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HR Audit Checklist

If you select "No" to any of the following, make sure you create a plan to address the problem. Keep this document up to da

HR Management
Is there a shared mission and vision statement?
Are the HR goals aligned with the organizational goals?
Are the work hours clearly defined?
Is there regular and open communication between the HR department and managers and employees?
Is there an open form of communication between HR and other departments?

Is there a set clear procedure used for hiring in the organization?
Does each position within the organization have a job description?
Are the job descriptions up to date?
Are job openings offered to current employees?
Is sufficient training provided to those that conduct the interviews?
Are there interview guidelines that ensure consistency between managers?
Is the recruitment, interview and selection process well documented and regularly re-reviewed?
Are applicants background and references checked?
Is the selection process informed by the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
Are the sufficient workplace policies in place, i.e- harassment, safety, attendance etc
Is the employee turnover rate monitored?
Are company policies clearly communicated and enforced?

Do new employees receive a contract and employee handbook?
Is the employee handbook up to date and accurate?
Is the employee handbook in compliance with the Nigerian labour law?
Do new employees do through an onboarding process
Are the onboarding documents up to date?
Do new employees receive the right training from the most appropriate employee ?
Do new employees have follow up meetings during probation period?
Do new employees complete a new employee form?

Employee Relations
Does your organization have a system for performance appraisal in place?
Are employees made aware of all the type of evaluations in place?
Are the evaluation policies themselves checked and updated if needed?
Are your evaluation practices in line with your policies?
Do the policies and procedures comply with the federal rules and regulations?
Is there a clear and well communicated process in place for receiving and handling employee complaints/issues?
Are employment practices in check with anti-discrimination laws?
Are supervisors, managers and directors properly trained in liability and anti-discrimination practices?
Are there effective policies in place to prohibit retailiation against any employees who exercise their legal rights?
Do exit interviews take place when an employee leaves?

Training and Development

Are employees provided with trainings about their rights and responsibilities under the law?
Do new employees receive anti-harassment and non-discrimination training?
Are employees provided with opportunities to further develop their skills?
Are the provided trainings and opportunities within the budget?
Is there a feedback system in place for employee learning and development initiatives?
Are employees asked to provide feedback about managers and supervisors?

Compensation & Benefits

Are salaries reviewed annually and updated where necessary?
Are employees paid time and a half when they work more than 40 hours?
Do sales incentive and equity compensations comply with federal and state tax, withholding laws?
Is there a formal pay structure in place? Is compensation informed by an employee's performance?
Is the time worked by employees documented?
Are employees adequately informed regarding their benefits?
Are employees adequately informed of compensation processes and practices?
Are employee informed of worker compensation rights?
Are benefit packages annually reviewed?
Are employees allocated the appropriate leave time?
Are minors prevented from working more hours than legally allowed by the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Are salaries paid on time every month?
Are benefits up to date with current requirements statutory requirement?
Are there fair and equally inforced paid time off structures in place?
Do employees receive payslip and advice on a monthly basis

Do all employees have a personnel file?
Are the personnel files kept up to date?
Are documents kept for the required duration?
Does the organization comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
Are documents kept for each incident of workplace violation?
Are applicable documents (medical, etc.) stored separately, as required by law?

Safety & Security

Are safety risks reported to the correct person?
Do you have an Emergency Response Plan if anything were to go wrong?
Are all workplace accidents, injuries, illnesses etc reported and sufficiently investigated?
Are employees and managers trained in health and safety practices?
Do employees have information about of HSE and workplace safety regulations?
Are employees encouraged to report any potential hazard risks?
Is there access for disabled employees?
Is the work enviornment monitored and maintained with the safety of employees in mind?
udit Checklist

eep this document up to date and perform your HR audit at regular intervals. ie. every 6 months or 1 year.

Jan-June Consultant July-Dec


Yes No Yes No


heir legal rights?


s Act?
1 HR administration / Filling Systems/ Record keeping  

2 Monthly Payroll run  

3 Regulatory and Statutory compliance calculation & advisory  

4 Employment contract administration & termination process

5 Employee handbook drafting to cover all relevant aspects of labour law and regulation. 

6 Onboarding plan & Implementation 

7 Job description with KPI’s defined

8 Performance Management, evaluation, and appraisal

9 Staff Handbook

10 Develop HR framework, policies, and procedures manual

11 Development of all relevant templates
12 Staff Training and Development advisory.
13 Drive Culture / Employee Engagement / Internal Communication
14 Expatriate Management
15 Talent Acquisition Strategy
16 Consultant available full time (hybrid)
HR Audit
Check current
payroll structure
HR Audit
HR Audit see all employee contract
HR Audit
design & implementation
design & implementation
HR Audit
HR Audit
HR Audit design & implementation
HR Audit design & implementation
HR Audit
HR Audit

design & implentation


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