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Name_________________________________Program & Year__________________Score____________

Subject: Human Resource Mgt. Teacher: Mrs. Jean M. Cavalida Date: August 28, 2021
Type of Activity:
Drawing out
⎕ Concept Notes ⎕ Laboratory ⎕ Individual ⎕ Quiz ⎕ Formative ⎕ Summative
the best ⎕ Exercise/Drill ⎕ Art/Drawing ⎕ Pair/Group ⎕ Others, specify_____________________________
in you!

MODULE 1: TOPIC 1- The Environment of Human Resource Management

TOPIC 2- Workforce Planning and Recruitment

Topics 1 & 2 : Human Resource Management and Workforce Planning and Recruitment

Learning 1. Explain the different functions and roles of HRM in an organization;

2. Give examples of how an HR department of HR manager can add value
to the organization;
3. Provide relevant human resource information to the top management
officers which they can use during strategic planning process.
4. Determine how HR can ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of talent
acquisition activities
5. Recommend the use of appropriate recruitment methods given the
particular needs of an organization.

Reference/s: Diamante M.M. & Ledesma-Tan, G., (2015). Managing Human Resources
(Local and Global Perspectives) Outcomes-based learning. C & E
Publishing, Inc.

Concept/Digest : ( Read and study the concept, you can even add more information. Just search in the
Google Website for each topic)

Human resource management plays a vital role in the organization in response to the changing needs of
times. Most companies nowadays attributed success to the quality of people they hired. Thus, other organizations
continuously invest their resources to their employees or people to ensure that the work force has adequate
qualifications and dignity likewise, professionalism is being observed.

This activity the teacher will motivate the students by stimulating their interests so as to
prepare their minds towards journeying towards what human resource management is all
ENGAGE about and what process we adopt to achieve a conducive environment.

Instruction 1: You are tasked to write at least 5 names of companies existing in our environment and describe
according to what you have learned/ experienced and observed from them.

Name of Companies/organization/agencies Descriptions






Instruction 2: You are going to share your lists with your chosen 2 chat mates. Make a
reflection or synthesis/learning you obtain from your sharing.

 ____________
 ____________
 ____________
 ____________
 ____________
This activity aims to investigate on your beliefs and opinions as to the importance of
EXPLORE human resource management in the organization.

Instruction 1: You are tasked to list at least 8 roles of a Human resource practitioners based in your own
opinions and observations. As human resource personnel “what should be the roles you are going
to perform in the organization?” Write your description in each smiley emoticon.

Instruction 2: You are going to submit your answers through online or google form to the assigned leader.

This activity aims to understand how others perceived the existence of HRM in the
EXPLAIN organization and how they are valued by the stakeholders.

 You noticed the description of others to the HR practitioners, it connotes multi-roles. All focus on
delivering an efficient HR process.

 HR practitioners must build an organization’s capacity for change. They identify and implement processes
for change.
 As we observed the description, HR roles and functions clearly depend on what the organization needs for
its effective services. The contribution of HR personnel to the success of an organization is dependent on
how they are valued, motivated and encouraged to show their creativity to maintain a competitive
 HR roles greatly affect an organization’s ability to grow or expand globally. So when organizations recruit
people they have to consider the traits or characteristics of the prospect aside from the credentials
submitted to the office.
 So, how does one go about making the right decisions? It has to be planned well to avoid problems later.

This activity aims to discuss the major functions of human resource management and at the same time the six new
roles of effective HR professionals which will serve as challenge and guide in the Philippine settings.

What is human resource management?

 Human Resource Management - is the systematic planning, development, and control of a network of
interrelated processes affecting and involving all members of the organization (French, 2003, p.7)
- HRM- is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees and attending to
their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concerns (Dessler, 2005, p.4).
- HRM- is designing mgt. systems to ensure that human talent is used effectively and efficiently to
accomplish organizational goals (Mathis & Jackson, 2008, p.4).

 Major functions of Human Resource Management:

1.) Talent Acquisition – includes workforce planning and employment (Recruitment and Selection)
- workforce planning -focuses on assessing the organization’s human resource needs in the light of
organizational goals and changing conditions and developing the programs required to meet these
resource needs.
- Recruitment- refers to activities designed to attract qualified applicants to the organization.
- Selection –is the process of choosing the best qualified applicants to fill open positions in the
2.) Performance Management- refers to the process of ensuring that employees’ performance contributes to
realizing the organization’s goals and objectives.
- HRM enables managers in the organization to monitor the performance of their employees and ensures
that appropriate tools are made available by managers to employees so that employees can meet expected
levels of performance.
3. ) EmployeeTraining and Management Development- Employee training refers to the process of providing
employees w/ specific knowledge and skills they need to perform in their jobs.
4.) Compensation Management- refers to the mgt. of financial returns that employees receive in exchange for
services that they provide to an organization.
5.) Benefits Management – refers to the process by w/c employee benefits, generally compensation outside of
basic pay, are designed and given to employees in accordance w/ legal as well as organizational requirements.
6.) Employee Relations Management- is the process of ensuring effective management of all interactions and
relations between the organization and its employees.
7.) Labor Management Relations- refers to the functions of HR that pertain to the mgt of employees’ terms and
conditions of employment.


-Determining the Manpower Need: Workforce Planning
- Deciding on w/c person will make the best fit in an organization starts w/ knowing the right kind of
people needed by the organization to enable it to succeed.
- What you’re looking for? How will you know where to look and how will you know that you have
already found what you’re looking for?
- Workforce planning is a tedious process- this provides a roadmap or blueprint for the HR
department to execute all of its functions.
 Strategic Human Resource Management

a.) Alignment of HRM activities with an organization’s goals, strategies and objectives;
b.) Effective interrelations among the HRM functions
c.) Use of the systems approach in demonstrating the strategic role of HRM
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• The over-all objective of workforce planning is to define the right profile of people an organization
requires to meet its short-term and long-term plans and goals.

- is a process of identifying and addressing the staffing implications of business strategies and plans and
of the changes happening within and outside the organization.
- Scope of workforce planning- can be performed at various levels of an organization.
- planning can be done for an entire org., a division or section w/in the org., a set of units or workgroups
or even a single unit within the company.

 Manpower planning - is conducted whenever there is a change in the kind and number of people needed in the
organization or in the unit.
- changes in the staffing profile, headcount or staffing levels occur when there are changes taking place
within and outside the organization.

A. Situational Analysis or Environmental Scanning

B. Forecasting demand
C. Analysis of the supply of human resources
D. Development of plans for action

 Situational Analysis or environmental scanning- utilized information and experiences w/ ease to execute and
plan effectively the activities. Since w/out the help of information, the latter might end up wasting money,
time or effort.
- scanning the environment –involves looking at internal resources and anticipating how these may need
to change in the future to meet organizational goals.
- Internal scan includes an examination of the history, and past experience of the organizations such as
trends in its growth or decline as a company, employee turnover rates, track record in employing and
retaining good worker, changes in leadership, its use of technology. Following the mantra that past
behaviors predicts future behavior.
1. Credible Activist- refers to HR practitioner's need to deliver what they say they will do and to “walk the
talk”. HR practitioners will gain the trust and respect of the organization members.
2. Strategic Positioner- HR practitioners understand their organization’s internal and external environments
(their business context”). Anticipate what is needed by the organization, participate in developing
strategic initiatives and align programs w/ the organization’s strategies.

3. Capability Builder- HR practitioners take initiative to build them through training and development,
rewards systems and other HR programs and practices in an integrated way to ensure the organization’s
4. Change Champion- HR practitioners build organizational capability for managing change and provide
tools to enable the organization to undertake the needed change effectively.
5. Human Resource Innovator and Integrator- HR practitioners identify and plan required changes and
integrate HR initiatives and activities to ensure that the planned changes are effectively and efficiently
carried out.
6. Technology Proponent- HR practitioners’ roles in the use of technology, it focuses on HR’s ability to use
“social networking technology” to get potential employees, employees, retirees and other significant
stakeholders to “stay connected w/ one another.”


Instruction: Write your answers in this space provided, you need to discuss well to elaborate your insights.
One paragraph with 20 sentences only.

1. Explain two major functions of HRM in an organization. Give an example of how HRM adds value to an
organization while performing the functions that you described.

Output will be submitted on September 2, 2021(Thursday)

Date & Schedule of Class: August 28, 2021 (Sat 1:00- 3:30PM)
(Sat. 3:30- 6:00 PM)

Teacher: Mdm. Jean M. Cavalida, MAGC, MSP, RGC

CSP, Teacher

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