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Under the Guidance of


Submitted By
AKSHAY 2127802
IMRAN KHAN 2127815
SERGIE 2127828






1 Description of business scenario 3

3 Problem statements 3

4 Data sources 4

5 Data collection 4

6 Stakeholders 4

7 Solution ideas 5

8 Utility 7

9 Common good 8


Data nowadays is playing a fundamental role in almost all the industries. Over time the global
sports industry has also evolved and huge amount of data is generated every day. Teams and
managers of different sports are becoming more receptive to use this data to gain a competitive
edge. Teams can now evaluate their performance and the performance of their competitors and
strategize accordingly. Sports data analytics has a potential to give a new turn to global sports
industry, enhance fan engagement, analyzing return on investment on sponsorships, ticket price
analysis etc.

The sports sector is quite diversified, comprising any activity that generates revenue from sports,
such as television distribution, fitness, tickets, betting, and advertising, as well as sponsorship
and merchandise. Since 2015, the worldwide sports market has grown at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 3.4 percent, reaching almost $388.3 billion in 2020. The market dropped
by 15.4 percent from $458.8 billion in 2019 to $388.3 billion in 2020. The drop is primarily due
to countries enforcing lockdown and social distancing norms, as well as a global economic
slowdown caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and the measures taken to contain it.


1. How to improve marketing and sales of sports tickets, team merchandise and predict the
customer base by identifying new opportunities to increase brand/team engagement?
2. How managers can use data analytics to better price and negotiate the sponsorship
contracts of the sports brand?
3. How to improve and enhance fan engagement?
4. How to track exertion and performance to help teams train smarter and prevent injuries.
What measures can be taken to help speed up the recovery time?


The following are a good source of data for sports analytics:-

1. Ticket sales: Ticket sales from stadiums, arenas, online channels, other ticket resellers.
2. Sensors: On field sensors gather live data from the field game. This data can include,
distance, speed, velocity different movements etc.
3. Wearable technologies: Different wearable gadgets and clothing can provide data by
tracking the fitness of a player during training and on field during game.
4. Direct channels: Data can be collected directly through emails, surveys or interviews
from the fans and customers. Data can also be collected through different social media


Data collection is the process of gathering and organizing information which can be used to
make decisions about a specific situation.

Secondary data - Data is collected from kaggle which is readily available for analysis.
In this dataset includes 2025 results of international football matches starting from the very first
official match in 2012 up to 2021. The matches range from FIFA World Cup to FIFI Wild Cup
to regular friendly matches. The matches are strictly men's full internationals and the data does
not include Olympic Games or matches where at least one of the teams was the nation's B-team,
U-23 or a league select team.  Database includes the following columns:
 date- date of the match
 Year – Year of the match
 Home team- the name of the home team
 Away Team -the name of the away team
 Home Score - full-time home team score including extra time, not including
 Away Score - full-time away team score including extra time, not including
 Tournament - the name of the tournament

As we can clearly see the number of matches won at home games is greater than away matches.
This clearly shows more fan engagement during the home games, since fans are more interactive
and enthusiastic to see their home team play, most of the teams are named usually after the town
which they are representing (example: Los Angeles Lakers, Leeds United etc.), that creates an
emotional rapport with the fans. Also, the. Fans tend to buy merchandise as means to show
loyalty as well as motivating the players of the team they support, and this fan engagement is
considered crucial in increasing the performance of the players. When these players hear their
fans supporting, they tend to perform better and thus, players perform well in their home matches
when compared to away matches. This opens the door for advertising, since the reach for the
clubs/teams during home matches are tends to be higher, the high chance of winning also creates
a positive vibe among the fans. This is how the dataset helps in finding the real business potential
of the particular team which leads to more business opportunities and more revenues to the


The key stakeholders here will be the sports team involved, the fans, sponsors, the club partners/
shareholders, the sports league and the community they are operating in.

1. The biggest stakeholder will be the fans of the sport, improving the fan experience is key
for the sustained growth of the sports industry, since they are the major revenue
generators. Most of the fans for any sports team will be loyalists, however improving the
stadium experience will encourage them to buy the season tickets or purchase extra items
like the club merchandise etc. Many sports clubs has started stadium tours, museums
directed towards the fans.
2. The athletes and clubs are able to procure better deals with major companies, also the
clubs were able to expand their base to other countries, for example Red Bull identified
the key interest of audience towards football and started clubs in Salzburg, New York and
Leipzig all under the Red bull flag.
3. For the sponsors the analytics will enable them to better identify the scope of investing in
the team and in the league, the fan demography can be effectively used to identify if their
brand of products can also improve sales. For example, the main sponsors for UEFA
Champions League are PepsiCo and Heineken, have seen steady increase in their sales
during the matchday (Eucam, 2020).
4. The sports league/governing body can use the data analytics to further expand the league.
For example, the data analytics were effectively by the English Premier League, and they
were able to readily expand their presence in the Middle East Market, they used the
analytics and came up with better broadcasting deals
5. The clubs and stadiums also are a big part of the local community. The stadiums have
generated jobs and livelihood to the people in the area. Also, it helps to promote tourism
to the destination. For example, the Qatar 2022 world cup which is scheduled to happen
in the year is expected to increase the tourism and to contribute overall development of
the country.


Data analytics has proved to be a game changer for the sports industry. Following are some of
the solutions of the aforementioned problem statements:-

1. ML algorithms can recommend players for specific positions based on their home ground
performances, international performances, game conditions, and opponents they are up
against. Deep neural networks can assist team managers in forming winning
combinations and calculating their probability. A clustering method can also be useful in
fan management analysis, especially when it comes to targeting certain audience groups
for marketing campaigns and growing the fan base. Finally, Big Data analytics may assist
in enhancing team efficiency and revenue through a variety of channels, including
merchandise and ticket sales, media rights, and sponsorships.
2. Arena owner can now use data visualization software that can help them to better map
out the seats in the arena (belonging to season ticket holders, vacant and filled seats).
They can better analyze seats going through ticket agencies and other resellers in the
market). Most of the seats remain vacant in the upcoming matches if a particular team
performs poorly in the initial matches. Owners can take better advantage from the data
and take actions on ticket pricing according to the demand. Owners should gather and
analyze data on existing and new customers, create marketing profiles, and sell their
product across numerous channels to consistently appeal to fans.
3. Brands can incorporate sponsorship analytics that aims at analyzing the return on
investment of the sponsorship based on the data. Advent of social media has brought to
table new windows to showcase content and ads. It has given brands new ways to
monetize sponsorships. It has become easy for the brands to target their customer of
choice. Teams and brands can use licensed products to get data which computes the
detailed exposure of a brand across different platforms.
4. Sports fans could benefit from in-game features such as requesting a song or getting
incentives for frequent concession trips. More specific fan targeting could be possible if
we had a better understanding of the profiles of the attendees. For example, by mining
historical attendance data, teams might use targeted promotions or provide personalized
discounts for games similar to ones they've previously attended to encourage repeat ticket
purchases. People who don't attend sports on a regular basis can be targeted using
integrated data sources and analytics. For example, this information can be used to
identify regular sports app users or local sports bar patrons who haven't purchased a
ticket in the last year. Perhaps personalized promotions would entice these users to make
a purchase.
5. The most useful statistics to collect in other sports may be different. Baseball players, for
example, can wear smart sleeves with accelerometers to track joint angles, velocity, and
stress, while figure skaters can wear accelerometers and gyroscopes to track leaps. Heart
rate and oxygen saturation can be measured using earring, bodysuits, vests, or bands,
while sleep quality and body temperature can be recorded with wristbands. Contextual
data, such as a player's mood, BMI, and previous injuries, as well as how much water
players have consumed in a given period and how far they have travelled recently by bus
or aircraft, are all taken into account by certain sports scientists.
6. Sabermetrics collect and summarize the relevant data from this in-game activity to
answer specific questions. Sabermetrics can be used for a variety of objectives, but the
most popular are evaluating past performance and projecting future performance in order
to determine a player's value to his club. These can be helpful in assessing who should
win end-of-season accolades and determining the value of a certain transaction.


The data analysis will benefit the sports industry as a whole, clubs and stadium owners along
with the sponsors will be able to better utilize their resources. The pandemic has had a drastic
impact on the sports industry as a whole, most of the sports clubs around the world suffered due
to the reduced stadium capacity and restrictions bought down by the pandemic. With better data
analysis and improved customer service, the clubs can recoup the lost revenue faster and in an
effective manner.

With efficient data analytics smaller clubs were able to go toe to toe with the bigger clubs, data
analytics were attributed as key factor for success when AS Monaco FC pipped Paris Saint
Germain to win the Ligue 1 in 2017. Data analysis has also helped several clubs to tap the Asian
market in the recent years and was able to make a huge profit from it. The Abu Dhabi grand prix
was introduced when the data research identified the potential interest of the Asian Formula 1
fanatics, the recently concluded Abu Dhabi 2021 grand prix was a sellout despite the ongoing


ML algorithms can recommend players for specific positions based on their home ground
performances, international performances, game conditions, and opponents they are up against.
Deep neural networks can assist team managers in forming winning combinations and
calculating their probability. A clustering method can also be useful in fan management analysis,
especially when it comes to targeting certain audience groups for marketing campaigns and
growing the fan base. Finally, Big Data analytics may assist in enhancing team efficiency and
revenue through a variety of channels, including merchandise and ticket sales, media rights, and


As it is also obvious, anything can be measured in sports, and with the technologies available
today, every action performed by an athlete can be quantified. In soccer, the distance covered
and speed of each pass can be measured; in basketball, the space a player clears for his
teammates can be measured; and in American football, there is a stat that measures passes by a
quarterback that were almost caught by the opponent. All this information helps in predicting the
player performance and this interim leads to effect fan engagement. With the help of this stats
teams can work on fan engagement but here the concerned part is not all the players will do good
one couple of them will be doing exceptionally well. So this creates an ethical situation where
not all teammates are treated equally while paying and all players will not have same equal
opportunities for advertisements. However, data, data use, data management, and data
monetization and regulation are all new industries that raise economic, management, and ethical
concerns. Data has become increasingly important in the sports industry, as it has in any other
industry. Data is used for a variety of purposes, including analyzing their performance in a game,
obtaining information about sportsmen's professions, health, and sportsmen who are involved in
fixing to make money or using medications to improve their performance. When data is this
important the concerns of privacy will also increase. The primary goal of data protection is to
secure vital knowledge from misappropriation, misuse, or corruption, but the importance of
assurance has grown in line with the demand for security. As keep an athlete aware of the
benefits of data protection regulations, structural modifications are required. The right to access
and the right to stop the processing of data should be made clear. 

While big data in sports has a lot of usefulness, it also has certain drawbacks in terms of
protecting athletes' privacy. Protecting athletes' privacy and preventing sensitive information
leaks during the development and implementation of sports big data has become a new concern.
On the one hand, the personal privacy of athletes necessitates the establishment of an
independent privacy protection agency by international sports organizations; on the other hand, a
unique privacy system is required to assure the primacy of athlete privacy. In order to further
secure athletes' privacy, fine-grained authorization control must be implemented, as well as
collaboration with suitable data desensitization measures. By taking consideration of all the data
privacy and ethical issues involved in sports advancement. There should be a fair stage for all
these concerns and a common ground should be consider while dealing with the data. This leads
to fair play and fair use of the data leads to health competition.


However, the business intelligence and data analysis could pose a threat as well, a lot of player
data and fan data are recorded and face potential piracy threats. Some of the fans may not like
the idea of their behavior pattern to be analyzed. It has also created a false sense of insecurity
among the players, since reputation and popularity has given high priority than personal

The small clubs with less resources will also be impacted where clubs with higher resources
within the same competitive league can gain the upper hand, the COVID 19 has created larger
gaps between the rich and poor clubs. Also, the cash rich leagues eat away the competitions from
the lower leagues and decreases their relevancy in the community.


Data will always tell a story and will always try to paint a bigger picture. But data needs to be
handled creatively and implemented with strategies, rather than just collected. Data is
considered as gold for organizations but it needs to be mined properly. Organizations may
leverage their data to better every aspect of their operations with machine learning and AI in
sports applications. Predictive analytics can help make targeted decisions and strategic changes
that effect every aspect of a sports organization, from player recruiting and performance to ticket
sales. Many teams rely on sports analytics to help them improve by interpreting and analyzing
statistics gathered during practices and games. Sports analytics is a burgeoning field as
technology and resources for data collection advance, as teams seek a competitive advantage
over their opponents. In today's technologically advanced world, it only makes sense to employ
data and sports analytics as a tool to help sports teams reach new heights.

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