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Mini Project on:



Under the guidance of: Presented by:

Mr. Ashish Vishwakarma Anuj Singh

Assistant Professor Roll No: 1702700024

(CE Department) CE-1 [ FOURTH YEAR]



1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………..3
2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………………4
3. STUDY AREA………………………………………………………………………………..5
4. METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………………….6
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………………….7
i) Determination of Catchment Area……………………………………………………………………7
ii) Estimation of water harvesting potential………………………………………………………….7
iii) Runoff coefficient……………………………………………………………………………………………..7
iv) Estimation of water demand…………………………………………………………………………....9
v) Selection of catchment area for roof-top water harvesting structure………….……9
vi) Calculation of discharge……………………………………………………………………………………9
vii) Calculation of number of rainwater pipes (R.W.P)……………………………………………10
viii) Calculation for the Diameter of the Discharge Pipe……………………………..…….11
ix) Design of Recharge Well…………………………………………………………………………..………11
x) Time of Concentration……………………………………………………………………………….…….11

6. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………….….12

7. REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………….…..12


Rapid urbanization has lead to concentrated population density in many

regions which has resulted in surface water scarcity as well as uneven drying of
ground water. This has resulted in drought and drying up of river beds in the
regions where industrial and domestic consumption of water is high.
In order to reduce the risk of scarcity of water to the future population, rain
water collection and storm water harvesting from runoff would be an effective
The best way for rainwater harvesting is to recharge the ground water and
also, if rain water collected in natural ponds or artificial tanks is unused, the
same can be used to charge the natural aquifer thus boosting the ground
water level. The technique by which the rain water is collected from rooftop
catchments is termed as roof top rain harvesting.
In order to cater the domestic needs, harvested rain water can be stored in
sub-surface ground water reservoir by using artificial recharge techniques by
storing in tanks. Though harvesting rain water is vital for sustainable water
saving system for both rural and urban regions, the major challenge in the
design is to estimate the area for storing water.
The required catchment area should be designed effectively to collect rainfall
for required purpose.
The objectives of this study was:
 To estimate the total water demand by students, teaching and non-teaching
staffs of the University on working and non-working days.
 To estimate the rainwater harvesting potential of the catchment areas of the
university campus.
 To design a suitable roof top rainwater harvesting system for the university

This project is guided by MR. Ashish Vishwakarma sir the Assistant Professor of
Special thanks should be given to International Journal of Recent Technology
and Engineering (IJRTE) for providing a valuable information.


Panvel is located in the district of Raigad in Maharashtra in Konkan Division,

and is a node of Navi Mumbai city. It is densely populated due to its closeness
to Mumbai. It is the first Municipal Corporation in the district of Raigad and the
27th Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra State. During monsoon in the
months of June, July, August and September, the weather conditions are
generally humid and wet.
This area receives heavy rainfall during this season. The weather is pleasant
and comfortable in the months of October and November. Amity University
Mumbai is located near the Panvel city and the weather conditions in the
university campus are mainly characterized by high rainfall in the monsoon
season and a prolonged dry period during rest months of a year.
This leads to water scarcity in the campus during the summer months which
can be taken care using roof top rain water harvesting techniques in the
campus. The University constitutes four main buildings viz. Main building, New
building, New Boys’ hostel and Architecture building that can be used as the
catchment areas for this purpose.

For this study, rainfall data for a period of (2002-2019) of the study area was collected from the
Indian Meteorological Department and analyzed. It was observed that the average of annual rainfall
of the area under study was 3017 mm. The step wise procedure adopted to design rainwater
harvesting structure is mentioned here (Fig. 1).

Determination of
catchment area

Estimation of water
harvesting potential

Calculation of discharge

Estimation of water

Selection of catchment
area as per demand

Calculation of dia of rainwater


Fig 1 Methodology flow chart

In this study, the main building, new building and new boy’s hostel are selected as catchment areas.
The total area and height of the buildings were calculated from the building plan details. The total
rainwater harvesting potential was estimated using rational formula and total water demand was
calculated. Based on these two parameters final catchment area was selected for design purpose.


A. Determination of Catchment Area.
The rooftop surface area is the catchment area that receives the incident rainfall. The rooftop
areas of 3 buildings i.e the main building, new boys’ hostel and new building are selected as
catchment areas in the study. The rooftop area and heights of the selected buildings are mentioned
in table I.

Table I: Roof Area of all Buildings in Amity University Campus

S.NO. Building Name Roof Area (m2 ) Height (m)

1. Main Building 2250 16

2. New boys hostel 2520 27

3. New Building 4577 22

B.Estimation of water harvesting potential.

The quantity of water that is received from rainfall over an area is called the rainwater potential of
that area. And the quanity that can be effectively harvested is called the rain water harvesting

Rain water harvesting potential can be calculated using the following formula.

Rainwater Harvesting potential(m3 ) = Area of Catchment (m2 ) X Amount of rainfall (mm) X Runoff

C.Runoff coefficient.
In this study, runoff coefficient value was taken from the manual of artificial recharge of ground
water, Government of India Ministry of Water Resource Central Ground Water Board, the tables II
and III represents the runoff coefficient values to be adopted for design purpose.

Table II :Runoff Coeffi cient values for Surface Areas (type 1).

Type of area runoff coefficient (k)

Residential 0.3-0.5
Forest 0.5-0.2
Commercial and industrial 0.9
Park & farms 0.05-0.3

Asphalt or concrete paving 0.85

Road surfaces 0.8-0.9

Table III: Runoff Coeffi cient values for Surface Areas (type 2)

Different area runoff coefficient (k)

Roof Conventional 0.7-0.8 Roof Inclined 0.7-0.8
0.85-0.95 Concrete /Kota paving 0.85-0.95
Gravel 0.5-0.7 Brick Paving 0.7
Roof Inclined 0.85-0.95
Concrete /Kota paving 0.6-0.7
Gravel 0.5-0.7

Brick Paving 0.7

The annual rainwater harvesting potential of the three catchment areas viz. main building, new boy’s
hostel and new building was estimated using the guidelines. The value of runoff coefficient was
taken as 0.9 from table III. It was observed that the new building has maximum rainwater harvesting
potential of 12,427.92 m3. Rainwater harvesting potential of other catchment areas are summarized
in table IV

Table IV: Annual rainwater harvesti ng potenti al


D.Estimation of water demand.

The Total water demand of the University was estimated considering the per capita consumption of
water for domestic use as per the norms of Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organization mentioned in table V.

Table V: Per capita consumpti on of water for domesti c use.

Demographic data of the campus was collected from the University Admin and HR departments to
estimate the total water demand by different consumers and considering their daily requirement as
per the norms. The information collected regarding the same is mentioned below. Total number of
students in campus:- 3283

Number of students in hostel: 1720

Number of security guards: 56

Number of teaching staff: 180

Number of Non-teaching staff: 137

Number of staff staying within campus: 15

Total number of day scholars: 1563

The total water demand was calculated for hostellers, day scholars and also considering
miscellaneous use. The total water demand of the University was estimated to be 316.05 m 3 /d.

E.Selection of catchment area for roof-top water harvesting structure.

The total water demand by the University is 316.05 m3 /d. Based on the above calculations, the
main building catchment area is sufficient to serve the purpose by comparing demand and supply.

F.Calculation of discharge.
To find out the required diameter of the pipe to be used for draining the rainwater down from the
roof, first we need to calculate the discharge Q i.e. given by:-

Q = CIA………. (1)

Where, Q= Discharge from roofs due to rainfall in (m3 /s)

C= Coefficient of runoff by rational method taken as 0.8 for this case

I= Intensity of rainfall i.e.20mm/hr.

A= Area of catchment, m2

Discharge from different catchment areas were estimated to calculate the required diameter of
rainwater harvesting pipes and summarized in table VI.

Table VI:Calculati on of discharge

G.Calculation of number of rainwater pipes (R.W.P).

Assuming the diameter of pipe as 10 cm, the total number of required pipes was calculated in this

Q = C×I×A = n× × ×v …………………….(2)

Where; Q=Discharge

I=Intensity of rainfall A=Area of catchment

n=Minimum no. of pipes

d=Diameter of rainwater pipe i.e. R.W.P

v=Velocity of water on the roof when it is at the verge of entering in the pipe due to the slope
available at the roof.

As the roofs are flat or having 0-2% slope so; v=0.1m/s (as per CGWB guidelines) So, no. of pipes are
calculated as: n=Q / (0.785 ×v)……………….(3)

Using the above formulae the total number of required RWP were calculated and summarized in
table VII.

H.Calculation for the Diameter of the Discharge Pipe.

The discharge pipe was designed considering the selected catchment area i.e. the main building.
Initially the velocity of water entering the horizontal discharge pipe is calculated using the formula =
+2aS (4)

Where; V= Velocity of water entering the horizontal Discharge pipe

U = Velocity with which Rainwater enters the R.W.P. = 0.1 m/sec.

S= Height of the building = 16 m. a = Acceleration due to gravity= g = 9.81m2 /sec. The velocity of
water in the mail building was calculated to be 17.71 m/sec. The discharge Q of the Building = 0.01
/sec. We know that Q= π/4× ×V On putting all the values we get; d = 26.81 mm (27 mm
approximately) Which will not available in standard sizes. Hence 50 mm diameter discharge pipes
can be used. I.Design of Recharge Well The design of recharge well is done on the basis of two
criteria 1. Time of Concentration of water 2. Maximum water to be stored at the longest rainfall with
chocked filters.

J.Time of Concentration.
In this study, the roof top area and the length of drain were considered for calculation of time of

Volume of the Recharge Well considering main building as the catchment area = Q X TC =
0.01x3600x0.053 = 1.908 m3 or 2 m3 .

This study was aimed at designing a rooftop rainwater harvesting structure for the Amity University
Mumbai campus. This will help in artificial recharge of groundwater in this area in addition to
fulfilling water scarcity conditions.

The main building was selected as the required catchment area for rainwater harvesting considering
the water demand in university campus and the supply.

Further, different parts of the RWH system were designed based on standard guidelines It was
observed from the analysis that implementation of RWH system in Amity University Mumbai campus
can resolve the water scarcity problems during non-monsoon season by storing a huge quantity of
6109.42 m3 in a year in the university campus.

This initiative can increase the water supply for construction work, gardening and also will help in
artificial recharge of ground water thus enriching both the surface and the ground water resources.

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