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Conjunctions ✎

Grammar Practice Worksheets

Table of Contents
Quick and Handy Grammar Review: Conjunctions 2

Exercise 1:
Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank. 4

Exercise 2:
Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank. 5

Exercise 3:
Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. 6

Exercise 4:
Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. 7

Exercise 5:
Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. 8

Exercise 6:
Sentence Stems. Write conclusions to the sentences. 9

Exercise 7:
Insert one pair of correlative conjunctions in the blanks. 10

Exercise 8:
Sentence beginnings. Write beginnings to the sentences. 11

Exercise 9:
Combine the two sentences into one using the conjunction in parentheses. 12

Exercise 10:
Insert a conjunction in the blank. 13

Answer Key 14

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Conjunctions ✎
Review - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Quick and Handy Grammar Review: Conjunctions

Conjunctions are words that join parts of the sentence. They may join two similar parts of speech, such as two adjectives,
two verbs, or two nouns. Conjunctions may also connect two clauses. Coordinating conjunctions unite two independent
clauses and subordinating conjunctions join one dependent clause and one independent clause.

Coordinating Conjunctions:
and but or
yet for nor

To recall the seven coordinating conjunctions, remember the word FANBOYS [For And Nor But Or Yet So].
• Do not begin a sentence with the coordinating conjunctions and, but, so, or yet.
• For is poetic. It means because. For is rarely used as a conjunction in modern English.
• Nor, used by itself, usually begins a sentence. It is usually followed by do or does and then the subject.
[e.g., I don’t like opera. Nor do I like chamber music.]
• As a conjunction, yet means but. It is used more often in writing than in speaking.
• Use a comma before the conjunction when 2 independent clauses are joined. You don’t need to use a comma if
those clauses are short or if they have the same subject.

Subordinating Conjunctions:
These words are often called subordinators. They are used at the beginning of a dependent clause in a complex sentence.
Note that the order of the clauses doesn’t matter, but there is a comma when the dependent clause is first in the sentence
(Subordinating conjunction S V , S V) and no comma when the independent clause is first (S V Subordinating conjunc-
tion S V).

after if though
although if only till
as in order that unless
as if now that until
as long as once when
as though rather than whenever
because since where
before so that whereas
even if than wherever
even though that while

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Conjunctions ✎
Review - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Correlative Conjunctions:

Some conjunctions are used in pairs. They use parallel structure, which means that the same grammatical forms appear on
each side of the conjunction.

both ... and neither ... nor not only ... but also

either ... or not ... but whether ... or

as ... as

Examples of correlative conjunctions:

• Whether you earn an A or get a lower grade, do your best. [Each conjunction is followed by a verb]

• Both John and Bill are excellent tennis players. [Each conjunction is followed by a noun]

• Neither the professor nor the students understood the problem. [Each conjunction is followed by a noun]

• I not only lost the game but also hurt my ankle. [Each conjunction is followed by a verb]

• Professor Jenkins is not only patient, but also stimulating. [Each conjunction is followed by an adjective]

• Hector did not lose money at the casino but he did not win any either. [Each conjunction is followed by a verb]

• Barbara is as tall as Mary. [Two nouns are compared]

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 1 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

and but so

Exercise 1:
Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank.

1. The rain is very heavy, ___________ the game will probably not be played.

2. John works in a restaurant on weekends ___________ during the week.

3. Sherry has a great job, ___________ she is a very unhappy person.

4. The sun is shining brightly, ___________ the picnic was still cancelled.

5. Rita is an excellent violinist,___________ she will probably be chosen for the orchestra.

6. The security lines are very long at the airport, ___________ you should probably leave early for your flight.

7. I will not go to the game, ___________ I will watch it on TV.

8. Mary has six brothers ___________ eleven cousins.

9. I do not like pasta, ___________ I do like pizza.

10. Max loves San Francisco, ___________ he is thinking of moving there.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 2 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

yet for nor or

Exercise 2:
Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank.

1. Marsha doesn’t play jazz ___________ the blues. She prefers hip-hop and rap.

2. John doesn’t like chicken. ___________ does he like pork or burgers.

3. Sheila works hard, ___________ she doesn’t make a lot of money.

4. The sun is very strong, ___________ Jacob still won’t wear any sunscreen.

5. I love you more than anything in the world, ___________ you are sweet and kind.

6. Would you like coffee ___________ tea? I would prefer a cup of coffee.

7. Henry does not come from Mexico. ___________ is from Belize. He is from Honduras.

8. I will go to Montreal ___________ Quebec for the weekend. I’m not sure.

9. James is very tired, ___________ he will still come with us to the movies.

10. Wanda is very happy, ___________ she has finally earned her degree.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 3 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

in order that as long as whenever

because where than that
while before unless

Exercise 3:
Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. Use each word only once.

1. I will never go to that restaurant again _____________________ I live.

2. _____________________ Jose needs help, he calls his two brothers.

3. _____________________ Sheldon works for the post office, he never works Sundays.

4. I would rather read a book _____________________ watch a stupid television program.

5. _____________________ Roger goes to Miami, he will buy a new bathing suit.

6. _____________________ travelers have time to pass through security, it is recommended that they
arrive two hours before their flight.

7. I will not go out with you _____________________ you promise not to smoke

8. _____________________ Maria is an avid jogger, her sister Julia prefers just to sit on the couch.

9. I do not believe _____________________ Hector’s father is a doctor.

10. Maryam loves the city _____________________ she now lives.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 4 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

as if if only though till

so that since whereas as
wherever now that

Exercise 4:
Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. Use each word only once.

1. Bill will not pay $500 for a suit _____________________ he can certainly afford it.

2. _____________________ Juan is a very hard worker, his brother Luis is very lazy.

3. _____________________ Samantha moved to Boston, she has been very happy.

4. I have prepared a summary chart _____________________ you can understand conjunctions better.

5. _____________________ he was driving to work yesterday, Jason got a ticket for speeding.

6. _____________________ you had called me, I could have helped you.

7. _____________________ Henry has a job, he can pay his share of the rent.

8. David walks around _____________________ he is the president of the company.

9. I will stay with you _____________________ hell freezes over.

10. My new puppy follows me _____________________ I go.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 5 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

rather than unless before

once while even if because
until if even though

Exercise 5:
Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. Use each word only once.

1. I would not see that movie _____________________ you gave me $100.

2. _____________________ it is raining so hard, the game was cancelled.

3. _____________________ Sam was driving to school yesterday, he saw an accident.

4. I will love you _____________________ the end of time.

5. _____________________ he is the manager’s son, he might still be fired because his work is so bad.

6. _____________________ you need help, just call me.

7. _____________________ Hank gets settled in, we will visit him.

8. I would like to drive _____________________ take the bus.

9. I cannot go to that expensive restaurant _____________________ you pay.

10. Leslie always drinks a cup of hot chocolate to relax her _____________________ she goes to sleep.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 6 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Exercise 6:
Sentence Stems. Write conclusions to the following sentences.

1. I don’t like broccoli, but __________________________________________________________.

2. Victoria plays the piano, and ______________________________________________________.

3. Because it is so cold, _____________________________________________________________.

4. I really love the music of Beethoven and _____________________________________________.

5. Maya always studies hard for her exams, so __________________________________________.

6. Lester works for an electronics store, so _____________________________________________.

7. Harvey is one of the best players on the team, but ______________________________________.

8. Toronto is a very safe city, and _____________________________________________________.

9. I don’t like your cooking. Nor do I ________________________________________________.

10. We will win the war, for we _______________________________________________________.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 7 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

both ... and neither ... nor not ... but

not only ... but also either ... or
whether ... or as ... as

Exercise 7:
Insert one pair of correlative conjunctions in the blanks. Use each pair only once.

1. Kenja is _________________ fast _________________ Martha. They have the same time in the 100 meters.

2. Vicky studies _________________ biology _________________ chemistry.

3. _________________ the professors _________________ the students like the new building.

4. Gino is _________________ a waiter, _________________ a cook instead.

5. I will go to _________________ Bermuda _________________ St. Thomas on vacation.

6. _________________ you stay late _________________ leave right now, I want to thank you for your help.

7. Henrietta has _________________ an MBA _________________ a PhD. That’s incredible.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 8 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Exercise 8:
Sentence beginnings. Write beginnings to the following sentences.

1. _______________________________________ because the weather is so bad.

2. _______________________________________, but she also loves to sing.

3. _______________________________________ because she is the best student in the class.

4. _______________________________________, or I may just stay home.

5. _______________________________________, but I got lost anyway.

6. _______________________________________, and he also owns two houses in the Dominican Republic.

7. _______________________________________, yet he still feels lonely.

8. _______________________________________, but her shirt was too small.

9. _______________________________________, and she also served excellent cheese.

10. _______________________________________, so she had to walk all the way home.

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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 9 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Exercise 9:
Combine the two sentences into one using the conjunction in parentheses.

1. My sister has many friends. She has not found a special one. [while]


2. John is only eight years old. He can play the piano very well. [although]


3. Alma ate the chicken and rice. She also ate two hamburgers. [not only … but also]


4. Ned is the manager of the bank. He doesn’t make a high salary. [though]


5. Gino ate breakfast. Then he washed the dishes. [after]


6. Barbara arrived at home at eight. Then she called her sister. [once]


7. Bill will work late. In fact, he will work until 9:00 p.m. [until]


8. I will never go to that restaurant again. I will live a long time. [as long as]


9. Hal studied a lot. He still got a very low grade. [even though]

10. Everyone likes Hanna. She is patient and relaxed. [because]


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Conjunctions ✎
Exercise 10 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Exercise 10:
Insert a conjunction in the blank.

1. I love Hee Jin, __________________ she doesn’t love me.

2. __________________ Carlita studied all night, she still got a C.

3. You have worked very hard today, __________________ you should take the day off tomorrow.

4. Irene has a house in Sicily __________________ an apartment in Rome.

5. I will love you __________________ the end of time.

6. Carlo cannot go to the theatre __________________ you give him a ride.

7. __________________ John is very cheap, his brother Bruce is very generous.

8. __________________ I cleaned up the kitchen, I took a walk.

9. The professor cancelled the examination __________________ the students were all late due to the storm.

10. I will follow you __________________ you go.

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Conjunctions ✎
Answer Key - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Answer Key
Exercise 1: Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank [and, but, so].
1. so 2. and 3. but 4. but 5. so
6. so 7. but 8. and 9. but 10. so
Exercise 2: Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank [yet, for, nor, or].
1. or 2. nor 3. yet 4. yet 5. for
6. or 7. nor 8. or 9. yet 10. for
Exercise 3: Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. Use each word only once.
1. as long as 2. whenever 3. because 4. than 5. before
6. in order that 7. unless 8. while 9. that 10. where
Exercise 4: Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. Use each word only once.
1. though 2. whereas 3. since 4. so that 5. as
6. if only 7. now that 8. as if 9. till 10. wherever
Exercise 5: Fill in the blank using one of the subordinating conjunctions from the list. Use each word only once.
1. even if 2. because 3. while 4. until 5. even though
6. if 7. once 8. rather than 9. unless 10. before
Exercise 6: Sentence Stems. Write conclusions to the following sentences. Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
1. I don’t like broccoli, but [I do like carrots].
2. Victoria plays the piano, and [she also plays the guitar].
3. Because it is so cold, [we should stay home].
4. I really love the music of Beethoven and [Mozart].
5. Maya always studies hard for her exams, so [she gets excellent grades].
6. Lester works for an electronics store, so [he can get a discount on laptops].
7. Harvey is one of the best players on the team, but [he is very selfish].
8. Toronto is a very safe city, and [Winnipeg is, too].
9. I don’t like your cooking. Nor do I [like the way you talk].
10. We will win the war, for we [are strong and united].
Exercise 7: Insert one pair of correlative conjunctions in the blanks. Use each pair only once.
1. as ... as 2. not only ... but also 3. neither ... nor 4. not ... but
5. either ... or 6. whether ... or 7. both ... and
Exercise 8: Sentence beginnings. Write beginnings to the following sentences. Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
1. [We aren’t going on the picnic] because the weather is so bad.
2. [Carla not only loves to dance], but she also loves to sing.
3. [Everyone likes to sit next to Lucy on exam day] because she is the best student in the class.
4. [I might go to the movies] or I may just stay home.
5. [I used the GPS], but I got lost anyway.
6. [Roger owns an apartment in Miami], and he also owns two houses in the Dominican Republic.
7. [Wesley has many friends], yet he still feels lonely.
8. [Sheila’s skirt fit perfectly], but her shirt was too small.
9. [Nikita served good wine], and she also served excellent cheese.
10. [Paula’s car broke down], so she had to walk all the way home.
Exercise 9: Combine the two sentences into one using the conjunction in parentheses.
1. While my sister has many friends, she has not found a special one.
2. Although John is only eight years old, he can play the piano very well.
3. Alma not only ate the chicken and rice, but she also ate two hamburgers.
4. Though Ned is the manager of the bank, he doesn’t make a high salary.
5. After Gino ate breakfast, he washed the dishes.
6. Once Barbara arrived home, she called her sister.
7. Bill will work until 9:00 p.m.
8. I will never go to that restaurant again as long as I live.
9. Even though Hal studied a lot, he still got a very low grade.
10. Everyone likes Hanna because she is patient and relaxed.

Exercise 10: Insert a conjunction in the blank.

1. but 2. although 3. so 4. and 5. until
6. unless 7. while / whereas 8. after 9. because 10. wherever

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