COURSE MATERIAL WEEK 5 Training and Development in Human Resources

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I. Pretest/Activity
Have you attended a training and development program? Share your experience briefly in the

II. Learning Objectives

1. To discuss and explain how training and development begun in human resources
2. Familiarization with the systematic approach to training and human resource development.
3. Describe and identify the criteria of evaluation for training and recognize the value of

III. Contents

TRAINING – is the process where people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of
organizational goals.
Training means imparting the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes necessary to undertake the
required jobs efficiently with a view to developing the worker to his fullest potential. As an organized
activity, training is designed to create a change in the thinking and behavior of people.


The beginning of training can be traced to the Stone Age when people started transferring
knowledge through signs and deeds to others.

1. Training, unlike experience can shorten the time required to reach maximum efficiency.
2. Cost of training is much less than the cost of gaining experience, particularly if one is
dealing with expensive equipment.
3. The results of experience can sometime can be accidental particularly when experience
depends solely on trial and error.
4. The element of predictability is far less when compared to the outcome of a well-conceived
and conducted training program.


A comprehensive training program involves the systematic development of various competencies
and facilitating the development of the knowledge, skills and attitude required by the employees at

Understanding Organization’s Aims and Objectives

The systematic framework starts with the stage of understanding the organization’s aims and
objectives and the determination of the crucial strategies which will lead to the achievement of the
predefined goals/objectives.
1. Basic skills – Skills needed to perform one’s job effectively.
2. Advanced skills – The use of technology to share with other employees.
3. Understanding of the Customer needs – The global market is quality competitive.

SM Baliwag Complex, Dona Remedios Trinidad Highway, Brgy. Pagala, Baliwag, Bulacan
(+63) 927-533-0342 – (+63) 923-949-5265 [email protected]
Assessing/Analyzing Training Needs
Training Needs Assessment essentially involves assessment of the gap between the desired level of
competencies and existing competencies required for handling a job.

Determining the Aims and Objectives the Learning & Development Program
It details what the trainees will be able to learn at the end of the training program and how they will
be able to apply the learning at work. If training objectives are specified well in advance during the
planning stage itself, it will improve the effectiveness of the training programs and maximize the

Training Strategy Design

During this stage, the various possible alternatives are assessed and compared for reaping the
optimum benefits from a training & development exercise. It includes analysis of the multiple
parameters such as designing course modules/content framework, deciding upon the training
pedagogy or methodologies

Implementation of the Training Strategy

During the training implementation stage, the trainer gives maximum importance to the selection of
the right training methodology for maximizing the learning experience and imparting value with the
help of the training program.

Evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the Training

One of the most crucial stages of the Systematic Approach to Training is the evaluation of the
effectiveness of the training program and implementing corrective actions for overcoming the lacuna
and ensuring the achievement of the Training & Development Goals.


Evaluation of training effectiveness is one of the fundamental aspects of training and development.
The following criterion needs to be developed for the evaluation of training effectiveness:

1. Reaction of the Participants

It is related with the feeling of the participants about the training and training methods. The reaction
on such training content, process, method, etc. is measured at the end of each training activity.

2. Changes in Participant's Knowledge and Skills

The change in participant's knowledge and skills brought about by the implementation of training
program is very important in order to evaluate the effectiveness of training.

3. Change in Participant's Attitude

Attitude is the belief or perception of an individual regarding a particular subject matter. This is
another important criterion of evaluating training effectiveness. Thus, managers are always concerned
in bringing the change in employee's attitudes, beliefs and perception through the means of behavioral

SM Baliwag Complex, Dona Remedios Trinidad Highway, Brgy. Pagala, Baliwag, Bulacan
(+63) 927-533-0342 – (+63) 923-949-5265 [email protected]
4. Change in Job Performance
It is another useful criterion of evaluating training effectiveness. When an individual shows a different
method of performing the job after attending a training program, it is said that the training has been

5. Organizational Performance
This criterion indicates the improvement on overall performance of the organizational activities. It is
concerned with improvements in job performance in terms of productivity and quality. The training
seems to be effective only if it achieves its stated goals and objectives.


Human Resource Development is the framework for helping employees develop their skills,
knowledge, and abilities, which in turn improves an organization's effectiveness.

Human resource development helps organizations develop their workforce through employee training
and career development which improves organizational effectiveness and performance.

Human resource development may include many different opportunities, activities, and employee
benefits, such as:
• Performance management and development
• Employee coaching
• Mentoring
• Succession planning
• Tuition assistance
• Organizational development

Organizations have many opportunities for human resource development, both within and outside of
the workplace. Human resource development can be formal or informal, and it can begin as soon as
you are onboard new employees.

Informal learning could include:

• Coaching by managers
• Mentoring by more experienced employees
• Collaborating with highly trained colleagues
Formal development might include:
• In-classroom training
• College courses
• Planned organizational change
• Internal training provided by staff or a paid consultant or facilitator

Healthy organizations understand the power of human resource development and cover all of these

SM Baliwag Complex, Dona Remedios Trinidad Highway, Brgy. Pagala, Baliwag, Bulacan
(+63) 927-533-0342 – (+63) 923-949-5265 [email protected]
Orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, co-workers, and the
organization. Many companies view orientation as an administrative process, where employees
become familiar with the rules, sign their contracts, and get to work. The real purpose of new hire
orientation is to mentally and emotionally integrate employees into the organization, and equip them
with the skills, tools, and support they need to reach their potential.

IV. Activity
1. What is the importance of Training for newly hired employees?
2. Why is it important to know the process of training the employees?

V. Evaluation / Assessment
______1. Human resource development may include many different opportunities, activities, and
employee benefits.
______2. Evaluation of training effectiveness is one of the fundamental aspects of training and
______3. Development means imparting the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes necessary to
undertake the required jobs efficiently with a view to developing the worker to his fullest potential.
______4. The real purpose of training and development is to mentally and emotionally integrate
employees into the organization, and equip them with the skills, tools, and support they need to reach
their potential.
______5. During the analyzing of training needs, the various possible alternatives are assessed and
compared for reaping the optimum benefits from a training & development exercise.

VI. Other Reading Materials


VII. Reference
Human Resource Management (Revised Edition) by Dr. Marissa B. Ferrer, Dr. Raymundo P.
Arcega, Dr. Pedrito R. Pereda.

SM Baliwag Complex, Dona Remedios Trinidad Highway, Brgy. Pagala, Baliwag, Bulacan
(+63) 927-533-0342 – (+63) 923-949-5265 [email protected]

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