Iglidur G - The General Purpose Bearing

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iglidur® G | The General Purpose Bearing
Most popular iglidur® material worldwide. iglidur® G bearings cover an extremely wide range of different
requirements – they are truly “all round”. Typical applications cover medium to high loads. medium sliding
speeds and medium temperatures.

Maintenance-free, dry running When to use it?

Economical all-round performance bearing
Maintenance-free, dry running
Vibration dampening
High wear resistance
High wear resistance Resistance to dust and dirt
Over 900 sizes available from stock
For above average loads
For low to average running speeds
When the bearing needs to run on different
Resistance to dust and dirt shaft materials
For oscillating and rotational movements

Over 650 sizes When not to use it?

available ex stock When mechanical reaming of the wall surface
is necessary
iglidur® M250, page 107
When the highest wear resistance is required
iglidur® W300, page 131
Cost-effective If temperatures are constantly greater than
+130 °C
iglidur® H, page 325
iglidur® X, page 153
iglidur® H370, page 347
For underwater use
iglidur® H370, page 347

Temperature Product range

3 types
> 650 dimensions
Ø 1–150 mm

62 More information www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Application Examples G

Typical sectors of industry

and application areas
Agricultural machines Construction
machinery Machine building Sports
and leisure Automotive etc.

Improve technology and reduce costs –

310 exciting examples for iglidur® plain
bearings online

www.igus.eu/hay-spreader www.igus.eu/vehicle-construction

www.igus.eu/swing-arm www.igus.eu/veneer-assembling

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iglidur® G | Technical Data
Material data
General properties Unit iglidur® G Testing method
Density g/cm3 1.46
Colour dark grey
Max. moisture absorption at +23 °C/50 % r.h. % weight 0.7 DIN 53495
Max. moisture absorption % weight 4.0
Coefficient of sliding friction, dynamic against steel µ 0.08–0.15
pv value, max. (dry) MPa · m/s 0.42
Mechanical properties
Modulus of elasticity MPa 7,800 DIN 53457
Tensile strength at +20 °C MPa 210 DIN 53452
Compressive strength MPa 78
Max. recommended surface pressure (+20 °C) MPa 80
Shore D hardness 81 DIN 53505
Physical and thermal properties
Max. long term application temperature °C +130
Max. short term application temperature °C +220
Min. application temperature °C –40
Thermal conductivity W/m · K 0.24 ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion (at +23 °C) –1
K · 10 –5
9 DIN 53752
Electrical properties
Specific volume resistance Ωcm > 1013 DIN IEC 93
Surface resistance Ω > 10 DIN 53482
Table 01: Material data



Pressure [MPa]

0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10

Surface speed [m/s]

Graph 01: Permissible pv values for iglidur® G with a wall thickness of 1 mm dry running against a steel shaft at
+20 °C, mounted in a steel housing

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iglidur® G | Technical Data G

Mechanical Properties Permissible Surface Speeds

The recommended maximum surface pressure is a iglidur® G has been developed for low to medium surface
mechanical material parameter. No conclusions regarding speeds.
the tribological properties can be drawn from this. With The maximum values shown in table 02 can only be achiev-
increasing temperatures, the compressive strength of ed at low pressures. At the given speeds, friction can cause
iglidur® G plain bearings decreases. The Graph 02 shows a temperature increase to maximum permissible levels. In
this inverse relationship. However, at the longterm maximum practice, though, this temperature level is rarely reached.
temperature of +130° C the permissible surface pressure due to varying application conditions.
is almost 40 MPa.
Surface Speed, page 45

100 m/s Rotating Oscillating Linear

Continuous 1 0.7 4
Short term 2 1.4 5
Pressure [MPa]

60 Table 02: Maximum running speed


0 Application temperatures greatly affect the properties of
20 50 80 120 150 plain bearings.
Temperature [°C] The short term maximum temperature is +220 °C, this
allows the use of iglidur® G plain bearings in heat treating
Graph 02: Recommended maximum surface pressure as
applications in which the bearings are not subjected to
a function of temperature (80 MPa at +20 °C)
additional loading.
The temperature in an application also has an effect on
Graph 03 shows the elastic deformation of iglidur ® G
the bearing wear. With increasing temperatures, the wear
during radial loading. At the recommended maximum
increases and this effect is significant when temperatures
surface pressure of 80 MPa the deformation is less than
rise over +120 °C.
5 %. The plastic deformation is minimal up to a pressure
of approximately 100 MPa. However, it is also dependant
Application Temperatures, page 46
on the cycle time.

iglidur® G Application temperature

Surface Pressure, page 43
Minimum – 40 °C
10 Max. long term + 130 °C
9 Max. short term + 220 °C
8 Add. securing is required from +100 °C
7 Table 03: Temperature limits
Deformation [%]

0 25 50 75 100

Pressure [MPa] +23 °C +60 °C

Graph 03: Deformation under pressure and temperature

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iglidur® G | Technical Data
Friction and Wear Shaft Materials
Similar to wear resistance, the coefficient of friction µ also The friction and wear are also dependent. to a large degree.
changes with the load. The coefficient of friction decreases on the shaft material. Shafts that are too smooth, increase
with increasing pressures, whereas an increase in surface both the coefficient of friction and the wear of the bearing.
speed causes an increase of the coefficient of friction. This For iglidur® G a ground surface with an average roughness
relationship explains the excellent results of iglidur® G plain Ra = 0.8 µm is recommended (Graph 06).
bearings for high loads and low speeds (Graphs 04 und 05). Graphs 07 to 09 show results of testing different shaft
materials with plain bearings made of iglidur® G. In Graph 07
Coefficients of Friction and Surfaces, page 48 it shows that iglidur® G can be combined with various shaft
Wear Resistance, page 49 materials. The simple shaft materials of free-cutting steel and
HR carbon steel have proven best at low loads. This helps
to design cost-effective systems, since both iglidur® G and
the shaft are economically priced. It is important to notice
Coefficient of friction [µ]

0.4 that with increasing loads, the recommended hardness of

the shaft increases. The “soft” shafts tend to wear more
0.3 easily and thus increase the wear of the overall system. If
the loads exceed 2 MPa it is important to recognize that
0.2 the wear rate (the gradient of the curves) clearly decreases
with the hard shaft materials. The comparison of rotational
0.1 movements to oscillating movements shows that iglidur® G
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 provides advantages in oscillating movements. The wear of
Surface speed [m/s] the bearing is smaller for equivalent conditions. The higher
the load, the greater the difference.
Graph 04: Coefficient of friction as a function of the
running speed, p = 0.75 MPa
If the shaft material you plan on using is not shown in these
0.35 test results, please contact us.

Coefficient of friction [µ]

Shaft Materials, page 51


0.20 iglidur® G Dry Greases Oil Water

0.15 C. o. f. µ 0.08–0.15 0.09 0.04 0.04
0.10 Table 04: Coefficient of friction against steel (Ra = 1 µm,
50 HRC)

0.00 0.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Coefficient of friction [µ]

Pressure [MPa] 0.4

Graph 05: Coefficient of friction as a function of the 0.3

pressure, v = 0.01 m/s


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Shaft roughness Ra [µm]

Graph 06: Coefficient of friction as function of the shaft

surface (Cf53 hardened and ground steel)

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iglidur® G | Technical Data G

5 Additional Properties
Chemical Resistance
Automatic screw steel iglidur® G plain bearings have strong resistance to chemicals.

Cf53, hard chromed


High grade steel

HR carbon steel
They are also resistant to most lubricants.
H. a. aluminum
Wear [µm/km]

2 iglidur® G plain bearings are not attacked by most weak

organic or inorganic acids.

304 SS

0 Chemical Table, page 974

Graph 07: Wear, rotating with different shaft materials,

Medium Resistance
pressure p = 0.75 MPa, v = 0.5 m/s
Alcohol + to 0
12 Hydrocarbons +
Greases. oils without additives +
Fuels +
8 Diluted acids 0 to –
Strong acids –
Wear [µm/km]

Diluted alkalines +
4 Strong alkalines 0
+ resistant 0 conditionally resistant – not resistant
All data given at room temperature [+20 °C]
0 1 2 3 4 5
Table 05: Chemical resistance

Pressure [MPa]
Radiation Resistance
Cf53 304 SS
Plain bearings made from iglidur® G are resistant to radiation
HR carbon steel hard chromed
up to an intensity of 3 · 102 Gy.
Graph 08: Wear with different shaft materials in rotational
operation, as a function of the pressure UV Resistance
iglidur® G plain bearings are permanently resistant to UV
140 Vacuum
120 iglidur® G plain bearings outgas in a vacuum. Use in a
100 vacuum environment is only possible with dehumidified
Wear [µm/km]

20 Electrical Properties
0 iglidur® G plain bearings are electrically insulating.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Volume resistance > 1013 Ωcm
Pressure [MPa] Surface resistance > 1011 Ω
rotating oscillating

Graph 09: Wear for oscillating and rotating applications

with shaft material Cf53 hardened and ground steel, as
a function of the pressure

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 67
iglidur® G | Technical Data
Moisture Absorption Installation Tolerances
The moisture absorption of iglidur® G plain bearings is iglidur® G plain bearings are standard bearings for shafts
approximately 1 % in standard atmosphere. The saturation with h-tolerance (recommended minimum h9). The bearings
limit submerged in water is 4 %. This must be taken into are designed for pressfit into a housing machined to a
account for these types of applications. H7 tolerance. After being assembled into a nominal size
housing, the inner diameter adjusts to meet the specified
Maximum moisture absorption tolerances.
At +23 °C/50 % r.h. 0.7 % weight
Max. moisture absorption 4.0 % weight Testing Methods, page 55
Table 06: Moisture absorption
Diameter Shaft h9 iglidur® G Housing H7
Reduction of the inner-Ø [%]

d1 [mm] [mm] E10 [mm] [mm]
0.5 up to 3 0–0.025 +0.014 +0.054 0 +0.010
> 3 to 6 0–0.030 +0.020 +0.068 0 +0.012
> 6 to 10 0–0.036 +0.025 +0.083 0 +0.015
0.3 > 10 to 18 0–0.043 +0.032 +0.102 0 +0.018
> 18 to 30 0–0.052 +0.040 +0.124 0 +0.021
> 30 to 50 0–0.062 +0.050 +0.150 0 +0.025
> 50 to 80 0–0.074 +0.060 +0.180 0 +0.030
0.0 > 80 to 120 0–0.087 +0.072 +0.212 0 +0.035
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 > 120 to 180 0–0.100 +0.085 +0.245 0 +0.040
Moisture absorption [weight %] Table 07: Important tolerances for plain bearings
according to ISO 3547-1 after pressfit
Graph 10: Effect of moisture absorption on plain

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iglidur® G | Product Range G

Sleeve Bearing

0.5 Order key



Length b1
f Outer diameter d2
b1 Inner diameter d1
Dimensions according to ISO 3547-1 and special dimensions Type (Form S)
Material iglidur® G
Chamfer in relation to the d1
d1 [mm]: Ø 1–6 Ø 6–12 Ø 12–30 Ø > 30
f [mm]: 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.2

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1 Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1
h13 h13
GSM-0103-02 1.5 +0.014 +0.054 3.0 2.0 GSM-0608-10 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 10.0
GSM-0203-03 2.0 +0.014 +0.054 3.5 3.0 GSM-0608-11 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 11.8
GSM-02504-05 2.5 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 5.0 GSM-0608-13 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 13.8
GSM-0304-03 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 3.0 GSM-0708-10 7.0 +0.013 +0.049 8.0 10.0
GSM-0304-05 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 5.0 GSM-0708-19 7.0 +0.013 +0.049 8.0 19.0
GSM-0304-06 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 6.0 GSM-0709-08 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 8.0
GSM-0405-04 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 5.5 4.0 GSM-0709-09 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 9.0
GSM-0405-06 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 5.5 6.0 GSM-0709-10 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 10.0
GSM-0406-08 4.5 +0.020 +0.068 6.0 8.0 GSM-0709-12 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 12.0
GSM-0407-05 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 5.5 GSM-0809-05 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 5.0
GSM-0506-05 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 5.0 GSM-0809-06 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 6.0
GSM-0506-07 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 7.0 GSM-0809-08 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 8.0
GSM-0507-05 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 5.0 GSM-0809-12 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 12.0
GSM-0507-08 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 8.0 GSM-0810-05 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 5.0
GSM-0507-10 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 10.0 GSM-0810-06 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 6.0
GSM-0607-06 6.0 +0.010 +0.040 7.0 6.0 GSM-0810-07 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 6.8
GSM-0607-17.5 6.0 +0.010 +0.040 7.0 17.5 GSM-0810-08 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 8.0
GSM-0608-015 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 1.5 GSM-0810-10 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 10.0
GSM-0608-025 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 2.5 GSM-0810-12 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 12.0
GSM-0608-04 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 4.0 GSM-0810-13 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 13.8
GSM-0608-05 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 5.0 GSM-0810-15 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0
GSM-0608-055 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 5.5 GSM-0810-16 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 16.0
GSM-0608-06 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 6.0 GSM-0810-20 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 20.0
GSM-0608-08 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 8.0 GSM-0810-22 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 22.0
GSM-0608-09 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 9.5 GSM-0911-06 9.0 +0.025 +0.083 11.0 6.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GSM-0103-02

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 69
iglidur® G | Product Range
Sleeve Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1 Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1
h13 h13
GSM-1011-06 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 6.0 GSM-1416-10 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 10.0
GSM-1011-10 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 10.0 GSM-1416-12 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 12.0
GSM-1011-25 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 25.0 GSM-1416-15 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 15.0
GSM-1011-30 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 30.0 GSM-1416-20 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 20.0
GSM-1012-04 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 4.0 GSM-1416-25 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 25.0
GSM-1012-045 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 4.5 GSM-1516-15 15.0 +0.016 +0.059 16.0 15.0
GSM-1012-05 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 5.0 GSM-1517-04 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 4.0
GSM-1012-06 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 6.0 GSM-1517-10 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 10.0
GSM-1012-07 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 7.0 GSM-1517-12 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 12.0
GSM-1012-08 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 8.0 GSM-1517-15 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 15.0
GSM-1012-09 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 9.0 GSM-1517-20 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 20.0
GSM-1012-10 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 10.0 GSM-1517-25 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 25.0
GSM-1012-12 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 12.0 GSM-1618-055 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 5.5
GSM-1012-14 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 14.0 GSM-1618-08 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 8.0
GSM-1012-15 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 15.0 GSM-1618-10 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 10.0
GSM-1012-17 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 17.0 GSM-1618-12 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 12.0
GSM-1012-20 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 20.0 GSM-1618-13.5 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 13.5
GSM-1213-12 12.0 +0.016 +0.059 13.0 12.0 GSM-1618-15 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 15.0
GSM-1213-15 12.0 +0.016 +0.059 13.0 15.0 GSM-1618-20 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 20.0
GSM-1214-04 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 4.0 GSM-1618-25 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 25.0
GSM-1214-05 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 5.0 GSM-1618-30 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 30.0
GSM-1214-06 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 6.0 GSM-1618-50 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 50.0
GSM-1214-08 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 8.0 GSM-1820-10 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 10.0
GSM-1214-10 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 10.0 GSM-1820-12 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 12.0
GSM-1214-12 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 12.0 GSM-1820-15 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 15.0
GSM-1214-14 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 14.0 GSM-1820-20 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 20.0
GSM-1214-15 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 15.0 GSM-1820-25 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 25.0
GSM-1214-20 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 GSM-1820-45 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 45.0
GSM-1214-25 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 25.0 GSM-1922-06 19.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 6.0
GSM-1215-06 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 6.0 GSM-1922-28 19.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 28.0
GSM-1215-22 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 22.0 GSM-1922-35 19.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 35.0
GSM-1216-10 12.0 +0.050 +0.160 16.0 10.0 GSM-2021-20 20.0 +0.020 +0.072 21.0 20.0
GSM-1216-20 12.0 +0.050 +0.160 16.0 20.0 GSM-2022-03 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 3.0
GSM-1315-070 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 7.0 GSM-2022-08 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 8.0
GSM-1315-075 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 7.5 GSM-2022-105 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 10.5
GSM-1315-10 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 10.0 GSM-2022-15 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 15.0
GSM-1315-15 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 15.0 GSM-2022-20 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 20.0
GSM-1315-20 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 20.0 GSM-2022-22 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 22.0
GSM-1315-25 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 25.0 GSM-2022-30 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 22.0 30.0
GSM-1416-03 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 3.0 GSM-2023-10 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 10.0
GSM-1416-06 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 6.0 GSM-2023-15 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 15.0
GSM-1416-08 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 8.0 GSM-2023-20 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 20.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

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iglidur® G | Product Range G

Sleeve Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1 Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1
h13 h13
GSM-2023-23 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 23.0 GSM-3034-24 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 24.0
GSM-2023-24 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 24.0 GSM-3034-25 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 25.0
GSM-2023-25 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 25.0 GSM-3034-30 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 30.0
GSM-2023-30 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 30.0 GSM-3034-35 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 35.0
GSM-2224-10 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 24.0 10.0 GSM-3034-40 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 40.0
GSM-2224-15 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 24.0 15.0 GSM-3034-525 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 52.5
GSM-2224-17 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 24.0 17.0 GSM-3236-20 32.0 +0.050 +0.150 36.0 20.0
GSM-2224-20 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 24.0 20.0 GSM-3236-30 32.0 +0.050 +0.150 36.0 30.0
GSM-2224-30 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 24.0 30.0 GSM-3236-40 32.0 +0.050 +0.150 36.0 40.0
GSM-2225-15 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 25.0 15.0 GSM-3539-14 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 14.0
GSM-2225-20 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 25.0 20.0 GSM-3539-20 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 20.0
GSM-2225-25 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 25.0 25.0 GSM-3539-25 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 25.0
GSM-2225-30 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 25.0 30.0 GSM-3539-30 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 30.0
GSM-2427-06 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 6.0 GSM-3539-40 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 40.0
GSM-2427-15 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 15.0 GSM-3539-50 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 50.0
GSM-2427-20 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 20.0 GSM-3640-20 36.0 +0.050 +0.150 40.0 20.0
GSM-2427-25 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 25.0 GSM-3741-20 37.0 +0.050 +0.150 41.0 20.0
GSM-2427-30 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 30.0 GSM-4044-10 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 10.0
GSM-2526-25 25.0 +0.020 +0.072 26.0 25.0 GSM-4044-16 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 16.5
GSM-2528-15 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 15.0 GSM-4044-20 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 20.0
GSM-2528-20 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 20.0 GSM-4044-30 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 30.0
GSM-2528-24 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 24.0 GSM-4044-40 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 40.0
GSM-2528-25 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 25.0 GSM-4044-50 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 50.0
GSM-2528-30 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 30.0 GSM-4246-40 42.0 +0.050 +0.150 46.0 40.0
GSM-2528-35 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 35.0 GSM-4550-22 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 22.0
GSM-2528-50 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 50.0 GSM-4550-235 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 23.5
GSM-2630-16 26.0 +0.040 +0.124 30.0 16.0 GSM-4550-30 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 30.0
GSM-2730-05 27.0 +0.040 +0.124 30.0 5.0 GSM-4550-38 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 38.0
GSM-2832-105 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 10.5 GSM-4550-40 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 40.0
GSM-2832-12 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 12.0 GSM-4550-50 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 50.0
GSM-2832-15 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 15.0 GSM-5055-20 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 20.0
GSM-2832-20 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 20.0 GSM-5055-25 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 25.0
GSM-2832-23 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 23.0 GSM-5055-30 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 30.0
GSM-2832-25 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 25.0 GSM-5055-40 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 40.0
GSM-2832-30 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 30.0 GSM-5055-50 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 50.0
GSM-3031-12 30.0 +0.020 +0.072 31.0 12.0 GSM-5257-20 52.0 +0.060 +0.180 57.0 20.0
GSM-3031-30 30.0 +0.020 +0.072 31.0 30.0 GSM-5560-20 55.0 +0.060 +0.180 60.0 20.0
GSM-3034-15 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 15.0 GSM-5560-40 55.0 +0.060 +0.180 60.0 40.0
GSM-3034-20 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 20.0 GSM-5560-50 55.0 +0.060 +0.180 60.0 50.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GSM-2023-23

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 71
iglidur® G | Product Range
Sleeve Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1 Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 b1
h13 h13
GSM-5560-60 55.0 +0.060 +0.180 60.0 60.0 GSM-8590-100 85.0 +0.072 +0.212 90.0 100.0
GSM-6065-30 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 30.0 GSM-9095-100 90.0 +0.072 +0.212 95.0 100.0
GSM-6065-40 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 40.0 GSM-95100-100 95.0 +0.072 +0.212 100.0 100.0
GSM-6065-50 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 50.0 GSM-100105-30 100.0 +0.072 +0.212 105.0 30.0
GSM-6065-60 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 60.0 GSM-100105-100 100.0 +0.072 +0.212 105.0 100.0
GSM-6267-35 62.0 +0.060 +0.180 67.0 35.0 GSM-110115-100 110.0 +0.072 +0.212 115.0 100.0
GSM-6570-30 65.0 +0.060 +0.180 70.0 30.0 GSM-120125-100 120.0 +0.072 +0.212 125.0 100.0
GSM-6570-50 65.0 +0.060 +0.180 70.0 50.0 GSM-125130-100 125.0 +0.085 +0.245 130.0 100.0
GSM-7075-60 70.0 +0.060 +0.180 75.0 60.0 GSM-130135-100 130.0 +0.085 +0.245 135.0 100.0
GSM-7277-76 72.0 +0.060 +0.180 77.0 76.0 GSM-135140-80 135.0 +0.085 +0.245 140.0 80.0
GSM-7580-40 75.0 +0.060 +0.180 80.0 40.0 GSM-140145-100 140.0 +0.085 +0.245 145.0 100.0
GSM-7580-60 75.0 +0.060 +0.180 80.0 60.0 GSM-150155-100 150.0 +0.085 +0.245 155.0 100.0
GSM-8085-60 80.0 +0.060 +0.180 85.0 60.0
GSM-8085-100 80.0 +0.060 +0.180 85.0 100.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

72 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range G

Flange Bearing

Order key


Length b1
r = max. f b2 Outer diameter d2
0.5 mm b1 Inner diameter d1
Dimensions according to ISO 3547-1 and special dimensions Type (Form F)
Material iglidur® G
Chamfer in relation to the d1
d1 [mm]: Ø 1–6 Ø 6–12 Ø 12–30 Ø > 30
f [mm]: 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.2

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 d3 b1 b2
d13 h13 –0.14
GFM-0304-02 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 7.5 2.0 0.5
GFM-0304-0275 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 7.5 2.7 0.75
GFM-0304-03 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 7.5 3.0 0.75
GFM-0304-05 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 7.5 5.0 0.75
GFM-030407-05 3.0 +0.014 +0.054 4.5 7.0 5.0 0.75
GFM-0405-03 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 5.5 9.5 3.0 0.75
GFM-0405-04 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 5.5 9.5 4.0 0.75
GFM-0405-06 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 5.5 9.5 6.0 0.75
GFM-04050-04 4.0 +0.010 +0.040 5.0 9.5 4.0 0.5
GFM-04050-06 4.0 +0.010 +0.040 5.0 9.5 6.0 0.5
GFM-040508-10 4.0 +0.020 +0.068 5.5 8.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-0506-035 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 10.0 3.5 0.5
GFM-0506-04 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 10.0 4.0 0.5
GFM-0506-05 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 10.0 5.0 0.5
GFM-0506-06 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 10.0 6.0 0.5
GFM-0506-15 5.0 +0.010 +0.040 6.0 10.0 15.0 0.5
GFM-0507-03 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 11.0 3.5 1.0
GFM-0507-04 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 11.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-0507-05 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 11.0 5.0 1.0
GFM-0507-30 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 11.0 30.0 1.0
GFM-050709-05 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 9.5 5.0 1.0
GFM-050715-04 5.0 +0.020 +0.068 7.0 15.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-0607-024 6.0 +0.010 +0.040 7.0 11.0 2.4 0.5
GFM-0607-045 6.0 +0.010 +0.040 7.0 11.0 4.5 0.5
GFM-0607-06 6.0 +0.010 +0.040 7.0 11.0 6.0 0.5
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GFM-0304-02

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 73
iglidur® G | Product Range
Flange Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 d3 b1 b2
d13 h13 –0.14
GFM-0607-10 6.0 +0.010 +0.040 7.0 11.0 10.0 0.5
GFM-0608-025 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 2.5 1.0
GFM-0608-04 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-0608-048 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 4.8 1.0
GFM-0608-05 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 5.0 1.0
GFM-0608-06 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-0608-07 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 7.0 1.0
GFM-0608-08 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 8.0 1.0
GFM-0608-10 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-0608-25 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 25.0 1.0
GFM-0608-35 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 12.0 35.0 1.0
GFM-060814-12 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 14.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-060814-028 6.0 +0.020 +0.068 8.0 14.0 2.8 1.0
GFM-0708-03 7.0 +0.013 +0.049 8.0 12.0 3.0 0.5
GFM-0708-08 7.0 +0.013 +0.049 8.0 12.0 8.0 0.5
GFM-0709-06 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 15.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-0709-10 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 15.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-0709-12 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 15.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-0709-035 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 15.0 3.5 1.0
GFM-070919-10 7.0 +0.025 +0.083 9.0 19.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-0809-03 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 15.0 3.0 0.5
GFM-0809-055 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 13.0 5.5 0.5
GFM-0809-08 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 13.0 8.0 0.5
GFM-0809-12 8.0 +0.013 +0.049 9.0 13.0 12.0 0.5
GFM-0810-03 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 3.0 1.0
GFM-0810-04 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-0810-05 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 5.5 1.0
GFM-0810-065 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 6.5 1.0
GFM-0810-07 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 7.5 1.0
GFM-0810-09 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 9.5 1.0
GFM-0810-10 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-0810-15 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 15.0 1.0
GFM-0810-25 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 25.0 1.0
GFM-0810-30 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 15.0 30.0 1.0
GFM-081012-125 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 12.0 12.5 1.0
GFM-081013-08 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 13.0 8.0 1.0
GFM-081014-06 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 14.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-081014-08 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 14.0 8.0 1.0
GFM-081014-10 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 14.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-081016-11 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 16.0 11.5 1.5
GFM-081016-15 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 16.0 15.5 1.5
GFM-081017-15 8.0 +0.025 +0.083 10.0 17.0 15.0 1.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

74 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range G

Flange Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 d3 b1 b2
d13 h13 –0.14
GFM-0910-17 9.0 +0.013 +0.049 10.0 15.0 17.5 0.5
GFM-0910-065 9.0 +0.013 +0.049 10.0 15.0 6.5 0.5
GFM-1011-026 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 15.0 2.6 0.5
GFM-1011-044 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 15.0 4.4 0.5
GFM-1011-10 10.0 +0.013 +0.049 11.0 15.0 10.0 0.5
GFM-1012-035 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 3.5 1.0
GFM-1012-04 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-1012-05 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 5.0 1.0
GFM-1012-06 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1012-07 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 7.0 1.0
GFM-1012-09 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-1012-10 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-1012-12 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-1012-15 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 15.0 1.0
GFM-1012-17 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 18.0 17.0 1.0
GFM-101214-07 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 14.0 7.0 1.0
GFM-101215-12 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 15.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-101216-06 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 16.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-101216-09 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 16.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-101216-15 10.0 +0.025 +0.083 12.0 16.0 15.0 1.0
GFM-1213-03 12.0 +0.016 +0.059 13.0 17.0 3.0 0.5
GFM-1213-12 12.0 +0.016 +0.059 13.0 17.0 12.0 0.5
GFM-1214-03 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 3.0 1.0
GFM-1214-06 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1214-07 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 7.0 1.0
GFM-1214-09 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-1214-10 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-1214-11 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 11.0 1.0
GFM-1214-12 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-1214-15 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 15.0 1.0
GFM-1214-17 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 17.0 1.0
GFM-1214-20 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 20.0 1.0
GFM-1214-24 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 20.0 24.0 1.0
GFM-121418-04 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 18.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-121418-08 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 18.0 8.0 1.0
GFM-121418-10 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 18.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-121418-12 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 18.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-121418-15 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 18.0 15.0 1.0
GFM-121418-20 12.0 +0.032 +0.102 14.0 18.0 20.0 1.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GFM-0910-17

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 75
iglidur® G | Product Range
Flange Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 d3 b1 b2
d13 h13 –0.14
GFM-1315-06 13.0 +0.032 +0.102 15.0 22.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1416-03 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 3.0 1.0
GFM-1416-04 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-1416-06 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1416-08 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 8.0 1.0
GFM-1416-10 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-1416-12 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-1416-17 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 17.0 1.0
GFM-1416-21 14.0 +0.032 +0.102 16.0 22.0 21.0 1.0
GFM-1516-02 15.0 +0.016 +0.059 16.0 20.0 2.0 0.5
GFM-1516-025 15.0 +0.016 +0.059 16.0 20.0 2.5 0.5
GFM-1516-03 15.0 +0.016 +0.059 16.0 20.0 3.0 0.5
GFM-1516-15 15.0 +0.016 +0.059 16.0 20.0 15.0 0.5
GFM-1517-04 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-1517-045 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 4.5 1.0
GFM-1517-05 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 5.0 1.0
GFM-1517-09 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-1517-12 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-1517-17 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 17.0 1.0
GFM-1517-20 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 17.0 23.0 20.0 1.0
GFM-151824-32 15.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 32.0 1.5
GFM-1618-04 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-1618-06 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1618-09 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-1618-12 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-1618-17 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 17.0 1.0
GFM-1618-21 16.0 +0.032 +0.102 18.0 24.0 21.0 1.0
GFM-1719-09 17.0 +0.032 +0.102 19.0 25.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-1719-25 17.0 +0.032 +0.102 19.0 25.0 25.0 1.0
GFM-1820-04 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-1820-06 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1820-09 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 9.0 1.0
GFM-1820-11 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 11.0 1.0
GFM-1820-12 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-1820-17 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 17.0 1.0
GFM-1820-22 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 22.0 1.0
GFM-1820-30 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 30.0 1.0
GFM-1820-32 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 26.0 32.0 1.0
GFM-182022-06 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 20.0 22.0 6.0 1.0
GFM-1822-28 18.0 +0.032 +0.102 22.0 26.0 28.0 2.0
GFM-2021-20 20.0 +0.020 +0.072 21.0 25.0 20.0 0.5
GFM-2023-07 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 30.0 7.0 1.5
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

76 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range G

Flange Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 d3 b1 b2
d13 h13 –0.14
GFM-2023-11 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 30.0 11.5 1.5
GFM-2023-16 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 30.0 16.5 1.5
GFM-2023-21 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 30.0 21.5 1.5
GFM-202326-21 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 26.0 21.5 1.5
GFM-202328-15 20.0 +0.040 +0.124 23.0 28.0 15.0 1.5
GFM-222535-315 22.0 +0.040 +0.124 25.0 35.0 31.5 1.5
GFM-2427-07 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 32.0 7.0 1.5
GFM-2427-10 24.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 32.0 10.0 1.5
GFM-2526-25 25.0 +0.020 +0.072 26.0 30.0 25.0 0.5
GFM-2527-48 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 27.0 32.0 48.0 1.0
GFM-2528-11 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 35.0 11.5 1.5
GFM-2528-16 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 35.0 16.5 1.5
GFM-2528-21 25.0 +0.040 +0.124 28.0 35.0 21.5 1.5
GFM-2830-10 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 30.0 36.0 10.0 1.0
GFM-2830-36 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 30.0 35.0 36.0 1.0
GFM-283239-20 28.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 39.0 20.0 2.0
GFM-3031-20 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 31.0 36.0 20.0 0.5
GFM-3031-30 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 31.0 35.0 30.0 0.5
GFM-3032-04 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 37.0 4.0 1.0
GFM-3032-12 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 37.0 12.0 1.0
GFM-3032-17 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 37.0 17.5 1.0
GFM-3032-22 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 32.0 37.0 22.0 1.0
GFM-3034-09 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 42.0 9.0 2.0
GFM-3034-16 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 42.0 16.0 2.0
GFM-3034-20 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 42.0 20.0 2.0
GFM-3034-26 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 42.0 26.0 2.0
GFM-3034-37 30.0 +0.040 +0.124 34.0 42.0 37.0 2.0
GFM-3236-16 32.0 +0.050 +0.150 36.0 40.0 16.0 2.0
GFM-3236-26 32.0 +0.050 +0.150 36.0 40.0 26.0 2.0
GFM-343850-35 34.0 +0.050 +0.150 38.0 50.0 35.0 2.0
GFM-3539-058 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 47.0 5.8 2.0
GFM-3539-07 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 47.0 7.0 2.0
GFM-3539-16 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 47.0 16.0 2.0
GFM-3539-26 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 47.0 26.0 2.0
GFM-3539-36 35.0 +0.050 +0.150 39.0 47.0 36.0 2.0
GFM-3842-22 38.0 +0.050 +0.150 42.0 54.0 22.0 2.0
GFM-4044-07 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 52.0 7.0 2.0
GFM-4044-14 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 52.0 14.0 2.0
GFM-4044-20 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 52.0 20.0 2.0
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GFM-2023-11

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 77
iglidur® G | Product Range
Flange Bearing

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d1-Tolerance* d2 d3 b1 b2
d13 h13 –0.14
GFM-4044-30 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 52.0 30.0 2.0
GFM-4044-40 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 52.0 40.0 2.0
GFM-4044-50 40.0 +0.050 +0.150 44.0 52.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-4246-19 42.0 +0.050 +0.150 46.0 53.0 19.0 2.0
GFM-4550-25 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 58.0 25.0 2.0
GFM-4550-30 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 58.0 30.0 2.0
GFM-4550-50 45.0 +0.050 +0.150 50.0 58.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-5055-07 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 63.0 7.0 2.0
GFM-5055-10 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 63.0 10.0 2.0
GFM-5055-25 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 63.0 25.0 2.0
GFM-5055-40 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 63.0 40.0 2.0
GFM-5055-50 50.0 +0.050 +0.150 55.0 63.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-6065-22 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 73.0 22.0 2.0
GFM-6065-30 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 73.0 30.0 2.0
GFM-6065-50 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 73.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-606580-62 60.0 +0.060 +0.180 65.0 80.0 62.0 2.0
GFM-6570-50 65.0 +0.060 +0.180 70.0 78.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-7075-50 70.0 +0.060 +0.180 75.0 83.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-7580-50 75.0 +0.060 +0.180 80.0 88.0 50.0 2.0
GFM-8085-100 80.0 +0.060 +0.180 85.0 93.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-8590-100 85.0 +0.072 +0.212 90.0 98.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-9095-100 90.0 +0.072 +0.212 95.0 103.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-95100-100 95.0 +0.072 +0.212 100.0 108.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-100105-100 100.0 +0.072 +0.212 105.0 113.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-100105-425 100.0 +0.072 +0.212 105.0 113.0 42.5 2.5
GFM-110115-100 110.0 +0.072 +0.212 115.0 123.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-120125-100 120.0 +0.072 +0.212 125.0 133.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-125130-100 125.0 +0.085 +0.245 130.0 138.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-130135-100 130.0 +0.085 +0.245 135.0 143.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-140145-100 140.0 +0.085 +0.245 145.0 153.0 100.0 2.5
GFM-150155-40 150.0 +0.085 +0.245 155.0 163.0 40.0 2.5
GFM-150155-100 150.0 +0.085 +0.245 155.0 163.0 100.0 2.5
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

78 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range G

Thrust Washer

s Order key

d5 Thickness s
Outer diameter d2
Inner diameter d1
Type (Form T)
Material iglidur® G

Dimensions according to ISO 3547-1 and special dimensions

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d2 s d4 d5 h d6
+0.25 –0.25 –0.05 –0.12 +0.375 +0.2 +0.12
+0.12 +0.125 –0.2
GTM-0509-006 5.0 9.5 0.6 ** ** 0.3 9.5
GTM-0615-015 6.0 15.0 1.5 ** ** 1.0 15
GTM-0620-015 6.0 20.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 1.0 20
GTM-0713-005 7.0 13.0 0.5 ** ** 0.2 13
GTM-0815-005 8.0 15.0 0.5 ** ** 0.2 15
GTM-0815-015 8.0 15.0 1.5 ** ** 1.0 15
GTM-0818-010 8.0 18.0 1.0 ** ** 0.7 18
GTM-0818-015 8.0 18.0 1.5 13.0 1.5 1.0 18
GTM-0918-015 9.0 18.0 1.5 13.5 1.5 1.0 18
GTM-1018-010 10.0 18.0 1.0 ** ** 0.7 18
GTM-1018-020 10.0 18.0 2.0 ** ** 1.5 18
GTM-1224-015 12.0 24.0 1.5 18.0 1.5 1.0 24
GTM-1420-015 14.0 20.0 1.5 ** ** 1.0 20
GTM-1426-015 14.0 26.0 1.5 20.0 2.0 1.0 26
GTM-1522-008 15.0 22.0 0.8 ** ** 0.5 22
GTM-1524-015 15.0 24.0 1.5 19.5 1.5 1.0 24
GTM-1524-0275 15.0 24.0 2.75 ** ** 2.0 24
GTM-1630-015 16.0 30.0 1.5 22.0 2.0 1.0 30
GTM-1832-015 18.0 32.0 1.5 25.0 2.0 1.0 32
GTM-2036-015 20.0 36.0 1.5 28.0 3.0 1.0 36
GTM-2238-015 22.0 38.0 1.5 30.0 3.0 1.0 38
GTM-2442-015 24.0 42.0 1.5 33.0 3.0 1.0 42
GTM-2644-015 26.0 44.0 1.5 35.0 3.0 1.0 44
GTM-2835-005 28.5 35.8 0.5 ** ** 0.2 35.8
** Design without fixing bore

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GTM-0509-006

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 79
iglidur® G | Product Range
Thrust Washer

Dimensions [mm]
Part number d1 d2 s d4 d5 h d6
+0.25 –0.25 –0.05 –0.12 +0.375 +0.2 +0.12
+0.12 +0.125 –0.2
GTM-2848-015 28.0 48.0 1.5 38.0 4.0 1.0 48
GTM-3254-015 32.0 54.0 1.5 43.0 4.0 1.0 54
GTM-3862-015 38.0 62.0 1.5 50.0 4.0 1.0 62
GTM-4266-015 42.0 66.0 1.5 54.0 4.0 1.0 66
GTM-4874-020 48.0 74.0 2.0 61.0 4.0 1.5 74
GTM-5278-020 52.0 78.0 2.0 65.0 4.0 1.5 78
GTM-6290-020 62.0 90.0 2.0 76.0 4.0 1.5 90
GTM-6881-020 68.0 81.0 2.0 ** ** 1.5 81
** Design without fixing bore

80 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch G

Sleeve Bearing

0.5 Order key



Length b1
f Outer diameter d2
b1 Inner diameter d1
Type (Form S)
Material iglidur® G
Chamfer in relation to the d1
d1 [Inch]: Ø 0.040–0.236 Ø 0.236–0.472 Ø 0.472–1.18 Ø > 1.18
f [Inch]: 0.012 0.019 0.031 0.047

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 b1 d1* Housing Bore Shaft Size
max. min. max. min. max. min.
GSI-0203-03 1/8 3/16 3/16 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GSI-0203-04 1/8 3/16 1/4 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GSI-0203-06 1/8 3/16 3/8 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GSI-0304-04 3/16 1/4 1/4 .1892 .1873 .2503 .2497 .1865 .1858
GSI-0304-06 3/16 1/4 3/8 .1892 .1873 .2503 .2497 .1865 .1858
GSI-0304-08 3/16 1/4 1/2 .1892 .1873 .2503 .2497 .1865 .1858
GSI-0405-04 1/4 5/16 1/4 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GSI-0405-05 1/4 5/16 5/16 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GSI-0405-06 1/4 5/16 3/8 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GSI-0405-08 1/4 5/16 1/2 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GSI-0405-10 1/4 5/16 5/8 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GSI-0405-12 1/4 5/16 3/4 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GSI-0506-04 5/16 3/8 1/4 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GSI-0506-06 5/16 3/8 3/8 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GSI-0506-08 5/16 3/8 1/2 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GSI-0506-12 5/16 3/8 3/4 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GSI-0607-04 3/8 15/32 1/4 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GSI-0607-06 3/8 15/32 3/8 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GSI-0607-08 3/8 15/32 1/2 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GSI-0607-12 3/8 15/32 3/4 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GSI-0608-08 3/8 8/16 1/2 .3783 .3760 .5015 .5010 .3750 .3741
GSI-0608-12 3/8 8/16 3/4 .3773 .3750 .5015 .5010 .3750 .3741
GSI-0708-04 7/16 17/32 1/4 .4406 .4379 .5316 .5309 .4365 .4355
GSI-0708-08 7/16 17/32 1/2 .4406 .4379 .5316 .5309 .4365 .4355
GSI-0809-03 1/2 19/32 3/16 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GSI-0203-03

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 81
iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch
Sleeve Bearing

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 b1 d1* Housing Bore Shaft Size
max. min. max. min. max. min.
GSI-0809-04 1/2 19/32 1/4 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GSI-0809-06 1/2 19/32 3/8 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GSI-0809-08 1/2 19/32 1/2 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GSI-0809-10 1/2 19/32 5/8 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GSI-0809-16 1/2 19/32 1 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GSI-0810-08 1/2 5/8 1/2 .5040 .5013 .6260 .6250 .5000 .4990
GSI-0810-12 1/2 5/8 3/4 .5040 .5013 .6260 .6250 .5000 .4990
GSI-0910-06 9/16 21/32 3/8 .5655 .5627 .6566 .6559 .5615 .5605
GSI-0910-08 9/16 21/32 1/2 .5655 .5627 .6566 .6559 .5615 .5605
GSI-0910-10 9/16 21/32 5/8 .5655 .5627 .6566 .6559 .5615 .5605
GSI-1011-06 5/8 23/32 3/8 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1011-08 5/8 23/32 1/2 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1011-10 5/8 23/32 5/8 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1011-12 5/8 23/32 3/4 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1011-16 5/8 23/32 1 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1011-20 5/8 23/32 1 1/4 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1011-30 5/8 23/32 1 7/8 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GSI-1012-08 5/8 3/4 1/2 .6290 .6263 .7510 .7500 .6250 .6240
GSI-1012-16 5/8 3/4 1 .6290 .6263 .7510 .7500 .6250 .6240
GSI-1112-14 11/16 25/32 7/8 .6906 .6879 .7817 .7809 .6865 .6855
GSI-1214-02 3/4 7/8 1/8 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1214-06 3/4 7/8 3/8 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1214-08 3/4 7/8 1/2 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1214-12 3/4 7/8 3/4 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1214-16 3/4 7/8 1 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1214-20 3/4 7/8 1 1/4 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1214-24 3/4 7/8 1 1/2 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GSI-1416-06 7/8 1 3/8 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GSI-1416-08 7/8 1 1/2 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GSI-1416-10 7/8 1 5/8 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GSI-1416-12 7/8 1 3/4 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GSI-1416-16 7/8 1 1 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GSI-1416-24 7/8 1 1 1/2 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GSI-1618-08 1 1 1/8 1/2 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GSI-1618-12 1 1 1/8 3/4 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GSI-1618-16 1 1 1/8 1 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GSI-1618-20 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GSI-1618-24 1 1 1/8 1 1/2 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GSI-1618-33 1 1 1/8 2 1/16 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GSI-1820-12 1 1/8 1 9/32 3/4 1.1288 1.1254 1.2818 1.2808 1.1238 1.1226
GSI-1820-24 1 1/8 1 9/32 1 1/2 1.1288 1.1254 1.2818 1.2808 1.1238 1.1226
GSI-2022-12 1 1/4 1 13/32 3/4 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

82 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch G

Sleeve Bearing

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 b1 d1* Housing Bore Shaft Size
max. min. max. min. max. min.
GSI-2022-14 1 1/4 1 13/32 7/8 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GSI-2022-16 1 1/4 1 13/32 1 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GSI-2022-20 1 1/4 1 13/32 1 1/4 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GSI-2022-24 1 1/4 1 13/32 1 1/2 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GSI-2224-16 1 3/8 1 17/32 1 1.3798 1.3758 1.5318 1.5308 1.3738 1.3722
GSI-2224-24 1 3/8 1 17/32 1 1/2 1.3798 1.3758 1.5318 1.5308 1.3738 1.3722
GSI-2224-26 1 3/8 1 17/32 1 5/8 1.3798 1.3758 1.5318 1.5308 1.3738 1.3722
GSI-2426-06 1 1/2 1 21/32 3/8 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GSI-2426-07 1 1/2 1 21/32 7/16 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GSI-2426-08 1 1/2 1 21/32 1/2 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GSI-2426-12 1 1/2 1 21/32 3/4 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GSI-2426-16 1 1/2 1 21/32 1 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GSI-2426-24 1 1/2 1 21/32 1 1/2 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GSI-2629-20 1 5/8 1 25/32 1 1/4 1.6297 1.6258 1.7818 1.7808 1.6238 1.6222
GSI-2831-16 1 3/4 1 15/16 1 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GSI-2831-24 1 3/4 1 15/16 1 1/2 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GSI-2831-32 1 3/4 1 15/16 2 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GSI-2831-40 1 3/4 1 15/16 2 1/2 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GSI-2831-48 1 3/4 1 15/16 3 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GSI-3235-16 2 2 3/16 1 2.0057 2.0011 2.1883 2.1871 1.9981 1.9969
GSI-3235-24 2 2 3/16 1 1/2 2.0057 2.0011 2.1883 2.1871 1.9981 1.9969
GSI-3235-32 2 2 3/16 2 2.0057 2.0011 2.1883 2.1871 1.9981 1.9969
GSI-3639-32 2 1/4 2 7/16 2 2.2577 2.2531 2.4377 2.4365 2.2507 2.2489
GSI-4043-32 2 2/4 2 11/16 2 2.5082 2.5035 2.6881 2.6869 2.5000 2.4999
GSI-4447-32 2 3/4 2 15/16 2 2.7570 2.7523 2.9370 2.9358 2.7500 2.7490
GSI-4851-32 3 3 3/16 2 3.0070 3.0023 3.1870 3.1858 3.0000 2.9990
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GSI-2022-14

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 83
iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch
Flange Bearing

Order key


Length b1
r = max. f b2 Outer diameter d2
0.5 mm b1 Inner diameter d1
Type (Form F)
Material iglidur® G
Chamfer in relation to the d1
d1 [Inch]: Ø 0.040–0.236 Ø 0.236–0.472 Ø 0.472–1.18 Ø > 1.18
f [Inch]: 0.012 0.019 0.031 0.047

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 b1 d3 b2 d1* Housing Bore Shaft Size
max. min. max. min. max. min.
GFI-0203-02 1/8 3/16 1/8 .312 .032 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GFI-0203-03 1/8 3/16 3/16 .312 .032 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GFI-0203-04 1/8 3/16 1/4 .312 .032 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GFI-0203-06 1/8 3/16 3/8 .312 .032 .1269 .1251 .1878 .1873 .1243 .1236
GFI-0304-04 3/16 1/4 1/4 .375 .032 .1892 .1873 .2503 .2497 .1865 .1858
GFI-0304-06 3/16 1/4 3/8 .375 .032 .1892 .1873 .2503 .2497 .1865 .1858
GFI-0304-08 3/16 1/4 1/2 .375 .032 .1892 .1873 .2503 .2497 .1865 .1858
GFI-0405-04 1/4 5/16 1/4 .500 .032 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GFI-0405-05 1/4 5/16 5/16 .500 .032 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GFI-0405-06 1/4 5/16 3/8 .500 .032 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GFI-0405-08 1/4 5/16 1/2 .500 .032 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GFI-0405-12 1/4 5/16 3/4 .500 .032 .2521 .2498 .3128 .3122 .2490 .2481
GFI-0506-04 5/16 3/8 1/4 .562 .032 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GFI-0506-06 5/16 3/8 3/8 .562 .032 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GFI-0506-08 5/16 3/8 1/2 .562 .032 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GFI-0506-12 5/16 3/8 3/4 .562 .032 .3148 .3125 .3753 .3747 .3115 .3106
GFI-0607-04 3/8 15/32 1/4 .687 .046 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GFI-0607-05 3/8 15/32 5/16 .687 .046 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GFI-0607-06 3/8 15/32 3/8 .687 .046 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GFI-0607-08 3/8 15/32 1/2 .687 .046 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GFI-0607-12 3/8 15/32 3/4 .687 .046 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GFI-0607-14 3/8 15/32 7/8 .687 .046 .3773 .3750 .4691 .4684 .3740 .3731
GFI-0708-04 7/16 17/32 1/4 .750 .046 .4406 .4379 .5316 .5309 .4365 .4355
GFI-0708-08 7/16 17/32 1/2 .750 .046 .4406 .4379 .5316 .5309 .4365 .4355
GFI-0809-04 1/2 19/32 1/4 .875 .046 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GFI-0203-02

84 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch G

Flange Bearing

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 b1 d3 b2 d1* Housing Bore Shaft Size
max. min. max. min. max. min.
GFI-0809-05 1/2 19/32 5/16 .875 .046 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GFI-0809-06 1/2 19/32 3/8 .875 .046 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GFI-0809-08 1/2 19/32 1/2 .875 .046 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GFI-0809-12 1/2 19/32 3/4 .875 .046 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GFI-0809-16 1/2 19/32 1 .875 .046 .5030 .5003 .5941 .5934 .4990 .4980
GFI-1011-06 5/8 23/32 3/8 .937 .046 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GFI-1011-08 5/8 23/32 1/2 .937 .046 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GFI-1011-12 5/8 23/32 3/4 .937 .046 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GFI-1011-14 5/8 23/32 7/8 .937 .046 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GFI-1011-16 5/8 23/32 1 .937 .046 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GFI-1011-24 5/8 23/32 1 1/2 .937 .046 .6280 .6253 .7192 .7184 .6240 .6230
GFI-1214-02 3/4 7/8 1/8 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1214-06 3/4 7/8 3/8 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1214-08 3/4 7/8 1/2 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1214-10 3/4 7/8 5/8 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1214-12 3/4 7/8 3/4 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1214-16 3/4 7/8 1 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1214-24 3/4 7/8 1 1/2 1.125 .062 .7541 .7505 .8755 .8747 .7491 .7479
GFI-1416-08 7/8 1 1/2 1.250 .062 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GFI-1416-12 7/8 1 3/4 1.250 .062 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GFI-1416-16 7/8 1 1 1.250 .062 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GFI-1416-20 7/8 1 1 1/4 1.250 .062 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GFI-1416-24 7/8 1 1 1/2 1.250 .062 .8791 .8757 1.0005 .9997 .8741 .8729
GFI-1618-08 1 1 1/8 1/2 1.375 .062 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GFI-1618-12 1 1 1/8 3/4 1.375 .062 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GFI-1618-16 1 1 1/8 1 1.375 .062 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GFI-1618-20 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1.375 .062 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GFI-1618-24 1 1 1/8 1 1/2 1.375 .062 1.0041 1.0007 1.1255 1.1247 .9991 .9979
GFI-1820-12 1 1/8 1 9/32 3/4 1.562 .078 1.1288 1.1254 1.2818 1.2808 1.1238 1.1226
GFI-1820-24 1 1/8 1 9/32 1 1/2 1.562 .078 1.1288 1.1254 1.2818 1.2808 1.1238 1.1226
GFI-2022-06 1 1/4 1 13/32 3/8 1.687 .078 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GFI-2022-12 1 1/4 1 13/32 3/4 1.687 .078 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GFI-2022-14 1 1/4 1 13/32 7/8 1.687 .078 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GFI-2022-16 1 1/4 1 13/32 1 1.687 .078 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GFI-2022-20 1 1/4 1 13/32 1 1/4 1.687 .078 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GFI-2022-24 1 1/4 1 13/32 1 1/2 1.687 .078 1.2548 1.2508 1.4068 1.4058 1.2488 1.2472
GFI-2224-16 1 3/8 1 17/32 1 1.875 .078 1.3798 1.3758 1.5318 1.5308 1.3738 1.3722
GFI-2426-12 1 1/2 1 21/32 3/4 2.000 .078 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GFI-2426-16 1 1/2 1 21/32 1 2.000 .078 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GFI-2426-24 1 1/2 1 21/32 1 1/2 2.000 .078 1.5048 1.5008 1.6568 1.6558 1.4988 1.4972
GFI-2831-16 1 3/4 1 15/16 1 2.375 .093 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GFI-2831-24 1 3/4 1 15/16 1 1/2 2.375 .093 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

igus® GmbH 51147 Cologne | Phone +49 (0) 22 03-9649-145 Fax -334 | www.igus.eu 85
iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch
Flange Bearing

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 b1 d3 b2 d1* Housing Bore Shaft Size
max. min. max. min. max. min.
GFI-2831-32 1 3/4 1 15/16 2 2.375 .093 1.7547 1.7505 1.9381 1.9371 1.7487 1.7471
GFI-3235-16 2 2 3/16 1 2.625 .093 2.0057 2.0011 2.1883 2.1871 1.9981 1.9969
GFI-3235-24 2 2 3/16 1 1/2 2.625 .093 2.0057 2.0011 2.1883 2.1871 1.9981 1.9969
GFI-3235-32 2 2 3/16 2 2.625 .093 2.0057 2.0011 2.1883 2.1871 1.9981 1.9969
GFI-3639-32 2 1/4 2 7/16 2 2.750 .093 2.2577 2.2531 2.4377 2.4365 2.2507 2.2489
GFI-4043-32 2 1/2 2 11/16 2 3.125 .093 2.5082 2.5035 2.6881 2.6869 2.5000 2.4999
GFI-4447-32 2 3/4 2 15/16 2 3.375 .093 27570 2.7523 2.9370 2.9358 2.7500 2.7490
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

86 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.eu/eu/g

iglidur® G | Product Range | Inch G

Thrust Washer

s Order key

d5 Thickness s
Outer diameter d2
Inner diameter d1
Type (Form T)
Material iglidur® G

Dimensions according to ISO 3547-1 and special dimensions

Dimensions [Inch]
Part number d1 d2 s d4 d5 h d6
+.010 -.010 -.0020 ±.005 .015 + .005 +.008 +.005
GTI-0814-01 .500 .875 .0585 .692 .067 .040 .875
GTI-1018-01 .625 1.125 .0585 .880 .099 .040 1,125
GTI-1220-01 .750 1.250 .0585 1,005 .099 .040 1,250
GTI-1424-01 .875 1.500 .0585 1,192 .130 .040 1,500
GTI-1628-01 1.000 1.750 .0585 1,380 .130 .040 1,750
GTI-2034-01 1.250 2.125 .0585 1,692 .161 .040 2,125
GTI-2440-01 1.500 2.500 .0585 2,005 .192 .040 2,500
GTI-2844-01 1.750 2.750 .0585 2,255 .192 .040 2,750
GTI-3248-01 2.000 3.000 .0895 2,505 .192 .070 3,000
* after pressfit. Testing methods page 55

delivery available prices price list online order part number

time from stock www.igus.eu/eu/g example GTI-0814-01

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My Sketches

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