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The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss

1001 乔伊亲了瑞秋之后

在 barbados 宾馆内,钱德、莫妮和菲比意外发现隔壁不隔音,可以同时监听乔伊和瑞秋的






10.01 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss

Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe listen through the thin walls as Ross makes out

with Charlie and Joey makes out with Rachel.

Before things go too far, Ross decides he better talk to Joey about Charlie.

Joey decides he better talk with Ross about Rachel.

Monica gets cornrows put in her hair to overcome the frizziness caused by the


Ross talks with Joey about Charlie on the flight home, but Joey can't bring

himself to talk about Rachel.

Mike reveals that he has a girlfriend (named Precious), and tells Phoebe he'll

break up with her at dinner.

Phoebe waits for Mike at his apartment;

Precious shows up there by mistake, so Phoebe breaks the news to[v.委婉地把坏消

息告诉(某人)] her.

Monica's hair causes her problems at home, so she agrees to get rid of the


[Barbados, Monica and Chandler's Room. They both enter from Ross's

room. Monica still has her big, frizzy hair.]

frizzy adj.头发卷曲的

Monica: Oh, the way you crushed Mike at ping pong was such a turn-

on.You wanna...? (plays with her finger on Chandlers chest)

Chandler: You know, I'd love to, but I'm a little tired.

Monica: I'll put a pillowcase over my head.

pillowcase n.枕头套

Chandler: You're on!

(they start to get ready, but then Phoebe enters through the door

from Ross's room)

Phoebe: Hey!

Monica: What's up?

Phoebe: Well, okay, Mike's taking a shower, which by the way there's
no law against. And then we're gonna grab some food, so if you
take a shower v.洗澡
(there's a door slamming in Ross's room, and some indistinct


Ross: ... finally...

Phoebe: Is that Ross?

Monica: Yeah, you can hear everything through these stupid walls.

Phoebe: Sounds like he's with someone.

Chandler: He could be alone. This morning I heard him do push-ups,

and then talk to his triceps.

push-up n.俯卧撑/tricep<解>三头肌

Monica: Wait a minute, I think Phoebe's right. You know I hear

someone else in there with him.

(they all put their ear against the wall to be able to hear what's
being said. We move to Ross's room where he and Charlie are kissing.)
Charlie: Ooh... Dr. Geller!

Ross: God, you're amazing... I didn't even have to ask you to call me


Monica: Oh my God, that's Charlie!

Chandler: She's cheating on Joey with Ross!

Phoebe: Oh that tart... floozy... giant...

tart n.妓女/floozy n.荡妇

Monica: I'm not sure about this.

Phoebe: Yeah, you're right. This is none of our business.

Monica: No,I'm not sure that it's the best way to hear everything.

Someone get me a glass!

Phoebe: Oh, I'm not gonna do this, okay? I'm not gonna eavesdrop on

my friend.

eavesdrop v.偷听

Rachel: (through wall) Ooh... I love Barbados!

(Phoebe starts to listen at the other wall, where Rachel's room is.

There, Joey and Rachel are kissing.)

Joey: Ooh... I can't believe I'm kissing you. I'm kissing Rachel!

Rachel: I know, I'm her!

(they start to kiss again, and Phoebe turns to Chandler and Monica)

Phoebe: (whispering) Rachel and Joey! It's Rachel and Joey!!!

Monica: What?

Phoebe: Get over here!

(Chandler and Monica take a sprint to the other wall)

Rachel: ooh...

Chandler: Wow!

Monica: (in her Monica-excited-way... TOO LOUD!) Oh my God, I love

how thin these walls are!

(In the rooms next door, Joey, Rachel, Ross and Charlie stop kissing
and try to understand what the yelling was about. After a while they
continue kissing. We're back in Chandler and Monica's room. Monica
has some of her own hair stuffed in her mouth by Chandler.)
Monica: (muffled) Thank you.


[Scene:Rachel and Joey's]

Rachel: Hey, you know, before you said that nothing could happen

between us? What changed?

Joey: Well, I only said that because of Ross, you know. Then I saw

him kissing Charlie...

Rachel: What? Ross and Charlie? (Joey nods) Wow! She's really making

her way through the group, huh? Ah, who am I to talk?

make one's way v.一路前进 向前

(Chandler and Monica's)

Monica: I can't believe this. Rachel and Joey?

Chandler: How about the dinosaur twins in the other room? No-one is

manning that wall!

man vt.在...就位 给...配置人员[eg: The management manned the ship with experienced


Monica: I'm on it!

Chandler: Anything?

Monica: I think I hear curtains closing...

Phoebe: We've got shoes being kicked off over here.

Monica: Bedsprings, unmistakable!

bedspring n.床的弹簧/unmistakable adj.不会弄错的 明显的[eg: There was an

unmistakable fault in the material]

Chandler: You do realise that's your brother?

Monica: Not until you said it. Somebody switch! (Chandler makes a
clicking sound with his fingers and Phoebe runs to the other wall.
Monica returns to Chandlers wall.) Wait a minute... Ross and Charlie,
Joey and Rachel, Phoebe and Mike! We're the only people leaving with
the same person we came with.
Chandler: That's not true. I came with Monica and I'm leaving with

Weird Al.
Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovic (born October 23 1959) is an American singer,
musician, satirist(n.讽刺作家), parodist(n.嘲讽性模仿作品的作者), songwriter,
accordionist(n.手风琴手), and television producer. Yankovic is known in particular
for his humorous songs that make light of(v.轻视) popular culture and that often
parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts. Since receiving his first
accordion(n.手风琴) lesson a day before his seventh birthday, he has sold more than
12 million albums (more than any comedy act in history),recorded more than 150
parody and original songs,and has performed more than 1,000 live shows. His works
have earned him three Grammy Awards among nine nominations, four gold records, and
six platinum records in the United States. Yankovic's first top ten Billboard album
and single were both released in 2006, nearly three decades into his career.In
addition to recording his albums, Yankovic has written and starred in his own movie
and television show, directed music videos for himself and other artists including
Ben Folds and Hanson. He has also made guest appearances on television shows such
as The Simpsons, Behind the Music, Johnny Bravo, Space Ghost Coast to Coast and
Robot Chicken, in addition to starring in his own Al TV specials.

Monica: Okay, I've had it with the hair jokes. Tomorrow morning,

before we leave, I'm going to the salon.

have had it v.受够了 忍无可忍了

Chandler: Okay Buckwheat!

buckwheat <植>荞麦/Billie Thomas (originally William Thomas, Jr.) (March 12, 1931
– October 10, 1980) was an American child actor best remembered for portraying the
character of Buckwheat in the Our Gang (Little Rascals) short films from 1934 until
the series' end in 1944. He was a native of Los Angeles, California.Although the
character he played was often the subject of controversy in later years for
containing elements of the "pickaninny[n.(在美国及西印度群岛)(轻蔑语)黑人的小孩]"
stereotype, Thomas always defended his work in the series, pointing out that
Buckwheat and the rest of the black Our Gang kids were treated as equals with the
white kids in the series. The 1980s Little Rascals(n.淘气鬼) animated series
adapted from the Our Gang comedies addressed the problem by changing Buckwheat into
a clever inventor who is always building ingenious machines for the gang.After Our
Gang was discontinued(v.停止) in 1944, Thomas played some small parts in other
films, but soon left show business altogether. As an adult, he worked as a film lab
technician with the Technicolor corporation.Thomas died of a heart attack on
October 10 1980, in Los Angeles, California, at the age of 49. Three years after
Thomas's death, his character was parodied by Eddie Murphy on Saturday Night Live
in a sketch that had Buckwheat as the target of an assassination(n.暗杀). His
assassin(n.暗杀者), "John David Stutts" (also played by Murphy), was in turn later
assassinated in a scene that parallels Lee Harvey Oswald's murder by Jack Ruby. It
was meant to be a parody on the extensive and overindulgent(adj.过度溺爱的) media
coverage of the recent John Lennon assassination and the attempt on Ronald Reagan's
life. In particular, the exessive amount of attention given to the assassin. The
real Buckwheat's son, William Thomas, Jr., strongly protested Murphy's sketch.

Phoebe: You gotta hear this, it's great... It's like free porn!

(Chandler eagerly rushes over)

(Ross and Charlie's)

Ross: Weh...

Charlie: uhm... Is everything okay?

Ross: Yeah, It's just... I don't think I can do this...

Charlie: Ooh... Is it because of what might be on the bedspread,

because I saw that news report too, with the infra-red and the ... I
could just...
bedspread n.床单/news report n.新闻报道/infra-red n.红外线

Ross: No, NO! (they're moving to the side of the bed, where they sit
down) Look, I need to talk to Joey. I mean, you guys just broke up.
Before anything more happens between us, I need to know he's okay
with it.
Charlie: I uhm... I completely understand.

Ross: Alright, I'm gonna go find them... (twitches a bit, looks down)
I just need a... need a before I can... you know. (gestures standing
up... they sit and wait for a while) Grandma... grandma... grandma...
(he tries to concentrate...) Okay, I see you later.
twitch v.骤然一抽 抽搐

Charlie: Okay...
(Chandler and Monica's, all three of them are listening at the wall

to Ross and Charlie's)

Phoebe: That's the door. He's gone...

Chandler: And she's... turning on the TV... and watching... Miss


congeniality n.意气相投/The Miss USA pageant(n.盛会) is a beauty contest that has

been held every year since 1952, with winners competing in the Miss Universe
pageant. The Miss Universe Organization operates both pageants, as well as Miss
Teen USA.The reigning(adj.本届的) Miss USA is Rachel Smith, formerly Miss Tennessee
USA, who was crowned on March 23, 2007, in Los Angeles by Tara Elizabeth Conner,
Miss USA 2006/The Miss Congeniality Award is chosen by the delegates, and
recognises those who are the most friendly and make the pageant experience the most
enjoyable. In 1952 to 1964, when the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants were
concurrent(adj.同时发生的) events, the Miss Congeniality Award could be won by a
contestant competing either for Miss USA or Miss Universe. In fact, in 1960, there
was a tie, with the award going to Miss Burma Myint Myint May and Miss Louisiana
USA Rebecca Fletcher. Vermont has won five Congeniality awards, three more than any
other state/Miss Congeniality is a 2000 comedy(thriller) film directed by Donald
Petrie, starring Sandra Bullock and Benjamin Bratt. A sequel, was released in

Monica: Honey, if you know it through a wall, you know it too well!

(They are still listening at the wall, when Ross enters their room)

Ross: Hey, what are you guys doing?

Phoebe: Oh, we're just... we're sad to go so we're just saying

goodbye to the hotel. (hugs the wall) I love you... Paradise Hotel,
Golf resort and Spa... (she walks away from the wall)

resort n.胜地
Monica: (also hugs the wall) Yeah, we had a great time, thank you!

(walks to Phoebe)

Chandler: (caresses the wall with his finger) Bye!

caress v.抚爱

Ross: Okay, uhm... Hey, you guys seen Joey anywhere?

Chandler: He's probably in his room with his current girlfriend

Charlie. That's the situation as we know it... (walks to Phoebe and
Ross: Well, if you see him could you please tell him I'm looking for


Chandler: You got it!

Ross: Thanks! (walks out of the room and starts hugging the wall)

Thank you! (closes the door)

Monica: Other wall, people! Other wall!

(they rush to the wall to Rachel and Joey's, and we move to that


Ross: (knocks on door) Rach, you there? (Joey and Rachel both get up

from the bed)

Joey: Oh my God, it's Ross. What are we gonna do?

Rachel: Oh, ju-ju-just stay calm. Just be calm. For all he knows
we're just hanging out together. Right? Just be nonchalant. (Joey
like stands at attention with his chest forward and his hands on his
sides, looking up at the ceiling with his lips pouted.) That's not
nonchalant adj.冷静的 冷淡的/ stands at attention v.立正/pout v.撅嘴

Joey: No idea what it means.

Rachel: Oh... okay, just hide!

Ross: (knocks) Rach?

Rachel: Coming! Try under the bed, try under the bed!

(When Rachel starts to look under the bed if Joey would fit under
there, Chandler opens the door in between the rooms, grabs Joey by
his shirt and drags him to his room, and closes the door again)
Rachel: There's no room under the bed. (looks around because she

can't find Joey anymore)

Ross: Is everything okay?

Rachel: Yeah... (still looking to see where Joey went, and opens the


Ross: Hey.

Rachel: Hi...

Ross: Do you know where Joey is?

Rachel: ...I really don't... (looks around again)

Ross: Can I talk to you for a minute?

Rachel: Yeah, sure... (looks outside into the corridor if Joey is


(Monica and Chandler's room. Phoebe, Monica and Chandler have their

ears pressed against the wall, and Joey looks at them)

Joey: I don't believe this... Have you guys been...

Phoebe: Shhh... This is the listening side of the wall.

(Now Joey also wants to listen, and wants to press his ears against
the door, which has a big mirror on it, he hesitates seeing himself
in the mirror, but still puts his ear against it. We move again to
Rachel's room.)
Ross: And then she told me that she and Joey had broken up, and that

part of the reason was that she had feelings for me.
Rachel: (clearly not listening and still trying to find out where

Joey went) Uh-huh... right... yeah...

Ross: And you know I wanted to ask Charlie out since the day I met


Rachel: (still searching) Oh, I know... I know it's been really hard

for you.

Ross: Anyway, one thing lead to another, and... oh... before you know
it, we were kissing. I mean, how angry do you think Joey is gonna be?
Rachel: (now looking up at the ceiling) That is hard to say, Ross.

That is hard to say.

Ross: You know, I gotta go find him. He's gotta be here someplace.

Rachel: You would think!

(Ross leaves the room)

Rachel: Joey!

Joey: Is he gone?

Rachel: (still can't find him) How are you doing this?

(Joey now enters the room through the door, Monica, Chandler and

Phoebe are following him.)

Joey: Pssst...

Rachel: How... wha... Hey! What are you... What is this? Have you

guys been listening this entire time?

Monica, Chandler and Phoebe: YE-AH!

Phoebe: Now, what is this?

Rachel: Ah, what is this? Well, let's see, we kissed for ten minutes
and now we're talking to our friends about it, so I guess this is
sixth grade!
Phoebe: Oh no... Have you thought about it how complicated this could

get? What about Ross?

Joey: Well, he's with Charlie now.

Monica: Yeah, but he wants to talk to you before anything really

happens with her. And as his friend, I mean, don't you think he
deserves the same from you?
Joey: (long pause and he twitches a bit) You're a pain in my ass,


pain in one's ass n.眼中钉 肉中刺

Rachel: All right, look you guys... Look, we appreciate all the
advice, but this is between Joey and me and I think we can handle
Chandler: Okay, well we'll go back in there, but will you do one

thing for us? The people that care about you?

Rachel: Sure...

Chandler: Enunciate!

enunciate vt.清晰地发音

Rachel: Get out!

(They leave and Rachel locks the door.)

Rachel: Are they right?

Joey: Probably, yeah... I mean, maybe we should... hold off until we

talk to Ross.

hold off v. 拖延[eg: They will hold off their decision until Monday]
Rachel: Yeah... Yeah, we can wait, we don't have to do anything


Joey: Yeah, I think that'd be best... So, so I'm gonna... I'm gonna

take off...
Rachel: (Joey walks to the door) Although...

Joey: (turns around very fast) I like although!

Rachel: I mean, you know... Ross and I haven't dated in like... six


Joey: Six years? Wow... It's almost as long as high school...

high school<美>中学

Rachel: Plus, you know, he is with Charlie now.

Joey: Absolutely! He's not thinking about you.

Rachel: No...

Joey: I'm thinking about you...

Rachel: Yeah...

Joey: Let's forget about Ross...

Rachel: Forgotten.

(They want to kiss, but just before their lips touch, Rachel pulls

back quickly, gasping)

Joey: What's wrong?

Rachel: Nothing...

Joey's voice, but she sees Ross: Seriously... What is it?

Rachel: Nothing... It's really... It's nothing... Come here, come


(again, just before their lips touch, she pulls back, gasping)

Joey's voice/Ross: What's wrong?

Rachel: Sorry, I just uhm... I can't seem to get Ross out of my

Joey: Well, maybe I can help. (he grabs her head passionately, closes
his eyes and kisses... Ross in Rachel's dress! He realises it too
late, and when he does, pushes Ross's/Rachel's head away)

Rachel/Ross: Ooh, your lips are so soft... Do that again... (and

she/he moves in for another kiss. Joey, pushes her head away
Joey: Yeah... we really need to talk to Ross...

Both: Yeah


[Chandler and Monica's room. Chandler is packing when Ross knocks on

the door and enters...]

Ross: Hey!

Chandler: Hey!

Ross: You guys ready to go?

Chandler: Not quite. Monica's still at the salon, and I'm just

finishing packing.

Ross: Dude! You're not taking your Bible?

Bible n.《圣经》

Chandler: You're not supposed to take that. Besides, it's a New

Testament, what are you gonna do with it?

New Testament n.<<新约圣经>>/Bible 分为 Old Testament 和 New Testament, 但犹太人只承

Ross: Learn about Jesus...

(Charlie now also enters the room, Chandler walks to the bathroom)

Ross: Hey!

Charlie: So, did you talk to Joey?

Ross: Uh, no... no. I couldn't find him. I'm just gonna talk to him

on the plane.

Charlie: Yeah, sounds like a good idea... Dr. Geller!

Ross: Stop it!

Charlie: PHD

Ross: You're filthy!

filthy adj.下流的[eg: The guy is always telling filthy jokes]

(Phoebe enters)

Phoebe: Hey, have you guys seen Monica?

Ross: Uh, actually I think she went to the salon.

Phoebe: Oh yeah, oh, she went to the salon alright...

(Monica enters, with her hair braided and little shells at the end)

braid vt.把(头发)编成辫子[eg: They wore their hair braided in long pigtails]

Monica: Check it out!

Phoebe: Who's day just got better? CHANDLER!

(Chandler enters from the bathroom)

Chandler: Hey!... aaaaaahhhh!

Monica: What do you think?

Chandler: I think.... I think I can see your scalp.

scalp n.头皮[eg: He rubbed his sore scalp]

Monica: Don't you just love it?

Ross: Ye... Yeah... Yeah... You got shellfish in your head.

shellfish n.贝

Charlie: It's so... something... You go girl friend!

You go girl friend 这是比较黑人的说法,象 girl friend,bro 之类的,有些市井或 hip-

hop 的感觉,Charlie 受过高等教育,这样的话不会冲口而出,是 monica 的发型太适合这样的
Ross: You've never said that in your life, have you?

Charlie: Not once.

not once 一次也不

Ross: I thought so.

Monica: And listen to this... (shakes her body so the shells tingle)

tingle vi.叮叮作响

Chandler: What d'ya know... It's a treat for the eyes and the ears.

treat n.难得的乐事[eg: It's a great treat for them to go to the theater]

[Boarding the plane.]

board the plane v.登机

Joey: Whoo, whoo. Wow, it's uhm... kinda weird that I'm sitting next

to Charlie after we broke up.

Chandler: Yeah, it's almost if Air Barbados doesn't care about your

social life.

Joey: Look, does someone mind switching to sit with Charlie?

Ross: Oh, I uh, I mean, I... dude, I spent the whole conference with


Joey: I understand...

Ross: No, I'll do it. (he quickly grabs Joey's boarding pass and

gives Joey his one.)

boarding pass n.登机证

Chandler: Wish I could switch with someone. I really don't wanna sit

with Allen Iverson over there.

Allen Ezail Iverson (born June 7, 1975, in Hampton, Virginia), nicknamed A.I. and
The Answer, is an American professional basketball player for the Denver Nuggets of
the National Basketball Association. An 11-year veteran at the age of 32, he is
considered to be one of the most prolific and consistent scorers(n.得分手) in the
history of the game (his career average of 28 points per contest is third all-time
behind only Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain).

(Switch to Phoebe and Mike, who are kissing)

Phoebe: Uhm... You know, once we're in the air and the captain turns
off the seatbelt sign... you feel free to roam about my cabin...
roam about v.漫游/seat belt sign n.安全带警示灯

seat belt sign

Mike: You should be careful when checking your overhead bins, 'cause

items may shift during...

bin n.箱柜

overhead bin

Phoebe: Aaah... you're not good at this...

Mike: You don't have to go home tonight, do you?

Phoebe: No, I think I can come over. It's Saturday, right?

Mike: Oh...
Phoebe: What?

Mike: Uhm... I can't do anything tonight.

Phoebe: Why not?

Mike: I have a date.

Phoebe: You have a... You have a date? With who?

Mike: Oh, it's... my girlfriend.

Phoebe: (lets go of his hand) You have... have a girlfriend?

Mike: Yeah... Well, when... you and I broke up I started seeing


Phoebe: For how long?

Mike: Three months.

Phoebe: Three months? Okay... This is probably none of my business,

but uhm, how long do you think you're gonna keep seeing her?
Mike: I'll tell her that it's over tonight at dinner. I promise.

Phoebe: Oh, okay... good. You do that. And then when you get home,
maybe there'll be a special delivery package waiting for you.
special delivery package n.快递包裹

Mike: Maybe I'll sign for it. Tear it open. Pull out the packing


sign for v.签收

Phoebe: You know what, we're gonna have sex. Let's just leave it


(cut to Charlie and Ross)

Ross: Right, I'm gonna go talk to Joey. I think this is the right
time. He's always in a good mood after the flight attendant says
"duty free".
flight attendant n.空乘/duty free adv.免税地

Charlie: Okay... Good luck.

(Ross gets up and gestures to Rachel, we cut to Joey and Rachel)

Rachel: Ross is coming over. I think now would be a really good time

to talk to him.

Joey: I guess so. I'm just... really nervous.

Rachel: Okay, well keep in mind that by the time you're done, they'll

probably be serving dinner.

keep in mind v.紧记

Joey: Ooh...

Rachel: Still nervous?

Joey: I'm gonna get the lasagna.

Ross: Hey Rach...

Rachel: Yeah!

Ross: Do you mind if I sit here for a sec.?

Rachel: Yeah, yeah sure! Yeah! (mouths "Good luck" to Joey and gets

up from her seat)

Ross: Hey!

Joey: Hey!

Ross: So, I uhm... kinda need to talk to you about Charlie.

Joey: Yeah?

Ross: Okay, last night after you guys broke up... so sorry to hear
about that, by the way... Well, Charlie and I were talking, and...,
Joey: You kissed.

Ross: Wha... (gasps) What? What would give you that idea?

Joey: I saw you.

Ross: Yeah, we kissed, but... nothing else... nothing else happened,


Joey: Ross, Ross, Ross... It's okay.

Ross: What?

Joey: It's okay. You know, I totally understand, alright? You guys,
make way more sense than her and I ever did, you know. And... I want
you to be happy.
Ross: Are you serious?

Joey: Yeah... Now I have something...

Ross: I am speechless... I mean the fact that you would put my

happiness first like that. I mean, you're an incredible friend, you
know that?

speechless adj.一时说不出话来的[eg: I was speechless with anger]

Joey: Oh... uh... look... before you...

Ross: No, I mean it. You are so loyal man, and selfless, and


loyal adj.忠心的/selfless adj.无私的

Joey: I am those things, yeah.

Ross: You know what? I know Chandler longer, so I always think of him
as my best friend, but now... I may have to rethink some stuff...
Joey: Dude!

Ross: Hey, if there is ever, anything I can do for you...

Joey: I can't think of anything.

(They both hug, and Rachel, who was in the back of the plane, sees

this and smiles.)

Ross: Thanks!

Joey: Yeah.

(Ross walks to the back of the plane, where Rachel is.)

Rachel: So hi!

Ross: Hi!

Rachel: So you eh, you talked to Joey?

Ross: Ah, yeah. We had a really good talk.

Rachel: Oh! That's great!

Ross: Yeah!

Rachel: Oh, so everything's okay?

Ross: Oh, no, it's great. It's great. He is... He is an amazing guy.

Rachel: Ah... Well, obviously I think so too.

Ross: Well, I'm so excited about this.

Rachel: Really? Excited?

Ross: Are you kidding? I have had some very dirty dreams about


Rachel: Excuse me! (and she walks back to Joey, who is still looking
very impressed about what Ross said to him. Rachel looks at him and
hits him.) You didn't tell him, did you?

Joey: I couldn't. He was saying all these really nice things about
me. I didn't want him to get mad and take 'em all back. I'm on a edge
on Chandler.

edge n.优势[eg:The Democrats hold the edge in the Senate]/be on a edge on sb 对某

Rachel: Oh God! Alright, fine. You know what Joey, forget it. When we

go back to New York, I will tell him.

Joey: Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that.

(Chandler walks by and Joey lets out an evil "muhahaho".)


[Mike's apartment. Phoebe's there and the phone rings.]

Phoebe: Hi, Mike's place.

Mike: Hey, it's Mike.

Phoebe: Ooh, that was fast.

Mike: Oh, err... no, she's not here yet. You know, I think I'm just

gonna take off and break up with her over the phone...

Phoebe: Yeah, you can't do that! Oh, come on Mike, strap on a

pair.Why don't you just tell her that we got back together. You know,
women appreciate honesty. We also appreciate gentle spanking once in
a while. Just F.Y.I.

strap on v.把…用带子捆绑/strap on a pair of balls(testicle) <俚>胆子大点[have the

balls: have the guts(courage)]/once in a while adv.偶尔

Mike: One more thing... There... might be a picture of Precious on my

coffee table.

Phoebe: Her name is Precious? Is she a purebred or did you pick her

up at the pound?

purebred n.纯种动物/pound n.动物收容所 走失动物认领栏

Mike: Anyway, I just wanna give you a heads-up.

give you a heads-up<俚>提个醒 告诉你一下[eg: Hey, just wanna give you a heads-up,

we will have our user ID disabled tomorrow]

Phoebe: Okay, oh and you know, if she gets upset, just scratch her
tummy and give her a liver snout. (laughs and hangs up the phone)
tummy n.肚子/snout n.猪嘴

(there's knocking on the door which Phoebe opens)

Precious: Hi, I'm Precious, who are you?

Phoebe: (stunned) I... I'm Phoebe.

Precious: Phoebe? Mike's ex-girlfriend Phoebe, the love of his life?

That Phoebe?

Phoebe: Enchanté (she holds out her hand, and they shake hands)

[Chandler and Monica's apartment. Monica's carrying the laundry

hamper to their coffee table.]

hamper <美>洗衣篮[eg:a laundry hamper for dirty clothes]

Monica: Oh, I can't wait for everyone at work to see these... (plays

with her hair to make the shells tingle again) Ow!

Chandler: You go back to work tomorrow night, right?

Monica: Yeah!

Chandler: So if you want people to see them, then by definition

you're not having them taken out... say, at the break of dawn?

by definition adv.明显地 按照定义地/break of dawn n.破晓

Monica: Well, if I had them taken out, then I wouldn't be able to do

this. (she pushes Chandler on the couch and brushes her hair and
shells against Chandler's chest) You like that, right? (again, she
brushes her hair against his chest and hums...)
Chandler: What are you singing?

Monica: It's "Bolero" from "10".

bolero n.(轻快的西班牙)波利乐舞曲

Chandler: It's "Ride of the Valkyries" from "Apocalypse Now"... See,

here's the thing: The cornrows were really a solution to your frizzy
hair problem. And now that we're home, we don't have that problem
anymore, so if you think about it... I hate them!

Valkyrie n.瓦尔基里(北欧神话中 Odin 神的十二婢女之一)/Apocalypse n.《启示录》/cornrow

n.梳成一排排辫子的发式 "玉米垄"发式/The Ride of the Valkyries (German:
Walkürenritt), is the popular term for the beginning of Act III of Die Walküre by
Richard Wagner. The main theme of the ride, the leitmotif(n.<德>主旨) labelled
Walkürenritt was first written down by the composer on 23 July 1851. The
preliminary draft(n.草案初稿) for the the Ride was composed in 1854 as part of the
composition of the entire opera which was fully orchestrated by the end of the
first quarter of 1856. Together with the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, the Ride of
the Valkyries is one of Wagner's best-known pieces.

Apocalypse Now is a 1979 Academy Award and Golden Globe winning American film set
during the Vietnam War. It tells the story of Army Captain Benjamin L. Willard who
is sent into the jungle to assassinate United States Army Special Forces Colonel
Walter E. Kurtz, who is said to have gone insane. The film has been viewed as a
journey into the darkness of the human psyche(n.灵魂).The film was directed by
Francis Ford Coppola from a script by Coppola, John Milius and Michael Herr, and
was in large part based on Joseph Conrad's novella(n.中篇小说) Heart of Darkness
(1899), as well as drawing elements from Herr's "Dispatches" (1977). It was also
notably influenced by Werner Herzog's Aguirre, the Wrath(n.愤怒) of God (1972),
especially in its imagery(n.比喻). Coppola himself has noted, "Aguirre, with its
incredible imagery, was a very strong influence. I'd be remiss(adj.疏忽的) if I
didn't mention it."The film stars Martin Sheen as Captain Benjamin L. Willard
(based on Marlow in Conrad's novella), Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz, Dennis
Hopper as a photojournalist(n.摄影记者), and Robert Duvall in an Oscar-nominated
turn as the wild Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore. The movie became notorious in the
entertainment press due to its lengthy and troubled production. In the end, Coppola
had to finance the film with his own money.

Monica: You what? You said you liked them.

Chandler: Did I? Let's refresh. I believe what I said was that I

could see your scalp.

Monica: Fine, so you don't like them. Everybody else does.

Chandler: Again, let's journey back... As I recall what Rachel said,
was she had never notice the shape of your skull before. And Joey...
Well, Joey didn't realise that there was anything different.
recall v.想起

Monica: You know what? I don't care. I like it like this, and I'm
gonna keep it. You're just jealous because your hair can't do this...
(and she shakes her head more violently) OUCH!
Chandler: Hit yourself in the tooth?

Monica: And the eye!

[Scene:Ross's apartment.Someone's knocking on the door. Ross rushes

to the door and it's Rachel with Emma.]

Ross: (gasps) Hi... There she is. Hi Emma. Oh my God, I missed you.
(kisses her) Oh Emma, I missed you so much. Hey... Did you have a
good time with grandma Green? Huh? Did she give you a bottle of anti-
depressants again to use as a rattle? (to Rachel)

antidepressant n.<医>抗抑郁病药/rattle n.(婴儿玩的)拨浪鼓[eg: The baby was playing

with the rattle]
Rachel: That was one time, Ross, and they were only like 5


milligram n.毫克

Ross: Ooh hey, Emma, daddy has some presents for you okay? Okay? I

want you to wait right here. Come here sweetie.

Rachel: Aaah... Ross, actually there's something that I really need

to talk to you about.

Ross: (unpacking his bag) Okay, shoot!

Rachel: Okay, uhm... alright, here's the deal.

Ross: (gasps) OH NO!

Rachel: What? What is it?

Ross: Oh, major shampoo explosion!

Rachel: Uh, look Ross, this really isn't easy.

Ross: Oh, it's all over everything. Why? Why me? (looks up)

Rachel: Because you took three hundred bottles of shampoo?

Ross: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You were saying?

Rachel: Well, yeah... Okay, look it's about me and...

Ross: Oh, not another one! Oh my G... And this is moisturizer. It's
even harder to clean! Why? Why do bad things happen to good people?
moisturizer n.润肤膏(或霜 露)

Rachel: Wow! Well, clearly this is not a good time.

Ross: Duh, you think? (enters the kitchen)

[Scene:Mike's place. Phoebe is on the phone.]

Phoebe: Okay, bye. Alright, so Mike's on his way over. See, you
thought you guys were meeting here, and he thought you were meeting
at the restaurant, so you know... Doesn't really matter who's right
or wrong. Point is... I'm gonna take off.
Precious: I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's going on

here. I mean, are you guys getting back together or something?

Phoebe: Alright... Susie, can I call you Susie?

Precious: My name is Precious.

Phoebe: Yeah, I can't say that. uhm... Susie, I'm gonna be straight
with you... Mike and I are back together... and uhm... unfortunately
that effectively ends your relationship with him. And he's very sorry
about that and wishes you the best of luck in all your endeavors.

be straight with sb 对 某 人 坦 白 /effectively adv. 实 际 上 [eg: Effectively, their

response was a refusal]/endeavor n. 努 力 尽 力 [eg:His endeavors to get the bill
passed failed]
Precious: I just can't believe this... Why?

Phoebe: Well, I don't...

Precious: Oh, why would he do this? I mean, what's wrong with me?

Phoebe: Nothing, there's nothing wrong with you.

Precious: I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do now?

Phoebe: Damn it woman, pull yourself together! Have some pride, for

the love of God.

pull oneself together v.振作点/for the love of adv.为了...起见

(Precious starts crying)

Phoebe: Okay, not a fan of the tough love.

Precious: I just can't believe that Mike didn't give me any warning.

Phoebe: But he didn't really know, you know. He wasn't planning on

coming to Barbados and proposing to me...

Precious: He proposed to you? This is the worst birthday ever. (she

starts to cry again)

Phoebe: Look, Precious... Mike's not worth this. You're an

attractive, intelligent woman and let's face it, Mike's kind of a
wang. I mean, he proposed to me while he was still seeing you... He
was gonna break up with you on your birthday? And, I don't like to
kiss-and-tell, but he cheated on you a lot this weekend.
wang<俚>penis/kiss-and tell v.adj.<俚>揭发内幕的 (根据第一手资料)揭发丑闻的

Precious: Oh, my God, maybe you're right. Maybe I don't need him. I

deserve to be treated with respect.

(Mike enters the apartment.)

Precious: Screw you, Mike. You're a coward and a bastard, and I hope

you rot in hell.

rot v.腐烂

(she slaps him in the face, Mike looks like he doesn't believe what

just happened. Precious leaves, and he turns to Phoebe.)

Phoebe: You're welcome!

[Scene:Chandler and Monica's. Only Chandler is in the living room

and walks to the bathroom.]

Chandler: Honey, you've been in there for a long time... Is

everything okay?

Monica: Not really.

(Chandler enters the bathroom, and Monica is standing there in a

towel, with her hair stuck in the shower curtain.)

Monica: I have a problem.

Chandler: Really? What happened?

Monica: Well, I was dancing around, and singing "No Woman, No Cry"

and I got stuck.

"No Woman, No Cry" is a reggae(n.雷盖摇摆乐 一种牙买加流行音乐) song made famous by

Bob Marley and the Wailers. The song first became world-famous in 1975 through the
studio album Natty Dread. The live version from the 1975 album Live! is perhaps
best known — it was this version which was released on the greatest hits
compilation(n.编辑) Legend. Though Bob Marley likely wrote the song himself,
songwriter credits were given to "V. Ford". Vincent Ford was a friend of Marley's
who ran a soup kitchen[n.(救济贫民 灾民的)施舍处] in Trenchtown, the ghetto of
Kingston, Jamaica where Marley grew up. The royalty cheques received by Ford
ensured the survival and continual running of his soup kitchen.

Chandler: You can't move at all?

Monica: Oh, well, I can move... (she moves back and forth the shower
curtain rail, opening and closing the shower curtain with her hair as
she goes)
back and forth adv.来回地/rail v.顺着轨道滑行

Chandler: If I untangle you, will you please get rid of the cornrows?
untangle v.解开

Monica: (looking disappointed) I guess so...

Chandler: (trying to untangle her) Some of these look a little


fray vt.磨损(织物等)的边缘[eg: Constant rubbing had frayed his shirt cuffs(n.袖口)]

Monica: Yeah, I tried to gnaw myself free.

gnaw v. 咬 啃 啮[eg: The mouse gnawed the cheese]

[Scene:Rachel and Joey's apartment. Joey enters.]

Joey: Hey!

Rachel: Hi!

Joey: So, did you err... did you tell Ross?

Rachel: Well, I tried, but then he had a shampoo related emergency.

So I guess now it's your turn again.

but then adv.不过

Joey: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... I think it's better if you
tell him, you know. It's easier for a woman. That way, you know, if
he gets mad, all you have to do is go... I didn't mean it. I'm so
so--ooory. (he pushes his breasts together from the side)
Rachel: Yeah, 'cause that's what we do.

Joey: Alright, alright, okay, uhm... How 'bout this, how about this?

Tomorrow... tomorrow we'll both go and we'll tell him together.

Rachel: Okay, that sounds fair. It just means that once again we


Joey: I know, I know..., but that's okay. I mean, we can control

ourselves, we're not animals.

Rachel: No! Of course we can wait. Alright, so I guess that means

good night then?

Joey: Yeah! Good night! (they give each other a small kiss on the

mouth, and stare at each other for a while)

Rachel: Goo--ood night!

Joey: Good night! (they give each other a kiss again, but this time

it lasts longer)

Rachel: Seriously, good night!

Joey: Stop saying good night.

Rachel: Okay.

(Now they kiss passionately... and then Ross enters with Emma. They
freeze, pull away and look at Ross who looks like he just can't
believe what he's seeing. Joey straightens his shirt)
pull away v.脱身/straighten v.弄直

Rachel: I'm so-oo sorry (presses her breasts together, just like Joey

did before.)


[Scene:Monica and Chandler's. Monica walks in with one of those

knitted Rasta hats.]

rasta n.拉斯特法里派(Rastafarian)的信徒/knit v.编织

Rasta hat

Monica: Look what I found in the drawer... (Chandler looks up from

his book.) And you said I'd never wear this...

Chandler: Now that I untangled you, how 'bout you doing a little

something for me?

Monica: Sure, what do you have in mind?

Chandler: I think you know.

Monica: Really? I don't really feel like it.

Chandler: This is what I want to do.

Monica: Okay, I just don't get why you like it so much.

Chandler: (Picks up the "Miss Congeniality" DVD) She's an FBI agent,

posing as a beauty contestant.

beauty contestant n.选美参赛选手


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