Mapeh 7 q2 Week 7 Pe

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MOST ESSENTIAL • Executes the skills involved in the sport


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Enumerate basic stances and footwork in table tennis;

2. Demonstrate basic stances and footwork in table tennis;
3. Execute the basic skills needed in table tennis at home;
4. Perform the exercise needed to have good ball control;
5. Execute the basic strokes in playing table tennis;
6. Identify the factors that promote lifestyle change;
7. Monitor periodically one’s progress towards the fitness goals;
8. Execute the skills involved in the sport.

Footwork in table tennis is not entirely automated. Players, both amateur and professionals,
where not use technically perfect footwork during a rally. Things are not that simple for the
opponent trying to put the ball into awkward locations if stances and footwork develop

For the ready position, feet should be slightly further apart than shoulder width to have a
solid base. The free arm is used for balance with your shoulders forward. Weight should be on
the toes. Racket needs to be in a neutral position to play, whether a backhand or a forehand

Good footwork is essential for it enables players to quickly reach the ball, return the ball to
the opponents’ court, put pressure on the opponent, and, more significant, play a variety of

Standard footwork used in table tennis are crossover footwork, which is used to cover a large
distance quickly; one step footwork is performed by stepping towards the ball with the closest
foot, side to side footwork is moving to the left and right with a quick side to side shuffling steps.

What are the other basic skills needed in table tennis?

• Grip – is the way how the player holds the racket. There are 3 types of grip.

Penhold it resembles holding a pen. Here the player’s middle,

ring, little fingers are curled around the racket.

Shakehand As the name suggests, this type of grip resembles one

shaking a hand. This hold is also called the Western
grip as many players of Europe and America use this
style of holding a racquet.
Seemiller This grip is named after Danny Seemiller, as he was
the one who used this technique. To have this kind of
grip, one should place the thumb and index finger on
either side of the racquet and the rest of the fingers
should be placed at the bottom part.
• Bat (Racket) Angles

Neutral The racket is in vertical position. This is the ready

position. From this position you can perform backhand
or forehand stroke.
Closed When the striking surface is angled downwards. It is
used to play topspin or block stroke.

Open When the striking surface is angled upwards. It is used

to play backspin or push stroke.

• Basic Ball Control

Reasonable table tennis strokes rely on good ball control. To practice ball control, you can follow
the following steps.
1. Bouncing the ball on the forehand side of the racket, attempting to reach a uniform height.
2. Repeat 1 but using the backhand side of the racket.
3. Bouncing the ball in each side of the racket.
4. Repeating exercise 1,2 and 3 but varying the height of the bounce.
5. Repeating the all the exercises but with added movement, it could be walking or jogging.
• Basic strokes

Backhand Push To play this stroke, stand close to the table and
take a stance facing the line of play. Strike the ball
on the back bottom portion so that you can impart
slight backspin.

Forehand Push Strike the back bottom part of the ball with a very
light touch. The ball should have a trace of back

Backhand Drive The action is similar to that of throwing frisbee.

Striking the top part back part of the ball with an
forceful brush.

Forehand Drive Strike the top back part of the ball with a forceful
brush in an upward direction.

The importance of having and maintaining an exercise program should be kept in mind to
become a healthier individual. Even at a young age, you need to take care of yourself by
doing exercises and participating in various sports like dual sports. Exercise and sports
participation should always be part of your routine.

Our focus on developing physical and mental strength of the participant. In this module the
students need to assess themselves in order for them to be fit for the sport Arnis (offensive,
defensive, different techniques in Arnis and Anyo)


Basic Footwork Drills 1

A. Directions: Perform the following movement and evaluate performance based on the rubrics.

1. Side to side footwork – Also known as sliding step. In a ready position (feet are apart and knees
bent), slide left foot to the right side, then immediately followed by right foot going to the right side.
Then slide right foot towards the left side, directly moving left foot to the side. Perform activity ten
2. In and out footwork – Step right foot forward, then return in place. Then left foot forward and return
in place. Perform this activity ten times.
3. Crossover footwork – Left foot moves to your left side, right foot going over to the left side. Go back
to the original position. The right foot moves toward the right side, the left foot over to the right
side, and returns in place. Perform this activity ten times.

B. Take a picture of your performance of the three different footwork.

C. Through peer-assessment, you may ask your relatives to help you to evaluate your performance.
Post it in on a platform (Messenger, Facebook, etc.) that your teacher asked
Rubrics for Scoring

Element 5 4 3

Preparatio Anticipates and The reaction is Position and reaction

n moves in position sometimes delayed are late

Weight shifts are Inconsistent weight No weight transfer on

precise and strong. shift. contact

Movement is highly Movement is basic, Basic movement with

complex yet and athletes do not little variety or
y of
appears easy. struggle. creativity. Athletes


1. When performing footwork drills 1, keep in mind that you are trying to groove in the correct movements
of your feet and body. Start as slow as you need to get the movements right, then get faster later as you
get used to the various steps.

2. When practicing footwork, concentrate on staying crouched low and being light on your feet using
the ball of your feet.

Footwork Drills 2

Directions: This activity aims to test the endurance of the performer. Perform the following movement
(see Activity 1) for 30 seconds to 1 minute and evaluate performance based on the rubrics (see
Rubrics for Scoring)

Let’s have a drill.

Perform the exercise used for achieving ball control. Count the times you will hit the ball in 2
minutes for each exercise. Fill-up the table provided.

Exercise Position or added How many times you hit the

movement ball in 2 minutes?
Forehand side Standing
Backhand side Standing
Alternate sides Standing
Forehand side Walking
Backhand side Walking
Alternate sides Walking

Against the wall.

Using the wall as your opponent try to perform the basic strokes in table tennis. Count how
many times you will successfully execute the strokes asked in 2 minutes. Fill-up the table below.
Exercise How many times you successfully do
the stroke in 2 minutes?
Forehand push
Backhand push
Alternate drive
Forehand drive


Activity 1: It’s Time for ARNIS!

Arnis has twelve basic

striking techniques such as:

1.Strike to Left Temple

2.Strike to Right Temple
3.Strike to Left Arm
4.Strike to Right Arm
5.Thrust of the stomach
6.Thrust to the Left Chest
7.Thrust to the Right Chest
8.Strike to the Right Foot
9.Strike to Left Foot
10.Thrust to the Left Eye
11.Thrust to the Right Eye
12.Strike to the Crown or
Center of the Head

Activity: LET’S DO IT!

1. Analyze the pictures provided.

2. Perform the 12 Basic Striking Techniques in Arnis using
any safe material found inside your home.
3. Make sure that you identify the different striking
techniques during your performance.
4. Submit a video of your performance to your teacher.
Rubrics for Activity

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited

Accuracy Performs the Performs the Performs Lacks

movement with movement with movements with knowledge in
precision minimal some mistakes the given skill/s
Organization of Always Frequently Rarely performs Never performs
Movements performs perform movements in movements in
movements in movements in proper order proper order
proper order proper order
Attitude Positive Positive attitude Inconsistent Poor attitude;
attitude; always most often attitude; needs does not
willing to try willing to try some respond to
encouragement encouragement
Observance of Always Often practices Sometimes Does not
safety practices safety practices safety practice safety
safety precautions precautions precautions

Answer the following questions:

1. What are some of the problems that you encountered during the performance of the activity?
2. How can you apply the basic striking techniques in your life? ________________________
3. Give at least 5 benefits of Arnis. ____________________________________________________


Do the following GENERAL WARM – UP: Target 5 mins

Instruction: Maximize your space at home. Wear Proper attire for your safety. Record your
activity by taking picture/video for your output.

Part 1

1. Jogging in place for 1 minute

2. Side shuffle for 8 repetition (left and right)

3. Lunge walk with twist for 30 seconds.

4. Butt kicks for 15 seconds

5. High Knees for 15 second.

Part 2

Learners will execute the 12 strike zone in Arnis through video presentation.

Part 3

Learners will execute a simple Anyo in Arnis. Submit through video presentation.

Rubrics for Activity no.1 & 2

Excellent Good Developing

9 – 7 points 6 – 4 points 3 – 0 points

Keep in mind the following concept for you to understand the lesson.

1. A ready position or base position should be performed by staying crouched low and being
light to react to the ball quickly.

2. Footwork is essential for it enables players to quickly reaches the ball, return the ball to the
opponents’ court, put pressure to the opponent, and, more significant, opportunity to play
a variety of strokes

3. Crossover footwork is used to cover a large distance quickly

4. Side to side footwork is moving to the left and right with a quick side to side shuffling steps.

One-step in or out footwork is essential for depth play close to the table, especially to the
short balls, and to make room to use the forehand from the middle.

Arnis has twelve basic

striking techniques such as:

1. Strike to Left Temple

2. Strike to Right Temple
3. Strike to Left Arm
4. Strike to Right Arm
5. The thrust of the stomach
6. Thrust to the Left Chest
7. Thrust to the Right Chest
8. Strike to the Right Foot
9. Strike to Left Foot
10.Thrust to the Left Eye
11.Thrust to the Right Eye
12. Strike to the Crown or Center of the Head.

Combative sports Arnis have the following benefits:

It can be used as self-defense.

You can use your stick as a weapon.

Arnis teaches us discipline and control.

It provides a full body workout.

It gives you a healthy lifestyle.

It gives you positive encouragement and respect for values in martial arts


Before I move on to the next module, I will assure you that…

I understand…
I will apply for the lesson in…
I will practice…

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