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Daily Practice Problems

Target JEE 2016
Class:XII Discussion: 18-19/05/2015 Time: 45 Min. M.M.: 38 DPP. NO.-18
Q.1 x and y displacements of a particle are given as x(t) = a sin t and y(t) = a sin 2t. Its trajectory will look
like: [3]
y y
y y

x x x x
(1) (2) (3) (4)

[JEE Main online 2015]

Q.2 In a certain region of space, The potential field depends on x and y coordinates as V = (x2 – y2). The
corresponding electric field lines in x-y plane are correctly represented by : [3]
y y y

x (B) x
(A) x (C) (D) x

Q.3 Three point charges +q, –2q and +q are placed at points (x = 0, y = a, z = 0), (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) and
(x = a, y = 0, z = 0) respectively. The magnitude and direction of resultant dipole moment can be best
represented by - [3]
(A) 2q a along +y direction (B) 2q a along –y direction
(C) 2q a ( î  ˆj) (D) qa ( î  ˆj)

Q.4 On an imaginary planet the acceleration due to gravity is same as that on Earth but there is also a
downward electric field that is uniform close to the planet’s surface.Aball of mass m carrying a charge
q is thrown upward at a speed v and hits the ground after an interval t. What is the magnitude of potential
difference between the starting point and the top point of the trajectory ? [3]
mv  gt  mv  gt  mv 2mv
(A) v  (B) v  (C) v  gt  (D) ( v  gt )
2q  2 q  2 2q q

Q.5 Electric potential V and magnitude of electric field E due to a small dipole at a distance r from it are
numerically equal. Then this position can be at [4]
(A) r = 3m (B) r = 1m (C) r = 1.5 m (D) r = 4m

Q.6 Consider a spherical volume which has uniform charge density  from x = R to
x = 2R. There is no charge from x = 0 to x = R and from x = 2R to inifinity. The 2R
electric potential due to this charge. [4]
R 3R 2 R
(A) at x = 0 is 0 (B) at x = is
2 2 0

7 R 2 3R 8R 2
(C) at x = 2R is (D) at x = is
6 0 2 3 0
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Q.7 Figure shows three spherical shells in separate situations, with each shell having the same uniform positive
net charge. Points 1, 4 and 7 are at the same radial distances from the centre of the their respective
shells; so are points 2, 5 and 8 ; and so are points 3, 6 and 9. With the electric potential taken equals to
zero at an infinite distance, choose correct statement. [4]
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

(A) Point 3 has highest potential (B) point 1, 4 and 7 are at same potential
(C)Point 9 has lowest potential (D) point 5 and 8 are at same potential

Q.8 The system shown in the figure can move on a smooth surface. The spring is initially compressed by
6 cm and then released . [4]
K=800 N/m
3kg 6kg

(A) the particles perform SHM with time period sec
(B) the block of mass 3 kg perform SHM with amplitude 4 cm
(C) the block of mass 6 kg will have maximum momentum 2.40 kg m/s
(D) none of these

Q.9 The x axis is the symmetry axis of a fixed uniformly charged ring of
radius R and total charge Q. A point charge Q of mass M is located
initially at the center of the ring. When it is displaced slightly, the point
charge accelerates along the x axis. Find the position of the charge when
its speed attains half of its maximum possible value. [5]

Q.10 Electric field due to a uniformly charged ring of radius 5 m at a certain point on its axis is 1 V/m and
electric potential at the same point is 6V. If the distance of this point from centre of the ring is x (in m), find
the smallest value of x. [5]

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Daily Practice Problems
Target JEE 2016
Class:XII Discussion: 20-21/05/2015 Time: 40 Min. M.M.: 33 DPP. NO.-19
Q.1 Shown in the figure are two point charges + Q and – Q inside the cavity of a spherical shell. The charges
are kept near the surface of the cavity on opposite sides of the centre of the shell. If 1 is the surface
charge on the inner surface and Q1 net charge on it and 2 the surface charge on the outer surface and
Q2 net charge on it then
(1) 1  0, Q1 = 0
2  0, Q2 = 0
(2) 1  0, Q1  0
2  0, Q2  0 –Q
(3) 1 = 0, Q1 = 0
2 = 0, Q2 = 0
(4) 1  0, Q1 = 0
2 = 0, Q2 = 0
[JEE Main online 2015] [3]

Q.2 A point charge q is placed inside a conducting spherical shell of inner radius 2R and outer radius 3R at a
distance R from the centre. The electric potential at the centre of shell will be 4 times [3]

q 4q 5q 2q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2R 3R 6R 3R

Q.3 Anumberofsphericalconductorsofdifferentradiihavesamepotential.Thenthesurfacechargedensityonthem
(A) is proportional to their radii (B) is inversely proportional to their radii
(C) are equal (D) is proportional to square of their radii

Q.4 Electric field at a distance r from an electric dipole on its axis is E 1 and at distance 2r on its

perpendicular bisector is E 2 then: [3]
       
(A) E 2  E 1 / 2 (B) E 2  E 1 / 4 (C) E 2  E 1 / 8 (D) E 2  E 1 / 16

Q.5 An electric dipole is placed in an electric field generated by a point charge [3]
(A) The net force on the dipole must be zero.
(B) The net force on the dipole may be zero.
(C) The torque on the dipole due to the field must be zero.
(D) The torque on the dipole due to the field may be zero.

Q.6 A point negative charge – Q is placed at a distance r from a dipole

with dipole moment P as shown in figure. The x component of force
acting on the charge – Q is - [3]
(A) – cos î (B) cos î
r r
(C) – cos î (D) cos î
r3 r3
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Q.7 In the laboratory, you hang a pan with weights on it from a spring. When you set the system into vertical
oscillation, its period is 0.5 s. You add another weight to the pan, and the new period is s. How far has
the equilibrium point shifted ? Take g = 2. [3]
3 5 7 4
(A) m (B) m (C) (D) m
121 172 144 25

Q.8 n identical charged small drops are combined to form a big drop. List I gives the quantity and List-II
gives the ratio of that quantity after combination and before combination (for 1 drop). [3]
List-I List-II
P. Charge 1. n
Q. Potential 2. n1/3
R. Energy 3. n2/3
S. Surface charge density 4. n5/3
(A) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3 (B) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2
(C) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-2 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4

Q.9 A particle moves along y - axis according to the equation ,

y = sin 150  t + 4 sin3 50  t + 2 . y is in cm and t is in seconds . [4]
(A) it performs SHM of amplitude 3 cm (B) it performs SHM of frequency 25 Hz
(C) it does not perform SHM (D) the mean position is at y = 2

Q.10 A n electron is released from rest on the axis of an electric dipole that has charge e and –e on its two
parts, charge separation d = 20 cm and that is fixed in place. The release point is on the positive side of
the dipole, at distance 7.0d from the dipole center. What is the electron's speed (in m/s) when it reaches
a point 5.0d from the dipole center? Round off the answer to nearest integer. Take the mass of the
electron as 9.1 × 10–31 kg. [5]

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Daily Practice Problems
Target JEE 2016
Class:XII Discussion: 22-23/05/2015 Time: 35 Min. M.M.: 32 DPP. NO.-20
Q.1 When an uncharged cubical metal block is brought near an infinite uniformly charged non conducting
plane, choose the correct option [3]
(A) charges will be induced on block & it will be attracted towards the plane
(B) charges will be induced on block & it will be repelled from the plane
(C) charges will be induced on block but it won't experience any force.
(D) EitherAor B depending on nature of metal.

Q.2 Two concentric spherical shells are given conducting positive charges : [3]
(A) outer shell will be at higher potential
(B) inner shell will be at higher potential
(C) outer will always be at higher potential irrespective of the sign of charges given to two spheres.
(D) no prediction can be made using given data.

Q.3 Two equal drops of water having the same and similar charge combine to form one spherical drop.
Considering drop to be conducting and spherical, the ratio of electrostatic energy of single drop to
the combined drop is [3]
(A) 1 : 2 5/3
(B) 1 : 2 4/3
(C) 1 : 2 2/3
(D) none

Q.4 Apoint charge q is placed at the centre of a spherical metallic shell of radius R.Another point charge q’
is placed at a distance 2R from the centre of the shell. The force exerted by the induced charges of the
shell on the charge q is : [3]
qq ' qq'
(A) 0 (B) 4  R 2 (C) 16 R 2 (D) can not be determined
0 0

Q.5 An electric dipole is placed at the origin O such that its equator is y-axis. At a point P far away from
dipole, the electric field direction is along y-direction. OP makes an angle  with the x-axis such that : [3]
(A) tan  = 3 (B) tan  = 2 (C) tan  = 1 (D) tan  =

Q.6 The potential energy of the system of two identically charged spherical shell as shown in the figure is
equal to (Assume the charge distribution to be uniform on surface) [3]
q q

r r

R R>>r

q2  1 1  1 q2
(A)    (B)
4 0  R r  4 0 r

1 q2 q2  1 1 
(C) (D)   
4 0 r (R  r ) 8 0  R r 

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Q.7 A block of mass 1kg is connected to a spring of spring constant 2 N/m fixed at other end and kept on
smooth level ground. The block is pulled by a distance of 1cm from natural length position and released.
After what time does the block compress the spring by cm. [3]
2 1 1 1
(A) sec (B) sec (C) sec (D) sec
3 3 6 12

Q.8 A sound wave is travelling in a uniform pipe with gas of adiabatic exponent . If u is the particle velocity
at any point in medium and c is the wave velocity, then relative change in pressure per unit length
while wave passes through this point is :- [3]
u u u u2
(A) (B)  (C)  (D) 2
c c c c

Q.9 Two conducting, concentric, hollow spheres A and B have radii a and b respectively, withAinside B.
They have the same potential V.Ais now given some charge such that its potential becomes zero. The
potential of B will now be [3]
(A) 0 (B) V(1–a/b) (C) Va/b (D) V(b–a) (b+a)

Q.10 A charge of –1µC is released on the surface of a fixed uniformlycharged solid sphere of radius 3 cm. The
total charge on the solid sphere is +10 µC. Under the influence of electrostatic attraction, the negative
charge enters the solid sphere and moves inside without friction. What is the rate (in W) at which the
potential energy of the system is changing when the charge is at 1 cm from centre. Mass of charge
= gm. [5]

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