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Jose Eduardo M.

Sicangco V ABM12-F
We all have experienced marketers trying to encourage or persuade us to buy the products that
they are selling, and it feels good doesn’t it? You feel so superior and privileged. So in this case study I want
first to put the characteristics of each generation group and we will see who spends the most, who is more
conservative and who really cares for the marketing strategies of the marketers that we see selling online
or in person. Marketing to Baby Boomers we can say that this generation is the oldest or the retired ones,
as I red the case study I realized that Baby Boomers are the most likely to misunderstood the ads and the
marketing strategies of companies in Social Media platforms they easily get irritated by the ads or
sometimes they report it as spam but one thing that is good in this generation is that they are not
conservative when it comes to spending money (who are you if you still try to be “kuripot” when you are
old and recieves a retirement fund every month. Researchers or marketers realized that Baby Boomers
generation have the highest value as consumers in the market today and we are all surprised, don’t we?
Next is the Marketing to Generation X these are our parents and sometimes our aunties and uncles who
loves to buy online when there is a sale and free coupon, the characteristics of this generation is that they
are more busy, more focused and more conservative when it comes to spending money because these
generation has more obligations and responsibilities to cope up with rather than buying clothes online or
spending too much in a single purchase. But the bright side is that they are the most dedicated to lists
while shopping but also they can spend on unplanned purchases if they can see that they have an extra
money. Last generation is Marketing to Millennials well I belong to this group I can say that us Millennials
people don’t easily buy a product if we see one, we always check first the ratings and feedbacks of the
products, also we can classify what is good and what is bad through these feedbacks. This generation is
also an adventurer when it comes to shopping, they don’t get tired easily and they will always grab a
chance if there is a sale, coupon or mark down on the price of an item.

I think the most important factor that gave rise to the characteristics of each group is the Age, Age Gap and
the time that they are born. Because we can see that the Baby Boomers are the most comfortable
generation to purchase a product because they are the most laid-back and experienced when it comes to
shopping but they also need guidance in the new platforms that they encounter. The Gen X also can buy
whatever they want to but always think first the most important thing that their family needs, their age
and position really matters because it’s where the time that their support is needed by their family, and
yes they have work, but most of the time their salary is only sufficient in the needs of their family rather
than buying things that they want to. And the Millennials most of these people still depends on their daily,
weekly or monthly allowance, these generation may have patience but the thought of buying the things
that they want keeps them from sleeping in the night.

Each generation responds differently in the marketing efforts in the way they comprehend and understand
the meaning of it. As what I have stated above Baby Boomers are used to see marketers doing their jobs in
person not seeing a GIF or a poster that popped up in their Social Media accounts online so for them that
style of marketing efforts is not applicable for their age and satisfaction. As to the Gen X different
marketing efforts are helpful for them as long as it is clear, concise and helpful they accept it and embrace
it as a way that is helpful for them to buy or purchase products. And Millennials, us millennials can
understand the way that these marketers make to encourage and persuade consumers to buy their
products. Millennials tends to try and see if they can get an advantage in the product that a marketer sells.

Lastly why should marketers know the preferences of each generation. All I can say is that a marketer
should always be flexible and bendable in dealing different customers in different generation. The
company depends on these marketers and for them to persuade and encourage customers to buy for them
they should be aware to a person’s personality, age, attitude and preferences, because once you are a
flexible marketer and you are aware in your customers characteristics then your job will flow easily and it
would be easy for you to handle customers in different generation with different satisfaction.

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