO/Foreign Nationals/
No. Institute Authority
Institute Foreign students/Children of
Level seats Indian Workers in the Gulf
Countries Subject to AICTE
approval prior to admissions

All Govt. The Director

Institutes / Govt. of the

Aided/ University Institute /The
1. Departments/ Nil Nil
University Head of the
Managed MCA University

20 % seats 15% seats of the sanctioned intake

The Director
All Unaided of the capacity.
of the
2. Non Minority sanctioned Nil
MCA Institutes respective (1/3rd of the 15% seats shall be
Institute reserved for children of Indian
Workers in the Gulf Countries and
2/3rd of the 15% seats shall be
The Director
All Unaided reserved for the PIO/ Foreign
of the
3. Minority MCA * Nationals etc. )

* seats available for CAP in minority institutes shall be notified on the website before submission of
option forms of the process

**These seats can be filled by the institutes only after the institute is certified by the AICTE to
the effect that the institute has infrastructure facilities for making the admissions against the over
and above the sanctioned intake seats for Foreign Nationals, Foreign Students, PIOs and children of
Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries. In the event of non-availability of Foreign Nationals, Foreign
Students, PIOs and children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries., these seats can not be filled
from any other candidates.

*** The seats for NRI Candidates: Unaided Institutes can admit eligible candidates who are
children/wards of bonafide NRIs against the Institute Level Seats of such institutes, limited to
Maximum 15% of total sanctioned intake.

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1.5 Sanctioned intake for various institutes for the year 2011-12:

As per the orders of the Hon’ble High court of Bombay, the intake capacity for various MCA institutes
in the state of Maharashtra shall be as under:

 The AICTE shall communicate to the State Government the approved new institutes and the
changes in sanctioned intake for the existing institutes on or before 30th June 2011.

 Approvals to start new MCA institutes and changes in sanctioned intake of the existing institutes
communicated to the State Government after 30th June 2011 shall not be included in the
Centralised Admission Process (CAP) of the academic year 2011-12.

 If AICTE fails to communicate the approvals to start new MCA institutes and the changes in
sanctioned intake of existing MCA institutes on or before 30th June 2011, the State Government
shall proceed with CAP on the basis of the Sanctioned intake capacity for the MCA institutes as it
was during 2010-2011.

 Approvals to start a new institute and changes in the intake capacity for the course in existing
institutes communicated after the printing of the information brochure shall be displayed only on
the website and will not be separately notified in any newspaper.

2.0 Eligibility Criteria:

2.1 Eligibility for appearing CET:

The candidate should fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

Passed with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate* or equivalent CGPA ( 45% in case of
candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only) in any Bachelor’s
degree awarded by any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature
in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be
deemed as a University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 of minimum three years duration in
any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities, or possess an equivalent
qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India and having studied
Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level or higher level examination.
Appeared** for the final year examination of any Bachelor’s degree to be awarded by any of
the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other
educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a
University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 of minimum three years duration in any discipline
recognised by the Association of Indian Universities, or an equivalent qualification recognized
by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India and having studied Mathematics or Statistics as one
of the subjects at 10+2 level or higher level examination. Such candidates can be considered for
provisional admission subject to passing the Degree exam with minimum of 50% marks in
aggregate* or equivalent CGPA (45% in case of candidates of backward class categories
belonging to Maharashtra State only).

*Aggregate marks means the grand total of marks obtained by the candidate in subjects based on
which the class declaration is made in the particular University from which the candidate is
passing the qualifying examination. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the

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bachelor’s degree would be calculated based on the practice followed by the university/institution
from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case the candidates are awarded
grades/CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of grades/CGPA to percentage of marks would be
based on the procedure certified by the university/ institution from where they have obtained the
bachelor's degree. In case the university/ institution does not have any scheme for converting
CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by dividing the candidate’s
CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.

**Candidates appeared for final year examination fulfilling the remaining eligibility criteria will be
offered provisional admission subject to the condition that they will pass the examination with the
required percentage of marks on or before 25th September 2011. In case, the candidate fails to
produce the results of the final year examination on or before 25th September 2011, then
admission offered to such candidate automatically cancelled and the fees (tuition, development
and other fees) paid by the candidate of the academic year 2011-12 will be forfeited.

Note :

The candidates who have passed Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), Bachelor of Computer
Science (BCS), Bachelor of Science (Computer/Information Technology) degree courses are not
required to fulfill the requirement of having studied Mathematics or Statistics as one of the
subjects at 10+2 level or higher level examination.

2.2 Eligibility Criteria for admission to Maharashtra State candidates through CAP:

1. Candidate should be an Indian National & should possess basic qualification as specified in
Rule No. 2.1.

2. Appeared and qualified in the Common Entrance Test MAH-MCA-CET 2011.

2.3 Eligibility Criteria for admissions to OMS candidates:

1. Candidate should be an Indian National & should possess basic qualification as specified in
rule no. 2.1.

2. Appeared and qualified in AIMCET 2011 for seeking admission to MCA.


Appeared and qualified in the Common Entrance Test MAH-MCA-CET 2011.

2.4 Eligibility Criteria for admission to J & K Migrant Candidate:

1. Candidate should be an Indian National & should possess basic qualification as specified in
Rule No. 2.1.

2. Appeared and qualified in the Common Entrance Test MAH-MCA-CET 2011 conducted by the
Competent Authority for the academic year 2011-2012.

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2.5 Eligibility Criteria for admissions against seats for NRI /Foreign National / Foreign
student / PIO / Children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries:

1. Basic educational qualification as specified in Rule No. 2.1.

2. Appeared and qualified in AIMCET 2011.


Appeared and qualified in the Common Entrance Test MAH-MCA-CET 2011.


Any other equivalent entrance examination conducted for the academic year 2011-12.

2.6 Eligibility Criteria for Minority / Institute Level seats:

1. Candidate should be an Indian National & should possess basic qualification as specified in
Rule No. 2.1.

2. Appeared for AIMCET 2011


Appeared for the Common Entrance Test MAH-MCA-CET 2011.


CET conducted by agency (including Association of all colleges of a particular type in the
State) approved by Pravesh Niyantran Samiti located at Bandra (E), Mumbai-51 for the
academic year 2011-12.

Note :

1. The candidates who will remain absent for MAH-MCA-CET 2011 shall be treated as not
eligible for admission and result of such candidates will not be declared.

2. Candidate securing zero or negative marks in MAH-MCA-CET 2011/AIMCET 2011/

Association CET/any other equivalent CET will not be considered eligible for admission.
Names of such candidate shall not appear in the merit list.

3. Eligible NRI candidates may be offered admission against the Institute Level Seats in
Unaided Institutes. For detailed guidelines of Admission Process please refer Annexure III.

4. Candidates aspiring to seek admission to the MCA course should follow the instructions
given in Annexure -I for filling up On-line Application form, appearing for MAH-MCA-CET
2011, filling up the option form etc.

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3.0 Candidature Type and Home University for Candidates in CAP:

The Candidature Type and the Home University of the candidate plays an important role in the CAP.
To be eligible as “Maharashtra State” candidate, he/she has to have type of candidature as Type A or
B or C or D status. Type of candidature further decides their status of Home University. The
Candidature Type and the Home University of the candidate can be determined as per the guidelines
provided in the following table. Candidates have to carefully follow the guidelines and select
their Candidature Type and Home University properly while submitting application form
for MAH-MCA-CET–2011.

3.1 Type of Candidature for Maharashtra State candidates :

Sr. No. Type of Candidature /Eligibility Home University
1. Type A :
Passing HSC and Qualifying examination (Bachelor’s Degree) from
Maharashtra state. Non-Technical / Non
OR Agricultural University in
Passing Diploma in Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy and Qualifying Maharashtra State from
examination (Bachelor’s Degree) from Maharashtra State. which the qualifying
and examination is passed.
Candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
Example :A candidate who has passed HSC from Ahmednagar and qualifying examination from a college affiliated to
S.G.B. Amravati University will have Type of Candidature as “A” and Home University as “S.G.B. Amravati University.”
Passing HSC from a school /college in Maharashtra and the Qualifying
examination (Bachelor’s Degree) from ;
 Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (BATU), Lonere in
Maharashtra state.
Mumbai University
 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai
Candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
Non Technical / Non
Passing the HSC from a School /college in Maharashtra and qualifying
Agricultural University
examination (Bachelor’s Degree) from Agricultural College/University in
under the jurisdiction of
Maharashtra State.
which the Agricultural
College is located in the
Candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
State of Maharashtra.
Example :
(i) A candidate passing HSC examination from a school / college in Maharashtra and the qualifying examination
from an agriculture college in Kolhapur affiliated to Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli will have Type of
Candidature as “A” and Home University as “Shivaji University.”
(ii) A candidate passing HSC examination from a school / college in Maharashtra and the qualifying examination
from an agriculture college in Jalgaon affiliated to Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri will have
Type of Candidature as “A” and Home University as “North Maharashtra University.”
(iii) A candidate passing HSC examination from a school / college in Maharashtra and the qualifying examination
from an agriculture college in Nagpur affiliated to Punjabrao Deshmukh Agricultural University, Akola will
have Type of Candidature as “A” and Home University as “R. T. M. Nagpur University.”
(iv) A candidate passing HSC examination from a school / college in Maharashtra and the qualifying examination
from an agriculture college in Aurangabad affiliated to Marathwada Agricultural University , Parbhani will have
Type of Candidature as “A” and Home University as “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University.”
Note: In the above illustration, the Agriculture colleges are selected at locations purely on imaginary basis
for the purpose of illustration only.

Non Technical / Non

Passing HSC examination from a school /college in Maharashtra and
Agricultural University
qualifying examination (Bachelor’s Degree) from Maharashtra University
under the jurisdiction of
of Health Sciences ( MUHS), Nashik.
which the College of
passing the qualifying
Candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
examination is located.
Example: A candidate passing HSC examination from a school / college in Maharashtra and the qualifying examination
from Medical College in Miraj will have Type of Candidature as “A” and Home University as “Shivaji University.”
Passing HSC examination from a school /college in Maharashtra and Non Technical / Non
qualifying examination (Bachelor’s Degree) from a college in Maharashtra Agricultural University

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state affiliated to S.N.D.T. Women’s University. under the jurisdiction of

and which the College of
Candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra. passing the qualifying
examination is located.
Example : A candidate passing HSC examination from a school / college in Maharashtra and the qualifying examination
from a college in Nashik affiliated to S.N.D.T. Women’s University will have Type of Candidature as “A” and Home
University as “Pune University.”

Note: These candidates should produce the Leaving or Bonafied Certificate issued by the College where
the candidate passed/appeared the Graduation. These candidates should also produce the Domicile
Certificate of Candidate at the time of submission of “Application form for Admission through CAP”.

Type B:
Non-Technical / Non
Agricultural University in
Maharashtra state under the
Does not satisfy as Type A But Candidate/ Father or Mother of the jurisdiction of which the
2. candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra. Head Quarter of the
Authority issuing the
domicile certificate is
situated in the State of
Example : A Candidate who has passed HSC from Nanded and qualifying examination from a college affiliated to Calicut
University and the Father of the candidate is issued with a Maharashtra Domicile Certificate from Nagpur Authority will
have Type of Candidature as “B” and Home University as “Nagpur University.”

Note: These candidates should produce the Domicile Certificate of Candidate/Father or Mother of the
candidate at the time of submission of “Application form for Admission through CAP”. The domicile
certificate of Mother of the candidate shall be supported with marriage certificate and legal proof of change
in name if any. Such candidates will be required to submit birth certificate of the candidate clearly
mentioning the name of the mother

Type C :
Non Technical/Non
Agricultural University in
Maharashtra state under the
Does not satisfy as Type A and Type-B But Father/Mother of the jurisdiction of which the
candidate is an employee of the Government of India or Government of place of posting of Father/
India Undertaking who is posted and reported to duty in Maharashtra Mother (who is a
State before the last date for submitting the application for Admission. Government of India or
Government of India
Undertaking employee) is
Example: A candidate who has passed HSC from New Delhi and qualifying examination from a college affiliated to
Bangalore University and whose Mother/Father is an employee in a Nationalised Bank located in Pune will have Type
of Candidature as “C” and Home University as “Pune University.”
Note: These Candidates should produce Certificate in the proforma “D” regarding the employment
status of Father/ Mother at the time of submission of “Application form for Admission through CAP”.
Such Candidates will not be able to claim provision of Backward Class Category candidates and candidates shall be
treated as GENERAL/OPEN candidates

Type D:
Non Technical/Non
Agricultural University in
Maharashtra state under the
Does not satisfy as Type A, Type-B and Type-C But Father / Mother of jurisdiction of which the
4. the candidate is an employee of the Government of Maharashtra (GoM) / place of Posting/
Government of Maharashtra Undertaking. Headquarter of GoM/ GoM
Undertaking office of
Father/ Mother is situated.

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Example: A candidate who has passed HSC from Kolhapur and qualifying examination from a college affiliated to Delhi
University and whose father is an Employee in Law & Judiciary Department of the Government of Maharashtra who was
on Deputation to Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi and returned back to Maharashtra and reported for duty at Mumbai
will have Type of Candidature as “D” and Home University as “Mumbai University.”

Note: These Candidates should produce Certificate in the proforma “E” regarding the employment status
of Father/ Mother at the time of submission of “Application form for Admission through CAP”.

Note: Candidates who are eligible for Maharashtra State Seats as well as J & K Migrant Seats are
allowed to claim for either Maharashtra State seats or J & K Migrant seats as per their choice at the
time of submission of “Application form for Admission”. Such candidates cannot claim for both of these
quotas. If the candidate applies for both quota then he/she shall be treated as J&K candidate and
his/her name will not appear in the merit list of Maharashtra State candidate.

3.2 Type of Candidature for Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) candidates

Sr. Eligibility Type of Home

No Candidature University

1. Type OMS : OMS candidate should be an Indian national, Any other
who is not satisfying any of the conditions Stated in Sr. No. 1, University
2, 3, 4 (i.e. Type A,B,C,D) of rule 3.1.

In brief, candidate will have type of candidature as “Outside Maharashtra State” if the Indian
National candidate passes either HSC or Qualifying examination or both the examinations
from a college outside Maharashtra State AND the candidate does not satisfy conditions of
being either of the Type A, B, C or D candidature.

Jurisdiction of the Non Technical and Non Agricultural Universities in Maharashtra State:

The following table shows the details about the Home Universities in Maharashtra State along with
their Head Quarters and their Jurisdiction.
S.No. Home University Head Quarter District in Jurisdiction

1. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Aurangabad, Beed, Jalna, Osmanabad

Marathwada University

2. Swami Ramanand Teerth Hingoli, Latur, Nanded, Parbhani

Marathwada University
Mumbai City, Mumbai Suburban,
3. Mumbai University Mumbai Ratnagiri, Raigad, Sindhudurg ,Thane

4. North Maharashtra University Jalgaon Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar

5. Pune University Pune Ahmednagar, Nashik, Pune

6. Shivaji University Kolhapur Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara
7. Solapur University Solapur Solapur
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati Akola, Amravati, Buldana, Washim,
8. Amravati
University Yavatmal
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Bhandara, Chandrapur, Ghadchiroli,
9. Nagpur
Nagpur University Gondia, Nagpur, Wardha

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4.0 Allocation and Reservation of seats:

Break up of the seats available for admission through CAP (ref. rule no. 1.3) for all the types of
Institutes is shown below.

No. of seats in % of sanctioned intake

CAP Seats for Maharashtra State

Institute Level
CAP Seats for

community /

group seats


Type of Institute


No. Other than Home
area seats

1. Govt., Govt. Aided Institutes 85 % 15% --- --- ---

2. University Departments 70% 15% 15% --- ---

University Managed 85% (State Level seats)

Institutes (Post Graduate Candidates passing qualifying

3. Department of Computer examination from any University in 15% --- ---
Science, SNDT Women’s Maharashtra are eligible under this
University) provision

Un-Aided Non-Minority
4. 45 % 20 % 15% 20% ---

5. Un-Aided Minority Institutes *

Note :

* seats available for CAP in minority institutes shall be notified on the website before submission of
option forms of the process.

4.1 Reservation for Backward class Candidates:

The percentage of seats reserved for candidates of backward class categories belonging to
Maharashtra State are as per the details shown in table below. The percentages of reservation are the
percentages of the seats available for Maharashtra candidates (Maharashtra State seats) which are
coming under the purview of the Competent Authority in the Government/Government
Aided/University Department /Managed institutes/ Unaided Non-Minority Institutions. In Unaided
Minority Institutes, there is no reservation for backward class category candidates; however
reservation for backward class candidates can be implemented under CAP provided that the
management of the institute gives the written consent.

Backward class candidates shall claim the category to which they belong at the time of submission of
CAP application form for Admission. These are the minimum percentages of reservation exclusive of
the backward class candidates securing allotment through General Merit.

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Percentage of
Sr. No. Type of Reservation

1 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes Converts to Buddhism ( SC ) 13.0%

2 Scheduled Tribes including those living outside specified areas ( ST ) 7.0 %

3 Vimukta Jati & Denotified Tribes (VJ/DT) i.e. NT(A) 3.0%

4 Nomadic Tribes– 1 ( NT-B) 2.5%

5 Nomadic Tribes– 2 ( NT-C) 3.5%

6 Nomadic Tribes– 3 (NT-D) 2.0%

7 Other Backward Classes ( OBC ) 19%

Total 50%

Candidates belonging to Special Backward Class (SBC) will be offered reservation up to 2% of the
seats, available for Maharashtra candidates (Maharashtra State seats), which are coming under the
purview of the Competent Authority subject to condition that seat remain vacant in the
reserved category at the end of stage–I of allotment logic. These seats are carved out during
the allotment of stage-I and no separate seats are earmarked before the start of the allotment
process. SBC Candidates having original category OBC will be considered at par with OBC Candidates.


1. All the candidates claiming the reservation for backward classes should submit “Caste
certificate” in the name of the candidate issued by the Executive Magistrate/Metropolitan
Magistrate in Maharashtra State clearly mentioning the Category of the candidate and
also the remark that the caste is recognised as backward class category belonging to
the State of Maharashtra at the time of submission of CAP application form for the
Admission to MCA course.

2. The candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT(A)), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC and SBC categories
should produce “Caste Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Social Welfare
Department and the Candidate belonging to ST category should submit “Tribe Validity
Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Tribal Department at the time of submission of
CAP application form for the Admission. If the Candidates are not able to submit the caste/Tribe
Validity Certificate then they are required to submit the Undertaking in Proforma-H at the time
of submission of CAP application form for the Admission.

3. The candidates belonging to VJ/DT (NT(A)), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC and SBC categories should
produce “Non Creamy layer Certificate” issued by Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector of
the district in addition to the caste certificate at the time of submission of CAP application form
for the Admission. The “Non Creamy layer Certificate” should be valid upto 31st March
2012. If these candidates are not able to produce the Non Creamy layer certificate at

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the time of submission of CAP application form for the Admission, then such
candidates will be treated as GENERAL category candidates and such candidates will
not be able to claim on reserved seats in the admission process.

4. Seats under reserved category in MS seats are to be offered to the Backward Class candidates
belonging to the Maharashtra state only and no OMS candidate belonging to Backward Class will
be admitted against these seats. If the Candidate is migrated from other state and got the
migrated caste certificate then such candidates will not be considered for the benefit
of the reservation, such candidate will be considered as General Candidate.

4.2 Reservation for Physically Handicapped Candidates:

As per the provisions in Clause 39 of Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and
Full Participation Act, 1995, three (3) percent seats of total sanctioned intake capacity of
all the institutes shall be reserved for physically handicapped candidates. These seats
shall be within the sanctioned intake of the institute and reserved only for
Maharashtra State Candidates having type A and B as mentioned in Table of rule
Out of the three percent reservation for physically handicapped candidates:
 PH-1 : Visually impaired (blind) candidates (P1)
 PH-2 : Speech & hearing impaired (dumb and deaf ) candidates, (P2)
 PH-3: Candidates with orthopedic disorders and learning disabilities, Dyslexia,
Dyscalculia, Dysgraphica, Spastic (P3).

Certificate required: The candidate shall produce a certificate, in the prescribed proforma, “F”, from
the Director, All India Institute of Physically Handicapped, Mumbai or Dean/Civil Surgeon of the
Government / CIVIL HOSPITALS normally located at the District Headquarters, regarding his or
her physical disability, and ability to undergo all parts of syllabus for the normal course. Candidates
suffering from Dyslexia, Dysgraphica & Dyscalculia are required to produce certificate(proforma F-1)
issued by the ‘Learning Disability Clinic, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai-22’.

1. The percentage of Handicap should not be less than 40% and the nature of disability should
be permanent. (Proforma F & F-1).
2. Allotment of the seats reserved for the Physically Handicapped candidates shall be done on
the basis of merit list of such candidates. These seats are available in home university area
seats only.
3. It should be noted that the Physically Handicapped candidates on admission to MCA course
will not be given any exemption or additional facilities in the academic activities other than
those which may be provided by the respective Universities.

5.0 Selection basis and Selection Procedure adopted for Admission:

5.1 Assignment of merit number

5.1.1 Merit Number:

a) Maharashtra State Seats: Each Maharashtra State candidate who has secured non zero non
negative marks in the MAH-MCA-CET 2011 will be assigned a State level Merit Number, a Home
University area Merit number, Category merit no. ( as applicable) etc.

b) OMS Seats: Each OMS candidate who has secured non / zero non negative marks in MAH-
MCA-CET 2011 OR secured equivalent score in AIMCET 2011 will be assigned OMS merit number.

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c) J & K Migrant Seats: Each J & K Migrant candidate who has appeared and secured non zero
non negative marks in the MAH-MCA-CET 2011 will be assigned a State level J&K Merit

Important Note:

 MAH-MCA -CET 2011 marks will be displayed in terms of percentile on the scorecard of MAH-MCA-
CET 2011.

 The Competent Authority of Maharashtra State reserves the right to prepare the inter-se-merit list
for OMS candidates based on the above criteria.

 Separate merit list will be prepared for admission against the Maharashtra state seats (Home
University and State level), OMS Seats and J&K migrant (State level) candidates.

5.1.2 Relative merit in case of equal marks:

In the case of candidates securing equal CET Score, their relative merit will be determined on the
basis of the following order of preference:

a. When the CET scores are the same, the candidate with higher percentage of marks scored in the
aggregate at the HSC (Std. XII) or its equivalent examination will get preference.

b. When the CET scores and the percentage of marks scored in the aggregate at the HSC (Std. XII) or
its equivalent examination are the same, the candidate with higher percentage of the marks scored
in the aggregate at the SSC (Std. X) or its equivalent examination will get preference.

c. When the CET scores, the percentage of marks scored in the aggregate at the HSC (Std. XII) or its
equivalent examination are the same and the percentage of marks scored in the aggregate at the
SSC (Std. X) or its equivalent examination are the same, the percentage of marks scored in the
subject Mathematics at SSC (Std. X) or its equivalent examination will get preference.

5.1.3 The seats will be allotted to the candidates strictly on the basis of their merit number in the
respective merit list (i.e. University Area / State level / OMS candidates / J&K migrant candidates etc.),
options given by the candidate and the number of seats available for that candidate during the
process of allotment.

5.2 Selection basis:

 A candidate desirous of seeking admission through CAP should fulfill the eligibility criteria as laid
down in Rule 2.0 above.

 The candidate’s name should figure in the concerned merit list (Respective University level / State
level General Merit list / OMS merit list / J&K Migrant Merit list) prepared for admission.

 The result of the MAH-MCA-CET 2011 will be displayed on the website: The
result will indicate marks obtained by the candidate in the CET. The result will display two
separate lists of eligible and not eligible candidates. It shall be responsibility of the candidate
to keep abreast of notifications displayed on the official website
from time to time and follow the instructions given therein.

 In case the details pertaining to the Home University, Type of candidature, Category of
reservation etc. claimed by the candidate on his / her application is not correctly depicted in
the provisional result, then the candidate has an opportunity to correct the same by

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reporting to the concerned ARC authority along with documentary proof (Photo copy of the
filled CET application form) within the time as specified in the schedule (Grievance period)
from the date of display of provisional results. However, Candidate’s request/
representations regarding change of the backward class category, status of home
university and type of candidature will not be considered as complaints/grievances
and will not be taken into consideration.

 Failing to get necessary correction within the grievance period, the candidate loses the chance to
get the corrections done later and he/she will have to take part in the CAP as per the result

 If at a later stage it is found that, the candidate has furnished wrong information
and/or submitted false and/or forged documents then the candidate shall lose claim
on the admissions. He/she shall forfeit the entire fees of the course and also liable for
legal/penal action.

 For obtaining duplicate CET Score card, candidate should apply through the Head of the
Institute where the candidate has secured the admission to the Director of Technical Education,
Mumbai. The candidate has to pay of fees of Rs. 200/- ( Rs. 500/- after 30th Sep 2011) in cash
or by Demand Draft in favour of ‘Director of Technical Education, Mumbai’ Institute will receive
duplicate CET Score card from the office of Directorate of Technical Education within seven
working days from the date of receipt of the application for the same. For receiving the
duplicate score card by registered post, the Institute must enclose a self-addressed
(at least of 9.5” X 4.5” size) envelope affixed with postal stamps of Rs. 25/-.

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6.0 Centralized Admission Process (CAP):

For the academic year 2011-12, the Competent Authority shall conduct total three (3) rounds of
Centralized Admission. The CAP shall consist of first two (2) rounds of Centralized Allotment wherein
eligible candidates (both Maharashtra and OMS) will fill separate Online Option forms for respective
rounds. Third round of CAP shall be conducted by way of counseling only for the eligible Maharashtra
State candidates. Details of eligibility for each round of CAP, method of reporting after each round,
availability of seats for each round and such other details are given in the Annexure -I.

Various steps in the process of admission to MCA course are given in the Annexure-I. The steps
include purchase of Information brochure, filling up & confirmation of Online Application form,
Appearing for CET, document verification and in-person confirmation of application form for CAP at
ARC, filling up & confirmation of Option form(s), Allotment and Reporting etc.

Candidates are requested to read carefully the details of CAP given in the Annexure-I and follow
instructions given therein. Annexure-II gives various documents needed by the candidate while
attending the CAP.

6.1 CAP Rounds for Maharashtra State candidates

6.1.1 CAP Rounds I & II : Direct Allotment

Allotment of seats for Home University seats and Other than Home University seats candidates coming
under CAP is carried out as per the logic explained in the rule 6.1.3.

Stage-I and Stage-II shall be used for CAP Round –I. Stage-I, Stage-II, Stage-III, Stage-IV and
Stage-V shall be used for CAP Round-II.

The seat tag i.e. Reserved, PH, HU, OHU etc. shall be maintained till CAP Round-II. The
number of the available seats for admission, type of seat tag etc. will be made available to
the eligible candidates before filling up of the option form for CAP rounds I and II.

6.1.2 CAP Round III : Admission by Centralized Counseling

CAP Round-III of admission will be conducted only for eligible Maharashtra State Candidates whose
names have appeared in Maharashtra State Merit list (subject to eligibility of participation as set out in
the Annexure-I). During this round of admission by Counseling, no seat tag will be applied i.e. seats
available shall be treated as GENERAL seats and shall be allotted solely on the basis of inter-se merit
of eligible Maharashtra State candidates without any reference whatsoever to the category of the
candidate(s) (open /reserved) or the category to which the vacant seat belongs (such as Home
University, Other than Home University, Backward Class, Physically Handicapped etc) and also all the
vacant OMS Seats shall be treated as GENERAL seats and will be offered to Maharashtra State

General Notes:

 Allotment for Home University seats and Other than Home University seats will be carried out as
per inter se merit of University area merit list / Maharashtra State merit list respectively of CAP
Round-I and II.

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 Seats will be allotted to candidates as per their inter se merit, as per the options filled in the online
option form and the number of seats available at that point of time in the stage of CAP Round-I
and II.

 All candidates eligible for a particular stage of allotment will be considered for allotment for a seat
in that stage even if they have been allotted / not allotted a seat in the previous stage.

 During the allotment of any stage, the candidate may get upward shift in the allotment with
reference to the options filled by the candidate in the online option form according to availability
of seats at that point of time.

 All reserved category candidates (including SBC in their original category) shall be considered for
allotment (whether they are allotted any seat in earlier stage or not) in all stages.

 Due to upward shifts, the seats falling vacant shall be considered for allotment in further iterations
of the same stage as per the provisions of that stage of allotment and as per inter se merit.

 Allotment against the first available option in the order of options filled in the online option form is
retained as final allotment.

 The allotment will be made available on DTE Website The allotment
list displayed will show only the provisional allotment offered to the candidates.

 No personal communication /Allotment letters in this regard will be issued to the

concerned candidates.

 The logic for the following stages will be implemented using computer software for the direct

 The candidates securing allotment are required to confirm the admission by reporting at the
institute mentioned in allotment along with the original certificates needed for admission on or
before the last date specified for the same. No personal communication in this regard will
be issued.

6.1.3 Logic for allotment for CAP Rounds I & II :

The seats available for the implementation of this logic will include the Home University area seats and
Other than Home University area seats for other university area candidates coming under the purview
of Competent Authority for the seats of Maharashtra State quota.

Stage –I: For all the MS candidates

 All the candidates (open / reserved / male / female) of all the categories shall be considered for
allotment as per their University area / State level inter se merit.
 Backward class category candidates shall be considered for allotment in open category seat by
virtue of their merit or in their respective category of reservation if open category seats are not
available at their merit.
 Physically handicapped category candidates shall be considered for allotment for the seats
reserved for them in their respective Home University area seats by virtue of their merit or in
open category as per their inter-se merit if the respective Home University area seats
reserved for physically handicapped candidates are not available as per their merit.

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Stage -II: For Special Backward Class category candidates

 On completion of Stage-I, if any of the backward class categories mentioned above, does not get
the required number of candidates for the seats coming under Home University area for the
percentages laid down, the seats so remaining vacant shall be allotted to all the candidates of
Special Backward Class (SBC) category, as per their university area inter se merit, limited to the
extent of two per cent seats of sanctioned intake capacity for the course in various institutes if
 The seats to be offered to SBC candidates shall be made available from any of the categories of
reservation wherever vacancies exist after Stage-I.
 During this allotment, the SBC category candidates already allotted with a seat may get upward
shift in their allotted position according to availability of vacancies and the options filled.
 This stage will be carried out for Home University area seats only.

Stage -III: For respective groups of Backward Class category candidates

 On completion of Stage -II, the seats remaining vacant in the respective group of categories as
mentioned below, shall be allotted to candidates from the respective group with reference to their
university area / State level inter se merit, by adopting the procedure as mentioned below, for
each of the group:

Group 1: i) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes converted to Buddhism (SC)

ii) Scheduled Tribes including those living outside the specified areas (ST)

Group 2: i) Vimukta Jati (VJ) / Denotified Tribes (DT) NT(A)

ii) Nomadic Tribes (NT-1) NT(B)

Group 3: i) Nomadic Tribes 2 (NT-2) NT(C)

ii) Nomadic Tribes 3 (NT-3) NT(D)
iii) Other Backward Class (OBC)

 During this allotment, the candidates may get upward shift in their allotted position according to
availability of vacancies and the options filled.
 Due to upward shifts, the vacancies created shall be allotted by running the complete iteration
from top of the merit list for the respective group.

Stage-IV: For all Backward Class category candidates

 Seats remaining vacant in Backward Class categories after completion of Stage -III, shall be made
available to the candidates of all the backward class categories together, on the basis of their
Home University Area / State level inter se merit.
 The backward class category candidates already allotted in Stage-I & III shall be tried for
allotment on upward choices.
 During this allotment, the candidates may get upward shift in their allotted position according to
availability of vacancies and the options filled.
 Due to upward shifts, the vacancies created shall be allotted by running the complete iteration
from top of the University area / State level merit list of all backward class categories combined

Stage-V: Physically handicapped category candidates

The seats remaining vacant after completion of Stage-IV, shall be considered for allotment to the
candidates of the category of Physically handicapped (P-1,P-2and P-3 taken together), on the
basis of their combined inter se merit.

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Stage -VI: For all the candidates without any reservation

 After completion of Stage-IV, the seats remaining vacant, if any, shall be allotted with reference to
University level / State level inter se merit of all the candidates (open/reserved) in the University
level / State level for allotment against upward choice.
 Candidates already allotted in Stage-I, II, III and IV shall be tried for allotment on upward
 During this allotment, the candidates may get upward shift in their allotted position according to
availability of vacancies and the options filled.
 Due to upward shifts, the vacancy created shall be allotted by running the complete iteration from
top of the University level / State level inter se merit list of all categories combined together.

Summary of “Rules of Reporting” in the CAP process:

No. of the option
No. of allotted for which
CAP Round
Options to confirming Remarks
be filled in Admission is

Candidate has to confirm the admission, if he/she gets

allotment of any one choice from first five options. Such
candidates will not be able to participate in further
rounds of CAP i.e. Round-II, &III, irrespective of
15 options
Any one of the first the fact that such candidate confirms the
First (Min. 1 and
Five options admission or not.
Max. 15)
Other candidates who have got allotment between
options 6~15 may also confirm the admission if he/she
wishes so, however such candidate will not be able to
participate in further rounds of CAP i.e. Round-II&III.

Candidate has to confirm the admission, if he/she gets

25 fresh
allotment of any one of the options, such candidate
options Any one of the options
Second will not be able to participate in last round of CAP
(Min. 1 and allotted
i.e. Round-III, irrespective of the fact that such
Max. 25)
candidate confirms the admission or not.

Seat available will be

offered to candidates All available seats will be treated as General Seats and will
Third round by
--- eligible to participate in be offered only to Maharashtra State candidates who are
Round-III as per inter eligible to participate in CAP Round-III.
se merit.

For details refer “Rules of Reporting” given in Annexure-I.

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6.2 CAP Round-I/II: Direct allotment for OMS seats-

 There shall be two rounds of Direct allotment of CAP for OMS candidates.
Refer Annexure-I for details of eligibility for each round, procedure for applying

 All such OMS Seats, which may fall vacant for whatsoever reason till the start of
Round-III, shall be treated as GENERAL seats and will be made available to
eligible Maharashtra State candidates of CAP round-III.

 The direct allotment of seats will be done through computer as per inter se the merit of the
candidate, options filled by the candidate and the availability of the seats at that point of time
during the process of allotment.

 The best possible option is retained as final allotment. The final allotment list will be displayed
on DTE website as per the schedule.

 All the candidates will have to report for admission to the Respective Institutes as per the
schedule. No personal communication in this regard will be carried out. It will be
the responsibility of the candidate to see their allotment on the given website.

 Candidates securing allotment will confirm the admission by reporting at the Respective
Institutes mentioned in allotment list with the original certificates needed for admission and on
payment of full fees on or before the last date specified for the same. Refer Annexure-III for
details of CAP rounds, reporting etc.

 The admission is confirmed only after scrutiny of documents and payment of the entire fees
as prescribed by the respective institute and also approved by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti.

6.3 Admission Round by Counseling for J&K Migrant candidates:

 The Principal, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology[SPIT], Bhavan's Campus, Versova Road,
Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400058 will act as the Admission Authority for these

 These admissions will be carried by counseling at SPIT, Mumbai.

 The candidates seeking admissions against the seats that are reserved for the J&K Migrants will
report in-person to the SPIT, Mumbai, for admission as per the schedule.

 These admissions will be made strictly in the order of merit from amongst the candidates who are
eligible for J & K Migrant quota and who present themselves in-person for the admission at SPIT,
Andheri(W), Mumbai as per the schedule, against the seats available in various Institutes.

 Candidates claiming admission against J & K Migrant quota will have to produce evidence in
support of their claims. Candidate failing to produce necessary certificates at the time of admission
will be considered not eligible and name of such candidate will be removed from the merit list of J
& K Migrant candidates.

 Candidate reporting late for the admission or candidate, who remains absent, will not be
considered for the admission process. Names of absent candidates will be deleted from the merit
list of eligible J&K Migrant candidates and requests of such candidates regarding reconsideration
will not be entertained under any circumstances.

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 A candidate, who reports later than the time when his/her rank in the merit list required him/her
to do so, will be considered for admission against the seats that are vacant and are available at
that point of time. He/She will not be eligible and will not be considered for admission against a
seat that would have been offered to him/ her at his/her rank in the merit list had he/she reported
on time.

 The candidates will have to confirm the admission accepted by him/her by paying the requisite
amount of fee to the respective institutes.

 Admissions once offered shall be FINAL and candidates shall not be allowed to seek transfer of
their admission to any other institution

6.4 Admissions to Foreign Nationals/Foreign Students/Persons of Indian Origin/Children

of Indian workers in the Gulf countries:
a. These admissions will be made strictly as per merit on or before the commencement of
academic session for the first semester / year for the current academic year.

b. The admission against these seats is permitted to the institutes only after the
institute gets a certificate from AICTE regarding the availability of facilities for
creation of supernumerary seats.

c. As on today no Government/University Managed/University Department has received

permission from AICTE for creation of supernumerary seats. If such a permission is
received on or before starting of academic year 2011-12, the same will be notified by the
Directorate of Technical Education on the website: and the admissions to
such seats will be carried out by the Directorate of Technical Education, M.S., Mumbai

d. For admissions to Unaided Institutes who have received permission by the AICTE to admit
such candidates, aspiring candidates are required to contact to the Principals / Directors of the
respective Unaided Institutes.

e. If any seats available for Foreign nationals/Foreign Students/Persons of Indian Origin/Children

of Indian workers in the Gulf countries remain vacant due to non-availability of eligible
candidates for these seats, such vacant seats shall be kept vacant. Under any condition
these seats shall not be offered to any other candidates.

7. 0 Reporting at the Institute:

 After the display of allotment list in each CAP Round, candidates should report to the
“Respective Institutes” as per the notified schedule of the admission process. (Refer Annexure-
I for procedure & rules of reporting of each Round of Centralized Admission)
 Candidates shall report to the concerned institute with all original certificates needed to
substantiate the claims made in the application regarding eligibility and reservation.
 After scrutiny of original documents at the concerned institute, the candidate will have to pay
prescribed full fees immediately in the form as prescribed by the concerned institute and
confirm the admission offered.
 The Director/Principal of the respective Institute is required to carry out “Online Update” of
the confirmation/cancellation of the candidate’s admission on website through their Institute
login, at the time when the candidate is being admitted/cancelled at the Institute.
 The system shall automatically generate letter of confirmation/cancellation of the admission
as an acknowledgement.
 The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of
candidate will change to ‘Reported Candidate’.
 If a candidate fails to substantiate the claims made at the time of submitting the application form
by submitting the necessary original documents and fails to pay the prescribed fees in full within

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the reporting time for CAP Round, the candidate forfeits the claim on the allotted seat
 It is the responsibility of the Director/Principal of concern institute to update the status of the
reporting of the candidate. If the institute fails to update the status of reporting in scheduled time,
then such unreported seat(s) will be filled in subsequent CAP rounds and the institute will have to
adjust these unreported candidate(s) against the institute level seats.
 If the institute fails to update the status of Cancellation of the candidate on the date of
cancellation through “Online Update”, then strict action shall be taken against such institutes. It is
mandatory to cancel the admission through online system only and issue the printout of the
“Online Receipt of the Cancellation” to the candidate with due seal and signature of the authority
of the institute.
8.0 Admissions against CAP Vacancies:

The seats remaining vacant after offering admissions to the candidates through CAP due to non
allotment, non reporting and cancellation will be filled in by the managements of the respective
institutes. Admission authorities of the respective institutes have to process these admissions as per
the guidelines given in Annexure -III.

9.0 Fees:

Candidates who have secured admission for the first year of MCA are required to pay the fees:

 At the Government/Aided/University Departments as approved by the State Government.

 At the respective Un-Aided institute as approved by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Bandra (East),

9.1 Fees concession/reimbursement:

The concession (if any) in the tuition and development fees may be offered to following candidates.

 Maharashtra State candidates belonging to Reserved Categories

 Maharashtra State candidates belonging to Economically weaker sections

Reserved category candidates are required to submit Caste certificate, Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate,
Non Creamy Layer Certificate (if applicable) for claiming fee concession. Similarly candidates belonging
to Economically Weaker section will be required to submit the Income certificate from competent
authority for claiming fee reimbursement. However, the directives issued by the State Government
from time to time with regard to requirement of additional certificates and mode of fees
reimbursement shall be binding on such candidate.


a) The extent of fees concession, nature of fees concession (loan/scholarship), requirements of

certificates etc. will be decided by the State Government and same shall be binding on the

b) The details of the fees concession (if any) will be made available to aspiring candidates at the time
of filling of Option Form for CAP Round-I.

9.2 Refund of Tuition, Development and Other fees after cancellation of admission
secured through CAP rounds, Institute level round(s) and Vacancy Round(s) of
admissions: Reference:
(Reference: AICTE Guidelines No- AICTE/Legal/04(01)/2007, April 2007 & Circular No.698
Dated: 24th August 2007 issued by Pravesh Niyantran Samiti, Mumbai.)

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MCA Admission 2011-12

The candidate who has been provisionally admitted may cancel admission by submitting an
application for cancellation in duplicate, in the prescribed pro forma - O and may request for
refund of fees. The refund of fees as applicable shall be made in due course. It is made clear that
such application for cancellation will be considered if and only if the admission is confirmed by
paying the prescribed tuition fee and other fees in full and by submitting the original documents.
Refund shall be made after deduction of the cancellation charges as shown below:

Request Received before date of start of
1. academic session & seat could be filled by Entire fee less Rs. 1000/-
the Institute before the cutoff date
Request received on/after start of academic Entire fee less the Cancellation
2. session & Seat could be filled by the Charges# on pro rata basis
Institute before the cutoff date
Request received before/after start of
3. academic session & seat could not be filled No Refund (except security deposit)
by the Institute

 Entire amount of Security/Caution Money Deposit is to be refunded to candidate.
 # For calculation of Cancellation Charges on pro rata basis, one month shall be treated as
one unit e.g. if the candidate cancels admission on third day i.e within one month after
start of academic session and the seat is filled before the cutoff date, then Cancellation
Charges on pro rata basis will be the higher amount out of (Entire fee)/12 or Rs. 1000/-.

10.0 Age limit:

There is no age limit for admission to first year of three year post graduate degree course in MCA.

11.0 Miscellaneous :

 There shall be no transfer of students at any stage from Govt. / Govt. Aided /
University Department/ University Managed/Unaided institute to any other institute
in the Maharashtra and no transfer of students from any institute located outside
Maharashtra to any institute in the Maharashtra.
 Candidates taking admission in the year 2011-12 to any of the institute for the MCA course on
the basis of CAP rounds will not be eligible for appearing MAH-MCA-CET of 2012.

 The candidates are informed that the medium of instruction, for the MCA programmes in all the
Universities in the State is English.

 At the time of seeking admissions, a candidate will be provisionally admitted to MCA programme
at a college/an institute subject to the production of the Provisional Eligibility Certificate from the
University to which the college/institute is affiliated or by which the College / Institute is
recognized, and its subsequent confirmation by the University. The candidates are advised to
ensure before applying for admission to the CET and the MCA programme in a
particular University that he/she is eligible for admission to the programme as per the
relevant Eligibility Rules of the University.

 The Head of the college / institution may refer a candidate to the appropriate medical authority to
ascertain the physical fitness or otherwise before admitting him / her to the programme / the
hostel, as per the requirements of the programme / the rules of the Hostel Admission.

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 The Head of the college / institution shall have the right to satisfy himself about the conduct and
character of a candidate by verifying the antecedents of a candidate through the appropriate
police-authority, before admitting him / her to the college / institution.

 If the Admission Authority or an institution affiliated to/recognized by/or which is autonomous but
is located in the area of jurisdiction of a University deliberately, willfully with an intention to
defraud, makes admissions in excess of sanctioned intake of the institute as specified in these
rules, except as provided for in these rules, the examination authority of the concerned university
shall not allow such candidates admitted in excess of the sanctioned intake capacity, to appear at
any of the relevant examinations unless explicitly permitted by the Competent Authority. The
Competent Authority may consider to grant such an approval as it may deem fit for the excess
admissions done.

 Each of the candidates seeking admission to MCA is required to give the undertaking
at the time of admission at the Institute.

 Students belonging to Muslim/ Christian/ Buddhist/ Sikh/Parsi community can apply

for the ‘ Merit-cum- Means Based Scholarship Scheme’ of Government of India. The
eligibility criterion, procedure for application, application proforma and scheme details
are available on and

 Students belonging to Muslim/ Christian/ Buddhist/ Sikh/Parsi/Jain community can

apply for the ‘ State Government scholarship for Professional & Technical Education’ of
Government of Maharashtra. The eligibility criterion, procedure for application,
application proforma and scheme details are available on and

12.0 Conduct and Discipline

 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, if the State Government, in consultation with
the Competent Authority and after making such inquiry as it may deem fit, is of the opinion that
the candidates resorted to serious malpractices or unfair means at the CET or that there is
serious, substantial and conclusive evidence about the leakage of the question paper of the CET or
that there was truth in charges of grave irregularities in the assessment of the answer sheets of
the CET, the State Government may, by order, prescribe additional test or examination for the
candidates who appeared at that CET and who sought allotment to the MCA programme. The
State Government may inter-se prescribe the manner in which the marks obtained at such re-test
or re-examinations shall be taken into consideration in deciding the question of giving admissions
and the revised programme the date, time and venue for conducting such re-test or re-
examination in place of the CET.
 If any student studying in any MCA college/institute in the State is found indulging in antinational
activities, or in activities that run contrary to the letter and spirit of the provisions of Acts and
Laws enforced by the Government, or any activity that causes his / her behavior to be contrary to
rules of discipline, will be liable to be expelled from the College / Institute forthwith without any
notice by the Principal of the College / The Director of the Institute.
 If any of the statements made in application form or any information supplied by the candidate in
connection with his / her admission is, at any time, found to be false or incorrect and willful
suppression of facts, his / her admission will be cancelled forthwith. The fees will be forfeited and
he / she may be expelled from the college / Institution by the Principal / The Director and
prosecuted, if deemed necessary. An appeal against the order of cancellation of admission /
expulsion, however, may be referred to the Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State,
Mumbai, whose decision in such cases will be final and binding on all concerned.

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 Action against ragging: Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999

and its amendments which may be published from time to time. The Act
is in effect from 15th May, 1999 has the following provisions for Action
against Ragging
a) Ragging within or outside of any educational institution is prohibited,
b) Whosoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets, or propagates
ragging within or outside any educational institution shall, on conviction, be
punished with imprisonment for a term up to 2 years and / or penalty, which
may extend to ten thousand rupees.
c) Any student convicted of an offence of ragging shall be dismissed from the
educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other
educational institution for a period of five years from the date of order of such
d) Whenever any student or, as the case may be, the parent or guardian or a
teacher of an educational institution complaints, in writing, of ragging to the
head of the educational institution, the head of the educational institution
shall, without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, within seven days of the
receipt of the complaint, enquire into the matter mentioned in the complaint
and if, prima facie, it is found true, suspend the student who is accused of the
offence, and shall, immediately forward the complaint to the police station
having jurisdiction over the area in which the educational institution is
situated, for further action. Where, on enquiry by the head of the educational
institution, it is found that there is no substance, prima facie, in the complaint
received, he / she shall intimate the fact, in writing, to the complainant. The
decision of the head of the educational institution shall be final.
e) If the Head of the educational institution fails or neglects to act in the manner
specified in section “d” above when a complaint of ragging is made, such
person shall be deemed to have abetted the offence and shall, on conviction,
be punished as provided for in section “b” above.
Any Acts or its amendments which may be published from time to time or Judgments
by Hon. Courts of India will be applicable to Candidates and Institutes covered under
these rules of admission.

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Candidates should note that:
 Certificates should be strictly as per the Proforma- no deviation is permitted
 Certificate should be typed on Letter head of the organization
 Certificate should bear Name of the Authority, seal of the office, outward no. etc.
 Enclose necessary supporting documents wherever necessary.

Proforma – A

( Proforma for the sons and daughters of Defence / Paramilitary force / I.A.S. / I.P.S. /
I.F.S. / J& K Police officials posted in Jammu & Kashmir to combat terrorist activities.)

Reference. No. : Date:


This is to certify that Shri / Smt. ………………………………………….. is an official belonging to Defence /

Paramilitary force / I.A.S. / I.P.S. / I.F.S. / J& K Police presently posted and working at
………………………………….. Which is treated as disturbed area in Jammu & Kashmir.

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter
………………….…………………………….’s admission to Post Graduate Degree course in MCA in Maharashtra
State for the year 2011-12.

Date: Head of the Office

Seal of the Office
Proforma – B

(For Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidates, staying in refugee camps.)

Reference. No.: Date:


This is to certify that Mr./ Miss. ………………………………………….. belongs to a family residing in this
refugee camp after being displaced after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir.

The details of refugee status is as under.

 Ration card Number: …………………..

 Names of the members on the ration card: …………………………….

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to Post Graduate Degree course in MCA
for the year 2011-12.

Date: Head of the Office

Place: Migrant / Refugee Camp

Seal of the Office

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Proforma – C

(Displaced Jammu & Kashmir Migrant Candidates staying with relatives / friends in India
other than Migrant / Refugee camp/ Refugees staying with relatives.)

Reference. No.: Date:


This is to certify that Mr./ Miss. ………………………………………….. is a displaced person from Jammu &
Kashmir after 1990 due to terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir. He / She is staying with
(Name and complete address of the Person with whom the candidate is staying at present)
………………………………………….. since past ………..years.

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her admission to Post Graduate Degree course in MCA
for the year 2011-12.

Date: District Collector

Seal of the Office

Proforma – D

(For Type C candidates)

(For sons and daughters of Govt. of India / Govt. of India undertaking employees.)

Reference. No.: Date:


This is to certify that Shri / Smt. ………………………………………….. is an employee in the capacity of

(Designation) (Name of the Organisation /Establishment/Department)
This Organisation /Establishment / Department is under……………………………………………………
Department of Govt. of India / Govt. of India undertaking.
Shri / Smt. ………………………………………….. is transferred to …………………………in Maharashtra State
vide transfer order No…………………………… Dated……………

He / She has joined duty in Maharashtra on ………………………. and is currently working in the same

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her son or daughter ……….. … ………… …… ..………… .’s
admission to Post Graduate Degree course in MCA for the year 2011-12.

Date: (Signature)
Place: Name & Designation
of the Head of the office
Seal of the Office

Note: This pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of transfer order and joining report

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Proforma – E
(For Type D candidates)

(For sons and daughters of Maharashtra State Govt./Maharashtra State Govt. undertaking

Reference. No.: Date:


This is to certify that Shri / Smt. ………………………………………….. is an employee in the capacity of

…………………………………………………………….. in ………………………………………………………………………………
(Designation) (Name of the Organisation /Establishment / Department)
This Organisation /Establishment / Department is under …………………………………Department of
Maharashtra State Govt. / Maharashtra State Govt. undertaking.

Shri / Smt. ………………………………………….. is transferred to ……………………. in Maharashtra State vide

transfer order No…………………………… Dated……………

He / She has joined duty in Maharashtra on …………………. and is currently working in the same post.

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his / her son / daughter
……………………….…………………………….’s admission to Post Graduate Degree course in MCA for the
year 2011-12.

Date: (Signature)
Place: Name & Designation
of the Head of the office
Seal of the Office

Note: This pro forma is to be accompanied by attested copy of transfer order and joining report

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Pro forma – F
(To be issued on the Printed Letter Head of the concerned office)
(For P1/ P2/ P3(OD) Candidates)
(For Physically Handicapped Candidates) Photograph of
the candidate
showing the

This is to certify that I have examined Mr. / Miss ……………………………………..
…………………………… on ………………………. He / She has …………………………………(Name of the Physical
Disability) which comes under the sub category Blindness (P1)/Speech & Hearing
impaired(P2)/Orthopedic disorder (P3)

Certified that:
1. The percentage of handicap is not less than 40% and is equal to ……….%.
2. The disability is permanent in nature.
3. The candidate is capable of carrying out all activities related to theory and practical works as
applicable to Two Year Post Graduate Degree course in Management without any special
concessions and exemptions.
4. This Certificate is issued as per the provisions given in the Person with Disability Act, 1995 and
its amendments.

This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her admission to First Year Post Graduate Degree
course in MCA in Maharashtra for the academic year 2011-12.

Outward No. & Date:

Place : (Name & Signature)
Director, All India Institute of Physically Handicapped, Mumbai
Dean/Civil Surgeon of Government Hospital
Seal of the Office (Name of the issuing Authority)

DTE, Mumbai 30 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12

(To be issued on the Printed Letter Head of the concerned office)

(For Physically Handicapped Candidates)

P3 (Learning Disability) Candidates



Photograph of the
Name :
Age :
Date of Birth :
Date of Registration : L.D.No.
Father’s Name :
Std. : School Name :

Physical & Neurologic Assessment Date :

Psychologic Assessment Date :

WISC ( R ) Verbal IQ :
Performance IQ :
Global IQ :
Interpretation :

Educational Assessment Date: WRAT: R

Certified that:
1. The percentage of handicap is not less than 40% and is equal to ………..….%.
2. The disability is permanent in nature.
3. The candidate is capable of carrying out all activities related to theory and practical works as
applicable to Three Year Post Graduate Degree course in MCA without any special concessions
and exemptions.
4. This Certificate is issued as per the provisions given in the Person with Disability Act, 1995 and
its amendments.
This certificate is issued for the purpose of his/her admission to First Year Post Graduate Degree
course in MCA in Maharashtra for the academic year 2011-12.

(Name and Signature of Issuing Authority)

Outward No. & Date:

Seal of the Office

DTE, Mumbai 31 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12

Proforma- H

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DTE, Mumbai 32 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12

Specimen Application Form for Cancellation of Admission
(To be submitted in duplicate)
Date : …………………
The Principal/ Director,
.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .
(Name of the Institute)

Full name of candidate : ………………………………… …………………………. .
Course : MCA course Academic year 2011-2012
Date of admission : ……………….
Application ID : ………………………… Roll No. : …………………..
University Merit Number : ………………….. State Merit Number : …………………..
Amount of fee paid : Rs. ……………../-
Fee Receipt Number and Date: ……………………………….. (Attach Xerox copy)
I am fully aware that after cancellation, I forfeit my claim on admission in any round by Competent
Authority. I request you to kindly return my original documents and refund the fees paid as per the
Signature of candidate

For Office use only:

Full address of the candidate:
Amount Paid Rs.
Amount Deducted Rs.
Amount refunded Rs.
PIN Cheque No. & Date
Telephone No : Bank particulars

Signature of Accounts Officer

Received the following original documents from the Admission Authority, along with the Cash/Cheque
towards refund of fees:

Signature of the candidate

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MCA Admission 2011-12

Proforma- I

(To be submitted at the time of verification of documents at ARC and at admitted

(Strike out whichever is not applicable)
a) I…………………………………………………………….(Name of the Candidate) herewith undertake that I have read
all the Rules of Admission for the year 2011-12 and after fully understanding all the rules, I have filled in this
application form for admission for the current academic year.
b) I am a citizen of India or I am a Citizen of /Foreign National
c) My Candidature is Maharashtra /OMS/ J&K Migrant/ PIO
d) I am a Type A / B Maharashtra Candidate and My Home University is ________________as per rule no. 3.0.
I am herewith submitting the domicile certificate issued by ____________________ of District
______________ vide No. _________________________ dated:______________________.
e) I am a Type C / D Maharashtra Candidate and My Home University is ________________as per rule no. 3.0.
I am herewith submitting the required proforma issued by ____________________vide No.
_________________________ dated:______________________. The district of posting of my father/mother
is __________________.
f) I belong to _____________category which is recognized as Backward Class Category in Maharashtra State
Vide G.R. No. _____________dated:____________. The serial No. of my caste is __________and based on
this, I am herewith claiming the reservation as per rule no. 4.0. and submitting the caste certificate issued by
_______________________ vide No._________________________dated: ________
g) I am not submitting the caste certificate which state that my caste is migrated from other state of India for
claiming the benefit of reservation in Maharashtra State.
h) I does not belong to the creamy layer and to substantiate the claim I am herewith submitting the Non-
Creamy Layer Certificate issued by __________________________ vide
No._________________________dated: ____________ and which is valid up to __/___/20__.
i) The information given by me in my application form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
j) If at later stage, it is found that I have furnished wrong information and/or submitted false certificate(s), I
am aware that my admission stands cancelled and fees paid by me will be forfeited. Further I will be subject
to legal and/or penal action as per the provisions of the law.
k) I have not been debarred from appearing at any examination conducted by any Government constituted or
statutory autonomous examination authority in India.
l) I fully understand that the offer of allotment will be made to me depending on my inter-se merit, options
given by me and availability of seats at that point of time during the process of allotment.
m) I hereby agree to conform to any Rules, Acts and Laws enforced by the Government and I hereby undertake
that so long as I shall be a student of the College / Institute I will do nothing either inside or outside the
College / Institute which may result in compelling the authorities to take disciplinary action against me under
the rules, acts, and laws of good conduct and behavior in general and those referred to under Rule 12.0 in
n) I fully understand that the Principal /Director of the Institute where I shall be finally admitted, will have a
right to expel, rusticate me from the College / Institution for any infringement of the Rules of good conduct
and discipline in general and particularly those referred under Rule No. 12.0 and the rules of good conduct
and discipline prescribed by the Institute / College / University (if any).

MAH-MCA–CET 2011 Signature of the Candidate

Application ID :-
Exam Seat No. :- (Name of the Candidate)

Signature of the Parents

(Name of the Parent)

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MCA Admission 2011-12

Annexure – I

Procedure for CET and Centralized Admission Process (CAP):

This Annexure explains the various stages and procedure adopted for the CET and CAP. Candidates
seeking admission to MCA are required to appear for MAH-MCA-CET 2011 conducted by the
Competent Authority.

The various stages of MAH-MCA -CET 2011 and Centralized Admission Process (CAP) are as

Stages (I- IV) of MAH-MCA-CET 2011

Stage I – Sale of Information Brochure

 Information Brochure along with “MAH-MCA-CET 2011 Kit” for the aspiring candidates will
be available at the identified post offices in selected cities in India as mentioned in the
Notification and website, against the payment of the application processing fees.

 It is mandatory for the candidates to procure the information brochure along with “MAH-
MCA-CET 2011 Kit” from the identified post offices.

 The application form processing fees is Rs. 750/- for Maharashtra State (General Category)
candidates, OMS and J&K Migrant candidates whereas Rs.550/- for reserved category
candidates belonging to Maharashtra State (i.e. Candidates having relevant backward class
Caste Certificate and other applicable certificates issued by Maharashtra State authorities).
This fee is to be paid in cash at the identified post offices during the contact hours of the
respective post offices. This fee is non refundable and non transferable under any

 J & K Migrant candidate aspiring to apply for OMS seats also is required to pay Rs.
1500/- as total fees and procure two Kits from the post office. Such candidates are
required to submit only one application form as J&K Migrant Candidate and will be
required to select the choice as interested to apply for OMS seat.

 Candidates will receive Receipt of Payment of fees from Post Office titled as “candidate’s
copy”. Candidates are required to produce the receipt of the payment of fees at the time of
confirmation of submission of CAP application form for admission (during stage-V) at the ARC
and therefore the candidates are instructed to carefully preserve the receipts of the payment
for further use.

 All the information printed in the brochure will also be available on the website for browsing,
downloading and printing.

 MAH-MCA-CET 2011 Kit contains the Application ID, Password, important instructions for
the submission of online application form. Candidates are advised to read the instructions
carefully before submitting the application form.

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Stage II –Registration for CET

 The candidate is required to read the information brochure carefully.

 Aspiring candidates are required to register their name online on the website for “MAH-MCA-CET 2011” for which the Application ID and password
supplied in the Kit shall be required.

 The instructions to the candidates are provided in the Kit.

 The candidate is required to submit online application through Internet at home, cybercafé or
at the designated facilitation center.

 Candidates are required to pay Rs. 50/- in cash separately as facilitation charges at the ARC-
cum-facilitation center.

 Candidate is required to fill up the personal details, qualification details and option for CET

 The candidate is required to paste the recent Photo and put signature on the space provided
on the sheet. This sheet is provided in the kit. The sheet is to be scanned and the image is to
be uploaded on the website as per given guidelines.

 The candidate has to verify the correctness of the information filled. In case of any correction,
the candidate can do it online before confirmation.

 The candidate is required confirm the Registration as per guidelines given in Kit.

 Candidate will not be able to change the information after the confirmation of registration.

 The Online system shall generate the Hall Ticket for CET bearing Name of candidate, the
Photo and Signature of the Candidate, CET Center &Venue and such other details.

 OMS candidates who wish to apply for admission through CAP only on the basis of
score of AIMCET 2011 against OMS seats will have to compulsorily register for CET.
However the Hall Ticket for CET shall not be issued to such candidates. Such
candidates can take a printout of the submitted application form for future


Late registration facility is provided to those aspiring candidates who could not
confirm for CET within schedule time. This facility is for:

a. The candidates, who have already procured Information brochure along with MAH-MCA-CET
2011 Kit and failed to register-such candidates can confirm online application form by paying
additional late fees of Rs. 1000/- in cash at SIMSREE, Churchgate, Mumbai.

b. The candidates, who have not so far procured Information brochure and MAH-MCA-CET 2011
Kit– such candidates need to procure Information Brochure (Rs. 750/- / Rs.550/-) and pay
additional late fees of Rs. 1000/- in cash at SIMSREE, Churchgate, Mumbai on the dates
declared in the Notification.

c. Such Candidates will be allotted a CET center situated only in Mumbai.

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Stage- III: Appearing for the MAH-MCA-CET 2011

 Candidates are also required to read the instructions given in the Hall Ticket carefully.

 Candidates will appear for MAH-MCA-CET 2011 written examination at the designated venue as
mentioned in the Hall Ticket.

Refer Annexure - IV for the details of the CET.

Stage- IV: Declaration of MAH-MCA-CET 2011 result and issue of score card

 The provisional result of CET will be declared on website of DTE.

 The score card will be dispatched to the permanent address of the candidate mentioned in the
application form by ordinary post.

 The duplicate score card will be issued on payment of fee Rs. 200/- ( Rs. 500/- after 30th
September 2011), only through the Institute wherein the candidate has taken the admission.

Stages (V-XI) of the Centralised Admission Process (CAP):

Stage V–Updation and Confirmation of “Application Form for Admission” at ARC

IMPORTANT: Failure to confirm the online application form at the ARCs will make
candidate’s claim for the admission through CAP to MCA course as NULL & VOID and such
candidate’s name will not appear in the Merit List(s).

 All the eligible candidates are required to update the information submitted earlier at the time of
submission of Application form for CET through candidate login.

 Candidates will be able to modify the submitted application except name of the candidate, date of
birth, permanent address, email etc.

 Eligible OMS Candidates aspiring for OMS seats are required to submit their AIMCET -2011 exam
score through candidate’s login.

 Candidate is required to take a printout of the updated Online Application Form.

 The Printout of the online application form will list the required documents for verification.

 The candidate is required to confirm the online application form at ARC in-person.

 Candidate is required to produce all Original documents for verification and should submit attested
copies of documents (As per the list of the documents mentioned on the printout of the
application form) at the ARC. Candidate is also required to produce Receipt of Payment of fees
issued by the Post Office.

 If the candidate fails to substantiate the claim(s), then the application form will not be confirmed.

 Backward Class Category candidates who fail to produce the valid caste and/or Non Creamy layer
certificates will be converted to General Category and are required to pay Rs. 300/- as difference
in fees in cash at ARC. Such candidates will not be given the benefit of reservation in the entire
admission process.

 If Maharashtra Candidates of Type-B, C and D fail to produce supporting documents then such
candidates will be converted to OMS candidates.

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 The candidate should collect the copy of online generated “Receipt-cum-

Acknowledgement” duly signed by ARC Officer and bearing seal of the ARC.

 In any case, certificates will not be accepted once the application form is confirmed

 After confirmation of Application form, requests for change in Type of Candidature,

Change of Category/Reservation Claims, Change of Home University etc. will not be

Stage- VI: Display of Merit list

 The Provisional Merit Lists viz. Maharashtra State Candidates, OMS Candidates and J & K
Migrant Candidates will be displayed on website as per schedule.

 For discrepancy in the provisional merit list, if any, get the corrections done by lodging the
grievance in-person at ARCs within the period specified in the schedule.

 The Final merit list will be displayed on the website as per the schedule.

Stage-VII: Submission and confirmation of online option form for CAP Round I and II

General Instructions:

 In order to participate in the Centralized Admission Process (subject to fulfillment of the eligibility
criterion of respective CAP round), it is MANDATORY to fill the Online Option Form for the
respective CAP Round.

 Candidates will be able to fill in the Online option form through their login on website.

 It is mandatory for all candidates to confirm the online option form by himself/ herself.

 IMPORTANT: Candidates should not disclose their Application ID & Password to others
to avoid impersonation. Competent Authority shall not be responsible for submissions
done by the others on behalf of the candidate. Hence candidates are also instructed to
keep changing the password and keep a note of it.

 Every institute offering MCA course has been allotted a 3-digit choice code number which is given
in the “Annexure -VII” of the Information Brochure. The updated list of MCA institutes is
available on the website.

 A list of choice codes will be made available, out of which the candidate has to select the choices
and arrange them in the order of preference. Thus the first choice code filled by the candidate will
be his/her first preference and so on.

 Option form received through online submission alone will be considered valid for further

 IMPORTANT: The candidate will not be able to change the Options once it is
confirmed. Failure to confirm the options will make the candidate’s claim for
participation in that CAP Round as NULL & VOID.

 Instructions for filling online option form for CAP Round-I:

o Maximum 15 options are made available in the online option form of CAP Round-I.

o The candidate can fill minimum 1 and maximum 15 options.

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o Candidate is required to confirm the submitted on-line Option Form himself/herself by re-
entering Application ID and Password.

o The candidates are advised to take a printout of the confirmed Option form for future

Stage-VIII: Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the “Respective Institutes” and

confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-I.

At the start of this round, total seats available for the allotment will be the CAP seats for the MCA
course. This will be a direct allotment round. The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of
options confirmed by the candidate, inter se merit of the eligible candidate and available seats at that
point of time during the allotment stage/process.

o The allotment of candidates will be displayed on the website.

o The candidate should take a printout of the displayed allotment.

o No separate allotment letter will be issued to the candidate.

o The candidate is required to report to the allotted institute and confirm the admission at the
respective Institute along with the necessary original documents as specified in Annexure-
II and pay full fees on or before the last date of reporting. (Refer Rules of Reporting for
CAP Round-I)

o The respective Institute is required to carry out “Online Update” of the confirmation of the
candidate’s admission on website through their Institute login, at the time when the candidate
is being admitted at the Institute.

o The system shall automatically generate a letter of confirmation of the admission as an


o The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of
candidate will change to ‘Reported Candidate’. A copy of the acknowledgement should be
given to the candidate.

o If the candidate (to whom it is Mandatory to report after allotment) fails to report and confirm
the admission at the Institute, on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the
candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-I).
Such seats will be treated as vacant seats for the subsequent round of CAP.

o The candidates will be able to know the status of reporting, his/her eligibility for next round
through login.

Rules of Reporting of CAP Round-I:

All candidates who have secured an allotment out of First five options will not be eligible
for subsequent CAP rounds irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the
admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission at the
respective Institute as per the secured allotment in the CAP Round-I since names of such
candidates will be automatically deleted from the lists of eligible candidates for
subsequent CAP rounds.

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1. Candidates (other than those covered in above stated rule no. 1)

 who have secured an allotment which is not out of first five options


 who are satisfied with the allotment of CAP Round-I


 who are no more interested in participating in subsequent CAP rounds

may confirm the admission by reporting at the respective institute. Such candidates will not be
eligible to participate in subsequent CAP rounds. Names of such candidates will be
automatically deleted from the lists eligible candidates for subsequent CAP rounds.

2. All such seats, on which the candidates have confirmed the admission on or before the last date of
reporting of CAP Round-I, shall not be available for allotment in subsequent CAP rounds.

Stage-IX: Submission and confirmation of online option form for CAP Round-II

Eligible Candidates: All the candidates whose names have appeared in the merit list of such
candidates who are eligible to submit the option form for CAP Round-II.

 Candidate should fill up the options for the Institutes offering MCA course in which seats are
available for allotment in CAP Round-II.

 Maximum 25 options are made available in the online option form of CAP Round-

 Rest of the procedure for confirmation of option form for CAP Round-II is same as CAP

Stage-X: Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the “Respective Institutes” and

confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-II.

The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options submitted, inter se merit of the eligible
candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.

o The allotment of candidates will be displayed on the website.

o The candidate should to take a printout of the displayed allotment.

o No separate allotment letter will be issued to the candidate.

o The candidate is required to report to the allotted institute and confirm the admission at the
respective Institute along with the necessary original documents as specified in Annexure-
II and pay full fees. (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-II)

o The respective Institute is required to carry out “Online Update” of the confirmation of the
candidate’s admission on website through their Institute login, at the time when the candidate
is being admitted at the Institute.

o The system shall automatically generate a letter of confirmation of the admission as an


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o The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of
candidate will change to ‘Reported Candidate’. A copy of the acknowledgement should be
given to the candidate.

o If the candidate (to whom it is Mandatory to report after allotment) fails to report and confirm
the admission at the Institute, on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the
candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-II).

o The candidates will be able to know the status of reporting, his/her eligibility for next round
through login.

Rules of Reporting of CAP Round-II:

1. All candidates who have secured an allotment out of any one of the options will not be
eligible for subsequent round of admission by counseling irrespective of whether the candidate
confirms admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission as per
the secured allotment in the CAP Round-II.

2. Such candidates will not be eligible to participate in subsequent round of Centralized

Admission. Names of such candidates will be automatically deleted from the list of eligible
candidates for subsequent CAP round.

3. All such seats, on which the candidates have confirmed the admission on or before the last
date of reporting of CAP Round-II, shall not be available for allotment in subsequent CAP

4. Since OMS candidates are not eligible to participate in the CAP round-III i.e. Admission by
Counseling, Merit list of OMS candidates will be treated as Null and void after completion of
CAP Round-II.

Stage-XI: CAP Round III- Counseling round of Admission

Available Seats-

1. All MS & OMS seats under purview of Competent Authority except the seats, which are
filled in Round-I and Round-II.

2. All vacant OMS seats will be merged to MS General seats.

3. All vacant seats in respective categories such as Backward, PH, HU, OHU etc. will be
considered as State Level General seats.

Eligibility- All Maharashtra State Candidates, whose names have appeared in the list of eligible
candidates for CAP Round-III, may appear for this Counseling Round of Admission.

Rules of Reporting-

 Eligible candidates must report in-person at the venue of “Center of Admission” in

order to secure admission in this round of admission strictly as per the notified

 Candidate is required to pay processing fees of CAP Round-III, Rs.100/- in cash at the Center
of Admission and obtain a receipt for the same.

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 The candidate will report as per schedule at the Center of Admission along with the
necessary original documents and carry part payment of non-refundable fees of Rs.10,000/- in

 Eligible Candidates who report to the Admission Center will be offered admission to available
seat as per the inter se merit of candidates.

 Candidates who secure admission in this round must confirm the admission on the spot by
paying non-refundable fees advance part payment of Rs.10000/- (in cash) and on producing
necessary documents in original for verification.

 The Center of Admission will update the confirmation of the candidate’s admission on DTE
website immediately.

 Candidate will have to report later on to the respective Institute for paying balance fees (i.e.
Total fees less Rs. 10,000/-) as per notified schedule. If the candidate cancel the admission
after reporting, the fees shall be refunded vide rule No. 9.2 to the candidate. The amount
shall be refunded as soon as the institute receives the amount collected by Competent
Authority toward advance part payment of Rs.10000/- (in cash). If the candidate fails to
report to the Institute and pay the balance fees on or before the last date of reporting at the
Institute then the candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat and non-refundable fees of
Rs.10,000/- will be forfeited.

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Annexure –II

Documents required during the Admission Process

1. Documents required at the time of verification and confirmation of “Application form

for Admission (CAP)” at ARC:

Candidates are required to carry ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS for verification and submit attested zerox
copies of the following certificates at the time of confirmation of CAP Application form at the ARC.

 Certificate of Indian Nationality# in the name of the Candidate

 Statement of marks of HSC and SSC

 Statement of marks for the Bachelor’s Degree Examination (i.e. the qualifying Degree
examination) in case the candidate has passed the bachelor’s degree examination (Candidates
who have appeared for final year degree examination have time limit up to 25th
September, 2011 to produce the same).

 Caste certificate (if applicable)

 Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate@ (if applicable) or Undertaking in proforma-H

 Non Creamy Layer certificate* valid up to 31st March 2012 (if applicable)

 Domicile certificate** (if applicable), clearly indicating the place of permanent residence of the
candidate/father or mother or Husband

 Certificates in Proforma A, B, C, D, E, F, G , & H as applicable.

 Undertaking in proforma I in Original
 Receipt of payment made at post office

 Any other relevant document

2. Documents required at the time of admission at the respective institute:

 All original certificates & Attested True copies of (Marklists, MAH-MCA-CET 2011/AIMCET 2011
score card, Certificate of Indian Nationality, Caste Certificate, Caste/Tribe Validity, Non Creamy
Layer certificate valid upto 31st March 2012 , Domicile Certificate, Proforma (A~I) etc.) as

 Any other relevant document


 # In lieu of the “Certificate of Indian Nationality” following certificates/documents will also be


 The School leaving Certificate indicating the Nationality of the candidate as


 Indian Passport in the name of the candidate, issued by appropriate authorities.

 Birth Certificate of the Candidate indicating the place of birth in India.

If the Candidate fails to produce any one of the above mentioned certificate/documents indicating
nationality then such candidates Nationality shall be considered based on the undertaking given in
Proforma-I on Rs. 100 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper.

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 Caste Validity Certificate:-

1. Candidates belonging to SC, ST, VJ/DT NT (A), NT (B), NT(C), NT(D), SBC and OBC category
are required to produce Caste Validity Certificate at the time of filling of the online application
form. However such candidates who are unable to produce the caste validity certificate may
produce the same on or before 30th November 2011, such candidates will be admitted on
provisional basis. If a candidate fails to submit the required Caste Validity Certificate upto 30th
November 2011 then the admission of such candidate shall be automatically cancelled.

2. Candidates who are unable to produce Caste Validity Certificate are however required to
submit following documents at the time of filling of CAP Admission Form:

 Undertaking in proforma-H by the candidate stating that if the candidate fails to submit
Caste Validity Certificate on or before 30th November 2011, then Govt. and Admission
Authority shall not be held responsible for the consequences arising out of cancellation of
the admission of the candidate.

IMPORTANT: In case the candidate fails to produce the caste validity then the admission
secured by the candidate shall be cancelled. Such candidate will be required to pay the
complete fees of one academic year to the respective college. The admission secured by
such candidate in the respective reserved category will not be converted into Open

 * Non-Creamy Layer Certificate:-

A candidate belonging to ‘Creamy Layer’ amongst the categories SBC, V.J./N.T.(A), N.T.(B),
N.T.(C), N.T.(D) and O.B.C. must note that the provision of reservation is NOT applicable to
him/her. A candidate claiming benefit of reservation under the categories SBC, V.J./N.T.(A),
N.T.(B), N.T.(C), N.T.(D) and O.B.C. will be required to produce “Non-Creamy Layer Certificate” as
per Annexure-A as specified in the Government Resolution No. CBC/10/2006/CR-15/MVK-5, dated
30th June 2006.The certificate must be valid upto 31st March 2012.

Non-Creamy Layer Certificate is required to be produced on or before the last date of filling up of
CAP Admission Form, failing which the category claimed will not be considered.

 ** Domicile certificate:

Domicile certificate issued by the Maharashtra State’s appropriate authorities will be considered
valid. The domicile certificate of Mother of the candidate shall be supported with marriage
certificate and legal proof of change in name if any. Such candidates will be required to submit
birth certificate clearly mentioning the name of the mother

 No documents are needed at the time of filling up of Online form for MAH-MCA-CET 2011.
However no change in the information once filled is permitted at a later date.

 Candidates are required to keep the documents ready at the time of filling up of “Application Form
for Admission”. (Tentatively scheduled in the month of May 2011)

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 Cut off date for the eligibility:

The eligibility of the candidate shall be determined and/or decided for all purposes including for
applicability of all these Rules and Regulations by considering the last date of submission of Online
Application form for CAP as the cut off date. It is made abundantly clear that if a candidate is found
ineligible as on the last date of submission of Online Application form for CAP, in terms of these Rules
and Regulations, and if such an ineligible candidate acquires the requisite eligibility after the aforesaid
cut off date (i.e. the last date of submission of Online Application form), such subsequent
acquisition of eligibility will not make an ineligible candidate eligible for any purpose
whatsoever, much less for the purpose of admission.

 Attestation:

Candidate should note the following points while submitting the Application form.

 Candidate shall attach attested copies of all the required certificates as mentioned in the rules and
enumerate the same in the given format as applicable. Candidate shall not attach a copy of any
other certificate, which is not asked for under these rules such as certificates for participation in
sports, cultural activities etc.

 The copies of certificates or documents attached to the application form should be attested by the
Principal of the college from which the candidate has passed qualifying examination or Gazetted
Officer or Special Executive Magistrate or Head Master of a Secondary School or teaching staff of
Government college/Polytechnic not below the rank of a lecturer. Original certificates should not
be attached with the application form.

 Translation:

If the candidate produces any certificate, which is not in Marathi or Hindi or English language,
authenticated Marathi or Hindi or English version of the same, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer
should also be produced.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Admission under constitutional reservation seat will be governed by the
Maharashtra Schedule Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Denotified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes,
Other Backward Classes and Special Backward Category (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of)
Caste Certificate Act, 2000 (Mah. Act No.XXIII of 2001) as below:

Para 10: (Benefits secured on the basis of false Caste Certificate to be withdrawn)

(1) Whoever not being a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Denotified Tribes, De-notified tribes, (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Classes
or Special Backward Category secures admission in any educational institution against a seat
reserved for such Castes, Tribes or Classes, or secures any appointment in the Government,
local authority or in any other company of Corporation, owned or controlled by the
Government or in any Government aided institution or Co-Operative Society against a post
reserved for such Castes, Tribes or Classes by producing a false Caste Certificate shall, on
cancellation of the Caste Certificate by the Scrutiny Committee, be liable to be debarred from
the concerned educational institution, or as the case may be, discharged from the said
employment forthwith and any other benefits enjoyed or derived by virtue of such admission
or appointment by such person as aforesaid shall be withdrawn forthwith.

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(2) Any amount paid to such person by the Government or any other agency by way of
scholarship, grant, allowance or other financial benefit shall be recovered from such person as
an arrears of land revenue.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in any Act for the time being in force, any Degree,
Diploma or any other educational qualification acquired by such person after securing
admission in any educational institution on the basis of a Caste Certificate which is
subsequently proved to be false shall also stand cancelled, on cancellation of such Caste
Certificate, by the Scrutiny Committee.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, a person shall
be disqualified for being a member of any statutory body if he has contested the election for
local authority, Co-operative Society or any statutory body on the seat reserved for any of
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Tribes, (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes,
Other Backward Classes or Special Backward Category by procuring a false Caste Certificate as
belonging to such Caste, Tribe or Class on such false Caste Certificate being cancelled by the
Scrutiny Committee; and any benefits obtained by such person shall be recoverable as arrears
of land revenue and the election of such person shall be deemed to have been terminated

Para 11: (Offences & Penalties)

(1) Whoever,-

(a) Obtains a false Caste Certificate by furnishing false information or filing false statements or
documents or any other fraudulent means ; or

(b) not being a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Tribes, (Vimukta
Jatis), Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Classes or Special Backward Category secures any
benefits or appointment exclusively reserved for such Castes, Tribes or Classes in the
Government, local authority or any other company or corporation owned or controlled by the
Government or in any Government aided institution, or secures admission in any educational
institution against a seat exclusively reserved for such Castes, Tribes or Classes or is elected
to any of the elective offices of local authority or Co-operative Society against the office,
reserved for such Castes, Tribes of Classes by producing a false Caste Certificate; shall, on
conviction, be punished , with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than
six months but which may extent up to two years or with fine which shall not be less than two
thousand rupees, but which may extend up to twenty thousand rupees or both.

(2) No court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under this section except upon a
complaint, in writing, made by the scrutiny Committee or by any other officer duly authorized
by the Scrutiny Committee for this purpose.

Para 12: (Offences under Act to be cognizable & nonbailable)

Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure; 1973 --

(a) offence punishable under section 11 shall be cognizable and non-bailable;

(b) every offence punishable under this Act, shall be tried by any Magistrate of First Class in a
summery way and provisions of sections 262except sub-section(2) to 265 both inclusive of
this Code shall as for as possible may be applied to such trial.

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Para 13: (Penalty for issuing false Caste Certificate)

(1) Any person or authority performing the functions of Competent Authority under this act,
who intentionally issues of false Caste Certificate shall earn conviction, be punished with
rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may
extend up to two years or with fine which shall not be less than two thousand rupees, but
which may extend up to twenty thousand rupees or both.

(2) No court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under this section except with the
previous sanction of the Government.

Para 14: (Penalty for abatement)

Whoever abets any offence punishable under this Act shall be punished with the punishment
provided for in this Act for such offence.

The Certificate issuing Authorities for various Backward Classes are as follows:
Sr. Category of Documents required for supporting the
Authority issuing the document.
No. Reservation backward class reservation claim
1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is
Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra
recognised under backward class category in
S.C. Maharashtra State.
Divisional Caste Certificate Scrutiny
2. Caste Validity Certificate Committee of the respective Divisional
Social Welfare Office.
1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is
Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra
recognised under backward class category in
2. S.T. Maharashtra State.
Director/Deputy Director, Tribe Scrutiny
2. Tribe Validity Certificate
Committee of respective Region
1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is
Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra
recognised under backward class category in
Maharashtra State.
Divisional Caste Certificate Scrutiny
2. Caste Validity Certificate Committee of the respective Divisional
Social Welfare Office.
3. Non-creamy layer Certificate valid upto 31st Sub Divisional Officer/Deputy
March 2012 Collector/Collector of the district.
1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is
Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra
recognised under backward class category in
Maharashtra State.
Caste Certificate Scrutiny Committee,
NT(B)/NT(C) 2. Caste Validity Certificate
4. Director of Social Welfare, Maharashtra
State, Pune.

3. Non-creamy layer Certificate valid upto 31st Sub Divisional Officer/Deputy

March 2012 Collector/Collector of the district.

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Annexure - III

Guidelines for the Admission Process to be carried out by Un-Aided Institutes

1.0 Admissions to allotees for the institute

Admission authority in the institute shall follow the procedure mentioned under rule no. 7.0 for
admitting the candidates who have got the allotment through CAP.
2.0 Admissions against CAP Vacancies:

The institutes should update the list of admitted candidates during the reporting period after allotment
of CAP rounds on the website: at their institute logins. The seats remaining
vacant after offering admissions to the candidates who have come through Centralised Admission
Process are required to be filled up by the respective institutes.

 The admissions against CAP Vacancies should be given to those candidates who have applied
for CAP and Eligible at the end of the counseling Round. The Directorate of Technical
Education will publish the list of the eligible Candidates along with CAP Vacancy at the end of
the CAP Rounds.

 These admissions should be carried out strictly on the basis of inter se merit of the Candidates
who have applied for admission in that institute against vacancies.

 Candidates having Maharashtra candidature should be considered for the vacancy round. After
admitting Maharashtra candidates, if seats still remain vacant then the seats can be offered to
eligible OMS candidates based on their inert-se-merit. The list of eligible OMS Candidates will
be published on website.

 All institutes shall notify the total number of vacancies in the institute after offering admissions
to the candidates who have come through CAP rounds, by advertisement in the newspaper
and on the website of the institute, for inviting application from eligible candidates. Detailed
schedule of the admission process and vacancies are also to be displayed on the notice board
of the Institute.

 Aspiring candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall apply directly to the Principal of the
respective colleges for admissions. These admissions will be made in a transparent manner
and strictly as per the inter se merit of the candidates who have applied to the institute.
Institutes should display the merit list on their notice boards prior to admissions.

 In Government Institutes / University Departments / University Managed

Institutes the vacancies in backward class category seats within sanctioned intake shall be
filled after removing the seat tag i.e. by treating these seats as GENERAL seats. The seats
thus shall be filled after preparing a common merit list of only Eligible Maharashtra State
candidates who have applied for the Vacancy round at the respective Institute.

 In Unaided Institutes the vacancies in backward class category seats within sanctioned
intake shall be filled after removing the seat tag i.e. by treating these seats as GENERAL
seats. The seats thus shall be filled after preparing a common merit list of only Eligible
candidates who have applied for the Vacancy round at the respective Institute.

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 All the institutes shall prepare the schedule of admission and notify the same by
advertisement in the newspaper and on the website of the institute.

 Under any condition the intake should not exceed the sanctioned intake capacity for that
course (excluding the J & K migrant and Foreign National / Foreign students / PIO/ Children of
Indian Workers in the Gulf countries).

 After admitting the MAH-MCA -CET 2011 qualified candidates; if seats still remain vacant then
the institutions have to apply to the Pravesh Niyantran Samiti, Mumbai for obtaining approval
for the conduct of additional CET.

3.0 Guidelines for the admission process to be carried out for admission to the Institute
level and Minority seats:
 The Principal/Director of the respective Un-aided MCA institute shall invite applications for the
seats available by giving publicity in at least two newspapers and on the website of the Institute.
 Information brochure/prospectus of the Institute, which specifies rules of admission, should be
published well before the commencement of the process of admission for the Institute Level
Seats. All the information in the brochures should also be displayed on the Institute’s website.
 Aspiring candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall apply directly to the Principal/Director of
the respective colleges for admissions.
 These admissions will be made in a transparent manner and strictly as per the merit of the
candidates who have applied to the institute and are eligible as per rule no.2.6.

General Notes:
1. The CAP allotment list will be available to the institute through their Institute Login. The list can
be collected from Regional Offices also. The Institute should update the information of the
reported candidates, allotted under CAP “Online update” when a candidate is
reporting to the Institute.
2. Rounds of admission for Institute Level Seats and for the seats remaining vacant after
CAP should be carried out separately and it should be clearly displayed on the Notice
board of the institute
3. The Principal/Director of the institute has to also update the list of all admitted candidates on the
DTE website through their institute login clearly indicating the stage of their admission like CAP,
Against CAP vacancy, OMS, Institute level/ Minority seats, J&K seats, PIO, FN, FS, NRI etc. within
5 days from the cut off date of the admission.
4. If the institute fails to update the reporting of the candidate through “Online Update”, the action
shall be taken against the institute as per the GR dated 29.03.2008.
5. The Principal/Director of the institute is required to update the list of all admitted candidates of
CAP and Against CAP Vacancy Seats immediately as per the schedule of admission on the DTE
website through their institute login.
6. Three copies of list are to be printed and to be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of
Technical Education, duly signed by the Director/Principal / Head of the Institute within 7 days
from the cut off date.
7. The regional office of the Joint Director of Technical Education shall verify the supporting
documents and forward the list of admitted candidate to the Director, Technical Education along
with the remarks of Joint Director for final approval.
8. The DTE and/or Pravesh Niyantran Samiti, Mumbai shall accord the final approval to the list of
admitted candidates. It is binding on all the Universities to grant enrollment only to the students
who are on approved list.

Important Note: All the MCA institutes are required to complete their admission process on or
before the cut-off date as specified in the schedule. Any admission carried out after cut-off date will
not be approved by DTE and/or Pravesh Niyantran Samiti, Mumbai.

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Annexure – IV

Syllabus and CET details, Sample Questions & Sample Answer Sheet

Syllabus for MAH-MCA-CET 2011 Examination

Scheme of CET

The MAH-MCA-CET 2011 examination comprises of two papers (objective type) of one hour duration
viz. General Aptitude (GA) and Computer Concepts (CC). The syllabus & sample question paper
are available on website and also in brochure.

General Aptitude

The main objective of this paper is to assess the general aptitude of the candidate to pursue a
computer applications and software profession.


The questions in this paper will cover: logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, high school
mathematics, vocabulary, English comprehension and verbal ability. A good grasp of the following
topics of high school mathematics (up to the 12th standard) will be useful:

1.0 Algebra : Fundamental operations in Algebra, Expansion, factorization, Quadratic equations,

indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, binomial theorem,
permutations and combinations.

2.0 Co-ordinate Geometry : Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates, equations of a line, mid point,
intersections etc., equations of a circle, distance formulae, pair of straight lines, parabola, ellipse
and hyperbola, simple geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling.

3.0 Differential Equations: Differential equations of first order and their solutions, linear
differential equations with constant coefficients, homogenous linear differential equations.

4.0 Trigonometry: Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of

triangles, height and distance, inverse function.

5.0 Probability and Statistics : Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and
independent events, frequency distributions, and measures of dispersions, skewness and
kurtosis, random variable and distribution functions, mathematical expectations, Binomial,
Poisson, normal distributions, curve fitting, and principle of least squares, correlation and

6.0 Arithmetic: Ratios and proportions, problems on time-work, distance-speed, percentage, etc.

7.0 Basic Set Theory and Functions: Set, relations and mappings.

8.0 Mensuration: areas, triangles and quadrilaterals, area and circumference of circles, volumes
and surface areas of simple solids such as cubes, spheres, cylinders and cones.

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Sample Questions

1. A bag contains red and blue marbles totalling between 50 and 100 in number. If two marbles are
drawn at random, the chances of them both being red are 25%. One third of the marbles are picked
from the bag, at random, and thrown away. If one marble is now drawn at random from the bag,
what is the probability (in percentage) of it being blue?

(a) 11 (b) 25 (c) 33 (d) 50

2. Consider the following equation:

log 13.25 + 5 log 2 + 3 log 3 + log 12 = log 53 + log 8 + log 27 + X

The value of X is…..

(a) 4 log 26.5 (b) log 12 (c) log 36 (d) 27

3. Usman, Bhushan and Shailu start running at the same time from the same point on a circular track
of 70 meters radius. Usman and Bhushan run clockwise and Shailu runs counter clockwise. If Usman
meets Shailu every 66 seconds and Bhushan meets Shailu every 110 seconds, how frequently (in
seconds) will Usman meet Bhushan?

(a) 165 (b) 176 (c) 330 (d) 44

4. What is the probability that the product of two consecutive non-negative integers will be a number
ending with 0.

(a) 0.2 (b) 0.25 (c) 0.3 (d) 0.4

5. What is the maximum number of points in space that can be equidistant from each other?

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

Answers to Sample Questions

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a)

Computer Concepts


1.0 Computer Basics : Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of
instructions in CPU, input / output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back-up

2.0 Data Representation : Representation of characters, integers, and fractions, binary and
hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication,
signed arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers,
normalized floating point representation, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.

3.0 Computer Architecture : Block structure of computers, communication between processor and
I / O devices, interrupts.

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4.0 Computer Language: Assembly language and high level language, Multiprogramming and time
sharing operating systems, Computer Programming in C.

5.0 Operating System basics: Multiprogramming and timesharing operating systems.

Sample Questions

1. Starting with the slowest, rank the following in increasing order of speed.

(a) Cache, Main memory, Hard Disk, CD-ROM

(b) CD-ROM, Hard Disk, Main memory, Cache

(c) Cache, Hard Disk, Main memory, CD-ROM

(d) CD-ROM, Main memory, Hard Disk, Cache

2. Which is the MOST basic function of an Operating System?

(a) Providing a database management system.

(b) Providing a graphical software development environment.

(c) Providing backward compatibility with older processors.

(d) Providing an efficient virtual machine abstraction.

3. Which of the following is a characteristic of a data type in programming languages?

(a) its structure (the way it is stored)

(b) its behaviour (the operations it supports)

(c) number of bytes required to store a variable of that type

(d) none of the above

4. Suppose a system has been evolved, called the ternary system, by creatures having only 3 fingers.
Numbers in this system are written down, using the digits 0, 1, and 2, with 2>1>0.

What will be the binary equivalent of 222 in this system?

(a) 101010 (b) 11000 (c) 10110 (d) 11010

5. Consider the following program segment:

i = 6720; j = 4;

while ( (i % j) = = 0){

i = i / j;

j = j + 1;

What will be the value of j on termination of the segment?

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 6720

Answers to Sample Questions

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c)

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Details of Common Entrance Test MAH–MCA-CET 2011

1. The agency to administer the CET

The CET would be administered by the Competent Authority, on its own or in collaboration with
or through a professional agency with proven record of its competence and experience in such
process of personnel selection through competitive examinations.

2. The CET

2.1 The question paper for the CET will be set in English only. Translations in any other
languages will not be available.

2.2 The CET would be comprised of two papers of 100 marks each and each of one hour

2.3 The CET would have multiple choice objective type questions (MCQs)

2.4 Please note the negative mark system. Each correct answer will carry 4 marks.
Each wrong answer will carry 1 negative mark. Unanswered questions will
carry zero marks.

2.5 There will be no verification of marks or revaluation of answer sheets of the CET.

2.6 The marks at the CET would be considered for admission during the current academic year
only and would not be allowed to be carried forward to the next year.

2.7 The detailed information and the instructions about the CET and a few sample questions
illustrating the nature, variety, scope, pattern, type of questions that will be set for the
CET are given in Annexure IV.

2.8 The cities in which MAH-MCA-CET 2011 is conducted are designated as centers for the
CET. Each center will have several venues depending upon the number of candidates
likely to appear at that center. A candidate applying for the CET would have the freedom
to choose his/her center but shall not have freedom to choose the venue.

Instructions to the Candidates

Please do not start answering the paper until you have finished reading these

 The examination consists of 2 papers: General Aptitude (GA) and Computer Concepts (CC).
The duration of the examination is 2 hours. Each paper has 25 questions and is expected to
be completed in one hour

 At the start of the examination, you will be given an Optical Mark Reader (OMR) answer
sheet. You have to mark your answers in this sheet and give it to the invigilator at the end
of the examination. Each answer block has 40 rows for marking answers of upto 200
questions of a paper.

 It is mandatory to fill up the following information in the OMR answer sheet. Without
this information, the answer sheet is liable for rejection. Fill in corresponding ovals carefully

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with a BLACK BALL POINT PEN only. The answer sheet will be machine evaluated. Make
sure that the ovals are exactly filled and properly darkened.

Information Remarks

1. Name of candidate Mark your name in this block. Use a blank to separate the components of
your name. The same name will be used in your score report.

2. Roll Number This can be found from the hall ticket. It is of 8 digit.

3. Text form Number It is a 3 digit number on the answer sheet.

4. Date of Examination

5. Organization D.T.E.

6. Center of Examination City Name

7. Candidate’s Sign Please sign in the space provided, with a pen.

8. Invigilator’s Sign Sign by the Invigilator

Please do not forget to fill up your ROLL NUMBER on the answer sheet.

 You can use all the blank space in the question paper for your rough work. No additional sheets
will be provided for rough work.

 Mark your answers first on the question paper itself. You can later transfer them to
the answer sheet very carefully since there is a negative mark system.

 All questions are to be answered by choosing the most suitable of the given alternatives. If you
feel that the exact answer is not given, choose the best available answer. Do not seek any
clarifications from the invigilator or any one else during the examination.

 Each correct answer will carry 4 marks. Each wrong answer will carry 1 negative
mark. Unanswered questions will carry zero marks.

 The question paper MUST be returned with all the sheets intact. Failure to return these will result
in your being disqualified from the examination.

 Use of calculators, slide rules, log tables or other such arithmetic aids and cellular phone, pager
etc. is not allowed. Instructions sent to you with the application receipt, books, notes etc. are also
not allowed. If you have brought any of these, please leave them with the invigilator.

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MCA Admission 2011-12

Important Timings

02.00 PM  Admittance to the venue.

 Submit your photo-bearing Hall Ticket to invigilator.

 Sign on Hall Ticket.

 Receive Answer sheets, Fill up biodata. Darken ovals (Wherever applicable), using
black ball point pen.

02.20 PM  Receive test booklet from Invigilator.

 Write your Roll No. on the cover page of booklet

 Copy Test form No. In the answer sheet and darken appropriate ovals
corresponding to test form no.

 Read the instructions printed on the cover page

 Check to see that there are TWO self-enclosed folders stapled together. The first
for General Aptitude and the second for the Computer Concept Test


02.30 PM  Cut open the wrapper of test 1 folder and start test of General Aptitude (Test 1).

 Mark answers in the answer sheet using BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY. You are
given one hour for this test of General Aptitude

 If you finish earlier, you may revise your answers to the questions in this test

 You are NOT allowed to open or work on Test2.

03.30 PM  STOP test 1. Cut open wrapper of Test2(Computer Concept)START

 Test 2. Do not go back to test 1 during this time.

04.30 PM  STOP Test 2. Close test Booklet. Return the test Booklet & the Answer sheet to
the invigilator. You should leave the block only with the permission of the

Please check that the invigilator sign on both the Hall Tickets and return Hall Ticket
marked as “Candidate Copy” to the candidate, which is to be produced at the time of
admission in the institute. Do not lose or spoil the Hall Ticket.

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Annexure V

List of the Application Form Receipt Centers -cum-Facilitation Centers selected for
On-Line receipt of applications for the admission to the MCA for the year 2011-2012
Sr. No. Location Name, Address and Contact details
Mumbai University
Bandra (W) Mumbai Education Trust's Institute of Computer Science,
1 (Mumbai) Bandra(W), Mumbai. - 400050
Phone No:- (022) 2644 0096 Fax: (022) 2644 0155
Andheri (W) Manjara Charitable Trust's Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology,
2 (Mumbai) Andheri(W), Mumbai - 400053
Phone No:- (022) 26707025 Fax: (022) 26707026
Kandivali(E) Thakur Institute of Management Studies Career Development Research,
3 (Mumbai) Kandivali (E), Mumbai. - 400101
Phone No:- (022) 67308301/2 Fax: (022) 28852527
Matunga Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,(V. J. T. I. )
4 (Mumbai) H.R. Mahajani Marg, Matunga,Mumbai – 400019
Phone No:- (022) 24146972 Ext 170 Fax: (022) 24152874
Chembur Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology,
5 Mumbai Sindhi Society, Chembur, Mumbai - 400074
Phone No:- (022) 61532532 Fax: (022) 25230885
Thane Audyogik Shikshan Mandal’s Institute Of Management & Computer Studies (IMCOST),
6 Thane - 400604
Phone No:- (022) 25834443 Fax: (022) 2583453
Nerul NCRD's Sterling Institute of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai
Navi Mumbai Opp. to Seawoods - Darave Petrol Pump, Plot No. 93/A, Sector 19, Nerul,
Navi Mumbai, - 400706
Phone No:- (022) 27722290 Fax: (022)27702282
Kharghar, Jawahar Edu Soc. A. C. Patil College of Engineering, Kharghar,
8 Navi Mumbai Navi Mumbai - 410210
Phone No:- (022) 27745722 Fax: (022) 27745722
Ratnagiri Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Mirjole, Ratnagiri - 415639
Phone No:- (02352) 229657 Fax: (02352) 228436
Pune University
Pune P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune - 411005
Phone No:- (020) 25533638 Fax: (020) 25530957
Pune Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, ENIAC Institute of Computer Application,
11 Wagholi, Pune - 411028
Phone No:- (020) 27051173 Fax: (020) 27052590
Pune Dr. D.Y.Patil Pratishthan's Pad. Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Master of Computer
12 Applications, Akurdi, Pune - 44
Phone No:- (020) 27640998 Fax: (020) 27654501
Nashik K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,Panchwati, Nashik - 422003
Phone No:- (0253) 2512876 Fax: (0253) 27654501
Ahmednagar B.P. Hivale Education Socity's Institute of Management Studies Career
14 Development Research, Ahmednagar
Phone No:- (0241) 2346532 Fax: (0241) 2326529
North Maharashtra University

Jalgaon Department of Computer Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. – 425001

Phone No:- (0257) 2257451 Fax: (0257) 2258403

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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University

Aurangabad Government College of Engineering,

16 Near Osmanpura Post Office, Aurangabad - 431005
Phone No:- (0240) 2366101/251 Fax: (0240) 2332835
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University

Nanded Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology,

17 Vishnupuri, Nanded-431608
Phone No:- (02462) 229234 Fax: (02462) 229236
Latur Puranmal Lahoti Government Polytechnic, Latur
18 Ausa Road , Latur- 413531
Phone No:- (02382) 252004 , 242881 Fax: (02382) 242881
Shivaji University

Karad Government College of Engineering, Vidyanagar, Karad-415124

Phone No:- (02164) 272414 Fax: (02164) -271713
Kolhapur Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur
Phone No:- (0231) 2521038 Fax: (0231) 2521016
Solapur Government Polytechnic, Solapur
21 4, Akkalkot Road, Solapur
Phone No:- (0217) 2653922 Fax: (0217) 2653925
Rayat Shikshan Santha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering,
22 Satara Near circuit house, Sadar Bazar, Satara – 415 001
Phone No:- (02162) 230636 Fax: (02162) 235767
SGB Amravati University
Amravati Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya, Department of Research and PG Studies in Science &
23 Management, MCA Programme , Amravati- 444602
Phone No:- (0721) 2662740 Fax: (0721) 2662740
Badnera Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Badnera
24 Anjangaon Bari Road, Badnera, Amravati - 444701
Phone No:- (0721) 2681159 / 2681246 Fax (0712) 2681337
Shegaon Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering,
25 College Campus, Khamgaon Road, Shegaon-444203
Phone No:- (07265) 252116 Fax: (07265) 252346
RTM Nagpur University
Chandrapur Government College of Engineering, Chandrapur
26 Ballarsha Bypass Road,Chandrapur - 442 403
Phone No:- (07172) 227664/227274 Fax: (07172) 227334
Nagpur Shri. Ramdeo Baba Kamla Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur
27 Ramdeo Tekdi, Gittikhadan, Katol Road, Nagpur
Phone No:- (0712) -2583236 Fax: (0712) 2583237
Nagpur Shri Shivaji Education Society Amravati's Science College (MCA), Nagpur - 440012
Phone No:- (0712) 2423432 Fax:- (0712) 2440955

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Annexure VII

Institute Information

(i) The sanctioned Intake indicated against each institute is as per the AICTE approval for the
academic year 2010-11. Variation in the intake, New Institutes, if any, for the year 2011-12,
will be notified on the website

(ii) If any new MCA institute is established and permission for the same is granted by both AICTE
and State Government, then the new choice code of such institute will be made available
while filling the option form.

(iii) The status of Minority indicated against certain institutes is as per the Government Orders for
the academic year 2010-11. The updated status of Minority shall be available at the time of
submission of option form.

(iv) Candidates are advised to study the infrastructure facilities like hostel, faculty, library,
placement, computing facilities etc through website of respective institutes before opting for
the choice of institute.

(v) The candidates are advised to enquire the respective institutions regarding the availability of
the hostel facility before filling of the option form.

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MCA Admission 2011-12

University Wise List of Institutes

Sr. Inst.
Institute Name Status Intake
No. Code
SNDT University
S.N.D.T Women's University P.G.D. of Computer
1 3032 University Managed 60
Science, Mumbai
West Khandesh Bhagini Seva Mandal's Dr.
2 5153 Suryakanta R. Ajmera M.C.A. College for Women, Un-Aided 60
Mumbai University
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI),
3 3012 Government Aided 60
Matunga, Mumbai.
IBSAR Trust's IBSAR Institute of Management
4 3122 Un-Aided 60
Studies, Karjat, Raigad
Saraswati Education Society's Yadavrao
5 3141 Tasagaonkar School of business Management, Un-Aided 60
Jawahar Education Society's Annasaheb
6 3146 Un-Aided 60
Chudaman Patil College of Engineering,Kharghar
Saraswati Education Society, Yadavrao
7 3147 Tasagaonkar Institute of Engineering & Un-Aided 60
Technology, Karjat
K.J. Somaiya Institute in Management Studies &
8 3161 Linguistic Minority- 60
Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai
Bharti Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management &
9 3162 Un-Aided 120
Information Technology, Navi Mumbai
SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul,
10 3165 Linguistic Minority- 60
Navi Mumbai
South Indian
Mumbai Education Trust's Institute of Computer
11 3167 Un-Aided 60
Science, Bandra (W), Mumbai
Thakur Institute of Management Studies Career
12 3168 Linguistic Minority- 120
Development Research, Kandivali (E), Mumbai
Late Bhausaheb Hiray S. S. Trust's Institute of
13 3169 Un-Aided 60
Computer Application, Bandra (E), Mumbai
NCRD's Sterling Institute of Management Studies,
14 3170 Un-Aided 60
Navi Mumbai
Audyogik Shikshan Mandal’s Institute Of
15 3171 Management & Computer Studies ( IMCOST), Un-Aided 120
YMT. College of Mangement ,Kharghar, Tal.
16 3172 Un-Aided 60
Panvel Dist.Raigad
Deccan Education Society's Navinchandra Mehta
17 3173 Institute of Technology & Development, Dadar, Un-Aided 60
Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of
18 3185 Linguistic Minority- 60
Technology, Chembur, Mumbai
Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Kopar
19 3196 Linguistic Minority- 60
Khairane, Navi Mumbai

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MCA Admission 2011-12

Sr. Inst.
Institute Name Status Intake
No. Code
Hope Foundation and research center's Finolex
20 3200 Academy of Management and Technology, Un-Aided 60
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institute of
21 3215 Un-Aided 60
Technology , Andheri, Mumbai
Late Shri. Vishnu Waman Thakur Charitable
22 3221 Un-Aided 60
Trust, Viva Institute of Technology, Shirgaon
Pune University
Nashik District Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj's
23 5108 Karmaveer Adv.Babaurao Ganpatrao Thakare Un-Aided 60
College of Engineering, Nashik
B. P. Hivale Education Society's Institute of Un-Aided
24 5111 Management Studies Career Development Religious Minority- 60
Research, Ahmednagar Christian
C.H.M.E. Society's Dr. Moonje Institute for
25 5119 Un-Aided 60
Management & Computer Studies, Nashik
K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education
26 5121 Un-Aided 60
and Research, Nashik
MET Bhujbal Knowledge City MET League's
27 5151 Un-Aided 60
Engineering College, Adgaon, Nashik.
Gokhale Education Society, College of
28 5181 Un-Aided 60
Engineering, Nashik
Padmashree Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil
29 5328 Foundation's Institute of Business Management & Un-Aided 60
Rural Development, Ahmednagar
Audyogik Shikshan Mandal's Institute of Business
30 6102 Un-Aided 120
Management & Research, Pune
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management &
31 6104 Un-Aided 60
Researchi, Pimpri
32 6109 MAEER's MIT School of Management, Pune Un-Aided 60
Progressive Education Society's Institute of
33 6111 Un-Aided 60
Management & Career Development, Nigdi, Pune
34 6129 Jayawant Institute of Management Studies, Pune Un-Aided 60
35 6135 Alard Institute of Management Sciences, Pune Linguistic Minority- 60
Vidya Pratishthan Institute of Information
36 6137 Un-Aided 60
Technology, Baramati, Pune
Progressive Education Society's Modern College
37 6139 Un-Aided 60
of Engineering, Pune
Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Engineering,
38 6144 Un-Aided 60
Haveli, Pune
39 6145 Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering,Pune Un-Aided 60
MAEER's Maharashtra Academy of
40 6146 Un-Aided 60
Engineering,Alandi, Pune
Choudhary Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Trust,
41 6149 Linguistic Minority- 60
Siddhant College of Engineering, Maval, Pune
Zeal Education Society's Dnyanganga Institute of
42 6152 Un-Aided 60
Career Empowerment & Research, Pune
Institute of Industrial & Computer Management
43 6154 Un-Aided 60
& Research, Nigdi, Pune

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MCA Admission 2011-12

Sr. Inst.
Institute Name Status Intake
No. Code
G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering &
44 6155 Linguistic Minority- 60
Management, Wagholi, Pune
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of
45 6156 Un-Aided 60
Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune
Pandit Shivdatta Shastri Education Foundation's
46 6164 Linguistic Minority- 60
Asma Institute of Management, Shivane, Pune
Kamla Education Society's Pratibha Institute of
47 6167 Un-Aided 60
Business Management, Chinchwad, Pune
Abhinav Education Society's Institute of
48 6170 Un-Aided 60
Management and Research, Haveli, Pune
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust, Pimpri
49 6175 Un-Aided 60
Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune
Chanakya Education Society's Indira College of
50 6179 Un-Aided 60
Engineering & Management, Pune
Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, ENIAC
51 6180 Un-Aided 60
Institute of Computer Application, Wagholi, Pune
Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Abacus
52 6181 Institute of Computer Application, Hadapsar, Un-Aided 60
Sinhagad Technical Education Soceity, Sinhagad
53 6185 Un-Aided 60
Institut Of Technology, Lonavala
Dr. D.Y.Patil Pratishthan's Pad. Dr. D.Y.Patil
54 6228 Institute of Master of Computer Applications, Un-Aided 120
Akurdi, Pune
Indira Institute of Management,
55 6229 Un-Aided 90
Tathawade,Mulsi, Pune
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's Sinhgad
56 6231 Un-Aided 180
Institute of Management ,Vadgaon(Budruk),Pune
Maharashtra Education Society's Institute of
57 6232 Un-Aided 60
Management and Career Courses (IMCC), Pune
J.S.P.M.'s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering
58 6233 Un-Aided 60
(MCA), Pune
Jayawant Institute of Computer Applications,
59 6234 Un-Aided 120
Tathawade, Pune
S. S.P Mandal 's Manikchand Dhariwal Institute of
60 6235 Un-Aided 45
Management and Rural Tecnology, Shirur (Pune)
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's , Sinhgad
61 6236 Institute of Business Administration & Research, Un-Aided 120
Kondhawa-Saswad Road, P
Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and
62 6238 Un-Aided 120
Computer Application (SIBACA), Lonavala
Sinhgad Technical Education Society, Sinhgad
63 6239 Institute of Management & Computer Un-Aided 60
Application, Narhe (Ambegaon), Pune
Choudhary Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Un-Aided
64 6240 Education Trust's Siddhant Institute Of Computer Linguistic Minority- 60
Application, Sudambare Hindi
G.H. Raisoni Educational & Medical Foundation's Un-Aided
65 6242 G. H. Raisoni Institute of Management & Linguistic Minority- 60
Reserch, Wagholi, Pune Hindi
Dr.D.Y. Patil Institute of management, At Post
66 6243 Un-Aided 60
Ambi, Talegaon-Dabhade District: Pune

DTE, Mumbai 63 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12

Sr. Inst.
Institute Name Status Intake
No. Code
Audyogik Shikshan Mandals, Institute of
67 6244 Un-Aided 60
Computer Studies, Pune
Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and
68 6245 Un-Aided 60
Computer Application (SIBACA), Lonavala
Bansilal Ramnath Agarawal Charitable Trust's
69 6273 Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Un-Aided 30
Bibwewadi, Pune
North Maharashtra University
Department of Computer Science, North University
70 5002 60
Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. Department
K.C.E. Society's Institute of Management and
71 5148 Un-Aided 60
Research, Jalgaon
R.C. Patel Educational Trust, Institute of
72 5150 Linguistic Minority- 60
Management Reasearch & Development, Shirpur
G. H. Raisoni Institute of Information
73 5152 Linguistic Minority- 60
Technology, Pachora Road, Mohadi Jalgaon
Samrat Ashok Institute ofComputer Management
74 5329 Un-Aided 60
Dr. B. A. Marathwada University
Dr. B. A. M.University Dept. Of Management University
75 2001 60
Science, Aurangabad Department
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
76 2005 Vidyapeeth,(Aurangabad) Sub Section - 60
77 2008 Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad Government 60
Mahatma Gandhi Missions Institute of
78 2118 Un-Aided 60
Management, Aurangabad
Bharatiya Gramin Punarrachana Sanstha's
79 2121 Rajashri Shahu Institute of Managment, Un-Aided 60
Maulana Azad Educational Trust's Tom Patrick Un-Aided
80 2122 Institute of Computer & Information Technology, Religious Minority- 60
Aurangabad Muslim
Maratha Education Society's Institute of
81 2124 Management studies & Information Technology, Un-Aided 60
Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal's Marathwada
82 2126 Un-Aided 60
Institute of Technology, Aurangabad
Terna Public Charitable Trust's College of
83 2130 Un-Aided 60
Engineering, Osmanabad
M.G.M.'s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College,
84 2132 Un-Aided 60
S. R. T. Marathwada University
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
85 2007 60
Vidyapeeth, Nanded Department
Shree Sharda Bhavan Education Society's
86 2119 Un-Aided 30
Institute of Technology & Management, Nanded
Dnyanopasak Shikshan Mandal's Institute of
87 2120 Information Technology & Management, Un-Aided 18

DTE, Mumbai 64 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12

Sr. Inst.
Institute Name Status Intake
No. Code
Shri Mahatma Basweshwar Edu. Society Institute
88 2123 Un-Aided 25
of Computer Education, Latur
S.V.S.P. Mandal's Swami Vivekanand Institute of
89 2125 Un-Aided 60
Technology and Mangement ,Udgir
Shivaji University
90 6005 Government College of Engineering, Karad Government 30
KIT's Institute of Management Education &
91 6212 Un-Aided 60
Research, Kolhapur
Chh. Shahu Institute Of Business Edu And Res
92 6213 Vasantraodada Patil Institute Of Management Un-Aided 60
Studies & Research, Sangli
Jeevan Prabodhini MCA College, Khanapur, Gardi,
93 6246 Un-Aided 60
KFS - Krishna Institute of Computer Application &
94 6248 Un-Aided 180
Management, Wathar
Gourishankar Educational & Charitable Trust's
95 6302 Satara College of Engineering & Management, Un-Aided 60
Limb, Satara
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
Department of Computer Science, SGB Amravati University
96 1005 60
University, Amravati Department
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya Department of
97 1102 Research and PG Studies in Science & Un-Aided 60
Management, Amravati
V.Y.W.S's Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of
98 1105 Un-Aided 60
Technology & Research, Amravati
Dr.Babasaheb Nandurkar College of Physical
99 1110 Un-Aided 60
Education , Yavatmal
Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasark Mandal's P.G.
100 1111 Department of Computer Science & Technology, Un-Aided 60
101 1112 P.R.Patil College of Management, Amravati Un-Aided 60
Sadhana Shikshan Mandal, Saraswati College,
102 1113 Un-Aided 60
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Inter Institutional Computer Center and Dept.
103 4003 of Computer Science & Electronics, RTM Nagpur 30
Shri. Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering
104 4115 Linguistic Minority- 60
College, Nagpur
Ankush Shikshan Sanstha's G.H.Raisoni College
105 4116 Linguistic Minority- 60
of Engineering, Nagpur
G. H. Raisoni Institute of Information Technology
106 4117 Linguistic Minority- 120
& Computing Research, Nagpur
Wardhaman Bahu Uddeshiya Sanstha, Institute
107 4121 Linguistic Minority- 60
of Management & Research, Nagpur
Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha,
108 4123 Linguistic Minority- 60
Priyadarshani College of Engineering, Nagpur

DTE, Mumbai 65 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12

Sr. Inst.
Institute Name Status Intake
No. Code
Amar Seva Mandal's Kamla Nehru
109 4124 Un-Aided 60
Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha's Smt. Radhikatai
110 4133 Un-Aided 60
Pandav College of Engineering, Nagpur
Vidarbha Bahu-Uddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha's Un-Aided
111 4151 Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering Linguistic Minority- 60
& Technology, Nagpur Hindi
Shri Shivaji Education Society Amravati's Science
112 4152 Un-Aided 30
College (MCA), Nagpur
Sarvodaya Shikshan Mandal's Sardar Patel
113 4153 Mahavidayalaya, Dept. of Computer Studies & Un-Aided 25
Research, Chandrapur
Gondiya Education Society's J.M. Patel College of
114 4155 Un-Aided 25
Computer Science, Bhandara
Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sansthan's Ranibai
115 4156 Agnihotri Institute Of Computer Information Un-Aided 40
Technology, Wardha
V. M. Vasant Commerce, J.M. Thakar Arts & J.J.
116 4157 Linguistic Minority- 60
Patel Science College, Nagpur
Vodithala Education Society's Kavikulguru
117 4168 Institute of Technology and Science (KITS), Un-Aided 60
Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha's , Un-Aided
118 4171 Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering and Linguistic Minority- 60
Technology, Nagpur Hindi
JMSS Shri Shankarprasad Agnihotri College of
119 4175 Un-Aided 60
Engineering, Wardha
Smt. Bhagwati Chaturvedi College of
120 4177 Linguistic Minority- 60
Engineering,Harpur Nagar, Nagpur
Nagar Yuvak Shikshak Sanstha, N.Y.S.S. College
121 4178 Un-Aided 60
of Engineering & Research, Wanadongari.
Sarvasiddhanta Education Soc's Nuva College of
122 4181 Un-Aided 60
Engineering and Technology, Nagpur.
Solapur University
KSGBS's Bharat- Ratna Indira Gandhi College of
123 6219 Un-Aided 60
Engineering, Kegaon, Solapur
Savitribai Phule Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's
124 6227 Sinhgad Institute of Business Management, Un-Aided 120
Sangola, Solapur
Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Kegaon
125 6645 Un-Aided 120
Dist. Solapur
Sinhgad Institute of Computer Sciences, Korti
126 6647 Un-Aided 120
Taluka Pandharpur
Total 8218

DTE, Mumbai 66 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
S.N.D.T Women's University P.G.D. of Computer Science, Mumbai
1 3032
AICTE Application No.
University Area SNDT University 1-33029843
Status University Managed
Year of Establishment 1985
Address Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Vidya Vihar, Juhu Road, Santacruz(w),

District Mumbai PIN 400049

Phone No (022) 26605127 Fax 26606040
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Santacruz( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand S.N.D.T. (Santacruz West)( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 13
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1989 60 303224150
West Khandesh Bhagini Seva Mandal's Dr. Suryakanta R. Ajmera M.C.A. College
2 5153 for Women, Dhule
AICTE Application No.
University Area SNDT University 1-17914021
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address Vidyanagari, Near Datta Mandir, Deopur, Dist Dhule

District Dhule PIN 424005

Phone No (02562) 284949 Fax 284949, 272949
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Dhule( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand Dhule Bus Stand( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 515324150
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI), Matunga, Mumbai.
3 3012
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-5149491
Status Government Aided Autonomous
Year of Establishment 1887
Address Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, (V.J.T.I.), H.R. Mahajani Marg, Matunga,
District Mumbai PIN 400019
Phone No (022) 022-24198100 Fax 022-24152874
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Wadala , Matunga, Dadar( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Wadala/Maheshwari Udyan (King Circle)( 0.7 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1990 60 301224110

DTE, Mumbai 67 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
IBSAR Trust's IBSAR Institute of Management Studies, Karjat, Raigad
4 3122
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-4821121
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Plot no.159 B,Dahivali Tarfe Need, Karjat, Dist: Raigad

District Raigad PIN 410201

Phone No (02148) 02148-220471 Fax 02148-220029
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Karjat( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Dahivali( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 15
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application Second Shift 2010 60 312224120
Saraswati Education Society's Yadavrao Tasagaonkar School of business
5 3141 Management, Karjat
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-4488117
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Dr.N.Y.Tasgaonkar Education complex, Village: Chandhai, Near Bhivpuri Road
Station, Taluka: Karjat, Mumbai Pune Railway Route
District Raigad PIN 410201
Phone No (0218) 320782 Fax 24318819
Email [email protected]/[email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station BHIVPURI ROAD( 1.5 km.)
Bus Stand KARJAT( 6.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 60 Girls : 40
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application Second Shift 2010 60 314124120
Jawahar Education Society's Annasaheb Chudaman Patil College of
6 3146 Engineering,Kharghar
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-32561901
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1992
Address Sector 4,Ploat No-17,Kharghar,Navi Mumbai.

District Thane PIN 410210

Phone No (022) 27745722/32 Fax 27745732
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Kharghar( 0.3 km.)
Bus Stand Kharghar( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 314624110

DTE, Mumbai 68 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Saraswati Education Society, Yadavrao Tasagaonkar Institute of Engineering &
7 3147 Technology, Karjat
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-4558233
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Near Bhiv puri Road Railway statiion Chandai ,Tal Karjat, Dist Raigad

District Raigad PIN 410201

Phone No (02148) 320596 Fax 225607
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Bhivpuri Road( 1.5 km.)
Bus Stand Karjat( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 150 Girls : 100
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 314724110
K.J. Somaiya Institute in Management Studies & Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai.
8 3161
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Gujarathi
Year of Establishment 1983
Address Vidya Vihar (East), Mumbai. Dist. Mumbai.

District Mumbai PIN 400077

Phone No (022) 66449300 Fax 25157219
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Vidyavihar( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand Sindhuwadi( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 5 Girls : 4
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2006 60 316124110
Bharti Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management & Information Technology, Navi
9 3162 Mumbai
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-9046111
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1990
Address Sector 8. CBD, Belapur,opp. to Kharghar Rly Station, Navi Mumbai

District Thane PIN 400614

Phone No (022) 27869202 Fax 27571182
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Kharghar( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand CBD, Belapur( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2002 120 316224110

DTE, Mumbai 69 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
10 3165
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-South Indian
Year of Establishment 1995
Address Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathy, Vidyapuram, Plot 1E, Sector-V, Nerul , Navi
District Thane PIN 400706
Phone No (022) 27708376 Fax 27708379
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nerul( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nerul Bus Depot( 0.1 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 316524110
Mumbai Education Trust's Institute of Computer Science, Bandra (W), Mumbai.
11 3167
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-5210591
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2001
Address Gen. Arunkumar Vaidya Chowk, 2nd Floor, MET complex, Bandra Reclamation,
District Mumbai PIN 400050
Phone No (022) 2239554255 Fax 26440093
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Bandra( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Bandra Reclamation( 0.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 316724110
Thakur Institute of Management Studies Career Development Research,
12 3168 Kandivali (E), Mumbai.
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-2492288
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2001
Address Shyamanarayan Thakur Marg, Thakur Village, Kandivali (E), Mumbai

District Mumbai PIN 400101

Phone No (022) 67308301/02 Fax 28852527
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Kandivali (E)( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Samta Nagar( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 5 Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 120 316824110

DTE, Mumbai 70 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Late Bhausaheb Hiray S. S. Trust's Institute of Computer Application, Bandra
13 3169 (E), Mumbai.
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2001
Address S.No 341, Next to New English School,Opp. Kherwadi police station Govt. Colony,
Bandra(E), Mumbai
District Mumbai PIN 400051
Phone No (022) 26570986 Fax 26573181
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Bandra, Mumbai( 1.5 km.)
Bus Stand Bandra (E) {BEST}( 0.1 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 316924110
NCRD's Sterling Institute of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai
14 3170
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address Opp. to Seawoods - Darave Petrol Pump, Plot No. 93/A, Sector 19, Nerul, Navi
District Thane PIN 400706
Phone No (022) 27722290 Fax 27702282
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station nerul( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand thane( 1.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 317024110
Audyogik Shikshan Mandal’s Institute Of Management & Computer Studies (
15 3171 IMCOST), Thane
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address C-4 Wagle Industrial Estate, Opp. Aplab, Near Mulund Check Naka, Thane (W)

District Thane PIN 400604

Phone No (022) 25834443 Fax 25832453
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Thane( 2.5 km.)
Bus Stand Khopat ( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2004 120 317124110

DTE, Mumbai 71 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
YMT. College of Mangement ,Kharghar, Tal. Panvel Dist.Raigad
16 3172
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address Plot No.16, Institutional Area, Sector 4, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. Tal Panvel Dist
District Raigad PIN 410210
Phone No (022) 27745288 Fax 27745288
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Kharghar( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand Kharghar( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 15 Girls : 35
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 317224110
Deccan Education Society's Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology &
17 3173 Development, Dadar, Mumbai
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-13003614
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address DES's Mumbai Campus, Kirti College Road, Dadar (W), Mumbai.

District Mumbai PIN 400028

Phone No (022) 24325700 Fax 24325700
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Dadar( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Dadar( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 317324110
Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Chembur, Mumbai
18 3185
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-7118101
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Sindhi
Year of Establishment 1984
Address Sindhi Society, Chembur, Mumbai

District Mumbai - Suburban PIN 400071

Phone No (022) 25227638,2554 3 Fax 25230885
Email [email protected]
Railway Station L. T. Terminals, Kurla( 2.5 km.)
Bus Stand Kurla Nehru Nagar( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 10 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 318524110

DTE, Mumbai 72 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai
19 3196
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-6317941
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 1994
Address Sector - 4, Plot N0 17 & 18, Vikas Nagar, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai

District Thane PIN 400709

Phone No (022) 27541005,275410 Fax 27547793
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Koparkhairane( 2.5 km.)
Bus Stand Koparkhairane( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 319624110
Hope Foundation and research center's Finolex Academy of Management and
20 3200 Technology, Ratnagiri
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-3861731
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1996
Address P- 60, P-60/1, MIDC, Mirjole Block, Ratnagiri

District Ratnagiri PIN 415639

Phone No (02352) 229657,228445 Fax 228436
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Ratnagiri( 2.5 km.)
Bus Stand Ratnagiri ( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2004 45 320024110
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institute of Technology , Andheri,
21 3215 Mumbai
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-5754558
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2005
Address Bhavan's Campus, Versova Road, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai

District Mumbai - Suburban PIN 400058

Phone No (022) 26707440,267014 Fax 26701422
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Andheri( 1.5 km.)
Bus Stand Bhavans College Bus Stop( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 20 Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 321524110

DTE, Mumbai 73 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Late Shri. Vishnu Waman Thakur Charitable Trust, Viva Institute of
22 3221 Technology, Shirgaon
AICTE Application No.
University Area Mumbai University 1-7468271
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address Shirgaon, At. Post Virar, Tal. Vasai.

District Thane PIN 401303

Phone No (0250) 2026229 Fax 2515275
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Virar western Railway( 7.0 km.)
Bus Stand Virar( 7.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 322124110
Nashik District Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj's Karmaveer Adv.Babaurao
23 5108 Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, Nashik
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-3565901
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1999
Address Udoji Maratha Boarding Campus, Near Pumping Station, Gangapur Road, Nashik

District Nashik PIN 422013

Phone No (0253) 2582891,2314319 Fax 2317016
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station (15.0 km.)
Bus Stand CBS( 3.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 180
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 510824110
B. P. Hivale Education Society's Institute of Management Studies Career
24 5111 Development Research, Ahmednagar
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided Religious Minority-Christian
Year of Establishment 1990
Address Opp.Ahmednagar college, Station Road, Ahmednagar

District Ahmednagar PIN 414001

Phone No (0241) 2346532 Fax 2346529
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Ahmednagar( 1.5 km.)
Bus Stand Ahmednagar( 0.8 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 25 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 511124110

DTE, Mumbai 74 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
C.H.M.E. Society's Dr. Moonje Institute for Management & Computer Studies,
25 5119 Nashik
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-7599781
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address B.M. College Campus,Rambhoomi, Gangapur Road,Savarkar Nagar, Nashik

District Nashik PIN 422005

Phone No (0253) 2309617 Fax 2342840
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nasik Road(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Central Bus stand( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 15 Girls : 15
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2004 60 511924110
K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik
26 5121
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5942025
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1984
Address National Highway, Amrut Dham, Panchawati, Nashik

District Nashik PIN 422003

Phone No (0253) 2221303/302 Fax 2511962
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nashik Road(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nashik(13.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 50
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 512124110
MET Bhujbal Knowledge City MET League's Engineering College, Adgaon,
27 5151 Nashik.
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address Bhujbal Knowledge City , MET's Institute Of Engineering, Adgaon Nashik-422003
District Nashik PIN 422003
Phone No (0253) 2303515 Fax 2303203
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nashik Road( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand CBS(10.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 515124110

DTE, Mumbai 75 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Gokhale Education Society, College of Engineering, Nashik
28 5181
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6442131
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address Vidyanagar, Nashik

District Nashik PIN 422005

Phone No (0253) 2570106 Fax 2570104
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nashikroad(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nashik( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 120 Girls : 120
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 518124110
Padmashree Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's Institute of Business
29 5328 Management & Rural Development, Ahmednagar
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2010
Address PO MIDC, Viladghat, Nagar Manadmad Road, Ahmednagar

District Ahmednagar PIN 414111

Phone No () 2779558 Fax 277682
Railway Station ( km.)
Bus Stand ( km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Girls :
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 532824110
Audyogik Shikshan Mandal's Institute of Business Management & Research,
30 6102 Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5878961
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1983
Address Plot No. P-90, MIDC, Block - C, Pimpri Industrial A rea Kishor Pumps Rd.,
Chinchwad, Pune 411019
District Pune PIN 411019
Phone No (020) 27475090 Fax 27471753
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Chinchwad( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand Chinchwad( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 120 610224110

DTE, Mumbai 76 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management & Researchi, Pimpri
31 6104
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-7427161
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1994
Address Mumbai-Pune Road, Opp. H. A. Ltd., Pimpri, Pune

District Pune PIN 411018

Phone No (020) 27421211 Fax 27421293
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Kasarwadi Pimpri( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pimpri Chinchwad Vallabhnagar( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 25 Girls : 10
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1999 60 610424110
MAEER's MIT School of Management, Pune
32 6109
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-3041821
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1987
Address S. No. 124, 3rd Floor, Saraswati Vishwa Building, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune

District Pune PIN 411038

Phone No (020) 02030273595 Fax 02025442770
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune Railway Station(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shivaji Nagar ( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 15 Girls : 15
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 610924110
Progressive Education Society's Institute of Management & Career
33 6111 Development, Nigdi, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-4201485
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1991
Address Modern High School Compound, Sector No. 21, Yamuna Nagar, Nigdi, Pune

District Pune PIN 411044

Phone No (020) 27661350 Fax 27661349
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Akurdi( 4.0 km.)
Bus Stand Vallabhnagar, Pimpri( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 611124110

DTE, Mumbai 77 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Jayawant Institute of Management Studies, Pune
34 6129
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-8455463
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address Sr.No. 80, Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade, Pune-411033

District Pune PIN 411033

Phone No (020) 64731455 Fax 22933424
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(14.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 612924110
Alard Institute of Management Sciences, Pune
35 6135
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-26115781
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2005
Address Sr. No.47 & 50, Marunji, Nr.Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park Phase-2, Hinjawadi Munshi,
District Pune PIN 411027
Phone No (020) 22934188 Fax 22934041
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Chinchwad(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shivajinagar(16.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 28 Girls : 9
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2006 60 613524110
Vidya Pratishthan Institute of Information Technology, Baramati, Pune
36 6137
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-3103341
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2000
Address Vidyanagari, Bhigwan Road, Baramati Dist. Pune

District Pune PIN 413133

Phone No (02112) 239553 Fax 239550
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Daund(50.0 km.)
Bus Stand Baramati( 6.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 60 Girls : 60
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 613724110

DTE, Mumbai 78 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering, Pune
37 6139
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-4779181
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1999
Address P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, 1186 A, Shivajinagar, Off. J.M. Road,

District Pune PIN 411005

Phone No (020) 25533638 Fax 25530957
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Pune station( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shivaji Nagar( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 20 Girls : 40
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 613924110
Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Engineering, Haveli, Pune
38 6144
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-2055561
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address Survey No. 25/1/3, Infront of Chatrapati Shivaji Sports Stadium, Balewadi, Tal.
Haveli, Dist. Pune
District Pune PIN 411045
Phone No (020) 27290500 Fax 27290500
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune Jn.(16.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune, Shivaji Nagar(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 100
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2006 60 614424110
Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering,Pune
39 6145
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-4738886
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address S. No. 58, Indrayani Nagar, Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune

District Pune PIN 411002

Phone No (020) 26970886 Fax 26970880
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 75 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2004 60 614524110

DTE, Mumbai 79 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
MAEER's Maharashtra Academy of Engineering,Alandi, Pune
40 6146
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-23111191
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address At Kelgaon-Alandi, Alandi(Devachi), Tal. Khed, Dist Pune. 0

District Pune PIN 412105

Phone No (020) 30253500 Fax 30253799
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(18.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune(18.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 140 Girls : 40
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 614624110
Choudhary Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Trust,Siddhant College of Engineering,
41 6149 Maval, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-3836111
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2005
Address Chakan Talegaon Road, At Post Sudumbare, Tal. Maval Dist. Pune

District Pune PIN 412109

Phone No (02114) 661991 Fax 27420449
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Talegaon( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand Dehugaon( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 40
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 614924110
Zeal Education Society's Dnyanganga Institute of Career Empowerment &
42 6152 Research, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6749149
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address S. No. 39, Narhe, Behind Bhaviravnath Temple,Dayari-Narhe Road,Tal.- Haveli, Dist
District Pune PIN 411041
Phone No (020) 24391381 Fax 24390657
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Swargate - Pune( 7.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 615224110

DTE, Mumbai 80 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Institute of Industrial & Computer Management & Research, Nigdi, Pune
43 6154
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6094871
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address HS-2,Sector No 27A, Near Sant Tukaram Garden Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune

District Pune PIN 411033

Phone No (020) 27657648 Fax 020-27655980
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Akurdi( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nigdi( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1963 60 615424110
G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering & Management, Wagholi, Pune
44 6155
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-1720061
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2006
Address Gat No. 1200 , Domkhel Road, Wagholi,Tal-Haveli,Pune.

District Pune PIN 412207

Phone No (020) 27052811/13/14 Fax 27052812
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(15.0 km.)
Bus Stand PUNE/Wagholi (15.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 150 Girls : 120
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 615524110
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune
45 6156
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-8323471
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address Survey No 18, Plot No. 5/3, CTS No.205,Karvenagar, Pune

District Pune PIN 411052

Phone No (020) 25433160 Fax 25430909
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune (10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shivaji Nagar ( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 60 Girls : 70
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 615624110

DTE, Mumbai 81 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Pandit Shivdatta Shastri Education Foundation's Asma Institute of
46 6164 Management, Shivane, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5194211
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2007
Address S. No. 85/1, N.D.A. Road, Shivane, Pune

District Pune PIN 411029

Phone No (020) 25291471 Fax 25291461
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 47 Girls : 13
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 616424110
Kamla Education Society's Pratibha Institute of Business Management,
47 6167 Chinchwad, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-3675161
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Block No. D-III, Plot No.3, MIDC, Chinchwad, Pune

District Pune PIN 411019

Phone No (020) 30690510 Fax 30690510
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Chinchwad( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand Chinchwad( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 616724110
Abhinav Education Society's Institute of Management and Research, Haveli,
48 6170 Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-7027041
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Survey No. 23, Narhe, Taluka Haveli, Dist. Pune

District Pune PIN 411041

Phone No (020) 24390576 Fax 24319097
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(15.0 km.)
Bus Stand swargate(10.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 25 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 617024110

DTE, Mumbai 82 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,
49 6175 Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6028469
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1999
Address Sector 26, Pradhikaran, Nigdi Pradhikaran, Pune

District Pune PIN 411044

Phone No (020) 27653168 Fax 27653166
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Akurdi( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand Akurdi( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 170 Girls : 60
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 617524110
Chanakya Education Society's Indira College of Engineering & Management,
50 6179 Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-7372541
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Survey No.64,65,Gat No.276, At Post Parandwadi, Near Somatne Phata, Tal- Maval,

District Pune PIN 410506

Phone No (02114) 661500 Fax 661700
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Begadewadi( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand Parandwadi Somatne( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 617924110
Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, ENIAC Institute of Computer Application,
51 6180 Wagholi, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6873236
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Gate No 720/2, Vadgaon (BK.), Tal Haveli Dist. Pune

District Pune PIN 411028

Phone No (020) 27051173 Fax 27052590
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(14.0 km.)
Bus Stand Sivajinagar-Pune(16.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 618024110

DTE, Mumbai 83 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Abacus Institute of Computer Application,
52 6181 Hadapsar, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-7152601
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Gate No 58, Hadapsar, Pune

District Pune PIN 411028

Phone No (020) 26970912 Fax 26970887
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune Station(15.0 km.)
Bus Stand Swargate(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 618124110
Sinhagad Technical Education Soceity, Sinhagad Institut Of Technology,
53 6185 Lonavala
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5285631
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address Gat No.309/310/314, Pune-Mumbai Express Highway, kasgaon(BK), Lonavala

District Pune PIN 410401

Phone No (02114) 304355 Fax 278304
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Lonavala( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Lonavala( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 400 Girls : 200
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 618524110
Dr. D.Y.Patil Pratishthan's Pad. Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Master of Computer
54 6228 Applications, Akurdi, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6049371
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1984
Address Akurdi, Sector-29, Nigdi Pradhikaran, Akurdi, Pune

District Pune PIN 411044

Phone No (020) 20273793 Fax 27654501
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Akurdi( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pimpri-Chinchwad (S.T.)( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 40 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2002 120 622824110

DTE, Mumbai 84 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Indira Institute of Management, Tathawade,Mulsi, Pune
55 6229
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-4257891
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1994
Address S. No. 85/5-A, New Pune-Mumbai Highway, Near Wakad police Station,
Tathawade,Mulsi Pune
District Pune PIN 411033
Phone No (020) 02066759481/82/ Fax 22932633
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Chinchwad( 4.0 km.)
Bus Stand Chinchwad( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 10 Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2000 90 622924110
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's Sinhgad Institute of Management
56 6231 ,Vadgaon(Budruk),Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5813921
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1996
Address S. No. 44/1, Opp Sinhagad Road, Vadgaon (Budruk), Pune

District Pune PIN 411041

Phone No (020) 24356592 Fax 24356592
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(22.0 km.)
Bus Stand Swargate( 7.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 50
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 120 623124110
Master in Computer Application Second Shift 2010 60 623124120
Maharashtra Education Society's Institute of Management and Career Courses
57 6232 (IMCC), Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1999
Address 131, Mayur Colony, Kothrud, Pune

District Pune PIN 411029

Phone No (020) 25466271, 25463 Fax 25466271, 25463
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune( 7.0 km.)
Bus Stand Kothrud( 0.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 6 Girls : 6
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1999 60 623224110

DTE, Mumbai 85 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
J.S.P.M.'s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering (MCA), Pune
58 6233
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-8068015
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2001
Address S.No.80/3/1, Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade, Pune

District Pune PIN 411033

Phone No (020) 22933423 Fax 22934424
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(14.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 623324110
Jayawant Institute of Computer Applications, Tathawade, Pune
59 6234
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-4421224
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2002
Address S.No. 80/3/2, Mumbai-Pune Bypass Highway, Tathawade, Pune

District Pune PIN 411033

Phone No (020) 22932601 Fax 22933424
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(14.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 40 Girls : 10
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2002 120 623424110
S. S.P Mandal 's Manikchand Dhariwal Institute of Management and Rural
60 6235 Tecnology, Shirur (Pune)
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5444576
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2002
Address C/o C.T Bora College Campus, Shirur-Ghodnadi,

District Pune PIN 412210

Phone No (02138) 224678 Fax 224170
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Ahmednagar(50.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shirur( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 28 Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 45 623524110

DTE, Mumbai 86 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's , Sinhgad Institute of Business
61 6236 Administration & Research, Kondhawa-Saswad Road, P
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address S.No. 40/4A, 40/4/B/1 Kondhawa - Saswad Road Kondhwa (Bk.) Pune 411 048

District Pune PIN 411048

Phone No (020) 26933635 Fax 26933633
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Swargate ,Pune( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 15 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2004 120 623624110
Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Computer Application
62 6238 (SIBACA), Lonavala
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address Gat No. 309/310,314, Kusgaon (Bk.), Off Mumbai-Pune Express Highway Lonavala

District Pune PIN 410401

Phone No (02114) 02114304309 Fax 02114270203
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Lonavala( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Lonavala( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 60 Girls : 60
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2004 120 623824110
Sinhgad Technical Education Society, Sinhgad Institute of Management &
63 6239 Computer Application, Narhe (Ambegaon), Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-6548771
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2004
Address At Post Narhe, (Ambegaon), Off,Westerly by pass Pune- 411041

District Pune PIN 411041

Phone No (020) 24392830 Fax 24390596
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Swargate ,Pune( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 10
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 623924110

DTE, Mumbai 87 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Choudhary Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Education Trust's Siddhant Institute Of
64 6240 Computer Application, Sudambare
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-4782194
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2005
Address Chakan Talegaon Road, Sudumbare, Tal - Maval, Dist - Pune

District Pune PIN 412109

Phone No (02114) 661992 Fax 661992
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Talegaon( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand Dehugaon( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 40
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2005 60 624024110
G.H. Raisoni Educational & Medical Foundation's G. H. Raisoni Institute of
65 6242 Management & Reserch, Wagholi, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-12109971
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Gat No. 1200,Navin Wagholi, Nagar Road, Tal-Haveli Dist-Pune

District Pune PIN 412207

Phone No (020) 27052813 Fax 27052812
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(15.0 km.)
Bus Stand Pune(15.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 624224110
Dr.D.Y. Patil Institute of management, At Post Ambi, Talegaon-Dabhade
66 6243 District: Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-10164651
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address S.No. 124, At Post Ambie, Talegaon-Dabhade, Tal. maval, Pune

District Pune PIN 410506

Phone No (02114) 02214287669 Fax 222523
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Talegaon( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Talegaon Bua stand( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 200 Girls : 100
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 624324110

DTE, Mumbai 88 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Audyogik Shikshan Mandals, Institute of Computer Studies, Pune
67 6244
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-5884721
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Survey No. 29/1 & 2 A, CTS No. 4695, PCMC Building, Pimpri, Waghere, Pune

District Pune PIN 411018

Phone No (020) 020-65106998 Fax 020-27471753
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Chinchwad( 0.5 km.)
Bus Stand Pimpri( 0.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 25 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 624424110
Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Computer Application
68 6245 (SIBACA), Lonavala
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Gat No 309/310 & 314, Kusgaon(Bk.), Off Mumbai - Pune Expressway Lonavala Tal.
District Pune PIN 410401
Phone No (02114) 02114304309 Fax 02114270203
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Lonavala( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Lonavala( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 624524110
Bansilal Ramnath Agarawal Charitable Trust's Vishwakarma Institute of
69 6273 Technology, Bibwewadi, Pune
AICTE Application No.
University Area Pune University 1-3514117
Status Un-Aided Autonomous
Year of Establishment 1984
Address 666, Upper Indira Nagar, Bibwewadi, Pune - 411 037

District Pune PIN 411037

Phone No (020) 24202186 Fax
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Pune(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Swargate( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Girls :
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 30 627324110

DTE, Mumbai 89 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Department of Computer Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
70 5002
AICTE Application No.
University Area North Maharashtra University 1-35453534
Status University Department
Year of Establishment 1992
Address NH No 06, Post Box No. 80, Umavi Nagar, Jalgaon

District Jalgaon PIN 425001

Phone No (0257) 2257451 Fax 2258403
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Jalgaon(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Jalgaon(10.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 10 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1992 60 500224110
K.C.E. Society's Institute of Management and Research, Jalgaon
71 5148
AICTE Application No.
University Area North Maharashtra University 1-14681843
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1986
Address IMR Campus, Behind DIC, Opp. N.H. No.6 Jalgaon

District Jalgaon PIN 425002

Phone No (0257) 2251281 Fax 2254912
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Jalgaon( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Jalgaon( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1999 60 514824110
R.C. Patel Educational Trust, Institute of Management Reasearch &
72 5150 Development, Shirpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area North Maharashtra University 1-5906481
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Gujarathi
Year of Establishment 1997
Address Near Karwand Naka, R.C.Patel School complex, Subhash colony, Dhule

District Dhule PIN 425405

Phone No (02563) 251028 Fax 251028
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nardana(22.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shirpur( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 20 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 515024110

DTE, Mumbai 90 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
G. H. Raisoni Institute of Information Technology, Pachora Road, Mohadi
73 5152 Jalgaon
AICTE Application No.
University Area North Maharashtra University 1-5550561
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Gat No 57, Shirsoli Road, At post Mohadi, Jalgaon

District Jalgaon PIN 425003

Phone No (0257) 2262781/82/83 Fax 2262784
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Jalgaon( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand Jalgaon( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 40 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 515224110
Samrat Ashok Institute ofComputer Management Studies,Chalisgaon
74 5329
AICTE Application No.
University Area North Maharashtra University 1-1677312
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2010
Address Samrat House, Bhadgaon Road Chalisgaon, Dist. Jalgaon

District Jalgaon PIN 424101

Phone No (02589) 223342 Fax 226797
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Chalisgaon( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Chalisgaon( 3.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 532924110
Dr. B. A. M.University Dept. Of Management Science, Aurangabad
75 2001
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-13583694
Status University Department
Year of Establishment 1972
Address Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad

District Aurangabad PIN 431004

Phone No (0240) 2403377 Fax 2401353
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand Aurangabad( 3.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 5 Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 200124110

DTE, Mumbai 91 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Vidyapeeth,(Aurangabad) Sub Section -
76 2005 Osmanabad
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 0
Status University Department
Year of Establishment 2010
Address Sub Section University Campus, Sub section - Osmanabad

District Osmanabad PIN 413501

Phone No (02472) 02472-225256 Fax 0
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Osmanabad Railway Station( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand Osmanabad Bus Stand( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 200524110
Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad
77 2008
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-5025816
Status Government Autonomous
Year of Establishment 1960
Address Station Road, Osmanpura, Aurangabad

District Aurangabad PIN 431005

Phone No (0240) 2332635,2326405 Fax 2332835
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Aurangabad( 2.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 60 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1992 60 200824110
Mahatma Gandhi Missions Institute of Management, Aurangabad
78 2118
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-10377141
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1994
Address MGM Campus, N-6, CIDCO, Aurangabad

District Aurangabad PIN 431003

Phone No (0240) 2483405 Fax 2484445
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station AURANGABAD( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand CIDCO( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 20 Girls : 15
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 211824110

DTE, Mumbai 92 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Bharatiya Gramin Punarrachana Sanstha's Rajashri Shahu Institute of
79 2121 Managment, Aurangabad
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1998
Address P-75, Behind Garware Polyster Ltd., Infront of Gate No.3, Chikhalthana, MIDC Area,
District Aurangabad PIN 431210
Phone No (0240) 2480854 Fax 2482504
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand Aurangabad( 6.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 212124110
Maulana Azad Educational Trust's Tom Patrick Institute of Computer &
80 2122 Information Technology, Aurangabad
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-2607781
Status Un-Aided Religious Minority-Muslim
Year of Establishment 1999
Address Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Rauza Bagh, P.B No.27, Aurangabad

District Aurangabad PIN 431001

Phone No (0240) 2382065 Fax 2382065
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 7.0 km.)
Bus Stand Aurangabad( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1999 60 212224110
Maratha Education Society's Institute of Management studies & Information
81 2124 Technology, Aurangabad
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2001
Address Vivekanand College Campus, Samarth nagar ,Aurangabad

District Aurangabad PIN 431001

Phone No (0240) 2365800 Fax 2333647
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Aurangabad( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 212424110

DTE, Mumbai 93 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal's Marathwada Institute of Technology,
82 2126 Aurangabad
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-7162801
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1984
Address P.B.-327, Satara Village Rd., off Beed By-Pass Highway

District Aurangabad PIN 431005

Phone No (0240) 2376011 Fax 2376154
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Aurangabad( 3.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 50
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 212624110
Terna Public Charitable Trust's College of Engineering, Osmanabad
83 2130
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-6908013
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1983
Address Solapur Road, Osmanabad

District Osmanabad PIN 413501

Phone No (02472) 251712 Ext. 108 Fax 251011
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Osmanabad( 7.0 km.)
Bus Stand Osmanabad( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 72 Girls : 52
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application Second Shift 2010 60 213024120
M.G.M.'s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad
84 2132
AICTE Application No.
University Area Dr. B. A. Marathwada University 1-5377821
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1983
Address Mahatma Gandhi Mission's Jawaharlal Nehru Engg. College Campus, N-6, CIDCO,
District Aurangabad PIN 431003
Phone No (0240) 6450732/2482893 Fax 2484445/2482235
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Aurangabad( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand CIDCO Aurangabad ( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 30 Girls : 50
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 213224110

DTE, Mumbai 94 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada Vidyapeeth, Nanded
85 2007
AICTE Application No.
University Area S. R. T. Marathwada University
Status University Department
Year of Establishment 2002
Address Swami Ramanand Tirth Marathwada Vidyapeeth, Vishnupuri, Nanded.

District Nanded PIN 431606

Phone No (02462) 02462 229251 Fax 02462 229245, 2
Email [email protected] 0
Railway Station Nanded(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nanded(10.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 5 Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 200724110
Shree Sharda Bhavan Education Society's Institute of Technology &
86 2119 Management, Nanded
AICTE Application No.
University Area S. R. T. Marathwada University 1-3990745
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1997
Address Yashwant College Campus, VIP Road Nanded,(MS)

District Nanded PIN 431602

Phone No (02462) 254850 Fax 255703
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nanded( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nanded( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1997 30 211924110
Dnyanopasak Shikshan Mandal's Institute of Information Technology &
87 2120 Management, Parbhani.
AICTE Application No.
University Area S. R. T. Marathwada University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1997
Address C/o. Dnyanopasak College of Arts, Commeres & Science, Near Zilla Parishad, Jintur
Road, Parbhani
District Parbhani PIN 431401
Phone No (02452) 242493 Fax 242466
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Parbhani( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Parbhani( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1998 18 212024110

DTE, Mumbai 95 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Shri Mahatma Basweshwar Edu. Society Institute of Computer Education, Latur
88 2123
AICTE Application No.
University Area S. R. T. Marathwada University 1-10413134
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2001
Address M.S. Bidve Engg College Campus, Barshi Road, Latur

District Latur PIN 413531

Phone No (02382) 224602 Fax 224602,221455
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Latur( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand Latur( 6.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 10 Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2002 25 212324110
S.V.S.P. Mandal's Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology and Mangement
89 2125 ,Udgir
AICTE Application No.
University Area S. R. T. Marathwada University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Avalkonda Road, Udgir, Dist. Latur.

District Latur PIN 413517

Phone No (02385) 284957 Fax 253970
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Udgir( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Udgir( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 212524110
Government College of Engineering, Karad
90 6005
AICTE Application No.
University Area Shivaji University 1-8833781
Status Government
Year of Establishment 1960
Address Vidyanagar, Karad Dist. Satara

District Satara PIN 415124

Phone No (02164) 272414 Fax 271713
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Karad(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Karad ( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 92 Girls : 16
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1992 30 600524110

DTE, Mumbai 96 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
KIT's Institute of Management Education & Research, Kolhapur
91 6212
AICTE Application No.
University Area Shivaji University 1-4264463
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1994
Address 199/B, Gokul, Shirgaon, Kolhapur

District Kolhapur PIN 416234

Phone No (0231) 2636266 Fax 2639176
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station CST Kolhapur( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand CBS( 8.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 15 Girls : 15
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 621224110
Chh. Shahu Institute Of Business Edu And Res Vasantraodada Patil Institute
92 6213 Of Management Studies & Research, Sangli
AICTE Application No.
University Area Shivaji University 1-22674881
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1984
Address Sangli - Miraj Road ,Wanlesswadi Sangli

District Sangli PIN 446410

Phone No (0233) 2211467 Fax 2211467
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Miraj and Sangli( 4.0 km.)
Bus Stand Miraj and Sangli( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application Second Shift 2010 60 621324120
Jeevan Prabodhini MCA College, Khanapur, Gardi, Sangli
93 6246
AICTE Application No.
University Area Shivaji University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address Gat No.578, AT Post-Gardi Tal-Khanapur, Sangli

District Sangli PIN 415311

Phone No (02347) 273455 Fax 258661
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Karad(42.0 km.)
Bus Stand Vita( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 15 Girls : 15
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 624624110

DTE, Mumbai 97 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
KFS - Krishna Institute of Computer Application & Management, Wathar
94 6248
AICTE Application No.
University Area Shivaji University 1-14581481
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address At Post. Wathar, Tal. Karad, Dist. Satara.

District Satara PIN 415110

Phone No (02164) 263600 Fax 263600/236500
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Karad( 0.0 km.)
Bus Stand Karad( 0.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 180 624824110
Gourishankar Educational & Charitable Trust's Satara College of Engineering &
95 6302 Management, Limb, Satara
AICTE Application No.
University Area Shivaji University 1-6806714
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Survey No.989,/A-1, & 990/ At. Posty. Limb Taluka & District : Satara

District Satara PIN 415015

Phone No (02162) 268754,56 Fax 268778
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Satara(22.0 km.)
Bus Stand Satara(12.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 50
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 60 630224110
Department of Computer Science, SGB Amravati University, Amravati
96 1005
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
Status University Department
Year of Establishment 1986
Address SGB Amravati University, Near Tapowan, Amravati

District Amravati PIN 444602

Phone No (0721) 2662207 Ext. 30 Fax 2660949/2662135
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Badnera(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Amravati( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 5 Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1995 60 100524110

DTE, Mumbai 98 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya Department of Research and PG Studies in
97 1102 Science & Management, Amravati
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 1-7576231
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1996
Address C. K. Naidu Road, Camp Area, Amaravti

District Amravati PIN 444602

Phone No (0721) 2662740 Fax 2552012
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Badnera(10.0 km.)
Bus Stand Amravati( 1.5 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 20 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2006 60 110224110
V.Y.W.S's Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research, Amravati
98 1105
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 1-5296001
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1983
Address Anjangaon Bari Road, Badnera, Amravati

District Amravati PIN 444701

Phone No (0721) 2681246 Fax 2681337
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Badnera (C.Rly.)( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Amravati(10.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 40 Girls : 12
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 110524110
Dr.Babasaheb Nandurkar College of Physical Education , Yavatmal
99 1110
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 1-8656531
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1984
Address (Dept. of Computer Application), Shri Satya Sai Krida Nagari, Waghapur,

District Yavatmal PIN 445001

Phone No (07232) 325439 Fax 247678
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Dhamgaon RIy(45.0 km.)
Bus Stand Yavatmal( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 10 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 111024110

DTE, Mumbai 99 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasark Mandal's P.G. Department of Computer
100 1111 Science & Technology, Amravati
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 1-8249463
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1995
Address Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal, Hanuman Vyayam Nagar, Amravati.

District Amravati PIN 444605

Phone No (0721) 2651433 Fax 2679156
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Badnera/Amravati( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Amravati( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 5 Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2002 60 111124110
P.R.Patil College of Management, Amravati
101 1112
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 1-18569908
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address Gajajan Township Campus, Kathora Road, Amravati

District Amravati PIN 444709

Phone No (0721) 0721-2530341 Fax 0721-2530342
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Amravati( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand Amravati( 6.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 111224110
Sadhana Shikshan Mandal, Saraswati College, Shegaon
102 1113
AICTE Application No.
University Area Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 1-6029771
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2009
Address S.No.374/1, Gaulkheda Road, Shegaon 444203.

District Buldhana PIN 444203

Phone No (07265) 254478/254498 Fax 254433
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Shegaon( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Shegaon Bus stand( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 111324110

DTE, Mumbai 100 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Inter Institutional Computer Center and Dept. of Computer Science &
103 4003 Electronics, RTM Nagpur University
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Status University Department
Year of Establishment 1998
Address Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440033

Phone No (0712) 2500378 Fax 2532841
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 7.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1999 30 400324110
Shri. Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur
104 4115
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-3638154
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 1984
Address Gittikhadan, Katola Road, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440013

Phone No (0712) 2583236/8/9 Fax 2583237
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 110 Girls : 34
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 411524110
Master in Computer Application Second Shift 2010 60 411524120
Ankush Shikshan Sanstha's G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
105 4116
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-3285267
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 1996
Address C.R.P.F. Gate No.3, Digdoh Hills, Hingna Road, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440016

Phone No (07104) 236383 Fax 232560
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur(15.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 200 Girls : 60
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 411624110

DTE, Mumbai 101 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
G. H. Raisoni Institute of Information Technology & Computing Research,
106 4117 Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-10865553
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 1996
Address CRPF Gate No. 3, Hingana Road, Dingdoh Hills, Nagpur. Nil

District Nagpur PIN 440016

Phone No (07104) 236383 Fax 23683
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 0.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 0.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1999 120 411724110
Wardhaman Bahu Uddeshiya Sanstha, Institute of Management & Research,
107 4121 Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-12065224
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Kamptee Raod, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440022

Phone No (0712) 0712-6620624 Fax 0712-6620624
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur(18.0 km.)
Bus Stand nil( 0.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 412124110
Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha, Priyadarshani College of
108 4123 Engineering, Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-5435581
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 1990
Address Near CRPF Campus, Hingna Road, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440019

Phone No (07104) 236381/179 Fax 237681
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur(15.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur (15.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 200 Girls : 100
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2002 60 412324110

DTE, Mumbai 102 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Amar Seva Mandal's Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
109 4124
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-10911973
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Sakkardara Square, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440009

Phone No (0712) 2742308 Fax 2747853
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 3.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 60 412424110
Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha's Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering,
110 4133 Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-6154233
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1999
Address Near Dighori Naka, Umrer Road, Bhadura, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 441204

Phone No (07103) 302853 Fax 276190
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 8.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 413324110
Vidarbha Bahu-Uddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha's Tulshiramji Gaikwad Patil
111 4151 College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-4187806
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Kh. No. 8/1, Mohgaon,Wardha Road,Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 441108

Phone No (0712) 7103203473 Fax 2240656
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur(20.0 km.)
Bus Stand Butibori( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 40 Girls : 20
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 415124110

DTE, Mumbai 103 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Shri Shivaji Education Society Amravati's Science College (MCA), Nagpur
112 4152
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-30649163
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1967
Address S.S.E.S.Amt's Science College(MCA) Congress Nagar, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440012

Phone No (0712) 2423432 Fax 2440955
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1997 30 415224110
Sarvodaya Shikshan Mandal's Sardar Patel Mahavidayalaya, Dept. of Computer
113 4153 Studies & Research, Chandrapur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-42110451
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1988
Address SPM Department of computer Application. Ganjward, Chandrapur

District Chandrapur PIN 442402

Phone No (07172) 325991 Fax 256537
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Chandrapur( 3.0 km.)
Bus Stand Chandrapur( 3.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 5
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 25 415324110
Gondiya Education Society's J.M. Patel College of Computer Science, Bhandara
114 4155
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-6948821
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1997
Address J.M. Patel College, Rajagopalchari Ward, Wasad

District Bhandara PIN 441904

Phone No (07184) 252364 Fax 253268
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Bhandara Road(11.0 km.)
Bus Stand Bhandara( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 1997 25 415524110

DTE, Mumbai 104 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sansthan's Ranibai Agnihotri Institute Of Computer
115 4156 Information Technology, Wardha
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2001
Address Bapuji Wadi, Ram Nagar Wardha

District Wardha PIN 442001

Phone No (07152) 254795 Fax 250159
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Wardha( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Wardha( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 23 Girls : 17
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2001 40 415624110
V. M. Vasant Commerce, J.M. Thakar Arts & J.J. Patel Science College,Nagpur
116 4157
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-28960681
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Gujarathi
Year of Establishment 2002
Address Wardhaman Nagar, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440008

Phone No (0712) 2733932 Fax 0712-2723932
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 6.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 4.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : 18
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2003 60 415724110
Vodithala Education Society's Kavikulguru Institute of Technology and Science
117 4168 (KITS), Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-4152791
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 1985
Address K. K. Nagar, Dist.-Nagpur,Ramtek

District Nagpur PIN 441106

Phone No (07114) 255309 Fax 255236
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Ramtek ( 1.0 km.)
Bus Stand Ramtek( 1.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 150 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 416824110

DTE, Mumbai 105 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha's , Priyadarshini Institute of
118 4171 Engineering and Technology, Nagpur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-5340141
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 1999
Address Mouza Shivangaon , Khasara, 1/1A, 1909/12C, Near CRPF Campus, Hingna Road

District Nagpur PIN 440019

Phone No (07104) 07104-236463/44 Fax 07104-236458
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand New Bus Stand(14.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 126 Girls : 250
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 417124110
JMSS Shri Shankarprasad Agnihotri College of Engineering, Wardha
119 4175
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-15135074
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Agnihotri College Campus, Bapujiwadi, Ramnagar, Wardha

District Wardha PIN 442001

Phone No (07152) 241075 Fax 232548
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Wardha( 2.0 km.)
Bus Stand Wardha( 2.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 100
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 417524110
Smt. Bhagwati Chaturvedi College of Engineering,Harpur Nagar, Nagpur
120 4177
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-5931571
Status Un-Aided Linguistic Minority-Hindi
Year of Establishment 2007
Address Harpur Nagar, Umrer Road, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 440009

Phone No (0712) 2710282 Fax 2710283
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 84 Girls : 36
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 60 417724110

DTE, Mumbai 106 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Nagar Yuvak Shikshak Sanstha, N.Y.S.S. College of Engineering & Research,
121 4178 Wanadongari.
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-8926061
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Wanadongari, Hingna Road, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 441110

Phone No (07104) 287950 Fax 287950
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur(17.0 km.)
Bus Stand Nagpur(17.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 50 Girls : 25
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 417824110
Sarvasiddhanta Education Soc's Nuva College of Engineering and Technology,
122 4181 Nagpur.
AICTE Application No.
University Area Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University 1-15322531
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address 146,149,150 & 153,Nagpur Katol Highway, Khapri(Kothe),Tal.Kalmeshwar, Nagpur

District Nagpur PIN 441501

Phone No (07118) 661000 Fax 661000
Email [email protected]
Railway Station Nagpur (28.0 km.)
Bus Stand Kalmeshwar( 6.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 90 Girls : 30
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2009 60 418124110
KSGBS's Bharat- Ratna Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Kegaon, Solapur
123 6219
AICTE Application No.
University Area Solapur University 1-3323061
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2006
Address Gut. No.58, Kegaon, Solapur Pune Highway, Nr Solapur University,Solapur Solapur

District Solapur PIN 413225

Phone No (0217) 2351480 Fax 2351480
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Solapur( 7.0 km.)
Bus Stand Solapur( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 100 Girls : 50
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2007 60 621924110

DTE, Mumbai 107 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

MCA Admission 2011-12
Savitribai Phule Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Sinhgad Institute of Business
124 6227 Management, Sangola, Solapur
AICTE Application No.
University Area Solapur University 1-6958571
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2008
Address Gat No. 273/2/A, Kamlapur Ta. Sangola,Dist. Solapur, -

District Solapur PIN 413001

Phone No (02187) 02187-283307 Fax 222902
Email [email protected]
Railway Station ( km.)
Bus Stand ( km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Nil Girls : Nil
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2008 120 622724110
Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Kegaon Dist. Solapur
125 6645
AICTE Application No.
University Area Solapur University 1-6421881
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2010
Address Kegaon, Solapur-Pune National Highway, Solapur

District Solapur PIN 413255

Phone No (0217) 2350132 Fax 2350132
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station Solapur(12.0 km.)
Bus Stand Solapur(10.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: Girls :
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 120 664524110
Sinhgad Institute of Computer Sciences, Korti Taluka Pandharpur
126 6647
AICTE Application No.
University Area Solapur University 1-6411511
Status Un-Aided
Year of Establishment 2010
Address At Post Korti, Taluka Pandharpur, Pandharpur - Karad Road, Dist Solapur

District Solapur PIN 413304

Phone No (02186) 02186282211 Fax 02186245169
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Railway Station pandharpur( 5.0 km.)
Bus Stand pandharpur( 5.0 km.)
Hostel Intake Boys: 120 Girls : 120
Course Name Year Intake Choice Code
Master in Computer Application 2010 120 664724110

DTE, Mumbai 108 MAH-MCA-CET 2011

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