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(Home Economics)

Module: 1
Family Resources
Grade 6 TLE (Home Economics)
Module 1: Management of Family Resources

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Teodora S. Palomania, MT-I

Ginalyn B. Bulanon, MT-I
Editors: Herman E. Bobis and Dante Santelices
Reviewer: Herman E. Bobis
Illustrator: Abegail B. Dajac
Layout Artist: Abegail B. Dajac
(Home Economics)
Quarter 0 - Module 1:
Family Resources

Topics/Lessons Page

What to Learn from this Module ……………………………………. 1

Technical Terms …………………………………….. ……………… 2
Letter to Mentor ……………………………………………………..... 3
Letter to Learners …………………………………………………….. 4
Pre- test ……………………………………………….. ……………… 5-6
Study Questions ………………………………………………………. 7
Learning Objectives…………………………………………………… 8

Lesson 1.1 –Identify Family Resources and Needs

(Human, Materials/Non Materials)……………………… 9-16
Family Resources
Human Resources
Non-Human Resources
What are the Use of Human Resources
Long Term Goals
Short Term Goals
Points to remember
Learning activities ……………………………………….. 14-16
Things to do
Self –checking exercise
Lesson 1.1.1 List of Family Resources ………………………………. 17-21
List of Family Resources
Learning Activities ……………………………………….. 18-21
Things to do
Self-checking exercises
Lesson 1.1.2 List of family Basic and social Needs ………………… 22-29
List of Family Basic Needs and Social needs
The Eight Stages of Marlow’s Hierarchy of needs
Learning Activities ………………………………………. 26-29
Things to do
Self –checking Exercises
Lesson 1.2 Enumerate sources of family income …………………. 30-35
Source of Income of the Family
Type of Expenses
Learning Activities …………………………………….. 34-35
Things to do
Self-Check Exercise

Lesson 1.3 Allocates Budget for Basic and ……………………….. 36-46

Social Needs such as:

1.3.1 food and clothing

1.3.2 shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social and moral obligations
birthdays, baptisms, etc.)
family activities, school affairs, savings/
emergency budget health/ house repair)
Learning activities …………………………………….. 43-46
Things to do
Self-Check Exercises
Post Test ………………………………………………………….. 47-49
Answer Key ……………………………………………………… 50
Answer key for all Learning Activities …………………………. 51-64
References ……………………………………………………….. 65-66

***** *****

In this module you will learn about Management of Family Resources

particularly Family Resources and needs (Human, Material and non-Materials
Resources)/List of Family resources and basic needs/ and the Sources of Family
Income. You will be learning also on how to allocate budget for basic and social
needs and prepares feasible and practical budget. This will widen your learning
experiences, desirable work attitude and skills necessary for you to become
independent and productive individual in the future.

You may already have some basic knowledge and skills covered in this
module. If you can demonstrate competence to your teacher in a particular skill,
talk to your teacher so you do not have to undergo the same training/module
After completing this module, ask your teacher to assess your competence.
Result of your assessment will be recorded in your achievement record. All the
learning activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace.

In this module, you will find the activities for you to complete and relevant
information sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may have
more than one learning activity.

This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency in

receiving and relaying information. This will be the source of information that will
enable you to acquire the knowledge and skills in Grade 6 TLE Home Economics
independently at your own pace with minimum supervision from your teacher and
with the help also and guidance of your parents.

Upon completion of the module the students/learners shall be able to:

1. Define family resources.

2. Identify family resources and needs (human, materials and
non- human Resources.
3. Tell the type of resources.
4. Tell the importance or uses of family resources.
5. Identify the list of human resources
6. Identify basic and social needs
7. Enumerate the family sources of income
8. Allocate budget for basic and social needs
(Vocabulary List)

For clarity and understanding, the following terms are defined:

Resources – a stock or supply of money, materials, staff and other

assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization
in order to function effectively
Goals – dreams, aspiration.

Short term Goals-something that you want to achieved for a short

period of time.

Long term Goals –something you want to achieved after long years
of careful planning.
Tangible – something that can be touched or felt

Finance - income and expenses

Human Resources – qualities, ideas, talents, possessed by an

individual or a family
Non-Human resources –tangible things possessed available to
the family
Needs – are the things we need for survival

Wants –are the things we desire to have and that give us pleasure.
Basic Needs –are foods, clothing, shelter, medicine air.
Social Needs – belongingness, love, affection, intimacy, family,
friends, relationship.
Income –is the money that comes in the family.

Expenses –this are the payments made when you buy things or food,
The money spent for something or services made
Expenditure- the act of spending funds

Amortization- a period in which a debt is reduced or paid off by

regular payments
Contingencies- a something that could happen or come up depending
on unexpected event
Recreations- an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working

Customary- commonly practice, used or observed acts

Endeavour- an attempt to achieve something


To all Mentors,
In response to our new goals in learning a series of modules are
designed and developed. It includes the “MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING
COMPETENCIES (MELC) to meet the challenges facing of the current
situation in education, health and safety.
This module is an instructional material that will truly help us
teachers and most specially our Grade 6 pupils in the continuous
learning process and in getting more meaningful and productive
experiences at home or in schools with the assistance and
cooperation of the respective parents and teachers.
The simple presentation of lesson in this module are
comprehensively discussed briefly coupled with related activities and
will truly help enriched the experiences for effective and efficient
learning of the pupils.
It is hoped and expected that this module will be of great helped
in enriching the experiences and in developing the skills abilities,
attitude and values of a learners.

To all Learners,

Welcome to our new modular learning style.

This module is designed for you to help you equip yourself with
knowledge and skills in TLE-6 Home Economics Management of
Family Resources with the following competencies;

1.1 Identifies family resources and needs (human,

material, and non-material
1.1.1 lists of family resources
1.1.2 lists of basic and social needs
1.2 Enumerates sources of family income
TLE6HE0a- 2
1.3 Allocates Budget for Basic and Social Needs such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing
1.3.2 shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social and moral obligations
birthdays, baptisms, etc.) family activities, school
affairs, savings/ emergency budget health/
house repair
TLE6HE0b- 3

This instructional material will engage you to the different

lessons and activities related to Management of Family resources.
Just read and study the lesson very well and follow all the
instructions in every activity then find out how much you can
remember and how much you have learned by answering the
“Post Test” thereafter. Do your best to answer them independently.
For sure you can do it and enjoy it.

Lastly, we encourage you to take good care of this

module for the next learners who will be enjoying also in using it.


To determine your possessed learning from this module, you need

to answer the following questions. The result of this pretest will be the
basis of your teacher in giving reinforcement for you to become
competent after finishing the module. (Write your answer in a tablet

Test A. Write Agree if the statement is correct and write Disagree if the
statement is incorrect. Write your answer in your test booklet.

_____ 1. Family resources is very important to the family in achieving

their goals and aspirations in life.

_____ 2. Family resources are of two kinds the human resources and
non- human resources.

_____ 3. Positive attitude is not important in reaching our goals in life.

_____ 4. Basic needs should be addressed first before their wants.

_____ 5. In today fast changing world people basic needs have already

_____ 6. A family budget is the same from others family budget.

_____ 7. The expenses under utilities usually comes on a monthly


_____ 8. Proper allocation of a family budget will avoid overspending.

_____ 9. Books and tuition fees are under the component of education.

_____ 10. Preparing Meal Plan for the family is important for allocating
budget for food.

Test B. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Things, ideas, qualities, talents possessed by an individual or a

family are example of what?

a. resources b. needs c. wants d. dreams

2. Out of the family resources the most commonly used resources are
the following except one which one is this?

a. time b. energy c. money d. property

3. The basic needs of the family are the following except one which one
is this?

a. sufficient foods c. decent clothing’s

b. brand new car d. modest shelter

4. The biggest share of expenditure of the family is allotted to _________.

a. food c. shelter
b. education d. recreation

5. De la Cruz family have a combined net family income of P25,000.00

a month. If the family decided to give 10% share on education, how
much would it be?

a. P6,500.00 c. P3,500.00
b. P2,500.00 d. P2,800.00

Study Questions

As you start and go on reading with this module, read and take
note of the following questions for you to remember and be able to

1. What is a family resources?

2. What are the human resources? Non –human resources

3. What are the components of Human resources and

Non- human Resources?

4. What are the importance and uses of family resources?

5. What are the needs of the family?

6. What are the difference between needs and wants?

7. What are the sources of family income?

8. What are the family expenditure?

9. How do we allocates budget for each expenditure of the


Learning Objectives

Subject /Grade/Components Grade 6 TLE –HOME ECONOMICS

COMPETENCIES: 1.1 Identifies Family Resources and
Needs (human, material, and non-
1.1.1 lists of family resources
1.1.2 lists of basic and social needs
K-12 Code
1.2 Enumerates Sources of Family
K-12 Code TLE6HE0a- 2
1.3 Allocates Budget for Basic and Social
Needs such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing
1.3.2 shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social and moral
obligations (birthdays,
baptisms, etc.) family
Activities, affairs, savings/
emergency budget health/
house repair

K-12 Code TLE6HE0b- 3

Module/Title/Topic/Lessons Management of Resources

Identifying of Family Resources and
needs ( Human , material and non-
Human resources) Sources of Family
Income Allocating budget for Basic
and Social Needs

Lesson 1.1 Identifies the family resources and needs (Human,

material and Non- material)

You read this lesson. After reading there are tasks/activities you
will perform for you to proceed to the next lesson.

Every aspect of family living involes the use of resources and
resources are the assets used to meet the family needs and
goals. Some persons or family are not aware of these resources
and how these can be utilized effectively. In this lesson you will
be learning the classification of family resources the human,
material and non-material resources available to your family.

Study Question: What are the classification of Family Resources?

Lesson Proper:

Classification of Family Resources

Let us Read and Learn

Family Resources

Family resources are those things that the family possess and uses in all
homemaking activities in order to achieve their goals and aspiration in life. They are
human and non-human qualities or elements that are used to meet the needs and
wants of each member of the family. They maybe tangible or intangible.
These can also be in the form of services or properties used to produce goods
or services that meet the needs and wants of a man.
Family resources can be classified into two: the Human resources and
Non-human or material resources.

Let me explain

1. Human Resources

Human Resources refers to the qualities of family members and what

they possess that contribute to their over –all human being. These human
resources are developed through education, skills, attitude, knowledge,
energy and time. Time and energy are limited resources but considered as
valuable to the family.

2. Non- Human or Material Resources

Non –human resources are those tangible resources available to the

family that is within the house and outside the house. It includes everything
owned by the family like money, goods, house, car, household equipment’s,
and those owned by community facilitates, for examples the barangay health
center, barangay, Hall, schools, markets, transport facilities and many more.

Goods and Community Environmental

Time Money Property Facilities Resources

Time, energy and money are considered the most used resources of
the family. They are human resources but sometimes they can be
considered as Non-human sources because, when a person was hired to
work the energy used in working was exchange for money. Meaning the
energy used in working can be substituted by a power tool or machine to
make work become easier and fast.

Now, what are the uses of Family resources?

Use of Resources
Every one of us has our owned “goals” or “dreams “in life and when
we say goals it is something that we aspired to reach or achieve. Goals can
be a long term goals or a short term goals. What is important is we know
within ourselves if what is our “goals” or what we want to achieve in life.

In achieving our “goals” we need resources without family resources

it impossible to reach whatever goals, dreams, or aspiration we had in life
life. We use resources also in our daily works and undertakings. In setting
priorities and in making a wise decision we need to consider our available

Long –term Goals – refers to the goals that can be achieve only after
long years of planning and work and can be achieved
one step at a time. It is something you want to further
in the future. They are not something you can do this
week or even this year. Long-term goals usually take
12 months or more to achieve.

- Pursue a Higher Education, Graduating from
high school can be scary thing
- Travel the World/vacation in some other country
- Open a Business
- Start a Family
- Buy or build a House
- Pursue a New Career Path
- Publish a Book
- Retire at Age (55,60 or 65 years old)

Short-term Goals –refers to goals that can be achieved for a short period
of time. Maybe can be achieve within a week months
or few months or less than one or two years.

Examples - Finish your projects in a timely manner.

- Have a good attitude.
- Learn new skills.
- Visit your family more.
- Stay away from negativity.
- Enhance your quality of life.
- Work on communication.
- Set monthly weight loss or cardio goals.
- Purchase a household furniture

Points to Remember:
➢ Resources are those things that the family possess and uses in
achieving their goals in life.
➢ There are two kinds of resources Human- resources and non-
human resources.
➢ Human- resources are; abilities and skills, knowledge, energy
and attitude
➢ Non-human resources are time, money goods and property,
community facilities and environmental resources.
➢ Time, energy and money are the most used resources of the family.
➢ The two classification of goals are “long- term goals and short
term goals.
➢ Resources are very important in achieving of our goals or dreams
in life, in or daily works and undertakings.
➢ We also need resources in setting up of our priorities and making
a wise decision in life.

Learning Activities

Things to do

Task I

A. Discuss with your family what values your family hold dear
goals for which your family strive for and the family resources
that the family use to achieve these goals. Make a written report
or list about your family goals and resources.

Task 2

B. Copy the table below in your Test booklet and List down at
Least 5 of your family goals in life may it be a long or short
term goals opposite write the resources needed to achieve
these goals.
Long term Resources Short term goal Resources
goals needed needed

Task 3
C. Explain in 3 or more sentences if how you and your family
are going to achieved your goals or dreams in life.?


Self-Checking exercises

Answer the following self-checking questions in your test Booklet.

A. What are the two classification of family resources? Differentiate

one from one another and provide an examples.


B. List down all those things that can be consider as Human resources.
___________________ , _______________________
___________________ , _______________________

C. List down also at least 6 things that can be found inside and outside
the house and considered as None – Human resources.

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

D. What are the two kinds of goals in life?

_______________________ , ________________________

E. State in two or more sentences the importance of family resources.


F. What you should do to achieve your dreams in life?



Draw Ven diagram in your notebook then classify the

different resources available into your family. (Write your
answer in your test booklet).

Human Resources Non-Human



Lesson 1.1.1 List of family Resources

In lesson 1.1 you have studied and learned about the classification
of Family resources the human and non-human resources that can be
used by the family in reaching their goals and aspiration in life. In this lesson
you are task to study and list down the family resources the human and
non- human qualities or elements that is used to meet the needs and wants
of the family members.

Study Question: Can you make a list of Family resources?

Let us Read and Learn

Lesson Proper:
The human resources can be found within ourselves each of us has
our talents or abilities that can be enhance or developed and made
useful, we have energy that can be used for work, attitude/habit positive
attitude toward everything is the key to success, Knowledge everyone
who has knowledge in anything or everything will nearly become
successful in all their undertakings.

The Non-human resources are “money” which comes from the salary
of the family members, “ time” we must value our time for it is gold,
“goods and property” owned by the family “ community facilities” those
facilities owned by community and those environmental resources that
can be found into our environment.

In this lesson you are task to list down all those family resources
that maybe tangible or intangible.

Points to remember:

➢ Family resources can be human or non-human material resources

such as talents or abilities, energy, attitude/habits, knowledge,
time, gods and properties community facilities and environmental
resources. These are all essential for achievements of most goals
of the family.

Learning Activities

Things to do

Task 1

Copy the table in your answer sheet and then list down the
Family resources that you have learned into the columns where
they (belongs) belong.
List of non –human or material
List of Human Resources
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Task 2

Make a poster about using the following resources wisely

(time, energy, money,etc).Write a simple explanation about your
poster or drawing.Have your poster in a ½ size of white cartolina.

½ size cartolina

Task 3
Answer the crossword puzzle by looking at the words
about family resources

E S C ½Hsize cartolina
Task 4
Supply the information in the circles of the resources that you have learned.
Write your answer in separate sheet.



Self-check exercises

Copy the questions in your Test Booklet and answer them all
by filling in the blank with the correct resources.

________1. Resources needed by a man in order to do his work or daily task.

________2. Something that we want to have or to achieve in life.

________3. Baking, or cooking, required proper understanding of procedures

or steps to be able to come up with a good finished product.

________4. Ideas, opinion, inclination and biases.

________5. The highest form of income from the salary of parents and other
member of the family.

________6. It is a resources that needs to be manage properly so that it will

not be wasted and become gold.

________7. Things that are inside our house that are durable and perishable.

________8. These are the schools, barangay health centre, hospitals,

churches, transportation, market, and other facilities that can be
found in the community.

________9. Things that are outside the house and provide basic need of the

_______ 10. The required facts and information in every activity that we are
going to do or acommplish in order to attain success.

In your test booklet make a list of all the resources that you
can see around you. Identify if what kind of resources are they
(Human resources or Non-Human Resources.

Lesson 1.1.2 List of Basic and social needs


In lesson 1.1.1. you are tasked to make a list of family resources

that you have learned in the first lesson of this module. In this new
lesson you will be learning about Basic Needs and Social Needs of a
family. You will be asked to answer some related activities after reading
this lesson. So,get ready for this new lesson.

Study questions: 1. What are the basic needs and social needs of a family?
2. What are The Eight Stages of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Lesson Proper

Basic Needs and Social Needs

Read and Learn

Basic needs

Basic needs are the things required by people to be able to survive,

to work and be able to continue for a living. These are the things that we
need for survival.

The basic needs of the family are the following:

1.sufficient foods
2.descent clothing
3.modest shelter
4.clear and water

However, in this fast changing world that we have today People basic
needs have been expanded. The people does not only need foods, shelter,
clothing water, medicines but, they also need the following:

1. Education- people or a person have the right to learn to study in

order to have a good job and good life in the future.

2. Transportation – the need for transportation in order to go to into

the place or destination to where a person or individual
wanted to go.

3. Love and care - the need to be love and care from other people and
family in order to feel the sense of emotional and social

If we had our needs, we also have our wants. Our wants are just our
desires, they are not basic for survival. Wants will just satisfy us, but
we can set them aside and put off for a later date because even though
wants give as pleasure they are not much necessary we can still be
able to continue to live without our wants. Our needs should be addressed
first so that we can manage the available resources of our family.

Social needs
Social needs refer to the need to have a relationship with others.
This is a sense of belongingness, love, affection, intimacy, family, friends
relationship, etc. Maslow considered the social stage an important part of
psychological development of a person because our relationship with
others help reduce emotional concerns such as depression and anxiety.

Basic and Social Needs
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describe the different level of
needs of human being and what motivates us throughout our lives.

Maslow’s said one cannot go up to the next level if the lower levels
are not yet met or satisfied.

Let us read and learn About Abraham Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs.

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs described the basic and social needs
of every human- being in order for him or her to become a fully developed
and successful individual.

The Eight Stages of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological needs: these are the things needed to survive such as air,
foods, water, shelter, clothing, sleep and etc.

Social needs: the need for belongingness, love affection, families, and
friends, relationships or attachments.

Security needs: this is also important for survival but not as demanding
as basic needs examples are safe home, health care, law and
and order, employment, and stability.

Esteem needs: includes personal worth, approval, social recognition,

confidence, achievements or accomplishments.

Self-actualizing needs: realizing of personal awareness or potential, self-

fulfilment and have less concern with the opinion of others.

Points to Remember

➢ Basic needs are required for survival.

➢ Our Basic Needs are; foods, clothing’s, shelter, air and water, and medicine.
➢ Other things that are consider as part of our basic needs are; education,
Transportation, love and care.
➢ It is important to addressed the family basic need first before their wants.
➢ Wants can be set aside and put off for a late date.
➢ Social needs are important in becoming a fully develop and successful person.

Learning Activities

Things to do

Draw a house or this house into your test booklet and write in any
part of the house the basic needs and social needs of the family.

Task 2
Draw Maslow hierarchy of needs in your Test Booklet. Label
and explain briefly each part.

Task 3

Write the possible consequences: if you have more wants than

your needs. (Write your answer in your test booklet).

Task 4

Copy the table below in your test booklet and list down our
Basic and social needs.
Basic Needs Social Needs

Self-Check Exercises
A. Write Agree if the statement is correct Disagree if the statement is
wrong. (Write your answer in your test booklet.)

_________1. Basic needs are the things needed by a man for survival.
_________2. Foods, clothing and shelter are example of basic needs.
_________3. Our needs should be given attention later wants should given
more attention first.
_________4. Social needs is important to the personal development and
success of a person.
_________5. The people basic needs have already expanded today.

B. Write the letter of your choice of answer in your test booklet.

1. Parents and other member of the family should work hard to meet
their ___________.

a. needs b. wants c. shelter d. dreams

2. This are the things needed to survive such as foods, water, shelter
and clothing.

a. physiological needs b. security needs

c. social needs c. self-actualizing needs

3. The one who describe the basic and social needs is

a. Abraham Lincoln b. Abraham Maslow’s
c. Abraham d. Abraham Maslow’s

4. Realizing personal potential, self-fulfilment, talent, personal growth

and other example of
a. self-actualization needs b. social needs
c. security needs d. basic needs

5. A person does not only need foods, shelter and clothing He/she also
needs the following except one which one is this?

a. education b. transportation
c. destination d. love and care

6. This is the need for personal awareness and has less concern with the
opinion of others.

a. self-actualization needs b. social needs

c. security needs d. basic needs

7. This is also important for survival but not as demanding as basic the
needs examples are safe home, health care, law and order,
employment, and stability.

a. self-actualization needs b. social needs

c. security needs d. basic needs

8. Includes personal worth, approval, social recognition, confidence,

achievements or accomplishments

a. self-actualization needs b. social needs

c. security needs d. esteem needs

9. What is needed in order to learn or to study and have a stable job

and good life in the future.

a. education b. transportation
c. love and care d. socialization

10. Nowadays education, healthcare, love and care, and another one are
part of basic needs.

a. education b. transportation
c. love and care d. socialization


Draw anything that will show all the basic and social needs of the
Family.Make a short explaination about your work. ( Do it in a long coupon

Lesson 1.2 Enumerates Sources of Family Income


In lesson 1.1.2 you have learned about the Basic and Socials needs of a
person or a family and its importance to the family living and development.
In this new lesson you will be learning about the “Sources of Family
Income”. You will be task to enumerate the different sources of income of
your family. After studying this lesson there are some learning activities for
you to answer independently.
Good luck!

Guide question:
Where does the income of the family comes from?

Lesson Proper

Read and Learn

Sources of family income

Being a Grade 6 pupils and with the growing of economic crisis as
of today it is very important that you should know or learn the art of
budgeting of your own money or the income of your family. Likewise, you
should understand also the word expenses to minimize its impact to
you and to your family life.

When we talk income and expenses we are taking about family

finance and there two things that are important when we speak about
family finance, these are the income and expenses and how to manage
it properly.

Let me explain my dear pupils

What is family income?

What is a family income?

Family income refers to the money earned by the family members
from their employment which the family uses for their foods, shelter,
clothing, and education of the children, health and dental check-up and
care and also for some other needs. It also refers to the monetary payments
received by all family members for the goods and services rendered.

Therefore “Income “is the money that comes in the family. The most
familiar form of income is “money”. Money is what the family use to
purchase their needs and wants. Money is an example of Non-human
resources. The family or an individual can have their money or income
from the different sources.

The income of the family can be derive from the


employment profits or business investments

dividends commission or bonus pension

rentals royalty and copy right farming

planting animal raising


Let me explain my dear pupils

Each sources of family income

Source of income of the Family

1. Employment wage or salary - (work) public or private employment.

Some parents or members of the family are private or
public employees.
2. Profits from business and investments – from share of stocks, and
bonds that add income for the family. This also includes
profit made from operating business.

3. Rentals – lease from properties leased like apartment, owned real

estate properties.

4. Dividends - from investment or savings, share of stocks or from Money


5. Pension – money came from GSIS or SSS or Veterans pension, Senior

Citizen Pension.
6. Commission or Bonus –some family income came from reward or
incentives from selling a product or properties

7. Royalty and copyright -a member of a family got money from writing

a book, writing a song or invented of a thin.

8. Planting / Farming - vegetables farming or Rice farming can bring

income to the family even planting an ornamental plants
can also be a source of income.

9. Fishing – fishing is the common source of income of those families

who are living along the coastal areas or along the sea some
are having their fish ponds and became the source of
their income.

10. Animal Raising - piggery /swine/chicken/cow/goat raising bring

money also into the families.

Now that you understand the sources of family income it is

important that you should understand also the Expenses.

What is expenses?
At young age it is important that you should know where the money or
income of your family came from and how to spend it properly so that you
will become a good home manager in the future and a good home manager
know also how to make a budget for the family. It is important also that
you should know the different expenses of the family so that, you can
prioritize the necessary expenses and distribute or allocate fairly the income
that your family have.

Expenses refers to the money paid by a family for goods and services
they get or payments, or reimbursement for services rendered and goods
purchases made by a family or a person. Expenses takes money out of the

There are two types of expenses:

Fixed expenses - these are the expenses that occur regularly within a period of time and
more or less the same amount. These are school fees, rentals, water bills,
electricity bills, food and transportation.

Flexible expenses- are the expenses that do not come regularly examples expenses
for clothing’s, recreation and entertainment, donation, medical and
dental care and other emergency expenses.

Points to remember:

➢ There are two important things when we speak Family finance

Income - brings money in the family while
Expenses - takes out the money from the family
➢ Family income came from different sources, such as employments, profits, rentals,
dividends, pension, commission, bonus, royalty and copyright, fishing, planting and
animal raising.
➢ There are two kinds of expenses: fixed expenses and Flexible expenses.

Learning Activities

Things to do

Task 1
A. Interview your parents regarding your family source of income.
Make a list about in your test booklet.

Task 2
B. Make a list of things that you can do to help increase the income
of your family.

Task 3
C. Write the possible consequences for this situation:
You give more attention in spending your money than thinking of
possible things for an additional income for the family.

Self-check exercises

A. Fill in the blank/s with the correct information:

___________1. Income and expenses means.

___________ 2. It brings money in the family.
___________ 3. It takes out money in the family.
___________ 4. The expenses that occurs regularly is called.
___________ 5. Expenses for clothing and recreation is an example of

B. Enumerate at least 5 main or common sources of family income:

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
C. In a few words what is the difference between income and

Make a 3- minute reflection on what you have learned in this lesson.
Write your comments on a sheet of paper and submit your work to your

Lesson 1.3 Allocates Budget for Basic and Social Needs such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing
1.3.2 shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social and moral obligation birthdays,
baptisms, etc.) family activities, school affairs, savings/
emergency budget health/house repair


In lesson 1.2 you have learned about the different sources of income of the
family also the expenses. In this new lesson, you will learn on how to allocate
budget to the different expenditure of the family. You will study and learn on
how to make a family budget. So enjoy reading and studying this lesson we
prepared for you after which do you best and enjoy answering the different
activities we prepared for you.

Lesson Proper

Let us Read and Learn

Allocation of Budget for Basic and Social Needs

Managing a financial income of the family is quiet tough. Budgeting is
a guide in allotting the earnings of the family to where it should be. It is a
practical skill and it plays an important role in effective utilization of the
family income.
All members of the family must know on how to manage the family
because it will monitor the spending habits, spending the money wisely and
even teaches to set aside money for the unexpected expenses.
A family budget differs from one family to another. It may varies in the
income of the family, size of the family and the standard of living.
The following components must have considered in allocating the budget:
food, shelter, utilities, education, clothing, contingencies, household
operation, savings, rest and recreations and social and moral obligations.

Let me Explain

Components of a Family Budget

1. Food

The biggest share of expenditure

of the family goes to food. Preparation
of Meal Plan will help them extend the
budget for a period of time.
The size of the family or the
number of the family members is the
factor in considering the budget.,g_1:filipino+family&hl=en-

2. Shelter

The expenditure for the

shelter may include the rent if the
house is not owned, an allocation
for amortization, house repair,
house improvement and tax (real

3. Utilities

The expenditure are paid on a

monthly basis. It includes
electricity, water, telephone,
internet connection and home

4. Education

Every family have a high regard in

sending children to school. The
school fees are being paid either in
monthly or semestral basis. It
includes the tuition fees, children’s
allowances, school uniforms, books,
learning materials and other school

5. Clothing

Clothing are items that does not

need to buy always. But there are
some families that allocates budget
monthly to buy clothes.

6. Contingencies

Purchase of medicines,
expenses for medical and dental
appointment, vaccination of
babies and children are part of

7. Household operation

It involves the running of a

household such as cleaning,
cooking, home maintenance and
other household chores.
The family employed a
housekeeper who stays at home to
help in doing the household
chores. Q2-

8. Savings

Savings is an amount of
money to set aside in order to
prepare for the unexpected events
or emergencies because no one
knows what will happen in the
future. This can be save through
banks or simply the coin bank.

9. Rest and Recreations

This pertains the activities

that provide rest, comfort and
relaxation to the family. It might be
hobbies, interests, outings and
vacations. There are times that
budget are taken from the savings or

10. Social and Moral Obligations

Every family have its social and

moral obligations. It is customary
that Filipinos celebrated birthdays,
anniversaries, weddings and other
important occasions.
There are some families that gives
time and effort on community
outreach like feeding program. This
kind of endeavour requires budget.

The percentage distribution of a family budget varies from one family

to another. It depends on their priorities. Other families choose not to
include some components in family budget especially if is not applicable for
them. Take a look at the example of a family budget.

The combined total income of Mr. and Mrs. Villanueva sis P40, 000.00
The family is renting a house.
They have 2 college students.

Budget Distribution of
Family Villanueva
Food Shelter Utilities Education Clothing Contingences Savings Social and Moral Obligations
Social and Moral
Savings Obligations
3% 2%
12% Food
Clothing 32%
20% Shelter
Utilities 10%

How much my family

allotted for the
. food?
. shelter?
. utilities?
. education?
. clothing?
. contingencies?
. savings?
. social and moral
. obligations? Could you please help me

with this?

Points to Remember:
To get the allotted budget for each component, do these:
Multiply the net income of the family to the percentage of allocation
for each component.
(Take note: To convert from a percentage to a decimal, remove the
the percent sign and move the decimal point 2 places to the left)
3 2 % = 0.352

Budget for Food = Total Income of the Family x Percentage of Allocation

= P40, 000 x .32

= P12, 800 were allotted to food

Learning Activities

Things to do

Task 1

The income of Villanueva Family is P40, 000.00 in a month. To help Mr.

Villanueva get the actual amount of budget for each component, Can you
compute and do the rest for him? Refer to the data given above in a pie
graph of the Villanueva Family. Component 1 was already answered.
Write your answer on the table given below.

Budget Component Allocation Amount

1. Food 32% P12,800.00
2. Shelter
5. Clothing
8.Social and Moral
TOTAL 100%

Task 2

Mr. and Mrs. Borlasa are preparing for their family

budget for the upcoming month. But, they are having difficulty
to which component of a family budget it will be classified. Can
you help them classify by writing it in the table given? Here is
the list that they have prepared:

Buying sport shoes Rent

Medicine Budget for 1st birthday

celebration of their child

School uniform Tuition fee

Water Bills Budget for vacation trip in

Baguio City

Groceries Money deposited to bank

Housekeeper Medical Check- up


Component of a Family
Household Operation
Rest and Recreations
Social and Moral

Task 3

Compute the allocated budget of the family with

combined earnings of P28, 500.00

Budget Allocation in Amount

Component Percentage
Food 40%
Shelter 12%
Utilities 15%
Education 20%
Savings 5%
Rest and 8%
Total 100%

Self- Learning Check

A. Enumerate the different components of allocating family budget. Be

able to give examples.

B. Identify what is being asked in each statement. Write your answer in

your test booklet.

________1. A plan as to how the family income should be spent.

________2. This is a budget component for paying monthly bills like
electricity, water supply and cable or internet.
________3. This is a budget component for paying a house or
________4. This is a budget components used for celebration of different
occasions like birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other.
________5. A budget components intended for the family vacation,
relaxation or family outing.

Seek the help of your parents in making a family budget for the
family showing your own family budget using the table or pie graph .
Indicate the budget components and its percentage allocation.


It’s time for you to show what you have learned. Find out how much or
how far you already know by answering the given Post -Test below. Write all
your answer in a separate tablet paper.

Test A. Read each questions and write the letter of the correct answer
in your answer sheet.

1. The following are the most commonly used resources except one
which one is this?
a. talent b. time c. energy d. money

2. Abilities, skills, knowledge, energy and attitude are examples of

a. human resources b. Non-human resources

c. natural resources d. environmental resources

3. While time, money and community facilities are examples of

a. human resources b. Non-human resources
c. natural resources d. environmental resources

4. The money paid by a family for goods and services they get or
payments for services rendered and purchases made by a family
or a person.

a. income b. expenses c. profit d. credit

5. This refer to the expenses that comes regularly like water and
electrical bills.

a. regular expenses b. flexible expenses

c. fixed expenses d. other expenses
Test B. Identify what is being asked in each statement. Write your 47.
answer in your answer sheet.

________1. Resources needed by a man in order to do his work or daily


________ 2. This refer to the emotion, feeling of a person toward something

or someone.

________ 3. Baking, or cooking, required proper understanding of

procedures or steps to be able to come up with a good finished

________ 4. The highest form of income from the salary of parents and other
member of the family.

________ 5. Money that comes in the family from their work, employment or
________ 6. An allocated budget for extending community service like feeding

________ 7. This is a budget component intended for paying electric, water,

cable and phone landline bills.

________ 8. This is a budget for paying tuition fees, buying books and other
Learning materials.
________ 9. A money set aside intended for unexpected happening in the

________ 10. A budget that would be used for dental and medical check- up.

Test C. Compute the monthly allocated budget of a family with a

net income of P45,000.00. Copy the table and write your
answer in the third column.

Budget Component Allocation Percentage Amount

1. Food 32%
2. Shelter 10%
3. Utilities 14%
4. Education 15%
5. Clothing 5%
6. Contingencies 8%
7. Household Operation 7%

8. Savings 3%
9. Rest and Recreations 2%

10.Social and Moral 4%

Budget Component Allocation Amount
1. Food 32% 14,400.00
2. Shelter 10% 4,500.00
3. Utilities 14% 6,300.00
4. Education 15% 6,750.00
5. Clothing 5% 2,250.00
6. Contingencies 8% 3,600.00
7. Household Operation 7% 3,150.00
8. Savings 3% 1,350.00
9. Rest and Recreations 2% 900.00
10. Social and Moral 4% 1,800.00
Test C.
Pre-Test Post test
Test I Test A
1. Agree 1.A
2.Agree 2.A
3.Disagree 3.B
4.Agree 4.A
5.Agree 5.C
6.Disagree Test B
7.Agree 1.Energy
8.Agree needs
9.Agree 3.Talents/Skills
Test II 5. Income
1. a and moral obligation
2. d 7. utilities
3. b
4. a 9.savings
5. b 10. contingencies
Answer key
Criteria Needs improvement Good Very good
4 7 10
Followed the task or Only 1 Some other given All given directions/
given direction direction/task directions/task not task followed
followed followed
Workmanship Did not make the Discuss the activity Discuss the activity
activity with the with relatives and with the family
family friends
Able to make a Able to make a Able to make a
Written Report written report/list written report /list written report/list
but need for but with adequate with complete
improvement about Knowledge only knowledge about
the topic. about the topic the topic.
Task 1
Lesson 1.1
We can achieve our goals or dreams in life by means of working hard together and
helping each other. Cooperation and participation in all family activities can contribute
to the success in achieving our goals. Sharing our time, energy, money, skills, to one
another will make our dreams comes true.
Task 3
Long term goals Resources Short term goal Resources needed
1.Finished schooling/pursue Money ,time, 1.Make a project Skills, talent,
higher education energy , energy,
2.Open up a business Skills, money, 2.Visit relatives, Lolo Time and money
time, and Lola
3. Start a family or get Money, Time 3.Purchase laptop or money
married celphone
4.Build a house Money, Time 4.Learn to swim, bike Energy, attitude,
or to drive, to dance Time, money
or piano lesson
5.Tour/have a vacation in Money, Time 5. To lost weight or Time, energy,
some other country gain weight attitude
so just let your teacher double check your work.)
(Sample answers are the following, there are some possible answers maybe
Task 2
house, bike car, Attitude,
kitchen wares, Knowledge,
foods, appliances, Resources Talents, ability,
Money , Time, Family skills, Energy,
Non-Human Human Resources
Use Venn Diagram. (Write your answer in your test booklet).
Classify the different resources available into your family.
A. The two classification of family resources are Human resources which
are the qualities of the family members that contribute to their overall well-
being. Examples are skill/abilities or talents, knowledge, attitude, and energy.
While the Non-Human Resources are the tangible family resources
that are available for usage. Examples are Money, time, goods and properties,
community resources and environmental resources,
B. Abilities /skills/talents, knowledge, attitude and energy.
C. Money, goods and properties, community facilities, environmental
D. Long term goals and short term goals.
E. Family resources are important for all of us in achieving our family
goals and aspiration in life. It is also important in order for us to survive and
become successful in all our undertakings.
F. To study hard and be able to finish schooling and be able to learn how
to set priorities in life.
Self- Checking Activities


Lesson 1.1.1

Task 1

5. transportation facilities 5. attitude

4. community facilities 4. energy
3. goods and properties 3. knowledge
2. time 2. skills
1. money 1. abilities, talents.
List of non –human or material List of Human Resources

Task 2

Check the poster according to the following criteria

Criteria Fair Good Very good 8-9 Excellent 10 Total

2-4 5-7
Originality Work but almost half Work but with the Work with a little Work alone or
of the poster was full support or help help from parents or independently
made by other at from many. other member of the
cost. family.
Creativity Only one (1)of the Only one (2)of the Only one (3)of the Only one ()of the
following skills in following skills in following skills in following skills in
creativity is present creativity is present creativity is present creativity is present
design, color design, color design, color design, color
combination, combination, combination, combination,
Utilization of Utilization of Utilization of Utilization of
available materials, available materials, available materials, available materials,
organization of organization of organization of organization of
materials. materials. materials. materials.
Three fourth of the Half of the work the work nearly the work looked
work almost like almost like what it looked like what it is almost like what it
what it is supposed is supposed to be supposed to be is supposed to be
to be
Writing Able to Able to Able to discuss/explain
Skills. discuss/explain discuss/explain discuss/explain The work clearly in
The work in one the work in two the work clearly in 3 4 or more
sentences only. sentences only. sentences only. sentences .
Time The pupils did not The pupils needed The pupils needed The pupils finished
management finish the poster excessive time to extra time to finish the poster on time.
finish the poster the poster

Task 3


Task 4


Knowledge Human Time


1. Energy 6. Time
2. Goals 7. Goods and Properties
3. Talent 8. Community Facilities
4. Attitude 9. Environmental Resources
5. Money 10. Knowledge
Self-Check Activity
resources facilities
environmental Community
properties Non-Human
good and Time

Lesson 1.1.2

Task 1

family, friends, relationship.

the need for belongingness, love, affection, intimacy, Social needs-

and care, and transportation.

shelter, clean air and water, medicine, education, love
are sufficient foods, descent clothing’s, modest Basic needs –

Task 2
self Realizing personal potential and Purpose
actualization in life. This is about self-fulfilment

Esteem Personal worth recognition, approval

Achievements, accomplishments

Social These are the love, and care

Family, friendship,
intimacy, attachments

safety and security Health, family and


Physiology These are our

basic needs
such as foods
clothing’s, etc.
Basic Needs Social Needs
1.Foods 1.belongingness
2.Clothing 2. love and care
3.Shelter 3. affection
4.air and water 4.intimacy
6.Education 6.friends
7.transportation 7.relationship
Task 4
Possible consequences if having more wants than needs,
1. It will result to more debts.
2. It might cause also unhappiness or sadness and some anxieties for,
our minds are pre-occupied of things that we want to have only.
3. It might not help as realize the value of money and how to spend it
wisely and properly.
4. It will also affect our disposition and self-discipline in prioritizing our
needs over our wants in life,
5. It will also bring confusion on managing and using family resources
Task 3

Self-Check Exercises

10.b 5. c
9.a 4. a
8.d 3. b
7.c 2. a
6. a 1. a
Test B
5. Agree
4. Agree
3. Disagree
2. Agree
1. Agree
Test A

Criteria Fair Good Excellent Score
2-5 6-9 10
Work but with the full Work with a little help Work alone or
Originality support or help from from parents or other independently
many. member of the family.

Only one (2)of the Only one (3)of the Only one ()of the
following skills in following skills in following skills in
creativity is present creativity is present creativity is present
Creativity design, color combination, design, color design, color
Utilization of available combination, combination,
materials, organization of Utilization of available Utilization of available
materials. materials, organization materials, organization
of materials. of materials.

Workmanship showed Workmanship Workmanship

Workmanship is very poor, not showed some showed considerable
attractive, disorderly attention, acceptably attention, attractive
and distractingly attractive and and neatly done
messy. somewhat neatly
done .

Lesson 1.2

Task 1

Criteria Needs improvement Good Very good

4 7 10
Procedure Did not interview Interviewed and Interviewed and
the parents ,but make the activity make the activity
make the activity with the parents independently
Followed the task Only 1 Some other given All given directions/
or given direction direction/task directions/task not task followed
followed followed
Able to make a Able to make a Able to make a
Written Report written report/list written report /list written report/list
but need for but with adequate with complete
improvement about Knowledge only knowledge about
the topic. about the topic the topic.

Task 2

So, money will be save.

5. Learn to conserve energy, water, kerosene, gas and other by doing

other while the rest are for personal consumption.

4. Have a home vegetable garden and sold the harvested vegetables to
3. Establish a small business at home or through online.

a high demand.
2. Sell fruits or vegetable during peak season and during when there is

school and in the community.

1. Produce a product base on needs and demand and sell it in the

Things that you can do to help increase the income of the family .
A. 1. Family Finance
2. Income
3. Expenses
4. Fixed Expenses
5. Flexible expenses
B. Any of the following can be a correct answer.
* Employments /work * Rentals * Dividend
* Profit * Pension * Bonus
* Commission * Animal raisings
C. The difference between income and expenses.
Income refers to the money earned by a family members from their
employments which the family uses for their basic needs and other needs
so in short income brings money in the family while, Expenses refers to
the money paid of the family for goods and services they purchased or they
Self-Check Exercises
Possible consequences of spending your money than thinking of
additional income.
1. you might run out of money.
2. you might experience shortage and deficits.
3. time will come you will have more depts.
4. you will be pre-occupied of buying anything that are less
5. you will not learn or discipline yourself when it comes to
Task 3
Component of a Family
Food Groceries
Shelter Rent
Utilities Water Bills
Education School Uniform, Tuition Fee
Clothing Buying sport shoes
Contingencies Medicine, medical check- up
Household Operation Housekeeper
Savings Money deposited to bank
Rest and Recreations Budget for vacation trip in Bagiuo City
Social and Moral Budget for 1st birthday celebration of their
Obligation child
Task 1
Budget Component Allocation Amount
1. Food 32% P12,800.00
2. Shelter 10% P4,000.00
3.Utilities 15% P6,000.00
4.Education 20% P8,000.00
5. Clothing 6% P2,400.00
6.Contingencies 12% P4,800.00
7.Savings 3% P1,200.00
8.Social and Moral 2% P800.00
TOTAL 100% P40,000.00
Task 1
Lesson 1.3
Budget Component Allocation in Amount
Food 40% P11,400.00
Shelter 12% P3,420.00
Utilities 15% P4,275.00
Education 20% P5,700.00
Savings 5% P1,425.00
Rest and Recreations 8% P2,280.00
Total 100% P28,500.00
Task 1
A. Enumeration
Components of Allocating Examples
Family Budget (any of the following)
1. Food groceries, fruits, vegetables
2. Shelter rent, amortization,
house repair, house
3. Utilities electricity bills, water bills.
telephone bills, internet
connection, home cables
4. Education tuition fees, children’s
allowances, school uniform
5. Clothing clothes, shoes
6. Contingences medicines, medical expenses,
dental expenses, vaccination
7. Household operations housekeeper
8. Savings bank savings
9. Rest and Recreations hobbies, interests, outings,
10. Social and Moral Obligations birthdays, anniversaries,
weddings, feeding program
Self-Check Exercises

CRITERIA 2 3 4 5
The pupils The pupils make The students The students
make the the assignments make the make the
assignments but half of the assignments assignments
but did not assignment was with the help of independently
finish it. not done. parents/brothers
or sisters.
The pupils did The pupils The pupils The pupils
Time not finish the Needed excessive Needed extra finished the
management assignment on time to finish the time to finish the assignments on
the time allotted assignments assignments time or early.
Able to Able to Able to discuss/explain
discuss/explain discuss/explain discuss/explain The work
Contents the work in one the work in two the work clearly clearly in 4 or
/Writing skills or more or more in 3 or more more sentences
sentences only. sentences only. sentences only.


● Nancy T. Flor Effective Living Today 6 pp.296-299 Prime Multi

Quality printing Corp.1995

● Josephine C. Bernardino home Economics and livelihood Education

6, Pp.131-133: The Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 2016

● Nancy T. Flor Effective Living Today 6 pp.296-299 Prime Multi

Quality printing Corp.1995

● Dr. Luz V. Rojo Technology and Home Economics II pp.18-33:

Adriana Publishing Co. Inc.2005

● Asuncion, Carlos Home Life 6 pp. 132- 137: Brilliant Creations
Publishing Inc. 2016

● Bernardina, Josephine C Home Economics and Livelihood Education

6, pp. 126- 133: The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2019








After answering and complying with all the tasks in this module,
you need to consult your teacher and request for validation or
evaluation of your performance. Whatever is the assessment of your
teacher will determine whether you can proceed to answer the post-test,
or proceed to the next module or will re-study the lessons of this module.
Congratulations! And Good luck!
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region V
Regional Center Site, Rawis, Legazpi City 4500
Telefax: 0917 178 1288
Email Address: [email protected]

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