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March ROS Fluid Definition Of After 3 INDEPENDEN After 3 days of

17, - Patient is volume The Nursing days of T - CVP nurse-patient
2021 uneasy, looks deficit Dx nurse- - Monitor vital measurement interaction, the
pale and related to patient signs and CVP. s are helpful patient was able
tired. excessive It is defined in determining
interacti to:
vascular as a state or the degree of
on, the
- Patient loss fluid deficit - maintain fluid
condition of patient
experienced secondary and response volume at a
the body will be
fatigue and to to functional level
where the able to: replacement
showed signs bleeding as evidenced by
of stress and fluid output therapy.
exceeds the - stable vital signs,
restlessness. Fever
fluid intake. maintai good skin turgor,
n fluid metabolism good capillary
Assessment Pathophysiol volume and refill, moist
-Skin: cold ogical Basis at a exacerbates mucous
and moist. function fluid loss. membranes and
-The client Decreased al level - Monitor urine adequate urinary
responds to intravascular as output. output with
, interstitial, evidenc - A decreased normal specific
urinary output
slowly and and/or ed by gravity.
may indicate
stares intracellular stable hypovolemia,
blankly. fluid. Fluids vital insufficient
are always in signs, renal
Diagnostic flux through good perfusion or
Studies a variety of skin polyuria can
regulatory turgor, be present,
Complete mechanisms good requiring
Blood Count to maintain capillary more
(CBC) appropriate refill, aggressive
concentratio moist - Palpate fluid
- Blood replacement.
ns mucous peripheral
Pressure: throughout membra pulses; - Conditions
140/90 the various nes and Observe for that contribute
compartment adequat skin color, to
s of the e temperature, extracellular
- body. urinary and capillary fluid deficit
Hemoglobin- output refill. can result in
12.8 g/dl Rationale with inadequate
(Low) normal organ
Body fluids specific perfusion to
- Hematocrit- contain vital all areas and
37.3% (Low) gravity.
electrolytes may cause
and circulatory
Urine essential DEPENDENT collapse and
Analysis minerals that shock.
enable the - Monitor
- laboratory
Transparency body to
studies, as
- Foamy/ function - Depending
Cloudy properly and on the degree
maintain of fluid loss,
homeostasis differing
. These are electrolyte
essential for and metabolic
body imbalances
may be
present and
regulation, - Administer IV require
muscle solutions, as correction.
movement indicated:
and - To help
maintaining maintain a
blood ph patient's
levels. hydration,
and blood
sugar levels.

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