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COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update

Edition 80, published 22 February 2022

In this edition:
• Global overview
• Special Focus: Update on SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest and variants of concern
• WHO regional overviews
• Summary of the Weekly Operational Update

Global overview
Data as of 20 February 2022

Globally, during the week of 14 through 20 February 2022, the number of new COVID-19 cases decreased by
21% as compared to the previous week. In addition, the number of new deaths showed a decreasing trend (-8%)
when compared to the previous week (Figure 1). Across the six WHO regions, over 12 million new cases and
over 67 000 new deaths were reported (Table 1). As of 20 February 2022, over 422 million confirmed cases and
over 5.8 million deaths have been reported globally.

At the regional level, the Western Pacific Region reported a 29% increase in the number of new weekly cases,
while all other regions reported decreases: the Eastern Mediterranean Region (-34%), the Region of the
Americas (-29%), the European Region (-26%), the African Region (-22%) and the South-East Asia Region (-17%).
The number of new weekly deaths increased in the Western Pacific (+21%) and African (+20%) Regions and
decreased in the South-East Asia (-37%), the Regions of Americas (-9%), the European Region (-5%) and the
Eastern Mediterranean Region (-4%).

Figure 1. COVID-19 cases reported weekly by WHO Region, and global deaths, as of 20 February 2022**
25 000 000 120 000
South-East Asia
100 000
20 000 000 Europe
Eastern Mediterranean
Africa 80 000
15 000 000
Western Pacific

Deaths 60 000
10 000 000
40 000

5 000 000
20 000

0 0

















Reported week commencing

**See Annex 2: Data, table, and figure notes
The highest numbers of new cases were reported from the Russian Federation (1 236 910 new cases; -7%),
Germany (1 218 465 new cases; -8%), Brazil (773 353 new cases; -23%), the United States of America (746 129
new cases; -39%), and the Republic of Korea (612 195 new cases; +80%).

The highest number of new deaths were reported from the United States of America (14 723 new deaths; -6%),
Brazil (5877 new deaths; -11%), the Russian Federation (5252 new deaths; +8%), India (3238 new deaths; -51%),
and Mexico (2221 new deaths; +8%).

Table 1. Newly reported and cumulative COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths, by WHO Region, as of 20 February
New cases Change in New deaths Change in
Cumulative Cumulative
WHO Region in last 7 new cases in in last 7 days new deaths in
cases (%) deaths (%)
days (%) last 7 days * (%) last 7 days *
7 224 687 171 887 349 24 772 1 843 169
Europe -26% -5%
(56%) (41%) (37%) (31%)
2 265 214 145 283 655 28 945 2 600 596
Americas -29% -9%
(18%) (34%) (43%) (44%)
2 020 878 20 880 285 3 749 176 613
Western Pacific 29% 21%
(16%) (5%) (6%) (3%)
762 899 55 041 156 5 001 757 525
South-East Asia -17% -37%
(6%) (13%) (7%) (13%)
Eastern 466 795 20 815 884 3 139 329 934
-34% -4%
Mediterranean (4%) (5%) (5%) (6%)
53 489 8 279 661 1 913 168 916
Africa -22% 20%
(0%) (2%) (3%) (3%)
12 793 962 422 188 754 67 519 5 876 766
Global -21% -8%
(100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)
*Percent change in the number of newly confirmed cases/deaths in the past seven days, compared to seven days prior
**See Annex 2: Data, table, and figure notes

For the latest data and other updates on COVID-19, please see:
• WHO COVID-19 Dashboard
• WHO COVID-19 Weekly Operational Update and previous editions of the Weekly Epidemiological Update

Figure 2. COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population reported by countries, territories and areas, 14-20 February 2022**

**See Annex 2: Data, table, and figure notes

Figure 3. COVID-19 deaths per 100 000 population reported by countries, territories and areas, 14-20 February 2022**

**See Annex 2: Data, table, and figure notes

Special Focus: Update on SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest and variants of concern
WHO, in collaboration with national authorities, institutions and researchers, routinely assesses if variants of SARS-
CoV-2 alter transmission or disease characteristics, or impact effectiveness of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics or
public health and social measures (PHSM) applied to control disease spread. Potential variants of concern (VOCs),
variants of interest (VOIs) or variants under monitoring (VUMs) are regularly assessed based on the risk posed to
global public health. As evidence becomes available, classifications of variants will be revised to reflect the
continuous evolution of circulating variants and their changing epidemiology. Criteria for variant classification, and
the current lists of VOCs, VOIs and VUMs, are available on the WHO Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants website. National
authorities may choose to designate other variants of local interest/concern and are encouraged to investigate and
report on the impacts of these variants.

Geographic spread and prevalence of VOCs

The current global epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by the global dominance of the Omicron variant.
Delta remains the only other named variant with significant reported circulation. Among the 495 016 sequences
uploaded to GISAID with specimens collected in the last 30 daysi 490 519 (99.1%) were Omicron, 3 841 (0.8%) were
Delta, one (<0.1%) was Alpha and one non VOI/VOC sequence. In the last 30 days, no Beta, Gamma, Lambda or Mu
sequences were reported to GISAID. To note, global VOCs distribution should be interpreted with due consideration
of surveillance limitations, including differences in sequencing capacities and sampling strategies between countries,
as well as delays in reporting.

The Omicron variant

Differences in the characteristics of VOCs

Available evidence on the phenotypic impacts of VOCs is reported in previous editions of the COVID-19 Weekly
Epidemiological Update. Since the last update on 8 February 2022, there have been several new publications on the
phenotypic characteristics of VOCs, including Omicron. Some of these studies have not been peer-reviewed and the
findings must therefore be interpreted with due consideration of this limitation.

Update on the Omicron VOC

This section provides a summary of the potential impact of the Omicron variant. Detailed information on this variant
and related recommended priority actions for Member States can be found in the updated Technical Brief and
Priority Actions for Member States as well as under the Country and Technical Guidance – Coronavirus Disease (COVID-
19). Based on the currently available evidence (Table 2), the overall global risk related to the Omicron variant
remains very high.

Since the first reporting of the Omicron variant in November 2021, almost 1.5 million sequences have been
deposited in GISAID. By the first week of January 2022, Omicron accounted for 90% of submitted sequences; by
week five, Omicron had largely replaced all other variants and now accounts for over 99% of submitted sequences.
Amongst the major Omicron lineages, BA.1 predominates overall, followed by BA.1.1 and BA.2, with BA.3 being the

Includes sequences submitted to GISAID with sample collected dates from 19 January to 17 February 2022 (last reported sample at the time of data
extraction), excluding low coverage sequences. Proportions are estimated for countries submitting more than 100 total sequences. In the past 30 days, 30
countries submitted a total of 100 sequences and above on GISAID.

least frequently detected. Weekly trends (figure 4, panel A) show that the relative proportion of BA.2 has increased
over time, becoming the second most frequently detected lineage after BA.1.1 by week 6, and the dominant lineage
in 18 countries. This trend is most pronounced in the South-East Asia region, followed by the Eastern
Mediterranean, African, Western Pacific and European Regions. In contrast, very little BA.2 has been detected in
the Americas, and no growth has been observed for the BA.3 lineage. Increased sequence variation has been
observed within the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages over time, in line with increasing transmission. The weekly number of
Omicron sequences has been steadily decreasing since the beginning of 2022 (figure 4, panel B). This trend should
be interpreted with some caution, as data for the most recent weeks may be incomplete due to the delay between
specimen collection and submission of sequences to GISAID (median delay from week 1 of 2022: 13 days). In
addition, some countries may have changed their testing and sequencing policies during the presented period.

Figure 4. Global distribution and relative proportion of Omicron lineages for sequences submitted to GISAID
presented by week of specimen collection
Table 2: Summary of current evidence on the Omicron variant of concern
Domain Indicator Main results
- Omicron continues to spread globally and has been identified in most countries in all six WHO regions.
- Globally, during the week of 14 through 20 February 2022, the number of new COVID-19 cases decreased by 21% as compared to the
Impact on disease previous week. The number of new deaths also showed a decreasing trend (8%). At the regional level, the Western Pacific Region
incidence reported a 29% increase in the number of new weekly cases while all other regions reported decreases.
- It is important to note that these trends may be due, in part, to an overall decrease in testing as some countries may have changed their
testing and sequencing policies during the presented period.
- An analysis based on the methods used by Campbell et al 1, and that focused on countries with sufficient sequence data uploaded to
GISAID as of 18 February, found a growth rate advantage of Omicron over Delta in all countries.
- This translated to a pooled mean transmission advantage (i.e., relative difference in effective reproduction numbers) of 77% (95% CI:
66% – 95%) across epidemiological contexts, under the assumption of an unchanged generation time (i.e. the duration between the
moment a person gets infected to the moment they infect another person). The generation time of Omicron has been found to be
shorter as compared to Delta, which suggests the transmission advantage may be lower than estimated above; for a 20% shorter
Epidemiology generation time, the estimated pooled mean transmission advantage of Omicron over Delta is 66% (95% CI: 60% – 82%).
Impact on - The same analysis demonstrates a growth rate advantage of the Omicron Pango lineage BA.2 over the Pango lineage BA.1, with a pooled
transmission mean transmission advantage of 63% (95% CI: 47% – 77%), under the assumption of an unchanged generation time.
- Higher secondary attack rates were reported for Omicron compared to Delta: 13.6% (95% CI: 13.1%-14.1%) vs 10.1% (95% CI: 10.0%-
10.2%) in the United Kingdom,2 and 31% vs. 21% in Denmark.3
- Researchers in China, Hong Kong SAR4 found that Omicron had a higher tropism for the bronchi tissue compared to lungs. In the United
Kingdom,5 Omicron was found to infect the upper respiratory tract more rapidly than Delta, yielding about 100-fold higher titres.
- Two studies conducted in South Africa 6,7 reported evasion from vaccine-induced and infection-induced immunity by Omicron. This could
also be a contributing factor to the higher growth rates of Omicron compared to Delta.
Following analyses of patterns in recent medical consultations and hospitalizations, Omicron was consistently found to be associated
Impact on disease
with less severe disease compared to Delta across studies conducted in the United Kingdom,8 the United States of America,9,10
Canada11 and South Africa.12
Preliminary data on Omicron in individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic showed an increase
Impact on in the number of reinfections in Denmark13 and Israel.14 A higher risk (RR = 3.3; 95%CI: 2.8 – 3.8) of reinfection with Omicron compared
reinfection to other SARS-CoV-2 variants was reported across the United Kingdom, with an even higher risk (RR = 5.4; 95%CI: 4.9 – 6.0) when
reported only from England. 15
Results of vaccine effectiveness (VE) studies are difficult to interpret, and estimates vary with the type of vaccine administered and
Impact on the number of doses and scheduling (sequential administration of different vaccines). Studies conducted in the United Kingdom and
vaccination the United States of America reported 60% – 75% vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection with Omicron.16 See more
details in the section below.
Impact on antibody An analysis of neutralization data from 23 laboratories found a 20-fold reduction in neutralization associated with the Omicron variant
responses and in unvaccinated, previously infected individuals or individuals who had received two vaccine doses, while sera from vaccinated
cellular immunity individuals with previous infection or individuals who had received three vaccine doses showed a seven-fold reduction.17 This reduced
Domain Indicator Main results
humoral response could be associated with an increased risk of reinfection. Conversely, studies on cellular immunity showed well
preserved responses (70% – 80% of CD4+ and CD8+ responses) that could be associated with a decreased risk of severe disease.18–22
Apart from the BA.2 lineage, all Omicron descendent variants have the 69-70 deletion responsible for S-gene target failure. Evaluation
Impact on PCR assays of PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 that include multiple gene targets revealed limited impact of the Omicron variant on the diagnostic test
Diagnostic accuracy of these assays.23,24
tools Preliminary data showed contradictory results, with some indicating that Ag-RDTs have similar sensitivity to Omicron as to the wild-
Impact on Rapid
type virus or other VOCs, while other studies found a difference. This variability in test performance was also found in more recent
Diagnostic tests
Preliminary data from several research projects showed no difference in the effectiveness of antiviral agents against Omicron.27–29
Impact on antivirals
Impact on
treatment Studies on the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies for treating patients with Omicron reported conserved neutralizing activity for
Impact on biologicals three broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (sotrovimab, S2X259 and S2H97) and a reduction in effectiveness of other
monoclonal antibodies (Planas 2021, VanBlargan 2021, Cameroni 2021, Wilhelm 2021, Roche 2021).30–34
Other treatment It is anticipated that other therapeutics for the clinical management of severe and critical COVID-19 patients (e.g. Interleukin-6
options receptor blockers and corticosteroids, will maintain their effectiveness.
Figure 5: Prevalence of variants of concern (VOCs) Delta and Omicron in the last 30 days, data as of 22 February 2022

See also Annex 2 for reported VOC detections by country/territory/area

Figure 6. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) of primary series and booster vaccination against the Delta variant of concern
Figure 7. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) of primary series and booster vaccination against the Omicron variant of concern

*Indicates booster dose vaccine effectiveness evaluated using persons completing primary series as reference group, rather than unvaccinated persons.Abbreviations: pop=population; HCW=healthcare workers;
EU=European Union. Dots represent point estimates of vaccine effectiveness; horizontal lines represent the 95% confidence intervals. Labels along left side of plot indicate reference numbers [], country, and study population.
Reference numbers identify the study and link to the summary table of VE effectiveness studies on (Table 1 in summary table); references starting with a ‘B’ are studies found in the booster VE table only (Table
2 in summary table). Primary series refers to the completion of two doses of vaccines for Astra-Zeneca-Vaxzevria; Moderna-Spikevax, Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty and Sinovac-CoronaVac and one dose of Janssen-Ad26.COV2.
Severe disease includes hospitalization; symptomatic disease includes disease of any severity level; any infection can include symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. Additional details on the methods for inclusion of the
estimates in the plots provided in Annex 3. Note, three negative point estimates for the primary series are not shown in the Omicron plot: Moderna-Spikevax VE against symptomatic disease at 6+ months (reference 179) as
well as Moderna-Spikevax and Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty VE against infection at 3-6 months (reference 144); one negative point estimate for primary series is not shown in the Delta plot: AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria VE against
Delta symptomatic disease (reference 112) with 95% Cis crossing 0 is not fully visible in the plot.

Figures 6 and 7 summarize the impact of Delta and Omicron variants, respectively, on product-specific vaccine
effectiveness (VE) over time for both primary series vaccines and booster vaccines. Since the last update, one new
study (pre-print) from Qatar35 has evaluated primary series and booster dose VE of Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty and
Moderna-Spikevax vaccines against symptomatic and severe disease due to Omicron; and one new peer-reviewed
study from Brazil36 has assessed VE of three doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac against infection and severe disease in the
context of Delta. The methods for including estimates in the plot are described below. Additional information on
vaccine performance against VOCs can also be found in Annex 4.

Interpretation of the results of VE for the Delta variant

Most of the evidence to date indicates that effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty and
Moderna-Spikevax) remains high against severe disease associated with Delta variant infection at six or more months
after the primary series, with three of four studies reporting VE estimates of >90% and one study reporting a VE of
74% at six months or more. Three studies report high VE (>80%) of the AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria vaccine three to six
months following the primary series, while one study reports a lower VE (54%), compared to the first three months

VE estimates against symptomatic disease and infection range from 73 to 96% following the primary series of one of the
two mRNA vaccine from 14 days up to three months after vaccination and 68-88% following the primary series of the
AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria vaccine during the same time period. There is, however, consistent evidence of decreasing VE
against symptomatic disease and infection over time following the primary series for all of the vaccines for which data are
available. Despite this, most of the evidence still shows VE estimates of >50% (59-80%) at six months or more following
mRNA vaccine, with four estimates falling below 50%. Three of the four studies evaluating the AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria
vaccine also showed a VE >50% (54-65%) at three to six months, though in one of these studies the VE decreased to 43%
at six or more months following the primary series. A single study of Sinovac-CoronaVac (an inactivated vaccine)
conducted in Malaysia reported a VE against infection of 74% three to six months following the primary series, which
decreased to 30% beyond six months.
Receipt of a booster dose of mRNA, vector-based and inactivated vaccines for which there are data available resulted
in a VE of ≥79% for all outcomes within the first three months. At three to six months following the booster dose, the
VE of a Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty booster following Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty or AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria primary
series remained >95% against severe disease in a single study conducted in the United Kingdom, but decreased from
95% to 65% with Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty primary series and booster in a single study conducted in the United
States of America. In the same two studies, the VE against symptomatic disease at three months or more following
a booster dose with an mRNA vaccine was >75% after a primary series of either the AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria or the
Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty vaccines.

Interpretation of the results of VE for the Omicron variant

Six studies of VE for the Omicron variant show lower protection of the primary series COVID-19 vaccines for all
outcomes (severe disease, symptomatic disease, and infection) than has been observed previously for other VOCs.
Importantly, VE estimates against the Omicron variant remains highest for severe disease, while they are lower for
symptomatic disease and infection. Booster vaccination substantially improves VE for all outcomes for all products
for which there are data. More data are needed to characterize the duration of the VE following a booster dose.

VE estimates for the Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty vaccine against severe disease due to the Omicron variant within the
first three months following the primary series (without a booster dose) range from 70 to 74% and decrease over
time since vaccination, with VE estimates of 60-74% between three and six months, and 35-80% at six months or
more. In three to six months versus six months or longer, VE estimates for the AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria vaccine against
severe disease reduced from 56% to 33%, with relatively wide confidence intervals (see Figure 7 for details).

Early VE estimates (measured from 14 days up to three months after vaccination) of the primary series against
symptomatic disease are generally lower than those for severe disease, though they remain at or above 50% for
AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria, Moderna-Spikevax, and Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty vaccines, except for one study that
reported VE of 45% (95% CI: 16-64%) for Moderna-Spikevax. VE against infection at 14 days up to three months after
the primary series was lower, ranging from 37 to 55%. All available estimates against both symptomatic disease and
infection measured three or more months after completion of the primary series indicate VE estimates of less than
50% for the three vaccines.

A booster dose increases VE estimates against severe disease to above 75% for all vaccines for which data are
available, with this effect maintained up to six months after the booster dose. A booster dose increased VE estimates
against symptomatic disease in the first three months following vaccination substantially, by at least 37 percentage
points across all studied vaccines, with VE ranging from 55% to 78%. However, VE decreased to 29-64% at three to
six months. Limited evidence is available for VE against infection due to the Omicron variant following a booster dose,
with only one study showing a VE of 68% within the first three months of a booster dose of Moderna-Spikevax.

Additional resources
• Tracking SARS-CoV-2 Variants
• COVID-19 new variants: Knowledge gaps and research
• Genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2: a guide to implementation for maximum impact on public health
• Considerations for implementing and adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19
• VIEW-hub: repository for the most relevant and recent vaccine data

WHO regional overviews Epidemiological week 14-20 February Region of the Americas
African Region The Region of the Americas reported over 2.2 million new cases, a 29%
decrease as compared to the previous week, a trend that has continued since
The African Region has reported a continued decrease in the number of cases mid-January. However, three countries have reported increases in new cases
since the beginning of January 2022, with over 53 000 new cases reported, a of 20% or greater, with the highest proportional increases reported from
22% decrease as compared to the previous week. However, four countries in Mexico (90 422 vs 53 344 new cases; +70%), Nicaragua (85 vs 65 new cases;
the Region (8%) reported an increase of over 20% in cases: Ghana (469 vs 210 +31%) and, Saint Lucia (536 vs 419; +28%). The highest numbers of new cases
new cases; +123%), Equatorial Guinea (17 vs 8 new cases; +112%), Zimbabwe were reported from Brazil (773 353 new cases; 363.8 new cases per 100 000;
(1925 vs 964 new cases; +99%) and Burkina Faso (40 vs 26 new cases; +53%). -23%), the United States of America (746 129 new cases; 225.4 new cases per
The highest numbers of new cases were reported from Réunion (21 707 new 100 000; -39%), and Chile (236 312 new cases; 1236.2 new cases per 100 000;
cases; 2424.5 new cases per 100 000 population; -29%), South Africa (16 929 -5%).
new cases; 28.5 new cases per 100 000; -6%), and Algeria (2710 new cases;
The Region reported just under 29 000 new deaths this week, a 9% increase
6.2 new cases per 100 000; -25%).
as compared to the previous week. The highest numbers of new deaths were
With just over 1900 new deaths reported this week, the Region shows a 20% reported from the United States of America (14 723 new deaths; 4.4 new
increase when compared to the previous week. This increase is driven by a deaths per 100 000; -6%), Brazil (5877 new deaths; 2.8 new deaths per 100
backlog of deaths reported by South Africa following an ongoing audit 000; -12%), and Mexico (2221 new deaths; 1.7 new deaths per 100 000; +8%).
exercise. The highest numbers of new deaths were reported from South
9 000 000 Region of the Americas 60 000
Africa (1632 new deaths; 2.8 new deaths per 100 000 population; +40%), Cases
8 000 000
Algeria (72 new deaths; <1 new death per 100 000; similar to previous week), Deaths 50 000
and Réunion (38 new deaths; 4.2 new deaths per 100 000; +12%). 7 000 000
6 000 000 40 000
400 000 African Region 6 000
Cases 5 000 000
5 000 30 000

300 000 4 000 000
4 000
3 000 000 20 000
200 000 3 000

2 000 000

2 000 10 000
100 000 1 000 000
1 000
0 0 0 0






















Reported week commencing Reported week commencing

Updates from the African Region Updates from the Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region European Region
In the Eastern Mediterranean Region, new weekly cases continue to decline The European Region reported a further decline this week with over 7.2
for the second consecutive week since the peak reached in early February million new cases, a 26% decrease as compared to the previous week. This is
2022. Over 466 000 new cases were reported this week, representing a 34% the third consecutive week of a decline in the number of new cases since the
decrease as compared to the previous week. The highest numbers of new Region observed a peak at the end of January. Only one country – Iceland -
cases were reported from the Islamic Republic of Iran (145 032 new cases; reported a greater than 20% increase this week (17 293 vs 13 333 new cases;
172.7 new cases per 100 000; -39%), Jordan (110 012 new cases; 1078.2 new +30%). The highest numbers of new cases were reported from the Russian
cases per 100 000; -19%), and Lebanon (30 984 new cases; 453.9 new cases Federation (1 236 910 new cases; 847.6 new cases per 100 000; -7%),
per 100 000; -33%). Germany (1 218 465 new cases; 1465.1 new cases per 100 000; -8%), and
Turkey (599 596 new cases; 710.9 new cases per 100 000; -12%).
The number of new weekly deaths remains stable when compared to the
previous week’s figures, with over 3100 new deaths reported. The highest
This week, over 24 000 new deaths were reported in the Region, a 5%
numbers of new deaths were reported from the Islamic Republic of Iran (1228
decrease as compared to the previous week. The highest numbers of new
new deaths; 1.5 new deaths per 100 000; +49%), Egypt (402 new deaths; <1
deaths were reported from the Russian Federation (5252 new deaths; 3.6
new death per 100 000; -3%), and Tunisia (310 new deaths; 2.6 new deaths
new deaths per 100 000; +9%), Italy (2024 new deaths; 3.4 new deaths per
per 100 000; -32%).
100 000; -11%), and Turkey (1922 new deaths; 2.3 new deaths per 100 000;
900 000 Eastern Mediterranean Region 9 000 +11%).
800 000 Deaths 8 000
14 000 000 European Region 45 000
700 000 7 000 40 000
12 000 000 Deaths
600 000 6 000 35 000
10 000 000
30 000
500 000 5 000 8 000 000
25 000

400 000 4 000 Cases 6 000 000 20 000
300 000 3 000 15 000
4 000 000
10 000
200 000 2 000 2 000 000 5 000
100 000 1 000 0 0












0 0











Reported week commencing

Reported week commencing Updates from the European Region
Updates from the Eastern Mediterranean Region
South-East Asia Region Western Pacific Region
A decline in new cases has been observed in the South-East Asia Region since The Western Pacific Region reported a sharp increase (29%) in new weekly
mid-January. Over 762 000 new cases were reported in the Region this week, cases as compared to the previous week, with over two million new cases.
a 17% decrease as compared to the previous week. Despite the declining More than a third (11/28; 39%) of the countries in the Region reported an
trend at the regional level, four countries reported an increase of over a 20% increase of 20% or greater in the past week. The most substantial increases
e: Myanmar (18 896 vs 8870 new cases; +113%), Bhutan (2649 vs 1337 new were observed in New Zealand (10 361 vs 2792 new cases; +271%), China (26
cases; +98%), Indonesia (389 727 vs 291 298 new cases; +34%) and Thailand 329 vs 7571 new cases; +248%) and Brunei Darussalam (10 934 vs 4175 new
(118 988 vs 96 326 new cases; +24%). The highest numbers of new cases were cases; +162%). The highest numbers of new cases were reported from the
reported from Indonesia (142.5 new cases per 100 000), India (191 052 new Republic of Korea (612 195 new cases; 1194.1 new cases per 100 000; +80%),
cases; 13.8 new cases per 100 000; -57%), and Thailand (170.5 new cases per Japan (579 928 new cases; 458.5 new cases per 100 000; -7%), and Viet Nam
100 000). (255 812 new cases; 262.8 new cases per 100 000; +63%).

Regionally, the number of new deaths also declined this week with just over Over 3700 new deaths were reported in the Region this week, a 21% increase
5000 new deaths reported, a 37% decrease as compared to the previous as compared to the previous week. The highest numbers of new deaths were
week. The highest numbers of new deaths were reported from India (3238 reported from Japan (1434 new deaths; 1.1 new deaths per 100 000; +52%),
new deaths; <1 new death per 100 000; -52%), Indonesia (1189 new deaths; the Philippines (677 new deaths; <1 new death per 100 000; -5%), and Viet
<1 new death per 100 000; +91%), and Thailand (188 new deaths; <1 new Nam (561 new deaths; <1 new death per 100 000; -7%).
death per 100 000; +30%).
2 500 000 Western Pacific Region 8 000
3 500 000 South-East Asia Region 35 000 7 000
Cases 2 000 000 Deaths
3 000 000 Deaths 30 000 6 000
2 500 000 25 000 1 500 000 5 000
2 000 000 20 000 4 000

1 500 000 15 000 1 000 000 3 000

1 000 000 10 000 2 000

500 000
500 000 5 000 1 000
0 0 0 0


























Reported week commencing Reported week commencing

Updates from the Western Pacific Region
Updates from the South-East Asia Region
Summary of the COVID-19 Weekly Operational Update

The Weekly Operational Update is a report provided by the COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan
(SPRP) Monitoring and Evaluation team, which aims to update on the ongoing global progress against the COVID-19
SPRP 2021 framework, and to highlight country-level actions and WHO support to countries. In this week’s edition
published on 22 February, highlights include the following:

• Supporting the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Georgia through technical support
• Scaling up genomic sequencing in Nigeria to support policymakers
• WHO and partners working together to support Pacific Island Countries as COVID-19 gains a foothold in the
• WHO supports the scaling-up suicide prevention during COVID-19 in Bhutan
• With support of WHO’s core contributors, health services and on-site vaccine opportunities were
implemented in Iraq
• GOARN expert deployed by WHO to support the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands’ COVID-19
• Overview of OpenWHO superusers and the most popular COVID-19 online courses
• Progress on a subset of global indicators that demonstrate country and global progress to end the acute
phase of the pandemic

Technical guidance and other resources

• WHO technical guidance
• WHO COVID-19 Dashboard
• WHO Weekly Operational Updates on COVID-19
• WHO COVID-19 case definitions
• COVID-19 Supply Chain Inter-Agency Coordination Cell Weekly Situational Update
• Research and Development
• Open WHO courses on COVID-19 in official UN languages and in additional national languages
• WHO Academy COVID-19 mobile learning app
• The Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) outlining the support the international community can
provide to all countries to prepare and respond to the virus
• EPI-WIN: tailored information for individuals, organizations, and communities
• Recommendations and advice for the public:
- Protect yourself
- Questions and answers
- Travel advice
Annex 1. List of countries/territories/areas reporting variants of concern as of 22 February 2022







Country/Territory/Area Country/Territory/Area Country/Territory/Area





Afghanistan ● - ● - - Burundi ● ● ● - - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ● ● - - -
Albania ● - ○ - ● Cabo Verde ● ● ● - ● Faroe Islands ● - - ● -
Algeria ● - ● - ● Cambodia ● ● ● - ● Fiji ○ - ● - ●
American Samoa - - ○ - ○ Cameroon ● ● ● ● ● Finland ● ● ● ● ●
Andorra ○ ○ ○ - ○ Canada ● ● ● ● ● France ● ● ● ● ●
Angola ● ● ● ● ● Cayman Islands ● ● ● ● ● French Guiana ● ● ● ● ●
Anguilla ● - ● - ● Central African Republic ● ● ● - ●* French Polynesia ● ● ● ● ●
Antigua and Barbuda ● ● ● ● ● Chad ● ● ● - - Gabon ● ● ● ● ●
Argentina ● ● ● ● ● Chile ● ● ● ● ● Gambia ● ● ● ● ●
Armenia ● - ● - ● China ● ● ● ● ● Georgia ● ○ ● - ●
Aruba ● ● ● ● ● Colombia ● - ● ● ● Germany ● ● ● ● ●
Australia ● ● ● ● ● Comoros ● ● ● - ●* Ghana ● ● ● ● ●
Austria ● ● ● ● ● Congo ● ● ● ● ● Gibraltar ● - ○ - ●
Azerbaijan ● - ○ - ● Costa Rica ● ● ● ● ● Greece ● ● ● ● ●
Bahamas ● - ● ● - Croatia ● ● ● ● ● Greenland - - ● - -
Bahrain ● ● ● ● ● Cuba ● ● ● - ● Grenada ● - ● ● ●
Bangladesh ● ● ● ○ ● Curaçao ● ● ● ● ● Guadeloupe ● ● ● ● ●
Barbados ● - ● ● ● Cyprus ● ● ● - ● Guam ● ● ● ● ●
Belarus ● - ○ - ● Czechia ● ● ● ● ● Guatemala ● ● ● ● ●
Belgium ● ● ● ● ● Côte d’Ivoire ● ● ● ● ● Guernsey - - - - ●
Belize ● - ● ● ● Democratic Republic of the Guinea ● ● ● - ●
● ● ● - ●
Benin ● ● ● ● ●* Congo Guinea-Bissau ● ● ● - -
Bermuda ● ● ● - ● Denmark ● ● ● ● ● Guyana ● - ● ● -
Bhutan ● ● ● - ● Djibouti ● ● ● - ● Haiti ● - ● ● -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) ● - ● ● ● Dominica ● - ● - - Honduras ● - ● ● ●
Bonaire ● - ● ● ● Dominican Republic ● - ● ● ● Hungary ● ○ ○ ● ●
Bosnia and Herzegovina ● ● ○ ● ○ Ecuador ● - ● ● ● Iceland ● ● ● ● ●
Botswana ○ ● ● - ● Egypt ● - ● - ● India ● ● ● ● ●
Brazil ● ● ● ● ● El Salvador ● - ● ● ● Indonesia ● ● ● - ●
British Virgin Islands ● - ● ● ● Equatorial Guinea ● ● ● ● - Iran (Islamic Republic of) ● ● ● - ●
Brunei Darussalam ● ● ● - ● Estonia ● ● ○ ○ ● Iraq ● ● ● ● ●
Bulgaria ● ● ● - ● Eswatini ● ● ● - ● Ireland ● ● ● ● ●
Burkina Faso ● ● ● - ● Ethiopia ● ● ● - ● Israel ● ● ● ● ●






Country/Territory/Area Country/Territory/Area Country/Territory/Area





Italy ● ● ● ● ● Montserrat ● - ● ● ● Réunion ● ● ● ● ●
Jamaica ● - ● - ● Morocco ● ● ● - ● Saba - - ● - -
Japan ● ● ● ● ● Mozambique ● ● ● - ● Saint Barthélemy ● - ● - ●
Jordan ● ● ● ● ● Myanmar ● - ● - ● Saint Kitts and Nevis - - ● - ●
Kazakhstan ● ○ ● - ● Namibia ● ● ● ● ● Saint Lucia ● - ● - ●
Kenya ● ● ● ● ● Nepal ● - ● - ● Saint Martin ● ● ● - ●
Kiribati - - - - ● Netherlands ● ● ● ● ● Saint Pierre and Miquelon - - ● - -
Kosovo[1] ● ○ ○ - ● New Caledonia ● - ● - ● Saint Vincent and the
- - ● ● ●
Kuwait ● ● ● - ● New Zealand ● ● ● ● ● Grenadines
Kyrgyzstan ● ● ● - ● Nicaragua ● ● ● ● ● Sao Tome and Principe ● ● ○ - -
Lao People's Democratic Niger ○ - ● - ● Saudi Arabia ● ● ● - ●
● - ● - ○
Republic Nigeria ● ● ● - ● Senegal ● ● ● - ●
Latvia ● ● ○ ● ● North Macedonia ● ● ○ - ○ Serbia ● - ● ○ ○
Lebanon ● - ● - ● Northern Mariana Islands Seychelles ● ● ● - ●
○ - ● - ○
Lesotho ● ● ● - - (Commonwealth of the) Sierra Leone ● ● ● - ●
Liberia ● ● ● - - Norway ● ● ● ● ● Singapore ● ● ● ● ●
Libya ● ● ●* - - Occupied Palestinian Territory ● ● ● - ● Sint Maarten ● ● ● ● ●
Liechtenstein ● - ○ ○ ○ Oman ● ● ● - ● Slovakia ● ● ● - ●
Lithuania ● ● ○ ● ● Pakistan ● ● ● ● ● Slovenia ● ● ● ● ●
Luxembourg ● ● ● ● ● Palau - - ○ - - Solomon Islands - - ● - ●
Madagascar ● ● - ○ - Panama ● ● ● ● ● Somalia ● ● ● - -
Malawi ● ● ● - ● Papua New Guinea - - ● - ● South Africa ● ● ● ● ●
Malaysia ● ● ● - ● Paraguay ● - ● ● ● South Sudan ● ● ● - ●
Maldives ● - ● - ● Peru ● - ● ● ● Spain ● ● ● ● ●
Mali ● ● ● - ○ Philippines ● ● ● ● ● Sri Lanka ● ● ● - ●
Malta ● ○ ○ ● ● Poland ● ○ ● ● ● Sudan ● ● ●* ● -
Martinique ● ● ● ● ● Portugal ● ● ● ● ● Suriname ● ● ● ● ●
Mauritania ● ● ● - ● Puerto Rico ● ● ● ● ● Sweden ● ● ● ● ●
Mauritius ● ● ● - ● Qatar ● ● ● - ● Switzerland ● ● ● ● ●
Mayotte ● ● ● - ● Republic of Korea ● ● ● ● ● Thailand ● ● ● ● ●
Mexico ● ● ● ● ● Republic of Moldova ● - ● - ● Timor-Leste ● - ● - ●
Monaco ● ● ● - - Romania ● ● ● ● ● Togo ● ● ● ● ●
Mongolia ● - ● - ● Russian Federation ● ● ● ○ ● Tonga - - - - ○
Montenegro ● - ○ ○ ○ Rwanda ● ● ● - ● Trinidad and Tobago ● - ● ● ●






Country/Territory/Area Country/Territory/Area Country/Territory/Area





Tunisia ● ● ● - ● United Republic of Tanzania ● ● ● ● ● Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic
● - ● ● ●
Turkey ● ● ● ● ● United States Virgin Islands ● ● ● ● ● of)
Turks and Caicos Islands ● - ● ● - United States of America ● ● ● ● ● Viet Nam ● ● ● - ●
Uganda ● ● ● - ● Uruguay ● ● ● ● ● Wallis and Futuna ● - - - -
Ukraine ● ○ ○ - ● Uzbekistan ● ● ○ - ● Yemen ● ● - - -
United Arab Emirates ● ● ● ● ● Vanuatu - - ● - - Zambia ● ● ● - ●
United Kingdom ● ● ● ● ● Zimbabwe ● ● ● - ●

*Newly reported in this update. “●” indicates that information for this variant was received by WHO from official sources. “○” indicates that information for this variant was received by WHO from
unofficial sources and will be reviewed as more information becomes available. **Includes countries/territories/areas reporting the detection of VOCs among travelers (e.g., imported cases detected
at points of entry), or local cases (detected in the community). Excludes countries, territories, and areas that have never reported the detection of a variant of concern.
See also Annex 2: Data, table, and figure notes
Annex 2. Data, table, and figure notes

Data presented are based on official laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 case and deaths reported to WHO by
country/territories/areas, largely based upon WHO case definitions and surveillance guidance. While steps are taken to
ensure accuracy and reliability, all data are subject to continuous verification and change, and caution must be taken when
interpreting these data as several factors influence the counts presented, with variable underestimation of true case and
death incidences, and variable delays to reflecting these data at the global level. Case detection, inclusion criteria, testing
strategies, reporting practices, and data cut-off and lag times differ between countries/territories/areas. A small number
of countries/territories/areas report combined probable and laboratory-confirmed cases. Differences are to be expected
between information products published by WHO, national public health authorities, and other sources.

Due to public health authorities conducting data reconciliation exercises that remove large numbers of cases or deaths
from their total counts, negative numbers may be displayed in the new cases/deaths columns as appropriate. When
additional details become available that allow the subtractions to be suitably apportioned to previous days, graphics will
be updated accordingly. A record of historic data adjustment made is available upon request by emailing epi-data-
[email protected]. Please specify the countries of interest, time period, and purpose of the request/intended usage. Prior
situation reports will not be edited; see for the most up-to-date data. COVID-19 confirmed cases and
deaths reported in the last seven days by countries, territories, and areas, and WHO Region (reported in previous issues)
are now available at:

‘Countries’ may refer to countries, territories, areas or other jurisdictions of similar status. The designations employed,
and the presentation of these materials do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not
yet be full agreement. Countries, territories, and areas are arranged under the administering WHO region. The mention
of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by
WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions except, the names of
proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.
All references to Kosovo should be understood to be in the context of the United Nations Security Council resolution
1244 (1999). In the map, the number of cases of Serbia and Kosovo (UNSCR 1244, 1999) have been aggregated for
visualization purposes.

Annex 3. Methods for the update on BA.2 Pango lineage of the Omicron variant of concern

We conducted a search for published and unpublished studies on the BA.2 Pango lineage of the Omicron variant. The
search for published studies was conducted in Medline while the search for unpublished literature was conducted in
MedRxiv, which is a repository for preprints. We searched for studies and reports with an abstract in English, that were
accessible up to 14 February 2022. Search terms used were “BA.2” and “Omicron Pango lineages".

We also searched the GISAID website and websites of the following public health agencies: Health Security Agency
(UKHSA) of the United Kingdom, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States of America (USCDC),
Statens Serum Institute (SSI) of Denmark, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) of South Africa and
the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

The summary of the evidence was done based on the risk assessment framework implemented by the UKHSA. Following
the assessment, each indicator was assigned one of four colours: red, amber, yellow and green. Red implies a difference

in the indicator between BA.2 and BA.1. Amber implies there is a difference in the indicator between BA.2 and BA.1 in
certain population subgroups. Yellow implies there is limited evidence suggesting a difference in the indicator between
BA.2 and BA.1. Green implies there is no difference in the indicator between BA.2 and BA.1. Grey implies there is
insufficient data on the indicator. The confidence grading was classified as: “Low” when there was little or poor-quality
evidence, uncertainty or conflicting views amongst experts or no experience with previous similar incidents; “Moderate”
when there was adequate quality evidence – including consistent results published only in grey literature, reliable
source(s), assumptions made on analogy and agreement between experts or opinion of at least 2 trusted experts; and
“High” when there was good quality evidence, multiple reliable sources, verified, expert opinion concurs, and experience
of previous similar incidents.

Annex 4. Methods for Figures 6 and 7
• Figures include six studies from Denmark, Qatar, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America
evaluating the VE against the Omicron variant, and 20 studies of the VE against the Delta variant from various countries
from the European Region and Region of the Americas, as well as Qatar, Malaysia and Singapore.

• VE studies included in the plot were identified from an ongoing systematic review of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness
studies. All studies were cohort or test-negative studies. Methods for the systematic review and inclusion/exclusion
criteria are available on The studies were conducted during a period when either Delta or Omicron was the
predominant circulating variant. Estimates were included if they were of laboratory-confirmed cases of the Omicron or
Delta variant. In addition, for the primary series VE, only studies providing VE estimates for discrete time intervals since
vaccination, which evaluate changes in VE over time, are included.

• For the primary series VE, estimates are only included in the plot for studies that report VE for more than one time
Annex 5. Summary of primary series vaccine performance against Variants of Concern (data as of 18 February 2022)
Vaccines without
WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) Qualified Vaccines+

Pfizer BioNTech-
SII - Covishield

Beijing CNBG-

Ad26.COV 2.S


SII - Covavax




Sputnik V

Anhui ZL-


Alpha, Beta, Gamma

Summary of VE* (see update from 11 January 2022 for details of vaccine performance against Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
variants of concern
Summary of VE* Protection retained against severe disease; possible reduced protection against symptomatic disease and
- Severe disease ↔3 - - ↓1 ↔4 - ↔7 - - -
- Symptomatic disease ↔to↓↓6 - ↓1 - ↔2 - ↔to↓5 - - -
- Infection ↔to↓5 - - ↓↓↓1 ↔6 - ↔to↓6 - - -
Neutralization ↓14 ↔to↓2 ↔to↓4 ↔to↓↓10 ↓14 - ↔to↓40 ↓to↓↓9 ↔to↓2 ↓to↓↓↓3
Summary of VE* Reduced protection against infection and symptomatic disease; possible reduced protection against for
severe disease but limited evidence
- Severe disease - - - - ↓/↓↓1 - ↓↓/↓↓↓3 - - -
- Symptomatic disease ↓↓↓1 - - - ↓↓/↓↓↓2 - ↓↓↓2 - - -
- Infection ↓↓↓1 - - - ↓↓↓3 - ↓↓↓3 - - -
Neutralization ↓↓↓6 ↔to↓↓↓3 ↓↓1 ↔to↓↓4 ↓↓↓16 - ↓↓↓34 ↓to↓↓↓4 - ↓↓1

VE refers to vaccine effectiveness and vaccine efficacy. *Summary of VE: indicates the general conclusions but only for the vaccines evaluated against the
specific variant. Arrows generalize the magnitude of reduction in VE or neutralization: “↔” <10 percentage point (pp) reduction in VE, or VE >90% with no
comparator, or that there was a <2-fold reduction in neutralization; “↓” 10 to <20 pp reduction in VE, or 2 to <5-fold reduction in neutralization; “↓↓” 20
to <30 pp reduction in VE, or 5 to <10-fold reduction in neutralization; “↓↓↓” ≥30 pp reduction in VE, or ≥10-fold reduction in neutralization. When more
than one neutralization study is available, the interquartile range (25th and 75th percentiles) of fold-reductions across all studies for specific vaccine/variant
was used. “Moderna-mRNA-1273/Pfizer BioNTech-Comirnaty” indicates that both vaccines were evaluated together in study. The number of studies is shown
as subscripts: vaccine effectiveness and neutralization studies informing this table can be found on the VIEW-hub Resources Library . References indicated by
superscripts next to VOC name in column 1 are vaccine efficacy results from randomized controlled trials informing this table. + Severe disease is defined
differently across studies and may include outcomes such as hospitalization, critical disease, and other forms of ‘severe’ disease.

Additional notes on VOC impacts on vaccines

• Reductions in VE do not necessarily mean a loss of protection, as indicated by the absolute VE estimate. For
example, a 10-percentage point reduction in VE against symptomatic disease for mRNA vaccines would still mean
high vaccine effectiveness of ~85%. Likewise, vaccines have shown higher VE against severe disease; thus, small
reductions in VE against severe disease due to VOCs may still mean substantial protection.
• Annex 5 summarizes the impact of VOCs on COVID-19 vaccine performance in the absence of waning, and,
therefore, does not include studies that only assess VE greater than four months post final dose.
• Studies reporting VOC-specific VE estimates for full vaccination (≥seven days post final dose) are assessed against
a comparator VE estimate for that vaccine product to determine level of reduction in VE. For symptomatic disease,
VOC VE is compared against phase three randomized controlled trial (RCT) results from non-VOC settings. For
severe disease and infection, due to instability or lack of phase three RCT estimates, VOC VE is compared to non-
VOC VE estimates from the same study when available (or to Alpha VE from same study when assessing Beta,
Gamma, or Delta); with an exception for AstraZeneca-Vaxzevria for infection (when a phase three estimate of VE
against infection due to non-VOC is available and used as comparator). In some instances, a study may be included
for severe disease or infection outcome even without a comparator if a very high VE estimate is reported against
a VOC (i.e., >90%).
• It is also important to note that studies vary in population, outcome definitions, study design and other
methodological considerations, which may in part explain differences when comparing VE estimates for a product
between different studies. In addition, the reductions summarized in the table represent VE point estimates and
do not represent the uncertainty intervals around these estimates which vary substantially across studies. The
reductions in VE noted should be interpreted with these limitations in mind.
• Neutralization studies that use samples collected >seven days and < six months after complete vaccination and
that use an ancestral strain as the reference are included in Annex 5.

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