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ONTAP Cluster Administration

Student Guide
Content Version 5

ONTAP Cluster Administration

Student Guide

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The information contained in this course is intended only for training. This course contains information and activities that, while beneficial
for the purposes of training in a closed, non-production environment, can result in downtime or other severe consequences in a production
environment. This course material is not a technical reference and should not, under any circumstances, be used in production
environments. To obtain reference materials, refer to the NetApp product documentation that is located at

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No part of this document covered by copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
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Commercial Computer Software. Government users are subject to the NetApp, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions
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NETAPP, the NETAPP logo, and the marks listed at are trademarks of NetApp, Inc. Other company and
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2 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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WELCOME............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
MODULE 1: NETAPP ONTAP 9 CLUSTERS................................................................................................................... 1-1
MODULE 2: CLUSTER SETUP ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1
MODULE 3: CLUSTER MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
MODULE 4: NETWORK MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 4-1
MODULE 5: PHYSICAL STORAGE MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 5-1
MODULE 6: LOGICAL STORAGE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 6-1
MODULE 7: DATA ACCESS ............................................................................................................................................ 7-1
MODULE 8: DATA PROTECTION .................................................................................................................................... 8-1
MODULE 9: STORAGE EFFICIENCY .............................................................................................................................. 9-1
MODULE 10: CLUSTER MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................... 10-1
MODULE 11: COURSE REVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 11-1

3 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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ONTAP 9.6 Cluster Administration

 Classroom only: Sign in.
 Be sure that you have downloaded your Student Guide
and Exercise Guide.
 Virtual Session: Test your headset and microphone.
 Virtual Session: Provide yourself with two screens.

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4 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Classroom Logistics
Getting Started Classroom Sessions Virtual Sessions
 Schedule (start,  Sign-in sheet  Collaboration
stop, breaks,  Refreshments tools
breakout  Ground rules
sessions)  Phones to vibrate
 Phones and
 Activities and  Alarm signal
Welcome headsets
participation  Evacuation
 Materials
 Electrical safety
 Equipment check
 Support
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Set your phone to vibrate to prevent disturbing your fellow students. We realize that work does not always stop while in
training. If you need to take call, feel free to step outside of the classroom.

5 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Virtual Sessions Classroom Sessions


Tell everyone the following:

 Your Name​
 Company you work for
 Your storage administration experience level

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Take time to get to know one another. If you are participating in a NetApp Virtual Live class, your instructor asks you to
use the chat window or a conference connection to speak. If you are using a conference connection, unmute your line to
speak and be sure to mute again after you speak.

6 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Which Does a Cluster Administrator Do?
Make storage accessible Protect the data Maximize usage of the data
 Manage network and data  Manage Snapshot  Monitor and manage
access protocols schedules capacity use and future
 Provision storage and apply  Configure SnapMirror requirements
access permissions replication  Create test and development
 Load balance and prioritize  Maintain disaster recovery copies of data
network I/O storage systems  Provide reports to end users
 Manage administrator  Optimize and manage
access quality-of-service (QoS)
 Perform preventive settings
maintenance  Assist end users with
application integration

Depending on the size of your environment, you might perform

all three or you might grow to specialize in only one.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Before you see what this course is about, you should first understand the duties of a cluster administrator to put the
modules of the course into context.
The first duty of a cluster administrator is to make the storage accessible. This duty is mostly associated with networking.
The second duty is to protect the data from loss or corruption.
The third duty is the help users and applications squeeze the most value from the data stored in the cluster.
In a small organization, you might be responsible for all of these duties. In a large organization, you might become a
specialist in only one of these duties.

7 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Define ONTAP cluster components
 Describe the role of a storage virtual machine (SVM) in the
NetApp storage architecture
 Configure an ONTAP cluster
 Configure and manage storage resources
 Configure and manage networking resources
This  Create and configure an SVM
Course  Create, manage, and protect FlexVol volumes
 Implement storage efficiency features

 Manage ONTAP administrator access and user accounts

 Maintain your NetApp storage systems

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Before you see what this course is about, you should first understand the duties of a cluster administrator to put the
modules of the course into context.
The first duty of a cluster administrator is to make the storage accessible. This duty is mostly associated with networking.
The second duty is to protect the data from loss or corruption.
The third duty is the help users and applications squeeze the most value from the data stored in the cluster.
In a small organization, you might be responsible for all of these duties. In a large organization, you might become a
specialist in only one of these duties.

8 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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ONTAP Compliance
Solutions Administration
ONTAP Data Protection
ONTAP Data Protection


Fundamentals Administration


ONTAP Cluster ONTAP Cluster

Fundamentals Administration

Foundational Intermediate
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

The ONTAP 9 Data Management Software learning path consists of multiple courses that focus on particular topics.
Fundamental courses build knowledge as you progress up the foundational column and should therefore be taken in the
order shown. Likewise, administration courses also build knowledge as you progress up the intermediate column, but they
require the prerequisite foundational knowledge.
You can navigate the learning path in one of three ways:
 Complete all of the fundamental courses and then progress through the administration courses. This navigation is the
recommended progression.
 Take a fundamental course and then take the complementary administration course. The courses are color-coded to
make complementary courses easier to identify (green=cluster topics, blue=protocol topics, and orange=data
protection topics).
 Take the course or courses that best fit your particular needs. For example, if you manage only SMB file shares, you
can take ONTAP NAS Fundamentals and then take ONTAP SMB Administration. Most courses require some
prerequisite knowledge. For this example, the prerequisites are ONTAP Cluster Fundamentals and ONTAP Cluster
The “you are here” indicator shows where this course appears in the ONTAP learning path. You should take ONTAP
Cluster Fundamentals in preparation for this course.

9 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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What This Course Is Not
 An ONTAP 9 Fundamentals course
You are expected to already be familiar with the core
concepts and functionality of ONTAP 9.

 A certification test prep course

 A hardware installation and configuration course
 A data protection course
 A performance troubleshooting course
 A NAS or SAN administration course

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

This course assumes that although you might be new to ONTAP cluster administration, you have taken the prerequisite
training to learn about ONTAP 9 software.
Although this course is recommended training for taking NetApp certification exams, it is not an exam preparation course.
Although you learn some hardware installation basics, if you want to learn how to physically install cluster hardware, you
should take the online courses like NetApp Universal FAS Installation and the model-specific installation courses.
This course is often paired with the Data Protection course, so the course assumes that you will be taking that course at the
end of the week.
Performance is a complicated topic with many variables, so this course covers only some recommended practices to keep
cluster performance stable under general use.
This course enables you to set up basic sharing of NAS and SAN data. For advanced uses, take the protocol-specific

10 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Student Guide Addendums
To maximize the time for exercises, not all the information to cover is
included in the lecture portion. Whenever you see this graphic in the
lower-left corner, you can find more information about the topic in the
module addendum in your Student Guide.

? More info in

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Although it is necessary to cut some content while developing a course to fit the allotted training time, you should still
find it useful. Content which did not make it into the lecture has been moved to addendums at the end of each module in
your student guide. You can identify his content by this graphic on the final slide in the lecture that covers the topic.

11 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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ACTION: Take the Pre-Class Assessment
A short quiz

Duration: 15 minutes
The instructor provides
the exam link.
Submit your answers.
 Open the assessment Observe your baseline
in a browser.  Click “Submit” after score.
 Read and answer each each question.
question.  After the final question,  At the end of this class,
your baseline score is take the post-class
displayed. assessment.
 See how much you
learned from the class.

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To measure your current knowledge of course topics, take the pre-class assessment by accessing the link that is provided.
At the completion of the course, you can take the post-class assessment to measure how much you have learned.
Your score is private and is not retained or communicated.

12 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Day 1
 Introduction
 Module 1: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters
 Module 2: Cluster Setup
 Module 3: Cluster Management
 Module 4: Network Management

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This schedule is based on average completion times for modules. Each class is composed of students with differing
backgrounds and experience levels. This situation means that some modules might take more or less time to complete.
Your instructor will adjust the schedule accordingly for breaks, meals, and start time of each module.

13 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Day 2
 Day 1 Review
 Module 5: Physical Storage Management
 Module 6: Logical Storage Management
 Module 7: Data Access

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14 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Day 3
 Day 2 Review
 Module 8: Data Protection
 Module 9: Storage Efficiency
 Module 10: Cluster Maintenance
 Course Review and Post-Assessment

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15 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Class Equipment: Basic Architecture
Student Lab Kit


Remote Desktop
Classroom Desktop
Data Network #2
or Your Laptop

Data Network #1

e0c e0e e0c e0e e0c e0e

e0d e0f e0d e0f e0d e0f

e0a e0b cluster1 e0a e0b e0a cluster2 e0b

Cluster Interconnect centos65

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Launch your exercise equipment kit from your laptop or from the classroom desktop. To connect to your exercise
equipment, use Remote Desktop Connection or the NetApp University portal.
The Windows 2012 Server is your jumphost to access the lab environment.
Your exercise equipment consists of several servers:
 A 2-node ONTAP 9.6 cluster
 A one-node ONTAP 9.6 cluster
 A CentOS Linux server

16 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 0: Checking the Lab Setup

Duration: 15 minutes
Access your lab
Open your
Exercise Guide.
Use the login Complete the
credentials that specified tasks.
your instructor Go to Participate in the
provided to you. Exercise 0. review session.
 Start with
Exercise 0-1.
 Stop at the end  Share your
of Exercise 0-1. results.
 Report issues.

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See your exercise guide.

17 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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ACTION: Share Your Experiences
Roundtable questions for the equipment-based exercises

 Do you have questions about your equipment kit?

 Do you have an issue to report?

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If you encounter an issue, notify your instructor immediately so that it can be resolved promptly.

18 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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The NetApp University Overview page is your front door to learning. Find training that fits your learning map and your
learning style, learn how to become certified, link to blogs and discussions, and subscribe to the NetApp newsletter Tech
The NetApp University Community page is a public forum for NetApp employees, partners, and customers. NetApp
University welcomes your questions and comments.
The NetApp University Support page is a self-help tool that enables you to search for answers to your questions and to
contact the NetApp University support team.
Are you new to NetApp? If so, register for the New to NetApp Support Webcast to acquaint yourself with facts and tips
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hear from the NetApp CEO. Search for products, downloads, tools, and documentation or link to the NetApp Support
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Join the Customer Success Community to ask support-related questions, share tips, and engage with other users and
Search the NetApp Knowledgebase to harness the accumulated knowledge of NetApp users and product experts.

19 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Welcome

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Module 1
NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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1-1 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Identify ONTAP deployment options
 Define ONTAP cluster components
 Describe the role of a storage virtual machine (SVM)
in the NetApp storage architecture

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This module covers ONTAP deployment options and cluster components for ONTAP 9.6 software as of September 2019.

1-2 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Lesson 1
ONTAP Deployment Options

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1-3 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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NetApp ONTAP Is the Foundation for Your Data Fabric

Department or
Remote Offices
Data Mobility

Data Fabric Off-Premises

Seamless Data Management
Data Center

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

The Data Fabric powered by NetApp weaves hybrid cloud mobility with uniform data management. NetApp works with
new and existing partners to continually add to the fabric.
For more information about the Data Fabric, visit

1-4 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Standardize Data Management
ONTAP: For any application, anywhere

ONTAP 9 Software
Software- Near Cloud
Storage Array Converged Heterogeneous Cloud
Defined Storage

Shared data management

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

ONTAP 9 software has three major deployment options (ONTAP 9, ONTAP Select, and Cloud Volumes ONTAP), which
you can use in various environments. Simply put, “it is just ONTAP!”
Standardize data management:
 Across architectures, blocks, or files, and on flash, disk, or cloud
 Across deployment models, from engineered storage arrays to commodity servers
 Across enterprise and emerging applications
Although this course focuses on physical ONTAP clusters, the knowledge also applies to Cloud Volumes ONTAP and
ONTAP Select.

1-5 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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ONTAP 9.6 Supported Hardware Systems
November 2019

Enterprise Level
 AFF A800  FAS9000
 AFF A700
 AFF A700s
Mid Level
 AFF A320  FAS8200
 AFF A300
Entry Level
 AFF A220  FAS2700
 AFF A200  FAS2600
 AFF C190

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTE: See the Hardware Universe for technical details. 6

NetApp has a storage system to support the performance and budget needs of all customers. FAS storage systems
generally have a corresponding AFF model that is built on the same hardware. The same is not true of AFF systems,
which fill an expanding array of needs and price points as flash-based storage supplants disk-based storage.
For more detailed information about the supported storages systems for ONTAP 9 software, see the Hardware Universe at

1-6 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Software-Defined Storage
NetApp ONTAP Select software

ONTAP Select Software

 Software-defined storage on third-party

servers that is referred to as hybrid
cloud infrastructure
 Suited for data center or remote office
 Flexible, capacity-based license

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1-7 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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ONTAP Select Software

 ONTAP Select software features the following:

 ONTAP software that runs on commodity hardware
Note: ONTAP Select clusters cannot be mixed with
AFF or FAS nodes in a cluster.
 Enterprise data management services for server iSCSI
direct-attached storage (DAS), external array, and
VMware vSAN

 ONTAP Select software provides a cloud-like

experience on-premises:
 Flexibility
 Agility
 Simplicity

? More info in

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ONTAP Select is ONTAP software that runs on commodity hardware (other vendor hardware).
ONTAP Select software has all of the benefits of ONTAP software: cluster-wide namespace, volume moves, workload
rebalancing, nondisruptive upgrade (NDU), and nondisruptive operations (NDO).
NOTE: ONTAP Select clusters cannot be mixed with FAS nodes or clusters.

1-8 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Software-Defined Storage
NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP software

Cloud Volumes ONTAP

 Software-defined storage on public cloud

services (like Amazon Web Services
[AWS], Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud)
 Pricing system in which you pay for only
what you use, when you use it

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Cloud Volumes ONTAP was formerly marketed as ONTAP Cloud.

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Cloud Volumes ONTAP
Deploys with NetApp Cloud Manager
 Amazon Web Services:
 Uses Amazon Elastic Block Store storage
 Uses a single node or high availability to protect
against the failure of a single availability zone
Cloud Manager
 Microsoft Azure:
 Uses Azure page blob storage
 Uses a single node or high availability
pair in an Azure availability set
Public cloud
 Google Cloud: drives
 Uses Google Cloud Persistent Disk storage
 Is available as a single node system ? More info in

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

NetApp Cloud Manager Cloud Manager software deploys ONTAP 9 instances in the cloud. Cloud Volumes ONTAP
enables a shared set of data services in the cloud. You can choose to own, lease, or rent on demand. You can explore and
test the full power of ONTAP 9 software in the cloud with little risk. NetApp Cloud Manager Cloud Manager and
OnCommand Insight simplify monitoring, provisioning, and data movement of all ONTAP 9 instances across clouds.
High availability for Cloud Volume ONTAP for Amazon Web Services was introduced in ONTAP 9.0 software. Cloud
Volumes ONTAP for Azure was introduced in ONTAP 9.1 software with high availability coming in ONTAP 9.5
software. NetApp Cloud Volumes for Google Cloud is available with ONTAP 9.6 software in single node systems.
For more information about NetApp Cloud Manager Cloud Manager and Cloud Volumes ONTAP deployment options,
see the following:
AWS Marketplace:
Azure Marketplace:
Notice the graphic which indicates that there is more content on Cloud Volumes ONTAP in an addendum to this module.

1-10 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Lesson 2
The Cluster

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1-11 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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The Cluster



For product specifications, see the Hardware Universe:
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You might wonder, “What is a cluster?” This course examines cluster components individually, but first, consider a high-
level view.
A cluster is one or more FAS or AFF controllers that run the ONTAP software. In ONTAP terminology, a controller is
called a node. In clusters with more than one node, a cluster interconnect is required so that the nodes appear as one
A cluster can be a mix of FAS and AFF models, depending on the workload requirements. Nodes can be added to or
removed from a cluster as workload requirements change. For more information about the number and types of nodes, see
the Hardware Universe at

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Rear View
 A FAS or AFF storage controller that
runs ONTAP software
 Storage and network ports
 Expansion slots
Not all entry-level systems have expansion slots.
Storage Controller
Drive Shelves  Drive shelves or internal drives or both

For product specifications, see the Hardware Universe:
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

For information about specific controller models, see the product documentation on the NetApp Support site, or see the
Hardware Universe at

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High-Availability Pair
2 x AFF or FAS with an
internal interconnect  Characteristics of a high-availability (HA) pair:
 Two connected nodes in a partnership
 Nodes that connect to the same drive shelves
 Nodes that, by default, own the drives on their
primary cabling path
 A partnership in which, if a node fails, the surviving
node takes control of the failed partner’s drives
Nodes 1 and 2
 Components of HA pair connections:
 HA interconnect
 Multipath HA shelf connectivity
Drive Shelf 1

Drive Shelf 2
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

In multinode clusters, high-availability (HA) pairs are used.

The controllers in the nodes of an HA pair connect either through an HA interconnect, which consists of adapters and
cables, or through an internal interconnect. In the example, the FAS8060 model uses an internal interconnect. The nodes
must use redundant paths to connect to the same shelves.

1-14 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Cluster Interconnect  Cluster interconnect:
 Connection of nodes
 Private network

 Management network:
 Cluster administration
 Ethernet network that can be shared with data
Recommended practice: dedicated management network

 Data network:
 One or more networks for data access from
Management Network clients or hosts
 Ethernet, FC, or converged network
Data Network
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Clusters require one or more networks, depending on the environment.

The nodes communicate with each other over a cluster interconnect, even when the cluster is composed of only one HA
pair. In a two-node cluster, the interconnect can be switchless. Clusters with more than two nodes require a private cluster
interconnect that uses switches.
The management network is for cluster administration. Redundant connections to the management ports on each node and
management ports on each cluster switch should be provided to the management network. In smaller environments, the
management and data networks might be on a shared Ethernet network.
For clients and hosts to access data, a data network is also required. The data network includes one or more networks that
are primarily used for data access by clients or hosts. Depending on the environment, there might be an Ethernet, FC, or
converged network. Data networks can consist of one or more switches or even redundant networks.

1-15 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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Ports and LIFs

Logical svm1-mgmt smv1-data1 smv1-data2

a0a-50 a0a-80 Virtual LAN LIF

Virtual (VLAN)

(Optional) Interface
Group a0a

Physical e2a e3a e4a


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Nodes have various physical ports that are available for cluster, management, and data traffic. The ports need to be
configured appropriately for the environment.
Ethernet ports can be used directly or can be aggregated by using interface groups. Physical Ethernet ports and interface
groups can be segmented by using virtual LANs (VLANs). Interface groups and VLANs are called virtual ports, which
are treated like physical ports.
A LIF represents a network access point to a node in the cluster. A LIF can be associated with a physical port, an interface
group, or a VLAN to interface with the management or data network.

1-16 ONTAP Cluster Administration: NetApp ONTAP 9 Clusters

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ONTAP Storage Architecture

Files and LUNs

Logical Layer
FlexVol Volumes

Physical Layer

RAID Groups of Drives

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The ONTAP storage architecture dynamically maps physical storage resources to logical containers.
In ONTAP software, drives are grouped into RAID groups. An aggregate is a collection of physical drive space that
contains one or more RAID groups. Each aggregate has a RAID configuration and a set of assigned drives. The drives,
RAID groups, and aggregates make up the physical storage layer.
Within each aggregate, you can create one or more FlexVol volumes. A FlexVol volume is an allocation of drive space
that is a portion of the available space in the aggregate. A FlexVol volume can contain files or LUNs. The FlexVol
volumes, files, and LUNs make up the logical storage layer.

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Physical Storage

 The physical internal and external drives to which

the data is written and from which the data is read
 Covered in detail in Module 6

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Logical Storage

Volume Data

Client Access  SVM:

LUN  Container for NAS data volumes and SAN LUNs
 Access to client data through a LIF or LIFs
 Covered in detail in Module 7


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You use SVMs to serve data to clients and hosts. Like a virtual machine running on a hypervisor, an SVM is a logical
entity that abstracts physical resources. Data accessed through the SVM is not bound to a location in storage. Network
access to the SVM is not bound to a physical port.
NOTE: SVMs were formerly called “vservers.” You still see that term in the ONTAP CLI.
An SVM serves data to clients and hosts from one or more volumes through one or more network LIFs. Volumes can be
assigned to any data aggregate in the cluster. LIFs can be hosted by any physical or logical port. Both volumes and LIFs
can be moved without disrupting data service, whether you are performing hardware upgrades, adding nodes, balancing
performance, or optimizing capacity across aggregates.
The same SVM can have a LIF for NAS traffic and a LIF for SAN traffic. Clients and hosts need only the address of the
LIF (IP address for NFS, SMB, or iSCSI; worldwide port name [WWPN] for FC) to access the SVM. LIFs keep their
addresses as they move. Ports can host multiple LIFs. Each SVM has its own security, administration, and namespace.

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Lesson 3

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SVM Types
Admin SVM: Node SVM: Data SVM:
 Is created during cluster setup  Is created during cluster setup  Provides client access to user data
 Represents the cluster  Represents an individual node  Includes data volumes, LIFs, and
 Exists once per cluster  Exists once per node in the cluster protocols and access control
 Owns cluster-scoped resources  Owns node-scoped resources  Is for multiple use cases:
 Secure multitenancy
 Separation of resources
and workloads
svl-nau::> vserver show
 Delegation of management
Admin Operational Root
Vserver Type Subtype State State Volume Aggregate
----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
svl-nau admin - - - - -
svl-nau-01 node - - - - -
svl-nau-02 node - - - - -
svm_green data default running running svm_green_root svl02_data_001
svm_red data default running running svm_red_root svl01_data_001
svm_yellow data default running running svm_yellow_root svl01_data_002
6 entries were displayed.

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A data SVM contains data volumes and LIFs that serve data to clients. Unless otherwise specified, the term “SVM” refers
to a data SVM. In the CLI, SVMs are displayed as “Vservers.” SVMs might have one or more FlexVol volumes or
scalable NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup volumes.

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SVM Benefits
 Unified storage  Secure multitenancy:
(with FlexVol volumes):  Partitioning of a storage system
 NAS protocols: CIFS and NFS  Isolation of data and management
 SAN protocols: iSCSI, FC (including FCoE),  No data flow among SVMs in the cluster
and NVMe over Fibre Channel (NVMe/FC)

 Nondisruptive operations (NDO)  Delegation of management:

and nondisruptive upgrade (NDU):  User authentication and
 Resource migration administrator authentication
 Resource availability during hardware  Access assigned by the
and software upgrades cluster administrator

 Scalability:
 Addition and removal
 Modification on demand to meet
data-throughput and storage requirements

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

SVMs provide many benefits.

The first benefit is unified storage. SVMs can serve data concurrently through multiple data access protocols. SVMs with
FlexVol volumes provide file-level data access through NAS protocols, such as CIFS and NFS, and provide block-level
data access through SAN protocols, such as iSCSI, FC, or FCoE. SVMs with FlexVol volumes can serve data to SAN and
NAS clients independently at the same time.
Another benefit is NDO. SVMs can operate continuously and nondisruptively. By enabling resources such as volumes and
LIFs to move to other nodes, SVMs help clusters to operate continuously. Continuous operations are advantageous during
software and hardware upgrades, the addition and removal of nodes, and all administrative operations.
A third benefit of SVMs is scalability. SVMs can be added, removed, or given more resources as the underlying physical
storage grows. SVMs can be modified on demand to meet data-throughput requirements and other storage requirements.
SVMs are the fundamental unit of secure multitenancy. SVMs enable partitioning of the storage infrastructure so that the
infrastructure appears as multiple independent storage systems. Partitions isolate data and management. Each SVM
appears as a single independent server, which enables multiple SVMs to coexist in a cluster and prevents data from
flowing among SVMs.
Finally, SVMs support delegation of management. Each SVM can have its own user authentication and administrator
authentication. SVM administrators can manage the SVMs that they are authorized to access. Cluster administrators
assign privileges to SVM administrators.

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SVM with FlexVol Volumes

volumes Q3  FlexVol volume:
Q2 Qtrees
Q1  Representation of the file system in
a NAS environment
 Container for LUNs in a SAN environment
 LUN: Logical unit that represents a SCSI disk
 Quota tree (qtree):
 Partitioning of FlexVol volumes into smaller segments
 Management of quotas, security style, and CIFS
opportunistic lock (oplock) settings


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An SVM can contain one or more FlexVol volumes. In a NAS environment, volumes represent the file system where
clients store data. In a SAN environment, a LUN is created in the volumes for a host to access.
In a SAN environment, the host operating system controls the reads and writes for the file system.
Qtrees can be created to partition a FlexVol volume into smaller segments, much like directories. Qtrees can also be used
to manage quotas, security styles, and CIFS opportunistic lock (oplock) settings.

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SVM Root Volume

 Is created when the SVM is created

Root  Serves as the NAS client entry point to
Client Access the namespace that an SVM provides
Therefore, it must be mirrored on all nodes to ensure
that the namespace is always accessible.

 Should not be used to store user data

 Should not be confused with the node
root volume (vol0)


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When an SVM is created, a root volume is also created, which serves as the NAS client entry point to the namespace that
the SVM provides. NAS client data access depends on the health of the root volume in the namespace. SAN client data
access is independent of the root volume health in the namespace.

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Data LIFs
 NAS data LIFs:
 Multiprotocol (NFS, CIFS, or both)
LIF  Manually or automatically assigned
IP addresses
Client Access  Failover or migration to any node in the cluster
LIF  SAN data LIFs:
LUN Host Access
 Single protocol (FC or iSCSI):
 An FC LIF is assigned a worldwide port name
(WWPN) when it is created.
 iSCSI LIF IP addresses can be assigned
manually or automatically.
 No failover
Cluster  Restrictions on migration

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Data LIFs that are assigned a NAS protocol follow slightly different rules than LIFs that are assigned a SAN protocol.
NAS LIFs are created so that clients can access data from a specific SVM. NAS LIFs are multiprotocol. A NAS LIF can
be assigned NFS, CIFS, or both protocols. When the LIF is created, you can manually assign an IP address or specify a
subnet so that the address is assigned automatically. NAS LIFs can fail over or migrate to any node in the cluster.
SAN LIFs are created so that a host can access LUNs from a specific SVM. SAN LIFs are single-protocol. A SAN LIF
can be assigned either the FC or iSCSI protocol. When a LIF is assigned the FC protocol, a worldwide port name
(WWPN) is automatically assigned. When a LIF is assigned the iSCSI protocol, you can either manually assign an IP
address or specify a subnet so that the address is assigned automatically. Although SAN data LIFs do not fail over, SAN
data LIFs can be migrated. However, restrictions exist on migration.
For more information about migrating SAN LIFs, see the ONTAP 9 SAN Administration Guide.

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 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 ONTAP 9 Concepts
 High-Availability Configuration Guide
 System Administration Reference

 Videos
 What's New in ONTAP 9.6 -

 ONTAP Select: Introduction -

 Cloud Volumes ONTAP -

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ONTAP 9 Documentation Center: -

What's New in ONTAP 9.6 -
ONTAP Select: Introduction -
Cloud Volumes ONTAP -

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Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which two deployment options are software-defined?
(Choose two.)

a. ONTAP deployed on a FAS system

b. ONTAP deployed on an AFF system

c. ONTAP deployed on commodity hardware

d. ONTAP deployed in the cloud

e. ONTAP deployed by using a heterogeneous enterprise array

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Knowledge Check: Question
2. Which set of networks is part of a cluster?

a. data network, management network, and cluster interconnect

b. data network, HA interconnect, and cluster interconnect

c. HA interconnect, cluster interconnect, and backup network

d. data network, cluster interconnect, and backup network

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Knowledge Check: Question
3. Which pair of components is a major part of data SVMs?

a. aggregates and network ports

b. disks and nodes

c. data LIFs and aggregates

d. volumes and data LIFs

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
 Identify ONTAP deployment options
 Define ONTAP cluster components
 Describe the role of an SVM in the ONTAP storage architecture

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ONTAP Select Learning Resources

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Additional ONTAP Select Learning
Learn about advanced topics like supported configurations and
deploying the software on VMware ESXi or Kernel-Based Virtual Machine
(KVM) hosts:
 ONTAP Select Installation and Deployment (web-based course)

 ONTAP Select Documentation Resources

 Technical Reports:
 TR-4661: HCI File Services Powered by ONTAP Select
 TR-4690: Oracle Databases on ONTAP Select
 TR-4613: ONTAP Selection on KVM Product Architecture and Best Practices

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ONTAP Select Documentation Resources

TR-4661: HCI File Services Powered by ONTAP Select
TR-4690: Oracle Databases on ONTAP Select
TR-4613: ONTAP Selection on KVM Product Architecture and Best Practices

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NetApp Cloud Volumes Learning Resources

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Cloud Volumes Learning Resources
 Cloud Fundamentals (online course)

 Cloud Volumes ONTAP Fundamentals (online course)

 Cloud Volumes Documentation

 Technical Reports:
 TR-4383: Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP for AWS
 TR-4676: Performance Characters of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure

 Video
 ONTAP Cloud for AWS
 ONTAP Cloud for Azure

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Cloud Fundamentals (online course)

Cloud Volumes ONTAP Fundamentals (online course)
Cloud Volumes Documentation
Technical Reports:
TR-4383: Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP for AWS
TR-4676: Performance Characters of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure
ONTAP Cloud for AWS
ONTAP Cloud for Azure

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Module 2
Cluster Setup

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Identify supported cluster configurations
 List the steps to set up a cluster
 Manage cluster nodes at the hardware level

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In this module, you learn how to take newly installed cluster hardware and turn it into a functional ONTAP cluster.

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Lesson 1
Supported FAS and AFF Configurations

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Supported Cluster Configurations

Single-Node Multinode Switched MetroCluster

Cluster Switches 300km

Node 1 Node 2
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Nodes 1 - 8

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There are four types of NetApp ONTAP cluster configurations:

 Single-node
 Two-node cluster without network switches
 Multinode cluster that is made of high-availability (HA) pairs that are connected through network switches
 Geographically separated HA pairs that are connected in a MetroCluster cluster configuration

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Single-Node Cluster
 Features of a single-node cluster:
 Special implementation of a cluster that
runs on a standalone node
 An implementation for a workload that
requires only one node and does not need
nondisruptive operations (NDO)
Use case: Data protection for a remote office
or test and development
 Features and operations that a
single-node cluster does not support:
 Storage failover (SFO) and high availability
 Operations that affect multiple nodes
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Some features and operations are not supported for single-node clusters. Because single-node clusters operate in a
standalone mode, storage failover (SFO) and cluster high availability are unavailable. If the node goes offline, clients
cannot access data that is stored in the cluster. Also, any operation that requires more than one node cannot be performed.
For example, you cannot move volumes, perform most copy operations, or back up cluster configurations to other nodes.

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HA Pairs
High-availability (HA) pairs provide hardware Node 1
redundancy that supports the following features:
 NDO and nondisruptive upgrade (NDU)
Node 2
 Fault tolerance
 Takeover and giveback of partner storage
 Elimination of most hardware components Shared Storage
and cables as single points of failure
 Improved data availability

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Clusters of two or more nodes are built from HA pairs. HA pairs provide hardware redundancy that is required for NDO
and fault tolerance. The hardware redundancy gives each node in the pair the software functionality to take over and
return partner storage. Hardware redundancy also provides the fault tolerance that is required to perform NDO during
hardware and software upgrades or maintenance.
A storage system has various single points of failure, such as certain cables or hardware components. An HA pair greatly
reduces the number of single points of failure. If a failure occurs, the partner can take over and continue to serve data until
the failure is fixed. The controller failover function provides continuous data availability and preserves data integrity for
client applications and users.

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Two-Node Switchless Cluster

Node 1

Node 2 In a two-node
cluster, ports
are connected
between nodes
10-GbE* Cluster Interconnect
4 x Ports
Ports on a FAS8060
*GbE=Gigabit Ethernet
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In clusters that have more than one node, a cluster interconnect is required for cluster communication and data sharing.
The example here shows an enterprise class storage system with two controllers that are installed in the chassis. Each
controller has a set of four onboard 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10-GbE) ports that are used to connect to the cluster
In a two-node switchless cluster, a redundant pair of ports is cabled together as shown on the slide. To enable both HA
and SFO functionality in two-node clusters in which both controllers share the chassis, the HA state must be set by the
ha-config command in maintenance mode. In most shared chassis systems, the state is set automatically and requires no
manual intervention.

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Multinode Switched Clusters
Cluster Interconnect

Links (ISLs)
Cluster Switch Cluster Switch

More networking details are discussed in the Network Management module.

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If your workload requires more than two nodes, the cluster interconnect requires switches. The cluster interconnect
requires two dedicated switches for redundancy and load balancing. Inter-Switch Links (ISLs) are required between the
two switches. From each node, there should always be at least two cluster connections, one to each switch. The required
connections vary, depending on the controller model and speed of the network ports. Larger systems might require as
many as four connections per switch.
After the cluster interconnect is established, you can add more nodes, as your workload requires.
For more information about the maximum number and models of controllers that are supported, see the ONTAP Storage
Platform Mixing Rules in the NetApp Library.
For more information about the cluster interconnect and connections, see the ONTAP Network Management Guide.

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MetroCluster Software
Benefits of MetroCluster software:
 Geographic separation provides business continuity
 Continuous availability, leading to zero data loss
 Set-it-once simplicity
 Zero change management
 Unified solution (support for SAN and NAS)

Learn more about MetroCluster software in

ONTAP Data Protection Administration
– and –
ONTAP MetroCluster Installation.

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MetroCluster high-availability and disaster recovery software uses geographic distance, up to 300km, and data mirroring
to protect the data in a cluster.
MetroCluster software provides disaster recovery through the System Manager or using just one MetroCluster command.
The command activates the mirrored data on the surviving site.

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Lesson 2
Setting Up a Cluster

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Basic Hardware Setup Tasks
Connect the following hardware: Tape
 HA interconnect
 Drive shelf to drive shelf cabling
 Controllers to drive shelves
 Controllers to cluster interconnect
 Controllers to networks
 Any tape devices
 Controllers and drive shelves to
redundant power

Data Network

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If necessary, for your controller type, connect NVRAM HA cable between partners. The connections can be through the
chassis, 10/40/100-GbE, or InfiniBand, depending on your storage controllers.
Create shelf stacks by cabling the drive shelves to each other.
Connect controllers to disk shelves. Verify that shelf IDs are set properly.
Connect controllers to networks. Connect any tape devices that you might have. (You can connect tape devices later.)
Connect controllers and disk shelves to power.

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HA Interconnect Links
 Are used primarily to mirror NVRAM/NVMEM
 Provide a channel for certain types of communication traffic
between the nodes in an HA pair:
 Failover
 Drive firmware
 Heartbeat
 Version information

Dual-Node Chassis Single-Node Chassis

Uses an internal or node-to-node HA interconnect Requires external HA interconnect cables

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HA interconnects connect the two nodes of each HA pair for all controllers. The connections are internally provided over
the backplane in the chassis of a dual-controller configuration or through node-to-node cabling. For a chassis with a single
controller, a dedicated HA interconnect cable is required. The dedicated interconnect cable is based on the model and
enclosure. Visit the NetApp Support site to see the appropriate hardware configuration guide for your model of storage
The following types of traffic flow over the HA interconnect links:
 Failover: The directives are related to performing SFO between the two nodes, regardless of which type of failure:
• Negotiated (planned and in response to an administrator request)
• Not negotiated (unplanned and in response to an improper system shutdown or booting)
 Disk firmware: Nodes in an HA pair coordinate the update of disk firmware. While one node updates the firmware,
the other node must not perform any I/O to it.
 Heartbeat: Regular messages demonstrate availability.
 Version information: The two nodes in an HA pair must be kept at the same major and minor revision levels for all
software components.

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Drive Shelf Cabling
MPHA configuration
Node 1 Node 2

 Multipath high-availability
(MPHA) cabling ensures
that the storage controllers
have redundant paths to all
Stack 1 Stack 2
drives in the HA pair. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

 MPHA cabling is required IOM A IOM B IOM A IOM B

for HA pair configurations. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

 Cabling is mirrored on both 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Shelf 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

nodes to ensure that drive

IDs are consistent within
the HA pair. Primary paths Secondary paths

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To provide fault tolerance, cluster nodes use two connections to every drive in the HA pair. In this example, both storage
controllers own a stack of drive shelves.
Both storage controllers use their 0a ports to create the primary path to the first shelf in the shelf stack that is owned by
node 1.
Both controllers use the 4b port to create the secondary path from the final shelf in the stack.
To connect to the shelf stack that is owned by node 2, both controllers connect to the first shelf in the stack with port 3a
and to the final shelf with port 4b.
The cabling is mirrored so that both nodes generate the same drive ID for all the drives in the pair. If the nodes use
different ports, a drive failure would be reported on both nodes but with different IDs. This situation causes confusion,
and therefore accidents, when you try to replace a failed drive.

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Powering on a System

1. Power on network switches.

2. Power on drive shelves.
3. Power on tape devices (if present).
4. Power on storage controllers.

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You should power on the hardware devices in a cluster in the order that is shown.
To power off the entire cluster, power off components in the reverse order.

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Communication Connections
 Console connections:
 RJ-45 that uses RS232C ANSI-115.2K-8-None-1
 Micro-USB @ 115.2K baud rate

 Remote management device connection:

Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
or Service Processor (SP)
 Management network connections (e0M)
 Cluster interconnect connections
e0M Console Console
 Data network connections &
RJ-45 Micro USB

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Each controller should have a console connection, which is required to get to the firmware and the boot menu. For
example, you might use the console connection to the boot menu to access setup, installation, and initialization options. A
remote management device connection, although not required, is helpful if you cannot get to the UI or console. Remote
management enables remote booting, the forcing of core dumps, and other actions.
The full-sized USB interface is active during only boot device recovery and ONTAP software update or firmware update.

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Management Interfaces
 e0M interface:
 Is dedicated for management traffic Management
Management Data
 Is used for ONTAP system administration tasks LAN

 BMC or SP interface:
 Is used to manage and provide remote
management capabilities for the storage system
 Provides remote access to the console and Ethernet Switch e0a e0b

provides monitoring, troubleshooting, logging,

and alerting features
 Remains operational Management
e0M ONTAP Software

 Uses the following setup command:

system service-processor Storage Controller

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Some storage system models include an e0M interface. The interface is dedicated to ONTAP management activities. An
e0M interface enables you to separate management traffic from data traffic on your storage system for better security and
To set up a storage system that has the e0M interface, remember the following information:
 The Ethernet port that is indicated by a wrench icon on the rear of the chassis connects to an internal Ethernet switch.
 You should follow the ONTAP setup script.
 To manage LAN in environments in which dedicated LANs isolate management traffic from data traffic, use the e0M
 Configure e0M separately from the BMC or SP configuration.
 Both configurations require unique IP and MAC addresses to enable the Ethernet switch to direct traffic to either the
management interfaces or the BMC or SP.
For more information about configuring remote support, see the ONTAP System Administration Guide and ONTAP
Remote Support Agent Configuration Guide.

2-16 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Console on Boot
SP node2> system console
Type Ctrl-D to exit.

LOADER> boot_ontap
* *
* Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu. *
* *

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Typical boot sequence:

1. Loads the kernel into memory from the boot device
2. Mounts the “/” root image from rootfs.img on the boot device
3. Loads Init and runs start-up scripts
4. Loads NVRAM kernel modules
5. Creates /var partition on NVRAM (restored from the boot device if a backup copy exists)
6. Starts management processes
7. Loads the data and network modules
8. Mounts the vol0 root volume
9. Is ready for use

2-17 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Boot Menu
Boot Menu will be available.

Please choose one of the following:

(1) Normal Boot.

(2) Boot without /etc/rc.
(3) Change password.
(4) Clean configuration and initialize all disks.
(5) Maintenance mode boot.
(6) Update flash from backup config.
(7) Install new software first.
(8) Reboot node.
(9) Configure Advanced Drive Partitioning
Selection (1-9)? 1

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Generally, you allow a node to boot into ONTAP. The boot menu provides additional options that are useful for
troubleshooting or maintenance. To access the boot menu, you must press Ctrl+C when you are prompted during
the boot sequence.
Select one of the following options by entering the corresponding number:
1. Normal Boot: Continue to boot the node in normal mode.
2. Boot without /etc/rc: This option is obsolete: it does not affect the system.
3. Change password: Change the password of the node, which is also the “admin” account password.
4. Clean configuration and initialize all disks: Initialize the node disks and create a root volume for the node.
NOTE: This menu option erases all data on the disks of the node and resets your node configuration to the factory default
5. Maintenance mode boot: Perform aggregate and disk maintenance operations and obtain detailed aggregate and disk
information. To exit Maintenance mode, use the halt command.
6. Update flash from backup config: Restore the configuration information from the node’s root volume to the boot
7. Install new software first: Install new software on the node.
NOTE: This menu option is for only installing a newer version of ONTAP software on a node that has no root volume
installed. Do not use this menu option to upgrade ONTAP.
8. Reboot Node: Reboot the node.
9. Configure Advanced Drive Partitioning: For systems that support ADP, this option enables you to configure
Advanced Drive Partitioning of the drives.

2-18 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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ACTION: Topic for Discussion

 Why might you need to access the boot menu?

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2-19 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Creating a Cluster
Cluster creation methods:
 CLI cluster setup wizard:
 Use a wizard to create the cluster and join all nodes.
 Configure the cluster time and AutoSupport

 Guided Cluster Setup with ONTAP System

 Use the CLI to configure the node management
 Use a web browser to connect to the node
management IP address.

? More info in

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Note: NetApp recommends that you use the Guided Cluster Setup for consistency and simplicity. 20

After you install the hardware, you can set up the cluster by using the cluster setup wizard (through the CLI). In ONTAP
9.1 and later software, you can use the Guided Cluster Setup (through ONTAP System Manager).
Before you set up a cluster, you should use a cluster setup worksheet and record the values that you need during the setup
process. Worksheets are available on the NetApp Support website. If you use the System Setup software, enter the
information that you collected on the worksheet as the software prompts you.
Whichever method you select, you begin by using the CLI to enter the cluster setup wizard from a single node in the
cluster. The cluster setup wizard prompts you to configure the node management interface. Next, the cluster setup wizard
asks whether you want to complete the setup wizard by using the CLI.
If you press Enter, the wizard continues to use the CLI to guide you through the configuration. When you are prompted,
enter the information that you collected on the worksheet. After you create the cluster, you use the node setup wizard to
join nodes to the cluster one at a time. The node setup wizard helps you to configure each node's node-management
After you use the CLI to add all nodes, you also need to manually configure a few items. Synchronizing the time ensures
that every node in the cluster has the same time and prevents CIFS and Kerberos failures. You need to decide where to
send event notifications: to an email address, a syslog server, or an SNMP traphost. NetApp also recommends that you
configure the AutoSupport support tool.
To use Guided Cluster Setup instead of the CLI, use a web browser to connect to the node management IP that you
configured on the first node. When you are prompted, enter the information that you collected on the worksheet. The
Guided Cluster Setup discovers all of the nodes in the cluster and then configures the nodes simultaneously.

2-20 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Additional Training
ONTAP Cluster Installation Workshop (instructor-led course)
Universal NetApp FAS Installation (web-based course)

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ONTAP Cluster Installation Workshop (instructor-led course)
Universal NetApp FAS Installation (web-based course)

2-21 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Lesson 3
Administration Interfaces

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2-22 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Cluster Administrators
 Manage the entire cluster:
 All cluster resources
 SVM creation and management
 Access control and roles
 Resource delegation
 Use login credentials:
 User name (default): admin
 Password: password that you
created during cluster setup

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

After you use System Setup to create the cluster, a link is provided to launch ONTAP System Manager. Log in as the
cluster administrator to manage the entire cluster. You manage all cluster resources, the creation and management of
SVMs, access control and roles, and resource delegation.
To log in to the cluster, use the default username “admin” and the password that you configured during cluster creation.

2-23 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Managing Resources in a Cluster
 ONTAP System Manager:
 Visual representation of the available resources
 Wizard-based resource creation
 Best practice configurations
 Limited advanced operations

 The CLI:
 Manual or scripted commands
login as: admin
 Manual resource creation that
might require many steps Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

 Ability to focus and switch Password: *********

quickly among specific objects cluster1::> cluster show
Node Health Eligibility
 Automation Tools:
--------------------- ------- ------------
 OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA)
cluster1-01 true true
 Ansible
cluster1-02 true true
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

You can use many tools to create and manage cluster resources. Each tool has advantages and disadvantages.
ONTAP System Manager is a web-based UI that provides a visual representation of the available resources. Resource
creation is wizard-based and adheres to best practices. However, not all operations are available. Some advanced
operations might need to be performed by commands in the CLI.
You can use the CLI to create and configure resources. Enter commands manually or through scripts. Instead of the
wizards that System Manager uses, the CLI might require many manual commands to create and configure a resource.
Although manual commands give the administrator more control, manual commands are also more prone to mistakes that
can cause issues. One advantage of using the CLI is that the administrator can quickly switch focus without needing to
move through System Manager pages to find different objects.
You can also use automation tools like WFA or Ansible or script calls through APIs and ZAPIs to manage resources.

2-24 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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The default CLI, or shell, in ONTAP
is called the clustershell and has login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
the following features: Password: *********
 Inline help cluster1::> cluster show
Node Health Eligibility
 Online manual pages
--------------------- ------- ------------
 Command history cluster1-01 true true

 Ability to reissue a command cluster1-02 true true

 Keyboard shortcuts cluster1::>

 Queries and UNIX-style patterns
 Wildcards

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

The cluster has different CLIs or shells for different purposes. This course focuses on the clustershell, which starts
automatically when you log in to the cluster.
Clustershell features include inline help, an online manual, history and redo commands, and keyboard shortcuts. The
clustershell also supports queries and UNIX-style patterns. Wildcards enable you to match multiple values in command-
parameter arguments.

2-25 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Command scope

cluster1::> storage aggregate

cluster1::storage aggregate> modify

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Typing the first two levels of the command directory puts you in the command directory. You can then type a command
from that level or type a fully qualified command from a different command directory.

2-26 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Use of the question mark wildcard
cluster1::> storage aggregate
cluster1::storage aggregate> modify ?
[-aggregate] <aggregate name> Aggregate
[ -disktype|-T {ATA | BSAS | FCAL | FSAS | LUN | MSATA | SAS | SATA | SSD | VMDISK} ]
Disk Type
[ -free-space-realloc {on|off|no_redirect} ] Free Space Reallocation
[ -ha-policy {sfo|cfo} ] HA Policy
[ -percent-snapshot-space <percent> ] Space Reserved for Snapshot Copies
[ -space-nearly-full-threshold-percent <percent> ] Aggregate Nearly Full Threshold Percent
[ -space-full-threshold-percent <percent> ] Aggregate Full Threshold Percent
[ -hybrid-enabled {true|false} ] Hybrid Enabled
[ -force-hybrid-enabled|-f [true] ] Force Marking of Aggregate as Hybrid Enabled
[ -maxraidsize|-s <integer> ] Max RAID Size

cluster1::storage aggregate> modify

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At the command line, press the question mark (?) key to show the command directories and commands that are available
at that command level.

2-27 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Tab completion

cluster1::storage aggregate> modify Tab

aggr0_n1 aggr0_n2 n1_data_001 n1_data_002 Tab

n1_data_003 n2_data_001

cluster1::storage aggregate> modify –aggregate n2 _data_001

-state online

Aggregate online successful on aggregate: n2_data_001

cluster1::storage aggregate>

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

Press the Tab key to show available directories, commands, and parameters or to automatically complete a command (or a
portion of a command). You can also use the Tab key to complete nonambiguous substrings of commands, parameters,
and values.

2-28 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Administrative Interfaces
Privilege levels

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous;
use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
cluster1::*> set admin * In prompt indicates
cluster1::> advanced privilege

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

ONTAP software provides multiple sets of commands that are based on privilege levels. ONTAP offers administrative,
advanced, and diagnostic levels. Use the priv command to set the privilege level.
The administrative level provides access to commands that are sufficient for managing your storage system. The advanced
and diag levels provide access to the same administrative commands, plus additional troubleshooting and diagnostic
Advanced level and diag level commands should be used only with the guidance of NetApp technical support.

2-29 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Scope return

cluster1::storage disk option>..

cluster1::storage disk> top

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Use the .. command to move up one level in the command hierarchy. Use the top command to move to the top level of
the command hierarchy.

2-30 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Additional features

The search path enables you to run commands out of context:

cluster1::system node> disk show = storage disk show

Abbreviation is permitted (shortest unambiguous sequences of characters):

cluster1::> aggr show = storage aggregate show
cluster1::> net int show = network interface show

You can run queries with patterns and wildcards:

cluster1::> storage disk show –physical-size >500gb

Use the up arrow key to review command history.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

You can abbreviate commands and parameters in the clustershell if the abbreviation is unambiguous in the current
context. You can also run commands out of context if the command is not available in any other context.

2-31 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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 NetApp Hardware Universe:
 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 Software Setup Guide
 Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager
 System Administration Reference

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

NetApp Hardware Universe:

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:

2-32 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
 Identify supported cluster configurations
 List the steps to set up a cluster
 Manage cluster nodes at the hardware level

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2-33 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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ACTION: Try This Task
1. In your exercise kit, log in to 5. Enter: ?
cluster1.  Is a show command available?
2. Enter: ?  How do you exit to the root
command scope?
Is a show command available?
3. Enter: cluster show
 How many nodes does the cluster
 What is the status of the nodes?
4. Enter: cluster
Which command scope are you in?

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

2. There is no show command at this level.
3a. The cluster has two nodes.
3b. Both nodes should be healthy and eligible.
4. You are in the cluster command scope.
5a. A show command is available.
5b. top or .. returns you to the root of the command directory.

2-34 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 2: Exploring ONTAP Management UIs

Duration: 30 minutes
Access your lab
Open your
Exercise Guide.
Use the login Complete the
credentials that specified tasks.
your instructor Go to the Participate in the
provided to you. exercise for the review session.
 Start with
module. Exercise 2-1.
 Stop at the end  Share your
of Exercise 2-1. results.
 Report issues.

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2-35 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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ACTION: Share Your Experiences
Roundtable questions for the equipment-based exercises

ONTAP System Manager versus clustershell:

 Which method do you prefer to use for
configuring volumes?
 Which method do you prefer to use for
configuring LUNs?

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If you encounter an issue, notify your instructor immediately so that it can be resolved promptly.

2-36 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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ONTAP System Manager:
Guided Cluster Setup

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2-37 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Guided Cluster Setup
Set up the node management interface

Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.

 Boot a node that is part of
the cluster.
... Help and AutoSupport
 From the node messages are not shown.

management IP interface Enter the node management interface port [e0M]: e0M
Enter the node management interface IP address:
for the node, launch the Enter the node management interface netmask:
cluster setup wizard. Enter the node management interface default gateway: <Enter>
A node management interface on port e0M with IP address has been created.
 From the following URL,
continue the cluster setup: Use your web browser to complete cluster setup by accessing
address> Otherwise, press Enter to complete cluster setup using the
command line interface:

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

Continue cluster setup with the Guided Cluster Setup wizard in ONTAP System Manager through a web browser.

2-38 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Guided Cluster Setup
Welcome page

 If a node has a default

password, the login page
is not displayed. A
language menu is
 For information about the
prerequisites for cluster
setup, click “click here.”
 After you review the
prerequisites, click
Guided Setup.

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2-39 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Setup

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Guided Cluster Setup
Cluster page
 Information about nodes is discovered
and displayed.
 Depending on the network configuration,
a single-node cluster, a two-node
switchless cluster, or a switched cluster
is created.
 Set an administrator password.
 Provide a base license and (optional)
feature licenses.
 When you click Submit, the cluster
creation process starts on the first node.
Other nodes are then joined sequentially.
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Guided Cluster Setup
Network page

 On the Network page, you configure the cluster

management, node management, and Service
Processor management network interfaces.
 On the Network page, you also configure DNS
and Network Time Protocol (NTP).
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Guided Cluster Setup
Support page
 On the Support page, you configure
AutoSupport and event notification.
 For single-node clusters, on the Support
page, you also configure system backup.

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Guided Cluster Setup
Summary page
 The Summary page lists all of the
configuration information from
previous pages.
 If there is an error in the
configuration, the Summary page
shows the error.
 When you click “Manage your
cluster,” ONTAP System Manager
is launched from the cluster
management LIF that you created.

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Module 3
Cluster Management

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In this module, you learn how to configure key features of NetApp ONTAP software, such as role-based access control
(RBAC), feature licensing, Network Time Protocol (NTP), and the AutoSupport tool. You also learn about policies and
job schedules, which are used throughout this course.

3-1 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Manage access control
 Set the date and time on cluster nodes
 Manage ONTAP software licenses
 Manage jobs and schedules

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

The cluster might require initial configuration, depending on the environment. This module discusses access control, date
and time, licenses, jobs, and schedules. If you used System Setup software to create the cluster, some of the items might
already be configured.

3-2 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Lesson 1
Access Control

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3-3 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Cluster Administrators and SVM Administrators
 Tasks of cluster administrators:
 Administer the entire cluster
 Administer the cluster storage virtual
machines (SVMs)
 Create and delegate aggregates
for SVM administrator use
 Set up data SVMs and delegate SVM
administration to SVM administrators
 Tasks of SVM administrators: Access Control
 Administer only their own data SVMs
 Set up storage and network resources, such
as volumes, protocols, LIFs, and services

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

This module focuses on cluster administration. Two types of administrators can manage a cluster.
What a storage virtual machine (SVM) administrator can configure is based on how the cluster administrator has
configured the SVM administrator’s user account.

3-4 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Admin SVM
Admin SVM Admin SVM:
 Automatic creation during the cluster
creation process
LIF  Representation of the cluster
Admin  Primary access point for administration
of nodes, resources, and data SVMs
An admin SVM does not serve data.
 A cluster must have at least one data
SVM to serve data to clients.

The cluster management LIF is configured to fail over

Cluster to any node in the cluster.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

The admin SVM is used to manage the cluster.

There is only one admin SVM, which represents the cluster. Through the cluster management LIF, you can manage any
node, resource, or data SVM.
Unless otherwise specified, the term SVM typically refers to a data-serving SVM. Also, in the CLI, SVMs are displayed
as “Vservers and many commands use a –vserver parameter to specify SVMs. The term vserver is a holdover from early
versions of ONTAP (formerly Clustered ONTAP) and maintained for backward-compatibility.

3-5 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Admin Access

An admin account is for a

You create an admin account
pre-defined cluster
with role-based access
control (RBAC):
 Uses the CLI or NetApp cluster1::> security
ONTAP System Manager login
 Is associated with cluster or
data SVMs

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You can use the default system administration account to manage a storage system, or you can create additional
administrator user accounts to manage administrative access to the storage system.
You might want to create an administrator account for the following reasons:
 You can specify administrators and groups of administrators with differing degrees of administrative access to your
storage systems.
 You can limit an administrator’s access to specific storage systems by providing an administrative account on only
those systems.
 Creating different administrative users enables you to display information about who is performing which commands
on the storage system.

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RBAC users, roles, and capabilities

Capability Role
 Includes a command  Is a named set of User
 Includes an access capabilities and  Is authenticated by the cluster or domain
level: commands  Is authenticated for administration,
 all  Is defined for not for data access
 readonly cluster or SVM  Is created as a cluster admin or SVM admin
 none administration

Capability 1 Role 1
Admin 1 SVM Admin
Capability 1
Capability 2 Role 1 Role 1
Capability 2
Capability 3 Role 2 Role 2
Role 2
Capability 3
Role 3
Role 3
Capability 1
Capability 2
Capability 3
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

You assign users to roles based on their responsibilities.

Each role is granted a set of rules that enables a set of capabilities. A role is defined as cluster-scoped or SVM-scoped.
You can use built-in roles and create custom roles. The capabilities of the predefined roles cannot be changed.
Capabilities are a combination of a command and an access level. A command is a specific instruction or an entire
command tree. The three access levels are all, read-only, and none.
Admins are assigned roles, and roles are assigned capabilities.

3-7 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Predefined roles in ONTAP software

Cluster-scoped roles:
 admin  backup
 readonly  autosupport
 none
::> security login role show –vserver svl-nau
Data SVM-scoped roles:
 vsadmin  vsadmin-backup
 vsadmin-volume  vsadmin-snaplock
 vsadmin-protocol  vsadmin-readonly

::> security login role show –vserver svm_red

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ONTAP software includes administrative access-control roles that can be used to subdivide administration duties for SVM
administration tasks.
The vsadmin role is the superuser role for an SVM. The admin role is the superuser for a cluster.
The vsadmin role grants the data SVM admin full administrative privileges for the SVM. Additional roles include the
vsadmin-protocol role, the vsadmin-readonly role, and the vsadmin-volume role. Each role provides a unique SVM
administration privilege.
A cluster admin with the “readonly” role can grant read-only capabilities. A cluster admin with the “none” role cannot
grant capabilities.

3-8 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Custom roles

 Role name
 Command directory
 Query
 Access level

::> security login role create…

::> security login modify –vserver svm_red –user ken -role redvols
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Cluster admins can create access-control roles to apply to cluster or SVM admins. The roles can grant or limit authority to
perform certain system administration tasks. An access-control role consists of a role name and a command or a command
directory to which the role has access. The role can include an access level (none, readonly, or all) and a query that applies
to the specified command or command directory. The example on the slide creates a role that is named svm1vols and that
grants access to the volume commands but limits access to aggregates that start with the “aggr7” string. The role is
assigned to a user who is named Ken.
After the role is created, you can apply the role to individual administrators:
c1::> security login role create –vserver svm1 -role svm1vols -cmddirname volume -query "-
aggr aggr7*" -access all
c1::> security login modify –vserver svm1 –user ken -role svm1vols

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Active Directory Authentication for Admins
 Active Directory authentication functionality is fully supported.
 No CIFS license is required.
::> security login create -vserver cluster1
-username learn\Administrator -application ssh
-authmethod domain

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

Active Directory authentication for cluster and SVM admins provides a dedicated, CIFS-licensed SVM that serves as a
communication tunnel to the administration server. The enhancement satisfies customers who want to use Active
Directory to authenticate their storage and SVM admins but do not need CIFS data access.
You must also create cluster user accounts for the domain users.

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Administrative Security
 Use the security login command to configure role-based administrative
access to the cluster.
 Configure by application: console, HTTP, SNMP, Secure Shell (SSH),
and the ONTAPI interface library.
 To enable and disable security audit logging, use the following command:
::> security audit modify -cliget on -ontapiget on

 Audited commands go to the management log.

 Nodes track local SSH and console commands in the command history log.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTE: System log access is covered later in the course. 11

-cliget: This term specifies whether get requests for the CLI are audited. The default setting is off.
-ontapiget: This term specifies whether get requests for the ONTAP API (ONTAPI) interface library are audited. The
default setting is off.

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Security Login Banner and Message of the Day
For legal purposes, computer systems must display a warning to
unauthorized users who are connecting to the system.
 This legal warning is configured in ONTAP software using the
security login banner command.
 The message of the day (MOTD) subcommand enables you to
show a message to all cluster and SVM administrators when they
open a console session:
::> security login motd modify

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

When you connect to any government or corporate system, one of the first things that you see is a warning about the legal
consequences of unauthorized access. You can use the security login banner command to configure this legal warning on
your cluster.
Another feature of the security login command is the message of the day subcommand. This command enables you to
display a short message to anyone logging in through the CLI console. You might want to provide a reminder about a
meeting, system maintenance, or planned downtime, or you might wish someone a happy birthday or work anniversary.

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Date and Time
Date and Time
Ways to configure date
and time:
 Manually: with CLI
 Automatically: with
Network Time Protocol
(NTP) servers

After you add an NTP

server, the nodes require
time to synchronize.

::> cluster time-service ntp server create -server xx.xx.xx.xx

::> date
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Problems can occur when the cluster time is inaccurate. ONTAP software enables you to manually set the time zone, date,
and time on the cluster. However, you should configure the NTP servers to synchronize the cluster time.
To configure the date and time, in ONTAP System Manager, on the cluster system tools Configurations tab, click Date
and Time. Click Edit. From the Time Zone list, select the time zone. In the Time Servers field, enter the NTP address.
Click Add.
Adding the NTP server automatically configures all of the nodes in the cluster, but each node needs to synchronize
individually. The synchronization for all of the nodes in the cluster might require a few minutes.

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Lesson 2
ONTAP Licensing

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License Types

 Standard license
 Enterprise license  Evaluation license  Capacity license

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A license is a record of one or more software entitlements. License keys, also known as license codes, enable you to use
certain features or services on your cluster. Each cluster requires a cluster base license key, which you can install either
during or after the cluster setup. Some features require additional licenses. ONTAP feature licenses are issued as
packages, each of which contains one or more features. A package requires a license key, and installing the key enables
you to access all of the features in the package. ONTAP software prevents you from installing a feature license before a
cluster base license key is installed.

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Standard and Enterprise Licenses

 Proof of sale is recorded as a license entitlement record.

 License keys are 28 characters long.
 Standard licenses are linked to the controller
serial number (node locked).
Features are licensed on every node and continue to
function as long as one licensed node is running.
 Enterprise licenses enable the feature on the entire cluster.
An enterprise license is not carried with nodes that are removed
from the cluster.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Standard license: A standard license is issued for a node with a specific system serial number and is valid only for the
node that has the matching serial number. Installing a standard, node-locked license entitles a node, but not the entire
cluster, to the licensed functionality. For the cluster to be enabled, though not entitled, to use the licensed functionality, at
least one node must be licensed for the functionality. However, if only one node in a cluster is licensed for a feature and
that node fails, the feature no longer functions on the rest of the cluster until the licensed node is restarted.
Enterprise license: An Enterprise license is not tied to a specific system serial number. When you install an Enterprise
license, all nodes in the cluster are entitled to the licensed functionality. The system license show command displays site
licenses under the cluster serial number. If your cluster has an Enterprise license and you remove a node from the cluster,
the node does not carry the Enterprise license with it. The node is no longer entitled to the licensed functionality. If you
add a node to a cluster that has a Enterprise license, the node is automatically entitled to the functionality that the license

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Evaluation License

 Enables testing of software functionality

before purchasing the license.
 Is a time-limited license.
 Can be renewed, but only a limited number
of times before requiring a purchase.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

An evaluation license enables you to try certain software functionality without purchasing an entitlement. If your cluster
has an evaluation license for a package and you remove a node from the cluster, the node does not carry the evaluation
license. Evaluation licenses are best used for proof of concept testing on test and development clusters rather than on a
production cluster.

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Capacity Licenses
 Capacity licenses are sold individually for increments of
storage capacity (500TB, 100TB, 50TB, and so on).
 These licenses are used with ONTAP Select, Cloud Volumes,
and FlexPool functionality.
 Additional capacity can be added to a capacity pool license at
any time.
 Enforcement is performed at the aggregate level and relies
on an aggregate lease.
 An expired lease prevents users from bringing aggregates
back online after a manual reboot.
 License codes are shorter than 28 characters.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Capacity licenses are additional license requirements on a cluster on which storage capacity is sold in increments. ONTAP
Select, Cloud Volumes, and FlexPools all require capacity licenses.
To increase the amount of storage capacity in the cluster, you must purchase a license for the increment or increments of
capacity that you need.
If the lease on an aggregate expires, rebooting the system makes the aggregate inaccessible.
Unlike standard, enterprise, and evaluation licenses, the capacity licenses are not 28 characters long.

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License Commands

cluster2::> license ?
(system license)
add Add one or more licenses
capacity> The capacity directory
clean-up Remove unnecessary licenses
delete Delete a license
entitlement-risk> The entitlement-risk directory
show Display licenses
show-status Display license status
status> Display license status

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

ONTAP software enables you to manage feature licenses in the following ways:
 Add one or more license keys.
 Display information about installed licenses.
 Display the packages that require licenses and the current license status of the packages on the cluster.
 Delete a license from a cluster or from the node with the serial number that you specify.
NOTE: The cluster base license is required for the cluster to operate. ONTAP software does not enable you to delete the
 Display or remove expired or unused licenses.

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Lesson 3
Policies and Schedules

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3-20 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Management

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Jobs and

Policy-Based Storage Services Schedules

 A collection of rules that the cluster or
SVM administrator creates and manages
 Predefined or created for managing data access
Policy examples:
 Firewall and security
 Export, quota, file, and data
 Snapshot and SnapMirror
 Quality of service (QoS)

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

The following services are policy-based:

 Firewall
 System health
 SnapMirror
 Volume efficiency
 Volume FlexCache
 Volume quota
 Volume Snapshot
 SVM CIFS group
 SVM data
 SVM export
 SVM FPolicy
 SVM security file directory
 Quality of service (QoS) policy group
 Failover

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Policy-Based Management
 You assign a policy to a service or resource.
 A rule criterion in the policy matches the service or resource.
 The matching rule properties apply to the service or resource.
 The example is a firewall that permits or denies access to a
protocol for specific IP address ranges.
policyA fwall_policy1
Rule1 – criteria1 ssh
Rule2 – criteria2 http
Rule3 – criteria3
policyB fwall_policy2
Rule3 – criteria3
Rule1 – criteria1 ssh
property property ssh
propertyRule2 – criteria2 property
Rule3 – criteria3 ssh
property allow

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

SVMs use policy-based management for many resources. A policy is a collection of rules or properties that the cluster
administrator or SVM administrator creates and manages. Policies are predefined as defaults or created to manage various
resources. By default, a policy applies to the current resources and to newly created resources, unless otherwise specified.
For example, Snapshot policies can be used to schedule automatic controller-based Snapshot copies. The policy includes
such things as the schedule or schedules to use and how many copies to retain. When a volume is created for the SVM, the
policy is applied automatically but can be modified later.
The efficiency policy is used to schedule postprocess deduplication operations. The policy might include when and how
long deduplication runs.
The examples are only two of the policies that you encounter in ONTAP software. The advantage of policy-based
management is that when you create a policy, you can apply the policy to any appropriate resource, either automatically or
manually. Without policy-based management, you would need to enter the settings separately for each individual

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 Asynchronous tasks
 Managed by the Job
 Long-running operations
 In a job queue
::> job show
Job ID Name Vserver Node State
------ ---------------------- ---------- -------------- ----------
2 Vol Reaper rtp-nau - Queued
Description: Vol Reaper Job
6 SnapMirror Service Job rtp-nau rtp-nau-01 Dormant
Description: SnapMirror Service Job

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

A job is any asynchronous task that Job Manager manages. Jobs are typically long-running volume operations such as
copy, move, and mirror. Jobs are placed in a job queue. Jobs run in the background when resources are available. If a job
consumes too many cluster resources, you can stop or pause the job until there is less demand on the cluster. You can also
monitor jobs, view job history, and restart jobs.

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Schedules for tasks:
 Time-based schedules, which run at specific times (similar to UNIX cron schedules)
 Interval-based schedules, which run at intervals
::> job schedule show
Name Type Description
----------- --------- --------------------------------
5min cron @:00,:05,:10,:15,:20,:25,:30,:35
8hour cron @2:15,10:15,18:15
Auto Balance Aggregate Scheduler
interval Every 1h
interval Every 10m
daily cron @0:10
hourly cron @:05
monthly cron 1@0:20
weekly cron Sun@0:15

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Many tasks, such as volume Snapshot copies, can be configured to run on specified schedules. Schedules that run at
specific times are called cron schedules. The schedules are similar to UNIX cron schedules. Schedules that run at intervals
are called interval schedules.
To manage schedules in System Manager, on the cluster Configuration tab, you click the Schedules link. You can create,
edit, and delete schedules.

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Knowledge Check: Question
The admin SVM manages the cluster and serves data.
a. true
b. false

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 NetApp Hardware Universe
 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center
 Administrator Authentication and RBAC Power Guide
 System Administration Reference
 ONTAP 9 Concepts

 TR-4569: Security Hardening Guide for NetApp ONTAP 9

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

NetApp Hardware Universe -

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center -
Administrator Authentication and RBAC Power Guide
System Administration Reference
ONTAP 9 Concepts
TR-4569: Security Hardening Guide for NetApp ONTAP 9

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
 Manage access control
 Configure cluster settings
 Manage cluster-level features of ONTAP software

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 3: Managing ONTAP Clusters and Administrators

Duration: 40 minutes
Access your lab
Open your
Exercise Guide.
Use the login Complete the
credentials that specified tasks.
your instructor Participate in the
provided to you. Go to the exercise review session.
for the module.  Start with
Exercise 3-1.
 Stop at the end  Share your
of Exercise 3-1. results.
 Report issues.

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ACTION: Share Your Experiences
Roundtable questions for the equipment-based exercises

 How did the cluster behave after you

specified the NTP server?
 Did the time synchronize immediately?

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Have a roundtable discussion with the class to answer these questions. You should also add any comments about
experiences or “lessons learned” during the exercises that others might find helpful.
If you encounter an issue, notify your instructor immediately so that it can be resolved promptly.

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Module 4
Network Management

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Describe the interaction between physical and virtual network
resources in a cluster
 Configure and manage physical and virtual networking resources

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Lesson 1
NetApp ONTAP Network Review

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4-3 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Network Management

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ONTAP Network Types

 Cluster interconnect:
 Connection of nodes
 Private network

 Management network:
 Cluster administration network
 Possibly a shared Ethernet network with data

 Data network:
 One or more networks that are used for data
Management Network access from clients or hosts
 Ethernet, FC, or converged network
Data Network

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. HA: high-availability 4

In multinode clusters, nodes need to communicate with each other over a cluster interconnect. In a 2-node cluster, the
interconnect can be switchless. When you add more than two nodes to a cluster, a private cluster interconnect that uses
switches is required.
The management network is used for cluster administration. Redundant connections to the management ports on each
node and management ports on each cluster switch should be provided to the management network. In smaller
environments, the management and data networks might be on a shared Ethernet network.
For clients and hosts to access data, a data network is required. The data network can be made up of one or more
networks. Depending on the environment, the network might be an Ethernet, FC, or converged network. Data networks
can consist of one or more switches or redundant networks.

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NetApp recommends

Networks redundant data and

management networks.

Cluster Interconnect Four or eight

Two management
Inter-Switch Links (ISLs)
ports per node

node1 node2 node3 node4

Two or more
cluster network

Management Network Data Network networking
Two ISLs (Ethernet, FC, or Converged)

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An ONTAP software cluster is essentially a cluster of high-availability (HA) pairs. Therefore, you need a cluster network,
or cluster interconnect, for all of the nodes to communicate with one another. If a node cannot see the cluster interconnect,
the node is not part of the cluster. Therefore, the cluster interconnect requires adequate bandwidth and resiliency.
The figure shows a 4-node cluster and three distinct networks. ONTAP software requires both data and management
connectivity, which can coexist on the same data network.
In multinode configurations, ONTAP software also requires a cluster interconnect for cluster traffic. In a 2-node
configuration, the cluster interconnect can be as simple as to cable the two nodes or to use switches if expansion is
desired. In clusters of more than two nodes, switches are required. For redundancy, you should always have at least one
cluster port per switch on each node of the cluster. The number of cluster ports per node depends on the controller model
and port speed.
Single-node clusters do not require a cluster interconnect if the environment does not require high availability and
nondisruptive operations (NDO).
For site requirements, switch information, port cabling information, and controller onboard port cabling, see the Hardware
Universe at

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Lesson 2
Network Ports

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ONTAP Networking

Logical LIF svm-mgmt svm-data1

Virtual LAN
a0a-50 a0a-80
(Optional) Interface Group
Network Ports


Physical Port e2a e3a

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Nodes have physical ports that are available for cluster traffic, management traffic, and data traffic. The ports need to be
configured appropriately for the environment. The example shows Ethernet ports. Physical ports also include FC ports and
unified target adapter (UTA) ports.
Physical Ethernet ports can be used directly or combined by using interface groups (ifgroups). Also, physical Ethernet
ports and ifgroups can be segmented by using virtual LANs (VLANs). VLANs and ifgroups are considered virtual ports
but are treated like physical ports.
Unless specified, the term network port includes physical ports, ifgroups, and VLANs.

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Physical Port Identification
 Ethernet ports are named e<location><letter>:
 e0a is the first port on the controller motherboard.
 e3a is a port on a card in slot 3.

 FC ports are named <location><letter>:

 0a is the first port on the controller motherboard.
 3a is a port on a card in slot 3.

 UTA ports have both an Ethernet name and an FC name,

 e0a/0a is the first port on the controller motherboard.
 e3a/3a is a port on a card in slot 3.
 Use of show commands returns only FC label names
(even in Ethernet mode).

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

Port names consist of two or three characters that describe the port type and location. You should remember port-naming
conventions on the network interfaces.
Ethernet ports: The first character describes the port type and is always e to represent Ethernet. The second character is a
numeral that identifies the slot in which the port adapter is located. The numeral 0 (zero) indicates that the port is on the
node motherboard. The third character indicates the port position on a multiport adapter. For example, the port name e0b
indicates the second Ethernet port on the motherboard, and the port name e3a indicates the first Ethernet port on an
adapter in slot 3.
FC ports: The name consists of two characters (dropping the e) but otherwise follows the same naming convention as
Ethernet ports. For example, the port name 0b indicates the second FC port on the motherboard. The port name 3a
indicates the first FC port on an adapter in slot 3.
UTA ports: A UTA port is physically one port but can pass either Ethernet traffic or FC traffic. Therefore, UTA ports are
labeled with both the Ethernet name and the FC name. For example, the port name e0b/0b indicates the second UTA port
on the motherboard. The port name e3a/3a indicates the first UTA port on an adapter in slot 3.
NOTE: UTA adapter ports are listed by only the FC label name when you use the ucadmin command, even when the
personality is configured as 10-GbE.

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Physical Ports Example

Hardware Universe Installation & Setup Instructions (ISI)

 Focused on port identification  Focused on cabling
 Downloadable Visio-template based picture  PDF on MySupport website

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

The numbers and types of ports varies by system model, but most systems have dedicated ports for connecting to external
drive shelves, Ethernet networks, FC networks, and management networks. There are two primary sources for identifying
ports and their use on an AFF or FAS system. In addition to all of the technical details, the Hardware Universe includes
Visio-template based diagrams of the front and back of the storage controller. To see how the ports are to be cabled, the
Installation and Setup Instructions (ISI) is the best source.

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Insert the proper optical

Modifying Network Port Attributes module before changing


Set the UTA2 port personality

First remove any LIFs and take the port offline.

cluster2::> system node hardware unified-connect modify

-node cluster2-01 -adapter 0e
-mode fc|cna
cluster2::> system node reboot –node cluster2-01

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UTA ports are managed in a similar way and require a reboot to take effect. The adapter must also be offline before you
can make any changes.
 When the adapter type is initiator, use the run local storage disable adapter command to take the adapter
 When the adapter type is target, use the network fcp adapter modify command to take the adapter offline.
For more information about configuring FC ports, see the ONTAP SAN Administration Guide for your release, or attend
the NetApp University SAN Implementation course.

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 Combination of one or more
Ethernet interfaces
 Three ifgroup modes:
 Single mode (active-standby)
 Static multimode (active-active) Multimode Single-Mode
ifgroup ifgroup
 Dynamic multimode with Link
Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
 Naming syntax: a<number><letter>
(for example, a0a)

NOTE: Vendors might use other terms for combining Active

Ethernet interfaces (for example, Cisco EtherChannel). Standby
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

An ifgroup combines one or more Ethernet interfaces, which can be implemented in one of three ways.
In single mode, one interface is active, and the other interfaces are inactive until the active link goes down. The standby
paths are used only during a link failover.
In static multimode, all links are active. Therefore, static multimode provides link failover and load-balancing features.
Static multimode complies with the IEEE 802.3ad (static) standard and works with any switch that supports the
combination of Ethernet interfaces. However, static multimode does not have control packet exchange.
Dynamic multimode is similar to static multimode but complies with the IEEE 802.3ad (dynamic) standard. When
switches that support Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) are used, the switch can detect a loss of link status and
dynamically route data. NetApp recommends that when you configure ifgroups, you use dynamic multimode with LACP
and compliant switches.
All modes support the same number of interfaces per ifgroup, but the interfaces in the group should always be the same
speed and type. The naming syntax for interface groups is the letter “a”, followed by a number, followed by a letter (for
example, a0a).
Vendors might use terms such as link aggregation, port aggregation, trunking, bundling, bonding, teaming, or

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The name of the ifgroup must be in
Creating ifgroups a<number><letter> format.

cluster2::> network port ifgrp create -node cluster2-01 -ifgrp a0a

–distr-func ip -mode multimode
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

You can create ifgroups for higher throughput, fault tolerance, and elimination of single points of failure (SPOFs).
Manage ifgroups in a similar way, except for the following:
 You must name ifgroups by using the syntax a<number><letter>.
 You cannot add a port that is already a member of one ifgroup to another ifgroup.
 Multimode load-balancing methods include the following:
• MAC: Network traffic is distributed by MAC addresses.
• IP: Network traffic is distributed by IP addresses.
• Sequential: Network traffic is distributed as it is received.
• Port: Network traffic is distributed by the transport layer (TCP/UDP) ports.
For more information about load balancing, see TR-4182: Ethernet Storage Best Practices for ONTAP Configurations.

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ifgroup Considerations
 Because of the limited capabilities of single mode, you
should not use a single-mode ifgroup in ONTAP software.
 Use dynamic multimode (LACP) when you use ifgroups, to
take advantage of performance and resiliency functionality:
 An LACP-enabled switch is required.
 All of the interfaces in the group are active, share a MAC address,
and use load-balancing for outbound (not inbound) traffic.
 A single host does not achieve larger bandwidth than any of the
constituent connections.
Two 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10-GbE) ports that are bound together do not
equal one 20-GbE port.

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You can configure ifgroups to add a layer of redundancy and functionality to an ONTAP software environment. You can
also use ifgroups with a failover group to help to protect against Layer 2 and Layer 3 Ethernet failures.
A single-mode ifgroup is an active-passive configuration (one port sits idle, waiting for the active port to fail) and cannot
aggregate bandwidth. NetApp advises against the use of the single-mode type of ifgroup. To achieve as much redundancy,
you can use failover groups or one of the two multimode methods.
You might use a static multimode ifgroup if you want to use all the ports in the group to simultaneously service
connections. Static multimode does differ from the type of aggregation that happens in a dynamic multimode ifgroup. No
negotiation or automatic detection happens within the group concerning the ports. A port sends data when the node detects
a link, regardless of the state of the connecting port on the switch side.
You might use a dynamic multimode ifgroup to aggregate bandwidth of more than one port. LACP monitors the ports
on an ongoing basis to determine the aggregation capability of the ports. LACP also continuously provides the maximum
level of aggregation capability that is achievable between a given pair of devices. However, all the interfaces in the group
are active, share MAC address, and load-balance outbound traffic. A single host does not necessarily achieve larger
bandwidth, exceeding the capabilities of any constituent connections. For example, adding four 10-GbE ports to a
dynamic multimode ifgroup does not result in one 40-GbE link for one host. The situation is because of the way that both
the switch and the node manage the aggregation of the ports in the ifgroup. A recommended best practice is to use the
dynamic multimode type of ifgroup so that you can take advantage of all the performance and resiliency functionality that
the ifgroup algorithm offers.
You can use two methods to achieve path redundancy when you use iSCSI in ONTAP software. You can use ifgroups or
you can combine hosts to use multipath I/O over multiple distinct physical links. Because multipath I/O is required,
ifgroups might have little value.
For more information, see TR-4182: Ethernet Storage Best Practices for ONTAP Configurations.

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Switch 1

Switch 2



Clients Tenant B Tenant A Mgmt

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A port or ifgroup can be subdivided into multiple VLANs. Each VLAN has a unique tag that is communicated in the
header of every packet. The switch must be configured to support VLANs and the tags that are in use. In ONTAP
software, a VLAN ID is configured into the name. For example, VLAN e0a-70 is a VLAN with tag 70 that is configured
on physical port e0a. VLANs that share a base port can belong to the same or different IPspaces. The base port can be in a
different IPspace than the VLANs that share the base port. IPspaces are covered later in this module.

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Creating VLANs

cluster2::> network port vlan create -node cluster2-01 -vlan-name a0a-11

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You can create a VLAN for ease of administration, confinement of broadcast domains, reduced network traffic, and
enforcement of security policies.

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Ports, ifgroups, and VLAN Combinations



port ifgrp
port port

NOTE: VLANs and ifgroups cannot be created on
cluster interconnect ports.
port port

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Most small to medium environments and FC environments use physical ports.

Ethernet environments in which multiple physical networks are impossible often use VLANs to separate management
traffic from data traffic. VLANs are also often used to separate differing workloads. For example, you might separate
NAS traffic from iSCSI traffic for performance and security reasons.
In Ethernet environments in which many application servers or hosts share switches and ports, dynamic multimode
ifgroups of four Ethernet ports per node are frequently used for load balancing.
Environments that use ifgroups typically also use VLANs to segment the network. Segmentation is typical for service
providers with multiple clients that require the bandwidth that ifgroups provide and the security that VLANs provide.
Finally, it is not unusual for different types of ports to be used in mixed environments that have various workloads. For
example, an environment might use ifgroups with VLANs that are dedicated to NAS protocols, a VLAN that is dedicated
to management traffic, and physical ports for FC traffic.
ifgroups and VLANs cannot be created on cluster interconnect ports.

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Lesson 3
Network Traffic Segregation

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IPspace Review


Storage Virtual
Broadcast Domain
Machine (SVM) Port


LIF IP Addresses: –

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ONTAP software has a set of features that work together to enable multitenancy. An IPspace is a logical container that is
used to create administratively separate network domains. An IPspace defines a distinct IP address space that contains
storage virtual machines (SVMs). The IPspace contains a broadcast domain, which enables you to group network ports
that belong to the same Layer 2 network. The broadcast domain contains a subnet, which enables you to allocate a pool of
IP addresses for your ONTAP network configuration.
When you create a LIF on the SVM, the LIF represents a network access point to the node. You can manually assign the
IP address for the LIF. If a subnet is specified, the IP address is automatically assigned from the pool of addresses in the
subnet, much like how a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server assigns IP addresses.

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Default IPspace Company A IPspace Company B IPspace



Default Company A Company B

Routing Table Routing Table Routing Table

Storage Service
Provider Point
of Presence
Default: Company A: Company B:

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The IPspace feature enables clients from more than one disconnected network to access a storage system or cluster, even
if the clients use the same IP address.
An IPspace defines a distinct IP address space in which virtual storage systems can participate. IP addresses that are
defined for an IPspace are applicable only within the IPspace. A distinct routing table is maintained for each IPspace. No
cross-IPspace traffic routing occurs. Each IPspace has a unique assigned loopback interface. The loopback traffic on each
IPspace is isolated from the loopback traffic on other IPspaces.
A storage service provider needs to connect customers of companies A and B to a storage system on the storage service
provider premises. The storage service provider creates SVMs on the cluster, one per customer. The storage service
provider then provides one dedicated network path from one SVM to the A network and another dedicated network path
from the other SVM to the B network.
The deployment should work if both companies use nonprivate IP address ranges. However, because the companies use
the same private addresses, the SVMs on the cluster at the storage service provider location have conflicting IP addresses.
To overcome the problem, two IPspaces are defined on the cluster, one per company. Because a distinct routing table is
maintained for each IPspace and no cross-IPspace traffic is routed, the data for each company is securely routed to the
respective network. Data is securely routed even if the two SVMs are configured in the address space.
Also, the IP addresses that are referred to by various configuration files (the /etc/hosts file, the /etc/hosts.equiv file, the
/etc/rc file, and so on) are relative to the IPspace. Therefore, the IPspaces enable the storage service provider to use the
same IP address for the configuration and authentication data for both SVMs, without conflict.

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Managing IPspaces

You can create IPspaces when

you need your SVMs to have
distinct and secure storage,
administration, and routing:

cluster1::> network ipspace create

–ipspace IPspace_A

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IPspaces are distinct IP address spaces in which SVMs reside. All IPspace names must be unique within a cluster.
 If necessary, you can change the name of an existing IPspace (except for the two system-created IPspaces) by using
the network ipspace rename command.
 If you no longer need an IPspace, you can delete the IPspace by using the network ipspace delete command.
NOTE: No broadcast domains, network interfaces, or SVMs can be associated with an IPspace that you want to delete.
You cannot delete the system-defined Default and Cluster IPspaces.
You can display the list of IPspaces that exist in a cluster. You can also view the SVMs, broadcast domains, and ports that
are assigned to each IPspace.
After you create an IPspace but before you create the SVMs in the IPspace, you might need to create a broadcast domain
that defines the ports of the IPspace.

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Managing IPspaces

IPspaces can be renamed or deleted:

::> network ipspace rename –ipspace

IPspace_A –new-name IPspace_C
::> network ipspace delete –ipspace

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Broadcast Domains

 Broadcast domains
enable you to group Default
network ports that Broadcast Domain
belong to the same
Layer 2 network. Company A
Broadcast Domain
 An SVM can then use
the ports in the group
for data or Company B
management traffic. Broadcast Domain

Broadcast domains can contain physical ports, ifgroups, and VLANs.

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Broadcast domains are often used when a system administrator wants to reserve specific ports for use by a certain client or
group of clients. A broadcast domain should include ports from many nodes in the cluster to provide high availability for
the connections to SVMs.
The figure shows the ports that are assigned to three broadcast domains in a 4-node cluster:
 The Default broadcast domain, which was created automatically during cluster initialization, is configured to contain
a port from each node in the cluster.
 The Company A broadcast domain was created manually and contains one port each from the nodes in the first HA
 The Company B broadcast domain was created manually and contains one port each from the nodes in the second HA
 The Cluster broadcast domain was created automatically during cluster initialization, but it is not shown in the figure.
The system administrator created the two broadcast domains specifically to support the customer IPspaces.

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Broadcast Domains
Managing broadcast domains

You create broadcast domains to group ports for an IPspace.

cluster1::> network port broadcast-domain create –broadcast-domain bcast_A

–mtu 1500 –ipspace ipXYZ –ports cluster1-01:a0a,cluster1-01:a0a-11…
cluster1::> network port broadcast-domain add-ports…
cluster1::> network port broadcast-domain remove-ports…

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You create a broadcast domain to group network ports in a cluster that belongs to the same Layer 2 network. SVMs can
then use the ports.
NOTE: The ports that you plan to add to the broadcast domain must not belong to another broadcast domain.
 All broadcast domain names must be unique within an IPspace.
 The ports that you add to a broadcast domain can be network ports, VLANs, or ifgroups.
 You add ports by using the network port broadcast-domain add-ports command.
 If the ports that you want to use belong to another broadcast domain but are unused, use the network port
broadcast-domain remove-ports command to remove the ports from the existing broadcast domain.
 The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value of the ports that you add to a broadcast domain are updated to the MTU
value that is set in the broadcast domain.
 The MTU value must match all the devices that are connected to the Layer 2 network.
 If you do not specify an IPspace name, the broadcast domain is created in the Default IPspace.
You can rename or delete broadcast domains that you create but not the system-created Cluster and Default broadcast
To make system configuration easier, a failover group of the same name is created automatically and contains the same
ports. All failover groups that relate to the broadcast domain are removed when you delete the broadcast domain.

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 Subnets enable the subnet
allocation of specific Default
blocks, or pools, of IP Broadcast Domain to
addresses for easier
LIF creation. Company A
 A subnet is created Broadcast Domain to
within a broadcast
domain and contains a Company B

pool of IP addresses Broadcast Domain
that belong to the

same Layer 3 subnet.

Subnets are recommended for easier LIF creation.

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Subnets enable you to allocate specific blocks, or pools, of IP addresses for your ONTAP network configuration. The
allocation enables you to create LIFs more easily when you use the network interface create command, by
specifying a subnet name instead of specifying IP address and network mask values.
IP addresses in a subnet are allocated to ports in the broadcast domain when LIFs are created. When LIFs are removed,
the IP addresses are returned to the subnet pool and are available for future LIFs.
You should use subnets because subnets simplify the management of IP addresses and the creation of LIFs. Also, if you
specify a gateway when you define a subnet, a default route to that gateway is added automatically to the SVM when a
LIF is created with that subnet.

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Creating Subnets
 The broadcast domain and
IPspace where you plan to Subnet_A

add the subnet must exist.

 Subnet names must be

unique within an IPspace.

 IP addresses in the

specified range must not

be in use by a LIF. bdXYZ

cluster1::> network subnet create –subnet-name subnet_A –broadcast-domain bdXYZ

–ipspace ipXYZ –subnet –gateway
-ip-ranges -force-updatelif-associations true

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You create a subnet to allocate, or reserve, specific blocks of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for ONTAP network configuration.
When you create subnets, consider the following limitations:
 When you add IP address ranges to a subnet, no IP addresses in the network can overlap (so that different subnets, or
hosts, do not attempt to use the same IP address).
 If you do not use subnets or do not specify a gateway when you define a subnet, you must use the route create
command to manually add a route to the SVM.
 The value true can be set for the -force-update-lif-associations option. The command fails if any SP or
network interfaces currently use the IP addresses in the specified range. Setting the value to true associates any
manually addressed interfaces with the current subnet and enables the command to succeed.

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Subnets and gateways
 When you create subnets, considering the following information:
 If a gateway is specified, when a LIF is created with the subnet, a
default route is added automatically to the SVM.
 If you do not use subnets, or if you do not specify a gateway when
defining a subnet, you must use the route create command to
add a route to the SVM manually.

 If you add or change the gateway IP address, the following

changes occur:
 The modified gateway is applied to new SVMs when a
LIF is created in an SVM that uses the subnet.
 A default route to the gateway is created for the SVM
(if the route does not exist).

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTE: When you change the gateway IP address, you might need to manually add a new route to the SVM. 26

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Verifying subnets

To view broadcast domains:

::> network subnet show
Subnet Broadcast Avail/
Name Subnet Domain Gateway Total Ranges
----------- --------------- --------- ------------ ------ ------
subnet_def Default 10/50
subnet_A bd_A 4/51
subnet_B bd_B 4/51

Subnets A and B have

Notice how subnets A
the same subnet and
and B use overlapping
gateway but different
IP ranges.

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ACTION: Topics for Discussion

 When do you need to create IPspaces,

broadcast domains, or subnets?

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Lesson 4

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Network Interfaces

LIF smv1-mgmt smv1-data1

VLAN a0a-50 a0a-80

ifgroup a0a

Port e2a e3a

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A LIF is associated with a physical port, an ifgroup, or a VLAN. Virtual storage systems (VLANs and SVMs) own the
LIFs. Multiple LIFs that belong to multiple SVMs can reside on a single port.

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 An IP address or worldwide port name (WWPN) is associated with a LIF:
 If subnets are configured (recommended), an IP address is automatically assigned
when a LIF is created. Otherwise, IP addresses must be manually assigned.
 When an FC LIF is created, WWPNs are automatically assigned.

 One node-management LIF exists per node.

 One cluster-management LIF exists per cluster.
 Cluster LIFs depend on the cluster configuration.
 Multiple data LIFs can be enabled per port
(client-facing for NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, and FC access).
 For intercluster peering, intercluster LIFs must be created on each node.

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Data LIFs can have a many-to-one relationship with network ports. Many data IP addresses can be assigned to a single
network port. If the port becomes overburdened, NAS data LIFs can be transparently migrated to different ports or nodes.
Clients know the data LIF IP address but do not know which node or port hosts the LIF. If a NAS data LIF is migrated,
the client might unknowingly be contacting a different node. The NFS mount point or CIFS share is unchanged.

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Creating Data LIFs

Specify the subnet name to

automatically assign an IP
You must specify the IP address
when subnets are not configured.

cluster1::> network interface create –vserver svm3 –lif svm3_nfs_lif2

–data-protocol nfs –home-node cluster1-01 –home-port e0f
–subnet-name snDefault

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A LIF is an IP address or WWPN that is associated with a physical port. If a component fails, most LIF types (excluding
SAN) can fail over to or be migrated to a different physical port. Failover and migration ensure that communication with
the cluster continues.
 The underlying physical network port must be configured to the administrative up status.
 If you plan to use a subnet name to allocate the IP address and network mask value for a LIF, the subnet must exist.
 You can create IPv4 and IPv6 LIFs on the same network port.
 You cannot assign both NAS and SAN protocols to a LIF.
 The supported protocols are CIFS, NFS, FlexCache, iSCSI, and FC.
 The data-protocol parameter must be specified when the LIF is created and cannot be modified later.
 If you specify none as the value for the data-protocol parameter, the LIF does not support any data protocol.
 The home-node parameter is the node to which the LIF returns when the network interface revert command
is run on the LIF.
 The home-port parameter is the port or ifgroup to which the LIF returns when the network interface revert
command is run on the LIF.
 All of the name mapping and host-name resolution services must be reachable from the data, cluster-management, and
node-management LIFs of the cluster.
These services include the following and others:
• Network Information Service (NIS)
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
• Active Directory
 A cluster LIF should not be on the same subnet as a management LIF or a data LIF.
 When you use a subnet to supply the IP address and network mask, if the subnet was defined with a gateway, a default
route to that gateway is added automatically to the SVM when a LIF is created with that subnet.

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Lesson 5
Nondisruptive LIF Configuration

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Nondisruptive LIF Features
Part 1 of 4

 LIF failover: Automatic migration

svm4-data1 LIF that occurs because of a link
failure or reboot

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Why migrate a LIF? Migration might be necessary for troubleshooting a faulty port or to offload a node for which data
network ports are saturated with other traffic. The LIF fails over if its current node is rebooted.
Unlike storage failover (SFO), LIF failover and migration do not cause a reboot of the node from which the LIF is
migrating. After a LIF is migrated, the LIF can remain on the new node for as long as the administrator wants.
Failover groups for LIFs can be based on the broadcast domain or user defined. You create a failover group of network
ports so that a LIF can automatically migrate to a different port if a link failure occurs on the LIF's current port. The
failover group enables the system to reroute network traffic to other available ports in the cluster.
 The ports that are added to a failover group can be network ports, VLANs, or ifgroups.
 All of the ports that are added to the failover group must belong to the same broadcast domain.
 A single port can reside in multiple failover groups.
 If you have LIFs in different VLANs or broadcast domains, you must configure failover groups for each VLAN or
broadcast domain.
 Failover groups do not apply in SAN iSCSI or FC environments.
You can configure a LIF to fail over to a specific group of network ports by applying a failover policy and a failover
group to the LIF. You can also disable a LIF from failing over to another port. You can choose from many failover
 Broadcast-domain-wide: All ports on all nodes in the failover group
 System-defined: Only the ports on the LIF's home node and a non-SFO partner
 Local-only: Only the ports on the LIF's home node
 SFO-partner-only: Only the ports on the LIF's home node and SFO partner
 Disabled: No ports fail over
NOTE: LIFs for SAN protocols do not support failover and so are always set to disabled.

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Nondisruptive LIF Features
Part 2 of 4

 LIF failover: Automatic migration

that occurs because of a link
svm4-data1 LIF failure or reboot
 LIF migrate: Manual movement
of a LIF to another port

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Nondisruptive LIF Features
Part 3 of 4

 LIF failover: Automatic migration

that occurs because of a link
failure or reboot
svm4-data1 LIF  LIF migrate: Manual movement
of a LIF to another port
 LIF revert: Manual or automatic
sending of a LIF back to the
home (node and) port

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Nondisruptive LIF Features
Part 4 of 4

 LIF failover: Automatic migration

that occurs because of a link
failure or reboot
svm4-data1 LIF  LIF migrate: Manual movement
of a LIF to another port
 LIF revert: Manual or automatic
sending of a LIF back to the
home (node and) port

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Failover Groups Versus Failover Policies
A failover group is a list
of ports (physical or
virtual): Failover
 Defines the targets for Failover Policy
the LIF Group
 Is automatically created A failover policy restricts
when you create a the list of ports within a
failover group.
broadcast domain
 Does not apply to iSCSI

Ports to Migrate

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Failover Groups
Based on the broadcast domain

Failover groups that are based on the broadcast domain are created
automatically, based on the network ports in the broadcast domain:
 A Cluster failover group contains the ports in the Cluster broadcast domain.
 A Default failover group contains the ports in the Default broadcast domain.
 Additional failover groups are created for each broadcast domain that you create.

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There are two types of failover groups. These groups are groups that the system creates automatically when a broadcast
domain is created and groups that a system administrator defines.
The ports in the Cluster broadcast domain are used for cluster communication and include all cluster ports from all nodes
in the cluster.
The ports in the Default broadcast domain are used primarily to serve data but also for cluster and node management.
Failover groups have the same name as the broadcast domain and contain the same ports as the groups in the broadcast

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Failover Groups

You create custom failover groups for specific LIF failover functionality in
one or more of the following circumstances:
 The automatic failover groups do not meet your requirements.
 You require only a subset of the ports that are available in the broadcast domain.
 You require consistent performance:
For example, you have configured SnapMirror replication to use high-bandwidth ports.
You might create a failover group that consists of only 10-GbE ports to ensure that the
LIFs fail over to only high-bandwidth ports.

? More info in

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You can create user-defined failover groups for special failover situations in which the groups that are based on the
broadcast domain do not meet your needs.

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Failover Policies
Failover Policy Available Target Ports Details
The LIF fails over to a port in the same
broadcast domain as the home port
Broadcast-domain-wide Default for cluster-management LIF
(including any port from any node in the
failover group).
Default for data LIFs
The LIF fails over to only a port on the
home node or a non-SFO partner. Recommended for nondisruptive
software updates
Default for cluster LIFs, node
The LIF fails over to only a port on the
Local-only management LIFs, and intercluster
home node of the LIF.
The LIF fails over to only a port on the
home node or SFO partner.
Disabled Failover is disabled for the LIF. LIF that is not configured for failover
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The table shows the default policies. Usually, you should use the default policies.

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Failover Policies and Groups
LIF Name LIF Service Policy Default Failover Group Default Failover Policy

Clus1 default-cluster Cluster local-only

cluster1-01_mgmt1 default-management Default local-only

cluster_mgmt broadcast-domain-wide
default-management Default

svm1_nas_lif01 default-data-files Default

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The table shows how failover policies and groups work together. Groups include all possible failover targets, whereas
policies limit targets within the group.

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ACTION: Topics for Discussion

 What are the benefits of each type of failover

group and failover policy type?
 When should you use ifgroups or failover groups?
Do you need both?

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Lesson 6
Routing Management

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Routing Management

You control the outbound traffic of LIFs by configuring

route tables and static routes.
The following is true of route tables:
 Route tables are routes that are automatically created in an
SVM when a service or application is configured for the SVM.
 Routes are configured for each SVM, identifying the SVM,
subnet, and destination.
 Route tables are per-SVM, so routing changes to one SVM do
not pose a risk of corrupting another SVM route table.
 The system SVM of each IPspace has its own route table.

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Route tables: System SVMs can own LIFs, and the system SVMs might need route configurations that differ from the
configurations on data SVMs.

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Routing Management
Static routes

 A static route is a defined route between a LIF and a specific destination IP

 The route can use a gateway IP address.
 A static default route to the destination gateway is automatically added to the
routing table of the SVM, if:
1. A default gateway is defined when you create the subnet
2. A LIF from the subnet is assigned to an SVM

? More info in

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A static route is a defined route between a LIF and a specific destination IP address. The route specifies that to reach some
destination host or network, it should direct the traffic through a specific interface or gateway router. The destination is
typically a network address so that you can reach all of the systems on that network.
If a default gateway is defined when you create a subnet, the first time an SVM is assigned a LIF from the subnet, a
default static route to the gateway is automatically added to the routing table of the SVM.

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Host-Name Resolution

Two methods support host-name resolution: DNS and hosts tables.

 You configure DNS and the hosts table in the admin SVM.
 When you set up the cluster, you should configure DNS.
 As nodes join the cluster, configurations are propagated to each node.
 By default, the order of lookup is hosts table and then DNS.

 Cluster and SVM administrators can configure DNS in a data SVM.

 Each SVM has its own DNS configuration.

? More info in

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Host-name resolution for the admin SVM

Only cluster administrators can configure DNS and the hosts table for host-name lookup in the admin SVM. All
applications except CIFS discovery use the host-name configuration of the admin SVM. You cannot use NIS
configuration for the admin SVM.
Host-name resolution for the admin SVM is configured when the cluster is created.
 Hosts table configuration for the admin SVM: You can use the vserver services dns hosts command to
configure the hosts table that resides in the root volume of the admin SVM.
 DNS configuration for the admin SVM: If you want to configure DNS after you set up the cluster, use the vserver
services dns create command.
Host-name resolution for a data SVM
A cluster or SVM administrator can configure DNS for host-name lookup in a data SVM. DNS configuration is
mandatory when CIFS is used for data access.
DNS services can also be configured on an SVM for FlexVol volumes by using the Vserver Setup wizard. If you want to
configure DNS later, you must use the vserver services dns create command.
Managing the hosts table (cluster administrators only)
A cluster administrator can add, modify, delete, and view the host-name entries in the hosts table of the admin SVM. An
SVM administrator can configure the host-name entries for only the assigned SVM.

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Border Gateway Protocol Routing
 ONTAP 9.5 and later software supports Layer 3 (L3) routing through Border
Protocol (BGP).
 Previous ONTAP versions used Layer 2 (L2) routing, which creates hash tables
of routes based on “distance.” The fewer the hops between two points is
assumed to be the optimal route.
 Layer 3 routing with BGP uses metrics to pick routes based on metrics like
latency and bandwidth availability.
 Support for BGP also enables the separation of LIFs from the physical hardware
and makes them entities of the network that is called virtual IPs (VIPs).
 L3 routing might also reduce expenses by reducing the number of routers
needed in the network.
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Support for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) brings Layer 3 (L3) routing to ONTAP software. L3 routing is
considered more effective at finding the best route between two network locations. Previous versions of ONTAP software
supported only Layer 2 (L2) routing, which assumes that the fewer hops between locations means that the route is shorter
and therefore more efficient. BGP instead relies on metrics to determine which route or routes are operating more
efficiently. One of the ways that BGP works is by creating more flexibility in route choices by moving LIFs into the
network that is called virtual IPs. A standard LIF is tied to physical hardware, which means that its routing options are
restricted to physical cabling connections. VIPs provide better redundancy for IP failover events and avoid inactive links.
An analogy for L2 and L3 routing would be the road system for vehicle traffic. In L2 routing, a trip from San Francisco to
Los Angeles would only consider the major highways that connect the two cities (for example, Interstate 5) regardless of
traffic congestion or construction. L3 routing considers all roads and would route over state highways and surface streets
if the metrics indicate that they are faster in some areas.
Maintaining an L2 network requires numerous L2 routers and switches that must be supported by many L3 switches. By
supporting L3 routing, a data center might be able to operate with fewer L3 switches, which would reduce expenses.

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Modernizing networking in ONTAP software
Traditional Modern
Node 1 Node 1
 Ports belong to a specific node.
Data Data
SVM  LIFs are hosted on a single port. SVM
Top of
 L2 hashing is used to load balance. Rack
BGP LIF Port Router 1

Port Same ASN,

router ID,
LIF Port LIF hold time

Data Data BGP LIF Port

SVM  BGP LIFs act as another network layer. SVM
 VIP LIFs live on VIP ports.

Port  VIP ports are not limited to physical ports.

 Intelligent L3 routing uses metric-based BGP LIF Port
round robin.

? More info in
The lowest metric wins.

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BGP LIFs overcome the limits of traditional LIFs, which are bound to a single port on a specific node. A BGP LIF can be
bound to multiple ports on multiple nodes.
VIP LIFs that are bound to virtual ports work with BGP LIFs to enable clients to use the most optimal port that is
available in the cluster to access a data SVM.
Work with your network administrators to determine how to best implement BGP and VIPs into your environment.

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Knowledge Check: Question
Which statement about LIFs is true?
a. One cluster-management LIF exists per node.
b. One port can host multiple data LIFs.
c. Cluster LIFs and data LIFs can share a port.
d. A data LIF can be associated with multiple SVMs.

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2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 50

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 NetApp Hardware Universe:

 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 Network Management Guide
 Cluster Management Workflows for ONTAP System Manager
 Cluster Management Using ONTAP System Manager
 System Administration Reference
 ONTAP 9 Concepts

 TR-4182: Ethernet Storage Best Practices for ONTAP Configurations

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NetApp Hardware Universe:

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
Network Management Guide
Cluster Management Workflows for ONTAP System Manager
Cluster Management Using ONTAP System Manager
System Administration Reference
ONTAP 9 Concepts
TR-4182: Ethernet Storage Best Practices for ONTAP Configurations

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
 Describe the interaction between physical and virtual network
resources in a cluster
 Configure and manage physical and virtual networking resources

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 4: Managing Physical and Logical Network Resources

Duration: 40 minutes
Access your lab
Open your
Exercise Guide.
Use the login Complete the
credentials that specified tasks.
your instructor Participate in the
provided to you. Go to the exercise review session.
for the module.  Start with
Exercise 4-1.
 Stop at the end  Share your
of Exercise 4-2. results.
 Report issues.

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Failover Group Commands

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Managing failover groups and LIFs

Create a failover group:

::> net int failover-groups create –vserver svm4 –failover-group fg_svm4
-targets cluster1-01:e0f,cluster1-02:e0f

Add or remove targets from a failover group:

::> network interface failover-groups add-targets
::> network interface failover-groups remove-targets

Configure failover for an existing LIF:

::> net int modify –vserver svm4 –lif svm4_nfs_lif1 –failover-policy
broadcast-wide-domain –failover-group fg_svm4
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Routing Management Commands

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Routing Management
Managing routes

Create a static route:

::> network route create –vserver svm4 –destination

Delete a static route:

::> network route delete –vserver svm4 –destination

Display static routes:

::> network route show
Vserver Destination Gateway Metric
-------- ------------ ----------- -------
Svm4 20 ...
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 57

You can use the optional –metric parameter with the network route create command to specify a hop count for the
route. The default settings for the parameter are 10 for management interfaces, 20 for data interfaces, and 30 for cluster
interfaces. The parameter is used for source-IP address selection of user-space applications such as Network Time
Protocol (NTP).

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Host-Name Resolution
Table entries

Create a hosts table entry:

::> vserver services name-service dns hosts create –vserver svm4
–address –hostname –alias test

Create a DNS table entry:

::> vserver services name-service dns create –vserver svm4
–domains –name-servers

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Modernizing the Data Center Network with Routing
and Virtual IP
Full link use, direct cross data center traffic, and failure resiliency with a routed topology including BGP support
IP Space

BGP Top of
LIF Port Rack

VIP Port


LIF Port

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The next-generation data centers rely on network Layer 3 and require LIFs to be failed-over across subnets. Most of the
Massively Scalable Data Center (MSDC) deployments use BGP or Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) as routing protocols
to exchange the routes. BGP is most widely used by customers that require virtual IP (VIP) functionality. BGP is used by
routers to exchange routing information so that the routers can dynamically update their routing tables with the best
available routes to a destination. BGP is a connection-based protocol that runs over TCP. For BGP to work, there has to
be a connection setup between the two BGP endpoints (generally routers).
VIP enables users to create a data LIF that is not part of any subnet and is reachable from all physical ports of an IPspace
on the local node. A VIP LIF is not hosted on any physical interface. It is hosted on a system-created pseudo interface
(VIP port).
For ONTAP software, BGP is the routing protocol that is supported for advertising VIP.

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Configuring BGP and VIP LIF

Setting up BGP Creating a VIP LIF

1. Create a BGP configuration 1. Create a VIP data LIF

2. Create a BGP LIF 2. Verify the BGP session

3. Create a BGP peer group

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Setting up BGP involves optionally creating a BGP configuration, creating a BGP LIF, and creating a BGP peer group.
Before you begin, a peer router must be configured to accept BGP connection from the BGP LIF for the configured
autonomous system number (ASN). ONTAP software automatically creates a default BGP configuration with default
values when the first BGP peer group is created on a given node. A BGP LIF is used to establish BGP TCP sessions with
peer routers. For a peer router, a BGP LIF is the next hop to reach a VIP LIF. Failover is disabled for the BGP LIF. A
BGP peer group advertises the VIP routes for all of the SVMs in the peer group's IPspace.
When you create a VIP LIF, VIP port is automatically selected if you do not specify the home port with the network
interface create command. By default, the VIP data LIF belongs to the system-created broadcast domain named “Vip” for
each IPspace. You cannot modify the VIP broadcast domain.
A VIP data LIF is reachable simultaneously on all ports that host a BGP LIF of an IPspace. If there is no
active BGP session for the VIP's SVM on the local node, the VIP data LIF fails over to the next VIP port on the node that
has a BGP session that is established for that SVM.
For more information about BGP and VIP LIFs, see the Network Management Guide.

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Setting Up BGP
Example workflow

Create a BGP configuration (advanced command):

cluster1::*> network bgp config create -node node1 -asn 65502
-holdtime 180 -routerid

Create a BGP LIF:

cluster1::> network interface create -vserver cluster1 -lif bgp1
-service-policy net-route-announce -home-node cluster1-01 -home-port e0c
-address -netmask

Create a BGP peer group (advanced command):

cluster1::*> network bgp peer-group create -peer-group group1
-ipspace Default -local-lif bgp1 -peer-address -peer-asn 65502
-route-preference 100
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For more information about syntax and usage, see the Network Management Guide > Configuring virtual IP (VIP) LIFs
section and the Command man pages for the “network bgp” commands.

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Create VIPs
Example workflow

Enable multipath routing (advanced command):

::*> network options multipath-routing modify -is-enabled true

Create a VIP data LIF:

::> network interface create -vserver vs34 -lif vip1 -is-vip true
-data-protocol cifs,nfs,fcache –service-policy default-data-files
-home-node gw-node1 -address

Verify that the BGP session is in up status:

::> network bgp vserver-status show

Node Vserver bgp status

---------- -------- ---------
node1 vs1 up
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For more information on syntax and usage, see the Network Management Guide > Configuring virtual IP (VIP) LIFs
section and the Command man pages for the “network bgp” commands.

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Module 5
Physical Storage Management

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Describe NetApp ONTAP storage architecture concepts
 Manage physical storage resources, including drives,
RAID groups, and aggregates
 Create data aggregates
 Create Flash Pool aggregates
 Describe FabricPool aggregates

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ONTAP Storage Architecture

Files and LUNs

Logical Layer
FlexVol Volumes

Physical Layer

RAID Groups of Drives

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The ONTAP software storage architecture uses a dynamic virtualization engine in which data volumes are dynamically
mapped to physical space.
In ONTAP software, disks are grouped into RAID groups. An aggregate is a collection of physical disk space that
contains one or more RAID groups. Each aggregate has a RAID configuration and a set of assigned disks. The disks,
RAID groups, and aggregates make up the physical storage layer.
Within each aggregate, you can create one or more FlexVol volumes. A FlexVol volume is an allocation of disk space that
is a portion of the available space in the aggregate. A FlexVol volume can contain files or LUNs. The FlexVol volumes,
files, and LUNs make up the logical storage layer.

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Lesson 1
Drives, RAID, and Aggregates

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Physical Storage Hierarchy
 Drive:
Hard disk drive (HDD) or Aggregate
Solid-state drive (SSD or NVMe)
 RAID group:
Drive-level protection plex0

 Plex:
rg0 rg1
Logical container for RAID groups
Used by mirrored aggregates
 Aggregate:
Logical pool of storage

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The ONTAP storage architecture hierarchy contains the following elements:

 Drives: Drives play different roles at different times, depending on the state of the drive. Potential drives states
include the following:
 Data
 Parity
 Double-parity
 Triple-parity
 Spare
 Broken
 Unowned
 Uninitialized (not zeroed)
 RAID groups: Each RAID group contains physical disks and is associated with a plex. A RAID group has either a
RAID 4, NetApp RAID-DP, or NetApp RAID-TEC configuration.
 Plexes: Each plex is associated with an aggregate and contains RAID groups. Typically, an aggregate has only one
plex. Aggregates that use SyncMirror technology have two plexes (plex0 and plex1), Plex1 contains a mirror of the
plex0 data.
 Aggregates: Each aggregate contains a plex or plexes, a RAID configuration, and a set of assigned physical disks to
provide storage to the volumes that the aggregate contains.

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Drive Types

Same technology that Serial attached SCSI: Based on flash memory Nonvolatile memory
is used in consumer  Point-to-point serial chip technology enhanced:
disk drives: protocol that is similar to  Storage-class
 Single I/O path  Multipath I/O USB flash drives: memory (SCM) product
 High capacity but  Moderate capacity by  No spinning platter that passes I/O directly
moderate IOPS high IOPS over the Peripheral
 Quick reads and writes Component Interconnect
 Use similar to that of a Express (PCIe) bus
SAS hard disk drive  Extreme IOPS for
Can also be used as an demanding workloads
aggregate-specific cache

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AFF systems use only SSD drives. FAS systems use a mix of drive types.
SATA is the disk technology that is used in most consumer-grade PCs. These drives have high capacities but moderate
IOPS. SATA-to-SAS adapters enable the use of these drives in SAS shelves.
SAS is a point-to-point serial protocol that replaced parallel SCSI to resolve contention issues from multiple devices
sharing a system bus. SAS disks can use multiple I/O paths.
SSDs are fast and reliable and use long-lasting technology that is based on the same flash technology that is used for USB
flash drives. SSDs can be configured as data storage or as aggregate-specific cache similar to Flash Cache modules.
NVMe (nonvolatile memory enhanced) is a new class of drive and a memory product. These drive and storage class
memory (SCM) products pass I/O directly to the PCIe bus rather than through a SATA or SAS interface with the PCIe
bus. This arrangement enables NVMe products to operate hundreds of times faster than traditional SSDs. NetApp uses
NVMe as both a memory product for the acceleration of spinning disks through flash modules and a drive.

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Drive Ownership
 A drive is unusable until the drive is assigned ownership to a storage controller.
 By default, ownership is automatically assigned.
 Ownership can be manually assigned or changed.
 Software disk ownership is made persistent by writing the ownership information onto the drive.
 Spare drives can be reassigned or unassigned.

::> storage disk show –container-type unassigned

Usable Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Position Aggregate Owner
--------------- ------ ----- ----- ---------- --------- --------- -----
9.11.18 - 11 18 unassigned present - -

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ONTAP software automatically assigns drives to a storage controller during the initial hardware setup and checks
occasionally to determine whether new drives have been added. When the drive is assigned, the disk ownership
information is written to the drive so that the assignment remains persistent.
Ownership can be modified or removed. The data contents of a drive are not destroyed when the drive is marked as
unowned. Only the disk-ownership information is erased.
Automatic ownership assignment is enabled by default. If your system is not configured to assign ownership
automatically or if your system contains array LUNs, you must assign ownership manually.
NOTE: The NetApp best practice is to unassign only spare drives.

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Drive Capacity
Market and physical capacity

Drive capacity is a confusing and contentious subject for many reasons.

Consider a 2TB disk drive:
 Market Capacity. 2TB is the number that is used when you purchase the disk drive.
It is formulated by using base-10 numbering (2000 GB) versus base-2 (2048 GiB)
and is derived by rounding up actual physical capacity to an even number.
 Physical or Raw Capacity. The number of sectors on the drive is computed by using
base-2 numbering. After subtracting blocks that are used to store checksum information,
a 2TB drive is really a 1,864GiB drive.

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Drive capacity is often confusing and contentious. Even on a new system with no data on it, the total capacity reported by
the system is significantly smaller than the total of the capacity numbers that are physically shown on the drive carriers.
The root of this issue is how drives are marketed. When drives had very small capacities, it was easier to sell a drive if it
was marketed as 100MB rather than 86MB. Vendors and resellers calculated the marketing capacity by using base-10
numbering rather than the base-2 numbering system that is used by computers. Unfortunately, this marketing practice still
occurs today. The differences in capacities can be hundreds of gigabytes.
Physical or raw capacity is the actual base-2 computed capacity that the drive is capable of when it leaves the factory.

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Disk Drive Capacity
Usable capacity

 Usable Capacity. The base-2 calculated disk space that is available for storing data:
 Sector normalization. NetApp purchases disks from multiple vendors. Not all vendors’ physical
capacity is the same. For ONTAP software to use all “2TB” drives equally, the available sectors
are right-sized to the same number. This arrangement might result in 1,860GiB.
 NetApp WAFL reserve. This reserve is 10% of capacity that is set aside to prevent the file
system from completely filling up and becoming unable to function.

The space available for data is now ~ 1,674 GiB, which appears to an end-user
as if 300GB has vanished.
Finally, FlexVol volumes for NAS protocols (CIFS and NFS) are created with a
Snapshot reserve, which the customer might perceive as more lost space.
However, Snapshot copies are data, so the reserve is still “usable” space.

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Usable capacity is the disk blocks that are available to store data after the differences in calculation and overhead are
considered. Because not all manufacturers create drives of the same capacity, NetApp normalizes all disks to the size of
the smallest available disk capacity. WAFL then reserves the top 10% of capacity for its use.
Now that you know the difference between market capacity and usable capacity, you need to define what usable means.
NetApp considers all blocks in the active file system and in Snapshot reserves as usable space because Snapshot copies
hold older copies of data blocks for the purposes of recovering or restoring older versions of files. To offset this
perception, ONTAP supports deduplication and compression to enable customers to pack more data into fewer disk

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2TB Drive Capacity Visualization
Marketing Capacity: 2,000 GB
(140 GB of non-existent capacity)

Physical Capacity: 1,864 GiB

5% volume Snapshot reserve

Usable Capacity: ~1674 GiB

(after subtracting sector normalization

and 10% WAFL Reserve)

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This diagram illustrates the differences in capacities and the gap between market capacity and usable capacity.

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Drive Roles
Data drive

Data drive: Stores data inside RAID groups within data aggregates


RAID Groups

Data 2 Data 1


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The primary role for a drive is to store data.

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Drive Roles
Parity drive

Parity drive: Stores row parity information that is used for data reconstruction
when a single drive fails within the RAID group

RAID Groups

Data 2 Data 1 Parity


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The key component of RAID group functionality is the parity drives. Parity stores the sum of all block values in a stripe.
A parity drive can protect against the loss of a single drive within a RAID group.
If you add a spare drive to an aggregate and the spare is larger than the other data drives, the spare becomes a parity drive.
However, the spare does not use the excess capacity unless another drive of similar size is added. The second largest
additional drive has full use of additional capacity.

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Drive Roles
dParity drive

dParity drive: Stores diagonal parity information that is used for data
reconstruction when two drives fail within the RAID group

RAID Groups

Data 2 Data 1 Parity


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The dParity drive stores diagonal parity values in a RAID DP group. This capability provides protection against two drive
failures in a RAID group. Most drive failures are not due to mechanical reasons but are failures in the drive medium.
These failures are called soft failures. When drive capacities grew to 1TB, the industry saw an increase in soft failures.
More blocks means more probability of a soft failure. As capacities increased, so did the rebuild times. During the hours it
takes to rebuild one failed drive, another drive in the same RAID group could experience a soft failure. This failure could
cause the aggregate to go offline to protect against further failures, which could result in data loss. This condition is
known as a double-disk failure.
It is important to know that a NetApp storage system can safely experience multiple drive failures and remain operational.
The distinction is that the failures must occur in the same RAID group to qualify as a double-disk failure.

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Drive Roles
tParity drive

tParity drive: Stores anti-diagonal parity information that is used for data
reconstruction when three drives fail within the RAID group

RAID Groups

Double Triple
Data 2 Data 1 Parity
Parity Parity


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The tParity drive is the third parity drive that is used by RAID-TEC groups. The tParity drive protects against a third drive
failure. RAID-TEC is required when you use drives with capacities of 6TB because of the increased probability of soft

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Drive Roles
Spare drive

Spare drive:
 Assigned to a storage system but not in use by a RAID group
 Used to create aggregates, add capacity to aggregates, and to replace failing drives.
Spare drives must be “zeroed” before use.

RAID Groups Spares Pool

Double Triple
Spare Data 2 Data 1 Parity
Parity Parity

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Not all drives are used to store data. To replace failed drives as quickly as possible, storage systems require that a small
percentage of drives is set aside as spares. Storage administrators can also use them to grow an aggregate by adding them
to a RAID group.
Before a spare drive can be used, all the data blocks must be set to a value of zero. This process is referred to as “zeroing.”
New purchased drives and replacement drives that are sent by the NetApp Support team are already zeroed. If a drive is
removed from a RAID group for any reason, it must be zeroed in ONTAP System Manager or the CLI before it is added
to the spares pool. Verify that all spare and unused drives are zeroed regularly. An unused drive that is not zeroed is not
counted as a spare and is not used to replace a failed drive.

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ONTAP RAID Technologies

D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 RP DP TP
 RAID 4 (row parity)
 Adds a row parity drive
 Protects against single-disk failure or media
 RAID DP (double parity) technology
 Adds a diagonal parity disk to a RAID 4 group
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 RP DP TP  Protects against two concurrent drive failures
within a RAID group
 RAID-TEC (triple erasure coding)
 Adds a triple-parity disk to a RAID DP group
 Protects against three concurrent drive
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

In a RAID 4 group, parity is calculated separately for each row. In the example, the RAID 4 group contains seven disks,
with each row containing six data blocks and one parity block.
RAID DP Technology
In a RAID DP group, a diagonal parity set is created in addition to the row parity. Therefore, an extra double-parity drive
must be added. In the example, the RAID DP group contains eight drives, with the double parity calculated diagonally by
using seven parity blocks.
 The number in each block indicates the diagonal parity set to which the block belongs.
 Each row parity block contains even parity of data blocks in the row, not including the diagonal parity block.
 Each diagonal parity block contains even parity of data and row parity blocks in the same diagonal.
RAID-TEC Technology
In a RAID-TEC group, an anti-diagonal parity set is created in addition to both the row parity and diagonal parity sets.
Therefore, an extra third-parity drive must be added. In the example, the RAID-TEC group contains nine drives, with the
triple parity calculated anti-diagonally by using seven parity blocks.
 Seven diagonals (parity blocks) exist, but ONTAP software stores six diagonals (p-1).
 The missed diagonal selection is arbitrary. Here, diagonal 6 is missing and is not stored or calculated.
Regarding diagonal numbers, the following guidelines apply:
 The set of diagonals collectively spans all of the data drives and the row parity drive.
 Each diagonal misses only one drive, and each diagonal misses a different drive. Each drive misses a different
 The diagonal sequencing within a given disk starts with the diagonal number that corresponds with the given drive
number. So, the first diagonal on drive number 0 is diagonal 0, and the first diagonal on disk N is diagonal N. The
diagonals on the disk wrap around when the end of the diagonal set is reached.

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RAID Group Sizes
Disk Type Group Type Default Maximum

Default RAID group sizes: RAID-DP 14 20

RAID-TEC 21 29
 21 drives for SATA or NL-SAS drives NL-SAS RAID4 7 7
RAID-DP 14 20
 24 drives for SAS, SSD, or NVMe drives
RAID-TEC 21 29
When you expand an aggregate, SAS RAID4 8 14
always add the equivalent of half the RAID-DP 16 28
RAID group size (7 to 14 drives) to RAID-TEC 24 29
avoid a degradation in performance. SSD or NVMe RAID4 8 14
RAID-DP 23 28
RAID-TEC 24 29
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To create a RAID-TEC aggregate, you need a minimum of seven drives.

Ideally, you want to use fully populated RAID groups to create aggregates. At a minimum, RAID groups should be half
their maximum size. Then when you grow the aggregates (through adding to the RAID groups), you can add half the
RAID group size to make the RAID group fully populated. Adding fewer drives might result in a degradation in
When drives are added to a RAID group, WAFL directs all writes to the new drives until they are as full as the other
drives in the RAID group. If there are too few drives to process the I/O, latency increases and performance might decline.

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RAID Group Recommendations

 Drives must be the same type:

RAID Groups
 SAS, SATA, or SSD and NVMe
 Array LUNs

 Drives should be the same speed and size:

 SAS 15K or 10K
 SATA 7.2K

 You should provide sufficient hot spares.

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A RAID group consists of one or more data drives or array LUNs, across which client data is striped and stored. A RAID
group includes as many as two parity drives, depending on the RAID level of the aggregate that contains the RAID group.
You change the size of RAID groups on a per-aggregate basis. You cannot change the size of an individual RAID group.
When sizing RAID groups of hard disk drives (HDDs) or solid-state drives (SSDs), observe the following guidelines:
 RAID groups are composed of the same disk type.
 All RAID groups in an aggregate should have the same number of drives.
If you cannot follow the guideline, any RAID group with fewer drives should have only one drive less than the largest
RAID group.
NOTE: The SSD RAID group size can differ from the RAID group size for the HDD RAID groups in a flash pool
aggregate. Usually, you should verify that you have only one SSD RAID group for a flash pool aggregate, to minimize the
number of SSDs that are required for parity.
 The recommended range of RAID group sizes is as follows:
• Between 12 and 20 for SATA HDDs
• Between 20 and 28 for SAS HDDs and SSDs
The reliability and smaller size (faster rebuild times) of performance HDDs can support a RAID group size of up to 28, if
 You should not mix 10K-RPM and 15K-RPM hard disks in the same aggregate. Mixing 10K-RPM disks with 15K-
RPM disks in the same aggregate effectively throttles all disks down to 10K RPM. Throttling results in longer times
for corrective actions, such as RAID reconstructions.
Recommendations about spares vary by configuration and situation. For information about best practices for working with
spares, see Technical Report 3437: Storage Subsystem Resiliency Guide.
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 Aggregates are logical containers for the drives that are
managed by a node.
 Aggregates consist of one or more RAID groups.
 You can use aggregates to do the following: RAID Groups
 Isolate workloads with different performance demands
 Tier data with different access patterns
 Segregate data for regulatory purposes

 A single node owns an aggregate, but ownership can be

transferred to the partner in a high-availability (HA) pair. Aggregate
 During an HA failover, aggregate ownership is temporarily
transferred to the surviving partner.

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Create an Aggregate
Information to provide:
 Aggregate name
 Disk type
 Owning node
 Number of disks
 RAID type

cluster2::> aggr create -aggregate n2_data_02 -node cluster1-02

-disktype fcal -diskcount 8
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For most disk types, RAID DP is the default.

RAID-TEC is the only available RAID type if the following are true:
 The drive type of the aggregate drives is FSAS or mSATA.
 The drive size is equal to or larger than 10TB.

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ACTION: Try This Task

Use cluster1 in your exercise kit to try the following tasks:

1. Open a PuTTY session and use the aggr show command.
 Can you tell which node owns the aggregate?
 What is the RAID status?
 How can you determine how many disks are in each aggregate?

2. Different commands show similar things in different ways:

 Enter aggr show –aggregate aggr0_cluster1-01.
 Enter storage disk show –aggr aggr0_cluster1-01.
How do the outputs of the commands differ?

3. How can you find a “broken” disk?

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1a. The owning node is listed in the Nodes column.

1b. RAID status should be raid_dp, normal.
1c. Use the –instance switch and review the “number of disks” field or use the aggr show –fields diskcount
2. The aggr show command displays extensive information about the aggregate, including the list of disks. storage
disk show displays a list of disks in the aggregate and information about the disks.

3. Type: storage disk show –broken.

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Adding Drives to an Aggregate
To add capacity to an aggregate, you add more drives. Careful planning ensures
that you use the fewest drives to add the maximum amount of capacity.
Example: Aggregate RAID Groups Spares Pool
composed of 1TB drives.
 Three drives add 3TB of
capacity and fill out the
RAID group.
 To add 4TB, you need
six drives.
 You have no more spares.
 The “runt” RAID group
decreases performance
because IOPS is serviced
by a single drive.

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You can add drives from the spares pool to an aggregate to increase the aggregate’s capacity. When you add drives,
consider the size of RAID groups in the aggregate. Plan to fill complete RAID groups to maximize the amount of usable
space that is gained in comparison to the number of drives that are used for parity. In the second example, six drives are
added to the aggregate. However, only four of the six drives add capacity to the aggregate, because two drives are used for
parity drives in a new RAID group.
By using all available spares, you have triggered an ONTAP protection feature that will trigger a shutdown in 24 hours
unless enough spares are assigned to the storage controller.
The new RAID group that is created does not have enough data drives to stripe data across. This condition results in
uneven I/O performance because the “runt” RAID group cannot provide the same number of IOPS as the other RAID
When you add drives, also consider the following:
 Addition of drives that the same system owns
 Benefits of keeping your RAID groups homogeneous for drive size and speed
 Types of drives that can be used together
 Checksum rules when drives of more than one checksum type are in use
 Addition of the correct drives to the aggregate (the disk addition operation cannot be undone)
 Method of adding drives to aggregates from heterogeneous storage
 Minimum number of drives that you must add for best performance
 Number of hot spares to provide for protection against drive failures
 Requirements for adding drives from multidisk carrier drive shelves

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Adding Capacity to Aggregates
Provide the following
 Aggregate name
 Disk type
 Number of disks

You cannot shrink aggregates.

::> storage disk show -spare -owner cluster1-01

::> storage aggregate add-disks –aggr n1_data_001 disks 2
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ACTION: Topic for Discussion

 What is one alternative to adding a few disks to an

aggregate when all current RAID groups are full?

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Lesson 2
Advanced Drive Partitioning

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Why Slice Drives into Partitions?
Before ONTAP 8.3 software, the following is how entry-level HA pairs used
their drives.

Node 1 DP P
DP P D D D D D D S Node 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

 Of the 24 drives in the chassis, each node can use only 6 drives to store data:
 4 x parity
 1 x spare
 1 x root aggregate (only usable by the root volume)
 6 x data

 Efficiency was limited to about 40%.

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Before the introduction of Advanced Drive Partitioning, entry-level systems with internal drives had to split ownership of
the drives. Each system requires a root aggregate which consumes three drives to hold a root volume that is generally only
150GB in size. The data aggregate needs two drives for parity, and the system requires at least one spare drive.
Some customers would only assign four drives to node 2, making it an active-standby. Node 1 gained eight more drives
but had to do all of the work.

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Root-Data Advanced Drive Partitioning

cluster1-01 DP P D D D D D D D D D S DP P D D D D D D D D D S

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

 SSDs are partitioned into one small root partition and one large data partition.
 Standard aggregate configuration per node is as follows:
 A root aggregate RAID group of 8 data + 2 parity partitions and 2 spare root partitions
 A data aggregate RAID group of 9 data + 2 parity partitions and 1 spare data partition

 Total usable capacity is 18 data partitions out of a total of 24, which achieves 75%

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The figure shows the default configuration for a single-shelf AFF system.

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Root-Data-Data Advanced Drive Partitioning
ONTAP 9 and later software


cluster1-01 cluster1-02

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

 SSDs are partitioned into one small root and two data partitions, each of which is half the
size of a root-data partition.
 The standard aggregate configuration per node is as follows:
 A root aggregate RAID group of 8 data + 2 parity partitions and 2 spare root partitions
(no change from root-data partition)
 A data aggregate RAID group of 21 data + 2 parity partitions and 1 spare data partition
 The total usable capacity is 42 data partitions out of a total of 48: 87.5% efficiency, or
16.7% more usable capacity (0.875 / 0.75).
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The figure shows the default configuration for a single-shelf AFF system in ONTAP 9 software.

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Root-Data-Data Advanced Drive Partitioning
Additional root-data-data partitioning information

 Root-data-data partitioning is supported on

only AFF systems:
 Default root aggregate provisioning method
rg0 rg0
for AFF

rg1 D D D D D D D D D P D S D D D D D D D D S D P D rg1
cluster1-01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 cluster1-02  Unsupported on entry-level FAS or AFF
MetroCluster software

rg0 DP D D D D D D D D D D D DP D D D D D D D D D D D rg0
rg1 rg1
 Data partition assignments with two

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

shelves are similar to root-data partitioning:

 Data partitions on an SSD are assigned to the
same node.
cluster1-01 cluster1-02  Twice as many RAID groups are used.

 Half-shelf AFF systems have 50% more

usable capacity than with root-data
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The figures show the default configuration for two-shelf and half-shelf AFF systems in ONTAP 9 software.
For root-data partitioning and root-data-data partitioning, RAID uses the partitions in the same way as physical drives. If a
partitioned drive is moved to another node or used in another aggregate, the partitioning persists. You can use the drive-in
only RAID groups that are composed of partitioned disks. If you add an unpartitioned drive to a RAID group that consists
of partitioned drives, the unpartitioned drive is partitioned to match the partition size of the drives in the RAID group. The
rest of the drive is unused.

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Lesson 3
Flash Cache and Flash Pool Features

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NetApp Virtual Storage Tier
 Flash Cache intelligent caching:
 Has highest performance for file services
 Improves latency for random reads
 Delivers predictable, high-speed data access for all protocols
 Maintains deduplicated and compressed blocks in the cache
 Is shared by all volumes on a node

 Flash Pool intelligent caching:

Flash Cache
 Has the highest performance for OLTP
 Is best for SATA enablement across multiple workloads
 Caches for reads and writes
Flash Pool
 Automates the use of SSD technology

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At the storage level, there are two ways to implement Virtual Storage Tier (VST):
 The controller-based Flash Cache feature accelerates random-read operations and generally provides the highest
performance solution for file-services workloads. Flash Cache intelligent caching combines software and hardware
within NetApp storage controllers to increase system performance without increasing the drive count. The Flash
Cache controller-based solution is available to all volumes that are hosted on the controller. A frequently seen use
case for Flash Cache is to manage VMware boot storms.
 The Flash Pool feature is implemented at the disk-shelf level, enabling SSDs and traditional HDDs to be combined in
a single ONTAP aggregate. Flash Pool technology provides read caching and write caching and is well-suited for
OLTP workloads, which typically have a higher percentage of write operations.
Both VST technologies improve overall storage performance and efficiency and are simple to deploy and operate.

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Flash Pool Aggregates
 Contents of Flash Pool aggregates:
 SAS or SATA drives for user data
 SSDs for high-performance caching

 Ways that flash pools improve performance:

 Offload read operations
 Offload repetitive write operations

 Two types of flash pools:

 Dedicated SSD
 Shared storage pool

 Use case: OLTP workloads

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A flash pool aggregate is a special type of hybrid data aggregate.

A flash pool aggregate combines SAS or SATA drives and SSDs to provide high performance in a more economical way
than an SSD aggregate. The SSDs provide a high-performance cache for the active dataset of the data volumes that are
provisioned on the flash pool aggregate. The cache offloads read operations and repetitive write operations to improve
response times and overall throughput for disk I/O-bound data-access operations.
Flash pools can improve workloads that use OLTP, such as database application data. Flash pools do not improve the
performance of predominantly sequential workloads.

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Blocks in the SSD Tier

 Flash pool metadata

 Read-cached blocks:
 Cached copies of blocks from the HDD tier
 Still exist on the HDD tier

 Write-cached blocks:
 Written directly to the SSD tier
 Not yet written to the HDD tier

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The following blocks are stored in the SSD tier of the flash pool:
Flash pool metadata: All metadata that is associated with the flash pool is stored in the SSD tier of the aggregate.
Read-cached blocks: Read-cached blocks are stored in the SSD tier. Almost all data from the active file system in a
read/write volume is eligible to be read-cached in the SSD tier.
Write-cached blocks: Write-cached blocks are associated with a FlexVol volume that is written directly to the SSD tier
of the aggregate. Only one copy of the block exists. A hard-disk block is reserved for write-cached blocks for an eventual
move into the HDD tier after access to the block ceases.

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Create a Flash Pool Aggregate
Provide the following
 Existing aggregate name
 Cache source or drive type
 Number of drives
 RAID type (RAID_4 by default)

::> aggr modify -aggregate cluster2_fcal_001 -hybrid-enabled true

::> aggr add-disks -aggr cluster2_fcal_001 -disktype SSD -diskcount 6
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

In a Flash Pool aggregate, the SSD RAID group size can be different from the RAID group size for the HDD RAID
groups. Usually, you should ensure that you have only one SSD RAID group for a Flash Pool aggregate to minimize the
number of SSDs that are required for parity.
For information about best practices for working with aggregates, see Technical Report 3437: Storage Subsystem
Resiliency Guide.
To see the physical and usable capacity for a specific drive, see the Hardware Universe at

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SSD Partitioning for Flash Pool Intelligent Caching

 Increased storage use for SSDs in flash pool aggregates

 Ability to share spares between HA partners
 Better use of SSD performance

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SSD partitioning for Flash Pool intelligent caching enables customers to group SSDs into a shared resource, which is
allocated to multiple flash pool aggregates. The feature spreads the cost of the parity SSDs over more aggregates,
increases SSD allocation flexibility, and maximizes SSD performance.

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SSD Partitioning for Flash Pool Cache
Storage Pool

Allocation Unit

Allocation units
become a RAID
group when they are
assigned to a flash
pool aggregate.

1 2 3 4 5

SSD Drive1 Through Drive6

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SSD storage pools provide SSD caching to two or more flash pool aggregates. Creating an SSD storage pool requires
between 2 and 28 spare SSD drives.
In the example, SSD Drive1 through Drive6 are available as spares. The ‘storage pool create’ command is used to
create the storage pool. The unit of allocation for an SSD storage pool is equal to a single slice from each SSD drive in the
storage pool. The ‘storage pool create’ command slices each SSD drive into four equal pieces, making an
allocation unit that equals one fourth of all of the SSD disks in the storage pool.
An allocation unit becomes a RAID group when the allocation unit is assigned to a flash pool aggregate.

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Create an SSD Storage Pool
Provide the following
 Storage pool name
 Number of drives
 Size of SSDs from the HA pair
(if multiple sizes are available)

::> storage pool create -storage-pool ssd_pool_001 –disk-count 3

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SSD Partitioning for Flash Pool Cache
Storage Pool


1 2 3 4 5

cluster1::> storage pool reassign -storage-pool ssd_pool_001

–from-node cluster1-01 -to-node cluster1-02 –allocation-units 1
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By default, two allocation units are assigned to each node in the HA pair. To change the ownership of one or more
allocation units of a storage pool from one HA partner to the other, use the storage pool reassign command. In the
example, one allocation unit is reassigned from Node1 to Node2.

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SSD Partitioning for Flash Pool Cache
Storage Pool
Data Data Data Data Parity Parity
HDD rg0

HDD rg0 HDD rg1

HDD rg1 Data Data Data Data Parity Parity HDD rg2

SSD rg2 Data Data Data Data Parity Parity SSD rg3
1 2 3 4 5 SSD rg4

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

By default, two allocation units are assigned to each node in the HA pair. To change the ownership of one or more
allocation units of a storage pool from one HA partner to the other, use the storage pool reassign command. In the
example, one allocation unit is reassigned from Node1 to Node2.

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Create a Flash Pool that uses an SSD Storage Pool
Provide the following information:
 Existing aggregate name
 Storage pool name

::> storage aggregate add-disks –aggregate rtp01_fcal_002

-allocation-units 1 -storage-pool ssd_pool_001
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NetApp Virtual Storage Tier
Feature comparison

Flash Cache Flash Pool

 A controller-based PCIe card  Storage-level, RAID-protected cache

What is the feature?
 A plug-and-play device (specific to aggregates)

 Provides cached data persistence through

What does the  Provides per-controller cache failovers
feature do?  Volume cache policy determines caching behavior  Volume cache policy determines caching

 With random-read workloads, such as file services  With random-overwrite-heavy workloads

Where does the such as OLTP workloads
feature fit?  With workloads that contain multiple volumes that
are in various aggregates on a controller  Where consistent performance is required

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 41

The Flash Cache and Flash Pool features bring flash technology to ONTAP software. The table compares the primary uses
and benefits of both features.

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Lesson 4
FabricPool Aggregates

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FabricPool Aggregates

 What FabricPool aggregates contain:

 A performance tier for frequently accessed (“hot”)
data, which is on an all-SSD aggregate Hot
 A cloud tier for infrequently accessed (“cold”)
data, which is on an object store On-premises

 How FabricPool can enhance the efficiency of

your storage system:
 Automatically tier data based on frequency of use Cold
 Move inactive data to lower-cost cloud storage
 Make more space available on primary storage Public Cloud Private Cloud
for active workloads
 View how much data in a volume is inactive by
using inactive data reporting

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 43

A FabricPool aggregate is new type of hybrid data aggregate that was introduced in ONTAP 9.2 software.
A FabricPool aggregate contains a performance tier for frequently accessed (“hot”) data, which is on an all-SSD
aggregate. The FabricPool aggregate also has a capacity tier for infrequently accessed (“cold”) data, which is on an object
store. FabricPool supports object store types that are in the public cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon
Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). FabricPool uses the NetApp StorageGRID solution to support object store types in
private clouds.
Storing data in tiers can enhance the efficiency of your storage system. FabricPool stores data in a tier based on whether
the data is frequently accessed. ONTAP software automatically moves inactive data to lower-cost cloud storage, which
makes more space available on primary storage for active workloads.
Use the –fields parameter of the volume show and aggregate show commands to view the amount of data that
is inactive.
For more information about FabricPool aggregates, see the Disks and Aggregates Power Guide.

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Data Management for Public and Private Clouds
Seamless integration

Before FabricPool NetApp FabricPool

Smart Economics Hybrid Cloud

Hot Up to 60% TCO savings Single namespace
Hot On-premises to cloud



Simple Data Security

Public On-premises
On-premises Quick setup
Over the wire
Cloud Little policy management
Off-premises On-premises
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 44

Your FabricPool benefits are amazing.

Smart Economics:
You can decrease TCO because you can use flash efficiently (by using flash exclusively for hot data). You can also
decrease dollars per terabyte (TB) by moving cold data to cheaper storage.
Hybrid Cloud:
The FabricPool approach is a simpler way to organize data in the cloud because applications access data as if the data
were on your premises in the primary data tier.
You can complete one or two wizard-like setup windows, and your FabricPool is provisioned. Unlike other tiering
solutions that you might have seen, FabricPool requires little to no policy management. FabricPool creates policies
automatically that are based on best practices.
FabricPool can tier encrypted data. In addition, data is encrypted as it moves to and from the performance and cloud tiers.

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Tiering Policies
Define what data is tiered and applied to individual volumes
None Snapshot-Only Auto All

Data always remains This policy is the default This policy moves “cold” All active and Snapshot
in the performance policy. data blocks that are held data is written directly to
tier. in both Snapshot copies the cloud tier.
“Cold” Snapshot copy and the active file system.
There is no cooling blocks that are not shared There is no cooling
period. with the active file system There is a 31-day period.
are tiered. minimum cooling period.
This policy is designed for
There is a 2-day minimum SnapMirror or SnapVault
cooling period. target volumes.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 45

Volumes with the None tiering policy never move their data out of the performance tier.
By default, a FabricPool moves data blocks inside Snapshot copies which are not shared by the active file system and
have not been accessed for at least 2 days.
The Auto tiering policy maximizes space available in the performance storage tier. This policy moves all data blocks to
the capacity storage tier when the blocks have not been accessed in the previous 31 days.
The All tiering policy allows tiering of both Snapshot copy data and active file system user data to the cloud tier as soon
as possible without waiting for a cooling period. The All tiering policy was named “backup” before ONTAP 9.6 software.
On data protection target volumes, this policy allows all transferred user data blocks to be written to the cloud tier
NOTE: Moving a volume resets the cooling period for all blocks in the volume. This affects volumes with the Snapshot-
only and Auto tiering policies because moved data goes into the performance tier until it cools off.

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Make Room for Active Workloads on Primary Storage
Snapshot-only tiering to the cloud

Before FabricPool After FabricPool

Primary Cluster Primary Cluster  In this example, Snapshot copies
consume ~10% of used capacity.

 Moving Snapshot data enables active

workloads to use the performance
drives (SSDs) more effectively.

Provisioned Storage Used Storage

Snapshot data
50TB Cloud

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTE: Snapshot tiering is not the same as a backup. 46

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Shrink Your Secondary Storage Footprint
Backup tiering secondary data to the cloud
After FabricPool
Primary Cluster Destination Cluster  Expand the capacity of a
destination cluster by
automatically tiering data
to the cloud.
Software 50TB Hot  The secondary data center
footprint reduces by up to 90%.
Hot data (~10-20%) stays on-premises,
and the remaining 80-90% goes to the
Public cloud object store.
Cloud  This method requires no
changes to existing data
Provisioned Storage Used Storage protection policies.
It works seamlessly.
? More info in

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 47

Learn more about FabricPool in the module addendum.

If you would like to practice with ONTAP FabricPools, see “Storage Tiering in the Cloud with NetApp FabricPool” by
NetApp’s Lab On Demand team.

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Knowledge Check: Question
1. Which statement is true of Advanced Disk Partitioning?
a. Both nodes must have a root partition and a data partition assigned.
b. Both nodes must have a root partition assigned.
c. Data partitions can be assigned to any node in a cluster.
d. Root partitions can be assigned to any node in a cluster.

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Knowledge Check: Question
2. What does a Flash Pool aggregate contain?
a. HDDs only
b. SSDs only
c. HDDs for data storage and SSDs for caching
d. HDDs and SSDs that are all used for data caching

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 NetApp Hardware Universe:

 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 Disks and Aggregates Power Guide
 Cluster Management Using ONTAP System Manager
 ONTAP 9 Concepts

 TR-4070: NetApp Flash Pool Design and Implementation Guide
 TR-4598: FabricPool Best Practices
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 50

NetApp Hardware Universe:

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
Disks and Aggregates Power Guide
Cluster Management Using ONTAP System Manager
ONTAP 9 Concepts
TR-4070: NetApp Flash Pool Design and Implementation Guide
TR-4598: FabricPool Best Practices

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 ONTAP 9 Feature Overview: FabricPool
 FabricPool Using OnCommand System Manager 9.5
 Cloud Tiering with FabricPool in ONTAP 9.4
 Archiving Volumes with FabricPool

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 51

ONTAP 9 Feature Overview: FabricPool -

FabricPool Using OnCommand System Manager 9.5
Cloud Tiering with FabricPool in ONTAP 9.4 -
Archiving Volumes with FabricPool -

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
 Describe ONTAP storage architecture concepts
 Manage physical storage resources, including disks, RAID groups, and aggregates
 Create data aggregates
 Create Flash Pool aggregates
 Describe FabricPool aggregates

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 5: Managing Physical Storage

Duration: 15 minutes
Access your lab
Open your
Exercise Guide.
Use the login Complete the
credentials that specified tasks.
your instructor Participate in the
provided to you. Go to the exercise review session.
for the module.  Start with
Exercise 5-1.
 Stop at the end  Share your
of Exercise 5-2. results.
 Report issues.

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FabricPool in ONTAP System Manager

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FabricPool in ONTAP System Manager
Adding cloud tiers

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FabricPool aggregates are aggregates that have an object store attached. You set up an aggregate to use FabricPool by first
specifying the configuration information of the object store that you plan to use as the capacity tier. Then you attach the
object store to an all-flash (all-SSD) aggregate.
Using ONTAP System Manager enables you to create an aggregate and set it up to use FabricPool at the same time.
(When you use the ONTAP CLI to set up an aggregate for FabricPool, the aggregate must exist.)
Under the Cloud Tiers tab, use the Add button to add an object store and assign it to an aggregate to create a FabricPool.

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FabricPool in ONTAP System Manager
Add an external capacity tier

Select the object store provider

for the cloud tier.
Tiering ONTAP volumes to a
StorageGRID solution or to
NetApp Cloud Tiering Service
does not require an ONTAP
FabricPool license.

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Selecting Storage > Cloud Tiers enables you to configure the object store to multiple object stores.

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FabricPool in ONTAP System Manager
Storage tiers

cluster1::> storage aggregate object-store show

cluster1::> storage aggregate object-store show-space

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After you configure a capacity tier, the Storage Tiers section includes Internal Tier and External Capacity Tier

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FabricPool in ONTAP System Manager
Volume snapshot-only tiering policy

When volumes are created on a

FabricPool-enabled aggregate,
be aware of the following:
 You should select a tiering policy.
The default policy is snapshot-only.
 Changing the tiering policy of a volume
after creation might cause data to be
migrated to the cloud tier.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 58

When you create a volume for FabricPool, you can specify a tiering policy. If no tiering policy is specified, the created
volume uses the default snapshot-only tiering policy.
You need to know how much data is stored in the performance and capacity tiers for FabricPool. That information helps
you to determine whether you need to change the tiering policy of a volume, increase the FabricPool licensed usage limit,
or increase the storage space of the capacity tier.
You can change the tiering policy to control how long it takes for data to become cold and be moved to the cloud
tier. Changing the tiering policy from snapshot-only or none to auto causes ONTAP to send active user data blocks that
are already cold to the cloud tier. Changing the tiering policy to all causes ONTAP to move all user blocks in the active
file system and in the Snapshot copies to the cloud tier.
Moving blocks back to the performance tier is not allowed. Changing the tiering policy from auto to snapshot-
only or none does not cause active file system blocks that are already moved to the cloud tier to be moved back to the
performance tier. Cold data blocks in the cloud tier are only returned to the performance tier when they are read.
Any time you change the tiering policy on a volume, the tiering minimum cooling period is reset to the default value for
the policy.

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FabricPool in ONTAP System Manager
Volume backup tiering policy

Create a backup volume on a

FabricPool-enabled aggregate:
1. Select the Data Protection storage type.
2. Select the backup tiering policy.

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When you create a backup volume for FabricPool, you select the Data Protection volume type and backup tiering policy.

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Module 6
Logical Storage Management

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Create and manage FlexVol volumes
 Provision application-aware resources
 Move a volume within a storage virtual machine (SVM)
 Create a NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup volume

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Lesson 1
Flexible Volumes

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ONTAP Storage Architecture

Files and LUNs

Logical Layer
FlexVol Volumes

Physical Layer

RAID Groups of Drives

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The NetApp ONTAP storage architecture uses a dynamic virtualization engine, in which data volumes are dynamically
mapped to physical space.
In ONTAP software, disks are grouped into RAID groups. An aggregate is a collection of physical disk space that
contains one or more RAID groups. Each aggregate has a RAID configuration and a set of assigned disks. The disks,
RAID groups, and aggregates make up the physical storage layer.
Within each aggregate, you can create one or more FlexVol volumes. A FlexVol volume is an allocation of disk space that
is a portion of the available space in the aggregate. A FlexVol volume can contain files or LUNs. The FlexVol volumes,
files, and LUNs make up the logical storage layer.

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FlexVol Volumes

Files LUN
 Can contain NAS, SAN, or both types
of data (mixing is not recommended).
 Are contained within an aggregate, FlexVol FlexVol
Volume Volume
and an aggregate can hold multiple
FlexVol volumes.
 Can increase or decrease in size,
as needed.

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A FlexVol volume is loosely coupled to a containing aggregate, which the volume can share with other FlexVol volumes.
Therefore, one aggregate can be the shared source of all the storage that is used by all the FlexVol volumes that the
aggregate contains.
Because a FlexVol volume is managed separately from the aggregate, you can create small (minimum of 20MB) FlexVol
volumes. You can also increase or decrease the size of FlexVol volumes in increments as small as 4KB.

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FlexVol Volumes

 System (or node root):

 Typically named vol0 Files LUN
 Contains only configuration and logs
 Cannot contain user data
 Owned by the node SVM FlexVol FlexVol
 SVM root volume: Volume Volume
 Top level of the namespace
 Should not contain user data
 Data:
 NAS: Contains file systems for user data Aggregate
 SAN: Contains LUNs

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FlexVol volumes are used for the following purposes:

 As node root volumes to hold state data for the node and for the cluster
 As the root of a storage virtual machine (SVM) namespace
 To store user data within an SVM

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Files and LUNs

Files LUN
 A file refers to any data (including text
files, spreadsheets, and databases) that
is exported to or shared with NAS clients.
FlexVol FlexVol
 A LUN represents a logical drive that a Volume Volume
SCSI protocol (FC or iSCSI) addresses:
 Block level
 Data accessible only by a properly
mapped SCSI host

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Data that is stored in a volume for a NAS environment is stored as files. Files can be documents, database files and logs,
audio and video, or application data. ONTAP software manages the file system operations, and clients access the data.
Data that is stored in a SAN environment is stored in a logical container that represents a SCSI disk. The container is
called a LUN. The LUN is presented to a host, which treats the LUN like a standard SCSI disk and writes data to the LUN
in 512-byte logical blocks. Therefore, SAN is often called block-level storage—because data is stored in 512-byte SCSI
blocks. ONTAP software is “unaware” of the stored files and is “aware” only of the 512-byte blocks that the host reads or
writes to.
NOTE: Because SAN data (block data) and NAS data (file data) are treated differently, files and LUNs should not be
placed in the same FlexVol volume.

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Volumes in Aggregates
Inode File
FlexVol 1 FlexVol 2 FlexVol 3
 Aggregate:
 4KB blocks
vol1 vol2
 NetApp WAFL file system reserving 10% vol3

 Volume:
 Provisioning types:
 Thick: Volume guarantee = volume
 Thin: Volume guarantee = none
 Dynamic mapping to physical space 4KB 4KB

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One or more FlexVol volumes can be created in an aggregate. To understand how space is managed, examine how space
is reserved in the aggregate.
The NetApp WAFL file system writes data in 4KB blocks that are contained in the aggregate. (Each 4KB block has an
inode pointer. The inode pointers assigned to a data file are tracked in the inode file.) When the aggregate is created, the
WAFL file system reserves 10% capacity for overhead. The remainder of the aggregate is available for volume creation.
FlexVol volumes are loosely tied to their aggregates. FlexVol volumes are striped across all the drives of the aggregate,
regardless of the volume size. In the example, the blue block that is labeled “vol1” represents the inode file for the
volume, and the other blue blocks contain the user data.
When a volume is created, the volume guarantee setting must be configured. The volume guarantee setting is the same as
the space reservations. If space is reserved for the volume, the volume is thick-provisioned. If space is not reserved during
creation, the volume is thin-provisioned. FlexVol volumes are dynamically mapped to physical space. Whether the
volume is thick-provisioned or thin-provisioned, blocks are not consumed until data is written to the storage system.
A FlexVol volume can be as small as 20MB or as large as the controller model supports. Also, the volume can grow or
shrink, regardless of the provisioning type.

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Volume Properties
Actions that can be
Volume options Tools to protect volumes
taken on volumes

Create Storage efficiency Snapshot copies

Edit Storage quality Mirror copies**
Resize of service (QoS) Vaults**
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. **Covered in ONTAP DATA Protection Administration 9

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Create a Flexible Volume in an SVM
Information to provide:
 Volume name
 Aggregate name
 Storage type
 Capacity


::> volume create –vserver svm4 –name svm4_vol_002

–aggr cluster201_fcal_001 –junction-path /vol_002 –size 2gb
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The storage types that are listed when you create a volume depend on the licenses that have been installed.
Examples of storage types include the following:
 NAS, when the CIFS or NFS protocol licenses are added
 SAN, when the FC or iSCSI protocol licenses are added
 Data Protection, when the SnapMirror or SnapVault licenses are added

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Management of FlexVol Volumes

::> volume create –vserver svm4 –name svm4_vol1 –aggr cluster201_fcal_00
–size 200gb
::> vol modify –vserver svm4 –name svm4_vol1 –size +10gb
Offline and online
::> vol offline –vserver svm4 –name svm4_vol1
::> vol online –vserver svm4 –name svm4_vol1
Must be
::> vol delete –vserver svm4 –name svm4_vol1
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Volume clustershell options correspond to actions on the Volumes toolbar in ONTAP System Manager.

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Automatic Resizing of Volumes
 Automatic resizing of volumes enables a FlexVol volume to automatically grow or shrink
the maximum space capacity of the volume.
 You can specify a mode:
 Off: Volume does not grow or shrink.
 Grow: Volume automatically grows when space in the volume reaches a threshold.
 Grow_shrink: Volume automatically grows or shrinks in response to the amount of used space.

 In addition, you can specify the following:

 Maximum to grow (default is 120% of volume size)
 Minimum to shrink (default is volume size)
 Grow and shrink thresholds
vol01 vol01

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You can enable or disable automatic resizing of volumes. If you enable the capability, ONTAP software automatically
increases the capacity of the volume up to a predetermined maximum size. Space must be available in the containing
aggregate to support the automatic growth of the volume. Therefore, if you enable automatic resizing, you must monitor
the free space in the containing aggregate and add more when needed.
The capability cannot be triggered to support Snapshot creation. If you attempt to create a Snapshot copy and the volume
has insufficient space, the Snapshot creation fails, even when automatic resizing is enabled.
For more information about automatic resizing, see the SAN Administration Guide.

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Enable Automatic Resizing
1. From Edit Volume, click the
Advanced tab.
2. Select the Automatically
resize this volume
3. Select an Autogrow
Mode option.
4. Specify the Maximum
Size value.

::> volume autosize -vserver svm4 -volume svm4_vol_002 -mode grow

-maximum-size 20GB
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ACTION: Try This Task

Using cluster1 on your exercise kit:

1. Enter the vol show command.
2. Enter the vol show –instance command.
3. Enter the vol show –fields comment command.
4. Answer the following questions:
 What was different about the output?
 Can you think of other reasons to use –fields?
 How can you get a list of all the fields that are available for a command?

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Review the following answers:

 A different amount of information is displayed about each volume.
 Use the –fields parameter to customize the command output for your requirements.
 Type a question mark (?) after the –fields parameter. To get a list of available fields.

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What Is a FlexGroup Volume?
 A scale-out file system that is created from a group of FlexVol volumes
 A system that you and NAS clients can interact with like you interact
with a FlexVol volume

FlexGroup volumes solve three problems with modern NAS

in scale-out storage:
 Performance: FlexGroup volumes provide consistently low latency.
 Capacity: FlexGroup volumes provide almost unlimited capacity.
 Management: A FlexGroup volume looks like a FlexVol volume.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

With NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup volumes, you can easily provision a massive single namespace in seconds. Like the
Infinite Volume solution, a FlexGroup volume has a 20PB capacity limit. However, unlike the Infinite Volume solution, a
FlexGroup volume supports as many as 400 billion files in 200 constituent volumes. The constituent volumes in a
FlexGroup volume collaborate to dynamically balance load and space allocation among themselves.
A FlexGroup volume requires no maintenance or management overhead. You simply create the FlexGroup volume and
share the volume with your NAS clients. ONTAP software does the rest.
For more information about FlexGroup volumes, see NetApp FlexGroup: A Technical Overview (TR-4557) and
Scalability and Performance Using FlexGroup Volumes Power Guide.

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FlexVol Volumes Versus FlexGroup Volumes
How they differ at a high level Managed
storage as

/vol1 /vol1/vol2

FlexVol volumes FlexGroup volumes

 Owned by one node  A shared pool of FlexVol volumes
 Span one aggregate  Component volumes span multiple aggregates
 Isolate reads and writes to one node and aggregate  Balance reads and writes across all nodes and aggregates
 Are limited to storing 100TB (system-dependent)  Can store up to 20PB (200 FlexVol volumes)
 Are within one namespace, but with limits  Are within one namespace, almost without limits

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Although FlexGroup volumes are positioned as a capacity feature, the volumes are also a high-performance feature. With
a FlexGroup volume, you can have massive capacity, predictably low latency, and high throughput for the same storage
container. A FlexGroup volume adds concurrency to workloads and presents multiple volume affinities to a single storage
container, with no need for increased management.

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Management of FlexGroup Volumes
You manage FlexGroup volumes like you manage FlexVol volumes.
 You create the FlexGroup volume, and ONTAP software manages the rest:
 When you create the FlexGroup volume, you specify the size, aggregates, SVM, and file system path.
 ONTAP software creates equally sized constituent volumes.
 If you need more space, you can add a constituent volume anywhere in the cluster.

/FlexGroup /FlexGroup

What ONTAP Software Sees What Clients See

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At a high level, a FlexGroup volume is simply a collection of FlexVol volumes that act as one entity. NAS clients access
the FlexGroup volume just as they access a FlexVol volume: from an export or a CIFS (SMB) share.
Although FlexGroup volumes are conceptually similar to FlexVol volumes, FlexGroup volumes offer several benefits that
FlexVol volumes cannot match.
A FlexGroup volume creates files per FlexVol volume without file striping. FlexGroup volumes provide throughput gains
by performing concurrent operations across multiple FlexVol volumes, aggregates, and nodes. A series of operations can
occur in parallel across all hardware on which the FlexGroup volume resides. FlexGroup volumes are the perfect
complement to the ONTAP scale-out architecture.

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FlexCache Volumes
Accelerate hot volumes

FlexCache volumes are sparsely populated volumes, within a FlexGroup Volume,

that can be cached on the same cluster or a different cluster as the origin volumes
to accelerate NAS data access.
 Performance acceleration for hot NAS volumes:
 Cache read and metadata for CPU-intensive workloads
 Provides different mount points to avoid hot volumes
 Cache data within the cluster (intracluster)

 FlexCache volume limitations:

 No Snapshot copies or FlexClone support /FlexGroup
 No deduplication or compression
 No volume move or volume copy Hot, NAS Source Volume

 Supports only NFS version 3 (NFSv3) for data sharing

FlexCache NFSv3 Volumes

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FlexCache volumes cache frequently accessed NAS data to reduce latency within a cluster or between clusters. For local
hot volumes, FlexCache volumes provide more copies of the data to spread the I/O demands across the cluster.
FlexCache volumes are temporary copies of some of the data in the source volume. For this reason, the volumes do not
support many of the features of a typical FlexVol volume. One limitation is that although the source volume supports any
NAS protocol, the FlexCache volumes share the cached data using NFS version 3 (NFSv3) only.

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FlexCache Volumes
Accelerate data access to remote users

Data distribution across

data centers:
 Caches across multiple Regional Data Center/Office Remote Data Center/Office
data centers to reduce
WAN latencies WAN
 Brings NFSv3 data
closer to compute
and users /FlexGroup
 Works between NetApp /FlexGroup
Select systems
Hot, NFSv3 Source Volumes FlexCache Volumes

? More info in

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Caching frequently accessed remote data closer to the users reduces WAN traffic and latency.
In ONTAP 9.6 software, caching works between AFF, FAS, and ONTAP Select clusters but only for NFSv3 data.
The module addendum contains more information about FlexGroup and FlexCache volumes.

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Lesson 2
Provisioning Storage Resources

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Application-Aware Data Management
Application-aware data management enables you to describe the application
that you want to deploy over ONTAP software in terms of the application rather
than storage:
 Set up, manage, and monitor storage at the level of individual applications, following
relevant ONTAP recommended practices for balanced placement.
 This ONTAP feature includes a set of application templates, each of which consists of
a set of parameters that collectively describe the configuration of an application.
 Based on the specified parameters, ONTAP software configures storage entities such
as LUNs and volumes with appropriate sizes and service levels for the application.

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Application-aware data management reduces the work that is involved in planning and carving up your storage for use by
widely used applications from vendors like Oracle and VMware.

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Balanced Placement
Balanced LUN and volume placement based on application requirements

 Simplified provisioning
 Balanced use of cluster storage and
CPU (node headroom) resources
Application-Aware Provisioning
 Balanced placement that depends on
the following:
Balanced Placement  QoS
 Headroom availability

 Balanced placement logic that needs the

following inputs:
 Storage level classes: extreme, high,
or value (capacity)
 Protection level classes: sync or async
 Size of application or application components
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Balanced placement simplifies provisioning by eliminating questions such as the following:

 Where is the capacity to match my application I/O requirements?
 Which node or nodes have CPU headroom to take on additional work?

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Balanced Placement
Storage service levels

Application-Aligned Storage Service Levels

Service Level Value Performance Extreme

Database and
Balanced use of cluster resources
Email, web, file Latency-sensitive
Workload Type virtualized
shares, backup
applications  Simplified provisioning

Minimum SLA
 Recommended placement based on
(IOPS per TB allocated)
128 2048 6144 size of application components, desired
storage service levels, and available
Maximum Service-Level system resources
Objective (SLO)
512 4096 12288
(QoS limit in IOPS per TB  Predefined storage service levels to
match the media with requested
Latency (ms) 17 2 1
performance characteristics (QoS)
Flash-Accelerated, SAN and NAS, Non-Stop
Availability and Durability, Nondisruptive Movement
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Storage service levels help to ensure that limited or expensive cluster resources are dedicated to high-priority workloads.
The effects are more noticeable the larger the cluster and the greater the mix of controller models and drives types in the

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Balanced Placement Example
Application-aware provisioning

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Application-aware provisioning, management, and visualization in ONTAP software makes it easier to support
applications following recommended practices.

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Lesson 3
Moving Storage Resources

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Volume Move

 Rules:
 Move only within the SVM.
 Move to any aggregate to which the
SVM has permission.
 Move is nondisruptive to the client.
 Use cases:
aggr3  Capacity: Move a volume to an
aggregate with more space.
aggr6  Performance: Move to an aggregate with
different performance characteristics.
 Servicing: Move to newly added nodes
or from nodes that are being retired.

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FlexVol volumes can be moved from one aggregate or node to another within the same SVM. A volume move does not
disrupt client access during the move.
You can move volumes for capacity use, such as when more space is needed. You can move volumes to change
performance characteristics, such as from a controller with HDDs to one that uses solid-state drives (SSDs). You can also
move volumes during service periods.

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How a Volume Move Works
1. A volume is created on the destination aggregate.
2. A Snapshot copy of the source volume is created.
3. The Snapshot copy is replicated to the destination volume.
4. When replication is complete, client access is temporarily blocked.
5. A final replication is performed to reach consistency.
6. Cutover is initiated.
7. Clients access the destination volume, and the source volume is cleaned up.

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When a volume move is initiated, a Snapshot copy of the source volume is created and is used as the basis to populate the
destination volume. Client systems continue to access the volume from the source destination until all data is moved. At
the end of the move process, client access is temporarily blocked. Meanwhile, the system performs a final replication from
the source volume to the destination volume. The system swaps the identities of the source and destination volumes and
changes the destination volume to the source volume. When the move is complete, the system routes client traffic to the
new source volume and resumes client access.

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The volume move Command

cluster2::> vol move start –vserver svm4 –vol svm4_vol_002

–destination-aggr cluster2_fcal_002
cluster2::> vol move trigger-cutover –vserver svm4 –vol svm4_vol_002
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ONTAP software enables you to move a volume from one aggregate or node to another within the same SVM to use
capacity, improve performance, and satisfy SLAs. The volume move is a nondisruptive operation. During the volume
movement process, the original volume is intact and available for clients to access. You can move a FlexVol volume to a
different aggregate, node, or both within the same SVM. The data is transferred to the destination node through the cluster
Use the volume move start command to initiate the volume transfer. If the cutover action is defer_on_failure, and the
cutover state moves to “cutover deferred,” use the volume move trigger-cutover command to complete the move.
To bypass any confirmation before cutover, use –force true on the volume move start command. The bypass can
cause client I/O disruptions.

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Autobalancing Aggregates
Default settings
 If you frequently move volumes to free up space, you can use
the autobalance aggregate command to configure ONTAP
software to autobalance automatically for all aggregates.
 The autobalance aggregate feature is turned off by default.
See the addendum for more information.

::*> autobalance aggregate config show

Is the Auto Balance Aggregate Feature Enabled: false
Threshold When Aggregate Is Considered Unbalanced (%): 70
Threshold When Aggregate Is Considered Balanced (%): 40

? More info in

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If you find you spend a lot of time moving volumes around to manage free space and performance, consider enabling the
autobalance aggregate functionality. Once enabled, it works on all of the aggregates in the cluster.

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Volume Rehost Within a Cluster
Steps to rehost a volume:
Docs Database
1. Identify the source volume
Audit Tax

and SVM.
2. Identify the destination SVM
ONTAP within the cluster.
3. Prevent access to the volume
that is being rehosted.
4. Use the rehost command to
rehost the volume to the
destination SVM.
5. Configure access to the volume
Destination Cluster
in the destination SVM.
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The volume rehost command rehosts a volume from a source SVM to a destination SVM. The volume name must be
unique among the other volumes on the destination SVM.
If the volume contains a LUN, you can specify that the LUN needs to be unmapped. In addition, you can specify whether
you want the LUN to be automatically remapped on the destination SVM.
NOTE: Volume rehost is a disruptive operation and requires you to reconfigure access to the volume at the destination.
Access to the volume must be prevented before a rehost to prevent data loss or inconsistency.

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LUN Move
 The lun move set of commands enable you to move a LUN to a volume on another
node or even the same node.
 The LUN can move only within the same SVM.
 Snapshot policies are at the volume level so do not follow to new volume. Therefore,
storage efficiency features must be reapplied.
 Use the lun move-in-volume command to rename a LUN without moving the LUN.

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To move a LUN for capacity or performance reasons, use the lun move command set rather than moving the container
volume. LUNs can be moved only to another volume in the SVM. You need to set the Snapshot policies on the destination
volume. Storage efficiency features, such as deduplication, compression, and compaction, are not preserved during
a LUN move. The features must be reapplied after the move is completed.
If you need to rename a LUN, use the lun move-in-volume command to “move” the LUN, with a new name, to the
current location.

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Knowledge Check
Which of these is not a mode of the volume autoresize feature?
(Choose one)
a. Off
b. Grow
c. Shrink
d. Grow_shrink

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 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:

 Logical Storage Management Guide
 Volume Move Express Guide
 Scalability and Performance Using FlexGroup Volumes Power Guide

 TR-4557: NetApp FlexGroup: A Technical Overview

 TR-4571-a: NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes Best Practices
 TR-4743: FlexCache Volumes in NetApp ONTAP

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 33

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:

Logical Storage Management Guide
Volume Move Express Guide
Scalability and Performance Using FlexGroup Volumes Power Guide
TR-4557: NetApp FlexGroup: A Technical Overview
TR-4571-a: NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes Best Practices
TR-4743: FlexCache Volumes in NetApp ONTAP

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 ONTAP 9 Feature Overview: FlexGroup
 Manage FlexGroup using OnCommand System Manager 9.4

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ONTAP 9 Feature Overview: FlexGroup -

Manage FlexGroup using OnCommand System Manager 9.4

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to:
 Create and manage FlexVol volumes
 Provision application-aware resources
 Move a volume within an SVM
 Create a FlexGroup volume

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 6: Managing Data Volumes

Duration: 20 minutes
Access your exercise
Complete the specified
Participate in the review
Use the login credentials session.
 Go to the exercise for
that your instructor
the module.
provided to you.
 Start with Exercise 6-1.
 Stop at the end of  Share your results.
Exercise 6-1.  Report issues.

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Share Your Experiences
Roundtable questions for the equipment-based exercises

 Did your volume move operation disrupt the

workload on the volume that you moved?

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FlexGroup and FlexCache Volumes

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Recommended practices
 Homogenous hardware and capacity
 Disks, nodes, and available capacity should be identical for predictable performance.
 Relocate volumes in aggregates, using a nondisruptive volume move if necessary.

 Use a reliable network that is 10Gb or greater.

Flow control is unnecessary across high-bandwidth networks.

 Know the average file size of the workload.

 Avoid creating small member volumes with large file workloads.
 Use 8 member volumes per node for low-end platforms; 16 volumes per node for higher-end platforms.

 Use two aggregates per node to maximize affinities.

Advanced Drive Partitioning avoids concerns with wasting drive space.

 Verify that your applications can process 64-bit file IDs.

Needed for more than 2 billion files.

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File Size Considerations
FlexGroup volumes work best with small files
 What is a “small” file? A “large” file?
Answer: “It depends.”

 Files do not stripe across FlexGroup member volumes.

500GB 50%
 Large files and files that grow over time can potentially fill
member volumes.
 FlexGroup members that fill up prematurely can create
“out of space” issues.
“Large” files aren’t necessarily a great fit, unless you size the 100TB
FlexGroup properly.

500GB .5%
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Creating FlexGroup Volumes

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On the FlexGroup tab, you can manage an existing FlexGroup volume or, with two clicks, create a FlexGroup volume.
Creating a FlexGroup Volume
Navigate to the SVM that you are managing and click Volumes > FlexGroups. Then click the Create button. The Create
FlexGroup dialog box appears. You must configure only two fields: Name and Size. The fields in the dialog box have the
following features:
 Protocols Enabled: You cannot configure the Protocols Enabled field. Protocols are fetched from the enabled
protocols for the SVM. The listing of iSCSI or FCP in the Protocols Enabled field does not mean that the FlexGroup
volume supports iSCSI or FC, only that the SVM supports iSCSI or FC.
 Aggregates: In the Aggregates field, you define the aggregates to use with the FlexGroup volume. If you select
“Recommended per best practices,” then eight constituent volumes are created per node. With AFF systems, the eight
constituents are on one aggregate (there must be one aggregate per node). In other configurations, four constituents
are on each aggregate (there must be two aggregates per node). If the requirements are not met, you cannot create the
FlexGroup volume with the “Recommended per best practices” option and must manually select aggregates. If you
want to control the layout of the FlexGroup volume by manually selecting aggregates, select the Select aggregates
 Space Reserve: Use the Space Reserve list to specify whether the FlexGroup volume is thin-provisioned or thick-
provisioned. Thin provisioning disables the space guarantee for all constituent volumes and enables the FlexGroup
volume to be overprovisioned in a cluster. Overprovisioning means that the size of the volume can be increased
beyond the physical capacity of the cluster.
 Size: In the Size field, you specify the total size of the FlexGroup volume. The size of the constituents depends on the
number of nodes and aggregates in the cluster. Constituent volumes are automatically sized equally across the
FlexGroup volume. The available size depends on the total number of aggregates in the cluster. Remember that
ONTAP System Manager deploys four constituent volumes per aggregate. If only two aggregates are available in the
cluster, then only eight constituents are created, at a maximum of 100TB per constituent.
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Commonly Used FlexGroup Volume Options
CLI – volume create
Volume Option What the Volume Option Does
The option specifies the names of aggregates that contain constituent
-aggr-list volumes. Each entry in the list creates a constituent on the specified
The option specifies the number of times to iterate over the aggregates
-aggr-list-multiplier that are listed with the -aggr-list parameter during the creation of a
FlexGroup volume.
The option specifies the maximum size of a constituent volume. The
default value is determined by identifying the maximum FlexVol size
-max-constituent-size setting on all nodes that the FlexGroup volume uses. The smallest value
that is found is selected as the default for the maximum constituent size
for the FlexGroup volume.

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Sometimes, flexgroup deploy might not be the right command to use to create a FlexGroup volume. If a cluster has more
than four nodes or if you want more granular control over the design and placement of the constituent volumes, then use
the volume create command. The options in the table are new options for the volume create command that are specific to
FlexGroup creation.
Modifying a FlexGroup Volume
After you create a FlexGroup volume, to change the volume options or size, you must use the volume modify command.
Expanding a FlexGroup Volume
Another command that has been added to ONTAP for management of FlexGroup volumes is volume expand. The
volume expand command enables you to add constituents to a FlexGroup volume. To add constituents, use the
command with either the -aggr-list or -aggr-list-multiplier option. Simply specify the aggregates to which
you want to add constituents and the number of constituents that you want to add to each aggregate. ONTAP does the rest.

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Managing a FlexGroup Volume
Recommended practices
 To increase capacity, grow existing member volumes before adding new members.
FlexGroup volumes currently do not support shrinking or renaming of volumes.

 Monitor free space and inode counts of member volumes.

80% threshold? Take action.

 Use nondisruptive volume move to relocate member volumes to newly added nodes.
Then, expand the FlexGroup to add more members.

 Add new members in multiples; adding single members can create hotspots.
 Consider disabling change or notify on CIFS shares if unneeded.

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FlexCache Software

Topology Configuration Platforms Licensing

 Intracluster caching  Write-through caches  NetApp FAS  Capacity-based

 Within an SVM  Support for up to  NetApp AFF licensing
 Across SVMs 10 caches per  ONTAP Select  Only cache-volume
origin volume capacity is charged
 Cross-cluster caching  Cloud Volumes ONTAP
 Cache volumes are  Aggregated at a
FlexGroup volumes cluster level
by default
 Protocol: NFSv3

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Creating FlexCache Volumes

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FlexCache volumes can be created from the Volumes page.

1. Click the Create menu button and then select Create FlexCache from the menu.
2. Select the SVM that will own the FlexCache volume.
3. When the Create FlexCache Volumes window appears, use the drop-down menus to select the origin volume, SVM,
and cluster name and the destination SVM and cluster name.
4. Enter a name for the new FlexCache volume.
5. Optionally, specify the size of the FlexCache volume. The default size is 10% of the origin volume size.
6. Click Save.
NOTE: Cluster and SVM peer relationships must be established before configuring a destination FlexCache volume on a
different SVM or cluster than the origin.

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Autobalance Aggregate

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Autobalance Aggregate Syntax
Enable autobalancing and modify the thresholds with the following commands:

Enable the autobalance feature for the cluster:

::> autobalance aggregate config modify -is-enabled true

Modify the threshold when an aggregate is considered unbalanced:

::> autobalance aggregate config modify
-aggregate-unbalanced-threshold-percent <integer>

Modify the threshold when an aggregate is considered balanced:

autobalance aggregate config modify -aggregate-available-threshold-percent

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Module 7
Data Access

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to do the following:
 Use NAS protocols to access data
 Use SAN protocols to access data

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Unified Storage

Corporate LAN



Network-Attached Storage (NAS) Storage-Area Network (SAN)

File-level access Block-level access
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NAS is a file-based storage system that uses NFS and SMB protocols to make data available over the network. CIFS is a
dialect of SMB.
A SAN is a block-based storage system that uses FC, FCoE, and iSCSI protocols to make data available over the network.
A storage system that can manage both NAS and SAN data is referred to as Unified Storage.

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Lesson 1
Use NAS Protocols to Access Data

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The NAS File System
Client Client
UNIX1 /mnt/vol01 WIN1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 01 0 01
1 1 1 1 1 1 Disk 1 (C:)
010 100 010 100 Disk 2 (E:) \\svm\vol02
101 011 101 011
010 100 010 100
101 01 1 1 01
1 1 1 1 11


Volume Volume

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

NAS is a distributed file system that enables users to access resources, such as volumes, on a remote storage system as if
the resources were on a local computer system.
NAS provides services through a client-server relationship. Storage systems that make file systems and other resources
available for remote access are called servers. The server is set up with a network address and provides file-based data
storage to other computers, called clients, that use the server resources.
NetApp ONTAP software supports the NFS and SMB protocols.

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Storage System Resources
 FlexVol Volume
 Data containers to manage data in a storage SVM
virtual machine (SVM)
 Exportable by mounting to namespace junction
Vol Vol
 Qtree 1 1
1 1 1
 Volume partition created on storage system 0 0 1
0 0 0
 Exportable by mounting to namespace junction 1 1 0
1 1
010 1
0 0 0
 Directory 1 1 0
1 1
010 1
 Volume partition created on the NAS client 0 0 0
1 1 0
1 1 1
 Not exportable 1

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

With the NAS protocols, you need to create file systems and other resources that are available to clients through either
Volumes are the highest level of logical storage object. FlexVol volumes are data containers that enable you to partition
and manage your data. In a NAS environment, volumes contain file systems. The first resource to create is the volume.
In ONTAP software, the volume is associated with a storage virtual machine (SVM). The SVM is a virtual management
entity, within which you create a namespace. Volumes are joined to the namespace through junctions. The junctions are
Qtrees enable you to partition FlexVol volumes into smaller segments that you can manage individually. ONTAP
software creates a default qtree, called qtree0, for each volume. If you do not create and put data in another qtree, all the
data resides in qtree0. Qtrees enable you to partition data without incurring the overhead that is associated with creating
another FlexVol volume. You might create qtrees to organize data or to manage one or more of the following factors:
quotas, security style, or opportunistic lock (oplock) settings.
You can also create a directory or a file on the client in a FlexVol volume, to use as a resource to export or share. A qtree
is a partition that is created on the storage system. A directory is a partition that is created on the client within a FlexVol

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Namespace and Junction Paths
Volumes and junctions

 Create a projects volume under the SVM root:

::> volume create –vserver svm4
-aggregate sas_data_23 –volume projects
-size 5GB –state online –type RW
–policy Default –security-style unix
-junction-path /projects –junction-active true

- OR -
 Create a second named project volume:
::> volume create –vserver svm4
-aggregate sas_data_18 –volume thesis
-size 10GB –state online –type RW
–policy Default –security-style unix
 Mount the second volume under /projects:
::> volume mount –vserver svm4 –volume thesis
–junction-path /projects/thesis
–active true –policy-override false

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Volume junctions are a way to join individual volumes into a single logical namespace. Volume junctions are transparent
to CIFS and NFS clients. When NAS clients access data by traversing a junction, the junction appears to be an ordinary
directory. A junction is formed when a volume is mounted to a mount point below the root and is used to create a file-
system tree. The top of a file-system tree is always the root volume, which is represented by a slash mark (/). A junction
points from a directory in one volume to the root directory of another volume.
A volume must be mounted at a junction point in the namespace to enable NAS client access to contained data. Specifying
a junction point is optional when a volume is created. However, data in the volume cannot be exported and a share cannot
be created until the volume is mounted to a junction point in the namespace. A volume that is not mounted during volume
creation can be mounted after creation. New volumes can be added to the namespace at any time by mounting the
volumes to a junction point.
The following is an abbreviated list of parameters that are used to mount a volume:
 Junction path of the mounting volume: -junction-path <junction path>
The junction path name is case-insensitive and must be unique within an SVM namespace.
 Active junction path: [-active {true|false}]
The optional parameter specifies whether the mounted volume is accessible. The default setting is false. If the
mounted path is inaccessible, the path does not appear in the SVM namespace.
 Override the export policy: [-policy-override {true|false}]
The optional parameter specifies whether the parent volume export policy overrides the mounted volume export
policy. The default setting is false.

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ACTION: Topics for Discussion

 How do NFS and SMB clients see

junctions in a namespace?

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/mnt/project  vol01 is exported to UNIX1
1 1
1 1
1 with read/write permission.
0 0 0
0 01
1 1 1  UNIX1 mounts vol01 to
010 100 /mnt/project with read/write
101 11
010 100 permission.
101 01
1 1 Server


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NFS is a distributed file system that enables users to access resources, such as volumes, on remote storage systems as if
the resources were on a local computer system.
NFS provides services through a client-server relationship.
 Storage systems that enable the file systems and other resources to be available for remote access are called servers.
 The computers that use server resources are called clients.
 The procedure of making file systems available is called exporting.
 The act of a client accessing an exported file system is called mounting.
When a client mounts a file system that a server exports, users on the client computer can view and interact with the
mounted file systems on the server, within the limits of the granted permissions.

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NFSv3 Implementation Steps

1. Verify or add the NFS protocol license.

2. Enable NFS functionality on the SVM.
3. Create or identify the necessary resources.
4. Export the available resources.
5. Configure NFS authentication.
6. Authorize the user.
7. Mount the exported resources.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

The figure shows the basic process for implementing the NFS protocol between a UNIX client and an ONTAP storage
system. The process consists of several steps:
 Enable NFS functionality, license NFS, and then enable the feature on the SVM.
 You need resources to export, so create volumes, qtrees, and data LIFs.
 Determine which clients have which type of access to the resources. You need a way to authenticate client access and
authorize users with appropriate permissions, including read-only or read/write.
 After the client has been granted access to the exported resource, the client mounts the resource and grants access to
the users.

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SVM Create Wizard: NFS
SVM basic details



SVM Root

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SVM Create Wizard: NFS
Configure the NFS protocol

Select an IP address
from the subnet?

Network Create a
Port volume to
(Optional) Network
Information Service
(NIS) information

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SVM Create Wizard: NFS
SVM administrator details

Create an SVM

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Use the UNIX mount command on the client to mount an exported
NFS resource from the storage system.

unix1# mkdir /mnt/project1

unix1# mount <SVM LIF IP>:/project/pro1 /mnt/project1

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTE: The junction path is /project/pro1. 14

To enable an NFS client, mount a remote file system after NFS starts. Usually, only a privileged user can mount file
systems with NFS. However, if the user option is set in /etc/fstab, you can enable users to mount and unmount selected
file systems by using the mount and unmount commands. The setting can reduce traffic by having file systems mounted
only when they are needed. To enable user mounting, create an entry in /etc/fstab for each file system to be mounted.

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1 1 1
1 1
0 0 0
0 01
1 1 1
010 100
101 011
Disk 1 (C:)
010 100 Disk 2 (E:) \\svm4\vol01
1 1 01
1 1 11



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SMB is an application-layer network file-sharing protocol that the Microsoft Windows OS uses. SMB enables users or
applications to access, read, and write to files on remote computers like they would on a local computer. For the purposes
of this course, the terms SMB and CIFS are used interchangeably (although the definitions of the two terms are not strictly
the same).
A user or application can send network requests to read and write to files on remote computers. Messages travel from the
network interface card (NIC) of the user’s computer, through the Ethernet switch, to the NIC of the remote computer.
SMB provides access to files and directories that are stored on the remote computer, through sharing resources. The rules
of network protocols such as IPv4 and IPv6 control the network read and write process, which is also called network I/O.

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SMB Implementation Steps

1. Verify or add the CIFS protocol license.

2. Enable SMB functionality on the SVM.
3. Create or identify the necessary resources.
4. Share the available resources.
5. Configure SMB authentication.
6. Authorize the user.
7. Map the shared resources.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

The figure shows the basic process for implementing the SMB protocol between a Windows client and an ONTAP storage
system. The process consists of several steps:
 Enable the SMB functionality, license CIFS, and then enable the feature on the SVM.
 Create volumes, qtrees, and data LIFs.
 Determine which clients have which type of access to the resources. You need a way to authenticate client access and
authorize users with appropriate permissions, including read-only or read/write.
 After the client has been granted access to the shared resource, the client maps the resource and grants access to the

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SVM Create Wizard: CIFS
SVM basic details



SVM Root

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SVM Create Wizard: CIFS
Configure the CIFS protocol

Select an IP address
from the subnet?

Network Create a
Port volume and
a share.
Information to create
a machine record in
Active Directory.

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SVM Create Wizard: CIFS
SVM administrator details

Create an SVM

In an exercise for this module, you create an SVM to serve both NFS and SMB.

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ACTION: Topics for Discussion

 You assign exports to volumes and qtrees.

Which resources can you share through SMB?

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SMB shares are associated with paths within the namespace. Because junctions, qtrees, and directories construct the
namespace, shares can be associated with any resources.

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Mapping a Share to a Client
 CLI:
 C:\> net view \\svm4
 C:\> net use e: \\svm4\DOCS /user:marketing\jdoe

 UI:
 Use the Run dialog box.
 Map a drive.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

The net view command displays a list of computers with shared resources that are available on the specified computer.
To use the net view command, use the following steps:
1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, and then click the MS-DOS prompt.
2. At the command prompt, type net view \\<computer_name>, where <computer_name> is the name of a
computer with resources that you want to view.
You can connect or disconnect a computer from a shared resource, or you can display information about computer
connections. The command also controls persistent net connections. Used without parameters, the net use command
retrieves a list of network connections.
You can also use Windows to map a share to a client.

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Additional NAS Learning
Where can I learn about advanced topics like protocol versions and
features, export policies and rules, shares, authentication, and permissions,
using multiple protocols, and managing scalable NAS container?
 ONTAP NAS Fundamentals (online course)
 ONTAP NFS Administration (virtual/instructor-led course)
 ONTAP SMB Administration (virtual/instructor-led course)

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

 ONTAP NAS Fundamentals (online course)
 ONTAP NFS Administration (virtual/instructor-led course)
 ONTAP SMB Administration (virtual/instructor-led course)
NOTE: Fundamentals and Administration courses are updated at least once a year. The URLs may change but the names
rarely do. Use the search engine in the Learning Center to find the most recent version of the courses and offerings.

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Lesson 2
Use SAN Protocols to Access Data

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Host Storage Host Cluster

A LUN is a logical
representation of Centrally
a drive. Managed

LUN Centrally Managed

Data Protection

Locally Attached Drive The host or application server uses local

drives to store application data.

The local drives for each host are

managed separately.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. HA Pair = High-Availability Pair 24

In an application server environment, locally attached drives, also called direct-attached storage (DAS), are separately
managed resources. In an environment with more than one application server, each server storage resource also needs to
be managed separately.
A SAN provides access to a LUN, which represents a SCSI-attached drive. The host operating system partitions, formats,
writes to, and reads from the LUN as if the LUN were any other locally attached drive. The advantages of using SAN
storage include support for clustered hosts, where shared drives are required, and centrally managed resources. In the
example, if the administrator did not use a SAN, the administrator would need to manage separate resources for each
application server and host cluster. As well as enabling centrally managed resources, SAN uses ONTAP Snapshot copy
technology to enable centrally managed data protection.

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Connecting Initiator to Target
How can you connect an initiator to a target?
Initiator Eth File System FC
SCSI Driver

 Drive 1 (C:)
 Drive 2 (E:) LUN
through a switch

SAN Services
e0a 0a
Target WAFL
(Controller or SVM)

LUN FlexVol Volume

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

ONTAP supports the iSCSI, FC, FCoE, and NVMe over Fibre Channel (NVMe/FC) protocols. This course uses only the
iSCSI protocol.
Data is communicated over ports and LIFs.
 In an Ethernet SAN, the data is communicated by using Ethernet ports.
 In an FC SAN and NVMe/FC SAN, the data is communicated over FC ports.
 For FCoE, the initiator has a converged network adapter (CNA), and the target has a unified target adapter (UTA).
 SAN data LIFs do not migrate or fail over the way that NAS does. However, the LIFs can be moved to another node
or port in the SVM.
The following are NetApp recommended practices:
 Use at least one LIF per node, per SVM, per network.
 Use redundant connections to connect the initiator to the target.
 Use redundantly configured switched networks to ensure resiliency if a cable, port, or switch fails.

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iSCSI Architecture

Initiator Multipathing software is required.

 Drive 1 (C:)
 Drive 2 (E:) The LUN


Initiator group (igroup):

Initiator node name:
Protocol type: iSCSI/Mixed
LUN FlexVol Volume
OS type: Windows
Target: Data SVM

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Initiator groups (igroups) are tables of FC protocol host worldwide port names (WWPNs) or iSCSI host node names. You
can define igroups and map the igroups to LUNs to control which initiators have access to LUNs. In the example, the
initiator uses the iSCSI protocol to communicate with the target.
Typically, you want all the host initiator ports or software initiators to have access to a LUN. The example shows a single
host. The iSCSI Software Initiator iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) is used to identify the host.
An igroup can have multiple initiators, and multiple igroups can have the same initiator. However, you cannot map a LUN
to multiple igroups that have the same initiator. An initiator cannot be a member of igroups of differing OS types. In the
example, the initiator runs Windows.
When multiple paths are created between the storage controllers and the host, the LUN is seen once through each path.
When a multipath driver is added to the host, the multipath driver can present the LUN as a single instance.
The figure illustrates two paths. The multipath driver uses asymmetric logical unit access (ALUA) to identify the path to
the node where the LUN is located as the active direct data path. The direct data path is sometimes called the optimized
path. The active path to the node where the LUN is not located is called the indirect data path. The indirect data path is
sometimes called the nonoptimized path. Because indirect data paths must transfer I/O over the cluster interconnect,
which might increase latency, ALUA uses only direct data paths, unless none is available. ALUA never uses both direct
and indirect data paths to a LUN.

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iSCSI Node Names
Each node has a unique
iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN).

All data SVMs with iSCSI enabled have unique IQNs.



LUN FlexVol Volume

Target: Data SVM

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Each SVM is a separate target. Each SVM is assigned a unique node name:
 iSCSI uses an IQN.
 FC and FCoE use a worldwide node name (WWNN).

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iSCSI Implementation Steps

1. Verify or add the iSCSI protocol license.

2. Enable iSCSI functionality on the SVM.
3. Create or identify the necessary resources.
4. Map the LUN to the appropriate igroup.
5. Locate the LUN on the host computer and
prepare the drive.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

The figure shows the basic process for implementing the iSCSI protocol between an initiator and an ONTAP storage
system. The process consists of several steps:
 Enable iSCSI functionality, license iSCSI, and then enable the feature on the SVM. You must also identify the
software initiator node name.
 Create a volume, LUN, igroup, and data LIFs.
 Determine which hosts have access to the resources, and map the hosts to the LUN.
 The LUN is discovered on the host and prepared.

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Windows iSCSI Implementation
Identify the iSCSI node name

iSCSI Initiator


The prompt might

appear the first
time that you start
the iSCSI initiator.

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The iSCSI Software Initiator creates the iSCSI connection on the Windows host. The iSCSI Software Initiator is built into
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
If the system has not yet used an iSCSI Software Initiator, a dialog box appears and requests that you turn on the service.
Click Yes. The iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog box then appears. You need to identify the iSCSI initiator name before
you start the SVM creation wizard.

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SVM Setup Wizard: iSCSI
SVM basic details



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View the steps to create an SVM for an iSCSI environment.

You can enable the iSCSI protocol on an existing SVM by using NetApp OnCommand System Manager or the vserver
iscsi create –vserver <vserver_name> command. Verify that the operational status of the iSCSI service on the
specified SVM is up and ready to serve data.

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SVM Setup Wizard: iSCSI
Configure iSCSI protocol

Create at least one LIF per

node, per network, for
Target Alias
each SVM that serves data (Optional) Create and
with the iSCSI protocol. map a LUN.

Select an IP address Host OS

from the subnet?

Host Initiator

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

The SVM creation wizard automatically creates a LIF on each node of the cluster. IP addresses can be assigned manually
or automatically by selecting a subnet. To verify or modify the LIF configuration, select the Review or modify LIF
configuration checkbox.
To create an iSCSI LIF manually, using either System Manager or the CLI, you must specify the -role parameter as
data and the –data-protocol parameter as iscsi.
CLI LIF creation example:
rtp-nau::> network interface create -vserver svm_black -lif black_iscsi_lif1 -role data -
data-protocol iscsi -home-node rtp-nau-01 -home-port e0e –subnet snDefault
The SVM creation wizard also enables you to provision a LUN for iSCSI storage. Enter the size, the LUN OS type, and
the IQN for the host initiator.
NOTE: You should create at least one LIF for each node and each network on all SVMs that serve data with the iSCSI
protocol. NetApp recommends having network redundancy through either multiple networks or link aggregation.

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SVM Setup Wizard: iSCSI
SVM administrator details

Create an SVM

Create an SVM
management LIF.
Select an IP address
from the subnet?

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Windows LUN Implementation
Discover LUN

In Windows, a
LUN appears
as a disk.

To configure the LUN with NTFS, first discover the LUN by selecting
Disk Management > Rescan Disks.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 33

You can discover and prepare the LUN in Windows in many ways. Each version of Windows might have slightly
different tools that you can use. This module illustrates the most often used method. In Windows, a LUN appears as a disk
and is labeled as a disk.
1. Open Computer Management.
2. Select Disk Management.
3. If the LUN that you created is not displayed, rescan disks by right-clicking Disk Management or, from the Action
menu, select Rescan Disks.

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NVMe over Fibre Channel

Server CPU
Storage Controller


NVMe NVMe SSDs Attached
FC via NVMe

? More info in

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NVMe/FC = NVMe over Fibre Channel | SSD = solid-state drive 34

NVMe/FC is a new block-access protocol that was first supported in ONTAP 9.4. The NetApp AFF A800 all-flash array
was the first NetApp system to support NVMe/FC. The NVMe protocol can use an existing FC network to provide block
access to LUNs that reside on nonvolatile disks in the cluster. The protocol uses NVMe-FC LIFs rather than FC LIFs.
Review the Hardware Universe to determine whether your storage controller has been added to the list of supported

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NVMe over Fibre Channel
Supported features in ONTAP software


 Application-based high  Multipath (storage path)  Multipath (storage path)
availability only failover with asynchronous failover with asynchronous
NVMe-oF  No storage path namespace access (ANA) namespace access (ANA)
failover  ANA is similar to  SUSE Enterprise Linux 15
FC  Use with applications asymmetric logical unit  Red Hat Enterprise Linux
that provide failover access (ALUA) for FC 8.0
(for example, Oracle  Supported first with
RAC, MongoDB,  Application-based high
SUSE Enterprise Linux 15
Splunk) availability only (without
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ANA)
Storage  SUSE Enterprise 7.6 support (without ANA)
Linux 12 SP3 support  Microsoft Windows
 VMware ESXi
 Oracle Linux

See NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) for host bus adapter (HBA), switches,
and host software support:
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 35

As you can see here, the implementation of NVMe over FC evolves with each update to the ONTAP software. Expanded
NVMe over Fibre Channel (NVMe/FC) ecosystem now includes VMware ESXi, Microsoft Windows, and Oracle Linux
hosts, in addition to Red Hat and SUSE Linux, with storage path resiliency. Organizations can experience NVMe/FC
performance for most workloads.
Unlike Ethernet connections for NAS protocols, SAN connections are point-to-point. A failure anywhere in the path takes
the connection offline. Therefore, LUNs need at least two paths between the host and the storage, an approach referred to
as Multipath I/O (MPIO). ALUA is an industry-standard protocol for identifying optimized MPIO paths between a storage
system and a host and manages the switching between primary and secondary routes. In a high-availability (HA) and
cluster configuration, the primary and secondary paths are generally on different nodes, to provide fault tolerance.
Asynchronous Namespace Access (ANA) performs a similar function for NVMe/FC as ALUA does for FC.

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NVMe/FC with Asymmetric Namespace Access (ANA)
ONTAP 9.4 (no ANA) ONTAP 9.5 and later with ANA
Application-level failover to namespace copy Multi-path access for enterprise apps


Fabric A Fabric B Fabric A Fabric B

NVMe Namespace-1' Active Optimized
NVMe Namespace-1 NVMe Namespace-1
Inactive path

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NVMe/FC relies on the ANA protocol to provide multipathing and path management necessary for both path and target
failover. The ANA protocol defines how the NVMe subsystem communicates path and subsystem errors back to the host
so that the host can manage paths and failover from one path to another. ANA fills the same role in NVMe/FC that ALUA
does for both FCP and iSCSI protocols.
ANA categorizes paths as active or inactive. Active paths are both preferred and functional. Inactive paths are neither
preferred, or functional. An Inactive path will only become active in the event of a controller failover, this means there is
no remote path support in ONTAP’s current ANA implementation.
ONTAP 9.4: NVMe/FC (no ANA): In 9.4 the host is connected to a fabric to a single SVM through a single LIF. The
namespace can be only accessed through the designated LIF. There is no remote IO in 9.4, as a result there is no failover
support from the storage stack. In case of a path or controller failover, the enterprise applications with built in application
failover accesses the stored copy of data (Namespace-1’) through the fabric (green) as shown in the picture.
ONTAP 9.5: NVMe/FC (with ANA): In 9.5 the host is connected to both the fabrics and has multipath access to the
namespace through two LIFs (one from each fabric - Blue). These paths are active optimized. The host is also connected
to the namespace through an Inactive path as shown in the figure with dashed amber lines. In case of a path failure or
controller failover, partner takeover occurs, and the inactive path is turned to an active optimized path for the host to
access the data from the namespace. For ex: When there is a failure in the path or controller attached to Fabric A, the
controller failover notification is sent, and controller B takes over. The inactive path from host to Fabric A & B are turned
into an active optimized state and the host can access the data through the controller B.

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Knowledge Check: Question
A volume called svm1_vol2 is created on the aggr2 aggregate and
mounted to the junction path /svm1/vol2. An administrator moves the
volume to the aggr1 aggregate.

After the move, what is the path to the volume?

a. /aggr1/svm1/svm1_vol2
b. /svm1/vol2
c. /vol/svm1_vol2
d. /aggr1/svm1_vol2

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Additional SAN Learning
Where can I learn about advanced topics like FC and FCoE protocols,
implementing Windows and Linux initiators, and LUN management
and mobility enhancements?
 ONTAP SAN Fundamentals (online course)
 Data ONTAP SAN Administration (virtual/instructor-led course)

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 ONTAP SAN Fundamentals (online course)
 Data ONTAP SAN Administration (virtual/instructor-led course)
NOTE: Courses are regularly updated and revised. Check the Learning Center for the latest version and offerings.

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 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 Logical Storage Management Guide
 NFS Configuration Power Guide
 SMB/CIFS Configuration Power Guide
 SAN Configuration Guide
 SAN Administration Guide

 TR-4080 Best Practices for Modern SAN

 NVMe organization website

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
Logical Storage Management Guide
NFS Configuration Power Guide
SMB/CIFS Configuration Power Guide
SAN Configuration Guide
SAN Administration Guide
TR-4080 Best Practices for Modern SAN
NVMe organization website

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to:
 Use NAS protocols to access data
 Use SAN protocols to access data

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 7: Configuring NAS Protocols and iSCSI in an SVM

Duration: 45 minutes
Access your exercise
Complete the specified
Participate in the review
Use the login credentials session.
 Go to the exercise for
that your instructor
the module.
provided to you.
 Start with Exercise 7-1.
 Stop at the end of  Share your results.
Exercise 7-2.  Report issues.

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Share Your Experiences
Roundtable questions for the equipment-based exercises

1. Were you able to use both the SMB and NFS protocols to access
the same volume in the namespace?
2. How does partitioning and formatting a LUN from the Windows host
differ from partitioning and formatting a physical disk in Windows?
3. Why do you need FlexVol volumes?
4. Why should you not place data directly on the aggregate?

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NVMe and NVMe/FC

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NVMe and Modern SAN
1 2
NVMe Host Software

Storage Host-Side Transport Abstraction


Next Generation


SSDs Attached
via NVMe
Controller-Side Transport Abstraction


NVMe-attached solid-state media NVMe multiple network transports

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NVMe is most often used for attaching disks and disk shelves. Implementing end-to-end NVMe requires NVMe-attached
solid-state media and NVMe transport from the storage controller to the host server. NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) adds
NVMe as a new block storage protocol type. NVMe-oF defines and creates specifications for how to transport NVMe
over various network storage transports such as FC, InfiniBand, and others.

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NVMe/FC and FC Frames

FCP: SCSI-3 command set encapsulated in an FC frame

 Share common hardware and FC Header FC Frame Command

fabric components.
 Can coexist on the same optical Replaced
fibers, ports, switches, and
storage controllers. FC Header FC Frame NVMe
 NVMe/FC and FCP look similar.
FC-NVMe: NVMe command set encapsulated in an FC frame

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FCP and NVMe share hardware and fabric components and can coexist on the same optical fibers, ports, switches, and
storage controllers. If you own the necessary hardware to run NVMe/FC, you can start using NVMe/FC with a simple
software upgrade to ONTAP 9.4 or later. NVMe/FC implementations can use existing FC infrastructure, including host
bus adapters (HBAs), switches, zones, targets, and cabling.
See the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) to verify the latest supported solution stack for ONTAP software.
NVMe/FC and FC look similar. FC encapsulates SCSI-3 Command Descriptor Block (CDB) inside FC frames while
NVMe/FC swaps out the SCSI-3 CDB for the new NVMe command set, thus offering substantial improvements to
throughput and latency.

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NVMe and FC Naming
NVMe terminology


Worldwide port name (WWPN) NVMe qualified name (NQN)

LUN Namespace

LUN mapping/LUN masking/igroup Subsystem

Asymmetric logical unit access (ALUA) Asynchronous namespace access (ANA)

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NVMe adds some new names for some common structures. The table maps some structures that have different names than
those used in FC.
An NVMe qualified name (NQN) identifies an endpoint and is similar to an IQN. A namespace is analogous to a LUN;
both represent an array of blocks presented to an initiator. A subsystem is analogous to an igroup and is used to mask an
initiator so that it can see and mount a LUN or namespace. ANA is a new protocol feature for monitoring and
communicating path states to the host operating system’s MPIO or multipath stack, which uses information
communicated through ANA to select and manage multiple paths between the initiator and target.

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Setting up NVMe

1. Configure an SVM for NVMe.

2. Create namespaces and subsystems.

3. Configure an FC-NVMe LIF.

4. Map the namespace to the subsystem.

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To set up the NVMe protocol in your SAN environment, you must configure an SVM for NVMe. You must also create
namespaces and subsystems, configure an FC-NVMe LIF, and then map the namespaces to the subsystems. You can use
System Manager to set up NVMe.
For systems that use the NVMe protocol, you must configure NVMe LIFs and create one or more NVMe namespaces and
subsystems. Each namespace can then be mapped to an NVMe subsystem to enable data access from your host system.

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Module 8
Data Protection

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to:
 Manage Snapshot copies
 Restore data from Snapshot copies
 Back up and replicate data
 Use encryption to prevent unauthorized access to data

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In this module, you will learn how manage Snapshot copies to backup and restore data. We will also discuss data

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Lesson 1
Manage Snapshot Copies

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Snapshot Copies
 A Snapshot copy is a read-only, point-in-time image of a FlexVol volume.
 The image consumes minimal storage space and incurs negligible performance
overhead because it records only changes to files since the most recent Snapshot
copy was made.
 Snapshot copies owe their efficiency to the NetApp WAFL file system, which uses
metadata to point to blocks on disk and writes to a new block rather than overwrite
existing blocks.
 Instead of moving old blocks to a pool of space for Snapshot copies, old blocks remain
in place. Only the pointers move from the active file system to the Snapshot copies.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Understanding the technology that is used to create a Snapshot copy helps you to understand how space is used.
Furthermore, understanding the technology helps you to understand features such as FlexClone technology, deduplication,
and compression.
A Snapshot copy is a local, read-only, point-in-time image of data. Snapshot copy technology is a built-in feature of
NetApp WAFL storage virtualization technology and provides easy access to old versions of files and LUNs.
Snapshot technology is highly scalable. A Snapshot copy can be created in a few seconds, regardless of the size of the
volume or the level of activity on the NetApp storage system. After the copy is created, changes to data objects are
reflected in updates to the current version of the objects, as if the copy did not exist. Meanwhile, the Snapshot copy of the
data remains stable. A Snapshot copy incurs no performance overhead. Users can store as many as 255 Snapshot copies
per volume. All the Snapshot copies are accessible as read-only and online versions of the data.

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Snapshot Copy Technology
Create Snapshot copy 1

Blocks on 1. Create Snapshot copy 1:

Volume Drive
 Pointers are copied.
A A  No data is moved.
File or LUN C C


Copy 1

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When NetApp ONTAP creates a Snapshot copy, ONTAP starts by creating pointers to physical locations. The system
preserves the inode map at a point in time and then continues to change the inode map on the active file system. ONTAP
then retains the old version of the inode map. No data is moved when the Snapshot copy is created.

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Snapshot Copy Technology
Continue writing data

Blocks on 1. Create Snapshot copy 1.

Volume Drive
2. Continue writing data:
A A  Data is written to a new
B B location on the disk.
C’ C C  Pointers are updated.


Copy 1

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When ONTAP writes changes to disk, the changed version of block C is written to a new location. In the example, C’ is
the new location. ONTAP changes the pointers rather than moving data.
The file system avoids the parity update changes that are required if new data is written to the original location. If the
WAFL file system updated the same block, then the system would need to perform multiple parity reads to update both
parity disks. The WAFL file system writes the changed block to a new location, writing in complete stripes and without
moving or changing the original data blocks.

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Snapshot Copy Technology
Create Snapshot copy 2

Blocks on 1. Create Snapshot copy 1.

Volume Drive
2. Continue writing data.
B B 3. Create Snapshot copy 2:
C’ C  Pointers are copied.
C’  No data is moved.
 Block C consumes
Snapshot space because
the active file system no
longer references Block C.
C C’

Snapshot Snapshot
Copy 1 Copy 2

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When ONTAP creates another Snapshot copy, the new Snapshot copy points only to the unchanged blocks A and B and to
block C’. Block C’ is the new location for the changed contents of block C. ONTAP does not move any data; the system
keeps building on the original active file system. The method is simple and good for disk use. Only new and updated
blocks use additional block space.
When Snapshot copy 1 is created, the copy consumes no space because the copy holds only pointers to blocks on disk.
When C’ and Snapshot copy 2 are created, the primary pointer from block C changes from the active file system to
Snapshot copy 1. Snapshot copy 1 now owns the block and the space the block consumes. If Snapshot copy 1 is deleted,
the C block will have no more pointers referencing it. The block will be returned to the available free space.

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Create a Snapshot Copy

cluster1::> snapshot create -vserver svm4 -volume svm4_vol002

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You can use NetApp ONTAP System Manager or clustershell to create, schedule, and maintain Snapshot copies for
volumes and aggregates.

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Snapshot Copy Design
 Do not create more Snapshot copies than necessary.
 Check and adjust the volume Snapshot copy reserve defaults.
 To control storage consumption, configure Snapshot copy
automatic deletion and volume automatic increase.
 Consult TR-4678 for guidance on planning Snapshot copies
of NetApp FlexGroup volumes.

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Snapshot copies are the first line of defense against accidental data loss or inconsistency.
To provide efficient use of drive space, deploy only the required number of Snapshot copies on each volume. If you
deploy more Snapshot copies than are required, the copies consume more drive space than necessary.
You might need to adjust default settings for the Snapshot copy reserve for volumes:
 The Snapshot copy reserve guarantees that you can create Snapshot copies until the reserved space is filled.
 When Snapshot copies fill the reserved space, the Snapshot blocks compete for space with the active file system.
NetApp ONTAP FlexGroup volumes have special considerations for taking a Snapshot copy. All FlexGroup volumes
must temporarily halt data access to help ensure a crash-consistent state. If the Snapshot copy does not complete in 10
seconds, the copy fails. Technical report TR-4678 covers the process of configuring FlexGroup Snapshot copies for use
by ONTAP Snap and Flex features. Consult the References page for the URL and QR code link to the technical report.

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Naming Conventions for Snapshot Copies
 A Snapshot copy name can have a prefix or schedule name, timestamp,
comment, and label:

vserver volume snapshot

------- ---------------- -----------------------------
svm4 svm4_vol002 2HourSnapshot.2019-07-11_1030

(Prefix) (Timestamp)

 Snapshot copy names cannot be longer than 255 characters.

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Administrators can use the Snapshot copy prefix, timestamp, and comment features to quickly determine why a Snapshot
copy was created.
The Prefix or Schedule
 The prefix is an optional string of characters that you can specify for an automatic Snapshot copy. If a prefix is
specified, the Snapshot name is made up of the prefix and timestamp. Prefix names must be unique within a policy.
 A schedule cannot have more than one prefix. The number of characters in the prefix counts toward the 255-character
limit on the Snapshot name.
If a prefix is specified in the Snapshot schedule, the schedule name is not used. The schedule name is used if the prefix is
not specified for a Snapshot schedule:
volume snapshot policy add-schedule -policy <snapshot_policy> -schedule <text> -count
<integer> [-prefix <text>]
The Comment
Use the volume snapshot modify command to change the text comment that is associated with a Snapshot copy.
The Label
The vaulting subsystem uses the SnapMirror label when you back up Snapshot copies to the vault destination. If an empty
label ("") is specified, the existing label is deleted.

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The Snapshot Copy Reserve
 The Snapshot reserve is a storage
Aggregate Space
space set aside inside a volume.
 Often depicted as a partition
 Actually a soft quota

 The reserve holds blocks that are no longer Active File

in the active file system but are still 95%
referenced by Snapshot copies.
 The reserve is not used for file system writes. 5%
Default Volume
 The reserve can be increased or decreased. Snap Reserve 5%

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The snap reserve command displays the percentage of storage space that has been set aside for Snapshot copies.
Use the snap reserve command to change the percentage of storage space that is set aside for the Snapshot copies of a
volume. For example, to increase the Snapshot copy reserve from 5% to 10% for the volume named engineering, enter the
following command:
snap reserve engineering 10
By default, volume Snapshot copies are stored in the Snapshot copy reserve storage space. The Snapshot copy reserve
space is not counted as part of the volume disk space that is allocated for the active file system. (For example, when you
enter the df command for a volume, the amount of available disk space shown does not include the amount of disk space
that is reserved by the snap reserve command.)
When a Snapshot copy is first created, none of the Snapshot copy reserve is consumed. The Snapshot copy protects the
active file system at a point in time when the Snapshot copy was created. As the Snapshot copy ages, and the active file
system changes, the Snapshot copy begins to own the data blocks that the current active file system deleted or changed.
The Snapshot copy begins to consume the Snapshot copy reserve space. The amount of disk space that Snapshot copies
consume can grow, depending on the length of time that a Snapshot copy is retained and the rate of change of the volume.
Sometimes, if the Snapshot copy is retained for a long period and the active file system has a high rate of change, the
Snapshot copy can consume 100% of the Snapshot copy reserve. If the Snapshot copy is not deleted, then the copy can
consume a portion of the drive space that is intended for the active file system. Monitor and manage Snapshot copies so
that drive space is properly managed.
NOTE: Even if the Snapshot copy reserve is set to 0%, you can still create Snapshot copies. If no Snapshot copy reserve
exists, then over time, Snapshot copies consume blocks from the active file system.

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The Snapshot Policy
Automatically manage Snapshot copy schedules and retention.

Snapshot Policy

Job Schedule

Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM)
Cluster FlexVol Volume

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A Snapshot policy enables you to configure the frequency and maximum number of Snapshot copies that are created
 You can create Snapshot policies as necessary.
 You can apply one or more schedules to the Snapshot policy.
 The Snapshot policy can have zero schedules.
When you create a storage virtual machine (SVM), you can specify a Snapshot policy that becomes the default for all
FlexVol volumes that are created for the SVM. When you create a FlexVol volume, you can specify which Snapshot
policy you want to use, or you can enable the FlexVol to inherit the SVM Snapshot policy.
The default Snapshot policy might meet your needs. The default Snapshot copy policy is useful if users rarely lose files.
The default Snapshot policy specifies the following:
 Weekly schedule to keep two weekly Snapshot copies
 Daily schedule to keep two daily Snapshot copies
 Hourly schedule to keep six hourly Snapshot copies
However, if users often lose files, then you should adjust the default policy to keep Snapshot copies longer:
 Weekly schedule to keep two weekly Snapshot copies
 Daily schedule to keep six daily Snapshot copies
 Hourly schedule to keep eight hourly Snapshot copies
For typical systems, only 5% to 10% of the data changes each week: six daily and two weekly Snapshot copies consume
10% to 20% of disk space. Adjust the Snapshot copy reserve for the appropriate amount of disk space for Snapshot
Each volume on an SVM can use a different Snapshot copy policy. For active volumes, create a Snapshot schedule that
creates Snapshot copies every hour and keeps them for just a few hours, or turn off the Snapshot copy feature.
You back up Snapshot copies to the vault destination. If an empty label ("") is specified, the existing label is deleted.

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Typical Workflow

1. Create a job schedule, or use the default.

2. Create a Snapshot policy, and then specify the job schedule.
3. Assign the Snapshot policy to a FlexVol volume, or inherit a
Snapshot policy from the SVM.

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Create a Job Schedule

::> job schedule cron create -name 4hrs -dayofweek all

-hour 4,8,12,16,20 -minute 0
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Create a Snapshot Policy

Policies can run on multiple

schedules and use different
labels and retention counts for
each schedule.

::> volume snapshot policy create -vserver svm4 -policy sp_4hrs

-schedule1 4hrs -count1 5 -prefix1 every_4_hrs
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Apply a Snapshot Policy to a Volume

::> vol modify –vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol002 –snapshot-policy sp_4hrs

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ACTION: Topics for Discussion

 Should all hourly Snapshot copies run on the hour?

 Why or why not?

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Lesson 2
Restore Data from a Snapshot Copy

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Snapshot Copy Technology
Restore from a Snapshot copy

Blocks on  To restore a file or LUN

Volume Drive from Snapshot copy 1,
use SnapRestore data
A A recovery software.
C C  Snapshot copies that were
C’ created after Snapshot copy 1
are deleted.

A A  Unused blocks on drives are

B B made available as free space.
C C’

Snapshot Snapshot
Copy 1 Copy 2
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Suppose that after the Snapshot copy is created, the file or LUN becomes corrupted, which affects logical block C’. If the
block is physically bad, RAID can manage the issue without recourse to the Snapshot copies. In the example, block C’
becomes corrupted because part of the file is accidentally deleted. You want to restore the file.
To easily restore data from a Snapshot copy, use the SnapRestore feature. SnapRestore technology does not copy files.
SnapRestore technology moves pointers from files in the good Snapshot copy to the active file system. The pointers from
the good Snapshot copy are promoted to become the active file system pointers. When a Snapshot copy is restored, all
Snapshot copies that were created after that Snapshot copy are destroyed. The system tracks links to blocks on the WAFL
system. When no more links to a block exist, the block is available for overwrite and is considered free space.
Because a SnapRestore operation affects only pointers, the operation is quick. No data is updated, nothing is moved, and
the file system frees any blocks that were used after the selected Snapshot copy. SnapRestore operations generally require
less than one second. To recover a single file, the SnapRestore feature might require a few seconds or a few minutes.

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Recovering Data

Recover Snapshot Copy from a Use SnapRestore

Data Snapshot Copy Technology*

 Copy data from  Locate the Snapshot copy.  Restore an entire volume.
Snapshot data.
 Copy the file to the  Quickly restore large files.
 Use SnapRestore data original location.
recovery software.
 Copy the file to a
 Use the Windows Previous new location.
Versions feature.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. * Requires a SnapRestore license 20

You can use Snapshot copies to recover data in two ways:

 Copy a file from a Snapshot directory: To copy a lost or corrupted file from a Snapshot copy, navigate to the
Snapshot directory on the client host. Locate the Snapshot copy that contains the correct version of the file. You can
copy the file to the original location and overwrite existing data or copy the file to a new location.
 Use the SnapRestore feature to recover data: To revert a volume or a file from a Snapshot copy, you need the
SnapRestore license. You can revert a volume or file from the storage CLI or from the System Manager interface.

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Snapshot Visibility to Clients
Enable client access to a Snapshot directory.

::> vol modify –vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol_002 –snapdir-access true

::> vserver cifs share modify –vserver svm4 –share-name svm4_vol2
–share-properties showsnapshot
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

CLI commands are available to control visibility from NAS clients of Snapshot directories on a volume.
NOTE: Show Hidden Files and Folders must be enabled on your Windows system.
Access to .snapshot and ~snapshot is controlled at the volume level by setting the –snapdir-access switch. You can
also control access to ~snapshot from CIFS clients at the share level with the showsnapshot share property.

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ACTION: Topic for Discussion

 What are the advantages and disadvantages

of enabling clients to restore their own data?

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Snapshot View from a UNIX Client

# ls /system/vol01/.snapshot
weekly.2019-09-15_0015 daily.2019-09-18_0010
daily.2019-09-19_0010 hourly.2019-09-19_0605
hourly.2019-09-19_0705 hourly.2019-09-19_0805
hourly.2019-09-19_0905 hourly.2019-09-19_1005
hourly.2019-09-19_1105 hourly.2019-09-19_1205

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

Every volume in your file system contains a special Snapshot subdirectory that enables users to access earlier versions of
the file system, to recover lost or damaged files.
The Snapshot directory appears to NFS clients as .snapshot. The .snapshot directory is usually hidden. The directory is not
displayed in directory listings, unless you use the ls command with the –a option.
When client Snapshot directories are listed, the timestamp is usually the same for all directories. To find the actual date
and time of each Snapshot copy, use the snap list command on the storage system.

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Recovering Files from the .snapshot Directory of a
etc usr var
vol0 Snapshot directories exist at every
level but are visible at only the top
level of the mount.
home .snapshot

Files on home Files on home Files on vol0 Files on vol0

(as of previous midnight) (as of night before last) (as of previous midnight) (as of night before last)
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

The .snapshot directory is at the root of a storage system volume.

In the example, the directory structure is shown for an NFS client that has mounted vol0 of a storage system to the mount
point /mnt/system on the UNIX host.
The home directory and the .snapshot directory are visible at the root of the vol0 mount.
You can open the .snapshot directory and access the files in the two Snapshot copies that are subdirectories of the
.snapshot directory.
To restore a file from the .snapshot directory, rename or move the original file, then copy the file from the .snapshot
directory to the original directory.

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Recovering Files from the ~snapshot Directory

Snapshot copies are

visible to Windows
clients that have File
Explorer configured
to display hidden

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Snapshot directories are hidden on Windows clients. To view them, you must first configure File Explorer to display
hidden files. Then, navigate to the root of the CIFS share and find the directory folder.
The subdirectory for Snapshot copies appears to CIFS clients as ~snapshot. Both automatic and manually created
Snapshot copies are listed.
To restore a file from the ~snapshot directory, rename or move the original file, and then copy the file from the ~snapshot
directory to the original directory.

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Restoring Previous Versions in Windows

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In Windows, right-click the file, and then select Restore previous versions.

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Reverting and Restoring a File

1. Verify that the volume is online and writable.

2. List the Snapshot copies in the volume.
::> volume snapshot show –vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol_002
3. Notify network users about the reversion.
4. Identify the names of the Snapshot copy and the file to restore and initiate the reversion.
::> volume snapshot restore-file -vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol_002
-snapshot svm4_vol_002_snap –path /svm4_vol2/myfile.txt
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

After you complete the steps to revert a file, ONTAP software displays a warning message and prompts you to confirm
your decision to revert the file. Press Y to confirm that you want to revert the file. If you do not want to proceed, press
Ctrl+C or press N.
If you confirm that you want to revert a file in the active file system, the file is overwritten by the version in the Snapshot

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SnapRestore Technology Versus Copying
If a file is large (such as a database), you should use
SnapRestore technology to revert instead of copying the file:
 Copying requires double the storage and time.
 Reverting saves time and reinstates the data.
 For reliability, NetApp recommends SnapRestore technology
rather than alternative technologies.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

Whether you restore by copying files from a Snapshot directory or from tape, copying large quantities of data can be time
consuming. Instead, use the SnapRestore function to restore by reverting the volume or file.

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Snapshot Automatic Delete

 Try
 Disrupt
 Destroy

::> volume snapshot autodelete modify –vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol_002

–enabled true

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Snapshot automatic delete determines when or whether Snapshot copies are automatically deleted. The option is set at the
volume level.
When set to try, the Snapshot copies (which are not locked by any application) and the LUN, NVMe namespace, or file
clones that are not configured as preserved are deleted.

When set to disrupt, the Snapshot copies that are not locked by data-backing functionalities (such as volume clones, LUN
clones, NVMe namespace clones, and file clones), LUN, NVMe namespace, or file clones (which are not configured as
preserved) are deleted. In the disrupt mode, the Snapshot copies that are locked by data protection utilities such as
SnapMirror software and Volume Move can be deleted. If such a locked Snapshot copy is deleted during the data transfer,
the transfer is aborted.

When set to destroy, the Snapshot copies locked by the data backing functionalities are deleted. In addition, all the LUN,
NVMe namespace or file clones in the volume are deleted.

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Lesson 3
Back up and Replicate Data

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Disaster Recovery and Business Continuance
There are two reasons for backing up and replicating data:
 Disaster Recovery. The ability to recover data that has been deleted,
corrupted, infected by a virus, or physically lost due to a disaster.
 Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) backup
 SnapVault

 Business Continuance. Using up-to-date replicas of data to

keep a business operating despite a disaster.
 SnapMirror
 MetroCluster cluster configuration

 Both are constrained by Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and

Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

Regardless of how resilient a storage system is, there are some events which can result in the corruption or loss of data. To
reduce the impact of these events, you make backup copies and replicas of the data. Whether you do both or only one is
determined by your business needs. The two primary business needs are disaster recovery and business continuance.
For disaster recovery, the primary goal is the ability to restore the data. The amount of time required to recover the data is
secondary. Disaster recovery is the least expensive option so is often used by companies with limited budgets or less
reliance on data. The two primary ONTAP feature used to create disaster recovery backups are Network Data
Management Protocol (NDMP) backups and SnapVault.
For business continuance, the primary goal is for the company to continue doing business while recovery from a disaster.
Business continuance is expensive because it generally requires the duplication of the production compute, storage, and
network infrastructure. SnapMirror is the primary ONTAP feature used to accomplish business continuance.
MetroCluster configurations are hardware and software solution to provide business continuance.
The RTO is the amount of time within which the service, data, or process must be made available again to avoid
undesirable outcomes. Essentially, how long the business can tolerate an outage.
The RPO is a point to which data must be restored or recovered to be acceptable to the organization’s acceptable data loss
policy. Essentially, how much data the business can tolerate to lose.

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NDMP Backup
NDMP is the industry standard protocol that third-party backup applications
use to back up data to physical or virtual tape devices. Two NetApp ONTAP
features use NDMP:
 Dump. Dump is a Snapshot copy-based backup for entire volumes down to a
single file. Dump supports baseline, differential, and incremental backups. Dump
is the primary method for performing backups.
 SMTape. SMTape (formerly called SnapMirror-to-Tape) is a Snapshot copy-based
solution that backs up blocks of data to tape. SMTape works only at the volume
level but supports baseline, differential, and incremental backups. SMTape is used
primarily to back up Snapshot copies and to seed SnapMirror destination volumes.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

NDMP is an industry standard protocol for communication between storage devices and backup devices, such as tape
drives. ONTAP software has two features that use NDMP for data backup: Dump and SMTape.
Dump is a backup application that traces its roots to the UNIX file system. In ONTAP software, Dump can use a Snapshot
copy as its source to back up an entire volume or a single file. Through third-party backup applications, Dump can be used
to create baseline, incremental, and differential backups.
SMTape uses the SnapMirror engine, discussed a little later, to back up blocks of data rather than files. (Think of SMTape
as a SAN protocol and Dump as a NAS protocol.) Although SMTape can be used for daily backup, the feature is most
frequently used to seed a remote SnapMirror destination for large volumes. Rather than send a large amount of data over
the network to the destination, SMTape creates a set of tapes that is shipped to the destination and recovered locally onto
the destination volumes. SnapMirror replication is then initiated, and only the blocks that are new or changed since the
tapes were created are transferred over the network.

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 SnapVault creates read-only backup copies on a destination volume.
 SnapVault is frequently used to backup multiple production clusters to a few
remote high-capacity disaster recovery clusters.
 Reasons for using SnapVault instead of NDMP dump backups:
 Data is stored on drives so faster to access and to recover
 Can store hundreds of daily backups often for lower costs than tape

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SnapVault provides a backup function similar to a backup to tape. On a scheduled basis, a volume Snapshot copy is
backed up over the network to a destination volume. Just like tapes, multiple copies can be retained to store all the
changes made to files in the volume. SnapVault is frequently used to consolidate the backup of small, remote office
storage systems to a storage system with a high storage capacity. Although SnapVault is similar to dump backups to tape,
it has two signification advantages. The first advantage is the backed-up data is always online and available. The second
is the economies of scale often make it less expensive than using tapes. Tapes have the cost of media, the administrative
overhead to load and remove them from the tape libaries, and ongoing expenses for the physical transport and storage
costs at archive facilities like Iron Mountain.

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SnapMirror Technology

Source Destination

SnapMirror technology enables

the mirroring of volumes to other
local or geographically remote src> <dst
AFF or FAS storage systems or
to tape drives.
src_vol dst_vol

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

SnapMirror technology is an ONTAP feature that enables you to replicate data for business continuance. SnapMirror
technology enables you to replicate data from specified source volumes to specified destination volumes.
You can use SnapMirror technology to replicate data within the same storage system or between different storage
After the data is replicated to the destination storage system, you can access the data on the destination to perform the
following actions:
 Provide users immediate access to mirrored data if the source fails
 Restore the data to the source to recover from disaster
 Archive the data to tape
 Balance resource loads
 Back up or distribute the data to remote sites

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SnapMirror Features and Benefits
 The SnapMirror destination is a replica. Changes to the source
are mirrored to the destination.
 Updates to the destination can be made frequently because only
new and changed data blocks, rather than entire files, are sent.
 SnapMirror technology uses deduplication and compression and
supports multiple paths (Ethernet or FC) to keep latency low and
network bandwidth needs to a minimum.
 For backup and recovery, NetApp SnapCenter software manages
application and database consistent backups, verification, cloning,
and recovery.

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Unlike a Dump or SnapVault backup, which requires a backup window, SnapMirror replicas can be created and updated
as frequently as every five minutes. Only the new or changed blocks in a file, rather than the entire file, are sent to the
destination. Deduplication and compression provide further efficiencies. Applications like databases cannot be easily
recovered by simply copying their files from a backup. The data must be quiet during the backup, and the state of the
application must be preserved to create what is known as a crash consistent backup. NetApp SnapCenter software
automates the work of creating and recovering crash consistent backups or replicas.

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MetroCluster Configuration
 A MetroCluster configuration geographically
separates the partners in HA pairs.
 If a disaster damages the physical storage
hardware or network access to the hardware,
the cluster can continue to serve data.
 MetroCluster configuration is not an add-on
feature or upgrade. Clusters must be
physically installed and configured in a
MetroCluster configuration.

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Earlier, the course discussed cluster configurations and MetroCluster cluster configurations. In a standard cluster
configuration, the partners in an HA pair are often physically located in the same cabinet. If the cabinet is destroyed by a
fire or earthquake, the entire HA pair is lost. In a MetroCluster cluster configuration, the HA partners are geographically
separated to reduce the likelihood of a disaster taking down both partners. Because of the complexity and physical
requirements of a MetroCluster configuration, this type of cluster configuration must be decided on when the cluster is
purchased. MetroCluster configurations are popular in regions where geography, politics, and national borders make the
use of remote disaster-recovery locations difficult.

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Lesson 4

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 SnapLock is a high-performance compliance solution for organizations that use
WORM (Write Once Read Many) storage to retain files in unmodified form for
regulatory and governance purposes.
 Files are locked from modification for an administrator-defined length of time.
 Files in Snapshots and SnapMirror destinations are also
locked until the time limit for all files expires.

 Requires a license
 Can be used in conjunction with storage encryption.
 Recommended Practice: Learn and practice using
SnapLock on asimulator before implementing it because
some mistakes are not reversible.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

SnapLock is a licensed feature that allows you to lock files down so they cannot be altered in any way for pre-determined
amount of time. Companies that handle insurance, mortgage and other legal and financial documentation use SnapLock to
ensure digital files cannot be altered and therefore legally indefensible. SnapLock has a learning curve and mistakes can
result in files, or entire aggregates, that cannot be deleted until the lock expires (locks are often set for many years). If you
plan to implement SnapLock, or take over administration of cluster using SnapLock, practice on a sim before making any
changes to a production cluster.

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Lesson 5
Storage Encryption

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What Is NetApp Storage Encryption (NSE)?
KMIP* Server
 NSE is an ONTAP feature that provides support for
self-encrypting drives (SEDs).
 SEDs protect data when it is at rest (when the drive is AUTH

powered off).
 NSE manages the authorization process with a key
management server to grant storage controllers
access to the encrypted data on the drives.

 The encryption process is transparent to end users

and has a minimal impact on performance. Decrypt

* KMIP: Key Management Interoperability Protocol

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 40

A standard drive stores data unencrypted. If the drive is lost or stolen, the data is vulnerable to unauthorized access. Theft
of storage devices is a very real threat for financial, healthcare, and government institutions. To solve this issue, drive
manufacturers created drives with built-in encryption called self-encrypting drives (SEDs). All data written to SEDs is
encrypted and can be read only by systems that have successfully completed an authentication process with a key
management server. NetApp Storage Encryption (NSE) is an ONTAP feature to support the use of self-encrypting drives.

After NSE is enabled and an authorization key is created, a FAS or AFF system must send a password to the key server to
allow access to the encrypted drives. When the storage system is running and the drives are powered on, the process is
transparent to end users, and performance is barely affected. Only when the drives are offline or not connected to an
authenticated system is the data indecipherable.
The one caveat of NSE is that all drives attached to a standalone system or an HA pair of systems must be self-encrypting
drives. Mixing of encrypting and non-encrypting drives is not supported. Multi-node clusters do support mixing HA pairs
use SEDs and HA pairs with standard drives.

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Onboard Key Management
 The Onboard Key Manager (OKM) is a less expensive
alternative to external KMIP servers. With onboard key
management, the storage servers manage their own
authentication to the NSE drives.
 You should not use OKM if any of the following
conditions are true:
 Your storage systems must comply with Federal
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 or the
OASIS KMIP standard. OKM in
 You need a centralized, multicluster solution. OKM works
only for the cluster that hosts the keys.
 Your business requires the added security of storing
authentication keys separate from the encrypted data.

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A low-cost alternative to key management servers is to enable Onboard Key Manager (OKM). With OKM, the storage
systems manage the authentication keys that unlock the NSE drives. This approach helps to ensure that encryption
protects data at rest. However, OKM is not compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and does not
work with more than one cluster. OKM also has a physical security flaw: Unauthorized users with physical access to the
storage systems and disks can access the encrypted data.

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NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE)
 Software-based, data-at-rest encryption solution:
 Encrypts sensitive data, without relying on NSE drives
 Uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-256 encryption
 Requires a license

 Each data volume has a unique encryption key:

Decide which volumes to encrypt and which to leave unencrypted.

 Encryption requires zero management:

 Snapshot copies and FlexClone volumes are also encrypted.
 If you are using a KMIP server, ONTAP automatically uploads
OKM in
the encryption key to the server when you encrypt a volume.

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NSE has some caveats that can be problematic in environments where not all data needs to be encrypted. NetApp Volume
Encryption (NVE) provides a flexible solution. Using onboard key management, you can select a volume to encrypt and
assign the volume a unique encryption. Because the data blocks in the volume are encrypted, the encryption follows the
blocks into Snapshot copies and FlexClone volumes.

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NetApp Aggregate Encryption
 Starting with ONTAP 9.6, you can use NetApp
Aggregate Encryption (NAE) to assign encryption
keys to the containing aggregate.
 Volumes that you create in the aggregate
are encrypted by default using the aggregate
encryption keys.
 You can override the default encryption keys or
disable encryption when you create the volume.
OKM in

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Ordinarily, every encrypted volume is assigned a unique key. Starting with ONTAP 9.6 software, you can use NetApp
Aggregate Encryption (NAE) to assign keys to the aggregate containing the volumes to be encrypted.
You must use aggregate-level encryption if you plan to perform inline or background aggregate-level deduplication.
Aggregate-level deduplication is otherwise not supported by NVE.
NVE and NAE volumes can coexist on the same aggregate.
You can use the volume move command to convert an NVE volume to an NAE volume, and vice versa. You can also
replicate an NAE volume to an NVE volume.

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Additional Storage Security Features

Honor “right to be forgotten.” Protect systems in transit. Worry less about cloud security.
Manage new data-compliance Protected controller reboot and NVE support for NetApp Cloud
regulations better with secure Unified Extensible Volumes ONTAP provides FIPS 140-2
crypto-shredding of data Firmware Interface (UEFI) boot certified encryption in the cloud.
via secure purge. prevent unwanted access of
systems outside the data center.

? More info in

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 44

Secure purge shreds data in the volume and Snapshot copies to meet data-compliance regulations.
For systems that move between data centers, protected controller reboot prevents unauthorized access if the storage
hardware is stolen.
NVE also works to protect data in the cloud.
Learn more about secure purge and secure boot in the module Addendum.

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Knowledge Check: Question
True or False: Data can be written to a Snapshot copy.
a. True
b. False

© 2016
2019 NetApp,
NetApp, Inc.
Inc. All
All rights
rights reserved.
reserved. 45

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Additional Data-Protection Learning
Learn about advanced topics like configuration of intercluster
replication, fan-in and fan-out strategies, and NetApp
data-protection interfaces.
 ONTAP Data Protection Fundamentals (online course)

 ONTAP Data Protection Administration (two-day instructor-led course)

 ONTAP Compliance Solutions Administration (one-day instructor-led course)

 ONTAP MetroCluster Installation (two-day instructor-led course)
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 46

ONTAP Data Protection Fundamentals (online course)
ONTAP Data Protection Administration (two-day instructor-led course)
ONTAP Compliance Solutions Administration (one-day instructor-led course)
ONTAP MetroCluster Installation (two-day instructor-led course)
NOTES: Courses are regularly revised and updated. Check the Learning Center for the latest versions of the courses and

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 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 Logical Storage Management Guide

 Data Protection Using SnapMirror and SnapVault Technology

 TR-4015 SnapMirror Configuration and Best Practices Guide

 TR-4678 Data Protection and Backup: NetApp FlexGroup Volumes

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 47

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
Logical Storage Management Guide
Data Protection Using SnapMirror and SnapVault Technology
TR-4015 SnapMirror Configuration and Best Practices Guide
TR-4678 Data Protection and Backup: NetApp FlexGroup Volumes

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 NetApp SnapCenter Backup Management Software
 ONTAP Data Security Overview
 How to Use SnapLock feature in ONTAP 9

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 48

NetApp SnapCenter Backup Management Software

ONTAP Data Security Overview
How to Use SnapLock feature in ONTAP 9

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to:
 Manage Snapshot copies
 Restore data from Snapshot copies
 Back up and replicate data
 Use encryption to prevent unauthorized access to data

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 8: Managing Snapshot Copies and Encrypting a Volume

Duration: 45 minutes
Access your exercise
Complete the specified
Participate in the review
Use the login credentials session.
 Go to the exercise for
that your instructor
the module.
provided to you.
 Start with Exercise 8-1.
 Stop at the end of  Share your results.
Exercise 8-2.  Report issues.

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Secure Purge and Secure Boot

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Manage Data Spillage and Right to Erasure via
Secure Purge
NVE for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and US Public Sector

 Immediate need to destroy data:

 When data with different classification levels accidentally
ends up in the same volume
 To delete user data cryptographically to satisfy
GDPR requirements

 Cryptographically shred a single file from an encrypted

volume when the file is not recoverable from the drives
because the key has been deleted.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 52

Secure purge enables storage administrators to selectively destroy data blocks rather than the entire LUN or volume, to
meet security and compliance requirements.

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Protect Systems in Transit
Protected controller reboot

Secure transport

Equipment return

Passphrase required
after reboot deployments

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For customers like the military, which has clusters on mobile platforms (trucks, ships, aircraft), the data on the system
must not be accessible if unauthorized users gain access to the storage system. NSE disk and volume encryption serves as
a first line of defense. However, that defense can be overcome by physically hacking the storage. Protected controller
reboot renders the hardware inoperable until the correct passphrase is supplied.

8-53 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Data Protection

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Secure Boot on Next-Generation Platforms

 Verifies that software is genuine NetApp

ONTAP software during boot
 Prevents hacked or pre-release versions of
ONTAP software any time the system boots
 Signed ONTAP images are verified by the
boot loader
 Supported platforms: NetApp AFF A800, AFF
A220, FAS2750, FAS2720, and newer

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 54

Secure boot is another security feature that is designed to protect all new AFF and FAS systems from use or exploitation
via hacked or pre-release versions of ONTAP. The feature protects customers from purchasing gray-market or stolen

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Module 9
Storage Efficiency

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9-1 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Storage Efficiency

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to:
 Implement storage-efficiency features
 Use FlexClone software volumes

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Lesson 1
Thin Provisioning

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Thick and Thin Provisioning of Volumes
 Thick provisioning of volumes (guarantee = volume):
 Requires reserved space within the aggregate for volume creation
 Helps to prevent overcommitment of an aggregate
 Simplifies storage management

 Thin provisioning of volumes (guarantee = none):

 Does not require reserved space within the aggregate for volume creation
 Enables more aggressive allocation
 Does not prevent overcommitment of an aggregate
 Requires more complex storage management

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Administrators can manage storage systems by allocating volumes in one of two ways:
 Thick provisioning of volumes uses a space guarantee for a volume or file. A volume guarantee requires reserved
space in the aggregate when the volume is created. A file guarantee provides guaranteed space for LUNs in the
volume. Thick provisioning is a conservative approach that prevents administrators from overcommitting space to an
aggregate. Thick provisioning simplifies storage management at the risk of wasting unused space.
 Thin provisioning of volumes uses a space guarantee of none, meaning that no space within the aggregate is reserved
for the volume when the volume is created.
NOTE: As of NetApp Data ONTAP 8.3, the file guarantee is no longer supported.

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Thin Provisioning
 Typical: Only 40% of provisioned  NetApp: More than 70% is used.
storage is used.  Buy 50% less storage.
 Save 50% power, cooling, and space.
Standard Volume Manager

App 3 8 Drives
NetApp Thin Provisioning


App 2 6 Drives Capacity

App 3
12 Drives

App 2
App 1 6 Drives
App 1
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

When you compare the NetApp storage use approach to competing approaches, one feature stands out. Flexible dynamic
provisioning with FlexVol technology provides high storage-use rates and enables customers to increase capacity without
the need to physically reposition or repurpose storage devices. NetApp thin provisioning enables users to overcommit data
volumes, resulting in high-use models. You can think of the approach as “just-in-time” storage.
To manage thin provisioning on a cluster, use the volume command.

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Enable Thin Provisioning


::> volume modify –vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol_002 –space-guarantee none

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Lesson 2
Deduplication and Compression

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Volume Efficiency

Deduplication Data compression

 Elimination of duplicate  Compression of data within a file

data blocks  Inline or postprocess options
 Inline or postprocess options  Two compression methods:
 Inline deduplication for AFF and  Secondary: 32KB compression
Flash Pool systems to reduce the groups
number of writes to solid-state  Adaptive: 8KB compression
drives (SSDs) groups, which improve read

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

ONTAP software provides two features that can increase volume efficiency: deduplication and data compression. You can
run deduplication and data compression together or independently on a FlexVol volume to reduce the amount of physical
storage that the volume requires.
To reduce the amount of physical storage that is required, deduplication eliminates the duplicate data blocks and data
compression compresses redundant data blocks. Depending on the version of ONTAP software and the type of drives that
are used for the aggregate, the volume efficiency features can be run inline or postprocess.
Inline deduplication can reduce writes to solid-state drives (SSDs). Starting with Data ONTAP 8.3.2, inline deduplication
is enabled by default on all new volumes that are created on AFF systems. Inline deduplication can also be enabled on
new and existing Flash Pool volumes.
Data compression combines multiple 4KB NetApp WAFL blocks into compression groups before compression. Starting
with Data ONTAP 8.3.1, two data compression methods can be used: secondary and adaptive.

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Enable Deduplication

::> volume efficiency on -vserver svm4 -volume svm4_vol_002

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Deduplication improves the efficiency of physical storage space by eliminating redundant data blocks within a FlexVol
volume. Deduplication works at the block level on an active file system and uses the NetApp WAFL block-sharing
mechanism. Each block of data has a digital signature that is compared with all the other blocks in the data volume. If an
exact match is identified, the duplicate block is discarded. A data pointer is modified so that the storage system references
the copy of the data object that is stored on disk. The deduplication feature works well with datasets that have large
quantities of duplicated data or white space. You can configure deduplication operations to run automatically or according
to a schedule. You can run deduplication on new or existing data on any FlexVol volume.

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Characteristics of Data Compression
 Inline compression:
 Parallelism increases.
 Path length decreases.
 On FAS systems, latency increases.
 Postprocess compression:
 Uncompressed data is compressed during idle time.
 Only previously uncompressed blocks are compressed.
 Compression occurs before deduplication.
 ONTAP software can detect incompressible data before wasting cycles.

For more information, see TR-4476: NetApp Deduplication, Compression,

and Compaction Deployment and Implementation Guide.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

There are two types of data compression: inline and postprocess.

With inline compression, all writes to a volume are compressed immediately before being written to the volume. Inline
compression increases parallelism because all compression and decompression algorithms are multiprocessor-capable and
because writes are compressed outside the consistency point. Because operations do not need to be suspended and
resumed, inline compression also reduces path length. However, because processing is required for compression and
decompression, latency affects performance on FAS systems due to mechanical operations in hard drives.
Postprocess compression runs as a background task. Uncompressed data that is written after deduplication is compressed
and rewritten to the volume when the controller is not busy. If inline and postprocess compression are enabled for the
same volume, postprocess compression compresses only the blocks on the volume that were not compressed previously. If
compression and deduplication are enabled, compression always occurs before deduplication.
For more information, see TR-4476: NetApp Deduplication, Compression, and Compaction Deployment and
Implementation Guide.

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Configuring Data Compression

::> volume efficiency modify -vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol002

-compression true -inline-compression true
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Data compression enables you to reduce the physical capacity that is required to store data on a cluster, by compressing
data blocks within a FlexVol volume. Data compression is available only on FlexVol volumes that are created on 64-bit
aggregates. Data compression optimizes the storage space and bandwidth that are required to replicate data during volume
operations, such as moving volumes and performing SnapMirror transfers. You can compress standard data files, virtual
disks, and LUNs. You cannot compress file system internal files, alternate data streams, or metadata.
To manage compression on a cluster, use the volume efficiency command.

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The Storage Service Provider Conflict
Charge for data stored

Storage service providers want to Allocated Available space
charge customers for the amount 20TB – 10TB
of data that they store. = 10TB

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Assume that, as a service provider, you have provisioned a 20TB volume to a customer and the customer stores 10TB of
data in the volume. As the provider, you want to charge the customer for storing 10TB of data.

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The Storage Service Provider Conflict
Storage efficiencies provide more space

 Storage efficiencies gave

customers more storage space 20TB
than they paid for.
 Before ONTAP 9.4, ONTAP Available space
10TB Stored 20TB – 4TB
software provided reporting only for
= 16TB
consumed physical storage.
Storage service providers could 4TB Used
charge only for space consumed,
not for the amount of data stored.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

With ONTAP efficiency technologies, if the 10TB of data is reduced to 4TB, the actual space used in the volume is shown
as 4TB.
The customer sees that the available space is 16TB. This does not help you charge the customer based on the actual
amount of data stored regardless of storage efficiencies.

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Logical Space Reporting
Volume option: -is-space-reporting-logical [true | false]
shows customers the consumed logical
space rather than the consumed physical
space. Physical space
20TB – 4TB
= 16TB
10TB Stored
Logical space
4TB Used 20TB – 10TB
= 10TB

volume modify -vserver SVM-name -volume volume-name -size volume-size

-is-space-reporting-logical true
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Logical space enforcement and reporting enable service providers and large enterprises with multiple business units to use
chargeback mechanisms to charge their customers and business units.
ONTAP 9.4 software introduced the logical space reporting feature. The feature enables service providers and larger
enterprises to report to customers the logical space used instead of the physical space used. With the feature, the storage
efficiencies are hidden from customers, who see the available physical space.

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Logical Space Enforcement
 Storage efficiencies enable customers to 22TB Stored
store more data than the physical space Logical space
that is allocated. = 22TB

 Volume option: 20TB

is-space-enforcement-logical Allocated
[true | false] ensures that Physical space
customers cannot store more than the 20TB – 12TB
12TB Used = 8TB
logical space that is allocated, regardless
of the physical space that is consumed.
Error messages are generated when stored
data reaches 95%, 98%, and 100% of logical
space limits.

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With ONTAP storage efficiencies, the customer can store more data than the logical available space. The logical space
reporting shows that the customer is using more than the volume size that is provisioned.
To overcome this issue, ONTAP 9.5 software introduces the enforcement of logical space. With the logical space
enforcement feature, customers cannot store data into a volume if the logical space limit is reached. Thus, the customer
cannot store beyond 20TB of data even though physical space is available. ONTAP systems trigger error messages as the
customer reaches the logical space limit at 95%, 98%, and 100%. These space limits are predefined and nonconfigurable.
Use an external monitoring application to set alerts for custom space limits.
Any new writes to the volume when the logical space used is 100% return an ENOSPC (out of space) error message.

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Logical Space Report in ONTAP System Manager
Default columns

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Beginning with ONTAP 9.5, you can use System Manager to enable the display to users of the logical space used in a
volume and how much storage space remains in a volume.
The percentage of logical space used is shown in the Logical Space Used (%) column of the Volumes on SVM page in
System Manager.
When you enable the logical space reporting feature in ONTAP, System Manager displays the amount of used and
available space in addition to the total space on a volume.
When used, logical space reporting shows the following columns to users in System Manager:
 Logical Space Used (%): the amount of physical space currently available on the volume
 Logical Space: whether the logical space reporting feature is enabled
The Total column, which shows the amount of used and available space, can appear greater than the provisioned space on
the volume. The discrepancy occurs because the Total column includes any block savings that are achieved through
deduplication, compression, and other space-saving capabilities.
NOTE: Logical space reporting is not enabled by default.

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Lesson 3
Flash Efficiency

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Aggregate Inline Deduplication
Overview The FlexVol volume
that first writes a
Aggregate inline deduplication enables cross-volume shared
block sharing across multiple volumes block owns the block.
within an aggregate:
 Only available on AFF systems Cross Volume
 Uses the volume efficiency parameter:
 The FlexVol volume that first writes a Deduplication
cross-volume shared block owns the block.

? More info in

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NOTE: Compressed and compacted blocks cannot be shared. 18

Aggregate inline deduplication is available only on AFF systems and is enabled by default.. The feature can be enabled
and disabled by using the volume efficiency parameter -cross-volume-inline-dedupe. Cross-volume blocks are
owned by the FlexVol volume that wrote to the block first. Blocks that have been compressed or compacted cannot be
For information about feature support, see the Logical Storage Management Guide.

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Inline Data Compaction
 Writes multiple logical data blocks in the same
volume to one 4KB block on storage:
 Compaction occurs during the consistency point (CP) 4KB

operation just before the write to media. logical

 Compaction occurs after inline adaptive compression
and inline deduplication. Data


 Provides additional space savings with highly

Compacts multiple logical blocks into 4KB
Data one physical 4KB block on media physical
compressible data Data

 Is enabled by default for new AFF systems but is Data

disabled on FAS systems:

 Optional policy for Flash Pool aggregates
 Optional policy for hard disk-only aggregates
? More info in

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You can control inline data compaction on FAS systems with Flash Pool (hybrid) aggregates or HDD aggregates at the
volume or aggregate level by using the wafl compaction enable node shell command. Data compaction is disabled
by default for FAS systems. If you enable data compaction at the aggregate level, data compaction is enabled on any new
volume that is created with a volume space guarantee of none in the aggregate. Enabling data compaction on a volume on
an HDD aggregate uses additional CPU resources.

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Storage Consumption
No inline storage efficiency

Volume A Volume B Vol C

8KB 8KB 8KB 4KB 4KB 3x 1KB

Writes from
hosts or clients
50% Compressible 80% Compressible 80% Compressible 55% Compressible Not Compressible


11 Blocks

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The figure shows the writes for a host or client and the amount of space on disk when no efficiency features are enabled.

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Storage Consumption
Inline adaptive compression

Volume A Volume B Vol C

8KB 8KB 8KB 4KB 4KB 3x 1KB

Writes from
hosts or clients
50% Compressible 80% Compressible 80% Compressible 55% Compressible Not Compressible


11 Blocks
After inline
8 Blocks

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The figure shows the default policy for AFF systems that run Data ONTAP 8.3.1 software and later.

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Storage Consumption
Inline adaptive compression and inline data compaction

Volume A Volume B Vol C

8KB 8KB 8KB 4KB 4KB 3x 1KB

Writes from
hosts or clients
50% Compressible 80% Compressible 80% Compressible 55% Compressible Not Compressible


11 Blocks
After inline
8 Blocks
After inline
data compaction
4 Blocks
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

The figure shows the default policy for AFF systems that run ONTAP 9 software.
Data compaction is an inline operation and occurs after inline compression and inline deduplication. On an AFF system,
the order of execution is as follows:
1. Inline zero-block deduplication: All zero blocks are detected. No user data is written to physical storage. Only
metadata and reference counts are updated.
2. Inline adaptive compression: 8KB logical blocks are compressed into 4KB physical blocks. Inline adaptive
compression efficiently determines the compressibility of the data and doesn’t waste many CPU cycles trying to
compress incompressible data.
3. Inline deduplication: Incoming blocks are opportunistically deduplicated to existing blocks on physical storage.
4. Inline adaptive data compaction: Multiple logical blocks of less than 4KB are combined into a single 4KB physical
block, which maximizes savings. Also, 4KB logical blocks that inline compression skips are compressed to improve
compression savings.

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AFF Inline Storage Efficiency
ONTAP workflow

Inline Zero Block Inline Adaptive Inline Inline Data

Deduplication Compression Deduplication Compaction

The process detects The data is scanned The compressed Inline deduplication
all zero blocks and and compressed. blocks are scanned to blocks are not
eliminates those identify duplicates: compacted.
blocks first.  Duplicates within Other blocks
a volume (either compressed
 Duplicates across or uncompressed)
volumes within an are compacted,
aggregate (if no where possible.
duplicates are found
within a volume)

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Aggregate inline deduplication works seamlessly with other efficiency technologies, such as compression and inline zero-
block deduplication.

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Lesson 4
Volume and File Clones

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 FlexClone uses blocks pointers to enable you to
create multiple, instant dataset clones (files, LUNs,
or entire volumes) with no storage overhead.
 FlexClone provides dramatic improvement for
application testing and development environments:
 Create an instantaneous replica of a file or LUN
(such as an entire database).
 Provision thousands of virtual machines (VMs)
in seconds by cloning golden images.

 Clones can be split from the source but then make

copies of all source blocks and consume an equal
amount of storage space.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

FlexClones are often referred to as writable Snapshot copies. By leveraging blocks pointers, you can create multiple,
instant dataset clones—files, LUNs, or entire volumes—with no initial storage overhead. Only when data is added or
changed in a clone is storage space consumed.
Clones are especially useful in test and development environments. Data can be replicated numerous times within seconds
and used just like the source data, without concerns of damaging or destroying the source data. FlexClone software is also
useful in virtual environments, where golden images of virtual machines can be cloned thousands of times.
Clones can be split from the source, but then make copies of all source blocks and consume an equal amount of storage
space. This behavior is useful for upgrading or patching an application in a clone and then rolling it out by splitting off the
clone and promoting it to production. Rollbacks can be as simple as promoting the source back into production.

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How Cloning Works

 Make a Snapshot copy

of the volume.
 Create a clone by adding another
pointer to the blocks in the vol1
vol1 snap
Snapshot (blocks A–H): clone
 Modifications to the original volume are
separate from modifications to the
cloned volume (blocks G and H). g h a b c d e f i j k
 Modifications to the clone are separate
from the original volume (blocks I – K)
These blocks are the only drive space
consumed by the clone.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

FlexClone volumes are managed similarly to regular FlexVol volumes, with a few key differences. FlexClone volumes
have the following features:
 FlexClone volumes are point-in-time, writable copies of parent volumes. The FlexClone volume does not reflect
changes that are made to the parent volume after the FlexClone volume is created.
 FlexClone volumes are fully functional volumes that are managed, as with the parent volume, by using the vol
command. As with parent volumes, FlexClone volumes can be cloned.
 FlexClone volumes are always in the same aggregate as parent volumes.
 FlexClone volumes and parent volumes share the same drive space for common data. This means that the process of
creating a FlexClone volume is instantaneous and requires no additional drive space (until changes are made to the
clone or parent).
 A FlexClone volume is created with the same space guarantee as the parent.
 You can sever the connection between the parent and the clone. This is called splitting the FlexClone volume.
Splitting removes all restrictions on the parent volume and causes the FlexClone volume to use its own storage.
NOTE: When you split a FlexClone volume from its parent volume the following occurs:
 All existing Snapshot copies of the FlexClone volume are deleted.
 Creation of new Snapshot copies is disabled while the splitting operation is in progress.
 Quotas that are applied to a parent volume are not automatically applied to the clone.
 When a FlexClone volume is created, existing LUNs in the parent volume are also present in the FlexClone volume,
but these LUNs are unmapped and offline.

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Clone a Volume

cluster2::> volume clone create -vserver svm3 –flexclone

exp_svm3_NFS_volume_clone -parent-volume exp_svm3_NFS_volume
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To create a FlexClone volume, use the volume clone create command.

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Split a Cloned Volume

::> volume clone split start -vserver svm3 -flexclone svm3_vol_002_clone

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To initiate a split of the clone from the parent, use the volume clone split start command.

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Clone a File or LUN

cluster2::> volume file clone create -vserver svm5 –volume

svm5_vol_002/file1 –destination-path svm5_vol_002/file1_clone
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FlexClone can also be used to clone individual files or LUNs. This is useful in application testing. Unlike FlexClone
volumes, cloning of files and LUNs does not require a backing Snapshot copy.

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Knowledge Check: Questions
1. Which types of data compression are available in ONTAP software?
a. inline and external
b. inline and preprocess
c. inline and postprocess
d. inline and reclaimable

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2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 30

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Knowledge Check: Questions
2. True or False: Data can be written to a FlexClone volume.
a. True
b. False

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2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

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Knowledge Check: Questions
3. True or False: A FlexClone volume, by definition, shares no data
blocks with the parent volume.
a. True
b. False

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2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

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 NetApp Hardware Universe:

 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager
 Logical Storage Management Guide

 TR-4476: NetApp Deduplication, Compression, and Compaction

 Storage Efficiency Video: How NetApp FlexClone Works (YouTube)

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 33

NetApp Hardware Universe:

ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager
Logical Storage Management Guide
TR-4476: NetApp Deduplication, Compression, and Compaction
Storage Efficiency Video: How NetApp FlexClone Works
How to efficiently search the event log in clustered Data ONTAP

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to do the following:
 Implement storage-efficiency features
 Use FlexClone software volumes

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 9: Managing Storage Efficiency and FlexClone Volumes

Duration: 30 minutes
Access your exercise
Complete the specified
Participate in the review
Use the login credentials session.
 Go to the exercise for
that your instructor
the module.
provided to you.
 Start with Exercise 9-1.
 Stop at the end of  Share your results.
Exercise 9-2.  Report issues.

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9-35 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Storage Efficiency

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Share Your Experiences
Roundtable questions for the equipment-based exercises

 Were you able to observe storage-efficiency benefits

in your exercise environment?
 What are some popular uses for FlexClone volumes?

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Inline Deduplication Status

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9-37 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Storage Efficiency

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Aggregate Inline Deduplication

Volume Status

::> volume efficiency show -vserver svm4 –volume svm4_vol003 –fields

vserver volume cross-volume-inline-dedupe
--------- ------------ --------------------------
Svm4 svm4_vol003 true

Aggregate Status

::> run local aggr cross_vol_share status cluster1_ssd_001

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

You can display the aggregate inline deduplication status for a volume by using the volume efficiency show
command. You can display the status for an aggregate by using the run local aggr cross_vol_share status
You can enable or disable aggregate inline deduplication for a volume by using the volume efficiency modify –
cross-volume-inline-dedupe {true|false} command. You can enable or disable aggregate inline deduplication
for an aggregate by using the run local aggr cross_vol_share {on|off} command.
NOTE: If you try to enable aggregate inline deduplication on a node that is not an AFF node, the following error appears:
::> run local aggr cross_vol_share on SSD_AGGR1
aggr cross-volume-sharing: Operation is not permitted.
ERROR: Cannot enable cross volume deduplication on aggregate "SSD_AGGR1" residing on non
AFF node.

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Aggregate Inline Deduplication

Aggregate Savings

::> aggr show-efficiency –details

Aggregate: cluster1_ssd_001
Node: cluster1-01

Total Storage Efficiency Ratio: 25.22:1

Total Data Reduction Ratio: 2.57:1

Aggregate level Storage Efficiency

(Aggr Dedupe and Data Compaction): 1.33:1
Volume Dedupe Efficiency: 1.40:1
Compression Efficiency: 1.29:1

Snapshot Volume Storage Efficiency: 27.14:1 The overall ratio and data-reduction
FlexClone Volume Storage Efficiency: - ratio include aggregate inline
deduplication savings.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

Aggregate inline deduplication savings and data compaction savings are combined and reported as a single ratio
The existing ONTAP API includes aggregate inline deduplication savings:
 CLI: df -A -S, aggr show-efficiency
 System Manager: Efficiency Dashboard, Efficiency tab in Hardware and Diagnostics, on the Aggregates page
 My AutoSupport: Aggregates tab under AFF Efficiency calculator
NOTE: At the aggregate level, aggregate inline deduplication savings and data compaction are combined and reported as
deduplication savings.

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Inline Data Compaction

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Reading Multiple Files in One Data Block
Virtual Volume Block Number (VVBN)

How does WAFL read a single file in a compacted File 1, 1K File 2, 2K

data block when the compacted files share the

same Physical Volume Block Number (PVBN)?
 A header inside compacted blocks stores a VVBN for
each file inside the block.
 The VVBN stores the offset for the start of the file and VVBN1, off=2k len=1k
VVBN2, off=0k len=2k
the length of the data.
 When a READ request for file1 is made, WAFL
identifies the PVBN first and then references the
VVBN to provide only the contents of file1 to the client.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 41

The bytes that make up a file inside a FlexVol volume are stored in 4K blocks. Each block is assigned a Physical Volume
Block Number (PVBN). Most files are composed of multiple physical blocks, which WAFL maintains a directory of.
When inline data compaction finds small files that reside in a single 4KB block, compaction tries to squeeze the data from
multiple small files into a single block. Now, the small files share the same PVBN. How does WAFL send the data for a
single file only and not all the data in the 4KB block? By creating a miniature file system inside the compacted block.
Some space inside the compacted data block is used as a header to store metadata. Each file within the compacted block is
assigned a Virtual Volume Block Number (VVBN). The header also stores the offset for where the first byte of the file
starts. And the header stores the length of the file, or where the last byte of the file is located.
In the diagram, WAFL has compacted a 1KB and a 2KB file together. The metadata for file 1 indicates that the start of the
file is offset by 2KB and uses 1KB of space. The metadata itself consume some space so not all 4KB can be used for data.
For the purposes of this example, assume that the metadata requires 1KB of space. Any combination of small files that
add up to 3KB could then be compacted into this block.

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Module 10
Cluster Maintenance

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10-1 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Maintenance

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About This Module
This module focuses on enabling you to:
 Navigate the NetApp Active IQ customer dashboard
 Plan for NetApp ONTAP software upgrades
 Follow recommended practices for peak performance
 Configure event notifications and alerts
 Prepare to engage NetApp Technical Support
 Perform cluster maintenance

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Lesson 1
Data Collection, Monitoring,
and Automation Tools

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10-3 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Maintenance

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Alerts !
Tools for monitoring
the system:
 AutoSupport
 Event management
system (EMS)
 ONTAP System Manager
 Active IQ
Unified Manager

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Monitoring your system regularly is a best practice.

In the example, a notification from NetApp ONTAP System Manager needs to be diagnosed. When there is an alert or
event, first try the solution that the monitoring software suggests.

10-4 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Maintenance

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 Is an integrated
monitoring and
reporting technology
 Checks the health of
NetApp systems
 Should be enabled on
each node of a cluster

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AutoSupport is an integrated and efficient monitoring and reporting technology that, when enabled on a NetApp system,
checks the system health on a continual basis. AutoSupport should be enabled on each node of the cluster.
AutoSupport can be enabled or disabled. To configure AutoSupport, click the gear icon in the UI menu. Select
AutoSupport, click Edit, and then enter your configuration information.

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Active IQ
The evolution of AutoSupport

 Actionable
 Predictive,
self-healing care
 Global analytics
at your fingertips

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NetApp Active IQ is a suite of web-based applications that are hosted on the NetApp Support site and are accessible via
your web browser. Active IQ uses data from the AutoSupport support tool. Active IQ proactively identifies storage
infrastructure issues through a continuous health-check feature. Active IQ also automatically provides guidance about
remedial actions that help to increase uptime and avoid disruptions to your business.
For example, Active IQ might find a configuration issue, a bad disk, or version incompatibility on your system. Or Active
IQ might notify you about end-of-life (EOL) issues or an upcoming support contract expiration date.
If you plan any changes to your controllers, you should manually trigger an AutoSupport message before you make the
changes. The message provides a “before” snapshot for comparison, in case a problem arises later.

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Active IQ
 Dashboard
 Inventory of NetApp systems
 Health summary and trends
 Upgrade Advisor
 Storage efficiency and risk advisors

 Mobile app for iOS and Android

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Active IQ provides predictive analytics and proactive support for the hybrid cloud. Along with an inventory of NetApp
systems, Active IQ provides a predictive health summary and trends. You also get improved storage efficiency
information and a system risk profile.
Access Active IQ either from the NetApp Support site or from the Active IQ mobile app.

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 EMS does the following:
 Writes events to the event log
 Sends and routes notifications of events
 Collects events throughout the cluster
 Can view events of all nodes from any
rtp-nau::> event log show
 Each event contains the following:
 Message name
 Severity level
 Description
 Corrective action, if applicable

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

The event management system (EMS) collects and displays information about events that occur in a cluster. You can
manage the event destination, event route, mail history records, and SNMP trap history records. You can also configure
event notification and logging.

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Event Log Filtering
Filter EMS log messages by severity, time, message name, and other criteria.


::> event log show -time "08/30/2019 10:00:00".."08/30/2019 11:30:00“
::> event log show -severity informational -message-name kern.uptime.filer

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

::> event log show ?

[ -detail | -detailtime | -instance | -fields <fieldname>, ... ]
[[-node] <nodename>] Node
[[-seqnum] <Sequence Number>] Sequence#
[ -time <"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS"> ] Time
[ -source <text> ] Source
[ -message-name <Message Name> ] Message Name
[ -event <text> ] Event
[ -action <text> ] Corrective Action
[ -description <text> ] Description
[ -filter-name <text> ] Filter Name

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OnCommand Portfolio

Performance, Capacity,
Configuration, and
Complexity of Configuration

Strong ROI Story


Management at Scale,
Automated Storage Processes,
and Data Protection

Unified Manager and OnCommand Workflow Automation (OnCommand WFA)

Simple, Web-Based Tool that

Requires No Storage Expertise

System Manager
NetApp Storage Multivendor
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

You can choose from many management tools.

Although System Manager provides simplified device-level management, and Active IQ Unified Manager can be used to
monitor cluster resources at scale, both products are used to monitor only ONTAP storage systems. NetApp OnCommand
Insight enables storage resource management, including configuration and performance management and capacity
planning, along with advanced reporting for heterogeneous environments.

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System Manager Dashboard

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The System Manager dashboard shows at-a-glance system status for a storage system. The dashboard displays vital
storage information, including efficiency and capacity use for various storage objects, such as aggregates and volumes.

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OnCommand WFA
What is OnCommand WFA?
 Highly flexible
automation framework
Enables automation of simple to
complex storage processes

 Operations portal
 One click to perform common
tasks, with more than 45
built-in workflows
 Authentication and authorization

 Point of integration
 Initiate third-party actions
 Drive OnCommand WFA
from web services
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

OnCommand WorkFlow Automation (OnCommand WFA) reduces the time to perform common, repetitive storage
administration tasks. OnCommand WFA also simplifies the push of some system administration tasks to storage virtual
machine (SVM) administrators or smart end users.

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Storage Automation Store
Additional workflows can be downloaded

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The larger NetApp community has created and shared dozens of workflows for OnCommand WFA to automate many
storage administration tasks. You can download the workflows for free at

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Unified Manager
 NetApp-centric application for
managing multiple NetApp
storage systems.
 Works with ONTAP System
Manager on each storage system.
 Supports plug-in modules to
extend functionality.

To learn more about Unified Manager and how it integrates

with OnCommand WFA, enroll in the instructor-led course
Administration of OnCommand Unified Manager and Integrated Solutions.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Think of Unified Manager as the big brother of ONTAP System Manager. Unified Manager can manage multiple clusters
and opens System Manager when you navigate to a specific node.
Unified Manager has two UIs: one for managing the operation of the Unified Manager server and one for troubleshooting
data-storage capacity and availability and protection issues. These two UIs are the Unified Manager web UI and the
maintenance console.
Unified Manager Web UI
The Unified Manager web UI enables a storage administrator, cluster administrator, or SVM administrator to monitor and
troubleshoot cluster or SVM issues that relate to data-storage capacity, availability, performance, and protection.
Maintenance Console
The maintenance console enables an administrator to monitor, diagnose, and address operating system, version upgrade,
user access, and network issues that relate to the Unified Manager server. If the Unified Manager web UI is unavailable,
the maintenance console is the only form of access to Unified Manager.
For the user guide, see NetApp University offers
courses that focus on the configuration and use of the OnCommand suite of products.

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OnCommand Insight
 Provides proactive monitoring of your
entire storage infrastructure: NetApp and
competitor storage, SAN fabric switches,
virtualization servers, and VM hosts.
 Provides reports on:
 Inventory
 Capacity
 Performance
 Showback and chargeback
 Is highly customizable through
APIs and scripting

To learn more, enroll in the online course OnCommand Insight: Fundamentals.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

OnCommand Insight is a monitoring and reporting tool that you can use for your entire data center. Insight is even
popular with customers who do not own NetApp storage.
NetApp University has multiple courses covering all the features and functionality of Insight. You should start with the
Fundamentals course:

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NetApp OneCollect
 Collects data from a wide array of
data center components
 Performs data collection on:
 Hybrid, FC, and Ethernet switches
 Windows, Linux, Solaris, HPUX, ESXi, AIX, KVM,
XenServer, and Oracle VM Manager host types
 NetApp ONTAP software, ONTAP operating in 7-
Mode, E-Series, and EMC Isilon storage controllers
 NetApp SnapCenter software
 Hyper converged infrastructure (HCI) components
including NetApp SolidFire, ONTAP Select, and
VMware vCenter

 Uses an interface like the Config Advisor UI

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

You can use NetApp OneCollect to gather the most critical log files and configuration information from a wide array of
data center components. These components can include network switches, operating systems and hypervisors, storage
controllers, SnapCenter software, and hyper converged infrastructure (HCI) elements. The collected data can be used for
troubleshooting, solution validation, migration, and upgrade assessments.

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Lesson 2
Backing up and Restoring Your
Cluster Configuration

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Cluster Configuration Backup Files
Backing up the cluster configuration enables you to restore the configuration
of any node or the cluster in the event of a disaster or emergency.
 Configuration backup files are archive files (.7z) that contain information for
all configurable options that are necessary for the cluster and cluster nodes
to operate properly.
 Two types of configuration backup files:
 Node configuration backup file
 Cluster configuration backup file

 Configuration backup files do not include any user data.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Configuration backup files are archive files (.7z) that contain information for all configurable options that are necessary
for the cluster, and the nodes within it, to operate properly.
These files store the local configuration of each node, plus the cluster-wide replicated configuration. You use
configuration backup files to back up and restore the configuration of your cluster.
There are two types of configuration backup files:
Node configuration backup file
Each healthy node in the cluster includes a node configuration backup file, which contains all of the configuration
information and metadata necessary for the node to operate healthy in the cluster.
Cluster configuration backup file
These files include an archive of all of the node configuration backup files in the cluster, plus the replicated cluster
configuration information (the replicated database, or RDB file). Cluster configuration backup files enable you to restore
the configuration of the entire cluster, or of any node in the cluster. The cluster configuration backup schedules create
these files automatically and store them on several nodes in the cluster.
NOTE: Configuration backup files contain configuration information only. They do not include any user data. For
information about restoring user data, see the Data Protection Power Guide.

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Cluster Backup Scheduling
 ONTAP automatically creates the configuration backup files
every 8 hours, daily, and weekly.
 Use the system configuration backup commands to
manage cluster and node configuration backup files, backup
schedules, and to perform a configuration restore.
 Before you restore a node or cluster configuration, always refer
to the ONTAP 9.6 Storage Administration Reference Guide and
contact technical support.
There may be discrepancies between the configuration backup file and the
configuration present in the cluster.

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Three separate schedules automatically create cluster and node configuration backup files and replicate them among the
nodes in the cluster.
The configuration backup files are automatically created according to the following schedules:
 Every 8 hours
 Daily
 Weekly
At each of these times, a node configuration backup file is created on each healthy node in the cluster. All of these node
configuration backup files are then collected in a single cluster configuration backup file along with the replicated cluster
configuration and saved on one or more nodes in the cluster.
For single-node clusters (including Data ONTAP Edge systems), you can specify the configuration backup destination
during software setup. After setup, those settings can be modified using ONTAP
You use the ‘system configuration backup’ commands to manage cluster and node configuration backup files, backup
schedules, and to perform a configuration restore.
You should only perform this task to recover from a disaster that resulted in the loss of the cluster’s configuration.
Attention: If you are re-creating the cluster from a configuration backup file, you must contact technical support to
resolve any discrepancies between the configuration backup file and the
configuration present in the cluster.

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Lesson 3
Upgrading Your Cluster

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Release Support
0 Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9.0 Non-long-term
ONTAP service (LTS)
Full support Limited support Self-service support releases = 3 years
(1 year) (2 years) (3 years) support

6 ONTAP LTS releases =
months Limited support 5 years support
Full support Self-service support
(3 years) (2 years) (3 years)

Full support Limited support Self-service support
(1 year) (2 years) (3 years)

Full support Limited support Self-service support
(3 years) (2 years) (3 years)

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Starting with ONTAP 9.0 software, a new software version support policy exists for ONTAP software:
 The NetApp release model delivers two feature releases each calendar year: the first in Q2CY and the second in
 NetApp supports designated long-term service (LTS) feature versions for five years after the feature version is
designated with general availability (GA) for customers. NetApp provides full support for 36 months following the
GA designation and then limited support for the remaining two of the five years.
 NetApp supports all feature versions that are not designated LTS for three years after the feature version is designated
GA to customers. NetApp provides full support for 12 months following the GA designation and then limited support
for the remainder of the three years.
 Following limited support, a feature version transitions to self-service support and is no longer supported by NetApp.
However, documentation remains available for three years on the NetApp Support site. Customers are encouraged to
upgrade to a supported version of the product for support coverage before the limited support period expires.
 After the self-service support period has elapsed, the version becomes obsolete.
Support definitions:
 Full support: The period during which NetApp provides full support for a version of a software product. Full support
includes technical support, root cause analysis, online availability of documentation and software, maintenance, and
service updates (such as patch releases).
 Limited support: The period during which NetApp provides partial support for a version of a software product.
Limited support includes technical support, root cause analysis, and online availability of documentation and
software. Service updates, maintenance, and patch releases are not provided for versions under limited support.
 Self-service support: The period during which NetApp does not support a version of a software product, but during
which related documentation is still available on the NetApp Support site.
 Following the self-service support period, the release is considered obsolete, which means that support and
information about the version of the software product are no longer available.
For more information about the software version support policy for ONTAP 9.0 software and later, see
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Learning About New ONTAP Features
 The new Release and Support model requires ONTAP upgrades
every few years.
 How can you learn what has changed since your current running version?
 The release notes in the ONTAP documentation
 The What Is New in ONTAP <version #> online courses
 The CLI Comparison Tool:

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

Depending on the ONTAP version that your runs, you might need to upgrade to maintain a full level of support. Even
numbered releases have full support only for the first year. Before deciding to upgrade, do your due diligence and learn
whether any changes will affect your environment, either positively or negatively. Each major version of ONTAP
software maintains a set of release notes, which is expanded with each minor release. For a short overview of the key new
features and changes in a release, take the associated What’s New online course, available through NetApp University. If
you use the command line extensively, the CLI Comparison Tool is a great resource for comparing changes made to
commands between releases.

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Upgrade Advisor

List the serial

numbers for each
node in the

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Upgrade Advisor, which is part of NetApp Active IQ, simplifies the process of planning ONTAP upgrades. NetApp
strongly recommends that you generate an upgrade plan from Upgrade Advisor before upgrading your cluster.
When you submit your system identification and target release to Upgrade Advisor, the tool compares AutoSupport data
about your cluster to known requirements and limitations of the target release. Upgrade Advisor then generates an
upgrade plan (and optionally a backout plan) with recommended preparation and execution procedures.
A separate upgrade planning tool exists for customers who disable AutoSupport email for security purposes.

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Rolling Upgrade
To upgrade software in a cluster of two or
more nodes, complete the following steps:
1. Have the high-availability (HA) partner
take control of the storage resources.
Offline HA Offline 2. Take the node that is being
Node 1 Node 2 upgraded offline.
Storage Resources Storage Resources
3. Wait as the node reboots and is upgraded.
Data Data 4. After the upgrade is complete, verify that
Aggregate Aggregate
the failed-over resources are
Vol1 Vol1 returned home.
Vol2 Vol2 5. Repeat the process on the other node of
the HA pair.
6. Repeat the process on other HA pairs.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Rolling upgrades can be performed on clusters of two or more nodes, but the upgrade runs on one node of an HA pair at a
time. This approach makes it easier to roll back in the unlikely event of an issue during the upgrade.
The cluster does not switch over to the new version of ONTAP software until all nodes have installed the new version.

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Batch Upgrade

Cluster To upgrade software in a cluster of

HA Pair 1 HA Pair 2 eight or more nodes, complete the
following steps:
Offline Offline
Node 1 Node 3 1. Separate the cluster into two batches,
Offline Offline each of which contains multiple HA pairs.
Node 2 Node 4
2. In the first batch, take one node in
each HA pair offline and upgrade the
HA Pair 3 HA Pair 4
nodes while the partner nodes take
Offline Offline over the storage.
Node 5 Node 7
3. After upgrades are completed on the
Node 6
Node 8
first nodes, upgrade the other nodes
of the HA pairs.
Batch 1 Batch 2 4. Repeat the process on the second batch.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

You can perform batch upgrades on clusters of eight or more nodes. Unlike rolling upgrades, batch upgrades can run on
more than one HA pair at a time.
As in rolling upgrades, in a batch upgrade the cluster does not switch over to the new version of ONTAP software until all
nodes have installed the new version.

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Automated Nondisruptive Upgrade

? More info in

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Use CLI commands to perform rolling upgrades and batch upgrades. If your cluster meets all the conditions, you can use
System Manager to perform an automated nondisruptive upgrade (ANDU) instead of using the CLI. Read the ONTAP 9
Upgrade Express Guide ( to prepare your cluster,
and then follow the simple wizard to get the package, validate, and start the upgrade process.

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Install and Upgrade from a USB Drive


 Many FAS and AFF systems support the installation of

ONTAP software and firmware from a FAT32 formatted
USB device to:
 Perform boot device recovery from the LOADER prompt.
 Fetch ONTAP software for installation.
 Fetch service images for firmware update.

 Use the system node image CLI commands.

? More info in

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You can also install ONTAP software and firmware from an external USB device on most FAS and AFF systems
shipping since late 2016.

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ACTION: Try This Task

From the clustershell on cluster1, type:

system node image show –instance
1. How many nodes are in your cluster?
2. Which version of ONTAP software is current on each node?
3. Can you tell which image is booted?

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

1. There are four nodes in the cluster.

2. Some revision of ONTAP 9.0 software should be installed, but the revision varies.
3. Verify the image in the Image Name field.

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System Manager
Cluster expansion

 Automatic switchless cluster detection

 Automatic discovery of new compatible nodes
 Network configuration of new nodes

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System Manager simplifies the process to join new nodes to a cluster.

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Nondisruptive Addition of Nodes to a Cluster
Using the CLI
::> cluster setup
Complete the following steps in the CLI to
Welcome to the cluster setup wizard.
add nodes to a multinode switched cluster:
You can enter the following commands at any time:
1. Verify that the nodes are configured as "help" or "?" - if you want to have a question
HA pairs and are connected to the "back" - if you want to change previously answered
questions, and
cluster interconnect. "exit" or "quit" - if you want to quit the cluster
setup wizard.
2. Power on both nodes of the HA pair. Any changes you made before quitting will be saved.

3. Start the Cluster Setup wizard on one You can return to cluster setup at any time by typing
"cluster setup".
of the nodes. To accept a default or omit a question, do not enter

4. Use the join command and follow

a value.

Do you want to create a new cluster or join an

the wizard. existing cluster?
{create, join}:
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 on the partner node.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 30

You can expand an existing cluster by using the CLI to nondisruptively add nodes to the cluster.
You must add nodes from HA pairs that are connected to the cluster interconnect. Nodes are joined to the cluster one at a

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Lesson 4
Performance Recommended Practices

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Performance Considerations

 Workloads  I/O operation types:  Quality of service (QoS)

 Random
 Sequential

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Storage system performance calculations vary widely based on the kinds of operations, or workloads, that are being
The storage system sends and receives information in the form of I/O operations. l/O operations can be categorized as
either random or sequential. Random operations, such as database operations, are usually small, lack any pattern, and
happen quickly. In contrast, sequential operations, such as video files, are large and have multiple parts that must be
accessed in a particular order.
Some applications have more than one dataset. For example, a database application’s data files and log files might have
different requirements. Data requirements might also change over time. For example, data might start with specific
requirements that change as the data ages.
If more than one application shares the storage resources, each workload might need to have quality of service (QoS)
restrictions imposed. QoS restrictions prevent applications or tenants from being either bullies or victims.

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Analyzing I/O

 I/O is measured in IOPS.

 IOPS measures how many requests can
be managed in one second.
 IOPS data is most useful if I/O has any of
the following features:
 I/O request patterns are random.
 I/O requests are small.
 Multiple I/O sources must be managed.

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IOPS is a measurement of how many requests can be managed in one second. Factors that affect IOPS include the balance
of read and write operations in the system and whether traffic is sequential, random, or mixed. Other factors that affect
IOPS include the application type, operating system, background operations, and I/O size.
Applications with a random I/O profile, such as databases and email servers, usually have requirements that are based on
an IOPS value.

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Analyzing I/O
Latency and response time

 Latency is measured  Latency is a  Response time is the elapsed

in micro- and measurement of time between an inquiry and
milliseconds. how long data the response to that inquiry.
processing takes. Response time is a sum of all
latency that is encountered
between the inquiry and
receipt of a response.
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

Latency is the measurement of how long a storage system takes to process an I/O task. Smaller latency values are better.
Latency for hard drives is typically measured in milliseconds. Because solid-state media is much faster than hard drives,
the latency of the media is measured in submilliseconds or microseconds.
Response time is the elapsed time between an inquiry on a system and the response to that inquiry. Every mechanical and
digital component along the way introduces some latency. All the latencies are added together to constitute the response

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ONTAP Performance
You must balance the need for performance and the need for resilience:
 Performance: More drives per RAID group spread the workload over more drives.
 Resilience: Fewer drives per RAID group mean that parity must protect fewer drives.

Protect Use Space

Data Efficiently

Avoid being above the maximum optimal operating point.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 35

ONTAP software performance is measured at the aggregate level. To support the differing security, backup, performance,
and data sharing needs of your users, you can group the physical data storage resources on your storage system into one or
more aggregates. You can then design and configure the aggregates to provide the appropriate level of performance and
When creating aggregates and the underlying RAID group, you must balance the need for performance and the need for
resilience. If you use more drives per RAID group, you increase performance by spreading the workload across more
drives, but at the cost of resiliency. In contrast, if you use fewer drives per RAID group, you increase resiliency by
reducing the amount of data that the parity has to protect, but at the cost of performance.
By following recommended practices when you add storage to an aggregate, you optimize aggregate performance. You
should also choose the right drive type for the workload requirements.

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Headroom and Performance Capacity Used
Key for optimal use of a system

Optimally used systems should operate  Optimal point:

within the “safe zone.” The maximum optimal operating point for a system;
a small increase beyond this point results in a bigger
increase in latency

 Headroom:
 A metric that is used in ONTAP 9 software

Performance  The remaining useful capacity of a resource,

Capacity Used Optimal when measured from the optimal point
 Performance capacity used:
Operating point  Metric used in Unified Manager
 Equal to the optimal point minus headroom
 Performance metric for node and aggregate

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 36

QoS is effective in optimally used systems.

If you know the available performance capacity in the cluster, you can better provision to balance workflows.
Performance capacity is how much work you can place on a node or an aggregate before latency affects the performance
of all workloads. You can use Active IQ Unified Manager to identify available performance capacity.

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Maintain Optimal Operating Point
Adding and relocating resources

Relocating resources nondisruptively:

 Moving volumes and LUNs
 Moving an aggregate between the nodes
A B of an HA pair
D  Creating a flexible clone of a volume or LUN


© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 37

As well as discussing performance at the node level, discussing performance at the cluster level is important.
In the example, an administrator creates volumes on a two-node cluster that is used for file services. The system is
configured with SATA disks to meet the workload requirements.
After some time, the administrator needs to add a volume for a database application. The SATA disks do not meet the
requirements for the new workload. The administrator decides, for future growth, to nondisruptively add another HA pair
with SAS disks. With new nodes with SAS disks active in the cluster, the administrator can nondisruptively move the
volume to the faster disks.

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Maintain Optimal Operating Point

 Key capability to manage and

control performance
 Effective in optimally used systems
 Increasingly sought by both enterprise
and service provider market segments

 Use cases:
 Contain “runaway” workloads (QoS Max)
 Experience dedicated workload performance
(QoS Min)
 Enable performance services classes

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

You can use storage QoS to deliver consistent performance by monitoring and managing application workloads.
You can configure the storage QoS feature to prevent user workloads or tenants from affecting one another. The feature
can be configured to isolate and throttle resource-intensive workloads. The feature can also enable critical applications to
achieve consistent performance expectations.
Essentially, QoS is about managing and controlling performance in heavily used systems. Both enterprise and service
provider market segments increasingly seek QoS.

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Controlling Performance for Shared Storage
Guaranteeing performance

 Guarantees performance for IOPS, megabytes

per second, or both
 Enables service-level objectives
 Prevents “runaway” applications
Resource  Is applicable to storage virtual machine (SVM),
QoS Max volume, LUN, or file
QoS Max  Scales up to 12,000 objects per cluster


QoS Min QoS Min

 Guarantees IOPS performance
 Enables service classes
 Prevents application timeouts
 Is applicable to volume and LUN
 Scales up to 12,000 objects per cluster

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

The goal of controlling performance in a shared storage environment is to provide dedicated performance for business-
critical workloads against all other workloads. To guarantee performance, you must apply QoS policies on these
QoS Max, which is used to contain runaway workloads, was introduced in the Data ONTAP 8.2 software and has been
continually enhanced. QoS Min, which provides a throughput floor, was introduced with ONTAP 9.2 software.
QoS Min (sometimes called a throughput floor or TP Floor) has a similar policy group scaling of up to 12,000 objects per
cluster. The major difference is that QoS Max can guarantee IOPS, megabytes per second, or both, but QoS Min only
guarantees IOPS performance. Also, QoS Min is applicable to volume, LUN, and file in a cluster. SVMs are not

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Maximizing Performance
Ways to minimize performance issues: Potential performance issues:
 Correctly size and follow recommended  Controller: Resource overutilization,
practices for the specific workload. ONTAP version, offline, or rebooting
 Verify the supported minimums
and maximums.  Storage: drive types, aggregate
configuration, volume movement,
 Adhere to the ONTAP storage system or free space
mixing rules (Hardware Universe).
 Verify the compatibility of components, host  Networking: Configuration, LIF
operating system, applications, and ONTAP location, port saturation, port
software (NetApp Interoperability Matrix speeds, or indirect access
Tool [IMT]).  Host or clients: Application, drivers,
 Collect statistics during the backup process. network adapter, or user knowledge

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 40

Start with a properly sized system, and then follow recommended practices for ONTAP software, the host operating
system, and the application. Verify and adhere to the supported minimums, maximums, and mixing rules. Use the NetApp
Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) to check compatibility. Use the backup process to gauge how the system performs at
peak usage. Backups consist of large sequential reads of uncached data that can consume all available bandwidth and
therefore are not accelerated. Backups also are a good measure of network performance.
Situations can change and issues arise over time. Performance issues can occur for many reasons. Performance analysis
can be complex and is beyond the scope of this course.

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Create Free Space in an Aggregate
Simple steps

A full aggregate affects performance and

might lead to an inability to write new data.
Use these no-risk measures to free space:
 Add drives to the aggregate.
 Move some volumes to another aggregate
with available space.
 Enable space-saving features, such as
deduplication or compression.

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Even the most diligently watched storage systems can occasionally have an aggregate that fills up. The situation results in
a performance degradation and can result in failed writes. You can take three simple steps to free space in a full aggregate:
 The easiest step is to grow the aggregate by adding disks. Be sure to leave adequate spare disks in the spare pool.
 Moving volumes to a less full aggregate takes some time but safely frees up space.
 If you haven’t enabled deduplication or compression, these efficiency features can make more space but require some
time to run.

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Create Free Space in an Aggregate
Complex steps

Use these measures with caution:

 Shrink the size of volume-guaranteed volumes in the aggregate.
You can do so manually, or you can use the autoshrink option of the automatic resize capability.

 Change volume guarantee type to none on volumes that use large amounts
of space so that the volumes take up less space in the aggregate.
 Delete unneeded volume Snapshot copies if the volume has a guarantee type of none.
Note: Blocks are returned to free space only when there are no pointers to the block. You might need to delete
multiple Snapshot copies before you gain any space.

 Delete unneeded volumes.

The volume recovery queue holds a deleted volume for 12 hours.
Contact NetApp Technical Support if you need to purge the queue sooner.

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The following steps can involve some risk of future issues or potential unrecoverable loss of data:
 If space-guaranteed volumes with significant unused space exist, you can resize them to return some of the unused
space. The potential risk is that the volume might run out of space and cause failed writes.
 Changing the volume guarantees to none removes space reservations in the aggregate for those volumes.
 Deleting old or unneeded Snapshot copies might free space. Only blocks that no longer have any pointers to them are
returned to the free space. If multiple Snapshot copies reference a block, the block is not released until all the
Snapshot copies are deleted. After a Snapshot copy is deleted, it can no longer be used to recover data.
 Deleting unneeded volumes carries the biggest risk. If you later discover that the volume is needed, you cannot
recover the volume. One exception, which can also cause confusion, is that deleted volumes are held in a recovery
queue for 12 hours. The recovery queue provides you time to realize that a volume was deleted by mistake and
recover it. If you and your users are certain that the volume is no longer needed and do not want to wait 12 hours, you
need to contact NetApp Technical Support for the procedure to purge the queue.
When freeing up space in an aggregate, follow the maxim to “measure twice and cut once”, to avoid making the situation
worse by deleting useful data.

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Lesson 5
Technical Support

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System Logs
 Log messages can be sent to the following:
 The console
 The message log

 You can access the message log by using the

 The debug log command
 System Manager
 OneCollect
 A web browser:
Use the debug log command
to browse the messages.log file.

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The system log contains information and error messages that the storage system displays on the console and logs in
message files.

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Use Config Advisor Before and After Maintenance
What is Config Advisor?

 Use to verify or troubleshoot

cabling and configuration of
cluster and switches.
 Can be configured to run
on a schedule.
 Download from the Support site
and run from PC connected to the
serial port or over the network.

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Config Advisor is a configuration validation and health check tool for NetApp systems. It can be deployed at secure sites
and nonsecure sites for data collection and analysis. Config Advisor can be used to check a NetApp system or FlexPod
solution for the correctness of hardware installation and conformance to NetApp recommended settings. Config Advisor
collects data and runs a series of commands on the hardware, then checks for cabling, configuration, availability, and best
practice issues.
The time that Config Advisor spends collecting data depends on how large the cluster is, but it usually takes just minutes.
The View and Analyze tab shows the results of the data collection. The first panel allows you to drill down into errors
messages based on severity. The next panel shows an inventory of all devices queried. The Visualization panel is a visual
depiction of how the systems are cabled. The last panel displays total storage available and how it is utilized.
Config Advisor is downloaded from Toolchest on the NetApp Support site.

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NetApp Support

 NetApp Support:
 Hardware Universe:
 NetApp IMT:

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For support information, documentation, software downloads, and access to Active IQ, see NetApp Support at
For system configuration information, see the NetApp Hardware Universe at
To determine the compatibility between various NetApp and third-party products that are officially supported, see the
NetApp IMT at

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Bug Tools and Reports
Stay up to date about bugs and bug
fixes with the tools on the NetApp
Support site.

 BugWatcher
 Release Bug Comparison Tool
 Release Bug Advisor
 Bug Watcher Summary
 New Bug Alerts Profiler

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Lesson 6

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Maintenance Related Documentation
 Checklists
 Create a plan. Follow the plan. Document the outcome and refine the plan.
 Submit checklists with change control procedure documentation.
 Pro tip: Include go/no-go checkpoints.

 Change control procedures

 Implement a formal approval change control process to track changes to the
storage system (and protect yourself when the unexpected happens).
 Use the NetAppDocs PowerShell Toolkit (available in the ToolChest on the
NetApp Support site) to build configuration documentation.

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Checklists reduce the probability of errors, especially during unplanned downtime at 2 AM on a Saturday. NetApp
provides documentation for all hardware maintenance and ONTAP upgrades and can be used to create checklists. For
other hardware and software, you might be required to create your own checklists. Record any revisions and the outcome
so that the checklist is better the next time you need to use it.
Place go/no-go checkpoints in your checklists wherever steps might be difficult to roll back if they do not work.
Checkpoints also serve as reminders to stop and check how much time remains in the maintenance window. You can
easily spend 20 minutes solving a problem you thought would take only a minute or two. Better to request an extension to
the maintenance window early and not need it than to wait until after you have exceeded the window.
If your company does not have a change control procedure, you should create one. Change control works to notify upper
management of maintenance work and any potential risks. By having someone in management approve the change
control, you buy yourself some protection if someone needs to be held responsible. Including a checklist with the change
control form shows that you have a plan and general idea of how long the maintenance will take.

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Maintenance Related Documentation
Communication and Call logs

 Maintenance downtime communication

 Become familiar with work of end-users and how downtime
will impact them.
 Provide end-users frequent advance warning.
 Create and use a short, standardized email template so end-users recognize it and
know to read it.
 Set an established maintenance window. Use it even if there is no maintenance to
perform. This will train users to see downtime as mandatory and not negotiable.

 Call logs
 Track every support call with your vendors – what the problem was, how long it took
to get a solution, effectiveness of solution.
 Ensure you are receiving the level of support your company paid for and you expect.

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Even potential downtime is an inconvenience to your end-users. Learn what they do with the storage systems and how
downtime will impact them. Just because an end-user is not onsite during maintenance does not always mean there is not
some process of theirs that needs access to storage. By providing advance warning of the downtime – often repeatedly –
gives them ample time to make other arrangements.
Create a standardized email format to notify end-users of planned and unplanned downtime. Use it regularly so they learn
to recognize it and know not to ignore it. Keep it short and simple so they actually read it. Tell them what will be offline,
how it will impact them, and when to expect the storage to be available again. Do not forget to provide contact
If you can get approval for a regularly scheduled maintenance window, use the downtime window every time. The first
time you decide not to use it, end-users will now believe that downtime can be negotiated. If there is no maintenance, use
the time to practice restoring data from a backup or performing disaster recovery procedures.
Call logs not only serve as documentation on what issues your equipment experiences, they also serve as a grading card
for vendor support. If the equipment you are purchasing is unreliable or the support you are receiving is inadequate, the
call log can help you to negotiate a better deal on future purchases and renewals.

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Manage Log Files
 Consider setting up log forwarding of systems and servers to a central system log
(syslog) server.
Use the cluster log-forwarding command to set up forwarding on ONTAP clusters.

 Establish a schedule to roll forward the log files of applications, like PuTTY, that do not
have the capability built in.
 Add the creation of dedicated log files to your maintenance checklists.

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In addition to the monitoring and reporting applications that watch over your systems, consider creating a dedicated
syslog server. A syslog server acts as a repository for log files and as a failsafe and sanity check to your primary
monitoring tools. You can configure your ONTAP clusters to forward their logs to up to 10 destinations by using the
cluster log-forwarding command.

Log rolling is the process of closing out a log file before it becomes too large and cumbersome and opening a new log file.
Many commercials applications that generate large or numerous log files do this automatically and retain three or more
old log files. Applications like PuTTY, which are used intermittently, do not have this capability. To keep the log files
from becoming unwieldy, create a schedule to manually roll the logs forward every month, quarter, or at least once per
year. Archive the old log files so that you maintain a history. This information can be vital in tracking down a long-term
issue that might have gone unnoticed.
Every time you perform maintenance, include a copy of the log files with your records. Doing so is easier if you make the
creation of a new log file at the start and end of a maintenance cycle part of your process. If you need to send log files to
Technical Support, a dedicated log file has less noise for the Technical Support team to read through.

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Recommended Preventive Maintenance Checklist
 Replace failed components as soon as possible.
 View weekly AutoSupport and health checks in Active IQ on the NetApp Support site.
 Run Config Advisor once per month to detect cabling issues.
 Twice per year, read the release notes for new versions of ONTAP software to
determine whether you can benefit from new features or bug fixes.
 Twice per year, verify Return Material Authorization (RMA) contact information and the
expiration date of the support contracts.
 Change the Cluster and SVM Admin passwords at least twice per year.

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A properly configured NetApp storage system can be run with a set-it-and-forget-it mentality. But just like an automobile,
the system runs better and more reliably with regular maintenance.

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Knowledge Check: Questions
1. Where do you find the Upgrade Advisor tool to plan an
ONTAP upgrade?
a. System Manager
b. in the ToolChest on the NetApp Support site
d. in Active IQ on the NetApp Support site

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2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 53

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Knowledge Check: Questions
2. Which three intervals does ONTAP follow when creating
configuration backup files? (Choose three.)
a. every hour
b. every 8 hours
c. every 12 hours
d. daily
e. weekly
f. monthly

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2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 54

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Additional Learning Resources
 OnCommand WFA blog:
 OneCollect 1.6 demonstration:
 Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA):
 SAN Storage blog:
 Enterprise Storage website:
 Justin Parisi’s blog:
 Drunken Data blog:
 Book: The Practice of System and Network Administration

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OnCommand WFA blog:

OneCollect 1.6 demonstration:
Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA):
SAN Storage blog:
Enterprise Storage website:
Justin Parisi’s blog:
Drunken Data blog:
Book: The Practice of System and Network Administration

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 NetApp Hardware Universe:

 ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
 System Administration Reference
 Upgrade Express Guide
 Upgrade and Revert/Downgrade Guide
 Performance Monitoring Express Guide
 Performance Management Power Guide

 Workflow Automation 5.0 Installation and Setup Guide

 TR-4211: Storage Performance Primer ONTAP 9.2
© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 56

You can find the technical triage templates at
NetApp Hardware Universe:
ONTAP 9 Documentation Center:
System Administration Reference
Upgrade Express Guide
Upgrade and Revert/Downgrade Guide
Performance Monitoring Express Guide
Performance Management Power Guide
Workflow Automation 5.0 Installation and Setup Guide
TR-4211: Storage Performance Primer ONTAP 9.2
How to efficiently search the event log in clustered Data ONTAP

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Module Review
This module focused on enabling you to:
 Navigate the Active IQ customer dashboard
 Plan for ONTAP software upgrades
 Follow recommended practices for peak performance
 Configure event notifications and alerts
 Prepare to engage NetApp technical support
 Perform cluster maintenance

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ACTION: Complete an Exercise
Module 10: Installing and Configuring Config Advisor

Duration: 30 minutes
Access your exercise
Complete the specified
Participate in the review
Use the login credentials  Go to the exercise for
that your instructor the module.
provided to you.  Start with Exercise
 Share your results.
 Stop at the end of
Exercise 10-1.  Report issues.

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ONTAP Software Upgrades

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Stages of an Automated Upgrade

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Select Validate Update

Select the ONTAP View and validate the Update the cluster:
software image: cluster:  Update all the nodes in the
 Display the current cluster  Validate cluster update cluster or update an HA pair
version. readiness. in the cluster.

 Select a software image:  Display validation errors and  Support a rolling update or a
warnings with corrective batch update. (The default
 Select an available image. action. update type depends on the
number of nodes in the
 Download an image from the  Update when the validation is cluster.)
NetApp Support site. completed successfully.

 Enable update with warnings.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 60

The automated upgrades that you can perform by using System Manager consist of three stages: select, validate, and
In the first stage, you select the ONTAP software image. The current version details are displayed for each node or HA
In the second stage, you view and validate the cluster against the software image version for the update. A pre-update
validation helps you determine whether the cluster is ready for an update. If the validation is completed with errors, a
table displays the status of the various components and the required corrective actions. You can perform the update only
when the validation is completed successfully.
In the third and final stage, you update either all of the nodes in the cluster or update an HA pair in the cluster to the
selected version of the software image. While the update is in progress, you can pause and then either cancel or resume
the update. If an error occurs, the update is paused, and an error message is displayed with the remedial steps. You can
resume the update after performing the remedial steps or cancel the update. You can view the table with the node name,
uptime, state, and ONTAP software version when the update is successfully completed.

10-60 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Cluster Maintenance

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USB Port Use Cases
Scenario Prerequisites Command
 The USB 2.0 device is formatted to FAT32
 At the LOADER prompt, use boot_recovery
with the correct ONTAP image.tgz file.
Perform boot device recovery by using the netboot image.
from the LOADER prompt.  The device is not hot-pluggable; after you
 At the boot menu, select the appropriate ONTAP
insert the USB device, you must boot to the
LOADER prompt.
 Use the system node image update/get
Fetch ONTAP software for The USB 2.0 device is formatted to FAT32 command.
installation. with the correct ONTAP image.  From the additional options for the command,
fetch ONTAP software from the USB device.

 Use the system node firmware download

Fetch service images for The USB 2.0 device is formatted to FAT32 command.
firmware update. with the correct service image.  From the additional options for the command,
fetch ONTAP software from the USB device.

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 61

The chart shows scenarios in which you can use the USB port. Each scenario has prerequisite considerations. The
Command column shows you the commands to use in each scenario.

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Module 11
Course Review

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11-1 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Course Review

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Course Review

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

NetApp ONTAP Managing physical Data-protection

9 features and logical storage features

Cluster management Data access with NAS Storage efficiency

and SAN protocols
Networking review Cloning volumes,
files, and LUNs


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11-2 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Course Review

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ONTAP SAN NetApp Certified
Fundamentals ONTAP SMB Implementation Engineer –
Administration SAN (NCIE-SAN)

ONTAP NAS Administration NetApp Certified Data
Fundamentals Administrator (NCDA)
ONTAP Compliance certification
Solutions Administration
Your Next
ONTAP Data Protection NetApp Certified
Steps Fundamentals
ONTAP Data Protection
Administration Implementation Engineer –
Data Protection (NCIE-DP)
Administration of
OnCommand Unified
ONTAP Data Management Manager and Integrated ONTAP Performance
Fundamentals Solutions Analysis

Foundational Intermediate Advanced

© 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Regardless of where your role as a storage administrator takes you, NetApp offers courses and documentation to take you
there. Never stop learning and growing.

11-3 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Course Review

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Read the ONTAP Storage
Administration Reference
Guide cover to cover.
-Your future self

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The Storage Administration Reference Guide contains information you will need for your day-to-day work.
NetApp also encourages you to cross-train your coworkers and contribute to the larger storage administration community.

11-4 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Course Review

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ACTION: Provide Feedback

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey for this course.

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Your feedback is important for ensuring the quality of NetApp courses. Your instructor will instruct you on how to find
the survey for this class and how to use the survey website.

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Closing Thoughts

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Thank You
We look forward to seeing you in another course soon.

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Thank you for attending the course and providing your voice to the conversation. We hope you are staying for the Data
Protection course. If not, we hope to see you return for another course soon.

11-7 ONTAP Cluster Administration: Course Review

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