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Session- 2021-22
Term- I

Submitted To Submitted By
Teacher’s Name Student’s Name

Guru Nanak International Public School


This is to certify that ( Student’s Name) of class X,

has successfully completed his/her AI Practical file
of Term I session 2021-22.

Teacher’s Sign Examiner’s Sign


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my

principal (Name of the principal)who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful practical file.
I would also like to thank my AI teacher (Name of the teacher),
whoguided me in completing this file. Her motivation and help
contributed tremendously to the successful completion of this
practical file.

Besides ,I would also like to thank my parents and friends who

helped me a lot in this practical file within the limited time

Teacher’s Sign Examiner’s Sign

Table of Contents
Python Programs

1. Write a program to swap two numbers.

2. Write a program to find largest number among the three input
3. Write a program to check a number is even or odd.
4. Write a program to check year is leap year or not.
5. Find the sum of the natural numbers up to n, where the users
enters n .
6. Write a program to find the sum of digits of a number.
7. Check whether a person is eligible to cast a vote (min age=18).
8. Ask the user to provide the integer inputs to make a list. Store
only the even values given & print the list.
9. Write a program to print the number of table entered by user
using looping.
10. Write a program to calculate the profit gained or loss incurred,
taking the cost price and selling price as the inputs from the user.
11. Input the name, age and basic salary of an employee.
Calculate the total salary of an employee by adding 10% DA and
10% HRA to the basic salary.
12. Write a program to find numbers which are divisible by 7
and multiple of 5 between 1200 and 2200.
13. Calculate whether 15 is an element in
samplelist02=[11,72,15,23,32,42] using if statement.
14. Calculate the sum of the elements of a tuple-
15. Write a Python program to solve Quadratic Equation.
Take input from the user.

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