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1. Many parts of rural America ---- to reflect the 6. Until recently, some scientists ---- that many
values and traditions of the European individuals of the same species ---- specific tasks
immigrants who ---- in the country during the better than the same number of individuals from
nineteenth century.. different species..

A) continued / have arrived A) will think / are performing

B) have continued / would have arrived B) were thinking / will perform

C) continue / arrived C) think / ought to perform

D) would have continued / were arriving D) had thought / would be performing

E) will continue / would arrive E) thought / could perform

2. With few exceptions, most totalitarian 7. Recent excavations in Algeria ---- that Homo
governments ---- more liberal since 1989 when erectus ---- there between 500, 000 and 750, 000
the Berlin Wall ----.. years ago..

A) became / falls A) have indicated / resided

B) are becoming / would fall B) had indicated / has resided

C) were becoming / has fallen C) indicated / would reside

D) had become / was falling D) could have indicated / had been residing

E) have become / fell E) indicate / had resided

3. Investigations by modern doctors ---- that 8. North Korea still ---- a vast police state that ---- a
Catherine the Great of Russia ---- from syphilis.. network of concentration camps spanning the

A) have suggested / has suffered

A) was maintaining / has included
B) suggest / suffered
B) had maintained / would include
C) had suggested / was suffering
C) is maintaining / had included
D) may have suggested / would have suffered
D) maintains / includes
E) suggested / suffers
E) maintained / will include

4. Cosmologists are addressing some of the

fundamental questions that people ---- to resolve 9. Tofino, which ---- once a quiet fishing village in
over the centuries through philosophical Canada, ---- a popular year-round resort now..
thinking, but they ---- this based on systematic
observation and quantitative methodology..
A) is / is becoming

A) would attempt / have done B) had been / became

B) attempt / will do C) has been / had become

C) may attempt / did D) was / has become

D) attempted / should do E) would have been / will become

E) have attempted / are doing

10. The scientific method ---- mankind’s greatest
means of discovery and progress ever since it
5. Smoking ---- in almost all segments of the was formulated..
American population, so that, in various polls, 60
to 65% of Americans ---- non-smokers today..
A) would have been

A) declines / may have been B) was

B) has declined / are C) wo ul d be

C) had declined / would be D) had been

D) could have declined / will be E) has been

E) declined / were
11. The nuclear accident that ---- at the Chernobyl 16. The latest scientific studies ---- small children
reactor in April, 1986, ---- to new fears about the usually ---- greater taste sensitivity than adults..
safety of nuclear reactors..

A) have found / possess

A) has occurred / was to lead
B) found / had possessed
B) would have occurred / led
C) find / will possess
C) occurred / has led
D) will find / have possessed
D) could occur / had led
E) had found / possessed
E) had occurred / may have led

17. The interviewer ---- during her interview with the

12. Pirates ---- a threat since ancient times; in fact, retired politician that he still ---- the dynamic
even hundreds of years ago, they ---- in the presence that had once inspired the entire
Mediterranean Sea in search of valuable cargo.. country..

A) would have been / had sailed A) was realizing / had

B) had been / have been sailing B) will realize / would have

C) have been / were sailing C) realizes / is having

D) were / had been sailing D) has realized / will have

E) would be / have been sailing E) realized / had

13. The authorities in India ---- that the country’s 18. The book ---- a surprisingly interesting account of 
highly qualified young researchers ---- by the geography of Great Britain and there ---- a
multinational companies as cheap labour.. need for such a book for a long time now..

A) have worried / will have been used A) would give / had been

B) are worrying / were used B) had given / was

C) were worried / have been used C) has given / is

D) worry / had been used D) gives / has been

E) are worried / are being used E) is giving / was

14. Coal, which at one time ---- vital to the British 19. Although she ---- properly yet, the recipient of 
economy, ---- in importance with the gradual the world‘s first face transplant ---- well,
increase in use of other sources, such as oil and according to the first scientific report of the
natural gas.. operation..

A) was / has decreased A) hadn‘t smiled / would have done

B) is / is decreasing B) didn‘t smile / will do

C) will be / decreases C) doesn‘t smile / may have done

D) has been / would decrease D) couldn‘t have smiled / does

E) had been / would have decreased E) can‘t smile / is doing

15. Until recently, people ---- that the global system 20. Meteorites ---- the best available record of the
for mobile communication network ---- the most chemical and physical processes that ---- during
secure method of long-distance communication, the first million years of our solar system’s
but this is not so any longer. . history..

A) had believed / can be A) provide / occurred

B) believe / is B) are providing / have occurred

C) would have believed / will have been C) had provided / occurred

D) believed / was D) could provide / would occur

E) will believe / will be E) provided / might occur

21. For a long time now, biologists ---- that bits of  26. When I ---- one book I usually go straight on to
tissue placed next to each other ----.. the next but, with this one, I ---- time to think it

A) had known / may fuse

A) finish / would have needed
B) have known / can fuse
B) had finished / would need
C) knew / had fused
C) have finished / needed
D) would have known / have fused
D) will finish / need
E) know / would have fused
E) was finishing / had needed

22. The price of crude oil ---- by 40% this year due to
the continuing risk of disruption in the Middle 27. Some African countries ---- a great variety of 
East, which ---- for one-third of global natural resources like oil and minerals, but they
production.. still ---- from poverty..

A) surges / accounted A) are having / had suffered

B) had surged / has accounted B) have had / suffered

C) has surged / accounts C) will have / have suffered

D) surged / had accounted D) had had / are suffering

E) will surge / could have accounted E) have / suffer

23. Although constipation usually ---- lifestyle habits, 28. The wolves that ---- in Ethiopia some 100, 000
in some cases it may be a side effect of  years ago ---- into a separate and rare species..
medication or may reflect a medical problem
such as tumours that ---- the passage of waste..
A) had arrived / will have evolved

A) had reflected / obstruct B) arrive / will evolve

B) has reflected / obstructed C) were arriving / had evolved

C) reflected / had obstructed D) have arrived / evolved

D) will reflect / have obstructed E) arrived / have evolved

E) reflects / are obstructing

29. Film music ---- significant in many ways, of 
course, but not as music, which is why the
24. Indeed, some studies ---- that taking the proposition that better composers ---- better film
glycemic effect into account in meal planning ---- music is not necessarily true..
a practical way to improve glucose control..

A) had been / shall produce

A) have shown / is
B) has been / should have produced
B) show / was
C) is / could produce
C) had shown / had been
D) can be / had produced
D) showed / will be
E) would be / produced
E) could show / has been

30. Ever since James R. Flynn ---- his startling

25. Infertility is a problem that ---- more and more results, psychologists and educators ---- to figure
couples than ever before, as people ---- longer to out whether people really are getting smarter..
have children..

A) has published / had struggled

A) had affected / could wait
B) published / have struggled
B) was affecting / waited
C) had published / will struggle
C) has affected / will wait
D) was publishing / had been struggling
D) is affecting / wait
E) publishes / are struggling
E) will be affecting / were waiting
31. Although their responses ---- as obvious as those 36. To save money, their government ---- back to
of animals, plants ---- the capacity to respond to a 1993 law which ---- the army to recruit part
light, gravity, water, touch, and other stimuli.. time conscripts as auxiliary soldiers..

A) may not be / have A) reached / was allowing

B) have not been / had B) had reached / would allow

C) were not / have had C) would reach / had allowed

D) had not been / are having D) has reached / allows

E) would not be / would have had E) is reaching / has allowed

32. The United States ---- expensive high-tech 37. People in England ---- books about Turkey since
solutions to the problem of land-mine clearance, the 15th century, but unfortunately an increase
but simpler methods ---- more preferable.. in quantity ---- by an increase in quality..

A) should pursue / were A) had been writing / does not match

B) pursues / had been B) are writing / will not be matched

C) pursued / will have been C) had written / are not matching

D) would pursue / would have been D) have been writing / has not been matched

E) has pursued / may be E) wrote / had not been matched

33. When American independence ---- in 1776, two- 38. Although 25 to 30 per cent of all people ---- some
fifths of all settlers ---- of non-English origin.. form of excessive mood disturbance during their
lifetime, only about 10 per cent ---- a disorder
severe enough to require medical attention..
A) was declared / were

B) had been declared / would be A) would experience / have had

C) has been declared / had been B) experienced / will have had

D) would be declared / could be C) had experienced / had had

E) may have been declared / must have been D) will have experienced / would have

E) experience / have
34. By the early 20th century the local
ceramic industry of Kütahya ---- more or less to
an end, but now the city ---- the focus of a 39. To the astronomers of the Middle Ages, the most
revival of this skilled art.. important classical authorities on natural
philosophy ---- Aristotle and Ptolemy, since both
---- frameworks that explained the whole
A) had come / is universe..

B) has come / has been

A) had been / created
C) came / was
B) are / have created
D) would have come / would be
C) were / had created
E) was coming / will be
D) have been / create

35. When Charles ll ---- king in 1660, the theatres, E) may have been / were creating
 which ---- by Cromwell, were opened again
and new dramatists appeared..
40. Of all the arts it ---- to classical music that
Germany ---- the greatest contribution..
A) would become / had closed

B) had become / have been closed A) had been / made

C) became / had been closed B) is / has made

D) was becoming / will have been closed C) has been / had made

E) would have become / could have been closed D) was / will have made

E) might be / would have made

41. Germany and Poland ---- pivotal positions in 46. The Society ---- to assist scientific achievement
Europe, and the foreign policy challenges each and ---- forward to a century of even greater
has faced ---- profound and, in some senses, innovation and exploration..

A) will continue / has looked

A) would have occupied / will be
B) has continued / had looked
B) would be occupied / were
C) continues / is looking
C) were occupying / had been
D) had continued / looks
D) occupy / have been
E) would continue / will be looking
E) have occupied / would have been

47. Although human beings ---- as a species partly

42. Before he ---- in museums, he ---- law in hopes of  because of a capacity to share knowledge,
becoming a specialist in the legal aspects of  teaching as a profession ---- until relatively
antiquities.. recently..

A) will work / has studied A) survived / has not emerged

B) works / would study B) survives / has not emerge

C) worked / had studied C) were surviving / had not emerged

D) had worked / was studying D) could survive / has not emerge

E) has worked / studied E) have survived / did not emerge

43. Although the commercial banks ultimately ---- as 48. Recently, some anthropologists ---- that
a link between millions of lenders and borrowers, Australian totemism, because of its taboos
they still ---- with other financial intermediaries against killing and eating one's totem, ---- as a
to attract their deposits.. conservation device, helping people adapt to
their natural environment..

A) have acted / would have to compete

A) had argued / was acting
B) will act / had to compete
B) could argue / will act
C) would act / have had to compete
C) have argued / has acted
D) are acting / had to be competing
D) argued / has been acting
E) act / have to compete
E) will argue / will have acted

44. In an article published in 1990, scientists of the

National Institute of Medical Research ---- more 49. The belief in maternal impressions ---- a
than 300 biological theories that ---- to account superstition in the early twentieth century, but it
for senescence – the progressive and general is now taken for granted that a fetus ---- by the
deterioration that accompanies aging in mother's physical and emotional experiences..

A) was deemed / can be affected

A) were reviewing / attempted
B) was being deeming / may be affected
B) have reviewed / should attempt
C) has been deemed / could affect
C) reviewed / had attempted
D) had been deemed / affected
D) would review / have attempted
E) might be deemed / will be affected
E) may have reviewed / attempt

50. Although nuclear power ----, so far, little harm, in

45. More than 50 years ago, six European nations ---- the long run it ---- the most dangerous form of 
to submit their coal and steel industries to man-made pollution..
common management, so that no single country
---- the weapons of war to be used against
another.. A) di d / was

B) does / will be
A) have agreed / had fabricated
C) was doing / has been
B) agreed / could fabricate
D) had done / could be
C) had agreed / have fabricated
E) has done / might be
D) agree / will fabricate

E) may have agreed / had been fabricating


1 C 41 D

2 E 42 C

3 B 43 E

4 E 44 C

5 B 45 B

6 E 46 C

7 A 47 E

8 D 48 C

9 D 49 A

10 E 50 E

11 C

12 C

13 E

14 A

15 D

16 A

17 E

18 D

19 E

20 A

21 B

22 C

23 E

24 A

25 D

26 C

27 E

28 E

29 C

30 B

31 A

32 E

33 A

34 A

35 C

36 D

37 D

38 E

39 C

40 B

TENSE QUESTIONS - 1 86. D 87. D 88. E 89. B 90. B

91. C 92. B 93. B 94. C 95. E
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 96. D 97. A 98. E 99. E 100. D
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. A 12. A 13. D 14. E 15. B TENSE QUESTIONS – 4
16. B 17. A 18. D 19. E 20. D
21. A 22. E 23. B 24. D 25. C 1. B 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. D
26. B 27. A 28. A 29. E 30. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D
31. A 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A 11. E 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. E
36. B 37. C 38. E 39. C 40. B 16. C 17. A 18. E 19. A 20. D
41. A 42. E 43. A 44. B 45. D 21. A 22. E 23. B 24. A 25. C
46. E 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. E 26. B 27. A 28. E 29. A 30. E
51. A 52. E 53. A 54. D 55. B 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D
56. D 57. A 58. C 59. A 60. D 36. B 37. C 38. E 39. E 40. A
61. A 62. D 63. B 64. C 65. E 41. B 42. C 43. D 44. E 45. D
66. E 67. A 68. B 69. A 70. E 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. A
71. C 72. A 73. E 74. D 75. A 51. B 52. D 53. E 54. C 55. B
76. C 77. A 78. D 79. E 80. B 56. D 57. E 58. B 59. D 60. A
81. E 82. C 83. A 84. C 85. E 61. B 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. B
86. C 87. D 88. A 89. E 90. B 66. E 67. C 68. A 69. E 70. B
91. A 92. C 93. D 94. A 95. E 71. D 72. B 73. A 74. C 75. E
96. E 97. C 98. A 99. A 100. B 76. B 77. A 78. B 79. C 80. A
81. D 82. B 83. C 84. A 85. E
TENSE QUESTIONS - 2 86. D 87. A 88. A 89. C 90. C
91. D 92. E 93. D 94. A 95. C
1. D 2. B 3. E 4. E 5. D 96. E 97. A 98. B 99. D 100. E
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. E 10. D
11. E 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. D TENSE QUESTIONS - 5
16. A 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. B
21. E 22. E 23. A 24. B 25. C 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. E 5. C
26. D 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. D 6. E 7. D 8. C 9. E 10. B
31. C 32. E 33. E 34. E 35. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D
36. D 37. E 38. A 39. B 40. B 16. E 17. C 18. D 19. E 20. C
41. E 42. E 43. B 44. C 45. B 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. E
46. C 47. E 48. D 49. A 50. E 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. E 30. D
51. C 52. B 53. D 54. E 55. B 31. E 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D
56. D 57. E 58. C 59. E 60. D 36. B 37. D 38. E 39. D 40. E
61. C 62. B 63. D 64. B 65. D
66. A 67. B 68. E 69. C 70. A
71. B 72. E 73. C 74. B 75. E
76. A 77. E 78. A 79. B 80. D
81. B 82. D 83. E 84. A 85. C
86. B 87. A 88. E 89. C 90. C
91. A 92. B 93. D 94. C 95. A
96. D 97. B 98. E 99. D 100. C


1. B 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. E
11. B 12. E 13. C 14. D 15. A
16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. A
21. C 22. C 23. B 24. E 25. A
26. D 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. E
31. E 32. C 33. A 34. E 35. C
36. D 37. A 38. E 39. A 40. B
41. D 42. B 43. E 44. C 45. A
46. D 47. E 48. B 49. B 50. A
51. C 52. D 53. A 54. E 55. D
56. B 57. B 58. B 59. E 60. A
61. D 62. E 63. B 64. E 65. D
66. B 67. A 68. A 69. E 70. D
71. A 72. E 73. E 74. E 75. B
76. C 77. E 78. C 79. E 80. C
81. B 82. D 83. A 84. A 85. D


1- Last Saturday my father ........... that his 8- The conditions in our office ......... more and
dinner suit was too small, so now he .......... a more unbearable, and so quite often
strict diet. recently I .......... quitting it and looking for
a new job.
A) has discovered/followed
B) discovers/was following A) have got/was considering
C) discovered/is following B) was getting/am considering
D) was discovering/has followed C) are getting/have considered
E) has been discovering/follows D) have been getting/consider
E) get/considered
2- Helen .......... her driving test five times so far
without success, but she .......... yet.
9- Because I .......... a long way from my work, I
A) takes/isn't giving up ........ lots of time going to and from work.
B) has taken/hasn't given up
C) was taking/didn't give up A) live/waste
D) is taking/doesn't give up B) lived/have wasted
E) took/wasn't giving up C) have been living/wasted
D) am living/have been wasting
3- Most of the time, John and his friends .......... E) was living/am wasting
football matches at their local cafe, but this
Saturday they .......... to the stadium, and so 10- In the USA the twenty largest newspaper
they're all very excited. chains .......... for almost half of the
circulation, reflecting a trend that .......... in
A) watch/are going the 1970s.
B) have been watching/go
C) are watching/have gone A) account/started
D) were watching/went B) were accounting/start
E) have watched/were going C) has accounted/was starting
D) accounted/is starting
4- Kate ......... a vegetarian for eleven years now, E) accounts/has started
and she ............ meat at all during all this time.
11- Clean snow .......... as much as 87 percent of
A) is/isn't eating B) has been/wasn't eating the sunlight that .......... on it.
C) is/doesn't eat D) has been/hasn't eaten
E) was/didn't eat A) is reflecting/shone
B) has reflected/was shining
C) reflected/is shining
5- Last year Richard ............. his bicycle to D) was reflecting/has shone
work every day, but he .......... the bus E) reflects/shines
since the accident.
12- More than two hundred people .......... the
A) rides/takes B) has ridden/is taking tower when the bomb .......... in one of the
C) rode/has been taking D) was riding/took dustbins.
E) is riding/has taken
A) have visited/was exploding
6- I .......... glasses when I was younger, but B) were visiting/exploded
now I .......... contact lenses. C) visited/has exploded
D) are visiting/is exploding
A) was wearing/have had E) visit/has exploded
B) have worn/am having
C) have been wearing/had 13- Because you .......... half of the ingredients as I
D) wear/was having ..........dinner, you probably aren't hungry at all
E) wore/have now.

7- About a month ago, I .......... a brochure A) were eating/have prepared

about your hotel, but I ......... it yet. B) have eaten/prepared
C) have been eating/prepare
A) request/didn't receive D) ate/was preparing
B) have requested/am not receiving E) eat/have been preparing
C) was requesting/wasn't receiving
D) requested/haven't received
E) have been requesting/don't receive


14- She.......... strictly since Christmas and so far 21- The managing director .......... Sid to sales
she .......... eight kilos. manager and ever since, he .......... everybody
A) was dieting/was losing B) dieted/loses
C) diets/is losing D) is dieting/lost A) promoted/has been bossing
E) has been dieting/has lost B) promotes/bosses
C) has promoted/is bossing
15- Cindy's family .......... chains in this area for D) is promoting/was bossing
over three centuries and now her father .......... E) was promoting/has bossed
this traditional craft at the county museum
twice a day as well. 22- Problems with the hotel, coupled with this
awful weather, .......... our holiday miserable,
A) are making/is demonstrating so we .......... before the scheduled time.
B) have made/has demonstrated
C) made/was demonstrating A) have made/have left
D) were making/demonstrated B) were making/leave
E) have been making/demonstrates C) make/left
D) are making/are leaving
16- He ........... to unlock the door to his flat E) made/were leaving
because the telephone ........... .
23- The fact that more people .......... ozone-
A) was hurrying/rang friendly products nowadays .......... that the
B) hurries/has been ringing media can positively increase public
C) hurried/was ringing awareness.
D) is hurrying/rings
E) has hurried/has rung A) have used/was showing B) used/has shown
C) use/has been showing D) were using/showed
E) are using/shows

17- There .......... economies since the dawn of 24- My sister .......... from severe back aches lately
civilization, but as a field of study, economics and I think it's because, last month, she
.......... only recently. .......... to work in a shop where she has to pick
up heavy things.
A) were/was developing
B) have been/has developed A) is suffering/has started
C) are/has been developing B) suffers/was starting
D) were/is developing C) has been suffering/started
E) have been/develops D) suffered/is starting
E) was suffering/starts
18- John Deere .......... his farm machinery
business, which .......... tractors today, in the
19th century.

A) founds/still produced 25- Though she ......... dancing, Sonia .......... to the
B) has founded/is still producing disco with her friends the previous night just
C) was founding/was still producing in order to be with them in a different
D) founded/still produces atmosphere.
E) is founding/has still produced
A) hasn't liked/has gone
19- I .......... my French lately; consequently, I B) doesn't like/went
.......... more and more of it. C) didn't like/is going
D) doesn't like/goes
A) am not practising/forget E) didn't like/has been going
B) haven't been practising/am forgetting
C) don't practise/have forgotten 26- Somebody .......... three times this morning
D) wasn't practising/forgot asking for Pete, but nobody called Pete ..........
E) didn't practise/was forgetting here.

20- The old lady's health .......... day by day until A) has phoned/has ever lived
she .......... smoking. B) is phoning/was ever living
C) phones/ever lived
A) was deteriorating/gave up D) phoned/is ever living
B) is deteriorating/gives up E) has been phoning/ever lived
C) deteriorated/has given up
D) deteriorates/is giving up
E) has deteriorated/was giving up


27- Joey .......... just ......... stubborn when he 29- As the President ........... the hall all the guests
refused to go to the cinema today and he only .......... to their feet to welcome him.
did so because we .......... to go bowling
yesterday. A) was entering/have risen
B) entered/rose
A) is ... being/haven't wanted C) is entering/rise
B) has ... been/didn't want D) enters/have been rising
C) is/don't want E) has entered/were rising
D) was/haven't been wanting
E) was ... being/didn't want 30- She .......... interested in health ever since she
was a young girl and now that the medical
28- My mother .......... her optician tomorrow college .......... her as a student, it seems that
because her eyesight .......... worse since she she will be able to work in the medical field.
got this computing job.
A) was/accepted
A) has visited/is becoming B) has been/has accepted
B) visited/was becoming C) is/is accepting
C) visits/becomes D) is being/accepts
D) is visiting/has become E) was/was accepting
E) was visiting/became



1.C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. E 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A
11.E 12. B 13. D 14. E 15. E 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. B 20. A
21.A 22. B 23. E 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. E 28. D 29. B 30. B


1- We haven't had such a cold winter ......... we 8- When Queen Victoria ........ in 1901, she .........
came to Ankara. for 63 years.

A) when B) for A) died / had been reigning

C) before D) as B) had died / reigned
E) since C) died / was reigning
D) has died / reigned
2- By the time school opens again, I ....... In this E) died / has reigned
restaurant eight weeks.
9- I ran into him at 1O o'clock this morning
A) would have worked just before the board meeting; I ............
B) will have worked him since.
C) would work
D) would have to work A) will not have seen B) didn't see
E) had been working C) haven't seen D) hadn't seen
E) couldn't see
3- ....... I was ready to leave the office, it was
already raining heavily. 10- ............ by the time he got married.

A) At the same time B)Until A) John will finish his degree in medicine
C) During D) Afterwards B) The staff is planning a modest
E) By the time celebration
C) Steve has given a group of children art
4- The loud applause ........ how deeply the music lessons
......... the audience. D) He would be busy picking up some last-minute
A) shows / would affect E) Tim had been in charge of the company
B) showed / affected
C) had shown / could affect 11- Since 1950 the world ........ nearly one-fifth of
D) would have shown / have affected the top soil from its agricultural land and one-
E) may show / had affected fifth of its tropical forests.

A) was losing B) is losing

5- This is the twentieth patient the doctor .......... C) had been lost D) has lost
today. E) loses

A) had examined B) was examined 12- So far I've only written half of the report, but I
C) has examined D) was examining ........ all of it by Saturday.
E) have examined
A) will have finished
6- I have noticed that since I ......... the B) have finished
university, my life ......... much more C) finish
interesting. D) finished
E) might have finished
A) was entering / had become
B) have entered / becomes 13- I suppose you ............. the contract and
C) had entered / became understand what it .............. .
D) enter / is becoming
E) entered / has become A) read/has meant
B) will read/meant
C) have read/means
7- While I ....... for my aunt outside the shop, D) had read/would mean
someone ........ my purse. E) are reading/mean

A) waited / had been grabbing 14- When I ........ into the cafe she ........ by herself
B) had waited / was grabbing at one of the tables near the window.
C) was waiting / grabbed
D) had to wait / had grabbed A) walked/was sitting
E) have been waiting /would have grabbed B) am walking/sat
C) was walking/has sat
D) have walked/would sit
E) walk/has been sitting


15- As soon as I ......... paid I ......... you all out for a

meal. 21- I ......... the holiday enormously even though
the weather ......... disappointing.
A) have got/would take
B) got/have taken A) enjoy/would have been
C) will get/will take B) had enjoyed/has been
D) get/will take C) have enjoyed/was being
E) am getting/was taking D) enjoyed/was
E) am enjoying/had been

16- He said he ........... me today, but so far he

........... . 22- By the time the general manager ...... back
from his inspection tour of the overseas
A) will phone/doesn't branches, the staff here ...... the annual
B) had phoned/hadn't report.
C) would phone/hasn't
D) phones/isn't A) had got/completed
E) phoned/didn't B) has got/will complete
C) got/have completed
D) gets/will have completed
17- I'm quite sure that Nigel wants to help you, but E) will get/would have completed
that doesn't mean he ....... able to do so.

A) has been B) will be 23- As we ....... our plans for the weekend, my
C) had been D) would have been brother ...... to say he wanted to come round.
E) was
A) have made/had called
18- When I........... into his office at 11 o'clock he B) made/was calling
........... his coffee. C) were making/called
D) make/has called
A) will go/will have E) will make/would call
B) go/has had
C) was going/has
D) went/was having
E) have gone/would be having
24- The first time I ....... horse riding, I
was very nervous and ....... the reins
19- Jane told me that she ........ to ring me all very tightly.
A) was going/am holding
A) had been trying B) have gone/hold
B) has been trying C) am going/have held
C) will be trying D) go/was holding E)
D) has tried went/held
E) will have tried
25- Life ....... immensely since Thomas
Edison ....... the first light bulb in

A) is changing/was Inventing
B) has changed/invented
20- Jane ........ to the library; she ....... there every C) has been changing/has invented
Friday morning. D) changed/has been inventing
E) was changing/invents
A) went/was going
B) has gone/goes
C) is going/would go
D) had gone/went
E) was going/is going




1. E 2. B 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. E 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. E
11. D 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. B
21. D 22. D 23. C 24. E 25. B


1- Bob ......... with us tonight as he ......... an 7- Up until the tap water ......... back on yesterday
appointment with the dentist. evening, we ......... water back and forth for
three days.
A) won't have trained/is making
B) hasn't trained/was making A) came/had been carrying
C) hadn't trained/made B) has come/have been carrying
D) doesn't train/makes C) had come/were carrying
E) isn't going to train/has made D) was coming/will have been carrying
E) is coming/will have carried

2- We ......... football for two hours and ......... to 8- The neighbours ......... so loudly last night that
a restaurant for a meal, afterwards. they ......... us all awake until after midnight.

A) are playing/go B) play/are going A) are shouting/are keeping

C) played/went D) have played/were going B) have been shouting/were keeping
E) have been playing/had gone C) shouted/have been keeping
D) have shouted/had kept
E) were shouting/kept
3- Environmental pollution ......... ever since
people ......... to congregate in towns and 9- Man's use of pictures to tell stories and to
cities. record experiences ......... in prehistoric times,
when he ......... on the walls of caves.
A) will have existed/are beginning
B) exists/have begun A) was beginning/has drawn
C) had existed/were beginning B) began/drew
D) has existed/began C) begins/will have drawn
E) will exist/begin D) has begun/was drawing
E) had begun/draw

4- I heard that you ......... about the boys all 10- My team ….... a match for a month, so
day, so I just rang to tell you that Matthew currently the manager ....... resigning if they
......... from a payphone a couple of hours lose one more match.
ago and they are both fine. The weather is
One and they'll be home on Sunday A) doesn't win/considers
evening. B) isn't winning/was considering
C) hasn't won/is considering
A) had been worrying/will phone D) hadn't won/will have considered
B) have been worrying/phoned E) wasn't winning/will consider
C) will be worrying/had phoned
D) are worrying/is going to phone 11- My brother ......... past the post office every
E) were worrying/phones morning and I ......... him all week to post a
letter for me, but he keeps forgetting, so I'm
going to post it myself tomorrow.
5- Although he ......... the first round in record
time, he ......... in the second, and so A) will be going/ask
finished tenth overall. B) will go/am asking
C) goes/have been asking
A) finishes/is slipping D) is going/will ask
B) had been finishing/was slipping E) has been going/had asked
C) will have finished/slips
D) had finished/slipped 12- The football team that ......... last year's
E) was finishing/has slipped championship ......... little chance of winning it
again this year.

6- The petrol warning light ......... for half an A) was winning/stood

hour before we ......... a petrol station. B) was going to win/stand
C) has won/has stood
A) had been flashing/reached D) had won/was standing
B) is going to flash/will reach E) won/stands
C) flashed/have reached
D) flashes/will be reaching
E) was flashing/were reaching


13- Freedom of the press ......... an issue between 19- On my friend's farm they ............ an alarm
people and their governments since the time clock because the cockerel .......... at five
individuals ......... newspapers independent of o'clock every morning without fail.
government control for the first time.
A) don't need/crows
A) is/are publishing B) haven't needed/was crowing
B) will have been/publish C) won't have needed/has crowed
C) had been/were publishing D) won't need/is crowing
D) has been/published E) didn't need/will crow
E) was/have published

14- The hikers ......... so tired by the time they 20- The Continental Congress .......... the US Postal
......... the top of the hill that I'm sure they'll Service in 1775 and the first federal
first want to sit down for a rest. government .......... the service in the
A) will have got/reach
B) are getting/will have reached A) was founding/has included
C) had got/reached B) had founded/includes
D) have got/are reaching C) has founded/is including
E) were getting/had reached D) was going to found/will include
E) founded/included
15- When the young scouts .......... the top of the
hill, they .......... for more than an hour.
21- Look, the conservation volunteers ..........
A) reached/have been walking cheerfully in the sunshine all morning, unlike
B) reach/will have been walking yesterday, when they .......... to work in the
C) will have reached/are walking rain.
D) had reached/were walking
E) have reached/will be walking A) worked/are refusing
B) are working/were refusing
C) will be working/have refused
16- Modern exploration of the undersea world had D) have been working/refused
its beginnings in June 1943, when Jacques E) will have worked/had refused
Cousteau ........ his first dive with a
revolutionary breathing device which he .......
with Emile Gagnan, a French engineer. 22- A: Is that your pure wool pullover in the
washing machine? It ........... you know!
A) was making/has developed B: No, I .......... it several times in the machine
B) had made/will have developed . already. I use the wool cycle and it's fine.
C) has made/was developing
D) will have made/develops A) was shrinking/wash
E) made/had developed B) has shrunk/had washed
C) will shrink/washed
D) is going to shrink/have washed
17- She says that she .......... the eight o'clock train E) is shrinking/have been washing
tomorrow, but I'm sure she ......... it, as usual.
23- The weather conditions .......... throughout the
A) is catching/is missing day and now the ground officials are
B) has caught/misses confident that the championship game .........
C) will have caught/has missed ahead.
D) is going to catch/will miss
E) was catching/missed A) have been improving/will go
B) will be improving/is going
C) have improved/was going
18- The fishermen .......... more fish in one night D) are improving/has gone
than ever before, so when they anchored in the E) improved/went
harbour, they .......... with joy at the thought of
their reward. 24- Some of us will be needed tomorrow to finish
the fence because, at this rate, two sections
A) had been catching/will sing .......... unfinished when we .......... work
B) will have caught/sang tonight.
C) had caught/were singing
D) caught/have been singing A) have remained/stopped
E) have caught/will be singing B) will have remained/were stopping
C) are going to remain/will stop
D) are remaining/are stopping
E) will remain/stop


25- Decoupage, an art form that ......... in France 32- We're looking after our neighbour's dog as well
during the I7th century, ......... cutting out as our own and it .......... two kilos of meat a
designs and patterned materials and fastening day, so I .......... dog meat in bulk these days.
them permanently to a surface.
A) is eating/bought
A) has originated/will involve B) ate/have bought
B) originated/involves C) was eating/have been buying
C) was originating/is involving D) eats/am buying
D) will have originated/involved E) will have eaten/had bought
E) is originating/was involving
33- By the end of this court session the jury
26- They .......... so many hotels in the region in .......... all the witnesses and they .......... the
recent years that gradually they .......... the courtroom to decide on a verdict.
natural beauty of the area.
A) have been hearing/have left
A) were building/destroy B) had heard/are leaving
B) will build/have been destroying C) are hearing/leave
C) have built/are destroying D) hear/left
D) are building/have destroyed E) will have heard/will leave
E) have been building/destroyed
34- I feel certain that her new travel agency ..........
27- After she ........... to me for the fifth time, I........ because she .......... a thorough market survey.
another word she said and put an end to our
friendship. A) is succeeding/will do
B) has succeeded/will have done
A) has lied/don't believe C) will succeed/has done
B) has been lying/won't believe D) was succeeding/is doing
C) was lying/haven't believed E) succeeded/has been doing
D) is lying/hadn't believed
E) had lied/didn't believe 35- When Chilean separatist forces ......... an
independent Chile in 1818, the vice-royalty of
28- Since they .......... part in their first Peru .......... over Chile for almost three
conversation volunteer week, they .......... on centuries.
several projects with great pleasure.
A) declared/had been ruling
A) are taking/worked B) has declared/was ruling
B) take/will have worked C) was declaring/has been ruling
C) are going to take/are working D) is declaring/ruled
D) took/have worked E) had declared/will have ruled
E) have been taking/work
36- I …..... some chicken curry earlier and .......
29- Asia .......... the world's largest land mass and Richard and Kate to stay for dinner, but just
.......... just over half of the world's people. then I remembered that they were both
A) has had/held B) is having/is holding
C) has/holds D) was having/was holding A) was going to cook/have asked
E) has been having/will hold B) had been cooking/will ask
C) cooked/will have asked
30- I ........ to the bank during my lunch-break D) had cooked/was going to ask
today, but an old colleague .......... to visit us, E) have cooked/had asked
so, naturally, I wanted to hear all the news.
37- I expect you ......... from school by this time
A) was going to go/came next year and ......... for a job.
B) went/is coming
C) have gone/was coming A) have graduated/will have looked
D) had gone/has come B) are graduating/have been looking
E) am going to go/comes C) will have graduated/will be looking
D) graduate/will have been looking
E) were graduating/are going to look
31- Suddenly it ......... very foggy, so we ..........
compass bearings to find the right route down
the mountain.

A) will become/use B) had become/used

C) became/are using D) becomes/will use
E) has become/had used


38- Our Spanish teacher .......... very slowly and 44- Although manufacturers .......... electric cars as
clearly to us at the moment because we ........ prototypes for a number of years now, it'll be a
very far in the language yet. long time before they .......... common.
A) produced/are becoming
A) talks/aren't progressing B) have been producing/become
B) is talking/haven't progressed C) produce/will become
C) was talking/didn't progress D) are producing/became
D) has been talking/weren't progressing E) were producing/will have become
E) will be talking/don't progress
45- Between 16O7 and 1733 Englishmen ...........
thirteen colonies along the east coast of North
America and by 175O nearly two million men,
39- Before the potato blight .......... Ireland in the women and children .......... in these colonies.
184Os, most Irish people .......... on a A) were establishing/will be living
subsistence diet of potatoes. B) have been establishing/lived
C) established/were living
A) was striking/relied D) had established/will have lived
B) has struck/relies E) have established/had lived
C) had struck/has relied
D) strikes/will rely 46- I ........... some wood for the fire while you
E) struck/had relied ........... the salad.
A) will fetch/prepare
B) fetch/are preparing
40- Between the years 1846 and 1851, one million C) am fetching/will prepare
Irish men and women .......... to death and 1.6 D) have fetched/prepared
million .......... to the USA. E) was fetching/have prepared

A) had been starving/have emigrated 47- By the 16th century, Austria .......... so large
B) have been starving/emigrate that its emperor .......... all of modern Austria,
C) were starving/were emigrating Belgium, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia,
D) starved/emigrated Hungary and Spain as well as parts of Italy and
E) had starved/will have emigrated Yugoslavia.
A) has become/ruled
B) was becoming/has ruled
41- Bangladesh .......... independence from C) was going to become/rule
Pakistan in 1971 and ever since the D) had become/was ruling
assassination of its first prime minister in E) becomes/has been ruling
1974, the military .......... the country's
government. 48- The earthworm, which ............. neither lungs
nor gills, ............. through its skin.
A) has gained/were dominating
B) had gained/are dominating A) is having/has breathed
C) gained/have dominated B) has had/is breathing
D) was gaining/dominate C) was having/breathed
E) gains/have been dominating D) will have/was breathing
E) has/breathes

42- Over recent years alcoholism .......... a leading 49- The athletes ............ for exactly three months
cause of death in the young adult population by the time the races ............... due to start.
in the USA. This statistic .......... deaths from
drunken driving and fires started by carelessly A) have been training/will be
dropped cigarettes. B) will have been training/are
C) are going to train/will have been
A) became/was including D) are training/were
B) becomes/included E) had trained/have been
C) was becoming/will include
D) is becoming/is including
50- Adolescence, the process of changing from a
E) has become/includes
child into an adult, usually .............
sometime between the ages of 11 and 14,
43- Some of the workers ......... the peaches while
and ............. for approximately six to ten
the others ......... them in wooden boxes.
A) are picking/will place
A) occurs/continues
B) were picking/were placing
B) occurred/has been continuing
C) have been picking/placed
C) will occur/continued
D) picked/have been placing
D) occurs/was continuing
E) had been picking/have placed
E) occurred/will have continued




1. E 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. E 9. B 10. C
11. C 12. E 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. E 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. E
21. D 22. D 23. A 24. E 25. B 26. C 27. E 28. D 29. C 30. A
31. B 32. D 33. E 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. E 40. D
41. C 42. E 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. E 49. B 50. A


1- I knew that she was disappointed ............... I 9- France has been a republic .......... the French
saw the look on her face. Revolution in 1789.

A) as soon as B) ever since A) just as B) while

C)while D) until C) during D) since
E) just as E) before

2- ........ the match the supporters were getting 10- We were going to go swimming yesterday,
more and more annoyed at their team's ........... because my friend was suffering from
failure to score a goal despite several the flu, we stayed home instead.
A) only B) and
A) During B) As soon as C) during D) afterwards
C) By the time D) Since E) but
E) While
11- She loves James Bond movies, so ...............
3- ............... the referee blew the final whistle, the one is showing she books a ticket straight
home players swapped shirts with the away.
A) while B) whenever
A) Until B) Since C) by the time D) until
C) Scarcely D) During E) just as
E) When
12- Abolitionists fought for many years ...............
4- The fire had spread to his neighbour's the American Government finally banned the
apartment ............... the fire brigade arrived. keeping of slaves.

A) while B)since A) after B) as soon as

C) after D)by the time C) before D) while
E) just as E) since

5- ............... I was about to close the shop, a man 13- There was such a queue at the snack shop
asked me if we were still open and I'm glad I during the interval of the film that, ............... I
said yes because he bought a huge bouquet of returned to the auditorium with our drinks,
flowers for his wife. the second half of the film had begun.

A) While B) By the time A) by the time B) as soon as

C) Just as D) Before C) while D) after
E) Since E) until

6- You can be sure that ............... you're out there 14- ............... the children were outside playing in
working in hard conditions, everybody at the snow, their mother was kindly making
home is thinking of you. hot drinks and sandwiches for them ready
for their return.
A)by the time B) while
C) until D) before A) After B) While
E) hardly C) Until D) As soon as
E) Before
7- ........... he started competing in high profile
tournaments, Tiger Williams' name has been 15- The referee blew the final whistle ...............
famous not just as a terrific golfer, but as the our team was about to score a goal.
first internationally successful black golfer.
A) since B) before
A) Since B) As soon as C) after D) just as
C) While D) Before E) until
E) When
16- The winners wept with joy ............... the
8- The boat won't be able to sail .......... this judges announced the results.
storm dies down and the sea gets calmer.
A) by the time B) before
A) while B) by the time C) as D) until
C )until D) when E) but
E) just as


17- ............ she saw the advertisement in the local 25- ............... I was about to close the shop, a man
paper, she telephoned the owner of the asked me if we were still open and I'm glad I
apartment immediately. said yes because he bought a huge bouquet of
flowers for his wife.
A) Since B) By the time
C) While D) During A) While B) By the time
E) As soon as C) Just as D) Before
E) Since
18- I spoke to him briefly this morning at the
meeting, but I haven't seen him .......... then. 26- You can be sure that ............... you're out there
working in hard conditions, everybody at
A) since B) before home is thinking of you.
C) by D) as
E) during A) by the time B) while
C) until D) before
E) hardly

19- She went swimming every morning ......... she 27- ........... he started competing in high profile
was recovering from her leg injury because the tournaments, Tiger Williams' name has been
doctor had advised her that it was the only famous not just as a terrific golfer, but as the
suitable exercise for her at that time. first internationally successful black golfer.

A) before B) while A) Since B) As soon as

C) during D) by the time C) While D) Before
E) after E) When

20- Their team scored so many goals that they 28- The boat won't be able to sail .......... this
didn't sit down once ............... the match. storm dies down and the sea gets calmer.

A) before B) during A) while B) by the time

C) while D) as soon as C ) until D) when
E) until E) just as

29- France has been a republic .......... the French

21- I knew that she was disappointed ............... I Revolution in 1789.
saw the look on her face.
A) just as B) while
A) as soon as B) ever since C) during D) since
C) while D) until E) before
E) just as
30- We were going to go swimming yesterday,
22- ........ the match the supporters were getting ........... because my friend was suffering from
more and more annoyed at their team's the flu, we stayed home instead.
failure to score a goal despite several
opportunities. A) only B) and
C) during D) afterwards
A) During B) As soon as E) but
C) By the time D) Since
E) While 31- She loves James Bond movies, so ...............
one is showing she books a ticket straight
23- ............... the referee blew the final whistle, the away.
home players swapped shirts with the
opposition. A) while B) whenever
C) by the time D) until
A) Until B) Since E) just as
C) Scarcely D) During
E) When 32- Abolitionists fought for many years ...............
the American Government finally banned the
24- The fire had spread to his neighbour's keeping of slaves.
apartment ............... the fire brigade arrived.
A) after B) as soon as
A) while B) since C) before D) while
C) after D)by the time E) since
E) just as


33- There was such a queue at the snack shop 38- I spoke to him briefly this morning at the
during the interval of the film that, ............... I meeting, but I haven't seen him .......... then.
returned to the auditorium with our drinks,
the second half of the film had begun. A) since B) before
C) by D) as
A) by the time B) as soon as E) during
C) while D) after
E) until

34- ............... the children were outside playing in

the snow, their mother was kindly making
hot drinks and sandwiches for them ready 39- She went swimming every morning ......... she
for their return. was recovering from her leg injury because the
doctor had advised her that it was the only
A) After B) While suitable exercise for her at that time.
C) Until D) As soon as
E) Before A) before B) while
C) during D) by the time
35- The referee blew the final whistle ............... E) after
our team was about to score a goal.

A) since B) before
C) after D) just as
E) until
40- Their team scored so many goals that they
36- The winners wept with joy ............... the didn't sit down once ............... the match.
judges announced the results.
A) before B) during
A) by the time B) before C) while D) as soon as
C) as D) until E) until
E) but

37- ............ she saw the advertisement in the local

paper, she telephoned the owner of the
apartment immediately.

A) Since B) By the time

C) While D) During
E) As soon as




1. A 2. A 3. E 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. E
11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. E 18. A 19. B 20. B
21. A 22. A 23. E 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. E
31. B 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. E 38. A 39. B 40. B



1- I ....... Malcolm in his car, but

he…….. the traffic and didn't see

A) was seeing/watches 6- I ....... an extra part-time job last

B) see/has watched week as we ....... the money.
C) have seen/is watching
D) saw/was watching A) am starting/are needing
E) am seeing/watched B) was starting/have needed
C) start/needed
2- Tim ........ a master's degree as soon D) have started/were needing
as he ....... to Canada. E) started/need

A) has begun/is returning

B) began/returned
C) is beginning/returned 7- In 1951, the people of the Gold
D) was beginning/returns Coast ....... for their own government
E) begins/has returned and
shortly afterwards, they ....... their
3- Rachel ....... up smoking four years country as Ghana.
ago and she ....... a cigarette since.
A) vote/are renaming
A) was giving/doesn't smoke B) voted/renamed
B) has given/wasn't smoking C) have voted/were renaming
C) gave/hasn't smoked D) were voting/have renamed
D) has given/didn't smoke E) are voting/rename
E) is giving/isn't smoking
8- As my son ....... down by the river, I
4- Last year, Sonny ....... four miles ....... his room thoroughly.
each morning before breakfast, but
he ....... around the block each A) fishes/have cleaned
morning instead since his heart B) is fishing/cleaned
attack. C) has fished/clean
D) fished/have been cleaning
A) ran/has been walking E) was fishing/cleaned
B) has run/has walked
C) runs/was walking
D) has been running/walks 9- We ....... in Cornwall for two weeks
E) was running/walked last summer. Since then, we ....... a
holiday by the sea.
5- I ....... a brace on my teeth as a child,
but I didn't like it. A) stayed /haven't had
A) was wearing B) are staying/don't have
B) am wearing C) were staying/didn't have
C) have worn D) stay/aren't having
D) wore E) have stayed/weren't having
E) have been wearing


10- One of the straps on the baby's 14- A: What's on TV tonight?

pram ..... quite thin, so we ..... to B: Match of the day. Manchester
replace it. United....... South Melbourne.

A) wore/decide A) play
B) wears/have decided B) were playing
C) was wearing/decided C) are playing
D) is wearing/were deciding D) have played
E) has been wearing/ decide E) played

15- Isn't it strange that you ....... for

Mark's surprise party all week, but
11- This time last year, his business ....... you ....... him a birthday present yet?
a reasonable profit, but now, because
of bad management, he ....... to keep A) are preparing/didn't buy
it going. B) have been preparing/haven't bought
C) prepared/don't buy
A) has made/has struggled D) have prepared/aren't buying
B) made/was struggling E) prepare/weren't buying
C) make/has been struggling
D) has been making/struggles
E) was making/is struggling
16- While my parents ....... in the
shopping centre, a thief ....... into
their car for the radio.
12- The last time we ....... dinner with
A) shopped/has broken
them, they ....... for a new house.
B) were shopping/broke
A) have had/looked C) have shopped/breaks
B) were having/have been looking D) are shopping/was breaking
C) have been having/look E) shop/is breaking
D) had/were looking
E) have/are looking
17- When we ....... her, she.... in the

13- The whole family was busy. While A) were finding/hides

the children ....... decorations, their B) find/has hidden
father ....... up the Christmas C) are finding/is hiding
tree. D) found/was hiding
E) have found/hid
A) are making/is setting
B) made /has been setting 18- I never ....... my temper on purpose,
C) have been making/has set of course, but sometimes I just .......
D) were making/was setting though I always regret it afterwards.
E) have made/set
A) lose/explode
B) lost/am exploding
C) have been losing/exploded
D) was losing/have exploded
E) have lost/was exploding


19- Even though it ....... heavily at the 24- More and more of my colleagues
time, they ....... home. ....... these days because the new
owners of the company have changed
A) has snowed/were driving a lot of procedures. These changes
B) snows/have been driving won't affect me though, because I
C) was snowing/drove ....... my job here only recently.
D) has been snowing/drive
E) snowed/are driving A) have left/was starting
B) leave/am starting
C) were leaving/started
20- It's been one week since the floods D) left/start
........ but still aid workers E) are leaving/have started

A) are striking/rescued
25- She ....... onto the train because the
B) strike/were rescuing
C) were striking/have been rescuing station guard ....... his whistle.
D) struck/are rescuing
E) have struck/rescue A) has hurried/blows
B) hurries/has been blowing
C) hurried/was blowing
21- I ....... my book in the launderette D) was hurrying/has blown
while my washing ...... . E) is hurrying/blows

A) have read/dries
B) read/was drying 26- Peggy's family ....... pedigree dogs for
C) was reading/has dried three generations and they regularly
D) have read/is drying ....... their dogs in shows.
E) am reading/has dried
A) have been breeding/enter
22- Up to now, the predicted Millennium B) are breeding/are entering
computer bug ....... very few C) were breeding/are entering
problems, although many scientists D) breed/have entered
last year ....... a catastrophe. E) bred/were entering

A) has been causing/have predicted

B) is causing/predict 27- Mrs. White ....... her daughter's
C) causes/were predicting wedding dress herself since
D) caused/have been predicting November and ....... it, except for the
E) has caused/predicted trimmings.

A) made/finished
23- I only ....... the company on Monday B) was making/was finishing
for a copy of their magazine and I C) has been making/has finished
....... it already. D) is making/finished
E) makes/is finishing
A) was asking/am receiving
B) have been asking/was receiving
C) ask/receive
D) asked/have received
E) have asked/have been receiving


28- Because we have a young baby, we 33- We ....... with the sales staff
....... the opportunity to go to the tomorrow because our sales .......
cinema any more, but now and recently.
again, we ....... a video to play at
home. A) were meeting/declined
B) are meeting/have declined
A) didn't have/are buying C) meet/decline
B) aren't having/were buying D) met/were declining
C) don't have/buy E) have met/are declining
D) weren't having/bought
E) haven't had/have been buying 34- Sally's husband ....... for a new job
because his present one ....... no
opportunities for advancement.
29- This perfume ....... like cheap soap
and definitely isn't worth this price. A) was looking/has offered
B) looks/was offering
A) is smelling C) looked/is offering
B) smells D) is looking/offers
C) has been smelling E) has looked/has been offering
D) was smelling
E) smelt 35- I....... you several times last week,
but no one ....... in.
30- While I ....... some money from a
cash machine, a man ....... it all out of A) was phoning/has been
my hand. B) phoned/was
C) have phoned/has been
A) was withdrawing/snatched D) phone/is being
B) withdrew/snatches E) am phoning/is
C) am withdrawing/has snatched
D) have withdrawn/was snatching
E) withdrew/has been snatching 36- My father ....... English at all
although he ....... it for three years
when he was in high school.
31- They ....... to buy a boat for years,
and finally they ....... enough money. A) isn't speaking/has studied
B) hasn't been speaking/studies
A) have been hoping/have saved C) doesn't speak/studied
B) hope/saved D) didn't speak/has been studying
C) were hoping/are saving E) wasn't speaking/is studying
D) hoped/have been saving
E) are hoping/save
37- I ....... on this report for more than
32- As he ....... the party, a strange man three weeks now, but I ...... only half
of it yet.
....... him.
A) worked/have been completing
A) left/has been approaching B) am working/complete
B) is leaving/has approached C) work/am completing
C) leaves/was approaching D) was working/completed
D) has left/approaches E) have been working/have completed
E) was leaving/approached


38- The archeological evidence ....... 43- My son ....... very well at university
clearly that people in ancient Crete this term because he ....... out late at
....... flush toilets 4000 years ago. night any more.

A) has shown/use A) does/hasn't stayed

B) is showing/have used B) did/isn't staying
C) showed/have been using C) has done/wasn't staying
D) shows/were using D) was doing/hasn't been staying
E) was showing/are using E) is doing/doesn't stay
44- Last year he almost ....... because he
....... his social life a little too much.
39- Mary says she ....... George because
he ....... her life miserable. A) fails/has enjoyed
B) was failing/has been enjoying
A) has been leaving/makes C) failed/was enjoying
B) has left/is making D) has been failing/enjoyed
C) leaves/was making E) has failed/enjoys
D) is leaving/has made
E) was leaving/has made 45- Our company's sales ....... since the
new management ....... over.
40- My brother ....... a new BMW and
ever since he ....... about it. A) have been improving/took
B) improve/has taken
A) was buying/bragged C) improved/has been taking
B) is buying/is bragging D) are improving/was taking
C) has bought/brags E) were improving/is taking
D) buys/has bragged
E) bought/has been bragging 46- The guards ....... when the enemy
…….. .
41- He ....... great, poverty until he .
up writing and got a proper job. A) are sleeping/has been attacking
B) have slept/was attacking
A) has suffered/gives C) slept/has attacked
B) suffered/gave D) were sleeping/attacked
C) is suffering/has given E) sleep/is attacking
D) has suffered/was giving
E) suffers/is giving

42- I ....... a lot of weight since I 47- The negotiators ....... to bring the two
drinking beer every night. sides together for months, but so far
they ....... .
A) have lost/stopped
B) lost/am stopping A) try/are failing
C) lose/have been stopping B) are trying/failed
D) was losing/have stopped C) tried/fail
E) am losing/stop D) have tried/were failing
E) have been trying/have failed


48- The electricity ....... off last night just 53- The President ....... too hard lately,
as the film on TV ....... interesting. and as a result, he ....... terrible.

A) has gone/got A) has been working/looks

B) was going/has got B) has worked/looked
C) is going/has been getting C) worked/is looking
D) goes/is getting D) works/has looked
E) went/was getting E) is working/was looking

49- More than a million people ....... the 54- I ....... to play the lottery about two
new superstore since it ....... last years ago, but I ....... anything yet.
A) was starting/didn't win
A) are visiting/has been opening B) started/haven't won
B) have visited/opened C) start/haven't been winning
C) were visiting/opens D) have started/don't win
D) have been visiting/is opening E) am starting/wasn't winning
E) visited/has opened

55- I ....... in Istanbul for so long that I

50- Water ....... from liquid to gas when ....... the time before the Bosphorus
it ....... a temperature of 100°C. Bridges.

A) am living /remembered
A) has changed/reached
B) lived/am remembering
B) changed/was reaching
C) was living/have remembered
C) changes/reaches
D) live/was remembering
D) has been changing/is reaching
E) have lived/remember
E) is changing/reached

51- The phrase "post modernism" .......

56- Two years ago, she ....... English at
about fifty years ago, but most
all, but she ....... hard since then.
people still ....... what it means.

A) was appearing/haven't known A) hasn't spoken/is studying

B) has appeared/don't know . B) wasn't speaking/studies
C) isn't speaking/studied
C) appeared/don't know
D) didn't speak/has been studying
D) appears/didn't know
E) doesn't speak/was studying
E) has been appearing/haven't
57- My brother ....... three years in jail
52- People who ....... items like bottles when he was younger, but now he
....... to give up his life of crime.
and cans ....... the world's resources.
A) spent/has decided
A) aren't recycling/wasted
B) spends/is deciding
B) didn't recycle/waste
C) has spent/has been deciding
C) haven't been recycling/were wasting
D) was spending/decides
D) don't recycle/are wasting
E) has been spending/decided
E) haven't recycled/wasted


58- I ....... my boss privately tomorrow 59- The first time I ....... horse riding, I
and I....... quite nervous about it. was very nervous and ....... the reins
very tightly.
A) have seen/am feeling
B) see/was feeling A) was going/am holding
C) am seeing/feel B) have gone/hold
D) saw/ felt C) am going/have held
E) was seeing/have felt D) go/was holding
E) went/held

60- Life ....... immensely since Thomas

Edison ....... the first light bulb in

A) is changing/was Inventing
B) has changed/invented
C) has been changing/has invented
D) changed/has been inventing
E) was changing/invents




1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.E 7.B 8.E 9.A 10.C
11.E 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D
21.B 22.E 23.D 24.E 25.C 26.A 27.C 28.C 29.B 30.A
31.A 32.E 33.B 34.D 35.B 36.C 37.E 38.D 39.D 40.E
41.B 42.A 43.E 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.E 48.E 49.B 50.C
51.C 52.D 53.A 54.B 55.E 56.D 57.A 58.C 59.E 60.B



1- Normally, people ....... quickly from 6- For the past 24 hours, a tropical
the flu, but so far this year many storm ....... the houses of villages in
people ....... as a result of it. Mozambique, but it is hard to know
A) are recovering/had died as yet how much damage it ....... by
B) had recovered/are going to die the time it has stopped.
C) have been recovering/die A) was going to batter/causes
D) recover/have died B) battered/will have been causing
E) were recovering/will die C) has been battering/will have caused
D) had been battering/has caused
2- You ....... for three months by the time E) is battering/has been causing
you leave for your holiday, so you
....... quite a lot of weight.
A) have been dieting/will be losing 7- By 1840, the US Army ....... most
B) will have been dieting/will have lost Eastern Indian tribes west of the
C) had dieted/lost Mississippi.
D) were dieting/had lost A) will have pushed
E) are going to diet/have lost B) have pushed
C) had pushed
3- Carreta turtles ....... their eggs on the
D) pushed
beach at night and ....... the reflection
E) are pushing
from the sea to find their way back
to the water.
A) lay/use 8- For most of the time throughout the
B) were laying/have used picnic, the boys ....... football while
C) are going to lay/used the girls ....... flowers.
D) laid/arc using
E) will lay/had used A) will play/have been picking
B) are playing/will be picking
4- By the mid 1970s, 'Marks and C) have played/are picking
Spencer' ....... one of the top D) were playing/were picking
department stores and they ....... E) had been playing/have picked
more underwear than any other
British company at the time.
9- Over recent years, glue sniffing,
A) had become/were selling which ....... negative effects on both
B) is going to become/had sold the body and the mind, ....... a major
C) has become/arc selling problem among teenagers.
D) became/will be selling
E) was becoming/will have sold A) has had/is becoming
B) has/has become
5- I ....... the potatoes while you .... the C) is going to have/had become
leeks for the soup. D) will have/will have become
E) is having/was becoming
A) peeled/will be chopping
B) will have peeled/have chopped
C) was peeling/had chopped
D) peel/will have chopped
E) will peel/chop


10- Chinese merchants ....... trade in 15- The prospector ran into town in
Tibet since 1950, when China ....... excitement because, at last, he ..
the country. some gold at the site which he ... for
A) dominate/was invading months.
B) were dominating/has invaded A) was finding/was panning
C) will have dominated/had invaded B) will find/is going to pan
D) had dominated/will be invading C) will have found/has panned
E) have dominated/invaded D) had found/had been panning
E) found/will have panned
11- In 1619, the first African slaves .......
in Virginia, USA, and by 1790, their 16- I expect you ....... bored with
numbers ....... nearly 700,000. working at the Post Office by this
A) wore arriving/have been reaching tim.e next year and ....... for a more
B) arrived/had reached . interesting job.
C) have arrived /were reaching A) have become/will have looked
D) were going to arrive/reach B) were becoming/are going to look
E) had arrived/will have reached C) become/will look
D) will become/arc looking
12- We ....... a lovely view of the E) will have become/will be looking
Bosphorus and the bridges over it
while the plane ...... over Istanbul. 17- Listen! The coach ....... the strengths
A) are getting/flies of our opponents because our team
B) had got/is flying ....... against them before.
C) got/was flying A) has explained/weren't playing
D) get/has flown B) explains/won't play
E) are getting/had been flying C) is explaining/haven't played
D) was explaining/don't play
13- When they ....... in Sydney Harbour, E) will explain/hadn't been playing
they ....... non-stop for three months.
A) anchor/will have been sailing 18- When I ....... the alterations to the
B) were anchoring/sailed company accounts, I was left in no
C) have anchored/were sailing doubt that the accountant .......
D) are anchoring/have been sailing money from the firm.
E) are going to anchor/have sailed A) saw/had been stealing
B) am seeing/has stolen
14- According to the new schedule the C) was seeing/was stealing
whole team have accepted, we ....... D) have seen/will have stolen
every Monday and Wednesday next E) see/steals
term, but I'm sure we ....... back to
our normal routine of once a week 19- According to the doctor, this time
before long. next week, I ....... around as normal
A) had trained/revert and the cut on my foot .......
B) train/have reverted completely.
C) are training/reverted A) am walking/healed
D) arc going to train/will revert B) will be walking/mil have healed
E) have been training/are reverting C) walked/was healing
D) have been walking/heals
E) walk/is going to heal


20- Shadow puppets ....... in China and 25- The origins of domestic poultry .......
....... as far as Turkey and Greece uncertain, but experts believe that
today. some breeds are descended from the
A) will originate/have been spreading Indian jungle-fowl, which still ....... in
B) are originating/will be spreading India today.
C) originate/had spread A) are going to be/will exist
D) originated/have spread B) had been/will have existed
E) will have originated/were spreading C) were/had been existing
D) are/exists
21- Over recent years, many skilled
E) have been/existed
craftsmen and women ....... their jobs
in the pottery trade in the UK, but
gradually English porcelain ....... its
reputation. 26- In 1868, the US government .......
7,000 Navajo Indians to return to
A) will have lost/will regain
their homeland and, since then, they
B) had been losing/has regained
....... the largest and richest Indian
C) lost/regains
D) are losing/regained
E) have lost/is regaining A) allowed/have become
B) has allowed/are becoming
22- After she ....... to turn up for our C) was going to allow/will become
appointment for the third time, I D) had allowed/were becoming
....... to meet her again. E) was allowing/become
A) is failing/am refusing
B) has failed/had refused
C) was failing/will refuse
27- In 1960, only 2,000 American
D) had been failing/have refused
Indians ....... at university, while in
E) had foiled/refused 1970, only a decade later, this
23- Since I took part in my first debating number ....... to 12,000.
match, I ....... a member of the A) are studying/is increasing
debating club, which I ....... most B) were studying/had increased
weekends. C) will be studying/will have increased
A) will have been/have attended D) studied/will increase
B) have been/attend E) had studied/was increasing
C) will be/was attending
D) am/had been attending
E) was/am attending 28- Today we ....... a lot of tangerines at
24- By the first half of the 19th century, one pound per kilo, unlike yesterday,
the potato ....... the staple food in when we ....... very few customers.
Ireland. In 1854, a disease ....... which A) were selling/have had
resulted in widespread starvation. B) are selling/had
A) was becoming/has struck C) had been selling/had had
B) will become/was going to strike D) sold/will have had
C) had become/struck E) are going to sell/will be having
D) was going to become/strikes
E) has become/has struck


29- A: Isn't that your daughter playing 34- I feel certain that Greg ....... in his
outside without a coat on? She new business because he ....... so hard
....... a chill. all the time.
B: She has a thermal vest on under A) is succeeding/will work
her pullover, but you have a B) will succeed/works
point. I ....... her coat. C) was succeeding/is going to work
A) was catching/am fetching D) had succeeded/will be working
B) is catching/fetch E) has succeeded/had worked
C) will be catching/have fetched
35- Before Petar Preradovic ....... poems
D) will catch /will fetch
in his native Croatian, he ....... all his
E) catches/am going to fetch
poems in German.
30- The number of orders per week ......
all year and the sales manager is A) has published/is writing
confident that we ....... our target. B) is publishing/was writing
C) published/had written
A) has increased/had been reaching D) had published/will have written
B) will increase/have been reaching E) has been publishing/has written
C) increases/reached
D) increased/reach 36- I ....... some notes earlier and ....... to
E) has been increasing/will reach them during my presentation. In the
event, however, I didn't use them
31- As the police ....... the road, we ....... a once.
time-consuming detour around the
mountain. A) will have written/will refer
A) are dosing/were making B) am going to write/refer
B) will close/had made C) had written/was going to refer
C) had closed/made D) wrote/have referred
D) will have closed/had been making E) write/will have referred
E) close/have made
37- Because of Istanbul's geographical
32- I ....... some shopping during my location, it ....... a place of trade since
lunch break, but I couldn't as I ... civilisation ......
awful because of my cold. A) is/was beginning
A) was going to do/fell B) was/has begun
B) have done/have felt C) will be/had begun
C) will do/am feeling D) had been/is beginning
D) did/was feeling E) has been/began
E) do/will have felt
33- By the time the work on their house 38- When Boris Yeltsin ....... on 31st
is finished, they ....... the painters, December 1999, he ....... President of
decorators and carpenters a total of Russia for eight years.
£8,000. They ....... a beautiful new
kitchen, though. A) had resigned/was
B) has resigned/is
A) are paying/have had C) will have resigned /will be
B) paid/are having D) resigned/had been
C) had paid/were having E) resigns/is being
D) will have paid/will have
E) have paid/have


39- The circumference of a circle ....... 43- ......... suddenly, he had a great idea
3.14159265 times its diameter no how to make the farm profitable.
matter how small or large it is. A) Until he has obtained the loan from
A) measures the bank
B) measured B) When he hires two new farm
C) will be measuring workers
D) had measured C) While he was milking the cows
E) was measuring D) Whenever he considered selling the
bottom field
40- At present, British farmers ....... to E) Ever since his son told him he
the government because since the EC wanted to be a lawyer
lifted the ban on British beef, the
French ....... to buy any.
A) were protesting/refused 44- ...... by the time you have unpacked.
B) are protesting/have refused A) We were all in the living room
C) had protested/were refusing watching television
D) will protest/refuse B) We have just run out of hot water
E) protest/will be refusing C) You haven't had time to take a
41- She hasn't washed anything delicate D) The water will be hot enough for a
in the washing machine ....... . bath
E) You are taking quite a long time
A) until she bought some special soap
B) since she shrank her favourite 45- Before the riders mount their horses,
Shetland wool cardigan ....... .
C) even when her mother offered to
wash it for her A) they usually went for a gallop
D) until the garment becomes really around the paddock
B) the horses were mostly
faded thoroughbreds
E) because she thought it was better to C) they were riding without wearing
handwash it riding hats
D) the instructor checks the bridle and
saddle of the horses
42- ...... we will probably have eaten, but
E) they watched some experienced
I'll keep your dinner warm in the riders jump over the fences
A) Until we move the office to the city
centre 46- He qualified as a pilot just three
B) While you were travelling to months ago, but since then ....... .
A) he has flown across the Atlantic
C) As soon as he had got the job as a several times
chef B) he was fulfilling a lifetime ambition
D) While I am cooking lasagne C) he usually works as a co-pilot
E) By the time you get home from D) he is terribly afraid of flying
Carlisle E) he probably won't have any financial


47- It was only after she had visited her 51- The main character was so funny
doctor that ..... . that we laughed continually ....... the
A) she has been worrying about the rash whole play.
on her scalp A) during B) until
B) her rash began to disappear C) while D) as soon as
C) she will have been suffering for two E) before
D) she is feeling much better 52- She attended a supplementary
E) she has decided to ask at the chemist Mathematics course ....... she was
studying for her 'Advanced
48- ..... as soon as they find out the exact Calculus' examination.
weight of the shipment. A) before B) during
A) We suspected that they had C) while D) by the time
overcharged us again E) after
B) They had been asking us for some
business for weeks 53- I discussed the new advertisement
C) Perhaps they have delivered our with him over the telephone, but I
goods haven't spoken to him ....... then.
D) They will let us know the precise A) before B) by
cost of transportation
C) during D) until
E) The shipping company charges
seven dollars per kilogram E) since
54- ....... I read about his death in the
49- Until the manager dropped the newspaper, I sent a sympathy card to
football star from the team, ..... . his widow.
A) he has scored more goals than his A) Before B) By the time
team mates this season C) During D) While
B) he won't play for them in the future E) As soon as
C) he expects to get an offer from a 55- So much snow had covered the
European club mountaineer that ....... they dug him
D) he doesn't expect to get picked next
season out, he had almost frozen to death.
E) he really believed that he was A) while B) by the time
indispensable C) until D) as soon as
E) after
50- ........ when thieves stole the radio 56- Joanna received treatment for many
cassette player. years ......... her cancer finally
A) He has decided to pay in disappeared.
installments A) by the time B) since
B) The police aren't doing enough to C) as D) before
catch the thieves E) while
C) You have been waiting so long for
the dealer to deliver your new stereo 57- She is very scared of dogs, so .......
D) I don't think the robbers will be sent she sees one, she gives it as much
to prison room as possible.
E) He had only just taken delivery of A) whenever B) by the time
his new car C) while D) since
E)just as


58- We won't be able to ski ....... this fog 60- Many people had drunk the
clears. It's far too dangerous at the contaminated water ....... the council
moment. informed the residents of the
A) while B) just as chemical spill.
C) until D) by the time A) by the time B) since
E) when C) while D) after
E) just as
59- ....... I was about to leave the office,
the telephone rang and I'm glad I
answered it because a customer
wanted to place a large order.
A) Before B) Just as
C) By the time D) While
E) Since




1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.E 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.E
11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.D 16.E 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D
21. E 22.E 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.B 29.D 30.E
31. C 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C 36.C 37.E 38.D 39.A 40.B
41.B 42.E 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.A 47.B 48.D 49.E 50.E
51.A 52.C 53.E 54.E 55.B 56.D 57.A 58.C 59.B 60.A

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