Ictpmg501 Ae Pro 2of3

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Project assessment: Execute and close a project

Unit code, name and release number
ICTPMG501 - Manage ICT projects (1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

ICT50418 - Diploma of Information Technology Networking (1)

**Amend the qualification box before distributing to the student. The information here
should only contain the qualification the student is enrolled in**

Student details
Student number

Student name

Assessment declaration
 This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other
source except where due acknowledgement is made.

 No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except
where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.

 I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of

another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the
material used is not appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised.

Student signature and Date

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Resource ID: TBS_19_004_ICTPMG501_AE_Pro_2of3
Version: 20200214
Date created: 14 February 2020
Date modified: 14 February 2020

For queries, please contact:

Technology and Business Services SkillsPoint
Location: Ultimo

© 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney

RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the
permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 22 February
2022. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

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Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details Instructions

Assessment overview The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and
performance required to

Assessment Event 2 of 3

Instructions for this This is a project based assessment and will be assessing you on
assessment your knowledge and performance of the unit.

This assessment is in five parts:

1. Commence the project

2. Consult with your team

3. Monitor and control the project

4. Manage your team

5. Manage project activities

6. Hand over the project

7. Conduct post-project review.

The assessment also contains:

 Assessment Checklists 1-4

 Observation Checklists 1-4

 Assessment Feedback.

Check the Assessment instructions and the Observation

Checklists to ensure that you’ve covered all the required tasks.

Submission On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it

instructions or hand it to your assessor for marking.

Ensure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of
this assessment.

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Assessment details Instructions

Submit the following documents for each part:

 Part 1: Commence the project

o Statement of team values

o IT development team document

o Email to IT Manager

 Part 2: Consult with your team

o You will be observed by your assessor

 Part 3: Monitor and control the project

o Updated project plan

 Part 4: Manage your team

o You will be observed by your assessor

 Part 5: Manage project activities

o System testing email/s or documents

o Progress report.

 Part 6: Hand over the project

o Project handover report

o Project closure report

 Part 7: Conduct post-project review

o You will be observed by your assessor.

It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy

assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment
declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all questions
to achieve a must be answered correctly and all items in the Assessment and
satisfactory result? Observation Checklists must be marked Satisfactory.

Assessment Assessment conditions will be safe and replicate the workplace.

conditions Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances
must be typical of those experienced in the ICT, project

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Assessment details Instructions

management and software development field of work.

Assessment may be undertaken in normal classroom conditions,

which is assumed to be noisy and similar to workplace conditions,
or within the workplace. This may include phones ringing, people
talking and other interruptions.

What do I need to  USB drive or other storage method with enough free
provide? space to save work to.

What will the  Access to the Learning Management System

assessor provide?  Office equipment, materials and industry software

Due date and time Indicative time to complete assessment:

allowed  In class: 1:15 hours

 Out of class: Five hours.

Parts 2, 4 and 7 will be completed in the classroom.

All other parts may be completed both in and outside of the

Assessment location classroom.
The student may access their referenced text, learning notes and
other resources.

Supervision Some parts are unsupervised, take-home assessments.

Your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the

authenticity of your submission and confirm that the assessment
task was completed by you.

Reasonable If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may

adjustment prevent you from successfully completing the assessment
event(s) in the way described, you should talk to your assessor
about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way
you are assessed to take into account your condition, which must
be approved BEFORE you attempt the assessment.

Assessment In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment

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Assessment details Instructions

feedback, review or Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment
appeals decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and
the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within
14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the

If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have

any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher or Head
Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student
Administration Officer.

Contact your Head Teacher for the assessment appeals

procedures at your college/campus.

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Specific task instructions
You are currently employed as a project manager with Red Opal Innovations (ROI)
(ROI_Scenario.pdf). You have been assigned the task of managing a project for a new
company WizBiz.

Your project plan has been approved and you are ready to execute the project.

Refer to the scenario documents and Organisation standards in Assessment 1.

Download and unzip the resource folder (Cl_ProjMgt_AE_Pro_SR1.zip) to access documents

referred to in this assessment.

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Part 1: Commence the project
Refer to Assessment Checklist 1 for the criteria for this part.

There are several tasks that must be done before assembling and meeting your team. For
each of the following, create a separate word-processed document:

1. Create a logically-sequenced team document for the following, using appropriate

language and grammar:

a. Prepare a statement of team values and expected behaviour that are in line
with the organisational values. Note that this will be part of what will used to
monitor the team members’ performance in the project.

2. Select three suitable team members for the IT development project team (refer to
Appendix 1 for the developer personas), justifying your selections.

a. Allocate the project roles listed in the Developer team job descriptions
(ROI_Developer_team_job_descriptions.pdf) and responsibilities based on the
requirements of the recommended project solution (as identified in the
project plan in Assessment 1 Part 5.5) and the team member’s strengths. You
may create a table/matrix for this information.

3. Some team members may need training or support, which will be determined in the
team meeting. So that you can assist them, you need to build your networks of key
people and communities with expert skills and knowledge.

a. Include details of at least two networks that could be utilised for staff training
and upskilling. These may include meetup groups, LinkedIn, or other sources
of expertise. Provide screenshots and/or emails (both sent and replied) of
your interactions with these networks.

b. Write an email to Alison Garmen, the IT Manager from WizBiz, to invite her to
be part of your professional network and discuss how she could be of help
with supporting the team. Use the ROI email template

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Part 2: Consult with your team
Now that you have selected your team, you will need to meet with them in a role play of 15-
20 minutes to discuss the project and their roles and responsibilities.

Your team will consist of 3-4 people (including yourself).

Your assessor will observe the role play and complete Observation Checklist 1.

During the meeting you must:

 actively listen and contribute to the discussion.

Role play participants:

 Team members – arrange for at least two other people to act as the team members.

 Project Manager (this is you).

Ensure that you include the following in your meeting:

1. Establish the team values and expected behaviour.

2. Allocate the roles and responsibilities to each team member. Ensure that you
highlight the strengths of each team member.

3. Discuss and determine any training and support needs of the team, as well as the
networks for expertise identified in Part 1.3 and 1.4.

4. Encourage collaboration, commitment and cohesion within the team.

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Part 3: Monitor and control the project
Refer to Assessment Checklist 2 for the criteria for this part.

It is now a week before the development is due to commence according to your project
plan. You have received a call from Alison Garmen, the IT Manager from WizBiz, advising the
project servers will not be available for another two weeks, which includes your
development server.

In addition to the above, you have just been told that a possible integration with some
banking software needs to be discussed and two members of your team called in sick today.

You have decided you need to:

 locate a temporary environment to commence development – possibly the

developers’ workstations

 initiate a meeting to find out more about the potential interface

 incur delays due to the ill staff; you estimate two days each.

1. Update your project plan (from Assessment 1 Part 5) using the project management
software tool to reflect the changes outlined in the scenario. This may include the
Gantt chart, communication plan, quality plan, risk register, tasks and costs. You will
also need to create an issues log.

Note: The project plan may be several documents which will need to be compiled as

If there have been no changes, the specific document would not need to be updated.

The Gantt chart must be submitted in both the format it was created in and as a PDF.

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Part 4: Manage your team
As part of monitoring the project, you need to monitor the assigned work activities and
manage the team members.

Team member 1 has been coming into team meetings late and not prepared, as well as
taking a sick day at least once a week, which may affect the project timeline.

Team member 2 has occasionally updated documents locally without updating them in the
team repository. This has caused problems with version control.

Participate in two role plays of 5-10 minutes each to manage the performance of these two
team members.

Your assessor will observe the role play and complete Observation Checklists 2 and 3.

Make sure that you actively listen and contribute to the discussions.

Role play participants:

 Team member – arrange for another person to act as the team member.

 Project Manager (this is you).

Ensure that you include the following in each role play:

1. Discuss the performance of the team member using appropriate performance

management and appraisal methods.

2. Discuss possible solutions to the problems with the team member.

3. Make a decision on the outcome of the performance management, taking into

account the project constraints.

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Part 5: Manage project activities
Refer to Assessment Checklist 3 for the criteria for this part.

To ensure quality control of the project deliverables, you must monitor the source-control
system and manage the system testing.

1. Refer to your project plan for system testing activities and review the test plan. Write
the email/s to the appropriate person or people to ensure that the system testing
activities are scheduled and organised. Use the ROI email template

2. Produce a progress report of the project so far, which includes:

a. the current status of the tasks within the scheduled period

b. current issues and strategies to mitigate these issues, where possible

c. any changes to the project and their impact on the original approved project

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Part 6: Hand over the project
Refer to Assessment Checklist 4 for the criteria for this part.

The hand over activities include documenting the project for the ICT staff and the client.
Review and analyse the project documentation to write or update the following reports and

Your reports must:

 use appropriate language and grammar

 be presented in a logical sequence.

1. Prepare a project handover report, which includes:

a. support requirements for the system for the initial month of production use

b. ongoing maintenance requirements.

2. Update the disaster recovery plan (WizBiz Disaster Recovery Plan.docx) with at least
two specific inclusions.

3. Prepare a project closure report, which includes:

a. how it met the requirements

b. opportunities for improvement

c. lessons learned

d. recommendations for future projects

e. space for names and signatures of the Project Sponsor and Project Manager.

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Part 7: Conduct post-project review
To complete the project closure, you need to make a professional presentation of 10-15
minutes to senior management of WizBiz and the project team members. You may use
professional digital presentation aids (such as PowerPoint) to support your presentation,
however you must also speak effectively.

Your assessor will observe the role presentation and complete the Observation Checklist.

In your spoken presentation, make sure that you effectively communicate your ideas in a
logical sequence.

Role play participants:

 Senior management and team members – arrange for at least three people to act as
the management and team members.

 Project Manager (this is you).

Ensure that you include the following in your presentation:

1. Review the project, including:

a. how it met the requirements

b. opportunities for improvement

c. lessons learned

d. recommendations for future projects.

2. Submit the project closure report and obtain sign-off on the final project.

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Appendix 1: Developer department personas
Web Developers
Penny Po
Penny is in her mid 30s and is an experienced Web Developer having worked as a Web
Developer for the last 10 years, coding in HTML, PHP, XML and using Adobe products. Penny
has worked for ROI for two years on several shopping portal projects and has led the last
two developments. Penny successfully completed the projects on time and on budget. Penny
knows most of the staff at ROI and is a great team player. She has accreditation in AGILE and
also PRINCE2 project management.

Dean South
Dean completed a Computer Science degree in 2018 (straight out of high school) and has
been employed at ROI since January 2019. This is his first Web Developer job. He is
enthusiastic and has some great ideas but does not always follow or understand the
importance of policies and procedures. He has worked until now as a junior developer
coding in HTML, PHP, XML and using Adobe products. He has not worked on any shopping
portal projects. His passion is gaming and mobile applications. ROI management would like
him to gain experience across a wider range of projects.

Kurt Schroder
Kurt completed a Computer Science degree in 2018 (straight out of high school) and has
been employed at ROI since January 2019 coding in HTML, PHP, XML and using Adobe
products. This is his first Web Developer job. He is very procedural and technically very
precise. He held the role of junior developer reporting to Penny Po in his last project, which
was a shopping portal project.

Dianne Donne
Dianne’s background is as a graphic designer and worked in that capacity for 15 years.
Dianne started coding about 10 years ago while running her own web consultancy business.
Her coding languages are HTML, PHP, XML and she uses Adobe products. Dianne has worked
for ROI for 18 months and has project-managed five large projects, although none have been
shopping portals.

Systems Analysts
James Lim

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James has worked for ROI for the last five years and has extensive experience as a systems
analyst in both retail and stock control systems. He has designed more than 10 shopping
portals with both eCommerce back ends and simple file feeds to other systems. He has
experience working with a number of systems development methodologies including AGILE,
SCRUM, Spiral and Waterfall. He has project management foundation qualifications in both

Tracey Green
Tracey has also worked for ROI for the last five years and has extensive experience as a
systems analyst in both retail and stock control systems. She has worked with James and
designed more than 10 shopping portals with both eCommerce back ends and simple file
feeds to other systems. She has experience working with a number of systems development
methodologies including AGILE, SCRUM, Spiral and Waterfall. She also has project
management foundation qualifications in both PMBOK and PRINCE2.

Software Tester
Carl Mann
Carl has also worked for ROI for the last five years and has extensive experience as a systems
software tester in a range of systems including stock control, CRM and eCommerce web
sites. He has worked with James and Tracey and designed and tested more than 10 Shopping
portals, with both eCommerce back ends and simple file feeds to other systems. He has
experience working with a number of systems development methodologies including AGILE,
SCRUM, Spiral and Waterfall. He also has experience working in projects using PMBOK and
PRINCE2 project management methodologies.

Melissa Browne
Melissa has been working at ROI as a systems tester for two years. Melissa has a business
background in sales and finance. She was recruited by ROI having led a client team testing a
large and complex eBusiness system, which ROI designed and built. Melissa is well regarded
for her business knowledge and attention to detail.

Technical Writer
Jason Lord
Jason graduated with a degree in journalism but preferred writing technical documents. He
has worked for a number of software companies developing user and technical documents
for the last six years. He has been working at ROI for six months and has successfully
completed two projects. He writes novels as a hobby and has a vivid imagination.

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Leanne Woods
Leanne has a degree in Arts majoring in Journalism and worked as a journalist for a home
designer magazine for five years. She started at ROI doing short term contracts four years
ago. She has worked on a wide range of projects and has a creative flair in layout and
document design. She has also back filled in the role of content developer on a number of

Content Developers
This is a new role at ROI and they recruited two people as content developers. They both
commenced in Mid-January. Neither has completed a project yet.

Barbara Chong
Barbara has a degree in Journalism and a background in marketing IT systems solutions. She
began managing the content of her previous employers’ large eCommerce website 18
months ago. She is proficient in HTML, CSS and XML

Steve Adams
Steve has a marketing degree and has worked for a large IT solutions provider for 10 years
doing both general marketing and customised IT systems solutions. His role included
creating and managing his products on the company’s web site. He has reasonable skills in
HTML and CSS and has used Dreamweaver and WordPress to maintain content.

IT Trainer
Alice Jones
Alice Jones initially trained as a school teacher but quickly decided that it wasn’t for her. She
joined ROI as a contract trainer 4 years ago and has developed and delivered both staff
training and training to clients on products and systems developed by ROI.

Paul McIntosh
Paul has a Bachelor of Adult Education and Diploma in IT and taught in the Vocational
Education field as a fulltime teacher for 15 years. Paul has recently joined ROI (in January) He
has been involved in developing an induction training program for incoming staff. This would
be his first client-based project.

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Assessment Checklist 1
The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the
assessment criteria of Part 1. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge
you need to demonstrate in your submission. All the criteria described in the Assessment
Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions while the submission/presentation is
taking place or if appropriate directly after the task has been submitted.

Table 2: Assessment Checklist 1

TASK/STEP Instructions
S U/S Assessor Comments

1 Creates logically-sequenced Assessors are to record

documents, using appropriate their observations in
language and grammar sufficient detail to
demonstrate their
judgement of the
student’s performance
against the criteria.

2 Defines the project team values and

behavioural standards, including the
organisational values

3 Select team members and allocates

roles and responsibilities, based on
project requirements and the team
member’s strengths

4 Builds formal and informal networks

of expertise

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Observation Checklist 1
This Observation Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 2.
Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The Checklist lists the
assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this
assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be used as part of
the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while the
demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been

Table 3 Observation Checklist 1

Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

1 Actively listens and contributes Assessors are to record their

to discussion observations in sufficient detail to
demonstrate their judgement of
the student’s performance against
the criteria required.

2 Establishes the team values

and expected behaviour

3 Allocates roles and

responsibilities to each team
member, highlighting each
team member’s strengths

4 Determines the training and

support needs of team

5 Encourages collaboration,
commitment and cohesion
within the team

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Assessment Checklist 2
The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the
assessment criteria of Part 3. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge
you need to demonstrate in your submission. All the criteria described in the Assessment
Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions while the submission/presentation is
taking place or if appropriate directly after the task has been submitted.

Table 4: Assessment Checklist 2

TASK/STEP Instructions
S U/S Assessor Comments

1 Monitors the project flow and adjusts Assessors are to record

the project plan to control the project their observations in
scope changes, risks and issues sufficient detail to
demonstrate their
judgement of the
student’s performance
against the criteria.

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Observation Checklist 2
This Observation Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 4
(role play 1). Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The
Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully
completed this assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be
used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask
questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the
task/activity has been completed.

Table 5 Observation Checklist 2

Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

1 Actively listens and contributes Assessors are to record their

to discussion observations in sufficient detail to
demonstrate their judgement of
the student’s performance against
the criteria required.

2 Conducts performance
management and appraisal
methods of a team member

3 Discusses possible solutions for

the identified problem

4 Makes a decision on the

outcome of the performance
management, taking into
account the project constraints

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Observation Checklist 3
This Observation Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 4
(role play 2). Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The
Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully
completed this assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be
used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask
questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the
task/activity has been completed.

Table 6 Observation Checklist 2

Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

1 Actively listens and contributes Assessors are to record their

to discussion observations in sufficient detail to
demonstrate their judgement of
the student’s performance against
the criteria required.

2 Conducts performance
management and appraisal
methods of a team member

3 Discusses possible solutions for

the identified problem

4 Makes a decision on the

outcome of the performance
management, taking into
account the project constraints

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Assessment Checklist 3
The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the
assessment criteria of Part 5. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge
you need to demonstrate in your submission. All the criteria described in the Assessment
Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions while the submission is taking place
or if appropriate directly after the task has been submitted.

Table 7: Assessment Checklist 3

TASK/STEP Instructions
S U/S Assessor Comments

1 Manages the system testing Assessors are to record

their observations in
sufficient detail to
demonstrate their
judgement of the
student’s performance
against the criteria.

2 Produces progress report

3 Executes a project

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Assessment Checklist 4
The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the
assessment criteria of Part 6. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge
you need to demonstrate in your submission. All the criteria described in the Assessment
Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions while the submission is taking place
or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been submitted.

Table 8: Assessment Checklist

TASK/STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments


1 Prepares reports that use appropriate

language and grammar

2 Reports are presented in a logical


3 Documents the IT support plans and

maintenance requirements (Q1)

4 Updates the disaster recovery plan


5 Prepares project closure report,

ensuring that project has met
requirements (Q3)

6 Documents the opportunities for

improvement, lessons learned and
recommendations for future projects

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Observation Checklist 4
The Observation Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 7.
Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The Checklist lists the
assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this
assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be used as part of
the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while the
demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been

Table 9 Observation Checklist

Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

1 Conducts a professional
presentation to senior
management and team

2 Effectively communicates ideas

in a logical sequence

3 Conducts a post-project
review, evaluating options

4 Submits report and obtains

sign off on final project

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Assessment Feedback
NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the

Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory

☐ Unsatisfactory

Assessor feedback
☐ Has the Assessment Declaration been signed and dated by the student?

☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work?

☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed?

☐ If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed?

☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?

If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.


Assessor name, signature and date:

Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome

Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?

Student name, signature and date

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Document title: ICTPMG501_AE_Pro_2of3 Page 26 of 26

Resource ID: TBS_19_004_ICTPMG501_AE_Pro_2of3

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