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Complete offer

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Part 1
H&N Expertise

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Our expertise
Agronomy & sourcing

• Over 40 years of agronomic know-how

• Screening and varietal selection to select the most
concentrated raw material in bioactives
• Dedicated agronomists in link with seed developers
and farmers
• Only non GMO raw materials
• Strict supplier’s assessment based on food safety
• Sustainable and local sourcing

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Our expertise

• Food grade processes

• Know-how in extraction and purification
• Dedicated factory to H&N extracts
• Organoleptic benefits preservation
• Quality control and traceability
• Organic certification
• GMP certification (NHP – Health Canada)

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Our expertise

Vacuum Drying Spray-Drying

 Formulation
Concentration Blending
(water or Purification
hydroethanolic) Roller Drying

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Our expertise
Regulatory and scientific support

• Possible bliographic reviews

• Support on the construction of health claim dossiers
• Support on regulatory status (GRAS, Pharma, Medical devices…)

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Our expertise

• Understanding of customer applications and constraints

• Formulation support, tableting pilot capacity
• Tailor-made solutions in accordance with legal compliance
• Diana’s expertise is used to develop customized product and support
customer’s request

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Part 2
Standardized solutions

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Standardized solutions
To answer precise market demands

Range characteristics & key advantages:

• Carefully selected raw material : sustainable, variety screening, full traceability,

authentication tests
• Food processes that preserve targeted bioactive and organoleptic properties
• Standardized in bioactives with defined analytical assay
• Fit market standards in term of specs
• Price competitiveness

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 9

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Euterpe oleracea E&V WWB SP

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Carrier Reference

Acai juice powder Total polyphenols >6% (UV 280 nm) Maltodextrin SD00020001

Health positioning: superfruit, antioxidant, beauty, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to NO

EU claims USA claims

- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 10

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Malpighia glabra L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive Specification Carrier Reference

Organic acerola juice concentrate Natural vitamin C 17% ± 2 (HPLC) None CC00030002

Acerola juice concentrate Natural vitamin C 17% ± 2 (HPLC) None CC00030001

Organic acerola juice powder Natural vitamin C 17% ± 1 (HPLC) Org. maltodextrin SD00030001

Acerola juice powder Natural vitamin C 17% ± 1 (HPLC) Maltodextrin SD00030013

Acerola juice powder Natural vitamin C 34% ± 2 (HPLC) MgOH SD00030007

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 11

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Malpighia glabra L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive Specification Carrier Reference

Organic acerola juice powder Natural vitamin C ≥ 17% (HPLC) Org. maltodextrin SD00030028

Acerola juice powder Natural vitamin C ≥ 17% (HPLC) Maltodextrin SD00030029

Acerola juice powder Ratio 7.5:1 Maltodextrin SD00030008

Acerola preparation powder Vitamin C > 25% (HPLC) Maltodextrin SD00030011

Health positioning: support immunity and energy, support iron absorption, beauty (collagen metabolism, antioxidant),
superfruit, support memory and mood, support bone and joint health (collagen metabolism)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 12

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Malpighia glabra L. E&V WWB SP HA

EU claims
- Source of [natural] vitamin C: Min 12mg vit C per serving
- High in [natural] vitamin C : Min 24mg vit C per serving
EFSA health claims (min source of vit C product) :
- Vitamin C contributes to
• the normal function of the immune system
• the protection of cells from oxidative stress
• the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
• the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E
• normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth
• normal energy-yielding metabolism
• normal functioning of the nervous system
• normal psychological function
- Vitamin C increases iron absorption
- Vitamin C contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise (for 200mg vitamin C
daily intake)

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Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Malpighia glabra L. E&V WWB SP HA

Helps fight free radicals in the body

USA claims Helps form collagen and connective tissue
- Good source of [natural] antioxidant vitamin C: Min 6 mg vit C Helps maintain healthy energy utilization
Helps protect against free radicals formed during exercise
/serving Helps reduce oxidative stress
- High in [natural] antioxidant vitamin C : Min 12 mg vit C /serving Immune support
Immune system support
- Documented Structure-function claims (min 6 mg vitC/serving): Important for healthy immune system function
Antioxidant protection
Important for proper collagen formation
Antioxidant support
Inhibits free radical damage to muscle cells during exercise
Antioxidants to help fight free radicals
Maintains a healthy immune system
Contributes to a normal function of the immune system
Oxidative stress support
Contributes to a normal functioning nervous system
Reduces oxidation due to exercise
Contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense
Supports a healthy energy metabolism
physical exercise
Supports antioxidant status
Contributes to normal energy metabolism
Supports healthy collagen formation
Contributes to the protection of cell constituents from oxidative damage
Supports healthy iron levels
Energy production
Supports normal collagen formation for healthy bones
Free radical defense
Supports normal collagen formation for healthy cartilage
Free radical protection
Supports normal collagen formation for healthy skin
Free radical scavenger
Supports normal collagen formation for healthy teeth and gums
Helps deflect free radicals produced during exercise
Supports normal energy metabolism

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 14

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Apple Cider Vinegar

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Carrier Reference

Apple cider vinegar powder Acetic acid 6-9% Maltodextrin SD01600001

Health positioning: glucose regulation (improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose), weight loss aid (promote

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Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Aronia (or Chokeberry)
Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

>15% (UV cyanidin chloride eq.) SD00090001

Aronia extract powder Anthocyanins
>20% (UV cyanidin-3-O glucoside chl. eq) SD00090002

Health positioning: superfruit, antioxidant, blood circulation and blood vessel protection, beauty, reduce oxidative
stress, anti-inflammatory
Suggested dosage (literature) : 50 mg anthocyanins
EU claims USA claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 16

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Cynara scolymus L. WWB HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Artichoke leaf extract powder Cinnamic acids >2.5% (UV 325 nm) SD00100002

Artichoke leaf extract Cinnamic acids 2.5 - 3.5% (UV 325 nm) CC00100001 PHARMA

Artichoke juice powder Cinnamic acids >2.5% (UV 325 nm) SD00110002

Artichoke juice concentrate Cinnamic acids >2% (UV 325 nm) CC00110001

Health positioning: Support liver and digestive functions (EU monograph for traditional herbal medicines THM),
cardiovascular health (cholesterol-lowering effect, LDL oxidation and atherosclerosis prevention, lower BP), renal water
excretion, satiety, glucose regulation, prebiotic
Suggested dosage for leaf extract (THM): 900-2400mg (in divided doses of 300-600mg)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 17

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Cynara scolymus L. WWB HA

Helps maintain vascular health

USA claims Helps reduce oxidative stress
- Documented Structure-Function claims: Helps support a healthy cardiovascular system
Antioxidant protection Helps support healthy circulation•
Antioxidant support Helps support vascular function
Antioxidants to help fight free radicals Liver and digestive support
Cholesterol support Maintains a healthy immune system
Digestive health Oxidative stress support
Digestive health support Promotes healthy bile production in the liver
Digestive support Promotes healthy circulation
Free radical defense Provides antioxidant support for the cardiovascular system
Free radical protection Supports antioxidant status
Free radical scavenger Supports blood vessel health
General wellness support Supports healthy aging
Healthy cardiovascular function Supports healthy bile flow
Healthy vascular function Supports healthy cholesterol metabolism
Helps fight free radicals in the body Supports healthy digestive function
Helps maintain cardiovascular health Supports heart health
Helps maintain healthy circulation Supports liver and cholesterol metabolism
Helps maintain normal function as we age Supports liver function
Helps maintain quality of life as we age

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Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Grape, Acerola, Acai and Goji blend E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Polyphenols 55±10% (UV 280 nm)

Blend of fruit extracts powder MD00920022
Natural vitamin C >5.5%
Health positioning: support immunity and energy, support iron absorption, beauty (collagen metabolism, antioxidant),
superfruits, cognitive functions, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to NO, support joint health (collagen
metabolism), cardiovascular prevention (resveratrol & anthocyanins from grape skin)
Suggested dosage : 450 mg
EU claims USA claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)
- High in vitamin C + all vitamin c health claims - Naturally high in vitamin C + EU claims on vit C as SFC

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Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium Myrtillus E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Carrier Reference

Org. Wild Bilberry juice powder Maltodextrin SD01020001

Polyphenols >2.5% (UV 280nm catechin eq.)
Anthocyanins >0.5% (OD 510 nm cyan-3-gluco eq.)
Wilb Bilberry juice powder Maltodextrin SD01020006

> 25% (European Pharmacopoeia) Maltodextrin SD01020008

>1% (sepctro, delphinidin eq.) Glucose syrup SD01020009

Wild Bilberry extract powder Anthocyanins >10% (sepctro, delphinidin eq.) Glucose syrup SD01020010

>25% (European Pharmacopoeia) Glucose syrup SD01020011

>36% (European Pharmacopoeia) none SD01020012

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 20
Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium Myrtillus E&V WWB SP HA

Health positioning: ocular health (night vision), microcirculatory, vascular-related disorders (blood pressure, platelet
aggregation and cholesterol lowering, LDL oxidation prevention), antioxidant activity, superfruit

Suggested dosage : 50mg anthocyanins

EU claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 21

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium Myrtillus E&V WWB SP HA

Helps maintain vascular health

USA claims Helps protect against free radicals formed during exercise
- Naturally contains polyphenols (No min) Helps reduce oxidative stress
Helps support a healthy cardiovascular system
- Documented Structure-Function claims: Helps support healthy circulation
Antioxidant protection
Helps support vascular function
Antioxidant support
Important for healthy immune system function
Antioxidants to help fight free radicals
Inhibits free radical damage to muscle cells during exercise
Eye and vision support
Maintains a healthy immune system
Free radical defense
Overall brain health support
Free radical protection
Oxidative stress support
Free radical scavenger
Promotes eye health
General wellness support
Promotes healthy circulation
Healthy eye function
Promotes visual health
Healthy eye support
Provides antioxidant support for the cardiovascular system
Helps deflect free radicals produced during exercise
Reduces oxidation due to exercise
Helps fight free radicals in the body
Supports antioxidant status
Helps maintain cardiovascular health
Supports blood vessel health
Helps maintain healthy circulation
Supports healthy aging
Helps maintain healthy heart function
Supports healthy vision and eye function
Helps maintain heart health
Supports heart health
Helps maintain normal function as we age
Supports vision
Helps maintain quality of life as we age
Vision support
© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 22
Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Ribes nigrum L E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Organic blackcurrant juice powder Polyphenols >2% (UV 280nm) SD00340001

Polyphenols >2% (UV 280nm)

Blackurrant powder SD00340005
Anthocyanins >0.35% (OD 510 nm cyan-3-gluco eq.)

Health positioning: antioxidant, blood circulation, traditionally used to decrease heavy legs sensation or hemorrhoid
troubles, healthy vision
EU claims USA claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 23

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium angustifolium E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

>10% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD02280001

Polyphenols >2% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD02280003

Wild blueberry extract powder
>4% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD02280004

Ratio 10:1 SD02280005

Wild blueberry juice powder Ratio 10:1 SD02280006

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 24

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium angustifolium E&V WWB SP HA

Health positioning: antioxidant, cognition support, oral health, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to
NO, cardiovascular protection
EU claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 25

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium angustifolium E&V WWB SP HA

Helps maintain heart health

USA claims Helps maintain memory
- Naturally contains polyphenols (No min) Helps maintain normal function as we age
Helps maintain quality of life as we age
- Documented Structure-Function claims: Helps maintain vascular health
Antioxidant protection
Helps maintain vascular health
Antioxidant support
Helps protect against free radicals formed during exercise
Antioxidants to help fight free radicals
Helps reduce oxidative stress
Contributes to a normal function of the immune system
Helps support a healthy cardiovascular system
Contributes to a normal functioning nervous system
Helps support cognitive efficiency
Contributes to normal mental performance
Helps support cognitive health
Contributes to the protection of cell constituents from oxidative damage
Helps support endothelial function
Free radical defense
Helps support healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range
Free radical protection
Helps support healthy circulation
Free radical scavenger
Helps support healthy cognitive abilities
Help improve working memory
Helps support healthy cognitive skills
Helps boost memory
Helps support mental ability
Helps deflect free radicals produced during exercise
Helps support mental clarity
Helps fight free radicals in the body
Helps support mental function
Helps maintain cardiovascular health
Helps support mental sharpness
Helps maintain healthy circulation
Helps support normal blood sugar balance
Helps maintain healthy heart function
Helps to keep your mind sharp
Helps maintain healthy heart function
© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 26
Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium angustifolium E&V WWB SP HA

Immune support Supports brain health and function

Immune system support Supports clarity, focus, memory
Important for healthy immune system function Supports cognition and brain health
Improves memory and learning and mental Supports cognitive performance
Inhibits free radical damage to muscle cells during exercise Supports focus, cognition, and memory
Maintains a healthy immune system Supports healthy aging
Maintains healthy cognitive function Supports healthy blood sugar
Maintenance of healthy brain function Supports healthy cognitive function
Overall brain health support Supports healthy glucose metabolism
Oxidative stress support Supports healthy insulin function
Promotes cognitive health and supports a healthy mind Supports healthy intellectual performance
Promotes normal cognitive function Supports heart health
Provides antioxidant support for the cardiovascular system Supports learning and memory
Reduces oxidation due to exercise Supports normal brain function
Support for optimal mental performance Supports normal cognitive function
Support memory and concentration Supports normal glucose metabolism
Supports a healthy mind
Supports antioxidant status
Supports blood vessel health
Supports brain function

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 27

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Daucus carota L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Total carotenoids 50 000 ± 5 000 ppm (OD 450 nm)

Carrot extract HM00270002
Vit A (RE eq. / RAE eq.) 6875 ± 687 ppm / 3438 ± 343 ppm

Total carotenoids >400 ppm (OD 450 nm)

Carrot juice powder SD00280003
Vit A (RE eq. / RAE eq.) >55 ppm / >28 ppm

Total carotenoids >850 ppm (OD 450 nm)

Carrot juice concentrate CC00280009
Vit A (RE eq. / RAE eq.) >117 ppm / >58 ppm

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 28

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Daucus carota L. E&V WWB SP HA

Health positioning: vitality (iron metabolism), immunity support, healthy vision, beauty (skin health), antioxidant

EU claims USA claims

- Source of natural vitamin A: Min 120 µg vit A RE - Naturally source of antioxidant (min 500 IU)
- Vitamin A contributes to - Good source of natural vitamin A (min 500 IU)
• a normal function of the immune system - EFSA health claims as structure-function claims
• normal cell differentiation
• the maintenance of normal skin and mucus membranes
• the maintenance of normal vision
• normal iron metabolism

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 29

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Cranberry extract powder Total polyphenols ≥ 40% (Folin-Ciocalteu) VD00240008

15% PACs (BL-DMAC) /

Proanthocyanidins SD00240020
68% PACS Eur. Pharm

≥ 80% PACs VD00240001

≥ 50% PACs SD00240023

Cranberry extract powder
Proanthocyanidins (European
Pharmacopoeia) ≥ 40% PACs SD00240024

≥ 10% PACs SD00240028

≥ 7% PACs SD00240027

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 30

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Organic cranberry extract powder Proanthocyanidins (Eur. Pharm) ≥ 10% PACs SD00240029

Proanthocyanidins (HPLC) ≥ 1% PACs SD00240025

≥ 5% PACs SD00240022
Cranberry extract powder Proanthocyanidins (BL-DMAC)
≥ 1% PACs SD00240026

Not Standardized NS SD00240032

Not Standardized NS SD00240034

Cranberry juice powder
Proanthocyanidins (Eur. Pharm) ≥ 1% PACs
© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 31
Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Proanthocyanidins (Eur. Pharm) ≥ 7% PACs AD00240002
Cranberry powder
Proanthocyanidins (HPLC) ≥ 1.5% PACs AD00240001

Health positioning: urinary health, antioxidant, superfruit, beauty, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to
EU claims USA claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 32

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vitis vinifera E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Polyphenols >90% (OD 280nm)

Grape skin extract powder Polyphenols >50% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD01460002
Anthocyanins >4% (HPLC)
Health positioning: antioxidant, cardiovascular (blood circulation, and blood vessel protection), beauty, reduce
oxidative stress, anti-inflammatory
EU claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 33

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vitis vinifera E&V WWB SP HA

Helps maintain normal function as we age

USA claims Helps maintain quality of life as we age
- Naturally contains polyphenols (No min) Helps maintain vascular health
Helps protect against free radicals formed during exercise
- Documented Structure-Function claims: Helps reduce oxidative stress
Antioxidant protection
Helps support a healthy cardiovascular system
Antioxidant support
Helps support cognitive efficiency
Antioxidants to help fight free radicals
Helps support cognitive health
Contributes to a normal function of the immune system
Helps support endothelial function
Contributes to a normal functioning nervous system
Helps support healthy circulation
Contributes to normal mental performance
Helps support healthy cognitive abilities
Contributes to the protection of cell constituents from oxidative damage
Helps support normal blood sugar balance
Free radical defense
Immune support
Free radical protection
Immune system support
Free radical scavenger
Important for healthy immune system function
Helps deflect free radicals produced during exercise
Inhibits free radical damage to muscle cells during exercise
Helps fight free radicals in the body
Maintains a healthy immune system
Helps maintain cardiovascular health
Maintenance of healthy brain function
Helps maintain healthy circulation
Overall brain health support
Helps maintain healthy heart function
Oxidative stress support
Helps maintain heart health
Promotes cognitive health and supports a healthy mind

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 34

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Vitis vinifera E&V WWB SP HA

Provides antioxidant support for the cardiovascular system

Reduces oxidation due to exercise
Support for optimal mental performance
Supports a healthy mind
Supports antioxidant status
Supports blood vessel health
Supports brain function
Supports brain health
Supports brain health and function
Supports cognition and brain health
Supports focus, cognition, and memory
Supports healthy aging
Supports healthy blood sugar
Supports healthy cognitive function
Supports healthy intellectual performance
Supports heart health
Supports normal brain function
Supports normal cognitive function

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 35

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

D-Mannose powder Mannose (purity) 99 – 100% (internal method) MD00880002

Health positioning: prevention of urinary tract infections

Suggested dosage: 1000mg/D when taken alone, 500mg/D in combination with cranberry extract
EU claims USA claims
- Can still be used as Medical device

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 36

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Carica papaya L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Papaya powder ratio 3.5:1 SD01110001

Health positioning: digestion comfort (enzymatic activity), weight management

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 37

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Ananas comosus L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

ratio 6.5:1 SD00070003

>1500 mUHB/g (1 UHb is

Pineapple juice powder
equivalent to 1 µmol of tyrosin /
Proteasic enzymatic activity RD00070005
minute liberated at 37°C in
standard conditions)
Health positioning: digestion comfort (enzymatic activity), weight management, support digestion for high protein diets

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 38

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Prunus domestica L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Prune powder on inulin Inulin soluble fiber >70% SD01430002

Health positioning: weight management (satiety effect of fibers), digestion (transit stimulation), prebiotic

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 39

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Purple carrot
Daucus carota L. E&V WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Polyphenols >2% (UV 280nm)

Organic purple carrot juice powder SD00310001
Anthocyanins >0.3% (0D 510nm)
Health positioning: Antioxidant, beauty, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to NO, blood circulation,
healthy vision
EU claims USA claims
- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 40

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Spinacia oleracea E&V SP

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Spinach extract powder Polyphenols >1.5% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD00690002

Health positioning: Antioxidant, supergreens, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to NO

EU claims USA claims

- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 41

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Fragaria X ananassa E&V WWB SP

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

>10% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD00720018

Strawberry extract powder Polyphenols >2% (Folin-Ciocalteu) SD00720019

>20% (Folin-Ciocalteu VD00720002

Health positioning: Antioxidant, beauty, reduce oxidative stress, promote nitrite reduction to NO

EU claims USA claims

- Contains polyphenols (Min 250 mg polyphenols) - Naturally contains polyphenols (No min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 42

Standardized solutions
ABC of standardized bioactive ingredients
Lycopersicum esculentum L. WWB SP HA

Denomination Bioactive(s) Specification Reference

Tomato powder Carotenoids >1500 ppm (as lycopene eq.) SD01510003

Health positioning: Antioxidant, beauty (protection against cutaneous photodamage), bone health (reduce bone
resorption marker), cardiovascular protection (reduce platelet aggregation)
EU claims USA claims
- Naturally contains lycopene (Min 830mg of powder) - Naturally contains lycopene (no min)

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 43

Part 3

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 44

Premium Health Solutions
Innovation and science
Product Source Health Daily Description Studies Suggested claim
positionning dosis

Patented apple extract standardized 4 clinical Contributes to decrease

Glucose regulation 900 mg in Phloridzin. studies glucose absorption

Water extract of brocoli standardized In-vitro studies Helps to promote liver

Liver detoxification 100 mg in glucoraphanin detoxification

Natural source of nitric oxide Literature Helps improve muscle

Sports endurance 18 g precursors from red Beetroot review: 30+ efficiency
clinical studies

High bioavailability Complex of Clinical study Helps improve joint comfort

Joint Comfort and 1.5 g Collagen type II, Chondroitin sulfate, and mobility
Mobility hyaluronic acid.

Cardiovascular : 8.6 g Red beetroot juice powder or Literature Diets containing foods that
blood pressure concentrate standardized in review: 10+ are a good source of
reduction potassium and naturally high in NO clinical studies potassium and that are
precursors low in sodium may reduce
the risk of high blood
pressure and stroke**

**FDAMA approved health claim © DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 45
Premium Health Solutions
Innovation and science

Product Source Daily dosis Description Studies Suggested claim
Concentrated and purified Clinical
Helps maintain urinary
Urinary Tract Health 240 mg proanthocyanidins type-A from study on-
American cranberry. going

Proprietary blend of flavonols from

Canadian wild blueberry (V. Clinical Helps improve
Cognitive Health 600 mg
angustifolium) and grape study memory and focus
standardized to flavonols

Glucophenol™ is a mixture of
polyphenols from the Orleans Clinical Helps improve insulin
Glucose Regulation 277-554 mg
variety of strawberries and study sensitivity

Orophenol™ is a standardized
blend of polyphenols obtained from Support naturally oral
Oral Health 62.5 mg In-vitro study
Canadian wild blueberries, health
cranberries, and strawberries

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 46

for your attention

© DIANA FOOD, Proprietary and confidential information 47

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