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LA7 Question 4

Question 1
True or False: The Hindu
understanding of creation is that it
goes through cycles of existence
What was/were the major and non-existence.
concern/s of reforms and
movements in the modern period
of Hinduism?
d. True

a. Fighting against Question 5

"untouchability" and for
greater equality for women
in all areas of family and
public life The Hindu epic that tells the story
of a great prince who battled a
demon to rescue his abducted wife
Question 2 is

Which of the following is not true d. Ramayana

about the Veda?


d. Most Hindus believe that

Visnu revealed the Vedic Question 1
texts to the early people in
Indus River who then wrote
about the greatness of His
words and acts. True or False: Traditionally, the
Hindu society has been
matriarchal manifested by the
Question 3 strong presence of female deities.

d. False
What Hindu concept was the major
basis to the development of the
Hindu caste system?
Question 2

d. Karma; a person is born in a

specific group because of True or False: Most Hindus believe
their actions in past life that the Vedic texts are revealed or
heard and not composed by
d. True a. Brahman

Question 3 Question 7

Where do scholars associate the What is/are Hinduism's concept/s

origin of Hinduism with? of Creation?

b. Harappan civilization whose a. The Creation goes through

cultural centers emerged cycles of existence and
and flourished along the dissolution.
Indus River

Question 8
Question 4

What was/were the new concept/s

How did Mahatma Gandhi envision introduced in the Upanisads which
India during the British rule? was/were critical in the
development of Hindu belief?

d. An independent country
focused on democratic and d. The concept of human
economic self-sufficiency personhood as an eternal
and immutable soul

Question 5
Question 9

Which of the following is true about

Hinduism's concept of God? The Hindu epic that tells the story
of a cataclysmic war between two
sets of cousins

a. Multiple divine forms being

worshipped are
manifestations of One c. Mahabharata

Question 10
Question 6

.0Which is not true about Hindu

The Hindu Ultimate permeating all belief?
existence is
a. The relationship of God with interpretations of the Buddha's
humankind throughout teaching and in its openness to a
history broader group of people,
especially lay people


a. Mahayana
Question 1

Question 4


The ideal spiritual model of

Theravada Buddhism who attains
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
nirvana and have perfected their
discipline such that defilements
and desires are extinguished
Flag question

c. Arahants
Question text

Question 5
True or False: The stream of
Buddhism, Vajrayana tradition, is
most prominent in Tibet.
Which of the following is not
considered as a major stream of
c. True

Question 2 d. Vedic

What are the three streams of the
Buddhist tradition?
Question 1

a. Theravada, Mahayana and

Vajrayana tradition True or False: The Theravada
tradition is more flexible about the
orthodoxy of scriptures.
Question 3

b. False
The Buddhist tradition which
regards itself as "great" both in its
Question 2 b. Bodhisattva

Question 6
The Buddhist tradition which
regards itself as the most faithful to
the teachings that have been
passed down through the True or False: The Buddha spoke
generations of five types of suffering.

a. Theravada a. False

Question 3 Question 7

A syllable or phrase for chanting or True or False: The Theravada

meditation, containing within it the tradition sees Shakyamuni Buddha
sacred power and cosmic energies as central.
of a Buddha or bodhisattva

b. True
d. Mantra

Question 8
Question 4

Which of the following is/are not

Which is true about the Vajrayana included in the five precepts at the
or Tribetan tradition of Buddhism? foundation of all morality?

a. It sees itself as embodying d. Not cheating

both the teaching and
meditation practice of the
Question 9
Theravada monks, as well as
the teaching of the
emptiness of all conditioned
things that is distinctive to Which of the following is/are
Mahayana philosophy. included as not a type of dukha
(suffering) the Buddha spoke of?

Question 5

d. The suffering which is

The ideal religious figure in the
Mahayana tradition
Question 10 Correct

Marks for this submission:

According to Buddha tradition, the 1.00/1.00.
only way to achieve freedom is to
develop which of the following
habits? Question 2

d. Right speech A syllable or phrase for chanting or

meditation, containing within it the
sacred power and cosmic energies
of a Buddha or bodhisattva

Question 1
c. Mantra

Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

An esoteric form of Mahayana
Buddhism with an accelerated
path to enlightenment
Flag question

b. Vajrayana
Question text

Question 4
The state of awakening

Which is true about the Vajrayana

Select one:
or Tribetan tradition of Buddhism?

a. Meditation
b. It sees itself as embodying
b. Karuna both the teaching and
meditation practice of the
Theravada monks, as well as
c. Nirvana the teaching of the
emptiness of all conditioned
things that is distinctive to
d. Sangha
Mahayana philosophy.

Question 5
The arahant are Buddhist d. Bhikshus
practitioners who attain nirvana
and have perfected their discipline.
Question 10

a. True
the untouchables

Question 6

a. Dalit

The religious orientation of the

early Vedic culture was toward Question 11
orderly functioning of the cosmos.

The Mandala is literally translated

a. True as "protects the mind".

Question 7
a. False

Question 12

The Vajrayana tradition is more

flexible about the orthodoxy of The bhikshus are Buddhist
scriptures. practitioners who attain nirvana
and have perfected their discipline.

b. False
a. False

Question 8
Question 13

The ideal religious figure in

Mahayana tradition These/This contain/s elaborate
mythology of deities

c. Boddhisattva

b. Puranas
Question 9

Question 14

community of monks
All of the following are included in A new genre of text containing
the "Four Noble Truth" of elaborate mythology of deities
Buddhism except "

c. Puranas
c. There is no way out of
Question 19

Question 15

The stream of Buddhism,

Vajrayana tradition, is most
Which of the following is/are not prominent in Tibet.
included as the major
characteristic of the Theravada?

a. True

d. Mandala- cosmic diagram for

ritual or interior visualization Question 20

Question 16

"Hinduness" is associated with

Indian nationhood. a. Meditation

Question 21
a. True

Question 17 What does the Upanisads

Brahman pertain to?

Which of the two major streams of

Buddhist tradition is more d. The Ultimate permeating all
widespread in China, Vietnam, existence and every soul as
Korean and Japan? its essential reality

Question 22
d. Mahayana tradition

Question 18 The illness that the Buddha

diagnosed as the human condition
is termed as dukha.
a. True b. False

Question 23 Question 27

Sacrifices were considered not The Buddhist tradition, Mahayana

only religious acts, but also is also called as Tantrayana.
efficacious operations for desired

b. False

a. True
Question 28

Question 24

the ethical repercussions of

Which of the following is/are not
included as the major
characteristic of the practice of
a. Karma

Question 29
b. Arahant (arhat)- the ideal
spiritual model of the
The stream of Buddhism,
Theravada tradition, is most
Question 25 prominent in Tibet.

a. False
Those who follow the Buddha

Question 30
a. Sangha

Question 26 What does the Hindu concept of

the "many and the One" mean?

The most well-known Dalit leader

b. Multiple divine forms being
of pre-independence India was
worshipped are
Mahatma Gandhi.
manifestations of one
LA9 Question 5

Question 1
The effortless adherence to social
norms and the performance of
The first step in acquiring clear
character is extending our
knowledge by "investigating
things." b. Ritual conduct

d. Confucius

Question 1
Question 2

"If a man has a good friend to

The attitude of goodness, resist him in doing bad actions, he
benevolence, and altruism towards will have his reputation preserved.
others So, if a father has a son to resist
his wrong command, he will be
saved from committing serious
b. Humanity

Question 3 b. Classic of Filial Obedience

Question 2
What is the most well-known
aspect of Mencius' thought?

Our minds and hearts house our

inherent tendency towards moral
b. the inherent goodness of

Question 4 c. Mencius

Question 3
Human nature possesses potential

Society is capable of directing our

nature towards good or towards
d. Mencius
a. Kao Question 8

Question 4
The attitude of goodness,
benevolence, and altruism towards
Human nature is neither good nor
bad, but can be molded either way

d. Humanity

c. Kao
Question 9

Question 5

"Do not do to others what you

would not have them do to you."
"When a command is wrong, a son
should resist his father, and a civil
servant should resist his noble
ruler." a. Principle of reciprocity

Question 10
b. Confucius

Question 6 Who argued that human nature is

neither good nor bad, but can be
molded either way?

The effortless adherence to social

norms and the performance of
customs c. Kao

d. Ritual conduct

Question 1
Question 7

According to Taoist tradition, this

The principle which involves both creates and sustains
negative duties to avoid harm everything that exists.

d. Principle of reciprocity d. Tao

Question 2 Question 1

Everything around us has been The two traditions of Taoism are

recycled and will again be recycled

d. Philosophical and Religious

b. return Taoism

Question 3 Question 2

We need to eliminate knowledge The tradition of Taoism concerning

and act spontaneously through in the pursuit of immortality?
natural intuition.

c. Religious Taoism
d. wu-hshin

Question 3
Question 4

What is the central theme of

Who is credited for the foundation Daoism?
of Taoism according to tradition?

b. return: all things eventually

d. Lao-tzu decay and return to their
ultimate source within the Dao

Question 5
Question 4

Leaders must abandon common

notions of governance, which Who is credited for the foundation
typically involve authoritatively of one of the most important book
imposing their wills on the people of Taoism, often regarded as the
Classic of Complete Emptiness?

d. minimal governing
b. Lieh-tzu

Question 5
According to Taoist tradition, this d. wu wei
both creates and sustains
everything that exists.
Question 10

a. Tao
This recommends pursuing the
path of emptiness as a means of
Question 6 becoming united with the Tao

Everything around us has been a. Classic of Complete

recycled and will again be recycled Emptiness

c. return

Question 1
Question 7

What is/are the kind/s of action

Which of the following is/are not a that, according to Confucius, will
tradition of Taoism? lead to good government?

b. Social b. Discovering people's natural

capacities and encourage
them to work in those areas
Question 8

Question 2

Leaders must abandon common

notions of governance, which
typically involve authoritatively all things eventually decay and
imposing their wills on the people return to their ultimate source
within the Dao

a. minimal governing
a. Return

Question 9
Question 3

Everything we do should flow with

simple spontaneity and without include those of the father-son,
contrivance husband-wife, and ruler-subject
a. Confucian principle of "Three b. True

Question 8
Question 4

According to Confucius, a ruler

A central theme of Taoism is that of can unselfishly pursue what he
non-mind. desires when he restricts his
desires to cultivating a good

b. False

b. True
Question 5

Question 9

What is/are not Confucius' notion/s

of humanity?
The "Three Bonds" include those
of the elder brother and the
younger brother, the elder friend
a. Religion promotes humanity;
and the junior friend and the father
humanity leads to finding
and son.
one's religious identity

Question 6 b. False

Question 10
Which is not true about the Dao de

Which is true about the Tao of

a. Composed in a popular style
with vivid stories and
d. The understanding of the Tao
begins with subduing one's
Question 7 desires

Question 11
Taoist tradition, the best style of
governing for the ruler to take a
hands-off approach through the
practice of non-action. The inward component of ritual
conduct concerns the visible ritual
b. False c. Humanity

Question 12 Question 16

Confucius stated that there are six The Chuang-tzu recommends

relationships that underlie the pursuing the path of emptiness as
order of society. a means of becoming united with
the Tao.

b. False
a. True

Question 13
Question 17

Which of the following is/are not

included as the relationships
What is the most well-known
underlying the order of society as
aspect of Mencius' thought?
stated by Confucius?

d. the inherent goodness of

Select one:

a. Mother and son

Question 14

Question 18

In the conversation of Mencius

with Kao, Kao argued that human
nature is neither good nor bad, but our minds and hearts house our
can be molded either way. inherent tendency towards moral

b. True
c. the Inherent Goodness of
Question 15

Question 19

the attitude of goodness,

benevolence, and altruism towards
others By tradition, who is credited for the
foundation of Taoism?
b. Lao-tzu Question 24

Question 20
Artificial actions run counter to the
natural course of things, and
usually involve aggression and
digested conversations competition.

a. Analects c. Non-actioN

Question 21 Question 25

we need to eliminate knowledge There is a distinction between

and act spontaneously through one's mere outer expressions of
natural intuition humanity and one's inner sense of

b. Non-mind
b. True

Question 22
Question 26

Leaders must abandon common

notions of governance, which important sacred books of Taoism
typically involve authoritatively
imposing their wills on the people.

d. Daode Jing and Chuang-tzu

b. Minimal governing
Question 27

Question 23

everything we do should flow with

simple spontaneity and without
According to Confucius, the first contrivance
step in acquiring clear character is
extending our knowledge by
"investigating things".
b. Effortless action

b. True Question 28
Which of the following is not Question text
included as the kind of actions
that, according to Confucius, will
What is known as the Great or
lead to good government?
Ritual Purification in Shintoism?

b. He should acquire knowledge

b. oharai
of all aspects in society
such as religion, economy,
science and arts Question 2

Question 29
What is/are the manifestation/s of
the Meiji Shrine?

A person named Lieh-tzu is

credited for the foundation of
Taoism by tradition. d. that Shinto is intimately
connected with Japan's

a. False
Question 3

Question 30

What is the main goal of

The Dao De Jing repeatedly refers
to the Tao as the mother of
a. Enhance and make holy life in
this world

b. True
Question 4

the Shinto festivals

Question 1

c. Matsuri

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

the place of prayer

Flag question
b. haiden they have "always" been done is
termed as


d. Traditionalism
Question 1

Question 5

What is the feature of Shinto

focusing on its relation to
communities? What do you call the sacred rope
in Shinto tradition?

d. The sociological role

d. shimenawa

Question 2
Question 6

What is the Shinto principle of

polytheism? The Shinto feature focusing on its
relation to communities

c. Polytheism means the sacred

world is varied, nuanced, c. The sociological role
pluralistic and not reducible
to a single entity.
Question 7

Question 3

The Shinto feature focusing on the

importance of sacred space and
What, in Shinto tradition, is the time
representation of the divine

d. Purity

d. shintai
Question 8

Question 4

What is the theology of Shintoism?

The Shinto feature emphasizing

the importance of doing things as
b. Spirits and spiritual powers
exist in the natural world
Question 9 Question 3

The feature of Shinto emphasizing What is the ultimate concern of

the importance of doing things as spirituality according to LaPierre?
they have "always" been done is
termed as

c. an encounter with
c. Traditionalism

Question 4
Question 10

Which of the following is

the mountain priests considered an element of religion?

c. yamabushi a. sacred space

LA12 Question 5

Question 1
True or False. Religion and
spirituality are positively related to
drug and alcohol abuse.
The particular way of ordering the
realities of one's world is known as

a. False

b. worldview

Question 2
Question 1

Which of the following is included

as the category of spirituality What are the 'two dangers' posed
according to contemporary by contrasting religion and
understanding? spirituality?

c. a God-oriented spirituality a. Danger of losing the sacred

Question 2 continually affect people's
perception of the divine.

Which of the following is/are Question 6

considered an element of religion?

True or False. Both religion and

d. sacred space spirituality are multidimensional.

Question 3
b. True

Question 7

True or False. Religion and

spirituality are independent to The term referring to a belief in
affect and emotion. one God

a. False d. monotheistic

Question 4 Question 8

Developing a set of criteria for The term referring to a belief in

defining religion and spirituality is many gods
known as

d. polytheistic
a. religiousness*

Question 9
Question 5

Which of the following is not

What does Sheldrake suggest considered an element of religion?
about the schism between religion
and spirituality?

d. belief in God

b. It is the result of human

knowledge and historical- Question 10
cultural events that
Religion and spirituality are Question 5
independent to affect and emotion.

Place of prayer
b. False

c. haiden

Question 1
Question 6

Spirituality is developing a set of

Religion and spirituality are
criteria for defining religion.
positively related to drug and
alcohol abuse.

b. False
b. False

Question 2
Question 7

The heavenly kami

Also called as the National
Cathedral of Japan
a. Tenjin

b. Isechrine
Question 3

Question 8
many gods

Religion and spirituality are

b. polytheistic relevant to the study of personality.

Question 4
b. True

Shinto has no known founder. Question 9

b. True The feature of Shinto emphasizing

the importance of doing things as
they have "always" been done is Question 14
termed as

Ideologies, activities and lifestyles

b. Traditionalism
are spiritual.

Question 10
b. False

The Shinto festivals Question 15

d. Matsuri
What is the theology of Shintoism?

Question 11
b. Spirits and spiritual powers
exist in the natural world

The torii demarcates the boundary

between the outer world of Question 16
pollution, and the kami-world of

Developing a set of criteria for

defining religion and spirituality
b. True

Question 12 b. Cosmos

Question 17
The way of Gods

Where thoughts and practices are

d. Shinto
premised in theology

Question 13
d. God-oriented spirituality

Which of the following is not a Question 18

major concern of Shintoism?

Dedicated to the god of fertility,

d. Enhancing and making holy
fortune, fields, and foxes
life in this world
b. Inari family of shrines a. A quest for meaning

Question 19 Question 23

Where the shintai or sacred object In Shinto space and time, one
is contained feels close to the purity of nature.

d. honden a. True

Question 20 Question 24

What is the Shinto principle of Which of the following is included

polytheism? as the category of spirituality
according to contemporary

b. Polytheism means the sacred

world is varied, nuanced,
pluralistic and not reducible a. a God-oriented spirituality
to a single entity.

Question 25
Question 21

the Shinto god of fertility, fortune,

Shinto is the least democratic of fields and foxes
religions, because in it has the
kami decide matters by discussion
and consensus, not arbitrary fit,
d. Inari
according to Shinto theologian
Hirai Naofusa.

Question 26

b. False

A belief that all is One

Question 22

a. Monistic
What does one need to develop to
attain spirituality?
Question 27
Stressing one's relationship with
ecology and nature

c. World-oriented spirituality

Question 28

Religion and spirituality are not

related to cognitive phenomena.

b. False

Question 29

Religion and spirituality are

increasingly recognized as having
negative derivative social

a. False

Question 30

Sacred mountains are especially

ancient, famous, and important as
pilgrimage sites in Japan.

a. True

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