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1. She _______ you last week, for she was not there.
A. must not have seen B. should not have seen
C. could not have seen D. hadn't seen
2. Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis, the process ______ plants make
A. by which B. through which C. which D. in that
3. ________ you tickle me, I won't tell you because it's a secret.
A. Even though B. Even if C. Whatever D. If only
4. _______, Americans eat a light breakfast. They usually don’t eat a lot of food in the morning.
A. By and large B. Fair and square C. Ins and outs D. Odds and ends
5. When his parents are away, his oldest brother _______.
A. knocks it off B. calls the shots C. draws the line D. is in the same boat
6. ........... it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.
A. Providing B. If only C. But for D. Unless
7. _______ comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A. It B. Therefore C. There D. That
8. She wondered ________ her father looked like now, after so many years away.
A. how B. whose C. what D. that
9. One of the professor’s greatest attributes is_____________
A when he gives lectures B how in the manner that he lectures
C the way which give lectures D his ability to lecture
10. The attorney told his client that___________
A they had little chance of winning the case
B it was nearly impossible to win him the case
C the case was of a small chance to win
D the case had a minimum chance to be won by him
Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to best complete the following sentences.
16. Sarah delivered a/an _______ appeal to the court and asked for mercy.
A. sensational B. sentimental C. emotional D. affectionate
Sensational Sentimental emotional Affectionate
1-Gây xúc động 1. Uỷ mị 1. thuộc về cảm xúc Yêu thương
mạnh 2. Tình cảm 2. xúc động
2-Giật gân

1+ crime : tội ác 1. Sentimental 1. Emotional icons I feel affectionate to

rúng động music (  ,  ) .. the baby.
1+ death Nhạc sến 2. EMOTIONAL
2. sensational 2. for sentimental SCENCE
newspaper reason
( tờ báo giật gân/ tít)

17. John was asked to _____ before the judge

A. wit B. testify LÀM CHỨNG
C. execute D. prejudice ĐỊNH KIẾN
18. You are under no obligation ( KO BỊ BẮT BUỘC) _____ to accept this offer.
B. eventually C. apart D. indeed
19. Peter, Harry and Chuck were first, second, and third ______ in the school cross-country race
A. respectively TƯƠNG ỨNG B. actively
C. responsively D. tremendously
20. Minh and Cuong were badly injured in the last match, so ____ can play in this match.
A. both of them B. neither of them C. none of them D. either of them
21. That science book ____ again and again.
A. is worth to read B. is worthy reading C. is worth reading D. is worth being read
22. I wish I ____ the party last night so early.
A. hadn’t left B. haven’t left C. didn’t leave D. don’t leave
23. It seems impossible to ____ terrorism in the world.
A. put stop to B. put an end of C. put an end to : END D. stop at
24. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been ____ .
A. raised B. bought C. risen D. raise
25. No matter how angry he was, he would never ______ to violence.
A. exert B. resort TO + N ( BUỘC DÙNG ĐẾN …) C. resolve D. recourse
Part 1: Read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D that best fit each space.
The Thames Barrier is a (1)…………………… part of the flood defence scheme for protecting London (2)
……………………… rising water levels. The defenses (3)……………… include raised river embankments and
additional flood gates at strategic points, including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the
520-metre wide Woolwich reach and (4)…………………… of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported
between concrete structures which house the operating machinery.
1. A. major CHÍNH B. frequent C. similar D. various
2. A. against  B. for C. between D. with
3. A. and B. also C. still D. too
4. A. consists  B. includes C. involves D. contains
When raised, the four main gates (5) ………………….. stand as high as a five-storey building and as wide as the
opening of Tower Bridge. Each (6)……………………3700 tonnes. During the first twelve years of (7)…………………..
, the Barrier has been closed twenty nine times to protect London. (8)…………………… the Barrier from the comfortable
cafeteria. Picnic on the riverside embankment. Enjoy beautiful views from the riverside walk. Visit the shop (9)
……………. stocks a large selection of souvenirs, books and Barrier information. There is a children's play area suitable
for 4 to 12-year-olds, located adjacent to the riverside walk. A visit to the spectacular Thames Barrier is a (10)

5. A. which B. every C. each D. none

6. A. measures B. costs C. calculates D. weighs 
7. A. profession B. surgery PHẨU THUẬT C. vocation D. operation VẬN HÀNH
8. A. Sight B. View  C. Hear D. Explore
9. A. what B. this C. which D. with
10. A. forgettable B. memorable  C. forgetful D. memorised

Part 2. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (10 points) (BÀI NÀY HAY NÈ)
Growing older is a natural (0)________ that we cannot avoid. However, some people manage to keep their looks for
longer than others, and live to a (1) ____RIPE____ old age. So, what exactly is their secret? Age is (2) ________ by many
to be a mental attitude. As our minds and bodies are not (3) ________ from each other, if you feel content, you are more
likely to be healthy and therefore to live a long life. Others stress the (4) ________ of having an interesting occupation.
Having a deep interest in whatever you do (5) ________ to a more fulfilled and active life. Many also recommend yoga or
other types of physical exercise.

1.A. ripe B. ready C. plump D. prime

2.A. valued B. considered C. suggested D. mentioned
3.A. different B. individual C. separate D. divided
4.A. greatness B. strength C. importance D. power
5.A. runs B. results C. directs D. leads
Everybody, young or old, can (6) ________ from regular exercise and spending time with others. Some, on the other
hand, (7) ________ old age without taking special care of their health. But research has shown that people who (8)
____STICK ____ to a low-calorie diet have a greater chance of living longer. Of course, having access to good medical
care (9) ___MAKES _____ a difference, too. Recent studies suggest that people with more high-powered jobs are
healthier, as are people who have (10) _RECEIVED _______ a good education. But scientific opinion keeps changing.
Maybe longevity just depends on genes or perhaps it's down simply to good luck.

0.A. process B. operation C. system D. programmE

6.A. take B. advance C. win D. benefit

7.A. get B. reach C. touch D. grab
8.A. stick B. stay C. hold D. remain
9.A. shows B. has C. makes D. is
10.A. received B. made C. taken D. owned

Part 3 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE WORD for each space.
It is now generally recognised that stress is a major (1) CAUSE …… (N) NGUYÊN NHÂN ………………… of heart
disease, and contributes (2) ……TO …………………many other illnesses. Stress is increased by factors (3) SUCH
………… as worry, overwork and lack (4) …………OF …………… exercise or relaxation. For it is just as important
from a psychological point of (5) …VIEW ………………to relax as it is to take physical exercise. Relaxing does not
necessarily (6) ………MEAN……………… just lazing about and doing (7) NOTHING ………………………. The
benefits of a weekend away or the diversion of sporting activities (8) ……ARE ……………… considerable. If you are
suffering from high stress levels, or wish to wind down after a trying day, it is generally advisable to have a change of
scene. Although there are some individuals who thrive (9) …ON …………….…… stress, for most of us, it can (10)
……CAUSE (V) GÂY RA ………… exhaustion, mood swings and even severe depression.

=Part 4. Read the text below and fill each blank with ONE word. (10 points)
Vitamins are good for our health, aren't they? Perhaps not. New research suggests that (0) rather than ward off
disease, high doses of certain vitamins may (1) ....................................... more harm than good and could even put you in
an early grave. A variety of recent studies suggest that (2) ....................................... from improving health, these vitamins,
(3) ....................................... taken in very high doses, may actually increase the risks of cancer and a range (4)
....................................... debilitating diseases, a discovery that has sent the medical world into a spin. Scientists are unsure
as to why vitamins, so essential to health, can be toxic in high doses. The most likely explanation is that the body is only
equipped to deal with the levels found naturally in the environment. If the intake is too far above the normal range, then
the body's internal chemistry can be shunted out of alignment. (5) ....................................... this means is that the

commercially sold vitamins and (6) ....................................... provided by nature are not always compatible. The
commercial forms may interfere with the body's internal chemistry (7) .................................... 'crowding out' the (8)
....................................... natural and beneficial forms of the nutrients. The vitamins obtained (9)....................................
food are also allied (10) ....................................... a host of other substances which may moderate or augment their activity
in the body. The latest advice is to eat a balanced diet to ensure you get all the nutrients you need, and if you must take
supplements, make sure you take the lowest recommended dose and follow the instructions on the bottle.

PART 5. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (10 points)
1. He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later ...DISQUALIFIED . ( TƯỚC
QUYỀN) ................................... when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs. (QUALIFY)
2. Those children look miserable because they’re . PARENTLESS ...................................... . (PARENT)
3. English is a .....COMPARATIVELY .................................. easy language for Swedes to learn. (COMPARE)
4. Now, don’t tell anyone else what I’ve just told you. Remember, it’s .CONFIDENTIAL ................ . (CONFIDE)
5. The recent hurricane caused .....................WIDESPREAD .................. damage. (WIDE)
6. Industrial robots work with far greater ......PRECISION ................................. than most men. (PRECISE)
7. A fan is an ardent devotee, an ...ENTHUSIAST ..( NGƯỜI ĐAM MÊ) .................................. ( ENTHUSIASTIC)
8. The .....DISADVATAGED (N) .................................. need our help. (ADVANTAGE)
9. Although the splitting of the atom was one of the greatest scientific .......BREAKTHROUGHS ................................ of
this century, there are many people who wish it had never happened. (BREAK)
10. She is ........PASSIONATE (ADJ) ............................... about music. (PASSION)
Part 6. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in parentheses
New(1)……TECHNOLOGICAL ………………advances are making life more difficult for (2)………CRIMINALS
…………………. as police are making progress on crime (3)…PREVENTION ………………. Such is the level of
expertise among detectives today that a (4)……CARELESS ………….. thief is bound to be caught. There are also more
(5) ………PRECAUTIONS …………… that can be taken by (6)………HOUSEHOLDERS …..………………. to
ensure the safety and (7)…PROTECTION ………………. of their homes. People can now mark their belongings
so that if they are stolen by an (8)…OPPOTUNISTIC thief they can later be identified. It is like having your (9) ……
SIGNATURE …………….. on all your (10)…………PERSONAL ………….. treasures.
VII. ERROR CORRECTIONS: The following passage contain 10 errors. Identify and correct them. (10 points)
The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely(0) interrelating. Most
American marriages, particular first marriages uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection
rather than practical consideration.
In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin date in high school and usually
find mates through their own academic and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from
different groups, almost choose a mate of similar background. This is due in parts to parental guidance. Parents cannot
select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by voicing disapproval for someone they consider
However, marriages of members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing,
probably because of the greater mobile of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices as their
parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in the armed forces, or pursue a career in a
bigger city. One away from home and family, they are more likely to date and many outside their own social group.
Ex: (0) interrelating -> interrelated
1. .......................... -> .......................... 2. .......................... -> ..........................
3. .......................... -> .......................... 4. .......................... -> ..........................
5. .......................... -> .......................... 6. .......................... -> ..........................
7. .......................... -> .......................... 8. .......................... -> ..........................
9. .......................... -> .......................... 10. .......................... -> ..........................


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Don’t change
the word given.

1. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child. (ONLY WHEN)
2. I don’t care if Tom doesn’t phone me. (DIFFERENCE)
3. Icy road conditions are thought to have caused the accident. (BROUGHT)
- The accident seem to HAVE BEEN BROUGHT ABOUT BY ……..the icy road conditions.
4. One day Tom’s mother is going to lose her temper with him. (MATTER)
- It is A MATTER OF TIME ............................................. Tom’s mother is going to lose her temper with him.
5. If I’m being honest, I have to say that the play wasn’t as good as I expected. (SHORT)
- The play FELL SHORT OF MY EXPECTATION …………………., to be honest with you.
6. I’m quite happy to go on holiday alone. (AVERSE)
- I am NOT AVERSE TO GOING ...................................................................on holiday on my own.
7. David feels uncomfortable in front of all those people. (ILL)
- David seems really ILL AT EASE IN FRONT ..................................................................................................
8. We suddenly decided to go away for the weekend. (SPUR)
GO .........................................................................................................
9. Finding the survivors is our number one priority. (UTMOST)
- It is the UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO FIND .....................................................................the survivors.
10. John didn’t feel like going out with his friends. (MOOD)
- Tom WAS NOT IN THE MOOD FOR ........................................................going out with his friends.

______END OF TEST______

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