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Analysis of the track sections control system

a rolling stock axle counting sensor

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2439, 020015 (2021);
Published Online: 12 October 2021

Ravshan Aliev

AIP Conference Proceedings 2439, 020015 (2021); 2439, 020015

© 2021 Author(s).
Analysis of the Track Sections Control System a Rolling
Stock Axle Counting Sensor

Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan

&RUUHVSRQGLQJDXWKRU: [email protected]

Abstract. The article discusses the solution of the problem inherent in railway automation and telemechanic systems
using axle counting sensors - building a fault-tolerant and safe microprocessor system with respect to specified failures.
in as researching the system is presented microprocessor a semi-automatic interlocking, where the presence of rolling
stock performs axle counting. Based on simulation tests, a comparison of the fault tolerance and safety of such systems
has been performed.
One of the methods to reduce the aging rate of railway automation and telemechanic systems in conditions of insufficient
funding is the use of axle counting sensors instead of track circuits in control systems and centralization systems and
blocking (CCS) railway transport of common use. First of all, railway automation systems, axle counting systems have
better technical and economic indicators than similar systems using track circuits. On the modernized sections of the
track, they can be implemented as systems for detecting rolling stock instead of outdated signaling equipment, in stages,
practically without stopping traffic on the section [1]. In addition, the functionality of axle counting sensors is broader
than the functionality of track circuits.
But there are problems with the use of inductive sensors for registering a railway wheel. during their operation,
malfunctions are possible, namely the effect of weather conditions, location, the effect of rail magnetization. The article
discusses one of the possible failures, it is the influence of the magnetization of the rail on the failure of the axle
counting. Traditionally, the consequences of malfunctions in axle counting are neutralized by logistic methods using a
much larger amount of equipment than required to solve specific functional problems. This negates the main advantages
of using axle counting sensors instead of track circuits.

There are a wide variety of axle counting sensors that should provide reliable track clearance control. On many
lines of foreign railways with a low traffic intensity, axle counters are used to control the freedom of tracks. The
most famous developers of such systems are the German firms Alcatel, SEL and Siemens, which have created
devices for monitoring the freedom of railways for various purposes.
When using axle counters, the cost of self-locking equipment is significantly reduced, although it becomes
necessary to carry out additional measures to control the integrity of the rails.
Modern equipment for axle counting allows you to control hauls of any length, regardless of the type of sleepers,
mountings and ballast resistance values (AzS-600 / Siemens). There are axle counting systems designed to work at
stations and sorting hills (AzL90-M-2 / Alcatel, AzS-M / Siemens, TAZ / Tiefenbach). Each of these devices allows
simultaneous monitoring of up to 15 sites.
The principle of operation in Fig. 1 is based on an alternative magnetic field created by the transmitting coil W1,
crosses the turns of the receiving coil W2, located on the other side of the rail, and generates the e.m.f. of the output
signal in it [2-4].
The shape and arrangement of both coils and their ferrite cores form two magnetic fluxes F1 and F2 passing
through the primary converter (winding W2) in opposite directions. In the absence of a wheel, the flow F1 prevails,
which induces the output signal in the form of an alternating voltage Uout [2].

Transport, Ecology - Sustainable Development EKO Varna 2021

AIP Conf. Proc. 2439, 020015-1–020015-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4140-8/$30.00

FIGURE 1. Scheme flow of magnetic flux through on coils

In a greatly simplified form, the magnetic flux of the coil, without taking into account the magnetic flux of
leakage (Fw), is determined by the expression:
ௐ ூ ௦௜௡ధ௧ ௐభ ூభ ௦௜௡ధ௧
‫ܨ‬ଵ = െ భ భ = െ ೗೟೘ೝ ೗ೌ೒ (1)
ோ೟೘ೝ ାோೌ೒ ା
ഋ೟೘ೝ ೄ೟೘ೝ ೄೌ೒
where Rtmr is the total magnetic resistance of all ferromagnetic sections of the magnetic circuit (along which the
magnetic flux is closed, penetrating both coils)
Rag is the magnetic resistance of all air gaps, along which the magnetic flux F1 is closed, penetrating both coils;
lag is length of the ferromagnetic magnetic wires;
l݈௧௠௥ is length of air gaps of the magnetic wire.
Substituting the value of equation (2) into equation (1), we obtain an equation for determining the emf induced in
the winding W2 of the primary converter by the magnetic flux F1:
௄ௐ ௌ ௐ ఠ ෥ூ
݁ = െ ೗మ೑೘ೖమ భ೗ೌ೒భ ܿ‫ݐ߱ݏ݋‬
෦ (2)

ഋ೑೘ ೄ೑೘ ೄೌ೒

where W1 is the number of turns of the transmitting coil (binder source

magnetic field); W2 is number of turns of the take-up coil; SɄ – equivalent area of the primary transducer coil
෥ is circular frequency; I1 is the peak value of the alternating current of the transmitting coil; K = 1
(receiving coil); ߱
is the coupling coefficient of the windings, taking into account the ratio of the magnetic fluxes of the total (taking
into account the leakage fluxes) and interlocking with the receiving coil.
Similarly, taking into account the parameters of its constituent air gaps and ferromagnetic wires, one can
determine the value of the magnetic flux F2 and the e.m.f. induced by this flux in the coil W2.
If a wheel passes between the coils of the sensor, then its metal mass changes direction and acts as a screen for
the flux F1, which decreases in the coil W2. The difference in the emf in the receiving coil, induced by the fluxes F1
and F2, decreases to zero, this is the signal of the axis counting, issued by the point track sensor.
Point track sensors are built on this principle in some SEL signaling systems, transmitting coil which of powered
by an auto-generator rectangular oscillations with a frequency of 5.06 kHz. Most often, to improve safety in railway
automation systems that use axle counters to monitor track sections, two sequentially located sensors are used,
located in a common housing. This design of the sensor makes it possible to increase the reliability of fixing the
tracking of each wheel pair by comparing the results obtained from each of the sensors and to determine the
direction of movement of the moving unit according to the sequence of their actuation.
By changing the relative position of the transmitting and receiving coils, as well as the frequency of the
generated signal in the transmitting coils, you can create an inductive electromagnetic path sensor, in which when

passing the wheel the signal in the receiving coils will increase. The sensor in the axle counting system AzS 350
manufactured by SIEMENS is built on this principle [7].
But complex types of magnetization of products, traction current, poor contact of the connectors cause rail
magnetization and refers to combined magnetization. It consists in the simultaneous magnetization of two or more
changing magnetic fields.

The magnetic properties of metals are manifested by currents that arise due to the rotation of electrons, both
around the nucleus and around its axis. They also arise due to oscillations of their own orbits. The electromagnetic
field of atoms forms moments formed by phenomena occurring in atoms [4]. All of them, when added together,
form an electromagnetic field. According to their magnetic properties, all materials are divided into diamagnets,
paramagnets and ferromagnets [7].
In figure 2 shows the magnetization of the rail by the property of ferromagnetism.

F,*85( 2. Rail magnetization curve

Consider a system that counts the axes of a rolling stock [2-4]. This system is a microelectronic device that
receives information from two sensors about the presence of a wheel pair on the railway track (Figure. 3) [5]. It is
necessary to count the number of wheelsets, which have passed in the forward or backward direction, while the
counting result is transmitted to an external device. In addition, the system is a counting point [2], and its application
with a checkpoint device [4] or a counting device [2] allows solving such tasks of SZAT such as monitoring the
vacancy of track sections and determining the ordinate of the rolling stock.

FIGURE 3. Axle number counter

But the effect of rail magnetization arises, which is shown in Fig.4 and is expressed by the expression.


In the scheme in figure 4: ‫ܮ‬ଵ = ‫ܮ‬ଶ = ‫ ܮ‬inductance of the first and second coils of the inductor for counting the
axHVɆ‫ܮ‬ଵ ‫ܮ‬ଶ is the mutual inductance between these coils; ‫ݎ‬௅ଵ and ‫ݎ‬௅ଶ are the active resistance of the coils ‫ܮ‬ଵ and
‫ܮ‬ଶ ; ‫ܮ‬௙ is equivalent inductance from the circuits of Foucault currents arising in the wheel flange; Ɇ‫ܮ‬௙ ‫ܮ‬ଵ and Ɇ‫ܮ‬௙ ‫ܮ‬ଶ
is mutual inductance of the ‫ܮ‬௙ coil with the coils ‫ܮ‬ଵ and ‫ܮ‬ଶ , respectively; ‫ݎ‬௜ is equivalent load resistance for Foucault
currents; ‫ܫ‬௕ is generalized equivalent load current of Foucault currents; ‫ܫ‬௖ is excitation current of the axle count
coils; ߱ is the angular frequency of the excitation current; ܴ˃˔ is resistance at which the useful signal ܷ௢௨௧ is
allocated when the wheel flange passes; ‫ܧ‬௖ is voltage source with internal resistance ‫ݎ‬௕ ; ‫ܫ‬௕ is excitation current; ‫ܥ‬௞ is
equivalent capacitance of the resonant circuit, which includes inductors; ‫ܫ‬௖௞ is the current flowing through the
capacitor [5]
The frequency of the output signal in the Kolpitsa scheme is determined by the expression:

݂= ಽ ಽ
ଶగටଶ௅஼ೖ (ଵା( భ మ )
ಽభ శಽమ
For the scheme in figure 5, we compose equations according to Kirchhoff's laws with unknowns:
‫ܫ‬௕ + ‫ܫ = ˔ܫ‬௞ (4)

(‫ݎ‬௕ + ܴ௔௖ )‫ܫ‬௕ + 2݆߱(‫ ܮ‬+ ‫ܫ)ܯ‬௕ + 2݆߱‫ܯ‬௅௙௅ ‫ܫ‬௕ െ ݆ ‫ܫ‬௖௞ = 0, (5)
൫‫ݎ‬௕ + ݆߱‫ܮ‬௙ ൯‫ܫ‬௙ + 2݆߱‫ܯ‬௅௙௅ ‫ܫ‬௕ = 0. (6)
Solving the system of equations for ‫ܫ‬ଵ gives:
‫ܫ‬ଵ = రഘమಾమ (7)
ಽ೑ಽ భ భ
ି௝ (ଶ௥್ ାோೌ೎ ାଶ௝ఠ(௅ାெ)ି௝
ೝˋ శೕഘಽ೑ ഘ಴ೖ ഘ಴ೖ

Converting formulas, the output voltage of the scheme will be described by following expression:
ோೌ೎ ாೞ
ܷ௢ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ ܴ௔௖ = రഘమಾమ (8)
ାோೌ೎ ାଶ(௥್ ା௝ఠ(௅ାெ))
ೝˋ శೕഘಽ೑

In accordance with this expression, all the necessary dependencies were investigated and the electrical
parameters of the scheme of the axle counting systems.
In case of the flow of a magnetic field according to figure 1, you can make a conclusion, that magnetic flux has
an undefined effect on the receiving device, the resulting vortices form the magnetization of the itself rail Fig. 5

FIGURE 5. Magnet flow in the axle counting coils (1, 2 are magnetic flux of coils; 3, 4 are coils)

The introduced algebraic expressions show the area of formation of the electromagnetic force when the wheelset
passes over the sensor, the axle shunts the place of the sensor, and since shunt resistance 5VK ɨɦ ohm [10],
then it occurs, that the accumulated magnetic field passes along the wheel and induces an EMF, which leads to the
AC not triggering.


It was experimentally found out, the magnetization of the rail Fig. 6, as well as between the rail distances leads
to the appearance of an electrochemical effect, which appears to the accumulation of energy, in electrified areas,
additional factors have a significant impact on the primary parameters of rail lines: current leakage through the
foundations of the contact network supports connected to one of the rails; parallel connection of traction threads of
single-strand chains within stations; mutual inductance between contact wire and rails, etc.

FIGURE 6. Rail magnetization

The influence of these factors should be taken into account especially. As is known from the theory of electrical
circuits, voltage and current at any point can be considered as the result of the interference of two harmonic waves
of voltage and current propagating along the line. The process of wave propagation along a rail line characterizes its
wave parameters. As is known from the theory of electrical circuits, voltage and current at any point can be
considered as the result of the interference of two harmonic waves of voltage and current propagating along the line.

The process of wave propagation along a rail line characterizes its wave parameters. Wave propagation coefficient
ߛ = ߙ + ݆ߚ. The intensity of the electrochemical effect is characterized by the coefficient ‫ܭ‬௘௖ = ‫ܫ‬௘௖ /‫ܫ‬௢ , where ‫ܫ‬௘௖ is
the pause current flowing through the eyes counting receiver (pulse path relay), A;
‫ܫ‬௢ - operating current of the axle counter receiver, A.
To determine the magnetic field, we use the strength equation
‫ܪ‬௠ = (7)

‫ܪ‬௠ is the magnetic field strength:
‫ ܫ‬is the effective value of the current in A
Magnetic induction in the center of the coil [6]:
‫ܪߤ = ܩ‬ (8)
where G is the magnetic induction;
H is the magnetic field strength;
ߤ is the magnetic permeability of the whole body

The value of ߤ depends on the shape of the body "m" and is calculated:

( )మ
݉= ೏
೗ (9)
ଶ,଻ଶ௟௚ቀ ቁି଴,଺ଽ

According to the given algebraic expressions, a table was compiled.

TABLE 1. The EMF value of the receiving coil

The Value of the Modulus of The
Distance to the Surface of the
Electromagnetic Field Strength The Value of the Modulus of the
Sensitive Element of the Control
Above the Axis of the Inductor of the Electromagnetic Field Strength, V
Sensor, m
Control Sensor
0,2 0,97 1,5
0,3 0,65 1,32
0,5 0,435 0,95

The data processing given in Table 1 showed that electromagnetic field, rail magnetization affects the axle
counting sensor, when the axle of carriage or locomotive is located, a false triggering or non-triggering of axle
counting may occur, which will lead to giving false information to the control room about the state of the train

The electrochemical effect and rail magnetization disrupt the operation of the electronic axle counting, as a
situation may arise, when the current ‫ܫ‬௘௖ exceeds release current of the impulse travel relay. To combat such
influences, we offer protection using impulse transformers, fixing the drop of the current impulse at the beginning of
the counting intervals, the second protection consists in installing a protective filter against the influence of
interference and suppression of the arrival of disturbing factors.

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