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Formative Assessment 1
STUDENT NAME: _Onalan, Wikan-June

STUDENT NUMBER: _201811877

DATE: __09/27/21


Topic: Introduction to Database Design

1. Determine the basic elements of ERD.
2. Create an E-R Diagram based on the given scenario.
3. Create the relational tables based on the ERD.

Case problem.
Determine the basic elements of the ERD and create the ERD based on the given case scenario.

A Jim’s pet shop would like to have database for home services with the following items.

Customer - attributes: CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerEmail, CustomeTelephne

Location – attributes: LocationID, CurrentAdd, PermanentAdd
Service – attributes: ServiceID, ServiceRate

After conducting an interview with Jim, you have come up with the following business rules:
• Customer can have one or more locations
• There can be more than one customer per location.
• Each location can have more than one service rates
• Each service rate may be used at many locations or not used at a location.
1. Determine all the basic elements of ERD that are involved. Make a table of the Entity and
Entity Attributes
Customer CustomerID, CustomerName,
CustomerEmail, CustomeTelephne
Location LocationID, CurrentAdd, PermanentAdd

Service ServiceID, ServiceRate

2. Illustrate the relationships, connectivity and cardinality using ERD.

Features 10-8 7 5 1
Ideas Present ideas in an Present ideas in a Ideas are too general Ideas are vague or
original manner consistent manner unclear
Organization Strong and Organized Some organization; No organization;
organized attempt at a lack beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows little
strong clear understanding adequate understanding
understanding understanding
Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence structure No sense of
enhances meaning; is evident; sentences is limited; sentences sentence structure
flows throughout the mostly flow need to flow or flow
Mechanics Virtually no Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
spelling, punctuation errors, spelling, punctuation and
punctuation or minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors
grammatical errors errors grammatical errors that it interferes
with the meaning

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