Drda 2

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In respect of such States where

 District Rural DRDA does not have a separate identity, a
separate Cell be created in the Zilla Parishad

 Development to maintain separate accounts, so that these
are capable of being audited separately.
  The DRDA should emerge as a specialised
 Agency agency capable of managing the Anti Poverty
Programmes of the Ministry on the one hand
 and to effectively relate these to the overall
effort of poverty eradication in the District.
Actual execution of programmes will be

 T he District Rural Development Agency
(DRDA) has traditionally been the principal
organ at the District level to oversee the
handled outside the DRDAs and the DRDA's
role will be to facilitate the implementation
 of the programmes, to supervise/oversee
implementation of different anti poverty
 programmes. In the context of the requests from
and monitor the progress, to receive and
send the progress reports as well as to
 the States to review the administrative costs
account for the funds.
 admissible to the DRDAs, an inter-Ministerial
 DRDAs will develop the capacity to build
Committee was constituted in February, 1997,
 under the Chairmanship of Shri M.
synergies among different agencies involved,
for the most effective results.
Shankar, Additional Secretary and Financial
 If DRDAs are to be entrusted with
Advisor of the erstwhile Ministry of Rural
programmes of other Ministries or those
Areas and Employment to review the
of the State Governments, it would be
support for administrative costs permitted
ensured that these have a definite Anti
under various programmes of the Ministry.
Poverty focus.
On the basis of the recommendations
 The Chairman, Zilla Parishad would be the
of this Committee, a Centrally Sponsored
Chairman of the Governing Body of the
Scheme for strengthening of DRDA
DRDA. The DRDA shall also have an
Administration was launched w.e.f. 1.4.99.
Executive Committee.
With this, a separate provision has been
 The Project Director should cause the annual
made to meet the administrative expenses of the
accounts of the DRDA to be prepared not
later than 30th June. These shall be duly
The primary objective of the new Scheme Staffing pattern
 of DRDA Administration is to professionalise the
 The staffing pattern is expected to reflect
 DRDAs so that they are able to effectively manage
a clear departure from that of a purely
 the anti poverty programmes of the Ministry of
administrative organisation. The staffing
Rural Development and interact effectively with
 other agencies. The DRDAs will maintain a
structure of DRDAs includes positions for
 distinctive identity with Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Planning for Poverty Alleviation, Project
formulation, Social Organisation and Capacity
 Building, Gender concerns, Engineering
 Salient features of the Scheme Supervision and Quality Control, Project
 Organisational Structure
Monitoring, Accountancy and Audit functions
  Each District will have its own District Rural
as well as Evaluation and Impact Studies.
 Each DRDA would have the following wings:
 Development Agency. The DRDA would (a) Self employment wing
 be headed by a Project Director, who should (b) Women's wing
be of the rank of an Additional District
 (c) Wage-employment wing

(d) Engineering wing and in any case not more than 50 years 
(e) Accounts wing of age. 
(f) Watershed Wing, (wherever DDP/
DPAP/IWDP programmes are under
implementation) The DRDA Administration being a staff 
(g) Monitoring and Scheme, no physical targets are set under the 
(h) General Administration Scheme. 
Administrative Cost
The administrative cost per District is fixed as This being a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, it 
follows:- is funded on a sharing basis between the Centre 
Category A District (<6 blocks) Rs.46 lakhs and the States in the proportion of 75:25. 
Category B District (6-10 blocks) Rs.57 lakhs Allocation of funds to the Districts is based on
Category C District (11-15 blocks) Rs.65 lakhs the ceiling prescribed in the Guidelines depending 
Category D District (>15 blocks) Rs.67 lakhs upon the number of Blocks in the District. 
The above limits are applicable from the year 
1999-2000. This ceiling will be raised every year, Release of funds 
on a compounding basis, upto 5% to set off the The Central Assistance under the Scheme
increases due to inflation, etc. While the States is released directly to the District Rural 
follow their own salary structure, the ceiling Development Agencies (DRDAs)/Zilla
indicated above would be strictly adhered to. Any Parishads. 10% of the total entitlement
increase over and above the ceiling would be met of DRDAs in a State is earmarked for
entirely by the State Government concerned. the State Headquarter.
Personnel Policy Performance during 1999-
The following principles are laid down in respect 2000
of personnel of DRDAs: During the year 1999-2000, only a
sum of Rs.110.00 crores was approved
 DRDA should not have any permanent staff at RE stage for the Scheme. The entire
and no longer any direct recruitment be amount was released to all the States/UTs
allowed. proportionately. 
 Taking employees on deputation to the The Statewise releases made during 1999- 
DRDA for specific periods has the advantage
of better choice of staff, flexibility in staffing
2000 is given at annexure -XIII. 
pattern and of motivating the staff. Performance during 2000-2001 
 The Project Directors, Project Officers, APOs
During 2000-01, a provision of Rs.220.00 
and all technical posts are to be manned by
officers with proven capability and motivation
crores has been approved at BE stage. The first 
and are to be selected in an objective manner
installment of 50% of Central Share based on 
the prescribed ceiling, amounting to Rs.130.00
by specific selection committees.
crores has already been released to all the States/

 In the selection of Project Directors and 
UTs towards 1st installment of Central Share.
APOs, emphasis should be on selecting
officers of young age. The PDs and APO
The Statewise financial position along with 
should not be more than 40-50 years of age,
1st instalment release during 2000-01 is given 
at annexure-XIV.


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