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Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health System




Mechanism 12.0 – Notification Requirements for OSH

Awareness Activities

Version 3.1

March 2017
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Requirements ................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................. 4
2.2 OSHAD role in Awareness activities ........................................................................ 4
2.3 Exclusions ............................................................................................................... 4
3. Awareness activities by Approved Sector Entities ............................................................ 6
4. SRA OSH Related Awareness Activities........................................................................... 7
5. Government Entity Awareness Activities .......................................................................... 8
6. Awareness Activity Notification and Approval ................................................................... 8
6.1 Events ..................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Media Activities ........................................................................................................ 9
6.3 OSH Publications..................................................................................................... 9
6.4 Safety Alerts .......................................................................................................... 10
7. OSHAD-SF - Standard Forms ........................................................................................ 11
8. Document Amendment Record ...................................................................................... 12

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1. Introduction
This mechanism is designed to define the requirements to be met when planning awareness
activities and/or contact with the media in relation to OSH / OSHAD-SF.

The purpose is to ensure that OSH awareness activities conducted by SRAs and Government
Entities are planned and undertaken in a coordinated manner to ensure appropriate, accurate,
timely and consistent OSH information is communicated to the intended audience.

Awareness activities addressed within this mechanism are limited to those delivered by an
SRA or a Government Entity to external stakeholders, i.e. not to their own employees.

This mechanism also provides basic guidance and requirements when SRA’s and Government
Entities are required to respond to unplanned enquiries from the media after OSH incidents.

This mechanism has been designed to ensure fair, transparent and consistent coordination of
OSH related awareness activities.

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2. Requirements
2.1 General Requirements

(a) As the Competent Authority for Occupational Safety and Health within the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi and for the OSHAD-SF, OSHAD has a role to ensure OSH related awareness
activities are presented in a coordinated and disciplined manner and include information that
is appropriate, accurate and consistent.

(b) The purpose of this mechanism is not to limit or hinder SRAs or Government Entities OSH
awareness activities, but to ensure a coordinated approach and to protect the reputation of
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, OSHAD and the OSHAD-SF. This coordination shall ensure that
awareness activities do not conflict with those of other SRA’s / OSHAD / or any other
relevant authorities.

(c) OSHAD will support these activities by ensuring consistent key messages and
interpretations of the requirements of the OSHAD-SF, a strategic approach of coordination
between the concerned SRA’s, and organizing technical support for specific OSH related

2.2 OSHAD role in Awareness activities

(a) OSHAD shall oversee all OSH awareness activities undertaken by SRA’s and government
entities as per the scope of this mechanism.
(b) OSHAD may, at any time request an SRA or Government Entity to expand the awareness
activity to include other/all sectors/other stakeholders.

(c) OSHAD may, at any time, request an SRA or Government Entity to suspend or cancel a
planned awareness activity.

(d) OSHAD shall develop, design, document and implement emirate wide OSH awareness
activities to promote the role of OSHAD, SRA’s and the OSHAD-SF.

(e) OSHAD shall review and approve all awareness materials developed by an SRA or
Government Entity with particular regard to:

(i) Consistent and accurate information;

(ii) Applicability to other Sectors / Stakeholders; and
(iii) On-going awareness activities.

2.3 Exclusions

(a) As the competent authority for OSH in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, OSHAD shall lead specific
types of awareness activities, including but not limited to the following:

(i) Conferences related to OSH or the OSHAD-SF;

(ii) Invitation to international speakers at any OSH event;
(iii) Printed or Electronic Guidance / Guidelines / Handbooks / Booklets;
(iv) Training Materials and Tools (e.g. checklists, educational presentations);

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(v) OSH Campaigns; and
(vi) OSH Movies / Video’s / DVD’s.

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3. Awareness activities by Approved Sector Entities
(a) Sector Entities with an Approved OSHMS by their relevant SRA are encouraged to utilize
the OSHAD Approved Mark as part of their merchandising and marketing. On approval of
the entity’s OSHMS the concerned SRA shall provide the entity with an electronic copy of
the OSHAD Approved Mark along with the guidelines on how this can be used.

(b) Sector Entities are not permitted in any way to utilize the logo of OSHAD on any material.

(c) If Sector Entities are planning awareness events, they may request OSHAD to assist with
the development or attend planned events related to the OSHAD-SF or OSH by contacting
OSHAD through [email protected].

(d) OSHAD shall review each submission and respond based upon the merit of the event and
current direction and other commitments of OSHAD.

Note: Government entities shall comply with the notification requirements as defined in section 5 of this

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4. SRA Awareness Activities
(a) Each SRA shall develop, document, implement and maintain an awareness activity plan for
the forthcoming calendar year. The plan shall be reviewed at least annually.

(b) The awareness activity schedule shall be approved, prior to implementation, by OSHAD.

(c) The awareness activity schedule shall include, as a minimum:

(i) Two planned OSH awareness events for nominated entities and/or entities with an
approved OSHMS based on topic;
Note: The above may include participation in emirate wide activities planned/undertaken by

(d) When developing an awareness activity schedule or individual awareness activity, OSHAD
encourages SRAs to utilize awareness activities in the most efficient and effective manner,
including, but not limited to:

(i) distributing / sharing OSH/OSHAD-SF awareness materials with other SRAs, Entities
or relevant Stakeholders;
(ii) planning and coordination of OSH/OSHAD-SF awareness workshops / events to allow
other parties’ representatives to attend if possible;
(iii) planning and coordination of specific OSH/OSHAD-SF issue awareness campaigns
with OSHAD, SRA’s and other relevant stakeholders; and
(iv) ensuring the most effective and cost-efficient processes for the production and
distribution of awareness materials.
(e) SRA’s shall notify OSHAD of all awareness activities and actively promote the OSHAD-SF
by including the OSHAD logo on awareness materials, in accordance with the notification
process outlined in Section 6 of this document.

(f) SRA’s shall include appropriate links to the OSHAD Website to assist entities and other
relevant stakeholders access the OSHAD-SF. It is the policy of OSHAD for SRA’s to
provide links to documents of the OSHAD-SF rather than providing electronic versions of the
documents for inclusion on SRA websites.

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5. Government Entity Awareness Activities
(a) Each government entity shall notify OSHAD of all awareness activities that are planned for
external parties. Notification shall be in line with the requirements listed in section 6 below.
External awareness activities are those which will be delivered to persons not directly
employed by the entity and/or to the general public.

6. Awareness Activity Notification and Approval

(a) Each SRA and Government Entity shall notify OSHAD of all awareness activities that are
planned. Notification shall be in line with the requirements below.

6.1 Events


• A gathering for group of people involving several entities / speakers to

discuss matters related to OSH.
• workshops, training sessions, seminars.
• Contacting / notifying other relevant SRA’s / Government Entities, as
• Distribution of invitations to relevant SRA’s and Government Entities, as
OSHAD role required.
• Approving utilization of the OSHAD logo
• Technical review of awareness materials against requirements of
By using OSHAD-SF – Form L.
Notification and OSHAD shall be notified at least 3 weeks in advance.
Timescales Note: if international speakers are to be invited this shall be done as per the
requirements of clause 2.3 of this document.
Review and Initial approval shall be provided within one week following receiving the
Approval notification

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6.2 Media Activities

Media Activities
Any written or recorded methods of communications, which is directed to
one or more news media for announcing something related to OSH.
• Press releases, news release, press statement or video release.
Activity • Planned media release (articles, interviews, press releases related to
Examples OSH)
• Unplanned media contacts & responses.
• Technical review of planned media releases / information against the
requirements of the OSHAD-SF
• Review of the use of the OSHAD Logo
OSHAD role • Adding OSHAD statements / information;
• Coordination with other relevant SRA’s / Government Entities
if required
Note: only OSHAD will publish data related to incidents in press releases
• By using OSHAD-SF – Form L.
• Planned media release: OSHAD shall be notified one week before
Notification and
• Unplanned media release: notification within maximum 24 hours
following the release
• Planned media release: OSHAD will provide feedback within 3 working
Review and days.
Approval • Unplanned media release: OSHAD will provide feedback when
6.3 OSH Publications

OSH Publications

Definition: The development and distribution of awareness materials.

Written and/or Electronic:
• Brochures / Flyers / Information Sheets / Fact Sheets
• Newsletters / Posters

• Technical review of planned publication / information;

OSHAD Role • Approving utilization of the OSHAD logo
• Coordination with relevant SRA’s / Government Entities if required.

Notification and • By using OSHAD-SF – Form L.

Timescales • OSHAD shall be notified at least 2 weeks before production.
• OSHAD will review and provide feedback / approve plans and material
Review and
within one week.

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6.4 Safety Alerts

Safety Alert
Is short guidance material that highlights an incident, unsafe practice or
outcome of an incident investigation to buisness. Safety alerts outline
required action to be taken to prevent the incident from reoccurring or to
prevent the unsafe practice.

Activity Written and/or Electronic:

Examples: • Information Sheets / Fact Sheets

• Technical review of planned publication / information;

OSHAD Role • Approving utilization of the OSHAD logo
• Coordination with relevant SRA’s / Government Entities if required.

Notification and • By using OSHAD-SF – Form L.

Timescales • OSHAD shall be notified at least one week before planned production.
• OSHAD will review and provide feedback / approve plans and material
Review and
within 3 days.

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7. OSHAD-SF - Standard Forms
Form L – OSH Awareness Activity Notification Form.

This form is used for notification of Sector OSH Awareness Activities. OSHAD-SF Forms are
available at

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8. Document Amendment Record
Revision Page/s
Version Description of Amendment
Date Affected
2.0 Feb 2012 New Document N/A
Change of Logo All

Change from AD EHS Center to OSHAD throughout

Change of document title: AD EHSMS RF to OSHAD-
1st July
3.0 EHS changes to OSH Throughout

Section 1 updated to clarify the revised scope of the

Section 2 rewritten into sections 2,3,4,5 & 6 4-10

19th March Clause 3(a) updated 6

2017 Clause 3(c) updated 6

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© OSHAD 2017

This document was developed by OSHAD and shall remain its property. The document may only be used for the
purposes for which it was intended. Unauthorized use or reproduction of this document is prohibited.

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